#well he actually does have a build rn i just need to get him a better feather and physical gob
transurgender · 2 years
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dear god
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7ndipity · 8 months
False Pretenses
fwb!Jungkook x Reader
Summary: Just how fair does the ‘benefits’ aspect between Friends with Benefits actually extend? Based on this meme.
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: crack to fluff, suggestive moments and ending, swearing, Jk has side by side washer/dryer units cause it’s funnier, reader’s referred to as ‘Ma’am’, not proofread
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this! Sorry it took me soo long to get to, I hope you’ll still like it tho! (I’ll also be posting a couple more pieces with this pairing in the next couple weeks, so keep your eyes peeled if you liked this)
It was the type of text you had gotten more than used to receiving from him over the past few months, smirking down at your phone as you waited for the elevator in his building.
“Need you so bad rn. Come over?❤”
The heart was a new addition, he must be feeling particularly needy today, you thought to yourself as the elevator doors finally opened.
Since the two of you had established this new part of your friendship, it was rare for you to go more than four or five days without receiving some variation of the same short message from him.
You were still slightly surprised by his text, seeing as you had only been over the night before, but you weren’t complaining by any means. Though you may have enjoyed pretending that Jungkook was the needier one in your arrangement, if you were completely honest, you were just as affected by him, finding yourself missing him on the nights you didn’t spend together.
When he opened the door, you noticed he looked a little more disheveled than usual, his hair sticking up all over the place, as if he’d been running his hands through it, a habit you knew he did when he was stressed.
“You got here fast.” He noted, letting you into the apartment.
“Well, your text made it sound kinda urgent, didn’t want to leave you waiting too long.” You said, wandering through into the living room, slowing to a stop as you caught sight of the chaotic state of the space, cleaning supplies and laundry scattered around, furniture moved all out of place.
“What happened in here?” You asked, turning back to Jungkook, who was now avoiding your eyes. “Koo?”
“I lied, I didn’t want sex.” He said guiltily, looking up at you. “I need you to help me clean.”
“I-, what?” You blinked at him, unsure if you heard him correctly.
He slumped back against the counter, looking stressed as he ran his hand through his hair again. ”My parents decided to surprise me by announcing they’re coming to visit tomorrow, but I’ve done nothing but sleep since I got home from tour last week, so the house is a fucking mess and everything’s a disaster and I need help, please.” He pleaded, staring at you.
You immediately began pulling your coat back on, turning back towards the door. “You’re unbelievable.”
“Y/n, please!” He quickly followed after you, catching your sleeve. “I’ll do anything you want! I’ll buy you dinner, I’ll rub your back, I’ll even let you pick what we watch for a month!”
You paused, turning to look back at him with a raised brow. “Even if I want to re-watch ‘Our Beloved Summer’ for a third time?”
He bit lip, trying to fight back a pained grimace before nodding slowly. “Whatever you want.”
You stared at him for a long moment.
“Fine.” You said reluctantly, caving as you saw the genuine desperation in his eyes. You could never say no to him.
“Thank you!” He sang, catching you in a tight hug and spinning you around in a circle. “I promise I’ll make it up to you!”
“Yeah, whatever,” You grumbled as he set you back on your feet. “Where do we start?”
“Laundry room?” He offered. “It’s mostly done, I just need to vacuum behind the machines.”
Do you really think your mom’s gonna look back there?” You raised a brow, following him down the hall.
“She’s very thorough.” He said seriously.
“Fair enough.” You shrugged. “I don’t quite see why I’m necessary for this part though?”
“I was afraid if I tried to clean back there by myself, I’d slip and get stuck or die.”
“So you want me to slip and die behind your washer instead?” You shot him an accusatory look.
“No! I’ll hold onto you and keep you safe,” He smiled reassuringly. “You know, like the buddy system.”
“I thought the buddy system was for camping so you didn’t get lost or eaten by bears?”
