#what do you mean magical beings are hoping for a better life once arthur becomes king bc he doesn’t share the
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loosethreadsofyoursoul · 3 months ago
the degree to which magic in bbc merlin is an allegory for queerness is insane. what do you mean people with magic hide in fear for their lives because it’s illegal. what do you mean merlin’s mother sent him away to the big city bc she was afraid of what would happen if their small town found out he had magic. what do you mean merlin is taken in by an unmarried old man who used to practice magic but can’t anymore. what do you mean morgana was morally on uther’s side until she realized who she was and that he was wrong for wanting people like her dead. what do you mean anti-magical propaganda spreads misinformation that all magic is evil and everyone who practices it is also evil and should be killed. what do you mean there’s a recurring underlying theme of magical being solidarity
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generational-atrophy · 9 months ago
helloooo can i request headcanons of allies x gn!vampire!reader? some questions for ideas: would they let their s/o drink their blood, who would love it, who would be scared, how would they react to their s/o telling them theyre a vamp. its up to you as to what kind of vampire u wanna write :3 !! i hope this isnt confusing, but ty if u write this !!
hetalia allies with a vampire s/o
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1.0k words ~ gender neutral headcanons
tw: mentions of blood and death (obviously)
a/n: getting sick in the summer is so stupid. girl just get better
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”Woah, you're a vampire? Like from Blade?“ would be his first words once you tell him. It's almost like he doesn't even realize what being a vampire really entails. Which, to be fair, a vampire isn't any weirder than an alien (of which he's met many.)
Most of the time, he just thinks your vampirism is a cool quirk. More like a party trick if anything.
When it comes to feeding, he'd totally let you drink his blood. Not too often, but he doesn't mind. When you first try, he's more excited than anything. Who else's partner can do that?!
(Plus, he'd make it a personal mission to make a burger with enough blood that you can eat it. Seeing you at barbecues makes him too sad not to.)
He probably wouldn’t even remember that vampires are immortal until you’ve been dating for 100 years. Only then would he be like… wait a minute.
Alfred is accepting of a lot of things and is always willing to accommodate your vampiric habits, but don't expect him to suddenly become nocturnal and goth. He's out by 9 pm every night, that's not changing for anyone, supernatural or otherwise.
Arthur may seem like he's too stuck in ways to be cool with a vampiric partner, but he's also the guy who is friends with fairies. He probably knew you were a vampire even before you told him.
He doesn't mind at all. Being antisocial and traditional is really what he wants in a partner. Plus, your immortality comforts him greatly. He's possessive and paranoid so it's a real weight off his mind that you can't die by most means.
But, he doesn't appreciate the more gore-y aspects of vampirism much. No, you can't drink his blood unless you're literally on the verge of death. No, you can't bring your blood bags into the house. No, he's not gonna help you hunt. That's your own problem, be home by 6 am.
So, not scared, just uncomfortable.
Hopefully, you're the magic type of vampire, because he really needs some help with his spells, and being able to turn into a bat seems like a step in the right direction.
When it comes to your vampirism, Francis is very conflicted. When you tell him, he probably seems like he doesn't care, but that's not entirely true. On the one hand, he's arguably dated much worse, much stranger people, but on the other hand... ew, blood!
He is a little scared of you, especially if you ask to feed on him. He'd agree but burst into tears the moment your fangs get anywhere close to his neck. His love for you is never in doubt, but he'd be lying if he didn't keep a stake stored in his glove compartment. Just in case your friends start calling...
But the more romantic aspects of vampirism, that of immortality and eternal transience, he loves those parts of you. He's happy to finally share a life with someone who'll understand his fairy-tale view of the world.
Plus, he loves the night. If you want to be nocturnal, he'd be out with you most evenings. Just don't let him see you kill people.
Yao and a vampire would be a very… turbulent relationship to say the least. His lifestyle is not one a vampire would mesh well with at all, not to mention his superstitions would have you sleeping on the couch (or outside-) most nights.
No way in hell would he let you drink his blood. No. Never. He can get you some weird knock-off blood, just for his own peace of mind, but that's the most he would ever participate in your feeding habits. Don’t talk to him about it, he’ll yell to stop until you do.
Plus, he'd be so, so sad you can't eat his meals. How is he supposed to show he likes you now?!
In general, he'd be very freaked out that you're a vampire. He would say he's not scared, but in reality, he shivers whenever he sees your fangs. Although, he really doesn’t mind having someone who’ll be stuck with him for the rest of foreseeable time. Hopefully, you’re not that young either, he’d love a more traditional partner.
The first time you told him, you were forced out of bed early in the morning so Yao could drag you to some (very shady) religious leader's house to be “cleansed.“
Not a fun experience to have. But, as time goes on, he'd become more trusting and accepting. He has seen much stranger, after all.
Like a lot of deal-breakers, Ivan could not care less. When you tell him, it's like you said nothing at all. He's a man who's at peace with the supernatural (being somewhat supernatural himself,) so he doesn't mind at all.
If you asked to drink his blood, he'd be up for it! He'd be ecstatic, even. He finds it very romantic and he's always up to try new things. Luckily for you, you could probably suck all his blood and he'd wake up fine the next morning.
If any one of the allies would love your vampirism, it'd be him. He's completely cool with becoming nocturnal (easier to garden) hunting people (good old-fashioned family fun!) and doing weird magic stuff (did you see him come through the floor that one time?)
In fact, he'd probably seek out a vampire partner. It means you'll be with him forever, bonded in blood. (He’ll) you’ll never be alone again!
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livin-life-to-the-coolest · 1 month ago
Never The Same- Merlin fanfic
Summary: Arthur believes Agravaine when he says Gaius is the traitor. Merlin argues it but Arthur refuses to see reason. Merlin and Gwaine go in search of him and they find him. They bring him back to Camelot to heal and while Merlin stays at Gaius’s side. He does inform Arthur that if Gaius dies due to his negligence to listen that Merlin will never forgive him.
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Merlin chose to ignore the harsh words that sprung forward in his mind as he and Gwaine headed for Gaius. All of the moments of Arthur arguing that his uncle was a good man and only wanted what
was best for the Kingdom came into Merlin’s mind. How could he not think the same of Gaius. Gaius who helped raise Arthur himself? Where was Agravaine then! Why did he not show up until power was in
play? Gaius was clearly the better man, the only one who didn’t see it was Arthur.
Merlin did appreciate Gwaine. He was everything Merlin needed consistently. He knew when Merlin needed to laugh or cry. He knew when Merlin needed someone to listen or someone to yell at. He was
one of Merlin’s first friends who hugged him. Merlin would never forget that. Arthur didn’t hug him. Merlin couldn’t remember one time. He shook his head smiling as Gwaine made some attempt to make
him smile. Merlin would always love Gwaine.
As they neared the place Gaius was supposedly being kept Gwaine became the serious knight that made Merlin feel even safer. Merlin knew that Gwaine would protect him and Gaius with his life.
Something Merlin appreciated and admired about his friend. Merlin let Gwaine lead the beginning of the journey. Only taking over when Gwaine needed his help. Merlin really hoped Gwaine would listen to
his words when it came to finding Gaius. Merlin would gladly be left behind if Gaius’s life was at stake. Gwaine had nodded, but Merlin could never be sure. This was Gwaine. Gwaine was adamantly loyal to
him, he wasn’t sure he would actually leave him there. He shook it off and went forward to find Gaius.
Merlin was becoming nervous as he furthered into the cave. He couldn’t hear Gwaine and he hadn’t been able to find Gaius. He gasped as he felt his body fly into a wall. Morgana. He looked up to see the
witch looking at him with cold eyes. That’s the only way she ever looked at him these days. She was smiling though, which could only mean she was going to do something not so pleasant.
“Why am I not surprised you’re here?” He spoke as she neared him.
“You have always been a thorn in my foot haven’t you Merlin? Why can’t you ever just leave things alone?” Merlin glared at her, he felt an ugly rage rising up inside him.
“Maybe if you would leave my family out of it I would do just that.” She frowned mockingly.
“Family? Merlin last time I checked I”ve never hurt Hunith...unless Gaius is your father then your claim is in fact false.”
“Morgana you should know better than anyone family goes beyond blood.”
“Enough talking, my next question should be how will I make you pay? How will you die Merlin? Because you will die today.”
Merlin had watched the interaction with Alator and Morgana. Had watched as Alator came close to him. Here it comes, his secret would be out. He knew in that moment he would have to kill the two
magic users in the room and get out quickly. He mentally went over any helpful spell when his brain malfunctioned...wait what? Alator wasn’t going to tell Morgana? Altair was helping him? Had Merlin hit
his head?
Once Alator had made sure Merlin got out safely Merlin ran. He rode as fast as he could feeling relief that Gwaine’s horse was indeed gone...good! He got Gaius! Merlin knew that was the only reason
Gwaine would leave him there. Merlin rode faster than he ever had! He had to see Gaius.
“Gaius! Gaius! I’m here!” Merlin ran happily towards his home. Ready to embrace his guardian with open arms. He just wanted to feel Gaius hug him and comfort him. He needed Gaius. He froze when he
came through the door though…”Gaius?” It was quiet, confused. What was going on? Gaius was lying on a bed unconscious. He was pale and bloody. His breathing was shallow….no...no no no! Merlin was
at his side in seconds. Gwaine and Gwen watched him anxiously as he reached for Gaius’s wrist. “HIs pulse is weak...how long has he been like this?” Merlin tried hard to not snap at his friends. They had
only helped him. They weren’t at fault.
“They brought him in an hour ago. His pulse has weakened a little since they brought him in. I’ve done all I can. You have more knowledge than I do.” She was quiet and gentle, she didn’t want to upset
him. His breathing was shaky as he tried not to scream. He couldn't lose Gaius! He couldn’t!
Just at that moment a bang was heard on the other side of the room. Merlin didn’t turn around, he didn’t have to. Arthur spoke almost as soon as he came in. “I heard what happened! Is he okay!” Arthur
came over to Gaius’s side. Merlin couldn’t look at him. He kept his eyes glued to Gaius.
“He’s not doing well. His pulse is weak. Merlin is going to treat him.” Gwen spoke up.
“Merlin how are you holding up?” Arthur looked to his manservant. Merlin didn’t spare him a glance as he got up and gathered herbs to make something for Gaius.
“I”m fire sire. Gaius is the one who isn’t fine. Gaius is the one who’s possibly dying.” Arthur looked guilty and Merlin was glad for it. He deserved it. Gwaine stayed quiet looking between the two. He felt
bad for both men, but he understood where Merlin was coming from. He knew Merlin was becoming more and more frustrated with Arthur’s loyalty towards Agravaine as Merlin was his most loyal friend.
Today Gaius almost paid the price for that. So he would stay out of this one. He would do whatever Merlin needed him to.
Arthur watches Merlin sadly. Merlin didn’t spare him a glance. Gwen bit her lip and looked to Arthur. She gently grabbed his arm and headed for the door. “Come on Arthur, let’s leave him alone for now.
Merlin I’ll be back later to help.” She told the young man before walking out with Arthur. Leaving Gwaine and Merlin alone with a struggling Gaius.
“Merlin mate, what do you need me to do?” Merlin didn’t respond at first, just continued rummaging for things. Gwaine watched sadly as Merlin stopped, his shoulders heaved as he gripped the table in
front of him. “Hey hey come here.” Gwaine had his arms wrapped around Merlin in seconds. He knew he had done the right thing when Merlin returned the hug. Completely losing himself in the embrace.
Gwaine felt his shirt becoming soaked, but simply continued to hold his friend. His one true friend. “I’ve got you Merlin, I’ve got you.”
When Merlin did pull away he wiped at the tears. Though he knew Gwaine wouldn’t judge, Gwaine watched him with a gentle smile. “Ok...umm can you grab some fresh water? I’m going to try to lower
his fever.” Gwaine nodded his head and headed out the door. Merlin immediately turned towards his guardian. He did need the water, but he had to try some things first. Magic had been used on Gaius and
magic might be what saves him. Merlin put a hand to Gaius’s head and closed his eyes, focussing all of his magic into saving him.
He opened his eyes to check on him. It hadn’t worked. He tried again and a third time before Gwaine came back in. Merlin jumped into action, doing all the correct medical things. It ended with him and
Gwaine sitting on both sides of Gaius just comforting each other with presence. Everyone once in a while Merlin would check on Gaius and look defeated when nothing changed and Gwaine would put his
hand on top of Merlin's or put it on his shoulder. Merlin needed to know he wasn’t alone.
Gwaine fell asleep before Merlin. Merlin watched the young knight sleep. He would never stop being grateful for Gwaine. With that thought Merlin allowed sleep to take him.
Gwaine had gone to practice when Arthur came in. Merlin had been sleeping when Arthur woke him up. “How is he?”
“No improvement.” Merlin replied tiredly. He really didn’t know what to do about Arthur now.
“I”m sorry Merlin. If I-”
“Don’t. Arthur just don’t. Look, you should know...if this doesn’t work...if Gaius...if Gaius dies. I will never forgive you. I can’t stay here if that happens. I tried to tell you he wasn’t the traitor. I told you
who the traitor was and you wouldn’t listen. You never trust me. Now Gaius is paying the price. I'll pay the price if he dies. I’m done Arthur. If this is how things go I’m done.” Arthur stayed silent through
his speech. He hated the words coming out of his mouth. They felt like venom and went against everything he believed in. He just didn’t believe in anything anymore. He hesitated before looking at his
King. Arthur looked shattered. He looked ready to cry. It reminded him so much of when Uther died. Merlin almost felt bad for putting it there. Almost.
“I am sorry Merlin. I will do everything I can.” With that he was out the door and Merlin was alone with Gaius’s body. Gwaine frowned as Arthur brushed past him in the hallway, not saying a word. As he
made his way back to Merlin’s home he felt something was even more wrong than the current situation.
“What happened with you and Princess?” Gwaine asked as he came back into the home. Merlin hardly looked up as he continued looking for cures. Merlin didn’t respond at first. Only continued his
“I gave him some hard new I suppose.” Gwaine waited thinking Merlin would explain. When no explanation came he asked.
“What did you say?” Merlin’s face was carefully blank. He didn’t know how Gwaine would respond to what he had to say.
“I told him that if Gaius dies I will not stay. I will not forgive him for not trusting us.” Gwaine felt his heart sink at Merlin’s words.
“Merlin mate-”
“No Gwaine, Arthur has never listened to me. I have proven time and time again to be right when he argues with me to be wrong and he never learns. He never thinks maybe just maybe I know what I’m
talking about! I’m not stupid! I know we all joke about it and normally I don’t care, but now Gaius is dying and I was right! Arthur’s ignorance is going to kill the one man who’s ever been a true father to
me. I will not stay and serve a man who takes Gaius away from me. Maybe I never should have been as loyal as I turned out to be.” Gwaine nodded sadly.
“Well Merlin, I’m with you always. To the end. If you go I go with you.” Merlin nodded gratefully. He didn’t have the energy or strength to tell Gwaine to stay. He needed someone and Gwaine was all he
had. “I love you mate.” Merlin was surprised by the words. He gave him the smallest smile he could manage.
“I love you too Gwaine. You’re a true friend. You’re family.” With that both men fell into comfortable silence. Gwaine could only hope Gaius lived. He didn’t know what Merlin would do without Camelot,
without Arthur. Would he really give it all up in his grief?
Merlin woke up the next morning sleeping next to Gaius’s body. “Alright Gaius. Let’s check your vitals and then I’ll get you some water. How does that sound?” Merlin spoke as though his guardian could
hear him. It helped him to cope, helped him to not feel like this was useless. He paused though when he reached for Gaius’s arm…”Gaius?” Merlin felt his breathing increase and something he hadn’t
noticed before. “Gaius!” He touched his skin beginning to panic at the cold touch. He looked closer and saw Gaius was not breathing. “Gaius! Oh please no Gaius!” He pulled out a piece of glass and checked
under Gaius’s nose for breath...nothing. “No no no please no!” He checked his neck, his wrist, everything! “G-Gaius…” His voice cracked. “NOOOOO!” It was a painful and brutal scream.
Gwaine ran out thinking danger was around. “Merlin! Hey, what’s wrong?” Merlin didn’t respond, just rocked himself back and forth. He could hear Merlin sobbing and muttering to himself though. He
put a gentle hand on his friend. “Merlin? Merlin can you look at me?” Merlin shook his head, never not looking at Gaius...Gaius. Oh no.” Gwaine moved closer and took a hold of the older man’s
wrist...nothing. Oh poor Gaius….poor Merlin.
Gwen and Arthur ran into the room as soon as they got the news. Gwen had been trying to comfort Arthur over Merlin’s words. Both jumped as the door opened. Faces full of hope that Merlin would
announce Gaius would make a full recovery. Leon’s face though...was full of remorse and dread. Both ran out the door at Leon’s shake of his head. “Merlin!” Arthur ran in horrified by the sight in front of
him. Merlin was wailing over Gaius’s body while Gwaine held a hand on Merlin’s shoulder.
“Merlin...I’m so sorry.” Merlin straightened up at hearing Arthur’s voice. The couple flinched at the icy look in Merlin’s once bright eyes. He stood up walking towards Arthur. Fury written all over his face.
“You...you have no place here! You killed him! It’s your fault he’s gone!”
“Merlin you don’t mean that!” Gwen ran forward to console her friend. She was shocked at Merlin. Shocked at his tone towards his best friend and shocked at his words.
“I don’t want you here!” With that Merlin went back to Gaius’s side and sat down. “I’m leaving as soon as the funeral is over. I won’t be coming back.” The tension in the room could cut someone. Gwen
straightened up shocked that he would actually go through with his words. Gwaine hung his head in disappointment at the entire situation. Arthur felt the tears roll down his face. Things would never be
the same. He had lost Merlin and he knew that. He nodded his acknowledgment towards Merlin’s words.
“I will leave Merlin. You need to know though, I am truly sorry. I have taken you for granted and I regret that immensely. Thank you Merlin. Thank you for all you’ve done for me. You will always be my
best friend.” With that he walked out the door. Gwen hung back, not sure which man needed her more. She walked forward and took one of Merlin’s hands in an act of comfort.
The knight, the ex manservant, and the maid stood together in silence. Things would never be the same.
