#whale songs
protoslacker · 1 year
He saw the discovery of whale song as a chance to spur interest in saving the giant animals, who were disappearing from the planet. Payne would produce the album “Songs of the Humpback Whale” in 1970. A surprise hit, the record galvanized a global movement to end the practice of commercial whale hunting and save the whales from extinction.
Patrick Whittle at AP News. Roger Payne, who found out that whales could sing, dies at 88
Ocean Alliance
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scullys-scalpel · 1 year
Me while watching Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
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familythings · 2 months
The Resonant Moo: Unveiling Cows' Emotional Communication
In the heart of nature’s grand orchestra, animals orchestrate a breathtaking symphony of sounds that unveil the depths of their emotional lives and social interactions. Recent groundbreaking research from the University of Sydney has illuminated a captivating aspect of animal behavior: cows, traditionally seen as quiet and passive creatures, possess individual vocal signatures that they use to…
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tranquilmelodyzone · 6 months
Dive into tranquility with an hour of underwater whale sounds brought to you by Tranquil Melody Zone. Let the gentle vocalizations of whales create a serene and peaceful atmosphere, perfect for inducing deep sleep and relaxation. Enhance the quality of your rest and wake up refreshed after a rejuvenating night's sleep with this video designed to provide a truly transformative experience. Experience now and discover the transformative power of nature's sounds to improve your quality of life.
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heliological · 5 months
live on 4/10/24 (transcript under the cut)
This is a very old song that I seldom play anymore. (excited crowd sounds)
I can't play old songs with a pick. I didn't use a pick for a long time, I was very, very macho about this sort of thing. If you're not bleeding for it, it doesn't count. That is the dumbest way of thinking (laughs), absolutely—absolutely the dumbest.
The old songs don't work as good unless I'm fully doing the thing.
That woman set herself on fire
They said it on the radio
They said she lit up the skies of Palestine
(guy in crowd: Free Palestine!)
(crowd cheers)
I could not stand to hear them say so
I saw the stars come out
Smelled the oranges on the breeze
Later on they played some Caribbean song
Man, they sure know how to pick 'em
The rich voice burning like a fuse
The syncopated rhythm
I saw the stars come out
Saw the oranges cracking open
I saw you standing there
Orange blossom in your hair
Going to Palestine (crowd cheers louder)
Going to Palestine
(crowd cheers)
Thank you!
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astral-nautical · 6 months
im honestly tired of how hades and zagreus' relationship gets misinterpreted on here.
hades is verbally abusive, yes. it goes so much deeper than just that. this isnt a revenge fantasy this is a toxic relationship slowly going back on course.
zag blames hades for persephone leaving. hes mad what trust he had in hades was broken, mad that he ever trusted hades in the first place. hes angry with everyone for withholding information from him, but he truly did trust that hades was an honest man underneath the vitriol. he winds up hades on purpose, taunts him and destroys his domain. he pisses hades off on purpose to get back at him.
hades blames zag for her leaving. hes mad that zag makes things so difficult, that hes a walking talking reminder of what he almost had. he wants persephone to live the life he thinks she deserves, one without him or the olympians, and fears for her safety when zag starts escaping. with zagreus provoking him, hades lashes out with way more hatred than he should. he wants zag to just stay out of his way despite how unhealthy that idea is for the both of them.
this game isn't about forgiveness, it's about making peace. its zagreus making peace with the olympians, with thanatos and megaera, and especially with hades. forgiveness never was on the table for them, not after all this time.
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vulcanspacedragon · 2 months
Snippet from Whales Alive (1987), a music album containing whale song and narration by Leonard Nimoy <3
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violent138 · 3 months
Do we think any of the batkids' friends find it weird that they play 10 hour ambient recordings of bat vocalizations to go to sleep?
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simmyfrobby · 2 months
i sometimes remember that ada limón’s poem in praise of mystery will be engraved on the europa clipper spacecraft when it launches to jupiter and its moons in october and think that humans are so cool actually
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pepsimanan · 2 months
I love your voice synth art! >▽<
Perhaps you could draw Vflower next? I really like them and I think they'd look great in your style (but no pressure :] !)
