#well it’s Monday and I haven’t heard anything
talentedtrait · 1 month
life is ruff
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fingertipsmp3 · 7 months
I love having no idea what’s going on. Like this is fine actually. I don’t mind this
#induction for my new job starts on monday and most of it is online but i don’t know whether they want me to go there physically (to do the#induction stuff on a work laptop in the staff room) or if i can do it at home#i mean either way; i need to go in at some point to pick up my laptop and ID badge and meet my colleagues#and the departmental induction and a lot of the mandatory training is on campus and in person#it’s really just the nonspecific induction stuff that all staff need to go through that’s online#and in the email that HR sent me with the itinerary and stuff; they said my manager would be in touch to let me know whether they want me#to go physically to campus or to do the online induction at home. and they should also set up a time to meet me to do the departmental#induction and get me my ID and stuff since i can’t physically get into the building without another employee#well i haven’t heard from them and induction starts at 9:30 on monday. should i just assume if i haven’t heard anything that i can just do#everything online and wait for them to contact me to set up a meeting some time in the week?#i don’t know who exactly my manager is. if i did then i could search for them on teams#but three people interviewed me and as far as i could tell two of them have the exact same job. one of them is taking over from the other#i think; but i have no idea which is which#i just don’t want to get in trouble for doing the induction at home if it turns out they want me on campus#i mean i don’t think they can realistically get mad at me for something i didn’t know they wanted me to do? like i need to arrange travel#i take public transport. if you want me there you need to let me know so i can book a ticket#otherwise i will stay at home and do the online induction using my fully functioning laptop. like…#the campus will be closed at 5. i doubt anyone will contact me over the weekend. or early enough monday morning for me to get a train#that would arrive by 9:30. i’m just going to do the induction stuff on monday at home#if no one contacts me by like tuesday afternoon when the departmental induction is supposed to take place and i’m supposed to meet#my manager; i might just reach out to HR. just like ‘hey i haven’t heard from anyone in my department; can you just confirm with them#that they know i’m starting and they’re ready for me to go in and get set up? thanks’ and leave them to it#it’ll be fine. i think#personal
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tothosewholisten · 4 months
Forever Healed | TUA insert
Chapter: 00
next chapter>>
On the 12th hour of the first day of October 1989. 43 women around the world gave birth. This was unusual in the fact that none of these women had been pregnant when the day first began.
Sir Reginald Hargeeves, eccentric billionaire and adventurer, resolved to locate and adopt as many of the children as possible.
He got seven of them, yes seven.
MARCH 21, 2019
I have to be at least somewhat proud of myself for lasting this long. I thought as I sat on the bus, not everyday you are born with magical powers and are destined to save the world from evil. Yes, hearing myself think that sounds crazy. But that's normal in my life.
I had reached my stop after a half an hour of sitting with my earbuds in, listening to nothing at all. I just wanted to seem unapproachable on the sketchy city bus.
My destination was a terribly designed office building, the space was so crammed and ugly it made me want to turn right back around and get on that bus again. But I didn't because I was trying to convince myself that this would be good for me, but I didn't believe my words.
I was about to have a therapy session with some middle-aged white lady who has glasses and tell her all of my life issues, starting every week at 5pm..
It's not like I had anything else going on, I haven't had work for days now. So I thought I'd give it a shot.
The waiting process made me anxious as hell, I finally got the courage to walk up to the front desk and gave the man who sat there my name. And now I have to wait for this lady to get done with some other patient.
I sat on a chair and frowned, like she is really going to be focused on "my" problems and not the 30 other people she sees today.
I swear it was only a second into me zoning out when I heard my name yelled. "Y/n L/n? It's so nice to meet you!" A woman said, when i looked up at her i saw the exact lady i was describing earlier to the closest details.
I let her lead me to a smaller room that looked way better than the lobby. It had two chairs, a water machine, some fidget items and a large window view of the city. Gloria, I learn to be the name of my therapist, asks me to sit with her.
She clears her throat, "I know this is our first session so you may not be the most comfortable sharing details. But I'd like to know a little bit about you if you're okay sharing."
“Well, I’m 29 years old and a home care nurse.” I say slowly. Hearing the words leave my mouth I knew I haven’t amounted to a lot in my years.
"Oh wow, 29? I would've never guessed that Y/n, you don't look a day over 21" Gloria complimented me i give her a tiny smile in return.
I'm not sure why that is, I get that a lot in my working field. Older women saying that they wished they looked as young as me.
"That's a great start for today's session." She smiles, "A little bit me is, you know my name already but I'm 56 years old since Monday. I have 3 children and a cat named Mr. Furball."
I regret what i said earlier because I think I already like Gloria and not just because of Mr. Furball. But the fact that she has a calming sense about her. I find myself listening to what she's saying, and I rarely do that with people nowadays.
"But I would like to hear more about your upbringing, how’d you become the fine young lady you are today?" She says.
Oh, she wants to hear about my childhood. I mean I knew she would ask but so soon, I'm worried about saying anything. So I told her that.
"I'm worried about opening up to someone about my past cause well I've never done it before." I said.
She hands me a cup of water. "That's okay Y/n, we can take it at your pace."
“I grew up in a small house with my mom and dad until I was twelve. When I was scouted by Reginald Hargreeves because of my unique abilities. And I've been there ever since I was 18 when I moved out to live on my own.” I waited for the burst of confusion I was about to get from Gloria. Not everyday one of the Umbrella Academy walks into your office.
“Oh wow…” she says, eyes wide. “You're one of those superheroes? That’s amazing wow.” She nervously chuckles “I’m sorry I’m normally not this shocked about things, and I hear a lot on the daily.”
“It’s okay” I say, staring at my hands.
She clears her throat. “I'm sure being apart of the Umbrella Academy was big but could you tell me about your life before that?”
I closed my eyes for a couple of seconds, pictured my childhood in my brain and opened my mouth.
"Well, I'm sure to this day my father still thinks that my mother cheated on him, due to his "daughter's" virgin Mary-like creation since they were just newlyweds. He held it against my mother all of her life." I took a sip of water and continued.
"I'm not sure why he turned to alcohol. But that turned out as you could expect. He turned on everyone around him and acted like a beast. He regularly attacked my mom for anything she did wrong. But what made him more angry was that his freak of a daughter could heal her mother, after every beating."
"My mom told me before I left I had made her so much happier and in her words. She didn't even question these strange occurrences; she knew her baby was special." I smiled a bit.
I could tell that Gloria was painting a picture in her head of what I was describing too.
"And by the age of 8, I was standing up to my father, even if it didn't end so well. I'd get the beating instead but by the next day, my bloody body would be as good as new. On the surface at least, I had lots of internal issues from that time. But none of that stopped my father from trying to get equal with me.." I stopped talking after that.
My eyes could only focus on my right hand as it was picking at my left hand's skin. It was a habit I picked up as soon as I started to use my powers because I knew my skin would be right back to normal in the next few minutes.
"That's awful y/n I'm so sorry." She frowned. "Would you be okay with continuing?"
I blink up at her. “Yes, that would be okay,” I said. “Then there was this one day..”
“In five, four, three, two. This is Jim Hellerman, reporting live for channel 2 News outside of the Capital West Bank at Main and Sixth. A group of heavily armed men stormed the bank not three hours ago and took an unknown number of hostages.”
That was the big news update of September 2002, I remember. Well I don’t really have to think about it much because I was there with my mom at the bank. She planned on making some deposit when we were screamed at, not to leave by a man who had his gun pointed at us along with so many other civilians. He taped us up and told us to stand in a corner.
That was the first and only time I feared for my life. Police didn’t want them to start shooting, so they didn’t come into the building. Meaning that we were on our own and could die at anytime
One of the armed men walks into the scene unfolding. Sirens blaring, people getting shoved around and threats being made to the innocent.
“Now you’ve put me in a position where I gotta do something I don't want to do. Hmm?” He said talking to another person on his walkie talkie.
My mom brought me closer to her trying to use her body as a shield if things went south. And to us we thought they were about to be.
But strangely, a girl walked up to the man. She’d looked to be around my age in a school uniform and cartoon mask. Her loose curls bounced in the wind as she skipped up to him.
“Shit!” He screams putting his device down. Not noticing the girl until a few seconds after his outburst. “Hey, get back with the others.” He told her, trying to sound intimidating but she didn’t seem to fear him at all.
“I heard a rumor.” She spoke out.
He bent a little to reach her height and get in her face. “What? What did you say?”
She leaned in and cupped her hand to mimic whispering in his ear but loud enough for all of us to hear. “I heard a rumor that you shot your friend in the foot.”
Without any hesitation he did what she commanded and shot the nearest armed man who happened to be trying to rough up my mom. We screamed as he kept shooting.
“We just heard shots from inside the bank. It’s uncertain if any hostages have been harmed in that.”
“There’s some movement on the roof. Possibly law enforcement.”
A loud crash and a boy landed down from the roof. It was crazy he wasn’t harmed at all from that high distance. He was also wearing the same mask and uniform as the girl but he had blond hair. From where he landed he jumped on one of the robbers and started beating him to a pulp, and then throwing him out a glass window.
“Looks like one of the armed robbers had been thrown from the bank.”
Another boy with brown hair runs in from the opposite doors as the girl and yells. “Guns are for sissies. Real men throw knives.” He then threw one of his knives and it curved in the air hitting a robber no where close to where the knife had originally been heading. It was incredible.
“I've been in many hostage situations like this, and it can escalate very quickly.”
The original man hops on a table pointing his gun out at the two of the before seen children plus another one. “Get back you freaks” he says walking back and forth in fear.
“Hey, be careful up there, buddy.” The knife boy calls out.
“Get back now!” The man screams.
“Yeah, I wouldn't want you to get hurt.” The girls mocking voice says.
Right before my eyes another boy teleports behind the man, sitting criss-cross on the table. “Or what?” He said calmly.
The man turns around and shoots at him but before the bullets could hit he teleports again. This time standing up with his arms crossed, clearly not impressed. But the man tries to shoot again.
“Ooh! That’s one badass stapler!” The boy laughs. The man no longer had a gun anymore but a stapler placed in his hand by the kid instead. The boy shoves the stapler into his face and the big man falls back, head hitting the floor before his body does.
“Although there’s been no activity for a few minutes, we’re gonna stay live on location to make sure we don’t miss a thing. In this hostage situation at the Capital West bank.”
The five already counted for children make way for the last and shortest one to make his move. “Do we really need to do this?” He talks quietly.
The blonde one replies to him. “Come on, Ben. There’s more guys in the vault.” So his name was Ben huh?
Ben sighs, “I didn't sign up for this.” Before walking into the room with more people. Large black tendrils illuminated the room as men screaming could be heard behind the door. And a beast roars but then the sound stops and Ben walks out again, this time covered in blood and guts.
He breathes heavily. “Can we go home now?” I felt bad for him.
The kids untied our hands and told us to run. And once it was clear to go my mom started to run out of the doors thinking I was right behind her.
“Now we see the hostages. They— They’re free. They’re scared clearly but they do seem to be unharmed.”
But I was behind her trying to help this older woman who’d slipped on the floor. As I was helping her, the kids walked out too.
“People are coming out now. It’s not the armed robbers. These are schoolchildren in uniforms with masks on. Jim Hellerman, Channel 2 News.”
But there was one not accounted for robber, the one from earlier who had been shot in the foot. I started to run out and call out to my mom who was outside. When the man got up from the floor, cocked his gun and shot at the kids.
Fortunately, he missed them but the bullet hit me.
Questions being asked to the children stopped when they saw my body flail onto the floor outside of the bank doors. I was shot right in the chest. There was blood everywhere and it started to leak over to where the kids were standing. They turned around to see where it was coming from..
Everyone looked horrified and there was a bunch of screaming. Mainly from my mother who was wailing as she ran over to hold me to her chest screaming for me to wake up. And that will be engraved in my memory forever after this day, I never wanted to hear her like this ever again.
Police started to rush over but in a matter of minutes, a miracle seemed to happen. At least to the city that is. There was a yellowish glow around my chest and the blood seemed to have reversed back into my body. Even the stains on my blue dress were gone. The bullet even spit out of my chest; it was truly witchcraft.
My eyes then shot open as I started to breathe in and out.
I don't exactly remember what I felt during those moments but I'm sure I left those people around me stunned. After all this was their first look at powers.
I couldn't care what the paramedics were talking about above my body. I was focused on the 6 children looking at me bewildered as well as the old-looking man with them and whatever my mom was saying at the time.
I was put on a stretcher and rushed to a hospital for evaluations after the pandemics came but they never found anything. It was like everything was perfectly reattached.
But as I was leaving I could see the news reporters zeroing in on the kids trying to get the details on how these children saved the bank from thievery.
“Our world is changing.” The man spoke to the crowd. “Has changed. There are some among us gifted with abilities far beyond the ordinary.” He said looking back at the children. But they weren’t paying attention, some were staring at my ambulance and some eyes were on the ground.
“I have adopted seven such children. I give you the inaugural class of the Umbrella Academy.”
I now realize thinking back, the seventh person he was talking about was me..
My mouth felt like it was moving faster than my brain so I took a pause and chugged the rest of my water cup.
Once again Glorias eyes were wide open. As she took some notes down in a notebook I never noticed beyond this point.
"Uh once I got home I remember the house phone noise filled my house with its nonstop ring, the other person on the phone would change my life forever when he came in.”
“And who was that person?" Gloria asked.
"Reginald Hargeeves, eccentric billionaire and caring father from what the public knew.." I rolled my eyes.
"So I'm guessing it wasn't really like that" she asked carefully.
"He was never a father really, more like a hard state-national basketball coach." She wrote that down.
"I guess it was a hard decision for my parents to make well, my mother. My father was ready to give me up as soon as Reginald stepped foot in my small house."
"And I'm sure they thought there was nothing bad about the offer they were given, he promised I'd be raised in a steady environment with the best schooling and my powers would be used for the greater good. And in exchange, my parents would get a large sum of money for my absence."
"What were you doing during this?" Gloria worried.
"I think I was just sitting right there next to my mom actually. I definitely didn't understand at that point what was happening to me. Still thinking about the events of that day.”
"And then I was being taken out of my only home in the blink of an eye. I resisted the people taking me, starting with screaming and then kicking and then running. Back to my mom's arms, Reginald himself had to pull me away from her. The deal had already been struck and there was no taking me back."
Now looking back at my hands I could only see small teardrops on my palms. Gloria reached for a tissue from the other side of the room. "Thank you," I said as I wiped my eyes.
"I like to think that my mom was upset that day but the memory has already started to fade as I reached adulthood.
You know after that day I was no longer 'Y/n L/n' no, I was known by my new name.. Zero Hargeeves."
I decided that was the end of my story, at least for now because I couldn't place the pieces together anymore. I was full-on sobbing at that point.
Gloria decided to bring up something more light to talk about next but I don't remember what it was because I'd zoned out and thought about the cat she'd told me about earlier.
The two hours seemed to fly by because the last thing I heard her say was if I didn't have anything else to talk about then that would be the end of the session. My legs seemed to move on their own as I walked out of that building. I would come back at the same time next week and honestly, I think therapy was for the best. I forgot about how I felt about all these things for the longest time.
I started the journey back to the bus stop, stopping to look in the windows of shops.
Shops like bakeries and bookstores and other things like that. Until I came to a stop in front of a store with a TV sticking out in the window.
My eyes scanned the screen and they went wide. The lady on the news had a somber expression as someone died. I was feeling sad for the person's family, but then I read the red-blaring headline.
The person who died was Reginald Hargeeves...
Aug 14 update:
If you'd like to be added to the tag list for rest of the series (starts at chapter 10) say taglist in the comments!
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kittenlittle24 · 3 months
Picture this
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Request by anon (hope this reaches you!): a house fic where there is an age gap between them but they have a lot in common like taste in music stuff and Can you possibly make the reader an artist in her free time.
Gifs never mine, likes, comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
Diagnostic Department. It was the last department in your rotation. All you needed to do was to survive a week under Dr. House and get him to sign off your hours.
You were standing in the entrance to the patient room, stethoscope around your neck and the case file in your hands as you watched House played the opening bars from "I Don't Like Mondays". You tilted your head as the patient copied him perfectly. He has perfect pitch.
The patient seemed to be in excellent health, but House wants him to stay. House starts playing a piece he once started to compose, and the patient finishes it.
“Try Baba O’riley next.” You suggested which made House turn sharply to look at you.
“Intern, go be useful in the clinic. Use my name on anything you sign.”
With a sigh and an eye roll you turned and left to follow his orders.
Somehow you were surprised Dr Cuddy didn’t see you working in the clinic instead of being with the rest of the diagnostic team. Or possibly you were certain you’d get caught covering for the department head.
Four exhaustingly, boring hours and too many hysterical patients later, you were finally in front of your locker in the doctors lounge, gathering you belongings to go home. You opened the locker to grab your coat.
“Heard Wilson purchased one of your paintings.”
You jumped slightly upon hearing his voice, but continued as you were, only humming in answer. You lifted your hair from inside your coat. Opening your purse you fished your hours paper and held it out to House.
“Could you do us both a favor and sign this?”
Looking at the paper, he tilted his head and pursed his lips, “How is signing your departure good for me?”
Your mouth dropped open and your eyes went wide, “You been treating me like crap, you didn’t let me sit in on a single case, just used me as your personal assistant.”
Moving to lean against the counter behind him, he chuckled, “I also let you cover my hours in the clinic.”
Shoving the paper against his chest, “Sign this so I won’t have to come back here Monday.”
Taking the paper, “I’ll sign this if you agree to go out with me.”
With a sigh you agreed.
That was a year ago, since then you finished your internship and started your residency in cardiology as well as moved to live with Dr Gregory House.
You woke up to an empty bed, frowning you rubbed your face before leaving the warm space. You walked into the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee and saw your boyfriend naked in front of the fridge.
“Is there coffee?” You asked.