The funeral was large and celebrated all of the amazing things Gauis did. People from all around came and said their goodbyes. Many came to Merlin to give their condolences. It was the first time
anyone had ever seen Merlin like this. So solemn. So quiet. Only being polite, no jokes, no smiles. Only quiet “Thank you’s, and thanks for coming.’ Merlin never looked at Arthur. Gwaine stuck by his side
the entire time. Doing whatever Merlin needed. Arthur tried not to feel jealous that Gwaine had replaced him. He knew he deserved it, that Merlin deserved better. Gwen sent him sympathetic glances, but
she also stuck to Merlin. Knowing that her time left with her friend was coming to an end.
Arthur watched from the top of the castle as Merlin and Gwaine rod into the woods as they left Camelot for good. Gwen waved from the boundaries of Camelot. She cried, she cried for hours. Not moving
from her place where she had last said goodbye. Arthur had never known how close she and Merlin had been. He didn't know that Gwen had been Merlin's first friend and that Merlin had been the first
person Gwen had actually been interested in. Arthur didn’t know a lot of things. Arthur let Agravaine off of his service. He knew it was the right thing to do. Merlin had left him proof of Agravaine’s
treachery. He didn’t know if all that Merlin said was accurate, but he knew now to never question Merlin. He knew Merlin would know when they stopped. He would find the letter Arthur had left explaining
everything Arthur had ever thought about Merlin. How sorry he was. And how he would never forget his first friend. He would never forget Merlin. As Merlin rode away, Arthur felt a piece of him go too.
“Goodbye old friend, and farewell.” His words flew into the wind, he hoped Merlin heard them.
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liptonsbabe · 4 years ago
Chains of a family [B.W]
Bill Weasley x Grant! reader
Chapter 1,
Chapter 2,
Chapter 3,
Chapter 4,
Chapter 5, 
Chapter 6
Summary: The Weasley family have traditions about marriage and Bill has to respect them if he truly wants the reader become his wife. In the attempt to respect his family wishes the weasleys have to visit reader’s grandparent Tim Grant who has a lot of things to say
Word count: 5K TOO LONG I’M SO SORRY
Warnings: none(?
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A/N: Hey! part 6 of this thing. I’m so sorry to update this late but it was a complicated chapter and the longest so far. I’ll try to make small chapters from now on and the wedding is aproching, you guys!! i’m sooo excited to publish that part but we have to wait a little more for that.
So, as i’ve said in the last chapter, i changed some things from de canon like Bill being attacked by Grayback and such. it’s just for the plot of this series ok? hope you don’t mind guys.
Anyways, like always, english not my mother language so pls let me know if somethings wrong. Enjoy!
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Chapter 6: Your life is not enough
You needed a couple of weeks to fully recover, even if it meant having Bill on your back every hour and taking you away from your duties with the Order. The mission that Remus Lupin gave you had to wait until further notice, all for William's excessive concern about your wounds
The task of keeping you away was complicated, more so when the Death Eater attacks had gained strength that no one expected. The members of the order spent twenty-four hours a day on watch with no time for breaks, even Bill went three days without sleep until you, still recovering , left the room and dragged him back with you regardless of his constant complaining. Molly supported you in the decision - thank god - telling her son not to worry that the rest of the Order would keep their eyes fully opened and he could rest comfortably next to you
The drastic change in Mrs. Weasley's behavior confused you because there was no reason for it, but the relief helped make your recovery quicker and less painful. The healer who  you the morning after the accident with the Death Eaters took too long to close the wound as it was a curse wound and it needed a counter spell to heal properly, but not having one, he used other tactics and Dittany to help it heal. However, the help had come too late, and the scar was a throbbing fact that stung terribly when you made the slightest move. The healer said the burning and discomfort would go away with time, but the redness would stay forever. You thought that would be the last of your problems until you got your first glimpse of the result of the attack.
It was a disastrous thing, but it could have been much worse. You sighed as you looked at your disheveled image in the bathroom mirror. You had just taken a shower and Bill was still dressing in the bedroom. You took off the robe Ginny had given you a night before, watching the scar glisten across the valley of your breasts ending above your ribs. You sighed again, if you didn't consider yourself pretty before, at that moment you felt awful.
A new figure appeared in the reflection accompanied by a bright smile. William wore his white shirt tucked into his pants, his bow tie dangling from his collar and his suspenders placed perfectly flush against his shoulders. You smiled, looking at him through the mirror.
“Getting used to your dazzling new short hair?” You asked as you noticed Bill's nervous hand run over his head for the fifth time after the shower. Bill groaned, burying his face in your neck.
“I hate this style”
“And why did you cut it off, then?”
“Mom made me," he stated, tightening his hands around your waist, "She wants me to make a good impression, and for once I wanted to please her in something”
“Wow, your mom wanting to impress my family? That's new”
“Well, not every day you get to visit Lord Voldemort's brother," you gave him a bad look, smacking his hand, "Too soon for a joke, sorry”
You shook your head, escaping from Bill's embrace putting perfume behind your ear, on your wrists and neck. You gasped when a small drop of perfume touched your wound, reddening it. Your eyes lost in the scar again, knowing that even if your dress managed to cover most of it, the initial edges would be exposed like the body of a worm crawling through your clothes. Bill discovered your discontent. He hugged you again, running his fingertips over your sore skin as he kissed your bare shoulder. Maybe you couldn't see it, but for Bill you were perfect. Not just for the way you looked, but  the beautiful heart that, even if he didn't deserve it, you had given him without any qualms. You deserved to be appreciated by the rest of the world, not just by him.
“I love you. You know that, don't you?”
“Even with the scar?”
“With the scar even more. It shows how brave you are and you should be proud of it. You saved Mad-Eye”
“The others will see it”
“It's their problem, not yours. You're still the most beautiful woman in this world.
You smiled, stroking the short hair of the man behind you.
“Not as much as that”
“You're right. I stand corrected. You are the most beautiful woman in both worlds”
“I'll help you get dressed," he said, noticing that you were blushing up to your ears. William smiled without understanding why a sweet comment could make you blush, but not the fact that he was looking at you naked from the waist up. He picked up the dress hanging on the dresser reaching over to help it over your head pulling it down gently so as not to hurt you. Then, he zipped up your back leaving a wet kiss on your neck.
Bill's false calm didn't go unnoticed by you. As you smoothed the folds of your dress you noticed the trembling in his hands and the way his feet drummed on the floor. He was playing with the zipper of your dress pulling it up and down, trying to calm his nerves
“Bill, it's not necessary to do this”
“It is!” He replied looking up. You turned to him, crossing your arms around his neck, "I want to respect the traditions, to do things right. I want to show everyone that we mean business. It's just that...”
“My grandfather scares you?”
“What? No” You raised an eyebrow “Okay, maybe a little”
“You don't need to talk to him. He'll understand”
“I want to”
You gave in to Bill's pout. A few days ago, just after he asked you to marry him, Arthur Weasley spoke to his son asking him how he would go about keeping the traditions of the family. Bill didn't seem to understand what he was referring to when his father explained that the Weasleys used to always, always, visit the bride's parents' home right after the engagement to ask for their approval. Offerings were usually brought in a show of respect and the parents in question would respond by offering dinner for the guests. Bill's eyes widened, was that a real tradition?, he didn't know, “why didn't you ever tell me about it!” he questioned his father in a shout. Arthur knew about his son's untimely ignorance, returning the accusation, “Would that have made any difference on your desire to have her as your wife?” Bill didn't have to think too hard. “Of course not!” he shouted and his father laughed, patting him on the shoulder. His son was brave and would have asked for his bride's hand even from Voldemort himself. Bill was lucky tho cause he only had to talk to the old alchemist Tim Grant.
Your grandfather was the only one in the family who seemed to be neutral in the war caused by his brother, but above all he was the person who loved you most as you had both been banished from the Grants for standing up for your own convictions. Maybe Tim wasn’t an active member of either side, however, the blood connection with his brother Tom Riddle sent shivers down the spines of those around him. The man isolated himself in the Galapagos islands dangerously close to a volcano, where he was sure his brother wouldn’t dare to look for him. The Weasleys, hearing the story from your lips didn’t understand why.
You used a portkey to get to your grandfather's house. Arthur had communicated with Tim hours earlier and the two of them managed to establish a connection undetected for the ministry thanks to  the old Grant's powerful magic and his skills as an alchemist.  You couldn't hide your excitement at seeing your grandfather again, which encouraged Bill's eagerness to formally introduce himself to his next.... grandfather-in-law?
“Well then, but you don't have to worry. Grandpa is a very understanding man”
“Yeah, I'm sure he is”
“Bill Weasley, who knew talking to an old man would make you so nervous?”
“Very funny” he rolled his eyes, gluing his forehead to yours “I just want him to like me, (Y/N)”
“He likes everyone”
“That doesn't make me feel any better.”
“It will when you talk to him and see there's nothing to be afraid of” You stood on your tiptoes cause even with your high heels you couldn't reach his height. You kissed his cheek, snatching a warm smile from him “He's not like the rest of my family”
“I didn't mean to imply that, I'm sorry”
“It's all right, I know you didn't mean it. Now let's go downstairs, your mother must be going crazy”
“As if she wasn't already”
You slapped his arm as you descended the stairs. You didn't want Molly to hear them and relive her recently dissipated discontent with you
The rest of the family were already near the portkey with their arms full of baskets with offerings for your grandpa and the twins carrying some strange ornaments. Bill's sister Ginny greeted you with a smile, handing one of the baskets to her older brother. Molly and Arthur approached their children, both hanging on the opposite arm dressed in their best sunday clothes to make a good impression. You smiled without waiting for Bill's mother to smile back.
After the accident at Little Whinging Molly's rudeness disappeared. Not that she accepted you with open arms, but she stopped making bad comments and avoided looking at you in a bad way. Bill didn't know what Mad-Eye said to his mother that night when he told everyone how you had saved him knowing how much he owed you, but Bill didn't understand the size of the changing till he saw his mother offer you a piece of litchi pie the night after the attack when you were recovering from the wound. It was not that big of a deal really, but it had left you with a permanent smile on your face.
It was Molly herself who had taken the initiative to encourage Bill to fulfill the family tradition. If a Grant was going to come into their home as their son's wife then she should do it the way they knew. Her first piece of advice to her son was cutting his hair to a normal length. Bill was horrified by his mother's words cause he knew she was taking advantage of the moment to make him suffer with his precious mane. He did it anyway, because there wasn't anything in the world he wouldn't do for you
It was a drastic change, but it was worth it. Molly saw your eyes sparkle at the sight of her son so changed, with his hair cut short and his beard shaved. Your fingers danced over his face appreciating the effort Molly, not yet convinced of your influence at home, had made for you. Molly stifled a smile, unaware even to herself, that you were slowly beginning to win her heart.
You touched the shuttle at the same time falling precipitously in the sand and Harry helped you up  with a smile. Then you walked straight appearing in front of a huge house that was sheltered by the foothills of the bubbling volcano on the other side of the island. The twins, like the rest of the family, let out an exclamation of astonishment as Ron, harried by the huge spiders hovering in the sand, ran for the door.
The smell of freshly cooked food escaped through the cracks in the door before it was opened. The twins' eyes widened as they recognized the delicious smell of cooked prawns and coconut sauce wafting over their heads. You knocked on the door three times, then stopped and resumed the knocking four more times. The Weasleys watched you, did you have a special code to communicate with each other?
"Come in" You gave way to them closing the door behind you and sealing it with an unknown spell. Bill waited for you at the threshold as his family was already making their way to the table where a very well dressed Tim Grant was waiting for them sitting in the main chair. Bill looked at him from his position, shaking “We still have time to run away” you joked “If you're not ready...”
“I am," he said confidently.
You both walked toward the dining room. Tim was greeting the rest of the family enthusiastically. Bill sighed. At least Tim seemed to get along with his parents, so that was good. They all filled a seat, with Tim occupying the head and Arthur the opposite end; Molly sat on Tim's right side and you sat on Mr. Weasley's right side. The twins, Ron, Harry and Ginny took the middle seats leaving Bill the only vacant spot on Tim's left side. Bill took a breath before taking the seat and receiving a curious look from the man.
“Ah, how wonderful is to have more people to fill the empty spaces! A table this big doesn't serve any purpose unless it's fully occupied, does it? That's what I always say!”
“Don't you usually get many visitors?” asked Molly, breaking the ice. Bill felt sweat trickle down his back. Tim guffawed, patting the back of Molly's hand on the table.
“I’m afraid so. I think that is cause I'm the only one crazy enough to live near an active volcano and my family's fame doesn't help me much either, I'm generally a lonely man. Most of the time it's frustrating, but I can deal with it. You are a big family from i can see, are they all yours, Arthur?”
“Only the redheads," he replied. You recognized in his tone of voice a slight pride “The other one is...”
“Harry Potter” Tim Grant's eyes sparkled with recognition. He looked at Harry with a smile, bowing his head to him in respect. Harry did the same “I know him. He's the guy who's been giving my brother headaches”
Tim's laughter echoed through the house being followed by the twins and you cleared your throat to get his attention. Tim spotted you from across the table waving his hand dismissively.
“Grandpa, please”
“A little joke to lighten the mood, my dear, oh, are these for me?” he questioned, bringing closer the baskets offered by the Weasleys resting on the table. Bill's basket was in front of him waiting to be properly delivered, so he stood up and did as he should. Tim Grant gladly received it, complimenting the selection they had made “What a cute boy, did you see him, dear,? he's gone red!”
You let out a chuckle, nodding at your grandfather's words. Bill's face was flushed as he returned to his spot and looked down at his hands. Tim guffawed again and banged the table.
“I appreciate the gifts, Arthur, I've never been part of a tradition like this before”
“It was important for my son and the rest of us to do it, to introduce ourselves properly”
“Sure! It's what a family with honor does. I'm not surprised. No, not at all. The Weasleys were in the book of the sacred twenty-eight for a long time until they were struck off the list. Tell me, that was quite a blow, wasn't it?”
“Not so much, my family has never cared about that sort of thing”
“Of course! It never did, I could see it up close. Did you know I was friends with your grandmother, Lysandra Yaxley?”
Arthur's eyes widened.
“Really. My family also once belonged to the most important pureblood families until I was born, of course. Lysandra and I became friends because her family also got kicked off the list when Cedrella, your mother, married your father Septimus Weasley. Even your grandfather Arcturus was removed from the Black family tree which was an embarrassment for him being that the ancestral Black family is too proud and such. Anyway, that's part of life, right? Creating new families, bringing people together...”
“Was your family always purebloods?” Fred asked. Tim shook his head
“It was. As I mentioned, before I made my appearance in this world”
Tim was suddenly silent. You scanned your grandfather's face waiting for an answer. Dinner plates flew in from the kitchen and positioned themselves at each guest's place setting while a huge chocolate fountain was set up in the center accompanied by a plate overflowing with assorted fruit. The baskets took a turn and took a place on your grandpa's shelves. Tim sighed, looking at the Weasleys asking to begin dinner.
“I’m the son of a witch, but not of a pure blood wizard”
“Don't you and Lord Voldemort share the same father?”
”It's all right, Molly, I can answer that” Tim rubbed his chin, thinking “I understand your concern boy, being hide here doesn't make me ignorant to what's going on out there and I know better than anyone what you're going through. You need weapons against my brother and you do well. Tom is a big threat, a very big threat indeed. You're right, Tom and I don't share a father, but that doesn't make him any less my brother.
“I think we're straying from the subject that brought us here” mentioned Arthur feeling a sudden warmth. You supported him, but Tim continued to speak
“I was the son of Merope Gaunt and Aleister Grant. My father was a famous son, grandson and great-grandson of brilliant alchemists, and unsurprisingly he was one himself. Merope Gaunt was...  a direct descendant of Salazar Slytherin and a Parselmouth. She had a brother named Morfin and my grandfather was Sorvolo Gaunt. My parents met when the Gaunts had just moved to Little Hangleton after their exile and needed a place to stay. They became the owners of a squalor ridden shack on the edge of town and well, my father was a young alchemist who lived near the Gaunt abode”
You sipped from your wine glass as you listened to your grandfather speak. Never, even with the rest of the family, had he ever struck such a chord as he was doing with the Weasleys. The truth was that you didn't understand why he was telling them all that, however, you weren’t interested in interrupting the story as you knew your grandfather had a purpose with him.
“Those of us who are dedicated to alchemy have never enjoyed an enviable reputation because our transmutation abilities are mostly underestimated by the things that magic in general can produce and it makes a science like alchemy reserved for muggles in their attempt to approach the power that the wizards possess. Personally I think there is something right about that, precisely cause the transmutation in the Muggle world is divided into subjects they taught in schools like chemistry or physics, but alchemy goes beyond that, it’s a connection between the wizard and the spirituality that each one possesses...” the man's gaze was lost in a place at the table, pausing the story. Harry settled back on the seat waiting for him to continue “But it's very difficult to erase the deep-rooted ideas about it, so the best is ignore that and continue doing what we believe is right. Anyway, ah! I got off topic, didn't I? Okay, okay, well my parents ended up meeting and my father fell in love with my mother as fast as my socks get cold at night, but that infatuation wasn’t well regarded by my uncle and even less by my grandfather, of course, for the fame of the alchemists at the time”
“So what happened?” you asked. Tim smiled at you, taking a bite of the rye bread on his plate.
“My mother was treated worse than a house- elf by her father and Morfin, so she decided to run away with my father to France where he had several alchemist friends who could protect them. The Gaunts might have been exiled, but they were still dangerous and to be honest I think my father was terribly afraid of uncle Morfin. They eventually made it to France, but they encountered an infamous muggle who tried to hurt my mother”
Everyone stopped eating to pay attention to Tim as he drank his third glass of wine. You thought that your grandfather wouldn't even be able to stand up by the end of the night.
“He was known as Gilles De Rais. He was a sadistic muggle who tried to become a wizard even though he wasn't born a wizard and used my father to tell him secrets of alchemy. One night they were having a conversation when my father revealed him that there were certain amounts of gold in people's bodies. Gold is a very valuable component, as you already know, so the man's greed didn’t take long to show itself and he questioned my dad how it could be obtained. My father told him that the only way to obtain the gold was by draining the blood and dividing it with a very complicated procedure, however, the gold of an ordinary adult was quite scarce. The real wealth was in the blood of children of no more than ten years old because they possessed a great amount of gold and other components that could be transmuted into riches. The muggle did so, and when he learned that my mother was a real witch, he wanted to know if golden blood ran through her veins, which would make him richer than he already was. My father refused, and decided to leave the place before he hurt us, because they knew she was already pregnant. The muggle went mad and unleashed in him a fury that spread throughout France”
The Weasley twins chorused an astonished murmur as the others moved up to the table so as not to miss a word of the story. You sent a glance at Bill as he hadn't stopped sweating and going over his words all evening.
