#well that’s a strange way of saying thank you 😃
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jalluzas-ferney · 1 year ago
like tbh lately I haven’t seen really any of that LATELY - but I remember some time ago someone had posted a gif of like the fight between Kai and Jay in Crystallized and like I think specifically the part where Jay starts the fight by fucking kicking Kai across the room (for accidentally dropping a glass of water and who btw gen apologized for immediately 😁)
Okok so some, if not a lot of ppl, in the comments/reblogs were like “ouh yeah way to go jay 🤗🥳” “It doesn’t surprised me that he’s finally standing up for himself after all that bullying from Kai after so many years 🥺” “oh Kai deserves it for always teasing-“ yeah yeah BLAH BLAH BLAH you get the GIST
and OOHHH that RREAAALLY pushed some buttons for me cuz WHAT💀💀💀💀💀BAHAH BE SO FUCKING FR IM SORRY BUT WHAT😭😭😭
Y’all the ninja have always made fun of each other like- the whole series. And if it looks like Kai goes especially after jay or whatever- yeah- it doesn’t surprise me that he would be poking even more fun at the man dating his sister 😭😭ESPECIALLY knowing him? Like hello 💀
But he’s even SUPPORTIVE of their relationship - are y’all forgetting how he literally helped Jay practice to propose Nya to be his Yang 😭😭😭😭
And OHH - have we perhaps forgotten ab how when jay was fucking DROWNING while he was trying to get out of the situation- he LITERALLY thought to himself “what would kai do?” LIKE BRO HE LOOKS UP TO HIM 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 BEFORE THINKING- “oh what would master Wu do or Zane do” -he was like- “no- what would Kai do?”
And YAALLLL wanna erase this bond they have 😨😨 NUH UH NONE OF THAT - y’all are not about to pretended Kai is some kind of huge bully towards your “little baby boy jay “or whatever as if they don’t love each other at all (as brothers/bsfs)
(I’m kinda scared of posting this cuz I don’t wanna come off as aggressive but this legit makes me laugh so damn hard cuz of how STUPID it is 😭😭)
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blueraineshadows · 2 years ago
Thank you so much for responding to my request last time, it was so good! I have another concept that's also inspired by something else if you don't mind?
Sebastian and MC are married, but he goes missing (due to his dangerous job) and is thought to be dead for years. MC is still grieving, but trying to move on. She gets engaged to another wizard, but Sebastian finally returns after trying his best to get back to her. They have a huge fight when Sebastian finds out (it'd be nice if it had a happy *smutty* ending, though).
"Where do you get off letting him think he can have you? You're mine and I'm yours. That's it!"
Great Request! 😃 Thank-you 💜
This has angst! It's also long! NSFW 🌶 🔥
Sebastian Sallow x F!MC (Mrs Sallow) as adults.
My beloved, Sebastian,
They tell me you are gone, forever, lost to me...dead. I haven't seen your face for over two years now, and my deepest fear suspects they may be right. But in my heart, safe for always, you will remain. As much as it hurts me, I could never let you go completely, for that would mean the end of me also.
I know our friends mean well, they wish to see me happy, at peace perhaps. But it has been hard to hear their insistent pleas for me to move on. Of late, I have had to succumb to their pleas. I'm not sure I can handle another visit to the morgue to identify another poor soul, the guilt of my relief that it is never you under the cloth, but some other lost loved one. I don't envy their family's pain, but it is another desperate scrap of hope that you are still alive.
We are holding a ceremony for you, to say goodbye, to let you go. I cannot say goodbye, merely farewell, for one day I know we will be reunited. How could we not? Whatever awaits beyond the mortal realm, I will find you there, my whole soul is destined for it. It always was.
It breaks me that you had to go before me, and all I have left are my memories, precious moments that are a comfort during dark, lonely nights.
Forgive me for having to let you go, if only for a time. I will love you forever, just as I promised you.
Wait for me. I will wait for you.
Your wife, MC.
Six months later...
"Matthew has proposed," MC said. Her fingers clutched her teacup a little tighter. The words sounded so terribly real when said out loud.
Poppy paused as she went to take a sip from her own tea cup, her eyes widening. She quickly put down her cup and put a hand on MC's arm. "Oh my goodness," she said. Concern clouded her face. "How...I mean...what did you say?"
"I told him I needed to think about it," MC said. Which was the truth. She looked down at her left hand, the silver band symbolising her eternal promise to Sebastian still there on her finger. Her voice became a whisper. "I can't help but feel like I am being unfaithful."
"Oh, MC," Poppy said. "I know it must feel strange, and of course it's so very difficult. But, you deserve to find some happiness, MC. And, Matthew is so lovely, I know he would take care of you."
MC nodded. "That's what makes it so difficult, Poppy. Matthew is wonderful, so understanding. He told me to take all the time I need to think. He would make a wonderful husband, but..."
The pause lay heavy between them. Poppy nodded knowingly. "He isn't Sebastian."
MC took a swallow of tea to loosen the restriction in her throat. She took a deep breath. "However, I did make a promise to try and move on, didn't I? Maybe a new beginning would be the best way to go about it."
"I agree," Poppy said. "It would gladden my heart to see you happy again, MC."
The fire crackled and dipped in the hearth. MC sat cross legged before it, her eyes watching the flames dance. Passion, and heat, unpredictability, fire had always reminded her of Sebastian.
A hand on her shoulder made her look up. Matthew smiled down at her, handing her a wine goblet. She took it with thanks. He folded to sit on the rug beside her. "Are you cold?" He asked. He wrapped an arm about her, rubbing her arm with his hand.
"No, just unwinding," she smiled. She leant her head against his shoulder. He was sturdy, safe, comforting. Traits that had made her gravitate towards him. It kept the edge off her loneliness.
He pressed a kiss to her head, his thumb making lazy circles on her arm. He had never pushed her to be physical with him, knowing how fragile her heart was. He had been an exemplary gentleman, and she was grateful for it.
She sipped her wine, the firelight glinting off the diamond she wore on her ring finger. She had accepted his proposal. Sebastian's ring was now on a chain around her neck, close to her heart. She rubbed a hand absently against it through the fabric of her blouse.
"I thought perhaps we could take a boat trip tomorrow," Matthew suggested. "We could get some fresh air, maybe take a picnic. It would be good to escape the city for a while."
"That sounds perfect," she smiled. She looked up at him. He had lovely, blue eyes, blue like the sky. His hair was fair, neatly trimmed. He was nothing like Sebastian, and that was how she wanted it.
Matthew's gaze was warm, loving. He tightened his hold a little, his gaze dropping to her lips. MC felt a little breathless and wondered if perhaps she had drunk too much wine. His kiss was soft, testing. He did not want to pressure her.
MC felt her body respond. It was weak, just a flutter, but it was the first time she had felt anything remotely close to desire in years. She kissed him back.
As the kiss deepened, the warmth of it seemed to ease back the cavern of loneliness that had carved itself in her chest. So, she let him lay her back on the rug, his mouth claiming hers more deeply.
There was a war going on inside of her. Half was opening up, reaching out for the closeness, the warmth, after so long in the dark. The other half of her was screaming, no, this was all wrong. She was wrong, a betrayer, she was betraying Sebastian.
She pulled back from Matthew's kiss, her hands flat against his chest. She could feel the pounding of his heart.
"Are you alright?" He asked. The concern in his gaze made her want to scream and rip at her own hair. She was being so unfair to him. She would be a terrible wife. He deserved so much better.
"A little overwhelmed," she breathed. She winced. "Forgive me. I think I need a minute."
"Of course," he said. He immediately sat up, adjusting his trousers.
"You must think I am a terrible tease," she grimaced. "That is not my intention."
"No, MC, I don't think that at all. I think you have suffered a terrible loss, and I do not ever expect to fill the hole Sebastian left behind." Matthew said. "I wish I could take the pain away for you, truly I do. I only hope that, one day, you can love me even a fraction of what you felt for him."
MC felt her heart squeeze painfully. Matthew was a good person. She did not deserve him. She reached out and took his hand. "How are you so perfect?"
A sharp rap on the front door made them both jump and turn. "Who on earth could that be at this hour?" MC asked.
Matthew frowned. "I will see to it." He got to his feet and MC couldn't help lift her eyebrows. He was sweet for thinking that she needed protecting, after all, she was a far more powerful witch than most.
She heard the door open and the surprise in Matthew's voice. "Ominis!"
MC immediately got to her feet. It was very unlike Ominis to call upon her so unexpected like this. Her heart kicked up a notch and she twisted her fingers together as he appeared in the living room doorway.
"Good evening, MC. I am sorry to call on you so late, but this couldn't wait," he said. He looked grave, a little flustered even. He tilted his head trying to locate her.
She went to him, reaching for a hand. "Ominis, I'm here, it's alright." He squeezed her fingers, his usual cool fingers hot and sweaty. She swallowed. "What is it?"
"I don't know where to start," he said. He pressed long fingers to his brow. "I had word through the Ministry that a stronghold of slavers has been discovered in America. There were many prisoners, witches and wizards from all over the world, Aurors, Unspeakables..."
MC felt his grip tighten on her fingers, his bones grating against hers. She didn't even feel the pain. Her vision was starting to tunnel. All she could see was his face, her eyes fixed on his lips as the words came out. "Go on," she urged.
Ominis took a deep, shuddering breath. "The list of survivors, the ones they brought back..."
"Ominis," she said. Her voice was a strangled plea. She was clinging to his hand, her other hand reached out to grab the front of his immaculate robes. Hope was being dangled in front of her eyes. Years of agony were twisting harshly in her chest and her ears were screaming for what he had to say next. Oh, Merlin, please!
He nodded and got a hold of himself, his eyes blinking back the sudden shine in them. "His name was on that list, MC. Sebastian...he has been found."
She could hear someone wailing, a terrible, wrenching sound and then all was quiet. Soothing blackness wrapped around her and then there was nothing else.
She blinked. Once, twice, the living room swimming into view. She felt heavy, sluggish, her mouth glued shut. MC tried to sit up on the settee, and then hands were there steadying her shoulders. Matthew's face was a picture of worry.
She turned her head, and there in the wingback chair sat Ominis, looking anything but his usual composed self. His fingers were clutching the arms of the chair, his face rigid, his hair a little ruffled.
They had found him!
"Is it true?" She croaked.
Ominis turned his face her way, his lips trembled, and he nodded. "The survivors were brought back to England three days ago. I made some enquiries and Sebastian was placed in a safe house. I had trouble believing it myself, and so I made arrangements to go and make absolutely sure it was true."
Her heart was a wild thing in her chest, it hurt to breathe. "You've seen him?"
He nodded. "Yes," he said. "I saw him not two hours ago."
Her breath left her in a rush, a tear slid from her cheek. She shook, uncontrollably, and shifted, fully facing him now. "Can we...can I," she gasped. She put her fingers to her lips. "Is he alright?"
"He is alive, and not badly wounded. I can't say much about his state of mind, of course. He is...understandly, traumatised. But he did ask for you. It was one of the first things he said to me." Ominis said. He hesitated, his fingers flexing. "He wanted to know everything...about you. I...filled him in a little. I apologise."
She flinched and slid from the couch to her knees, literally crawling across the floor to clasp Ominis' hand. "Take me to him, please."
Ominis held her hand, but his head turned in the direction of Matthew, a pained look on his face. MC gasped and swung her gaze around to Matthew, horrified that she had completely forgotten he was standing there. She began to stutter out an apology, but he held up a hand to stop her.
"Don't say another word," he said. His eyes were sad, but his mouth was firm. "Go, go to him. It's only right." He faltered. "He is your husband, after all."
Ominis and MC Apparated to the location of the safe house. The road was dark, quiet, a chill breeze tugging at the trees. Set back from the road was the house, an Auror standing guard near the door. A light glowed in a downstairs window.
MC was clinging on to Ominis' arm, too afraid to let go lest she just collapse to the ground. None of this felt real. He led her through the gate and towards the door, her feet stumbling along the path.
"Are you sure you're up to this?" Ominis asked.
"I will crawl through that door if I have to," she said through gritted teeth. "I need to see."
The Auror guard gave a nod to Ominis. "Gaunt," he said, respectfully. His eyes took in MC. "Mrs Sallow, I take it."
"I think Mr and Mrs Sallow need some time," Ominis said. "By all means, keep your guard, but perhaps at a distance. I will be nearby as well, but they need some privacy just now."
"Understood." The Auror gave the door a long look before he made for the gate. "I will be along the front of the property."
"Why are they guarding him?" MC asked.
Ominis frowned. "Not all the slavers have been caught yet, and every survivor is a witness. It's for Sebastian's protection."
"Anyone coming for him will have to get through me first," she growled. It gave her some of her strength back to think that anyone might be about to snatch him away from her again, and she hadn't even seen him yet.
Ominis held her close for a moment. "I don't doubt it," he said. He pressed a kiss to her forehead, and she looked up at him in surprise. Ominis was not one for overly displaying affection. "Will you be alright, now?"
"Yes," she said. "And thank you. Thank you for bringing me here."
"It's only where you belong, MC," he said. He moved from her grip and knocked on the door. "I doubt you will need me, but I won't be far away. He...he did not take the news well that there is another gentleman in your life."
MC could well imagine it. Sebastian wasn't the sharing type, especially when it came to her. But then, she would have felt just the same if another woman had laid a hand on him. She opened her mouth to reassure Ominis, but the latch sounded on the door.
The door opened, the light from inside spilling out onto the front step. MC stared, eyes wide, heart pounding as Sebastian stepped into view.
"You have a visitor, brother," Ominis said. He gave MC a gentle nudge forward.
Sebastian and MC looked at each other for the first time in almost three years. Her eyes devoured his face, ogling the shape of him, lines and angles she knew so well, but they were oddly strange to her now. He looked leaner, shadows under his eyes making him look weary, and there was a scar on his forehead that disappeared into his hair line.
Her name whispered from his lips. She took a faltering step towards him, and then another. He just stared, his eyes trying to comprehend that she was truly there at all. Her hand reached up, her fingers trembling so badly, that she missed on her first attempt. But then, she was touching him.
Her fingers trailed from his forehead, down over his nose to brush against his mouth. "You're real," she breathed. "It's really you."
A tear slid from his eye, rolling over his cheek. Her lips trembled. And then she was in his arms, crushed against him, as a sob ripped from her throat.
He held her so tightly that she could hardly breathe, but she didn't care. She squeezed her eyes shut, breathing him in with small gasps, her fingers gripping at whatever she could get a hold of. He was solid, he was warm, he was here, alive.
Ominis slipped quietly away into the shadows, leaving husband and wife to find each other again.