He looked at you, slightly confused, “You’re not surprised I’m naked?”
Taking his half filled mug from where it was sitting on the counter, you took a sip and shook your head, “Nothing I haven’t seen before. Please get dressed or at least put underwear on before Cameron arrives.”
Leaning to kiss his cheek before you placed the mug in the sink and went to get ready.
He quickly followed you back to the bedroom, “Why is Cameron coming?”
Picking clothes and setting them on the bed, “She saw my painting in Wilson’s office, she asked if she can buy one herself, she’s stopping before work to pick it up.”
“And you told her to come here? To my apartment?”
Looking up at him, you tossed him a pair of boxers, “Ours, yes.”
He sat down on the bed to put his underwear on, “Does she know we both living here?”
You paused your actions and came to kneel between his legs, “Are you worried that she might comment on your relationship?”
“Having a hard time concentrating on your words when you’re down there.”
Placing your hands on his cheeks, “Greg, she’s younger than you and didn’t have any problem trying to pursue you, I do-“
“And you are younger than her and on that she’ll have plenty to say.”
Your thumbs stroked back and forth on the apple of his cheek before you rose just enough to kiss him deeply.
“I don’t care if or what anyone that isn’t you says on our relationship. Frankly, I’m surprised you do, it’s kind of a big reason why I’m into you.”
“So me being a jerk turns you on?“
Laughing , you kissed him again, “Don’t push it old man.”
He grabbed you by the waist and pulled you to lie down on top of him before flipping you to be underneath you, “I’ll show you, old man.”
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imaginaryf1shots · 7 months
Burned out | Lewis Hamilton
WC: 1.6K
Lewis Hamilton X Platonic!reader
Summery: (REQUESTED) going through a burn out is never easy, lucky for you, your best friend is here to help you.
Lewis Masterlist
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Not edited at all, not even a little bit.
You and Lewis have been friends for years, it’s a well known thing. you have been there for each other through it all, the ups and downs, the championships, the DNFs and everything in between. Every spare moment you had off work you’d be wherever he is, spending vacations at his house in Monaco or going with him to Brazil for a trip. now don’t get me wrong you have a normal office job, you work your hours normally, but you’re smart about your days off.
However these days it’s all been a little harder, you’re having to move because of your landlord wanting to live in the house, with a close call from him you’ve been house hunting every weekend, and work has been piling on, your company let quite a few people go, so you’ve had to take on more workload with the same salary and everything, and let’s not forget all the family commitments you’ve had to cancel on.
But alas life has to go on.
”What do you think about this one?” You ask Lewis who is on facetime with you, as you walked around the apartment your real estate agent was showing you, you prefer the one you’re in now, but this one isn’t bad in your opinion.
”It’s definitely better than the one from last week.” Lewis said, you hummed in agreement, opening the cabinets to look at the storage.
”I think so too, the best one so far.” You muttered and bit your lip in compilation.
”Are you signing this one?” Lewis asked and you nodded.
”I think so, I don’t think I’ll find a better one before I have to move out.” You stated, and that was that. you put an offer in, and waited.
”What do you want to eat?” Lewis asked from across the island, he had his fridge open, he had a stack of boxes that are made for his diet but he didn’t feel like any of them today. when you didnt respond he turned to look at you, you didnt hear him focused on your open laptop, where you had your work project on but you weren’t typing or doing anything just staring at the screen as if it killed your first child. “Hey, earth to (y/n).” 
Lewis had to wave his hand in front of your face for you to snap out of it. “What? Sorry, what did you say?”
“I asked what do you want to eat, but now I think you need to take a break, you’ve been here for five hours and you haven’t moved from your spot.” Lewis said raising an eyebrow.
”I moved!”
”To go to the loo.” Lewis smiled and you rolled your eyes having no comeback.
”What do you feel like eating, I’ll have whatever.” You said trying to change the subject, you rolled your shoulders trying to loosen them up.
”Don’t try to change the subject, love.” Lewis was having none of it, you sighed, he moved around the island to stand by you. “It wouldn’t kill you to take an hour off.” 
“An hour! I can’t do that, I have so much to do, I have to hand this in on Monday and then there’s another project for the week after that I have almost nothing done in and then I still haven’t heard back from the agent for the house and I have to move in under three weeks-“ 
“Okay, okay, breathe.” Lewis places his hands on your shoulders and you take a deep breath, he knows that all this work and all the stress from having to move is affecting you, you haven’t seen any of your friends for a while and your family lives too far for you to see them regularly and it’s taken it’s toll on you. “Now, you’ve been sitting here for a half an hour without doing anything, you need a break, let’s go out for food and then you can come back and finish your work for the night, okay?”
”Fine, but we can’t be out for too long.” You say and save your work.
”We won't.”
You did go out, and you didn't take long, but here you are regretting this, as you’re rushing to finish everything to be handed in. Now every moment you spent doing anything else but working is eating you alive. All the what ifs and what nots are killing you slowly. your nails are chewed to bits, and you’re all over the place as you gather your things to head to the office, only taking five minute in front of the door before you head out to sort your look.
”Hey love, I’m leaving in a few days and when can we meet up?” Lewis asked you over the phone as you stood in the street trying to stop a taxi, but failing miserably and it just started to rain, you sigh feeling as if the world is crashing onto you.
”I can’t Lew, I’m sorry I dont have the time.” You say and try to stop your voice from changing, but Lewis knows you too well he could tell that there’s something going on.
”What’s wrong? Is it your project?” Lewis sat up on his sofa, he stopped petting Rosco as he frowned, he hears you sniffing and gets up from his place. 
“No-no, the project is fine, bu-but they want me to do another and them my offer got rejected and I don’t have time to go see another place and I have to start packing to move, and no freaking taxi is stopping and it’s raining and just shit.” You wanted to scream right now, but being in public just didn’t help. The rain is disgusting your tears but your voice is heave and wavering, Lewis is already with his keys and leaving his house.
”It’s okay love, where are you?” You tell him and push your stick hair out of your face. “Okay, I’ll be there as soon as I can, yeah, just find somewhere dry to stand.”
It takes Lewis around 30 minutes to reach you, considering the traffic that’s a miracle. you see his Mercedes coming around the corner, you’re still wet and cold when you hop in the car, the heat is already on. Your eyes are red and your lips in a permanent frown, your bag slipping to the floor with a thud. 
“Hey, are you okay?” Lewis asked softly and took your freezing hand in his. “Stupid question.”
“Thank you for picking me up.” You mumble looking out the window, your hand holding tightly to Lewis's. You're in need of his comfort and just knowing that he's there makes you think that maybe something is going right in your life. You have your best friend and everything is okay.
Lewis drives you to his house only letting go when he needs to park. 
“Come on, let's get inside.” You walk behind Lewis, and once you're inside he helps you take off your wet jacket. “Go shower, before you get sick, I'll get the kettle going.”
You slowly make your way to the guest bedroom, the room you sleep in when you're spending the night for one reason or the other. You don't cry in the shower or when you get dressed in some clothes you had here(the hoodie you slip on top belong to lewis). 
When you make it to the kitchen you see Lewis standing beside the tea mugs he made on his phone. “Hey, how are you feeling?”
“Like shit.” You mutter and meet his brown eyes, Lewis gives you the smallest smile and opens his arms for you, you don't hesitate before walking into them. He's so warm and so familiar and he just holds you, he says nothing and that's all it took for the floodgates to open again. You're sobbing as he holds you, he doesn't shush you or try to make you stop he just lets you get it all out. You don't know how long it is when you're out of tears but the tea has since gone cold and Lewis is putting the kettle back on while you wash your face.
Once you're sitting in the living room with your tea is when you start talking. 
“I don't know why I'm feeling this way, but nothing is going right and I just feel so bad all the time, I don't have the energy to do anything but I have so much to do and then nothing is going right and, and I feel so sad and lonely and it's just, its..”
“Oh darling.” Lewis pulls you for a hug once more. “You're going through a burn out.”
“What?” You say not expecting this, pulling back from the hug you think about it. Everything you just said is pointing to the fact that it's signs of burnout. “Oh.”
“You're burned out and you got the whole house situation and its adding to it.” Lewis comforts you. “Now here's the plan I have for you, 1. You tell your boss you're not taking new projects unless they hire more people to help you, no let me finish, 2. Until you find a place come stay here, I'm almost never here anyways. We get a storage unit for all you stuff that you won't need here. 3. You, love, are inba serious need for a vacation. So tomorrow ask for your some of your vacation days and after you finish your project for next week you're coming with me to travel for a bit.”
“Wow, you got it all figured out.” You say breathlessly before breaking into a smile. 
“Of course, can't have my best friend being all burned out and not helping.” Lewis kisses your forehead and you give him another hug.
“Thank you Lew.” 
“Hey, you don't need to thank me, what are friends for?”
“Not all of them are like you.”
“Well, lucky you then.”
“You're getting cocky now, I think I need to humble you a bit.”
“Huh, I'd like to see you try.”
“Is this a challenge?”
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thepersonnamedsam · 1 year
hello I hope you’re doing well 🥰
A very specific scenario I have is coming home to a sleeping Carlos after being away for a few days and he wakes up to the sound of the bedroom door and it’s just very soft warm fluff both are so affectionate and cuddly Carlos is still sleepy and giving each other long hugs and neck kisses as they missed each other, thank you very much just thinking about this helps me sleep at night it would be incredible to read it
the love i feel for you - cs55
pairing: carlos sainz x fem!reader
summary: carlos came home from austria before you, you find him sleeping slightly and enjoy his sleepiness
word count: 1.6k
warnings: tooth rotting fluff
note: thank you so much for your request, one of my absolute favs to this day!! hope you enjoy reading it and you can sleep better at night :)
masterlist / taglist
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You were a nurse, working late was your standard. You knew Carlos came home today. You had watched the race on Sunday before you went to work. Happy and sad at the same time. The time penalty didn’t help the case. But you had to focus on work.
You knew he would be home before you. Asking yourself if he‘d stay awake or was already in bed. You car was loud when you parked it. Cursing it, you killed the engine and stepped out onto the parking lot. Feet heavy, they dragged against the concrete. You were tired and just wanted to feel Carlos‘ arms against your body.
He was gone since the last Monday, you haven’t seen him in a week. Your heart clenched for the man. You knew what you were getting yourself into when you started dating Carlos. But you didn’t think it would be this hard.
You tried to be as silent as possible, but the door didn’t play your game. The loud creak made you still your movements.
You knew Carlos was asleep by the dark apartment. Everything seemed lifeless and still. Your heart was beating like crazy in your chest. You just hoped that Carlos didn’t hear the bloody door.
Carlos heard the door squeak. His body stirred and the pillows didn’t seem right anymore. He sat up, rubbing at his eyes and wondered if he’d only imagined the sound, as he didn’t hear anything else.
His feet hit the floor, the cold wooden tiles sent shocks up his legs. He needed a moment to collect himself, before he could trust his body to stand up without falling down again. He was exhausted. The race robbed his last nerve and his body ached.
It took him five steps to grip the door handle and push the door open. Your eyes scanned the room and saw your bedroom door opening. You cursed yourself out - you did wake him. You rushed to take your shoes off and hang your jacket on the wall.
A slouchy Carlos entered the room and his eyes were searching for you. Head heavy and and eyes tired, he saw you standing in the entrance. He sighed, a sigh that signaled you, that he was glad you were finally home. He dragged his body through the corridor, where he finally met you.
Your arms snaked around your body, scratching his naked torso on the way. Your head hit his shoulders and he felt your breath on his collarbone, tickling it. His chin found its way to your shoulder and laid there. His scruff grazing your cheek.
You felt him tightening his grip on you and pulling you closer to him. You held him close, until your heartbeats raced in sync. Both hearts on P1.
You wanted to say something, even opened your mouth, but closed it again; you didn’t want to ruin the moment. You guided him towards the bedroom, you were so tired. He followed you, hand in hand.
You felt him lift your arm, warm and dry lips mer your hand. One, two, three, ten kisses were placed on your soft skin. His eyes closed, he felt the goosebumps on your skin. You shuddered.
You turned around and embraced the love of your life. His warm body pressed against yours. His hand stroking up and down your back. You sighed. Suddenly your clothes felt too much and you had to take them off. He helped you out of your pants and your shirt.
Underwear long gone you grabbed under your pillow to find your night gown - an old shirt of Carlos. It felt cool against your skin and Carlos‘ look made you shudder even more. You sat down on your side of the bed and Carlos scooted over towards you. His hands laid on your shoulders, massaging them lightly. No words were spoken, but you didn’t have to, you understood each other perfectly without them.
You took a deep breath, the tension leaving your body with every touch of your man. He came closer, his torso now against your backside. Hardness reached softness. He slowly guided you to lay down. Your back now against his chest. His hands on your hair, grabbing and twisting at loose strands. Your hands roamed his thighs up and down. Nails scratching the surface, you felt his hair standing.
Both of your eyes were closed, content with the contact. You missed him dearly. You had to look at him. You turned around to take a good glance at the Spaniard. His face relaxed, no trace of worry in sight. His long eyelashes covering his closed eyes. His nose only barley moving with his every breath - you wouldn’t notice it if you weren’t staring. His big and kissable lips just looking at you. You pressed your lips together. Putting your hands down onto the mattress, you lifted yourself up, just so much you could reach his face with your face.
He didn’t open his eyes, but his mouth ever so lightly twitched. He knew what you were going to do. You blew onto his face, something he didn’t expect - his face scrunched up and opened one eye. Your amused face greeted his sight. He loved your smile, even though you only smiled at him, because you were teasing him. He didn’t care.
You leaned your face closer to his, until your lips met. Slow and soft. The kiss was dry and warm. It felt almost too dry. Slowly you let your tongue swipe over his lower lip. He smiled and let you pass. The kiss turned into a slow burn make out session. Passionate and loving. Tongues touching and lips parting.
Your hands were placed on the side of his face, your whole body weight put on his - he didn’t mind. His hands were on your back, stroking up and down. You had to part some time, gasping for air he only smiled at you. He could still make you breathless - after all these years.
You weren’t laying in bed right, heads on the side, rather than on top. Your pillows were to your left. Carlos rearranged you two until you laid in bed like normal people. Your hand searched for his, when you found it he immediately took it into his big and calloused hand. It felt right, like your hands were made for each other.
You turned your body towards him, pecking his lips softly. But for him, it wasn’t enough. It began to get hot, his body heat and yours mixing together and creating a hotness you never experienced before. It felt like your body was on fire - but it felt good. His lips met your again for the fourth time that evening. Not dry anymore, but wet with your own salvia. It was more a smooch than a kiss. The plopping sound loud in the quiet and dark room. Your right hand on his bare waist, the left still in his.
You knew he was ticklish, that’s why you tried to be as soft and light as possible. You embraced him, your nails leaving half lion imprints on his skin at one point. You kissed his shoulder, moving up to his neck. You felt his stubble against your lips. It felt like some sort of massage. His breath hitched as you reached his most sensitive part. Sucking on it he almost moaned. You felt his hot breath on your neck. Soon it was replaced with his hot kisses. He did the same to you - he found your sensitive spot and started sucking.
You were sure you needed quite some make up to cover it up tomorrow. But at that moment, life was good and you didn’t think about anything after right this second. His tongue met your hot skin, it almost made a sizzling sound, so hot was your neck. He licked a stripe up to your ear, took your earlobe between his teeth and pulled on it.
You smiled. It was your favourite thing - laying in bed with Carlos and feeling him everywhere. Suddenly he turned on his back, took you with him. This position was familiar, the same you had earlier. Your head on his hairy chest, you felt him kiss your head multiple times. You closed your eyes again, ready to sleep.
It didn’t take long for you to fall asleep and Carlos enjoyed just holding you and looking at you - all relaxed and safe and sound.
Bonus scene:
The next morning Carlos was up early. When you woke up you tried to feel for his body but only met an empty and cool bed side. But you did smell coffee. Your feet hit the ground and carried you to the kitchen. Two mugs with steaming coffee stood on the table. Next to it a little note.
Will be back soon, love you xx
As soon as you read it, the front door opened and the smell of fresh croissants filled your nose. You heard his shoes hit the floor and the keys dangle from the keyhole. When he entered the kitchen he smiled at you. His head leaned down and reached your lips. They tasted like mint, that means he already brushed his teeth. You kissed him back with poor mouth breath. He didn’t care.
You two sat down and had breakfast. It was lovely and as you got up to bring the dishes into the kitchen and clean the table, he grabbed your arm and pulled you into his lap. His face buried deep into your hole between your neck and shoulders. His nose nuzzled against the bare skins showing. You closed your eyes and tried to savour this moment, tried to save it and put it into your brain, so you’d never forget it.
taglist: @ironmaiden1313 , @topguncultleader , @biglittlesecret , @gulabjamooon , @lovelyy-moonlight , @peachyplumsss , @mistrose23 , @copper-boom , @love4lando , @champomiel , @serenityleah , @iloveyou3000morgan , @angelwithoutmywings , @elleeeee21 , @youkissedareaderinthedark , @mikauraur , @thybulleric , @lpab , @fdl305 , @mellowarcadefun
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milfjuulpod · 1 year
Seeing You
request: yes
r losses their glasses (or maybe someone takes them) during first period. you kinda need them to see and without them you struggle (can’t find way around school, headache from straining eyes etc) mel goes into her usual protective mel mode
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A/N: hellooo back again, sorry i haven’t written in a while and if melissa is OOC i apologize for that as well 😭 trying to get back in the swing of things. thank u sm anon for sending this in! mwah
The morning was off to a good start. Coffee was delicious, you arrived with enough time to prepare for the students, a decent Monday morning. With the ring of the bell, you walked to your door and greeted each and every student that came in. Across the hall, you saw Melissa. She looked up at you at the same time, and the two of you shared a smile. Melissa had a special place in your heart, and you had made a place in hers. 
