#were they mad sonic won?
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funniest thing that happened in sonic related polls here was the adhdxautism swag couple tournament where sonadow and lumity both had such swag they somehow literally tied and then both moved on to the next round together LMAO neurodivergence really won
i wasnt paying any attention to that one and didnt really care who won i just saw a few posts from it in passing but i am genuinely shocked that this happened because this is literally the cartoon fandom website. every time i see a sonic character against an owl house character in a poll im just like Ok we're not winning this one. so the fact that they managed to tie is wild to me
#i have nothing against the owl house#but it is just a fact that toh characters are always sweeping polls even if they dont deserve to win that specific one#which im not saying would have been the case with this specific poll if lumity won. them winning would have been fair i think#but one time i saw a poll where the theme was cute sweet and innocent type characters#and cream the rabbit LOST. to HUNTER. LITERALLY HOW#asks#also other relaly funny moment in sonic poll history was sonic and tails sweeping in the sibling tournament#just because fans of the other characters kept denying that sonic and tails are siblings and that pissed sonic fans off#also dr starline sweeping in the worst sonic character poll just because people were mad at him for winning the transmas#c swag poll
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I am so mixed feeling’d about this movie right now. On one hand, I loved it. It had such a good telling of Sonic and Shadow’s dynamics and stories and how they view one another, and I loved that and will be elaborating more on this in the spoiler section. The changes they made from the video game were 50/50 to me. Some I get, others I just was really disappointed in. The action scenes are AMAZING. Battles are SICK, and I have admittedly been on the fence about Keanu voicing Shadow, but he won me over completely after watching the film.
Team Sonic’s dynamic is top tier in this movie. Knuckles, Sonic and Tails are the lights of my life, I love these brothers so much.
But if you are going into this film expecting a SHADOW movie???? You’re gonna be disappointed. This is, do not be mistaken, absolutely a Jim Carrey movie. This is a Robotnik movie 110%. Idk if they just couldn’t afford too many lines from Keanu or what, but Jim stole most the screen time. Which was hilarious and all, but it definitely stole from the deeper/darker story that was suppose to be at play. They went the insane/funny mad scientist route with Gerald rather than the vengeful and broken man he was, and this kinda falls flat and makes the whole thing feel less dangerous and life-threatening than it actually is.
I will say that what little we ARE given of Shadow is amazing. Thankfully us die-hard Shadow fans are use to picking up whatever scraps SEGA throws at us with this hedgehog and absolutely running with them. And in terms of that, we were given a MEAL. But Shadow’s story was definitely rushed rather than fleshed out. It’s like they gave us about 4 minutes of background for him and were like “Alright. That’s it. That’s him”. And then we just roll with it from then on. My hopes on the reason they did this is because we’ll perhaps get a Shadow the Hedgehog show or movie in the future where they elaborate on all this even more. But as for this movie??? Just be ready for a LOT of Robotnik.
I still think Gerald should’ve just been dead so Shadow could have more screen time instead of them cashing in on Jim Carrey. The movie as a whole was so unserious because of him.
That’s really my biggest letdown.
The whole plot felt VERY rushed. Like they were too worried about getting to the next action scene to really flesh out the story properly. Sadly this happens a lot when writers just ASSUME we know the story already so not all of it needs to be told when we just REALLY want all of it to be told. It’s also obvious they cut back on some plot points so it could stay kid friendly.
But don’t let this discourage you too much! Like I said, it really was a good movie. And it’s probably still up there as my fav simply because Shadow IS in it and Team Sonic’s moments save it for me. Not to mention Sonic and Shadow’s interactions, though few, are absolute perfection and capture them both so dang well like—
I will cherish those scenes forever. Sonadow fans have a FEAST with the scenes they were given, okay???
I give it a solid 7.5/10. Maybe 8 if they add more deleted scenes later or announce a Shadow show. :)))))
10/10 if you’re only there for Jim Carrey (whom I personally don’t care for).
Now for Spoilers:
The moon is successfully pissed on.
They very much did their best to make it apparent that Sonic and Shadow are the same but were simply given different fates and it’s SO GOOD BUT SO SAD. Like. Two sides to the same coin very much came across.
Them punching each other across continents was SICK.
Shadow pinning Sonic by his head was GAY.
Sonic pinning Shadow by his chest fur was GAY.
Sonic and Shadow’s talk on the moon is easily my favorite thing in the movie. Followed closely by their Super battle against each other and then their Super battle in space. I’ve recently written in my stories about how being super together creates this special bond between them, and these scenes 100% confirm/reinforce that!
Maria and Shadow scenes are PRECIOUS! Her playing guitar for him, him dragging her around the compound with her in skates, them watching the stars together- it was all beautiful!
I’m really glad they allowed a brief moment of clarity that Gerald did in fact love Shadow and care about him at one point because he’s literally the biggest butt the rest of the movie and just uses him.
StoneXRobotnik shippers will be both elated and heartbroken.
So many perfect Sonic and Tails and Knuckles bro moments omggggg their dynamic in this movie was so dang good I died. From Tails saving Sonic’s butt multiple times to Knuckles putting his angry and fiery disposition aside for his brother and handing over the master emerald— it was perfect. Knuckles is big lovable idiot energy, absolutely, but it’s not overdone. He’s serious when he needs to be and is SUCH an oldest brother. I loved his conflict with Sonic AND how he was the one who saved both Tails and Sonic at the end.
Shadow being a feminist with his latinas.
“Vengeful guac.”
Shadow and Sonic fighting together in space and constantly checking in on the other! Shadow asking Sonic where he is and using chaos spear to absolutely annihilate every robot after Sonic ahsjdkglg boyfriends protecting each other vibes.
Tbh, the entire scene where Shadow and Sonic are fighting side by side gives such huge soulmate vibes like oh my god they were VERY MUCH CONNECTED.
Their banter is EVERYTHING.
Shadow quoting Maria “even when the star is gone, its light remains” and then looking at Sonic?! GAAY.
Tom and Maria both poking Sonic and Shadow in the chest and telling them who they are in their hearts and who they choose to be is what counts. THIS being what brings them together?? PERFECTION.
Despite my annoyance at the amount of Robotnik in the movie, Eggman’s sacrifice and message to Stone was very touching.
Tails and Stone are the dream team.
Knuckles is forever scared of ghosts.
Shadow going after Tom ONLY because he thought it was the General and then immediately regretting it and feeling guilty when he sees it’s not and then having to watch Sonic cry over his body while Shadow sees himself crying over Maria is PEAK. BROKE MY HEART.
Sonic revisiting his cave. Shadow HAS to find and live in that at some point.
AMY ROSE AMY ROSE AMY ROSE AND SHES SO PRETTY AND STRONG OMG SHES SO SICK I LOVE HER SO MUCH ALREADY it looks like they’re trying to make her appear older than she is in the games, so I’m pretty sure they’re gonna be putting her with Sonic at some point. Which is fine by me cus I ship Sonamy too and to me, movie Sonic would be the one of all the versions of Sonic to want to settle down with some girl one day. I mean. His whole story is LITERALLY based around him finally getting to settle somewhere and have a family instead of continuing to run. Makes sense.
Um. The words “Faker” and “Ultimate Lifeform” are not ONCE uttered in this movie, and to me?? That’s absolute slander. That alone brought this movie down a whole point in my 1-10 scale, okay??? Negative 5,000 aura. Disgusting. Maybe the Commander possibly mentioned him being the Ultimate Lifeform, but Shadow never did and that’s just WRONG. This is a whole plot point in the game and in their characters from then on in the franchise, and it’s just glossed over!
Maria isn’t sick. The ARK isn’t in space. She isn’t shot. It’s all kinda dull in comparison to the game, tbh. They’re definitely still after her and shooting to kill because the soldier says “we have our orders” when Walters tries to stop him, but he still don’t shoot her so like— again. Dimmed down.
No Prison Island scenes other than the beginning when Shadow breaks out. Which was. Super disappointing.
It’s all just so unserious. Especially the Robotniks.
Chaos are just Japanese mascots. Which is big sad for Cream and Cheese fans.
No creation of Shadow = no Biolizard
No “Sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog”. They tried to reference this with a joke from Jim Carrey, but it fell flat imo.
Indifferent/Open to:
Shadow came from a meteor. He wasn’t created. While I hate Gerald didn’t inherently create him, I am also glad this leaves room for the Black Arms to become a thing. It’s also very possible GUN and Gerald were both just lying about this. Because it very meticulously did NOT show Shadow actually coming from the meteor in any scenes. It just showed the meteor crash site and how it had Shadow/Balck Arms coloring. So maybe Gerald still did experiment on a hedgehog and stuff and it’s just lied about because that’s like— not okay??? But also, I noticed it never showed any like. Major accident that would’ve caused GUN to suddenly invade like that?? They just suddenly decided Shadow was too powerful and they needed to kill everyone while in the games, there were multiple incidents where people were hurt or compromised by the artificial chaos experiments before GUN invaded. PLUS Towers had seen and reported Gerald making a deal with the devil (Black Doom). So like— why would GUN just suddenly decide to annihilate everyone in Project Shadow like that??? It would be one thing if they just decided to shut them down, but they were actively going in there to KILL! So like— I feel like we’re missing pieces and being mislead.
