#what country are you lot planning on bombing next?
hedgehog-moss · 26 days
Last time I went to the village to buy bread I saw a woman in the street who was dressed like a 19th-century peasant, complete with a thick old-timey accent with dialect words no one uses anymore—she was telling a little group of people to follow her so of course I had to drop everything and follow her too.
And it turned out she was a theatre actress who has read a lot of local archives in libraries and town halls, and offered her services to organise guided tours of various villages to tell people about local history in a fun way, by playing characters who lived here in the Middle Ages, the 19th century, or WWII. It's such a cool idea! I talked to her for a bit after the visit and she said she wasn't sure it'd work / attract enough people, but she had groups of tourists + local families show up for the visit every week, in every village where she did this, so she think she'll be hired again next summer.
When I joined their group she was talking about WWII, and how my & other nearby villages were known by the Nazis and Vichy as a hotbed of terrorists, with some Gestapo officers killed in bomb attacks. (In retaliation the Nazis eventually rounded up 100+ locals and deported them to camps, as well as shooting a few.) I was mostly familiar with WWII anecdotes from the North-East, where my grandparents lived during the war, and I found it funny how different they sounded—my grandfather made Resistance activities sound well-planned and careful (espionage, sabotage, underground presses, infiltrating railway services etc) while oral histories around here make them sound a lot more spontaneous and—handcrafted? like "Emile brought what we needed for the bomb in his wheelbarrow hidden under a layer of straw and we exploded 2 Nazis."
We then went to visit the former girls' school, and I learnt a lot about my country's history of education for girls! Also it was really sweet because there was an old lady in our group who had attended this school as a child and had lots of school memories to share. Most of them were very wholesome, until eventually our tour guide went "Surely you also have some School Mischief to tell us about" and the old woman at first was like no no no no, I was a good girl. And then she conceded that when she had to sort lentils for the nuns' dinner and she resented one of them for berating her in class, she'd do a shit job on purpose and leave some little stones in the lentils.
Then our last step was the fairground where the town fair was (and is still) held, and our tour guide told us little 19th-century anecdotes (in-character, more like acting them out) that she'd found in old postcards and letters in the archives—how the town fair was where you'd go for your dentist appointment (i.e. to have your bad teeth pulled with pliers with no pain medicine) and to get any object repaired, like damaged pans or clogs; how there were dancing bears and performing monkeys; how one year the merchant who sold linen for women's trousseaus had her linen display trampled "by 300 cows" (might have been an exaggeration) and she hit the cow herder and it started a massive brawl.
My favourite anecdote was how back in the 1800s the local innkeeper was frustrated by the fact that the nearest village is just 10km away, and people who came to the fair often decided to go spend the night there so their journey back the next day would be less long, and so he started to tell them about the beast that lives under the bridge between the two villages. Travellers say horses go mad when they see it and just jump into the water. Some say the beast has dug up corpses from the cemetery because it likes human flesh, though of course it prefers it fresh. I'm now convinced half of local legends were single-handedly created by business savvy innkeepers determined to get more customers than the rival inn 10km away.
I'm sad I only learnt about these visits at the end of summer when they're coming to an end, but I'll definitely follow this woman around again if she returns with more stories next year!
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oldpotatoe · 11 months
as many of you know, gaza has now gone dark.
targeted israeli strikes have wiped out the telecommunications infrastructure. phone lines and internet services are gone. gazans cannot call their loved ones to check if they are still alive. they cannot call for ambulances for aid. if they survive the increased bombardment tonight and the following nights, they will bleed out alone with no aid.
now i will tell you what will happen in the next few days/weeks, and i pray it to be untrue. unfortunately the apartheid state, also known as israel, has been quite obvious and transparent with their plans.
the stated goal of many politicians over the years from israel, including netanyahu, has been to have the entire strip of land of gaza as israel, with no separate region for palestinians. i am not going to provide links, google is free and i am fucking tired.
what they had done before tonight, in the last two weeks, was destroy over 50% of buildings in gaza city as well as neighbouring areas, so gazans have nowhere to return to. gazans have been forced south, and israel will use this opportunity to have troops in north gaza (currently referred to as the ground invasion) advancing south while bombing "h*mas sites" in the south. israel will do this knowing there are plenty more civilians there that will die, causing terror and panic and having palestinians want to flee to anywhere, anywhere that is safe.
israel is doing this in the hopes that this panic and terror will convince egypt to open the border (well, the border israel isn't currently bombing) so that palestinians can escape to the sinai desert in egypt.
once survivors leave, the area that is currently the gaza strip will 1) be reduced in size if a lot of palestinians stay, should they not be bombed out of existence, or 2) be entirely absorbed into israel if very few palestinians stay, which is the ultimate aim of israel. those remaining palestinians will be moved to the west bank, or the remainder of gaza will be converted to west bank conditions where they'd go through the same problems palestinians in the west bank go through (reduced access to water, checkpoints to go from any place to any place within their own land, getting dispossessed, or randomly killed by racist extremist settlers).
now, egypt has been adamant not to displace the palestinians. in online discourse, people have been dehumanising palestinians by talking about past disruptions in other refugee areas and saying that is why egypt does not want to take them. while there may be slight truth to this from egypt's perspective, the major reason egypt is refusing is that no palestinian refugee abroad has even been given the right to return to their own land. and this will be the fate of gazans if they are made to leave in a mass exodus to egypt/other neighbouring countries such as jordan, which these leaflets from army-backed israeli are threatening palestinians with (photo from salfit in the occupied west bank):
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therefore, what i likely see happening is the above bombardment (in increased numbers now that gaza has gone dark) -> mass panic in gaza, more so now that gazans are cornered in the south -> a reluctant egypt, but with the US will promise a large amount of "aid" money to egypt to facilitate the mass exodus of palestinians, the borders will open.
palestinians will be forced out. israelis are already planning on hoovering up the prime real estate there, for amusements park no less!
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this is nabka 2.0. this is genocide.
btw, as we speak: israel's leading newspaper is already making claims that h*mas's main operation base is under shifa hospital. the hospital currently housing 50,000 displaced palestinians. the idf is claiming h*mas is using the hospital as a human shield, which is their new favourite phrase to justify killing civilians. so you already know what to expect in the news.
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tokyo-terror · 1 year
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characters: 141 + graves
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phillip graves:
☆ southern boy lvl rizz, only he has absolutely zero rizz. the first time he met you he almost exploded because he's not used to talking to non-military people, what else is he supposed to talk abt other than unit stuff??
☆ probably gets his ideas from random movies he saw when he was younger (the black and white cowboy ones, but make it less misogynistic). classic flowers at your doorstep with the awkward :] kinda smile.
☆ can cook but never gets the chance to do it because he's always at the base, so the first thing he does when he spends the night he cooks a full course meal (he fucks up the dessert but it's ok 🤞)
☆ random gifts and acts of service is this man's lovee language, and it goes both ways. he melts at being given little things and is always ready to help around the house without being asked.
simon "ghost" riley:
☆ NOT A HARDASS!!! leave my bbg alone .. he's a very sweet guy. he's not very used to not being alone, so he relies on banter and easy conversation to fully enjoy and get used to a person's presence. not very fond of labels, but he finds comfort in the agreement of being each others.
☆ he's always willing to put himself on the line for you, even when his own comfort is at stake. so he tends to be a bit self-destructive if he accidentally goes too fast, he relies on a balance of being able to count on you for a steady rhythm
☆ follows you (and soap) around like a lost dog a lot, he just enjoys being able to be around people he trusts. especially when he's able to joke abt stuff that's happening in the moment, lots of food puns when cooking.
☆ stomach sleeper 100%. lets you lay on top of him so he can be weighed down and surrounded by his comfort items. can't sleep without at least 5 weighted blankets + you so warm nights are very common, but he runs cold so it's not a problem.
john "soap" mactavish:
☆ very work-focused guy, so he likes to plan his schedule around missions and you. always double-checking and asking what works best for you. if schedules don't line up, the next outing tends to always have a surprise.
☆ (canonically) scared of dogs, so whenever he passes by pet shops with you he always gets happy to see all the other animals but avoids the parts of the shop with the dogs. tries to talk you into getting obscure animals often, ends up with a cat that he tries naming sgt whiskers. it's named kevin instead bc animals w human names >>
☆ he chews on a lot of things when he's working with bombs, so his habits transfer onto you. he's always absent-mindedly chewing on something when having quiet moments with you, even trying to chew on you if you let him
☆ unironically very proud of being scottish (he's so real), so he likes bringing things from his home into yours. very big on the idea of blending and sharing stuff, so he likes getting things that are common in your country and vice versa :)
kyle "gaz" garrick:
☆ not shy, but a very hesitant and nervous guy. he takes a bit to build up enough of a relationship with you to where he asks you out because he's nervous to let people into his life that could potentially get hurt/end up with his dogtags.
☆ he's on the snarky side with his humor, always tending to take little jabs at the people around him to make you laugh. he loves making you laugh, probably has the candid videos of you laughing so he can play them while he's away on missions
☆ shower routine that he cannot seem to break when he's home, he always ends up bringing military issues soaps and towels from base because he swears it's the best (it's not). please give that boy some dove 🙏 he secretly (not really, he's very open abt it) loves the strawberry-scented dove soaps.
☆ collects different buttons from outfits he wears when they eventually pop off, so he starts collecting yours too. jeans that don't fit? he already has the buttons in a box with your name on it. old shirt of his that you wore? in the box.
☆ old man rizz 😿 religiously meets up with friends to play poker. he ends up teaching you how to play and lets you win because he thinks it's endearing. cannot play chess though, so he never plays bc he wants to impress you
john price:
☆ talks highly of his unit to you, and always tells his unit that his spouse wouldn't approve of what they're doing when they go against orders. the 141 walks on eggshells around you until price laughs and fesses up about lying
☆ beard routine, type of guy that has special oils and conditioners specifically for his beard. it becomes a nightly routine when he's off the field to let you do it for him after he showers. splurges and gets you hair/beard care stuff too.
☆ takes you fishing when he goes on leave. if you're not into fishing he just lets you sit in the boat and relax while he does all the work, but he enjoys it when you take an interest in his hobbies. gets you your own fishing rod and has you look up new bait ideas (he can't figure out phones).
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Third date head canons! Like when you know it’s ‘for sure’
When The Mercs Know It's For Sure(TF2)
Includes: The Mercs, Miss Pauling notes:Yes, squeet is a kurtis conner reference
🛠Engineer- Bringing out all those nicknames. Darling, sweetheart, love, honey. Yeah. He likes to be sure of his feelings before getting with someone and honey, he is SURE. I think that for a third date, like most of them it would be very casual. Sometimes he likes to sing some songs for the mercs, mostly just pyro, heavy, and demo because the rest ‘got better things to do’. He specifically tells you about it this time. Usually if you show up it’s because you over hear. He’d sing a few ditties, but since is he corny-comes from being a country guy, zing, he sings a song you can’t quite ping as a love song. If you do manage to pick up on that, who knows if it’s to you. But you know for sure when he ends up asking you to be official a little while later when it’s just you two
🔥Pyro-I don’t imagine Pyro to take you out on “real” dates. He asks you to come along with him on missions and just anything he decides to do. Or he asks(or doesn’t) to follow you around. So the ‘third date’ is just normal to you. He looks at you a lot. Just sits and stares. At first it scares you a little. Just big..black..voids..staring…into..your…soul. You ask him what the deal is sometimes and he just laughs or shakes his head like you wouldn’t get it. You like Pyro, but these signs you’re getting could literally mean anything. So you ask the one person who can understand him, Engie, who says Pyro’s just head over heels for you. You ask Pyro if this is true, who is a bit flustered that you told someone about it, even if Engie already knew. I think Pyro signs sometimes, so you two have a little conversationa and whabam. Yall get together
⚾Scout-So he’s like…quieter and somehow more talkative? A lot of “Uh Yeah, that’s stupid”s. You tell him you’re listening, but it’s a lost cause. When he’s not packing his little knapsack and walking away sadly, he calls you “toots”. Lots of that. Still lots of flexing both his skills at picking things up or his little noodly arms. The date isn’t a prom this time, but very reminiscent of Spy’s teachings since there aren’t any giant bread monsters to save you from. Unless…no. Too risky. The date is literally just a set up to ask you out. 
“Sure are a lot of stars out tonight.”
“Kinda cloudy..”
“Nah, look, there’s one!”
“Scout, that’s a plane.”
“Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky-”
Turns out the plane is an enemy plane about to bomb the base. You both die immediantly.
Kidding, he just is kinda like “So…I’m kinda into you?” So of course you tell him you know, and end up asking him out instead. 
🦅Soldier- A date for him is breaking the necks of anyone who dare disrespect america. Kilometer? He only knows squeet. But if you don’t feel like breaking the neck of your local Australian, then there’s other fun activities to do. Like fighting bears or getting naked and covering yourself with honey. Or perhaps you want to go break open a beehive to get said honey. No? Jesus, lot of fun you are. The date is just a plan then. Get out the blueprint, plan for the next mission, which will probably be one of the previously mentioned activities. Since you’re helping the planning stage, it’ll probably be easier to convince him to let you stay out of all that. I don’t know how he’d ask you out. He’d probably just announce that he has an s/o now and you’re like “this is news”. But since you’re here, you’re probably cool with it.
🗡Spy-Yes his dates are elaborate and fun and fancy, however him asking you to be official is not as much. When he realizes he knows that you and him are For Sure, he is flustered by you. Spy may be suave and French, but he is very easily flustered if you can outdo him with words, and do not let him forget it. Not that you could. The third date is set up by him. He makes a little spot in his smoking room for you two and cooks up something you probably can’t pronounce. You find the intimacy a little strange, and before now you couldn’t tell if he actually liked you or was just playing around. But now, with this whole set-up made by him, you knew. He gives you a little necklace, something simple but clearly expensive. With that, he finally pops the not-marriage question, but gosh does it feel like it.
💉Medic-So he gives you the Blu medic’s heart. It’s in a nice little box, and the next time you visit his office he hands it to you. This is because it’s the closest he can get to his own heart. He tried. Unfortunately during this he almost died, so the Blu heart is the closest you get. His plan was to have you guys dig it out together, but he is very particular. He can’t have his love get in the way of science. Hopefully you appreciate it because you are very special to him! Maybe he’ll let you dissect it for fun and definitely because he doesn’t have some strange feelings about seeing you covered in blood commiting atrocious acts.
💣Demoman-So the first few dates were not getting shitfaced, but now that it’s the third, he’s gonna take you to where he spends a fair majority of his time. Having a teleporter makes traveling real easy, but he figures it’s a bit more romantic to drive. So he takes you with him to drive to a little hole-in-the-wall bar, the only one around. It starts out rather calm, but eventually he gets shitfaced and real clingy. You drink some, but yall need a designated driver that can at least see straight. You guys probably fall asleep in the car in the parking lot, but you know. Sometimes it’s like that. When you guys finally wake up and discuss what you can remember, he says he loves you. Aw.
🦘Sniper-Everyone on this list is a little weirdo and he is no exception. The date isn’t a date. He’s not a date guy. Maybe he picks you up a flower or rock he sees poking out of the desert, but that’s it. It’s the thought that counts. So the ‘third date’ is probably really early in the morning when you two cross paths. He says something like, “I was thinking you and I could get together for a while.” And you ask how long a while is, which results in “I dunno, I just like you”. Sweet. Yeah he’s uh. Not the most romantic guy around, but he tries.
🐻Heavy-A bit more romantic. The third date is just the two of you. He asks if you’d like to cook together which you accept, knowing he won’t blow the kitchen up. It’s calm and quiet. Until Pyro decides he wants to use the oven and yall gotta practically shoo him out with a broom. What’s cookin is good lookin’. It is looking good. You guys win! I think you’d end up asking Heavy out because he is very patient and doesn’t want to put pressure on you since it is a war that you two are in still. 
👓Miss Pauling-The same as the first. If she’s going out with you on one date, then she’s probably into you a lot. One day off a year, you know? So you two would just hang out. She’d be like really nervous for some reason-you had noticed it before but she seems kind of stand-offish. You ask her what’s up, prompting her to tell you a jumble of sort-of words that you finally make out to be a confession. 
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ofmermaidstories · 6 months
So on Good Friday I had drafted up a little post just—I dunno. It started off with me talking about my lunch (broiche toast with peanut butter, some slices of overpriced smoked cheddar and a pottle of cherry tomatoes that i’d halved and dressed with wholegrain mustard, salt and pepper and sesame oil), because i enjoyed it, and then because i had been thinking about it, i had mentioned how Australian grocery prices have climbed well above the global average.
I mentioned some of my favourite people to follow, on tiktok! Food accounts—the woman who does the Dollar Store budget videos, where she plans out meals around limited money, or accessibility. The young mum who’s videos are just her making lunch/dinner for her four little kids. The Palestinian man who used to review resturants and dishes before the war on Gaza—and who, before Tiktok took down the videos, had started posting himself making dishes from aid rations. In the end I just saved the post to my drafts because—there was no real point to the post, not really, beyond how unfair it is that food is swiftly becoming a luxury and how it shouldn’t be, for any of us, anywhere. Not us here in Australia with our 54% on average price increases, nor for American families that have to shop at Dollar Tree with their last $30 for the next two weeks.
And definitely not for the citizens of Gaza.