“It’s a multi-purpose system!” He said, his earlier agitation starting to flare up again at your teasing. “Are you gonna help me or not?”
“Yeah, I’ll do it, pass me the vacuum.” You relented, boosting yourself up on top of the dryer.
He held onto your hips to keep you balanced as you cleaned, his mind beginning to wander as he stared at your ass, his fingers starting to slowly knead your flesh absent-mindedly.
“Koo.” You warned, shooting him a quick look.
“Right, sorry.” He snapped back to attention, ceasing his movements and focusing back on the task at hand.
You finished up quickly, passing the vacuum attachment back to him and letting him help you down.
“Thank you.” He said.
“You’re welcome.” You answered, looking around expectantly. “What’s next?”
The apartment wasn’t nearly as bad of a mess as he claimed it to be, but it still took both of you several hours of work to get everything back in order, finishing off with laundry and changing all the bedding.
“Why are these sticky?!” You asked, mildly horrified as you helped him strip the sheets off his bed.
“Relax, it’s just caramel sauce.” He said.
You looked up at him confused. “We didn’t use-?”
“No no, that was just me,” He explained quickly. “I had ice cream last night.”
“Without me?!” You said, clutching your chest in feign hurt, making him roll his eyes as he let out a huff of laughter.
“I’ll add that to the list of things I need to make up for, okay?” He said.
“Eh, it’s better than where my mind went.” You said, only half joking as you grabbed the fresh sheets from him and turned back to the bed. “Almost thought you were fucking around behind my back for a second there.”
Facing away from him, you missed the way his expression suddenly turned serious as he looked at you. “I would never.”
It was strange, despite the supposedly ‘casual’ nature of your arrangement, you both found yourselves making little comments like that, words and exchanges that sounded a lot more like things said between a committed couple, rather than just two friends helping each other out till you found something more serious.
“Alright, I think that’s everything.” You said, snapping him out of his thoughts. You had finished making up the bed, even turning down the covers for him.
“Thank you, y/n.” He said gratefully. “I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.”
“Probably called Hobi.” You smirked, making him snort.
“Now, you promised me food, and if you lie to me twice in the same day, I’m dumping your ass.” You said, earning another laugh from him.
“Alright, whatever you want, just like I said.” He said, leaning down to give you a quick kiss.
“Although, if you wanted, I could make up for my false pretenses from earlier in a different way?” He offered, eyes darkening slightly as his hands drifted over your hips
You lightly shoved his hands away. “Not a chance, Loverboy, I’m way too tired now. You’ll have to try and ‘make it up to me’ some other time.”
“How about tomorrow?” He said, eyes twinkling mischievously, looping his arms around your waist instead to keep you close.
“I thought your parents were coming over tomorrow?” You reminded, raising a brow at him.
“You could come over after.” He suggested. “Hell, you could even come to dinner with us, my parents like getting to meet my friends.”
“Friends?” You looked up at him skeptically.
“Yeah, what?” He laughed, squeezing you lightly.
“Do you let your other friends suck your di-?”
“They don’t need to know the details of our relationship!” He said quickly, his face flushing slightly, making you snicker. “You’re still my friend, one of my best friends actually.” He added, in a soft tone.
The way he said it made your heart twist in a weird way, though you didn’t quite understand why.
“So?” He asked, staring down at you hopefully. “Will you come?”
You chewed your lip, considering. It felt like a really big commitment to meet his family, regardless of what your relationship was, but you tell it would mean a lot to him if you said yes.
“I’ll think about it.” You said finally.
He beamed.
“Thank you!” He said, leaning in to kiss you again, his lips lingering longer this time, tracing over yours lightly, making you shiver.
You pressed closer to him, hooking your arms around his neck as you tilted your head to deepen the kiss, letting your tongue delve into his mouth as his hands grip on your waist tightened.
When you pulled back for air, his pupils were blown wide, eyes almost black as he stared down at you, breathing heavily.