Rouge isn’t there. Which I GET because how/why would she be?? By the end of the movie, there’s definitely ways for more mobians to start appearing (Amy is a prime example). So it makes sense that Rouge isn’t there yet because it’s EARTH so how WOULD she be??? And Shadow using chaos control at the end could open ways to other worlds (like in Sonic X when Sonic went super the first time and more Mobians started arriving on earth). But there were SO MANY MOMENTS SHE WOULDVE BEEN PERFECT. So it’s a shame, but understandable. Plus, how could they have made room for Rouge when they barely had room for Shadow with all the JIM CARREY.
I’ll probably continue to add to this as I process this movie over the next few days.
#movie sonic#Sonic movie 3#sonic movie#sth 3#shadow the hedgehog#sonic the hedgehog#my posts#my post#sonadow#sonic cinematic universe#jim carrey#review#movie review#sonic movie 3 spoilers#rant#my reviews
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My [15M] rival [15/50M] has been weirdly aggressive towards me ever since he lost his memories for the second(?) time. Should I be worried about him trying to kill me again?
A post on r/relationship_advice by u/Chili_Dog1991
EDIT 1: Stop saying I'm Sonic I'm not.
EDIT 2: Okay I am Sonic. I don't see how that matters.
EDIT 3: Stop trying to figure out which of my rivals this is.
EDIT 4: Stop telling me to contact the police about his attempts to murder me or his age. It's complicated in regards to his age but he's essentially 15 and I can already defend myself way better than the police can in regards to his murder attempts. Also the police would probably try to arrest me too because they're either useless or make things actively worse.
EDIT 5: Stop DMing me to ask how murder attempts can be fun. I shouldn't have to explain this.
EDIT 6: Stop implying I'm a masochist.
EDIT 7: Stop implying I'm an adrenaline junkie. If I just wanted adrenaline I've got tons of other people who could give me that.
EDIT 8: To everyone who actually responded with advice, thank you. I attempted to talk to him about it, we fought again, and it turns out he's been acting aggressive because he doesn't know how to show affection so he just defaults to violence. We ended up holding hands after we physically couldn't fight anymore. It was a great night and I think we're together now.
EDIT 9: Which of you motherfuckers sent this to Tails.
Hi everyone, using a throwaway account to make this post because my little brother knows my main and the embarrassment would kill me if he ever saw this.
So for context, I've known this guy for a while now, at least in the context of my life. I've got a pretty hectic life and I'm a traveler, so I've met a lot of people and he's one of the few that's been able to keep up with me. Our first meeting was during a bit of a stressful time because he kind of inadvertently framed me for thievery (we look kinda alike and the police are stupid, it's not his fault but I was pretty pissed at the time) and got me arrested, so we ended up fighting about it in the middle of the street. I'm used to fighting and pretty good at it, so it was a surprise when he turned out to be basically my equal at it, which is pretty rare even among my other rivals. He got the upper hand on me for long enough that the police were able to arrest me again. I was pretty mad but also impressed. Our second meeting was even more stressful because I had just got out of jail after being arrested for the second time, and I was still angry about it so we fought again. I was about to win but then it turned out we were both in danger along with some friends of mine so we both left as fast as we could. Both of these times I could tell he was taking the fight seriously, but I could also tell he wasn't trying to KILL ME kill me. Y'know?
Anyway, in our next meeting he was definitely trying to kill me. Outright said it to my face. I won that fight thankfully, and I'm not even angry about it because a lot of people have tried to kill me over the years and also he has some kind of goal I was getting in the way of, and he didn't even succeed. He ended up changing his mind about that goal though, and when we next saw each other we were on the same side trying to deal with a mutual threat.
And it was at that point I kind of realized I was in love. I've never really wanted a relationship because I thought it would get in the way of my lifestyle, but with this guy specifically it wouldn't be a problem. I would have told him about it, but then I thought he died and I didn't see him for a while. I wasn't too broken up about it because we only knew each other for a couple days, but I was still sadder than I thought I would have been.
He ended up coming back to life though, and he had lost his memories for the second time in his life (long story I'm not gonna get into) and he didn't really remember me anymore. I know from a mutual friend of ours that he remembered me well enough to be annoyed by my name, which made me irrationally happy, and I think he did end up getting his memories back, but when we first saw each other he definitely didn't know who I was. We fought again, it was a tie, and then we ended up teaming up to take down a mutual enemy again.
Things have been a bit less chaotic since then. We've fought a couple more times but nothing serious, he's saved my life, I've saved his, you know how it goes. We haven't really talked about anything that happened, but that's fine because neither of us have ever been much for verbal communication and we understand each other just fine. I've tried getting over my crush on him, but that's never really worked because we see each other a lot due to our lifestyles and we have some mutual friends in common, and I like spending time with him anyways, even if we're just beating each other up most of the time.
Personality wise, he's basically my polar opposite, but we get on pretty well despite that. I think aside from my general attraction to danger and his ability to match me in a fight and a race that might be the main thing that draws me to him. I've got a lot of friends, but never one so different from me and yet so similar. He's just always been special to me.
But the main reason I'm making this post is because despite all we've been through, he still acts like we're enemies at worst and temporary allies at best. We fight almost every time we meet unless something less serious is going on, and he's pretty grumpy and mean to me all the time. I like this about him, but it does make me question if he even sees me as anything more than a rival, and I don't know how to ask him because we don't talk about weird emotional stuff. I also think that asking him directly could maybe lead to another murder attempt, which would be fun, but it's not what I'm looking for anymore. I don't mind all the fighting, but just once I'd like to kiss him on the mouth instead of punching his teeth in, y'know?
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My Sonic 3 Review:
Opening the film with Shadow waking up to memories of Maria I am SICK
Maria... was playing... Live and Learn... on guitar... omg... my heart...
OZZY'S "You stole my hoomans!" LMAOOOOOO
The fact that when Sonic says to Tom "I don't know what I'd do without you, I'd probably be a completely different hedgehog", they cut to Shadow - that is PEAK cinematography!
Tails wanted to go the chao garden he is so adorable I love him so much 😭 and the look on his face when they start performing he's just a little guy 🥺
Eggman watching telenovelas is so accurate actually
Agent Stone is just so in love isn't he? In fact the Stobotnik scenes in this film were some of my favourite scenes - Lee Majdoub you're amazing
Keanu Reeves was AMAZING as Shadow
Shadow looked so scared when he was put in the tank and it was filling with water poor baby 🥺
One thing that was NOT on my Sonic 3 bingo chart was COMMANDER WALTERS FUCKING DYING??? THEY KILLED THE OLIVE GARDEN GUY???
Maria drawing a bunny face over Shadow in the tank she is so precious I love them both so much 😭
The little montage of Shadow and Maria hanging out made me SICK (in a good way) especially that scene when he's running through the halls pulling her behind him on her rollerskates LOL
"There's still light, even when the star's not there anymore" okay so I'm just gonna cry into my popcorn now thx
Stone calling Tails adorable he is so real for that
Eggman saying that he's "undesirable to all possible genders" 🤨🏳️🌈 'whoa he's bisexual I didn't know that!'
Speed reference!
"It's like we're in a movie and we're both being played by the same actor! *Slowly stare into camera*" That fourth wall break was BRILLIANT
I can't decide whether Tom's puppet of himself is absolutely hilarious or absolutely terrifying
The montage of Eggman and Gerald lol! (but poor Stone was left out ☹️)
The entire London break-in scene was great! Especially when Knuckles finally got to break the glass!
Can we take a minute to appreciate the complete contrast between Gerald saying "a WOMAN in the MILITARY 😒" and Shadow saying that the girl in the telenovela should kill both the guys fighting over her because she's "not a prize to be won"?
Also Shadow watching a telenovela and telling the girl to kill both guys is so accurate LMAO he really said 'YOU LEAVE THAT LATINA ALONE!'
Ngl for a hot second I GENUINELY thought Tom was dead that was SCARY
Are we gonna talk about the fact that Gerald and Shadow were ready to kill themselves if it meant getting revenge?
The way Shadow's face changes and he flashbacks to Maria when he sees Sonic knelt next to Tom begging him to wake up... The parallels between Sonic and Shadow in this film... Oh my goodness...
Sonic getting mad enough to steal the Master Emerald from Knuckles was also NOT on my Sonic 3 bingo chart - I thought we were gonna see them fight each other for a sec which was CRAZY
I'm not the biggest Wade fan but Sonic effortlessly taking the Master Emerald from him and him replying "well I tried" was comedy GOLD - all that training in the Knuckles series for nothing huh 😂
Sonic turning super for vengeance purposes oh my goodness...
Maria's death scene really gave me goosebumps - the way Commander Walters shouts "don't shoot they're children!" - the way Shadow's face changes when he sees Maria dead - the way Gerald was crying...
I think it really says a lot about G.U.N that in this version, they didn't even shoot Maria but they were still actively responsible for her death - that officer DID shoot and he DID try and aim at Maria and that explosion WAS caused by him
Obviously I hate G.U.N but I actually feel kinda bad for Walters now like he really did try to save her didn't he 🫤
Both Gerald and Walters refer to Maria AND Shadow as children which I appreciate cuz it shows how young Shadow really was when everything went to hell for him - he's just a baby your honour he didn't MEAN to blow up earth 🥺
Sonic attacking Shadow in super form was just... WOW! He was REALLY angry wasnt he?