       Once everyone had filed in, you returned to your classroom. “Good morning my angels, are we excited to start the day?” You asked the group. In response there was a mix of ‘yes’s’ and cheers from the kids, you always tried to get them excited at the beginning of the day. Better to be off to a good start, you always thought. Grabbing a stack of papers from your desk, you went to pass them out. “My shoe is untied!” One of your students shouted from the other side. “Well why don’t I help you tie it? I’ll show you, it’s easy.” You bent down and showed your student how to tie a knot, and then undid it for him to try on his own. When he succeeded, you gave him a high five and went to stand back up. Unfortunately, you hit your head on the desk, causing your glasses to fall off and give you a painful headache. Thanks to the swinging feet of many, many kids, your glasses were nowhere to be found. 
       Shit. You couldn’t see all too well without them, and the spare pair you kept at work was actually at Melissa’s house from a few nights before. With the lack of direction, your classroom began to get rowdy and it was time to prioritize. Get through this period, and then look for them. That turned into second period, and third, and then it was lunch time. When the bell rang, you led your students to the cafeteria, holding hands with the line leader. Definitely for their sake, not because you couldn’t see and had no idea where you were going. All of the kids shuffled in, excited to get some food in their bellies, and you were left alone to find your way back. Taking a few steps, you squinted and looked around for anything that might help. 
      “Hon?” A familiar, sweet voice was heard from behind you. Whipping around, all you could see was black clothes and red hair, enough to know it was Melissa. “You get lost or somethin?” She asked, taking your hand in hers. “Actually, yeah. I lost my glasses this morning and to be quite honest, I have no idea where I’m standing right now,” You joked with your girlfriend, but she felt you squeeze her hand tighter. “Well c’mon sweetheart, let’s go find them.” Melissa led you back to your classroom, never letting go of your hand. It made you nervous, being at school and showing affection. Only a select few at Abbott were aware of the blooming relationship, but that seemed to be the last thing on the redhead’s mind as she swung your hands together and rubbed her thumb across your skin. 
       Back to your room, Melissa let you unlock the door, and immediately started looking for them. “Where did you lose them?” She asked, scanning the room. “I was helping a student at that desk,” you pointed to where you hit your head earlier. Remembering the incident reminded you of the throbbing pain, and you rubbed the back of your head trying to soothe it. Of course, Melissa noticed. She noticed everything you did. Instead of looking, the other teacher walked over to you and lightly pushed on your shoulder to get you to sit at your own desk. She took your chin in her hand and gently stroked your cheek with her thumb. “Baby did you hit your head? Or are you squinting too much?” She asked quietly. “What gave it away?” You asked shyly, embarrassed at how quickly this snowballed. 
      “You winced when the bell rang, you rubbed your head when you talked about the desk, it’s not rocket science hon,” She teased. Before you could answer, she opened up one of your desk drawers and pulled out some pain reliever for you. You silently wondered how she knew you kept it there. She passed you her drink as well, and motioned for you to take it. “Good, you have to take care of yourself, even when you’re at work.” Melissa reminded you. She went back to the desk you had pointed to, and began searching. 
       “I don’t know what happened, they fell off and then they disappeared like the floor ate them.” You told her. You squinted to try and see what she was doing, but Melissa quickly told you to knock it off before you made the headache worse. After a few minutes, she returned to your side. “I think I know what happened,” Melissa said, and set down a pair of broken glasses in front of you, complete with a shoe print on the lenses. She leaned down to kiss your forehead and started stroking your hair. 
      “I’ll run home and get your extra pair for you, and have Jacob grab the kids. Can I trust you to stay here and not blindly injure yourself again?” She teased. When you nodded, she gave you another kiss and left to get your things. The peaceful silence didn’t last long, after a few minutes your door was open again and your students, as well as Jacob, came running in. “Here they are! Sorry we’re a bit late, I had to get Melissa’s kids too.” He said, skipping up to your desk. “Thank you, I owe ya one,” you said to him. 
       “I think you owe Melissa one. You’re lucky she’s so kind and attentive to you. I’ve only known her for a few years but I've never seen her so happy with someone before,” Jacob said honestly. His words sank in, he knew. As if he could read your mind, he started talking again. “I won’t say anything, but I doubt it’ll be a secret for long. Schemmenti is only this soft for you,” With that Jacob left, leaving you with pink cheeks at the realization of just how sweet and caring Melissa was with you. Every time you entered the room, her tough exterior melted away, and only for you. 
      You settled your students back into their seats, having them come meet you at your desk if they needed anything. Before long, your door was open again, and there she was. Melissa waved to your students as she was greeted with tiny “Hello Ms. Schemmenti!’s” 
       Coming to you, she set your extra pair of glasses down in front of you and leaned against the edge of your desk. “Here honey, is your head feeling better?” She asked. Although you couldn’t see, you knew her face was full of concern. “Yeah, a lot better.” You put your glasses back on and let your vision adjust for a moment. “Thank you, Mel. For helping and taking care of me.” You gently wrapped your pinky around hers, but she wanted more, and held your hand behind the desk up against her leg. “I’ll always take care of you,” Melissa smiled. You sat there for a moment, taking in all of her beauty. It was a simple thing really, but you felt so special today because of her. 
      “What? I got somethin’ on my face?” She asked. You giggled at her and shook your head. “No, no. I just haven’t seen you today and I missed it.” You answered and flicked your glasses for emphasis. When the two of you heard little voices whispering you were reminded that you were at work, and the tooth-rotting romance would have to wait until you were back home. 
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littlenahsstuff · 2 months
When will my life begin- Pt2
Chloe Charming x Red x F!reader
Synopsis: you are adjusting to school life with your favorite roomies and unknown feelings quickly pop up. Castlecoming is around the corner and you aren’t sure what’s happening with it.
Warnings: still a little angst but really cute. Not proofread. I think that’s it. We’re learning guys!
Word count: 3.4k
Pt 1.
“Y/n please, sit down, dinner will be brought shortly,” Rapunzel-you mean, your Mom says. She glances at your fingers nervously tapping the chair.
“Yes, of course.” You sit down at the long table. At least two feet to your left sits your new brother. He’s pretty young still. Your parents told you he was ten but he was decently tall for his age.
“Hey Y/n, I know you are still adjusting like mom says but do you think you could come to my tourney game tomorrow?” He exclaims. Your mom looks nervous at the mention but quickly smiles. You are too. Your younger brother William is surprisingly very sweet already.
When you first met he seemed impartial to you but quickly found out your shared love for birds. It was one of the only books you had. You have no idea what tourney is though.
“I would like that very much,” you respond. He grins but doesn’t say anything else as the best looking meal you’ve ever seen comes out.
You wait before taking anything, trying to gauge what is an acceptable portion. Even then you avoid the deserts. Once you got a cupcake for successfully getting your powers to work. You had only a bite before it was snatched out of your hands when you failed but it was the best thing you’ve ever eaten until now.
During dinner it was nearly quiet save for the occasional question about you.
“Y/n, what do you enjoy doing?” Your Father asked.
“Uh… I like reading and drawing. I’ve always wanted to work with paint but um…. she said it was too messy,” you swallowed the lump in your throat. Your mother gave you a bittersweet look before an idea popped into her head.
“I too like those things, in fact painting is my favorite hobby. We should try it together sometime!” She suggests it and you think you’re life couldn’t get any bet-
“Your majesty, I apologize for the interruption but I have two letters. Both are for Princess Y/n, one from Auredon Prep,” some footmen says.
“Very well,” the queen says. He walks over and hands you the two letters. Your father raises an eyebrow.
You open it and read,
“Dear Princess Y/n,
Auredon prep must notify you that, due to extremely limited space, you must either start your school year this following Monday or be forced to stay behind.
We understand your particular circumstances and will offer free tutoring, exemption for all assignments during the two weeks you have missed, as well as counseling. We hope we see you early.
In addition to the limited space you will end up rooming with two students who have requested you. Red of Hearts and Chloe Charming.
Thank you,
Auredon Prep Staff.”
“Oh dear,” your mother says. “It’s up to you sweetie.”
You think about it, while you’ve had zero to none experience with the real world the offer of school and rooming with your two saviors is tempting. You don’t know what to do.
“If it’s alright I think I need the night to think on it?” You ask.
“Of course,” your Dad responds immediately.
Your mother nods too.
You get to your room, a stunning and very spacious purple room, and flop on your bed with the other letter in your hand. There is no address or name besides your name.
You tear it open.
“Hi Y/n, Sup,
We wanted to write to see how things are going. OH it’s Chloe, and Red!
We hope it’s okay but we heard you might be coming to Auredon prep and wanted to see if we could room with you.
You haven’t missed too much here. The classes are wonderfully boring. Not all of them! And if you are worried I can totally help you out.
This school is actually interesting on occasion, apparently they brought back some elective magic classes to “better teach the students control and the dangers of it all” but sometimes it kicks. I managed to make the teacher breakdance. It was cool.
That and the food here is not bad.
Anyways we respect your decision very much, but we would totally want you to be our roomie. Yup!
Chloe, and Red.”
The letter makes you giggle and your feet are kicking in the air weirdly. It seems like you’re excited about it now. It’s decided, you’ll go.
It’s your first day at Auredon. You were amazed by how magical everything looked. Your suitcase was heavy from your books but you lugged it in fairly easily, the stairs were a bit much.
When you opened the door Chloe immediately jumped up and squealed.
“Y/n you’re here! Come in, come in!” She drags you to what you presume will be your bed and sets the suitcase next to it.
“Good to see you,” Red softly smiles and sits on her bed across from yours.
“I’m glad I’m rooming with you too, thank you!” You reply cheerfully.
“Oh it’s no problem, we did promise we’d be there for you and besides I get how hard this whole, new world thing, can be. We got your backs Y/n” Red says. Her sincerity makes you blush a bit internally.
“Yes, and if it makes you feel better, we all are still new to the school. I’m sure barely anyone will notice you” Chloe adds.
She was in fact very wrong.
School was hard; as expected when you don’t know anything, but what was harder was the rumors that got worse by the day. You were this celebrated princess when you were missing apparently. You had a festival that took place on your birthday and everything! But when you turned out to be not that smart and without anything that set you apart in a good way, you were talked about a lot. Loudly too. It’s not even that you’re an idiot, you just legitimately do not know basic algebra or history.
Today was bad. The daughter of Mirabel Madrigal was a massive gossip and she did not inherent her quiet aunts nature. She saw you get an D minus on your first test and was in your history class when you were called upon and completely forgot the name of the school. Mariposa wasn’t a complete jerk about it, in fact the worst part was you can’t get too mad because she sounded worried when she told the entire school.
Chloe was the first to find out, Red didn’t have too many other friends unlike Chloe who was the best in Fencing club. Chloe didn’t exactly know what to do but it’s now she realized she should make good on her promise and help you out. Red was supposed to get help from her too. She felt a little ashamed. So she decided to remedy it the next night.
“Hey Red, Y/n?” You were so lost in the equation muttering to yourself about the different variables and how the heck some pig would need 18 pieces of coal per day for a random project.
“Uh… Y/n?” Red asks too, she gave up on the same problem a minute ago and was doing all the easier ones first. You now look up at them.
“Oh, did you say something? I’m sorry it’s just, I’m having a bit difficultly with some of the language here. What even is a square root? Pigs are mammals not plants and if I remember correctly, neither is this coal stuff!” You groan, flopping back onto your back.
“Want a little help guys? That problem does look difficult but I am fairly confident I can explain it better than the two year one math teachers. They aren’t very thorough. Don’t feel bad.” Chloe’s offer has you sitting up again and Red flips back to the question.
“Yes please,” you whisper, grateful Chloe is able and willing to help.
“And for the record….” She starts, “failing a test does not mean you’re dumb. Bookish intelligence is only one trait amongst thousands that can make a person good.” Now you know she knows which embarrasses you, but does Red? There’s no way she doesn’t.
“You’ll find what makes you tick tock tick,” red adds. She definitely knows too. “For me it was dance and art.” You sigh.
“Thanks, a lot truly. Anyways, please oh wise Chloe show me your brainy ways.” You say, causing all of you to giggle.
“Wish pleasure!” You weren’t perfect still but at least by the end of the night you found out what a square root was and even worked through the hardest problem. The teachers at the school are actually really bad because, while it wasn’t immediate, you could understand what Chloe was explaining. Red could too!
You start feeling like a third wheel by fifth week. You couldn’t understand the burning ache came from everytime they talked about castle coming. They were secretive beyond belief about it. They talked about it incessantly but you only caught bits and pieces. You yearned to know why they weren’t excited outwardly while talking about it. You couldn’t tell why it hurt so much and you felt bad about it. Whatever it was didn’t seem so healthy and you hadn’t felt like it since your time locked up.
You often shamefully stared at them while they were interacting. It was interesting to see such affection and how they felt a little more comfortable with you being there.
At the moment you were listening to them talk about dresses for castlecoming. Over the few weeks that and dance proposals was all anyone could talk about. You were told everyone could go but you didn’t want to be alone. You also didn’t want to ask to get a fancy dress. Your parents paying for your school supplies alone felt like a massive gift.
You didn’t want to see them have fun without you and it made you feel guilty as heck.
You stayed awake the majority of the fifth night from castlecoming. The next morning you looked like a zombie. Chloe had to go into practice early but when you awoke with a groan before realizing you had roommates again, Red looked at you funny.
“Y/n you don’t sound so good, and pardon me if it’s blunt but you look dead. Are you okay?” Red comes over to you. You sit up.
“Oh yeah I’m fine, it was just a weird night. Anyways um, so. Can you tell me more about your hobby’s? Chloe told me all about hers and it sounded cool but not something I would enjoy. Other than her gardening club. I might join that one.” You rub your eyes and yawn. Red sits on the edge of your bed.
“Of course. I like to work with spray paint the most, but it typically requires more room so I stick with regular paint nowadays. There’s actually an art club here, I joined it. The people there are pretty quiet and it’s relaxing. But when we show each other our work everyone is really supportive. The club ranges from people who don’t have any experience to those who are really good. I like to think I’m on that side.” She says wiggling her brows. You smile, it sounds like it’s right up your alley.
You shuffle a little. “Could I maybe join you sometime? I don’t want to intrude, but I do love art,” you admit. She nods enthusiastically.
“Yes! That would be so fun! I got to admit I was feeling a little jealous over you and Chloe spending some time together at a club. I wanna hang with you too!” She says but you’re confused again.
“If this sounds stupid, forget about it. What… what is jealousy?” You softly ask. She looks a little surprised but not completely aghast.
“Oh uh… it’s like an icky feeling within your soul. Like you want something and because others have it you get a little sad? Chloe could probs tell you better than me. Jealousy is normal but in some cases it could complicate things and if you let it get the best of you it could hurt your relationships. But again, it’s completely normal!” She finishes, sure of her explanation. It made her feel good that she could answer one of your questions and not just Chloe for once. You kinda are frozen now.
“Oh, I get it now. Thank you,” You say. Red doesn’t want to make you feel stupid and you already look uncomfortable, so she decides to drop it. Something she later realizes, she shouldn’t have done.
The weekend finally came and your roommates worried about something. What you didn’t know was they wanted to ask you to go with them to the dance. As far as you were concerned, however, couples went only with each other. You were avoiding them and the dance was this Sunday. Friday night they had to ask you to give you enough time.
Despite everything that happened during the original castle-coming at Merlin Academy, Auredon Prep would be much better. They knew that. They were still nervous about it and could tell you wanted to know why they were talking about it so quiet but they couldn’t tell you what happened yet. They also couldn’t agree on how to ask you to go. There was no time now, they needed to just get it over with and ask you to not only go to the dance as friends but as their third.
It was wild for both when they figured out they both liked you a lot. They think you are sweet, kind, funny, and the hardest worker they’ve ever seen. Your refreshing take on life reminded them of young Bridget and Ella at the same time and while they didn’t want to think how weird it sounded, they loved those traits.
After you got back to the room, as soon as curfew hit they were a little worried. As far as they know you only did two clubs and had two besties so far. You walked into the room and saw them staring at you.
“Hi guys!” You switch up. You know they know you’ve been avoiding them at this point. It will be okay because everything will go back to normal after the dance…. You hope.
“Hi Y/n” they both say In sync. You smile but it’s whiped away after Chloe says,
“Could you sit down for a sec? It’s nothing bad, we just wanna ask you a few questions.” You tense a little but comply.
“Are you going to the dance?” Red starts off. You shake your head no. Both Chloe and her look at each other with slight frowns.
“Why?” Chloe questions. You fiddle with your hands.
“Well, aren’t you not supposed to go if you don’t have anyone ask you or friends that aren’t going single. Nobody told me the rules but so far that’s what I’ve observed. And also, I don’t have anything fancy to wear. I don’t want to ask the king and- I mean my parents. I don’t know, I’ll go if you want me there but just… I don’t want to be left alone.” You admit and their eyes widen.
“No we really do want you there and you can go or not, any student can go. About the dress thing, Chloe has hers but I’m an insane last minute shopper. We were gonna pick it up tomorrow. You can pick yours out too!” Red says frantically.
“Yeah and you haven’t been here all day but your parents sent you an envelope with what seems like a pretty fat stack of cash in it and a letter. I’m assuming that it’s for the dress anyways.” Chloe adds, you are a little shocked. You are so close to saying you’ll go but then they grab each others hands and your heart drops.
The real reason you’ve been avoiding them was so you don’t show them you’re jealous of the both of them. You don’t know why but you assume it means wanting both of them. Why you have no idea. They’re awesome but it’s not like you know what love is when it comes to you experiencing it.
“Hey, what’s wrong? You zoned out a little, you don’t have to go if you don’t want to that bad.” Chloe offers.
“I don’t want to lose you,” you start sobbing and both of them look very confused from what little you can see through your bleary eyes.
“Hey, hey you aren’t what’s wrong?” Chloe rubs your shoulder. You sniffle. Red looks a little frozen now. Unsure of what to do with herself.
