woodelf68 · 4 years
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@rumplefloofywoobiestiltskin reblogged your post and added:
It’s a testament to this fandom that I only know...
Funny how Priapus wasn’t covered in my tenth grade Greek Mythology class. I don’t know WHY. XD
#also#i have a question#did the tree dick just#like#stay there#i mean#did ppl just go there for the yearly thing and be like#‘man this tree’s ready to get some ACTION. guess it’s time to prep another maiden’
Yes. Rumple’s treehood remained proudly at attention and the villagers considered it a sign that they had received his fertility blessing, reinforced by the fact that they had a bumper year of crops and new babies of both the human and animal kind. They did leave a maiden for him; Rumple appeared and informed her that he would only accept one of noble birth; Belle was informed of this and said she would Do Her Duty and began taking part in the rites again as Priestess of the Oak. No one told Maurice, because he is a fuddy-duddy spoilsport and the villagers knew when they had a good thing going. 
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shadowedoracle · 5 years
Rumbelle Season 6 Summary
So @rumplefloofywoobiestiltskin​ wanted to know what happened to Rumbelle 6A and I may have gotten a little carried away. I’ve tried to keep commentary to a minimum so it’s really just a recount of the events of the arc but some commentary may have slipped in. Below the cut you will find both short (-ish) summaries of each 6A episode as well as some additional longer summaries for the episodes with larger amounts of Rumbelle.
Season 5 Finale
So I’m not sure exactly what you know of the Season 5 finale episodes apart from Belle is in the sleeping curse in Pandora’s Box. The other important thing you really need to know is there’s this serum that can split a person’s evil half away from them invented by Dr. Jekyll. Mr. Hyde and Dr. Jekyll therefore are running around Storybrooke as two separate people and Regina used it to try to rid herself of her evil half. So the Evil Queen is running around as a separate entity causing mayhem. At the start of the season they don’t know how to kill an evil half.
6x01: The Savior
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Rumbelle’s dancing brings light to Belle’s dark dream Dark Castle.
The short version:
Rumple enters Belle’s dream to wake her from the sleeping curse. She’s dreaming they are back in the dark castle before it became a home to her. They dance, their kiss transforms Rumple from his imp form and her memories are re-awoken but she doesn’t wake from the sleeping curse. She says that them being together always causes heartbreak. Rumple’s dream guide Morpheus reveals himself to be their unborn child and tells Belle this was a test to see if she’d fall from Rumple’s lies again and asks her to not let Rumple fail them like he did his first family. Gideon’s kiss awakens Belle from the sleeping curse. She tells Rumple she won’t be making a home with him again so they return to Storybrooke separately.
Long version:
In his attempts to wake Belle from the sleeping cure, as his kiss in Season 5 failed to wake her, Rumple travels to the Temple of Morpheus. He pours sand over the two of them to enter her dream world.
He is greeted by Morpheus who tells him he is Rumple’s dream guide and he has an hour to wake Belle before she is lost to the red room (room full of fire) forever. Belle is dreaming she’s still a maid in Rumple’s castle before she felt at home there and was still afraid of Rumple -- the castle is dark and unfriendly and and she once more sees Rumple in his imp form. Rumple tries to recreate scenes from their past to prompt her memories. As they dance (for some reason the Dark Castle has a gramophone) and the room lightens to look like we usually see it. They kiss and although this doesn’t wake her, it causes her memories return. Belle tells Rumple that being them being together causes too much heartbreak. She claims it would be better for their child to remain unborn with her under the sleeping curse than be “in debt” to Rumple. Morpheus returns to tell congratulate Belle on not falling for Rumple’s lies again as a test. He confuses them both when he says that he will be the one to wake Belle with true love’s kiss. Belle points out she doesn’t even know him let alone love him and  Morpheus reveals himself to in fact be their child. He explains that some of the sands Rumple poured over Belle went over him as well so this is also his dream world. He warns Belle not to trust Rumple and let him do to them what he did to his first family. Gideon kisses Belle and she wakes from the sleeping curse.
Rumple is upset because his unborn child already hates him. He opens a portal from them to return to Storybrooke together but Belle makes it clear that she will be heeding her embryo’s dream-self’s warning and that she doesn’t want to be with him any more. She goes through first, Rumple presumably follows but we don’t see it.
6x02: A Bitter Draught
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Belle is incredulous about the idea of living on the Jolly Roger.
So Rumbelle aren’t in this episode a whole lot and have no scenes together. All you really need to know is that Hook offers to let Belle live on the Jolly Roger (the people from the Land of Untold Stories have made all the rooms at Granny’s full) and apologizes to Belle for his past attacks on her and Belle accepts both his apology and offer of accommodation. In Rumple’s Storybrooke plot, he makes a deal with the Evil Queen for an item from David’s past and in return she agrees not to harm Belle or his unborn child.