Sonic almost killing Shadow over him almost killing Tom was a really great way to relate Sonic and Shadow's stories - Sonic coming around when Shadow points to his heart, thinking about what Tom said at the start of the film parallelling Shadow then coming around after remembering what Maria said to him... This is one hell of a film!
Sonic and Shadow watching the sun come up together as Shadow repeats what Maria says about light and stars 😭
"Don't tell me you've got a catchphrase..." "Yep, and everyone loves it!" Another fourth wall break that did NOT disappoint.
Did they just... fucking... incinerate Gerald... wtf.... RIP I guess...
Shadow attacked those robots with SUPER CHOAS SPEARS in one scene!!! Which is AWESOME!!!
Eggman switching sides cuz even he knows blowing up the world is a bad idea 👍
I could go on and on and on about the Super Sonic and Super Shadow scene IT WAS SO GOOD!!!
Sonic falling to earth gave me a heart attack. Tails then falling to earth whilst trying to save Sonic also gave me a heart attack. Knuckles going to save them both making me think he was also gonna fall to earth gave me a third heart attack.
The way I physically leaned forward in my seat when Shadow took off his inhibitor rings—
They pissed on the moon.
We've seen Shadow smile so much in this film and it is SO refreshing to see! That smile right before he and Sonic team up to attack those robots Gerald sends after them is my favourite smile we've ever seen on him.
Eggman dedicated his last speech before dying to Stone 😭😩🥹 AND STONE SAYING "I CAN'T LOSE YOU AGAIN" THEY BETTER KISS IN THE NEXT FILM I SWEAR—
Team Sonic hug 🥹
Ending on the race was perfect (bonus points for Ozzy barking with subtitles again because that was HILARIOUS)
Oh yeah and Metal Sonic.
So great to see that Shadow's NOT dead (although tbf I did kinda expect that - it would've been unlikely that they genuinely kill him off when he's such a popular character)
Honestly I think the END end credits scene was a perfect set up for a Shadow spinoff, like they HAVE to make one now
I also think the two end credits scenes together show that Eggman isn't really dead either - again it would be unlikely for them to kill him off PLUS if Shadow managed to chaos control himself out of there he could've easily gone back for Eggman too (and I mean who else is gonna be responsible for creating Metal Sonic?)
Overall, I think it's pretty clear that I LOVED this film! It was amazing and I'm already excited for the next one lol! ❤️
#sonic the hedgehog#sth#sth movie#sth movie 3#sonic the hedgehog 3#sonic movie#sonic movie 3#sonic#shadow the hedgehog#sonic the hedgehog spoilers#sonic the hedgehog 3 spoilers#sonic movie spoilers#sonic movie 3 spoilers#sonic 3 spoilers#sth spoilers#sth 3#sth 3 spoilers
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thing is.

the doctor in series 3 is a lot more complex people give him credit for.
when he gets mad at martha at the end of 'smith and jones' it's not because he's offended at her flirting, annoyed at her insinuations, 'how dare she'. no. he's mad because she sussed him out, right down to the blue suit.
in 'smith and jones' the doctor has a clean slate, he has reinvented himself. and this version has no baggage.
this doctor hasn't got a brown suit it's blue, this doctor is flirtaious, romantic, even does the 'honourable' thing of making sure she knows the kiss he will give her means nothing. she won't get attatched that way when he sacrifices himself to draw out the plasmavore.
but this doctor is also a bit callous, he's excited by the thrill and danger, dimissing very real distress from people around him in favour for the facts. he only pulls himself back upon his conversation with martha.

in fact, it's no coincidence the kiss happens after martha commemorates the dead, her old mentor.
the problem is however, martha is too clever, too observant, too confident to completely be won over by this entirely. when he tells her he is the doctor, just the doctor, at first she refuses to call him by this. he has to earn it. sonic screwdriver? lol, got an electric spanner too? she asks if he has help because surely he didn't come to this hospital because he thought something was wrong on his own?

that's why he says stuff like this. he's like why are you poking holes in the illusion. i'm *this* person now, don't take me back to my reality.
but he's not quite done. they both could have died on the moon but she saves his life so, he gets another chance. incomes the reinvented doctor part two. [you can argue the doctor always knew they would make it because martha told him she saw him in a moment that had happened for her but not yet for him.]
so part 2 commences but he's turning it all the way up because he wants her as his companion.
so he's smooth talking her, but even then she's still not letting him get one over on her. "not pompous at all." so better turn it up some more, and he time travels, a 'cheap trick' to impress her more.
until his newly formed version of himself gets a hole poked in once again after martha inadvertantly makes him remember rose. and he clams up, decides it will only be one trip in a pretty aloof, defensive and abrupt way. shuts down any path that could lead to something more, testing to see if she can do the same - "i only go for humans" - she can and away we go. he's racing about the tardis back to semi-normal and they are off.
it's why he's so having mood swings all throughout 'the shakespeare code,' flip flopping between annoyance and dismissal at her questions, she's ruining how it was supposed to go in his head. she wasn't supposed to ask *this* many questions, she was just supposed to be impressed. but she went and reminded me of rose so this can't work now, it's gonna be one trip. but then flipping back to this need to impress and to just fall back into step to how they were, running around and having an adventure. how he's supposed to be.
and he decides i don't want this to end. im extending the trip. but yet again martha pokes another hole - his home. but the doctor holds onto the pretense for as long as he can. he doesn't just say "we can't go to my home and please don't ask me why because it's painful." he just lies. and this pretense now takes on a new form, because it directly references rose with choosing new earth. see, he starts by reminiscing on gallifrey when he describes it to her then chooses someone else to reminisce on. rose. all with little regard to how martha would feel about being used in this way. but unfortunately for the doctor, this takes a dramatic change for the worse as taking martha here directly leads to her abduction.
now, despite martha's olive branch after the death of the face of boe, the doctor still doesn't tell her the truth. until she sits down, and really hones in on his lies and the people of new new york began to sing for the dead. and the doctor looks at martha, the human, listening to the humans commeorate the dead. and tells her the truth. that he lied because he liked it. because he could pretend. pretend that his reality was not true. he was not the last timelord.
intriguingly enough, by the time we get to the lazarus experiment, the doctor seems determined to play out how the story was supposed to go. yet again disregarding martha's feelings. find a new companion. travel for a bit, then bring her home safe and sound. and not one year later. no ties, a nice thanks then goodbye. no heartbreak, no tears. but he comes back. because he doesn't want it to end yet, offers her another trip. and here goes martha again. telling him he needs to be clear in what he wants right now. he's not someone who can just breeze in and out of her life without a second thought. is she his companion or is she a passenger?
and the pretense is over. mostly anyway, and the doctor is at his mlst vulnerable due to the circumstances of '42' and by its end, it's like a refreshed smith and jones.
but now he doesn't feel the need to lie, he's not fully there yet. but he's more comfortable, he doesn't need to pretend.
perhaps too comfortable.
#doctor who#martha jones#tenth doctor#10th doctor#tenmartha#smith and jones#the shakespeare code#meta#the lazarus experiment#42#human nature#the family of blood#blink#utopia#the sound of drums#last of the timelords
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Valentine's Comic Wedding Special IV: Archie''s Revenge: Bunnie and Antoine
Happy Valentine's Day all you Happy People! So for those new to this proud tradition, I love a good wedding episode, issue, what have you and so for the past 3 years i've had my patreons each pick one from the massive pile there is in comics, many of which I haven't read, and then you fine folks vote on the winner. In previous years it's been oops all superheroes, but this year I added a few non superhero weddings to the list my patreons, and yours truly could pick from. And this one, like last years Wally and Linda Wedding, was a landslide.
Yes by an overwhelming margin, WeirdKev's pick of Antoine and Bunnie won. It's honestly nice as it not only shows how strong the love for the Archie Sonic comics still is after nearly a decade out of print, beating out marvel, dc and the other archie option. On the bright side archie at least got a sponsorship deal on the wedding
I was pleased with these results: Antoine and Bunnie are some of archie's best characters and some of the main reasons i'm mad Sega won't let anyone what use them because their bitter lemons.
While the happy couple may not be superheroes they do have a history as vast, rich, weird and often exausting as them. Sonic's ongoing lasted for 24 years so it had plenty of time to build up as much continuity, good and chunky, as possible. A few years back I read through EVERY issue of Archie Sonic. It was.. truly exausting for reasons that will become clear as I dive into these two's history, but ultimately worth it. So join me for a deep dive into these two and their nuptials under the cut.
For starters Bunnie and Antoine actually debuted in SATAM, one of two sonic cartoons at the time each taking a diffrent approach. It's sister series Adventures was a wacky looney tunes style series where Sonic foiled Robotnik's wacky schemes and robotnik posed naked or near naked a few times, one of which my friend Mars proudly owns a cell of.
SATAM on the other hand took this shit seriously and took a turn that worked far better than it had any right: In the world of SATAM Robotnik isn't a goofy guy in various contraptions, but a cruel horrifying dictator voiced deftly by Jim Cummings. He still does schemes of the week at times, but instead of stuffing animals into cartoony robots he horrifyingly turns furries into milndless roboticized slaves. The only line between him and total world Domination are the freedom fighters, Sonic and his amazing friends who do daring raids on Robotnik's nightmare city of Robotropolis.