"They wanted to go back to Little Hangleton but my uncle and grandfather were still in a rage waiting to see them arrive, so my father sent my mother alone while he found another place to stay as he could not expose her to the cold streets of France while on standby, so they had no choice but to leave her with her family avoiding revealing my existence to them. Uncle Morfin didn’t want my mother back, but my grandfather convinced him because they needed someone to take care of the house and their needs. Time passed, my father didn’t come back and I was born in the garden of the house while my mother watered the plants”
“My birth was a surprise to everyone because my mother knew how to hide me well until my father's arrival but, as that didn't happen, I couldn't stand it any longer and made my triumphant appearance on my grandfather's favorite bushes. Uncle Morfin was furious and even tried to get rid of me immediately, but my mother clung to me like a lioness.
“Really," he replied with a broad smile, "I think a part of her was still holding on to my father showing up at some point and getting us out of there, but again that didn't happen. Mom had to endure her brother and father's abuse for me and that's a debt I can never repay”
The whole table fell silent, thinking. Dinner continued as a heavy thunderstorm rumbled overhead, accompanying old Tim Grant's story as if it were yesterday. The man paused to eat and the others did the same with no desire to miss a word. Harry's eyes sparkled in wonder and Mr. Weasley's strong hand on yours helped to soothe your fervent anguish.
“I guess that's what mothers do, isn't it? Anyway, the years passed and I had to live under uncle Morfin's shadow and at the mercy of his growing wrath. When I turned five I started helping the market men with their chores in exchange for a couple of pounds which we had to exchange later for galleons and sickles to survive for two weeks. Mom helped bring money into the house, but it wasn't enough. Then, at seven, the Dream Messengers showed up one night telling me I was required to study at the Uagadou magical college in Africa so I couldn't refuse”
“Wait, Uagadou takes students from the age of seven?”
“Oh I see," the man settled back in his chair, wiping the corners of his lips with a napkin as he stared at Ron, "I forgot that the rest of the magical schools aren't very well known around here, are they? Well, yes, some schools take in very young students as is the case with Uagadou or the Japanese school. It depends a lot on the traditions in each region i guess, because in the African school they select only descendants of alchemists or who have had at least someone  in their bloodline whose spirituality helped them to become one. It wasn't all as easy as that, of course, because each student had to pass a test before having a permanent stay, but....
“What kind of test?” Harry questioned when dinner was over and they start dessert. The twins were the first to help themselves a piece of fruit, playing with the chocolate fountain in the center of the table.
“One that only wizards with alchemist ancestry could pass, Mr. Potter. I passed the test so I had no choice but to move to the castle immediately. I didn't want to leave my mother alone, but she convinced me to do it. Going to Uagadou was a great opportunity for me and for her cause it meant I could follow in my father's footsteps” Tim's face suddenly darkened as he pushed away the overflowing plate of fruit Molly offered him. He folded his hands on the table and thought for a long moment. The twins continued to play with the chocolate fountain but a fierce look from their mother made them stop. Then Tim Grant sighed, wiping the sweat from his brow with the handkerchief on his coat “I regret that decision to this day. I could have gone to Hogwarts like any other wizard, but I suppose my ambition got the better of me. Maybe... if I hadn't left Little Hangleton she never would have met Tom Riddle”
You tensed as you felt the pressure of Mr. Weasley's hand on yours a little too tightly. One glance at the others was enough to understand the dread the name struck their nerves. You even caught a glimpse of the hiss on Molly's lips and saw the sting in Harry's scar. Tim let out a chuckle, taking another drink from his wine glass.
“My brother’s father. I didn't hear from him until a couple of years later, when my mother wrote to me saying that uncle Morfin was in Azkaban and that my grandfather had died. She didn't give me many details, however, she did very vaguely mention the presence of a muggle who was quite striking to her. For better or worse, my mother was already forgetting my father, believing that he had abandoned her or, at worst, that he had dropped dead somewhere in France. I didn't believe the same, but it was logical that she got tired of waiting. I would never have grown tired, at least not having loved the way they did”
Your gaze rolled to meet Bill's eyes as he looked back at you. He smiled at you, causing you to blush. Then you both looked back at your grandpa who was sipping a new glass of wine.
“It was a couple more years before I stopped hearing from my family. Mom never wrote again and with uncle Morfin in Azkaban there was nothing that could be done. When I was eleven i returned to Little Hangleton only to find that my mother had married Tom Riddle, got pregnant and he had thrown her out on the street like a dog. She was left with nothing, unable to return to her father’s old house, and was forced to wander in the streets for months, until one rainy december night she went into labor in the middle of an alley. I helped her as much as I could, dragged her to the door of an orphanage where my mother no longer even had the strength to save the three of us. She had her wand in her hand, but she never used it. She gave up in front of me, the baby was born and asked me to name him after his father. She put him in my arms, the door of the orphanage opened, but mother had already died”
“As you can understand, it's kind of hard for me to remember all that," Tim Grant's reddened eyes closed, choking back tears, "I was just a little kid taking care of a baby and I didn't do my best job of raising him. I was upset with my mother for a long time after she died, but I don't judge her now. After living an almost totally miserable life, my mother had no hope and not enough courage to make her want to keep trying, even for the sake of her newborn son. That decision had a considerably negative impact on Tom's psyche as he was growing up I suppose cause I had to go back to school and I couldn't take him with me, I would have! Of course I would have. I tried, but Tom wasn’t descended from any alchemist and there was nothing I could do about that. I tried, Merlin knows I did. I felt the need to leave him in that orphanage. I visited him whenever I could. For a year I went back and forth from continent to continent to see him, but that wasn't enough for Tom to grow up feeling loved. Orphanage life is hard, dear friends, we shouldn’t judge others too harshly, much less a lonely mother” Tim Grant's irritated eyes were fixed on Harry, reflecting deep pain “She was weakened by her long suffering and she never had Lily Evans’ courage. Everyone sacrifices for those they love in different ways, and my mother did it in her own way”
“Why didn't you ever talk about this?” you asked from across the table. Everyone looked at you “when dad asked you so-”
“Your father didn't need any more reasons to support Tom's follies” Tim shook his head “My brother is a very convincing person not only with his family members but with anyone who gets in the way of his plans. He has a very affiliated serpentine tongue, he inherited the gift of gab from our ancestors and your father grew up under his influence”
“We're very sorry for what you had to go through, Tim, but there's nothing that can be done about you-know-who and all that's left for us to do is to fight him”
“I understand, Arthur, but that doesn't stop me from blame myself. I did what I could, but an eleven-year-old can't take the place of his parents. When I graduated from school and wanted to take care of him Tom was already at Hogwarts and completely disappeared from everyone's eye," he lamented, scrunching his eyelids together, "That was the last time I saw him as the real Tom and not the ghastly grayish mass he is now”
The twins and Ron laughed at the comment and were immediately silenced by their father. Tim scrunched up his eyes, took a breath and let out a laugh looking around the room.
“Well, enough whining, that's not what you guys are here for, is it?” Bill, that had kept silent, denied when the man turned to see him, "What's done is done, and lamenting won't do any good, but I hope that what I've just told you will help you to see Tom's human side if he still has it, which I doubt it very much”
“Thank you, sir”
“You're welcome, Harry, dear, well? What was you wanted to tell me, my boy?”
Tim Grant turned his full body towards Bill, almost climbing up on the table fixing his huge opaque eyes on Bill's. Bill held his gaze noticing that the man was drunk since the beginning of the evening. He looked to you for help, but you were too busy watching Mrs. Weasley's reaction to hearing the reason for your visit.
“Come on, boy, don't be shy”
“I... well, I wanted to-”
“Oh, Arthur, your son is so cute!” he shouted as he squeezed Bill's cheeks. His brothers and Harry laughed and even Molly hid a mischievous smile by putting a piece of apricot in her mouth “Poor frightened boy. But, come on! I'm not going to make it harder for you, I know you're here to ask for my granddaughter's hand in marriage, aren't you?”
“Yes, that's right, sir”
“Well, that's a great gesture of you, but this is a job for (Y/N)’s parents”
“It is, but you understand that under such circumstances we couldn't pay a courtesy visit to the Death Eaters," Arthur interjected with an amused smile.
“So..." repeated Tim. You sighed, "You love my granddaughter?
“Yes, sir”
“How much?”
“A lot”
“Are you going to protect her, take care of her, and love her?”
“With my life, sir”
“Your life is not enough for me, William” Tim smiled at him, tapping Bill's chin with one of his fingers “My granddaughter is still a Grant, descended from very powerful wizards. My hand will not tremble to revenge the suffering you put her through, am i being clear?”
“Y-yes, sir. Crystal clear”
“Good boy," he replied, patting his cheek. Then he turned to Molly, took her hand and kissed the back of it, giving her a beautiful smile. The woman blushed, but it didn't last long because the man turned to her husband and bowed his head in respect. Arthur pressed your hand on the table and also kissed the back of your hand, making a promise “Well, then. Arthur, your son has my blessing to marry my granddaughter”
Mr. Weasley raised his glass, offering it to Tim.
“Thank you, Tim. We promise to take care for (Y/N) as a member of our family”
“I hope so." The man rested his chin on his hands, watching the huge smile form on your lips and kissing Arthur's cheek. He turned to Molly lightly patting her shoulder offering her a sweet roll which she accepted with a giggle “It's nice to see you accepting my (Y/N) so well” Molly wrinkled her nose “Since who she is and coming from a family as complicated as ours...it was hard for me to believe that someone from the outside could fall in love with her someday. I always knew my little girl was different from everyone” Tim's brown irises clouded over. Molly fell silent “You could put her in a basket of rotten apples and she'd make them blossom, so I'm glad to hear you've taken her in as one of yours. Being a Grant is a very complicated task, i never had a problem with people speaking shit about me, i was never ashamed to be recognized as Lord Voldemort's brother, but my yoke should not fall on my granddaughter” Molly Weasley listened carefully “I have always been a faithful supporter of being judged individually and not by the others actions, that would be like punishing children for their parents mistakes, wouldn't it? That wouldn't be fair and it wouldn't make us any less guilty than my brother, isn't that what he’s doing? Punishing Muggle-born wizards just because they weren't born under Merlin's blessing? I like you, Molly, I know you understand.
A pain in her chest made her look down, embarrassed. But then Tim lifted her chin at just the right moment for her to catch the moment her son rose from his place to walk over to you and lock you in a breath-stealing hug. Arthur was at your side watching you and then his attention focused on his wife giving her a beaming smile, the kind she hadn't seen in a long time. Even the rest of their children had joined in the celebration and Harry rose to congratulate you while you and Bill happily sealed your engagement with a kiss. Tim moved Molly's chin towards him, their gazes colliding.
“Yes," Molly whispered, "I understand.
“Good” Tim let out a laugh, pulling away from Molly to toast. The woman watched you as she smiled thinly ”Then my story was useful somehow”
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onlydreamofmysoul · 4 years ago
The new (and last 😭)sweater weather chapter put this situation in my head and I don’t have the talent to make it real:
How would Remus react after he learns he can be a player on the team? and how does the rest of the team react? and how does the media react? and what does Sirius say? and what is his first game like? And what does Jules and his family think? AND AND AND ????
Of course u don’t have to do anything and I adore your writing just thought I would share some of my frantic ramblings.
I’m getting lots of ones like these! My brain has been spinning with so many ideas but one that stuck with me were Remus’ old superstitions.
Characters and their wonderful world by @lumosinlove
Half Sheer Dumb Luck
Calf stretches before thigh
Remus just stared at coach Weasley.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“We’d like to offer you a place on the team.”
Remus wasn’t sure he could trust himself to blink, never mind talk. “Is this a joke?”
Arthur stepped forward, his face calm and reassuring. “Remus, no, of course not. I’m your friend. I wouldn’t do that to you. We, all of us, the organisation, the team, we’ve reviewed your tapes. We’ve seen you play. And we want you on the team.”
“The team knows.” It was a statement, not a question. 
Arthur nodded.
“Sirius knows.”
He nodded again.
“This is real?”
Arthur smiled as he nodded this time. “As real as me standing here right now.”
“I’ll have to be ready.” Remus’ hands were shaking. “There’s so much to do.”
Coach stepped forward and placed his hand on Remus’ shoulder. “Yeah, there is. But I don’t think there’s a better man up for the job.”
“Oh my god.” Remus thought his knees were going to give way.
Arthur grinned and pushed Remus away from him lightly. “Now go talk to your boy. Not being able to tell you has been killing him.”
Remus nodded and walked away in a daze. Sirius was right where he left him, chatting to Thomas and Noelle. He smiled when he saw Remus.
“He… he wants me to join the team?”
Thomas let out a whoop. “Loops knows!”
The tent went up in cheers but Remus could only see Sirius.
“Is.. Would that be okay for you?”
Sirius frowned, pulling Remus right up against his chest. “Would that be okay? Oh my love, there’s nothing in the world that I would love more.”
Remus laughed, tears beginning to pool in his eyes. “I’m going to be on the Lions.”
Sirius kissed him, slow and filled with love. “You already are.”
“I’m going to have to train non-stop.”
“I’ll help you.”
“You’ll train over the summer?” Remus asked disbelievingly. Sirius kissed his forehead, then his nose and finally his lips. “I’ll do anything for you.”
The rest of the team then decided they had enough waiting and piled on, a massive group hug in the middle of the wedding reception, Remus right in the centre.
Two bottles of water on the bench.
“Mom, I have some news.” Remus said over the video call, his voice shaking. He could practically see his mother looking at his hand to see if there was a ring.
“It’s not that mom jeez, can you grab dad and Jules too?”
Remus waited until they were all together for him to speak again.
“So, the Lions organisation found my old tapes.” He began, “They started looking after they saw me play at family skate.”
Jules was just listening, bouncing in his seat waiting for Remus to get to the point. His mother looked concerned, but his father looked, almost knowing.
Remus swallowed, wishing he could tell them in person - he and Sirius were visiting next week but Remus needed to tell them in order for it to feel real. He was glad he was sitting on the couch at home, he needed some sense of normality.
“I’ve been asked to join the Lions.”
“I don’t understand. You already work with the Lions?”
“No mom, not as staff. I’ve been asked to join. As a player.”
Julian let out a whoop so loud Remus might have heard it without a phone. “Re, did you say yes? You had to say yes, please tell me you said yes!”
Remus laughed, nodding his head. “Of course I said yes.”
Hope promptly burst into tears and there was a definite pool forming in his dad’s eyes.
“Oh Re,” His mother breathed, “Oh my darling this is so, so wonderful.”
“No one deserves this more than you.” His dad was saying. “I am so proud.”
“Re does that mean I get to come to all of your games! Oh my god, you’ll be famous! I mean, you’re already famous, but you’ll be more famous! Re! You’ll be rich!”
Remus burst out laughing, looking around at the ridiculously large house he was in already, “I don’t think I need the money Jules.” While his mother rolled her eyes.
Julian gasped as another thought flew into his head. “Remus! I need to get your jersey!”
Sirius walked into the room, and perked up, “Oui! We need your jersey Re!”
Remus covered his face with his hands. “I don’t even have a jersey.”
“Yet.” Sirius corrected, curling up next to him and kissing his cheek. “You don’t have a jersey yet.”
Right foot first to step onto the ice.
“Es-tu prêt?” Sirius asked as they stood outside the locker room. Remus took a deep breath in.
“Ready as I’ll ever be.”
The clamour of the locker room was deafening, but Remus wouldn't have it any other way.. He nearly cried laughing when he saw that Nado and Kuny had decorated his new stall with pictures of Sirius, all copied and printed from social media with edits of Sirius shirtless and captions and endless heart-eyed emojis. He hugged Leo who was in the stall next to him and when he sat down to lace up his skates, he relished the feeling that he was part of the team. Because he was part of the team now, really and truly.
He met the new PT - Dorcas, with whom he knew he’d become fast friends. He also set about telling her all the ins and outs of working with the boys, their little superstitions, their tells when they were lying about their injuries. She just smiled and thanked him and told him to kindly fuck off and enjoy his first day, he could tell her all this another time.
The boys made a big show of letting Remus be the first out onto the ice (After you my good man) and while Remus rolled his eyes and smacked the back of a few heads playfully (Finn, Thomas and James), this was the moment he had waited for all of his life.
Right foot first, he stepped onto the ice.
Pasta and marinara before home games,
“Loops, what are you doing? I told you I would cook before your first game!”
Remus smiled and tilted his head up to kiss his boyfriend, placing both hands on his chest. “Baby, I love you, but you can cook precisely three dishes, and this isn’t one of them.”
Sirius pouted. “Your mom is teaching me.”
Remus nodded, “I know, that’s the only reason you can make those three dishes.”
Sirius shook his head smiling but he kissed Remus, nipping his bottom lip playfully.
“Are you nervous?”
“You’ll be incredible.”
“And if I’m not.”
Sirius kissed him. “If you’re not well then,” Sirius shrugged with one shoulder, “Then you try again next time. What was it a wise man once said? You always have more than one shot.”
Remus scrunched his nose. “That makes me sound like an old man.”
“A sexy old man.” Sirius commented and Remus just groaned. “Oh my god get out of here.”
Chicken and broccoli before away.
“Ha!” Sirius exclaimed when Remus walked into the kitchen and stopped short at the sight of his boyfriend cooking. “Je prépare le dîner ce soir.”
“... You don’t know how to make this one.”
Sirius put a hand to his chest in a wounded gesture. “You think I would give you food that is not good on a game day? Mon loup, how little faith you have.”
Remus felt a smile playing on his lips. “So you’ve magically learned how to cook?”
Sirius shook his head. “Non, that wouldn’t be magic, that would be a miracle. I have however, been taking lessons from your mother. Secret face-time lessons, when you’re out. I’m getting quite good.”
“You’ve been taking secret fact-time cooking lessons from my mother?”
Sirius nodded and held out a spoon for Remus to try. Remus dodged the spoon and kissed him instead. “I love you.”
Eggs morning of, pancakes after a win
“So,” Remus said, stepping into the locker room. “Who’s up for some pancakes?”
The roaring affirmative made Remus laugh before a warm weight barrelled into him.
“Hi Jules!”
Jules had taken to wearing both Remus and Sirius’ jersey at the same time to games, because he apparently couldn’t choose a favourite. He alternated between which one he wore on the outside. Today, it was Remus’, with LUPIN splashed across the back, the number 6 bold in the centre.
“Can I come get pancakes too?”
Sirius appeared behind Julian and threw him up into the air before setting him back on his feet, Jules giggling the whole time. 