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#24 Vflower also, thanks!!!!
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cillianmesoftlyyy · 2 months
Wary Sailor Pt. 5 | Matthew Joy x fem!reader
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Summary: The Essex sinks and the crew is forced to test their luck. As Matthew's luck begins to run out, he waits for his Siren to save him.
Warnings: Shipwreck, thalassophobia, stranded at sea, abandonment, and drowning. This is a long installment but it is also the last installment of the series! Thank you for bearing with me. I think the end makes it worth it. I've been really busy so I apologize for the quality of this piece. It's sad... sorry.
word count: 3174k
Last Goodbye- Jeff Buckley 🎶
I Know the End- Pheobe Bridgers 🎵
Fear Not This Night- Clamavi De Profundis 🎶
Not proofread, sorry folks!
“Absolutely not, that is OUT of the question!” Captain Pollard slammed his pale fist against the table. “We cannot alter our course just because my second-mate says so.” 
“With all due respect sir, I believe it would be a death-sentence for our crew to chase the storm just to track down a whale that seems to have something against you,” Matthew’s lip curled as he tried to keep his composure. 
“I am the captain of this vessel, not you Joy. I’d like to remind you of that fact.” 
“It is a fair observation, sir. The men are all worried about the true intentions behind this choice,” Owen piped up from the corner of the room. 
“I don’t take orders from either of you, do you understand?” Captain Pollard’s voice was harsh as his tongue crushed against his teeth. He raised an authoritative eyebrow and Matthew swallowed. 
“I have reason to believe that this will only lead to disaster, sir. It is my job to speak on behalf of my experience and the lives of the men under my command-”
“And WHO, Joy, is under my command?” The captain leaned forward and clasped his hands together. The lantern above their heads swayed. 
Matthew met his eyes and clenched his jaw. Y/N’s warning swirled around in his memory like a tidal pool. How could he balance respect with advocacy? He had to talk some sense into the Captain before it was too late. 
“Answer my question, second-mate.” The captain’s eyes narrowed. 
Matthew unfocused his eyes on the man and swallowed down everything that he would have liked to say. 
“We are, sir.” 
“That is exactly right, Joy, and as captain I command you and the rest of my men to chase the storm. It will dissipate soon and in that time, we will have the whale.”
The lantern sailed across the room, smashing against the wall of the ship. The wick’s fire lay exposed and set some of the floor on fire. Before Matthew could throw anything on the fire to quell it, the ship jerked once again. The men scrambled to stay upright, their eyes met each others’ in the dark. 
“What the hell was that?” Captain Pollard asked breathlessly, fear showing in his tone. 
“That wasn’t a wave,” Owen whispered. 
“No, it wasn’t,” Matthew didn’t have to say the word whale. They all knew. 
Matthew grabbed his coat on the way up to the deck. Men ran around him, shouting orders and carrying rope. The harpooners prepared their weapons and watched from the railing. The shiny white back of the whale slipped below the surface a few yards out, its tail flicked up into the air and slammed down on the side of the boat. Matthew was knocked off of his feet and rolled, cringing from his sore back. Part of the sail and railing fell into the ocean below, men scrambled to stay onboard and not be dragged down with the debris. He watched helplessly as the boat started to break apart beneath his feet. 
“Everyone get to the boats! Grab as many supplies as you can in case we need to abandon ship!” Matthew yelled. Owen reached his friend and grabbed onto Matthew’s collar. 
“We need to get off this ship, Joy. If we stay here much longer we will have to go down with her.”
“Take your men and I’ll take mine.” 
“We need to wait for Pollard’s orders.”
“Fuck his orders, come on.” 
Matthew ran to the railing and helped loosen the ropes holding the smaller whaling boats to the deck. Men dropped food and drinking water into the bottom of the boat as the ship groaned and splintered beneath their feet. 
There was a deafening explosion at the stern of the Essex, a plume of fire rose into the air. The men were silenced by the violence and panted, watching the fire catch quickly and begin to burn. 