Israel is manufacturing a famine within Gaza’s borders. And just today, they murdered via airstrike a carload of World Central Kitchen aid workers. Seven in total, six foreign nationals and one Palestinian local. No aid organisation can operate within Gaza’s boarders without reporting their travel plans to the Israeli Invading Force. Their car was branded with the organisations logo. Israel has some of the best surveillance technology in the world—it is often the testing ground for the hot new stuff that then gets sold to the rest of our governments. Israeli knew who was in that car. And they targeted them anyway. And now because of their actions, the WCK is now “pausing (their) operations”. And who can blame them? Knowing that if you stay, you’re just putting more lives at risk—but it means how many less meals, now, less food for the Palestinians still there? All of our countries are cowards. The Australian government won’t even name Israel in its condemnation today, of the attack. The Australian government has let our only two real supermarket chains—Coles and Woolworths—create a duopoly where they can charge the public however much they want. We can’t help ourselves and we refuse to help other people—so what good are we, as a country? The boomers and the ignorant on facebook are too busy frothing at the mouth over the imaginary millionaire immigrants who come to Australia in boats and buy houses by the dozens, per family. So many of our problems—here in Australia, globally—would be solved if the majority of us realised the real enemy isn’t a people bomb-locked on their own land, or the refugees that make it here, or even each other but instead our own fucking governments, and the bastard corporations that are gripping them by the balls. I’m grateful for every meal I get to sit down to. But I would enjoy it a lot more if it were easier for all of us to eat—or if it were a CEO or politician or two on the plate itself.
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spocktheestallion · 2 years
why joel was right to save ellie bc i have a lot of opinions and by god i’m gonna share em
so since the show has premiered i’ve seen this debate flare up again and a lot of people saying joel “robbed the world of a cure” when he saved ellie but lets be real, the fireflies were never gonna make that cure.
first off in the original game the hospital and operating room were FILTHY. and yes in the remaster they retconned it to be clean but that just seems silly to me. the fireflies had so little infrastructure that they were wiped out by ONE angry old man in a single night, where are they getting hospital cleaning crews? where are they getting the supplies to properly and i mean PROPERLY sanitize a working OR? more importantly WHO were the medical staff? what were their qualifications? to pull off what they wanted they would’ve needed a team of brilliant scientists specializing in different specific fields and i doubt any of them had been to med school recently. the outbreak was over 20 years old by that point, and medicine is a continually evolving field. those licenses were EXPIRED and even if they had experience during the pandemic it likely would’ve been in field medicine, which is not the same as epidemiology or neuroscience or any of the things they would’ve needed specializing in to get a cure. also the fact that they were saying “we’re gonna make a vaccine!” was another red flag, bc fungal infections aren’t even treated w vaccines. it just goes to show they didn’t know what they were doing. they were just reckless and desperate and ellie would’ve died needlessly.
secondly killing ellie especially right off the bat would make NO sense. what if they find out later on they need a live subject or more samples or whatever? well too late your only subject is dead. why wouldn’t they do blood tests? imaging? or if the cordyceps is only in the brain you can still do a biopsy without killing the person. again, these people didn’t know what they were doing. they were grasping at straws and even if they had gone through with their original plan they probably wouldn’t have been able to synthesize a cure anyway. the sample would’ve expired or been contaminated in the dirty hospital or they would’ve fucked up their sample through ignorance. the whole rushing straight to pulling ellie’s brain out was ridiculous. they would’ve killed a kid needlessly without a second thought.
which brings me to my next point. the fireflies aren’t exactly cut and dry good guys either. i may be reaching w this and i need to rewatch the premiere episode to confirm this but they don’t seem all that picky about their targets and civilians seem to get caught up in them a little too easy. the fireflies aren’t super concerned about human life if it gets in the way of their cause, i mean they were recruiting young kids and giving them weapons just like fedra did. there’s a reason tommy left them high and dry. they’re extremists and they don’t care who they hurt or exploit so long as it serves their cause. they aren’t philanthropists and they FOR SURE would not have been giving out that cure out of the goodness of their hearts. they would’ve gatekept it to themselves and they absolutely would’ve used it as a recruiting tool or political bargaining chip.
but more importantly even in the very unlikely situation they COULD make a successful cure AND mass produce it AND move it cross country which they clearly don’t have the resources for, there’s no way fedra would’ve let them get away with it. their fascist control is all justified in the name of preventing infection, if the disease is no longer a threat that’s a massive blow to fedra’s power. they might’ve been chasing around fireflies for setting off a few car bombs or whatever but if you think fedra isn’t going full extermination mode if they find out the fireflies have a cure you’re kidding yourself. and we’ve clearly established the fireflies would be crushed if they had fedras full attention given that they were pretty much eradicated by one guy in a single night.
and if we’ve learned anything from our own covid pandemic, it’s that if you want to effectively immunize a whole population it needs to be WIDESPREAD. you can’t just treat a few people and call it a day, EVERYONE needs to take the cure or the disease is going to survive and mutate until it can come back in a treatment-resistant variant again and again and again. and after a 20 year outbreak the kind of infrastructure you need to make that happens is gone. it just doesn’t exist anymore. fedra is probably the only group with the level of organization and infrastructure anywhere CLOSE to being able to achieve that kind of feat and i doubt even they could, and even if they could they wouldn’t.
so the fireflies were NEVER gonna be able to make a cure in the first place, they were NEVER gonna be able to mass produce and distribute it, they were NEVER going to be handing it out to anyone they weren’t tight with, and even if they had been well equipped philanthropists who could make a cure and were actually giving it out freely fedra would’ve crushed them immediately.
and i’ve also seen people argue that either way it should’ve been ellie’s choice but i disagree. ellie was a traumatized CHILD with severe survivors guilt. she was not mature enough or in the right headspace to make that kind of decision. JOEL was the closest thing to a legal guardian she had, and it was HIS responsibility to protect her until she was old enough to make decisions like that for herself AND HE DID. a kid should not be allowed to make that choice even if they want to because they’re a KID. also the fireflies weren’t gonna let joel live anyway, i’m pretty sure they were planning to kill him even if he complied.
and ultimately it’s not like joel was considering all this when he made his choice, he saved ellie because he LOVED her. like i’m sure he picked up on some red flags and knew things were sketch and realized the fireflies would probably fail and she’d die for nothing but more than anything he went back bc that was HIS BABY and he wasn’t letting desperate assholes sacrifice her for their cause. “save who you can save” remember? maybe you can’t single handedly change the world or make some miracle cure but you can do what you can for the people you love and maybe that’s enough. maybe you can never make the world go back to the way it was and maybe you SHOULDN’T but you can take it as it is one step at a time and you can do it with the family you’ve made. i think that’s a much better takeaway and i don’t like how the “joel was selfish and did the objectively bad and wrong thing” narrative in tlou2 minimizes that.
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mitigatedchaos · 2 months
The Guidestones
(~650 words, 3 minutes)
In symbolic news that you probably didn't hear about, the Georgia Guidestones were destroyed in 2022.
The stones were first subject to a bombing, which did some damage, and then the local government tore down the monument citing safety concerns.
The guidestones were erected in 1980 with what could be described as progressive messaging:
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.
Unite humanity with a living new language.
Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.
Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
Balance personal rights with social duties.
Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.
Be not a cancer on the Earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.
Opponents long argued that the guidestones were 'Satanic' (#1 & #2) or advocating for a 'New World Order' (#1, #3, #6).
According to Wikipedia, local stakeholders have expressed doubt that the guidestones would ever be rebuilt.
I find a number of things interesting about this.
First, while they were written in multiple languages, the inscriptions are quite vague. These seem to be "feel good" statements of a particular ideology in a particular era, rather than information that would help a new government mechanically implement successful policy. It feels like an insufficient amount of thought was put into this monument.
You would be better off inscribing the hard-won U.S. Bill of Rights, part of the mechanisms used to ensure human rights in the most powerful country at the time the stones were inscribed.
The Long Now Foundation's Rosetta Disk project is likely to fare much better - apparently they are planning to put one on the Moon.
Second, the monument only made it for 44 years, less than one human lifespan.
There are two ways to view this.
The monument was built in 1980, 11 years before the fall of the Soviet Union, and 35 years after World War 2. The threat of nuclear war no doubt seemed very real. "Keep the population low enough that you aren't all desperately slaughtering each other for survival, and use courts instead of war," probably seemed like a reasonable message to leave for the survivors in the event of a nuclear war within the following several decades.
However, the monument also looked a lot like Stonehenge, which is estimated to be about 3,600 years old. 44 years is a very short time if you wanted to create the next Stonehenge.
The world's oldest bond dates to the year 1624, but bonds aren't automatically preserved. They require an entire supporting civilization.
One of the reasons that the Georgia Guidestones were so controversial is that they are commands for potential future civilizations. The point of putting them on giant carved rocks is to give the impression, in the fog after the fall of civilization, that these commands are either divine in origin or come from some other powerful authority.
As the Georgia Guidestones were already political, a better choice might have been to inscribe a fairly accurate historical record of humanity up to that point in time, including ancient history, the history of the United States, and the history of tribes that had lived in the area.
This would then be an ongoing generational project where another stone is added every 10 years or so. (Figuring out how to describe a decade in under 500 words might be a challenge - but a worthwhile one.)
This version would endeavor tell the truth about the past in order to allow the people of the future to make the decisions on what to do for themselves. It would likely be considered a beloved national treasure, and an artifact of great interest to future historians.
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callsign-magnolia · 1 month
Imperial // Ch. 5
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Synopsis: Tatiana Alexeyevna discovered she was a princess when she was seventeen, a young age for a girl to receive such shocking news. She's done well at learning how to be a royal, and after meeting Bradley she considers that she really could find true love while taking the throne.
Warning: Angst, cursing, smut (eventual)
Word Count: 6.8k
Chapter 4 | Masterlist
I groaned as I shifted in the bed, attempting to roll onto my back but I cried out as I did. “Princess.” A hushed voice whispered as hands settled on my shoulders to keep me lying on my stomach. My eyes opened to see Sophie with a kind smile on her face. “Soph?” She giggled, tears falling from her eyes. “What happened?” She smiled, pulling her chair closer before sitting in it. “A bomb went off and it threw you to the ground. You have third degree burns on your back and second degree burns on the back of your legs. You had to have a few wounds on your back closed, as well as stitches in your forehead. The doctor said you will likely have scarring as well.” I nodded, a few tears slipping out. “How’s my grandmother?” She nodded. “She’s inconsolable and she calls your room hourly for updates.” I nodded, closing my eyes when suddenly images of a little red head flew through my mind. “Anastasia!” I yelled, jumping up and Sophie grabbed me again. “She’s in the Pediatric ICU. Since her parents are deceased, I have been getting updates on her. She had some third degree burns on her little legs, but her doctors say she should be okay.” I sighed in relief, laying back down.
“Can you get the doctor for me?” She nodded, walking out. I knew I was in a hospital instead of the palace infirmary. “Your majesty.” The doctor said as he came around to the side of the bed so I could see him, giving a deep bow. “I am doctor Babanin. How are you feeling?” I groaned a little. “My back hurts, a lot and I feel sore from laying on my stomach.” He nodded. “Well, I’m sorry your majesty. You’ll have to keep laying like this. You have third degree burns on your back. We’ve already performed surgery to remove the dead skin and close a few wounds. We have been giving you intravenous fluids to help with your blood pressure and you sustained a concussion as well.” I nodded slightly. “When can I go home?” He flipped through his chart, reading over some stuff before sighing. “You’ve been burned on thirty-six percent of your body. We keep people for one day per one percent. So, I’m estimating thirty-six days.”
“THIRTY-SIX DAYS?!” I yelled, attempting to push myself up. “That’s unacceptable! My Babushka, your queen is still recovering from her gunshot wound! Someone must run the country and that someone is me!” Doctor Babanin stopped me, grabbing my arms to avoid touching my wound. “It is an estimation, your majesty. You could be out sooner.” I shook my head as tears gathered in my eyes. “This can’t be happening. We’ve just gone to war and I’m here in the hospital and so is my grandmother! Who will run the country?” I cried as doctor Babanin backed away and Sophie came over. “Your majesty, you must take deep breaths.” She tried to console me as I cried. What were we to do? We couldn’t just leave the country without a leader. But soon, she calmed me down and I could breathe normally. “We will figure out a plan, your majesty. I have already been in touch with her majesty and her team.” I nodded, exhaustion taking over my body. “I recommend some sleep; some rest will help your healing and allow you to think more clearly.” I knew he was right, so I agreed. “Okay.” I looked to Sophie. “Will you call Babushka for me? Tell her I’m okay?” She nodded, grabbing her phone and stepping out. I reached to the table next to my bed, grabbing my phone. I had a few texts, mostly from my mother and a voicemail from Bradley.
I rushed to listen to it, tears filling my eyes as he cried. I forgot he was there; my memories are fuzzy but now I remember him in his dress white’s, handsome as ever. I remembered he gave me a picture, the one of us on that picnic. “You have to be okay.” His words echoed through my mind and before I knew it, I was calling him. I stretched, hissing slightly as the skin on my legs pulled. It kept ringing and I thought it would go to voicemail before I heard a click. It was silent for a moment and just before I spoke up, he asked. “Tatiana?” His voice was hoarse, as if he’s been crying. “Hi Bradley.” It was a whisper, as if I didn’t want anyone to know I was speaking to him. I heard him inhale quickly at my voice, as if he was fighting back tears. “Thank God. You’re okay?” I sighed, letting my head fall onto the pillow. “I’ll be okay.” He sighed. “The past two days have been agonizing, did the doctor say what your injuries were?” I furrowed my brows. “I’ve been out for two days?” He hummed. Two days, really? “Yeah.” He said solemnly. “Um, I have third degree burns on thirty-six percent of my body.” I said as tears welled in my eyes.
“God, baby.” He sniffled as I started crying, the affectionate nickname making me miss him more. “I wish I could be there for you.” I sighed, slowing the stream of tears. “You’re deployed, I understand. I had a surgery to remove the peeling skin and close a few wounds. They also closed the wound on my forehead and they’re giving me intravenous fluids to keep my blood pressure stable.” I heard him sob and my heart broke slightly. “You’ve been that worried about me?” “You’re all I’ve been thinking about since that night.” I couldn’t help the smile that grew on my face. “Thank you, for worrying.” I muttered, drawing patterns in the sheets. “I also want to apologize for that last night at your house. I swear I was going to tell you. You just… made me feel normal, and I haven’t felt that way in years.” I had tears falling down my face, regretting how he found out.
“You made me so happy, and I hadn’t felt joy like that since I found out who I actually was.” I heard him chuckle on the other end, making me furrow my brows. “Why are you laughing?” he laughed a little harder. “You must have hit your head harder than I thought. Do you remember what I said when we first bumped into each other?” I shook my head, trying to think back to when we ran into each other. “I told you I forgive you, Tatiana.” My eyebrows raised in realization, remembering the full conversation. “You still care?” I asked. “Of course, Tatiana.” Then I suddenly remembered the picture he gave me, making me gasp loudly. “What? What’s wrong?” “Sophie!” I yelled and she rushed in. “Where’s my dress?” She furrowed her brows in confusion. “I’m sorry, Princess. We threw it away because it was burnt.” More tears welled in my eyes as my chest started heaving. “There was a picture Bradley gave me.” Her face lit up and she rushed over, sliding a book over and pulling the picture from under it. “It was bent around the edges, so I put the book on it to flatten it back out.” I sighed in relief, looking at the picture. “Tatiana? Are you okay?” Bradley asked and I laughed. “Yeah, I thought the picture you gave me was thrown away. But it’s okay.” He chuckled as a smile grew on my face.
“Well, I’m glad you’re safe. How are things there now?” I sighed, looking up at Sophie. “I don’t know yet. But our first group of trainees were deployed… yesterday, I think. I’ll have to get updated on the state of the nation and then we must figure out who is going to run the country in the meantime.” I was stressing over it, not knowing what to do. “Whatever you do, I know you’ll do a great job.” I smiled hearing his encouragement. “Can I keep talking to you? It would just be nice to talk to someone who isn’t involved with the royal family or politics.” He chuckled. “Yeah, I’d like that. We’re going to be docked in Japan for a while, so I’ll have service, and if we leave, I’ll text you.” I smiled as I relaxed a little more. “Thank you, Bradley. For everything.” I could hear him chuckle on the other end. “You’re welcome, Tatiana.” We said our goodbyes and I set my phone down on the table next to the bed.
I looked up to see Sophie with her lips turned up in a grin. “You two should’ve just gotten married.” I laughed loudly at her statement. “We made it three months before it blew up in my face! Plus, if I had gotten married that soon or in America, Babushka would’ve died.” Her eyebrows raised in agreement as she sat in her chair. She stared at me as I rested my cheek on the pillow. “You love him.” Her statement took me by surprise. Towards the end, I started to wonder. I cared for him deeply, that I knew. But did I love him? He made me feel things I never had before. He gave me butterflies when he just looked at me, he made my heart swell with his kind gestures and not just for me but for others. Like when he gave me his mother’s necklace. Which I still had on; I hadn’t taken it off since he gave it to me. I probably should’ve given it back, but he sent me away so quickly and I didn’t get a chance to when I saw him in Kugrad.
Is that what love is? Those feelings? “You’re thinking about it too much.” My eyes snapped to her as she sat perched in the chair. “Princess, if I may speak freely. You and Bradley, I have only seen you two together only a few times. But, there is something there, something between you two. He says he still cares?” I nodded at her question, tucking my arms under my pillow. “That means you mean something to him. I think you mean a lot to him, maybe even everything. If you still care too, don’t let this be the end.” I smiled at her, nodding. “I’ll start working on it as soon as I’m out of here.” She giggled, nodding at me. “Now, can I get something for the pain? My back is starting to throb.” She chuckled, standing to go get the doctor.
