#well make good on your words bobby!! don't lead me on like that
cup-o-cat · 3 months
i think it's crazy that 911 is set in la and yet there hasn't been a wildfire arc yet. how the hell has there been a tsunami a ransomware blackout and a cruise ship explosion and yet not a single wildfire. y'all are FIREFIGHTERS in CALIFORNIA
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roosterforme · 1 year
Stud On Board | Bob Floyd x Reader
Summary: You're nervous to meet Bob's friends for the first time. Initially you think they are poking fun at you, but then you realize that's not the case. When it becomes obvious that it's your boyfriend they're picking on, you make it a point to let them know just how much of a stud he really is.
Warnings: Fluff, implied smut, swearing
Length: 2100 words
Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Female Reader
Check my masterlist for more!
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"I'm a little nervous to meet everybody," you whispered to your boyfriend as you zipped up his jeans. You wiped the corner of your mouth, making sure your lips were clean before climbing onto his lap. You'd gone on four dates with him before he very nervously asked you to be his girlfriend, and since then, for the past month, you'd been so happy.
"Don't be nervous, Sweetheart," he replied, leaning closer to kiss your nose as he cradled you between his body and the steering wheel of his truck. "Everyone is going to like you. What's not to like?"
"Bobby," you said, adjusting his crooked glasses on his nose. "They are a tight knit group. If one of them doesn't like me, none of them are going to like me."
"Well, I like you plenty," he promised, and you turned to look out the window at his friend Jake's house where the Memorial Day party was in full swing in the backyard. "And Nat knows I'm wild about you. She told me she's happy you're coming with me."
You kissed him softly and then opened the door and started to climb down with his help. "I can't believe I get to meet the famous Phoenix."
Bob laughed. "She's larger than life. Hang on tight." 
And you did. You laced your fingers through his and let him lead you around the cute little ranch house and into the cozy backyard. Someone was grilling, there was music playing, and you saw a couple of kids blowing bubbles. But before you could take in anything else, there was a woman with dark hair and wide brown eyes in your face. 
"Bob. She's stunning."
Your boyfriend chuckled and pulled you a little closer. "Sweetheart, this is Nat."
"Oh!" you said brightly. "I've been looking forward to meeting you!"
"Holy shit," Nat replied, just shaking her head. "Good job, Bob. I mean, it's nice to meet you," she said, offering her hand and shaking yours. "Bagman is grilling some burgers, and there are drinks in the cooler."
"You want me to get you something to drink?" Bob asked, pecking you on the cheek. 
When you nodded, you watched Nat drag him away as she whispered, "Fucking hell, Floyd. You could have warned us that your new girlfriend looks like that." 
You rolled your eyes. Nobody usually made much of a fuss over you. When you turned to see what the group of kids was up to, you nearly bumped into a tall man sporting a mustache. Like a pornstar from the 80s. You almost laughed as he said, "Hey, I know we didn't come here together, but how'd you like to leave with me?"
"Excuse me?" you asked, bursting out laughing. "Did you really just say that?"
He shrugged at you, looking very smug. "My name's Bradley. We haven't met before. I'd definitely remember you."
You told him your name, and you were about to add that you came here with Bob, but then your boyfriend strolled back over with two cans of beer. He handed you one and kissed your cheek again.
"Oh, Rooster, this is my girlfriend," Bob said, and you watched Bradley's jaw drop as he looked at you, his eyes dipping down below your neck to the top of your dress as he blushed. 
"Sorry," he muttered, and he fist bumped a confused looking Bob as he walked away. 
"What was that all about?" your boyfriend asked. 
"Nothing," you replied with a smile as you sipped your drink. "Can we get some food? I'm starving, and I need to put something in my mouth right now."
"Really?" Bobby asked, cheeks flushing as he ran his fingers along the back of your hand. "You didn't get your fill in the truck?"
"Bobby!" you gasped, always a little surprised when he said something dirty to you. He was such a gentleman... usually. "I got my fill of you in the truck, but I need to make sure I have energy for later." You winked, and he was practically tripping over himself as he followed you across the patio toward the grill.
And that was where you met Jake. "Hey, pretty lady," he drawled. His accent was southern and cute, but nothing like Bob's, which you'd already gotten used to hearing whispering the sweetest things while he made love to you. 
"Hi," you said carefully as he studied your face. You were already feeling like maybe you didn't get off to the best start here, and the look he was giving you felt like a confirmation. 
"Damn it, Bob," he groaned, turning to look at your boyfriend. "Well done." Then he handed you a burger and told you to help yourself to some potato salad and snacks on the picnic table. 
"I don't think they like me," you told Bob as you dumped some pretzels onto your plate and sighed. 
"They do!" he insisted. "Just give them a chance."
"I'm trying," you promised before you bit into your burger. And thankfully Phoenix came back over and started chatting with you which made you feel a lot better. She asked you about work and told you how good Bob was at his job.
"He always makes sure he keeps everyone safe," she said, looking at Bob with appreciation in her eyes. "He's a great team player."
You smiled at her as Bob blushed. "He told me I could come visit him on base someday," you said as you wrapped your arms around him. "I'd love to see your Super Hornet."
"Bob, you'll have to let her check out your cockpit one day," Nat said with a chuckle. "Maybe she's not familiar with that yet."
"Oh, I'm very familiar with that," you whispered, just for Bob, and his cheeks turned a deeper pink still. 
"Sweetheart," he muttered, and you promised him you'd behave. 
Then someone was reaching for your hand and pulling you away from him. "You're Bob's?" he asked. And before you even answered, he said, "I'm Fanboy. I mean Mickey. Come play horseshoes with me. I'm terrible and nobody else will be my partner."
You waved goodbye to Bob and Phoenix while you laughed and joined the game. "If you're terrible, what makes you think I'd want to be your partner?" you asked as he finally let go of your hand. 
"I'm sure you don't, but I didn't give you a choice. That's Payback and Coyote," Mickey told you, and two more men waved at you. "We're playing against them." 
"Damn," they said in unison before the taller one added, "You're Bob's new girlfriend?"
"Yeah," you said, waving awkwardly. "It's nice to meet you."
"Are you sure you didn't get lost or something?" Jake asked you when he strolled over. "Really? Bob?"
You looked at all the guys and then over to Bob on the patio. "What do you mean?" you asked Jake.
"Don't listen to them," Mickey said loudly, cutting him off and handing you a horseshoe. "They're just jealous."
"Jealous?" you asked, starting to feel sick. They didn't like you. For some reason, you'd done something wrong. You tossed the horseshoe, but it was a terrible throw, and now you were embarrassed. "Can I ask what I did wrong? Because Bobby is so sweet, and I really wanted to make a good impression on his friends."
Mickey's eyes went wide. "You didn't do anything wrong!"
And that's when you heard Payback tell Coyote and Jake, "It's like beauty and the geek. I don't understand how it happend."
"Are they talking about me?" you asked Mickey, and he parted his lips like he was going to say something to you, but he turned to them instead.
"Guys, knock it off."
"I don't understand," you whispered, and finally Mickey showed you some sympathy.
"They all think you're hot. And they can't believe you're dating Bob."
You felt warmth flood your cheeks, and the other horseshoe almost slipped from your fingers. "Oh."
"Seriously, just ignore them," Mickey said, shooting the others a nasty look. "I like you. Everyone likes you. Let's play horseshoes."
So you played for a little bit as his words started to sink in. It just didn't make any sense. Bob was every bit as handsome as the rest of them. And he was sweet. Even sweeter than Mickey, who was currently trying to include you in the conversation. And Bob was so funny; last night he had you laughing so hard you had hiccups. 
Not to mention, Bob gave you the best sex of your life. Sure, you hadn't been intimate with him for more than a few weeks, but he was very attentive. He gave you everything you asked for. 
"Hey, Sweetheart," he said and you turned to see him strolling up to you. Your heart skipped a beat, and you wanted to kiss him until his glasses steamed up. 
"Bobby," you whispered, handing the horseshoes to Bradley so you could give him a proper hug. 
"You having fun?" he asked, rubbing his hands in soothing circles on your back. 
"Yes. Mickey and Phoenix are really nice. And the rest of them... I think they must grow on you over time?"
Bob started laughing and said, "You're not wrong."
"Hey, Four-Eyes, you and your girl want dessert?" Bradley asked, tossing one of the horseshoes up in the air and catching it.
"Um, y-yes," Bob said, clearly flustered now. 
"Four-Eyes?" you asked, scoffing at him. Were they making you feel a little awkward because they thought Bob was nerdy? "Wait, are you making fun of Bobby?"
At least Bradley had the decency to look a little embarrassed as you glared at him. "Yeah," he answered quietly.
"You think he's a nerd?" you asked the other guys, gesturing at Bob. 
Bradley shrugged. "Yeah, kinda." Jake, Coyote and Payback all looked like they wanted to agree.
You looked up at your boyfriend, and you could tell he was still embarrassed. He could barely meet your eyes as you pressed your palm against his chest. Then you could feel a smile creep across your face as you made sure you were loud enough for everyone to hear. "I think he's a stud." Then you kissed him hard in front of everyone, and sure his glasses were crooked when you were done, but you liked that about him.
"You do?" Bob asked softly. "A stud?"
You nodded up at him as you fixed his glasses. "You wanna leave, Bobby? I keep thinking about sucking your cock in the truck like I did earlier. I'm dying to feel your big dick down my throat again."
Jake let out a little strangled noise, and Bradley dropped a horseshoe on his own foot. Now the other guys were gaping at Bob, and they seemed to stand a little taller in his presence, suddenly impressed. 
Bob licked his lips and stared at you, completely entranced as you kissed his cheek. "Yeah. You know what, I think we should head out," he managed, his voice a little hoarse as he tightened his grip on you. 
"You're leaving?" Nat asked, walking over with a slice of cake. 
"Apparently Bob isn't as innocent as we thought," Hangman drawled, looking at your boyfriend with new appreciation. 
"It was nice to meet everyone," you told them, lacing your fingers through Bob's. "I'm going to go take care of Bobby. But maybe next time we can stay for dessert?"
"Make Bob bring you to the Hard Deck on Friday!" Nat called after you as you led him away. "I need more estrogen in my life!"
"Will you take me to the Hard Deck on Friday?" you asked him sweetly. 
"I'll take you anywhere you want, Sweetheart," he replied, still looking at you like he couldn't believe you were his.
You turned to wave and said, "See you on Friday!"
And then Bob pulled you close as he led you back toward his truck. "You didn't have to say all that stuff in front of them and call me a...stud. I'm used to them picking on me a little bit for being nerdy and having glasses and everything. I mean, I know it's true, Sweetheart."
You just laughed and shook your head at him. "Come here, stud." You pushed him up against the side of his truck and kissed him, slipping your tongue between his lips and tasting him. You rubbed yourself gently against the front of him and whispered, "Do I look like I deserve anything less than the sexiest, sweetest boyfriend?"
He swallowed hard and grunted, "No."
"That's what I thought. Now get in the truck, Bobby. I have something I want to show you."
Bob is a stud. Just try to argue with me about that fact. Thanks to @bradshawsbitch and @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls!
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layce2015 · 1 year
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)
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Sin City
Bobby was working on the Colt, while Dean and I were melting metal into bullets when Sam walks in. "Hey." He said and we look up at him. "Hey, what's up?" Dean asked him. "Might've found some omens in Ohio. Dry lightning, barometric-pressure drop." Sam replied. "Well, that's thrilling." I mutter, sarcastically.
"Plus, some guy blows his head off in a church and another goes postal in a hobby shop before the cops take him out. Might be demonic omens." Sam said. "Or it could just be a suicide and a psycho scrapbooker." Dean said to him. "Yeah, but it's our best lead since Lincoln." Sam said.
"Where in Ohio?" I asked him. "Elizabethville. It's a half-dead factory town in the rust belt." Sam said and Dean sighs. "There's got to be a demon or two in South Beach." He said and I roll my eyes at but I smile. "Sorry, Hef. Maybe next time." I said as I pat his shoulder and Sam chuckles.
"How's it going, Bobby?" Sam asked him. "Slow." Bobby said. "Eh, I tell you, it's a little sad seeing the Colt like that." Dean said to him. "Well, the only thing it's good for now is figuring out what makes it tick." Bobby said.
"So what makes it tick?" Sam asked and Bobby looks up at him, not amused. Sam holds his hands up in amusement. "So, if we want to go check out these omens in Ohio…" I said as I rise up from my chair then I turn to Bobby and said, teasingly and with a straight-face. "...you think you can have that thing ready by this afternoon?"
The boys chuckle while Bobby stares at me, incredulously. "Well, it won't kill demons by then, but I can promise you it'll kill you." Bobby replied and I smile at him. "All right, come on, we're wasting the daylight, boys." I said to them and Dean starts to get up.
"See you, Bobby." Sam said and we start to leave. "Hey!" Bobby shouts and we turn to him. "You three run into anything — anything — you call me." He said and we nod and head out.
"There's not much left for the insurance company. It was a suicide - I saw it myself." Father Gil said to us as the boys and I, now dressed in suits, walk along side of him as we enter the church. "Well, this shouldn't take long, then." Dean said and Gil sighs then points towards the balcony.
"That's where Andy did it. It's the first time I'd seen him in weeks. He used to come every Sunday." He said. "When did he stop?" Sam asked him. "Probably about...two months ago? Right around the time everything else started to change." Gil replied.
"Change how?" I asked, curiously. "Oh, let's just say this used to be a town...you could be proud of. People...cared about each other. Andy sang in the choir, and then one day, he just...wasn't Andy anymore. It was like he was..." Gil said as he started to struggle for words.
"Possessed?" Sam and I asked in unison. "You could say that. Gambled away his money, cheated on his wife, destroyed his business. Yes, like a switch had flipped." Gil said. "Father, did you know the man who killed those folks in the hobby shop?" Sam asked him.
"Sure, Tony Perkins." Gil replied. "Tony Perkins." I said , nodding. "Good man." Gil said. "Would you say that his personality suddenly changed one day, too?" I asked him and he looks over at me, slightly shocked. "I never thought about it that way, but...yes. about the same time as Andy — about two months ago." He said.
"Well, thank you, Father. Appreciate your time." Dean said and we begin to walk away then Sam begins to speak in an undertone. "Two months ago, we open up the devil's gate, all of a sudden this town turns into Margaritaville? It's no coincidence." Sam said and Dean and I nod.
We make it to the hotel and enter our room, Dean chuckles then elbows me and nods at the mirrors on the ceiling. I scoff and shake my head when the door across the hall opens.
"Richie." Dean said as he looks over and the other guy looks up. "I don't believe it." Dean said as Richie smiles. "Hey, Dean...Winchester, right?" He said. "Yeah." Dean said when a tall scantily dressed girl appears from Richie’s room.
"This is my sister, uh, Cheryl." He said. "Hey." She said and the boys and I stare at her. "Cheryl." Dean said as Richie hands Cheryl some money. "There." He said to her and she leaves. "Well, you know...stepsister." Richie said, shrugging, and Dean shakes his head, slightly.
"Come on in." Dean said and Richie comes into the room. "This is my brother, Sam." Dean said as he gestures towards Sam. "And this is my girlfriend, (y/n)." Dean said and Richie nods. "Hey. How you doing?" He asked. "Not too bad." Sam said as I nod at him.
"How do you two know each other?" I asked, gesture towards Dean and Richie "Sam was in school and you, I think, were with your dad." Dean said. "It was that succubus, in Canarsie right?" Richie said to Dean. "Yeah, yeah." Dean said. "Oh, man. You should have seen the rack on this broad. Freakin' tragedy when I had to gank her." Richie said. "Whoa, whoa. Wait. Who killed her? If I remember, your ass was toast until I showed up." Dean said and Richie chuckles.
"Oh, I forgot what a comedian this guy was." He said. "Richie, Richie, know what? I told you then and I'll tell you again — you're not cut out for this job. You're gonna get yourself killed." Dean said and Richie's phone rings.
"Talk to me." He said into his phone then he turns to Dean. "FYI, Winchester — words hurt." He said and I chuckle as Richie goes back to his phone. "Yeah? No, it's not a good time, babe. Later." He said while Dean gives a look towards us. Then Richie hangs up.
"So you find anything in this town, anyway?" Dean asked him. "Ah, no. I got nothing. Oh, wait a minute. You mean as in demons and whatnot?" Richie said. "Yeah." Dean said. "No, I got nothing." Richie said. "Typical. What about your sister back there?" Dean asked. "Oh, honestly? She definitely had the devil in her, but she wasn't no demon, you know what I'm saying?" Richie said and Dean gives him a look of disapproval.
"Right. Seriously. Church guy, hobby-shop guy — they were lunch meat by the time I got there. Hey maybe they were possessed, but I can't prove it." Richie said. "Yeah, that's where we are, too." I said. "You know, let's just say that demons are possessing people in this town. You know, raising hell—" Sam said. "Yeah, but why would a demon blow his brains out?" Dean asked. "Well, for fun? You know he wrecks one body, moves to another. You know, like taking a stolen car for a joyride." Richie said.
"Anybody else left in the town that fits the profile — you know, nice guy turned douche, still breathing?" I asked. "There's Trotter." Richie said. "Who's that?" Sam asked. "Well, he used to be head of the Rotary Club. And then people say he turned bastard all of a sudden? Brought in the gambling, the hookers. ...Ah, he practically owns this whole town." Richie said.