6x03: The Other Shoe
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Belle listens to the poem.
Rumbelle are also barely in this one. David makes a deal with Rumple and Rumple’s price is for David to deliver a cassette tape to Belle (because Rumple is super old-fashioned, I guess). Luckily Hook is also super old-fashioned and has a cassette player on The Jolly Roger. Belle plays the tape and the fandom melted. It’s recording of Rumple reading a poem for their child. It’s incredibly Scottish and beautiful. Rumple’s outside the boat while she’s listening and from his expression he knows she’s listening to it. After this you might be lulled into thinking that maybe things can go in a constructive direction, that even if they’re not together, they might work out some reasonable way to co-parent. But alas no.
6x04: The Strange Case
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Rumbelle fight on the dock.
Short Version: Angst! Lots of angst! Rumple cuts his hair. To keep Belle safe from Hyde he casts a protection spell around the Jolly Roger which prevents Hyde from boarding but also Belle from leaving. Jekyll thinks he’s created a serum that can stop an evil half, Rumple pours it on the Dark One dagger and stabs Hyde but it doesn’t work and Hyde gets the dagger. He makes Rumple take them to the ship where they stand on the docks where they watch final twist of the story unfold. Inside Jekyll is disturbing Belle and she uses a seashell Hook gave her to call for help. Jekyll breaks it but Belle stabs him with the shell. She tries to escape the ship but can’t because of Rumple’s protection spell. Hook arrives in time to save Belle and kill Jekyll which also kills Hyde. Rumbelle fight on the docks and it’s super angsty.
Long Version:
In the flashbacks we learn that (Dark One!) Rumple visited the realm Dr. Jekyll was from and used magic to help create the first serum that separates the higher (good) and base (bad) parts of one’s personality. Note it didn’t separate the two bodies (that comes in Season 5 finale, after the flashback events), this serum just means Jekyll can physically transform into Hyde. The woman Jekyll loved fell for Hyde instead and when Jekyll wakes up in bed with her, he realizes she prefers Hyde over of him he pushes her out a window, killing her. Rumple believes Hyde’s love for Mary (he does love her) makes the serum a failure.
In the present day, Rumple cuts his hair. Yes, that is a legitimate plot point and I the show for that. Hyde and the Evil Queen have teamed up and Hyde makes it clear he has every intention of going after Belle. So Rumple goes to Hook’s ship and puts a protection spell on it which protects Belle on the ship and stops Hyde being able to board but also Belle from leaving. Hook gives Belle a conch shell which she can use to call him if she needs help. Because I guess phone signal is bad on The Jolly Roger? To be fair I’d prefer a conch shell with a direct connection to only one person to a phone but then again I’m a weirdo without a mobile phone.
Jekyll thinks he’s created a new serum that will allow them to defeat the Evil Halves. Rumple pours this on the Dark One dagger and stabs Hyde in the chest with it. But because he is apparently an idiot, he thrusts the dagger in and lets go of it. The serum doesn’t work and Hyde just pulls the dagger out of his chest and then makes Rumple take them to the ship and tells him there is a final twist in the tale.
Jekyll is inside with Belle. He wants to make Rumple suffer and lose his love because he blames Rumple for the loss of his own love. Belle becomes alarmed by his behaviour and tries to call for help with the shell but Jekyll breaks it. Belle stabs Jekyll with the shell bits and tries to escape but is prevented by Rumple’s spell. She begs Rumple to help but he can only look on helplessly (because of Hyde having the dagger). Hook arrives in the nick of time (don’t ask how he got there so fast, I don’t know) and kills Jekyll which kills Hyde and Rumple regains the dagger.
Then Rumbelle fight at the docks and this is where all those angsty gifs of this episode come from. He reveals he’d sought out the serum when he first started having feelings for Belle because he wanted to be rid of that weakness. But is ultimately glad his attempt failed because now he wouldn’t want to not have the love he has for Belle and their unborn child. Rumple tells Belle he was only trying to protect her. She responds that she doesn’t need his protection and also claims he didn’t cut his hair for her (which he never claimed) but instead cut it for himself as he didn’t like his own reflection in the mirror. He reminds her that as she’s carrying the Dark One’s child she’ll need his protection in the end. She’s still upset with him and tells him that threats won’t make her love him again and he agrees but says, “necessity will”.
