#werewolves and hunters AU
pespillo · 4 months
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guys dont even worry abt it
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hux-and-gay · 4 months
If you want to draw literally anything from your vampire/werewolf/monster hunter AU, I'd love to see it!!
After drawing this I kinda wanna turn this into a fic. Anyway here’s character designs for the AU, Kylo is kinda sloppy bc I half way gave up on him. Also he has 2 arms I just didn’t draw the second one so it wouldn’t block the design
For anyone who is interested in the AU it takes place in the same universe as my dating sim rp blog @hollowsdill-manor feel free to check it out. The AU is also not just Kylux it covers every trilogy.
Monster Hunter Hux
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Vampire Werewolf Hybrid Kylo
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Height Comparison (with Kylo in his monster form)
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@not-so-allegiant-general @tomatette
@thegeneralorder @existing-sadly @diabollicallyangelic @fives-ren @dragonflies-draw-flame
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mjolnirswriststrap · 6 months
Silver Bullet
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Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader, Helmut Zemo x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1,670 Masterlist
Summary: The best night of the year, Halloween, turns into a night you just want to forget. PART 1/4.
Warnings: werewolves, cheating, backstabbing best friend, Zemo is a whore, truly.
Red cloaks filled the crowd. This years Halloween parade theme being Dracula. Rob Zombie blared through speakers anchored to lampposts. You and your friends all wore matching costumes, collectively going as the wives of Dracula. It was a good excuse to wear the hottest outfits you could find. Most people paled their skin with white face paint, and molded little pieces of wax to their teeth.
Not you, you wore basically nothing for your costume. Each friend had a different color of fabric, that was loosely draped and cinched around your body. The best way to describe it would be a Greek toga, instead of linen it’s sheer silk, leaving nothing to the imagination. You all wore the same gold collar, a dragon etched on the front; curtesy of the blue bride, Miranda’s, 3D printer.
You didn’t plan on staying, you all agreed to be a part of the parade, once that was over, you were all headed to Zemo’s annual Halloween masquerade. You don’t think he particularly liked having hundreds of people flooding his property every year. But having the biggest house in town was a blessing and a curse. He hosted most festivities for your rather large population of teens and young adults.
You had a fascination with the bachelor. He inherited the mansion, land and money from his grandfather, skipping over his father completely. His family was prominent in the community, both of his parents having a chair at city hall. They volunteered at the food bank and donated to every shelter. Any sane person would think they deserved the money in a way. So why Zemo?
You made it to the party late, everyone leaving the house for the back yard. Zemo had the trees lighted and a dance floor built, always prepared for a celebration. Your friends ditched you as soon as you all got drinks, saying they were going to find their boyfriends. Leaving you to explore the surrounding woods alone.
You nearly drop your red solo cup when you see Zemo pressing Miranda against a tree, practically swallowing each others faces. Tears of betrayal sting your cheeks. She knew you had a crush on him, and she has a boyfriend anyways. You stalk away in anger, losing the trail but not caring. You found a tree far enough from the party that no one would hear your sobs.
You downed the cup filled halfway with vodka, a drop of orange juice for flavor. It dried your tears quickly, leaving your whole body warm. “Stupid.” You say, standing up and brushing the leaves off your dress. “Stupid for liking Zemo.”. You agreed whole heartedly with that. “Stupid for thinking Miranda was my friend.” That’s what hurt the most.
In the midst of your self hate you failed to notice a looming figure. “You’re not stupid.” You jolt, throwing the plastic cup in the direction of the stranger. “Sorry, you scared me.” You giggle, when you see it’s just a guy from the party wearing a phantom of the opera mask.
“It’s okay.” He reaches down and picks up the liter. “Gotta keep our forests clean.” He waves the red in the air. You give him a dry laugh. Men are scary and being alone in the woods with a stranger was causing every alarm in your brain to siren. But the vodka numbed your sense of fear.
“I should get going.” You say, turning and trying to step around the tree. Before you could, the stranger steps closer. “Should you?” He says deeply. He’s close enough now that you can see his piercing blue eyes behind the mask. They render you speechless, the way the moonlight shone off them, put you in a trance. You shake your head, too focused to verbally answer him.
“See, you’re not so stupid after all.” He teases. You have no reaction. His words didn’t fill you with pride or embarrassment. Your veins filled with the distinct warmth of feeling safe. You don’t know where it came from, your body was irrationally reacting to him. You should be shaking with fear and trying to get back to the party, not calmly standing here waiting for something to happen.