"Know where we could find him?" Sam asked him. "Oh, he'll be at his bar in a few hours." Richie said to us.
Later, the boys and I pull up in the Impala. The town in buzzing, it looks like Mardi Gras — people wandering around with cocktails, sexy girls, and lots of action. "I thought you said this was some boarded-up factory town." Dean said to Sam as he looks around. "It is. At least, it's supposed to be." Sam said.
"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's do some research." Dean said and I punch his arm. "Ow!" He said and I raise an eyebrow. "I was kidding!" He said and I raise an eyebrow at him. "Mmmhmm. I'm sure. Just to remind you, I know my way around guns and knives." I said. "Careful, princess, jealous doesn't look good on you." He said and I give a playful glare at him. 
He smirks at me then he leans down and kissed my cheek as we head into the bar.
We thread our way through the crowded bar. People were drinking and dancing and seem to be having a good time. Up ahead, we see Richie as he brushes past a woman and approaches us. He's wearing a somewhat shiny orange short-sleeved shirt halfway unbuttoned to reveal a white t-shirt underneath.
"Oh, Richie. Look at you." Dean said. "Hey." He said as he and Dean shake hands. "Bringing satin back." I remarked and Richie looks down at his outfit. "Oh, you like this? Try Thai silk — Canal Street. You'd have to pay $300 for threads like these, easy. Cost to me — fuggedaboutit." Richie said.
"How much is forget about it?" Sam asked. "Ah, forget about it." Richie said, waving his hand, then he points out an older man. "That's Trotter over there. He sits there all night. Can't touch him." He said.
"So, what do we do now?" I asked. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm gonna do a little investigating with that bartender." Dean said and I turn my head to him. "Like hell you are!" I said and he chuckles. "Besides, me and her, we got a little...somethin'-somethin' lined up for later." Richie said to Dean. "Yeah, right." Dean scoffs.
"Stings, don't it? All right. I got to hit the head, release the hostages. Be back in a few." Richie said and Sam laughs at Richie's general cheesiness as he walks away.
"No way he gets a girl like that. I mean, look at her. You could fit that ass on a nickel." Dean said. "You think so?" A voice asked and we turned and see Father Gil sitting nearby. "Oh." Dean laughs. "Busted." I muttered to him. "Sorry, Padre." Dean said to Gil.
"Knew you three would find your way here. They all do." Gil said. "No offense, but what are you doing here, Father?" I asked him. "Like it or not, you go where your flock is." Gil said as the bartender pours him a drink.
"Plus, the clergy drinks for free." She said. "True, and a certain bartender owes me a confession." Gil said to her. "Not in this lifetime, Father." She said, smiling. "I better see your butt on Sunday." He said then he looks at Dean as he leaves the seat. "Nickel or no nickel." He said and he leaves.
"What can I get you three?" She asked. "What's your speciality?" Dean asked her. "I make a mean hurricane." The bartender said. "I guess we'll see about that." Dean said and she walks away and my jaw clenches at this.
"You drink hurricanes?" Sam asked. "I do now." Dean said. "Do you still want your fingers?" I asked him and he smirks at me. "You know, I'm starting to like this jealous side of you. It's kinda hot." He said and I glare at him.
"Hey." Sam said as he hits our arm and points towards two men ar a pool table nearby. One guy raises his gun and shoots the second guy point-blank in the forehead. The crowd erupts in chaos and the shooter aims the gun at his own head.
Dean runs and tackles him to the ground. Sam and I make our way over to them and Sam surreptitiously splashes holy water on him. But the man seems really surprised and outraged by being splashed with water, but doesn't sizzle.
"What are you doing?!" He asked, annoyed, and the boys and I share a look then the man mutters to himself. "He slept with my wife. That bastard slept with my wife!" He said.
"Somebody call 911!" Sam shouts and the bartender runs off.
We were standing in the bar as the cop arrested the shooter and take him away. Then one of the officers comes up to us. "You three ready for your mug shots?" He asked us and the boys and I look at him, nervously, and the cop hastens to reassure us. "The photographer's gonna be here in a few, and...take your picture for the local paper." He said.
"Be an honor, Officer. What a thrill!" Dean said, relieved but also was giving a fake enthusiasm. The officer nods and walks away then I turn to the boys. "Yep, time to go." I said. "Wait a second. Wait a second." Dean said and we look over at him.
"What?" Sam and I asked him. "Where's Richie?" He asked and we shrugged. We looked around the bar as we leave but didn't find Richie so then we head out.
Later, at a different bar, Dean was sitting at a table, a large burger in front of him. His phone was up on his ear but he hangs it up and looks at it, speculatively.
"You do realize there's red meat within striking distance, right?" I said to Dean as Sam returns with some beers for us. "How many times I got to tell Richie, he's gonna get himself in trouble?" Dean grumbles. "Dean, you're assuming he's missing. I mean, maybe he just bailed." Sam said as he sits down.
"He's a moron. I mean, he's a sweet moron, but he's not a coward. He wouldn't just bail. I got to go find him." Dean said. "I'll come with you." I said. "All right. Meanwhile I think I'm gonna trail this Trotter guy." Sam said. "Yeah?" Dean asked.
"Yeah. I don't know. Something about the way he looked at me last night. Maybe there is something going on here." Sam said. "Or maybe he likes you." I remarked and Dean snorts with laughter. "Ha ha, very funny." Sam said as he gets up and leaves.
Dean was able to track Richie's phone which lead us to a large house. We searched the house and found Richie's dead body in the basement, which looked like a place where a ritual could happen. I gasped while Dean stood there and stared at Richie's body. "Damn it." He mutters as he goes over to Richie. "Dean, I'm so sorry." I said and he shakes his head.
"Sam!" Dean shouts, annoyed, into his phone sometime later. We finished giving Richie a hunter funeral and decided to go back to the bar to hunt down that bartender. Dean and I came up with a plan to get her attention towards Dean and she would bring him back to her place down into the basement. That's where Dean would trap her as we drew a devil's trap under the rug in the basement.
Dean went to call Sam but it seems that Sam had to get off of the phone, quickly, as he hung up on Dean. "Sam okay?" I asked him. "Yeah, uh, he said he'd be back here in 20 minutes, so meet up with him and if I'm not back, come find me...or not, I don't care which way." Dean said. "Okay." I said, rolling my eyes. "Good." He said.
"Just remember that whatever I say, I don't mean it." I said as he looks me over. "I know." He said and we share a quick kiss before he heads into the bar.
I stand outside of the door as I watch him sit at the bar and order a drink. He gets the drink from the bartender then another woman, in scantily clothing, comes up to him and gives him a seductive smile and talks to him.
I felt a lump in my throat and anger in my chest as I take a deep breath and storm into the bar. "Are you freaking kidding me?!" I shout as I go over to Dean, who looks up at me in shocked. "Honey, it's not what you think!" He said and I stnad in front of him and fold my arms.
"Oh really?! That's what you said about that bitch from the other night!" I shouted and Dean gives a look of shock and a bit of fright. "You know what? Forget it! Just...just.." I stammered as I try to summon some tears to make it look real. I immediately started to think about my dad and his last moments and this brought tears to my eyes.
Then I glared up at Dean and said. "Screw you! Never talk to me again!" Then I turned and left the bar as Dean calls out to me but I continued to walk out. "Baby, please!" Dean said and he goes to grab my arm. I turn to him and slap him across the face, yank my arm out of his hand then I walk out and away from the door as I wipe the tears from my eyes and composed myself.
I hope that was convincing enough for the bartender to talk to Dean. He'll charm her and then she'll feel pity for him and take him home. Normal girls would hate this plan but I trust Dean enough that nothing will happen, he hasn't given me a reason to not trust him...as a boyfriend that is.
Eventually, I saw Dean and the bartender walk out of the bar together and I stepped to the side of the bar so they wouldn't see me. Dean looks over his shoulder and sees me and I give him a nod then he gives me a wink before he turns back ahead and walk with the woman.
After walking around a bit, I make my way back to the bar and see Sam coming out of the building. "(Y/n)!" Sam said as he comes over to me. "I thought you'd be with Dean?" He asked. "We found out that that bartender is a demon and she had killed Richie. Dean said he'd take care of it but it's been awhile and I'm getting worried. I meant to meet up with you sooner but...I lost track of time." I said and Sam nods.
"I know where to go." He said and he grabs my arm and we head out.
We make it to the house and knocked on the front door. The door swings open and we look at it but decided to go through it anyway. "Dean?" Sam calls out. "Dean?" I said as we check out the place.
I step forward and hear a weird noise under my feet. I look down and see I had stepped on little pink piggy slippers. I shake my head and kicked them aside then we look at a picture of the bartender with a guy, and a cross necklace hanging on top of it.
Sam sees something behind it and reaches around it them pulls his fingers back which were covered in yellow powder. "Sulfur." Sam mutters and I nod.
"Bobby, It's (y/n). We got a big problem. Sam and I found some sulfur, and now we can't find Dean. Call me as soon as you get this." I said into my phone as Sam talks to the barman once we make it back to the bar.
I hang up and look over at Sam, who was annoyed. "So what did he say?" I asked. "Nothing." Sam replied and I sighed then looked over to see Father Gil sitting at a booth. Sam and I exchange a look then approach him.
"Father." Sam said and he looks up at us. "Yes?" He said. "Um...can we, can we talk to you for a sec?" Sam asked and he nods and we take a seat across from him. "So, the, the bartender the other night, Casey. You know her pretty well?" Sam asked Gil, who nods. "Since she was in pigtails." He replied.
"Well, um, she and my brother, they, uh...they...left tonight. Together." Sam said. "Ah. Well...not that I approve, but they are consenting adults." Gil said. "Right." Sam and I said. "I, I'm sorry. You said brother. I thought the three of you were insurance investigators?" Gil asked. "Right, right. Well, well we are. Um, it's like, it's like a family business, you know? And (y/n) here, is an old family friend." Sam said. "Ah." Gil said.
"Anyways, so, we went to Casey's apartment, and they weren't there. Sam and I just have this feeling that they...that they might be in trouble." I said. "What kind of trouble?" Gil asked. "Just...trouble. Dean has a, how you say, a magnet for trouble." I said and Gil looks us over.
"Look, please, Father, we need your help. Is there anything you could tell me about Casey — anyplace she'd go, maybe...?" Sam asked. "Yes, there is a place. Let me get my jacket." Gil said as he gets up. "No, wait, wait, wait, Father. (Y/n) and I can do this by ourself." Sam said. "Son, if Casey's really in trouble, then there's nothing to talk about." Gil said as he stands and puts on his coat.
"Shall we go?" He asked as he has his back to us and straightens his coat. "Yeah." Sam said and we leave the bar.
"So, insurance investigating. You enjoy the work?" Gil asked us. "Yeah." I replied as Gil drives hs. "Yeah, yeah, I...like being able to help people." Sam said. "Ever think about doing anything else?" Gil asked. "Like what?" Sam and I asked in unison. "Mmm, anything. You two seem like pretty smart kids. Somehow I see both of you out in front of the pack. You could do some great things." He said.
"I don't know. I like doing what I'm doing, I guess." Sam said. "Yeah, same here." I said and Gil nods. "Well, it's your life." He said. "And you said that, uh...Dean?" He said to me and I nod. "You said Dean is a magnet for trouble?" He asked and I nod. "Yeah, if he isn't causing it, it'll follow him." I said and Gil chuckles.
We pull up in front of Casey's home, then we get out of the car and start walking towards the home. "Dean?!" Sam calls out but no reply. "Dean!" I shouted and we come upon the front door. "Dean!" Sam and I shout as he pounds door.
"Check that way." Gil said and Sam and I walk off in the other direction around the house. "(Y/n)! Sam!" Dean's voice calls out. "Dean?" Sam and I called out. "Guys, down here! The basement caved in!" Dean shouted as we come up to a grate and see him.
"Dean. Hey, hold on, okay? We're coming. All three of us." I said. "Three of us?" Dean said, confused. "We're here with the Father." Sam replied and Dean turns to look behind him then looked back at us.
"Guys, be careful." Dean said, warningly. Sam and I turn around and see Gil with black eyes. I gasped just as a shot is fired just past Gil's head, destroying a small statute.
He whips around and we see Bobby holding the Colt. Gil then uses his powers to fling him aside then throws Sam into the windscreen of the Impala. I start to run at him but then he flings me back and I hit something hard and I blackout.
I groan as I start to come back to to see Bobby over me. "You alright, girlie?" He asked me as I sit up. "Yeah, just peachy." I said then I noticed Sam wasn't around. "Where's Sam?" I asked. "He just ran inside the house." Bobby said and I get up and make my way into the house.
I just make it towards the basement when I heard a gunshot. I come up next to Sam to see Gil was shot, lightning emits from and circles him as he twitches and dies. Sam then points the Colt at Casey.
"Sam, wait!" Dean shouts but Sam shoots her, and the bodies of Casey and Father Gil, no longer possessed, lie dead on the devil’s trap. My eyes widen at this as Dean stares at his brother as he slowly lowers the Colt, and the bodies bleed out.
"Well, what do you think, Bobby?" I asked him as he, Dean and I walk along the busy sidewalk the next morning. "About what we did here, you think it made a difference?" I asked. "Two less demons to worry about. That's not nothing." Bobby said.
"Yeah, but Trotter's still alive." Dean pointed out. "Humans ain't our job." Bobby said. "Yeah, but you think anything's really gonna change? I mean maybe these people do just want to really destroy themselves. Maybe it is...a losing battle." Dean said to Bobby.
"Is that you or the demon girl talking?" I asked Dean. "Ohhhh, it's me. Demon is dead, and so is that girl it was possessing." He said and Bobby sighs. "Well, had to be done. Sam was saving your life." Bobby said. "Yeah, but you didn't see it, Bobby. It was cold." Dean replied. "Yeah, I'd have to admit that it was pretty cold-blooded of him doing that." I said and Bobby looks at us before Dean stops walking.
"Guys, You think...think something's wrong with my brother?" He asked and Bobby and I look over at him. "I mean, honestly, I was worried about you, (y/n), cause the Yellow-eyed demon said that when you came back from...wherever...it might not have been you." Dean said as he looks up at me and I frown, slightly, at this.
"But now I'm wondering...should I be worried about Sam?" He asked and there was a brief pause before Bobby spoke. "No. I'm sure Sam's okay." He said. "Yeah. Yeah, me too." Dean said then he looks over at me and smirks before he takes my hand and we continue our walk.
@rach5ive @kitsun369 @itzabbyxx @cevans-winchester
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aylacavebear · 7 months
She Thought She was Normal
A/N: I broke chapter 20 into 2 parts. It too, was very long.
Story Summary: Maria really thought she was normal, for most of her life. It was normal for people to have natural talent, she would tell herself the older she got. Many things came easy for her, and that was probably how their rivalry began when she was five and he was seven and she met the Winchesters. Little did either of them know that it wouldn't stay like that forever, both having a far larger destiny than they could imagine
Word Count: 3470
Please don't take my work. I'll post warnings for each chapter. Will eventually be 18+!
Warnings: Sensory Processing Sensitivity (SPS), Angst, slow burn, Death, Fluff (some)
----------------------------------------- Chapter 20 Pt. 2 - Azazel
Sam and Jess cleaned up after dinner. It was simple since there were no leftovers. They all had another beer before they went down to the dungeon hiding in one of the archive rooms.
Jess stayed near the opening of the dungeon, at Sam’s request while John and Bobby went over to the table with the ingredients, candles, and small altar with sigals painted on the table under it all. Maria was on the far side of the room, outside the devil’s trap. Sam and Dean were on either side, leaving room for Jess to be able to see. Dean looked over at Maria and smiled a little. She had that serious yet excited look, that hunter look, and he loved seeing it on her. 
Bobby spoke the incantation as John held the Colt, ready. Once Bobby dropped the match in the bowl of ingredients, smoke fizzled up, and Azazel appeared in the center of the devil’s trap, looking somewhat surprised, with an undertone of anger.
“Well, look who got some new toys,” he said cockily, looking around the room.
“It’s time to face justice, Azazel,” John told him, aiming the Colt.
“Don’t you want to know why though? Why Sammy here is so important that his mummy had to die?” Azazel smirked, knowing he could get under their skin, “Or even why dearest Maria’s parents had to be out of the picture?”
All of them were a little curious but also knew that demons lied. This demon though, was way worse, “Why?” Maria asked, surprising all of them.
That made Azazel smirk, smugly before he turned to her, “I see you’ve got your glow back. Been looking for you since before you were born, beautiful.” Dean’s jaw clenched, as did his fists but he didn’t move. He knew if he got inside that devil’s trap Azazel could still hurt him. Maria glared at Azazel though, which made Dean happy, seeing that fire in her eyes.
“You may kill me but I have plenty of others that will make sure my plan is completed, including that little bitch there lighting up, just like mommy,” Azazel told Sam as he turned and pointed at Jess.
Maria used her powers, moving the chair and making Azazel sit down, then used the cuffs that were hanging on the wall to cuff him to the hooks in the cement floor. She was pissed but she wasn’t about to pass up the opportunity to learn what his plan was or how many demons he had working for him.
“What plan?” Bobby asked, now standing opposite Maria, barely blocking Jess’s view from where she stood.
Azazel looked over his shoulder at Maria, “My my my, you’ve gotten good with that one. You’ll be the perfect little incubator for Sammy’s demonic spawn,” he cooed before looking back over at Sam, “Killing me won’t stop it, Sammy. You have a destiny to fulfill,” with those words, his eyes went yellow, “My children will have to prove who is stronger and can lead my army.”