“I think I’m jealous but I don’t know why and I really don’t want to lose you. I’m sorry for avoiding you but I didn’t want you to know about it and now you know anyways! I don’t even know what I’m feeling but I really like you both and-“ Chloe comes over to you and kisses you on the cheek. You freeze. Thinking that Red was gonna get really angry. Chloe kissed you to make you feel better and now it’s such a mess and it’s all your fault.
“Shh, Y/n. Deep breaths. We aren’t going to leave you, we like you way too much!” Chloe soothes.
“The both of us do.” Red adds with a nod and she leans closer to you.
“I do have to apologize though, I may have been a little hard when explaining jealousy to you. It’s not that big of a deal unless you were screaming angry about us and sometimes it can be justified.” She pauses, your sniffling has lessened. “I am gonna try to be more careful when I say this but… I think you like-like us Y/n. And thats okay! I mean it’s like really obvious but we understand you don’t even know the signs yourself. I get it’s a lot, I had to have this conversation with Chloe around a month ago myself. But Chloe and I have talked and-“
Chloe interrupts Red, “We like you too. So much! We can take things slow but tonight we were gonna ask if you wanted to be our date to castle-coming romantically. Do you?” Everyone is frozen now with bated breath. Your brain is on overload now and even though this is everything you could have wanted it’s so much.
Red tries to break the tension, “No presh.”
It snaps you out of it.
“Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes! I would love to!” You cheer and hug Chloe tightly before jumping up and hugging Red. She flinched but seems to melt right into it before you notice.
“Wait…” you stop, “does this… how does this work am I like your girlfriend or is this just me hanging with you more than platonically or- do we kiss for real? Do three person couples exist. I’ve heard of the seven dwarves but that’s it…” you trail and they giggle.
“It means that yes we kiss, and yes you are our girlfriends if you want to be” Chloe answers.
“And don’t worry they exist, especially in Wonderland!” Red says. “Maddox my old tutor was once in one.”
“Oh, girlfriend. I really really like the sound of that.” You say it softly as if it’s a promise. You’re stomach is replaced with fluttery sensations and instead of your heart hurting it feels as if it would burst into giggles.
“Can we maybe, kiss you?” Red asks, face flushed. Chloe nods too.
“Please-“ you make out before reds soft plump lips are on yours and it’s the best sensation ever. It’s hard and impactful. It gets replaced by an equally as awesome feeling when Chloe kisses you, it’s still strong but soft too in a way that tickles. They kiss each other and it’s not long before you are all covered in Red’s signature lip color. You giggle.
“So this is love,” you say dazed and they both burst into full on cackles. “Wait- what did I say?” They both just kiss you on the cheek and continue making out until you somehow manage to fall asleep all in your bed. Thankfully it’s fit for royalty. You are left excited for whats to come, especially getting to dance with your new girlfriends.
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orangeinecstasy · 11 months
cherry cola, pt. one ࿐ ࿔*:・゚calum hood
paring: calum hood x clifford sister reader (fem implication)
summary: it's once again time for the yearly clifford beach house stay, but things are different. working on their new album the rest of the guys join, hoping the change in scenery will spark some inspiration. will the work get done? or will a forbidden romance blossom?
an: hey everyone! i wanted to try and do a series so here's the first part of seven. i'm up for taking requests for things you guys would want to see in it. lmk your thoughts! much love
cw: smoking, drinking, cursing, age gap, smut
wc: 750
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The sun pours down on your skin as you pluck the cherry, garnishing your soda. Separating the firm sweet fruit from the stem. Biting into its flesh as you work the pit from its center. You always loved summer days like this. Lounging in a beach chair as freshly mixed cherry cola clouded your mind. Your summer bliss was quickly interrupted by your mother calling out your name. Dissipating your sickly sweet fog as you took your earbuds out. “What?” 
“Your brother and his friends are here,” she repeated, irritation lacing her voice. 
You bit back a smirk as you gathered your things, slipped on the t-shirt you used as a coverup, and making your way back to the house.
Every summer, your mom dragged you and your brother, Micheal, to the family beach house. Even when he had gone off to be in a band, she would always remind him to try and come back for our yearly trip. She wanted you to give you the chance to having a bonding experience despite him being eight years your senior.
Now you were nineteen, and the tradition continued. But, this time, it was different. His bandmates decided to tag along on the trip, saying that maybe the change of scenery would help them write the album they’d been working on for the past couple of months. Your mother easily folded into the idea. “Anything to help my boys!” as she would always say. 
When your mom told you the situation, you couldn’t help but smile, biting your cheek, trying to hide your reaction as your stomach twisted in on itself. That means you got to see him. Calum.
You’d known him your whole life, so many memories littered with him. When he would come over, strumming a guitar and mumbling lyrics to himself. Late nights spent talking when he would come home from tour, legs grazing each other innocently. Each time, causing a spark to shoot up your body and your cheeks to flush. As you’d gotten older, your attraction to him had only grown stronger. But you never pushed. You were young and in college, an average nobody. And well, he wasn’t. 
The bright pastel purple color that was so vibrant in your young memory was now faded, standing, and storms slowly eroding it from the wood. You mourned the color sightly as you made your way up the steps. Sliding the glass door open, you’re met with cool air and laughter as you enter the house. “Look who decided to join us,” your mom says, causing embarrassment to waft over you as everyone turns to look at you. 
Your eyes lock with his. His skin was tanner then you remember, eyes crinkling as he smiled. His buzzcut has grown out messily, but it’s cute, childlike almost. “Hey,” you wave shyly as if you haven’t known these people your whole life. 
“S’up, kiddo,” Micheal asks, ruffling your hair. You quickly smooth it back down, letting out a small groan of annoyance. “Nothing,” you mumble half-heartedly. You quickly greet the others with a soft hello and a smile before rutting through the fridge and finding another cherry coke. 
Everyone slowly departs from the kitchen, scattering to various concerns of the house. All but Calum. He lingers, hip leaning against the counter as his eyes rake up your legs, the shirt you were wearing barely covering anything. He would be lying to himself if he said he didn’t like it. 
His tongue darted between his lips before he spoke. “So this is the famous beach house I always heard about,” his arms are crossed over his chest, t-shirt straining against his chest and biceps. “Mhm, that it is.” You nod, opening your soda with a crack as you hop onto the counter. Cold granite sends a shiver up your spine. 
“You, uh,” you can hear the gears in his head turning as he selects the appropriate word. “You look good,” words are silky, but his body is so ridge, so scared to give in. His Adam’s apple bob as he swallows hard, regretting his words as soon as he said them.
You bite your cheek to hide your smile, a metallic taste melting onto your tastebuds as you bite down harder. “Thanks, you don’t look too bad yourself,” he chuckles, relaxing at your words.
There he is— peeling away his skin and bones and opening the deepest part of himself to dip back into the sticky sweetness he missed so desperately.
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I Want a Little Sugar in My Bowl
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Title: I Want a Little Sugar in My Bowl
Rating: Explicit, 18+, Minors - DNI
Pairing: Napoleon Solo x Reader
Fandom: The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
Word Count: 2.5K
Summary: Napoleon wines and dines.
Warnings: barely any 60s references so if you were looking for that I'm sorry, incorrect table manners, a little bit of Daddy kink, unprotected p-in-v because these are fictional characters
A/N: The title is taken from the song “I Want a Little Sugar in My Bowl” by Nina Simone. Literally the naughtiest and sweetest title at the exact same time. A very sexy song, if you have never heard it, do yourself a favor!!! Unbeta’d, we die like people who tried their best. 
Dividers by: @saradika
Support/Reblog banner by me
Cover Art by me
My Masterlist 
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“What is a lovely little rose like you doing all alone in a place like this?” 
The voice startles you as you sip your espresso at the corner cafe. Of course, being alone in a cafe had its downsides. This wasn’t the first time you were approached here. This wasn’t the first time you were approached today, even. You look up to see who the voice belongs to and you almost drop your teeny cup.
The jawline alone had your panties in a cinch. But the eyes, those are what draw you in. The blue of his eyes was like out of a painting, and you could hardly say you’d ever seen anyone with a tiny golden-brown spot in their left eye. Was that his only flaw? From here, it appeared so. The suit he wore was perfectly tailored. His shoes were shiny like a new penny. You were shaken from your ogling by his voice again.
“Have I passed inspection, Miss…?” You give your name and he tests it out on his tongue. “A beautiful name for a beautiful rose,” With a flick of his wrist, a gorgeous and very real rose appears in his hands and he hands it to you.
You sputter out a laugh as you reach for the rose. He tilts his head as he watches you lift the flower to your nose, inhaling its sweet scent. He walks around the table and sits across from you, almost daring you to tell him to get lost. But, of course, you don’t. You are delighted to see where this may lead.
“So, what is a man dressed so well doing talking to a girl like me? Surely, you must be on your way to some type of important, or at least, fancy meeting?” You sit back, eyeing the man whose name you still haven’t caught.
“I’ll let you in a little secret. I’ve seen you here before. I know you go to the local college and after class, you like to stop here for an espresso before boarding a train back to wherever it is that you live. You’ll be happy to know I have not followed you back to your home. But, sometimes you get a sweet treat. A cinnamon roll on Mondays, perhaps a cherry and cheese danish on Wednesdays, but on Fridays? You spring for something devilish.” He ends his sentence just as your slice of devil’s food cake is set in front of you by the waiter.
“You really have been watching me. A girl with a different head on her shoulders may be nervous knowing she’s being watched. But, you don’t scare me,” you smile at him and start to dig into your cake, “If anything, I’d love to know why you find me so interesting. I mean, there are girls here with shorter skirts than mine.”
“The skirt wasn’t exactly what I was after,” his eyes linger on your mouth as your fork slowly glides back out of it, “Company. That’s mostly what I’m after. Your company. Not theirs.”
“I don’t even know your name, Mr…” You eagerly wait to hear the mysterious man’s name.
“I’ll give you my name, but I’ll need a promise that I may cook you dinner. No dinner, no name. And we act like this little conversation never happened,” he licks his lips, watching you watching him, “So, what do you say, my little rose? Will I introduce myself or will I walk off, doomed to enjoy dinner alone?”
You set down your fork, suddenly uninterested in the last bite of your cake. But instead of pushing the plate to the side, you run your pointer finger through a bit of the icing left behind. Raising your hand and pushing your chair back, you saunter over to the man’s chair. Sitting in his lap, much to the chagrin of the other couples on the terrace. You wipe the icing on his bottom lip. Leaning in while keeping eye contact, you lick away the chocolate until you take his bottom lip between your teeth. His eyes close for but a second and the slightest grunt escapes between his lips and into your mouth.
“I believe I’ve made my intentions clear but I’ll make sure they are crystal. I’m not some delicate flower, I can handle myself. And as handsome and mysterious as you are, if you try anything I don’t feel comfortable with, I’ll handle you as well. We have an understanding, I presume?” 
“You presume correctly. And please, I didn’t call you a poppy or a tulip. You’re a rose. A beautiful flower, but the thorns are treacherous. I’ll make sure you keep those at bay.”
“You owe me a name, pretty boy.” You insist, adjusting your seating in his lap and feeling a hefty bulge underneath you.
“Napoleon Solo.”
“Let’s go, then, Napoleon. I’m famished and I could use something a bit more substantial than that tiny slice of cake.”
Napoleon rises, his hands on your hips as he sets you on your feet. He waits for you to pick up your belongings, walks around the table, and grabs your hand to lead you off the terrace. He walks you to his car, opening the door for you to get in. This was your last chance to change your mind, but, you were having way too much fun.
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You ride to his apartment building, and a valet takes the keys to his car before he opens the door for you to exit. A swanky place where it looks like the only people who can afford to stay here must have Esquire or some kind of title attached to their name. You decide to toss caution to the wind because it isn’t like you are staying here. It’s Napoleon who is, and you are is his guest.
You take the elevator up, making out with the tall and gorgeous stranger. The elevator rises as well as his hand up your skirt. Just as his hand reaches the top of your thigh, the elevator signals your arrival on the fourth floor. Napoleon takes your hand and leads you to Apartment 412. He unlocks the door and lets you enter first.
“So, my little rose, I was thinking for dinner I will make us Beef Bourguignon. And for dessert, what say we make it up as we go along?”
“As long as you don’t expect me to do all the cooking, I’m happy to sit back and eat and be merry, Napoleon.”
“Perfect, my little rose. Feel free to make yourself a drink, and do turn on some music. I do better with a bit of background noise.” 
You busy yourself with making an Old Fashioned, finding everything at your fingertips and ready to go. You take a sip and groan inwardly as the bourbon warms your insides. You walk from the little makeshift bar into the kitchen and offer Napoleon a sip. He applauds your drink-making skills and ushers you back out to the record player as he dons an apron and begins to cook.  
You busy yourself with looking at records while soon the smells of sauteed beef reach your nostrils. You only refresh your drink once while listening to Nina Simone Sing the Blues. Her dulcet tones woo you as the bourbon in your drink loosens you up. You don’t notice that you are being watched as Napoleon walks over and fixes himself a White Russian.
He watches as you sway and sing along with Nina. It’s only a matter of time before the timer in the kitchen sounds and he leaves you to your enjoyment of the music. He makes your plates, sets the table, and lights the few candles that sit therein. He pours you both a glass of pinot noir. His last step is to come and beckon you to your dinner. He does so by sidling up behind you and placing his hands gently on your shoulders as his lips dip down to your ears.
“Dinner’s ready, my little rose.” He takes your hand and leads you to the table, pulling your chair out for you in a gesture that wasn’t necessary but is quite romantic. If you weren’t already a bit light-headed from the Old Fashioned, that would have done it!
“Napoleon, this smells amazing. Are you sure you didn’t have some minions in the kitchen helping you to prepare this?”
“I promise, it was just me. Try it, tell me if it needs anything.”
You take a bite of the aromatic beef stew and it melts in your mouth. You can’t exactly help the satisfied groan that escapes your lips, much to the enjoyment of Napoleon.
“I take it you like it then?” The smug smile looks good on him, damn that man.
“Oh, I like it, Mr. Solo. You sure know your way to this woman’s heart. And that is through her stomach.”
He raises his glass of wine, and you raise yours as well. “To my little rose, may she only leave here satisfied. In every which way she chooses to be.”
You clink your glass against his and take a sip, knowing full well that you are going to sleep with this man before the night is over. Or at least, you hope to. You’d like to see what his face looks like in the throes of passion. And there is nothing sexier than a man who knows how to engage all of your senses in one meal.
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You finish dinner and wipe your mouth, feeling for all the world like a stuffed pig. You were happy and you were tipsy and you wanted Napoleon to know just how grateful you were. But weren’t you promised dessert?
“So, dessert then?” You ask. 
“You stay seated, I’ll get these out of the way before we start on dessert.” Napoleon wipes his own mouth and comes to collect your plates and take them to the kitchen. When he comes back to the table, he easily pulls your chair back and lifts you easily onto the dining room table. At your look of confusion, he smirks yet again. “Did I not tell you that I would be enjoying you as dessert, my little rose?”
“No, I don’t believe you mentioned that. But, I do believe we both will enjoy that. Do your worst,  Mr. Solo.” You position your thighs for Napoleon to remove your panties. He sits in your chair, pulling himself up to the table and setting your legs over his shoulders. 
He kisses your thighs slowly until you are whimpering for him to take you out of your misery. He obliges by pulling your ass to the very edge of the table and using the flat of his tongue to lick a strip up your sex. An inhuman sound exits your mouth and you have absolutely no fucks to give at this point. 
“You taste like Heaven, my little rose,” he kisses your swollen nub and looks up at you, “but how do you feel?” He uses a single finger to circle your button a couple of times before drawing a line to your entrance. He enters your core slowly and his finger is a perfect fit. Not too much, not too little. Just enough to start to open you up. He starts to kiss and suck at your clit until your hand finds purchase in his chestnut locks. He lets you pull him down into your pussy, savoring every little spasm of your canal. 
Before long, a second and a third finger join the first and your moans bounce off of the walls. With one curve of his fingers, he finds your inner bundle of nerves and you reward him with a squeezing of your cunt and the melody of your orgasm. He licks up every drop of your nectar off you, and as he pulls out his fingers, he sucks them dry as well.
He stands, unbuttoning his slacks and fisting his cock while looking at your sweet blissed-out little face. “Can my little rose take some more dessert?”
“Yes, Daddy, please?” You whine, wrapping your legs around Napoleon’s waist and drawing him closer.
“That’s my good little rose,” he praised, lining himself up and entering you swiftly, “Ohhhhh, you take me so well. Best dessert I’ve ever had.”
He leans down to kiss you as he pulls out slightly and slams back in, swallowing your moans. Holding your face in his hands, he begins a steady rhythm inside you and hits your spots as if you had created his dick in a lab in some odd science experiment.
Soon, he drags orgasm after orgasm out of you until all you can say is Daddy and Yes. An endless stream of nonsensical noises comes out as well, but Napoleon is all too happy to commit those to memory while not commenting on them. He just continues to pound into you mercilessly, chasing his own release now that your juices cover the front of his slacks.
“Are you ready for Daddy to fill you?” He asks, a bruising hold on your hips as he plows into you.
“Yes, Daddy, yes!” You gasp, tears falling down your cheeks as you are overstimulated.
“Fuuuuuck, such a good little rose!” He exclaims as his hips settle flush against yours. 
You can feel every twitch of his dick as he empties inside you. You watch as the sweat from his brow drips down his temple as his eyes close. You hear his breathing pick up as he tries to steady himself. The heady scent of sex in the air intoxicates you. You grab him by the tie and pull him down to kiss you. All five senses are ablaze with Napoleon Solo.
Your hand through his hair is what allows him the strength to open his eyes again. He looks at you as though you hung the moon. He remains inside you as he slots his lips against yours before resting in the crook of your neck.
“Gotta love a man that cooks. You can always stuff me twice.” You laugh, not being able to stop yourself from accidentally pushing Napoleon out of you.