I was released after twenty days. I was healing faster than expected so I was sent back to the palace. I would have to stay in the infirmary and a burn doctor would visit daily to take care of me. But I was released to do light work. Basically, sit at my desk for a few hours each day and do work. “They let you out? That’s great.” Bradley said over the phone. I was currently on a train headed back to the Royal City. It hurt to lean back so I took to standing. “Yeah, my only problem is it still hurts for my back to touch anything so I will have to stand for the rest of this train ride. Or at least lean forward in my seat. But that tugs on my skin and hurts too.” I sighed. I kicked off my shoes a while ago, opting to go barefoot throughout the train car so my feet wouldn’t tire as quickly. “I’m sorry, baby. I wish this never happened.” I nodded and leaned forward onto the bar. “Me too. But we can’t change the past, only learn from it.” It went quiet on his end, which worried me. “Yeah, can’t change the past.” He muttered. My hand drifted to my collar bones, feeling the pearl necklace he gifted me. “Princess.” Marcus said and I looked at him. He tapped his watch, telling me we were close. “Almost home. So, that means I must get ready to face the crowd.”
“Is that bad?” I shrugged. “Depends on how the country views what happened. I’ll either be deemed a hero for grabbing Anastasia or a fool for even being there in the first place.” He hummed. “Well, can I talk to you tomorrow?” I smiled, pulling my bottom lip into my mouth. “Of course, Bradley.” It was quiet for a moment as my grin grew wider. “Goodbye, Tatiana.” “Goodbye, Bradley.” We hung up and I slid my shoes back on. “The doctor is meeting us at the palace to go over your treatment plan. Which includes your physical therapy.” I nodded, watching as the city started to fly by. “The people are happy that you are okay and coming home.” I nodded, sighing. “Doesn’t mean they won’t think I’m stupid for being in the middle of it all.” He nodded. “If I may. No royal, no king nor queen has ever done what you did. You went to boost morale, see what your people were going through. And when danger came knocking you never turned away, you ran headfirst into the chaos. These people are proud to call you their princess.” Tears welled in my eyes at his words. “You mean it? You don’t think I’m stupid?” He shook his head. “No Krasivayen Royal has ever shown the courage and bravery you did. Not even your grandmother.” As he finished, we pulled into the station. “Now, come greet your people.” We all stood, Marcus leading me off the train and through the station. It was closed off for my protection but as soon as we stepped outside, I was blinded by the sun and deafened by the screaming.
People stood against the barriers, holding their hands out, waving small versions of the nation's flag. It brought tears to my eyes, that in times like this, people still had faith in my family and our nation. I slowly walked down the steps, smiling and waving. “Hi!” I greeted a little girl and her father. “We’re so happy you are safe, princess.” I smiled and thanked him, taking the small bouquet of flowers from his daughter. Many people had flowers and by the time I made it to the car they were overflowing in my arms. I gave one last wave before getting in the car, allowing Marcus to close my door and get into the passenger seat. “Marcus? May I roll down my window?” I asked, meeting his eye in the rearview mirror. He simply smiled and nodded, and just as we pulled away, I rolled my window down. People lined the streets the entire way to the palace, it was an overwhelming sense of love that had me crying in the backseat.
My arms felt like they were going to fall off by the time we reached the palace gates. I’m sure my face was smudged with mascara as I wiped the tears from my cheeks. “I told you they were proud.” Marcus said, turning to me with a smile. I gave him a teary smile of my own before we finally pulled up to the palace. I stepped out, guards leading me inside as I stood straight so as to not pull on my back. Once inside I saw my grandmother pacing, she had to stay here for her own safety, so we haven’t seen each other since the day I left for Kugrad. “Privyet, moye serdtse!” ‘Hello, my heart!’ My heart being a nickname she reserved only for me. She yelled it, rushing over and pulling me into her arms. She was careful of my back but her gentle touch alone made my back burn. “You’re okay! Thank god!” She yelled, kissing my forehead. Everyone walked away, giving us some space. “I’ve heard so many different stories. Tell me what happened.” She said, taking my hand and leading me to sit in some chairs. Once we sat, I spilled everything. “He was there?!” My grandmother asked and I nodded. “He was rushing towards me just as the bomb went off.”
She stared at me, her lips tight in silence. “I wish to meet this man.” She said, standing. “Well, Babushka. He is currently on deployment, but once he is home, I’ll happily arrange a meeting.” She smiled at me. “How were our people? Before the air raid?” I sighed. “Struggling, Babushka. They need more blankets and food. Sophie’s grandmother is part of a few groups I want to commission to make blankets for the refugees. I also asked a local bakery owner, Nadia Kolishk, if we paid her, if she could give bread to the camp. But I’m sure her shop is now gone.” Babushka nodded. “What else?” I raised a brow at her question. “You have more ideas, tell them to me.” I sighed. “I want to ask the country to ration. Two meals a day for now, including us. We can also save a lot of money here in the palace alone.” I turned to her, to see if she would stop me but she motioned me to continue.
“We currently use central heat. We can cut our electricity usage down if we use the fireplaces again.” She nodded, listening intently. “We have many throughout the palace, we use the central heat less and use the fireplaces more. Common areas and offices throughout the day, bedrooms and suites at night.” She nodded. “I’m still trying to think of other ways to cut back on our power use, but the only other thing that comes to mind is making sure we keep off lights when no one is in the room.” She smiled, standing and taking my hands. “Those are wonderful places to start. Now, you’re thinking like a queen.” She said as she cradled my face. “How do we announce this?” I asked and she smiled. “We will broadcast it across the country, on television and the radio. They need to see us as a strong, united front, and that’s what we will give them.” I smiled and nodded as she pulled me into another hug, my back stinging from her touch. “I was so worried about you, moye serdtse.” I hugged her tightly, squeezing my eyes shut. Her perfume invaded my senses, comforting me. “I’m so happy to have you home.” Tears welled in my eyes, the comfort of her embrace making me emotional. “Are you okay?” I shook my head, burying my face in her shoulder. “No.” I croaked. She held me gently as I sobbed into her shoulder. All my emotions and fears, finally flowing out of me.
A few days later, after my physical therapy session, my mother called. “Oh it is so good to hear your voice darling.” My mother said, worry lacing her tone. “I’m sorry I haven’t called sooner, mama.” I could practically see her shaking her head. “Nonsense. You’re learning to run a country. You don’t have time to call me all day every day.” I know she wasn’t trying to guilt me, but I felt it weighing on my chest. “Well I want to make more time. How about, when I get an opportunity to come back to San Diego we spend a few days together?” I asked and she laughed. “I’d love too, darling.” There was a knock on my office door and I looked over, seeing Sophie stick her head through the doorway. “Princess? We have twenty minutes till your broadcast.” I nodded and she closed the door. “I have to go mama. Babushka and I have a broadcast in twenty minutes.” I said and she sighed. “Okay, darling. Call me when you have a spare minute?” I nodded. “I will mama. I love you.” I said, a few tears gathering in my eyes. “I love you too, darling.” With that we said goodbye and I walked down the hall to the drawing room. “Hello, moye serdtse.” She said, pulling me into a hug. She wore a cream colored skirt suit, a floral shirt beneath it. I wore one similar but mine was gold floral with a white background. “Ready?” I nodded. “How do you think the country is going to handle the requests?” She scoffed. “It’s not the country you have to worry about, it’s the nobles.” She had a point. Many of the noble families had very… pretentious thoughts about themselves. They thought themselves better than everyone, but no one was worse than my uncle on my grandfather's side of the family. The Volkov’s. But the worst of them was my cousin Artem, I had only met him a handful of times but he looked down on me every time, and it wasn’t just because he was six feet tall, a whole six inches taller than me. “Ready your highness?” A voice broke me from my thoughts and I nodded, sitting next to my grandmother in the plush felt chairs. 
The announcement went great. All over social media people are talking about how they’re willing to go along with our plan to ration and save energy for this war, but of course the higher class is not happy. The phones in the royal communications office have been ringing off the hook and Artem’s father Mikhail seemed to be the most angry and called my grandmother directly. I walked into her office with a few reports that showed the nation's response to our announcement when I heard her on the phone. “You may be related to my husband but you will have care in how you speak to me.” I furrowed my brows in confusion as I listened to her conversation. “I’m sorry Mikhail, but I have a nation to run. Good day.” She said, ending the call and my eyebrows shot up. “Your uncle cares for no one but himself.” She said as I handed her the reports. “Called to complain about the announcement?” I asked and she nodded. “God forbid he eats less than five times a day and has to give up any luxuries.” She said and I bit back a laugh. “Princesses don’t laugh at others, dear.” She said and I cleared my throat, folding my hands behind my back. “Except in this case.” She said before laughing herself and I couldn’t help but join in.
Two months went by and the war only got worse and moved farther inland. We had a winter palace out west and with the number of injured or dead we had are rising rapidly so I made the decision with my grandmother to use the palace as one large field hospital. Doctors from everywhere flocked to the grand building to help as well as nurses. “I’m going.” I said as I burst into my grandmother’s office. She looked at me with wide eyes as she spoke with Marcus. “Go? Go where?” She asked. “The western palace.” “Absolutely not!” She said, standing from her seat. “I can’t just sit here anymore! I’m going crazy! I’m tired of sitting and planning! I want to do something! I want to be hands on! I have no field experience but I can get supplies for these doctors, I can help move patients! There are so many ways that I could be helping and I’m not doing them!” I said and she sighed. “It’s too close to the front lines and we would have to spare security.” She said and I looked at Marcus. “I would like to volunteer myself to go with her.” He said, looking at my grandmother. “Marcus.” She challenged. Most people would back down immediately. But Marcus has worked for my grandmother since before I was born and he knew that it would take a hell of a lot more than this for him to be at risk of receiving her wrath. “Your majesty. With all due respect, princess Tatiana is itching to help the people and this is a great way to do it. Maybe even get some publicity which could mean more support from other countries.” He said and she sighed. “What about your physical therapy?” She asked.
“I know my exercises and I’ll do them by myself every day.” I said and she pursed her lips. “I don’t know. You’re still sleeping in the infirmary.” I was still sleeping in the infirmary. I was sleeping directly across from my grandmother for a few weeks until she was allowed to sleep in her own suite again. “I’ll already be in a hospital. It’s probably the best place for me to be.” Everything would be fine, but I couldn’t take a bed from someone who needed it more than me. She sighed and sat back down, sliding her glasses back on to her face. “Okay. But you come back once a month for a checkup from your burn doctor.” I nodded enthusiastically and rushed over to hug her. “Spasibo, Babushka.” I knew saying ‘Thank you, Grandmother’ in Russian would butter her up even more. She hummed but turned and kissed my cheek. “I am so proud of you.” She said and I grinned at her. The next day me, Marcus and a few other security agents were on a train headed for Kovrovgrad. Once we arrived they tried to give me a private room which I refused and they put me in a room with three other nurses. They were all so kind and helped me to quickly learn the ropes and each day I was to be with them on their rounds. I knew this wasn’t going to be easy, but I was more than ready for it. 
The team had a rare off day on land which we were taking full advantage of. “What are you doing?” Phoenix asked as she sat next to me on the old worn couch. We were docked on base in Australia for the week and we had some downtime so I was sat in the rec room on base watching the tv. “You seem bored.” I scoffed at her words. “I am.” Service in Krasivayet Gurachu has been shitty at best since the war moved closer inland. I haven’t heard from Tatiana in days. No call, no text, not even an email. I’ve considered writing her a physical letter, but I wouldn’t even know where to send it. I couldn’t just send it to the palace, they’d never accept it. I’ll have to ask her about an address the next time I talk to her. “Have you heard about this war?” Phoenix asked and I looked at her confused. She pointed up at the tv and I turned towards it. They were covering the war in Krasivayet Gurachu. “I had never even heard of this country before this.” She said and I sighed. 
“Now to Tara who is covering the war in Krasivayet Gurachu.” The scene changed on the tv to a woman standing in front of a metal fence. “Thanks Adam. I’m standing here in front of the West Palace here, which is about twenty miles from the front lines. This palace behind me has been turned into a military field hospital. Before this the nearest hospital was a hundred miles behind this one. We’ve spoken to many nurses and doctors who are saying that without this, the number of  casualties would be much higher. The princess was the first one to make this suggestion and is in fact here herself offering aid to doctors and nurses.” My eyebrows shot up, I had no idea she was out there. She’s still healing herself. Sirens could be heard through the tv and the camera turned to catch an ambulance driving in at full speed. “There she is!” A voice yelled and it seemed like people rushed the fence. “As you can see, Princess Tatiana is hard at work with all the other nurses.” I could see her clearly. She was in blue scrubs, hair pulled back with a thick headband on. She grabbed the gurney, rushing inside with everyone else. “The government is doing all they can for their people. But with the war moving farther inland, resources are starting to diminish. There are multiple organizations you can donate too, including the Red Cross. I’m Tara Halstead.” With that it went back to the studio. 
“Damn. It’s getting bad I guess.” Phoenix said and I nodded. “It has been ever since we were docked there.” I replied. “I doubt she’s doing any actual work. She probably rushed outside for the cameras.” Hangman said from behind us. We turned around to look at him and before I could open my mouth and say anything I was cut off by Phoenix. “You’re only saying that because that’s what you would do if you were in her position. All over social media they are talking about all the things she’s done for her country, and it’s more than you can or would do for yours.” Phoenix snapped before standing and storming off. “Damn, why is she so mad about it?” He asked and I shrugged because I genuinely didn’t know. “Maybe because you’re just an ass Hangman?” I asked and he scowled at me before I gave him a grin, standing and leaving. 
“When will you be back?” Grace, one of the nurses I’ve been bunking with asked. “Two days from now.” I said and she nodded. I’ve been here three months, doing what I can to help everyone here in the hospital. This will be my third time returning home to get treatment for my burns and hopefully my last. I’m basically all healed at this point, I just need my doctor to tell me I’m all clear. “Well, we’ll miss you, like always when you’re gone.” She said and I chuckled. “And I will miss you as well.” I replied to her as I zipped up my bag. “You’re majesty.” Marcus said from our doorway. “Well it’s time for me to leave.” I said, hiking my bag over my shoulder and turned for the door. “And my candy better still be under my bed when I get back.” I said and Grace laughed loudly. I knew she’d take it if she had the chance. “Thank you, Marcus.” I said as he took my bag from me. “You’re welcome, princess.” He said and I followed him until he took a wrong turn. “Where are we going, Marcus? The front doors are that way.” I said, pointing behind me. “There has been an increase in crowds outside the gate, hoping to catch a glimpse of the ‘working princess’, it’ll be safer to go out the back.” He said as he rested his hand on my upper back and guided me to the back entrance. 
I slept for most of the car and train ride. Just like everyone else, I don’t get solid sleep at the hospital, waking up about every four hours during the night to tend to patient’s. But I was relieved to pull up to the rounded front steps of the palace. “Happy to be home?” Maria asked, greeting me at the door to take my coat. “Very.” I replied and smiled at her. “Where’s Babushka?” I asked and she nodded her head up the stairs. “In her office.” She said, “Do I have time to see her before my appointment?” I asked and she looked at a clock. “If you hurry. You have thirty minutes.” She said and I nodded, immediately making my way down the hall to the first set of stairs. This palace was like a maze and it’s so easy to get lost and while I have learned to navigate most of it, I do still get turned around from time to time. I smiled at any staff I passed, including guards that I knew were planted around the palace so I had a constant eye on me. As I made it to my grandmother’s office, I gave a gentle knock to the dark mahogany wood and got an immediate response. “Come in.” I opened the door slowly and peeked my head in. “Hi.” I said and she smiled at me. “Oh, moye serdtse. Come in!” I stepped through the door, closing it behind me and walked over to her desk. She stood, opening her arms for a hug. “How have you been?” She asked, sitting back down and I continued standing. “Tired, but busy. I’m just grateful that I can help people.” I said and she nodded, smiling at me. “How is everything going here?” I asked and she sighed. “We’re holding steady, but we’ve been getting information of another potential attack and we can’t pinpoint where.” I sighed, resting my hand on her shoulder. “It will be okay, Babushka.” She smiled up at me and patted my hand that rested on her shoulder. “It will be. Now go, you must see your doctor.” I just smiled and nodded, bidding her goodbye before I walked towards the infirmary.
The doctor gave me the all clear, which meant for the first time in a long time, I can sleep in my suite, in my own bed! I was so excited when he told me, I was buzzing for the rest of the day. I did anything I could to keep myself busy. But finally once we were done with dinner I all but sprinted up to my suite. “Maria!” I called as the guards opened the doors. “I just turned on the shower and your night clothes are set up for you as well.” She said and I smiled at her. “You’re amazing.” I said and she smiled at me. “I know.” I just laughed before I rushed to my bathroom. Once my shower was done I walked out, dressed in my pajamas and my hair up in a towel. “Oh my god, it feels so good to be back!” I said, launching myself onto my bed face first. Maria laughed, coming over and urging me off the bed. “I can tell. How about you dry your hair while I turn down your bed.” She said and I nodded. “I guess I can do that.” I said in a teasing town and she laughed as I walked back into the bathroom. 
When I was finally done, I was tired and ready to crawl under my thick covers and drift off to sleep. Maria smiled as I slid into the bed and she set some water on my bedside table. “So what are you going to do now?” I asked her. “Well, Mama made a cake so I’m going to join her and we’re just going to spend time together.” She said and I smiled at her. “Well good, have fun.” She nodded and started walking out when I stopped her. “Maria?” I asked and she turned to me. “When we go back to San Diego, don’t let me forget to spend some time with my mama.” SHe just giggled and nodded. “I won’t. Goodnight, your majesty.” She said, giving a bow, cutting the lights off and leaving. While I was happy to be back in my big plush bed, I can’t help but think of Grace and the other nurses. Just like most other people in the country, they won’t be sleeping well tonight. I thought about how lucky I was to have such a safe and warm bed and how others didn’t but sadly, I can’t do anything about it right now. So the best thing to do is to get some sleep. I can’t help anyone with a foggy brain. 