6x05: Street Rats
Neither Belle nor Rumple are in this episode. All you need to know is that the Shears of Destiny which are a magical object that can be used to cut the strands of one’s fate. They’re important in later episodes.
6x06: Dark Waters
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Belle is nervous about leaving the sonogram.
Belle goes to have her first ultrasound appointment alone. Snow runs into her at the waiting room and she says she isn’t sure what to do about Rumple and whether she can trust him and give him another chance with their child after everything. After the appointment she’s been given two copies of the sonogram. She decides that having seen the hatred in Morpheus!Gideon’s eyes that she wants to try to prevent that from happening.
In the Pawn Shop the Evil Queen says she is going to go after want she wants and kisses Rumple -- he does not stop it. She gives him the Shears of Destiny and admits what she really wants his Snow White’s heart. Belle is outside while this is happening but thankfully doesn’t see any of it (we could have done without seeing it) and slips a copy of the sonogram under the shop door.
6x07: Heartless
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Collected Reactions to Regina’s Golden Queen Revelation.
The only good thing in the whole Golden Queen saga happens: The expressions on the Charming Family’s and Hook’s faces when Regina says there might be more than business between the Evil Queen and Rumple’s alliance as there’d always been chemistry there.
To cause a distraction, Regina sets Zelena up to walk in on Rumple and the Evil Queen in the middle of a make out session. Zelena later passes on this information as well as Rumple’s plans to use the shears on their unborn child to Belle.
Rumple is staring lovingly at his copy of the sonogram when Belle comes to the shop to confront him with the information from Zelena. She tells him she doesn’t care what he’s doing with the Evil Queen but does care about his plans to use the shears on their unborn child. She tells Rumple he should trying to earn of their child’s love not using the shears to make him love him. Rumple does his sad woobie thing and asks what if his efforts aren’t enough and he fails. Belle’s response is to tell him that he’s just being too weak to do good which is worse than being evil. Once Belle is gone Rumple immediately focuses is anger on Zelena’s meddling.
6x08: I’ll Be Your Mirror
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Rumbelle are fighting again.
Rumple locks himself in his shop to spin straw into gold. Belle decides to enlist Zelena’s help to help her escape Storybrooke to the Enchanted Forest. They need the Sorcerer's Wand so they persuade Aladdin to break into the shop to steal it from Rumple (because apparently Belle didn’t bring her keys to the Underworld with her so she can’t let herself in any more?). Before Belle and Zelena escape, Rumple arrives at Zelena’s farmhouse and regains the wand. He places a magical tracking bracelet made from the gold he was spinning on Belle’s wrist so he’ll be able to track her wherever she goes. Belle tells him that she almost got away this time and next time she’ll succeed and get so far away he’ll never set eyes on his son. He reminds her that Rumplestiltskin steals babies not the other away around. This line is perfectly sinister and menacing and I love it but it never should have been directed at Belle. The Black Fairy, the Evil Queen, Zelena… There are loads of possibilities but that venom should never have been towards Belle. Zelena taunts him by telling him to tell that to his first son, so Rumple tries to choke Zelena. But he has a heart attack because he can’t hurt her due to their deal in “Heart of Gold” (4x17). Rumple returns to the show and persuades the Evil Queen to kill Zelena for him.
6x09: Changelings
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Rumple watches as the Blue Fairy flies away with Gideon while Belle glares.
Short version:
Belle is trying to find a way to save her child from Rumple and has dreams about Gideon where he tells her she already knows the answer. Rumple tries to use Ageing Dust to speed up Belle’s pregnancy. He chases her into the elevator in the Library and Belle pleads with him not to use it and tells him if he does he’ll lose her forever. Her words are enough to stop Rumple. But later at Granny’s Belle’s pregnancy quickly advances through to the third trimester she goes into labour. Emma and Hook take her to the Nunnery to have her baby and the place is shielded to stop Rumple entering. Belle gives birth to Gideon and gives him to the Blue Fairy so he can be taken somewhere far away from Rumple. Rumple breaks through the barrier and is horrified Belle abandoned their child. Belle glares daggers at him and says she was giving him his best shot in life. She refuses to even tell him their son’s name. Back at the shop it is revealed that the Evil Queen was the one to speed up Belle’s pregnancy and Rumple swears revenge on her.
Long Version:
In the flashbacks Rumple has acquired a baby and gives him to Belle to care for. She wants to try to save the baby and she finds a copy of a spell to summon the Black Fairy in faerie and translates this (which is apparently Rumple’s plan along and he locks her in the room to stop her interfering). Rumple uses the child as bait to summon the Black Fairy and question why she stole other children but gave up her own child: him. Belle has been set free by the Blue Fairy (apparently Rumple has no wards to stop her entering his Castle?) and Belle spies on this meeting between mother and son. She steals back the baby and returns it to its parents Jack and Jill because although she is now sympathetic to Rumple after hearing of his abandonment she doesn’t approve of his baby stealing ways.