“We could never get pancakes without my favourite Lupin!”
“Hey!” Remus protested, but he looked at Julian’s set of jerseys and smiled. 
“I suppose you can have two favourites.”
Finn, walking by, cupped his hands to his mouth. “Preach!”
Drag the puck around the crease twelve times.
“Hey Loops, are you coming to stretch?”
Remus smiled at James. “I’ll be over in a second Pots, I just have to do something first.”
James nodded and went to skate away before pausing. “Wait!” He looked at Remus sheepishly. “Blue?”
Remus shook his head fondly. “You’re so lucky I knew you’d ask for that.” He said ducking to grab a bottle of blue Gatorade he had taken from the kitchen for exactly this purpose. “Love you Fruit Loop!”
“Not as much as me, I hope.” Sirius commented as he stepped out onto the ice. “You coming?”
Remus shook his head. “Just gotta, you know.”
“Skate around the crease twelve times.” Sirius smirked. “I thought you weren’t superstitious.”
Remus flushed a dark red. “I’m not! But I’m not going to risk it either!” He laughed when he realised Sirius was teasing him and pushed him away lightly.
“Oh shove off, you can’t say anything.”
Sirius just continued to smirk at him as he skated backwards. “Love you too.”
Remus looked around the packed stadium as the anthem played and he pressed his star necklace to his lips. Looks like he had another tradition.
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omgbubbletea · 4 years ago
Dating George Weasley Would Include
Let’s get one thing straight, it doesn't matter what house you're in
Sure, it would be a bonus if you were in Gryffindor because that would mean he wouldn't have to sneak into your common room to be with you 
Blood status also doesn't matter to him
If he loves you, he loves all of you
The reason you and George are together is all thanks to Fred 
He had grown sick and tired of George constantly talking about you 
How pretty you were 
How nice you smelled 
How he felt butterflies every time you smiled at him 
The boy must have been in-love or something
On the other hand, Fred had found out you had feelings for George by constantly bugging you on the subject till you cracked and told him
Being the oblivious pair George and you were, neither of you had realised the others feelings 
This is when Fred decided to take matters into his own hands 
His plan consisted of locking both you and George in a janitors closet until you both confessed your feelings 
He had told you guys to meet him in this particular closet for an emergency meeting
With the two of you being so ignorant, you walked into this closet, wondering where Fred was and why he had chosen such a weird place to meet 
As soon as you guys crossed the line, that’s when Fred had locked the door 
“Fred! what are you doing? Let us out!” (you and George started to yell)
“If you guys want out, then there’s something you should get off your chest first”
You both knew instantly what he was talking about 
Fred’s plan was almost fool-proof except for the fact that both you and George had your wands and could just alohomora your way out 
Oh, wait...
Fred had known you too well and knew you both always left your wands in the dorm during free time before dinner 
“Fred this isn't funny”(George was starting to get on edge)
“Do you hear me laughing?”
The closet was small(but who said you found it a problem(; )
A couple of minutes passed 
“Look (y/n)...”(George began to say slowly)
“I- I like you”
“I like you a lot, more than a friend probably should”(was that his heart pounding in his chest George could hear?)
At that moment your head shot up to meet his gaze 
Did he just confess his feeling to you?
Did he feel the same?
Hope began to form in your heart 
“George...”(he was ready for his heart to be broken)
“I’ve felt that way since I first met you”(a smile began to break on your face)
When I tell you that that boys smile lit up the room 
Nothing more was shared at that moment except for a hungry kiss 
He had been craving your lips for awhile now 
Of-course the moment only lasted so long before Fred swung the door open
“Ew, gross guys!”
The two of you just grinned 
If you are not in Gryffindor, then your days usually consisted of sneaking into the others common room
It’s a usual thing
Cuddling on the couch 
Playing board games 
Your friends(and others in your house) are used to seeing George around 
Surprisingly, you guys have never been caught(thanks to the marauders' map)
He’s always waiting outside of the common room so you guys can walk to breakfast together
You guys always sit next to each other in the great hall
If you are in a different house, he will walk you to your common room at the end of the day and give you a kiss goodnight(which usually gets a bit heated)
Pet names
Darling and gorgeous are his most used
You can’t help but get butterflies every-time those words roll of his tongue
“Well hello gorgeous” 
Small forms of PDA
Hand holding 
Arm around your shoulder 
Arm around your waist 
Temple kisses 
Cheek kisses 
Knuckle kisses 
He LOVES it when you play with his hair and just melts into your touch 
I have a theory that the twins give the BEST hugs
Bear hugs that engulf you
Hugs from behind where he pulls you closer to him
(and he’s always so warm...like what?)
You love wearing his jumpers
Yes, they are always baggy on you
You love the smell of them though(strawberries, vanilla and a bit of a smoky hint)because it’s just like having George there
He gives you one of his jumpers to keep so you would stop stealing all his other ones
It’s your favourite item of clothing and you always wear it to bed
Your first “I love you” came out of nowhere
The two of you were in the common room studying for an upcoming test
You should have been in your bed by now but of-course this test was more important than your exhaustion
With papers strewn across the table and your hand cramping from writing, you continued with your work, although George had stopped
Suddenly, you had become aware of him gazing at you
“Can I help you?”
“It’s nothing, you’re just...so beautiful”
You couldn’t help the blush that bloomed on your cheeks
“I love you”
The phrase was just audible
You had looked up in shock unsure if you had heard right
George was yet to comprehend what he had said when it all hit him
“Oh (y/n), I’m sorry! It just sort of slipt out- I didn’t mean to say it- I mean I want to say it because I love you but not that-”
You just chuckled at his constant rambling
“George, calm down, I love you too”
“I don’t want to make you se- wait, what did you just say?”
“I love you too”(you said it gently)
“Really..?”(he didn't sound too convinced)
In gesture, you gave him a sweet kiss, melting into the moment
It seemed to calm his mind
Spending summer and Christmas at the burrow
Molly loves you 
She knits one of her famous sweaters for you for Christmas  
If you are muggle-born(or even half-blood), Arthur loves when you tell stories about muggle life 
When Ron was younger, he had a BIG crush on you 
Now when he thinks about it, he just gets embarrassed
Ginny looks up to you(and thinks you're a bad bish)
You and Ginny love to have sleepovers together and gossip about all the people in Hogwarts
You also get filled in on all her latest “love life” with Harry  
Fred is one of your best and closest friends 
He is happy that George found someone to make him happy 
You’re Fred’s wing-women(although he doesn't agree because you haven’t done the best of jobs)
You guys love to tease George together 
Although it’s mainly just Fred teasing you and George 
“Can you guys get a room?!”
It was in those moments that Fred may have regretted locking you guys in that closet 
As much as he loves you, he does get a bit tired of hearing George talk about you all-day(nothing changed since he confessed his feelings for you)  
Lee is also a close friend to you 
It was only inevitable for you guys to bond with the twins being best friends with him
Many times have the two of you tried to get back at Fred and George with a prank 
Sadly, the twins somehow always manage to know what you guys are planning 
Let’s just say they prank you guys twice as hard for trying to outdo the masters 
The twins are always playing “light” pranks on you 
From dying your hair bright pink
To slipping a small amount of love potion into your drink 
It’s always a risk being around the two of them 
They love to get you involved in their pranks 
This usually means standing guard though):
You remember this one time in potions when you were first learning about amortentia
There was a fresh batch of it at the front of the class and everyone around the room was trying to get a whiff 
“Do I even have to ask what it smells like to you darling?” 
You closed your eyes and gave a sharp inhale 
“Vanilla, candy apples and amber” (you had said it so innocently)
George’s face was painted in horror 
He was in disbelief because he KNEW he didn’t smell of amber or vanilla 
“CEDRIC?!” (the twins spoke rather loudly in unison)
“But- I- wha-”(George began to stutter on)
At that point, you couldn’t hold in your laughter any longer 
“I’m only joking!”
When I tell you how quick that boy calmed down 
“Oh thank Merlin”
That was revenge for staining your teeth blue for a whole week!
In all honesty, the pained look on George’s face when he realised you may not love him pained your heart 
On the other hand, Fred thought it was hilarious 
(If) you play quidditch for Gryffindor, then you are a chaser, otherwise, you are whatever position you got placed into 
If you are not in Gryffindor, then you are always watching the quidditch game and supporting the twins(unless it’s your house playing)
He loves to find you in the crowd 
You’re his #1 fan 
Steamy kisses after the game
If they win the game then it’s going to be a lot more than kissing(;
He has ended up in the hospital wing a couple of times because of the game
It has never been too serious but you still can’t help but worry for him 
“You know, even with a black eye and bloody face, I’m still the better-looking twin”
Fred just cracked up 
“He must still be a bit loopy from all that pain killer”
If you don’t play quidditch, then George has defiantly tried to teach you
It didn’t go too well
You ended up falling off the broom at only 1 meter off the ground
Face-planted into the grass
Ended with you having a dislocated jaw
George felt guilty for the rest of the month and wouldn't stop apologising
Meanwhile, Fred had fallen on his ass from laughing too hard
Trips to Hogsmeade
Raiding Honeydukes
Dates at the Three Broomsticks
Drinking enough butterbeer to get tipsy 
Lots of puns and dad jokes 
You were once learning how to produce a Patronus in DA when someone had just spelled a deer
You looked over at George to see him struggling a bit with the spell
And that’s when the awful pun left his mouth
“Oh deer, I just can’t seem to produce a Patronus” 
You tried to hold in your laugh 
“Shove off Weasley”
He takes you to the Yule Ball
It’s a magical night 
Full of dancing 
Screaming the lyrics to the songs playing 
Drinking fire whisky that Fred had smuggled in
Drunk snogging to the point where Snape found you guys and took 5 points off each of you 
Dancing around the common room 
Sneaking into the kitchens to steal food 
Tickle fights(I feel like George is very ticklish)
Swimming in the Black Lake on a dare 
Snowball fights in the winter 
He never fails to make you laugh
He is more of the shy, reserved twin 
Sometimes you just have to remind him that he is loved and noticed 
He will compare himself to Fred and it will never be positive 
You will reassure him and hold him for however long he needs
If what he needs is a good vent then you are ready to listen no matter what you are doing 
He is more important 
He is also more of the jealous twin 
Don’t get me wrong, he won't go all psycho boyfriend when he sees another guy talking to you 
He respects you and knows you would never leave him for someone else 
But if there is flirting going on or the guy is trying to make a move 
Let’s just say his temper won't last long 
“Hello darling”
Que passionate kiss between George and you 
“Sorry mate, she’s already taken”
You had never seen a guys face go paler 
Or seen George go so smug 
He always knows what to do when you're sad
He will listen to your every last word if you have to vent 
Or he will hold you in his arms for hours while whispering sweet nothings into your ear if all you want to do is cry it out 
By the end of it, you can't help but feel just a little bit better because of him 
He loves to hear about your day and you can’t deny that he is the best listener
He low key has separation anxiety  
He LOVES to spoon
Definitely the big spoon
Although he can’t help but love to be the little spoon sometimes 
“Hey um...Do you mind if we?...”
“You wanna be the little spoon?”
“Yes please...”
He’s smiling on the inside 
He may be a little shy in public but he’s a freak in the sheets if you know what I mean(;
He’s usually top but it drives him crazy if you switch rolls 
I feel like he’s a hair puller?
Will always make sure you’re comfortable with everything 
Super gentle at times 
But also can be rough... 
Would never do anything that would hurt you 
Lots of cuddling after 
He loves to give you flowers just to see you get all flustered
One time he stole flowers from the school grounds
Little did he know, Mcgonagall had seen the whole thing
“Mr Weasley, are those flowers from Professor Sprout’s greenhouse?”
The look on his face was a dead give away
“Funny story actually Professor...”
Let’s just say it wasn’t the funniest of stories
Braiding his longer hair 
Showers together 
Piggyback rides to class
Studying in the library with Fred(but he usually just gets bored and leaves)
He reads to you 
Basically he is perfect in every way and will love you till the end 
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natvrefairy · 4 years ago
Hi, I saw ur request rules and wondered if I could ask for a merlin X reader (romantic) and it's like really fluffy? Thx 😊
A/N: Of course! I'm so happy my first request is for Merlin, because both him and the entire show are just so iconic. I really hope you like this. :)
Something Meaningful (Merlin x Reader)
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Requested: Yes!
Reader Pronouns: They/them
Word Count: 1,529
C/W: Uther is dead. A little bit of self-doubt on Merlin's side. Occasional rant. A little bit of stream of consciousness. (Cause I'm experimenting with that technique.) Fluff!
Context: Morgana's alive and good. Mordred and the rest of the knights are also still alive, but they're not really mentioned. Arthur and Gwen are King and Queen. Arthur's allowed magic in Camelot, and they know about and accept Merlin! And LGBTQ+ is accepted! (Cause reader is they/them, and there's no angst here. ^^)
When Uther died, Camelot was a bit of a mess. Not that it wasn't before; Uther's reign wasn't a particularly cheerful one. But although he wasn't the kindest person, people still loved him, and his death simply came as a shock to everyone.
Arthur took it the hardest. But honestly, that was to be expected. When most people lose their parent, they get time to grieve, but Arthur didn't have the luxury of time. Uther died, and Arthur was thrown into power.
The first few months were the worst. Not just for Arthur, but the whole castle. But with Guinevere and Merlin by his side, he got through it. And with Arthur as King, it no longer mattered what anyone thought of his relationship with Gwen, because she was now the Queen.
But with Guinevere becoming Queen, a small issue arose. The Lady Morgana no longer had a servant.
Morgana, being as lovely as she was, truly didn't care about the loss of her maidservant. She still had her friend, and enjoyed her independence. But her brother thought it necessary, so the job was given to (Y/N).
Gaius didn't appreciate losing his other helper, but he couldn't say no to the King, so that was that.
But then, Gwen also needed a servant. And once again, the job was given to (Y/N). Merlin most definitely did not approve of his best friend's drastic increase in work load.
"I always knew you were an ass, but I didn't realise you were stupid as well." Merlin told Arthur the following morning.
Arthur's new title as King didn't change Merlin's attitude towards him in the slightest.
"Merlin, you can't address me like that."
"I did before, why is it any different now? Your highness."
"I am the King."
"Doesn't change the fact that you're an ass."
(Y/N) managed to talk Merlin down, but that didn't mean he liked the idea of them having to rush around everywhere all the time. Although, at least it was only Gwen and Morgana, who were both perfectly capable of taking care of themselves.
If it was two Arthur's, that would be an entirely different story.
That was about two years ago now. Camelot has had law changes since; such as the lifted ban on magic, allowing people to freely practise their gift, and the new acceptance of anyone identifying as other than cisgender/heterosexual.
And finally, at long last, the land of Albion was united.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Having both grown up in Ealdor, Merlin and (Y/N) were always close. (Y/N) would constantly seek out Merlin and William, the three of them soon becoming best friends. When Merlin set off to Camelot, (Y/N) tagged along to look out for him, Will staying behind with his father.
Unlike Merlin, (Y/N) didn't possess any magic. But although being completely normal, they always went out of their way to try understand what their friend was going through. They never understood Uther's hatred towards magic. Even without having any themself, they absolutely adored Merlin's gift. Witnessing him in action never failed to put (Y/N) in a state of awe.
But of course, Merlin is much more than his magic. That, (Y/N) always knew, even when he didn't believe it himself. They were always there for him, and he was always there for them. That was how it always was, and how it always will be.
Which is why it was so hard for either of them to pinpoint exactly when their feelings grew. They always cared deeply for each other, but at some point, both completely unaware, those feelings blossomed until they were both completely and utterly in love.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
The two friends were granted the evening off, and unbeknownst to (Y/N), Gwen and Morgana had something up their sleeve. Having long figured out the pair's mutual yet oblivious feelings, the women decided to take matters into their own hands.
This involved giving them the evening off, and directly telling Merlin to confess.
"I'm sure they feel the same way," Gwen encouraged, "I know it's hard, but try something meaningful. If you can't say how you feel out loud, do something special instead."
So here Merlin was, a nervous wreck as he lead (Y/N) outside of Camelot, to a small forest clearing. What if they didn't like it? What if they turned him down? Then it could lead to disaster and they won't want to be his friend anymore and everything they had built will go to waste.
"Merlin," (Y/N) grasps his hand, immediately gaining his attention, "whatever has you stressing out, it's okay. I'm here, and I always will be. We'll face it together."
Taking a deep breath, he had them close their eyes, before gently leading them in the right direction. Glancing around to make sure everything was in place, he tried his best to calm his nerves.
'You can do this,' he thought to himself, 'you can tell dragons what to do, and they listen. This should be easy.'
"Oh, right, sorry. You can open your eyes now."
Opening their eyes, (Y/N) gaped at the scene before them. A rug laid out on the grass, all their favourite snacks and fruit laid out in front of them. Glancing between the dinner and Merlin in a combination of joy and surprise, they struggled for words.
"You did all of this?"
"Well, I may have stolen some things from the kitchen, but... I hope you like it?"
(Y/N) laughed - one of Merlin's favourite sounds - and pulled him over to sit down.
"Thank you."
Just their smile was enough to calm Merlin's nerves, and everything melted away as they began to eat, telling stories and laughing. Everything between them seemed perfect.
That is, everything except for the unsaid feelings.
As they finished and the moon began to rise, they cleared up a bit before laying down to stargaze.
"Star-gazing was a good idea," (Y/N) said softly after a while, turning their head to face Merlin, "but I have to ask, what was this all for?"
"What? Aren't I allowed to just spend time with my best friend?" Merlin replied, a little too quickly.
"Of course, but that's not what I mean. You seemed really nervous earlier. I can tell when you want to say something, Merlin."
He turned his head away in embarrassment, so (Y/N) shifted their body to properly face him.
"Hey, look at me," they said, placing their hand on his cheek and tilting his head back towards them, "you know you can always tell me anything. We've been through so much together. Nothing will scare me away."
Merlin gazed into their eyes in silence for a moment, before speaking up, voice barely a whisper, "It's hard to say it out loud. Can I just show you?"
"Of course. Whatever's best for you."
Slowly, he moved one hand to rest on (Y/N)'s cheek, hesitating slightly as his gaze shifted between their captivating (E/C) eyes and plump lips. Finally, deciding it's either now or never, he leaned forward, tilting his head as he captured their lips in a tentative kiss. He felt them stiffen slightly, his heart racing as his mind flooded with unwanted thoughts. This was the end. They were going to shove him away and never speak to him again.
But then, the thing he expected least of all happened; they actually reciprocated the kiss.