The inside of the cottage was sparsely furnished but warm, a fire burning in the grate. The remains of a half eaten meal was on a tray, and a blanket was hanging off the edge of the settee.
MC wandered in behind Sebastian, her eyes constantly checking he was still there, feeling a little adrift since he had released her from that choking hug. He hadn't looked at her since, his face tense as he began to pace before the fireplace.
"I can't believe you're actually here," she said. "It's like a dream."
He spun to face her, his eyes hard. She flinched as he strode towards her, snatching up her hand to look at Matthew's diamond on her ring finger. He dropped her hand as if it burned him. "Some fucking dream," he hissed.
"Do you have any idea what it was like!" He snapped. His face was so harsh, so cold. "Night after night, the screams, the beatings. An endless loop of nothingness. I thought I was going to go mad, I felt myself slipping away, but I kept hanging on. It was you! Your face, my memory of you, that kept me going. And now, now I find out that you replaced me! You're wearing another man's ring on your finger instead of the one I gave you!"
His voice had reached a pitch that made her press her fingers to her face, the fury in his eyes so much to bear that she gasped, her heart breaking into a thousand splinters.
He growled viciously and kicked out at a chair at the table. It clattered to the floor.
"I'm sorry," she gasped. "Let me explain..."
He glared at her. "Does he touch you? Does he make you feel good?"
MC remembered the kiss her and Matthew had shared mere hours ago and flushed, but she shook her head. "No, Sebastian, please..."
"You're lying," he spat. He began to pace again, his hands raking through his hair. He swore harshly.
MC gritted her teeth. Her own shame at accepting Matthew gnawed at her, had she not felt like she was betraying Sebastian? She had not wanted to let him go, but had tried to, tried to please her friends, tried to be happy.
This was not how she had envisioned a reunion taking place. She watched Sebastian pace, his fury darkening his face, the pain flickering in and out in his eyes. "Stop this," she said. "I never stopped loving you."
He lunged for her arm, holding her hand up between them. The ring shone brightly in the firelight. "This says different."
His face was close and her heart ached for him. She felt the sting of tears. She fumbled her chain from out of her blouse, his ring hanging from it. "I never let you go, not really," she said.
He eyed the ring and then her. He shook his head. "You were all I thought about." He sounded broken.
He released her arm and turned away.
"I had to bury you!" She wailed.
He stiffened.
Her hands curled into small fists. "We had a ceremony, each of us saying how much we loved you. We put momentoes in a box and buried it because there was no body to say goodbye to. I wrote you letters, hundreds of them, but I had nowhere to send them. I had to bury them in the ground, with all the hope I could barely hang on to that you were still alive."
He turned to face her. She was really crying now, huge, fat tears of despair. She jabbed a finger at him. "You were gone. I was alone, so fucking alone, and I tried to find you. Searching, begging, pleading, driving everyone mad with my nonstop hope that you would be found. I almost threw myself into death's arms at one point, I thought it might be the only way to escape the pain of you not being there when I woke up every day."
Sebastian swallowed, some of the fury fading from his face. "You...you were going to kill yourself?"
She was panting, sucking in deep breaths, chest tight. She swiped the tears from her face and turned away from him, her cheeks colouring with her shame. She had never admitted that out loud until now. She calmed herself, smoothing her hands over her hips
"How was I supposed to go on without you? It was a really low point, but I was lucky. I had friends who cared enough to pick me up. And then...and then I met Matthew."
Sebastian scowled. But MC continued. "He was kind, he tried to help me. He works at the Ministry and he tried to help in my search for you. He took care of me, he never pressed me for anything in return."
"Sounds like a right hero," Sebastian muttered.
"Maybe he is," she said, whirling to face him. "He was certainly there for me. After we all said goodbye to you, he asked me to marry him. I agonised over it, but eventually accepted. But do you know what he said when Ominis came to get me tonight? He told me to come to you, that it was only right that I did. He didn't try to stop me."
"He wouldn't have got far if he had tried," Sebastian growled. He stalked towards her, his hand catching hold of her chin, forcing her to look up at him. "How could you ever think about letting him touch you?"
MC was breathing hard and fast again, her heart hammering in her chest. Their gazes were locked, the fire in Sebastian's eyes shifting from fury to pure desire, a hunger so deep and vast she was starting to drown in it. A flame flickered into life deep inside her, trails of fire spreading thick and fast through her veins.
He could still do it. After all this time apart, he made her blood sing, made her melt into the merest touch. "We didn't...he hasn't..." She swallowed hard. "I wasn't ready."
He lowered his face to hers. "Good," he breathed into her mouth. "You're mine, and I'm yours. That's it!"
MC lowered her eyes to his mouth. Slowly, agonisingly slow, he leant in and pressed his lips against hers. A moan, relief mixed with need, sounded in MC's throat.
He gripped her hair at the back of her head, kissing her deeply, stumbling back towards the table with her. Desperate groans fell from their lips as he lifted her skirt, parting her legs as she sat up on the edge of the table.
He stroked his fingers against her heat, finding it pleasingly wet. "Oh fuck," he groaned. He shifted, opening his trousers and pulling his arousal free.
Need came before anything else. He pressed inside of her, thrusting deep, greedily. She cried out at the immediate stretch. It had been a long time, his thickness burning along her walls, but she didn't stop him. Instead, her hips lifted to meet him, needing to feel him fill her up. His eyes were glazed, drunk on the very feel of her, he began to thrust, deep, desperate, like a man starved.
His fingers dug into her flesh, his lips were parted and his breaths came harshly as he fucked. He wasn't violent, but neither was he gentle. His release came hard and fast, his hips bucking desperately and a growl tearing from his mouth as he collapsed over her. She held him, her hand stroking through the unruly locks of his hair, calming him.
"I'm sorry," he whispered. His head was buried against her chest. "Did I hurt you?"
"No," she said, shaking her head. It felt so good to be holding him again. It had been a long time, she had understood his need, let him take what he longed for.
He straightened and took hold of her hand. "Come on," he said.
"Where are we going?"
He smirked. Her heart glowed at the sight of it. The memory of that smirk had haunted her dreams, but there it was, for real. "I'm taking my wife upstairs to my bed," he said. "I am far from done with you."
MC couldn't have told a soul what that bedroom looked like when she first entered it. So intent were they on each other, removing every barrier of clothing, tossing it all to the floor without a care, just desperate to feel skin against skin.
The blanket was cold against her back, no fire up here, just the moonlight gleaming through the window. She arched her back, welcoming the feel of Sebastian's lips as he kissed her breasts, learning every curve again like it was the first time.
Her heart beat for him, her pulse skittering madly as he sucked at her neck, his hands exploring the curve of her waist. Her nipples brushed against his chest hair, hardening into desperate peaks. Fuck, she was aching with the need for him, it was almost a pain that only he could heal.
"Sebastian," she whined.
"I know," he whispered. He kissed her, his teeth tugging on her bottom lip. "Patience, my love, I need to taste all of you. Trust me, I will give you what you seek, and more."
MC moaned, her fingers seeking greedily through his hair, massaging his scalp, drawing moans from his lips. Every sound he made was a balm against the pain in her chest. He was alive. He was here.
Her fingers traced new scars on his chest, hurts he had endured so far from home. She kissed them, her tongue trying to soothe the pain inflicted on him. She caught a nipple in between her teeth and tugged, his cock twitching and dripping onto her thigh.
She reached for him, teasing fingers drifting up the silky hardness. "MC..."
She smiled against his skin, breathing in the scent of him, feeling like she was finally at peace. She began to stroke up and down his length and his hips bucked. He groaned and pressed her back down onto the bed. "No," he breathed. "It's your turn."
His mouth worshipped her stomach, his tongue dipping into her navel, swirling hotly. She found herself lost in a haze of fire, only his mouth, his hands, the sounds of his breathing mattered. She reached up to grip the blanket behind her head, her thighs separating, her hips grinding as his hot tongue slid luxuriously up her slit.
Oh, he knew what she liked!
Waves of delicious flame circled hotly at her core as his tongue swirled over her clit, his fingers teasing cries from her lips as he fucked her, slow, and with a knowing touch. She whimpered, her thighs beginning to tremble, as her release began to build.
Three years without him, three years of yearning, and now he was here, driving her over the edge again, sending her spinning outwards to see stars. Her fingers gripped his hair, holding his head right where she needed him most as her climax hit.
She was shaking, tears flooding her eyes, and he held her. His kisses warmed her cheeks, her neck, his hands smoothing up her back and over her hips. "That's my girl," he whispered. "Gods, I have missed you."
Barely having caught her breath back, Sebastian rolled them, settling her above him. "Fuck me," he begged. "Show me how much you missed me. I want to watch as you fuck me."
Aftershocks tingled through MC, her cunt pulsing with a need to feel him deep inside her. She caught his arousal in her hand, pumping him softly, her thumb sliding over his tip. He held her hips, his hungry eyes watching as she lined him up against her soaked entrance. He parted his lips, anticipation thick on his tongue, a delicious groan leaving him as she slid on to his cock.
She rolled her hips, her head falling back, her hair trailing down her back, the moonlight soft against the sweat on her skin. He let her move at her own pace, licking his lips at the sounds coming from her throat, at the hot slickness of her walls sliding along him.
MC still had a hunger for him, a need to feel out of control, lost in him. She angled her hips, ensuring that his throbbing tip was stroking just where she needed him. The pressure began to build and she began to bounce harder. His hands caressing her breasts as they jiggled with her efforts.
He was appreciating every move she made, his hips bucking to meet her, his own fire building to the limit. "Cum for me, MC," he said. He slid a thumb to press against her nub. She cried out, her hips twitching. He looked down, saw the slick shining on his cock. He licked his lips. "Mine, all mine."
She clenched around him, desperate cries echoing around the room. Sebastian knew the Auror was still outside. He hoped he could hear her, let the whole fucking world hear what he did to her. She was his wife, his love, his fucking everything. He wanted everyone to know it.
Driven mad by his utter need to claim her again, he flipped her, her hair fanning out across the blanket. He grabbed her hand, tugging the diamond free and letting it tumble across the bed. He linked their fingers, his eyes roaming over her as she panted below him. He saw his ring, attached to the chain around her neck, pooling in the dip of her throat.
He bent to catch it up into his mouth, rolling it on the tip of his tongue. He bent to kiss her, softly, his cock aching to fuck her, the ring caught between their mouths.
"I love you," she breathed. "I've never stopped."
He smiled, the ring slipping to fall onto the bed near her ear. He would be putting that right back on her finger where it belonged. But first...
He slid into her, rolling his hips, revelling in the way she clenched around him, sucking him deeper. He couldn't hold it off any longer. He fucked her, hard, unforgiving, burying her into the mattress under the fire of his need. She clung to him, her nails scraping against his flesh and he savoured every scratch.
The sweat dripped from his face, the room was filled with the slap of their skin, the grunts and cries of their pleasure, and then he squeezed his eyes shut, hips bucking. Hot release spilled into her, and she squeezed her muscles, drawing every last drop from him.
They collapsed into a breathless heap of limbs, mouths seeking and finding each other in a long, slow kiss.
As their breathing calmed, and their flesh cooled, he drew the blanket over them both, holding her close. She looked sleepy, content. He kissed her forehead. As he settled onto the pillow beside her, holding her warmth close, he thanked every star for letting him get back to her.
His nightmares hovered over his shoulder, but he grit his teeth, willing them to stay away. Let him have tonight, just tonight, to hold her, to remember.
Tomorrow, the healing could begin for real.
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crusty-chronicles · 2 years ago
The Moon and Sun (Big Sib Reader x Gon/Killua)
Ch 10: Into The Thick Of It
Synopsis: Congratulations, you've just entered the NGL!!!! A place of isolation and now Chimera Ants 😃 Your first task, try not to break down and snap with all the bodies you come across. Good luck and may you keep your promises🤝
You weren't too happy to say the least. Once again, you had all piled into a jeep that was much too small for the amount of people riding in it. Smooshed in the front with Kite and the driver while the others were elbow to elbow in the back.
On the bright side, you didn't have to worry about being drooled on. But you did have to deal with two very pouty boys who weren't happy about the new seating arrangement.
"Why can't one of us just sit on your lap?" Gon suggested.
"Kid, I'm not a chair. And it's stuffy already with just three of us in the front. No way in hell I'm having another person next to me and one more on my lap." You were quick to shoot the idea down.
"Then sit in the back with us." Killua said, scooching over to make room.
But there was no way you were gonna sit in the back with four more people.
Not in this heat.
"You two can last one car ride without me. You're big boys, aren't you?"
A huff of irritation from the small assassin and a grumble from the boy in green.
To your surprise, a certain silver haired hunter decided to join in on the banter.
"Don't worry. I promise to take good care of them up here for you."
And the small, offended gasps from the two of them was enough to make you laugh. A bit of peace before the inevitable descent into the NGL.
So pouty and upset, they begrudgingly sat in the back. Not without making sure to poke you every now and then, just to get you to turn around.
The ride itself wasn't too bad with the driver making idle conversation.
"You heading to the NGL, huh? You know they believe that the best way to live is as naturally as possible."
Ah yes, you all totally didn't do any research whatsoever before coming here.
You really shouldn't give him any shit for that. He was just trying to help fill the silence. It's not like many people visited this place anyways. So to him, it was probably strange to see ten people asking to go all at once.
"They're pretty weird for living out there, but you folks are even weirder for wanting to visit em'."
Before you could question him on that, he continued on.
"I don't have a clue what's going on there, but I've already driven in about 10 big groups just like you guys today alone."
Perhaps more hunters who heard the news of a giant Chimera Ant? Still, ten groups of people? It was strange.
"Did you say ten?!?" Gon exclaimed, popping up from his seat behind you.
"That's right," the driver confirmed.
You, however, were a little concerned with something else.
"Seatbelt!" You scolded.
"Oh, right! Sorry." A small 'click' sounded off.
God, you really were starting to sound like a parent. What were you, Safety Sal? You really should stop babying them.
"So if most of the other groups are already arriving, then we're among the last." Kite noted, effectively snapping you from your thoughts.
"At least we'll have some help," you mumbled.
Oh how wrong you were.
They weren't kidding about the nature part. The entrance to the NGL itself was a pathway between two giant trees. You could sense people moving about inside them. A river separating the two territories.
A beautiful sight if you had to say. But there was that nagging feeling reminding you of how strict these people could be. Well, the government they had.
"Prepare yourselves everyone," Kite warned.
"The ants are a concern, but the NGL isn't the eco-friendly group it claims to be."
Right, the drugs. And where there were illegal drugs, there were probably illegal crime bosses. Thank goodness you didn't have to deal with that type of hell growing up.