“What are you talking about?” Sam demanded, getting pissed, quickly.
“That’s right, get angry, feel it, use it,” Azazel egged him on, “You’ll find out, when it’s time. Hope that sweet little piece of ass of yours likes being indoors. The moment she steps outside, you’ll watch her burn.”
Maria looked at John and nodded. There was no point in keeping Azazel alive. He wasn’t going to give them anything else, and they knew it. Before Azazel could say another word, John shot him in the head. There was an odd sparking along Azazel’s skin, like his skeleton was almost glowing under his skin, as the demon died, that light fading.
As they cleaned things up, Azazel’s words buzzed in all their minds, just in different ways. John and Bobby took care of Azazel’s body with Dean’s help. Maria could hear Jess reassure Sam that she loved him and wasn’t going anywhere, even if it did mean staying inside the bunker for an unknown amount of time. That made her smile a little and think of Dean. To have that kind of connection with someone made her body ache in a way she didn’t understand and she felt a loneliness she hadn’t felt before. The feeling made her want to just curl up in her bed in a ball but that would have to wait. They had agreed on a couple of celebratory drinks.
Dean grabbed the whiskey while John grabbed shot glasses, as the others sat around the library tables. They decided to focus on the win of Azazel being out of the picture. They were also at least a little safer. So, for now, they were smiling while Dean poured the whiskey and when Sam made him laugh and spill some, they all laughed with and at him. There was a lightheartedness to the atmosphere as they toasted before downing the shots. Maria felt that comfort that came from whiskey and chose to switch to beer. She knew better than to give in to that feeling again. 
“You okay?” John asked her as she got up.
“Yeah. Let's just say I made myself, and others, a promise earlier this year. I’ll just have a beer with all of you,” she explained to him softly.
Dean raised an eyebrow and watched her, having no clue what she meant. It was something she hadn’t shared with him, not in detail at least. John and Bobby didn’t know either but Sam and Jess did, and both of them smiled a bit, proud of her. They knew how hard something like that had to be on her. Maria grabbed a beer and stared at it in her hands for a minute, sighing, debating just putting it back as she leaned her back against the counter. She set the beer down on the counter to her right and wrapped her arms around her sides.
“You okay?” she heard him ask softly from the doorway.
She had honestly wanted to cry, so looked away from him. Dean walked closer to her, slowly, feeling as though if he moved too quickly he’d spook her somehow. Everything in him was telling him to just hold her and he was fighting it tooth and nail.
“Not really…” she mumbled.
He couldn’t take it anymore and put his arms around her gently, pulling her close to him. She froze and he felt it but he wasn’t about to let her go. Whether she would admit it or not, she needed this, “It’s okay, a hug won’t kill you, I promise Sweetheart,” he told her softly, gently rubbing her back.
She was still tense and this time she felt the wall that she’d built between them even with him as close as he was. Her mind raced and she closed her eyes, squeezing them shut. She didn’t even realize that she was taking very shallow breaths. Maria wanted to let go, let that wall fall down but was terrified of what that meant. She still hadn’t moved her hands to reciprocate the hug.
Dean moved his other hand to the back of her head, softly stroking her hair, now just holding his hand against the small of her back. The hug was loose enough that if she really wanted to run, she could. She wasn’t frozen, just tense and he could feel it. He decided it was time to attempt a little humor.
“I got a question, with you being what you are, will you pass out if you don’t take a deep breath?” he asked her, in a teasingly playful way, as he could tell she’d barely been breathing as it was.
His question caught her completely off guard but she couldn’t help the genuine laughter she had, which also relaxed her a bit in his arms. She smiled a little and slowly moved her arms so that they were around his waist, then leaned her head on his shoulder. Dean smiled, feeling her finally start to relax, even if it was only a little. 
“See. I told you a hug wouldn’t kill you,” he joked.
She laughed softly, even smiled a little, “You want me to admit that you were right?” she asked, in a teasing sort of tone.
It was Dean’s turn to chuckle, “It’d be nice but no, that’s not why I said it.”
Maria looked up just in time to see Jess stop dead in her tracks in the doorway of the kitchen and she quickly pulled away from Dean, feeling her heart suddenly pounding in her chest. Dean looked at her, confused until he turned and saw Jess, then groaned. He felt like he had gotten so close and now would have to start all over again with her. Maria didn’t look at either of them as she left the kitchen and went to her room, her hand gripping her flannel closed over her heart. It was too many emotions and she knew she wouldn’t be able to sit with the others not with them just below her skin now. She didn’t even turn on her light, just crawled into bed and curled into a ball before the tears fell.
“Thanks, Jess,” Dean almost growled at her before he went back into the library, needing more than just another shot of whiskey.
“I’m sorry Dean. If I had known I wouldn’t have even come looking for her,” Jess apologized, following him back out of the kitchen.
The three in the library looked at the two of them, “What’s going on?” Sam asked, somewhat annoyed with Dean’s tone toward Jess.
“Blondie here probably just ruined everything. That’s what’s going on,” Dean stated, annoyed as he poured himself a double and downed it.
“Boy, be nice,” Bobby told him sternly.
“There’s no reason to take it out on Jess,” John added.
“What was so important that you had to go looking for her anyway?” Dean asked, still annoyed.
“I was looking through the filing cabinets and I found some old pictures. Bobby said that her dad was in one of them and wanted to show her,” Jess explained.
He couldn’t be mad and he knew it, even if he was. Dean poured himself another drink but sipped this one, “What the hell has gotten into you?” John asked him, somewhat frustrated himself.
Dean leaned back against the table, facing away from them, ignoring his father’s question. Sam rolled his eyes before he looked at John, “He’s got a crush on Maria but she’s not the most receptive,” Sam explained, dryly.
“You hurt that girl and I’ll kick your ass boy,” Bobby told him, meaning it.
Again Dean didn’t even acknowledge the remark, scoffing under his breath. He had no idea how to fix this one or get close to her again. He thought he heard quiet sobs coming from her room but it could have also just been his imagination. 
“I’m going to bed,” he said in a low, annoyed tone before he downed the rest of his drink. 
“I’m still really sorry Dean, about earlier,” Jess told him, apologetically.
“I know,” he sighed before he headed down the hall.
Her room was far enough away from the opening of the hallway that the door couldn’t be seen from where any of them sat in the library. As he passed it, he heard what sounded like quiet, muffled sobs again and it made him stop dead in his tracks, listening, “Damnit,” he mumbled under his breath, clenching his fists at his sides.
Dean took a deep breath before he looked at her door, his internal battle raging again. He knew he’d have to choose before any of the others decided they wanted to go to bed. Gingerly he reached out, quietly opening her door and slipping inside, closing it just as quietly behind him. Her room was dark but he could hear her so for now he just stood there, letting his eyes adjust. When they did though, he felt a pain in his heart seeing her like she was, curled up in a ball, hugging her pillow, sobbing as quietly as she could. Dean slipped off his shoes and slowly walked over to her bed, taking a deep breath before he sat down on the edge of it, gently setting his hand on her side. He felt her freeze under his touch and sighed.
“I just want to be here for you, will you let me?” he asked her quietly.
She was terrified and it felt like all her nerves were on edge and exposed but she also felt a sense of comfort in his words and his touch, so she nodded, hoping he could see. Dean carefully laid down on the bed behind her and got comfortable on his side before he put his arm around her this time, resting his hand on her stomach. He could feel how tense she was which made him sigh.
“I know I said it earlier or the other day. I don’t quite remember when. I really am sorry, for pushing you so far away that you had to put up that hard of a shell around me,” he told her, in a soft, quiet tone, just wishing she’d relax.
Maria wanted the tears to stop but they wouldn’t, especially when he kept talking, so she buried her face in her pillow again. It was like everything hurt and she didn’t know how to tell him so he’d understand. She didn’t even fully understand it herself. He scooted closer to her though, letting their bodies almost mold together and he felt her let go of another set of quiet sobs. He moved his hand from her stomach to her hair, gently moving it away from her face and her neck, tucking it behind her ear. Dean then gently rubbed her shoulder, trying to help her relax.
“I’m sorry…” she finally managed, a break in her tears.
“Sorry for what?” he asked her softly.
“For this…” she mumbled.
He smiled a little and rubbed her arm softly, “Well, the way I see it. I get to hold you close, so there’s nothing to be sorry for.”
That completely puzzled her and made her tears instantly stop. She turned herself so that she could look at him, now lying more on her back with his hand on her stomach, “Huh?” she asked him.
All he kept telling himself was, don’t kiss her, when she rolled like she did. He still had that soft smile that sort of looked like a happy smirk to her. He reached up and caressed her cheek and even though she flinched at first, she didn’t move away from him.
“What are you so afraid of?” he asked her.
She would have looked away had his hand not still been on her cheek so she just averted her eyes from his. Maria knew what she wanted to say but she also knew how it was going to sound, “I don’t want to hurt you and I don’t know how to say it… nicely.”
“I’ll bite. Just say it. I won’t get upset,” he replied, trying not to smirk.
She bit her bottom lip nervously again for a moment, still unable to meet his gaze, “I… well… you. No, wait, that’s not it,” she began, and fumbled over her words. Maria took a deep breath and tried again, thankful he didn’t laugh, “What you… make me… feel…” she finally got out.
He just smiled softly down at her, gently caressing her cheek, “Like what?” he asked, in a soft, curious tone.
She grumbled a little, “I don’t know what they even are or how to describe them,” she mumbled, shyly.
“Okay. Well, can you describe what you feel while I’m doing this?” he asked, caressing her cheek with his thumb while he held her with his hand.
“Umm… like my stomach is flip-flopping,” she mumbled.
He chuckled a little, “That’s called butterflies. It’s normal when you like someone.”
“It’s uncomfortable,” she grumbled.
Dean found her adorable at the moment but couldn’t say it, not yet, “What about being this close to me?”
She had to think about that one, “Kinda shaky?” she replied, not sure how else to describe it.
“Pretty sure that’s just nerves, Sweetheart,” he chuckled.
Maria grumbled again, “Why is liking someone so uncomfortable?” That time he couldn’t help himself, the laughter, although quiet, came out and she smacked him on his shoulder, “That wasn’t funny. It was a serious question.”
He took a deep breath, trying to keep a mostly straight face, “I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it. I’m not sure how to answer your question though.”
She huffed a little before glancing up at him and then away again, attempting a deep breath, “That one,” he began, “What’s that one feel like,” he asked, noticing her glance and her reaction.
“Like someone or something is compressing my lungs and it’s hard to breathe,” she mumbled.
“That’s anticipation mixed with anxiety, but it's in a good way. Sometimes your heart might even beat a little faster,” he tried to explain, then got a thought, “How do you think you’d feel if I kissed you?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
Maria felt all those things again and made herself look up at him, “Just the thought makes me feel all that stuff and it’s really uncomfortable,” she told him, managing to be honest, even if she was feeling shy, nervous, anxious, and more vulnerable than she’d ever felt before.
Dean sighed, “There are a couple ways we could go about helping you get past those. First, we could just go for it, like ripping off a bandaid really fast,” he told her gently.
“Or?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Or, we could take this as slow as you’re comfortable with, even if that means you initiate any contact we have,” he replied, just as gently.
She groaned quietly, “Too bad there’s no in-between,” she sighed.
“There is, but I don’t want you to feel pushed,” he told her.
“What do you mean?” she asked, curiously.
He liked that she was at least curious, “I could do little things, like, umm…” he paused to think, “kiss your forehead, hold your hand, hug you. Things like that.”
She thought about it for a minute, leaving the two in a suspended silence, “We could try that, I guess,” she replied, shyly, “And, for the record, I hate feeling this way,” she added, finally looking up at him.
He furrowed his brow, confused, “Feeling what way?” 
“Weak…” she replied quietly.
He couldn’t believe he’d just heard her say that about herself, and he couldn’t stop what he did and said next. Dean shifted his body so that he was leaning on his elbow, looking down at her now, holding her hand with the one he’d had on her cheek, “You are the least weak person I’ve ever met. Literally, everything you just shared with me shows a huge amount of courage. You didn’t have to share that stuff with me. You could have told me to leave but you didn’t,” he told her, seriously, yet gently and sincerely.
She wasn’t sure what changed, but looking up at him didn’t feel uncomfortable like it did before. Perhaps it was the sincerity in his words or the gentleness of how he was looking at her. She couldn’t put her finger on it but she smiled, just a little up at him, “Thanks.”
Dean smiled and kissed her on her forehead before he snuggled back up next to her, “I’ll head to my room when you want me to go but I’ll hold you as long as you’ll let me.”
Maria smiled a little and rolled onto her side, getting comfortable against him so that her back was to his chest. He gently moved his hand down her shoulder, along her arm, and rested his hand on her hip. She shivered at his touch, even if it was over her flannel, only it had nothing to do with being cold.
“You cold?” he asked her.
She giggled a bit, “No, I’m not cold.”
He smirked and pulled her a little closer, nuzzling his nose in the crook of her neck but more on her hair, not wanting her to feel uncomfortable. She sighed and closed her eyes, taking slow, deep breaths to relax herself the best she could. There was something about him being behind her, as close as he was that was comforting even if it was also uncomfortable. 
Before she knew it, she had fallen asleep in his arms. Dean was still awake, feeling her breathing, and smiled when she did fall asleep. Since she hadn’t asked him to leave, he finally closed his eyes and allowed himself to fall asleep as well.
----------------------------------------- Chapter 21 - Time to make a choice
Tag List: @deans-spinster-witch @kazsrm67
Link to the master list for this story.
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crushculture03 · 5 months
The First Meeting
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See Masterlist for warnings
Chp 3 of ‘About you’
Gifs aren’t mine all credit goes to the og creators
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Summer 1999
Bobby Singer didn't like visitors, it was well known he really didn't like people in general, well besides his daughter Valerie, who was the only one who could make that grumpy man smile.
The morning of June 2nd loud banging woke both Bobby and Valerie. Bobby pulled his pistol out as he slowly approached the door, "Who the hell is it!" he yells. "It's John, Bobby, '' a voice says. Bobby groans and puts his gun away, opening the door to reveal the Winchester boys. "What John '' Bobby says, clearly not happy to see his friend. "I gotta go on some hunts but can't take the boys, can you watch them while I'm away? '' John asks, and motions to the two teen boys standing next to him.
Bobby sighs and looks at the boys, "Fine, but you owe me big time Winchester '' he grumbles, "Come on boys' ' he says and steps aside so they can walk into the house. "Thanks Singer I appreciate it, bye boys be good" John says, before walking back to his car and speeding off.
Bobby closes the door and looks at the boys, "Sam, Dean wow you two have grown, how old are ya again?" he asks, "I'm 18 and Sammy's 16" Dean says. "Ok, well Sam you're the same age as Valerie'' Bobby says, "Val get down here there's someone I want you to meet!" her father shouts up the stairs.
Sam swears he felt his heart skip a beat when a young blonde girl came down the stairs. "Val, meet Sam and Dean Winchester, Winchesters Meet my daughter Valerie," he says, introducing the teens. "Hi" she says sheepishly, "Hey," the boys say in unison. "Val they're going to be staying with us all summer, can you show them to their room? '' he asks, "Of course" she smiles and motions for the boys to follow her.
The three teens made their way upstairs, "So um this will be your guy's room, there are two beds here, and my rooms down the hall, the bathroom is the last door on the right" She said. Dean walks into the room, throwing his duffel bag on one of the beds, while Sam stays in the hallway next to her. "Thanks, Valerie" he mumbles, his cheeks flushed in embarrassment, he's never been good at talking to girls. "You can call me Val, Sam" she smiles, he nods his head in response before walking into the room. "I'll let you guys get settled in, I'll be in my room if you need me, '' she says before walking down the hall to her room.
"Sammy has a crush" Dean teases his brother, "I do not!" Sam defends himself, even though his deep red cheeks give away his lie. "You better be careful, she's Bobbys daughter and you don't wanna be on his bad side" his older brother warns "But I say go for it Sam, maybe you'll finally get some" he teases before falling back on the old bed. "Thanks, Dean" he mumbles, before putting his bag down on the other bed. "I'm gonna go walk around" Sam says, his brother waves him off before closing his eyes, taking a nap.
Sam walks down the hallway, coming to a stop in front of her door, he nervously knocks on her door. Val opens the door, now out of her pajamas and into actual clothes, "Hey Sam everything ok?" she asks, "Yeah I was just wondering if maybe you'd be able to show me around the property, if-if you're not busy" he stumbles on his words a bit. "Of course" she says, Val couldn't help the butterflies that flew around her stomach when she looked at him.
He steps aside so she can follow her, she walks past him and down the stairs, he follows her. "Well let me show you my favorite place to go, my dad built it when I was a kid and my mom was still around" she leads him outside, the two walking in comfortable silence until they reach a run down tree house. "I know it looks old but it's safe I promise" she says as she climbs the stairs and motions for him to follow her. He follows after her and takes in his surroundings, the tree house was old and worn down but there were two bean bags in there and the remnants of smoked joints and empty beer bottles.