I screamed as a hand landed on my shoulder and I sat up quickly. “Tatiana.” I was breathing heavily as I realized it was my grandmother in front of me. “Babushka?” I asked. “What are you doing here at,” I grabbed my phone, looking at the time. “Two a.m.?” I asked. “There has been an attack.” She said and my mind conjured up so many horrors. “Where?” I asked. “The field hospital.” I was stunned for a moment, taking a minute to absorb what she just told me. “Wh-what?” I asked, standing from my bed. “Belevodskian military stormed the hospital. They were looking for you.” She said and I sighed. “What happened?” I asked and she sighed, guiding me to sit back down on the bed. “They stormed the palace and killed all the wounded.” My heart stopped. “And they captured and killed many doctors and nurses.” My mind flashed to Grace and the other girls. “D-do we know who is dead?” I asked and she shook her head. “No. We don’t and it may be a long time before we know.” She said and soon Marcus came in. “The jet is ready.” Marcus said and I furrowed my brows at him. “Why is the jet ready?” I asked. “They are looking for you.” She said and my eyebrows flew up. “Me? Why would they be looking for me?” I asked. “King Stephan’s youngest son, Dmitri, has always wanted power and his father feels he should have it. I don’t know what they want with you, but I know it is not good. So I think it would be safer in San Diego.” She said and fear crept into my chest, almost suffocating me. 
“O-okay. Do I have time to change?” I asked and she nodded. I quickly jumped up, rushing into my closet. I slipped into some light wash jeans and the UVA shirt I had on when I left Bradleys house. I grabbed a coat and slid on some shoes before grabbing things like my purse and phone. I rushed out of the room to see Marcus outside of my door. “I thought you would have been against leaving.” He said and I sighed. “I don’t want to but I’m no use to anyone or this war if I’m dead or held captive.” I said as he led me down some stairs, another guard behind me. We approached the front doors and I saw my grandmother standing there, still in her pajamas and robe. “Why aren’t you dressed?” I asked and she took my hands. “Moye serdtse, I am not going with you.” She said and immediately tears welled in my eyes. “What? I thought we were leaving together.” I said and she shook her head. “I can’t leave. Someone has to stay here and that someone is me.” She said and I scoffed. “No, it doesn’t. If you’re not leaving then neither am I.” I said and she gave me a sad smile. “My dear, you are the only heir to the throne. I am but an old woman and you are so young. When I am gone, the country will need you.” She said and I choked on a sob. “I’m not ready. I can’t do this without you.” I said as I cried. “I know. But you will have to and you won’t be alone.” She said, giving my hands one last squeeze. “I’m not leaving without you. I refuse to.” I said and she sighed, leaning forward and kissing my cheek. She pulled away and shocked me with her words. “Remove her.” I furrowed my brows in confusion when I was suddenly grabbed. “No!” I screamed and kicked before being tossed over a shoulder. Whoever had me made their way for the door as Marcus followed us. “NO! You can’t do this to me! I command you to let me go!” I said as Marcus opened the doors. “You are a princess and she is the queen. Her commands outrank yours.” He said and I watched as my grandmother turned away from me, Charlotte resting her hand on her shoulder as they shook with her cries. I fought against the guards all the way to the car before I was basically tossed into one. “Marcus!” I yelled as he got in next to me. I turned for the other door, attempting to open it when I realized the child lock was on. “Let me out! They’ll kill her if they make it to the castle!” I said and he sat still. “The queen is well aware of that.” He said and more tears fell down my cheeks. “Marcus, please.” I begged and he looked at me. I could tell there were many emotions behind his brown eyes. Fear, anger, regret. “I’m sorry princess, but the queen has given me strict orders to get you out of the country safely and keep you out until this war is over.” He said and I choked on a sob. “And what happens if it doesn’t end? Or Belevodsk wins?” I asked and he sighed, staring out the window for a moment. “Then take it all in, your majesty. This could be the last time you see Kraivayet Gurachu.”
Taglist: @artemissunn @fanboyswhore9 @amortentiadrops @kmc1989 @halstead-severide-fan
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kairithemang0 · 5 months
I meant explai the plot lol
Alright so we start in the year 1957, where a man is being tortured. Because that's what happened in 1957, apparently.
This is secret Agent Curt Mega, we love him. He's arrogant, kinda an ass, but he's good at his job.
So the person torturing him is trying to figure out where the blueprints he stole had gone. Curt doesn't give him much information, and the man gives up. He goes "personal history does have it's benefits, Mega" all silly and shit, and then he shoots his assistant in the legs and helps Curt free. This is Agent Owen Carvour of MI6, the most british bitch you've ever fucking met. He is amazing, we love him (probably even more than Curt).
So the two men hatch a plan to escape the compound while and absolutely amazing opening number plays in the background. They start their escape, Curt's drinking because he doesn't really care too much. He also eats a banana, super harmless, and sets the bomb to go off for 3 minutes instead of the agreed upon 4, less smart.
So Curt and Owen get caught, they're running up the stairs and suddenly-
so yeah, super harmless banana.
We flash forward to 1961, a now bearded Curt is getting a mission briefing. We learn from his informant he hasn't been in the field in 4 years since Owen fell. Curt sings a song about getting off his ass after becoming a shell of himself. Spy again it's who I am doesn't even matter if I killed my best friend, and all that shit.
The next scene we meet a few new characters. Sergio, who's selling a bomb that Curt needs to stop, and the Deadliest Man Alive, who we'll be seeing a lot of. We also meet someone we'll later learn to be Tatiana, a russian, who's doing the same thing as Curt.
They sing a great song about bombs and date nights and shit until Curt comes in to stop the arms deal. When Curt comes down, The DMA turns to him and tries to shoot him before going "this ain't over between you and me" before running off. Sergio gives them the bomb now that the DMA is gone. Tatiana comes over to Curt and tries to take the bomb away, kicking him in the balls before running off with the bomb. Luckily for Curt, he got where she was staying
He goes back to the agency where we meet Cynthia Houston, his boss, who talks about the deadliest man alive and his mission. We also meet Barb, who gives Curt cool spy gadgets before he leaves. She has a very obvious crush on him during this entire show btw.
So Curt goes off to Tati's hotel and basically just tries to get with her for the mission and fails because of Mr Dick Big, what a name. They finally get their time alone and Tati tells him she's not working for the Russians, which surprises Curt. They go up to her room, but they get stopped by the deadliest man alive. It was all a trap to get Curt to fall into their plan.
We meet one of the villains! BARON VON NAZI. He's a silly guy who keeps glitter up his sleeves but he's also... yknow a nazi. He sings a silly song about how people villainize the nazi's and it's all kinda uncomfortable but the song is painfully catchy. They explain their plan to kill a new prince from a republic being formed. Then on that land they're going to build a "nazi super castle" and take over the world.
Curt thinks this is all crazy, and then he's left alone with the DMA. Ahhh Torture Tango, I don't think I can really describe this scene
I'm just gonna link it
So Tatiana comes in and saves Curt, but the DMA gets one shot on Curt.
Act 2! We're at the gala in whatever the countries called idk how to spell it and we get MY BOY VANDER SINGING AN AMAZING SONG WE LOVE THE PRINCE MY BELOVED <3
It's revealed that the prince is just the worst, everyone kinda hates him. he's a big dumbass, pretty much. and so Curt comes out, Cynthia's pissed because he was told to abandon the mission and disobeyed, and then not only did she fire him on the spot, he then went up and tried to tell everyone the prince was about to die, and so of course the DMA and Baron shoot the prince.
Tatiana grabs Curt to get him out of there, and then brings him to his mothers safe house. Mrs Mega is great, top tier mom. Overly obsessed with her sons love life, but she's great. So Curt and Tatiana have a conversation about their lives, Tatiana reveals her family history and how she's on the run from the Russians, while Curt talks about the night he lost Owen and how afraid he's been since then.
Tati and Curt kiss. They hate it. Curt's gay! Tati is chill about it, THEY'RE BESTIES AND LOVELY!
Anyways now Curt, Tatiana, Barb, and the Informant all go and drink before their big mission to stop the Nazi's. So they go back to the country I forget the name of, and the informant disguises himself as one of the diplomates and infiltrates their meeting. They all sign this document that gives the land to the Nazi's, and then Curt and Tati come in. The DMA stabs the Baron in the back (literally) and the we get the reveal.
The Deadliest Man Alive goes behind the curtain, takes off his mask, and is revealed to be Owen Carvour, Curt's partner from 4 years ago.
Owen begins to explain his evil plan, his group, Chimera, needs to mine for silicon to make their archival system which will reveal all the words secrets. Owen shoots the informant and runs off, expecting Curt to follow me. Tatiana goes to destroy the base and Curt goes after Owen
Another scene I can't explain and that you just need to watch for yourself
Curt comes back and works to take down Chimera, and that's where the show ends
PLEASEEEEE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE WATCH SPIES ARE FOREVER!!! I went in detail here because I just love this show so much and of course it's been spoiled now but please go and watch it, it's so worth it
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sunnyie-eve · 3 months
33 | For the Best
Series: Indispensable | Teen Wolf
Paring: (Stiles Stilinski x OFC Martin)
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: None
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Julia wakes up and looks around to see Stiles sitting a good distance away from her and it looked like they were in the school's basement.
When he looks over at her she curls up in a ball so he gets up going over to her slowly, "It's me, Julia. I swear it's me." He puts his hands up.
"How do I know for sure?" She gets up taking a step back.
"I promise, Jules. I don't remember much but I know you're scared of me because of him. Trust me please."
"Why are we at school?" She asks him so he tells her to talk to Scott so he turns on the alarm to get his attention hopefully.
Scott end up coming down with the twins so Stiles turns to them as Julia looks over at them, "Okay, I know what you guys are thinking but it's me. I swear to God, it's me." He tells the three and the twins rush at him.
Julia steps aside and Scott stops the twins to from hurting Stiles, "It's me, Scott. I swear it's me. I don't know where I've been for the last two days or what I've been doing, or why Julia is with me, but this is me. I promise."
"You know what happened at the hospital?"
"I know more than that." Stiles goes to show everything blueprints and plans saying he might have been up to something a lot worse.
"Julia, why have you been just staying with him?" Aiden asks her as she holds herself.
"Void have been keeping me sedated. He took me to know of his plan will work and it will. I've only been awake once for the past two days. He said hopefully next time I wake up Stiles will be himself." She looks over at Stiles, "So I'm guessing he is himself."
Going through the back more Stiles had a blueprint of the hospital electrical grid and a bag full of rope, wire and tools as well as well a map of the Cross Country Team running trail. They all come up with believing the Nogitsune had used Stiles to set up booby-traps along the trail, so they race to stop the team.
When they pull up in the jeep coach was surprised to see Stiles and Julia so they quickly explains they need to stop the team.
As the team arrives and they manage to stop the rest of the cross country team. Stiles finds a chain under some leaves but it is attached to nothing.
Coach believes this is just another funny/weird Stilinski moment begins to berate him. "Coach!" Julia watch's as he steps forward into a tripwire and an arrow punctures his diaphragm causing him to collapse.
Julia rushes over bending down by his head, "Coach, open your eyes." She taps on his cheek making him start to scream.
"Get it out of me! Get it out of me! Get it out of me!" He yells as the guys. "I'm gonna die!" He yells looking at all of them.
Stiles tries telling him he's not going to die. Julia looks at Scott indicating he should use his ability to take away pain so Scott does so and Coach passes out.
Stiles looks at his bloody hands ranting about how he could have killed him. "He's gonna be alright Stiles." Julia looks up at him as they hear an ambulance.
When they show up to take Coach to the hospital Stiles and his dad hug since he was relieved to see his son was alright. "Julia, I'm glad to see you're okay too." He pulls Julia into a hug as well, "Where have you guys been?"
"We don't remember anything." Julia tells him, "But we're okay right now." She adds till Scott shout for Noah so he rushes over.
They all end up at school since they believe that's where the bomb was. As everyone was watching on it turns out it was just a distraction because the bomb was somewhere else. Turns out it was at the station so they get there after it went off.
Rushing inside to help multiple officers were down, Scott tries taking someone pain but Julia said he was going to die and he did.
Noah tells the three to get out and when they start to, Kira shows up telling them the Oni were coming and that they had to leave quickly. They head to the animal clinic to be safe and when they get there the Oni show up.
Scott gets implied by one of the swords fighting the Oni and when they all get inside Kira tries to take it out of Scott but Stiles stops her. He knocks her out then points at Julia shaking his finger no.
"Void, don't please." She begs him so he walks over to her making her back away.
"Don't worry sweetheart." He turns back to Scott and grabs the sword twisting it.
Julia wanted to help, she did but she was scared of him sliding down the wall curling up into a ball till Deaton showed up injecting Stiles with a poison to the fox in him. He helps Scoot then asks if she okay.
"I'm sorry, Scott. I couldn't. He scares me." She cries.
Going home Lydia rushes to Julia pulling her into a hug, "Where have you been? Are you okay? What happened?" She grabs her face asking her all the questions.
"I'm okay, and Void kidnapped me to make sure his plan will work. I've been out mostly for the past two days." Julia tells her as she sits on her bed.
"Are you really okay?" Lydia sits next to her.
"No, I'm terrified." She tears up, "Void scares me and what makes it worse is that he's using Stiles. I know he would never do these things yet he technically is."
"Are you scared to be around Stiles even when he's himself?" Lydia asks her.
"A tad bit but I can't help it. How Void had a hold of me when I was trying to fight him away." She looks at her sister.
"Don't let him make you scared of Stiles, Julia. You know he could never hurt you like that. He cares too much about you." Lydia hold her hand, "Don't satisfy him."
The next day Julia got a call from Noah asking her if she wanted to go with him and Stiles to be by his side moving into Eichen House for 72 hours. Stiles and Noah told her not tell Scott but he found out anyways showing up as they waited outside.
Noah explains that Stiles' MRI results looked exactly like those of his wife and that he was terrified. That he is going to LA tomorrow to talk to a specialist and that it was Stiles who had requested that he be locked away in the mental health facility so that he doesn't hurt anyone.
Scott tries to talk him out of the plan saying that Deaton's got some ideas and Argent is calling people to try to find something to help him rid himself of the Nogitsune. Stiles tells him if they don't find something then Scott must make sure he never gets out.
As the three leave Scott going in Stiles grabs Julia's hand, "I know you're scared of me. Why are you here?" He asks before they walk inside.
"I'm not scared of you. I'm scared of him. You're my best friend Stiles and I care about you so much. He wants me to be afraid of you and I won't give him that." She explains to him, "What he did to me wasn't you and I know that. You could never do that to me."
"But it's still my face you see when he hurts you." He squeezes her hand.
"Maybe but when I make eye contact with him I can tell it's him and not you. Your eyes tell a whole different story when you look at me." She smiles squeezing his hand now, "They're always so gentle."
Stiles pulls her into a tight hug not wanting to let go. He just wanted to keep apologizing. She was just too good to be true.
Inside the Eichen House attendant explains the rules that there are no phone calls, emails or visitors allowed in the first 72 hours. As she lays out the process, a physical, meeting with a psychologist, and group therapy, Noah becomes more and more agitated.
Julia notices that so she places her hand on his shoulder. The attendant takes Stiles shoes and gives him brown slippers because no laces allowed and then makes him empty his pockets of keys and other items.
Suddenly Noah declares that they forgot Stiles' pillow and that they must leave to go and get it. He manically explains that every time they've stayed in a hotel, the first thing they pack is Stiles' pillow. Stiles explains that he hasn't slept well in weeks and hugs his father tightly.
"Hopefully this works out." Julia speaks up as Stiles goes to hug her next.
"That's why I'm putting myself in here." He chuckles squeezing her tightly. As he pulls back he looks into her eyes wanting to kiss her so badly.
"Don't worry about your dad. I'll keep an eye on him." Julia smiles looking over at Noah with her sweet smile. Stiles is off down the hall with the attendant, leaving Julia and his father standing alone, "It's for the best." She adds turning to face Noah.
"I know." He sighs, "Let's just get you home since it's late." He motions for her to walk ahead of him.
"I was actually hoping I can stay with while Stiles is here so you aren't alone. My mom wouldn't care trust me." She tells him hoping he'll let her.
"That sounds nice. Then let's go home." They leave together.
When they get to the house Noah tells Julia goodnight as she walks upstairs going to Stiles room. Walking into his room she gets clothes to sleep in before changing and getting into bed.
Cuddling one of his pillows she starts to cry a bit wishing for Stiles to be himself again. She wished void possesses one of the others instead of him. Why Stiles? Why her best friend she was in love with sadly.
While Stiles was in for the first night he didn't sleep at all just sitting up all night. The next day he wanted to use the phone changing his mind about being there but it was still turned off.
When trying to figure a way out, Stiles ends up running into Malia, who attacks him since she hated being normal. As he was held down he notices the basement was the same from the time he was asleep.
Later in the day he finds Malia taking a shower in the boys room. They chat for a bit while Stiles tries not to look at her. She rants why she hates being human and wants to go back to being a coyote. They said they would help each other out in order of what they want.
Sadly when Malia gets the keys for Stiles the plan doesn't work and Stiles gets caught and the force him to go to sleep. Malia ends up helping him out and they get to the basement. They go through files that were down there but Stiles couldn't find anything that could help him.
Asking Malia to check the lines on his back, she said they were fading causing him to sigh. Malia ends up kissing Stiles taking him by surprise.
"Umm, okay." Stiles moves away a bit not knowing what to feel.
"Was that bad?" She asks him.
"No, but..." He looks away from her, "I kinda like my friend outside of here." He tells her.
"That short red head?"
"Strawberry blonde but yeah her. Things have been confusing lately." He explains to her.