Approaching the first tree, you already didn't like the men that greeted your group there. Smiles fake and disingenuous. Auras gross with deceit and annoyance.
"May I ask what brings you here?" Defensive too. About their people or secrets, you couldn't tell.
"We're on a hunt." Kite stated before continuing.
"A biohazard-class insect might have infiltrated your country."
The man let out a hum before answering.
"Well, if you're professional hunters, I'm certain you're aware that we cannot deny you entry into our land."
Ah yes. You were all totally hunters. Yup. Each and every one of you. Bonafide hunters.
You thanked whatever greater being was up there that nobody had outed you.
"Right this way." One of the men turned around and led your group in.
Like you expected, the Big Wigs in charge didn't enforce their rules onto themselves. Inside were various people typing away on computers. And if you had to guess why, it was most likely due to a loophole.
"Wait, you're using computers and machines here?" Killua confronted.
"We are not technically within the bounds of the NGL proper yet." One of the men answered.
And there it was. Five seconds and you already decided you despised this place.
"This area is used for diplomacy and trading information."
Diplomacy???? Didn't they communicate through letters??? And what other country would they be feuding with to need diplomacy? Weren't they isolated?
One look at this guy's aura and you could tell he was lying. Still, it would do nobody any good to call out their hypocrisy. You'd just have to suck it up and let it go.
"I see. Are there similar facilities within?" Kite questioned.
"No sir, not a single one. No machines of any kind are allowed inside the borders of the NGL." One of the guys answered.
"Of course, visitors aren't allowed to bring technology in with them either. We're very strict about that kind of thing." Another spoke up.
Wow, it was almost like they killed someone over that exact thing. Who would've thought?
God you hated primitive societies. Your respect was dwindling by the seconds.
"Which means you must remove metals, petroleum derived materials, and the like. Anything of that nature on your person before you can enter." The same man informed.
So long shitty sneakers and hello paper thin shoes.
"D-d-do you mean l-like my glasses!?!" Lin asked.
A shit eating grin on the man's face. Like he was purposely trying to get rid of as much people as he could with technicalities.
"That's right. If your clothes, belts, shoes, even your underwear contain any plastic, chemicals, or metal, you must remove them." He said eyeing the two girls.
"That isn't funny!" Spin snapped.
"You want us to strip naked!?!"
You stood protectively in front of the boys, sending a glare towards the man. Would you kill him depending on his answer?
Yes, yes you would.
"That's not necessary. All-natural clothing is available for purchase just upstairs." He said pointing to a small staircase.
You should have guessed they would've been money hungry. How else would they be able to afford all this nice stuff while their people suffered beyond the bend.
"And if there are any implants inside your body, dental implants, for example, made of gold, silver, or even silicon prosthetics that cannot be removed... I'm sorry to say, but you won't be allowed to enter."
Discriminating, are we? Wow, these guys are even worse than the shit you had to put up with.
"You understand." His smile was fake, aura cocky now that the size of your group was cut in half.
You know what? Maybe you should start rooting for the ants at this point.
You were in a bit of a dilemma at the moment.
You'd chosen clothes that were as close to what you were currently wearing as possible. So far so good, right? Welllll, the issue was just how the hell you were going to pay for them.
Truth was, you had not a cent to your name. Not even a flimsy wallet to open and have a fly come out of. Up until now, money had never really been a point of focus. Or at least up until two years ago.
You couldn't even afford shit clothes to bypass the NGL restrictions.
Which meant....
"Guess I have to stay behind after all."
How pathetic were you.
Unable to afford a basic 'necessity'. How the hell did you plan on taking care of two kids when you couldn't even take care of yourself? It was quite frankly disgraceful.
Unbeknownst to you, curious eyes watched your internal struggle. Everyone else was ready or close to being ready, and there you were clutching a shirt looking like somebody died. Dark circles impossibly darker.
Then he heard it.
"Guess I have to stay behind after all."
It immediately put a frown on the small boy's face. Gon just couldn't wrap his head around why you would say a thing like that. You'd all agreed extensively to come, so why were you backing out?
You'd been so adamant about coming, excited even. (Which was rare.) So it didn't make any sense. At least not until you mumbled out something else.
"Maybe I should've been a hunter. Least' then I'd have a few bucks to spare. Damn."
Was that what you were worried about?
You should've just asked.
It's not a big deal anyway. It was certainly nothing to be ashamed of considering he didn't get his first phone until Leorio bought him one. And it's not like him and Killua would say no if you needed help to pay.
The three of you were supposed to stick together. Were supposed to help each other. You were the big sibling and they were the little brothers.
He may not have been as well off as Killua, but he was still a hunter with plenty of funds to spare. Especially since beating Greed Island. If you needed something, he would gladly get it for you. Just like if they needed you, you would always be there.
Before he could pitch the offer, someone else approached you. Someone who he was getting the feeling liked being in your presence as much as you did his.
And Gon wasn't sure he was okay with that yet. But he appreciated someone looking after you. Someone his own father had trusted and now you did as well.
"Something wrong?" A familiar voice sounded from behind you.
Realistically, you should've sensed Kite's presence. But the stress of figuring out a way to pay had distracted you from everything else going on.
"Um... No?" Your voice cracked at the end. God, even you knew you didn't sound convincing. Even if you did, Kite could see you. He knew you were hiding something, and you knew that he knew.
It took him all of five seconds to figure out what was wrong. You hadn't made a move to change into NGL appropriate clothing. You were looking down with gears turning in that head of yours. And your aura was upset with disappointment.
You were a stubborn one alright.
"Here." A card was placed in front of you.
Your tired eyes widened. What was he doing? You looked up at him, mouth open and ready to protest because wow.
You didn't like asking for help. Didn't like owing people. Didn't like how they always seemed to expect something back in return for their good deed.
"Don't worry about it. We need all the help we can get, remember?" And you were completely flabbergasted by what Kite said next.
"Don't let a few travel expenses get in your way. Plus I don't think those boys of yours would be too thrilled if you couldn't go."
A smile and a small pat to your back.
"We'll be waiting for you when you're done."
There was no ulterior motive.
He'd done it simply out of the kindness in his heart.
You were not used to that. Not used to others doing things for you. It had warmth spreading across your face and you were glad the others couldn't see you. Getting all embarrassed over something small like this. (It wasn't all that small to you)
"I'll pay you back for this one day."
You'd mumbled it to yourself, but he barely caught it as he descended down where the rest of the group was.
And like before, he wouldn't mention it. But the soft smile he had was a telltale sign he'd heard you all the same.
Your group of ten had dwindled down to six. You and the boys and Kite with Podungo and Stick. Ever a growing pain in your ass, the NGL authorities ran several tests on all of you.
Past the first tree and into the second, where a lady informed the group of what was to take place.
"The inspection area is over there. Of course there's a physical exam, as well as an interview."
Sounded simple enough until she kept talking.
"Then once those are completed, there will also be X-rays, ultrasound, and metal scans."
You hated this place.
"Ultrasound? The hell are they gonna find with that. Surprise, guess who's pregnant?" Your comment was heard by the lady explaining things, who promptly laughed.
"Yes, well you'd be surprised by what we're able to pick up with that."
As long as they were just scans, you supposed it wasn't too outrageous. Now if they started poking and prodding, you'd break a machine or two.
"Security's rather tight," Kite noted.
The lady flicked on a light switch before continuing to speak.
"It is... because people have smuggled guns in by hiding the parts inside their bodies. We often find cameras or cell phones in people's rectums."
Your face scrunched up in disgust. Who the fuck was shoving a gun up their ass???
"Some have even trained animals to carry laptops across the border once they themselves were inside."
Okay now that one made more sense.
After the woman finished explaining, the testing began. Scans of your body and brain were taken. Some blood work was done, much to your dismay. And last but not least, the interview, which mainly consisted of questions about health and any possible criminal background.
It was draining, but you were somewhat glad the boys were fascinated by it. They got to have some fun despite the unusual circumstances.
"Well it looks like all of you are clean." The woman announced.
The same men from earlier were waiting by the exit as you all approached.
"Thank you all for your patience. You may enter now, and godspeed."
"Welcome to the NGL!"
The first thing you noticed was the air. It somehow felt cleaner. The second thing you noticed was the land outstretched before you. It seemed never ending. From the oaks down below to the prairie just before you. It was peaceful. Like home. (But you couldn't really call it that anymore, could you?)
Eagerly, your eyes scanned as far as they would go. So much to see with not enough time to enjoy it. No auras besides the one's next to you. Faint traces from the woodland creatures hiding away. Quiet too, but not eerily so.
Serene was the word for it.
You take it back. The NGL wasn't so bad afterall. Just the people in charge. It had you thinking back to kid with boots five sizes too big and a hand stitched shirt that was falling apart at the seams. A gap-toothed smile as they cartwheeled over an open field, laughing with another like the rest of the world wasn't there.
Your first stop in the NGL was a small barn for suitable transportation. Honestly, you should've known a monetary transaction would be involved. And yet it still surprised you.
12,000 jenny for just one horse. For one day.
You tensed up once more, trying to figure something out. You'd already wasted enough money that wasn't yours. You didn't want to waste anymore.
And yet.....
There was Kite, once again taking the brunt of the expenses.
Not because anyone asked him to.
But because he wanted to.
Justifying it with 'It's not a problem. We need a decent form of travel that won't drain us. Three should be just fine.'
It was mind boggling how nonchalant he was being about this. The same question of why. He didn't gain anything from doing this.
So why?
The same reason he had made you a real promise.
He was a good person.
You were not.
But you would try. You'd pay him back in full if it was one of the last things you ever did. He deserved that much at least.
Upon entering the stable, all of the horses trotted towards Gon and Kite. Neighing and making little content noises. Seems the part about animals liking hunters was true. It was an endearing sight, if you must say.
And that small part of your brain that liked to tease, just couldn't resist.
"Hey Snow White. Leave some horses for the rest of us, will ya?"
A light shade of red consumed Kite's face upon hearing you. The shade darkening as Stick spoke up with a 'Hahaha! I get it!' and Podungo with a 'I've never seen him this embarrassed before.'
You were going to be a distraction. (A pleasant one, albeit.)
You'd approached and lifted Gon up, helping him onto the horse that liked him the most. The other boy following close behind you.
"I'll be taking my dwarf back, thank you." Eyes crinkled with mischief and aura playful as you spoke.
"Yeah, so does that make you the wicked witch or something," Killua directed towards you while you lifted him up.
To which you responded by letting go and dropping him.
"Hey! I was kidding! Y/n don't be mad. Big siiib!"
"Don't you 'big sib' me, young man! And don't think for a second those puppy dog eyes will work on me! They're not nearly as powerful as Gon's!" You lectured with your hands on your hips. Scolding demeanor melting away at the sound of the other boy's voice.
"Please, Y/n. Help Killua." Honey colored eyes staring wide up at you. And he may or may not have done it to see if it was true.
"Gah! I hate it when you two work together against me. You little ghouls." You grumbled, lifting up the small assassin once more. Who seemed very pleased by the outcome.
It was funny in a way. How you could never really say no to Gon. It made him feel special. But he did wonder why. Did he remind you of someone you used to know?
You stared at the horse in front of you, who was already not liking you. And you didn't want to upset it further by attempting to hop on it.
"You've never ridden a horse before?"
You were once again too lost in your thoughts to notice Kite's presence. He was two for two today. In both surprising you and figuring out what was wrong.
"Course' not. Do I look like a cowboy to you?" Not only had you never ridden a horse before, you were also not the best with animals as it would seem.
"You know, I do kinda see it." A teasing grin of his own on the taller male's face. He was starting to get the hang of dealing with you and your smart aleck remarks.
"Har har. Now help me up this thing, Ranger Rick. If I try to get on by myself, I'm 80% sure it'll kill me."
"Only 80?" Kite hoisted you up, and for a split second you were surprised by his strength.
"Gotta give myself a fighting chance. I'm not a complete wimp." You gave a small pat to the top of the horse's head once you were seated.
"Could've fooled me." Kite had effortlessly climbed on behind you. The smell of pine and artificial sweetness filled your senses, the same way the scent of fresh rain filled his.
"Everyone ready!" Kite called out.
A resounding 'yes' from the five of you.
It was odd, what you were feeling. When you thought you'd sense a sizable amount of bloodlust, it would be gone in an instant. Making you wonder if it was even there in the first place. And just when you thought you'd managed to sense a person, the aura disappeared.
It didn't help that the NGL was so big. It didn't make things easier for you to assess. And you didn't want to sound the alarm for things that weren't there.
But you were suspicious.
Your eyes were never wrong. Your ability was never wrong. So just what the hell was happening, you couldn't be so sure. Maybe you were having an off day? The things you sensed were far away, too far for you to make an accurate assessment anyways.
At least the company was great. Stick and Podungo behind with Gon and Killua next to you. Kite seated behind you with the reins of the horse you dubbed 'Gordy.'
A very thicc boy who had warmed up to you after petting his head a few times.
There was, however, uninvited guests as well. Two 'translators' who as far as you could tell, were lying. They probably wanted to see if your group had managed to smuggle something in.
You could feel unease from Kite the deeper you descended into the NGL. He could probably sense it too. That something was off.
And while you didn't want to disrupt his train of thought, the tension radiating off of him was making your own anxieties flair. It was too early to panic and too early to worry. Nothing solid had been found yet.
So did what you had been wanting to do for a while. Now that his hands were occupied, you made a swipe at his hat, one that he didn't see coming and couldn't really stop.
"Told you I'd take it from you." Your smile was triumphant as you readjusted yourself and plopped his trademark hat on your head.
He was stunned for a second, processing what the hell just happened. Shock replacing the unease.
Did you just?
He looked down at you, noticing your smug expression as you twisted yourself to meet his eye.
"You don't play fair." He said at last.
You'd successfully distracted him once again. A bashful expression on his face.
And now that you could see him properly, an embarrassed one overtook yours as well.
Why was he so pretty?
Unawares of the thoughts going through his mind. The ones that said you looked nice with his hat falling down your face and covering your eyes. A familiar playful smirk right under them.
"Wow, pretty shady under here. I can actually see without the sun burning into my retinas. I hope you know I'm not giving this back."
A huff of amusement was heard.
"You're trouble, you know that?" He shouldn't be letting you distract him like this. He should be focusing on the current task at hand.
And yet, the playfulness from your aura kept pulling him in. Your crooked smile that was quickly becoming a favorite. That he had no idea wasn't there before.
"If I'm so bad, you would've stopped putting up with me at the airship." You did still feel a little guilty about that.