"Wow you're a bit of a rebel aren't you? '' he jokes as he sits down on one of the beaten up bean bag chairs. "It helps ease the pain of some of the stuff I see on hunts and everything, it's nice to get away from it all" she says as she takes a seat next to him.  "I understand that, so Bobby forces you to hunt like my dad does," he asks. "No, he did train me but doesn't force me to go on hunts if I don't want to, I'm sorry your dad does, he sounds like an asshole" she says, which causes Sam to let out a laugh, "you're not wrong about that" he responds.
"Do you plan on hunting when you turn 18, or do you wanna do something else?" she asks, "Well I hope to go to college, I know my dad won't be happy but I don't care, he's controlled too much of my life already" Sam responds. "I hope you get that life" she says, looking over at him and smiling, "Thanks" he responds.
Present Day
"Whatcha thinking about Val" Sam asks, snapping the girl out of her daze. "Just thinking about the summer we met, I remember us sitting in my tree house talking about the future, I'm glad you got your dream" she says before going back to looking out the window watching the scenery go by. "Aw day dreaming about Sammy aren't you" Dean teases from the driver seat, she kicks his seat "Shut up" she snaps. "Hey be careful in my baby you better not have scratched the seats" Dean lectures, "yes sir" she says, saluting him in a teasing way. The three still had a long way to go, not only miles wise, but also in the hunt to find John Winchester.
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greypetrel · 10 months
30. "I don't know where to put my love" for Raina c:
Oooooh, this was perfect for her, thank you!! (in this I discovered that a baby raccoon is called a kit)
Tis the prompt list
A good punch.
( 4.049 words | CW: blood - mentions of split lips and broken teeth )
So tell me where to put my love Do I wait for time to do what it does? I don't know where to put my love - Florence + the Machine, "My Love"
“I did want to punch him, dad.”
She uttered between her teeth, mumbling on the words because her lips hurt like hell right now. She glared stubbornly at her feet, hand clasped in her father’s and hating every step and how the skirt of her dress kept sticking to her bloody knees. She hated skirts, and she hated the feeling of her hair, long and tangled and dirty, sticking to her cheek. But her mother won’t let her wear breeches for the festival, and won’t let her cut her hair short as she did with Garrett, and she didn’t really understand why.
But, as much as her mother had been the first to find her and drag her away from Bobby Oswald who laid under her and had a black eye and lost his front tooth, and she sharply refused to say a word to explain herself… She couldn’t lie to her father. She didn’t want to lie to him. So, when he barged in, placated the Oswalds and Leandra alike and grabbed her hand to take her away and “Have a good talk, I’m sure she didn’t mean to punch Bobby”… she waited just until they were far from the crowd and told him.
Malcolm looked down at her, raising one eyebrow.
“You want to get me angry as well, young lady?” He asked her, but there was amusement in his voice. That note of amusement that was always there and she craved, right now.
“He called Garrett a freak, and you a failure.”
She confessed, anger still burning hot in her chest and raising tears to her eyes. Malcolm didn’t say anything, but answered in tow as her hand clutched tight on his, in a silent comfort. He didn’t say anything, and just lead her around the corner and deep between the stalls that were installed in the small square in front of the Chantry. People selling food, mainly, trying to earn some extra money during the fair even if they had no cattle to sell and show, no crops to offer. They already visited the stalls, and begged Leandra far and wide for a treat. Their mother had bought her and Garrett a full slice of pumpkin pie each, and the twins a big cookie with nuts and raisins she split in two for the three years olds. And that was it. The rest of the stalls kept being a dream, even if Raina asked and pleaded for some candy floss. It was coloured and it was sweet and it looked fluffy: surely it was good, even if she never tasted it. It was also pricey, and something only the more well to do could afford. Not them. The year hadn’t gone well, and she already had her more healthy treat.
So, she didn’t raise her eyes, pretending not to be interested in the food. Pretending that all those perfumes didn’t make her mouth water and terribly curious to taste everything. She hadn’t been good, her mother made it plenty clear as she yelled at her for starting a brawl and breaking Bobby’s tooth. She didn’t listen when her father stopped and started to chat with someone. She convinced herself she wasn’t interested, and her mind went flying and concentrating on other thoughts, fingers playing nervously with the cloth of her skirt. That was it: she decided to think of all the things she could do with her skirt instead of wearing it.
And yet, when Malcolm pulled gently at her hand to catch her attention, Raina could only gasp, mouth falling open.
He stopped right in front of the candy floss stand, and both him and the vendor were looking at her, expectantly.
“So? Red, purple or yellow?” Malcolm prodded, with a smile.
“But-” She objected, looking between the two men with suspicion. “But mother said-”
“Your mother isn’t here. Or do you wish me to go and call her?” Malcolm winked. “But if you don’t want it…”
“No!” She gasped aloud, and both men chuckled at her. “Red!” She declared, and stopped a while, adding a last, less concitated “Please.”
“Ah, I knew it!” Malcolm exclaimed with a big smile, and turned to the vendor again. “What did I tell you? Did I win a free stick for being such a good father to remember my daughter’s favourite colour?”
In spite of everything, Raina giggled, ignoring how the movement sent a jolt of pain on her split lip, and how she felt wet trailing down her chin from it. As her father winked and insisted a little with a vendor that wasn’t fooled by her father’s wit, she licked the blood away, quickly. It only made the wound bleed more, and she grew irritated by it.
She didn’t mind her father slipping some coins out of his pocket, absent-mindedly greeted the vendor goodbye, and trodded along her father. The more she licked, the more blood it seeped out, and the more she scowled at it. It just wouldn’t stop.
She paid little attention, too focused on stopping the annoying trickle of blood even if it started to hurt, to mind her father quickening his step all so minutely as they passed the Chantry. “Least those nasty Mothers see our treat and come to steal it!” He told her, whispering conspiratively. She nodded along and quickened her steps as much as the legs of a girl of 8 could go, following her father without looking where he was headed.
So focused she was, that when he stopped she bumped right into his leg, so hard it hurt her lip and bruised cheek.
“Ouch!” She yelped, stepping back and pressing a hand on her cheek.
“Shit-” He grumbled, stopping abruptly as he noticed the swear. “Fuck-” He grumbled. “For Andraste’s- Don’t tell your mother. I’m sorry, kit.”
“It’s fine. It doesn’t hurt that bad.”
He hummed, and left her hand, nodding towards the low stone wall that sided the river. He offered to help her up to sit there, but Raina scoffed, puffing her chest up with pride. Chanting that she was not a kit, she climbed up on her merry self. Bobby’s tooth cut her knuckles something nasty, and even if the bleeding stopped, it hurt when she scraped it against the stone. She bit it down bravely, grunting for that and how sore she was, and complaining because the nasty skirt made climbing unnecessarily difficult. But she managed, rolling on her belly on top of the wall and collecting her limbs on top, so she could kneel and go sit with her legs dwindling on the other side, up the water. Malcolm was much more graceful, and as soon as he was sitting too, she scuttled closer
“Do you want to talk about it?” Malcolm asked, caressing her head.
“He was mean, dad!” She grumbled, crossing her arms on her chest and looking down at the water, legs moving quicker. “He picked on Garrett, he called him a freak and pushed him, and said you are a failure that can’t… I don’t know, he used a weird word. You can’t do something for us, and it’s not true, and so I told him you’re the best dad in the world and to leave my brother alone, and he called me a Bug-eyes and he just didn’t stop.”
A hand came around her back and closed on the opposite shoulder, keeping her still as she thrashed around on the ledge. She shoved him off: she wasn’t a baby, and she wouldn’t fall. She never fell when she climbed, not anymore. Understanding she didn’t want to be touched, now, Malcolm let her speak, listened to her as she kept on with her tale.
“He shouldn’t have said those things, you’re right.” He convened, in the end. “It still doesn’t make it right to punch him, kit. You hurt him pretty badly.”
Raina turned towards him, a deep scowl on her face, and looked in his eyes -the same blue as hers- as she told him, this time lowering her voice.
“He told he was going to call the Templars, dad. That’s when I punched him. And why I’m not sorry.”
She watched as his father’s face darkened, something harsh making his way in his expression. It was his serious face, and Raina knew he understood. He always understood, when her mother never did and only scolded her.
“Maybe he was joking.” He proposed.
“I am still not sorry.” She proudly declared, turning towards the river again. “I don’t want that you and Garrett will be brought away because Bobby is mean and stupid.”
“Punching him isn’t a solution.”
“I bit him, too.”
Malcolm stilled at the news, and as Raina side-glanced at him, she saw him with his free hand on his mouth, covering it as he tried not to laugh. She knew he was scolding her for what she did and he that he was serious, but she snorted too, covering her mouth with both hands.
“Raina, I’m serious.” He scowled at her, but his eyes kept an amused glint.
“But you told me I need to defend my little siblings!”
“I know, kit. But you’re not a raccoon. You’re a person, and people talk.”
“But I tried, dad. I tried to tell him he was mean, but he just didn’t listen. I didn’t know what else to do.”
“Come here.”
He sighed, and pulled her closer to his side. More prone to be touched, right now, she let him, and turned to hug his bust, pressing her face in his side. He put the fancy waistcoat, the one he only wore for special occasions, and it was rough against her sensible skin. But it was warm and comforting enough, it smelled like the lavender pouches her mother kept in the wardrobes, and she didn’t mind that she was probably staining it. The comfort provided was more important, and the way he kept her close by her shoulder, rubbing circles with his thumb.
“Do you still love me?”
“Of course, kit, what makes you think I don’t?”
“Mom was very angry. Mom loves Garrett best.”
He sighed, heavily. It wasn’t the first time the topic came up, and it always made Raina cry. This time was no different, and she clutched on her father tighter.
“I do love you, kit. Very much. Your mother does too, I swear. Quite a lot. She gets angry because you’re always getting into trouble and she worries.”
“But she told me I had to be a good sister and protect my siblings!”
“I don’t think she meant getting into a brawl and splitting your lip open. That’s what she worries about.” Malcolm explained, gently pushing the child away from him enough so he could see her face. “Let me see.”
Her lip indeed left a stain on his waistcoat, darker than the grey wool it was made of. He paid it no mind, and didn’t let Raina either, gently pushing her face up towards his. She sniffed and blinked tears away from her eyes, putting up a brave face. She was 8, she was too old for crying, and she stood straight, offering herself for the careful examination like a big, brave girl. Stupid tears couldn’t really stop, but she did her very best. He gently pushed on her cheekbone with his thumb, and apologized when the pressure made her flinch. And rubbed her lower lip, without using any magic. Even with some pressure -and she was ready this time, she just scrunched her nose and eyes- the bleeding didn’t stop, and Malcolm huffed at it.
“We should really think of something better than punching, for you.” He grumbled, fishing his handkerchief from a pocket and dabbing her lip with it. “Defending the people you love is great and commendable kit, and I’m so proud that you jumped to it and that you stood up to your choices.”
A pause.
“Don’t tell your mother I told you so.” He casted her a look, but his eyes were still amused. “I am very, very disappointed you shut up the most annoying kid in the village, I’m absolutely appalled that you punched and bit him and kicked him, and I expect you to be very contrite and remorseful when we get back, ok?”
He winked at her, and she giggled, nodding enthusiastically. She took the handkerchief and kept on dabbing her mouth herself, heart lighter as her father huffed in satisfaction. As she did, with her feet kicking the air before her, alternatively pushing on the stone and skipping forward, she saw Malcolm ripping a piece of cotton candy, finally, and look at it, considering.
“My point is, you have all this love… We need to find a way to use it better than punching people that offend it, tho. Somewhere to put it.”
“Like a closet?”
He chuckled, and offered her the sugar. Raina looked at it, unsure, and at her father. When he nodded in encouragement, she was quick in picking the piece up and bring it to her mouth. It was sweet and crinkled under her teeth before quickly melting in the most thrilling way, and it was the most delicious thing she ever ate. Of course, it was red. Red things were the best. It made Malcolm chuckle more, as he too took a bite.
“We can try and put it in a closet, but closets get full so easily. We need to try something else.”
“Like what?”
She asked, not fully understanding his words, and how love could be stored or put somewhere rather than somewhere else. She shrugged it off, tho, not wanting him to think she was too little and didn’t understand a grown-up concept. She was the eldest and she was big, after all, even if Garrett had magic and that could maybe made up for a year less. She just stretched her arm, fingers sticky with sugar, to take another piece of the candy.
“I don’t know. Hug puppies. Take care of animals. Knit. Count to a hundred before you act. Run in the morning so you’re tired during the day and your love doesn’t burst. Let the bullies run after you until they trip and fall by themselves and you can keep clean. Insult them without them knowing.”
Raina considered, with her mouth full of sugar.
“So mom won’t get worried?”
Malcolm turned and poked her ribcage, annoyingly enough, and again until she turned to bat his hand away, laughing because it tickled. He laughed with her, and waited enough for her to stop thrashing -she did so much that he had to catch her by the shoulder lest she fell into the river. When it was done, he was there, a smile on his face and a look that was really serious in his eyes.
“So we all won’t get worried.” He told her, in his serious voice that meant what he told was important and she should listen.
She nodded and jumped forward, hugging him tight.
“I am sorry I got you worried, dad.” She told him, drowned as she was in his chest.
He caressed her hair, and right then, the world was good and she didn’t feel the urge to move somehow, to bounce her leg or play with her hands.
“It’s fine, kit.” He sighed, relaxing minutely. “Just keep in mind that if you put your love into punches, people you love won’t be happy, they will be worried. Ok?”
Raina considered. It made sense, even if the concept of love was still a little weird and abstract.
“… But what if I don’t let them punch me back?”
Something less than twenty years later, a lifetime distant from that afternoon in Greenfell, Raina kept considering that day on the stream, eating red candy they couldn’t afford with her father.
She stepped forward, turning her daggers in her hands, bending her neck left and right quickly to warm up and get ready. Her heart beat hard and fast in her ears, in anticipation and, partly, fear. On the other hand, only an idiot wouldn’t have been afraid, in her place, to be doing what she was about to do. Maybe she was not as scared as she should have been.
It wasn’t the time to reason, tho, or to consider any better. She took her father’s words to heart, and had been mindful to put her love to good use. Ironically enough, she learnt to talk and outwit people, and she took up knitting and adopted a dog. And she stopped throwing punches so often, because she learnt to wield daggers.
She stepped forward in the throne room, bouncing from one foot to the other, turning fear into adrenaline and not thinking that she most likely chose the stupidest place to put her love. And yet, she kept her chin up, back straight, and looked the Arishok right in his eyes with a challenge.
Her love went into a city that didn’t love her, into a mother and Carver who both lied six feet under, Bethany in the Circle and Garrett that was about to be brought there too, since the Knight-Commander saw him. Her love went into a mismatched rag-tag groups of misfits, just like her. Her love went into them and into fucking things up for them and with them.
She put her love into turning her back to Merrill, screaming for her and beating her hands against the bars that closed the Alienage for the invasion. She put her love into keeping her safe, because after what she did, after taking advantage of her in such a way and leaving her as she did, that was all she could do to her. Perhaps it would have mildened her memory for the elf. Not that she would have been there to see.
She put her love, lastly and firstly and more stupidly, into a woman that didn’t want it, that told her from the start that she didn’t, but that had it anyway.
She put her love in Isabela and into a duel she couldn’t win, and she cared not for anything else. Kirkwall could go fuck itself: if it weren’t for Bela, she would have left it to the Qun and see if the Arishok could have found her a spot she could finally fit in.
She clutched her hands tighter on the hilts of the daggers, feeling the supple leather of her father’s gloves pressing on her skin. She wondered what he would have thought, and if he would still be proud of her. She guessed she was about to find out.
“Raina, please-”
She heard Garrett from behind. He was the only one, now, to call her by her name, and it was too little. She wasn’t a Hawke: Hawke had been her father, and she made a treasure of his words, she missed him like air, and she stubbornly decided that he was right, but not always.
Some people really needed a good punch.
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daintyduck99 · 2 years
"you stayed up...all night...for them. oh dude you're in love." for Bobby/Julie because I need more Bobby/Julie from your brain plz and thank
When Bobby's phone lights up with Shooting Star 💜, he answers it automatically.
"Hey, Julie."
"Hey." There's a note of uncertainty in her voice, and he can picture her biting her lip, winding her curls around her fingers. "I didn't think…I should let you sleep."
Sleep? It's only—
Another quick glance at his screen reminds him that he's still screwed up from his latest international stint of being paraded around as his parent's little trophy pet. It's almost two am.
Said stints are the closest thing he has to a scholarship, though, so he'll continue to grit his teeth and bear it for now.
It's sweet that Julie had assumed he'd be any semblance of adjusted, at least.
"It's fine," he reassures her, leaning back in his chair, "I'm not back on California time yet. What's up?"
Her voice quavers a bit as she says, "Me?," but he knows that she's aiming for levity, so he huffs a laugh, which at least makes her let out a genuine little giggle.
He doesn't press her, and eventually, she sighs. It's her "I'm about to rip off the bandaid" sigh, and he sits up straighter.
"It's my mom's birthday. So I guess I just…I still talk to her all the time. But I needed to talk to someone I miss who could talk back. Does that make sense?"
"Of course it does. I'm haunted by some of the bridges I nearly burned when I was an angry teen, Jules." Bobby swallows. "I'm lucky that Reggie forced Luke and me to get our heads out of our asses, you know. I'd be a lonely, surly asshole without them."
"You aren't a surly asshole now?"
He gasps in mock offense as she giggles.
"Damn, Molina. You're ruthless."
"Not my fault when you make it so easy."
He's smiling. He can't help it.