“She hit the oil canisters! Abandon ship! Abandon ship!” Pollard tripped across the debris-ridden deck of the sinking ship. 
Pollard, Owen, and Matthew each manned a boat and organized the men into the whaling boats before they were lowered into the water. The ship burned quickly. The explosion had killed many of the sailors who had been standing on the deck. They were already a dwindled crew by the time they pushed off from the ship and rowed to a safe distance away. Matthew watched with watery eyes as the Essex sank in a fiery blaze. 
They’d been on the boats for hours and the late afternoon sun was baking them alive. They’d connected their boats together in an effort to share supplies and keep an eye on each other. Matthew tried to push his fury and genuine shock down so that his men couldn’t see it. The whole event had only lasted an hour, ridiculously short. Everything that they’d owned went down with the whaling ship, friends too. 
Matthew wiped sweat from his brow and tried not to glower at Owen and Pollard who spoke to each other out of his earshot. He looked down at his hands which were starting to turn red in the direct sunlight. The men in his boat were slouched against one another or lying at the very bottom between the slats. He caught himself thinking about that night he’d taken the Siren for the first time. Memories of fleeting risk seemed like child’s play in comparison to life-and-death decisions the sinking had prompted from everyone. 
He looked out at the infinite expanse of water and tried to call her to his mind, they’d done as much before when he was drowning. Surely she could see him now, surely she would do something to help them. She knew something like this would happen, she’d warned him about it. He hadn’t even had time to try to avoid the disaster, it all seemed so unfair…
The boat beside him splashed up and down abruptly. Matthew caught his breath and watched as the bottom of the boat slapped the surface of the water as it returned to its first position. Everyone froze. 
“It’s back,” Matthew whispered and as he did, the water beside him burst up into a fountain of waves. A great big eye and white blubber body surged up into the sky above him and tumbled inches away from the boats. 
“Disconnect the fucking boats!” Matthew ordered and cut the ropes holding the boats together. Being connected made them a larger target and a weaker link. Every sailor pushed away and soon the four boats were separated by yards of messy waves. 
The whale emerged again, this time boring into Matthew’s boat. Matthew fell back as the boat broke down the middle and men went flying. He fell into the water and pushed away from the boat so he wouldn’t get caught. Air bubbles escaped from his mouth as he opened his eyes underwater. He could see the whale swimming through the wreck, knocking men out of its path or pushing them deeper. Matthew swam to the surface and whipped his head around to clear the hair from his face. The men in the other boats were aiming their harpoons at the vulnerable side of the beast. Matthew grabbed a hold of a barrel of water to keep himself afloat. Some of his men began to resurface but most did not. Those that did each found a piece of floating debris and watched as the other men tried to kill the whale. 
Matthew’s heart was beating a mile a minute and he couldn’t catch his breath. He watched as the back of the whale’s fin rose high into the sky above them, blocking the sun, and then down it went onto one of the other boats, breaking a second one. The wave created by the tail scattered the men even farther apart and sent Matthew spiraling out of control. His head slammed against the side of Owen’s boat and knocked him unconscious. 
“Kill it! Kill it!” Captain Pollard nearly screeched, blood dripping from a cut on his lip. 
Matthew came-to on Owen’s boat, nestled between people’s legs. 
“Joy?” Owen’s voice pulled him from his dreamless sleep. Matthew blinked behind his eyelids and tried to speak but his throat was dry. He licked his cracked lips. 
“Howw… how bad is it?” Matthew groaned and went to touch the back of his head. 
Owen swallowed and looked back at the men in the boat. 
“It’s really not that bad, Joy. It’s just a little bleeding and some bruising. You’ll be fine.” 
Matthew didn’t feel fine. Things didn’t seem right. For instance, the men around him looked more scruffy than they had the day before. They looked older and sickly. He furrowed his brow and looked around the boat.
“You were out for a few days. I mean you woke up multiple times but you weren’t actually aware.” Owen admitted. 