In the present day, Rumple has used ageing dust on a nun and Belle realizes this is a veiled threat to her that he will use it to speed up her pregnancy. Cue research session in the Library! She falls asleep but doesn’t realize it at first. She dreams of adult Gideon and he asks her to ensure that Rumple doesn’t use the shears on him and that she know the way to stop Rumple. Emma and Hook try to paralyze Rumple in his shop with squid ink from a book Belle found but it’s too weak to hold Rumple. He leaves Emma and Hook in the shop and heads to the Library. He has a bottle of Ageing Dust with him and chases Belle into the Library elevator. She begs him not to use the dust on her and tells him that if he does he’ll lose her forever. This is enough to make him stand down.
Later on Belle is at Granny’s dinner talking to Emma and Hook. She drinks some tea and suddenly her pregnancy has advanced through to the end of the third trimester and she goes into labour. They take her to the nunnery which they shielded against Rumple. Belle gives birth to Gideon with Emma there to support her. She again has dream visions of Adult!Gideon and he tells her she already knows the way to protect him. After the birth, she asks the Blue Fairy to take Gideon far away from Storybrooke and Rumple. She gives Gideon a copy of Her Handsome Hero (which luckily Hook has to hand and she’s already inscribed to Gideon). Rumple eventually gets through the shield and sinisterly walks through the Nunnery (which is awesome but also sad given the circumstances). He is distraught that Belle would abandon their child. She insists this is giving their son his best chance in life and refuses to even give Rumple his name for fear he’ll use it to track their son down. Rumple tells her he’d never hurt her but he will find his son.
At the end it is revealed in the end that it was the Evil Queen not Rumple who spiked Belle’s tea with ageing dust. Rumple makes it clear he’ll have revenge against her for what she did to his family but that he’s going to play the long game.
6x10: Wish You Were Here
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Rumbelle watching Gideon's dramatic Entrance
Rumple tries to track where the Blue Fairy took Gideon with one of his hairs and one from Belle’s hairbrush but there is no sign of Gideon anywhere he can trace. He visits Belle and tells her of his concern that their child is in danger. He has realized actions mean more than words now, so he removes the magical tracking bracelet and tells her to call the nuns herself to ask after Mother Superior. We don’t see the call but next we see they’ve both rushed to the nunnery where the Blue Fairy is recuperating in bed having lost Gideon to the Black Fairy. In the shop Gold tells Belle it was the Evil Queen who sped up her pregnancy and they agree they need to work together for their Gideon’s sake. He tells Belle that in the Black Fairy’s realm time works differently and there is darkness there beyond his darkness. The mysterious cloaked figure Emma has been having visions of since the start of the season strides into the shop and reveals himself as their (28 year old) son.
And that’s it. That’s complete horror that is the Rumbelle experience of 6A. This is their worst arc and their 6B arc actually genuinely good (although still imperfect).
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ryik-the-writer · 3 years
Tagged by the lovely @demelzatheshipper! 
 Last Song: Breathing Theory - Uprise
Last Movie: What’s Eating Gilbert Grape
Currently Reading: Something by Fanny Flag???
Currently Watching: The Owl House, Amphibia and a little bit of the Golden Girls
Tagging: @emospritelet, @justanoutlawfic, @thatravenclawbitch, @queenofglassbeliever, @rumplefloofywoobiestiltskin
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OUAT 4x22 and 4 x23 Thoughts
Season 4 Finale lets go!!
I’m so proud of Henry?! He was on his own for a lot of this and I felt he took a backseat most of this season so seeing him step up and do some real Heroism was great! Him potentially being the Author was interesting. He just felt more like a fleshed out character these episodes and I hope he continues to grow!
Evil Snow and Charming were interesting! You could tell that Ginnefer had fun! Lana did good as Bandit Regina too.
Rumple!! He got to be a Knight!!! And had a baby with Belle! And of course this reality needed a chipped cup! So the darkness is out of him now? I’m sure he’ll be alright, but will he age normally now? Still have magic or be completely human?
I didn’t think I would like Dark Emma at first when it look like Rumple rwould manipulate her into it but that was completely her choice and she saved Regina and everyone! It’ll be interesting to see what they do with her now!