It felt like you were locked inside a body that wasn’t yours. It was being controlled by some outside force. You let him reach for you, never flinching away. Your body produced goosebumps where his fingertips grazed your skin. “You’re so beautiful. I’d hate to ruin that.” You nod your head, not even thinking of a single way he could ruin your beauty. Your mind was blank, you couldn’t even say thank you.
“Promise me you won’t resist, once it happens.” You knew nothing of what he spoke, but again you feel your neck bow to him, nodding in agreement. The masked man looks up at the moon, reveling in its fullness. “Are you prepared for no return?” You agree with a nod, now you know you were fully possessed by something. His words should send you running, but a small voice in the back of your head says you would never.
He steps closer again, grabbing fistfuls of your gown, cinched at your waist. “You have to say it. Say I have permission.” His voice was desperate and darker than before. You try to find the words but the influence he had on you was slowly fading, the way he started pressing you against the tree brought you back to your senses. He holds your hips in place as he nuzzles his face into your neck, taking a long deep breath.
The stubble on his chin tickled you and you had to remind yourself yet again that this is a masked stranger in the woods. Even though your senses were coming back, the way his hands lit a fire inside of you was enough to make you not care. That fire pooled lower and lower the closer he got to you. He smelled like a mix of musk and pine. You couldn’t tell if it was him or the trees surrounding you. But it made your mouth water, filling you with a want to taste his skin, just to be sure.
He raises his hand to cradle your cheek, “Please.”. He caught your eyes again, boring into them with an assured look. He focuses on your lips “Just say the words.”.
“I give you permission.” You say them without thinking of the consequences. He sealed your fate by closing the gap between your faces. Pressing his lips to yours. You moved your lips in sync with his, using your free will to wrap your arms around his neck. Before it could go any further the man disappeared. You felt him pull away, when your eyes opened to see why, he was already gone. You searched the surrounding woods with your eyes, there was no sign of him.
You grab your head, wondering if you drunkenly hallucinated. The moisture on your mouth and in your underwear was foolproof evidence that it really just happened. But you still began to question its validity.
You hear a twig snap somewhere near you, in hopes that it was the magnetic stranger you followed it, rounding an old fallen tree you spot a black dog. It was rather large in stature, must be a purebred if it’s that big. You knew an expensive dog wouldn’t be wandering the woods collarless. And you couldn’t remember if Zemo ever mentioned having any pets.
You stepped closer, never fearing animals. You loved dogs, you had a few of your own at your parents house. “Here boy.” You kneel down, reaching out your hand. It finally gives you its attention. Immediately showing his sharp canines, snarling loudly. “Oop.” You stand up and slowly back away, knowing the signs of an agitated dog.
When your view of it is blocked by the tree you turn around and sprint away. Not wanting to receive a rabies shot on Halloween night. You see the lighted trees nearing. That’s when you heard it, rhythmic thumbing coming from behind you. When you turn around you let out a scream, the dog is already pouncing on you, knocking you to the ground. You tray to scramble away. You see people’s feet running towards your screams.
The dog latches its mouth onto your leg, when you try to rip it away it only sinks its teeth deeper. You see Zemo come to your aid with a pool cleaner net, swinging it at the dog. “Get away.” He shouts, he ends up cracking the dog on top of his head with the plastic pole. It yelped, causing your leg to fall out of his mouth. He ran for cover, disappearing into the woods. Zemo drops to his knees beside you, shedding his jacket to wrap it around your bleeding leg.
“Are you okay?” Your eyes full with tears, embarrassment was an understatement. You didn’t want to face Zemo or Miranda. You didn’t want to see all the party goers pity filled faces either. You stood up, sucking a breath between your teeth at the pain. You limped past everyone giving eachother confused glances. Ignoring Zemo and Miranda’s fake concern.
You called your dad, sitting on the curb infront of the house. He rushed you to urgent care, spending the rest of the night with you in the waiting room. You were fine in the morning, a shot and a round of antibiotics set you on your way to recovering. You took ibuprofen for the pain. You called off of work for the rest of the week, needing to stay off your feet.
When you returned the next Monday, your boss told you there was a new bus boy. You waited tables all day before you finally saw him. Clocking in and disappearing to wash dishes. He was cute, dark brown hair and light stubble. He didn’t introduce himself to you or Mary, the other waitress, odd. But you had a feeling the little diner would grow on him eventually.
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sigmamax69 · 1 year
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OK OK so I kept seeing @kindheartedgummybears's and @lazylesbianbear's werewolf AUs and I reallly like them and I got inspired to draw something like that !!