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jewishvitya · 11 months
I see a lot of countries believing in the two states solution. What are your feelings about that? (I'm sorry if I used the wrong terms, I'm trying to translate from my native language)
You used the right terms! But I'll be honest, a solution to the whole thing sounds like such a far away idea when we can't even seem to push for a ceasefire.
Maybe someone who wants to see two states will have solutions to these problems I have. Maybe one state has even more issues. I mentioned before that my reading progress is very slow, so while I can tell you a lot about my lived experience and about Israeli mentality, when it comes to this I'm pretty ignorant.
But you're not the first to ask, so I guess I might as well.
My personal feelings about the idea of two states, from a place of being relatively uninformed about this aspect of things.
First, if we do that, we're starting from the position of Israel being so much more powerful, and Israel will find ways to maintain and exploit that power even if it changes form. For example, the fact that Gaza and the West Bank are separated. Israel, from the very beginning and through every day of its existence, meant the suffering and deaths of Palestinians. It's always had an expansionist mentality - when accepting lands given by the British, the plan from the start was to take it and expand from there. I was shamelessly taught this in history class. And Palestinians are treated as a security threat for existing. I don't know that you can rehabilitate that into a safe neighbor to a Palestinian state.
Second, this option allows Israel the opportunity to maintain itself as an ethnostate, and I object to an ethnostate as a concept. There's a Palestinian minister in the Israeli government who talked about it and I remember a Jewish minister replying to him with "so all the Israeli Arabs will move to your Palestinian state?" like. This is not talking about people in occupied territories, but about 20% of our citizens. To maintain an ethnostate, your only tools are ethnic cleansing and genocide, or manipulating birthrates, things like that. Israel is already very preoccupied with demographics, and I don't trust this not to deteriorate and become very fascist very fast even with a Palestinian state next door.
Lastly, even cities that are considered part of Israel and not the occupied territories have been stolen from Palestinians. And there's a reason indigenous people talk about landback. If we give a Palestinian family "permission" to live free in the West Bank without our military occupation, but that family comes from Tiberias... That's not really justice, is it? Justice would mean they're able to go home, they're able to travel within the land, they're able to enjoy the freedoms that Israel denies them. I personally don't see that happening in a two states model.
And I'm just a random person online, not even Palestinian myself, I don't know that my opinion matters. So I'm not going to tell you what the solution should be, I'm sure there's a lot of writing about this by Palestinians. That's also why I block reblogs sometimes, I don't want my takes on some things to be too loud, or my personal feelings to be too centered outside the personal space of my blog.
Push for a ceasefire. That's the immediate need. People are dehydrated and starving with bombs raining down on them. And then, once we addressed that, look at what Palestinians want and what they envision when they talk about a free Palestine and push for that.
You asked for my opinion. That's my opinion. Don't put too much weight on it please.
Ceasefire is the immediate need, liberation has to be the goal, and they decide what it looks like.
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fridamoss · 1 year
Is This The Love (That I'm Feelin'?) Bob Floyd X Loot (PART 5)
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Archive of Our Own // Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
Summary: Bob goes back to Loot after a shocking revelation. Their desire for each other reaches boiling point.
This is a Bob Floyd/you fiction, you being 'Loot', short for Lieutenant.
Warnings: The F bomb, touching, grinding, kissing, fingering, handjob. 18+ only.
Word count: 2,473
You looked down at yourself, suddenly feeling a bit silly. ‘Let me just get something to wear.’ 
Bob gently took your arm as you made your way toward your room. ‘Hold on,’ he whispered.
Stopping in your tracks, you turned toward him. Cerulean blue eyes searching your face. 
‘Tell me.’ 
You sat side by side in silence for a minute.
A carefully planned monologue curtesy of your friend was forgotten and a mess of words ran at him. Bob placed a hand on your knee, gesturing for you to take a breath.
‘We didn’t run away, let me just get that one thing clear. As soon as I turned eighteen, I told my folks I was marrying David. He was a close friend for a long time, we grew up together. And as soon as we married, we left that town and moved across the country. I joined the Navy and he got a job as an engineer. We never divorced and we never lived together.’
Bob nodded, he understood. ‘Why not just move, why get married?’
You cleared your throat, ‘My folks would never have left me leave if I didn’t have someone to “care” for me. Like I said, they had a fucked up sense of ownership. A woman can’t really have a life outside of domesticity.’ You smiled sadly, ‘it’s their way,’ you added. 
‘And David?’ Bob had spent a lot of the last hour thinking about your husband, what he looked like, why he wasn’t in your life.
‘David’s a good guy. He’s pretty much still my best friend. That’s him.’ You pointed to a photograph on the wall.
Bob squinted at the wall you were pointing at, realising he’d left his glasses on your bedside table. 
He stood to get a better look. From what he could tell, your husband was taller than you but all other features were blurred. 
‘Why are you still married, after all this time?’
‘Divorce is expensive.’ You replied, shrugging.
Bob looked back at you. All anger and upset forgotten, you were earnest. You always had been. 
‘I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, I never wanted to hurt you.’
‘I believe you,’ Bob said simply, settling next to you. Opening his arms, resting his chin on your head as you moved in close. 
Bob had thought about calling Nat, to run the whole thing by her and get her advice. But honestly, he didn’t want anyone else to know, it was your story to tell, not his. The last thing he wanted to do was completely ruin his chances by blabbing your business around the base. While he’d been out on the beach throwing rocks into the water and thinking over his next move, he decided that he was going to take his own advice; go back to you. That’s what he wanted so that’s what he did. Grabbing a small bouquet from the corner shop, he had knocked on your door, hoping against hope you’d still have him.
‘Any skeletons in your closet, Bob? Now’s the time to say somethin’, while we’re being honest.’ 
Bob shook his head slightly. You’d turned in his arms as he lay back, face to face, rubbing noses gently and sharing soft kisses.
‘Well, if you really wanna know, my family call me Robbie, it’s actually what I prefer.’
‘Oh, how come you didn’t say it earlier.’ 
Bob kissed your pouting lips. ‘I like how you say Bob. So call me whatever you want.’
‘That’s my deepest, darkest secret,’ He told you.
‘Nope, I know faces like yours. People always have something hidden, but I’m guessing all your hidden treasures are pleasant.’
You felt his chest rumble as he laughed. ‘Can’t wait to find out, huh?’ 
The knot in your stomach had loosened, finally. 
‘Tell me what you’re thinking,’ he pleaded.
After a breath, pulling back to look at his face, his rumpled hair, you leaned back in, missing his heat against your chest. ‘I’m thinking you’re the most understanding, patient man on earth.’
‘I wouldn’t say that,’ he began interlacing your fingers together. 
‘So you tell me what you’re thinking, Robbie.’
‘I’m thinking that I’m crazy jealous that I didn’t get to be your first husband. But I hope I get to at least be your boyfriend. Since we’re being honest.’ Bob squinted at you, wishing he had his glasses so he could make out your face a little clearer. 
‘You really wanna be my boyfriend?’ There was a little teasing in your tone. 
‘Mmhmm’, he nodded with such enthusiasm that you laughed, kissing him until both of you lost your breath.
It didn’t take long for your hands to roam under Bob’s pristine white shirt, your knuckles running slowly toward the happy trail you just knew would be there. His hips bucked up involuntarily when you moaned his name. ‘You can touch me. I need you to touch me.’
Bob had both of his hands on your face, holding you close to him, afraid that you would disappear into a wisp of smoke. He wanted these kisses to last forever. 
But you needed him to touch you and god, he wanted to touch you too. 
Tentatively running his fingertips across the naked skin of your shoulder and down, down to the base of your spine, finding his confidence again, he dipped his fingers into your panties and grabbed a palmful of your ass. 
You gasped at the sensation, his hot hand squeezing your flesh while his mouth was greedy on yours. Heat was blooming in your cunt. One of your legs lay across the cushions and the other rested between Bob thighs. Shifting up during one of his ass squeezes, you took advantage of the position and began rubbing yourself against his crotch. 
‘Oh you’re starting that, huh baby?’ His voice hoarse with need.
‘Feels good,’ you whimpered, sounding like a pathetic mess already.
Bob grunted, pushing his hips upwards and hitting your clit just right. 
‘Keep doing that, don’t stop, please.’ 
‘I have to stop, I have to,’ he croaked, pushing you off him. ‘Lemme get my glasses.’
‘What the hell, why do you need your glasses?’ you asked him, exasperated.
Bob grabbed his glasses from your bedside locker, not even sparing himself a glance in your bedroom mirror. There was no time to check if he looked decent, he had left you panting and aching for him on your sofa. 
‘Ok, I’m ready now.’ He grinned, watching you fall onto your back, your hair falling around your head like a halo. 
‘You’re so beautiful,’ his words muffled as he kissed your jaw. ‘I needed to see you, really see you,’ Bob ran the back of his hand across your chest and down to where you wanted him most.
Fingers teasing at the growing wet patch on your panties. 
‘I want to see how beautiful you are when you cum on my fingers.’
In a swift movement, he had pushed your panties aside, exposing your wet folds to the cool air. You bit your lip, a moan that would have made a prostitute proud escaped you anyway. 
Bob looked surprised. ‘I haven’t even done anything yet.’ 
‘I know it’s going to be good. You’re definitely going to get me off real quick.’
Your mouth was watering at the sight of his bicep bulging as he began playing with you, his middle finger gathering your wetness and running along your slit to your aching bud. 
Your hips lifted slightly when he entered a finger into your heat. ‘So wet,’ Bob whispered.
‘That’s all you, you make me so wet,’ if there was a slither of hope of you experiencing an orgasm with Bob’s fingers inside you without being an absolute babbling mess, it was disappearing fast. 
‘The strong, silent type really get me going. Fuck me, you know what you’re doing with your fingers.’
Bob had added a second finger, bending them and grinding upwards until he saw your face shift, knowing then that he’d found the right spot. 
This wasn’t his first rodeo, he knew exactly where women needed to be touched to orgasm, but he wanted this to be amazing for you. 
‘More, please Bob, I want more.’
‘More fingers?’ he pressed, but you shook your head from side to side, guiding his hand to your breast. 
Good Lord, he was gonna cum in his pants, the third time his cock would have betrayed him today. 
Your hand laid over his letting him know how you wanted to be touched, so he held on to you tight as his fingers pushed in and out of you. 
Bob licked his lips and dove in to mouth your nipple through your shirt. 
Chanting his name, a wave of pleasure crashed over you, your walls squeezing around his fingers. 
‘Robbie that was so good.’ 
‘Felt good to me too,’ Bob panted, sliding his hand gently out of you and your panties. 
‘Let me touch you.’ You voice was small, still swirling from your pleasure. 
‘Are you sure? You don’t have to coz I…’ he motioned what he had just been doing to you.
Shaking your head ‘now you blush?’ you smiled up at him; your beautiful soft, shy Bob.
‘No, pressure but I’m really, really hard for you right now!’ He sat back on his heels, watching you reach out for his zipper. 
‘I really want to.’ Your perfect eyebrow raised at him, the same way you did that first night you spoke at the party. Only now he allowed himself to fully involve himself in the sight before him. This was real and it wasn’t improper.
Bob felt suddenly exposed, his shyness coming to the surface at the worst of times. 
‘I want to take care of you.’ Making quick work of the button and zip of his shorts, you pressed your hand against his straining bulge. 
A whimper sounded above you, Bob’s brows were pressed together in concentration. 
Don’t cum, don’t cum. His mind screamed at him, demanding that his cock would listen. 
But you were licking your lips and glancing up at him with glassy eyes. Your hair mussed from writhing on his fingers moments ago.
‘Please, just, grab it,’ he swallowed hard when you yanked down the waistband of his boxers, exposing him to you for the first time.
It was only natural to gauge your reaction. He knew he was a little bigger than the average dude. The guys in the locker room had teased him a little about it. He didn’t mind being objectified by you though.
So he peeked down at you and saw your tongue darting out to wet your lips, your mouth was watering at the sight of him laying heavy in your palm.
You wondered for a minute if he wanted your hand or your mouth. 
You wouldn’t be you without teasing the man for a while though, so you looked up at him, his lips pressed together, waiting for you to do something. 
You took pity on him, poor Bob. He’d been so good to you so far.
Wrapping your fingers around the base of his cock you gave it a couple of gentle tugs, feeling the weight of him. Bob mumbled and closed his eyes. 
The skin of his shaft was so soft and warm in your palm. But you had never seen a man so painfully hard and he was really trying to keep it together. The thoughts of him getting so riled up made you flutter inside, you’d definitely be ready if he wanted to fuck you right now.
‘Is that ok?’ Voice gentle so as not to pull him from his pleasure too suddenly. 
Bob grabbed at the hand you’d placed on his hip and cupped it under your chin. ‘Spit.’ 
You did as he asked, letting him guide your hand to his cock. Rubbing the wetness across the head and down to his balls. 
You could feel the heat coming from him, blood pumping fast as he watched you work him. Wet flingers sliding and squeezing the head of his cock, working it expertly. He hadn’t told you to pull the skin taut as he began twitching, but you did it, and he came hard with a whimper. You saw his neck veins bulge as he gasped for air, like he was coming up from the depths.
Hot ropes of cum hit your chest and your neck, some puddling in your palm as you held it out to catch it. 
‘Fucking hell, I…’ Bob tried and failed to form a sentence. ‘Your hand was so damn good I can’t wait to try your mouth.’
The words had tumbled out of him before he could stop it.
‘Well, well, I knew there was a bad boy in there.’ 
Bob leaned down to kiss you, hoping you’d kiss away the blush in his cheeks and the dirty thoughts. 
He tucked himself back into his pants and helped you stand so you could go to the bathroom to clean up.
‘I could honestly use a drink.’ You called out to him from the bathroom.
Bob checked his watch, it was still early enough that he could take you for a drink and a burger somewhere. 
‘How about we head to the hard deck?’ 
Looking at yourself in the mirror, you thought you’d need about an hour to get ready. 
‘How about you let me shower and try do something with my hair first. Then we can head out?’
Bob appeared, leaning against he doorframe. He looked you over, biting his lip. 
‘You definitely can’t wear those panties.’ Bob had the audacity to wink as you playfully pushed him out into the hallway.
‘I gotta go home and shower too, get out of these clothes and into something a little less relaxed.’
Between kisses and nose bumps you decided you’d meet him at the bar in an hour. It was hard letting him go, you kissed him all the way to your front door. He backed out slowly, never taking his hands from your waist until he came dangerously close to your front step. 
Then he took the short walk home with a bounce in his step and a smile he couldn’t wipe off his face. 
Loot is my girlfriend. The sentence went round and round in his head. Loot is MY girlfriend. 
He checked his phone as he got in the door, seeing that you’d already text him, he opened it to see a picture of you wearing the hottest bra and panties set he’d ever imagined.
‘Will these be ok to wear to the hard deck?’ 
Bob swallowed hard, you were going to make this evening very difficult for him, but in the best way.
‘Yes ma’am.’ He replied before checking his wallet for condoms. He would need ALL of the condoms.
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The next chapter is gonna spicy as hell.
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sooghostwriter · 1 year
Third Name
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Member/Pairing: Do Kyung Soo x OC
Genre/Type: Smut, Mature, Romance, Royalty/ Dictatorship AU, Action, Time jumps. Multichapter.
Word count:  8250 words.
Summary: Anna has a plan for her own freedom. Prince Kyung Soo has one for the nation. She thinks she is meeting her enemy, he just wants to meet her. When the revolution begins he will need her help to claim their freedom.
PS: I block empty blogs.
Chapter 11
Kyung Soo’s face begging her to take him out of there was hunting her. 
It was the first time Anna saw him like that, and she wasn’t planning on letting him there suffer for much longer. So this meeting with Minseok, Sehun, and Chanyeol had to be the last one. 
“If we are taking him out we can't just take him, we have to make it look like a kidnapping, make a huge deal about it, use it as a distraction,” Minseok said very seriously. 
“For what?” Chanyeol asked, almost angry. Not with Minseok, but with everything. He and Sehun were filled with frustration since they couldn’t leave the Clan’s hideouts, unable to help anybody, especially their friend. 
“So the Clan can start moving and also to bomb his uncle's reputation” The three of them looked at Minseok asking for more details.
“If Kyung Soo just disappears he could use it, say that he ran away, or straight up fake his death and take the crown, if we kidnap him he is going to have to explain some things to the Crown and at least they will look for him” 
“I see, we are going to put him in a tight spot, I like that, me and Chanyeol will take care of it and Anna is in charge of kidnapping her boyfriend" She liked the idea, although at this point she would agree to any plan. Anna asked them the only thing she cared about now. 
"When is this happening? " Minseok told them to prepare for that Friday. 
That night, and the ones that followed, she visited Kyung Soo and shared with him their plan. His eyes shone and he promised that he would follow the rules, without asking for explanations. 
Anna explained everything with details and made him repeat some important parts of the plan to check if he was paying attention. 
"As long as you are with me we will be ok, but if we split for some reason you need to stay in the castle hidden, they are never going to search for you here, they are going to assume that we took you out" She told him holding his hand as soon as she notice how nervous he was. 
"Who is going to help you?" He asked, offering both of his hands for her to hold.
"I was told that it's about time to tell you this, and it's going to be a lot, so interrupt me when you think it's needed because you have a question or it's just too much" Kyung Soo assured her that he was going to do so and also remain calm. 
Anna spoke without interruptions about the Clan. Kyung Soo only listened and stared at her with his big round eyes. 
"With your illness and your parents death the Order is currently in a malleable state, they could support you and wait for you or just choose your uncle as the next king, if that were to happen, the people would take the hardest part and the Clan would have to change the course of actions radically… your uncle has his own people, his own ideas and connections with other countries that could start a coup" Kyung Soo covered his face with his hands, breathing heavily. 
"And if they chose me, what was the original plan? " He asked after calming himself down. 