"But yeah. If I couldn't talk to them, I guess the next best thing would be talking to someone about them. That's still some kind of closure. It makes perfect sense."
"I'm glad you get me." She's smiling too, he hears it in the sheer warmth of her words, and his heart stutters in his chest as she adds, "And I do want to talk about her, but I think you missed the part where I also said that I missed you. You'd better tell me about yourself too, Shaw."
The rest of the morning flies by. His head feels like it's full of lead, but—
It's Julie. It’s worth it.
She's mostly laughing by the end, and when she finally has to go because her dad is calling for her, she tells him thank you so sweetly and genuinely that the back of his neck gets hot.
He stumbles into the kitchen about half an hour later, summoned by the smell of coffee. It's a Sunday, so he could crash, but he really shouldn't fuck up his sleep schedule any further.
It's Reggie who's grinning at him from the kitchen counter, swinging his feet. Of course it is. He's generally the early riser of the four of them, followed by Luke.
"Good morning."
"Morning," Bobby murmurs warily, eyeing the coffee pot. It'd be silly to say that Reggie’s guarding it, but he sort of is.
Sure enough, he grabs Bobby's hand when he goes to snatch the carafe, lacing their fingers together, instead.
"Who were you talking to all night?"
"It wasn't all night. Can I have my hand back before your boyfriend decides to join the fray? I need caffeine first."
"Bobby. It was basically all night."
"How would you know that unless you were also up all night?"
Reggie reddens but refuses to back down or be baited, maintaining eye contact and a hold of Bobby's hand. "Was it Julie?"
Bobby's poker face is way better.
"Why do you want to know?"
Reggie knows him too well, though.
"Why don't you want me to know?"
"Because you're acting like it means something, and it doesn't." He sighs as Reggie's nose wrinkles judgmentally. "I'm not saying it meant nothing at all. I'm just saying that you're being weird about it."
"Bobby," Reggie says slowly, searching his eyes. "You really should've slept last night. You're a bear when your schedule gets all fucked up. But instead, you stayed up…all night…for Julie. Dude. You're in love."
He wants to protest, to say that she'd needed him, but he'd sooner walk through fire than divulge anything she'd told him before seven am, those vulnerable pieces of herself that she'd shown him.
Even if she hadn't needed him—it wouldn't have mattered. He may not be as bold as her, unable to say it outright, but he'd missed her, too. That, she must know.
Had she also been trying to tell him—
Luke interrupts with a loud, "Oh, are we finally acknowledging that Julie and Bobby are head over heels for each other?"
Bobby scoffs, peeling his fingers free from Reggie’s and nabbing the coffee pot.
"I'm sorry, how long were you two hooking up before you finally confessed?"
Luke and Reggie splutter at Bobby's back as he speeds back to his room with a smirk, heart knocking hopefully on his ribs.
Today's not the day, and maybe he still can't even get the words out in his mind, but he needs to try, and he needs to stay awake. He cues up his sister's contact.
He has another phone call to make.
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s8e16 remember the titans (w. daniel loflin)
hint of leg, gasp
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i've seen this painting before
why does this wackadoodle war room thing have a sink in it? other than give the ability to have dean walk in on sam hiding being sick
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appreciate all the angles so we can set the extent of the set. she's fancy
DEAN So, no word from Cas, Kevin's taking his sweet little time, and you're acting cagey. We need a lead before I start climbing these walls.
scraping at the bottom of my brainpan to remember when we last saw cas and if we're reconciled or still mad
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you're lookin extra pretty today, padalecki. i like the shorter side bang action
bird ate the liver ha ha so it is indeed gonna be a thing, okay
SAM Could be looking for a witch, yeah. You know what? He's parked here. He's safe. Maybe we should just get another room until we can figure this out. DEAN All right, but you're the one going full-cavity for the hex bag.
excuse me what
SAM Well, that's not – never mind. Um…We need to think. Dean, what do we know of that has Jason Bourne fighting skills, dies a lot, and has a history with violent women? DEAN I don't know – you?
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all right that was pretty great. i'll take it!
before dean answered my thoughts were the old guard
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first one because it's a pretty shot. second and third, dean with the death glare at the family
DEAN Okay, so who is this guy? SAM Best I can tell? Prometheus.
LOL okay. so *literally* prometheus
SAM I'm guessing Artemis, Zeus' daughter. She's been known to carry around weapons like that dagger. They're nasty. They'll kill Immortals dead.
need to add that one to the collection. this is silly
DEAN Wait. I'm sorry. You just discovered that you have a seven-year-old son, and you want to walk away?
jealous/projecting much
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okay so i thought i knew her voice, she was in the replacements! big soft spot for football and football movies and this one doesn't age well (replacement players aka our heroes are scabs) however if you take that aspect away, it's sweet and funny and there was a line by gene hackman in it that was such a good visual for my perpetual anxiety
Jimmy McGinty: Like a duck on the pond. On the surface everything looks calm, but beneath the water those little feet are churning a mile a minute.
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the replacements (2000) brooke langton as annabelle farrell
now i have soft feelings for this rando lady because of it lol
i really think being a fan of teen wolf was good preparation for these later seasons of supernatural. plot that makes me roll my eyes regularly, no problem. it's no ~75 year old computer behind a wall in someone's fancy lake house being the only thing keeping a hit list of supernatural creatures active
handy they had a magic trap for a god.
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*nodding sagely* yes, longbow of diana, of course
SAM You know… I'm starting to think maybe I was being naive. DEAN What are you talking about? SAM When I said that I could just will myself into coming out of these trials unscathed. DEAN No, no, no. Stop with the sullen emo crap, all right? That's – you're not gonna die like Prometheus. SAM How do you know, Dean? Bobby, Rufus, now Prometheus – you think any of them chose death? No. The life chose for them. DEAN Yeah, well, you promised, okay? You promised to live a long, Clark Griswold life full of prostate exams and colonoscopies, all right? You're not welshing on that deal, not on my watch. If you die, it's gonna be because of something normal.
i don't understand the leap of logic to dying like prometheus but okay we're talking, that's always good. now would also be the time to say hey by the way i'm coughing up/spitting up blood
also dean, why don't you have to promise to live a long life (oh right because you won't)
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DEAN Cas, you got your ears on? Listen, you know I am not one for praying, 'cause in my book it's... it's the same as begging. But this is about Sam, so I need you to hear me. We are going into this deal blind... and I don't know what's ahead or what it's gonna bring for Sam. Now, he's covering pretty good, but I know that he is hurting, and this one was supposed to be on me. So, for all that we've been through, I'm asking you... you keep a lookout for my little brother, okay? Where the hell are you, man?
💔okay so i'm glad dean is aware that sam's hiding that he's in pain/sick/whatever and just isn't pushing him on it. pullin out the little brother again so soon
(insert joke about dean begging here)
something about this mushy music has me feeling twilight or hunger games and i'm not sure which. ugh. bella's lullaby / rue's music (but that doesn't even have piano but it does have that plucked acoustic guitar like day before yesterday's s8e14 princess bride-esque music)
fucking fine, i listened to this again and the music is making me twitchy. why is it ringing this bell??? it's the little melody at the end around 30 seconds left. is it a theme used elsewhere in this show? is it just too similar to something else i'm thinking of? motherFUCKER. the score on this show is generally is such a nothingburger that it's in one ear and out the other for me.
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🍭why did you start writing- I have a bestie who is also one of my favorite writers, @j2-are-eternal so a fews ago I was in the middle of binge reading one of their Verses and I had been talking on and off for a good while about a spn au and about a J2 au I wanted to write but i didn't know how to get started.
They were so patient and kind with helping me out. Took me a while but after some writing on and off for about 2 months I wrote my first fic and I was soooo nervous. I didn't know what to expect and the feedback I've gotten on it to this day still makes me smile.
I've been writing for like 2 years and I'm glad I picked it up.
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
Ok so currently I'm working on an spn au- it's dad!dean. Meaning Dean is Sam's biological father, Sam's birth mother, well I can't say what happens to her here because spoilers lol I have brainrot from this and am currently in the middle of chapter 2 but I'll share a little something. Sam's in kindergarten at this point.
"Hold still pipsqueak." Dean tried his best to manage the mess of Sam's hair.
"You're brushing too hard." Whined Sam, trying to wiggle away from Dean.
"Well if you let me cut your hair we wouldn't be sitting here like this."
Sam loved having long hair, it was the one thing he knew upset his dad. Dean was never going to force Sam to cut his hair if he didn't want to.
"Alright done, grab your bag and let's roll. First day of school, don't want to be late." He helped Sam off the step stool and followed him downstairs to the living room.
They were currently residing at Bobby's. His dad got a lead on the demon and left them there…almost three months ago. He figured with his dad being gone and no word on him, he could enroll Sam in school until they had to leave.
Secretly hoping they would never have to.
So far no one seemed to remember them, it was nice going into town to get things without people whispering and pointing.
"You promise you'll be here to pick me up." Sam sat with his knees up to his chest, he was just as nervous as Dean felt. They had been sitting in front of the school watching parents dropping their children off, teachers and other staff greeting families as they walked in.
"Of course I'm gonna pick you up, look at me, have I ever broken a promise?"
Sam thought it over a bit.
"No." He pouted, tears threatening to spill.
"Hey don't cry buddy." Dean scooped up Sam in his arms. "It's going to be fine, I'm gonna walk you to class and you're gonna love it. They have a library here, the teachers are nice. It's gonna be fun."
After a few more minutes of consoling the young boy, Dean finally got them out of the impala and walked him into the school.
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The Reaper and The Death Angel Part 33
Series Masterlist
Part 32
Contains: Fluff, violence, timeline changes, even more canon divergence, follows the plot of 3x01 - 3x02 loosely.
5.6K Words
Comment if you want to be tagged. However, the issues with my tag lists persists, the most reliable way to get updates is to follow #the reaper and the death angel sorry for the inconvenience.
Even after it all, things keep getting worse.
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"Oh Juicy, I love you." Juice put the fresh bread on the table, ever since you have him that sourdough started all those months ago, he had been baking bread. He brought a new loaf to every dinner party and kept the Clubhouse well stocked, he and Bobby had developed a bit of a rivalry.
"Everyone hates hospital food, I know you're only here for another day, but I figure you're jonesing for something nice."
You nodded, "did you bring veggies? Everything here is boiled to death." He nodded and pulled a container of a mix of green.
"Sam said you really liked veggie toast in the morning." You dug into the homemade food, "is Jax here?"
You shook your head, "I sent him home, I love the guy but he's smothering me."
Juice gave you a sweet smile, "can you blame him? he almost lost his child and his old lady in the same day."
You shook your head "no I can't but it's just a lot. I'm only staying here another day so he doesn't have a heart attack. Since you're here, can you take me to see Sack?"
He went to get a nurse, and came back a few minutes later, "I don't need a wheelchair."
The nurse, Alex, who you had become fast friends with shook his head, "hospital policy."
"Hey Kip, you look like shit."
He smiled, "so do you."
You let out a chuckle, "blood loss will do that to you." You grabbed his hand, "has anyone been by to see you today?"
He nodded, "Chibs left about an hour ago. I'm kinda getting sick of them."
"Yeah, me too. I miss my alone time."
He groaned and rubbed his face, "I'm going to be here for another two weeks."
You nodded, "I know, you lost a chunk of your liver. I'll talk to Jax, make sure you don't lose your seat."
He squeezed your hand a little tighter, "it's no big deal. We almost died on Jax's old kitchen floor, I feel like that gives us some kind of near-death bond."
He laughed and clutched his side, "don't make me laugh too hard, it hurts." You sat with Kip for a little while longer before going back to your room, Jax was there waiting for you.
"I thought I told you to go home and unpack."
He smiled, "I'm mostly done anyway, how are you feeling?"
He helped you back onto the bed, "itching for a long walk."
He shook his head, "I'll see what I can do."
Jax came back five minutes later with a smirk, "I managed to charm the nurse, you've got ten minutes."
The smile you gave him made Jax feel warm, "well, don't just sit there making goo goo eyes at me, help me up." You grabbed both your hands and with a small pull you were on your feet.
"I don't know what everyone's going on about, I feel fine."
Jax kept his hand under your arm, "I can see that, are you sure you're not an alien?"
You batted his shoulder, "I don't know, maybe this whole relationship is a ploy to steal your genetic material and take it back to my home planet."
He screwed up his face through a giggle, "you are so unladylike."
You shook your head, "hey, if you want a lady, you picked the wrong woman."
He kissed you softly, "I love you so much."
You deepened the kiss, "I love you too."
You managed to get an extra lap of the hallway before he was shoving you back into bed, "any leads on Hayes?"
He shook his head, "nothing yet, Billy seems to think he's in Canada but we're still waiting on surveillance from the port to confirm."
"Makes sense that he'd head for the border, have you heard for the Irish yet?"
Jax swallowed, "it's not good. They think Hayes and Jimmy'o might have been working together to get rid of the Irish Kings, if they can't sort it out, it's bad news for everyone."
"Why does the Club have to do it?"
Jax shrugged, "a favour, Belfast offered to help before Clay could say no and now we're stuck."
You rubbed your head, "see, this is what happens when I'm off my feet. I'm not there to put out fires and it goes to shit."
Jax huffed, "I don't think this was anything you could solve."
He squeezed your hand, "I'm out of here tomorrow morning, I'll see if I can pull something out of somewhere."
"Let's break you out of here."
Sam came the first thing that morning, "thank God, I'm going crazy." An hour later, you were driving home. "How is everyone coping?"
He tilted his head, "everyone's really worried about Sack, he's been voted in but he'll lose his seat if he's not back on his bike by the end of the month."
You nodded, "that was sweet, Kip doesn't know, does he?"
Sam shook his head, "nah, we're going to surprise him when he gets out."
You smiled, "he'll be out soon enough, whether he's ready to ride is another thing."
Sam gave a solemn nod, "no one's going to take his seat away, he almost died trying to keep you and Abel safe." Before you could reply, you were pulling up to your home.
The dogs were on you the moment you opened the door, their little butts wagging with their tags, "hello you two, I missed you guys."
You could hear Abel crying in the background and Ima appeared looking tired, "he won't stop crying, I've tried everything." She handed him to you.
"Hey my sweet boy, why are you giving everyone so much trouble?" He cried for a little while longer but stopped when he realised you were home, "see it's not the end of the world, if you keep crying when people hold you, you're going to start offending people."
He cooed, and Ima turned to Sam, "I kinda want one."
You buried your face in Abel's shoulder to hide your smile, "yeah, so do I."
He pulled Ima into a hug, "maybe we should wait till things calm down a bit."
Ima nodded, "good idea, plus I need your crow before I go having your babies."
Sam smiled wide like a schoolboy, "should we call Happy then?"
Ima nodded and kissed Sam, "I'd like that."
Sam turned to you, "you like three meters away, we know you can hear us."
You did your best not to start jumping up and down, "I'm happy for you both, as much I as I would like to celebrate, I need a shower."
"Hey Darlin."
Jax got home later that day, "hello my love, how was work?"
He shrugged, "fine, we're no closer to Hayes."
You handed him Abel, "I missed the little guy."
Jax kissed his tiny cheek, "he missed you too, he wouldn't stop crying."
"It has been a long couple of days my love, but can I ask a favour?"
He nodded, "help me wash my hair?"
Jax smiled and walked you to the bathroom, "sure, you know how much I love your hair."
He made it passed shampooing before he started making comments, "you should let me do this more often."
You shook your head, "Jax, you've seen how much time I spend on my hair, something tells me this would turn into sex half the time and then my hair would be fizzy and not curly."
He leaned forward and kissed your neck, "are you saying I have no self-control?"
You nodded, "yep, not a wink."
He chuckled behind you, "if that were true, you'd never leave the bed."
"I don't think that's such a bad thing."
He continued doing your hair, you were yawning by the time he was done, "how are you feel?"
He sounded worried, "I'm not dizzy anymore, just really tired."
He helped you up, "nap then?"
You looked at the clock, "I can't, my hair's got to dry."
He laughed, "I fix everyone dinner then, I'm sure Abel wants to spend more time with you."
Dinner was simple, Jax could tell something was going on by the way that you were smiling at Sam and Ima, "what's going on?"
You shrugged, "I have no idea what you're talking about."
Jax shook his head, "bullshit."
You and Ima giggled, "I'm getting Sam's crow."
Jax's smile split his face, his eyes wrinkling, "I'm really happy for both of you." You were smiling so hard your face hurt, Jax shook his head, stroking your hand lovingly, "God you're a dork."
You rolled your eyes, "I'm not a dork, I'm just happy." With dinner done, you were ready for bed.
"Shall we watch some TV? It's still early."
Jax nodded, "why not." You settled into bed, you in Jax's lap with your back pressed against his chest. You put on Friday The 13th two, Jax laughing each time you pointed out how stupid the campers were.
"These people have no situational awareness, no wonder they're being picked off."
Jax kissed the side of your face, "yeah, if that was you, the bad guy wouldn't stand a chance."
You laughed, "nope, because I have a gun."
Jax wrapped his arms around you, "I can totally see you being a final girl, running through the forest after whoever and not from them."
You turn around in his arms, laying your head on his chest. "I knew you'd get to Abel in time, I just had a feeling."
Jax's hand came up to rest over your crow, "you did?"
You nodded against him, "I did."
You lifted your head off his chest and pressed a kiss to his lips, "I love you Jackson."
He kissed you back, his hands cradling your face, "I love you too."