Tbh ig this is just as if Erin and Jamie were in The Quarry's setting, and Jamie got turned into a werewolf and captured Erin in the woods. What will happen to her? Who knows!!
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aspenonpawzzz · 3 months
I post a new chapter of my fanfic and nobody cares?
so I’m going to say it again!
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ghostfives · 5 months
Werewolf pup omega and werewolf bad batch it is then.
Secrets kept
Hunter growls as he and the batch head off the ship, looking around. Omega is asleep in the back and it’s just them, so it’s time to finally let loose and be what they are. Werewolves.
The batch have been werewolves since shortly after Echo had joined, when a mission went wrong and Wrecker got bit. Then he bit all of them.
Now this was their new norm, and they actually enjoyed it until Omega… they can’t lose her. And if she sees the monsters they are, then this won’t end well.
“Okay boys, only an hour. Let’s do this.” Hunter smiles as he steps out in the moonlight, letting the transformation take hold.
“Awww.” Wrecker pouts as he steps out to and grunts, feeling his bones rearrange as fur sprouts all over his body.
“Can’t scare… Omega.” Echo growls, his cybernetics off and he replaces them with his werewolf ones.
Crosshair grins and stretches. “Has been way too long.”
Once they are fully transformed, Tech stretches. “We need to hurry, let’s catch a meal.” He says, voice deeper as he pulls his goggles over his eyes.
“Let’s go!” Wrecker goes running, letting out a howl.
Hunter sighs softly, chuckling and running after him as he howls, followed by his brothers. This will be good.
Omega whines as she transforms, and crawls out of the marauder. She needs food, she hasn’t had raw meat or transformed in weeks. She hopes her brothers don’t come back soon, as she runs off.
Omega sniffs the air, smiling as she smells a nice rabbit. She goes running. This is the first time she’s hunted that’s not in an enclosed environment that Nala Se created, and it feels wonderful! The wind in her fur, the dirt on her paws! All the amazing scents in the air, it’s the best thing ever!
Omega lets out a happy howl without thinking, and that’s when she hears it. Somethings running towards her, and she lets out a yelp as she sees a large werewolf run towards her and freeze. It stares at her before sniffing the air.
Omega whines, and whimpers as four other werewolves come running with the first and they all just stare.
“A pup?” One asks softly. “How…”
“Omega!?” The first one asks.
Omega whimpers, backing away.
“No, Omega don’t-“
Omega goes running, as fast as she can back to the ship. She’s too scared to transform back so she just has to hope for the best. Hope that her brothers don’t check on her.
She quickly hides in her little room, curling up with her Trooper doll and Lula as she whines softly. She’s starving for fresh meat, but she’s not getting any of it.
Omegas ears wiggle as she hears the door open, and her heart thumps hard in her chest. She’s so scared, but… something wrong. The footsteps sound heavier?
Omega whimpers, that’s the same voice as before and her ears press back tightly in fear. Her tail tucks between her legs, and she listens as the footsteps stop right outside her room.
“Omega, it’s Hunter, honey.” The deep voice says, and honestly… it does sound like Hunter.
Omega hiccups. “No! Hunters not a monster!”
“Oh Omega, you’re not a monster. You’re a scared little girl. I promise, it’s me. Remember when you called me Buir two weeks ago? No one else knew that.” The wolf says.
Omega gasps, whining. “Hunter?”
“Yes baby girl.” Suddenly two furry arms come in and pulls her close to an equally furry chest. “I’ve got you, little one. I’m here.”
Omega sobs. “Buir!” She curls close. “The… other werewolves?”
“Our family is all werewolves.” Hunter hums softly. “Want to come see everyone?” He asks softly, wanting to give Omega the choice. She deserves that.
Omega sniffles, but nods bravely.
Hunter grins and heads outside, Tech, Echo and Crosshair all sitting around a fire.
“Hey kid!” Crosshair smiles. “You are so cute!”
Omega smiles and slides out of Hunters arms, running over and sniffing Crosshair. “You’re like me?” She asks, eyes full of hope.
“Yes we are.” Crosshair smiles and nuzzles her.
Echo comes over too her. “Oh kiddo.” He coos and licks her head, before sniffling her and giving a gentle grooming.
Omega rumbles happily and her tail wags behind her. “What’s that?” She asks softly.
“This is grooming, parents do it to their young. And since we are your parents in every sense of the word but biological, then it is our job to do these things.” Tech hums, adjusting his goggles and coming over. “And you, our pup, need a grooming.” He licks gee face, getting a giggle.
“Omega! I got ya good!” Wrecker says, mouth full as he runs out and drops the rabbit at her feet.
Omega smiles and digs in.