The Freedom Fighters exist because back then sonic's supporting cast was .. just Tails. There were sketches of characters, but with CD and Knuckles only on the horizon, early stuff had to get creative. Hence the freedom fighters: Leader, stratigest supreme, love intrest and princess Sally Acorn, Rotor the tech savy walrus (Tails hadn't picked up that trade yet), and of course Antoine and Bunnie. Bunnie was the muscle of the team, a rabbit who'd been partially roboticized but could use her cursed gift to help others. She wasn't in the show as much as she should've been but was well loved.
Antoine was more prominent.. and also an obnoxious asshat. Antoine was a self important twit who while deftly voiced by Rob Paulsen, pritoitsed trying to get into Sally's non existant pants over their life or death struggles and constantly resented sonic for having her affections and being cooler and actually doing his job. Antoine seemed to be only on the team because shut up. He was a coward, and while it's okay to have fear given the odds their against, he seemed really not cut out for this and given they had a villiage base, should've stayed there. Tails was protrayed as a tagalong kid here but he should've easily taken Antoine's spot as despite being greener, he had far more pasion and bravery than his older counterpart.
So while SATAM and Adventures were in development Archie Comics, they of the never ending love triangle that should really just be a polycule now, came a knockin. They TRIED to get the rights for adventures but instead got SATAM.. and being archie proceded to make a comic that had the premise of SATAM but stuck to their comedy wheelhouse. The comics would evolve past this as they went, largely thanks to MIcheal Gallagher (Who was still good with sticking in gags) and well.. Ken Penders

Who slowly grew to suck , but that's a story for another time.
Back on point the cast was transplanted as was. Antoine fit better here as being the douchey comedic foil works better in a comedy. He still had exactly no shot with Sally. For a while though he mostly stuck around as panicky comic relief and didn't really change much from SATAM, the only big change being he was less obnoxious... apart from his prosecuting sonic for treason, which he turned out to be innocent of. Again story for another time.
Bunnie however got fleshed out a bit. For starters she got a proper origin story, as rather than be with the team from day one with the initial mini or ongoing, she joined in issue 3. Sonic and Rotor got word of use of a portable robtocizer, via Rotor's Little Mermaid Camera, yes really, and found a rabbit farmer being captured by swat bots. Calling them a yankee did nothing and she was chucked in
Exausted for obvious reasons, Sonic ran Bunnie back, not carring if robotnik tracked them: saving someone in distress was more important. Sally agreed and Bunnie joined the team, proving to be an instant asset and the series break out star. While most of the focus was still on Sonic , as you'd expect, Bunnie got a consderable number of backup features. She never got a mini series like Tails and Sally, weirdly enough, but she still got more than enough spotlight to flesh her out and add a new dimension: While her robotic limbs made her super poewrful.. they felt like a curse. She wanted badly to be herself again and even had a nightmare one issue where robotnik hacked her cybernetics to slowly reoboticize her. It was the cornerstone of her character. And if you thinka southern accented hard hitting southren belle who has a tragic condition sounds familiar... your right. Bunnie was made more like Rogue from the x-men with time, even getting a leather jacket in the strips later years.. also a neat cowboy hat.
As the comic went on more twists turned, things got more serious, and as things escalated. And with all this Antoine's jealously MOSTLY disappeared, replaced as Sonic's rivarly by prized asshole and 19 year old Geoffery St John, because 19 was okay for a 15 year old back then as far as fiction was concerned.
Geoffery fucking hated sonic, partly out of jealously and partly because Sonic never gave the prick respect, constantly calling the freedom fighters "Ameturs" as he'd been fighting robotnik longer.. despite them having way more success. If he sounds punchable your extremley correct.. and it's someone acting on that that lead to Antoine's finest moment. After close to 50 issues, he got some character development when the freedom fighters, their allies the wolf pack and Geoffry all had a tense camp out.
Also present was Uncle Chuck, sonic's uncle who had been roboticized but got freed of it earlier in the comic and had since served as their spy on their inside, a kingsman who might let some things slide. Geoffery being nature's biggest dickhead, wasn't convinced Chuck was on the up and up, and figured he was a traitor. Sonic understandably popped the arrogant prick and certified pedophile one, and Geoffery less understandably prepared to kill sonic... till a hero emerged
Not only does Twan stand up to the asshole but he points out his DAD founded the underground Geoffery leads and accuses him of being a traitor. Sadly the skunk isn't but the issue does flesh out Twan considerably. He's revealed to be the son of King Acorn's most loyal soldier, wearing his father's uniform in his honor and actually starting as a hero, having apparnetly saved bunnie in backstory, a retcon I don't hate. His decline is blamed on his crush on Sally: his loyalty turned to love she never reciprocated and the depression over it broke him a little. But clearly seeing his dad's legacy coopted by this prized asshole relit his fire and from here on Antoine is a certified badass and master swordsman and all the better for it.
He's also no longer alone
It's not super sudden either: an earlierr backup had her protecting him when he did a solo missoin, showing off both his growing bravery and hinting at her crush on him. With this the two became a solid couple, the war soon ended and the comic... forgot about them.
The comic largely forgot about Bunnie, Antoine and also Rotor during it's post-robotnik era. Sally's father tried to get her to marry Antoine or give up her crown, yes really he was a right asshole, but when it came to the main plot the two were largely left out. It's a mixed bag: on the one hand seeing two of the series best characters benched, especially since Antoine had just hit his stride as one, is depressing. I didn't realize till writing this review just how little they did between robotnik's fall and the time skip. Their still on the team but Sonic, Sally and to a lesser extent Tails get all the focus.
There were two big developments: We found out what happened to Antoine's father Armand.. he became the evil high shierf while roboticized, terorizing Mercia, a small forest villiage protected by Rob O Hedge, amy's cousin. All stuff I didn't make up. They eventually got him back and eventually his mind was restored like all other robians.
The other was a bit more distressing: in a side story Bunnie found out her cybernetics were no longer working with her nervous system and had a choice: undergo upgrades, or die. She choose, with Antoine's support and love to go through with it. She'd never be free of her limbs, but she accepted them.
This also meant when some random ass aliens deroboticized almost everyone, Bunnie couldn't be, but it's something she accepted.
So yeah not much happened for the two. They were happy, they were stuck playing support in various nonsense overcomplicated plot lines I thankfully don't have to get into, things were good.
Sadly there IS a nonsense overcomplicated plot line I do have to get into. So Mobius what got invaded by starfish aliens and sonic seemingly died but instead spent what felt like a few months but ended up being a year to everyone else making his way back across the galaxy. This lead to a time skip. Which would be a great idea, I love a good time skip and after years of the status quo being kind of wobbly we were back to Eggman having the upper hand and our heroes on the backfoot, which could be seen as regressive but honestly worked.
The problem is most of Boller's other ideas.. didn't. He decided to shake up the main couples and had antoine don an eyepatch and break up with Bunnie, while Sally broke up with sonic because he woudln't stop fighting which she screamed at him for and slapped him.. despite the war being at it's worst again and badly NEEDING him and part of the deep shit they were in was due to his absence. It felt horribly selfish and out of character. Sally was the general for the rebellion previously. She knows the sacrifices needed. Sonic isn't doing this for the thrills like she thinks but because people need him and like a true hero he can't let good people get hurt.
This felt like an excuse to get Sonic and Bunnie which while sadly brief.. actually kinda worked. The two had chemistry before, it created tension and we could eventually find out WHY Antoine broke up with Bunnie. Instead this lasted maybe a second, and instead Bunnie ended up making out with Scourge, sonic's evil alternate universe counterpart who at the time looked just like him. If this sounds fucking gross it was. He made out with a bunch of people while pretending to be sonic. It's gross as it sounds and somehow gets more fucked up as he ended up kissing supporting character fiona fox.. who then started going out with sonic. Whose best friend tails had a crush on her and...
Eventually the comic imploded: Bollers left having trouble working for Ken Penders and Penders was fired for being impossible to work with and kinda nuts.
On his way out though he DID clear up the Bunnie and Antoine thing. And shockingly for Late Stage Ken Penders.. it was suprisingly simple. Antoine had been replaced by his Anti-Counterpart from the same evil universe as Scourge, who wanted the crown and started poisioning people: He poisned antoine's dad then poisoned Sally's dad so he could trick her into marrying him. Thankfulyl Antoine's dad had figured it out, Sonic stopped the wedding and got the real antoine back.
Thankfully after Ken and Karl... came Ian. Ian Flynn, as mentioned is a massive sonic fan, and already loving archie took a similar approach to superhero writers of the time: fix the mess he'd been left with while reminding people whyt hey loved these comics. He spent the first year largely playing clean up, tying up the various tangling threads left by the previous teams. He ended Sonic and Fiona with the whole "She was actually hot for Scourge thing", turned Scourge into scourge in the first place going from a greaser sonic to a real true evil counterpart, refocusing sally's character, and brought tails parents back from space. All mostly done by just.. writing a story around it instead of trying to hastily retcon all the stupid shit.