“Really? A joke right now?” He laughs, standing to his full height and looking down to see his spend leaking out of you.
“I couldn’t help myself, Mr. Solo. It just…came to me.”
“I bet, my little rose.” He helps you down from the table and ushers you to the bathroom as he cleans the rest of the table up.
You clean yourself up and meet Napoleon back in the living room as he sits on the couch. You enjoy listening to some more music and having a few more drinks with him, forgetting all about your train home. 
You wanted a little sugar in your bowl, after all. And you got it and then some. This man was sweet enough to give you cavities ten times over and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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**Tag List**
@brattymum96 @ambinxe @avengersfan25 @kebabgirl67
@astheskycries @enchantedbytomandhenry
[@mayloma @littlefreya I tagged you both because of the reblogs earlier lol]
**Let me know if you wanna be added to the tag list and for what plz  😁**
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s7-evermore · 6 months
Ch. 4 - Tender Performance
Sorry this took a while to get out. I was busy af with college and everything lol. I haven’t edited this one yet, so I’m sorry in advance for the mistakes. I just wanted to get this one out of the way before finals take over my body and kill me—
The Boyfriend Contract Masterlist
Ch. 3 | Next Chapter
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The Tender Performance of a contract means to offer or attempt to perform the agreement… and damn did he deliver.
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It was fake-breakfast-date Tuesday. But Yuu’s nervousness was anything but fake.
She didn’t want to leave Grim behind on his own, so she made sure to text Azul ahead of time if it would be alright to bring him along.
“But of course,” he replied. You know, in the most unshady way he can via text.
“This better be worth it, Yuu,” Grim deadpanned as he slumped over her shoulder, “Seriously? You’re actually dating this guy?”
“Didn’t Ace and Deuce already tell you?”
“They did! And I thought they were messing with me!” He exclaimed with a prominent frown.
“And what would they gain from lying about this?” It was another stupid question from her, given that Ace would probably pull this type of prank on Grim.
“Because this is absurd!! It sounds like a lie! It sounds fake!!” He exclaimed louder, practically yelling into her ear. “Azul?! Seriously?! You’re dating him?? You agreed to date him?!”
She sighed, “Grim…”
“No— not even that! I can’t believe I had to hear this from Ace and Deuce first! We literally live together! How come I never heard about it?”
She felt guilty, but Grim was Grim. He’ll come around eventually.
“We tried to be discrete,” she simply replied.
“Man…” he sighed, “whatever, it’s probably none of my business who you date. Wish it was a better person though.”
“What’s wrong with Azul?”
“That’s such a stupid question,” he rolled his eyes, “like you weren’t there when he scammed us, or when he overblotted.”
Despite how he normally was, Grim knew Yuu well. They both knew each other well. Which was why she didn’t know whether to reveal to him her contract with Azul. However…
One of the terms stated in her contract with Azul was that only the two of them were to know the complete and clear details of their contract, and under no circumstances are they to tell anyone else.
The Leech twins probably already knew. While she knew that Azul wouldn’t tell them due to their contract’s terms, the twins were smart enough to know what had conspired between them. They didn’t need details to know everything when they were involved behind the scenes.
It took the whole night for her to process the fact that she would be fake-dating Azul for a while. It was Monday yesterday, and she was now on her way (with Grim) to one of her breakfast dates with Azul. One out of…well, many. Maybe.
She didn’t exactly discuss an expiration date, but Yuu had a feeling that things would calm down a bit when Azul’s end of the contract would be fulfilled.
That being said, she didn’t exactly have enough time to psychologically prepare for the experience of having breakfast with Azul as his…partner. Will the Leech twins be there as bodyguards? Will it just be the two of them with Grim third wheeling???
She hoped she was keeping a good exterior, because her mind was a train wreck.
Yuu didn’t expect much from the breakfast date aside from the subtle awkwardness between them. But for some reason, she didn’t expect him to be early…
Really early. He looked like he had been there for a good several minutes before she arrived.
“He’s early,” Grim said, speaking exactly what was on her mind.
She approached the Octavinelle Housewarden, who was seated at one of the empty tables. He was looking at his watch when she tapped his shoulder.
“Hey,” she greeted him with a small smile, “Good morning.”
“Good morning, Yuu,” he stood up from his seat with a polite smile before turning to the cat-like monster on her shoulder, “To you as well, Grim. Good morning.”
“Yeah yeah mornin’,” Grim said rather dismissively. “Didn’t think you’d actually be here.”
“Who do you think I am?” Azul frowned, dismayed by Grim’s remark, “I’m not one to ditch on dates, you know?”
“Don’t go thinkin’ you can drag my hench-human around just ‘cuz she agreed to go out with you!”
“Why, I would never think of doing such a thing!” Azul exclaimed, “Courtship is a consensual agreement. I asked for her consent and she agreed.”
Yuu sighed and looked down at Grim, “Come on now, Grim. Enough of that, didn’t you say you were hungry?”
“We should get some breakfast now,” Azul looked over at the buffet. “It’s still early, but the cafeteria will get filled up by students soon, so we should hurry up.”
“Sounds good to me!” Grim suddenly cheered, his mood lifting up at the sound of food.
She noticed the small quirk of Azul’s lips as they ordered their food.
“What will you two be having?” Asked one of the chefs.
“I’ll have two pieces of buttered toast and black coffee,” Azul replied.
Her eyes scanned the food at the cafeteria concessionaire before adding, “I’ll just have some Omurice, a glass of water, and a carton of chocolate milk.”
“I’ll have this, and this, and that grilled fish over there, and—“ Grim got off her shoulder and suddenly started pointing at a bunch of dishes.
“Hey! Calm down that’s too much!” Yuu scolded him, “Just limit it to two dishes!”
“We’re gonna have a full day today! I gotta make sure I don’t go hungry in between you know!”
“We still have lunch, you’ll be fine!” She stressed. “Ugh… seriously.”
“Why do you have to worry? Isn’t Azul paying for all this?” Grim asked, looking genuinely confused.
“Huh?” She gaped at him, “What?! No! That’s not how it works!”
She looked over at Azul, only to find him already pulling out enough thaumarks from his wallet to pay for their meals.
“Woah—“ she placed a hand on his and stopped him, “what are you doing? You can’t pay for my stuff.”
“I can’t?” He blinked, looking just as confused as Grim.
“No!” She retaliated, “just ‘cause you’re a dude it doesn’t mean you have to pay for my meal.”
“And why not?” Azul asked.
“Well… it’s just… you don’t have to, okay?” She then leaned closer to him to whisper, “that’s not the kind of fake-dating relationship that I want.”
“Yuu,” he said, rather seriously, “this isn’t about me being a… ‘dude’—“ he cringed slightly at the word, “—you’re saving money aren’t you? It’s also part of our contract’s terms.”
“But you don’t have to pay for everything,” she said with a groan. It’s precisely because of this kind of thing that I’m saving money.”
“What do you mean?”
“Listen, just…don’t, okay?” She fiddled at her own sleeve, “it’s just, I don’t like relying on people when it comes to simple things like this. I definitely don’t want to become indebted to you more than I already have…”
Azul stared at her for a moment, making her more nervous. She hoped that she wasn’t breaching anything in their contract.
Yuu found it hard to rely on others, even when it comes to things as simple as paying for her food. She didn’t want to come off as helpless, or as someone who couldn’t provide for herself. Even before she came to NRC, she was used to getting by on her own, and she didn’t really need anyone’s help. She’d rather be the helper than the helpee… y’know?
“Then… just think of it as proof.”
“Grim doesn’t seem to believe that we’re together. A lot of your friends don’t seem to believe us either,” he explained, “If I do this for you, then they won’t question the credibility of our relationship.”
“But—“ she paused for a moment, realizing that she hadn’t exactly told most of her friends the “status” of her relationship with Azul. Most of them (like Leona, Vil, and Riddle, for example) probably wouldn’t believe them, they knew Azul well enough after all.
They weren’t close, but they knew Azul and his tendencies.
I wouldn’t peg Azul for the type to blackmail a girl into being in a fake-relationship though… she thought.
“Do— do you think they’ll believe it?” she hesitantly asked.
He moved…closer, his breath tickling her cheek, “Do you think I would give just anyone anything without a price?”
Right. They don’t know their act. If they simply see Azul being generous to her, like a boyfriend would be, it would be believable enough. He wasn’t that kind after all.
He’s a little complicated, though.
“I wouldn’t be a good boyfriend if I didn’t at least try to pay for our meal,” he said, louder this time, enough for Grim and anyone nearby to hear.
“Come on, Yuu!” Grim encouraged her with a mischievous smile as he stood on the concessionaire counter. “Just let your boyfriend treat ya!”
She bit her lip, still uncertain. Even back when she was in a relationship— a real relationship, she didn’t like leaving this kind of thing to her partner. Even more so with a guy she’s fake-dating now.
“Is there a catch though?” She asked him quietly.
“None,” he replied, leaning down to whisper again, “this is just to honor our contract. We must look convincing enough, especially to your dorm mate.”
She bit her lip and hesitated. Grim ate a lot, and just while they were talking, he not-so-secretly added a cookie and a piece of coffee bread to Azul’s tray.
“…alright,” she finally relented before nodding over to Grim, who cheered.
After that whole back and forth (and the whispers), they sat at an empty table, Azul sliding next to Yuu, while Grim ate happily across them.
“Eat slowly, you’ll choke,” she warned him.
“Yeah yeah,” she lost him. He was too busy munching on his free meal to pay attention to whatever she was saying.
“Watching him eat all this gives me heartburn,” Azul said with a sigh, picking on his own food.
She shook her head before turning to him, “Grim tunes out the whole world when he’s this hungry.”
“I can only imagine how much you go through to feed this…creature.”
She shrugged, “I’m used to it. Anyway…” she leaned in closer to him, letting Grim wander off into his own world as she said in a low voice, “So, where were you born? Did you live in the Coral Sea your whole life or…?”
He raised a brow after taking a sip of his drink, “Is this one of your green-card marriage interview questions?”
His lips quirk up when she giggled, seemingly pleased with himself for making her laugh.
“I’ve lived in the Coral sea my whole life,” he replied, “The Atlantica Memorial Museum is but only a quarter of the whole area. There’s much to see there, but I’m not sure if it’s something you’ll enjoy.”
“Why not? I happen to like the sea.”
“I recall you saying that the sea is scary.”
“But it’s interesting,” she shifted on her seat to get comfortable. “Back in my world, more than 80% of the ocean has never been explored, mapped, or even seen by humans. Literally a great number of stars and planets has been explored more than the ocean floor! Isn’t that insane?”
“Hard to imagine, as a merfolk, that is,” he said. “If you’re so interested, then perhaps I should take you on a date somewhere in the Coral Sea someday…”
With the way he spoke, Yuu almost thought he was serious. But Grim was right next to them, and, with the cafeteria slowly filling up, who knows who could be listening in on them.
“That would be nice,” she said softly, feeling kind of shy all of a sudden.
He smirked, sensing her shyness, “Perhaps I can take you to my mother’s restaurant.”
Okay, now she was sure he was teasing her. Yuu didn’t want to go as far as to meet his mother. This was only a one-time fake-dating thing, and the last thing she wants is to extend the lie to Azul’s parents.
She rolled her eyes before saying, “I did hear from Jade that your mother runs a restaurant in the Coral Sea…”
“Yes, it’s a very popular restaurant. If you ask any local for directions, they would probably take you there themselves,” he spoke with a hint of pride.
She giggled, “I see where you get your business side from. Does your mother know you’re running mostro lounge here at school?”
“She invested in it,” he smiled, “and of course, every time I visit I show her documents of our profit— to show her its success.”
Wow. It was kind of weird to imagine that he had— or has, she’s clearly still alive— a mother. A family. You know… all those warm homey stuff before he became a tall, (handsome) intimidating, infamous cafe manager.
“She must be really proud of you,” she said.
“And your father?”
“Which one?”
She blinked, “Shit, you have two?”
“My biological father and my stepfather,” he answered, “both of my biological parents got divorced when I was young, and my stepfather was my mom’s divorce lawyer. Well… you can imagine what happens next.”
“Huh… I actually didn’t expect that,” she muttered, “Did you learn contracts and stuff from your stepfather then?”
“You’re smart. Yes, he taught me all about them,” he replied.
“I don’t know if I should thank him or not,” she sighed, “do you see your biological father often?”
“He calls every now and then to see how I’m doing, but other than that, very rarely,” he replied. Yuu wondered if it was a sensitive topic, but Azul didn’t seem bothered by it at all.
She looked over at Grim, who was now chugging on a mug of water. He inhaled his food like it was nothing.
“Well that was fun,” she said when she finished the last of her food.
“Does breakfast end here?” Azul asked as he watched her clean up her plate.
“Well I wouldn’t want to be late, and Grim might insist on more food if we don’t leave soon.”
Azul checked his watch, “We still have lots of time.”
She stabbed her straw into the carton of milk before taking a small sip, “Yeah but our classrooms—“
“Where were you born?”
She blinked at him. Oh, did he want to get to know her too?
Knowing Azul, it was likely for the sake of getting information about her, but truthfully, she would have to disappoint him. There was nothing remarkable about her, after all.
“In another world.”
He rolled his eyes, “I knew that, but where?”
“You wouldn’t know either way.”
“It would still be nice to know,” He insisted.
She pursed her lips, “Yokohama, Japan. I moved to Tokyo for college though.”
“Tokyo? Is it another city?”
“It’s the capital of Japan, my home country,” she replied.
“And why Tokyo?”
“My dream college is in Tokyo. It’s a little difficult to get in it, but I got a scholarship in the end, so all is good.”
His eyes widened slightly, “A scholarship? You must have worked really hard.”
“Not having a social life helps sometimes.”
He chuckled, “And what were you going to take?”
“Visual Communication,” she said, “there’s a master’s degree program too, so if I do exceptionally well in my undergraduate degree then I’ll hopefully be chosen for another scholarship for the masters program. Which I REALLY hope I get.”
She internally groaned at the thought of all those sleepless nights in high school, trying to keep her grades up while balancing odd jobs. She knew she would have to work twice as hard in college, given that college means more work, more brain power, and more money. Next time she would have to work night shifts more often.
“Your parents must be quite proud of you for getting that far, right?”
Yuu froze for a moment before giving him a stiff smile, she didn’t really want to think about it too deeply. It had already been years, after all. No use on dwelling in the past.
“Speaking of, what are your parents like?”
Azul nearly choked on his black coffee. “I’m—“ he coughed a couple of times and composed himself, “I’m sorry—“
She smiled and shook her head, “It’s fine.”
It wasn’t that much of a sensitive topic to her anymore, honestly. In fact, the way she responded to him so bluntly was kind of funny. Like an incorrect tumblr meme or something.
“I…I see,” his face was in its neutral expression— the kind that often made her nervous. It wasn’t that he looked scary or anything, he actually looked somewhat professional.
He really is handsome… she thought shamelessly. Honestly, he looks like one of those serious-looking CEOs from one of those K-dramas or manhwas.
She studied his face as he silently stared at her. It made her a little uncomfortable, both his silence and the fact that he looked so focused on her face as if he was trying to unearth every single little secret of hers.
She flinched at the sudden voice as she looked away from Azul.
Standing before their table was the Heartslabyul Housewarden, accompanied by his usual retinue, that being Trey, Cater, Ace, and Deuce.
“Woah! So the rumors were true!” Cater beamed at the sight of the unexpected couple, “You guys really are dating.”
“Why do you sound so surprised?” She asked him, “Weren’t you the one who took a photo of us?”
Cater raised both his hands in mock surrender, “Hey now, don’t get mad at me! How could I not when it was the most ridiculous thing I’ve seen that day?”
Ace made a disgusted look, “Ugh, seeing you two make those googly eyes at each other is so cringey. Glad I’m not Grim.”
“Hey, don’t be mean!” Deuce elbowed Ace before smiling down at the Prefect. “But…Ace is kind of right though. You guys look really close.”
“It’s only natural,” Azul spoke up first as he pushed his glasses up, “She’s my girlfriend after all.”
Riddle made a funny face at the word “girlfriend”, and yet he remained strangely quiet.
“Wow, I really didn’t expect this from you, Azul,” Trey chuckled, albeit rather awkwardly, “Then again, you’re always ambitious— I guess it’s no different when it comes to love, huh?”
“Speaking of, how long has this thing been goin’ on?” Cater asked. “It’s kind of sudden. I can’t tell if you guys are just that good at hiding it or you had to blackmail Grim to keep it under wraps.”
“Hey!” Grim pouted, “For the record, I didn’t know about it either until Ace and Deuce told me!”
“What?! For real?!” Cater looked quite appalled at the revelation. “Dang! No wonder we didn’t know about it… Grim isn’t exactly the best at keeping secrets, you know?”
Grim snarled at Cater’s remark.
“How long have you two been… seeing each other?” Riddle asked reluctantly as he eyed them.
Riddle always remained suspicious when it involved Azul and the twins, that was the only reason Yuu could come up with when she saw the scrutiny in his eyes as he looked at the two of them.
It made Yuu quite nervous. She had been friends with Riddle for quite some time now, and it made her feel just as guilty to lie to him like this. Aside from that, however, Riddle also had an acute sense of responsibility and justice. If he felt something was amiss, he would surely look into it, just as he did during the incident with Savanaclaw.
As though sensing her apprehension, Azul placed his hand on top of hers, and it was…weirdly warm. He was always warm, and it was comfortable…for some reason.
Damn, leave it to a touchstarved girl to feel warm about Azul.
“For a while,” Azul replied with an amiable smile as he held her hand on top of the table— a sign of their relationship. “But if you’re curious of the specifics, we’ve been seeing each other for over a month and a half.”
Azul gave her a look and a soft smile.
Right, okay. So that’s their story. A month and a half of “secretly dating”.