Another yawn broke the peace, "come one Darlin, let's get you to bed."
You nodded and rested against his chest, "you can finish the movie if you like, I'm just going to lay here."
He laughed softly while rubbing your back, "sure Darlin."
You were asleep within ten minutes, Jax turning off the TV and laying down with you on top of him, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"Good night y/n."
"Good morning Beloved."
Jax smiled, and pressed a kiss to your forehead, "good morning Darlin, how are you feeling?"
You nodded, "much better, I feel like I actually got a good night's sleep."
Abel's crying interrupted the quiet, "I''ll get him."
You shook your head, "I'll do it, I missed getting to see his sleepy little face." You went into the next room, the shelves being packed perfectly, you reminded yourself to thank Juice for trying so hard.
"Hey little guy." Abel babbled, flapping his fat little hands. Ima came around the corner with a bottle, "thank you." She sat down on the soft chair, "when are you seeing Happy?"
She smiled, "he's coming by this weekend."
"I'm really happy for both of you, you and Sam deserves good things."
Her face changed, "you really don't care that I work in porn?"
You were shocked, "nope, not even a little. You make Sam happy and I can see he makes you happy. Do you love him?"
She nodded, "then that's all the matters, how much does he tell you about the Club?"
She tilted her head, deep in thought "I'm sure as much as Jax tells you, I know about the guns and the Irish, I know that's why Abel almost was taken."
You nodded, "good, you deserve to know the truth before you commit."
She nodded, her eyes growing wet, you put Abel down and pulled her into a hug. "Sam loves you Ima, he doesn't care what you do for money he just wants you to be happy. If one day you chose to leave porn and try something else, he'll support you and so will I. And if anyone else has a problem with you, you'll see a side of Sam you didn't know existed."
She smiled softly, "thank you."
Everyone was down for breakfast a little while later, "when are you going back to work?" You shrugged, "I wanted to go back at the end of the week but Holt says I can't come back into the office for anything other than paperwork pick ups and drop offs until my stitches are out, I'm going in today to pick up some."
Sam nodded, "when is Pd letting you back in the house?"
Jax put his piece of toast down, "today."
You nodded, "have you figured out who you're going to rent it to?" Before Jax could respond, he got a phone call.
"That was Laroy, we've got a lead of Hayes."
You waved them off, "go, we can pick this up later." They left and you and Ima continued the meal, "where are you going to get the crow?"
She tilted her head, "thigh or arm, it's not like I need to hide it for work."
"Happy's really good, for someone so rough he's very good at it."
She nodded, "yeah, he's soft and squishy when you get to know him." Breakfast went on and it was time for her to go to work, you headed off to the lab, hoping Jax would call with more information soon.
"Hey professor."
He put a firm hand on your shoulder, "how are you feeling?"
You shrugged "fine, a little out of sorts but fine."
He nodded, "I've left your paperwork with you intern."
With another soft smile, he left you to chat with all your friends.
"You have a trend of almost dying, don't you."
You shook your head, "yes Jack, I do, I would be too powerful if the universe didn't do its best to keep me down."
He laughed, "you're hardcore."
You smiled, "I try."
Jax wasn't impressed with the guy the Niners brought, he was jumpy and offred less information than Billy had found in a handful of hours. Nevertheless, they went down to the docks. Only to end up in a car chase and firefight, Jax was desperate, the last few days hitting him like a ton of bricks.
"The guy you bought the boat from, he shot my old lady in the chest and almost kidnapped my eight month old son."
The man's eyes went wide, "Irish dude?"
Jax nodded, "yeah." The man's tune changed right away.
"Three days ago, he said he needed some quick cash. Met him down at the docks with the boat and some AKs." That conversation was as equally disappointed as the one this morning. Jax was feeling more and more lost without you, he pined every moment you were parted from him.
He knew he should have gone back to the garage but he wanted to hear your voice so he comprised and called you, "hey darlin, you're a sound for sore ears."
Your giggle made him smile, "hello my love, how did everything go this morning?"
"Nowhere. Are you at home?"
He sounded sad, "yes I'm at home with Abel and the dogs. You want to come and see Kip with me this afternoon?"
He felt himself relax, "sure, I'm betting he wants a break from us."
You laughed, "nonsense, you guys are great."
"Alright darlin, I'll come and pick you up." Jax was there half an hour later, he got off his bike and took your keys from their hanger, "you ready?"
You nodded, "you know I can drive right, why do you want to drive my car so much?"
He laughed and shook his head, "hey, a guy can't appreciate a nice cage?"
You grabbed his hand, holding it while he looked over your face, "you doing ok?"
He shrugged, "I just want all of this over with."
You pulled him into your arms, "I know, it's not like Hayes has left the planet, we'll find him."
The drive to the hospital was quiet, Jax seemed lost in thought, "I'm sure Kip will be happy to see you, I think he's still worried you'd be mad that he didn't do more."
He nodded, "yeah, I know nothing's going to happen to him, everyone wants him to get his full patch."
You pulled up at St Thomas and got out, going right to Kip's room, "how are you feeling?"
He shrugged, "the stomach ache won't go away but the doctor said that's normal."
You nodded, "yeah, it will pass after a while. Have they told you when you're getting out of here?"
He nodded, "still eight days."
Jax sat down on a chair next to him, "how about I get some food from the cafe and leave you two to talk?"
Jax smiled and handed you some bills, "thanks darlin."
You came back fifteen minutes later with some coffee and snack food, handing Jax a wrap and Kip and pie before sitting down with a serving of fries.
"Thanks y/n the food here makes me wish I died on that floor."
You laughed, "I know right, I was only here for three days and I thought I was going to starve to death."
Jax laughed, "it can't be that bad."
You shook your head, "well then, not fires for you." You passed the box to Kip and raised an eyebrow, taking a handful and smiling at Jax.
"You're terrible."
You smiled, "I know." You and Jax sat with Kip until Opie and Lyla showed up, "change in shifts?"
Ope nodded, "yeah, Hale's at the Clubhouse, he's got an update on Hayes and wants to talk to both of you."
You left soon after, Jax still insisting he drives. The compound was quiet when you got there, only a few people milling around. Abel was with Sam, and seemly confused that he somehow kept disappearing under the table.
"You are so easily entertained, you know he has no sense of object permanence, he thinks you're not there."
Sam laughed, "yes, that's why it's so funny."
You looked around, "where Gem?"
Clay's face fell, "her mother just passed, she with her father."
You put a hand on Jax, "I'm sorry."
He shrugged, "I didn't know her that well."
Hale came over after finishing his conversation with Bobby, "you got any updates?"
He shook his head, "we went to the marina but we didn't find anything, the FBI aren't really interested anymore, they seem to think he's already left the country."
Something had changed in the man, "you seem different."
He nodded, "I realise I can't be sheriff and be at your throats, as long as it doesn't happen inside Charming, and you don't put anyone here at risk, I won't bother you. But that won't stop me from arresting anyone that brings their problems here."
To say that was a shock was an understatement, "shit man, what happened?"
He swallowed, "my brother, I saw how many people came here to air their problems with him and it made it clear to me that the town trusts you more than us."
It was strange the way he said it, like Clay wasn't even there. But that didn't matter, he slapped Hale on the shoulder and gave him a warm but false smile, "I'm glad we could finally see eye to eye."
"I think I'll go see Gem tomorrow, does someone have the address?"
Clay nodded, "yeah, that might be a good idea."
Chibs ran to the office to get it, coming back soon after. "It's not too far to travel, I'm sure she'll be grateful to have you there."
You took the bit of paper from him, "thanks Chibby."
You stood around talking for a little while, then Jacob Hale turned up. "What the fuck do you want?"
He did his best to seem humble, "I read your statement in the Gazette. I think it would be good if we could hold a town meeting, I'd like to make a statement in apology."
You crossed your hands over your chest, "and say what you Nazi shit bag."
"Nothing much, I want to hear from the residents about why they're upset and what they want for the town so we can move forward. I came here to ask you if you wanted to speak because in your statement to Jerry, you said you had written multiple papers of Neo-Nazis."
You shrugged, "fine, but read them first, I'm not sparknotes. Also, pay for them, you can afford it."
Everyone was watching on, glaring at him. Sam was holding Abel, tapping his little back after feeding him. He went to thank you when someone drove through T-M and started shooting.
Jax drove on top of you, shoving you to the ground and laying on top of you while David pulled his gun and started firing, the van crashed into the far wall and everyone stood up. Jax could hear Abel whaling and when he looked over, Sam had me press to his body. Sam's arm had been grazed by a bullet but he didn't seem to have even felt it.
Jax ran to the van with Hale hot on his heels, ripping the man with the gun out of the passenger seat and climbing on top of his back, slamming his head into the ground over and over again. Jax had four inches and 40 pounds on Hale so it took him and some of the other Sons to manage it and even then it was hard.
After checking on everyone, it was clear that other than a few grazes and some shock, everyone was ok. You ran over to see Hale standing in front of Jax so he couldn't set himself upon the man again.
"Jackson, Abel is fine. Listen, he's not even crying anymore." Jax paused and couldn't hear his son screaming, Hale didn't seem impressed.
"Let me take him home, we won't stop for anything. I think it's clear that this was a serious situation, and everyone acted within the law." You pointed to the rifle that was in the front seat.
"That was a good shoot, and I have no problem making that statement so you can bring IAB to my home later and I'll back you up, ok?"
He clenched his jaw, "go, but if I see either of you in town tonight, he'll spend the night in lockup."
You nodded and dragged Jax away, Sam walking up to him and handing over Abel, "see, he's ok." Jax buried his face in Abel's tiny shoulder, "I'm going to take us home before you get arrested."
The ride home was silent, Jax was waiting for you to start yelling or for that horrible dream to come true, but you didn't. When it was time to get out of the car, you parked and got Abel, then gave him right to Jax.
"I'll put dinner on, you take some time to calm down then we can talk, ok?" Jax nodded and sat down on the couch, despite the way you were talking to him, he was waiting for you to kick him out.
Sam came home with Ima, he must have gone to get her after Chibs patched him up. "You guys good?"
Sam nodded, "Hale will be over later with IAB to take your statement." He sat down next to Jax and Ima went to help you cook.
"What's wrong?"
Jax shrugged, "you don't need to worry about my sister, she's seen a lot more violence than that."
Jax let out the breath he didn't know he was holding, "what do we do? Most of us are going to be inside soon and we can't run a Club from the inside while all this is happening."
Sam paused before responding, "we'll work it out. Hap's going to transfer and if Tig can swallow what happened between him and Kozik, he'll be voted in too. Things will work themselves out, we'll talk to Alvarez tomorrow." Jax nodded and relaxed at the sound of you and Ima giggling in the kitchen.
"We better go help with dinner or they won't feed us." Jax huffed and got up.
"Thanks man."
Hale showed up after dinner with two IAB officers, "hello, please come in and remove your shoes. I wouldn't be letting you in my house normally, letting alone Internal Investigation but it's for David so I'll bear it." You sat them down at the table with everyone else in tow.
"State your name for the record."
You did so then went into your statement, "taking into experience my just over ten years of combat experience both direct and indirect, I believe that deputy sheriff Hale acted in an appropriate manner to stop the threat."
Sam backed you up, mentioning that the shot he took was clear of civilians, "you say you have ten years of experience, why weren't you using your weapon?"
You glared at him, "my partner threw himself on top of me so I didn't get shot, I can't really get my gun out of its holster and fire it when I have a fully grown man laying on my back, can I now?"
They seemed happy with everyone's recounting of the events, then you were asking them to leave, "thank y/n"
You gave Hale a curt nod, and he left. You turned to Jax, "come on dearest, I need a long, hot shower."
When you woke up, Jax wasn't there. You threw on a robe and went looking, finding him in the home gym doing push-ups. You could see his arms shaking as we went down and there was a sheen of sweat down his back.
"Good morning beloved." Jax felt against the ground, unable to do anymore and got up, coming over to kiss you softly. "Something on your mind?"
He shrugged, "I don't know what happens now y/n, it's gonna get a lot worse before it gets better."
You nodded, "I know."
He shook his head, "do you? What happened last night was just the tip of the iceberg."
You put a hand on his shoulder, "if you're trying to scare me you need to try harder. I don't mean to sound harsh, but you're the ignorant civilian in this partnership. Come back to me when you've rip a man's guts out with nothing but your bare hands and a hunk of broken glass, then we can talk."
Jax swallowed, he sometimes forgot that you had seen and done so much violence. "I'm going to drive to see Gemma, I've called so she waiting for me. Your grandad's not doing so well."
Jax nodded, "we're heading to St Thomas to see if we can Id the guy who shot up the Clubhouse. Have you heard from Billy?"
You shook your head, "yes and no, he texted and said they had something but he's still waiting on confirmation."
"I hope you get somewhere, we could really use a win. I text when I'm there safe."
Jax smiled softly and kissed you, "I see you tonight?"
You nodded, "yeah, I love you."
"Love you too."
"THEY CUT OFF MY FINGERS, THEY CUT OFF MY FINGERS." While Chucky distracted the guards at the hospital door, the guys went inside. He struggled while they looked for tattoos, but they only found non-descript prison tats. Then Jax had an idea, pulling the man's lower lip down, he found the numbers three and twelve.
It was like a lightbulb appeared over Opie's head, "C, L, Calaveras?"
"They're in Lodi. We better go see T.O."
Bobby shook his head "they're a Mayan puppet club, what are they doing shooting up the Clubhouse?"
Sam thought for a moment, "not anymore, The Mayans dropped them when they started working with Zobelle."
Clay nodded, "it seems without their minders, they're moving up in the world."
"Hello Mr Maddock I'm y/n, Jax's partner."
He tilted his head, "your grandson, daddy."
A look of understanding came over his face, "I knew that. Where is he anyway?"
You walked inside and put your bag down, "busy with work but I'm sure he'll be around sooner or later. How are you feeling?" You started unpacking the groceries you have bought with the help of the nurse.
"Fine, please be careful, Rose doesn't like it when the kitchen is messy."
You nodded, "of course sir, I'll make sure it's perfect." You took Gemma aside while the nurse continued to unpack.
"How long does it take for him to forget?"
She looked sad, "not long, he asks about Rose a thousand times a day."
You nodded, "yeah, he's not the first person with dementia I've met. I'll keep him entertained, I'll take him for a walk out in the garden and talk about the roses. Often if you talk to people with dementia about things they enjoy, it helps keep them stable."
You went back into the lounge room and sat next to Nate, "I really like your garden, can you take me on a tour? I've never been able to keep my roses alive."
He got up shakily and gestured for you to walk outside with him, "I'll show you my trellises, are yours getting enough sun?"
"It wasn't us that killed Eddie, it was Stahl. She didn't want to take the heat for ending the ATF investigation so she put it on us."
Jimmy'o shook his head, "Jesus Christ, this shit just gets deeper."
Jax had a scowl on his face, "Cameron directed his vengeance at the wrong target, he almost took my son and put my old lady and one of our prospects in the hospital."
"We know he's got a fake passport, he's got to be back in Belfast."
Jimmy'o explained that he wasn't but it was hard to tell if he was being truthful. "I'll be heading home in a couple of days. Luke will take point from here. If there's any news about Cammy, I give you my word, you'll be the first to know."
Clay reluctantly took Jimmy's extended hand and they left. As they were getting onto their bikes, Jax brought up one of Bobby's ex-wives and her bounty hunter boyfriend. But Bobby was far behind on alimony and child support to so it took so doing to get him to agree. However, after a quick beaten and a kind word from Jax, she was on board.
With that sorted, they went to see T.O and the other Grim Bastards. "You guys have had a tough run, how can we help?"
Clay leaned in, "the drive-by was done but the Calaveras. We know The Mayans tossed them after what went done in Charming, we were wondering if you had any info."
"We've been seeing a lot of activity in town."
The vice president spoke next, "the Calaveras have been on a recruiting spree, it all adds up."
Chibs shook his head, "we're going to have to break it down, we can't have a rival club at our borders."
T.O nodded, "we can't them inside our, the dope and pussy game is hard enough without anyone else stepping on it."
Clay nodded, "agreed."
The V.P spoke again, "what's the move."
"Let's find out what Salazar is up to."
T.O seemed to be on board, "we need to locate a C.L someone high up, an officer maybe."
He nodded, "yeah, we'll find the right guy."
They met the bounty hunter outside a sex shop with the promise that if they bought this high-risk bounty in, he would help them find Hayes. It didn't take long for them to grab him and after a quick car chase and an indecent with a hybrid, he seemed ready to help.
"Hey, I want something on Hayes by the end of the day."
Jax just couldn't win, even after beating the shit out of Salazar, he wouldn't talk. So now he was sitting on his bike, ready to run Salazar over to get answers. It took two laps passed his buried head before he talked.
"We wanted to set up a bag and cut operation in Lodi because The Mayans keep taking our territory, we want to move H to push them out of the prison trade."
They walked away, "this has to be the deal Alvarez was going to cut with Zobelle."
Jax nodded, "if they're processing it in Lodi, it means they have to take it through Charming to get to Stockton."
Opie had another bright idea, "why don't we let Alvarez know, I'm sure we can find a way to loop the Bastards in."
"He hasn't asked about Rose once since you took him outside."
You smiled, "people with dementia are just like anyone else, I gave him something to occupy his mind and that helps keep it away from the fact that he is feeling confused."
"Will they do that in the home?"