Naturally that ship writing included Antoine and Bunnie, who were back to being prominent and got a subplot leading to their nuptials. It was a small one and moved fast, but it was nice to give them something, and lead to a full honeymoon arc I already covered some time back . It also implied as hard as an all ages comic could they what did sex to each other
Which let's be fair here: their both hot , their both 18 and over respectively, why not? He knows the fanbase. Their both smokeshows. Let bunnie use those special attachments while Antoine shows off his swordplay. Before we get to the consumation of the marriage we had the marriage itself. The buildup started with a tragedy: Due to all the evil doppleganger shit, Armand died. The story is deeply touching, and seems to be pulled from Flynn's own pain as he dedicated it to his late mother. Armand tells his son how proud he is, not to be ashsamed or blame himself, and to hold onto bunnie. It's a truly wonderful story and a good way to send off the character.
This feels like the big push towards it... though earlier in the story he was already considering it before sonic told him to go to his father. The final push comes after Fiona's betrayal: with a bunch of their enemies loose, one of their own having betrayed them, and things getting more and more dire Antoine decides to do something about it..
After some talking with Sally, who put the two on a mission right away but really just wanted a chance ot talk with Bunnie and apologize for being so distant, the wedding is soon on the issue after the proposal. After all the whole reason he proposed was they don't know how much time they have left. Why wait?
So we've finally come to the actual wedding. Sonic is getting tuxed up in his house, happy to go STAGGGGG after the whole fiona debacle, and heading off to in his words "Go bug the groom". Never change man, never change.
Sonic is going with Tails, who isn't living with his surrogate brother as his parents, as I will never get tired of saying, came back from outer space something the little guy is overjoyed about. He actually likes thier fussing over him like Sonic's Mom does asking him not to run in his nice suit. Maam that's his thing and he has two genuises in his friend group and one for an uncle. If none of them could make fabric that won't roll around at the speed of sound that's on them.
Tails isn't all smiles though as he's still going through some stuff.
Now Fiona and Tails.. is a pretty sad tale all things considered. He fell in love with a robot copy of her.. but that copy was the same age as him. Tails is ten, fiona is 16 and never remotely took his crush seriously, brushing it off when he finds out about her and sonic and when betraying everybody, making sure to hit the poor kid in the face. This is also nice build up for later: Sonic just kinda brushes it off.. and that's part of the problem as Tails is still understandably feeling betrayed his big brother went out with his crush, and this all boils over soon in the excellent house of cards arc. Rather than just milk shit for drama, Ian milks shit for drama.. but couches it in the characters. Sonic SEEMS uncaring because he's laid back and chill and dosen't realize how hurt his friend is or how much tails has grown.
So they go to someone's basement where the Chaotix are trying to help Antoine's nerves.
Why Rotor is absent I have no clue. The Chaotix in this continuity were Knuckles best friends, allies and squad, all coming from angel island themselves.
It is kinda nice vector is trying to help as he's a bit of a playboy in these comics, while Charmy is indeed married. Or at least engaged. It also makes his words here tragic as after this he suffers severe brain damage to put him in line with his child counterpart from heroes.
Espio is absent as he's on a mission, sneaking into the Eggman Empire to find out what he's up to. We'll cut back and forth to him all issue and it's a ncie contrast: the truly happy day at the wedding with everyone in good spirits and reflecting on their own romantic troubles.... while Espio uncovers a terrifying secret: Eggman is gearing up for a massive assault complete with fresh body armor and easily incapacitates him. As our heroes have one of the best days of their lives.. one of the darkest is coming. Again though..
It's one I really want to cove ras the fight between Eggman and Sonic next issue is fucking brutal. Truly fantastic. I honestly might need to cover ian's run after giant days. May have to find someone to sponsor it.
For now though Sonic's bored and goes to the bride to bug them instead. Rosie, Sally's old baby sitter and mother figure while her mom was in a coma tube, decides to use another rose to deal with this
It's a fucking great gag. And yeah Amy at this point is still in her obessive fangirl mode. She's also 12, her body just got what aged up to a teenager. I ship her more with Tails for that reason and because it's always been a ship in my back pocket. NOt against Sonamy mind now she's stopped making stalker rooms or trying to force him into marriage, it just does not work in this continuity. She's too young and he's interested in someone else.
We get some really sweet interactions here as Sally brings up how in her first apperance Bunnie wanted to be her hair stylist. And she will be... it's just now as a side thing for her friend inbetween time with her husband and beating up badniks. They even have a giggle when Rosie and Bunnie tease Sally about Sonic. Sally, like her ex, is happy riding solo for now. Sure hope she dosen't get turned into a robot before anything happens and dosen't get freed because of rights issues> That'd really suck.
It's time for the Wedding as Sonic arrives with Knuckles and runs into Knuckles girlfriend, soulmate and sonic character I dearly miss Julie Su. Julie is a had scrable former soldier and that's why he loves her. She also hates formal wear and how she looks in it, though knuckles he er.. tries to make her feel better
I love this scene, the little banter and the fact neither really want or need to get married. It's neat for a sonic comic of all things to have such a progressive stance for it's time. It's also understandable from a character perspective; both are highly indepent and both's parents had... less than stellar marriages. Knuckles parents divorced while he thought they were dead, with his mom remarying and having another son Kneecaps, and Julie Su's birth parents abandoned her. Her foster parents are doing fine but I get maybe not wanting to get married with all that baggage.. or you know just because you don't want to.
So sonic arrives to meet the royal family. Max, the asshole I mentioned whose left in a wheel chair after the poison, his wife Alicia, and sally's long lost brother I mentiond Elias. I joked about that but while his introduction is needlessly convoluted Elias is a fascinating character and Ian will use him well. He never WANTED the crown, and in fact ran away, finding his wife Megan and soon marrying her and adopting her daughter. He only returned when the kingdom needed him to lead as things got worse with Max, but does a stellar job. He later gets to run my faviorite incarnation of the freedom fighters, the secret freedom fighters.
Despite all the lingering tension... Sonic and Sally still fall back into their old routines.. and the spark is still there.. even if both are.. not exactly ready to reignite it.
We get some omnious setup for a future arc as Tails dad Amedeaus talks about how it's an honor to serve Elias.. and then behind his back admits he soon won't have much more power anyway. This leads to the whole house of cards arc. Seriously while this issue is good it is very hard to talk about a single piece of Ian Flynn's sonic. Like Chris CLaremon'ts x-men it's really one big ongoing story nicely chonked up into arcs and what not.
And so the two are married in a touching ceremony as Espio nearly dies overlaid with it. And we end on.. er Eggman preparing to kill a whole lotta people. See what I mean?
This issue is decent. The sentiment is nice, the sally and bunnie scene are nice and I really do like the contrast between this very happy day.. and the impending doom awaiting our heroes. It's a solid issue with some good moments... but on re-read it's not nearly as good as it was the first time. On Re-Read I noticed just how.. little Antoine and Bunnie play into their own wedding issue: we get a really nice moment of Bunnie and sally.. but Antoine dosen't get anything like that with Sonic, just him being really sweaty while Vector and Charmy of all people try to calm him down. I get their not as close but you could still pull on their long rivarly and it was clear fromt he previous issue just how much Antoine had grown. Instead most of the focus is on Sonic's love tornado, tails depression and setup for later. The setup is damn good.. but it feels like this could've been two issues instead of one but Ian wanted to continue the tradition, upheld to this day, of every 25th issue of sonic being a big deal. A huge story turning point. The resulting story feels great but it rushes the wedding out as a result. There isn't reflection on how they got here, not enough hyjinks.. it just happens really fast and it's over and time for the horror show to start. It's easier to notice in isolation as before i'ts sandwitched betwene Fiona's brutal betryal and the big wham episode that's the next arc.
Thankfully the two would get more spotlight in a tails adventure adaptation of all things, because Ian unlike the writers before him gave a shit about these games and noticed they missed one. The marriage would mostly just be really happy and the two would get used more often.. until tragedy struck and Bunnie was deroboticzed while Antoine was left in a coma, both not resolved as Ken Penders and rights issues meant a reboot came.
Thankfully in the reboot both got plenty of stories, stayed married, and reflected on things, ending the second continuity happy. And we have fan comics to pick up the slack elsewhere. Still this was a nice milestone and with Sega being anti-relationship, I don't see the lemur and wolf wedding we all want and deserve coming anytime soon, so this may be the last sonic wedding. I mean there was that one in Sonic 2 but I don't think traps to catch our heroes count... I mean for these polls they do but we won't be doing that one. Thanks for reading , have a happy valentin'es day and remember, i'm pullin for you, we're all in this together and if you liked this consider checking out the Giant Days retrospective I did yesterday.
#sonic the hedgehog#archie sonic#bunnie rabbot#antoine d'coolette#sally acorn#archie comics#elias acorn#knuckles the echidna#julie su#amy rose#comics#valentine's day
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Sonic 4 speculations
I have some theories on what the plot of the CONFIRMED Sonic 4 will be. See this theory below
I have a lot of theories on what the premise of the 4th movie could be.
1. Sonic CD inspired Past and Future Gimmick!
Sonic ran so fast in the end credits scene that he not only ended up in New York... he ended up in the future. Where Metal Sonics are the enforcers of the world. Eggman or someone with Eggman's tech (Like Stone), managed to create Metal Sonic. With Sonic not there, the metal sonic's easily took over the world.
Amy, the one we see in the end credits, is actually a FREEDOM FIGHTER. And probably leading it. Sonic of course says he will fix this and save everyone. Cue some reason why he isnt going back to the past right away.... He bonds with Amy and maybe even crushes on her.