The exchange between the two of you not going unnoticed. A pair of icy eyes glancing over and frowning. Choosing to sit down properly since you hadn't noticed he was standing. Upset at the fact that your attention wasn't focused on him or Gon for once.
Killua was hesitant to let new people into his circle. He and Gon were best friends, and when that girl Ritz had tried to join, he hated it. He didn't like how easily she got along with Gon. Didn't like how he felt inferior in her presence because she was more helpful in 5 minutes than he had been the whole day.
But he was never forgotten or pushed away. Never disregarded. Only feeling insignificant because his family told him he would never have friends. That they would all leave him. But Gon had stayed.
Now there was you. You were a part of that circle now. And back at YorkNew, it was okay. You were happy in a way that was rarely seen. You'd all gotten swept away in the presence of new people. He minded a little, but let it go.
Because Killua was okay with friendship. But he was not okay with whatever this was. The cheeky smiles and blushy faces. He'd joked about it that first day you all met Kite. Teased you for it because he knew it would get on your nerves. But now that it was actually happening....
You'd forget about them if this continued. Leave them behind for him. You'd already refused to sit next to them in that car. You didn't offer to ride with them at the stable. You didn't even ask them for help when you couldn't pay. (Thanks Gon, for filling him in.)
It wasn't fair.
But he knew it wasn't really his decision to make. Wasn't really his place either. You'd already made up your mind the second you made that promise back on the airship.
Well fine. Then this guy would just have to prove himself if he was gonna take you away. And it would take a lot to impress this Zoldyck. Selfish or not, you were his big sibling. The first real one he had. The first good one. If he was being honest, you and Alluka were the only real family he had.
And the off chance you were just being friendly, that you didn't see Kite in any other way, then he'd back down. But the way you would just smile that crooked grin and tell him your secrets, said otherwise. The way Kite had started to subtly check up on you told him otherwise.
It'd been hours since you started the search for the Chimera Ant, but there was no luck. No sign of anything out of the ordinary. So begrudgingly, you all stopped to take a break and rethink things.
You joined Gon and Killua on the ground as they figured out alternate routes to take.
"I think we should follow along the coastline and check out all the villages. If we search them and nothing unusual turns up, then it's probably not even in this country." Gon speculated, pointing towards the map of the NGL.
It was optimistic at best to assume the ant wasn't here. Too much didn't add up for you to believe otherwise.
"Yeah, maybe. But that's assuming those guys were telling us the truth back there," Killua said in reference to the men back at the NGL border.
The ones who said they hadn't heard any news about a giant ant. The very same who said that if they had, their people wouldn't care.
Eyes fell on you for confirmation.
"They were not. But it's not like they could really do anything about the situation. Not as long as it didn't directly benefit them." You answered.
"And you didn't pick anything up?" Killua asked.
"It's hard to say and that's what worries me. Things keep appearing and disappearing. And everything I'm getting is very faint."
A beat of silence.
"They're still following us, aren't they?" Gon questioned.
The translators that had followed you here stood a little ways away from the expedition team. You thought they would've quit by now.
"Unfortunately. But try to ignore them, okay?" You gave a ruffle to his hair, feeling his mood lighten a little.
"They say they're here in case we meet unknown tribes and need interpreters or intermediaries. But they're obviously spies." Killua grumbled.
"My guess is they're hoping to catch us with technology so they can kick us out." Or execute you, but you wouldn't put that idea into their heads.
You sensed a familiar calm aura approach. You were glad you caught it this time, not wanting to be caught off guard for the third time today.
"Well I never expected the people here to be of any help," Kite admitted, catching the attention of both boys.
"But my instincts are saying... it's here somewhere." The three of you tensed at his words.
"And how accurate would you say your instincts are?" You lightly challenged. You didn't want to push, but you didn't exactly like the odds of anything that was less than certain. Not in this scenario.
"As accurate as those eyes of yours."
You were starting to have a bad feeling about this.
The six of you were back traveling on a rocky path. There was nothing you could do besides continue on, hoping for a lead since Kite had been so sure.
Another flicker of aura before it disappeared. Too far to tell if you were imagining things. But a sick feeling settling in your stomach said differently.
You couldn't tell if people were being killed or knocked out. Woken up or being born. Couldn't exactly see how many there were. Your eyes were becoming strained the more you pushed, so you eventually gave up.
You leaned back onto Kite who, surprisingly, made no move to take his hat back. A part of you was satisfied by the fact. The bigger part of you, however, was concerned.
He was serious now that his suspensions were confirmed. But underneath the calm, was a festering worry. Safe to say you both felt everything was not what it seemed.
You chose to divert your attention elsewhere, for the time being. Opting to check up on the others. Gon's aura was determined as always. He was okay. Killua's was starting to radiate unease. But the leading emotion was confidence. He was okay.
Podungo and Stick were nervous, and you couldn't really blame them. From what Kite had told you, they weren't the best at combat. If you did manage to confront a Chimera Ant, things wouldn't go so well for them. However, you could feel their trust as well. Trust that was most likely directed at Kite's ability to keep them safe.
You didn't bother with the two translators tailing the group. They weren't worth the effort. They hadn't necessarily done anything wrong, but their intentions were clear as day.
You sighed and focused your tired eyes up ahead. A nap was very much needed.
That noise...
It was loud.
And heading right towards your group.
Your face scrunched up at the small swarm of bees. They had traces of nen on them. How bizarre. Did they belong to a Chimera Ant?
Not likely.
There were no traces of malice or bloodlust. Just frightened desperation.
A scared nen user?
Your command had everyone reaching for their horse's reins. Your tone was one that left no room for argument.
The bees in question came closer, small bundles of paper clutched in their little arms. You could feel sadness from them.
Could insects be sad?
It seemed like it as they dropped the folded paper into Kite's hand, then one in Gon's. Kite opened up the small letter in front of you.
He leaned over your shoulder to read the message, aura growing heavy with tension.
R o C K Y AR E A
N O TI F Y H u N T ER A S S Oc I A T I On!'
A pit formed in the bottom of your stomach as you finished reading.
It was red ink, you told yourself. Just red ink. (Pens were not allowed in the NGL)
A hand reached for yours, folding your fingers to make signs.
'Not good. Dangerous. Can you three handle it?'
You were grateful for the temporary distraction this silent conversation gave. You didn't want to dwell on the 'red ink' for much longer.
'No backing out. My boys are strong. Can handle it. Ask yourself.'
Your signs were faster, but there was a noticeable tremor with your movements. And he briefly wondered what the cause of it was. You weren't scared, were you?
Kite would leave it for now. No point in putting more stress onto whatever had you feeling that way. So, he glanced over at the two boys who were watching with keen interest at your interaction.
"It'll be risky." He warned.
"You sure you wanna come along?"
The image of a small family torn apart because of hubris. He didn't want to see that. So Kite would confirm as many times as it took until he was convinced the outcome wouldn't happen. That these boys were tough and wouldn't die. That you would be strong enough to protect them and look after yourself.
"We're professionals, aren't we?"
You were right. Those boys didn't hesitate to give their answer. Resolve that almost mirrored your own in their eyes.
It would be enough, for now.
"Miss translator, I'm sorry. But we really must hurry." Kite informed one of the uninvited guests.
A small smirk made its way into your face at the implication of his words. Maybe just this once you'd show off.
"I'm sure the horses can gallop a bit faster if it's necessary." The translator offered.
"Sorry, sweetheart." You said as you dismounted from Gordy.
"I'm afraid we're gonna have to go on foot for this one. Sturdy as they are, the horses won't nearly be fast enough."
You walked over to Gon and Killua and helped them down. Both of them grinning up at you in anticipation.
You could hear Kite from behind you address Podungo and Stick. Letting them know to meet up with the rest of his team and inform the Hunter Association.
You could feel the fondness from his aura harden as he turned to face you three.
"Keep up or I'll leave you behind." Kite warned, who was surprised to see the boys already stretching.
"Yup, and right back at you." Killua said.
"Okay, I'm ready!" Gon added.
All three of you looking smug, like there was a secret just between the three of you. And there was. One that was sure to leave the silver haired hunter speechless.
You might've been a little rusty, but damnit if you weren't competitive. Especially with your little sun and moon egging you on.
"Ha! Watch it, princess. You're the one who's gonna have to keep up." Your aura was cocky.
Were you challenging him?
"Boys, what's step 3 of my ability?"
"Speed!!!!" They cheered as they finished stretching.
"Heck Yeah! So how's about I give you a head start? Let's see the progress you've both made since Greed Island!"
"I bet you'll have to use your nen this time!"
"Yeah! We won't make it easy for you to keep up!"
You crouched down to their level with a wide grin.
"Oh yeah? Tell ya what, if I can't catch up to you guys, then I'll carry you anywhere you want for a whole week."
Kite watched the interaction a little flabbergasted. You were testing the boys at a time like this? No, that wasn't right. You were playing with them in a way that felt like training.
Giving incentives for them to do better.
How completely odd.
But he couldn't deny the way your interactions with the boys had him softening.
'They'll grow on you.'
Yeah. All three of you were growing on him. Ging's son, the Zoldyck boy, and their protector.
"Let's go!" Kite took off with the boys hot on his trail. But not before stealing back his signature hat while you were distracted.
You let out a protest of 'Hey!' as they shrank away from your line of sight.
Their speed was decent, but not enough to give you any real trouble. You'd have to use nen. Just a smidge though. A damn shame. You were hoping to break in a good sweat.
You'd give them five more seconds to leave your base line of vision. You crouched down in a starting position, letting nen coat your legs for the first time in months. (Thanks for that Razor)
"You're not worried about them?" Kite questioned the duo.
"About Y/n? You've got a lot to learn about them." There was pride in Killua's aura as he answered.
"They're so fast, that even Genthru couldn't land a single hit with their leg broken." Gon bragged.
Both boys seemed to light up at the thought of you. Well your prowess, more like. But there was a swell of affection in their aura as well.
They really loved you, didn't they?
Kite's thoughts were cut short by a blur zooming by. A familiar tired presence accompanying it.
You could smell it before you saw it. A metallic coppery stench that stopped you in your tracks. All mirth gone from your expression. Like your very soul was taken from your body.
You didn't know exactly what was beyond the clearing, but you knew it wasn't good. You expected the possibility, but you didn't expect to come across it so soon. You weren't too sure if you were prepared mentally for whatever lied ahead.
You could sense three familiar auras approach, having caught up at last. Temporarily unaware of the sight they were about to see.
"Ah damnit, they beat us here!" Killua whined.
"I thought we really had them this ti- Y/n? Are you okay?" Concern quickly replacing the bright expression on Gon's face.
Your demeanor was stiff. Head hanging low and hands clenched. You didn't say anything, just pointed forwards.
What could you even say?
It was then that the scent of blood finally reached their noses. Kite was the first to enter the clearing, not wanting to waste anymore time if it was the worst-case scenario.
Killua was second, casting a regretful glance towards you before he left. There was nothing he could do that would make things easier for you.
Gon was the last, not wanting to leave you by yourself in case something happened. Your limits were understood and respected. He wouldn't push you to see if you didn't want to. And if you needed a moment to gather yourself before heading forwards, then you would have it. So he waited a little longer before Killua called out to him.
Disgust, shock, and anger.
Very different reactions you were sensing from each of them. Seems you were right to hang back. And yet, there was this nagging feeling telling you this wasn't right. You shouldn't be sitting back like a coward.
You had a job to do: track down the ants.
And no matter what, you had to follow through. You didn't want to be a burden. Didn't want to hold anyone back. There were temporary solutions to your little problem that would be wise to exploit right about now.
So you closed your eyes as you stepped forward, heading where the scent of blood was strongest.
You were used to the dark. Senses attuned to navigate it. And it wasn't like you would be completely lost, so long as you could sense the aura of the others. It would be enough to lead you for now.
"This is a bullet casing." You recognized the voice as Killua's.
"But I thought anything mechanical was forbidden here, isn't it?" It was Gon who spoke up next, aura radiating anger.
"Just because it's forbidden, doesn't mean it's impossible for things like this to exist here." Your tense demeanor hadn't changed, but you were there nonetheless. The feeling of eyes on you as you emerged from the underbrush.
"And it means the underground rulers of the NGL weren't only manufacturing drugs, but weapons." Kite confirmed.
The swirl of anger only increased in Gon's aura at the news. Seems you weren't the only one who hated the NGL.
"Hey, Killua. Give the bullet here for a sec."
You rarely called him and Gon by their names. Which meant.... Things must've been a lot worse than he thought.
He placed the casing in your outstretched palm. Your fingers traced around it, the tension on your face changing into shock.
"An automatic?!?" Not good. Horrific in fact if an ant had been the one wielding it.
"You're able to tell what gun it was?" Killua asked.
"I used to know a guy whose ability was a bullet that never missed. My best friend actually. Safe to say I know what I'm talking about. I'd give a visualization, but..."
"It's fine." You were doing what you could, so he and Gon would do what you couldn't.
You crouched down towards what you assumed was a puddle of blood. You activated your nen and placed your hand on top of what you realized was a lot more liquid than you were expecting.
It was just water. It was just water. It was just water.
Warm water that had been out in the sun for a while.
Water that stuck to your skin and stained it red.
Just water.
"Whoever this was stood no chance. If they were even human." You noted.
"Yeah but, judging by this...." Killua trailed off. Unease taking over the previous confidence.
"This wasn't a human's doing. Most likely, it was a Chimera Ant." Kite's words left no room for doubt.
Great. Now you had to deal with coked up ants wielding weapons. Just fantastic.
"If my instincts are correct and the Chimera Ants are using firearms now.... I hate to say it, but it's possible the NGL'S underground rulers have already been fed to the queen."
It was then that everything clicked for you. Everything you'd been picking up wasn't a strange coincidence.
"So my senses weren't off then."
"You mean the things disappearing and reappearing, right?" The anger from Gon was slowly dissipating, but still very much there.
"Yeah. People have been dying...And the Chimera Ants have been rapidly reproducing. If we don't pick up the pace, things are going to get worse for everyone." With that said, you made a small circle with your unoccupied hand, coating the space with your nen.
You wouldn't be able to stare head on at what happened here, but someone else could.
"Kite, let's confirm those suspicions here and now. Be my eyes for a bit and tell me what you're able to deduce."
It wasn't that you didn't trust the boys, but Kite had the most experience out of the two of them. He would be able to pick up on things they wouldn't have. And right now, you needed to be as precise as possible. No more messing around.
You felt a hand guide your wrist upwards. The disgusts from Kite's aura doubling at what he saw through your little spy glass.
Your ability had highlighted the scene in a way that felt more horrific than the carnage already there.