"You were going to start your own coup against the Order, with the support of the Clan"
"So a civil war?" Anna began repeating what Minseok said to her. 
"The goal was always to create a citizen movement stronger than the crown and its army, use the least amount of confrontation between citizens…I think we are almost there, but things have to speed up, and we will see what kind of force is needed after we take you out of here" 
"We can't avoid confrontation then" He commented with resignation.
"No we can't, but you know?  The Clan has gained so many followers… and even if they don't consider themselves as followers, the amount of people that's against the crown is the majority now, so I would say that we could have a short period of confrontation" Anna tried to inject some positivity in him. 
"You think so?... But all these people resent me too. Why would they follow the Clan knowing I'm part of It " The sadness in his voice made her reach for his face and caress his cheeks softly. 
"I wouldn't be so sure, people have always liked you, they think you are different from your family… I changed my mind after meeting you " She ended, feeling a bit shy. 
Kyung Soo hid his face in her hand with a shy chuckle. 
"Everything you say surprises me, but nothing seems strange, I'm taking it in with much ease" 
"I've noticed it, I'm quite relieved " Silence fell upon them, a calm silence. Anna kept caressing his face and Kyung Soo rested a shy hand on her leg. 
"I take your touch with much ease too" He teased. 
"You definitely do" 
"I have been dreaming with you a lot," Kyung Soo confessed, his eyes closed.
"Tell me about them" She invited him. 
"You appeared in a room, covered in spider webs and with your feet wet, it was a big room covered with paintings, probably here in the castle. You said that Sehun told you to go there using the passages,  then… " Anna stopped him covering his mouth. 
"Let me finish your story so you can see that it wasn't a dream but a memory" Anna told him how he helped her dry her feet, cleaned her hair and then trained her for the first time. His eyes kept growing bigger and bigger, nodding with her as she described his dream. As if she had been there. 
Because she did. 
As Anna said, it wasn't a dream, it was a memory. 
"What about my other dreams, are those memories too?" Anna couldn't know, so she listened to the ones he remembered, and to their surprise, she knew all of them. 
Kyung Soo heard the deaf noise of the two guards falling unconscious. And just a couple of seconds later, two guys appeared through his doors. 
"Chanyeol? Sehun?" Kyung Soo called them, but regretted it immediately after seeing the excitement in the eyes of one of them. 
"You remember us?" He asked, his eyes beaming. 
"No he doesn't, Anna told her about us coming" The other tall man answered, stealing the words from his mouth. 
"I don't remember you… " Kyung Soo tried to explain, but the same guy interrupted him. 
"But you feel like you know us, we know, I'm Sehun, this is Chanyeol" He pointed at the guy behind him with a smile. The guy, Chanyeol, pushed Sehun to the side and threw himself onto Kyung Soo, hugging him tightly. Kyung Soo's arms circled his wide frame without thinking twice as he heard Chanyeol's quiet sob. He then saw over his friend's shoulder how Sehun cleaned his tears with the back of his hand and taking one long step he hugged them both. Despite how hard they were hugging him, Kyung Soo felt his chest filling up with air and something else. 
Sehun was right,  he felt like he knew them. Kyung Soo had seen them in his dreams several times. 
"Your majesty!" They heard from down the hall. They looked at each other and Kyung Soo felt a spark. A child-like excitement that was short lived as they noticed that the nurse was on her way. 
"Now if you excuse me" Chanyeol told him with sudden urgency. He went behind him, put on his balaclava and gave him an arm lock as Sehun put on his own and took out a gun.  Kyung Soo took a deep breath, held onto Chanyeol's arm and began squirming and asking for help. 
As soon as the nurse appeared at the door, Sehun held the gun to her head. 
"We are taking him with us, but you can't come" And with a swift movement that made him almost gasp in awe, Sehun hit her in the back of the neck, making her pass out. He then grabbed her with one hand and threw her inside one of the empty closets. 
"Let's go" He then said, as if nothing happened. 
As Anna told him, Chanyeol and Sehun were going to be his kidnappers. They needed people who knew the castle, and although they weren't the only ones, they insisted on participating just so they could meet his friend sooner. 
Chanyeol's grip around his neck was now around his shoulders as they went down the stairs. Sehun walked ahead,  checking the corners with his gun held tightly.  A noise bomb was set to explode in five minutes, so they had to be quick. 
They were reaching the second floor when they heard the loud bang of the noise bomb. Two seconds later he felt the floor vibrating. He looked at his friends in fear, wondering what could be causing that movement. 
"There they are," Chanyeol muttered as a group of around ten men appeared. His first instinct was to run, but he knew that he had to stay put. The ten men stopped in front of them, fully armed, with a serious expression, and standing very close to each other, forming a tight pack. Chanyeol grabbed Kyung Soo's arm and pushed him in front of the guards. Two of them took a step to the side and from between them a man appeared. 
It was his decoy. Same eighth, hair, complexion and clothes. Even his face was similar to his. His double bowed at him and called his name with devotion. Kyung Soo did the same, thanking him for what he was doing. 
They made the exchange. Kyung Soo left with the guards and his decoy with Chanyeol and Sehun. 
"We will meet later" Sehun assured him after seeing the look on Kyung Soo's eyes.
The pack of guards dashed down the hall with him hidden between their massive bodies. When they reached a new set of stairs, they split into two groups. One went back to his room to play the part and check on the noise bomb. Kyung Soo's group went downstairs, to the service rooms, more specifically the kitchen. The four men that accompanied him took him inside an empty room and began changing clothes. They hid their uniforms inside backpacks and put on black clothing and balaclavas. One of the guards began pulling rifles from one of the closets and handed one to each of his companions.  They did everything in complete silence, only exchanging looks to communicate. Kyung Soo kept quiet, looking at them in amazement, wondering if he used to be like that. If he also knew how to hold a rifle like that.  
" Your majesty, we are ready to go, I will be the one holding you,  so I hope you don't mind if… " Kyung Soo didn't let him finish and stood in front of him, giving him his back so he could hold him like Chanyeol did before. Although this guy was probably two times bigger than his friend.  
"When you helped me train on sword fighting at the military, you held me like this once, I was fifteen back then and you were twenty, I was very small and skinny back then and you told me that someday I was going to get bigger, and here we are" The guard shared with him as they got ready to leave the room.  Kyung Soo was smiling for the first time that day. Because even if he didn't remember that, he felt an overwhelming fondness for this man. Before he could say anything, the men opened the door and took him out of the room. He began playing the part again, screaming and fighting his kidnappers. 
They shot some bullets to the ceiling and people began coming out of their rooms. Butlers, guards, and maids. Kyung Soo noticed how they all reacted differently. He could split it between people who knew what was going on and people that didn't. 
They walked into the kitchen because it was one of the few rooms that had a door that went into one of the castle's gardens. The only garden that had a passage directly into the forest behind the castle. 
One of the guards walked ahead of them and was getting ready to kick the door open when one of the cooks stood in front of him holding her knife.
"Leave our king alone" She muttered between clenched teeth. Kyung Soo recognized her. She was his personal cook, the woman that had been feeding him since he was a baby, Nuni. That wasn't her name, but it was the name that his baby self gave her and it remained like that until now. Kyung Soo knew that the order was to get rid of whoever got in the way. So he begged his captors not to hurt her. They were taken aback by his reaction.  
"Nuni, let us go, I will be alright! " He insisted. But she stayed put, still holding her knife with her tired hands. 
"You heard him, we will take good care of him," The guard said, hovering over her. She held his stare, then looked at Kyung Soo and then back at the guard. 
"If something happens to him, I will skin you and feed you to the Order" Nobody laughed. The guard nodded at her, looking less threatening, and pushed her to the side. Kyung Soo told her again that he was going to be fine as they dragged him outside the castle. 
"That was unexpected, " Commented the guard holding him. Kyung Soo couldn't answer, still shocked.  
As they walked into the garden, they began hearing shoots on the wing of the castle just above them. They quickened their steps until they reached a small hut that could be turned down by a soft gust of wind.  Two men walked inside lifting an iron coffin with a lot of effort. Then a third guy got to his knees and with one punch of his fist destroyed the small wooden door under the coffin. His captor grabbed him by the arms and quickly shoved him down the hole with little care. He could barely register the fall,  from one second to the other he was on the hard and damp floor of the passage, with a pungent pain in his palms. 
He heard quick steps approaching him and soon a light shone in his face. 
"Kyung Soo!" His body recognized the voice before his brain could, relaxing immediately and forgetting about the pain. Anna turned off the flashlight and helped him get up. Before he could regain balance, he threw himself to her, hugging her tightly, taking in her scent.  
"Anna, you did it, you really got me out of there" His raspy voice whispered into her ear.
"Kyung Soo, Do you remember me?" Anna asked, surprised by his hug and the passion in his voice, hopeful that all this had brought back something, anything. 
"No, I haven't, I'm so sorry,  but please hug me" Anna circled his waist with her arms and his relief brought tears to his eyes.
“My head can't fully remember you yet, but the rest of my body does, so please keep holding me" Anna felt his hands rubbing her back and his lips caressing her jaw and neck. He was holding her with such enthusiasm that he lifted Anna off her feet, making her giggle. Her carefree laugh and her touch made something click in his head. That same muscle memory that knew how she felt between his arms and against his skin made him realize how much he needed to kiss her. And now that he could finally savor freedom, he wanted to mix that taste with her kisses.  
He held her face, resting his forehead gently on hers. She was looking at him with glassy eyes, her lips forming an adorable pout. Anna felt as if her heart had stopped beating, in comparison to how fast and hard it beat as she waited for Kyung Soo in the damp passage. Now all that seemed very distant and the only thing that mattered to her was him holding her and looking at her like that. She felt him running his fingers through her ponytail, making her close her eyes as a hot shiver ran down her back. Kyung Soo reached for her face cautiously, testing her reaction and his. Although it was clear to him that he wanted this, he needed this.  He held her chin and gently tilted it up until her lips were centimeters away from his. Anna stared into Kyung Soo's deep gaze. Her right hand searched for his, interlocking their fingers as she moved closer. Kyung Soo released a short sigh, before taking a deep breath and closing the distance between them.  
Kyung Soo's lips stroked hers slowly at first, testing Anna's response and his. But that didn't last. It was the softness of her lips and the taste of her mouth that made him hold her tighter and deepened the kiss. Anna threw her arms around his shoulders and almost climbed him as she answered the kiss. Kyung Soo always kissed as if it was the last time. And he was kissing her like that. Like he knew that she was his. They quickly melted into each other, her fingers tangled in his hair, as Kyung Soo touched her through her thick wool jacket. In the distance she heard a noise, a low cough, or something of the sort. Then Kyung Soo's name was called by a deep voice. It became insistent enough that she had to break the kiss and push Kyung Soo away. 
"Your majesty, Anna, you need to start moving" Kyung Soo's ears went red and Anna covered her mouth in embarrassment. The guys that brought Kyung Soo to her were still there, giving them some privacy by not looking, but they could hear everything. 
"I'm so sorry, thank you for your work, we will see you later." She thanked them again, grabbed Kyung Soo's hand, and pulled him into the depths of the dark passage. 
They walked for around thirty minutes until Anna stopped in front of an iron stair. At the end of it, he could see the square metal door that indicated the end of the second part of the plan. And so far everything worked perfectly. 
Anna led the way again, climbing the stairs and opening the door with one strong push. The bright light made him look away with discomfort. 
“I’m going to go first to see if there’s any problem, don’t go out until I come back” He nodded and took a step back to give her space so she could move. 
She came back 5 minutes later, although for Kyung Soo it felt like an hour. 
He came out of the passage feeling overwhelmed by the amount of green under his feet and the cold wind messing with his hair. Around them, there was a forest with tall trees and bushes spread here and there. The only noise they could hear was the wind, no cars, no people. He couldn’t even see the castle. 
Next to him, Anna was doing her part. As he was amazed by the nature that he could finally see after months, she was taking a radio out of her backpack. She turned it on, jolting at the loud static noise, and quickly found the channel to communicate with the people on the other side.
“This is queen, my partner is here, any news? over” Again static and then a click.
“Everything is moving, there are currently four groups moving and searching for the three decoys we send and Kyung Soo so be careful, get out of there as soon as you can, over” 
“Understood, over” Anna turned off the radio and searched for Kyung Soo. He was staring at the passage door with attention. She called his name and he brought a finger to his lips. 
“I think there’s someone in the passages” He whispered. Anna stood next to him and sharpened her ear. 
A rhythmic sound and some grunts, whatever it was it was getting closer. And it couldn't be good.  
Anna took off her backpack and searched for the one thing she knew would help them. Kyung Soo’s eyes grew three times bigger when he saw Anna pull a hand grenade from her backpack. She got on her knees at the edge of the entrance and with expert hands she pulled the trigger and threw the grenade inside the passage. They had 10 seconds to run away and avoid any mishap. Kyung Soo grabbed her hand and pulled her up, running away, avoiding trees and jumping over rocks. They stopped when they heard the explosion throwing themselves to the floor and covering their heads. 
The explosion only lifted some dust and made the floor shiver, but the shouts from the guards in the passage as they saw the grenade coming at them were loud and clear. 
Anna just closed her eyes and thought about the greater good. 
When she was finally ready to open them, Kyung Soo was staring at her with wonder, but also a lot of worries. 
“It’s your first time doing this?” He whispered. 
“It is,” She confessed after a couple of breaths. 
“I’m sorry you had to do this because of me” He said as he held her hand. 
“I would do it a hundred times and more if necessary, let’s keep moving” She held onto his hand and got up, following the planned path to get out of the forest. 
When they reached the highway, Anna looked at her clock, checking if they were right on time. Just two minutes ahead of schedule. Their surroundings were silent too, Kyung Soo suspected they were on the highway behind the hill that surrounded the castle. He was shocked by the fact that he knew that information. He was still not sure of how much memory he had lost. 
“The truck is going to be here in a minute, remember to pay attention to the sound, if we can’t hear the squealing from the pigs, we need to hide '' Anna instructed him as she changed her backpack from her back to her chest. Kyung Soo closed his eyes and did as Anna instructed. He counted the seconds in his head, and just when he was reaching fifty-nine, he heard one loud squeal. He could also hear Anna celebrate with a curse.  
The truck approached them at a low speed, flickering its lights. The noise of the pigs was now louder than its engine, as the smell. 
“It’s going to be a short ride, don’t worry” Anna assured him as if sensing his worry. 
The truck stopped, and they climbed the door, jumping onto the back, and falling between the smelly pigs. They moved to the front, avoiding the grumpier pigs, and settled there. Anna took the radio from her back and turned it on. 
“We are on the truck, over” Static noise. 
“There are guards at the bypass, do as planned, if it doesn’t work, he knows that he has to drive past them, over” Anna took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and answered.
“Understood, over” And she turned off the radio. 
As they said, there were guards at the bypass. Before them, two cars waited for their control. Anna and Kyung Soo slid down the wall of the truck and lay on the floor hidden by the pigs. The smell was so strong that she had to hide her face on her arm, trying to isolate her nose. It was useless, but it helped her focus. They couldn’t hear what was happening. The truck moved slowly ahead and then stopped. The pigs complained, and time passed. They were stuck for around five minutes until the truck engine woke up again with a loud roar. Anna turned on the radio again.
“Safe?, over” Just a second passed until they answered. 
“Safe, see you in an hour, over” Static noise again.
They kept quiet, sitting down, already used to the smell. Anna kept checking her clock, the anxiety didn’t leave, even when knowing they were safe now. She wasn’t going to rest until Kyung Soo crossed the doors of the old parliament. There was still danger, and her senses were all focused on catching any sign of it. 
Kyung Soo kept quiet, to not disturb Anna’s focus and to be a little help too. He kept looking through the slits between the wood of the back of the truck. He knew how the old parliament looked, he could even remember some rooms from the inside. From behind a thick wall of trees, he could finally see it. Anna gasped at the sight and held his hand tighter. 
“We are almost there” She whispered, smiling brightly. 
The closer they got to their destination, the scarier it got. At any time a car from the Order could appear behind them, they could even meet them at the doors of the Clan hideouts. Too many things were at risk, and it would be their fault. Anna wished she was the only one feeling that burden. 
The truck stopped and the driver got off. He dashed to the back of the truck and pulled the doors open with a single pull.  This was probably the first time she felt so happy to see Junmyeon, and she let him know. 
“Right back at you Anna, Kyung Soo, I’m so glad to see you again, I’ll tell you who I am later, let’s move, Minseok is waiting for us” Kyung Soo bowed at him, looking uncertain and followed Anna as she began to move. 
They ran across the abandoned highway behind the parliament and reached the gates. Anna took the key from her boot and opened them, closing behind. Every opened door had to be closed. 
As soon as they got inside the abandoned building, Kyung Soo commented on how he was familiar with it. There was excitement in his voice, which made her and Junmyeon smile. He followed them down the main hall, having a weird feeling of knowing where they were going. When Junmyeon opened one tall wooden door, he gasped in surprise, making him jolt. 
“Minseok, you son of a bitch, you scared me, I thought we were meeting down there” Kyung Soo saw a man approaching, meeting them halfway. He shook Junmyeon’s hand and patted Anna’s shoulder before approaching him. 
“It’s great to have you here Kyung Soo, I’m Minseok '' He held his hand up and Kyung Soo shook it without hesitation.
“Anna told me a lot about you, I hope our memories come back to me soon” Kyung Soo saw the sadness in his friend's eyes, so he smiled calmly to show him that he was better than they thought. Anna was the one who brought them back to the urgent matter and hurried them to keep moving. They went inside the service bathroom. Junmyeon pushed the elegant closet to the side, exposing the black metal door. She opened the lock and they got inside the tunnel with Minseok leading the way with his flashlight. She waited for Kyung Soo and locked arms with him, knowing how cold that path was, sicking for warmth and hopefully giving him some. 