Their hand moved to his hair, butterflies going wild in their stomach. They never expected him to feel the same way about them, and now they couldn't even think straight. The only thing they could concentrate on was the feeling of his lips on their own.
Eventually, the sweet moment came to an end, leaving each of them completely breathless, faces only inches apart. They gazed into each other's eyes, catching their breath while they both tried to process what just occurred.
Then, all at once Merlin freaked out and started a rant, desperately trying to explain himself. Apology after apology flooded out of his mouth, raving on and on about how much he loves them and how he probably ruined everything and should have just kept his feelings all to himself.
(Y/N) cut him off with a small kiss on his lips, leaving him staring at them in shock when they pulled away.
"I love you too, Merlin. I thought I was so obvious about it," she laughed softly, gently running her fingers through his hair. "I'm so lucky to have you in my life, and I'm glad you feel the same."
His shock vanished, and he gave that heartwarming smile of his as he wrapped his arms around them, pulling them close. "You have no idea how happy that makes me."
And so they stayed there like that, laying and enjoying each other's company in the comfort of their mutual feelings. They stayed there until they decided it was time to head back and face Gaius' concerned wrath on them staying out so late. But for once, it didn't bother them listening to his lecture, because their lives had just changed for the better.
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queerofthedagger · 4 years ago
One thing that I feel like people constantly overlook when comparing Morgana and Arthur (although I don't think we should be comparing them) is that while Uther was obviously a terrible father in general, he still treated Morgana better than Arthur. I mean, even though he refused to acknowledge Morgana as biologically his (cause he's a massive hypocrite), he was still far more openly affectionate with Morgana than he was with Arthur. I mean we see him embrace Morgana several times throughout the series while the ONLY time we see him show any kind of affection towards Arthur was when he was literally dying. Plus, let's not forget that when Morgana went missing he was willing to risk Arthur's life by sending him on constant missions to get her back. Also, S1 E4 suggests that Uther locking Arthur up when he went against him wasn't an uncommon occurrence and there are several hints that he'd done that before throughout the series. Meanwhile, with Morgana, the only time we see that happen is when she allies herself with sorcerers and while Uther is obviously obviously POS for doing it at all, it still shows how lenient he was on Morgana as compared to Arthur. Throughout the series, Arthur exhibits classic signs of an abuse survivor and I just wish that people would understand that when they start comparing the two. At the end of the day, Uther still treated Morgana better than he did Arthur and it is so obvious to me how much that hurt Arthur
Hey! I’m so sorry for how long it’s taking me to get to your asks, I’m completely swamped with work, uni-work, my acbb fic and my rbb fic and the fests I’m modding, and I wanted to put some thought into this so... It took me a while. As usual, this got rather long.
I think one thing you said is really important to start this off, and that’s how we can’t/shouldn’t compare Uther’s treatment of Morgana and Arthur because ultimately, the abuse he piled on them is very different in kind. Yes, he was much more lenient and openly affectionate towards her than he ever was towards Arthur, and especially from Arthur’s perspective, it must’ve truly hurt at times.
The thing is though, I personally think that it has a lot to do with the fact that Uther simply didn’t take Morgana seriously. She has no power—she is his ward, yes, she outranks everyone except for Uther and Arthur, but in the end, she was a woman in medieval times and her biggest hope could be that Uther would marry her off to someone she’d be able to tolerate (especially considering that whatever Arthur and Morgana seemed to think in the early seasons, Uther obviously—hopefully jfc—wouldn’t have let them marry. But even if he did, compared to Arthur she would’ve held little to no actual power.)
Uther could let Morgana defy him and say and do things he never would’ve allowed Arthur to get away with because it posed no threat whatsoever to his authority. He could roll his eyes at her and brush her off, and that was that. To him, it made no difference at all.
To illustrate what I mean—I think he didn’t let Arthur get away with this because Uther was very aware of the loyalty the knights had for Arthur, of how the people saw him. He was very aware that if Arthur had wished to, he would’ve had reasonable chances to turn important figures in court against Uther, or at least make them question Uther’s judgement—something he was never particularly fond of to begin with, not to mention that he wanted Arthur to carry on his legacy in the exact way he wanted him to. Of course, it’s debatable if Morgana couldn’t have turned people against Uther as well, from an objective standpoint, but at least in Uther’s opinion, she wouldn’t have been able to.
I personally think that Morgana was very aware of this. She didn’t grow up in Camelot from the day she was born but was raised by her father who she clearly had very fond memories of. Unlike Arthur, she had a direct comparison to Uther’s treatment of her and she had her issues with him long before she became aware of her magic. His blatant disregard for whatever she had to say, how he didn’t take her seriously and how—from her point of view—she held no power compared to, say, Arthur, is, in my opinion, maybe one of the reasons why she eventually became so obsessed with her own power later on. Whereas Arthur, constantly confronted with Uther’s power-plays and pressure, actually tries to move away from portraying this absolute kind of power, once he becomes king (This is a whole other can of worms that I’m not going to get into here, but I do think it’s kind of important to the topic.)
Now, all this is, of course, not to say that he didn’t treat Arthur horribly. He very much did so, although in a very different manner. His expectations for Arthur were absurd, the way he pressured and disregarded Arthur despisable, and you’re definitely right when you say that to Arthur, it must’ve been incredibly hurtful to see the difference with which Uther treated Morgana.
Not to mention that there’s the whole dimension of Ygraine to Uther and Arthur’s relationship; it’s quite obvious that Uther blamed Arthur at least partly for her death, and that Arthur was painfully aware of this. That Uther’s massive expectations for Arthur were tangled into this, in a sense of “You have to be worth the prize of Ygraine's life,” and that Arthur knew this too, and never thought he was successful.
With Morgana, on the other hand, you have the whole issue of Uther not acknowledging her at all, and finding out would’ve only reinforced her conviction that his “affection” for her was artificial at best—and rightly so.
Neither of them is better nor worse, though. Uther treated them differently, yes, but both were different forms of abuse, and you can’t “rank” abuse. Where what he did to Arthur was more direct and obvious, the harm he did to Morgana was more insidious and subtle. Where his expectations for Arthur were impossible to fulfil, he didn’t have any for Morgana at all.
And the worst of this? The worst is that to both Morgana and Arthur, it must’ve looked as if the other had it better. If on purpose or not, Uther not only treated them both horribly, but also successfully pitched them against each other, and I think it's really interesting how differently they dealed with it.
Because all this being said—how you were treated is never an excuse for how you treat others, and one day I'll write a post about how while Merlin and Morgana are, indeed, mirrored, so are Arthur and Morgana if in different ways.
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mca-attack21 · 4 years ago
Surprise (Part 3)
Here is the third and final part to “Surprise”. Part 1 is here, Part 2 is here, and my updated Masterlist is here.
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Snoring. You were exhausted and in pain, but apparently you were not meant to get any sleep as Arthur was snoring. You forced your eyes open and tried to remember exactly what happened, but it was all a bit of a blur. You moved your hand down to your side to try to access the damage, that however was all but impossible when you were tightly wrapped in your husband’s arms. You tried unsuccessfully to sit up, but your body was still very weak. You contemplated waking Arthur up, however you knew that if he was sleeping this deeply it meant that he hadn’t slept much. Knowing that his worry for you was the cause of this made you feel guilty and obligated to let him sleep.
That being said, you were filled with relief as Merlin entered the room. He was surprised to see you awake and subsequently found it hard to contain his laughter at the predicament that you found yourself in. 
“Help me,” you whispered with a laugh.
Merlin then helped to swap you out with a pillow. Immediately pulling you into a hug which caused you to inhale sharply and him to apologize. The two of you quietly snuck out of the room and down to Gaius’ chambers. 
“Merlin what exactly happened?” you asked as the two of you made it into the hallway. 
“What is the last thing you remember?” he asked.
“Arthur and I were riding horses, but after that it all gets a bit fuzzy.”
“The two of you went for a picnic and were attacked by Morgana’s men, they were planning to kill Arthur. Apparently you pushed him out of the way of a dagger that just so happened to be the most powerful evil weapon ever created,”
“So how am I still alive?” you asked as you neared Gaius’ chambers. 
“Your resident warlock risked his neck to destroy the dagger and save the queen. The details aren’t important, all that matters is that you are okay,” he smiled. 
As the two of you entered, Gaius pulled Merlin into his arms. 
“I was worried that you weren’t going to make it in time,” he said, “and Y/n it is such a relief to see you conscious and on your feet, how are you feeling?”
“Like I fell off a dragon and landed here,” you said, pointing to your side. 
“Ah yes, let me have a look,” Gaius replied, undoing your bandages which were nearly soaked through. “Now that the sorcery is out of the equation, I can actually treat your wounds.” He cleaned the area and applied something to it to fight inflammation and swelling. He then advised that you remain in bed until it was healed. To which you gave a hopeful glance to Merlin who placed his hand over your wound and muttered a spell.
“Thank you Merlin, can you help me with one more favor before I give you the day off?” you asked.
“Of course Y/n, what is it?”
“I would like to re-enact a picnic on the floor of my sleeping chambers. Can you get me the necessary items while I freshen up?” you asked, “Oh and Merlin,” you started.
“Yes Y/n?”
“Thank you for saving my life,” you added before making your way up the stairs. On the way up you bumped into one of your maids and asked her to assist you in changing. She was just leaving as Merlin was trying to figure out how to open the door with his arms being full. 
“Ah Merlin, perfect timing.” 
You laid a blanket on the floor and started laying out the food and drink.
“Help yourself to a plate Merlin there is more than enough here for Arthur and I here and it is well-deserved.”
He took a seat and began to make a plate for himself. You on the other hand went to the bed and pulled the Pillow away from Arthur before using it to smack him in the head. “Arthur it is a surprise that you get anything done around here with the amount of time you spend sleeping,” you laughed. 
It took him all of five seconds to go from dazed and confused to shooting up and pulling you into his arms. 
“You’re awake! How are you feeling? Do you need anything? Have you seen Gaius?” he asked refusing to let go of you.
“I am fine, thanks to Merlin. Apparently once the blade was destroyed the medicine was able to work and voila. That being said I do have some bad news,” you added, voice turning serious.
“What is it? What happened?” 
“I gave Merlin the day off and permission to eat our food,” you said struggling to keep a straight face. It was then that Arthur looked past you and saw the “picnic” and Merlin with a plate full of food. 
“Merlin!” he greeted pulling his friend up into a hug, “How did you pull this off?”
“Well you see the key is to say ‘The King has requested…’ when dealing with our kitchen staff. Then they will whip up just about anything,” Merlin joked causing both you and Arthur to laugh. 
“Seriously though Merlin, what happened when you left? Where did you find Dragoon? How did he destroy the dagger? And what did he ask for in return?
“Well he asked for two things, one that I not reveal his location to you as he knows your views waiver when it comes to magic. The second was that you continue to be the king he always knew you would become. As soon as I reached him, he used a spell that disabled the enchantment on the blade. We then traveled to a place where he knew we could find a weapon that was forged in the dragon’s breath and used that to destroy the dagger once and for all,” Merlin explained. 
“I wish I could thank him myself,” Arthur said. You reach out to squeeze his hand comfortingly.
“To Dragoon,” you said, raising your glass. 
“To Dragoon,” Arthur and Merlin agreed.
“You know who else you can thank,” you hinted to Arthur. 
“Yes, of course, thank you Y/n for saving my life.” 
You rolled your eyes. “Yes of course, your welcome, and now…”
“Y/n, I am not walking all the way down to Gaius’ chambers before I’ve even ate my breakfast,” Arthur joked. 
You rolled your eyes again.
“No in all seriousness, thank you Merlin, you risked your life to save Y/n and I will never forget it. You have always been a loyal friend and I hope one day to repay you,” Arthur spoke.
“You mean I get more than a day off?” Merlin laughed. 
“Speaking of, if you wish to redeem that day off, you better get lost before I come up with a list of things for you to do. And take some extra food to Gaius for me will you,” Arthur returned.
“Right away Sire” Merlin said sarcastically and exited the room. 
“Finally, some peace,” Arthur joked, “Oh, and the food, I am starving,” 
You laughed, “I love you, you know that?” 
“I love you too.”
Needless to say you both enjoyed your breakfast and eachother's company along with the privacy. Soon you were forced to return to your normal duties and helped Arthur get dressed for the day. There were important matters for him to attend to, especially now that Morgana was back on the radar. The fight for Camelot was far from over, and darker days were near, but you would enjoy this temporary victory.
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arrthurpendragon · 4 years ago
ICYMI!  4/10/21
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Chronicles of Narnia
Close Your Eyes by: @misshiraeth98​
Emily Rose always dreamed with her eyes closed. Her heart reaching into the depths of her conscious to bring about a bearable present. When she is mysteriously transported to a world where her dreams are now reality she begins to think she has gone mad! Little did she know this world, Narnia, would lead her to experiences and relationships that would last lifetimes. Emily thought fairy tales only existed in her books but a lion tells her the truth. A happy ending is only the beginning. CH 5 WATTPAD
Harry Potter
Blood and Bone by: @booty-boggins
After the opening of the Chamber of Secrets leads to the death of a Hogwarts student, Tom Riddle returns for his sixth year intent to keep any suspicion away from his involvement. But fellow Slytherin Maeve Rosier knows Riddle is hiding something. The problem is, Maeve has secrets of her own - dangerous secrets that the future Dark Lord wants for himself... (SLOW Riddle/OC) CH 4 FFN
Decadence by: @john-silver
Phoenix Black is torn between a bright future and a Death Eater husband, and what her heart desires—her older brother's best friend, Remus Lupin. With both of her brothers in peril, Phoenix's role in the First Wizarding War is set in stone, as the Black family hurtles headlong toward tragedies they will never recover from. Remus/OC. CH. 15 FFN
Everybody Wants to Rule the World by: @john-silver
An intelligent witch of old English magical blood and French nobility, Jolie Selwyn becomes the object of Tom Riddle's obsession, and what starts as a game becomes something much more deadly. Caught up in a terrifying world she can't escape, Jolie questions where her choices have gotten her. Tom Riddle/OC.CH 3 FFN
Come Wind Come Weather by: @whindsor
It was supposed to be a fairytale romance, a soldier and an army nurse. They were supposed to last out the war, then go home and have it all. But Hydra took away everything except for the bond between them. And while this is a love story, it is also a story about pain, and loss, and the ghosts left behind. Peace follows war, just as Summer follows Winter. Bucky/OC. CH. 62 FFN + AO3
If I Stay by: @jewelswrites-ish
Rented out to HYDRA, Maize was given the position to oversee and handle the Winter Soldier during all his missions in an attempt to ensure completion. With her inhuman ability to manipulate metal, she serves her job well until she realizes there is a way to mess with HYDRAs asset and destroy Global-1 - a secret united governmental organization tasked with finding and retrieving enhanced humans for experimentations and their own agendas. CH 2 WATTPAD
Signs of Life by: @misshiraeth98
"Did you mean what you just said?" "I always mean what I say. I may not always mean to say it out loud, but I always mean it." Amelia Nilson was trained to hack the world, but she was not prepared for the virus that would enter her heart. CH. 6 WATTPAD
Unvaliant by: @john-silver
Dulcinea Rook had been doing really well lying low, actually, until an old associate drags her into a mess she wants no part in. A woman not used to trusting anyone, suddenly Dulcinea is stuck with a traumatised super-soldier, a guy with cool metal wings, an ex-SHIELD agent and a disgraced baron. What could possibly go wrong? Bucky Barnes/OC. (TFATWS) CH 1 FFN
The Prayer by: @ocfairygodmother
Nerissa finds herself on the adventure of a lifetime when she accompanies her brother to Camelot, in hopes of a better future than as some simple farmer's wife. There she finds out that sometimes, dreams really do come true - even in the most unlikely of ways. • Arthur x OC • CH 8 FFN + WATTPAD  // CH. 9 FFN + WATTPAD
Once Upon a Time
your love (is a turning page) by: @ohhitherekatie​ +  @if-you-onlyknew​
Jefferson wakes up with a year of his life missing after Pan's curse. The town is oblivious and he is alone yet again. When he meets the town's patisserie chef and part time ballet teacher; Delilah Mason -- he feels a connection to the woman. Not to mention the ring she wears on her index finger -- a ring he stole decades earlier. How does she have his ring? Who is this woman and why has no one in town noticed that they've been cursed yet again? CH 20 AO3
Power Rangers
Aegis by: @fandompariah​
A new threat bearing a familiar name is gathering its' forces. Tommy led a force of over 100 rangers in a desperate attempt to buy time. 20 years later a new generation of Power Rangers are being assembled to defend the galaxy. This is an OC centric story, though several canon characters will appear and have prominent roles. CH 79 FFN + AO3
MARZ Rising by: @fandompariah
It's been thirty years since Ruby Rose saved Remnant from Salem and almost a decade since it was saved again. Salem is gone yet the Creatures of Grimm remain and now a new generation of Hunters are ready to begin their story... By enrolling at the Breaktide Academy of Menagerie where they'll be trained by legends including Team CFVY and Ruby Rose herself. Part 5 of the Spiral-Verse CH 5 FFN + AO3
Star Wars
Force of Nature by: @thecaillic​
Sith Acolyte Darth Viveza is sent on a mission to spy on the Queen of Naboo and keep an eye on two enemy Jedi. Her instructions were clear. Do so and nothing more. She has a hard time doing this, due to the younger of the two Jedi.
All she had to do was wait. Then she would get her chance. Killing a Jedi would take her one step closer to becoming strong enough to defeat her master. Right?  CH. 4 AO3
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troublesometrollhunters · 4 years ago
Could you please write something the Galadrigal brothers fighting over a creative human s/o? Hope you have a good day :)
You wanted to be a mage and painter in Camelot. Study magic, paint the Royal family, and learn ancient knowledge. The chances were slim but you had faith in your skills and were excited to at least try. You had travled a seasons time to learn from Merlin and Morgana, too serve King Arthur but it seems the rumors of Camelot were untrue. It was not the Kingdom of Light you'd come to expect. The Knights of the Round Table were bigots and Arthur spoke of things he didn't understand as if an expert. He acknowledged your brush skills but never once discussed magic. He planned to ban it and all who could do it. Morgana was the only sane person in the entire castle but again and again she was ignored. You were ignored.
Having expected more you decide to pack up and find somewhere else to settle. If not with your own kind perhaps the earth would take you in.
Morgana seemed saddened when you decided to leave but more than understood. She sent you off with good regards and gave you lots of scrolls to self teach. She even slipped in some new art supplies for your troubles. A kind woman riddled with darkness you wished her luck before heading to bed preparing to leave the next morning.