“I’m sorry we kept it from you guys…” She suddenly said, “We just… wanted a little privacy, you know?”
Riddle stared at their intertwined hands without a word.
“Why apologize?” Trey spoke up instead, “you guys did nothing wrong. Besides, it’s probably Cater’s fault that your peace was interrupted.”
“Hey!” Cater looked at Trey in horror, “how come I’m the only one to blame here?! You were there too!”
Azul chuckled, “It’s not a problem at all. In fact, I think it was a good thing, for the both of us. We don’t have to keep hiding it any longer.”
He turned to her, “Are you finished eating?”
“Huh?” She looked down at her now empty plate, “Uh, yeah…”
“It seems that Grim has finished as well,” He stood up and stretched his hand out in front of her.
“Shall I walk you to your classroom?”
She ignored the stares of disbelief from her friends as she took his hand, “Of course.“
“We’ll be off now,” Azul looked at the five Heartslabyul students with his signature smile, “I hope you have a good morning.”
“I’ll see you guys later!” She exclaimed, “let’s go, Grim!”
Her furry companion hopped off his seat and followed the couple as they walked hand-in-hand out of the cafeteria, leaving behind several stunned students in their wake.
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seriesxwriting · 2 years
Your worth fighting for
W JJ maybank
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Series- outer banks x
(I love season three)- no spoilers here
Summary- you and JJ have been friends a looong time. But suddenly your relationship has become very flirty. Is it time to tell him how you feel? ;)) only problem is your brother is topper…
Warnings- swearing, kissing, degrading of the pogues, mentions of fighting, Alcohol use.
Requests are open for all and anything x
Knock knock
“Hey! Guys, come in” I greeted widening the door for the pouges to walk through. First ki and Sarah, jhon B and pope. And then JJ. JJ walked in smiling brightly. “I can’t believe we’ve never seen your house, it’s fucking massive” he laughed closing the door behind him and then turning towards me. The pouges had already walked through to the living room, so only me and JJ were standing in the hall way. “Well seems my parents and topper are away I thought it was time you saw it” “grand tour me baby” JJ stuck his arm out for me to grab onto.
I’d been a part of this group for a long time now, me and Sarah kinda come as a package we’ve been best friends since we were toddlers. And It was the best thing I’d ever done. Me and JJ got close pretty fast but recently it had been a tad more… I dunno flirty? I lead him into the front room where I had put out the alcohol and snacks for the night. “Oh this is going to be good” JJ rubbed his hands together with a wide grin. “I hope so” I patted his chest before letting go of him to pour my drink. After I had some beer in my hand I opened the sliding doors at the back revealing the pool and hot tub in my back garden.
“Shall we take this outside?” I smiled, the pouges all followed me out with wide eyes looking around at the lights and glowing water. “So- where are your parents exactly? And topper- we’re not going to expect him right?” John b questioned taking slight precautions. “Nah, there all on a work trip in Orlando they won’t be back until Monday” I explained. “So it’s party Saturday and hangover Sunday okay”.
Sarah giggled nodding “just how I like to spend my weekends” ki blew me a kiss while removing her clothes leaving a bathing suit on. Her and pope got straight into the hot tub while JJ found his way over to me again. “Right I’ve got a plan- I’m going to save your party” he told me leaning on my shoulder. “How are you going to do that? I think it’s going well” “well it is so far but your about to ruin it”
I laughed moving his arm off me and folding mine looking up into his eyes. “How? Hm?” “Im going to play my playlist on the speaker and save you from yourself and- your dreadful taste in music” JJ nodded sipping his drink but not breaking eye contact with me. “My music taste is not dreadful!” I gasped smirking and gently slapped him on the chest. JJ finally burst out laughing after holding it in this whole time. “I’ve heard it- if anyone else does, I can’t promise you won’t be cast out” “if I’m cast out your cast out my humble abode” i wriggled my eyebrows flirting back with him. “We’ve survived this long without fancy glasses and flashy pools have we not?” JJ mischievously grinned. “Well- you haven’t tried my pool yet” I shrugged looking over at it. “Never too late hun” I pulled at his hand taking him over to the pool side.
“Nope no way- I didn’t pack my swim shorts” he looked down into the blue waters. “You live in the OBX why didn’t you pack your shorts” I laughed shaking my head. “So you have a swim suit on now?” He questioned looking back at me now. “Of course never leave h-
And that’s all JJ needed to know. He shoved me into the depths of the pool. After splashing about I came up and JJ was knelt down on the side laughing his head off. “That! Was out of order” I called out to him joining in with his laughter. “Sorry” he said i between his fits. I splashed him with the water soaking his hair. “Oi!” JJ shook it off fluffing his hair out. I swam over to the side looking up at him.
Right now, it felt as if we were the only two people at my house. In the world even. He was fucking beautiful looking at me under the moonlight. “I’m sorry” I batted my eyes holding his hand. Jj’s face half dropped and he opened his mouth as if he was going to say something but I already had a plan. “I need to tell yo-
With that I yanked him in next to me. The blonde boy wiggled around under water before coming up. But I didn’t feel like laughing I wanted to know what he was going to say. “I’m- actually sorry now- what were you saying?” I quizzed looking almost worried. “What on earth are you two doing?” Ki yelled over with a knowing smile. “Uh- nothing- swimming” I shouted over to her shrugging my shoulders.
Before turning to look back at JJ. “Nothing- moments passed” he shook his head, his facial expression didn’t look the same as it did before he was kind of reserved now. I wasn’t sure I liked it. “Come on- I’ll get you a towel” I nodded to the steps as I waded my way out the pool. The boy followed me quietly but stopped at the door. “We’re soaking” he stated looking through my house. “It’s only water” I smirked stepping into the front room.
JJ was hesitant but he eventually followed me upstairs to the cupboard of a thousand towels. I dumped a green one on his head but i barely got a reaction out of him. I don’t know what just happened. JJ started making his way back downstairs. “J I’m really sorry about pulling you in” I softly declared running after him. “don’t be it’s just water y/n” he answered turning into the kitchen so he could use the towel.
“But” “no buts I said it’s fine” JJ cut in swiftly. I followed the boy into the kitchen using my own towel while watching him like a hawk. “Well is just that your saying- it’s fine but- but your not acting like it’s fine” I explained biting my lip. JJ turned his head to look at me before taking in a deep breath. “Just take my word for it, pouges don’t lie to each other” “can… I try something?” I wondered playing with my fingers and looking at the floor nervously. “Try something? Like what?” He turned his full body towards me. I slowly made my way over to him and met his eyes. They looked confused yet they had that excitement in them that they usually had. His baby blues had me mesmerised all the time. I slid my hands up his neck slowly leaning my forehead against his before slowly kissing him testing the waters. It was only quick I just need to make sure it was alright. But when I looked at him again jjs arms wrapped around my waist and he pulled me closer.
And kissed me again. It was still slow and passionate, I knew there was a spark between us I knew something had changed. His thumb rubbed up and down my hip and I held onto his blonde hair. Running my hands through it up and down his neck. JJ randomly pulled away from the kiss and me, his arms rested on the back of his neck and he turned his back. “Fuck” he whispered. “W-what?” “We can’t do that again- we- we can’t do that y/n” JJ shook his head vigorously pointing. “Calm down!” I whispered nodding and putting my arms up in defence. “Just tell me what your thinking” “we just fucked up that’s what happened” JJ answered shaking his head and his hair. “J something changed right? Between us im not the only one who felt it” I questioned feeling my eyes fill up with tears.
He looked at me sadly just blinking “you don’t like me? That’s fine you just have to say”, jjs face scrunched up and his jaw clenched with frustration. “Stop it, you can’t do that- not to yourself you have a very good thing here your parents they love you you live here you- you your going to get a good job or- family business or or something okay! You do not need me dragging you down y/n” JJ defensively put a wall up.
“So you do like me? Your worried about my reputation” I laughed with an eye roll. “That’s sweet but- I don’t care about that I’d rather have you than a good reputation- a fake reputation and fucking boring kook life”. JJ shook his head again and I saw a tear fall out his eye. “Doesn’t matter you can do better your making a mistake” “why are you doing that?” I stormed over close to him again. “Why are you putting you self down you have everything I want JJ” “maybe you don’t have what I want”
“Your lying your putting up barriers for no reason! I’m right here j I’m yours” i exploded throwing my hands about everywhere. He looked like he was thinking about it. “Stop putting your walls up- i promise your safe with me i would never hurt you” I whispered getting closer again reaching up to hold his face. “What if I can’t do it- you deserve the fucking world what if I can’t give yo-
-I don’t want the world JJ don’t you get that” I cut in shaking my head not breaking eye contact. “I just want you to let me in- give me a chance to show you it would work” . JJ still didn’t stay anything he just looked back at me. “I know it’s hard- but I don’t want to do this flirty friendship thing anymore” “fine” he whispered softly. “Look I get that you can’t take your walls down and if you want me it’s stop pushing I- wait what did- you just say?” “I said fine- If you really think we can do it I’m willing to try your worth that” JJ twinkled smally but enough to notice, brushing my face with his soft fingers. “Really?” I gasp with a wide, excited and shocked grin automatically pulling the boy into a hug of relief. My hand held his neck as a tear fell down my happy face.
JJ out of no where picked me up spinning me in the hug. “Your full of suprises y/n- you know that” he whispered kissing my cheek softly. JJ set me down on the counter and I wrapped my legs around him dipping my head down towards his to meet his lips for the first real kiss of our relationship. My hands caught around his hair and his held my hips.
Out of nowhere I hear bang on the window of the house. I pull away from JJ to see Rafe and kelce looking very very angry outside. “Shit” JJ whispers under his breath. “What the fuck are they doing here?” My heart dropped, this was bad. Out of nowhere the front door opened and topper strode in kicking his suit case to the ground. “That what your doing now y/n? Fucking the pouges now?” “What in earth are you doing here top” I jumped down going to meet him and stop him coming in here.
Rafe and kelce walked in closing the door with grins on their faces. “I came back early, problem?” He asked squinting down at me. “Look we can talk about this can you please just calm down and talk to me?” I asked my brother desperately. “Are you fucking serious- I’m going to kill him for touching you! Not only are you my baby sister but your a kook- he’s scum he’s dirt” topper scowled at JJ who was still behind the counter. “Do you really wanna do this top?” JJ giggled shaking his head. Topper made a run at him but I pushed in front of him. “Will you just hear me fucking out topper! Not everything needs to be solved with fists” I begged loudly knowing that this was going to be bad if they fought. The noise caused the other pouges to race into the living room but Rafe and kelce stood in the way. “Shit” jonh b announced.
“Yeah Shit indeed!” Topper slammed his hand against the door frame. “We will leave and when you calm down- then we can talk okay- please for me?” I widened my eyes which were full of tears. “Tell me something” topper whispered rubbing the side of his head. “You with him? You together?” “It doesn’t matter your going to be pissed either way” “I won’t allow you to throw your life away” topper shook his head and pushed past me. Topper ran round the island in the kitchen and JJ ran round the other side.
He escaped the kitchen but Rafe and kelce were there. Out the corner of my eye I saw ki and pope jump onto the backs of the boys while I delayed topper. “Your making it worse I’m a big girl! I can- look after myself” I winced as I pushed back at him. “Go go go!” Sarah shouted to JJ pointing to the front door that her and John be were running to. I held topper long enough to watch the three of them run out. I fell to the floor when topper got past me.
He looked at me and sighed while running off “I’m sorry y/n”. I jumped up getting ki and pope on the way. We used the back door to escape with Rafe and kelce on our trail. I slammed the glass doors shut and locked it from the outside. Us three laughed and waved at them before jumping my fence to run through the forest. “Are you and jayj really together?” Ki yelled to me while we all ran. “I- yeah- yeah we are” I nodded breathlessly but we grinned at each other.
“They would have all gone back to the château come on” pope hurried us along. We crossed the boarder into the cut and ran through the streets we didn’t stop until we got to our destination. “Guys?” Ki shouted out into the night “JJ?” I yelled desperately feeling my heart drop. “There not here” pope came out of the house looking around. His eyes stuck to a part of the forest. “But someone is” he whispered signalling to hide.
He ducked behind a window and I hide behind the parked boat. I didn’t even see where ki got to. Some rustling came from the bushes and my heart pounded against my chest with fear. A second after JJ stumbled through with the two pouges behind him “are they here?” JJ questioned to his two friends searching around for us. “Shit you scared us!” Pope laughed appearing from his hiding spot.
“Pope! Where’s y/n” JJ hissed in a low tone looking slightly worried when he only saw pope and ki. I ran from the hiding spot and he turned noticing me and opened his arms smiling with relief. “I’m so sorry” I cried hugging him tightly. “You have nothing to apologise for hun” he told me kissing the side of my head and wrapping his arms around me holding me there. “You didn’t deserve to hear that” I whispered to him. “Y/n, i Don’t Care about fucking topper” JJ replied.
“You almost got into a fight- I can’t see you hurt” I shook my head.
“Y/n, your worth fighting for hun”.
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spicyclover · 2 years
An you do one for lando Norris where you tell him it’s ok to fuck with out a condom for the first time and letting him cum in you
On your lips, half volt.
Context: In the paddock after being frustrated for quite some time.
Summary: From your skin to my skin, I keep the scent I still know, from your body, by heart, the drawing On the bare wire of that night, I stand Ready for all my love, it’s so good!
Hope you’ll enjoy this part. Let me know in the comments section! And to support me by tipping me!
Little information, I will, for now, only post on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Thank you, and Enjoy! :)
Lots of love, xxx Spicy Clover
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WARNING: smut +18
You didn’t wait very long for him. He returned to hospitality soon after finishing the three interviews he was supposed to do, his eyes set on you. He approached you and flopped onto the couch of his driver's room, setting his head on your lap.
You ran your hand through his messy curly hair, which was getting pretty long. He shut his eyes and relaxed, letting you play with his hair. He always loves having your hands on his head. He often gets headaches, and your fingers' warmth always makes him feel better.
On time, he even calls you a witch after you miraculously cured him of his headache by massaging him gently for several minutes. Obviously, you laugh, knowing very well that you didn't do anything but help him relax, which was what he actually needed.
Distracted, you started braiding a small chunk of it, and he grumbled a little when he understood what you were doing. You laughed at him and set your hand on his jaw, tracing over it with your fingertips. You lock eyes with each other. Sometimes you still fail to realize that this human loves you truly, deeply and intensely.
You still remember the first time you did it. You’ve been seeing each other for several weeks, and you both had very strong feelings about each other.
You start caressing him while reaching down for his sex. You feel his growing excitement and his limb getting hard through his suit, which, let’s be honest, doesn’t leave much room for imagination.
For the past few weeks, you haven’t had much time to spend with each other. And it must be said that you are in need; lack of him, of his kisses, of his skin against yours, of his penis in your entrance, of his faint growls of excitement. You can’t take it anymore. You need him now.
You touch his limb, and you feel his breath intensifying to the rhythm of your touch. His lips find their place in your neck, which he does not hesitate to mark as his own. You let out small sounds of pleasure between your lips that are glued to his ear.
You stoke him, losing no time. You know you don't have much time to get what you need, what you want.
"Babe," he whispers, trying to slow you down.
"Don't!" You take his suit and undo it. Making sure that he is left only with his fireproof shirt and his boxer. "I need you, Lan. I need you inside me!"
"Oh? What oh?" You ask stopping a minute to look at him.
"I don't have anything with me."
"I don't have any condoms. Everything is at the hotel." He explains, quite embarrassed.
"Okay, and?" You kiss again, not waiting for the answer. Rubbing your bare skin against his.
"Well..." He sighs, putting his mouth away from you.
"Lando, you have two choices; you either fuck me right here and now hard and bare, or I go back to London, and you won't touch me for the next six months to know what it's like to be in need."
You give him the ultimatum, and you don't have to wait too long before Lando pushes himself in you. You heard the sigh of pleasure when his bare member encountered your intimate cunt for the first time. It's strange for you too. To feel him so close to you. Like they're nothing else after this. You can't be more naked than this.
It feels amazing. You're riding him, but it's Lando who gives the rhythm. With your hands on his chest, you try to keep yourself on top. His hands are on your hips, bruising them.
"I'm not going to last long," he says, out of breath.
You pull out of him and get up. You look at him, and he knows what to do. You enjoy quickies some times, and now it's the time. Fuck from being is the thing that turns you on and makes you come the most.
Lando pushes your legs apart and takes hold of your hips. Pushing himself again inside you. You feel him different, more animal, and you love it. You can't help yourself to whimpers his name, making his ego up. You are against the wall, holding on the best you can.
Now, you don't care if people can hear or not. You're having the time of your life after waiting for two weeks. You feel his hand touching your clit, doing circles, making your brain fuzzier. One hand on the wall, the other on one of Lando's arms. Lando is the full support of this session. You can't barely stay standing; how he makes you feel so good.
You bite your lips, trying to quiet yourself down. Lando accelerated candor by feeling his orgasm come. His hand stimulates your clitoris to the maximum and his penis sucks you from end to end by touching each of his thrusts on your G-spot. He feels that your vagina retracts and sucks it in.
"Lan... Land... Lando." Trying to phrase your sentence. "I want you to cum... to cum inside... inside me."
"What? He asks, out of breath."
"I want you to cum inside me!"
You feel your words have a radical change in his attitude, and he doesn’t waste time. His outbursts are a little more irrational, and you’re both on end. Your orgasm is there. Overwhelming you and him at the same time. You can’t help but shout his name and how good he does you.
He covers your mouth with his hand. He bends you more, and you hold on as best you can. He pushes you one last time. His seed is released in you, and you moan between his fingers. He finally breeds you, really breed you. Still in you, he pushes you back to the couch, and he drops himself in. His hand always keeps you close to him.
"Wow... That's the sexiest thing we have ever done." He exclaims as he giggles.
"I think that from now on, you will always cum in me. You were exceptional, and it’s been so fucking long since I wanted you like this."