“Days?” Matthew repeated softly and Owen nodded. Matthew tried to sit up but his head began to pound painfully. He raised his hands in front of his face to block the aggressive glare of the sun. 
“Try not to move, you need to recover.” Owen straightened the blanket over his friend. 
“The sun…” Matthew groaned and his voice broke. His mouth was horribly dry and tasted like dried blood. 
“I know but the sun will set soon. Just close your eyes.” Owen tried to block the sun with his shoulders and the shade was a welcome relief for Matthew. He began to fall asleep again, rapidly losing his ability to stay awake and aware. 
“Owen…” he whispered, “did she come back… for me?” 
Owen’s face began to blur as Matthew fell asleep. He didn’t stay awake long enough to hear his response. 
When Matthew woke up again he was being half-dragged and half-carried through the water. He flailed about between the arms of his savior. 
“Joy! Stop that.” Owen’s voice reprimanded him. Matthew looked up. Instead of his friend, he saw a scraggly man with an unkempt beard and foul smelling clothes. 
“Owen?” Matthew garbled and Owen chuckled weakly. 
“Do I really look that bad? Well I hate to break it to you but you don’t look so good yourself.” 
“Don’t beat me while I’m down, Owen.” Matthew tried to laugh but started to cough. He was too weak to cough and grimaced instead.
“Where are we?” Matthew asked as Owen rearranged him in his arms. 
“We spotted land this morning.”
“Are we home?”
“No, we found an island. It’s not much but it’s land.” Owen stepped onto the solid beach and lowered Matthew to the ground against a tree. 
“Stay here, I’m going to help the others look for shelter and food.” Owen patted Matthew on his hollow chest. Matthew smirked and nodded. 
“Don’t worry, it’s not like I’m going anywhere.” Matthew laughed softly. 
“You still have your sense of humor, good.” Owen limped away with a small group of similarly starved men. Matthew could only imagine what he looked like. He raised his hands to feel his hair and then his face. He had a long beard and sun blisters buried deep in his face. His hands shook as he moved them to his lap.
His eyes rested on the shore where the bright blue water swept out upon the beach. He could feel himself whispering her name beneath his breath like a prayer. Had she protected them this entire time? Had she ensured that they would find land? 
Where was she now? Matthew closed his eyes and knew he’d be crying if wasn’t so dehydrated. 
“Water… I need water…” Matthew tried to call out. One of the sailors sprawled out on the sand, sat up and patted his pockets for a canteen.
“Here, sir.” The sailor offered Matthew his half-empty canteen and unscrewed the cap for him. Matthew took the bottle with shaking hands and raised the bottle to his lips. He took a few small sips and sighed. Even though he wanted to drink the whole bottle, he forced himself to return the container to the young man with blisters across his face. 
“Thank you,” Matthew nodded and leaned his bloody head back against the tree. “How long has it been since the Essex sank?”  
The young boy raised his head in surprise and furrowed his brow. 
“About two weeks, sir.” 
“Did… did a woman or… a siren find us before we got here?” Matthew struggled to ask. The boy darted his eyes away in discomfort before answering. 
“Um no, sir.” 
Matthew closed his eyes and sighed. He didn’t have the energy to explain to the boy what he meant. In his head he could see the girl again. Her beautiful green eyes glowed in the darkness of his mind and his hands could feel her soft body. 
“Y/N…” he whispered and fell asleep. 
“So you’re leaving?” Matthew clarified and Owen nodded. 
“A group of us are going to try to find the mainland.”
“I want to stay. I wouldn't make the trip and we both know that. The men who want to stay can stay with me.” Matthew looked up at the ceiling of the cave they had found away from the beach. They had been on the island for a week now and were running out of food. 
“I’ll tell the men. If we make it back to land… we’ll come back and get you. We’ll come back for you, understand?” 