Hunter smiles as he and his brothers sit together, watching their Pup eat her fill. They never could have imagined that this would have happened, but they’re happy to have their Pup, no matter what.
Once Omega is full, she yawns and stretches out. Then she gasps as she’s picked up in Crosshairs mouth, and moved up where the other Wolves are making a nest out of blankets. She’s sat down and then cuddles between them all.
“Goodnight, Pup.” Hunter coos, nuzzling her.
Omega smiles, yawning and curling into Hunter. She’s the happiest she’s ever been, and it’s all because of her five werewolf dads. Life can’t get better.
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the-wisterian-lights · 4 months
my yoonjin van helsing au is here!!
I did a thing!! I've finally posted my #yoonjin van helsing au a waltz with the devil by thewisterianlights https://archiveofourown.org/works/55915351/chapters/141987409
and thank god Pinterest had a few ideas for the moodboard. go check it out guys!! this bby aka my 1st bts fic will finally see the light of day sooooo excited for you all to read this
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promptfiction · 6 months
When the other packs see Stiles, they don't automatically think "very dangerous alpha werewolf." No, how could they when he's just a pale, skinny teenager dressed in several layers of plaid shirt? But in the middle of a war between humans and werewolves, they will realize that Stiles can be very bloodthirsty, sometimes too much.
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blackrosesandwhump · 2 years
Werewolf AU Concept
I don't usually come up with AU ideas, but I couldn't get this one out of my head.
Person A is a werewolf. Person B is a werewolf hunter. B is sent on a mission to track down a werewolf that's been sighted in the area, and they set out to do so...only to find that that the werewolf is in fact someone they know.
Does B complete the mission, or save A?
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ted-calling-orson · 1 month
the Abe Lincoln: Vampire Hunter universe would be wild bc like T.R and his siblings would all be half-vampire
I had more on this but i just woke up and have yet to finish AL:VH so
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yellowfingcr · 11 months
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"This isn't good, friends. Almost Halloween and none of you seems really in the spirit. Pun absolutely intended."
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avirxy · 2 years
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that’s a big dog
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demenior · 10 months
i literally do not remember if i've already sent an ask but if i haven't i would love to hear about the critrole werewolf AU pretty please! and if i have. then i would like to hear about it again anyway 👐
Check my list of current wips here and send me a title and I’ll post a bit or share some details about it.
The CritRole Werewolf au is a mighty nein werewolf au. I set it in a vaguely modern world, but... in the 90s/early 00's. I wanted it to have some Buffy/Blair Witch/Lost Boys vibes. Like, grotesque and terrifying but with moments of absurd humor and a really bitchin' soundtrack. The Brjeau's are, loosely, the main characters.
Beau and Fjord were the intro duo. They're amateaur ghost hunters touring the country's most haunted locations. They're using Beau's absent fathers' credit card to fund them sleeping in Fjord's work van and get them access to dope shit like handheld video cameras and microphones that Beau uses to prove the supernatural is real. (Fjord films/runs tech. He a) doesn't believe in the supernatural and b) is terrified of it).
They pair up with Caleb- a mysterious dude in a long duster coat with a weird accent who may or may not be a monster hunter, and Veth- who's definitely just some normal housewife who just so happens to hate werewolves and definitely isn't one. They join the team after a scary event where Fjord is lost for a few days in some weird haunted place/sacred temple to some old forgotten wolf god. Caleb and Veth want to make sure Fjord isn't cursed, Beau is thrilled to be proven right that the supernatural exists, and Fjord thinks this is all ridiculous. So what that he's been having some weird dreams? That doesn't mean anything.
(You can see where this is going).
To keep things reigned in, I tried to limit all the supernatural entities to just werewolves (save for Fjord's eventual eldritch horror wolf thing he has going on).
Yasha, Caduceus, Fjord, Veth and Jester are all werewolves. Some of them were born werewolves, some of them were turned. Some were turned willingly, some not(t). Caleb and Beau remain Team Human (though Scourgers are now werewolf hunters, and through grueling training are a weird almost "half" werewolf, so they can't be turned).