So early Dawn, the light barely peaking into your window you retreated away from Camelot. Past the stone walls of a kingdom you hoped to call home you trudged your way deep into the mystical woods and decided to live amongst the wild things. You could learn magic here away from all those that feared it and become closer to the earth. Your scrolls and paints would be your guide.
Settling into a routine you pick a spot and create a cottage. Next to a creek you make a well and dig a garden. After another season you have a home and crop before winter fall. A small room to call your own, a kitchen, and a latrine. Outside you'd also made a shack where you could do art and be happy.
Out here away from humans you were truly free.
It's out here in the middle of the wilderness you meet Blinky and Dictatious. Your simple cottage where you painted and did magic was about a miles hike away from a busy troll center. You had no idea you'd built so close to troll territory until a close encounter with a Gum Gum almost left you dead, yet you refused to leave your new home and tried to make peace by giving the trolls and Gunmars wandering space. You don't bother the trolls they don't bother you, at least you hoped they'd give you that courtesy.
And at first it was that way. The trolls in the area ignored you and you lived your life in bliss. Doing magic by campfire light, singing and dancing to spirits, bathing under the stars, and painting whenever you chose too.
But soon the trolls discovered your hidden talents. Maybe it was the smell of your house, or the feel of the land around were you built but they could sense magic. Ever since you came they also noticed how their crystals tasted better and the land was healthier. They soon realized the human who lived a fortnights walk from the nearest civilization was a mage.
Mages were rare and renound amongst trolls, magic being such an important part of their culture. So of course they became curious of you. Mages often lives in packs, wiccans stuck closey together so why were you alone? As the trolls got curious they began to watch you occasionally some even going as far to try and meet you.
Whenever a troll happened to meet you, you were always polite. Soon they realized you were a friend, as long as they didn't threaten or scare you, you wouldn't threaten them.
Soon enough one of curious trolls learned of your artistry as well. Trolls tend to eat paper but your work was beautiful. The trolls grew fascinated with your skills and soon you had trolls offering you priceless gems and artifacts for a portrait or help brewing a potion. Your magic and artisy began to spread fast and the trolls all wanted to become your friends. It's through these spreading rumors and excited gossip the twins heard of you.
A small human who had the ability to cast magic and draw life like portraits. A small human unafraid of trolls accepting crystals and artifacts as payment for art and mage services. A human who seemed fearless, educated, and talented.
The scholars were immediately interested. They wanted to ask you of your knowledge, perhaps even trade scrolls but the brothers were also nervous. What if you rejected them? Said no?
Finally they get the guts to approach you. You sit outside your cottage under the stars. Your alone sipping tea as a fire crackles next to you keeping away any wild animals. They approach shyly and ask if they can join.
You bring out cushioned wood chairs for them to sit in and clay cups for drink from. The fire alluminates your form and they stare at your beauty.
"What brings you here?" Your voice is so organic, so different than the deep throaty sounds a troll makes. Your so soft so delicate and yet strong in a way they'd never known. The brothers feel themsleves growing shy under your curious gaze and advert all their eyes to the flickering fire.
They glance at each other urging the other to speak. You fill their cups with tea and Blinkous finally gains ybe courage to speak.
"I am Blinkous Galadrigal. This is my brother Dictatuous. I-we..." Blinky takes a deep breath and swallows several times before becoming articulate again. "Wanted to ask of the human world. Of your books and culture. Of your experience with magic." As he babbles you sip your tea moonlight reflecting sharply from your eyes. The brothers find themselves entranced by your presence and you haven't even said a spell.
"So everything?" You question with a laugh. Your laugh is kind and full of the promise of friendship amd adventure. It's the most amazing sound they've ever heard.
"Yes." Dictatious speaks up before he blushes six eyes wide. He blinks and looks to Blinky but Blinky sips his tea unwilling to help. He sighs and recollects himself. "Well yes and no. What we mean is. We're scholars. We learn and we record. If we could we'd like to wrote about you and your talents. Perhaps we could also share and swap scrolls." The trolls shifts and you reach for the knife on your hip but he shows a satchel full of properly binded books and scrolls. The brothers are surprised by your quick reflexes and how quickly you calm down. Dictatious scoots closer once you've relaxed and shows the scrolls.
"Some I've written some my brother has." Blinky says. You seem intrugued by the scrolls and the trolls watch as your lips spread into a smile.
Your hands are gentle nimble and each piece of parchment is a treasure.
"Could you perhaps illustrate our findings? In this book?" Blinky questions. "It would be a group project if you want." You finish skimming the scrolls pages and looking up at the brothers you smile.
"It would be my honor." Dictatious and Blinkous blush seeing your bright smile and kind eyes. It would be thir honor as well.
Bonus: When they get home it's a full on brawl for who gets to ask out the mage first.
Sorry not quit what you requested but I tried a new style of writing and I kinda like it.
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maybebrilliant · 4 years ago
My ridiculous fandoms:
I know, multifandom much?!
I have a LOT, although I will post mostly AoS shit. (I don’t make things for all of these, don’t worry lmao, mostly I just spectate and sometimes reblog stuff.) Up to know I’ve put them all up in my bio, but I’ve decided only to do the top, say, three, otherwise it just gets wayyy too long. However, I’m putting it all here, so that anyone, if they feel so inclined, can see what shit I’m interested in. 
I will also be putting a bunch of my favourite quotes from the shows there, because, well, I’m a total nerd xD. 
Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
”With great responsibility comes...a ton of weird shit you are not prepared to deal with.”
“The steps you take don’t have to be big, they just need to take you in the right direction.”
“Sometimes, making a difference means being different.”
Star Trek: Discovery (sauce)
“You had me at unsanctioned mission...” 
“Deal with me, universe, while I deal with her.”
And...(though this is not a real quote, exactly) Sauce Afirma Sauce Eterna. :)
Derry Girls
“If anyone is feeling anxious, worried or maybe you just want a chat, please, please do not come crying to me.”
“We got the gist. They ran out of spuds, everyone was raging.” 
“Slainte, motherfuckers!”
Julie and the Phantoms
“Chill man, Street Dogs haven’t killed us yet.”
“I cried in a room for twenty-five years and didn’t get a single hug from either of you!”
“Oh. She said oh. That’s what you say if you get socks on your birthday, not when you’re invited to join the most epic band ever!” 
“Having a nice face and pleasant hair is not an accomplishment. Do you know what is an accomplishment? Attending university! If I were a man, I could do that, you know.”
“You would actually have to be interesting for me to bother spying on you"
“All is fair in love and war but some battles leave no victor, only a trail of broken hearts that makes us wonder if the price we pay is ever worth the fight.”
Simon Snow series
“You were the sun, and I was crashing into you.”
“Sharing a room with the person you want most is like sharing a room with an open fire. He's constantly drawing you in. And you're constantly stepping too close. And you know it's not good--that there is no good--that there's absolutely nothing that can ever come of it. But you do it anyway. And then... Well. Then you burn.”
“I'd cross every line for him. I'm in love with him. And he likes this better than fighting.”
Avatar the Last Airbender
“Life happens wherever you are, whether you make it or not.”
“My first girlfriend turned into the moon.” “That’s rough buddy.”
“Why am I so bad at being good?”
Harry Potter
“It’s leviOsa, not levioSA!” 
“I solemnly swear I am up to no good.”
“Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always in the way we expect.”
The Queen’s Gambit
"I Would Say It Is Much Easier To Play Chess Without The Burden Of An Adam's Apple."
"I'm Not Your Guardian Angel. I'm Not Here To Save You. Hell, I Can Barely Save Me."
Once Upon A Time
"That's How You Know You've Really Got A Home. 'Cause When You Leave It ...There's This Feeling You Can't Shake. You Just Miss It."
"Sometimes The Best Teacup Is Chipped."
"All Magic Comes With A Price."
The Good Place
“I’m just not a ‘new experience’ kind of guy. My comfort zone is basically like, that chair, and honestly? The arms are a little sharp.” 
“What matters isn’t if people are good or bad. What matters is, if they’re trying to be better today than they were yesterday. You asked me where my hope comes from? That’s my answer.”
“We do nothing. We hope that our early successes make up for the embarrassing mess we’ve become. Like Facebook. Or America.”
"We'll definitely be back next year. If not, it'll be because an asteroid has destroyed all human civilization. And that's canon."
“Our Captain was killed on duty tonight. Leaves behind two kids and a pregnant wife. So you’re missing a Batman DVD?”
Zoey’s Extraoridnary Playlist
“Who wants some freshly delivered, slightly cold, mediocre pizza?” 
“Songs are all just an expression of our deepest wants and desires… Joy, pain, heartbreak, yearning, forgiveness, revenge. Good music can make you feel things you can’t express in words.”
“I just found out a guy I like is engaged, and I am either going totally nuts, or I suddenly can hear people’s innermost thoughts as big musical numbers.”
The Old Gaurd
“Depends on the century.”
“You're an incurable romantic...”
Merlin (BBC)
“Merlin should take some of the credit, turns out he’s not always entirely stupid.” 
“Are you saying I’m fat?” -Arthur | “No, I’m saying the belt is one hole shy away from perfection.”
Artemis Fowl
“I am the future queen of this world, at the very least. You may refer to me as Mistress Koboi for the next five minutes. After that you may refer to me as Aaaaarrrrgh, hold your throat, die screaming, and so on.” 
“We lost the crickets,” she said. “Even you can’t make that sound tough.”
“I never tell anyone exactly how clever I am. They would be too scared.”
How To Train Your Dragon
“ Thank you for nothing, you useless reptile!”
“You just gestured to all of me.”
“Toothless, what are you doing? We need her to LIKE us!”
The Dragon Prince
“I’m just a kid. I haven’t fought in any battles. I haven’t read many books of wisdom. I haven’t gone through the things that made my father the king he was. So I’ve decided that I don’t have to be the king my father was. My father made choices to keep fighting battles that started hundreds of years before he was born. To punish enemies for crimes their parents committed! I don’t want to be that kind of king.” 
“The dragon prince is alive! And he’s really cute, by the way.”
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
“Would it save you a lot of time if I just gave up and went mad now?”  
“A towel, [The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy] says, is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have. Partly it has great practical value. You can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Santraginus V, inhaling the heady sea vapors; you can sleep under it beneath the stars which shine so redly on the desert world of Kakrafoon; use it to sail a miniraft down the slow heavy River Moth; wet it for use in hand-to-hand-combat; wrap it round your head to ward off noxious fumes or avoid the gaze of the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal (such a mind-boggingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can't see it, it can't see you); you can wave your towel in emergencies as a distress signal, and of course dry yourself off with it if it still seems to be clean enough.”
“For a moment, nothing happened. Then, after a second or so, nothing continued to happen.”
“The Answer to the Great Question... Of Life, the Universe and Everything... Is... Forty-two,' said Deep Thought, with infinite majesty and calm.”
“Ford... you're turning into a penguin. Stop it.”
sorry for the five I couldn’t choose only 3
But there you have it, my insane, ridiculous, way-too-many fandoms. For anyone who cares. ;)
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kickassfu · 4 years ago
this fic was born from the title sent to me by my beautiful friend Gwyn (@tcs-main ) for the fake summary ask game on tumblr. And now I have written a fic for it :D hope y'all enjoy!
Merthur: Teen and Up / Fae Merlin / Canon Divergence / Magic Revealed / Kissing
Also on AO3
Dance Into My Heart
There’s always been something weird about Merlin, that Arthur couldn’t quite figure out. Between the constant bouts of clumsiness, the unusual elegance he sometimes exhibited fell through the cracks, like water slipping through Arthur’s fingers.
It’s not until one night, when Arthur wakes up with the moon shining high above, with all his knights next to him, still asleep but Merlin nowhere in sight, that Arthur follows the light of a huge bonfire and comes across the most beautiful, enchanting scene he’s ever seen.
Merlin’s dancing around the fire, shimmering colors following his every move, as he jumps and twirls. Smiling all the while, as if he’s totally and completely free, butterflies flying around his head. A head that has beautiful white horns sprouting from dark hair; the realization that Arthur’s always been right, and Merlin is not as simple as he seems, takes his breath away.
In the end it doesn’t matter, for Merlin keeps on dancing a tune made for him and only him, and Arthur cannot break the moment.
His heart beats in tandem with the soundless music of the Earth.
Every turn he dances faster, jumps higher, smiles brighter, and Arthur is mesmerized, afraid to ruin the ritual if he moves as much as a muscle. So he doesn’t. Body locked tight, eyes following Merlin’s every move, Arthur just stands there like a besotted idiot.
At the vision Merlin makes, Arthur wonders why fear has not made its nest in his brain, his heart, but deep down he knows that he could never truly be scared of Merlin. He’s scared for Merlin, what it would mean if he ever got caught (by anyone else that isn’t Arthur, that doesn’t love him so deeply and wholly) but never of him.
It’s when they lock eyes, as Merlin notices he’s being watched, and his smile changes into one of familiar fondness, that Arthur can finally breathe easy when he realizes this is still his Merlin.
Nothing’s changed, and this changes nothing.
Merlin does not falter in his movements, though they become more intricate as if he’s showing himself off to Arthur, dancing for him and only him. When Arthur is about to sit down to better enjoy the spectacle - and to hide how his legs are shaking with effort from forcing himself not to stride towards Merlin and take him into his arms, to kiss his breath away - Merlin is right there in front of him, taking Arthur’s hands in his and pulling him in.
Not for a kiss, as he wished it so, but to dance with him.
Truth be told Arthur is not a bad dancer, he’s used to the feasts and has learned since young to do the most important social dances, to not make a fool of himself in front of kings and princesses alike. What Arthur doesn’t know how to do is dance freely, like Merlin is doing so - to pull your heart along with your body, to be in the moment and have fun.
Merlin makes it look so easy.
For once in his life Arthur does not overthink it, does not wonder if it’s proper or not to ridicule himself so in front of another - because this is Merlin, and Arthur would follow him anywhere. And so he does.
It takes almost no time at all for them to be a giggling mess in each other’s arms, falling to the soft ground, Merlin on top of him smiling brightly, “Hello there, didn’t expect to see you here.”
Arthur’s breath stutters in his chest, and it’s not from Merlin’s weight on him, not at all. It’s because of the quiet moment they’re sharing, with the stars shining above them, Merlin looking otherworldly and beautiful; for a brief second Arthur’s scared he might be stolen away in the night. Never to be seen again, and his heart aches from the imagined loss.
“You’re beautiful,” is all he manages to say instead. Everything else far too heavy to be spoken aloud.
“Not as beautiful as you,” Merlin whispers, his face getting closer and closer to Arthur’s, probably as scared as Arthur of breaking the moment. Of having to go back to the real world, where things are not as simple, and twice as deadly. With that in mind Arthur closes the distance, kissing Merlin, finally, finally, f i n a l l y.
It’s everything he’s ever wanted and more. To have Merlin in his arms, so open and freely. To know this is Merlin laid bare, no secrets between them. And honestly, Arthur is not even a bit put off by the horns, or the magic, it is actually quite lovely and endearing, to be able to love someone so fully without pretense.
He doesn’t even notice his hands drifting towards Merlin’s horns, holding onto them as they kiss, until Merlin breaks their lips apart, smirking at him with an eyebrow raised, “Glad to see you like them so much. Do feel free to grab them as hard as you want, they’re sturdy.”
“Oh, I will, don’t worry,” Arthur says breathlessly, not feeling even a bit ashamed by how much he yearns for everything that Merlin is.
By the way that Merlin brilliantly smiles at him in answer, rutting against him slowly, Arthur knows he’s pleased by his pure honesty. As wonderful as the moment is, and as much as Arthur does not want to ruin it, the questions are piling up,
“You do know that we’ll need to talk-” Arthur starts, only to be interrupted by Merlin kissing him deeply enough to break his brain for a few seconds. Only managing to stare up at Merlin in complete adoration when they separate.
“Later. I promise, Arthur. I will tell you anything you ask, but for now let us enjoy the quiet.”
Arthur would give him everything he asks for, truly. So he shuts up, and pulls Merlin down for another kiss.
There will be time tomorrow, for now they’ll have this. Each other, for a while longer, in peace.
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lupins-sweater · 5 years ago
I’m Sorry
(Percy Weasley x Reader)
Summary: Percy wants to have a second chance after the war. Do you?
Warnings: verrrry angsty, first time writing angst, so it kinda sucks
I’m going to try something a little different and do some angst
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You weren’t quite sure when he changed, but one day you looked up, and he was a completely different person. Sure he could be a little intense. But he wasn’t a prick. Once he finished prefect duty, he would bring you treats from the kitchen and a kiss goodnight. Sometimes you could even talk the avid rule follower to bend some rules because he wanted to make you happy. As simple as that. If you were caught out past curfew or skipping a class, Percy would let it slide (although you would get the “I love you, but there’s going to be a time when I can’t cover for you.”
You enjoyed gifting him the fanciest quills and the biggest pumpkin pasties every time he accomplished something. You were so proud of him; calling Percy Weasley your boyfriend gave you joy. Under that hard exterior was someone who was very loving and gentle. Or at least you thought.
After you had graduated Hogwarts, you and Percy moved into a small flat in Diagon Alley. Even though it was rather small, it was home to you. You quickly decorated the shared abode with squishy arm chairs and a couch. The flat was fairly clean and a wonderful home to transition from school.
Percy proposed not too long after the announcement of receiving the position at the Ministry. He claimed the money would help significantly with the wedding cost and maybe with starting a family. But you both weren’t expecting to bring children into your life for another couple of years; you agreed you were too young, and you wanted to focus on your careers first. You were training to become a healer, and Percy wanted a stable job that wasn’t an assistant.
At first you thought he was just tired or stressed from working with Crouch. I mean who wouldn’t, right? He would come home and not be in the mood to talk. Even on his days off, he was working on assignments and didn’t want to be disturbed. It was like he didn’t have time for cuddle night anymore. You hoped this was just a rough spot in your relationship; every couple goes through them. But as the bad days turned into bad weeks and into bad months, you grew out of sync with your partner. Every time you tried to discuss his sudden change of behavior, it was always, “ Not now, Y/N. I’m busy,” or “Maybe tomorrow.”
You turned to his family for guidance after a month and a half of being ignored. The twins said it was just normal Percy behavior. He probably was upset about cauldron thickness again. But Molly and Arthur could tell something was wrong. You briefly explained the situation, and they knew just as much as you did. Percy apparated to his childhood home after he noticed you weren’t at the flat, a scowl on his face. Anger brewed at the surface.