Matthew nodded and gestured to the men chatting outside in the dark, a fire burning between them. Owen left the cave but his voice carried back to Matthew as he informed the men of their proposed plan. Questions arose from the sailors and Matthew tried to keep himself from sobbing as he accepted the truth:
The Siren had not been back. She had not come when he needed her and he realized then that she never would. She had warned him since the beginning not to trust her but he had. Tears slipped down his face and triggered a headache. His head was bandaged with clean make-shift bandages but the wound still hurt. He cradled his face in his hands and rested his palms against his legs. 
I hate you, Matthew thought. I loved you and you betrayed me. 
They left the following day and Matthew was left alone with four other men. They sat in the cave all together and withered away in silence. 
A few nights later, Matthew awoke with a start and gasped silently. It had been over a month since the Essex went down. The cave was dark and the sounds of the men sleeping surrounded him. He looked around as best as he could and whimpered softly into the darkness. 
Fear not this night, you will not go astray
Though shadows fall, still the stars find their way
Awaken from a quiet sleep
Hear the whispering of the wind
Awaken as silence grows 
In the solitude of the night
The song reached his ears from far beyond the mouth of the cave, stilling him. He stopped whimpering and fell quiet to hear the haunting music. The woman’s voice was alone, unaccompanied by other voices or music. She sounded like a child singing as she finished a chore. It was a pure and comforting sound that drew Matthew to his knees. He pulled himself up to his feet and grasped the moist walls as he stumbled out. 
The island air was warm and dry around him as his feet reached the sand. He could hear the waves crashing against the beach but the sounds of animals were abnormally absent. He walked further out into the dark, hugging his jacket around his dying body. 
Darkness spreads through all the land and your weary eyes open silently
Sunsets have forsaken all the most far off horizons
Fear not this night, you will not go astray. 
Dawn’s just a heartbeat away. 
And there in the distance, the horizon was starting to lighten as the sun would rise in the following hours. In the meantime, the beach was still dark. Matthew felt his feet carry him to the shoreline where the sand pulled against his ankles. He looked out at the water and forgot why he was there at all. Was he dreaming?
Distant sounds of melodies calling through the night to your heart
He took a few more steps where the water reached his calves. Two hands reached out and touched his scarred face and he flinched away. The hands returned and held his hollow cheeks gently. 
“Matthew,” the voice whispered sweetly but he couldn’t see who was speaking. 
“Who are you?” Matthew whimpered and tried to pull away from the strange hands which were not his own. “Are you an angel of heaven?” 
“Has it really been that long that you’ve forgotten my touch?” 
“I’ve forgotten my own. Who are you?” He asked again, his eyebrows furrowed with suspicion. 
“It’s me, sailor. Your Siren.” Y/N rubbed her thumbs over Matthew’s bulging cheekbones, tears ran down his face without his knowledge. Matthew closed his eyes and shook his head weakly. 
“No, no. She left me weeks ago. I’m dying.” He took a step back but the current caught his heels. 
“Look at me, Matthew. It’s me. I’ve come to take you home.”
Matthew opened his eyes slowly and his lips fell apart. His eyes adjusted in the dark, finally revealing a woman’s familiar face framed in dark hair. She was naked so she appeared to be a star glowing in the dark. 
“It’s not possible. Why would you come back now?” Matthew whispered, his voice breaking. More tears filled his eyes and he tried to control the sobs that threatened him. 
“I never left you, Matthew, but I didn’t know what I could do. I can’t change fate.”
“So this was my fate?” Matthew laughed darkly. He reached out to pet her hair and sniffed. 
“Yes, I couldn’t intervene.”
“I thought you had abandoned me,” Matthew sobbed and curled her hair in his fingers. 
“I’m so sorry, Matthew…”
“But why are you here now?” Matthew trailed his fingers up and down her neck absentmindedly. 
“Like I said, I’ve come to take you home.”
“You were singing…” Matthew noted and stepped closer. The girl cupped his face again and looked up into his bloodshot eyes. 
“I’m singing for you, sailor.” 
She kissed his cheek and reached for his hands. Going slowly, she walked backwards into the sea, singing. Matthew followed her blindly, his mind captured by her ballad and the magical glow in her eyes. Tears streamed down her face as she tried to smile through her song. 