You nodded, "I looked over the information, it's a really nice place with some of the best aged care doctors in the state. Rose picked very well." Just as you were about to add more, your phone ran, "it's Billy, I need to take it."
Billy was quick, "I got a lead on your guy, he's just been found dead with an IRA tag in his head in Ireland." You were racing out the door before he could hand up.
"Gemma, I need to go back to Charming and talk to Jax, they've found Hayes," You drove off with the promise to come back tomorrow, getting to the Clubhouse just as the day was winding down.
Jax seemed better, pulling you into a hug, "we found Hayes, he's in Canada."
You shook your head, "I don't know where you got your source from but they're wrong. Billy just sent me this." You pulled out your phone, opened the encrypted Avnil app and showed him the photo of Hayes.
"Jax, he's in Ireland."
Part 34
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hauntingmothgirl · 2 years
Jealousy, Jealousy - Part 4
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Hi, IM BACK!!! I hope yall missed me. Sorry, I was gone for so long, I had a medical emergency, will be getting surgery soon so wish me good luck on that! I hope yall are still interested in this story. A lot of people seemed to like the To Hell and Back series, so thank you for the support, it really makes me smile. This is kind of a filler chapter so I hope that’s okay. This was an original idea thought up by @shelikesloki. So thank you so much for the recommendation. If you have any suggestions/requests or want me to write a specific idea then feel free to ask, my dms and asks are open, but for now here’s part 4! Part 5 will be up tomorrow. PLEASE give me some suggestions of what you want to see! This series spans across the beginning of season 8.
Concept from @shelikesloki: After overhearing Morgan and Reid speaking about Maeve, Y/n has trouble with the idea that she’s missed her chance with Spencer. But after the team helps save Maeve, will Reid and Maeve even work out?
The stalker was a woman JJ had decided when she’d noticed black eyeliner had been used to draw the crosses through Maeve’s face. That’d been why she’d masked her voice on the phone, why Maeve had been so willing to open her home to her. The only question left had been how the stalker had known about Maeve and spencer's… relationship. When Spencer had noticed that Maeve’s ex fiancé, Bobby Putnam’s (a former suspect in her disappearance), current girlfriend had identified Spencer upon first meeting without being introduced to him. 
Standing in Bobby’s apartment wasn’t as upsetting, glass from what looked to be a bottle littered the dining room floor, a small pool of blood left in the middle of it. Compared to the state of Maeve’s apartment, it seemed that the unsub had had a normal conversation which abruptly turned violent again, a running trait it seemed. 
Diane Huntington had appeared to be a fake name, her entire identity had been preplanned, she’d listed a fake address and used a burner phone to contact Bobby. With no trails to lead off of now, we’d had to work off of Spencer’s mind, details he’d subconsciously remembered throughout their interactions that could point us in the direction of the unsub, 
We’d just started talking about the possibilities of the stalker being a former lover of Maeve’s when my phone had buzzed for the fifteenth time that day. Gritting my teeth and setting my jaw, I removed myself from my chair, offering a quick apology, before making my way out into the hallway before flipping my phone open. 
“What, Tony?!” I’d whisper screamed as I made my way for the stairwell. 
“Been bugging you that much, has he?” The familiar voice on the other end of the phone chuckled. 
“Gibbs,” I breathed, “Sorry, I’ve been busy.” 
“Too busy to pick up a call for the past three months?” My former boss mumbled. The door to the stairwell groaned as I closed it behind me and inhaled deeply. 
“Things have been… hectic lately.”
“Well, I’ll say,” his tone came out rough, annoyed. 
“Is this about the case Tony mentioned, cause I really can't get in the middle of that right now, I’m swamped and-”
“No, no, we got that fixed up,” he reassured, “That’s actually what I was calling about, Tony mentioned your case.” I suppressed a bitter comment as I listened, of course Tony had mentioned it, I’d expect nothing less. “Is there anything we can do?” He asked.
“I don't even know if there’s anything WE can do. We’ve got no leads right now, I’m worried she won't make it, Gibbs,” I started. Gibbs had always been a father figure to me and my old coworkers. That’d been part of the reason I’d been hesitant to speak to him, once you started talking, it was hard to stop. He had that effect on people, it’s what made him so good at his job. “I’ve never seen him like this over a girl… over anyone really.” Bitterness seeped through my body once again. 
“Really, y/n, we can be there in the morning, say the word and we’ll consult,” Gibbs tried. 
“You don't understand, “ I tried to explain. “The section chief doesn't even want us on the case. It was hard enough to convince Strauss to keep us on, considering we’re too close to the victim. It’s a conflict of interest. Getting the okay to have you consult would be impossible, you're not a current profiler, you're not in the unit.” I finished. 
We sat there for a moment before he broke the silence, “I understand.” I paced the stairwell platform nervously as I waited for his next words, the team already noticed my absence, making it any longer would be a problem. 
“Y/n, are you okay?” He asked. I didn’t know how to respond for a moment, Gibbs didn't indulge in conversations about feelings often, or hardly ever. But if Penelope had noticed how I felt for Spencer, surely Gibbs had too. My voice broke as I tried to keep my composure, “I don't know what to do, this will ruin him. I don’t know how to watch that, to watch him break, Gibbs.” My throat felt like it was closing. “How do I sit by when we know the probabilities of how this will end? And even if it doesn't end badly,” my mind raced as I struggled to put my thoughts into words. “How do I sit across from him day after day knowing how I feel?” I knew I was being selfish, this wasn’t about me, I needed to stay present to stay focused. Thinking of the future was a bad idea currently. Heat flooded my cheeks as I struggled to regain my composure. 
“Kid,” Gibbs’ voice came out softer, “You can’t think like that, you have a job to do. You can't worry about those things while remaining helpful to your team.” 
“I know…” I struggled to find the right words, “I just can't think of anything else.”
“Listen, if it really becomes too much, you can take some time off, or- or you can come work for us again. I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that actually,” His voice trailed off towards the end, my head cocked as I registered his words. 
“Gibbs, I-” He cut me off before I could finish. 
“I don't need an answer now, we just-” He was struggling as much as I was, that must’ve been the reason he’d asked Tony to call, so he wouldn’t have to be the one to ask. “We want you back, kid.”
I was silent as I thought it over. Could I really leave him like that, after going through one of the worst things imaginable? As his best friend, could I really leave in his time of need, just to avoid watching him suffer? I didn’t think I could, in general, saying no to Spencer was hard, let alone when he was in pain. But if she survived, could I really face that either? The past few weeks had been hard enough, and I’d known nothing about her. Now I knew what she looked like, I knew her history, I knew her achievements, I knew what they’d talked about. He deserved his best friend, but would I be able to be the friend he needed? To be able to focus on my work everyday with a picture of her sat atop his desk? To lay it all aside? To potentially meet her one day? To attend their wedding? My stomach turned once more.  
“It’s just an option,” He muttered in response to my silence. 
“Yeah, I’ll think about it, Gibbs. Thank you,” I said, checking my watch for the time. “I’ve gotta go, I’m sorry.” I said as I opened the staircase door. 
“Stay safe, okay?” 
“Always.” She promised, “Tell Abby I said hi,” I smiled as I imagined the perky forensic scientist’s reaction. 
“Will do,” he chuckled. 
okay, that’s part 4, and like always, i hope it didn’t disappoint. and if it did then, again, that’s chill too. sorry it took so long. and again if you have any suggestions or recommendations just ask, and if you want to be tagged in part 5, let me know! part 5 will be up tomorrow. have a beautiful day loves :)
Thanks again @shelikesloki
tags for those who asked, if you want to be tagged or untagged just lmk. <3
Part 3
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d-targaryenshoe · 3 years
Unnecessary Games • Jackson Avery
Word count: 1177
Summary: Being your best friends fake girlfriend doesn't get easy when feelings and jealousy get involved
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You were adjusting the bobby pin in your hair before the door was opened and revealed one if you best friends
"No, i'm not babysitting Harriet again, not tonight." You shook your head at the blue eyed man, placing your hands in the pockets of your lab coat. "Why do you look like you want me to do something for you?"
Jackson scoffed in denial first but as he noticed your stern glance he awkwardly coughed, scratching the back of his head. "Cn you be my fke grlfrn?"
"Can i be what?" You furrowed your eyebrows, crossing your arms at your friend. "I didn't catch all of that."
"Well, y/n, cn you be my fke grlfrn?" The words left his mouth in a hurry and you literally couldn't catch the two last words of his sentence. "God's sake, can you be my fake girlfriend?"
You let out a laugh that faded when you noticed his serious face. "Like for real? Why?"
"To show Maggie she's not the only one moving on." He shrugged at you, adjusting the stethoscope around his neck.
You waved your finger left and right, shaking your head in denial, not wanting to fake something you were dreaming of for years, you wanted it to be real not fake. "No."
"No? Why not? What do you want? Two surgeries?" Jackson leaned against the wall, looking at you, knowing there was one thing you'd do everything for -> surgeries.
"Three and the one of Jo, give it or ask someone else." You held your hands up as you walked towards the door, slightly smirking at Jackson's doubtful face. "What's it gonna be pretty boy?"
"If that's what will make you do it, deal." Jackson nodded, walking up to you as he placed his hand on the door hande but you stopped him with yours. "What?"
You opened two buttons of your shirt and ran a hand through your hair, making it somehow more messy, hoping everyone out there would walk into it. "Now you can open it, it needs to look believable, right?"
Jackson opened the door before the both of you walked out, noticing Maggie talking to a nurse before she catched a glimpse of you.
"She's watching, what do we do?" You mumbled unnoticed, adjusting your badge on your lab coat. "Do I pull you in or what?"
"Try to walk up to her, try and talk to her." Jackson placed a hand on your waist before he left, walking towards Link.
Walking away from the spot you were standing, you stood next to Maggie but before you could say a word the woman walked away from you. "Oh, come on, i'm not that bad, am i?"
"You just walked out of an on-call room with her ex boyfriend, y/n, you are bad." The slightly italian voice spoke from next to you. "
"Exactly, ex boyfriend, as in past, tense, what's wrong Deluca?" Jackson asked from behind you, probably trying to get on Carina's nerves.
"Pretty guy, listen, i was trying to have a small conversation with my friend, so you're not needed." Carina gave him a sarcastic smile, pulling you away by your hand and leading you around the corner.
"Look, you want to be his fake girlfriend, good for you, go for it, but you're literally in love with him like a teenager, Andrew knew that too." Carina raised an eyebrow at you. "Y/n?"
"So what if i am? I'm helping him out? Maggie hates my guts when i was there after the break up, i'm good at ignoring feelings, Carina, thank you." You slightly snapped at your friend, ignoring your pager. "Was there anything else?"
"Actually, yeah, tell him how you feel." Carina pushed her tone as she noticed you rolling your eyes. "Before it's too late."
"Carina, how about you mind your business with Maya, and i'll keep track of mine?" You replied as you strolled away from the woman and noticed Jackson and Maggie slightly laughing at the nurse desk.
"Well i'm happy we're all lovey dovey again, have a good fucking night while y/n goes home." You snapped at the both of them, avoiding Jackson hand as he tried to stop you. "Don't."
"Y/n, wait!" He tried to stop you but kept following you towards the mocker room while you were already dressing yourself into your regular clothes, totally ignoring that he was standing there. "It was just something about Mer, nothing else."
"I'm not getting back to her if that's what you're worried about." Jackson walked over to you but noticed he was still being ignored by you. "Could you just answer me?"
"I get it,you're mad because i asked you to be my fake girlfriend and then you see me talking to Maggie, it looks bad, i know, but it isn't." He spoke, leaning against the locker next to yours. "Y/n?"
You didn't reply to the fact he called your name, you took your handbag and started to walk out of the hospital before you noticed that it was raining...very hard.
"Since you're following me like a puppy, i didn't ask to be in this kind of position, Jackson, I don't want it to be fake, okay, i want it to be real, since you and Maggie were...done. I wanted it to be real, when i'm home alone, it's you, when im in here, it's you, when Andrew died, the first person i needed was you...don't you get it?" You rambled.
Staring up at Jackson you noticed him frowning and avoiding your eyes which made you scoff and grab your car keys as you turned around and started to walk towards your car.
"Wait, why do you have such a low temper." He groaned, placing his hand on your car lock, keeping you away from opening your door.
"Oh great, you're gonna insult me now as well?" You sarcastically chuckled, trying to push his hand away but you gave up when nothing happened. "Speak up."
"I said i'm not going back to Maggie, i'm not doing that because she doesn't feel like home, she's not the head of peds, she doesn't get drunk with Carina Deluca to embarrass herself right after and her definitely name isnt y/n."
"You can't play with a woman her feelings, that's totally unattractive." You answered.
You stopped trying to get in your car as Jackson's eyes bore into yours. Each others eyes kept flickering down to the other’s lips, fingers against yours, You moved your face away from his, however he remained still, huffing as he slowly turned his head to see Link and Koracick smirking on the parking lot.
“Don't mind us, Avery, go get the girl.” Tom chuckled, getting in his car.
“He's an asshole, but he's right." Link winked.
Both of their cars drove away. “If you think i'm just gonna let yo-”
Jackson pulled you in, stopping your rambling as you placed your hands on his chest, enchanted in the moment.
Unnecessary games weren't always bad.
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writing-good-vibes · 3 years
a secret little hideaway
f!reader x chop top. technically it's bobby because this is pre-nam, which is what i tell myself to make myself feel less bad for falling for this terrible man. big credit to HoodedAndromeda on ao3 for her interpretation of bobby which i adore beyond measure, please go read her fic. warning for implications of smut but nothing explicit.
It was another hazy Texas afternoon, the sun just barely setting beneath the treeline as you lay, still panting, in the back of Bobby's truck.
He's lay beside you, trying to light a cigarette but his lighter is failing on him. He must have forgotten to refill it again. He'd offered you one but you'd declined. Or, at least, not answered in your post-sex haze, which was as good as a 'no' for Bobby.
You reach out for your jacket for your own lighter, but can't find it. It'd probably been discarded in the cab of the truck. The first article of clothing to go, almost as soon as Bobby had put the parking brake on.
"God-goddamn, piece o' shit lighter..." he mumbles, tossing it aside. It clanks loudly against the metal truck bed but he doesn't flinch at the sound.
He twists around, opens the tin first aid kit he keeps in the truck bed. It surprisingly does have first aid supplies in there, as well as some general junk that he collected out on the road and doesn't want to throw away. He pulls out a book of matches and strikes one on the strip, finally lighting his cigarette.
He exhales a cloud of smoke and then leans back again, cigarette hanging from his lip as his hand brushes your hair from your face.
You're still sweaty but you've regained enough composure to talk again. "That was good."
And it was. It always was with Bobby. Out on the scrublands behind his house, far enough from prying eyes and ears that you were reasonably confident that no one would catch you.
He takes the cigarette from his lips but holds it just as lazily in his hand, between his pointer and middle finger. "Just good?" he asks, but laughs before you can answer, "I-I-I guess you were alright too."
You smack his bare chest playfully. He was always quiet afterwards. Like he'd managed to expel enough energy hat he didn't have to talk anymore to let it out. He'd bounce back soon enough though, he just took some coaxing.
"You ever gonna treat me like a lady and take me home, instead o' fuckin' in your truck?"
His lip curls into a dirty smirk. "Beggars can't be choosers, babes, don't you know."
"Who said I was begging?"
"Why, you did. About f-ive minutes ago," he jeers, taking another drag of his smoke.
"No, I didn't."
"Please, Bobby," he mocks, a high pitched mimicry of your voice, "Please, make me c-"
You laugh, mortified at what were more-or-less (though you'd always claim less) your own words being parroted back to you. "Shut up!" you squeal, smacking at his chest again.
He cackles with laughter, batting at your hands to try and keep them at bay. When he realises it's a losing battle, he grabs for your wrist instead, pulling you back over him.
Still giggling, and just a little bit bashful, you follow his lead, straddling his lap with your chest pressed to his. You're jolted around slightly by the laughter that still shakes him.
Bobby finally stops laughing, tilting his head back to take one last drag of his cigarette before tossing the end out of the truck.
You manage to sit up, settling yourself more comfortably on his lap. You were in the mood for round two.
"On second thoughts," you consider, rocking your hips, "Who needs a bed?"
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thekillingjoke-haha · 3 years
Summary: Sacrifices are often made for the ones we love....even if it might hurt.
Parings: Sam Winchester x Male!Reader, Hinted at Male!reader x John Winchester, and Sam Winchester x Unmentioned girls
Warning?: Bi Sam ,Dean still flirting with reader, No jess death for M/n, Reader is a hunter...and never told Sam, Yellow-eyes, mention(hint at) smut
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Sam looked up at M/n with a smile he wore a sexy fireman outfit for the bar outing the yellow shirt looked like it was going to rip if the surprisingly taller male flexed a little too much the red suspenders held up loss fitting brown pants and a axe that leaned on the door frame. "Come on Babe dress up a little." He said tightening the suspenders straps.
"You know I don't like Halloween." Sam sighed as his boyfriend came up to him kissing his cheek with a mischievous smirk. "Too bad guess I can't give you your treat." The h/c man growled nipping his ear as he walked out of their shared bedroom. With a fake pout he chased after him. "If I put on a Halloween shirt will it pass?" He said hopefully putting his arms over M/n shoulder causing him to put his hands on his hips. "Hmmm....If I get to pick the shirt." Sam chuckled and nodded. He'll soon regret that.