Small fragments of bone and bullet casings hidden away by the blood. Traces of saliva with a faint feeling of bloodlust. The most notable was a trail of dried bloody footprints leading away from the site.
Footprints that weren't human.
Your ability was proving to be more precise than his En. Whoever had trained you did a hell of a job. It was only a matter of how long you'd be able to hang on with your hemophobia. (Which wasn't hard to deduce from your reaction towards both the note and sight in front of you.)
He let go of your wrist, you and the boys waiting for his assessment.
"What'd you get?" You asked wiping your bloodied hand on your slacks. The nen you summoned long gone.
There was no beating around the bush. The ants were here, and they'd already begun consuming humans. Inheriting their brutality from the Underground rulers.
What was it you said?
If the ants had complex human thoughts, it'd be a lot harder to track them down?
"This will be an unprecedented biohazard."
All of you would have to be on guard.
Fun Fact #12: Y/n's favorite animal is the capybara.
Tage: @fandomhoe101 @justxiao
An: Originally, this chapter was gonna go all the way to the dreaded episode 86, but something happened and I'm going to need to take a short break from writing. So I figured I'd give y'all a shorter version of what I had planned. I'll only be gone for just a few weeks until I can sort myself out, then I'll be back stronger 💪💪 I just don't want to force myself to write and it doesn't come out good. So for now-
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seraphirism · 7 months ago
Hey Soll!! How are you?? Have a nice and good day ^o^!!
I want to talk about the voice of the girl who helps Master Also, she is the one who gave the seal to them... In fact, I expect that she and Muuchi are the same person, but her control over Muuchi is not sufficient? It's as if she knows everything from the beginning, and also how does she know about the Bulter ?? Is she previous master ? (In reality, I don't know if there was a previous master )
But her presence and Muu's presence are still very strange, and Muuchi does not remember that he helped the master What do you think? Have a good day <3
Sorry if my English is bad!!
hiya, anon!! I’m doing well (*≧∀≦*), how are you 💞? thank you for coming to discuss this with me and letting me know your thoughts 💖!! I’ll add my thoughts as well; though we don’t have much information about the voice so these are only my thoughts.
also, anon, please don’t apologise for your English 💞!! your English is good! English isn’t my first language either. (and we should not respect English as a language enough to care about making mistakes in it hehe 😃✨)
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[for context; I’m speaking about the voice that talks to Aruji the first time they come to the aknk world and the one that talks to them when the butlers are under control of their demons. also, isn’t the voice the same as the person/entity as the pink eyed cat? I’m assuming it is?]
i haven’t seen people talk about that voice/the cat (with pink eyes) too often unfortunately, but they play an extremely important role! [they have their own voice actor (a girl) too! but their gender isn’t known I think?]
i mean, if it wasn’t for them guiding Aruji, Aruji would never have been able to help butlers when they’re under the influence of their demons.
they’re also the first person that makes contact with Aruji, way before the butlers ever did in Aruji’s own world (the real world/our world).
they knew about the existence of the devil butlers, the despair they carry in their hearts and a way for Aruji to save them.
it’s rather strange and we have no information about them 😭 like are they a demon, a person or as some people say, are they related to Belen?
also, something else I noticed just recently! the voice talking to Aruji/MC tells Aruji that they don’t want the butlers or Aruji to have regrets in their heart when they finally die (?) why would would MC have had regrets in their heart if they had continued living their old life and never have met the devil butlers?
moreover, anon, while we do not have it confirmed in the main story, I do believe there may have been previous Arujis before MC ✨!
the ring our MC uses may have existed way before and Berrien used to contact the Arujis at that time with it too. also, Boschi’s reaction to Aruji gave it away too that there was an Aruji before them too + Lono said at the time that he hopes MC doesn’t die and he says this in a very ominous way? he could have meant it due to the fear of angel attacks but his way of saying it had kind of another meaning behind it, as if there were other Arujis like MC who died too.
so is an Aruji always present with the devil butlers (a new one coming after the old one dies) or does one come every few years? hmm 🤔
also, even though there may have been Arujis before MC, they did not have the power to save butlers from their demonisation/when they are under the control of their demons. that we know, since Berrien (one of the very first two devil butlers) was unfamiliar with it (other Arujis did not have it.).
so the voice person is new; meaning they may not have been contact with the previous Arujis.
and yes, Muu does not some seem to remember the voice at all or being possessed by it.
coming to the topic of him, who is Muu anyway? how can he talk despite being a cat?
Elvira (the fortune telling witch of the north) thought Muu was a familiar of a witch (because he could speak). I wonder why Muu was specifically picked by that person to stay with Aruji and be a medium for their communication?
[also! I just remembered something! in the first episode of the main story, in which MC talks to a black cat, wears the golden ring dropped by it and is taken to the aknk universe, the voice tells MC that it will meet them very soon in another place.
and then in the coming episodes, Muu drops from the sky in a box. could it be interrelated? or could Muu be just a vessel for that person?]
all of this is my speculation/theories so it might be all wrong 😭 we’ll get information about all this in chapter 5 I think so hopefully we can expand more on it, and be able to talk about it ✨💗
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Thank you for the ask anon! I’m glad i got to talk about it (with the little information i had!) anon, if you are more comfortable sending asks in your own language (japanese, I’m guessing?), feel free to do that 💖!!
also, anon, what do you think about the magical robes/魔法服 the butlers use fighting angels? Berrien said that without Aruji’s power, the clothes are useless. how do you think they came to be?
I hope you have wonderful day ahead, kind anon (*≧∀≦*)!! also, I apologise for answering this ask this late; I was going to answer it earlier but I was busy with school work 😭
please free to send another ask about your thoughts about anything else 🫶! have you read chapter 4 yet? what are your thoughts about it 💞?
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marshallpupfan · 10 months ago
Marshall Merchandise Update! (4-30-24)
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You know, I often try to find new ways to open these posts, instead of the usual "it's been a while" and whatnot. I tend to fall back on that anyway, since I'm never sure how to change it up otherwise. So... uh... hey, it's been a while since I've posted one of these, huh?
Guess I'll change it up a little by taking the picture on my desk. You'll get to see most of the little figurines I have around my monitor. Might just give you a peek at other favorite animated characters of mine. :)
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First off, this Valentines Day-themed plush! I kept hoping for it to show up at my Walmart, but it never did, strangely enough. I was only able to find it on Amazon. I wonder why?
This plush is actually very similar to five I already own, except Marshall's holding something different, of course. Unlike the other Valentines plush dolls, in which one has him holding a Valentines letter while the other's two hearts linked together, this one has him holding onto a heart with a paw print on it. Pawsome!
I'll admit, I keep hoping they'll branch out and make some based on other holidays and whatnot. How about Marshall or Chase holding a four-leaf clover for St. Patrick's Day? A harvest cornucopia for Thanksgiving? Something for New Year's? Fourth of July? The ideas are there, I dare say. Maybe someday, who knows.
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Next up is another plush, which is quite similar to the above, only it's half the size and Easter-themed! Unless I'm mistaken, this is the first time they've made smaller versions of this particular plush style, although the idea itself isn't new to PAW Patrol merchandise. Also like the above plush, I wasn't able to find it in stores, either. It, too was purchased off of Amazon. They also made one of Chase and Skye, and because they wouldn't sell them separately...
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... I now own all three. Ah well, that's not so bad. Only one will find a spot on my shelves though... er, eventually. I've been lazy and haven't found a place for the last six items I purchased. Someday, I swear! 😅
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Last, but not least, this Marshall squirt gun from "SAMBRO"! This, I believe, is a brand new item that released just this year... and, unless I'm mistaken, it's currently only available in the UK! Yup, it's another imported item! A good friend seen this at one of her stores and knew I'd want it, and since my birthday's coming up soon, she sent it to me as a gift! I've already thanked her, but she'll likely see this post, so I'll say it again. Thank you so much! 😃
That's all for now! From what I've heard, Rescue Wheels merchandise will finally release in the United States around June, so of course, you know I'll have my eyes peeled for those! Then again, I might have to wait a bit, since I've been collecting other things lately (non-PAW Patrol stuff), and that's been taking a chunk of my money. I think I collect a little too much sometimes... but given it's stuff I enjoy a lot, it's all been worth it so far. lol
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akkivee · 1 year ago
mentally ill about stage mtr if i’m being quite honest lol:
god like…………………………. this is some of the hardest loss i’ve been struggling to process i can’t imagine anyone else playing such a flawless 2.5D sensei other than ayukawa-san 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
he and hayami-san had the time of their lives making dad jokes in front of thousands lol during their cross talk and i’ll never forget the slight awe he had when hayami-san made a pun using his name lol
it was a sun = taiyou kinda joke iirc and i feel like he did use it further down the line 😭😭😭😭
UGH ugh uuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh god the stage mtr scene i never stop thinking about was their rep live skit, the last one i think????? where dohifu got into hijinks trying to stop sensei from doing his job bc they were worried he’d consumed alcohol via treats hifumi brought
they wound up circling him and then lifting him off the ground in a very strange but hilarious sequence of events and jakurai laughingly told them it’d been a very long time since he’d been carried in any sort of fashion and he thanked them for bringing fun into his life EXCEPT!!!!!! ITS AN AD-LIB AND IM CERTAIN THAT WAS AYUKAWA-SAN TOUCHED BY HOW MUCH FUN HE WAS HAVING WITH THEM I HATE IT HERE
i can’t remember which day of bop2023 it was but in that mad scramble of wardrobe changes he accidentally had a button left undone on his tdd jakurai shirt and i know how that sounds that i noticed it but the way he smoothly buttoned it as he descended stairs is even more seared into my brain lmao
ayukawa-san is buff as hell lmao the ease at which he carried ramuda during king of kings was immaculate lmao and i’m not strong enough to pretend like i didn’t imagine a gym bros hitojaku au based on how swole they are lmao
he breached the 190cm mark in height and the way he reacts to others reacting to his height cracks me up lmao throwback to that one time he walked in to record bright and dark i think and one of the staff just blurted out, ‘you’re huge!!!!!’ and ayukawa-san responded, ‘i sure am!!!!! 😃’ LOL
in the interest of talking about the other actors i’m cutting myself off but i’m not joking when i say i hate here pls i always quote this but hayami-san was so right when he said the stage actors can’t just be easily replaced, they are the characters for a lot of people too 😭😭😭😭
hirofumi-san’s hifumi was peak host ngl lol
the bat and mtr actors got along insanely well after their play and the way hirono-san and ide-san bullied hirofumi-san only for it to just like, bounce off the man bc he was that self assured and a diva is so funny lmao but that’s exactly why his host hifumi was flawless lol
not that his hifumin wasn’t fun either!!!!!!! stage hifumin doesn’t get to be as silly as his canon counterpart so i can’t blame hirofumi-san for that lol
but his switch from hifumin to host is so insane like i don’t have words to describe how it rotted my brain tbh lmao
so like, i definitely mourned kodai-san’s doppo when he left the role but ik it was bc i liked how obvious he played doppo’s crush on jakurai LOL
ide takuya had me by the balls the moment i saw him tho but we’ll get back to that in a sec lol i still weep over the puppy dog eyes kodai-san always gave sensei lol
throwback to that time he asked sensei to pump his stomach (iirc) and was very disappointed when jakurai shot him down before he could finish the sentence LOL
vocally, i like his doppo a smidge 🤏 better like his screaming hits different than ide-san’s and i do find myself missing it sometimes listening to stage mtr’s older songs lol
but enough about him let’s talk about idedoppo LOL
i’m not kidding when i say i stanned from the the moment i saw him but i am uniquely weak to long haired punks you can’t put him in front of me and expect me to not accept him immediately LOL
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him messing with hirofumi-san for not being able to do finger choreography and hirofumi-san tickled by being messed with 🥺🥺🥺
(hirofumi-san very much could do the finger choreography when it mattered btw lmao)
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Honeymoon trip of Kojiro and Kaoru and Carla ~ At the Space (July 13th until July 15th 2021)
They've reached an unknown place in space! What mysteries will they find?
They reached a planet and stood guard, back to back. Kaoru: Carla, place recognition. Carla: Processing place recognition. Recognition completed. There doesn't seem to be any danger around the area. Kaoru: Thank you very much, Carla 💕 Recognize the area as I move. Carla: Motion recognition activated, Master. They stood for a little while in silence and…. Kojiro: Okay, what do we do now? Kaoru: Take photos of the strange vegetation, but don't go too far away. I'm going to investigate the area. Kojiro: Okay Kaoru, but you don't go too far away either. «I thought the honeymoon was for the two of us to be together…» - thinking.
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Kaoru: Well, here I am. Over there I found a place that looks interesting. Follow me, Kojiro. Let's explore it some more. Kojiro: Shall I keep taking pictures? Kaoru: Of course not, I just wanted to keep you entertained while I was investigating. Kojiro: Entertained… Kaoru... 😒💢 And they started to explore together the area that Kaoru indicated.
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Seeing that there was no danger and no one... They took some souvenir photos of them. Although that there was no one, Kaoru wasn't very sure...
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Kojiro: Kaoru, we're married and on our honeymoon, will you stop leaving me behind? Kaoru: I thought you weren't interested in me, this space thing…. Kojiro: Kaoru, do you think I would have accepted it as one of our honeymoon options if I wasn't interested in it too? Kaoru: I thought you only accepted for me. Kojiro: Because of you and because I like it, if I didn't like it I'd be inside the rocket now. Besides, you're putting passion into it, even if you deny it! They thought it was a good idea to go see more of the planet and… Kojiro: Look at this kind of plant, it looks like a cactus. I'll take a picture of it. Kaoru: That's right, Kojiro take a sample and put it in this bag. Kojiro: Are you going to investigate it? Kaoru: Have you seen my scientific face? It's for the people who helped me with the ship's plan and materials. Kojiro: That was the deal? Kaoru: Yes. And Kojiro took a sample. Although he wasn't so sure if it was the right thing to do. Kaoru: Oh, look at this other one. It looks interesting too.
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Oh, what is that? Or rather who is that???!!!! Kojiro and the alien look at each other and... Kojiro: «A beautiful woman lost in this world?» - thinking.
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Kaoru arrives at Kojiro's side and introduces himself to the alien. The alien introduces herself, her real name is Polarization Worker number 27030707.
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Polarization Worker number 27030707, says they're on planet Sixam, she comes here looking for his brother Polarization Worker number 01052211, since she hasn't heard from him in a long time.
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Kojiro walked through the door that Polarization Worker number 27030707 points them out as the fastest method to... but any of the two hears her and Kaoru had to follow him. Where would that door lead them to?