So here you were. At the burrow watching the fight between you fiancé and his father unfold. You stood behind the doorframe leading into the living room.
“Percy, what’s going on? Y/N came over here and told us you’ve been distant,” Arthur inquired, concerned for his son’s future marriage.
“Our relationship is none of your business!” Percy shouted.
Molly rushed into the room furious. “Don’t talk to your father like that! He’s trying to help you!”
“Well it doesn’t help he’s not the best role model.”
You entered the room with watery eyes. “Percy, please stop. I just want to know what’s bothering you.”
He looks at you and struggles to find the right words. “You know what’s wrong? The fact that I have to deal with a lousy reputation at the Ministry because my father’s strange obsession with muggles! I’m being poked fun at all the time! I’m told I’m just going to end up like you,” he pointed to Arthur. “A person with little to no ambition. You want to stay in your low paying job dealing with muggles. That’s the reason why we’re so poor! Don’t you feel feel awful that your children can’t afford robes for school?” Percy’s voice crescendoed into a scream. His words could be heard throughout the house.
You and your future parent in-laws stood there in shock. This wasn’t like Percy at all.
“How long? How long have you been feeling like this?” you asked barely above a whisper.
“I’ve been made fun of because I’m a Weasley in school, but I thought I would prove myself once I got out. But once I started working at the Ministry, I was met with the same comments I heard before I graduated. I don’t want my future family to have the same experience.”
“I- I’m sorry my job has affected you like that,” Arthur apologized, “I had no idea.”
Molly put a hand on her husband’s arm. “Percival Ignatius Weasley. You do NOT talk to your father that way. He has been working hard your entire life and longer to provide for this family! And he’s doing what he loves despite all the jeers he gets from his coworkers. I would say he’s ambitious.”
“It’s not just that, Mum. Crouch and others high up have been telling me Dumbledore is making up You-Know-Who is back to make the Ministry look bad. And you’ve been helping him spread this rumor! They’re starting to question my loyalty!” Percy was upset again.
“But they should listen to Dumbledore. Harry is warning us, and if we don’t do anything now, it will be too late. We can’t wait for the Ministry to sound the alarm after the death eaters start terrorizing again,” his father defended himself.
“We can’t ‘sound the alarms’ just because he believes every word Potter says! His claim is rubbish. There’s no evidence!”
“Why would they not believe Harry? He can hear Voldemort talking to him; he has visions, Perce,” you interjected.
He stormed over to you and grabbed your hand. Before he apparated you back to the flat, he turned to his parents and his face softened. “Please stop associating with Dumbledore. I can’t be around people who are against the Ministry.”
“You know we can’t do that,” Arthur said in an apologetic tone. He crosses his arms and shook his head.
You made it home, Percy still holding your hand. The floorboards were more interesting than your teary eyes. You finally cleared your throat and tried to find a place to start. “I think...you were a little harsh on your father.” you said choosing your words carefully.
“But he’s put me through so much. I can’t take the way people judge me based on my father’s choices.”
“Perce, he hasn’t done anything wrong. It’s just the way people view muggles. They’re obsessed with how pure their blood is, and condemn Arthur for being passionate about non magical people just because he’s “pure blood.””
“But he could have chosen any other job! He could have been in a higher office, but he chose this!”
“I mean this in the beat way possible, so you can hopefully change your mindset. You’re being disgusting and selfish. It’s not like you to be concerned with someone’s blood status,” you put your hands on his arms and shook him lightly.
He scoffed and tore himself from your grasp. “Disgusting? Selfish? In the best way possible? If I didn’t know any better, I’d assume you’ve been spending too much time with my parents. Oh. And why did you go to them and talk about our relationship?”
You flinched at the harshness in his voice. “I’m sorry. I should have used better words, but I hate thinking you dislike your father because some of your coworkers think they’re better than them. And I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have told your parents about our problems, but I didn’t know who else to go to?”
Percy took off into the bedroom and paced in front of the bed. “Maybe your fiancé?”
You threw your arms up in frustration. “Percy, I tried! Every time I wanted to talk about what’s bothering you, you always brushed me off. If you won’t talk about it, who will?”
“Do you really believe in what Dumbledore is saying? About You-Know-Who?” He asks, changing the subject.
“Of course. Why would he try to make the Ministry look bad?”
Percy pulled a trunk out from the closet and started to fill it with clothes. “Percy! Wh-what are doing?”
“I can’t let anyone know my fiancée supports Dumbledore. I think we need a break.”
A sob escaped your lips as you realised he was leaving you. “Please. Can I do anything to make you stay? I don’t want you to leave,” you begged.
He locked the trunk and walked toward the door. Percy stopped in front of you with a pained look on his face. His voice sounded like he was trying not to cry, “Come find me when you’ve stopped being around Dumbledore’s supporters. They’re bad influences.” And he left.
You couldn’t afford the rent of the small flat, so you sent a letter to the Weasleys asking for a place to stay. They kindly let you take Percy’s old room where you spent most of your nights crying. Wondering why your fiancé left you. Wasn’t he the guy all those years ago who helped carry your books to class? Didn’t he get down on one knee and promise he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you? It didn’t make sense why he would sever his ties with his family.
Molly tried to go talk some sense into him and tell him you missed him, but he shut the door as soon as she opened her mouth to speak. Not long after that his Christmas sweaters arrived by owl without a letter explaining why he sent them back.
Everyone was upset by his actions. You constantly had to reassure his parents it wasn’t their fault. Arthur’s job isn’t something he should be ashamed of; pure blood families are obsessed with their status, and will bully everyone who doesn’t share the same values and beliefs. Molly didn’t do anything wrong; she was standing up for her husband which she’s done hundreds of times. The red head family also helped you process your break in the relationship. They were always there to distract yourself or give you much needed advice.
The days blurred together as you started to work long shifts at St. Mungo’s as a healer, finally completing your training. A lot happened in the following months: Hogwarts was back in session, Arthur was injured, the war was about to start, and you and Ron received letters from Percy. Nothing good came from the neat scrawl on the fancy parchment. Ron was told to stop hanging out with Harry as “he’s a bad influence,” and your engagement was called off since it’s been months since you’ve talked.
You agreed with him on that point. What’s the use of being engaged to a man that doesn’t want to be associated with your views? You distracted yourself from the pain by preparing for the battle at Hogwarts with The Order. You taught everyone basic healing spells and what to do in certain medical emergencies.
The night before the battle you were sitting on your bed, knees pulled into your chest, as you contemplated the danger of what’s to come. You couldn’t sleep, too anxious for tomorrow. Everyone went to their rooms for the night no doubt in the same position you were in. A knock at the window startled you. You whipped your head to see a large owl holding a letter addressed to you in its claws.
You got up from you bed and open the window. You recognised the neat, loopy writing immediately. Percy. You didn’t exactly want to read what was inside; he already said he didn’t want to marry you anymore. What else does he want to tell you?
You reluctantly tore the letter open and began to read.
I am so sorry. You didn’t deserve the way I treated you. I shouldn’t have left you because those at the Ministry wouldn’t approve of your views. It was wrong of me to let my coworkers cloud my views of my family, the love of my life, and my father. Although it’s not an excuse for my behavior, I snapped after hearing people talk poorly of my loved ones constantly at school and work. I can’t believe I let it get the better of me. I plan to talk to my family tomorrow before the war. I want to talk to them before anything happens. I don’t know what I’ll do if I won’t get to fight by their side. Merlin, Y/N, I still love you. I miss you so much, and I know I’ve hurt you. If you’d like, here’s the address to come see me. It’s understandable if you don’t want to.
Sincerely and with love, Percy
You read the letter over and over not quite sure if you were happy or not. He’s said some awful things to you and his family, and you weren’t sure if you were ready to forget that. And he still loved you. Gosh you loved him too, but you didn’t want to become engaged again. You still had a lot to think about.
You decided you were going to see him after all. Who knows, this could be your last night alive. You wrote a quick note to the Weasleys explaining where you were going and left the letter there for them to read.
The flat in London was fairly nice. It no doubt cost a pretty galleon. You walked up the steps to the brass knocker on the door that read “112 A” and knocked. The door opened less than a minute later, and a shocked red head stood before you.
“Y/N. You actually showed up,” he breathed and motioned for you to enter the flat. 
You stepped through the doorway to find a well lit apartment; beautiful yet simple furniture was placed throughout the room. 
“Looks nice in here,” you complimented, not sure where to start.  
“Thanks. It’s not the homely as our home on Diagon Alley.” He cleared his throat. “I heard you’re living with the rest of my family. At the Burrow I mean.”
“Yeah. I couldn’t keep up with the rent.”
Percy looked at you with a look that showed he felt awful for letting that happen. 
“I understand why you felt like you had to prove you were loyal to the Ministry, but cutting off your family? Calling off your engagement?! Percy I loved you!” You were now sobbing in front of the man who was your fiance. He really wants to pull you in for a hug, but he knew you were furious. 
“I loved you, too. It was wrong and disgusting of me to disown my family. I still love you. If you don’t want to be with me anymore, that’s fine.”
You wiped your tears and waited until you could speak again without sobbing again. “I want to be with you again, too. But I’m not sure if that’s the best idea, Perce. It’s been months since we’ve spoken. And you said some pretty awful things.”
Percy looked away and tried not to cry. He messed up big time, and there’s nothing he can do to reverse the damage. 
“I know,” he whispered. 
“I’m going to need time to rethink everything.”
He nodded as a response, looking down at his feet. You walked up to him and hugged him tightly. He wrapped his arms around you and buried his face in your hair. 
“Can you please stay the night? I just need someone to hold before tomorrow.”
You nodded a yes as you wished for the same thing. You needed comfort, and this took you back to a time where all you had to worry about was a potions test. Who knew what tomorrow could bring?
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allykakamatsu · 4 years ago
FE SS X DRV3 General plot
Once again, I’m back on my bulls**t. Got the basics for the AU sorted now so let’s take a look, as well as what most of the characters are doing
Plot Outline:
As I mentioned in the first post https://allykakamatsu.tumblr.com/post/649470604067717120/fe-ss-x-drv3 the reason the class is in Magvel in the first place is because Monokuma decided that trapping them in the game was gonna be the motive, where you either have to end the war/beat the game or kill someone from the real world in order to get out. The characters got sent to various points in the timeline, and as you can imagine, this changed quite a lot.
Shuichi Saihara:
•The last one to wake up, aka got sent to when the game starts rather than some time before like the others.
•Ends up unintentionally becoming Eirika’s bodyguard as they run into each other while the Princess is trying to get to Frelia and Seth has gone missing dun dun dun
•Sticks around as Eirika knows where Kaede is and because he doesn’t want to leave her on her own.
•Can use magic, but still needs to work on his aim. Aka, never let him fight an enemy that’s near a tree.
•Still better than when he uses a Lance, he just stabs wildly and hope it works
•Because he doesn’t get the pre-war time everyone else had to get ready, he does get the advantage of remembering other things, though they’re things he’d rather not remember.
Kaede Akamatsu:
•Was sent to Renais and ended up getting adopted by the royals, so she’s the Twin’s step-sister.
•Despite her accidental new status, doesn’t change too much, and enjoys her time with her new family even if she’s always scarred about when the war will start
•As such, she’s also very overprotective and always goes with Ephriam to his dumb stunts, under the guise of being all for it.
•Very over dramatic organ player.
•Like Eirika she’s good with swords, but tends to specialise in staffs.
•Is part of Ephriams four (well now five) man army trying to take Grado down.
Maki Harukawa:
•Woke up in Jehana but didn’t stick around for long due to not liking the heat.
•Ended up travelling with Tenko for a while as travelling mercenaries, but when Maki’s work started leaning on the assassin side again she left so the Aikido Master wouldn’t get involved.
•After that becomes an assassin for hire, and she works for people all over the continent, including with Rausten which (unfortunately) led to her seeing Kokichi again
•”If it wasn’t for the fact your Princess hired me I’d kill you”
•Eventually after several jobs making her infamous, she was hired by Kirumi to help protect Eirika.
•Agreed, and was extra motivated due to Shuichi being dragged into this.
Himiko Yumeno:
•One of only two who was over the moon to be sent to Magvel, because now she has real MAGIC
•Winds up in Lute and Arthur’s village, where she joins their friend group to become master Mages.
•Constantly getting on Lute’s nerves for napping during practice.
•More energetic than usual, but that just means when she’s out she’s out for the count.
•Specialises in thunder magic, but that’s mostly not to steal Lute’s thunder, well, fire in this case.
•Goes with Arthur to get help when the village is attacked by monsters to “make sure they don’t claw him to death”
Angie Yonaga:
•Ends up becoming a priestess in Grado.
•Doesn’t really like spreading the word of non-Atua figures, but sticks around because Atua said so.
•Also leads to her becoming friends with Natasha and also ‘friends’ with Cormag
•Was already growing weary of the Empire when she heard about the war, but when Natasha was branded a traitor she knew something was up and went after her.
•Still always smiling, which depending on the person is a relief to see someone keeping their hopes up, or disturbing cause “does she ever not smile?”
•Mostly a light magic user, but can heal and not afraid to staff bonk.
Kirumi Tojo:
•Was sent to Frelia and became a servant at the castle very fast.
•Joined the staff only a few days before ‘The Frelian Tragedy’ where the crown Prince was kidnapped and presumed dead.
•Because of this and the King being so busy, Kirumi ended up being the one to console the young Princess Tana.
•Ended up becoming a mother/big sister figure and was offered a change of position as the nanny. Ended up taking it and staying on maid duty, and eventually rose to head maid.
•More open with her emotions, but still quite reserved.
•Can use all weapons well, but prefers spears and staffs.
Kokichi Oma:
•Not known where or when he first arrived, but after 3 years ended up in Rausten.
•Wound up as part of L’Arachel’s entourage due to his battle skills and her liking his attitude.
•Dream tam for each other, nightmare for everyone else.
•Was rumoured to be part of the Frelian Tragedy, but no one can prove it or knows how.
•With L’Arachel for most of the war, but ran off for a bit to drag Renac back
•A full blown trickster class, so swords and staffs for him.
•Since Robots don’t exist, he’s a dragon now.
•Excited that he’s living and breathing, but scarred because “How did I change species?!”
•Eventually finds Myrrh and she thankfully sets things straight.
•Proud of his new species, but does miss his old life.
•When Selena steals her dragon stone, he tries to get it back, only to get caught in some trees while in dragon form.
•After that accompanies her on Ephriam and Kaede’s path to get the stone back.
Rantaro Amami:
•A former wyvern rider turned pegasus knight
•Yes, somehow he got a pegasus to trust him enough to let him ride, to the confusion of everyone else.
•Was with Grado for a while, but jumped ship to Jehana about three years before the war.
•When he learned that the Queen’s son had run away, his big brother instincts kicked in and he volunteered to find him.
•His search eventually led to Carcino where he found Joshua alone with the rest of Eirika’s party.
•Agreed to tag along so he could keep an eye on the gambling Prince and so he could help out Shuichi.
•Good with lances, but way better with flying.
Miu Iruma:
•A wyvern rider from Grado, though an unconventional one (I mean, it’s Miu)
•She and Rantaro were part of the same squad, but she stayed unlike him.
•Good at making all her allies lives a living hell with her antics (RIP Cormag) but she’s kept around due to her skill
•Saw Valter kill Glenn, but while trying to tell Cormag, got sidetracked by seeing Selena try to take Kiibo’s dragonstone, which made her go “F**k it”, swear the Flurspar out, and switched sides to team Ephriam.
•The only wyvern who uses an axe. Everyone calls her crazy for it but hey, whatever works.
Tenko Chabishira:
•Was in Renais at first, but after being ditched by Maki she went to Jehana due to her unsurprisingly wanting to be in the nation lead by a queen rather than a king like the rest.
•Ends up bumping into Marisa on a job, and once it’s over she convinces Tenko to join the Mercenaries.
•Loves Tethys and Marisa, so she stays no matter what, but she does eventually get some respect for Gherik.
•Doesn’t stop her from thinking somethings up with Kiyo and the new recruit who won’t take his mask off.
•Would’ve joined up with team Eirika either way since everyone else agreed, Himiko being there just made her a lot more aggressive with it.
•Axes all the way baby!
Korekiyo Shinguji:
•Wound up in Caer Pelyn, which royally confused everyone, but they kinda just rolled with it.
•Stayed due to his interest in the village, but when he was about to leave Ewan stopped by, and after a misunderstanding about why he wanted to leave Kiyo gets dragged into the mercenaries.
•At first only stayed due to wanting to send his sister more ‘friends’, but after seeing Tethys and Ewan act like how siblings are supposed to act, he realised how badly he screwed up, so he ends up sticking around to find out what real siblings are meant to do.
•Gladly joins up with team Eirika once they show up not only to stay with his allies, but also to get some more ‘sibling role models’
•Good with dark magic and staffs, but is in the summoner class..... be very afraid.
Kaito Momota:
•Woke up in Carcino, but after realising the guys in charge were assholes, he left and started travelling all over as a mercenary.
•After seeing Ephriam and Kaede storm a castle with 5 people total and win, he got the bright idea to become a masked hero busting innocents Grado captured out of jail and just generally be a thorn in their side.
•Formed a bit of a partnership with Kokichi because of this cause hey, where else in Magvel are you going to get smoke bombs.
•Eventually met Lyon, and after they explained what was going on to him, Kaito decided to risk it all on them as he let himself get caught to help bust Knoll out of jail, which worked, albeit with a lot of extra help from team Ephriam.
•All and all, more or less the same, just in WAY over his head.
•Of course he’s in the Hero class, so that means swords and axes.
Tsumugi Shirogane:
•The only one who’s played the game before, and easily the most excited, especially as she ended up in Grado and to be more specific as Lyon’s adopted sister.
•Thought she could get everything she wanted due to this being a game, but ended up having a bit of an existential crisis when the world turns out to be harder to manipulate and more real then she thought.
•Not wanting to accept that fiction can be real to, decided to take the demon kings power that wasn’t in Lyon (this was before the stone was shattered so that means most of it) to try get control back.
•This, of course, backfires, as while her already wanting to cause chaos/drama meant she kept her sense of self for longer, her lie eventually crashed in as once Shuichi got her to accept that fiction can be real she got completely possessed.
•Has the same class as Lyon, though she’s less tanky in exchange for being faster, worth it when you’re dealing with dark tomes.
Well, that’s everything for now. Hope you enjoy!