#If I included Molly he would be killed during Fjord's first transformation#to keep things loosely in line with canon events.#caleb would be a reformed hunter who got kicked out of hunting society#bc he started to go hey what if werewolves AREN'T just mindless killing machines?#and astrid n eadwulf blocked him#i have it loosely set in north america#to really keep the buffy slash scooby doo slash lost boys vibes#but then LMAOOO god i started talking about an ukotoa temple#aka some sort of evil wolf spirit temple thing#where fjord gets cursed#and like???? where would you find THAT in north america??? what am i on???#anyways that will need some finessing#but otherwise this is purely an au of no thoughts just vibes#caddy has a fun genetic condition in that he is a werewolf born to werewolf parents#but he actually cannot shift! he's in his lil human form only#yasha is a naturally born werewolf as well and has mostly lived away from humans#veth was of course forcefully turned when her family was attacked#jester met artagan (a werewolf. more like a coyote lmao) and thought he was so neat#she let him bite her so they could play together more#jester acts more like a dog and doesn't get why everyone is so obsessed with violence#(until she gets it)#and fjord is of course cursed and has no control of his cursed form#all the other werewolves are just like... people that also turn into wolves#fjords curse is where the mindless beast myths come from and hes just a big ol killing machine#anyways.... yeah! thats the crittyrole werewolf au#if you (or anyone) wants more#i have about 800 words written that i can share#wip#werewolves#critical role
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wwpia · 1 year
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I imagine the werewolves in my world to be pretty quadrupedal and wolf life tbh. They also revert a lot of terms of intellect/ability to be a lot more wolf like, they’re not like… completely animalistic by any means but it does serve to put them at a distinct disadvantage against humans when it’s the full moon. Weh.
It also serves to help justify humans perspective when they ‘hunt’ werewolves. Like there’s a whole arse black market trade for full werewolf pelts, oof. Some human families (particularly in the UK) have werewolf pelt coats and shit it’s atrocious ahah. The fur is renowned for being much softer/finer than a wolves pelt and also being a lot more dense/warm. Ew.
At the time of the story, werewolves try to desperately keep themselves safe/isolated in their own communities - often settling in more isolated/off the grid areas. Unfortunately this tends to be near farmland or inhospitable areas. They can actually stop themselves from transforming on a full moon (and actually regularly do so) by drinking a herbal concoction plus meditating. They plan to do this for a good… third? Of the population at any given full moon as to have enough ‘thinking’ werewolves to diffuse any human/werewolf tensions. Shit like farmers accusing werewolves of eating their sheep, they’ll be there with a smartphone like ‘BRO HE’S TAKING A LEAK UP A TREE. FUCK OFF. YOU’RE LIVE ON YOUTUBE. YOU WANNA BE SEEN MURDERING? OKAY BYEEEE….. -wheeze- OhgOD Alex that was a clo- STOP FUCKING EATING STICKS U TWAT.’
(LOL, werewolves babysitting other werewolves is just so funny to me like GET INSIDE YOU’RE GONNA BE NAKED SOON OH MY GOD FINE FINE F-……… -shakes a jumbo tub of beef jerky-… Oh shit here they all come. -runs-))
Faustus was definitely one of those babysitters - although in a kind of sad way as he couldn’t wolf out form the age of like… 10? I’ve kind of written it before but for werewolves, extended periods of not being able to transform isn’t really good for them. More on a mental level, but if it’s bad enough - on a physical level too. Faustus is kind of a weird case because his werewolf form is… kind of really messed up?
I gave werewolf Faustus an outrageously bushy tail because… why not. I can imagine a fair few werewolf hunters catching tales of his ~outrageously luxurious~ pelt when he was young and 100% getting ready to hunt him down later on. EEK.
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rileytwenty · 1 year
Honestly this story is crack that I have not proof read, but in terms of plot I love it and if you like Henry Cavill chances are you will too. Thanks for your guys’ support. 
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: Captain Syverson (Sand Castle), Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Mike (Hellraiser), Walter Marshall (Night Hunter)
Hybrid AU
Summary: The usually confident Jess's mother is sick with cancer. Preparing to grieve, she goes into the shelter knowing she wants to help a hybrid. She meets Lab/Retriever!Mike and his brother German Shepherd!Syverson, and then, eventfully, she meets and saves Arctic Wolf!Geralt. She also picks up a stray, Malinois!Walter Marshall. She swears that she doesn't have feelings for them, because she can't have feelings for those she has legal power over. It would be immoral. But how can she resist all four of them? How will the house dynamics fall into place, and what will they all have to live through together?
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andellaheartz · 5 months
for your daybreak au do you already have all the roles in mind? like whos a vampire, werewolf and etc ? if you do id love to see whos what .. i rlly wanna draw the daybreak au :B!!!! what would someone like wikidot be?
Currently working on that, here all the roles I've assigned and drawn so far 🤑
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instagram is also a werewolf working as a hunter, wikidot tho hmmmmmmmm vampire ?.cuz i think wiki being a human working in a library with a werewolf and vamp is funny as hell LMOA
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