@jackabelle73 @ladysibyl @rumplefloofywoobiestiltskin @mrs-stiltskin
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pissedoffatouat · 5 years
Fanfiction tag
Rules: tag the first 10 people that come up with @ and random letters and write 3 sentences from the last fic you read. Then write 3 sentences from any of your own fics
From An Unreal History of Unreal Lives by Taisch
1) It made Drizella want to throw a bucket of chicken feed at their heads.
2) He spread his hands out, palms up and fingers splayed, to demonstrate just how empty they were.
3) Only there he was, standing at the door, hesitant as any man would be who was two decades dead.
Taken from my fics:
1) The children drifted towards the monster like moths drawn to light.
2) Regina recognized that conniving look: as if the wheels in his brain are spinning to make figurative Gold out of straw.
3) I’ll forever tease my parents about being the true love that broke the curse which my dad’s’s father created and my mom’s parents cast.
@notesfromthestorybrookelibrary @rumplefloofywoobiestiltskin @ryik-the-writer @eevylynn @edenz-garden @ao3feed-rumbelle @yaminoendo @heatherfield @girlhitscar @golden-rumbelle
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tennantsforever · 5 years
I was tagged by @draco9236 to post my ten favourite characters from ten different fandoms - Thank you <3
1. Rust Cohle (True Detective)
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2. Alec Hardy (Broadchurch)
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3. Petyr Baelish (Game of Thrones)
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4. Rumpelstiltskin (Once Upon a Time)
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5. Negan (The Walking Dead)
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6. King Ecbert (Vikings)
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7. Al Swearengen (Deadwood)
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8. BoJack Horseman (Bojack Horseman)
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9. Chibs (Sons of Anarchy)
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10. House (House MD)
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I tag @lovethytennant @betsypaige22 @rumplefloofywoobiestiltskin @fayn3ko
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betsypaige22 · 5 years
Tagged by @rumplefloofywoobiestiltskin   - THANK YOU!!
Nicknames:  None really. I guess “Bets”, as some of my family sometimes calls me. My father used to call me “J” - inside joke, lol
Zodiac: Libra
Hogwarts House:  I have no idea as I’ve never read any of the Harry Potter books
Last thing I Googled: George Burns and Gracie Allen
Favorite musician:  Ouch, that’s hard. I don’t listen to music a lot, but if I had to pick one right now - Michael Crawford
Song stuck in my head:  None right now
Following:   Only a few since I have a hard time dealing with a clogged account. However, there are about 5 or 6 people whose blogs I check multiple times on a regular basis.
Followers:  1,249
Do you get asks:  not really
Amount of sleep:  4 or 5 - not because I have insomnia, but rather because I go to sleep at ridiculous hours
Lucky number:  I don’t have one as I’m not superstitious
What’re you wearing?: I’m in my “pajamas” for the night, so light fleece sweatshirt, long t-shirt and pajama bottoms
Dream job:  It would probably have to do with books or travel
Dream trip:  Since I’ve been to Alaska, I think it would be Australia now. However, I dream about taking classes at Cambridge or Oxford and living in England for a few weeks 
Instrument:  I don’t play any
Languages: English.......... I have a smattering of high school French which has seen me through my trips to France
Current favorite song: Don’t really have one
Random fact:  I have 5 brothers and sisters
Aesthetic:  Books, food, sports, animals, Rumbelle, Bobby and Emilie
Tagging: @lovesthedarkerone  and @emiliederavinfansgermany
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gch1995 · 6 years
Get to know me tag meme (tagged by @rumplefloofywoobiestiltskin)
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to know better and answer the questions.