"Tonight, am fucking you out! You won't be able to walk tomorrow, baby," he mumbles, trying to catch he's breath.
"Fuck! Cum in me every time if it means you take me so well."
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fluentmoviequoter · 1 year
The Slaying of a Vampire
Monster Monday, October 9, 2023
Fic-tober Masterlist
Summary: Chris is dressing you and Dalton up as a couple for a Halloween party. The catch? Neither of you know what the other is going as.
Warnings: fluff, mutual pining, biting?, kissing, a couple Buffy the Vampire Slayer references. 1.3k+ words
A/N: I'm currently trying to improve certain aspects of my writing, so if this reads a little differently than my other fics that's why. I hope you enjoy! :)
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Black satin drags the floor with each step as the cape sways. The full moon reflects off the sharp fangs that poke out from the handsome face hidden in the shadows. With great care and questionable intention, a vampire awakens and begins his quest.
Dalton groans quietly as he steps out of the dressing room, the long black cape trailing behind him. The inner lining, blood-red satin, is visible where the collar frames his face.
“Remind me why I’m doing this?” Dalton asks.
“Put these in,” Chris commands, handing him a set of faux fangs.
“Chris,” Dalton sighs. “I don’t even want the costume.”
“We already bought it. You agreed, Dolphin, stop complaining.”
Dalton’s shoulders rise and fall with yet another sigh as he slips the fangs into his mouth. They sit over his bottom lip, seeming to glow under the fluorescent lights of the costume shop.
“Besides, you know you’re only doing it for her,” Chris points out.
Even though she didn’t say your name, Dalton knows who she is talking about. And she’s right; Dalton only agreed to this weird request for unknown matching costumes because he would be matching with you. If he’s a vampire, he can’t imagine what you will be, but he knows you will be beautiful no matter what costume Chris picks.
“Dolphin? Still here?” Chris asks, waving her hand in front of his face.
“Yeah,” Dalton says, moving his lips to accommodate the fangs.
“I think this is it. Want to add anything else?”
“Please, no.”
Chris nods and ushers him back into the dressing room. Dalton hopes you win the couples' costume challenge, not because he wants the trophy - he actually thinks the whole thing is stupid - but because he wants to be presented as a couple. Just thinking of your names together is enough to make Dalton smile.
“So, what’s my other half dressing up as?” Dalton asks as he exits, vampire costume in hand.
“You’ll see,” Chris says, winking over her shoulder. “Oh! By the way, I talked to the people who won last year, and they said staying in character increases your chance of winning, so start practicing. ‘I vant to suck your blood’ and all that.”
Dalton rolls his eyes as she pulls out her phone, likely planning to take you shopping next. He thinks he can play a vampire for a few hours to spend time with you if no other reason.
“Are you kidding me?” Dalton asks.
You turn to face him, and his shoulders slump forward. Slowly looking him up and down, you begin to smile.
“The fangs look good.”
Dalton shakes his head, glaring at Chris.
“Remember to stay in character,” Chris sings as she walks away, patting Dalton’s shoulder.
“You’re,” Dalton begins, pointing to you.
“A vampire slayer. Yeah.”
“I can’t believe I didn’t see this coming.”
“Well, looks like we have to keep some distance tonight,” you say. “Otherwise, I’ll have to put a stake through your heart.”
“You wouldn’t.”
You smile at Dalton, looking up at him through your lashes. He looks up and down your costume before stepping back.
“I’ve heard of you, but I won’t go down without a fight,” he says.
Your eyes are fixed on his mouth as he talks, the fangs distracting you. He looks incredible, and you want nothing more than to stay glued to his side for the rest of the night, but you have a character to maintain.
“We’ll see,” you respond. “I haven’t lost a vampire yet.”
“I can imagine,” Dalton says under his breath.
Someone yells your name, and you look away, surprised to see Dalton is gone when you turn back. If that’s how he wants to play, it's time to hunt a vampire. Dalton is worth it. And if you can’t resist kissing him when you finally catch him? Maybe you change the ending for the vampire and the vampire slayer. No one ever suffered from a Buffy and Angel-type relationship. Right?
The party lasts all night, and the costume contest winners will be crowned at sunrise. Most of the night is spent walking through the house and looking for Dalton. Every time you find him, you raise the wooden stake and lunge for him, but his newfound vampiric abilities allow him to lunge out of the way at the last moment. He has tried to sneak up on you between attacks, but you raise the crucifix hanging from your neck when you spot him. His eyes seem to catch on the skin of your neck, affecting him more than the crucifix itself. As the early morning hours tick by, you find it harder and harder to stay away from Dalton.
You’re standing over to the side, gripping the fake wooden stake in your hand, as you search for Dalton. Fabric brushes against your arm, and you sidestep out of the way before something sinks into your skin at the juncture of your neck and shoulder. You yelp at the feeling and jump away, turning to see who or what that was.
“Did you just bite me?” you ask, hand raising to the affected area.
“Just a little,” Dalton says, smiling. “It’s how I show affection, I promise.”
“You got lucky this time,” you say, pointing the stake at him as you walk backward. “It won’t happen again.”
“And where are you going?”
You look outside and see the sun rising before answering, “I’m going for a walk. Outside.”
“I’ll go with,” Dalton says quickly, never one to let you go into danger alone.
“How?” you ask with raised brows and crossed arms.
Dalton chews his bottom lip, his fangs once again drawing your attention. “Have they made SPF 300,000 yet?”
You laugh and turn around, leaving the lucky vampire in the shadows.
“Attention! We have a winner for our couples’ costume contest!” a girl announces, stopping the music.
Dalton is nowhere to be seen as the sunlight begins to stream in the windows at the back of the house.
“This couple has been seen several times tonight and their characters are adorable! The winner is…” The cord provides a drum-roll before she says your name and Dalton’s. “The vampire and the vampire slayer!”
Dalton is suddenly at your side, and you can’t stop the goosebumps that spread as his hand brushes your waist. He takes your hand and leads you to the stage, accepting your crowns and the trophy. Chris cheers the loudest, but you can barely hear anything over Dalton whispering in your ear.
“You look amazing,” he whispers, his fang brushing your ear. “We only won because of you; you know that right? I almost gave up three hours ago when you were standing in the corner. Biting you was a spur of the moment idea to get close to you.”
You shake your head as he says you won because of you. “You look far better than I do; I doubt anyone even noticed me.” You take a deep breath before confessing, “And I needed a break from the distance too. So, thanks for biting me.”
Dalton’s cheeks are tinted with pink as he mumbles, “Anytime.”
The partygoers begin leaving, and Chris waves to you as she leaves with a group of people. Dalton’s arm remains around your waist as he leads you toward the door.
“Wait,” you say, raising a hand to his chest. “Can you go outside?”
“I can go anywhere with you.”
You smile up at him, and he can’t take it anymore. Dalton’s hand raises your chin as he kisses you, his fangs brushing against your bottom lips as he kisses you like you’re his source of life. Desperate for air, you pull back and sigh as Dalton continues kissing down your jaw, stopping to brush his fangs over your pulse point.
“These things are in the way,” he grumbles, kissing you again before removing them.
“That was a way better prize than that trophy,” you whisper against his skin, leaning up to kiss his cheek.
His hands hold your hips steady as he smiles and says, “This prize was the only reason I agreed. We were going to win tonight, no matter what. The trophy is just a bonus.”
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rrenzwrld · 10 months
if you catch my drift III
third part, second part here
you may or may not have questions
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Once Reiner came back with his bag, the two of you made it to his truck. It was one of those tall country boy trucks that looked like it must’ve been rotting from the inside out under a tree. But when you got inside, it wasn’t nearly as wrecked as you thought.
“I’m sorry about the ride. If I could treat you to something better, I would.” You didn’t see a problem with it but you were looking around a lot.
“No, it’s.. nice. I like it.” It represented his personality perfectly. A small smile crept onto Reiner’s face but he quickly dismissed it, not wanting to seem creepy or anything.
“I saw that.” You didn’t know you were staring.
He cleared his throat and looked to you as he was starting up. “Saw what?”
“Your smile. It’s very pretty.” Reiner felt his ears getting hot.
“Thank you, you’re um.. very pretty too.” He tried to speak quietly but his voice didn’t allow for it so you still heard him. You didn’t know what to think. Your crush called you pretty, very pretty but you thought it was all for the wrong reasons. He was a guy after all.
The two of you made some conversation on as the ride progressed but you only got but so far since the two of you were still very shy around one another. But Reiner finally pulled up to your dorm building which meant that you could be at some peace.
“Thank you again,” You said as you grabbed whatever you brought. “And I’m sorry if it was an inconvenience.” Reiner got out the truck as well.
“No, not at all. I don’t mind doing a good thing.” He opened your door and offered his hand to you so you had something to hold on to as you got down. You never knew he could be such a gentleman and thought it was only another part of your fantasy. “I’ll walk you to your door.”
Once the two of you made it to your door, you actually didn’t wanna leave him. You didn’t know what came over you. But it was the same for Reiner but he knew why.
“I really enjoyed watching you play and talking to you.” You couldn’t bring yourself to look up at him because you knew you’d freeze and embarrass yourself. But that didn’t stop Reiner from looking at you.
“I hope this isn’t the last time…”
“It won’t, hopefully.” You looked up for a quick second and smiled, which made him smile, which made you smile even harder.
To get rid of his tempting thoughts, he cleared his throat and prepared his mindset to leave.
“I’ll see you around, Y/n. Thank you for coming to see me, really means a lot.” More than you knew.
“Sure..” You entered the building and once you got in the dorm room, Sasha was no where to be found
The following Monday, Sasha had taken the whole day to profusely apologize to you but your mind was too clouded with Reiner to be mad at her anymore. You could almost thank her for nearly leaving you stranded.
“Y/n~” She whined. “How many times do I have to say I’m sorry? I feel like you’re not even listening to me.”
“I’m not.”
“Reiner called me pretty. Very pretty. What do I do about that?” That’s when Sasha knew, or she thought she knew something.
“Oh why didn’t you tell me sooner? I thought you were still mad.” You shook your head.
“No, just thinking—“
“Bout your man?” You shoved Sasha playfully but she reacted as though you nearly pushed her out the seat.
“He’s not my man but I wouldn’t mind…”
“Have you seen him naked?” You looked at her like she was crazy.
“Uh no, what the fuck? Have you seen him naked?” Sasha looked around and took a while to respond. “Oh?”
“I haven’t done anything with him, promise! But last year there was a sex tape going around and literally everyone saw him naked. He almost got kicked out of school but he brings the school money playing football so they gave him another chance.” Information was dropped on you without asking but you had so many questions.
“So.. who leaked it?”
“A bitch he was fucking with and she wanted to be his girlfriend but he said no because he didn’t want it to get in the way of his football. Plus, she was crazy. That’s probably why she leaked it, to ruin his career. He was gonna graduate early and everything.” You knew Reiner was only a sophomore last year so it was a big deal if he could’ve graduated earlier and he must’ve been pretty smart. But you also felt really bad because you didn’t even know if this stuff was true.
“Oh…” And now that would be in the back of your mind.
“It’s big, don’t worry.”
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tags: @luvvsnae @wlwfunnn @tacobellfreshavocado
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vladajwrites · 1 year
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Razor’s Edge
Part Four || Part Five || Part Six || Part Seven
Summary; Reader moves to Woodsboro for her senior year of high school. This story take place in the setting of the Scream 4 movie. This story is dedicated to all of the girls living through the current Rory Culkin revival. I love and see you. <3
Also available to be read on AO3 here
It's imperative for me to mention MAJOR trigger warnings for this story; blood, violence, sexual content, alcohol usage, and mentions of abusive situations and suicide. I will add and edit tw's as needed.
WC; 5499
Notes; no major notes for this chapter! hope you enjoy reading <3 much much love!!
(Not Beta Read)
You woke the next morning to about a dozen missed calls and text messages.
You sat up instantly, wiping the sleep from your eyes. Kirby had texted you nearly 10 times on her own.
“Are you okay?” “Please let me know if you’re safe.”
Your eyes widened as you scanned through her messages. She must have heard about the fight, you felt absolutely terrible, truly hoped it didn’t ruin the rest of the party.
You even had a text message from Jill. Hers held a surprising sentiment to Kirby’s original one.
You found that you also had a missed call from Charlie. He was the first one you decided to respond to. Maybe he could shed some light onto what was unfolding.
The phone rang a few times before Charlie picked up the other line.
“Are you feeling okay today?” Charlie spoke, his voice broke a bit at his words.
“I’m okay. How are you feeling?” You responded, nodding to yourself.
“I could be far worse, he hardly had the chance to touch me.”
“Well, that’s good then.” You responded softly.
The line was silent for a moment.
“Have you heard the news?” Charlie asked. News? Oh God, you hoped he wasn’t in any trouble.
“No, what’s going on Charlie?” You picked at your lip, anxiously waiting for a response. Your head was pounding, you weren’t sure if your nerves, or the alcohol from the night before, were making you so completely sick to your stomach.
Charlie stumbled over his own words for a moment before giving you a proper answer.
“This morning… The police found two students dead. Everyone is saying they were murdered.” He spoke just loud enough to be heard.
You choked back your own shock. Nothing could’ve prepared you for this sort of news. How was this possible? Did you know the students? The thought made your heart sink.
“Do they know-?” You began.
“No, they haven’t released much information. I don’t think they have any suspects yet, too soon to tell.” Charlie was quick to cut you off.
You sighed. The news of this was quick to sober you from your impending hangover.
You spoke a bit more, only briefly, before ending the call.
Irina found you in your bedroom a few moments later, relaying the same information.
“I’m supposed to leave for another work seminar on Monday and wouldn’t be returning until the following week. But I’m not going, I can’t leave you here…” Her words trailed off a bit at the end. She was nervously picking at a loose thread on your duvet cover, something she never did.
You reached up carefully to her hand, urging her to face you again. “No, go. Please, I’ll be okay. I promise.”
“It’s all just so much like times before,” you could see the tears well in her eyes. You immediately knew what she was speaking about. This possibility that this was all connected to the murders that had taken place in Woodboro in 1996 had already crossed your mind. You refused to let yourself dwell on it.
“Go, I’ll be okay. We don’t know anything for certain yet.” You tried your best to reassure her. You secretly wished she’d stay, but you didn’t want this to interfere with anything pertaining to her career.
“Okay,” she nodded, standing up. She stopped in your doorway, turning to face you one more time. “Just, if things get worse in any way. I’ll come home. I promise.”
“Okay.” You replied softly.
You made sure to keep your doors and windows locked that night before bed.
You said your goodbyes to Irina that Monday morning before school, reassuring her that things would be okay.
You arrived at school, welcomed by a bleak sight unfolding in front of you.
News vans were parked as close to the curb as they could be. Students stood around the entrance of the building with sullen and grim expressions. It was horrible, truly a terrible sight.
You wished you could’ve just sat back in your car and made the decision to drive home, lock yourself in your house and bedroom. You had to press on though.
You did your very best to pull your emotions together, keep it all inside for the time being. You pushed your way through news crews and hoards of students, careful to avoid the path of any cameras.
“This all happened the day Sidney Prescott decided to return to Woodsboro.” You heard one of the female newscasters speak behind you.
The pit in your stomach grew at her words.
How could this all be happening? Were you safe? Would Charlie or Kirby be safe? The dread was quick to consume you.
You sat quickly in your first period class, nudging Jill to turn and face you.
“Thank you for checking in on me.” You stated.
She turned to face you sharply, looking you over. “Well Sidney Prescott is my aunt, you know? Of course I’d be worried about anyone close to me.”
You were taken back a bit by her answer. Close to her? You never believed you were, to be completely honest. It still meant something to you though, that she believed you were. You were also surprised to find out that Sidney was her aunt, you hadn’t made that connection before.You couldn’t imagine what she must be feeling during all of this.
“Oh, I truly hope that you and your aunt are able to stay safe.” You answered as earnestly as possible.
She gave you a half smile, giving you a once over again before turning to rejoin her conversation with Kirby.
This was all too inconceivable, too terrible.
You just wanted Charlie, counted the minutes until you knew you’d see him again. You’d be safe with him.
As the clock ran on, more speculation and details came to light. The two girls who were murdered were named Marnie Cooper and Jenny Randall. Your heart sunk impossibly lower as you realized you knew both girls, even if only in passing in the classes you shared.
They were both stabbed, brutally murdered.
It grew increasingly difficult to not connect their murders to previous patterns of torment that plagued Woodsboro’s history.
You stared mindlessly out the window, watching the newscasters gather again outside. You almost entirely missed the bell that rang, releasing students for lunch.
The dread was eating you up from the inside out. Would Charlie be okay? Kirby and Irina? Would you?
How could you possibly know? What could you possibly do?
You had nowhere to run, nowhere to go. You were quick to decide you’d never flee, even if the option were present. You could never bring yourself to leave your loved ones behind.
Your body worked itself up and onward, moving you through muscle memory out towards the exit of the building. Your mind was somewhere, off very far away.
A hand slid across your back to rest on your shoulder. The sudden touch made you jump.
You snapped your head to the left sharply. You were met by Charlie. He was walking along with you, saying something to Robbie who was on the other side of him. You hadn’t even noticed them near you.
“You scared me, Charlie.” You huffed, exhaling the breath that you seemed to have been holding since learning the news that morning.
Charlie turned to look at you then, his expression fell for a second as his eyes darted across your face.
“Shit, I’m sorry.” He replied sincerely. His hand slipped from your shoulder for a moment. You were quick to grab his wrist, letting him wrap around you again.
You tried your best to relax your expression a bit more. “Just on edge, it’s okay. I should’ve been paying better attention.”
He studied you for another moment before nodding, pulling you closer into him.
Robbie cleared his throat awkwardly. You and Charlie both turned back to face him after seemingly forgetting there was a third party still nearby.