Amy explains something about how that after the events of Sonic 3, the explosion of the Super weapon caused a portal to open resulting in a bunch of aliens coming to earth (That or maybe they just started showing up because they heard about sonic. whatever reason). Sonic finds out that Someone made a robot of him and without him there, the metal sonics won. Also there is the Death Egg.
Sonic ends up having a showdown with Metal Sonic Prime/ The OG Metal Sonic at some point and Sonic gets back to his time in which Sonic arrives just in time to fight Metal Sonic Prime again, but back when he was first created.
Day is saved and Also Amy of the Present is there and she finally meets Sonic. Cue Meetcute
2.Sonic Heroes inspired Gimmick
After Sonic 2, a lot more mobians/ aliens actually started showing up all over earth. Some because they heard of Sonic and were fans of the hedgehog (Like Amy). And others because Mobius is in trouble, to ask Sonic for help.
After the events of Sonic 3, its revealed that Eggman didnt die, but was actually sent into a wormhole and sent him to Sonic's homeworld.
Anyway he uses Sonic's Quill to create a new robot. A Metal Sonic. And this metal Sonic ends up learning and becomes sentient. And creates more of himself, he betray's eggman. Now the metal sonics and Neo Metal Sonic, go to earth to destroy Sonic. So that Metal Sonic can be the one true sonic.
Also introducing others like Rouge, Omega, and maybe even Cream the Rabbit
3. A mix of both
So its a Future idea, but with Neo Metal Sonic as the Main Villain. We may even get one of Metal sonic's big forms. Like Perfect Chaos, Super Neo Metal, or even.... the Red one from Knuckle's chaotix.
We also have Sonic meet some cool older versions of cream, big the cat, the Chaotix, and rouge. As well as an older Shadow who helps Sonic out.
These Teams have their own plots and have to help save the future and help sonic go back in time to get home.
Sonic will have his epic climactic battle with Neo Metal who reveals he was created by the Doctor. (either as a fail safe that creates him, he actually survives but metal betrayed him, or Stone created him)
Sonic's lesson in this is more about knowing how to be a true leader.
#Sonic#sonic movie universe#sonic movie 4#sonic movie 3#sonic movie 3 spoilers#sonic movie spoilers#sonic movie 4 speculations
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because I’m sure everyone was waiting for my review. here it is. directly copy pasted from my notes app
Franz album review
Audacious - more like atrocious. I wish I liked this one but Alex’s lyrics are just cornballs as per usual #DontStopFeelingBodacious 3/10 bc the beginning riff set us up for SOMETHING and then took it away
Everydaydreamer - mildly ass TO ME just bc of the lyrics again… RIP Nick McCarthy I miss your influence this is ass 3/10
The Doctor - more like doctor poo… jk this one is actually not bad. The lyrics again are just making me mad bro 😭😭😭😭😭. I like this one it’s giving slight itao in ways… wait is this actually a good song??????? I think this is an actually good song WOWWWWW ok 8/10
Hooked - oh and here we go welcome back always ascending… some habits die hard. Album name drop 5/10. Lyrics bad again fuck offfff. Alex cannot write lyrics bro like how much of that was Nick bc AA and this song were both ass lyrically
Build it Up - NICK MCCARTHY PENTAGON HERE???? I think this song is about their beef esp bc it’s an older song that got worked into this album. It sounds like actual Franz Ferdinand too wow oh this is good… I like this one 10/10 THE LYRICS ARE NOT CRIMGE WE WON… welcome back Your Diary… welcome back YCHISMB period tbh like I was so good at predicting… anyway this one is such a banger I keep coming back to it like this is actually a GOOD song and not just something I’m giving a good score bc it’s not bad???? Like this may enter my rotation in big 2025???? Wowwww… justice for Black Tuesday tho but that was a Paul Thomson production so I get it
Night or Day - I already gave this one an 8/10 but it’s worse after the masterpiece that just hit my ears. Like I can’t even rate this one bc of the Yass I just let out at a Franz Ferdinand song in gargantuan 2025
Ok I’m getting off the subway so I gotta pause here but I’m gonna listen to the rest
Tell Me I Should Stay - 8/10 I’m too aroace for this shit. Alex is on key tho which doesn’t happen often. I like this one. I just hate the “hug me kiss me” like no I will not be doing that and I don’t think anyone in their right mind would want to UGLY… maybe it’s about Nick tho in which case I give it a thumbs up. This album pmo it’s like Alex forgot he was gay and repressed. But tbh that’s kinda character development, like he realized his art doesn’t have to be Profound, which is actually a good thing in his case bc when it’s Profound ppl just imagine him fucking his opp/former lover in the ass…. Anyway
Cats - actual song about cats bro this is kinda a booty metaphor tho … the whole world cheered for a Nick McCarthy riff tho like maybe they exchanged ideas in 2022 when they posted each other on insta… /j lyrics ass but song good 7/10… my only serious criticism is “you can’t turn a cat into a dog” is a popular transphobic talking point and Alex follows JK Rowling and Glinner who r two prominent UK transphobes, plus remember he QRTed that thing saying cancel culture was stupid…………. I know that isn’t the intent of the lyric but it rubbed me the wrong way….
Black Eyelashes - IS THAT A FUCKING BOUZOUKI??????????? Goddamn stop talking abt Greece tho gtfo my house… good song tho I guess… WHY CAN I UNDERSTAND THIS SHUT UUUUUPPP GTFO MY HOUSE 7/10 tho I like the vibes here. I do think it’s funny he’s essentially somehow sonically doing Yellow Mexico Filter but for Greece here… also I’m saying “he” bc this entire album is an Alex Kapranos production I fear. Let the bald one, the big twink, the girl, and the definitely gonna be transfem one speak!
Bar Lonely - I can tell this was written in 2015… ALEX WHEN I CATCH YOU… such a banger… one thing I don’t like about this album is the insistence on saying the song title as like a lyric in the song if that makes sense. Like just randomly saying it. They do it in almost every song and it’s so annoying. Not like naming the song after a lyric but using the song title as a chorus almost. This songs like an FFS song almost like I can’t explain it but the telling a story about somebody aspect is very ffs… esp bc it’s apparently set in Japan and we all know about FFS and Japan. 8/10
The Birds - boring sloppy messy lazy… “we all do things we shouldn’t have done” “the birds don’t care what the birds have done” “thank you for accepting me for the things I’ve done” like ok whatever… not to mention the “thing you have done” is grooming teenage girls. 5/10 terrible album closer dude we could have done without this one
Hope u enjoyed my Music Criticism str8 from the heart. From the very same Lev who brought you beautiful long form essay comparing their favorite nba player to the fucking Velveteen Rabbit
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can we see some of yours headcanons?pls🥺
Alright, here you go >:)
My idea of Eggman's Morals. I might have made him too soft, I'm not sure.
Eggman wants everything to be perfect. Everything at it's a-game. That goes for his enemies too. He doesn't want to whittle them down slowly mentally or physically, he wants them to put on a show and do their best.
If you've been fighting someone for so long, it would be boring if it ended because they were too weak to fight. It won't look good in the history books, you didn't feel like you truly won something. It's not blazé enough. It doesn't fit with how your story should go. You need to both be at your best to have the final battle to be truly spectacular.
Everything is a show for Eggman, he dresses fancy, he has ring master elements mixed in with his mad scientist outfit, after all. His robots don't look evil, they look interesting for the viewers, something for people to get attached to (because the badniks are adorable, I love the caterkiller and motobug).
Eggman can't fight Sonic or his friends like any logical person would: constantly throwing enemies at them and tormenting them forever, that would ruin their physic and mental strength. They'd no longer be at their peak. So you'd ruin the finale.
So I made this headcanon that he doesn't attack on Wednesdays when he's enacting a plan (why Wednesdays? Well... why not Wednesdays?). It gives the kids a mental break from the fights and a moment to do something they like to do. He goes the extra mile too to make sure that nothing attacks them on Wednesdays too, every enemy knows to not fuck with the kids on Wednesday, because Eggman views the villains as side characters, so he feels no remorse for 'ruining their performance'.
He doesn't torture, only doing some science experiments and gathering data on Sonic while he was trapped on the Death Egg for 6 months in Forces. He damn near killed Infinite once he found out that he's been tormenting Sonic for a week with illusions.
He hates to admit it, but he's got a soft side for these kids. Doesn't help at all that he views the Metals and Sage as his own children. He does his best to be intimidating, and keeps using the 'We have to put on a good show' excuse when he helps them with an issue (with how rare it is) He fully knows he could never kill them, he really wants to destroy the part of himself that's holding himself back. But he decided that if WHEN he takes over the world, they will be his prisoners.
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Nothing but a strategist
North has been at the garage for a few years already, not as much as Way or Babe, but for a significant amount of time. And the one thing he learned is Babe word is law, whatever he says goes.
Alan might be the owner of the garage and technically all of their boss but he never went against what Babe’s wanted, Babe has such an alpha aura around him that he dominates the entire garage without even trying it.
So, North was very happy to meet the person that would be able to oppose Pit Babe and then that came in the form of a skinny passive alpha boy much more close to his age with glasses made all the better.
Charlie with his puppies eyes and easy smiles was the only person capable of changing Babe’s mind or getting him to do what he wanted.