“Take your shirt off.” You ordered, your breaths equally unsteady.
“But I thought you said-?”
“I changed my mind.” You cut him off, tugging at the fabric impatiently. “Shirt off, now.”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @feminympho @a-gayish-unicorn
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pix-writes · 26 days
"Ford is grateful for your patience and willingness to be involved in his life, especially as he knows he wasn't good at opening up to you when you were starting to become friends let alone a relationship." This is from Stanford HC, and I find it very interesting! How would he act at the beginning of the relationship? What does it take for him to become friends with someone, and that evolves into romance?
My thinking behind this part of my HCs is what Ford has been like through the series, he is shown throughout multiple media in the GF series, that he has continually pushed people away as part of his wound of feeling isolated due to his intellect and polydactly. Through this wound he's actually developed over the course of the series and his time in the portal a lone genius hero archetype that he wants to fit into, to compensate for the hurt he has continually felt from others and being an 'outsider'. (I could go into this in more depth about where this comes from in his childhood and how it affects his outlook when he comes across bill/building the portal, honeslty, but this is the jist of what I want to get across).
(rest under cut)
It's only really once we get to weirdmageddon and post-oddpocalypse, that Ford's arc comes full-circle into healing this wound for good --> as we know Ford has a fair few people in his life who love/care for him, in the past (Bill era) he was unable to see it, but once he exits the portal he begins to care for the twins and value them (and stan, even though he doesn't show it); this makes him take a similar route in trying to defeat Bill still largely on his own, because he doesn't want the people he loves to be in danger and blames himself for Bill's hold on their dimension, thus Ford thinks it's his problem to deal with --> Once they start working together to defeat Bill is the turning point for him to realise that he was wrong and that in order to defeat Bill, you have to work together. [I think he even says that he realises he was foolish for thinking he had to go it alone and that there are people who love him that he can share the buren with, I think in Journal 3 or TBOB (can't remember which rn).] I would argue that it's not until Stanley's great sacrifice in order to save the kids/the world, after screwing up the circle magic thingy, that reality hits him like a ton of bricks and he starts being more open and quickly starts to heal his biggest character wound.
So, considering this in a potential relationship, I think Ford, is generally closed-off, which hasn't helped him in the romance department in his life in the past! Whilst I can see the judgement of others and his outsider status socially would impact this as well, being closed-off and individualistic means that when he does come across someone who would be a good prospective partner, he just... assumes they'd not be interested or overlooks them because he's doing something important and isn't thinking of romance in the moment, so if the other person flirts with him he's not good on picking it up. [I'm finding this all terribly relatable!]
With the insecurity from his wound on top of this, it doesn't make for a good mix, Fiddleford, for example, was not only an assistant but quite a great friend to Ford that he didn't appreciate at the time and due to the added influence of Bill wanting to isolate him from people, Fiddleford ended up having his attempts of deeper connection being thrown back in his face! Whilst a lot of this was unintentionally done on Ford's part, he did tell him when he left that he "didn't need anyone". In the past at Backupsmore Uni, he says that there's not a lot of people he finds 'smart enough' to be on his level to be friends with - which is textbook classic defensiveness to reverse that 'no-one understands me' mentality into something that props up his ego instead. Pushing people away means that he won't have to face the rejection he continually experienced in his childhood, but it means he's potentially pushed away people who could like him as well!
So, I think that in the beginning of a budding friendship/potential relationship, Ford would not be the best at connection or communicating his feelings openly, he'd likely step on other people's toes (metaphorically) in social situations, without realising or meaning to offend someone.
That said, I think it'd be easy for him to become interested in someone who is clearly talented and intelligent, someone who similarly values higher education yet also has a similar love for that which doesn't fit the norm/is bizarre. Perhaps someone who is also deemed a societal 'outsider'. He's been feeling lonely for so long that if you're persistent and kind and can get him to talk on the subjects he loves, he'll start to see you as a friend. I think that being kind and thoughtful with gestures (acts of service) and gifts either to him or his grand-niece/nephew are other things that will make you stand out from the crowd, too, for him to see you as a genuine good person and friend.