Though the shadows fall, still the stars find their way
Life your voice with the first light of dawn 
Dawn’s just a heartbeat away
Hope’s just a sunrise away
Matthew’s head dipped below the surface and the water consumed him. The song continued in his head as Y/N carried him to his death, ending his suffering and burying the dead.
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daffodilfool · 10 months
Music and Intelligence
i made a followup / correction of this post
go read that instead, please I worked so fucking hard on it and people are STILL flocking to this version
I'm gonna preface this by saying I am by no means a professional biologist, I am just a biology student who nerds out about art and biology sharing an interesting thought I had this morning.
We don't know where music comes from. That is the very disappointing answer I got to a very interesting question I had this morning. The best answer science can come up with is ...eh, it's kind of just an evolutionary hiccup that developed out of nowhere.
I don't buy it.
Hypothesis: Music isn't an evolutionary hiccup but actually an integral aspect to developing sapience.
Think about this: One of the very first things we'll hear as human beings both now as we're born and in the ages past when we first evolved is birdsong. We associate birdsong with two very important things:
Winter has passed.
Dawn has broken.
Both of these give us a lot of valuable information like it is no longer dark, it is no longer cold, it is no longer dangerous, it is safe.
Early hominids with the ability to correctly identify birdsong and associate it with safety would thus be at great evolutionary advantage as they would be much more likely to survive the winter and the night, but that ability requires 3 major steps:
The ability to pick out distinct rhythms and melodies to correctly identify something as birdsong.
The ability to correlate said birdsong to the idea of the sun coming out.
The ability to make said connection through an abstract emotional response.
In other words, it requires pattern recognition, problem solving and complex emotion. Sapience. Music is not a coincidental fluke byproduct of sapience, it is the catalyst for developing sapience.
Granted this is largely speculation on my part; there's nothing I can do to prove that this is why our sapience evolved.
We are not the only sapient life on earth, there are others, some debated, some not. Besides us there are dolphins, whales, corvids, parrots and elephants, and do you know what we all have in common? We deliberately communicate through melodic and rhythmic sounds, and we derive a particular pleasure from doing so. We all enjoy music.
If music was an evolutionary fluke in our development, how come it's a commonality among all sapient life? There are many animals that sing to mate and sing to intimidate and yet they lack any signs of sapience, but the ones that sing just because they can all happen to be the most intelligent creatures on earth.
Food for thought.
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amielot · 4 months
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Dream.exe is not responding
I wonder if siren!Dream can make a similar sound to dialup internet :3
ALSO! I really like this drawing cause I drew little indicators for his nictitating eye membranes. They’re on the inside corners of his eyes!
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My goal as a Project Hail Mary fan is to set up as much of a fandom for the movie-goers as possible.
Not only do we set the tone for the fandom after the movie, but profit from the new fics and art after supplying our own for so long.
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astral-nautical · 5 months
ok. ive cooked. i dont trust hecate.
i was a bit confused why she rubbed me the wrong way instantly, and i think ive finally figured out why. i dont think she cares about melinoe. and i know that hecate on some level does care, she has to, but thats the point.
i think hecate has raised melinoe to be a weapon, and nothing more. no maternal care. no love. just training and training and death to chronos death to chronos and it makes me Scared for mel. whats going to happen when chronos is gone? what happens when her purpose is fulfilled? because no one ever asks her how shes doing either!!! no one in the crossroads checks in on her!!! they check in on her Task sure but never how shes feeling, how she's faring with all this. mel tells hecate shes feeling the pressure and hecate tells her to channel it. fuck, even as a kid, hecate only played hide and seek with her as TRAINING. they only see her for her purpose they dont see HER.
and!!! in a way!!! this would parallel zagreus! think about it!!! zagreus was hated by a lot of the house of hades because they saw his defiance as brattiness - oooo daddy won't let me go out so i'll RUN AWAY - when we know his feelings on the matter are a lot more complex.
do you think, when we finally get zagreus back safely, he's going to look his little sister in the eyes for the first time and find that she's just like him?
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