It was really a sight to see, but just like Babe did not try to be dominating Alpha of the garage. North does not see much effort from Charlie’s. Babe seems naturally inclined to follow his wants, being to see him smile (that everyone knew by now he is very weak for) or to avoid his sulking.
They almost never clash these days, not after Charlie’s accident, they used to a lot in the earlier days of their relationship. Everyone in the garage remembers pretty well, because everytime that happened Babe's mood would sour and everyone was in danger of his wrath.
When Babe was jealous of Charlie spending time with Jeff then, it was a bad couple of days for everyone, Babe was beyond himself and could not be reigned in. North must confess that he almost cried of relief when it was revealed they were brothers, he could not take more of that.
Charlie is also the only one that can calm Babe down and get him to see reason if he is really mad about something. North used to think Way could do this but later was revealed that he only used his powers on him to get Babe to do what he wanted.
Anyway, Charlie is a very important addition in X-Hunter time that improves everyone's quality of life and makes North life easier, which he is very grateful for. Like right now, he is supposed to interview Babe, which is something da Babe hates to stop for and is a very hard task from him and Sonic to achieve it.
But North was nothing but a very good strategist, so he made a bet with Sonic he could get Babe in any time and place they set up for an interview in the first try and went to talk with the person that could make that happen. The real Alpha of the garage now in North’s mind.He knew if he could get Charlie excited by the idea (since it was his first interview) and suggest they make a joint one, it was over for Babe.
Hey, Charlie - he starts innocently - Is time to make team members interview and since you and Babe are pretty much a one deal for the fans now I thought maybe we can do a joint one.
Really, an interview with me? Charlie starts to jump up and down the way he does when he gets excited. He turns to Babe and asks with his puppy eyes:
Can we P’Babe?
Babe smiles at him fondly, all soft for his boy, North thinks.
Then he turned his eyes at North and they were serious and threatening, telling him and knew what he was doing. North got chills from it, but anyway, Babe was trapped and he won the bet with Sonic.
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Online/Offline [C.S] - forty-eight | today’s prize is: Cash!
The game ended when Mick and Ryujin pulled a last minute Hail Mary and managed to kill San and Yeji. ‘Defeat’, the title said as it ended, the bean-shaped spacemen appearing on screen.
“Wow….” Yeji said. “We’ve known each other how long Mick? And you just kill me like that.?”
Mick laughed. “Hey, I don’t know why you thought I was so trustworthy when Cat correctly sussed me out for faking Keys.”
“It was literally Keys!” You shouted. “How did none of you believe me?”
“Um, I think I know.” San said.
“Don’t you dare.”
Bracken laughed loudly into his mic. “Please, Morn, tell us.”
“In the game before this, you:” San addressed you pointedly, “Voted the other imposter out, threw me under the bus, got Bracken voted out for faking something he didn’t fake--”
“Don’t forget that she reported my kill and then voted me out,” Ryujin added.
You laughed.
“Yeah, you reported your teammate’s kill and and then voted her out.” San amended his previous statement.
“And we won! So I don’t think I really did all that bad of a job. And also, that’s no reason not to believe me this time!” You laughed.
“Better than when Morn and Bracken won earlier because Yeji was third impostering so hard,” Ryujin added.
“Hey! I thought it was Mick!” Yeji shouted.
You all laughed.
“Cat, are you going to clip the part from earlier when we were in Decon and you divided Morn and Mick from the group?”
“Yes, oh my god that was so good.”
2304273408: slut
For some reason that caught your eye, and your attention snapped to your chat. You saw it for a second before it disappeared and you would have thought you were seeing things if you didn’t already know that Quack was fast on the draw when it came to hate comments.
“Cat?” San asked.
“Yeah, sorry. What’d you say?”
“I asked what that looked like from your perspective.”
“Oh, it was like… you guys were almost done with tasks and I don’t know about Yeji, but I was panicking--”
“Oh, no, I was also panicking.”
The two of you laughed.
“So when me and her happened to walk over to Decon at the same time and I realized that there was a slim chance we could win, I spammed the button closed as fast as I could and managed to separate you and Mick from the group and we were able to kill you.”
“When I saw the doors start to close, I was like, ‘This is our chance!’” Yeji laughed.
“Wowwww…” San trailed off. “I’m going to watch that clip when you post it, it sounds good, actually.”
“Yeah, I was about to be mad, but it sounds like a great bit of tension.” Mick admitted.
“It was very cinematic,” Ryujin added.
“Okay, do we want to take a break? We just played four games in a row and I don’t know about you but I need more water.”
A chorus of ‘Yeah’s and ‘Yes’s answered Mick’s question.
“Okay, so… ten minutes?”
“Sounds good,” you answered.
Everyone muted as they took off their headphones and stretched or went to the bathroom or got snacks. You went to the bathroom and refilled your water and sat back down to the sound of crunching.
LeaBea: crunch munch crunch QuackIsWhack✅: So noisy A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH JohnnyYuta: CRUNCH CRUNCH
“Who’s munching and crunching over there?”
“Me.” San answered.
“Are you starting an ASMR channel?”
“Ohhh,” he said through whatever it was that he was eating.
You heard him drag his mic closer and he began chewing the chips slower so he could exaggerate the sounds. Your brain went tingly and you spasmed at the sound.
“What was that?” He laughed.
“Ugh, you made my brain go all silly for a second and I got the jitters.”
YangYangGangGang: ASMR BRAIN!! A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: SONIC ATTACK! JohnnyYuta: IT’S SUPER EFFECTIVE!
“Noooo, shut up!” You laughed.
“Me or your chat?”
“My chat’s making fun of me.”
“You seem to get roasted by them quite a bit.”
“Yeah, I’m not sure if they’re friends or enemies at this point.”
A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: FRENEMIES JohnnyYuta: I love that skirt, where’d you get it? So retro
“Oh my god, Yuta and Tree are right: we’re frenemies.”
San laughed. “That… doesn’t seem good?”
“They’re kidding. We’re buds.”
JohnnyYuta: Best buds A🌲SurroundedBy🌷s: The bestest JohnnyYuta: The budest YangYangGangGang: The buddhist SleepySheepy😴: The boobist LuciPURR: Booba? MinHoe: Aww, I want boba now :(
You laughed at them and the rest of your chat went back to talking about whatever they had been chatting about while you were gone.
You heard a sigh as Mick and Bracken sat back down at their desks, shortly joined by Yeji forgetting her mic was muted and Ryujin reminding her.
“Hmm…” Mick’s icon lit up as he thought out loud.
“Got something for us chief?” Ryujin asked.
He chuckled. “No, someone in my chat just asked why we don’t bet on the games we play.”
“Ew.” You said. “Life is enough of a gamble, I don’t also need to bet money on it.”
“I don’t have enough money to bet,” Yeji laughed.
“And like, what would happen if one of us is really good at a game and keeps winning and winning all the money? Then we’d end up never being able to play that game again.”
“Mhm.” Ryujin agreed.
“Also,” you added, “Keeho can’t bet. He’d be canceled right out of kpop.”
“They’d cancel him out for that?” San asked.
“Yeah, it’s like an image thing. Gambling is right up there with drugs and bullying on the list of Things That Will Destroy a Career."
“Strangely enough,” you said, “plagiarism is not on that list.”
“Are we talking about the incident where that well-known-producer-I-won’t-name stole a nightcore song and didn’t even get in trouble when everyone found out?” Ryujin asked.
“You know the one.”
“Shots.” She said with a laugh.
You chuckled. It happened a few years ago, but it still made you mad.
“Well, chat, you heard the team!” Mick said to his own chat.
Bracken laughed. “What if we just did a prize at the end?”
“We’re not actually considering this, are we?” Ryujin asked.
“I don’t know, it could be fun. What do you think, Morn, you haven’t said anything.”
“Oh… I wasn’t sure if I was allowed, since I’m just a replacement for Keeho.” “You’re a part of the group, Morn.” You reassured him.
“Oh… really?”
“Yeah, we all like having you around.”
“Mhm!” Yeji agreed through whatever food was in her mouth.
“Yeji, chew before you choke yourself. And yeah, you’re cool, Morn.” Ryujin added.
“Definitely a stand-up guy.” Said Mick.
“Which is weird, because he’s probably sitting down.” Bracken added.
You all laughed.
“Oh, um, thanks guys,” San said.
“Anyway,” you went back to the earlier topic, “for those of you in the chats who are wondering, Today’s prize is: Cash! Because we didn't know what to get you for your birthday anymore. We feel like we don't really know you since you moved out of the house, Susan. You never call.”
San laughed loudly.
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#San#Choi San#Ateez#Ateez smau#Ateez fic#Ateez au#cafe au#streamer au#fake dating#reader fic#ᴏɴʟɪɴᴇ/ᴏғғʟɪɴᴇ
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List of events that happened:
- Silver went Trick-or-Treating and chaperoned Cream.
- Once that was done, everyone returned to Amy's for the party.
- Silver and Blaze teamed up for the pumpkin carving contest and won first place (they made a Burning Blaze Jack-o'-Lantern).
- Sonic made a bet with Shadow on who can bob the most apples. Shadow then proceeded to push Sonic into the tub of water, and his splash got Silver wet, then Silver got everyone else wet by shaking the water off.
- Silver separated from the party after a while. Espio followed him. The two then talk for a bit, with Espio revealing that he knows that Silver isn’t actually in costume and is concerned, but Silver assures him it's fine.