Luis was loosing his shit laughing at the shit while M/n smiled proudly at what his boyfriend was wearing it was a plain dark gray t-shirt with the words 'Just the tip. I Promise.' And a knife. "This has to be your best work, N/n." Stephan, M/n best friend, said dressed as a cop high fives the awaiting hand.
M/n gave Sammy a small grin and winked causing him to blush slightly. It was time to celebrate with friends Sam's accomplishment he can wait later to celebrate with Sam his own way.
(Time skip past smexy times~might do it later)
M/n woke up in a empty bed to the sound of a fight he quickly got up in only his boxers to see what was wrong. He knew it was human since he had symbols all under wall paper and floor boards. Turning on the lights he sees Sam and a shorter man next to him "Sammy?" He said causing both of them to look over maybe he should have put on pants eyes raked down his form. "Woah. Hi I'm Dean Rapunzel's older brother. You must be his roommate..." The green eyed man bit his lip looking down south of the s/c man before him. "...I just love Scooby-Doo.~" Dean said keeping his gaze on the mystery machine briefs M/n was wearing. Sam quickly got between both of them pushing his brother back. "Dean this N/n my boyfriend" A confused look crossed his face. "Where's Jess you girlfriend?" He asked. "She was my roommate graduated a year ago and M/n moved in."
Dean looked back at M/n the flirtatious smirk back on his face. "You're way out of my brothers league." Sam put a around his boyfriends waist pulling him close. "Why are you here Dean?" There was a pause of silence. "Dad hasn't been home in a few days." The blonde said before it was shot down. "Let me rephrase. Dad's on a hunting trip and hasn't been home in a few days." With that Sam tensed up and looked over to M/n. "I'll be right back." His tone rushed as he peeked him in the cheek and left their shared apartment brother in tow.
Once the sound of their foot steps were heard going down the stairs M/n sighed his hand running through his bed head. "Fucking Winchester’s." He mumbled before going back up stairs going to his old room. M/n went to the closet moving boxes out of the way till he got to the duffel bag he was looking for. A burner phone weighed heavy in his hand as he wandered back to bed. "If he goes I go." He mumbled to himself looking at the mirror on the nightstand. M/n has been off and on with hunting ever since he started dating Sam and he knew who he was the moment his last name left his lips, but he only put on a smile and gave him his first and middle name since L/n were famous in the community.
Sam came back to the apartment and started to pack a bag. "Sam what's going on?" M/n said innocently as he watched more of his boyfriends clothes fill the bag. "Just going to help look for Dad. Probably just went out with a old friend and didn't bother to pick up." Sam zipped up the bag as he threw it over his shoulder. "You know what's Monday right?! You can't just not show up it's your dream on the line, Babe!" M/n stepped forward slowing down the rushed pace. "I know...you're right and I'll be back on Monday." We walked out of the building. "Promise to call me when you get there." The h/c man said hugging the long haired brunette close. "I promise." With a final kiss goodbye M/n waved him off before going inside. Time to jump back into the L/n family business. Pulling out the burner it rung as the first number was dialed. "I don't give a damn of you are the IRS or girl scouts selling fucking cookies it's one am you idjit!" The familiar voice rung out. "Good talking to you to Uncle Bobby." M/n chuckled and the older man's breath caught in his throat. "Well I'll be damned do my ears deceive me or is that little F/n all grown up?"
"Glad you didn't trash this number."
"What are you calling for boy its still 1am?" Bobby asked.
" I need to pick up my truck. I'm going hunting."
~~~~Time Skip~~~~
Sam sat in the motel room trying to call M/n, but he didn't pick up. If only he knew that right at that moment he was beheading a vampire while laughing like a sadistic prick. After cleaning the blood off and burning the barn that held the nest M/n tried calling back when it picked up he heard Sam's distressed voice. "M/n now is not a good time. I'm so cold hold me" A voice spoke over Sam's. "Who the hell was that?!" I heard a loud hissing noise. "Sam!" That's when a shotgun went off, glass shattered, and the lime went dead. M/n stood up and paced un his room it would be late before he got home he'll have to hall ass to get there before Sam.
Going out to the truck he opened the bed lifting the metal cover and false bottom loading the weapons. He had no time to drop it back off. The road was silent till a voice interrupted it. "Hello, handsome. What's the rush?" Almost swerving into a ditch M/n looked over and saw a man with graying blonde hair. Reaching for a weapon the man's eyes flashed yellow gazing at him. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." He snapped causing the h/c make to look straight and push hard into his seat. "You're the little Winchester’s boy toy. Well in two hours he'll be home and dead by the time you arrive." M/n's breath caught in his throat. "Liar. I'm not stupid every hunter has heard what happened to Mary it doesn't take a genius to see they weren't the only one's. You need him alive and well, so why are you hear?" He growled low in his throat as the demon chuckled. "Got me there. You see Sammy boy needs to get back in the life and you being, I don't know, alive is getting in the way." The pressure grew stronger on the restrained man's chest till he almost could feel his lungs squeeze. "But I'm a business man. You work for me you live and maybe see Sam again or die in a blaze and the last thing he sees is your burning corpse. Can't be a protective boyfriend if your dead."
"What will happen to me if I agree?" That's when a sick smile pulled on his lips. "You become a demon. No a demon doesn't possess you! You yourself become one you memories and personality intact. So deal?" He held his hand out to the s/c man as he sighed taking his eyes from the road. "Deal." The demons yellows eyes shined bright as he yanked the young man forward pressing their lips together sealing it. "You are mine." He growled possessively as M/n pulled out his phone and dialed Sam's number. It went to voice mail. "Hey Rapunzel. I want you to know...I love you. Hold on to that, never let that go. You mean the world to me...so once you figure out how to open you voice mail this is waiting for you."
Sam woke up from his nightmare of his burning apartment building. It been almost three years since then and he never gotten over it. It took a year to get to his messages and what M/ n left behind gave him more questions then answers. He couldn't even get into the apartment before the flames erupted. Sam had doubts about M/n in the fire, but after the police report was released only one casualty of M/n Middle/n. Dean tried to tell my it would at some point get better, but the guilt still felt heavy in his chest. Nightmares of M/n in the fire not in pain, but seeming to absorb the flames made him question what really happened. The brothers had a lead on yellow eyes that their dad led them to. It all seemed to convenient that after the fight he knew to much about the demon that pledged his nightmares. The warehouse was falling apart it was in shambles as Dean parked baby next to it. "Are you sure this is the place?" Sam asked his brother. "Dad said this was it. Load up." Dean got out the car popping the trunk. This didn't feel right.
Tied up, beaten, and tortured. The Winchesters look up at their own fathers face with those horrid yellow eyes. "You boys never questioned a thing didn't even hesitate to come inside!" He chuckled darkly as the surrounding demons grinned. "This would have been the part where I laugh at you kill you dragging your sorry souls to hell to be my toys for the next millennium, but I have something better!" Signature Winchester grin lifted his lips as he called out seeming to no one. "Oh, honey bear! Come say hi." The sound of a strong gust of wind came from behind them as the clack of well made dress shoes hit the shifty floor boards. A man wearing black dress pants, shoes, and a open f/c(not black) silk button up. His back was to the brothers as John lifted his head up to kiss the man's cheek. Turning around white eyes looked at them, but that face was unmistakably M/n's a scar on his brow but it was him. Sam was chocked up M/n was in front of him looking well and oh God he's with enemy that took their dad's body as a meat suit.
"Do you like him, Sammy? Hells best torturer!" John said running his hands over M/n as the man kept his gaze locked on the tallest Winchester analyzing him as he seethed with anger at the demon touched his boyfriend. "Oh the things he's done would make Lucifer blush." Yellow-eyes trailed his hand down the scarred chest biting his lip making Sam struggle more. Snapping his fingers the other demons took Dean, but Sam was left there. "You're not useful to me dead Sammy boi." The demon circled him. "What's the best kind of torture, love?" M/n seemed to move for the first time getting right in front of Sam dropping to his knees being face to face with him. Cupping the beaten cheek of the hunter in his s/c hand his white clouded orbs turned the lively e/c giving a sympathetic look before it switched off. "Physiological." Sam didn't notice the room shifted into their old apartment tears pooled in those e/c eyes. "Where were Sammy?" A hiccup in between silent cries ended the sentence as a scene played out of M/n on the phone trying to talk to Sam before it cut off. "I needed you!" A scene of M/n chained to a wall seeing figures of his past hurt him till he gave in. "You were mine. And you threw it all away, threw me away like garbage!" The images went to Sam being with girls, but he could see familiar h/c hair in the background.
Tears rolled down Sam's face as white eyes filled his vision the eyes he loved fading away. What felt like hours happened in only a few seconds and within those seconds Sam was broken. He buried his face into the palm still cupping his cheek. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!' Sam would do anything for his M/n back even if it meant killing the monster his father has become. A gentle kiss stopped the trail of tears. "You are mine."
A/N: Quote= I love you. Hold on to that, never let that go. -The Vampire Diaries
Tagged: @spnquotebingo
First male reader it was fun.
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A/n: sorry I haven't really been writing recently — oppsie. But here is this! Hopefully it's good and not flaming garbage like I believe it to be (:
Happy lowman x F! Reader
Warnings/disclaimers: Language. Dirty jokes, illusions to the shexy times at the end. Fluff.
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Sometimes.....Tig never knew when to shut up, today being one of those days. The BBQ was in full swing, cold beers being passed around, food set out on the picnic tables you forced your boyfriend Happy to drag into the backyard so people could eat while having the beautiful view of the lake that sparkled under the scorching sun. You, alongside the other women that the son's brought with them to this little party you held, wore nothing but bathing suits. Prepared to swim whenever you get too hot. Your lack of clothes though prompted had prompted Tig to — of course — endlessly flirt with you, making comments about how the swim wear you have on hug your body perfectly, showing off how incredibly — in his words, sexy you are. You of course respond with sassy remarks about how he couldn't handle you, that earned you a shit eating grin from the man.
As the laughter and music plays throughout your property, you make your way to the cooler. Bending over to retrieve two beers for Happy and Bobby as requested. As you dig around the cold ice in search of the beverages, you hear a low whistle you just knew belonged to Tig.
“If I knew happy wouldn't kill me, this would be the perfect opportunity to slap you're ass doll” His tone was playful, knowing that not only was his flirting and little comments annoying you, but your old man as well. Tigs favorite pass time was annoying you and Happy.
Standing up straight you turn around to face him, leaning against the picnic table with crossed arms as he grins at you. You held the two beers in your hand and fixated a glare on him.
“Even if happy wouldn't kill you, I would” You retort before making your way back over to Happy and Bobby who sat in two chairs by the lake, watching Tera and Jax play in the shallow part of the lake with their two little boys.
But Tig follows, running his mouth much to your dismay. “Oh c'mon, I'm irresistible” He said trailing behind you, no doubt eyes glued to your ass.
You snort, “You're insufferable is what you are” You can't help but smile at his sarcastic laugh.
“Very funny doll, you're just so hilarious aren't you?” Tig walks to stand in front of you, blocking you. Although you and Tig didn't know it, Happy was glaring daggers into the back of Tigs skull, Bobby almost jumping from his seat to warn Tig that your old man was getting fed up with the blue eyed man following you around all day like a lost puppy. But Bobby excused himself claiming Juice looked like he needed help gathering firewood for the bonfire later.
“Actually I am hilarious, but come on Tig, why don't you invite venus over and annoy her, aren't you two a thing?” You ask him as he simply shrugs.
“She said she was busy and couldn't come, That's why I'm annoying my second favorite girl” He winks at you and you move to push pass him but bumb into someone who you didn't notice behind Tig. Thankfully you didn't drop the beers you held and look up Ready to apologize only for it to die on your tongue as you find the stoic expression of your old man.
Tigs eyes go wide whenever the stoic expression of Happy's morphed into pure frustration, your old man's arm wrapping around your waist pulling you close into his side.
“I was wondering why you were taking so long, should have guessed Trager had something to do with it” Happy growls out while taking the beer from your hand. “I was hoping to spend time with my girl” He glared at Tig whenever he said the last part, clearly fed up with Tigs constant flirting.
Raising his hands in mock surrender, Tig takes a step back from you. “I was only spending quality time with my best friend killer, no need to get all jealous —
“I'm not jealous, now beat it before you regret ever looking her way again” Happy's voice was more raspy than usual, a sign he was either beyond the point of being annoyed by Tig or he was getting needy for your special attention.
Tig didn't waste a second before scurrying off to find one of the guys to talk to, Happy placing a kiss on the crown of your head. That was rare for him considering PDA wasn't really his thing. You look up at him and sling a arm over his shoulder and around his neck.
“Well someone is grumpy today” You joke with a small smile, Happy groaning in response. “What's up baby?” You whisper after placing the beer you held on the picnic table you stood by so you can stand in front of him and sling both arms around his neck, prompting him to rest his hands on your hips.
“Just don't like him prancing around eyeing you the way he does, always flirting with you, it pisses me off” Happy told you truthfully, forehead softly falling on yours. He didn't care if you two were standing in the center of a small party were people could see this tender side of the Tacoma killer, he just missed being with you. Something the club has been depriving him of lately, so whenever he saw Tig taking up most of the time he should be spending with his girl? That really got under his skin.
You smile up at him, pulling away and taking his hand in yours to lead him inside the house. Once inside Happy was confused until you started leading him to your bedroom, a grin spreading across his face. You usher him inside the room and close the door, locking it.
“You do realize that no matter what Tig says or does I still think he's a complete dumbass right?” You laugh, Happy joining you as he stood in the middle of the room. You leaning your back against the door. “I'm sorry I haven't really been spending the day with you, but now you have me....” You push yourself off the door and point at the bed, motioning him to sit.
He does so and you stand between his spread legs, hands falling to his knees as you fall to yours in front of him. Looking up at him through your lashes. Happy couldn't deny the way his heart leaps at the realization you, his girl was kneeling before him no doubt about to show him that you... Are truly his, in a way he wouldn't forget.
“Now sit back while I show you who I wanna spend every second of my life with....” With that being said you undo his belt and Happy does as you ask.
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Hey, idk when you’re gonna be back or see this, but I want you to know it is ALWAYS okay to take a break. You deserve to see that the world isn’t just made up of the horrible people lurking on this app, you deserve to see that there ARE good people who don’t spit that kind of crude and bigoted hatred everywhere, and you deserve to receive the same kind of love you put into the world and to know that that love DOES make a difference. You genuinely brighten my day when you post, and like we’re just tumblr mutuals. Your friends and family who actually get to know you are so lucky and I wish your break would bring peace of mind and well deserved rest.
-Olive 💕
You don't know how many times I went back to that ask and read it and smiled and thought of something nice to say back. Olive (girl your name is so beautiful i have to tell you), your ask really did help. Still does. Take this lil something a thank you 💙 happy Fives Friday!
The song is My Heart Belongs Only To You - Bobby Vinton
You weren't used to see the 79's so... Empty.
Usually it would be crowded with clones, filled with music, loud conversations and laughs creating a sort of incoherent background noise - but not today.
Your attention shifted from the empty seats to the jukebox that just started playing one of these old, lovely song, the kind that made your heart flutter and your smile grow wider. Fives came back to you, arms stretched your way as an invitation for you to grab his hands.
My heart belongs to only you
"Would you like to dance?"
I've never loved as I love you
You answered by interlacing your fingers with his, allowing him to lead you to the dancefloor - it seemed way bigger now that it was cleared of its usual crowd of dancers...
It's just for you I want to live
His hand delicately rested on your waist as he came closer to you; so close you could feel his breath brushing against your warm cheek.
It's just to you my heart I give
He started to dance, a few little steps, inviting you to do the same. You couldn't help but be surprised by how at ease he seemed to be, even though you didn't remember ever seeing him dancing that kind of slow.
For a second, your heart tightened, grasped by the worry of not being good enough for such a talented partner. He broke your doubts with a gentle spin, bringing you back in his arms with a smile.
"You're beautiful."
"I know," you couldn't help a bit of teasing, "That's because you're blinded."
"Blinded by love?"
"I was about to say 'by the lights'-" you followed the movement of his arm to turn round once again- "but that too."
He let out a giggle, one of those that made him close his eyes a bit and reveal his teeth in a heartfelt smile. One that had the power to make you fall hard for him, each and every time.
His eyes caught you staring, but nothing smart came to him. Somehow, the moment felt too precious to joke.
The song filled your hearts the way it filled the room, echoing against the walls, resonating deeply, until nothing else could reach you but the words of love coming out of the jukebox.
You are the song within my soul
"Kiss me."
His steps slowed down, his hand left your waist to cup your face. He couldn't look away from you.
A melody that can't grow old
You mimicked his movement, your fingers tightening around his as he slowly tilted his head, his lips brushing yours with delicacy.
I've known for long
It was a chaste kiss, one that spoke more than any words could ever have; one that made you feel like your hearts were beating as one, in unison to a love song that no jukebox could ever play.
My heart belongs to only you...
Tag list: dedicated to @canwestayinthisdream
@chaoticvampirejedi @loth-wolffe @m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s @dusk-dawn-and-stars @tacticalsparkles @imalovernotahater @wakeupjackthisisntfair @namesmox @badbatch-simp24 @lightning-wolffe @maddieskywalker @for-the-love-of-clones @m-e-w-117 @99squad @equalityforcats @ladykatakuri @techssexythighs
@firelordillyria @andiebell2023
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