Your lips twitched upwards into a half smile as you took in the sight of the clunky glasses Robbie now wore.
“New glasses?” You asked, gesturing up at Robbie.
He nodded in response. His hands fumbled around a bit as he took them off and handed them over to you to examine.
You flipped them around, noticing a small camera attached awkwardly to one of the frames.
Robbie mumbled out an explanation for the new gadget. “…and if these murders are connected to the original Stab murders, I want to be the one to catch any real life footage. Ya’ know? Make my own movie.”
You could feel Charlie instantly stiffen up and roll his shoulders back beside you.
Your expression dropped as you handed the glasses back over.
“That’s morbid Robbie.” You replied, shaking your head.
Before he could respond, you felt your phone ring in your back pocket. You pulled it out, looking over the caller ID. Irina’s name flashed on the screen. She was surely just calling to let you know she’d made it to her destination and to check up on you again.
You excused yourself from the group, telling Charlie you’d see him back in class.
The rest of your lunch break passed by as well as it could have after your quick conversation with Irina. You did your best to avoid the spectacle in front of and around the school. It was more difficult to ignore the whispers and constant conversations passed between students about the killings.
In your last period class an announcement played over the speakers. “All extracurricular activities will be disbanded after school today.” The statement was repeated once more before going off the air.
You sighed, sinking further in your seat. There’d be no film club after class today. You peaked slightly behind you to try and catch Charlie’s attention. He was intently scribbling what appeared to be a mess of things on a loose piece of lined paper.
You hadn’t truly realized until that moment just how badly you didn’t want to have to go home and be all alone.
You reached for your phone, composing a text message to Charlie under your desk. “Come over later?”
You sent the message, setting the phone down in your lap.
A loud text tone ringer sounded in the nearly silent classroom. All heads turned to face Charlie who was now fumbling with his phone to switch off the source of the sound.
“Walker, phones on silent please.” The teacher spoke sternly from behind their desk.
You snapped your head back forward, biting back a smile.
A few moments later you felt your phone buzz silently in your lap.
“Yeah, 5pm?” Charlie’s message read.
“Works for me. Sorry about the noise.” You replied.
“Swear you must’ve done it on purpose.” He responded.
You turned back slightly to face him. He had a small smile across his lips as he looked you over.
You smiled back, melting a bit into your seat.
The rest of the school day wrapped up shortly after.
As you returned home, you double and triple checked that your windows and doors were locked. It was only a short amount of time before 5pm. You rushed downstairs once you heard a knock on the door.
Charlie stood on the porch, one hand in his pocket the other was held down casually at his side.
“Come on.” You smiled, motioning him through the door.
Once up in your bedroom you held out your arms to him. He returned the gesture, holding you close against himself.
You inhaled deeply, taking in the familiar scent of him. You walked backwards carefully until you hit your bed frame, you both promptly fell back into bed.
“Thank you for coming over.” You said softly, fixing yourself on his chest.
He kissed the top of your head, “Of course, thank you for having me over.”
You hummed and nodded, playfully reaching over him for the television remote. He picked it up off your nightstand and handed it to you.
You scrolled through the cable channels until landing on daytime production of the original Halloween. You didn’t mind that it had already played halfway through. You had seen the movie twice in its entirety by now.
It was nice and quiet for a few moments. Neither of you really paid any attention to what was being played on the television. It was time to decompress. If even just for a moment, you were able to set aside the horrible thoughts that had been racing through your mind during the entirety of the day.
You had exchanged small talk and conversations about the movie as it played through. It wasn’t until the end credits rolled that you sat up and fixed yourself in bed. The sun had long begun to set. You felt wracked with exhaustion, your mind was beginning to run all over again.
You tried to hold back a yawn when Charlie spoke up.
“Hey, I can leave, let you get some sleep.” He spoke softly, sitting up beside you.
You fervently shook your head no. “No, please don’t go. I don’t want to be alone.” Your lips twitched downward.
He studied your face for a moment, not wanting to overstep. He hadn't spent the night with you since the first time you were alone with him. But, the thought of spending the night completely alone terrified you. You felt the current situation extenuated the circumstances.
He sucked in a breath, nodding. “Of course.” He promptly adjusted himself so that you could lay back down on his chest.
He mindlessly ran his fingers over your face and through your hair as you spoke to him.
“I’m terrified, Charlie.” You said just above a whisper.
“Don’t be, doll.” He replied earnestly.
“How could I not be?” You continued. “I’m so scared. What if something were to happen to you or me? And beyond the murders… What happens with Anderson when he returns to school? As if we didn’t already have so much to worry about…”
Charlie halted his movements. You looked up at him, something was so clearly troubling him. You knew he couldn’t really secure yours or his own safety. Still, just having the reassurance from him meant the world to you.
He composed himself again. “I promise you, I’ll take care of it.” He responded, holding out his pinky to swear.
You returned his smile, pulling on your bravest front as well before returning the gesture, hooking your pinky finger within his own.
That night was spent safely and soundly in his arms amidst a mess of heavy limbs and blankets. Your bedroom window was opened a fraction of the way, allowing the early fall breeze into your room.
There was nowhere safer to you than with him by your side. You couldn’t explain it, it was just an intimate and visceral feeling.
The next night was spent that way as well. The following school day had happened about the same way the last had gone by. There was an unsteady and nervous blanket that had covered the town of Woodsboro and you were not immune to the impending feeling of dread. Still no suspects, only very minimal details were slowly released.
Anderson had also still not shown his face that entire Tuesday. You had hated yourself for even looking for him in the crowded hallways at school but you just couldn’t help it. You wished that whatever confrontation that was sure to come from him would just be over with and done already.
It wasn’t until the next day on Wednesday when he finally showed face. He was badly bruised, poorly attempting to conceal a large black eye. You noticed him first while passing between your first and second period. He noticed you shortly after. Your breath caught in your through as your eyes connected. He held such malcontent and anger in his expression. It made your skin absolutely crawl.
You made sure to stay in extra close proximity to Charlie that day.
When Charlie arrived after school at your home for the third day in a row, you made sure to tell him about your interaction with Scotty.
“Did he say anything to you?” Charlie asked.
“No, no. He just looked at me. But,” You shook your head, your face falling towards the ground.
Charlie reached a hand over on your thigh, waiting patiently for you to continue.
“I don’t know. It’s silly to even be worried about it. It’s just, there’s so much going on.” You continued, looking up to meet his eyes again.
Charlie wrapped you gently in his arms, kissing the top of your head.
“It will be alright,” He replied. “I love you.”
You smiled then, nodding. “I love you, too.”
As the sun began to set, you slowly became more sure of yourself. There was no point in worrying so much about things that were entirely out of your control. You had a much welcomed distraction in front of you to keep the thoughts at bay.
It was a bit past 7pm, you were growing hungry and restless.
“Would you like to come downstairs while I make dinner?” You asked, looking over at Charlie.
“Yeah, of course.” He answered.
You climbed over him out of bed, making the split decision to change into something more comfortable.
You threw on an oversized shirt and slid out of the pants you wore leaving you in nothing but your panties underneath. You took careful and slow actions in your movements, taking time to show your body as innocently as you could as you heard Charlie clear his throat and stand up behind you.
You motioned over your shoulder at him to follow you downstairs, his eyes drifted over your legs and upwards to meet your gaze.
You still found his shyness endearing. After all this time, you could still make him squirm so easily.
Dinner was prepared quickly, something simple you had learned to make from your aunt.
There was a labored silence that swept through the kitchen and dining room as you let him help you prepare the meal. You stole touches and long glances when you could, he did the same.
By the time you had both sat down to eat, a familiar tension had set in between the two of you.
You sat closely to him, kicking your feet up into his lap. He sucked in a sharp breath, nearly dropping his fork onto the table as you adjusted yourself into a more comfortable position.
It was so simple, yet entirely perfect. You imagined you’d be happy like this, doing this same thing over and over again with him.
By the time you had cleared the table and gotten the kitchen back in order with his help, a knot in your stomach had begun to grow.
Something about seeing him in such a domesticated position made your heart swell and your internal temperature rise.
You got ready for bed quickly, he followed suit.
As you changed the record over on your player, you couldn’t help but let your mind wander to that first night you had spent with him alone.
There wouldn’t be a better distraction, a better way to relieve the stress from the past few days, than with his hands against your body. You could give yourself this. Besides, it was hard to not notice the way he had grown more handsy with you in his sleep.
You heard him kick out of his jeans and undress down to his boxers, wearing what he usually wore to bed.
You knew he wouldn’t initiate anything, knew he was too nervous to try. But if you just have him a push-
You dropped the needle onto the record before turning to face him. He was already in bed, the duvet was pulled up just past his waist. He had a smile on his face that met his eyes, his hand was held out to you to help you into bed.
He just looked so stunning like this.
You inhaled deeply, reaching out your hand to him. You carefully climbed into bed, halting your movements once you were straddling his waist.
His eyes widened a bit as he tried to make out the intentions behind your expression.
You steadied yourself, hooking your fingers under the hem of your shirt before promptly pulling it over your head and dropping it down onto the floor.
“Fuck…” He murmured. His eyes traced over the frame of your body as his hands carefully slid up the curves of your waist.
The heat of his hands and the calluses that laced through his palms and fingers made you shiver under his touch.
You dropped your head down, moving your hair behind your ears as his hands cupped around your breasts.
You met his lips harshly, letting your hands rest on either side of his shoulders.
He doubled your neediness, bucking up his hips and kicking down the duvet until you rested flush against the growing bulge of his boxers.
You rolled your hips back, drinking in the whimpering mess that fell from his lips.
You pulled back slightly, pouting your lips. “I want you Charlie.”
“Yeah?” He questioned, searching for your lips again.
You rolled your hips again, letting your fingers slide through his hair. “Mhm.” You replied, sucking in his bottom lip.
His eyes shut tightly before reopening, his expression was dark, nearly tearing into you.
“How bad do you want me?” His voice was rough, and strained. His right hand came up to hold around the back of your neck, willing you to look at him directly.
You smiled at him as sweetly as possible. You wanted to show him- would show him, just how badly you wanted him..
Your lips worked to kiss a steady trail down his neck and chest, making sure to stop and suck at the spots you knew he liked the most.
Your fingers carefully and slowly slid his boxers down his hips until he took over, hastily kicking out of them.
The full length of him still somehow surprised you, regardless of the clear memory you had of that first night you had seen him.
You couldn’t bring yourself to waste anymore time. You quickly took him into your hand, letting your thumb trace his tip. You collected the precum that had already begun to spill out of him.
He shuddered and groaned as you took him into your mouth, letting your hand work around the parts of him you couldn’t push down your throat.
He quickly began to fall apart, you watched him carefully as his steady breathing grew labored and uneven. The sounds that came out of him were so entirely beautiful. His chorus of praise quickened your movements. You pushed him down your throat even further until you were choking and sputtering around him.
His hips raised in an unsteady pattern. His movements only quickened as the tears and spit ran down your face.
“You look so perfect like this doll.” He sighed out. His words made your heart swell. You just wanted to do a good job for him, show him how much you loved him.
He quickly wrapped his arms around your chest and back, pulling you up and under himself so that your head rested comfortably on the pillow at your head board.
You whined in response, you hadn’t had the chance to make him finish yet.
The sudden quickness and strength of his actions caught you slightly off guard. You had no time to process it though, he was already down at your waist, sliding your panties down your hips, leaving a trail of kisses down your legs as he took them completely off.
His lips and tongue were at your entrance and against your clit in an instant. You cried out, arching your back up into him. He gripped your frame steadily, holding you down perfectly for him. His shoulders kept your legs open as wide for him as possible.
It didn’t take long until your eyes welled with tears again, you were seeing stars. The entire room spun around you.
It somehow felt so much better than the first time. You figured it was certainly because you both had to be so much more comfortable with one another.
You had nearly begun to come undone against him when his tongue slowed its movements. You could feel the fingers of his free hand slide carefully through your folds before gently pushing past your entrance.
You cried out his name, letting your hands wildly mess and pull at his hair.
He groaned as you began to shutter and tighten around him.
You felt so incredibly full, it was almost too much- too blinding. Yet, you needed more of him, it didn’t matter if it hurt you, you wanted more of him inside of you, needed him to move faster- tear through you.
As though he could read your thoughts, he slipped another finger inside of you, his tongue worked in quicker paced circles.
The additional pressure sent you crashing over the edge. The tears began to fall down your face as your legs shook uncontrollably. He didn’t stop his movements until your cum dripped down your legs and his face and you were begging him to slow down.
He sat up, making his way up the bed to kiss you again. A wide smirk was plastered across his lips.
You kissed him fervently, lapping up the taste of you against his mouth. The fire was quick to build inside of you again.
You just needed more, wanted more of him so desperately.
You were mindless, drunk on him alone.
You reached down as he held himself above you. You carefully wrapped your fingers around his cock, urging him closer.
You were ready to take the next step, needed to desperately.
He let out a sudden string of expletives, nearly dropping down onto his forearms, as you slid the head of his cock through the folds of your slick cunt.
Your eyes were wide as you looked up at him. You held an expression of innocence in your expression, you knew this all must be driving him mad.
“Are you sure?” His face looked so serious for a moment as he studied your expression.
“Yes, please Charlie. I need it.” You practically begged.
“Christ,” He hazily mumbled out as he met your lips again.
He sat back, better adjusting him in front of you. You could tell he was trying to give him a second to compose himself a bit more.
You smiled up at him, giving him an ounce more reassurance. Maybe you needed a bit more as well.
“I- I don’t have a condom.” His face fell for a second at the sudden realization.
You laughed, pulling his hands forward to rest on either side of your shoulders. You arched upwards, tracing a few kisses up his arms before dropping back into the bed.
“I’m on the pill, Charlie. It’s okay, promise.” You replied. Although you had really only started it quite recently, you were certain it must all be working by now.
He nodded, dropping down to kiss you again. He let his arm slide down to take himself in his hand. The muscles in his stomach flexed and contracted as he lined himself up at your entrance.
“I’ll go slow, princess.” He spoke just above a whisper.
You bit your lip and nodded up at him.
Time seemed to impossibly stop as he held your gaze.
You sucked in a sharp breath as he began to slowly push forward. Your mouths fell open in unison as he reached about a third of himself inside of you.
The initial pressure was nearly blinding. The string of moans and whimpers that spilled from both of your mouths fell on your nearly deaf ears.
He steadied himself, dipping his head down to carefully trail soft kisses across your jaw. He stayed that way until your labored breathing grew a bit more steady as you willed yourself to adjust around the size of him.
“More, please.” You choked out. You nodded your head as he looked you over, making sure that you were okay.
He pushed forward in the same tortuously slow pace until you could feel his waist flush against you.
“Is this okay? Are you doing okay?” He could hardly get the words out of himself.
“Mhm,” you sighed out. You relaxed your body as best you could. He rocked carefully in and out of you, helping you relax further into the bed.
The pain slowly melted away, the pressure morphed into a biting pleasure that built from deep within you. It was so different from anything you had felt before. You just needed to feel more of it, wanted him to feel just as good.
“You feel so good, so fucking wet for me.” Charlie sighed as his movements grew quicker and more drawn out.
You met his eyes, him in this state above you nearly had you ready to come undone for him again. You wanted to draw out this moment as long as you possibly could. It was perfect- entirely too perfect.
You arched yourself up into him, the new position led him to hit a different place inside of you. You cried out, nails dragging deeply up his stomach.
“Just like that, please. You’re doing so good for me.” You babbled out. Your eyes screwed back inside your head as his movements grew more erratic and sloppy.
Your praise willed him to find that same spot again. He quickly wrapped his arm around your right thigh before pulling your leg up over his shoulder.
You cried out at the new depth. You met his eyes again, your line of sight was blinded by tears. It was so beautifully painful. He was biting down hard on his pointer finger in an attempt to hold himself together. You could tell he was so incredibly close.
From this new position, Charlie was able to hit the spot you needed over and over again.
You reached around him, leaving scratches down his back that would surely welt over. Neither of you cared. Charlie reacted so well to the pain.
“Fuck, please cum for me. I can’t- I’m going to,” Charlie pleaded.
His words were the catalyst that sent you coming undone under him. The pure pleasure came from deep within you. It was more perfect than anything you had experienced before. You felt it spread within you, from the top of your head to your hands and feet that were alternating between digging into the mattress and grasping into Charlie. Every nerve ending in your body was shot at once.
Your thoughts spun as your eyes blurred further and ears rang out around you. It was only him that could anchor you back to earth.
He fucked you through your high until you were a tearful, babbling mess. The only word that could properly come from your mouth was his own name.
Your vision cleared as you watched him take his turn and fall apart in front of you. You ran your fingers up his arms as his movements stuttered and halted. You could feel the warmth spill from him inside of you. The new feeling almost sent you coming again around him. The sounds that came from him were better than any music you could wish to hear.
It was almost as if you saw the rest of your life with him at that very moment. The look in his eyes as he nearly collapsed down on top of you told you he experienced the exact same thing.
You grabbed him in your arms, kissing him along the top of his head. He lazily wrapped his arms underneath you, pulling you even closer.
You both stayed there in silence for another moment, him still deep inside of you as you pulsed and fluttered around him.
“I love you so much.” He breathed out as the air regained a steady movement in and out of you both.
You pulled his face up to meet your eyes. “I love you even more.” You replied, smiling down at him.
He huffed out a labored laugh, rolling off of you into his back.
He stood up a moment later on unsteady legs, going to grab the towel that hung in your room.
“Not possible.” He smirked as he made his way back to the bed.
He took great care in cleaning you up first before getting himself together. He threw the towel into your laundry hamper before climbing back into bed.
Your eyes felt impossibly heavier than your body as he helped pull you onto his chest.
He prayed a gentle string of praises and ‘I love you’s’ until your eyes fluttered closed and you began to drift off into a deep and much needed peaceful night of sleep.
You were safe at his side. There was truly nowhere else in the world you’d rather be.
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