However, he will struggle to open up and to let out his natural self (nerdy, passionate, dedicated, 'weird'), so it will take a while to deeply connect to Ford if you're friends, and even longer for him to realise you're interested in him romantically and to act on it.
I think in that stage of 'good friends that are attracted to each other', he would have fallen for you fast; but at the same time he doesn't trust that you are romantically interested in him, even if you have said that you are, part of his mind tells him that it's a trick, a joke. You might think you want to be with him, but you'll leave him soon enough when you realise he's so inexperienced in romance/relationships etc, etc. I think a lot of his old wounded mentality would surface and he's try to push you away, if you get together post-weirdmageddon, or would just shoot you down intentionally/unintentionally if you get together beforehand. Furthermore, he has been a 'loner' for most of his life, particularly after 30 years in the portal, so it's difficult at first in a relationship to share the more mundane things, since he's used to being on his own.
Ford would overthink things to the point of anxiety at the very beginning of a relationship and make it more awkward than if he just relaxed! ^^' He's a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to planning dates, too (reminds me of dipper with the list lol), though it's sweet, cause he cares so much to make it good for you! Once it goes wrong a couple times, you'll both find the humour in it and he'll realise he's being foolish again and relax a little. You'll have to give him reassurance and go at his slow pace in the start of a relationship and he'll find some confidence, probably quicker than either of you anticipated too! He's liked you for a long time by the time you get together, so whether he intends to or not his passionate nature leaks through ;)
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boydepartment · 9 months
valentine’s day with enhypen
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a/n: yipppeeee this has been in my head for the past couple days :3 i am listening to true crime with my mom rn. i also! have been writing that valentine’s day heeseung fic :3
warnings: none- fluff!
4-5 bullet points per member
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- jungwon was a little awkward for the thought of valentine’s day. he flirted with engenes a lot, probably too much! however… this was real
- he had to NEEDED to impress you. so the plan was set in stone, jungwon decided to pack a picnic for you both.
- you might be thinking, it’s february- it’s too cold! jungwon thought about this, and so he was prepared.
- he ended up renting a room in a super high building and set up your “picnic”
- you both had dinner by candle light while looking at the skyline, it was super romantic and jungwon definitely impressed you
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- if you thought jungwon was nervous, heeseung was shitting his pants. i’ve always said this, heeseung is not how he is on stage- off stage. heeseung is such a loser (lovingly.)
- however… you are also a loser! (lovingly)
- heeseung decided to set up a game night with board games and video games. he bought alcohol, and a ton of fun snacks.
- you guys ended up cuddling and playing games all night, he held you in his arms and would constantly kiss your the back of your head or neck to distract you.
- you would end up roughhousing after accusing him of distracting you so he could win. all lovingly though.
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- THIS MF WAS PREPARED. he has been waiting his whole life for this. he cooked everything himself, he bought the nicest alcohol he could, and he kicked everyone out of the dorm.
- you were excited too, you brought matching pajamas and he ate those up. jay was so excited to share the day of love with you. he was giggling when you weren’t looking.
- every gift he got you was expensive and thoughtful because he listens so well to you. your voice is jay’s favorite sound.
- prepared to get spoiled even when you guys are cuddling watching a movie.
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- jake has never had a serious relationship nor was he prepared at all for valentine’s day. however he is a fantastic person when it comes to going with the flow
- valentine’s day is next week? oh no problem, he can get reservations for that restaurant you’ve been wanting to try.
- and he does! he is so lucky!!! now it was time for him to plan, his gifts are half homemade and an activity for you both to do after your walk home.
- he’s really romantic and has a hand on you the whole night, it makes him appreciate the holiday more. so the next year you are going to be MEGA spoiled. especially because you got him a collared shirt with your lipstick stain on it. that made him insane.