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Kojiro followed the instructions until Kaoru arrived at his side.
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Kaoru: Dimwit gorilla how can you think of crossing without knowing where you are going? Kojiro: I have a hunch, I know we are in a safe place. 😃 Kaoru: Hunch… 💢
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Kojiro: You see? My hunch didn't fail, we are at home. I wonder how we made it all the way home and not to... Kaoru: A black hole? Kojiro: No, towards Italy. Kaoru: Damned gorilla! We're very lucky that a portal has been created under our house. Very lucky! Kojiro: I'm sure it was that beautiful woman.
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They changed clothes and went to pack the next suitcase.
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And this is the end of their trip to Space… Next destination, Italy! In the next post a moment of Ainosuke and Tadashi while Kojiro and Kaoru aren't at home.
SK8 MainStory:
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barmadumet · 2 years ago
Tag game to better know you
Thanks for the tag @thetorontokid ❤️ This feels very aol 1998 and I love it!!
What book are you currently reading?
Nothing 🫣 I started Brotherhood and never finished it if that counts as “currently reading.” I will finish it when time allows!
What's your favourite movie you saw in theatres this year?
I don’t think I’ve been to the moves since TROS 😂
What do you usually wear?
LOTS of t-shirts of all different sizes depending on mood. And they’re worn with jeans, cargos, or skirts. Love a good kimono to dress it all up.
How tall are you?
What's your star sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
Scorpio ♏️ I have the same birthday as Ming-Na Wen! Which is fun, bc Star Wars, but also bc I was obsessed with Mulan when it came out and all through my teen years… so much so that I put a dragon on my class ring instead of the school mascot like a normal girl 😂
Do you go by your name or a nickname?
Nickname here (Barma) and a different nickname irl.
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
I was supposed to be an unwed psychologist with 4 cats. None of those happened 😂 (I have always had strange ambitions 🤷🏻‍♀️)
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
See above lol - Married! 💍
What's something you're good at vs. something you're bad at?
I’m good at putting myself in other people’s shoes. I can find sympathy for ANYONE even if popular opinion says it isn’t deserved. I’m always looking for the reasoning behind a person’s actions and am quick to defend.
I am very bad at taking criticism, so much so that I’ll avoid putting myself out there at the risk of negative feedback. I am a perfectionist, and I’m bad a failing! I’d rather not even try than run the risk of failure. This online persona has helped with that tho 😊 Barma is less afraid 💪
Dogs or cats?
See above lmao - Cats! 🐈
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what's your favourite picture/favourite line/favourite etc. from something you created this year?
Idk if my writing counts since the chapters I’ve put out so far this year were originally written last year or the year before… so I’ll say my Valentines obikin photo session 😃
What's something you'd like to create content for?
I just want to keep doing the obikin thing, because it makes me happy. Fingers crossed for new story ideas after the current WIP wraps. 🤞
What's something you're currently obsessed with?
Well, it’s always going to be Star Wars, but specifically rn, I’m finding a renewed appreciation for Boga🦎 It’s a whole healing process thing.
What's something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
2023 is still young! I am excited about May 4th this week, finishing my fic in July, and my road trip to get a tattoo to commemorate it. REALLY hoping none of those will be disappointing.
What's a hidden talent of yours?
Financial planning/advising. No, it’s not what I do for a living, but I’ve often helped friends, family, and even businesses with creating budgets, debt consolidation, and all that good stuff. Maybe it’s what I should be doing for a living, but that whole fear of failing thing 🤷🏻‍♀️
Are you religious?
I can’t not be. I’ve experienced way too much 🕊️
What's something you wish to have at this moment?
WELLNESS! I’ve been sick for over a week now.
I want to tag everyone! So if you see this, and want to do it, please do! But here’s a handful of friends bc I like to follow protocol 😂
@kana7o @unspuncreature @justaminion @wibzen87 @tunglo NO PRESSURE!
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pearlescentparade · 6 days ago
hihi it’s 🍡anon again :> I have the next part done so I hope no one minds my yapping😃😃
Also btw i just want to say that I love your work sm and it really brightens my day to see you well and post ^_^ keep it up and remember to take breaks and take care of yourself!! I wish you health, and more then wealth I wish you (platonic ofc) love/ref
Reader yells as they’re practically dragging traffic along, flailing their free arm around as if to shoo the books away. lightblox and ghostdeeri were just ahead as they ran between the book shelves, manoeuvring through tight spaces and sharpe twists and turns. The flying books weren’t too far behind them, slowly gaining on them as reader mentioned. 
“There should be an empty storage room nearby, we could take shelter there” ghostdeeri brought up as she had lightblox close to her, sheltering her as they finally made it there. The two entering first, ghostdeeri holding the door open as reader and traffic enter next. the door slams shut as everyone is trying to catch their breath from running, the faint sound of banging coming from the books ramming themselves at the door could be heard too. 
“We should be safe in here…” ghostdeeri said, still trying to catch their breath
“…I don’t think we’re alone…anyone else hear that..?” Reader said in a whispered voice as a small movement caught their attention, the sound of what they assume to be flapping could be heard for a split second. They were able to pinpoint where the sound came from, it seemed one of the books made it in the room with the others and was clinging onto traffic’s back. 
Reader cursed at themself as they fumbled to remove the sentient book off of traffic who flinched at their sudden movement. Eventually reader is able to pry the book off, struggling a little to hold it in place as it resisted. Lightblox goes over to traffic to make sure that he was alright and not hurt. 
Traffic heaves a sigh of relief as the book’s grasp was removed. “Thanks lil’ dude, and thanks for saving me back there man”
“It feels strange how only a select few of the books turned sentient..” ghostdeeri brings up as reader nods in agreement, using some objects in the room to hold down the book. “You’re right, it certainly is odd…hey traffic, did you notice anything before the books started flying?”
Traffic brought a hand to scratch the back of his head as he thought hard, “not really, though I did notice a few other people here before the books started flying”
“do you remember what they look like? They could help us find out who caused this”
“Alright, from what I deduced it seems that one of these villains is the cause of this. Double Dave, Tammy 10-spot or even Steven (what are these names that the show has created for the villains😭😭).”
“..how do we know who actually did it..?” Lightblox nervously questions to which reader responds, “well, each villain has a ‘thing’ for numbers. Dave likes doubling numbers, Tammy likes counting by 10’s and Steven goes for even numbers.”
Reader points to the restrained book’s spine which had the number ‘40’ on it. “Every book has a number on its spine, so if we catch some of the books the numbers might just help us find out which villain did it.”
“Wait-“ traffic suddenly spoke up, “you mean, catch the flying books with our hands?”
“Well, I wouldn’t use your feet…that’s kinda my thing”
I’ll probably slip this into 1-2 more parts cuz there’s no way Im writing it all in one go💀💀
WOOHOO!! ANOTHER PART!! idk if this makes sense but this concept reminds me of shows like sharkboy and lavagirl or henry danger !! i can smell the cgi that would b used here HSAUDSH
AND THANK U ?!?! its so sweet hearing that u guys get happy whenever i post ueue there's been so much support recently and it makes me feel more than grateful that u all care sm for me :'] its very sweet
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hoghtastic · 9 months ago
„The majority of her eyebrows are drawn in, so does this still count? 😂“
Lmfao I thought the same exact thing. The majority of her brows are makeup. It’s not even the ginger ging. She just doesn’t have a lot of eyebrow hair. But I understand what the anon is saying. She just looks psychotic.
I think that she isn’t the sweet vulnerable girl she’s trying so hard to display. I would be dead embarrassed if someone would’ve caught me copying art from another female artist and then even more embarrassed that I was caught lying about not knowing the artist 😱! Double caught! But she just deleted everything mad quick, blocked the one that called her out and moved on posting her selfies 👀
I‘d also feel very strange about moving from one „best in the world“ man to another and my new man hiding me while I am confirming shit for his fans 🤦🏼‍♀️ I wouldn’t want to be the one who pushed the relationship public while my guy is silent! I wouldn’t want to follow all of his people and family before he followed mine. And to this day, he has only followed her 3 besties and a year later his sister and her moms „account“ and her work colleagues. While she followed 100 plus people he knows.
I‘d feel super awkward if my best friend was posting herself in my man‘s blazer naked. She thinks it’s hot.
I‘d feel embarrassed about making his Hermes fashion week moment my moment and my man trying to help me and my career (the suit collaboration scam) for the 100th time instead of me just fucking stepping back for a minute while he is shining!
I‘d feel weird about posting Rick Rubin‘s quote when I am not even an artist. Johanne is literally just someone who’s singing what other people give her. She’s not creating anything herself, we have no knowledge of her playing an instrument or composing anything and we know how lame her podcast covers were. She just takes herself soooo seriously.
I‘d feel weird about trolling his fans by displaying my power over future Alex content to them and not finding another smart way to get my point across
But she doesn’t care she just continues her self-centered show
Thank you for adding some more thoughts into this discussion, anon! 😃 Personally, I think you've made a great summary and a lot of valid points! I'd also like to add that, in her place, I'd feel really bad to push my boyfriend into attending some movie premiere (especially one neither of us starred in!) when he was still recovering from his knee surgery and barely able to walk, just because being seen together with him and finally having an official, public confirmation of our relationship was more important than his recovery and well being... 🤦‍♀️😅
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literally-inlove · 3 years ago
hi!! i saw that you asked for ideas on Komi Shousuke, so im here :D
how about:
1.reader meets shousukes family/or reader goes out with the family too see the komi siblings' aunt and uncle!
2.reader and shousuke's relationship gets exposed through the school and they actually dont get back lash. how would shousuke's PDA change?
thank you for your time <3
It's our lord and savior. 🙏 Sweetleige, I am in love with you. I am on my knees for you. 🛐
You are now the love of my life.
You can be 2nd. Ramuda is number 1.
── ・ 。☆*☽*☆゚.──── ・ 。☆*☽*☆゚.──
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Shousuke and his secret s/o get found out by the school ( ˊᵕˋ ; )
── ・ 。☆*☽*☆゚.──── ・ 。☆*☽*☆゚.──
Now Shousuke is a very quiet person.
Unlike his sister, Shousuke is a quiet person because he wants to be a quiet person. He doesn't like social interaction.
Quite the rare sight when he does talk. Soak it up if he does.
To say the least, he didn't expect falling in love. On his main list, his s/o has to be sweet, loving, and most importantly on the list, patient.
Did you fit those requirements? Maybe you fit one more than the others.
Naturally, you had to confess first. You just said it to him so that he knew and you could get over your crush. But he strangely said he had an interest in you as well?
He didn't so much say. He kinda just gave you a hug and nodded into your neck.
So now you two are officially together. 👍😃
You both kept it a secret. He kept his distance from you and you did the same (Didn't stop you both from admiring each other from afar).
You did talk rarely to not make anyone suspicious. And by talk, I mean it's just you rambling to him and he pretends he's not listening to a word you're saying.
But I'll tell you this once. This boy remembers everything about you. From your birthday, to the exact day you stepped foot into his house as his s/o. He remembers.
Now comes the fun part.
How does your school find out?
You're upstairs in his room and you're giving him all sorts of cuddles on a Saturday at noon. The usual.
And normally at this time, his family knows not to bother him. It's his time. They're either making lunch or watching TV..
What he didn't know was that people were coming over, so he didn't lock his door.
To make things worse, it was the Tadano siblings, Hitohito and Hitomi.
Hitomi is a very talkative girl. She doesn't stop talking. And once she knows something about Shousuke, she doesn't keep quiet about it.
Hitohito went over to study with Shouko, and Hitomi just tagged along. And Najimi also invited themself over.
Komi Shuuko, the mother of the house, thought Hitomi already knew. Since the girl was kinda Shousuke's friend. Not really. Just sorta?
And the way Shuuko said it. Should've just kept her mouth shut. "Shousuke and his s/o are up in his room."
... His what now?
Hitomi was in a state of confusion. Shousuke, an antisocial boy who appears to hate everyone, managed to get himself an s/o???
Hitomi ran faster than Sonic up the stairs and slammed the door wide open.
Shousuke was laying on your chest, so the sound made him jump and bump his head on your chin.
Hitomi fears nothing. So his glare didn't stop her from telling the whole school.
His fanclub were actually okay with it cause let's admit it... You're gorgeous. 🙄
A gorgeous guy with a gorgeous s/o. Perfect couple right there.
The benefits to the school knowing are that you can go back to being by his side.
Lunch dates at school.
Long conversations (Of you just blabbering on about something and him occasionally speaking).
Speaking of which, Shousuke talks more around you.
You'd catch students sometimes stalking you both to hear him speak but he knows so he doesn't speak at all.
He enjoys hearing your voice so he doesn't do it often but he does it more than before.
His family loves you.
His school loves you.
He loves you more than everyone else COMBINED.
Hope you're committed cause his first love will be his only love in his life. 🙂
Overall, patience is key. You were patient to reveal your relationship but SOMEONE had to reveal it.
He doesn't care.
Now everybody knows you're taken.
── ・ 。☆*☽*☆゚.──── ・ 。☆*☽*☆゚.──
He is a boy who has NO RIGHTS being so attractive. We love him. I love him. Everyone loves him. Shousuke is beautiful. (But I'll forever love Najimi and Kaede more)
Najimi in that one point: (๑꒪▿꒪)/⁉
I'm convinced that Shuuko adopted Najimi. Kinda saw them and went, "This one loud. I like."
Request Options!!
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b000mbayah · 3 years ago
I’m addicted to ur aespa yandere!! can you do how yandere!aespa would react if reader thought and accused them of cheating please?
Ahhh- thanks anon! Happy to hear you feel so fond of my yandere!aespa 😅😃
Yandere Aespa reaction to reader accusing them of cheating.
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Bloodshot eyes and grinding bone-whale white teeth. She looks insane. The way she's staring at you, pinning you down with a single look- a glare.
It was a single thought that expanded into many and why? It's because of her suspicious behaviour and secretive activities. She'd leave the house for hours at a time, sometimes returning in a new set of clothes you had never seen before.
You didn't see a problem in voicing your concerns, but it's clear now that Karina didn't think the same. Instead of being civil and comforting you, she had succeeded in hitting that fearmomoter where it does best, yelling and throwing curses your way with no empathy left to spare.
"You really think I'd do something like that?!" Karina's voice was sewn down and laced with heavyweight annoyance. Her fingers graced her hoodie, a hoodie she had just arrived home in, a hoodie you haven't seen before.
"You haven't even tried to hide it! It's ridiculously obvious!" You cry, eyes smudging to focus on her face and lungs drowning in heavy breaths of salted tears. "Tried to hide what? This make-belief relationship that I have with someone else?!"