When they entered the main hall, Kyung Soo gasped loudly. Walking around and sitting on different surfaces there were around 100 people showing different levels of worry. 
They were all waiting for him. 
Everybody stopped what they were doing and slowly approached them. Minseok was the first one to talk.
“Everything went according to the plan, we will have time to talk tomorrow, as for now, we should let Kyung Soo rest, it was a long and tiresome day” Everybody agreed. But one of the assistants, their teacher from university, walked to the front and spoke for the crowd. 
“Your majesty, welcome home, can we greet you?” 
Kyung Soo looked at Anna nervously. He wanted to greet them, thanking them for being there, but he still felt as if he didn’t quite deserve the attention and reverence he received from them. Anna circled his waist, smiling at him, bumping his hip with hers playfully. The warmth he felt coming from her was the support he needed to greet everybody and thank them in some way for the hardship they go through just to accompany him. 
He spent about an hour doing so. Everybody introduce themselves as if it was the first they were meeting, although he knew it wasn’t. Anna stayed next to him the whole time. She clearly knew all of them, and with the information he had about the Clan and his involvement with it, he felt overjoyed by the fact that she had involved herself so perfectly with all of them. 
Minseok had a filling meal prepared for them at his office. But first, their friend made them change into clean clothes to get rid of the pig's smell. Kyung Soo was excited to talk to him. He wished Sehun and Chanyeol were there with them, but they had to end their part of the plan, so they would be back tomorrow morning. It was almost midnight, the food was gone and Kyung Soo was feeling the stress of the night turning into tiredness. The chat with his friend helped him calm down the adrenaline, but everything felt very strange still. Good strange, though. He was out of that prison. No nurse injecting him and causing him pain. He could move, do what he wanted, speak whenever he wanted. He didn’t have to listen to his uncle's horrible comments anymore, he was out of danger now and Anna was with him. She didn’t have to walk those cold and spider-infested passages anymore to see him. She wasn’t speaking to him in whispers just so the guards outside his room couldn’t hear them. She was laughing freely now, speaking loudly. He didn’t know how long this new calm would last, but he was going to enjoy it. 
Minseok was considerate enough to ask Anna to guide Kyung Soo to his room. Room that in the last months had become her room. She always kept it clean and tidy, knowing that he would be back someday. She walked him down the hall, holding his hand and sending him loving looks as he asked random questions about the Clan’s building. She felt almost suffocated by happiness. 
Anna walked him inside his room and gave him time to look around. The way he walked around his bedroom reminded her of how she inspected his room the first time she visited it. He stared at the books, the paintings, he touched the furniture and the fabrics around him. He stopped at the wall covered with photos. Like Anna back then, he probably didn’t recognize most of the people there, but he was still smiling. Her tummy shivered when Kyung Soo set his eyes on their picture. 
“I like how you look in your uniform” He commented, taking the picture from the wall and bringing it to give it a closer look. She stood next to him, still having that fuzzy feeling when looking at that photo and how sweet Kyung Soo looked passing an arm around her shoulders, kissing her cheek. 
“If I ever had a doubt about what you said about us, now that doubt it’s completely gone,” He said with a chuckle. She only rested her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes. 
They sat on the bed staring at the photo wall, with Kyung Soo pointing at faces asking for names or telling her how much he remembered about them. It wasn’t a lot, but he knew some things, like names, or specific events that she couldn’t corroborate if they were accurate or not. She promised him that they would ask Minseok tomorrow. 
Kyung Soo began talking about their day, saying and asking what he couldn’t say as they made their escape. 
“I bet you were nervous and thinking about this nonstop,” She told him playfully after they went over the last bit of their day, the dinner with Minseok. 
“I was nervous, but to be honest, I was thinking about you, worried about you, nervous about what you had to do, watching everything you did. In my lockdown what I did the most was think about you” His voice didn’t show any shyness, but his ears were red. 
“You have been thinking about me?” She whispered close to his face. 
“Yeah,” He turned his head, moving closer to her, but not meeting her eyes. 
“What kind of thinking?” She kept digging.
“The kind where I have to control myself” He finally met her eyes, dark and big, pulling her in. 
“Kiss me, love” She ordered him, climbing on his lap as he grabbed her face, kissing her before she could finish her sentence. The way Kyung Soo touched her hadn’t changed. His hand followed a pattern that was familiar to her. Grabbing her waist pulling her closer, holding to her hips and rubbing her thighs and back. Then repeat until he grew frustrated with the clothes between his hands and her skin. His passion turned into desperation quickly. He was a bit hard and rough, biting her lower lip and sucking on the skin of her chin and neck. She moaned as his hands slid up her chest, holding her head by the nape. 
"Kyung Soo, are you sure you want to do this?" She asked him, driven by consideration for her boyfriend who was currently recovering from a memory loss and a very traumatic experience. But Kyung Soo didn't answer and kept kissing her face and neck. She insisted once again, but she got the same answer from him. At least she had the consideration, she thought to herself, as she pulled his sweater off. 
"Kyung Soo I’ve missed you so much" She whispered desperately, against his lips, kissing his cheeks and forehead.  
"I’m sorry, I’m so sorry" He hugged her, hiding his guilty face on her chest. She hated seeing him like this, apologizing when he was the victim. She grabbed his face and made him look at her. 
"Don’t! Come here” She had to grab him harder as he insisted on lowering his head.
“You are never leaving my side again, understood?” He nodded, kissing the palm of her hand. 
“We will stay together from now on,” She promised. 
“Yes Anna” He kissed her other hand. 
“And we will achieve everything we want, not tonight though, tonight we will only think about us, ok?” Kyung Soo giggled, that childish laugh that put the first seed of love in her heart. 
She pushed him onto the bed and climbed on top of him, trapping him under her body, kissing his cheeks and neck taking in his delicious scent and the warmth of his skin. Kyung Soo’s grunts and sighs of pleasure were interrupted by a question. 
“Have I ever had you like this before?” He saw it a couple of times in dreams, but he never trusted those blindly. 
“Yes, a couple of times” She confessed, looking at his curious eyes. 
“I hate that I can't remember it” He cursed with frustration, and Anna understood it, but that was not the mood she needed at that moment. 
“Don't worry, you will” And to fully bring him back to the moment, she sat up and took off her flannel.   
He opened his mouth and eyes wide in adorable shock. His hands reached for her naked waist, slowly, flinching when he could finally touch her. 
"You so familiar to me, I can't find you in my memory if I try, but just now when I touched you, I knew it wasn't the first time" He moved his hands up and shyly caressed the edge of her bra. 
"It's okay, you can't see what we had, they made you hide it in your memories, but you can't forget me, who I am in essence, what we did, the way I felt on your hands and lips,  there are some things you can't forget Kyung Soo, focus on bringing them back” His hands settled on her waist as Anna moved her waist slowly, out of reflex. Kyung Soo closed his eyes as his hands moved down her thighs and then up again, briefly rubbing her center with his thumb. 
Anna moaned softly, holding to his forearms. 
“Please tell me that you remember some of me” She begged. 
“I can't... I try but I can't” There was some despair in his voice. She felt terribly bad for him, guilty for telling him that,  but she never let sadness or frustration be useless, so she used those feelings to fuel her will and do something about it. She was the only one who could help him remember her. 
“Then come here,  I'm going to make you remember” Anna grabbed Kyung Soo’s clueless face and brought him to her. Making him sit on the bed, having him close to her face and chest. 
“You liked it when I touched your chest,  you said it gave you a burning feeling” She caressed down his neck with the tip of her fingers and then placed her hands on his warm chest. 
“And this was your favorite” She held his chin and turned his face to the right making her way to his neck. He closed his eyes in pleasure, hugging her waist and hiding his face on her shoulder.   
“I know those things can't be erased from your head, they are imprinted on your skin” She whispered on his neck making him grunt. Emboldened by his reactions and by the delight of touching her man like this, she pulled off his sweatshirt. 
“Can you feel it?” She hugged him, rubbing his shoulders and taking in the warmth of his chest. 
“I.. think I do” He chuckled, kissing her chin. 
“Good, touch here, you said you loved it” She pulled down her bra ignoring the gasp he released, and put his hand on top of her breast. 
“Touch it, please, touch me” Kyung Soo did as told, calling her name and immediately taking his other hand to her chest. 
“My head can’t place the moment I did this, but it feels so intimate and ours, everything about you feels like that, I touched this skin before” He dropped a chaste kiss between her breasts and what was meant to be a single kiss turned into a mission covering every inch of her chest with his kisses. 
“Yes you did,  several times” She moaned. holding his head to her chest. 
“And the first time you broke into my room, I could recognize your smell,” He said between kisses. 
“It was a gift from you” 
“I can't place you in my memories, but I recognize everything” He repeated. 
“Because we loved each other, we still do,” She told him, staring into his eyes. 
“We do, I do,” He confessed, catching her by surprise. Even if he didn’t remember, she had managed to catch him and dig herself into his heart again. 
Kyung Soo picked her up, throwing her on the bed and settling his body in between her legs. He got comfortable, holding her down, planning on staying for a while there, touching, kissing, and grabbing onto this body that was one of the few things he could recognize. But not only her body. Anna’s scent and whimpers, the way she touched him and hugged him, inviting Kyung Soo to touch and kiss her more didn’t feel new, he recognized all of them, which didn’t make it less exciting and arousing.
As Kyung Soo sucked on her collarbone, rocking his hips into her, Anna reached for him, craving his lips as she thought about every single night that she spent lying awake on that same bed, loving him and missing him. 
His bottom lip dragged on the skin of her face, dropping kisses on her nose, eyelids, and forehead. Anna’s hand reached down his back and did their best to pull Kyung Soo’s pants down, but his belt didn’t allow her to do so. Her insistence made him chuckle, distracting him from worshiping her. He kneeled down between her legs and undo his belt as she unbuttoned her jeans. She lifted her hips and pulled them off, kicking Kyung Soo in the process. Between shy laughs, Kyung Soo got up and got rid of his pants, and as soon they were gone he came back to his previous position, jumping into Anna’s wide-open arms. 
He stopped for a second before kissing her again, his eyes darting all over her face. 
“You are so beautiful” He whispered, closing his eyes as Anna caressed his cheek. “And so brave, smart, loving, and… dangerous” She laughed loudly, the feeling of her chest vibrating under him with laughter was divine. 
“Is it because I threw that grenade? Or the whole kidnapping thing?” She asked, cleaning her tears. 
“All of you, I just wonder what would happen to me If I wasn’t on your side, or if you used all that dedication to hurt me” 
“Lucky you, I used that determination to take you away from there and make you fall in love with me again” Her answer hit him like a brick. He forgot to add that he loved her confidence too. All the words he could say got stuck in his throat. As his eyes focused on her half-open mouth, a flickering image came to his head, blurry but with clear words. Clear enough for him to repeat them. 
“I can put my life in your hands, I've done it a couple of times now” She recognized those words as hers. 
“I did so once, and I still do” Anna whispered in his ear as he leaned down to hug her. Kyung Soo followed the line of her jaw with the tip of his nose, dropping kisses on his way.  She caressed and scratched his back softly, whispering his name, the more he kissed her the louder she got. 
Despite how she needed more from him, of how he wanted it harder from him, she was getting intoxicated by his touch, his smell, his warmth, and the weight of his body on top of her. Anna opened her legs wider so she could rub herself against his thigh, holding him down by the ass. 
Kyung Soo grunted in her mouth, as he pressed his tongue against hers. Seeing his need reciprocated by her, made him feel euphoric. He got rid of his underwear and hers, almost tearing them apart.  Anna tried to close her legs out of reflex. but Kyung Soo held them open, staring at her already wet center with admiration. He reached for her with wandering hands, touching her, covering his fingers with her wetness, and spreading it along her lower lips. 
She covered her mouth, trying to quiet down her loud moans. Kyung Soo didn’t stop, he wanted louder moans. Slowly, he shoved one finger inside her, so softly that she almost didn’t feel it. He laid down next to her, pillowing her head with his arm. His right hand began rubbing circles on her clit, and then went lower, penetrating her with two fingers. He moaned in her ear, hugging her closer, as she tightened around his fingers. She called his name and he answered by dropping kisses along her jaw. 
She reached down, wanting to touch him too, to hear him and arouse him. She dragged the back of her hand against his hard-on. The touch was soft, almost fleeting, but it still made him groan. She wanted to touch him more, more intently, to reciprocate his attention, but Kyung Soo didn’t have the strength to stretch this anymore. Because as he told her before, he has been thinking about her, the kind of thought where he had to control himself. There was something about Anna, about what they were, that clearly wasn’t just saved in his memory. His whole body called for her, her nude body, her moans, and her pleasure. 
He peeled his underwear quickly, apologizing for the rush, although Anna didn’t need explanations. She grabbed him by the waist as soon as he was fully naked and brought him to her. Anna’s hands slid around, sinking into the full cheeks of his ass, grabbing hard and with need. Kyung Soo giggled adorably, and she kissed his smile, cheeks, and nose as he positioned comfortably between her legs. 
She felt the tip of his dick poking her entrance, making her shiver in anticipation. Her hands went from his ass to his shoulders, allowing him to enter her more comfortably for both of them. 
Kyung Soo moved his body to the side, grabbing his member and rubbing it up and down her slit. Anna begged for him, kissing his lips as she tangled her fingers in his hair.  She felt him sliding inside her slowly, carefully, and lovingly as always. Anna let him do everything, she wanted to feel owned by him. She released a sigh of relief when he entered her. Relieved that her body still remembered him and that once again he was back in her arms. 
He looked down at their bodies, thrusting once as a response to the excitation that it caused him. His eyes scanned up her body, his mouth open in awe. Anna grabbed his face, begging him for a kiss and lifting her hips to have him closer and deeper inside her. Kyung Soo filled her ears with words of love and adoration, making her blush with his devotion. As Anna hugged him tighter and caressed his body, his mind kept flashing images, random flashes of her, of them. Scenes that didn't feel like dreams. But above all that, there was Anna, completely new to him, but not a stranger. He loved her, that was clear. And he was crazy for her. 
Anna looked back at him with glassy eyes. Her mouth opened with pleasure, caressing his back and groping the places she liked. He could tell that she knew his body probably better than himself. He liked how she wanted him and how honest she was about it, because he felt the same, and he felt like it was burning him. 
Anna moved her hips searching for more. Although she loved having her boyfriend nice and slow, she was still shocked about how everything unraveled.  Despite how positive she was and how hard she worked to get him back, she was always scared that Kyung Soo would be gone forever. But he wasn’t. He was there with her like always. The same kisses, the same hugs and caresses. The same passion, want and love. Even when she wasn’t a clear memory in his brain. That always gave her a bit of confidence, how she managed to make him look at her again. Feel for her again.
She grabbed him by the nape and brought him closer so she could kiss him hard, latching her lips over his lower lip, sucking hard. They both moaned at the same time, desperately curving their bodies into the other. 
Anna bent her knees and Kyung Soo quickly grabbed hold of her legs, thrusting quicker. He was surprised at how greedy his heart was, how primal were his needs. 
Anna thought she was going insane, with everything Kyung Soo was doing to her and the way he muffled his moans in the crock of her neck. She felt his encouraging and loving words running down her body, enveloping her. With each thrust and every kiss, she felt closer and closer to her orgasm. And as much as she wanted to make this moment last, she knew it was impossible. 
Kyung Soo’s grip on her thighs grew tighter and the kisses on her shoulder turned into soft bites. She captured him between her legs, asking for harder and deeper thrusts. He complied, bucking his hips only a couple of times before she felt her orgasm wash over her. The way her body reacted made him reach his own climax enhancing her pleasure. 
His body felt on top of her, his hips still moving, but softer. She couldn’t stop kissing his lips, even when it was hard to breathe for both. A hint of a smile played on Kyung Soo’s lips as he looked at her. Although she wanted to tell him how much she loved him and how incredible he was and just make him blush with her devotion, she was out of words. He gently rubbed her neck, tucking her hair behind her ear and kissing her cheek. 
He rolled to the side to lay next to her and caressed her face again before passing out as soon as he closed his eyes. She covered her mouth quietening her giggles and went out of bed to fetch a towel and clean them both. Kyung Soo didn’t wake up as she cleaned him, nor when she accommodated him in the bed and covered him with the duvet. 
Anna went to sleep a little bit later. Taking advantage of his sleeping state she kissed every inch of his cute face before resting.
The next morning,  Kyung Soo didn’t wake up. 
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rabbitcruiser · 1 month
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Labor Day
Summer’s final fling has arrived in the form of Labor Day. Yes, most of us get the day off, but this holiday triggers mixed emotions. While summer still has 21 calendar days left, it’s time to get serious. School’s starting and there’s a sense that summer vacation is over. So what’s behind Labor Day — and how did it earn a place as a federal holiday?
Let’s take a look.
When is Labor Day  2024?
Labor Day always falls on the first Monday in September, which means anywhere from September 1 through September 7. This year it's September 2 in the U.S. and Canada. However, this is not the case for most countries — the majority of which celebrate on May 1.
History of Labor Day
Do you get weekends off work? Lunch breaks? Paid vacation? An eight-hour workday? Social security? If you said “yes” to any of these questions, you can thank labor unions and the U.S. labor movement for it. Years of hard-fought battles (and the ensuing legislation they inspired) resulted in many of the most basic benefits we enjoy at our jobs today. On the first Monday in September, we take the day off to celebrate Labor Day and reflect on the American worker’s contributions to our country.