Name: Grace 
Gender: Female
Birthday: July 6, 1995, so I’m 23 years old going on 24 now. It feels like my generation is getting old so fast! Like, I can’t believe that Hilary Duff, Zac Efron,Taylor Swift, Vanessa Hudgens, Drake Bell, Josh Peck, Emmy Rossum, Lea Michele, Ashley Tisdale Dianna Agron, and Amanda Bynes are already in their early thirties! I can’t believe Miley Cyrus, Dylan and Cole Sprouse, Selena Gomez, Emma Roberts, Taylor Lautner, Kristen Stewart, Justin Bieber, Demi Lovato, Victoria Justice, Sophie Turner, Ariana Grande,  Emma Watson, Jennifer Lawrence, Freddie Highmore, Joe Jonas, Miranda Cosgrove, Anna Sophia Robb, Debbie Ryan, Jaimie Lynn Spears, and Dakota Fanning are all around the same age as me! I can’t believe we’re already in our mid twenties to early thirties! It feels like our childhoods were not that long ago, even though they were over ten years ago! It still feels like I didn’t watch Hannah Montana, The Amanda Show, Sonny with a Chance, The Wizards of Waverley Place, Drake and Josh, Zoey 101, iCarly, Because of Winn Dixie, Hairspray (2007), The Bridge to Terabethia, The Suite Life of Zac and Cody, Jessie, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005), Glee, the High School Musical films, Victorious, Unfabulous, Sharkboy and LavaGirl, The Lizzie McGuire series, The Phantom of the Opera, The Twilight Saga, and the Harry Potter movies on TV and in movie theaters when I was a kid growing up with these guys that long ago! I still remember singing You Belong With Me, Teardrops on My Guitar, Love Story, Picture to Burn, Boyfriend, Our Song, Baby, Never Say Never, One Less Lonely Girl, and buying my friend in high school a Justin Bieber album for her birthday because she was obsessed with him back in 2012! I remember being a stupid kid in middle school and high school who thought she was so smart because she managed to read all four of the trashy Twilight novels by Stephanie Meyer in less than a year!!! I remember how fucking stupid I was as a kid for idolizing Edward Cullen’s and Bella Swan’s romance!!! I’ve matured so much since then, we all have, but it still feels like our childhoods/teenage years weren’t that long ago! We’re still relatively young adults! A lot of people older who are over thirty five, would still call us kids, but it feels like we’ve grown/are growing up so damn fast!!! It still feels like we should be babies!!! I think a great thing about those of us in our generation though is just how young most of us still look in our twenties to early thirties for our age!!! Like, I still look the same as I did seven years ago when I was sixteen at nearly twenty-four! Selena Gomez, Dylan and Cole Sprouse, Demi Lovato, Ariana Grande, Victoria Justice,Taylor Swift, Kristen Stewart, Justin Bieber, Vanessa Hudgens, Zac Efron, Emma Watson, Emmy Rossum, and Freddie Highmore still mostly look the same as they did over ten years ago! We’re the generation that seems to age well and/or barely age at all, so long as we take care of ourselves! We’re the age of vampires!! Relationship Status: Single, in the romantic sense, but I have my parents, my brothers, my grandparents, my aunt and my little cousins, and a cat for family.
Favorite Color(s): Any shade of pink, red, or blue
Top 3 Ships:
1). Rumbelle (Rumplestiltskin x Belle) from ABC’s Once Upon A Time, but with conditions. I love how much they love each other, and would do anything for each other when they are both in-character. I’m also a sucker for the whole “love redeems” and BATB tropes in fiction, but they also tend to be the ones that the writers love to fuck up deliberately for shits ad giggles at some point on TV shows when they get bored or lazy. That’s why I only accept their individual characters or relationship together when they are both written in-character, so mostly from S1-3A of canon OUAT and in various canon-divergent/AU scenarios thereafter. However, I feel like the same thing can be said about every other remaining main character/ ship in canon OUAT post 3A. There was a serious nosedive in characterization, consistency, and storytelling integrity after Neal got killed off in canon OUAT, and while there were moments where Rumple, Belle, Emma, and everyone else seemed to be like the characters and relationships I originally fell in love with in canon from 3B-S7, I still feel like the show truly ended most organically and satisfyingly with “Going Home” (3x11), and there were serious problems with the writing starting to show with plot versus character driven writing, rape culture, abuse apology, broken rules of magic, plotholes, and character favoritism, even before 3B in S2. But after Neal got killed off, Hook became the main lead, and they started resurrecting the dead with magic when it suited the plot, they clearly didn’t know what the fuck they were doing anymore, and weren’t trying to tell any sort of story at all by undoing everyone’s original characterizations for plot back-and-forth.Everyone was ruined by illogically ooc, inconsistent, and toxic character destroying plot driven inexcusably bad writing that made absolutely no sense, which made them all unsympathetic and unrecognizable from 3B-S7 at one point or another, including Emma, Belle, the Charmings, and Henry, the “good guys,” so I try to pretend it never happened, and quit watching regularly after S5 to preserve my sanity.
2). Jane Eyre x Mr. Edward-Fairfax Rochester from Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte-Again, I’m a sucker for the whole “love redeems” trope in fiction, and I appreciate how Edward is portrayed as the “dark” one, while Jane is the “virtuous” one, but neither one of them are without their flaws that go unaddressed, which is a big problem with a lot of “love redeems” couples. Their conflicts become hypocritically one-sided. 
3). Anne Shirley x Gilbert Blythe from the Anne of Green Gables series by Lucy Maud Montgomery-These two started out as frenemies, then became best friends in childhood and adolescence, and then eventually got married. The perfect love story!