"Yes! That exactly… you know- I thought you loved me and I was just beginning to believe I loved you too. But clearly I was wrong" you flee, teared slipstreams ranging down your face and dribbling down your neck, eyes red and puffy and teeth clattering from the heartbreak.
By the time Karina could say anything else, you were gone. She hesitantly looks to the door you were last seen at, a single tear now brimming her eye.
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A foul scoff had left her lips, eyebrows straightened and face relaxed into a resting state. It was freaky, her face has always had a warming smile and sparkle in her eye that could smoothen anyone in a look- but right now that's gone. "That's what you think of me?"
"That you're a cheater? Yeah.. maybe I do" you scoff back, eyeing her carefully- her next action still unknown to you as she edges closer.
"Well maybe I think you're lacking effort here"
You fake laugh, pretending to wipe away the tears that came with "That's real funny- coming from the distant one" what was meant to be a simple communication task, set by your relationship counsellor had turned into a preschool fight. Weak and half hearted insults were just randomly thrown in, a mocking tone in both your voices and stances grubby like your stressed mind.
"You're acting like you're any different!" She half yells, eyelids shutting as she yells out, her hair falling over her shoulder with the turn of her head. It was quickly growing old but neither of you wanted to lose the kid-like fight going on so you continued till one passed out of exhaustion…
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She had gone quiet. Her brain was playing a game of cluedo to try and figure out what you meant. "How is she?" It's a strange question to ask, were you talking about winter, maybe her mother? "Pardon?"
"The other girl you're seeing, how is she?" You weren't 100% if what you thought was true, but it had hit close to that line.
"I-Im not seeing anyone. No one that's not you" her heart was now clenching, mind pouring to find anything to solve the situation in a way that will have you cuddling with her in bed by midnight tonight. Though, the odds of her being successful are basically dead.
"You used to tell me that I was the only one for you- that I'm your perfect match- that only I could make your heart skip those dangerous beats of love and affection-"
"But you are! You are now and forever y/n!" Her voice was growing squeaky and high pitched from the sobs that approach the back of her throat, tingling and itching the moistened skin within. "Please- I need you to trust me my love, please, please, please..?"
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When you had first asked her about your suspicion, she had ignored you. Ningning was just too busy to talk about your growing concern and heartbreak, and this only worsened it by a long shot, so much so that you had slammed your first hard onto her desk with rage.
"What? There's nothing to worry about dear, go back to bed" Ningning had practically shooed you, only sparing you a glance and a short sentence before going back to her computer.
"No, not until you tell me what you're doing up at this time. Are you talking to someone else? Another girl perhaps?" Ningning rolled her eyes, continuing to type words in the text box provided on her Emails.
"If you're concluding that I'm cheating, then think again" you bit your lip, hand slapping her for the careless behavior. Did she not care that you're clearly upset? Or maybe she just doesn't care about your relationship enough to show emotions anymore.
Either way, she'll regret it later…. Maybe?
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Hey do u think u could do Coops or O’Knutzy adopting a child and then like surprising the team with him/her? I love your fics they are all so wonderful and they never fail to make me smile 😃!
So I’ve been sitting on this a hot minute and it hasn’t left my head. And thank you for the love, much appreciated! I’m glad you like them!
There may be more to this? I got carried away writing it and got away from the prompt a bit but here is the part that is the team meeting O’knutzy’s newest little Lion.
Also, it’s like 1:30 am and I did not proof this, I am sorry. Enjoy?
Credit to @lumosinlove for creating these lovable hockey boys and the entire SW universe, and letting us run away with it! You truly are amazing!
The Cubs had been acting weird for weeks. They seemed extra stressed, but whenever anyone on the team confronted them about it, they shrugged it off. It was just the beginning of the season, after all, they had no need to be that stressed. And as far as anyone could tell, nothing else had been going on with them. The Cubs had been together three years at this point and had gotten engaged in the last off season. The team thought maybe wedding planning was getting to them, but they hadn’t set a date and were planning to enjoy a long engagement. They figured they’d get married in the offseason like Cap and Loops had done, something small and fun.
It was the last practice before a rare long weekend off; coach had given them optional Thursday morning practice, then Friday and the weekend off. The Lions were messing around in the locker room when Finn’s phone started going off. He was across the locker room so Logan noticed it first. His face went white as a sheet and he called Finn over frantically. Finn shushed the entire room as he answered the phone. While he was nodding and responding to whatever was being said, Leo made his way over fresh from the shower. Finn hung up and whispered something to his fiancés and they all rushed to get dressed and rushed out without another word to anyone.
“Well, I’ll say it, THAT was hella weird. Hope everything’s alright.” Talker broke the near silence that was rare for the locker room.
“I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough.” Cap responded, hiding a smile.
It was Tuesday night at Dumo’s backyard barbeque before the team saw the Cubs again. Missing two days of practice, all of them missing, was strange. Coach wouldn’t comment on it other than saying he “approved the absence” and “they’ll tell you when they came back”.
Cap didn’t seem like he’d be the one to tell either, though he definitely knew something. All the team good gather is that it must have been good news, since they hadn’t heard anything bad. And they would know if something was wrong, right?
It was the bi-weekly dinner at Dumo’s and Finn and Leo walked into the backyard, coming around the house from the front, hand in hand, smiles a mile wide.
“Where have you two been? And where’s the other one?” Talker shouted over the commotion in the backyard, making his way over to the two boys.
“Well, we have some big news.” Leo smiled down at Finn.
The backyard quieted as they awaited an explanation to the boys’ weird behavior.
“So, we didn’t mention anything because we didn’t know we’d, um, get past the legal battle, but uh…”Finn trailed off, getting a little misty eyed.
“I fight them for you.” Kuny offered, making eveyone laugh.
“Thanks, Kuns, but I don’t think that’ll be necessary. After the character references from Cap and Coach, and Dumo… well, it all worked out.”
“So this big news is… what?” Talker prompted.
“Lo’s bringing her, she was a little fussy getting out of the car. He’s apparently her favorite already.” Leo said, beaming.
A loud shrill could be heard and the two boys turned around to see Lo with Arabella on his hip, tickling her as he walked into the backyard.
“What’re we standing around for? I though this was a barbeque?” Logan laughed, as if him walking up with an adorable little brunette on his hip was an everyday occurrence.
“Mon fils!” Dumo finally made his way over, smiling like a maniac. “This must be Arabella, hi Arabella.” He spoke softly as he got closer.
“Yeah.” Logan breathed, eyes not leaving the little girl in his arms. “This is Ari.”
“You…” Talker was, for once, speechless. “You…”
“Foster parents.” Leo finished. “But Elaina contacted us this morning and is starting the adoption paperwork.”
“So that call last week?” James butt his way into the conversation.
“Elaina, our social worker. It wasn’t all good news, but Arabella needed someone.” Finn explained. “She doesn’t quite understand what’s all going on, but we though she could use some time outside the apartment for a bit. Thought maybe she should meet her soon-to-be uncles?”
“She’s precious.” Remus said, arm around Cap’s waist and tucked securely under his arm. “How old?”
“Almost two. She’s content now, but just try not to overwhelm her.” Logan said, Dumo at his side. “It’s all going very fast. Normally this isn’t how it’d work but… she’s perfect and... yeah.”
“You are so gone for her, mon fils.” Dumo chuckled. “Want me to take her for a bit?”
Logan hesitated, but transferred her over to Dumo. Once in Dumo’s arms, she reached over to the shorter man and grabbed the curl that always fell near his temple. Logan laughed, like he had that first time, releasing her grip and placing a soft kiss to her forehead.
“My first grandkid, huh. I am going to spoil you even more than they already are, I’m sure.” Dumo spoke quietly to Arabella.
Logan moved over to his boys, practically melting into Leo’s side and never taking his eyes off Arabella as team members came over in waves to congratulate them. They had fought so hard to get to where they were, and the battles weren’t over yet, but Elaine had promised to help fight for them to keep Arabella. They were the cutest little family, and though there would be some challenges along the way, it was easy to see home much they adored her and wanted to give her a home. A family.
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allthingskakashi · 3 years ago
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I posted 980 times in 2021
109 posts created (11%)
871 posts reblogged (89%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 8.0 posts.
I added 203 tags in 2021
#atkspeaks - 79 posts
#not kakashi - 50 posts
#rahatake - 24 posts
#anon - 11 posts
#kakashi - 9 posts
#naruto - 8 posts
#🤣 anon - 8 posts
#1am - 5 posts
#🤣 - 5 posts
#kakashi hatake - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i'd been 3k words into the one i was working on but i was hating it so i started yet another fic on top of the 4 already unfinished ones 😃
My Top Posts in 2021
Hello! Can I request a somewhat fluffy hc of Kakashi with a mind-reader ninja s/o? Maybe they don't go on as many missions but are often sought out for interrogations /working with Ibiki, such things/.
Also, it's so good to see you're back, definitely missed you!!!!!!!! How have you been, perhaps if you take anons I could claim "🦥" and send you asks separate from the requests? Only if you're comfortable with anons, that is.
Heyyy ooh mind reading is fun!! That'd be a super cool and v useful jutsu. Also dgshsgsj aah stop you're too sweet tysm bb i missed being here so much too😩 I've been doing good, i hope you have too!! And ofc you can send me asks any time you want!! I do have a few anons and you are extremely warmly welcome to become one of em <3 although.....your emoji didn't show up on my phone it just came as a square smh i hate whenever this happens. Like lemme see the damn tiny picture. Anyhoo so well perhaps you could choose another emoji? 👉👈 or a pseudonym or wtv you want.
Anddd getting to the mind reader hcs.... let's see. I'm basically in bed rn w my phone on 3% dgsgk but ill try my best to make my brain work
Kakashi with a mind reader s/o HCs
Tbh kakashi with a mind reader s/o is top grade
I mean the sheer combined strength?? unmatchable
Kakashi's SO proud to have an s/o with such an amazing and cool skill
He's literally constantly in awe
And also bragging about it to everyone. His friends, enemies, ya name it
Loves watching you at work and in general being a bamf
Ofc, this particular skill of yours also means that you can always tell exactly how he's feeling and what he's thinking
And he can try to hide his feelings from everyone else, but never from you
You know when he's having a bad day or just in need of some extra care
And ofc kakashi's great at hiding it all on the surface, but since you can look into his mind, you're always ready w some kind words, sweet gestures and extra cuddles to uplift him whenever he's feeling off
You never make a big show of it though, or even confront kakashi about it. You know it might make him feel somewhat uncomfortable. But you just know. And kakashi knows that you know
And neither of you mention anything at all, and you don't have to. Because you're there for him when he needs you and kakashi's grateful for it. Even if he doesn't always say it out loud
Tbh, he even likes it better this way bc he's never been one for expressing feelings
For once, he doesn't even pay much heed to the negative thoughts swirling around in his head. he's lived with them for so long, he's accepted them as a part of him
And secondly, even though he knows he has you now, and you'll be there - with open arms and just the right words at the tip of your tongue...he doesn't really wanna bother you with all this. You've got enough shit of your own and he's a grown man
So when he's having an off day and everything feels like a chore, he's thankful when you hug him a little tighter and squeeze his hand and throw him a smile that tells him everything will be okay. He's not alone.
At first, it was unnerving. Having you read his thoughts, all the crooks and crannies of his mind filled with emotions and memories he likes to keep buried
But when you'd just been there, not a shred of judgement in your eyes - no shock, no disbelief, no pitiful glances - nothing but acceptance... He'd known it's okay, known that his thoughts are safe with you
It was an unsettling realisation. Strange, new, completely frightening...but in an absurdly good way. It took him a while but over time, he could come to terms with it
Okay that got somewhat emo so now get ready for some unadulterated FLUFF
Many a time, when you're out in public in a meeting that seems to be dragging on for ages or in an interrogation that is completely draining your chakra, kakashi would whisper "i love you" in his head, or an encouraging "you're doing good" and it'd be enough keep you going
Or when you're out in some gathering or a party and kakashi sees smth or someone and roasts them in his head, you'd be able to read every word and it'd make you burst out laughing
And then the two of you are just laughing your ass off while everyone else is just standing there and staring, wondering what the hell yall are on
On game nights w all the other jounin senseis kakashi always wants you on his team bc you're basically unbeatable
But ofc everyone protests against this and they all fight over who's gonna team up with you
But in the end it's always decided that playing any kind game that requires thinking in your presence is useless bc you'd always win
So you guys just end up playing something like Jenga or who can stuff the most mochis in their mouth or stacking paper cups to see who can make the largest standing tower (gai and kakashi are at a draw)
You aren't usually sent on a lot of missions with kakashi but when you are, kakashi is inherently more encouraged and confident bc of your presence
He knows your skills are invaluable, and together the both of you are invincible
The two of you come up with plans and strategy together, factoring in each of your strengths and weaknesses
Your name is known across nations just as well as kakashi's is. Nobody wishes to have the fate of facing either of you
And when the two of you are together in the battlefield....nobody stands a chance
Kakashi relies a lot on you, and your presence fills him with confidence. He never has a doubt when the two of you are together
He's got your back and he knows you have his
Your special jutsu also enables him to communicate with you when he's away on missions by himself, bc he sends out messages in his head and you know that he's safe and okay out there
Usually, your power only allows you to read minds in short distance range and not over long distances
So when you found yourself capable of reading kakashi's mind with complete clarity across larger and larger distances as time passed, you were baffled
What made it even more confusing was that it only seemed to happen with Kakashi and noone else
So you scoured every single book in the konoha library that traced your clan's ancestry, made a visit to talk to the oldest surviving member of your clan, and that's when you discovered...