Labor Day History
There’s disagreement over how the holiday began. One version is set in September 1882 with the Knights of Labor, the largest and one of the most important American labor organizations at the time. The Knights in New York City held a public parade featuring various labor organizations on September 5 — with the aid of the fledgling Central Labor Union (CLU) of New York. Subsequently, CLU Secretary Matthew Maguire proposed that a national Labor Day holiday be held on the first Monday of each September to mark this successful public demonstration.
In another version, Labor Day in September was proposed by Peter J. McGuire, a vice president of the American Federation of Labor. In spring 1882, McGuire reportedly proposed a “general holiday for the laboring classes” to the CLU, which would begin with a street parade of organized labor solidarity and end with a picnic fundraiser for local unions. McGuire suggested the first Monday in September as an ideal date for Labor Day because the weather is great at that time of year, and it falls between July 4th and Thanksgiving. Oregon became the first U.S. state to make it an official public holiday. 29 other states had joined by the time the federal government declared it a federal holiday in 1894.
Maguire or McGuire? Read more on this unusual coincidence in our FAQs below.
What is the Haymarket affair?
On May 4, 1886 — at a time when most American laborers worked 18 or even 20 hours a day — tens of thousands of workers protested in cities all across the U.S. to demand an eight-hour workday. Police in Chicago attacked both those peaceful protests and a workers planning meeting two days later, randomly beating and shooting at the planning group and killing six. When outraged Chicagoans attended an initially peaceful protest the next evening in Haymarket Square, police advanced on the crowd again. Someone who was never identified detonated a bomb that killed a police officer, leading cops to open fire on protesters and provoke violence that led to the deaths of about a dozen workers and police.
The Pullman strike
Ironically, Chicago was also the setting for the bloody Pullman strike of 1894, which catalyzed the establishment of an official Labor Day holiday in the U.S. on the first Monday of September.
The strike happened in May in the company town of Pullman, Chicago, a factory location established by luxury railroad car manufacturer the Pullman Company. The inequality of the town was more than apparent. Company owner George Pullman lived in a mansion while most laborers stayed in barracks-style dormitories. When a nationwide depression struck in 1893, Pullman decided to cut costs the way a lot of executives at the time did — by lowering wages by almost 30% while he kept the rent on the dormitories he leased to his workers at pre-depression levels.
Railroad boycott
These conditions ultimately led workers to strike on May 11, 1894. The walkout gained the support of the nationwide American Railroad Union (ARU), which declared that ARU members would no longer work on trains that included Pullman cars. That national boycott would end up bringing the railroads west of Chicago to a standstill and led to 125,000 workers across 29 railroad companies quitting their jobs rather than breaking the boycott.
When the Chicago railroad companies hired strikebreakers as replacements, strikers also took various actions to stop the trains. The General Managers Association, which represented local railroad companies, countered by inducing U.S. Attorney General Richard Olney, a former railroad attorney, to intervene. Indianapolis federal courts granted Olney an injunction against the strike, a move that allowed President Grover Cleveland to send in federal troops to break it up.
A few days later, Cleveland realized that he had to act quickly to appease the country’s increasingly agitated labor movement. But he didn’t want to commemorate the Haymarket incident with a May holiday that would invoke radical worker sentiment. So Cleveland harkened back to the first established September 1882 holiday and signed into law that Labor Day in the U.S. would be celebrated on the first Monday in September.
Labor Day vs. May Day
Communist and socialist factions worldwide eventually chose May 1 as the date to mark the Haymarket affair. A 1904 conference issued a plea that trade unions stage rallies on the first day of May — demanding to make the eight-hour workday standard. They organized the action in the name of “universal peace.” The 1st of May is a national, public holiday in many countries across the world, generally known as “Labour Day,” “International Workers’ Day,” or a similar name – although some countries celebrate a Labor Day on other dates significant to them, such as Canada, which celebrates Labor Day, like the U.S., on the first Monday of September.
Here’s the U.S. Department of Labor’s official tribute to U.S. workers on Labor Day:
“The vital force of labor added materially to the highest standard of living and the greatest production the world has ever known, and has brought us closer to the realization of our traditional ideals of economic and political democracy. It is appropriate, therefore, that the nation pays tribute on Labor Day to the creator of so much of the nation’s strength, freedom, and leadership — the American worker.”
Related Labor Day Content
1) Top Labor Day quotes for your social feeds
Can you guess which president said, “My father taught me to work; he did not teach me to love it”? How about the famous American who uttered “All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity”? We have a list of Labor Day quotes to not only learn about the holiday but to also impress your friends at the barbecue.
2) Fire yourself from your own job
That’s correct. The makers of STōK cold-brew coffees have designed a contest — running through Labor Day — which will give three people $30,000 each in order to take a four-week “STōKbbattical” (from their dreary day jobs) and “make their dreams happen.” It can be anything from rock climbing in Patagonia to setting records for the number of tapas eaten in Spain. No matter what, STōK will help fund it. Unless of course, you’d prefer to spend the next four weeks filling out TPS reports.
3) 8 Labor Day Activities To Enjoy
Whether in the form of a leisurely barbeque, a relaxing swim in the pool, watching a film at a drive-in cinema, or even just relaxing at home with family, there are so many different ways to mark the occasion. We list some activities to try on Labor Day.
Labor Day  timeline
1882 It’s Unofficial
10,000 labor workers march through Union Square in New York to protest poor working conditions and low wages.
1884 A Date is Set
The first Monday of September officially becomes Labor Day, with the Central Labor Union pushing other organizations to follow suit and celebrate.
1894 Congress Approves
Labor Day is approved as a national holiday by Congress, and President Grover Cleveland signs it into law.
2009 Let’s Not Forget Women in Labor
President Obama restores the rights of women to sue over pay discrimination with the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.
Labor Day Traditions
Much like Memorial Day, which marks the traditional beginning of summer, Labor Day generally signifies that the season has ended — even though the calendar says otherwise. Holiday sales, barbecues, and travel tend to rule the day, while children finally adjust to the harsh reality of the “back-to-school” season. As far as U.S. sports are concerned, Labor Day weekend signals that baseball’s pennant races have entered their final stretch, and tennis fans get an extra day to watch the season’s last Grand Slam event — the U.S. Open in New York City. NFL regular-season games typically begin following Labor Day.
Labor Day by the numbers
162 million – the number of Americans (over 16) in the labor force.
40% – the percentage of U.S. workers who belonged to labor unions in the 1950s (that dropped to 11% by 2018).
1894 – the year Congress officially made Labor Day a federal holiday.
86% – the percentage of Americans planning Labor Day weekend travel who will do so by car.
41% – the percentage of Americans who plan to barbecue over Labor Day Weekend.
818 – the number of U.S. hot dogs eaten every second from Memorial Day to Labor Day.
$685 – the average kid’s back-to-school expenses.
$55,000 – the median U.S. household income.
705 million – the total number of U.S. unused vacation days (2017).
80% – the percentage of Americans who would take time off if their boss were more supportive.
— courtesy WalletHub ©2018
Labor Day FAQs
What does Labor Day really mean?
Americans, as well as workers around the world, celebrate Labor Day by reflecting on all the contributions everyday workers have made to society. Not all countries observe Labor Day on the same date though.
When is Labor Day 2020?
The U.S. observed Labor Day 2020 on Monday, September 2. It’s a federal holiday. Financial markets are closed. There is no mail delivery. Post offices and libraries are closed. Most retail businesses will remain open.
Who invented Labor Day?
It’s more confusing than you might think. The Labor Department explains it this way:
While most sources, including the U.S. Department of Labor, credit Peter McGuire with the origination of Labor Day, recent evidence suggests that the true father of Labor Day may, in fact, be another famous union leader of the 19th century, Matthew Maguire.
Maguire held some political beliefs that were considered fairly radical for the day and also for Samuel Gompers and his American Federation of Labor. Allegedly, Gompers, who co-founded the AFL along with his friend McGuire, did not want Labor Day to become associated with the sort of “radical” politics of Matthew Maguire. So in an 1897 interview, Gompers’ close friend Peter J. McGuire was assigned the credit for the origination of Labor Day.
What's the difference between Labor Day and May Day (May 1)
May 1 (or May Day) is a more radicalized version of Labor Day in many countries. The date recalls Chicago’s Haymarket affair in 1886. American workers, tired of 18-hour days, staged a protest. Police eventually fired on the workers — killing eight. The following night, May 4, another rally turned violent when someone threw a bomb at police officers. An estimated 11 people died and scores more were injured. Communist and socialist political parties eventually chose May 1 as the date to honor the dead and injured workers.
Labor Day Activities
Read up on the history of Labor Day
Buy an American-made product
Watch a movie about labor unions
Labor Day has a rich history that directly impacts the working conditions we experience today. So in between rounds of BBQ at your Labor Day celebration, take the time to discuss the U.S. labor movement and its contribution to our country's current work culture.
When you're doing your Labor Day shopping, take the time to read the labels. Consider buying products that say "Made in the USA" to show your support for American workers.
Many of us get Labor Day off. What better way to relax than to stretch out on the couch and watch a movie about the American labor movement? There are tons of union-themed movies to choose from. "Norma Rae" ring a bell? Side note: Unions play a major role in the entertainment industry.
5 Labor Day Facts Everyone Should Know!
It’s on May 1 in other countries
Stores remain open
Third most popular holiday for outdoor cookouts
Labor Day marks the unofficial NFL kickoff
Union members today
Most countries around the world celebrate Labor Day on May 1, and it is called International Workers’ Day.
While most schools and offices are closed on Labor Day, retail workers and shopkeepers don’t get the same break, as the holiday is huge for sales and shopping.
Labor Day is right behind the Fourth of July and Memorial Day in being the most popular holiday for barbecues and cookouts.
99.4% of the time, the NFL’s first official game of the season is on the Thursday following Labor Day.
In 2017, there were 14.8 million union members, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, while in 1983, there were 17.7 million.
Why We Love Labor Day
We're hard workers — we deserve the day off
It's one last chance to grill
It's the reason we can say TGIF
Statistics show that Americans work longer hours than citizens of most other countries  — 137 more hours per year than Japan, 260 more per year than the U.K., and 499 more than France. And our productivity is high — 400% higher than it was in 1950, to be exact. So we totally deserve that day off.
Labor Day is widely considered to be the unofficial last day of summer. Before the air turns cold and the leaves start to fall, it's our last chance to grill some steaks and wear shorts.
Labor Day is a time to celebrate the benefits we enjoy at our jobs — including weekends off. The concept of American workers taking days off dates back to 1791, when a group of carpenters in Philadelphia went on strike to demand a shorter workweek (10-hour days, to be exact). It wasn't until 1836 that workers started demanding eight-hour workdays. So nine to five doesn't sound so bad after all.
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istherewifiinhell · 8 months
3h ago (14:15 GMT)
‘Gates of hell opened suddenly’ in Rafah last night
Al Jazeera contributor Ahmed Abdullah Mohsen has described the moments Israeli forces launched strikes on Rafah overnight.
“The screaming and wailing nearly drowned out the warplanes that covered the sky, dropping barrages in a fiery belt that crushed the bodies of the displaced in their tents. About 20 minutes of explosions lit the night like something from an artificial Hollywood film,” he said.
Mohsen said “the displaced and the injured fled en masse to the Kuwaiti Hospital, the only one open in the Shaboura area”.
“A doctor in the hospital helped a child who was taking his last breath to utter the final prayer.
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[ID from alt: Ahmed curled up, holding the shrouded bloodied body of his mother]
AJ Caption: Ahmed Abu Al-Hinud held his mother’s body for an hour of uncontrollable shock and terror [Ahmed Abdullah Mohsen/Al Jazeera]
“Ahmed Abu Al-Hinud saw his mother’s body lying on a hospital gurney. He held her body close and seemed to lose consciousness for an hour of uncontrollable terror and shock,” he said.
Mohsen said “amidst overwhelming anger and a sense of helplessness, the director of the Kuwaiti Hospital, Dr Suhaib Al-Hams, called out to the world to stop sending medicines to treat COVID, which some countries who want to give the impression they have helped Gaza have done”.
5h ago (13:00 GMT)
Palestinians recount Israeli operation that killed dozens in Rafah
As jubilation has overtaken Israel after the release of the two captives overnight, Palestinians in Rafah recount a night of horror and devastation.
Forty-day-old Majed al-Afifi is among about 100 people killed by Israeli forces overnight in Rafah, according to the Health Ministry in Gaza.
His uncle recounted what happened.
“We heard the bombing without warning,” Said al-Hams, 26, told the Agence France-Presse news agency in the Rafah refugee camp.
His nephew, a twin, “was born exactly 40 days ago and was killed” while their mother was wounded.
Dozens of Israeli strikes pounded Rafah, where 1.4 million people have sought refuge during four months of Israel’s war on Gaza.
“The situation was hell,” said Abu Suhaib, who was sleeping dozens of metres (dozens of yards) from where Israeli forces struck.
“We heard the sound of explosions, like hell falling down on civilians,” he told AFP.
The 28-year-old said he heard warplanes firing and a helicopter landing.
The aerial bombardment left five craters at least 10 metres (11 yards) wide and 5 metres (5.5 yards) deep, an AFP journalist said.
“I can’t tell you how we survived the night,” said Abu Abdullah al-Qadi, who was woken by the sound of shooting.
“They killed my cousin. They killed a lot of people with strikes,” he told AFP as dozens of people gathered near the destroyed buildings.
“They stormed this building, and it appears they freed prisoners – and then they bombed it,” al-Qadi said.
“They bombed all the houses next to it,” he added.
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letters-from-the-4077 · 4 months
3x11: Adam's Ribs
Dear Dad,
Remember that flu season back in ’32? When it felt like you were gone every night jumping to every single household with a kid in it because everyone all got sick all at once? And how it was after mom died but you decided that I was old enough to stay home alone, only for you to come back on that Tuesday to find me throwing up my guts all over the floor?
Good times. Terrible times, actually, but despite my pacifistic tendencies, I’d fucking kill to go through that again than the fresh hell that is my current hell. I nearly wrote you this letter from the latrines, which is terrible on multiple levels, especially considering I was actually looking forward to write to you this time.
I’ve said before that one of these days I’m finally going to snap, and even though I’m still in one piece, I’m not convinced that it’s an uncracked one. Eleven days. Eleven straight days of liver of fish, making our own damn never ending season of seafood up in Maine truly dwarf in size. Eleven straight days and I’m half convinced that each subsequent day was just the previous one’s leftovers! The fact that they’re serving us kidney at all blows my fucking mind, and over a week and a half of it for every meal has me half convinced that I’ve dreamt it all up.
They don’t tell you about how every grueling day feels like a dream, same motions, same food, same jokes, just different supporting actors underneath my scalpel. 
On the seventh day God rested, and on the eleventh day Hawkeye Pierce fucking cracked. Like I said, there’s only so many days where a man can eat liver of fish. Trap and I made this ridiculous plan—honestly, dad, I didn’t think about it working or not. I just needed something to break up the monotony. Anything. ANYTHING.
You know the place in Chicago I told you about however many years ago? The one that had the best barbequed ribs in the entire country? Couldn’t remember the name at first, but it’s Adam’s Ribs. 
Adam’s Goddamn Ribs.
A couple of pulled strings and a hell of a lot of favors somehow managed to bring us back to Chicago. Or I guess Chicago to us. It doesn’t matter- the only thing that mattered is that we somehow fucking managed to get Adam’s Ribs in the worst corner of all of Korea and Igor cooked them up and hell dad, they were the best damn things I think I’ve ever smelled in my life. 
Course, ambulances poured in the second I had my hands on them, but it made for a hell of an OR session. That’s how they should be teaching speed for MASH surgeons. Nevermind the live rounds and constant shelling, just put the idea of tantalizing, edible food on a stick right above a surgeon and you’d get the fastest cutters in the West. East.
But, oh father, I know what you’re thinking now: why the reminder of the great flu season of 1932 when so far the only thing your dear child has spoken about has been spare ribs from the great state of Illinois?
Here’s where the story gets good. And by good, I mean fucking terrible.
Great OR session, by the way. Took out enough shrapnel out of intestines to build a full new bomb, and not a single patient lost. Igor reheated the ribs for me and Trap and we had what could only be described as the greatest midnight snack in the history of the entire war. Or not just in the war, but in the history of the entire world. We headed back to our bunks more full than after a Thanksgiving spread, and not even Frank’s sniveling could change a thing.
That is before a solid and conscience five minutes had passed.
Five minutes. Five lousy minutes of euphoria that just nearly made me forget about the terrible place that I’d been forced into. And then I spent the next hour and a half, throwing up every single bit of edible food. Made the worst flu pale in comparison, I’ll tell you that much. Couldn’t even make it to the latrine the first time, and I think I scared the wits outta Trapper since it probably sounded like I was vomiting up my organs right outside his side of the tent. 
He’s a good man, Trap. Picked me up off the ground like you would’ve and helped me stumble to the latrines where I could continue throwing up every bit of goodness that I had managed to make for myself in this camp. Practically held my hair back like I was his girl, believe it or not. 
I’m writing this letter from post-op, you know. Trap’s got himself convinced that I managed to get food poisoning from the long trip that the ribs made in order to get from us. Not sure how he’s reached that conclusion given that he has exactly zero symptoms, but hell, I’m not volunteering any other explanations to him.
Between you and me, I think I’ve become a bit of a cuckoo, if you can read between the lines there. 
I mean, what sane person would practically stage a mutiny just to get food from a specific restaurant that he couldn’t even remember the name of in the first place? If Henry was just 2% more done with my shit, he could’ve gotten me in real trouble. Hell, if Henry was any other CO, I’d probably be on trial with a death sentence looming over my head for the shit I pulled just to get the first real food I’d have since stepping foot on that plane. 
All that just to throw it up a few minutes later. I may not have snapped quite yet, but I’m cracking, dad. 
I hope next flu season is kind to you up there.
Love, Hawkeye
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