Last Song I Listened To: I watched and listened to the Hairspay (2007) musical-comedy film adaptation on Netflix with Nikki Blonsky, Amanda Bynes, John Travolta, Zac Efron, Queen Latifah, Christopher Walken, Michelle Pfeiffer, Brittany Snow, James Marsden, Elijah Kelley, and Allison Janney, and have been jamming out to Miss Baltimore Crabs, The Ladies’ Choice, Good Morning Baltimore, I Can Hear the Bells, You Can’t Stop the Beat,  Welcome to the ‘60s, Run and Tell That, Big, Blonde and Beautiful, and Without Love a lot since remembering the music again. Does that count?
Last Movie I Watched: The Silence of the Lambs (1991) with Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins on Netflix.
I’m tagging @ishtarelisheba, @mrgoldsdearie, @sieben9, @emospritelet, @rufeepeach, @ellen729, @pinchtheprincess, @0ceanofdarkness, @thestory812 and whoever else wants to do it. 
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woodelf68 · 5 years
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@rumplefloofywoobiestiltskin reblogged your post and added:
omg nO ��
Since you DARED me, I’m going to save the idea in my drafts and see if I can do anything with it for Fluffapalooza this year. No promises, but we’ll see. 
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ryik-the-writer · 4 years
I was tagged by @abbas-ragamuffin (*kisssssess*
Rules: name ten favorite characters from ten different things (TV, movies, books, etc.), then tag ten people
1. Alice Jones - This character was breath of fresh air for OUAT. She was unique, talented and gave actual fleshed out LGBT+ representation for the show. I also love how Hook was re-written because of her existence, showing us that in another life that character wasn’t such a dick as his original version is.
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2. Anko Mitarashi - I started watching anime when I was about 13 or 14, and I started watching Naruto after seeing her in the intro. Honestly, I thought she was beautiful and mysterious, and I was thrilled when she finally got her own arc. I love her story, and I even love her dynamic with the villain Orochimaru. I hate how she gets crap in the spinoff series Baruto because she gained weight...my bitch loves food man let her be happy! She’s kick-ass, crazy and a hell of a woman!
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3. Dipper Pines - I love my smol boy so much! He’s such a great character and really shows how a real child acts with concepts like peer-pressure, romance, and hell, even PTSD. I hate when shows try to make seem like kids have to be the adult in the room when they’re are freaking adults right there, but Dipper was really balanced out as a problem-solver but also as someone who adults look after. He’s awkward, he’s fun and he’s going to make a hell of an explorer one day!
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4. Sophie Hatter - Howl’s Moving Castle is probably my favorite Studio Ghibli movie...though I love all of them! Sophie particularly always stuck to me just because of her personality and storyline. I mean, her whole story is like a Beauty and the Beast remix/slice of life story that really has no plot but to engage and delight you. I found her ability to swing from ‘oh shit there’s a curse on me!’ to “oh there’s a curse on me gotta clean this damn castle/fall in love with this sexy wizard’ just unbelievable delightful. Young or old, she’s amazing!
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5. Coraline Jones - My idol as a kid. As I mentioned with Dipper, I really don’t like the ‘kids have to save the day despite there being able adults’ trope, but this is one of the few stories it actually works. Coraline herself is just a great kid and puts the stamp on the ‘weird kid’ trope. I love the idea of her story continuing one day.
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6. The Gold family - Rumplestiltskin, Belle and Gideon Gold - I will not choose between these three. I love this family, and I love every version where Bae is included. We were robbed that we weren’t given more time with them.
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7. Zuko - This guy has four seasons worth of character development and it shows. Zuko is just an amazing character, and Dante Basco’s role with his development just adds such a deep level to him. 
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8.  Amélie Poulain - Amélie is a french movie about a women who honestly just goes around doing good deeds and figuring out her life. That’s it, but damn if this character doesn’t make it worth watching.  Amélie is shy, but very fierce and kind and just wants to be happy. There’s a lot of headcanons that she’s autistic or may have Aspergers, and I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if that’s comes out as cannon one day. She’s such a beautiful person. 
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9. Jame Hook - Who couldn’t love this little psycho? I’m pretty shruggy when to Descendents franchise. I’m it’s certainly creative and has REALLY great casting, though crazy corny in a lot of aspects. Still, I LOVE this character. He’s so spontaneous and is just having the time of his life. Not to mention I stan a pirate who has the queen of the sea’s back.
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10.  Cindy Campbell - Okay, leave your hate mail in the inbox. I’m a fan of the Scary Movie franchise, and I found Cindy absolutely hilarious. Yes the movies are horrible, but If I’m writing and I need some  background noise, I’ll turn this on and chuckle a bit. 