- Before heading back to the party, they catch Orbot and Cubot making off with everyone's candy.
- They follow them to Eggman and Sage, with Eggman refusing to give back the stolen candy once they confront him. It's not until Silver threatened to "slice-n-dice" with his extended claws and Sage's insistence that most of the stolen candy is given back (some of the candy being given to Sage).
- By the time the duo returned with the stolen candy, they find that Sonic and Tails won the costume contest (Tails was a mad scientist and Sonic being the "monster he brought back to life"), and Vector ranting that he should've won since he had the "best costume" (he had a Godzilla costume on).
- Scary stories were told around a bonfire while roasting marshmallows. Silver offered and told a scary story about a Werehog hunting down some thieves that stole candy from kids and made them pay.
- After more activities, the party ends, and everyone heads home, with Silver asking Amy if he could stay the night again. She reluctantly agrees.
#Dash Commentary#((I think?))#((Sorry this is anticlimactic. I'm sick and didn't feel like writing a bunch.))#M!A Silver Unleashed#Silver the Hedgehog#Cream the Rabbit#Amy Rose#Blaze the Cat#Sonic the Hedgehog#Shadow the Hedgehog#Espio the Chameleon#Orbot#Cubot#Dr. Eggman#Miles Tails Prower#Tails the Fox#Vector the Crocodile#Sage the AI
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had some people insinuate I'm homophobic for being disappointed that Sonic (who has been with Shadow tons of times and will infinitely be able to a million times more) won the poll instead of Gerald because sonadow. my faggot ass. XD
I'm so loudly gay for Eggman, I have a bad rep online with people saying it's my whole personality, get on my level. plus my vote for Gerald had just as gay motives as shippers with Sonic because I want that old man
I'm just disappointed that people don't utilize the Sonic Channel art duo polls to get rarer pairs featured, some of which have a little to no chance of being seen elsewhere (like Big and Eggman especially I'm really sad about that one especially)
but most of the votes across polls were the most commonly depicted pairs already. like sorry that I think variety is nice and am interested in the fun potential of other characters interacting who barely or haven't at all before, over ones we see all the time
Gerald is dead and is never much of a focus in official media. he's barely had any official interactions with Shadow over Maria. he has no Sonic Channel art in general outside of the anniversary comic. in SXSG there has to be some interaction with Shadow which is great but he's probably barely going to get the chance to be in much again after
people that won voting Sonic and got what they wanted are madder than me by saying I'm mad when I'm just disappointed. like you got what you wanted why are you mad? it's not a hate for Sonic or a bitterness for the fans, it's a passion for Gerald and disappointment that the chance was blown. also it's not that deep. chill
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"Mario never undergone a drastic redesign for plots"
I mean...the proportional change between the SNES era and N64 era for Mario is massive, and design again changed a lot for Early GC era. And less said of the 1981-85 designs the better
Or hell, Bomberman doing whatever the fuck until Super Bomberman 4
Sonic also very much HAD gradual design changes between 1991-7...it's just that the general public didn't give a shit. We go from this tubbiness
To long legs and hair mcbrow here. Hoshino did Sonic CD and R 2D art, and the diff between that and here is still indicating an overall evolution. Only Amy and Eggman drastically changed, which for the former I'm glad. Better than being a literal girl Sonic clone. The rest are just continuing a trend then adding iris color
But really I feel Sonic Team did the redesigns to welcome a new era, given how Japan unironically forgot about Sonic. It's jarring- if you ignore 6-7 years of the franchise, but also distinctively full of much needed energy given the crap 1995-7 period.
Similarly I feel we're missing cultural context; both the US and Japan had a problem with associating design with specific tone, so you ended up with typecasted designs. Sonic despite having attitude and games like 3K WAS associated to being a cutesy generic mascot inferior to Hello Kitty in Japan, which is not a good thing. Almost all noncanon manga further just divorced itself from actual game tone to be a parody or cutesy manga, which both Naka and Oshima didn't like, same for early Sega Harmony Calendar art.
The US market had a forced redesign that lasted till 1994 that while ass, unfortunately just lended to the idea of not accepting a design as is, regardless of tone. So Sonic Team gave in to that for Adventure, which a competition was held in 1997 to see how it was recieved. Uekawa won ironically cuz he had the safest design, but took elements of Okano's art later to add flair and zaniness as it'd defeat the point otherwise
I feel Capcom had a similar problem with Megaman: they didn't feel comfortable with solely using the same design for bigger stories, so they opted for the more adult X spinoffs, and then similarly did the same for Legends and Battle Network (ironically I feel this backfired). Even Ruby Spears attempted to be faithful for their show pilot, but test audiences didn't like it, so we got a mediocre jocked up muscle Mega Man. While in Japan the anime OVAs were very cutesy and basic, despite games being more action oriented
It's hard to say if this issue disappeared now, and I feel it's revisionism to say "oh, if the redesigns didn't happen, no one would be mad" cuz the truth is...Sonic would die if he didn't change harder
I feel both ignoring every middle design and just lumping Sonic as "Classic" "Modern" is a very stupid thing as both are fucking subjective and tempermental terms. Adventure isn't "modern", and anything with sentimental value and nostalgia is "classic". Heroes is fucking over 20 years old, and can be considered one to some, as unpopular of an opinion that is. Sonic Team didn't have eras awkwardly like that in the 10th Anniversary book, and even said "Sonic will continue changing", but after 10 more years of the fandom, original creatives outside Iizuka leaving, and game reviewers destroying nuance and history, they forcibly had to split him like so for Generations. I see the same fan mentality outside Sonic for Golden Age era cartoons, it's maddening. Just look at Looney Tunes fans on how they treat Daffy, it's the same shit
Sorry for ranting, but I hate when history and evolution are ignored just to make strawmanned points when it boils down to "wishful revisionism under MY misnostalgia/control". I saw someone make an SA1 mod to make stages "More classic" with checker spam when not only is that term bullshit, Sega and Okano literally showed us concept art of Adventure stages before the char designs tweaks, and it's the exact same texture and bg prop set as final. That is maddening
I'm tired of it
At the risk of being blunt, I'm aware of all that. I assure you that I could never forget American the Assface and Ivo No-Eyes no matter how much I'd prefer to.
As for Mario, his earliest designs had the excuse of it not being fully set in stone yet, and with the N64 era onward, they generally only involved slight proportion changes or subtle details in the clothing and what have you... much like Sonic in the years between 91 and 97, American Assface and other questionable SoA decisions notwithstanding. The point is, Mario wasn't redesigned for the explicit purpose of seeming like a more mature bing bing wahoo man. :P Neither was Kirby, who I used for reference due to his reputation of fighting eldritch abominations and occasional dark subtext despite resembling a pink blob with stubs for arms.
Finally, I can't speak for how others choose to use the terms, but I use Classic and Modern for simple convenience. I agree that there should never have been an official line in the sand between the two, at least outside of Generations' context, but this is what the franchise has taught us to do at this point. That's the ugly truth, I'm afraid. As is the ugly truth that the vocal, dramatic shift to the Adventure designs and style - regardless of intent, regardless of justification, regardless of the gradual alterations and differences between artists in the years beforehand, regardless of every angle of relevant context - still brought on one of the single most notorious divides in a fandom full of them, up there with the debut of SatAM. We can debate all day as to whether it was fair or not, but the divide happened all the same.
I'm not a Classic-only purist. SA1 is one of my favourite games in the series, and I love various other Modern titles. And to stress once more, I like the Modern character designs and have no personal beef with them whatsoever. But I can't ignore these things in an age where Adventure era rose-tinted goggles are at an all time high, and while it's true that not everything is straightforward, that goes both ways in cases like this.
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@controlcha0s gets a little something >:3c .
Two chao were holding onto Sonic's hand, playfully tugging at him while chirping & babbling a version of ‘ happy birthday to you ’ that could only be recognizable by cheerful melody, otherwise he couldn't understand a word they were saying, and it was endearing & funny enough to make him laugh . Soft chuckles & ringing chao voices are cut short, though, when Silver approaches with heavy air & taps Sonic's shoulder for attention . Said attention is directed towards the large tree that stood near the clearing where the party takes place . Sonic could see Rouge walk away with a somber expression, and in the shade he could spot their fellow darker hedgehog, nearly hidden behind the tree, unreadable .
Something was wrong . The blue hedgehog looks back at his friends gathered around the table, it appears they were unaware of anything, busy enjoying food & making the air quite chipper with their chatter & laughter . It's a good thing to witness, they earned it after what they've been through . With their happiness in mind he speeds & grabs a plate of cake, then approaches the shadow, hoping he can do this right, that he can make sure everyone is included in this warmer atmosphere of company & safety .
“ Still mad I won that emerald earlier, eh ? ” He leans against tree trunk, invasive , teasing with a smile while balancing plate on a finger . He is, of course, sure that's far from the reason behind Shadow's distress . In fact, he's beginning to believe Shadow didn't even need the gem to begin with . Thinking back to it, that brief fight between them was way too easy …
“ I got you cake as an apology ! Promise I'll beat your ass after your business is over next time . ”
#VIBRATES SO HARD I DRILL THRU THE FLOOR hi shrike <33#☆ . ( ⁱᶜ ) life movin' through your mind / time slippin' down your spine .#controlcha0s#sonad.ow gens save me son adow g.ens
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