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mca-attack21 · 4 years ago
The Beginning of Something
This imagine is based super loosely off of Season 5, Episode 8. It can be read as a stand alone, but will definitely be continued with at least five more parts as I rewrite the ending of the show. That being said, get ready for the rollercoaster of emotions that is Merlin. Also, you can find more of my writing: Here.
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Tensions had been high with Arthur as he was struggling with a decision. He had come to find out that another ruler, Sarrum, had similar aims when it came to Morgana. As much as he hated it, he knew that there could never truly be peace in Camelot, or even in Albion for that matter until she was stopped. Sarrum was known for his boundless cruelty and double-crossing nature, but Arthur was becoming desperate and you know what they say about desparate times...
As Arthur was working through this troubling decision, he took it out on the one person unlucky enough to almost always be at his side. So when Gaius told Merlin that he needed him to go get some herbs and plants, Merlin was out the door glad for an excuse to escape the castle before he killed Arthur himself and ended his destiny once and for all. He understood that Arthur was under a lot of pressure, but he didn’t have to be such a clotpole about it.
Merlin was out looking for the last of Gaius’ herbs when a young dark-haired boy all but ran into him. 
“Woah, who are you? And what are you doing out here by yourself?”
“My name is Daegal. I have been sent by the druids to find you, my sister is dying,” the boy spoke showing Merlin his mark. 
“How did you know where to find me?” 
“I could sense your presence.”
“Where is your sister?” Merlin asked.
“She is at camp just shy of the Valley of the Fallen Kings. Please, you have to hurry, she does not stand to survive past the night.”
“What exactly is wrong with her?”
“She has a terrible fever and it is something beyond our magic. Please, Merlin, you are our only hope.”
Merlin was conflicted as he knew that this was risky. He also knew that Arthur would need him by his side in order to get through the meeting with Sarrum the following day. But he couldn’t stand by and let an innocent girl die when there was a possibility that he could help. 
“We need to leave at once, I need to be back in Camelot by nightfall,” Merlin spoke. 
“Of course, thank you.”
“I can’t make any promises to save your sister, but I will do everything in my power. The druids have helped me before, they are a welcomed ally,” Merlin replied as he packed up his belongings.
The two of them walked on, spending the rest of the morning and the better part of the afternoon making their way to the place where Daegal said the druids were camped. It was as they neared the camp that Merlin heard bandits approaching and reached out to Daegal with his mind to warn him. The boy carried on as if he hadn’t heard Merlin and Merlin was forced to all but tackled him so that they were not found out.
“Did you not hear me?” Merlin asked.
“No?” Daegel replied looking at Merlin as if he were crazy, “Come on, it isn’t much further.”
Merlin brushed off an uneasy feeling that was staring to form and followed Daegel. They reached the clearing, and Merlin tossed his bag down before turning back. “There is no one here,” he stated the obvious.
Daegel opened his mouth as if to say something but could not find words. He was beginning to wonder what his choice in bringing Merlin here would mean.
“Why have you brought me here? What is this?” Merlin interrogated sternly.
“I can explain,” the boy said fearfully.
“You are not even a druid,” Merlin realized lifting up Daegel’s sleeve to confirm. 
“She told me to bring you here,” Daegel tried to explain. 
Before Merlin could confirm that the ‘she’ Daegel mentioned was indeed Morgana he was thrown back and knocked unconscious. 
“Why are you doing this?” Daegel asked. 
“Because, Merlin has meddled in my plans one too many times. I only wish I could see his face as Arthur meets his demise at my hand,” Morgana revealed as she poured a dark liquid down his throat and pushed him over the ledge. 
“Are you really going to kill the king?” 
“Bite your tongue. You have done your part here and you would be wise to forget it. Here is the antidote your sister requires, now get lost.”
And with that Morgana left to set the rest of her plan in action. Daegel took one last look at Merlin before leaving to return to his family. 
Back in Camelot:
“Gaius, you said Merlin would be back by lunch and now it is past dinner. Where is he?” Arthur asked clearly frustrated.
“I truly do not know Sire, but I am beginning to become worried.”
“Where did you send him?” 
“I sent him out just beyond the creek. It should have taken him 4 hours at the most there and back,” Gaius explained worry evident on his face.
Picking up on this, Arthur’s expression softened, “I am sure that he is fine Gaius, probably just taking advantage of the break from me. If he does not turn up tomorrow I will send out a search party for him.” 
“I hope you’re right,” Gaius said as Arthur took his leave. 
Meanwhile with Merlin:
The first time he regained consciousness, Merlin struggled to breathe through the pain he was in. He attempted to use his magic to try to heal himself, but he was too weak. The exertion proved too much for him and everything around him faded to nothing.
The next time he awoke, he was both disoriented and confused. He had clearly been found by someone as a cool rag now rested on his brow and his wounds had been treated. He had been laid near a fire, food and water were both in his reach.
He peered around for any indication of who had helped him, and realized that he recognized where he was. He had been brought back towards Camelot. Before he could deduce anything else he heard someone approaching. He forced himself to sit up, which was a task in itself. He then try to mentally prepare for whatever was coming.
But instead of bandits, Morgana’s men, dangerous creatures, or anything else that could be considered threatening, it was just you. Merlin was surprised to say the least. Not that he had really thought about it, but the idea of someone who appeared around his age who had helped him... as he looked at you, he felt safe and connected to you in some way. It was as if he had known you his entire life, and he didn’t even know your name.
“Ah, take it easy, I mean you no harm. I come baring fish,” you smiled at him.
“Are you the one who did all of this?” he asked gesturing to his bandages and the water/food.
“I am, usually you would’ve been healed by now, but the poison that Morgana used in combination with her magic was a force to be reckoned with.”
“Who are you?”
“A friend. Some know me by Phúlax, but you can call me Y/n,” you said before turning away to use your magic to cook the fish and offering it to him. 
“You have magic?” Merlin asked in awe.
“Yes, I was born with it,” you answered offering him one of the fish, “You need to eat, and then rest, you have been unconscious for over a day and we are still about an hour from the castle. Morgana and the queen intend to kill the King tomorrow and bring a great war to Camelot.”
“How do you know that?” Merlin asked.
“I know a lot of things Merlin. I promise I will answer all of your questions in time, but for now I just need you to trust me,” you answered.
“I guess I don’t really have a choice,” he joked.
“You do, Merlin, you always have a choice,” you spoke voice turned serious for a moment before you snapped out of it, “I am sorry, I am just tired, you aren’t the easiest person to keep alive,” you replied light-heartedly.
“If you think I’m bad you should try being the manservant of the king,” Merlin joked which caused you to laugh.
“Is he really that bad?”
“He can be a prat at times,” Merlin paused, “But at the end of the day, he is one of the best men I have ever met. He is fiercely loyal, believes in equality and justice, valor and honor. Camelot is lucky to have him. And it is an honor to serve him,” Merlin reflects.
“He is lucky to have such a loyal friend,” you add before taking his plate from him, “Get some rest.”
“Y/n,” he called as you began to walk away.
“Yes, Merlin?”
“Thank you.”
“Your welcome,” you smiled, turning your back once again. 
You cleared away everything and packed up your bags before walking over and covering Merlin with a blanket. You layed across from him and just watched as he slept peacefully. He had been so close to death, and to see him now you wouldn’t even know it. You were glad that he was alright. Eventually, you too drifted off to sleep.
Back in Camelot:
“I’m sorry to bother you Sire, but I wanted to inform you that Merlin has still not returned. I fear something terrible may have happened,” Gaius spoke after having been let in to Arthur’s chambers.
“I will send out a search party,” Arthur spoke growing concerned about his friend.
“What is this?” Gwen asked walking over.
“Merlin still has not returned, so I am sending some of the knights out to search for him,” Arthur explained.
“Oh dear, I knew I should’ve said something. Arthur I feel terrible, but he made me promise not to tell anyone. I know where Merlin is,” she returned.
“Where?” Gaius asked.
“He has gone to visit someone. He isn’t in any danger. He’s just seeing a girl,” Gwen explained.
“Merlin?” Arthur laughed in suprise.
“There isn’t any reason to worry, I promise,” Gwen smiled.
“Except for the poor girl,” Arthur joked.
“Thank you your highness, you’ve put a worried mind at rest,” Gaius bowed before exiting the chambers.
“Now then, it is time to begin preparing for the signing ceremony,” Arthur said relieved.
Meanwhile with Merlin:
“Merlin,” you spoke softly as you shook him slightly.
“It is time to get up, we must head for Camelot,” you reminded. 
He groaned before sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
“Here, have some breakfast. I’m going to refill the water canisters and then we can be on our way,” you smiled handing him an apple and some bread. 
When you returned you were pleasantly surprised to see that Merlin was packed and on his feet ready to go. The two of you started on the path in a comfortable silence before Merlin’s curiosity got the better of him. 
“Tell me about yourself,” he suggested.
“Okay, what do you want to know?”
“Everything. I mean where are you from? Why are you here? How did you discover you had magic?” 
“Slow down Merlin,” you laugh, “I was born in camelot. When I was very young my mother was discovered healing a child who was meant to die. The king found out and…” your sentance fell as you thought back. 
“I’m so sorry,” Merlin said genuinely.
You took a deep breath and continued, “My father quickly snuck me out and to a small village just outside of Camelot. We lived there, I was able to practice magic in secret. Everything was going fine until Morgana showed up searching for me. I had never even heard of her, but there she was calling me by a name that a friend of mine who was a Druid used,” you paused again.
“I was going to turn myself over to her in hopes that she would spare the others, but before I could I was knocked unconscious. I woke up in the woods with the survivors and discovered that my father had not made it. I left them partially in hopes that Morgana would not strike again, and partially in shame that I did not stand up for them. I decided to head back to the only other home I have known, where I will search for a job and try to create some semblance of a life. On my way, I discovered you,” you explained a few tears betraying you.
“It wasn’t your fault,” Merlin spoke with certainty, “Morgana would’ve tortured you or killed you.”
“Still, I should’ve done something. When you have powers like ours, it is our responsibility to help those who can’t help themselves.”
“How did you know that I had magic?” Merlin asked.
“I can sense it, it flows through every fiber of your being. You have this resonance of power. It’s like we are connected.”
“I have never met anyone like you,” Merlin said as he smiled in amazement. 
“You barely even know me,” you reply turning away from his face.
“I know that you are kind, and brave, and good,” he thinks for a moment before adding, “and beautiful.”
You can’t help but blush, “Thank you, Merlin.”
“What about you, is there anything that you want to know about me?” he asked.
The two of you continued to talk until you reached the courtyard. There were moments filled with laughter and moments of true sincerity. It was like you were old friends merely catching up. Like both of you were drawn together somehow.
As you entered the castle, you were both on high alert not knowing exactly what to expect. Merlin searched for Arthur before discovering that a door that was meant to be locked was left open. Having a gut feeling, he lead you up the staircase. There was a man with a crossbow who aimed for Arthur. He immediately noticed you and shot at Merlin who was slow to react. You shifted the arrow using magic. The man seemingly unphased threw knives at you instead. You tried to use your magic but it was to no avail. 
You barely managed to pull Merlin out of the way in time. Taking advantage of your brief distracted state, the man reloaded the crossbow and aimed for Arthur once again. Merlin used his magic to jar the man and knock him out. The shot meant for Arthur instead hit Sarrum.
“Leon, Gwaine,” Arthur ordered them to check out the source of the arrow. 
“We did it,” Merlin turned to you smiling. But as quickly as it had graced his face, the smile fell. For you were still on the ground with one of the knives in your stomach. “Y/n, just hold on, I can fix this.”
“It is one of Morgana’s, no magic can be used against it.”
“Well then, we will just have to fix it the old fashioned way,”  he smirked before leaving over the balcony. 
“Gaius, I need you to meet me in the infirmary at once it’s urgent,” he yelled.
“Merlin?” Arthur questioned quick to follow Gaius out of the door.
Merlin then picked you up bridal style and carried you back to Gaius’ chambers. 
“I’m glad I met you,” you whispered already feeling much of the strength leaving your body.
“Well, there is a lot more to see, so just hold on,” Merlin said.
Merlin ran into Gwaine and Leon at the bottom of the stairs but he didn’t stop even as they were calling after him. Once inside, he swiftly used his magic to clear off the table and laid you on it. Just then Gaius and Arthur came rushing in. 
“What happened?” “Who is that?” Gaius and Arthur asked at the same time.
“Her name is Y/n and you have to help her Gaius,” Merlin said voice full of emotion.
“Of course,” the physician said starting immediately to work. 
“Is there anything that I can do?” Merlin asked. Gaius gave him a list of instructions and he completed each one quickly and without question. Arthur just stood and watched not knowing how to react. It wasn’t long before they had done everything that they could and it was just a matter of time. 
Upon reaching this point, Arthur calmly asked for an explanation of what had happened.
“I went out to get herbs and before I could do anything else, I was trapped by Morgana. She had left me for dead, but then Y/n found me. She took care of me and brought me back here. I knew that Morgana was planning something, so we rushed here and found the overlook door open. We went up and found a man who was aiming a crossbow at you. He threw a knife at me and she pushed me out of the way. I was then able to charge him, but the shot still went off,” Merlin explained. 
“So it seems that she has saved your life twice and now mine, when she wakes she will be rewarded,” Arthur responded impressed, “I must get back to the proceedings, please move her into the guest chambers and keep me appraised of her condition. Merlin, I trust that you will stay with her and see to her needs,” Arthur said sending him a knowing look.
“Of course Arthur,” Merlin replied. 
“Oh, and Merlin,” Arthur started.
“Yes, Arthur?” 
“I am truly glad that you are back in one piece,” he finished, pulling the door closed behind him.
“As am I,” Gaius added pulling the young warlock into a hug. 
As they pulled away, Merlin was quick to carry you up into one of the fancy guest bedrooms. He laid you down and covered you with the blankets. Guias entered behind him.
“Did anything else happen while you were gone that you couldn’t speak so freely about in front of Arthur?”
Merlin glanced into the hallway before using his magic to close the door earning a glare from Gaius. 
“She’s like me, she was born with magic,” he eyes lite up. 
“Really?” Gaius asked.
“Yeah, the druids call her Phúlax. I can’t explain it Gaius, but I have never felt this connected to someone before. 
“She is Phúlax?” Gauis asked with reverence. 
“Yes, why? Does that name mean something to you?” 
“You know how your destiny has been foretold for many generations?” Gaius asked and Merlin nodded.
“Phúlax means protector. Though she is known by many names. Some that may stand out to you are, the Servant’s Guardian, Arthur’s Chance, Protector of Emrys, or Rewriter of Destiny. It is believed that she would arrive at the beginning of the end, and that she would be at your side to turn the end into the beginning,”  Gaius explained. 
“What does that mean? And why have I never heard of her?” 
“No one truly knows what the prophecy means. Just that she is an important ally in your story. And I would assume that those who know of her are protective of her identity for the same reason they are protective of yours. Because if Morgana found her, Albion would fall.” 
Merlin had more questions, the most important one being, “So she is going to be okay?”
“Her wound was not fatal, due to the nature of the weapon, she simply has to heal at a normal rate. That being said, she should wake up by morning,” Gaius answered before getting up to leave the room. 
Gwaine entered as he exited, “Merlin, it’s good to see you. I’ve been searching the taverns for you in your absence,” he winked.
“Good to see you too, Gwaine,” he laughed.
“I just wanted to see how you were doing after earlier,” Gwaine said taking a seat beside his friend.
“Well, in the past three days I have almost been killed twice, so you know just another day in Camelot,” Merlin tried to joke.
“Are you alright?” Gwaine asked seriously. 
“I will be fine,” Merlin promised. 
“And who is this beautiful lady?” Gwaine asked trying to lighten the mood.
“I’m afraid she is off-limits,” Arthur spoke from the doorway carrying a plate of food. 
“What? Why?” Gwaine asked.
“Because Merlin here has dibs,” Arthur grinned. 
“I...We….She is…..I mean…” Merlin struggled.
“Oh, look at him he is getting red as a tomato,” Arthur said bursting into laughter.
“Our little Merlin has a crush,” Gwaine grinned, “If you need any advice,” he winked at Merlin before getting up and seeing himself out. 
Arthur took his place at Merlin’s side. 
“Did you really have to do that? I’m not going to hear the end of this,” Merlin rolled his eyes at Arthur. 
“Consider it payback for all of the times you teased me about Guinevere. Besides, I think that it’s a good thing,” he decided.
“I brought you this, along with some news,” Arthur said handing Merlin the plate of food. 
“What’s the news?” 
“Should she want it, I have decided to offer Y/n a position as Guinevere’s lady in waiting. I figure that she has shown her loyalty and you clearly trust her. I trust your judgment. And, this will give you an excuse to see her in the castle,” Arthur explained.
“Really? That’s incredible. I can’t wait to tell her. And to introduce the two of you.” 
“Just remember this when it comes time to chose a best man,” Arthur joked. The two of them continued to talk for a while before Arthur decided it was best that he return to the knights as they were preparing for a trip. 
Merlin was trying to work through what Gaius had said, and how he felt. It was silly to think that he could love someone that he had only just met. But there was no other word for it. The thought of working with you, getting to know you better, spending time with you, it was all exciting for Merlin. Especially having another person that he could talk about magic with, someone who truly understood him. 
He was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn’t even register the fact that you were awake.
“Merlin?” you tried to sit up, but the pain that rippled through you decided otherwise.
“Hey there, take it easy. It’s okay, you’re safe,” he smiled taking your hand without even thinking, “Do you need anything? Water? Food? I can go get Gaius if you’d like?”
“I’ll be fine Merlin, I’m glad you and Arthur are safe,” you smiled.
“Speaking of Arthur, I’ve got some news for you,” he beamed, “The King was so thankful that you saved his life that he has decided to give you the highest honor he can bestow.”
“Oh? And what is that?”
“He has graciously decided to make you his wife’s servant,” Merlin replied rolling his eyes. 
“That’s brilliant! It solves my problem of finding a place to stay and finding a job in one fell swoop,” you smile. 
“There is one problem though,” Merlin said seriously.
“What is it?”
“We will definitely be seeing a lot of each other,” he grinned.
“You had me worried,” you said as you smacked his arm.
“I am going to go tell Gaius and Arthur that you are awake,” he decided. 
You watched as he left, you felt so relieved that things were falling into place. You were happy to meet Gaius and the King, who made not-so-subtle jokes about Merlin’s affections for you. Merlin looked like he was about to kill him, which made you laugh all the more. You already felt at home here. You couldn’t wait to see what the future held for you in Camelot. This was truly the beginning of something special. 
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