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tagging: @justanoutlawfic, @queenofglassbeliever, @emospritelet​, @thatravenclawbitch​, @zoe19blink​, @jackabelle73​, @rumplefloofywoobiestiltskin​, @nerdalmighty​, @timelordthirteen​
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Finished 4x18 and what a ride!
Apparently Rumple’s heart is damaged from the Dark magic?
Zelena?!!! I’m so mad. God she was Marian this entire time! Ugh, she still managed to ruin Regina’s happiness
Rumple using that to blackmail her, Regina saying she won’t let him hurt Emma!
And cliffhanger lol
@jackabelle73 @ladysibyl @mrs-stiltskin @rumplefloofywoobiestiltskin
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pissedoffatouat · 5 years
Tagged by the lovely @ryik-the-writer *hugs*
Nicknames: earinfection I get those a lot
Zodia: not sure
Height: 5'7
Hogwarts House: Huffelpuff
Last thing I googled: Define zodia
Favorite Musicians: Los Del Rio
Song Stuck in my head:  somebody I used to know
Following: everybody who likes papafire
Followers: 164 - I used to have a whole lot more. Dunno where they went lol
Do You get Asks: Yes, but I don’t always answer. I’m on the CS blacklist
Amount of Sleep: not much
Lucky Number: um... infinity?
What your wearing: pajamas
Dream Job: Author or librarian
Dream Trip: somewhere quiet. I live in a loud place.
Instrument: piano
Languages: I can speak duck
Current Favorite Song:all the greatest showman songs
Random Fact: I’m awake now. it’s 2:55
Aesthetic: happy families
@rumplefloofywoobiestiltskin @sassyandclassy94 @thatmrgold @yaminoendo @desperatemurph @geekgirl101 @paradigmparadoxical
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tennantsforever · 5 years
I was tagged by @firefrau to post 5 things I like about myself. Thank you!!!
1. I can speak in front of a crowd or quickly take control of social situations, even if I don’t feel so confident (but I can mimic confidence quite well).
2. I write quickly
3. I work well under pressure
4. I have nice music taste :P
5. I usually get what I want
I tag @lovethytennant @itsloveit @rumplefloofywoobiestiltskin @betsypaige22
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OUAT 4x15: Enter the Dragon Thoughts
Tagging @jackabelle73 @ladysibyl @mrs-stiltskin @rumplefloofywoobiestiltskin
1) I really like Regina backstory episodes! Her and Malifacent and fun and interesting together!
I really like Malifacent's actress and it's good to see her in something besides True Blood.
2) Emma being worried for Regina and going as backup! Nice. I like how on the same side they've been
3) August? Cool! Hope he makes it out ok
4) Ok the Rumbelle! I knew something was up with Hook! That wasn't a bad plan.
Awww Belle saying Will makes her smile. She deserves it, I hope that once this is over her and Rumple can work it out. They both used to make each other smile and got each other's weird humor
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Ok! I've got my Netflix set up so I don't have to stream it through my phone, and finally feel like I can focus on new things again! Back into Once Upon a Time! Starting where I left off, Darkness on the Edge of Town (4x13)!
I'm looking forward to it and hopefully get to chat with everyone again. You were all so welcoming and I'm sorry it's been so long
@jackabelle73 @ladysibyl @mrs-stiltskin @rumplefloofywoobiestiltskin
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OUAT 5x01 and 5x02 thoughts
Tagging @jackabelle73 @ladysibyl @mrs-stiltskin @rumplefloofywoobiestiltskin
5x01: The Dark Swan
The tip of Excalibur is the Dark One Dagger?!
Episode starts off with Baby!Emma sneaking into the Sword and the Stone naturally lol. Is the usher Merlin?
I like that we still get Dark One Rumple as Emma’s Dark thoughts!
The Rose!! I should have known they’d find a way to get that reference in there! Hold on Rumple!
Literally everyone packed into Granny’s lol. Love that Grumpy and the Dwarves just showed up like “We’re still here!” Lol
Merida!! I liked her a lot. She’s Queen and lost the twins though? That sucks.
Camelot here we go!! I knew once I saw a time skip they’d loose memories.
5x02: The Price
New curse turns you into a tree if you leave? Poor Dopey! (Ok Regina fixed him good!)
Belle talking about how difficult it is to love a Dark One. That’s why you’re the strongest one here girl! I respect you! Also Grumpy tryin to comfort her while in Camelot
David teaching Regina to dance!! That was so sweet?! Also him trying to be Cool Gramps a c give Henry flirting tips lol
Regina and the others working together to save Robin from the Fury!
Ok so Emma has both Excalibur and the dagger! Interesting!
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