The jutsu reaches its ultimate capacity when a person falls in love, and it allows the jutsu user to connect to the mind of the person they are in love with at all times, and read every thought of the person's like it's their own - no matter how many nations and oceans fall between them
You were in love with kakashi
Sometimes it was a little scary, being able to read all of Kakashi's thoughts so very clearly bc you could feel his fear and grief and regrets
It felt too invasive, like you weren't supposed to feel them this way, so up close. These were his thoughts...it was too personal
But what was also mentioned in the books was that...the bond could only form when the person the jutsu user was in love with was in love with them too
Living his memories, feeling every joy, every grief, every fear of his so up close helped you understand him better than anyone else ever could
And you shared the weight of his emotions willingly, without any judgement whatsoever
You knew him better than anyone, and he knew all that you buried inside you too, because it only seemed fair to let him into your heart when you'd so closely read his
And so you'd told him all about yourself - your desires, your secrets, your fears and all that you repented
In the end, it ended up creating an unspoken bond between the two of you where no words were needed
I'm very tempted to quote emily Brontë here but i shall refrain
91 notes • Posted 2021-11-25 07:10:08 GMT
• Forelsket •
[ Kakashi x Reader]
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Fluff Prompt: “I like the way your hands fit in mine”
Tags : Fluff, Hokage Kakashi, Potter/Artist! Reader 
Words : 1.4k 
A/n : Okay soooo here it is, my first fanfic after over a year, i am so nervous about this and hate it vehemently to be perfectly honest, but it has been so long and i really wanted to post something. I’ve been struggling with writing a lot lately and am finding it super difficult to finish anything i am starting because nothing seems to be working out the way i wish it would but anyhoo...i managed to finish this so....here it goes.  Any criticism is completely welcome, i’m very very rusty so i am fully prepared for this to flop. The anon who had requested it probably is not even here anymore, and i am so sorry it took me a year to finally get to writing this lmfao. Okay that’s it. Hope it doesn’t disappoint too much. Thank you so much for reading!! ily <3 
Kakashi had never seen so many pots in his life.
Nor had he ever seen you, in your faded blue overalls, hair stuck to your face and strewn about in every direction, with mud in places of your body mud should never be.
His gaze danced along the ceiling-high shelves, with queues of vases, pots, and bowls of varying shapes and colour stacked in neat rows. The amusement in his half lidded eyes wasn’t concealed.
“So this is what you do”, he stated, his voice taking the tone of a little boy seeing a rainbow for the first time.
“This is what I do”, you repeated. “I wasn’t expecting you.”
When you’d mentioned to Kakashi, the Rokudaime, that he could stop by at your studio sometime to watch you at work—which, despite your multiple protests, he seemed really insistent on doing, you hadn’t thought that he’d turn up at your door, apron in hand, at 11 a.m. on a Wednesday morning.
Especially after that night.
And yet, here he was.
“Well...” Kakashi muttered sheepishly, “I had some time to kill.”
“And....what’s the apron for?”
“I thought I could help you”, he stated, as if him being in your studio in the middle of the day, after that night , offering to assist you in pottery—something you were pretty sure the Copy Ninja had never done before, was the most natural thing in the world.
“Help me...you”, you registered his words, raising an eyebrow at his lean, tall figure that was watching you with a kind of confidence you could not even hope to feign.
“Help you, me, yes“, Kakashi replied with the same nonchalance with which he’d walked in.
You exhaled.
Rubbing your hands on the pockets of your overall, you watched Kakashi slip the apron in over his head. It had the Konoha Medical Department’s emblem embroidered on the breast pocket—he must have borrowed it from the Laboratory.
You wanted to laugh.
He seemed to have put a fair bit of thought into this.
And well, it was not like you hadn’t been driving yourself crazy for the past few days either...
That night had been like any other, with you and Kakashi walking back to your respective homes, engaged in amiable chatter. 
It had rained copious amounts the day before in Konoha, and every step of the cemented road was littered in large puddles of water.
There had been a particularly large one at the lane right across from yours, and Kakashi had taken your hand in his—a completely ordinary gesture for a man of his heart, to help you cross—a gesture that he’d have made for any layperson, be it a child or the elderly, friend or stranger in passing. You knew that. 
And yet, despite the normalcy of the gesture, despite the sheer predictability of it...you’d found yourself buckling at the knees at his touch, the sensation of Kakashi’s hand gently, but firmly gripping yours transcending beyond just your palms.
You couldn’t help but marvel at how natural it felt for your hand to be in his, how completely, devastatingly painful it felt to realise that it would only last mere seconds.
You’d wished there would be more puddles, wished you’d fall into one if that is what it took, and that’s when it happened. The words rolling off your tongue before you had any way of halting them. “I like the way your hands fit in mine”.
The words had been clear, despite how much you wished they had carried even a hint of ambivalence in them. But they were clear, and so was the intent of their speaker.
Of course, Kakashi had masterfully shrouded his surprise, and of course, you’d changed your verses immediately, shifting the conversation to the following day’s forecast before hastening your pace with incoherent mumbles of being late for something, but no amount of escaping, digressing, talking about the weather and pretending like you had said something else could alter that event.
The words were out there. You’d heard it with your own two ears.
What followed the events of that day was of course, complete and unadulterated avoidance. There was no way you could show face before him anymore, but with him being the Hokage, that posed a few complications. He was everywhere.
And so you’d started coming in for work at the crack of dawn to avoid having to work late, you’d gone to markets miles away from your neighbourhood to buy a packet of ramen, you’d taken dingy alleys and unlit lanes to travel home—all to avoid coming face to face with Kakashi.
And you’d succeeded.
Until today.
Because here he stood now, in your small studio, the Rokudaime—in all his glory, wearing the Konoha Medical Department’s apron that he borrowed so he could come help you in the middle of the day on a Wednesday—with a glint of eagerness in his eyes that made your stomach flip within your belly.
“Well?”, Kakashi’s voice tugged at you come out of your stupor. “What should I do?”
You looked around yourself, wrecking your mind to come up with something you could ask him to do that would suit his stature, and his dexterity—or lack thereof, in this regard.
“Um...” you fumbled, watching him eye the abandoned mould on the wheel in front of you which you’d been working on since morning.  “I guess you could...help me make this vase for a wedding order I received yesterday”, you said, eyes avoiding his.
He beamed at the invitation.
“As you say”, he replied with a....(was a tease in his tone?)...as he took his place on a stool behind the pottery wheel.
The absurdity of the scene in front of you made you fall short of words.
Kakashi’s expectant eyes waited.  
You reached for another stool, placing it opposite Kakashi before sitting down facing him, already feeling his eyes on you.
“Okay so um...you just...place your hands on the mould, and do this...” you explained, moving your hands in sync with the wheel as you shaped the clay into curves and bulges, building it into the form of an amphora.
Kakashi’s dark eyes stared in awe, watching in marvel as you let the familiar feel of clay take your mind away from the unfamiliarity—but not adversely so, of Kakashi being so close to your, watching you, your feet almost touching.
“Can I try?”, his voice broke through your concentration.
You let the wheel come to a slowly dwindling spin, before retracting your hands from the piece. Kakashi brought his forward, pressing his palms onto each side of the vase, touching it as if it were the wings of a butterfly.
He looked up at you for reassurance. “Yes, that’s it”, you mumbled, watching Kakashi’s masterful hands moulding your piece with the same diligence and skillfulness of a seasoned potter.
“Wait, hold on” you scrambled, leaning ahead to wrap your hands on his as he fumbled to bring the mould to a narrow concave at the top, his hands faltering, but gaze as steady as ever.
It took a few seconds for you to come to the realisation that your hands were on Kakashi’s, the mud from your palms staining the back of his hands in slimy brown goo.
But by the way that his eyes softened on yours...he didn’t seem to mind.
You continued in silence, the soft whining sound of the wheel the only noise between you, keeping you apart and yet somehow binding you together.
The vase was beginning to take form, growing from between Kakashi’s hands...and yours. The outcome was turning out impeccable, not a curve out of proportion, not an inch of jagged surface.
You willed yourself into meeting his gaze.
A crease made its way onto the smooth black stretch of his mask.
“What?”, you asked, your voice soft, expectant. Like you wished he would say something, grant legitimacy to this moment, let you know that his lingering gazes were not a mirage of your own creation.
“I like the way your hands fit in mine.”
Something red and burning crept up your neck.
The vase was done.
You’d always had a custom of naming your creations. Attributing each piece with a name granted them a kind of sentiment that you hoped to invoke in all those who appreciated and purchased your work.
Sometimes it was difficult, assigning a name that befits a piece. But this one...you knew what this one would be. You’d learnt the word in a book.
Forelsket / Norwegian (n.)
The euphoric experience of falling in love for the first time.
Your eyes met Kakashi’s, gleeful smile tugging at the corners of your lips, before erupting into a wide, beaming, infectious grin.
168 notes • Posted 2021-11-21 12:58:14 GMT
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Pov orochimaru is going down on you
199 notes • Posted 2021-01-02 15:40:26 GMT
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207 notes • Posted 2021-11-15 15:07:17 GMT
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Why he sitting so hot i- 🤚😩
663 notes • Posted 2021-03-29 15:08:25 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
Also thanks sm for the tag @pfreadsandwrites !! <3
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goldie90 · 4 years ago
Macaroon, Mocha, Candy corn, Shortcake, Brownie and Muffin (Sorry for so many questinons but it's just too cuuute!) x3
Don´t apologize - it´s pretty cool.😃 I love to answer questions. Especially questions about this wonderful man:
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Macaroon(Do you and your f/o want/have any kids?): We don´t have kids, but I like the thought of having one sometime in the future. Only one, preferably a boy.👶I want him to be just like his daddy.🥰 (God, that´s such a beautiful thought.💗😊) Seriously, just the thought of bringing his son into the world is amazing.🤰 Well, that´s how I see it. Nubbins doesn´t really thinks much about it. I mean, he´ve got nothing against it, so if I would tell him I want a baby, he would be like: “Okay” most likely getting really excited when I´m pregnant, but when our son is there, he would probably come to the conclusion, that he´s pretty boring (You know, cause he don´t do anything🙄) So, I guess my boy would have to get a bit older, before his father would be really interested in spending time with him. But that´s pretty fine, cause until then, as his mother I´m much more important to him anyways. 
Mocha(Which one leans onto the other for comfort while watching scary movies?): Me of course! Everything else would be pretty strange. I like to lean against him, burying my face into his arm, or his chest when I don´t want to see what currently happens on screen...💕Yeah, that´s nice.💕
Candy corn(Is your f/o musically gifted? If so do they/have they ever serenaded you?): Hell no!🤣 Nubbins might have many talents, but this is definitely not one of them. Also, he don´t want to, things like this are more Chop´s territory.
Shortcake(What´s your f/o´s love language(physical affection, giving gifts etc.)?): Giving gifts, definitely (which I find especially sweet, because he always makes them himself). Necklaces and bracelets made out of.... bones🦴 and teeth🦷. And he´d also made me a handbag,👜 which is similar to the bag he have. I absolutely love it.🥰 But he´s also quite affectionate in a physical way. 
Brownie(What´s your f/o´s favorite part of you?): I guess, that´s about a body part, right? Well, I´m not sure if this counts, but I would say it´s my hair. I have gold blond curly hair and I´m pretty sure he likes it (many people like it). At least, he definitely likes to tug at it, during some situations😏💞
Muffin(What does your f/o´s laugh sound like?): For my ears, the sweetest sound in the world.💘 (But you know the movie, so you know what it sounds like 😀)
 💗Thank you, that was so much fun.💗
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olokosomolo · 2 years ago
Whomever on the look, I guarantee he will always find.
Now I’ll tell you how I learned about my two kids.
So the first clue was on the day I met my ex on 57th Street Manhattan when she told me she was pregnant. I jumped with joy yayy, and in the same breath, I asked: So what week are you? She immediately said the 6th ( btw on the sixth week exactly is the time that the soul enters the fetus and is Located near the cardiac key and ignites the fetus's heart) so I told her to wait I think you have a mistake because we did it once on Saturday at 12:45 two hours before the arrival of Kazoo from Japan. Exactly 8 weeks ago. Kazoo is my brother’s wife. My ex got a crush on me, and for the first time, I heard her raise her voice and say six weeks! Ok, I said and forced myself to keep pace. But as you know, such a thing is always preserved as an engraving in the noodles of the brain.
So our amazing baby was born ❤️ and the labor was easy, like Sunday morning. But after that, she was taken to the recovery room, and Karma fell on my ex-wife. A terminal Karma. The law of fate was that the one who saved her from death must have been me. The karma was because of the great secret she still kept (I already wrote about it). A few years went by, and I brought the kit while my ex was at work or spreading whatever. I quickly took some fluid from his mouth my son and sealed the bag and then myself and sent it to the lab. A few weeks after, I got the results. Lol, now I open the envelope, and there was a beautiful paper with 📊 and things that, to be honest, was alien to me. Of course, there was a huge 1800# on the top to call customer service for understanding. I, that still was fighting to keep the relationship alive, decided not to call, and instead, I hung it on the wall. When she arrived home, I showed her the beautiful paper and said, "This is my child, which he is regardless of Whomever's seeds created him." It’s 💯% mine, but the fingers to point at are not my kids but the pcycopathkov only. It’s just clear the way to the fact that she contempt the court of law with a way overloads of arrogance and disrespect to all. The day after I got the results, it disappeared from the wall. A week after, I was served with a beautiful restraining order.
■ 2018, while looking for a tip to start my legislation, who and what happened to me? I came across an Instagram account where one of the topics was the owner of the account, correcting the English of one of the followers who was American by heart and birth. The second one did not remain obliged and wrote: She may be fluent in the English language, but she fails in knowing who the father of her children is. And of course all the emojis of the cartoon wild laughs etc.
Then the marker of the beast arrived. A year and a half ago, I received a message to my dm. It was a woman who wrote to me: I’m sorry to tell you, but a few days ago your ex-wife wrote that your two children have ADD. Then I adds, well, I kindly wrote: All Different Daddy so all laughs 😃 and then at the end of the day, I found myself blocked 🚫 by her. And no, she never blocked me while we were all there only after the party was over. Well, I replied to her that’s her.""One eye laughs the second eye pappaph…
Before she ends and disappeared she referred me to a strange site that took my breath away as soon as I entered ( that’s should be kept sealed. It’s the picture of my son's biological creator). I just wish to thank him for this action thanks to creation 🙏 and of course, the cousin responsible for my second child thanks 😊
Now to the third clue and the vivid one.
Gianna was on the phone. Hey, I answered, hi I’m 5 minutes away she said. I’m here come up. As soon as she came up she was busy talking to her new white guy and she was to meet with him in like an hour I’m center city. Suddenly she said: you know me and my new man created his clone, I mean his penis clone. I said can I see? Sure she replied and quickly reached into her bag Pulled out a box, she opened the box and suddenly the most beautiful organ I had ever seen was revealed before my eyes. It was straight like a ruler about 25 - 28 centimeters ( almost a foot 85% ) had in the pencil case at school straight and long without any bend. But I saw my second child I held it in my hand and began mumbling my son's name repeatedly she got so scared to grab the clone from my hand quickly returned it closed the boxes and left my place. Without saying a word.
If this perfect penis was mined I would have said minime as my kids were still young we used to take a shower together and you know to each kid we call his penis a neak name so my second child we called ANACONDA had a beautiful straits penis like a ruler. The big boy we named Pokémon. My penis we called thicky peaks now look we all had a different penis. So you and you and all men I highly recommend checking your boy's penis 🤔
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