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- “oh…”
- that’s immediately what sunghoon said when he realized he actually has a valentine this year. HE HAD NEVER HAD A TRUE VALENTINE. immediately he starts researching.
- be prepared for the classic valentines. he makes cards for you out of paper, all handmade, and he slips jewelry you’ve wanted in each heart. then he puts all the hearts with jewelry in them in a new purse.
- he shows up to your house on valentine’s day with a smile on his face. you had completely forgotten about the holiday and it made him giggle. you promised to make it up to him and he just smiles with a simple “okay baby.”
- you’d never have to make it up to him, you dating him, and living him was enough.
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- sunoo was stumped, he spoiled you 24/7 what was he supposed to buy you? he could get you that new skincare… or a new purse…? maybe new shoes. UGH! this was frustrating him…
- then it clicked to him. a destination valentine’s day.
- that’s how you found you and your boyfriend in new zealand for valentine’s day. he saw it was beautiful and there were fun little things to do, sunoo was all for it and so were you.
- you both took so many photos and enjoyed spending time alone together.
- sunoo even thought maybe you’d spend next valentine’s day here….
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- he called his mom, begging her for help. she wasn’t a lot of help if he was being honest. but he refused to go to jake until the very last minute.
- jake was no help either! what was he supposed to do?!
- one day you walked in and confessed that he had to be prepared for his valentine’s day present because it was homemade and you were a little insecure over it. he felt his heart melt.
- he knew exactly what he had to do. he went to different jewelers and different shops to make you your own handmade bracelet. he made sure that it wasn’t too heavy so you wouldn’t have to take it off. he made sure that all the materials wouldn’t wear over time. he worked his ass off.
- when you guys exchanged gifts he was giggling, you had made him a bracelet too. he felt so connected with you. it was his first true valentine’s day and he loved it.
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stick-ball · 11 months
saw a hc about jean moreau being hyper sexual especially post-ravens. thoughts? feelings?
thoughts AND feelings! Oh the joy of being given a chance for a hot second to discuss this. You came to the right place my love. ❤️
Trigger and age warning : rape, sex connected trauma, dissociation, psychological abuse, controlling relationships, discussion of sexual acts.
Okay so, being hyper sexual. You know who does that in the books? Andrew actually. I know some might look at me weirdly rn like, 'what the hell are you talking about, he doesn't let anyone touch him'. Yeah, that's true! But that doesnt take away from the knee jerk reaction. (I'm sorry I know this isn't exactly what you asked but I need to discuss andrew first, and that has a lot to do with jean, bear with me).
Andrew finds a partner that he can to some limit trust (leverage, deals, careful observation, "training" them to behave how he tells them) to follow his instructions, which gives him a sense of control. They can fuck, but it's him who's doing it. It's him who's touching, kissing ect. The other person, of course if they consent, get to partake but not create the experience. It's one of the very, very valid scenarios of hyper sexuality as a responce to rape. He is rewriting every poisoned nerve ending in his body. He doesn't actually get off from the sex. For his own release he needs privacy, as shown in the books. Andrew's problem can be, that due to his truly inhumane trauma he can fall into the mindset of defining his sense of self through sex. It's an action and he's a tool in this scenario. Then again, We circle back to control, which is also a key feature of his decisions and protectiveness. Taking total control of the situation which used to be utterly outside of it, with no way out of it. Rewriting it, giving the traumatic experience a positive ending, hell an ending - when, and as suddenly as he might want it to end, is the motivator here. I think what he finds satisfying in terms of sex, not control, is giving sexual consent to his partners and, which he finds just as important, them giving it to him. Because it wasn't given to him. It's a way of building trust.
The motivations sound pretty nice, even if heartbreaking, don't they? Seem uplifting? The problem is, even if in good faith, this process can be very harmful, trauma surviviors mention that (at least ones I discussed it with personally) it feels good, but in the long run it does what this type of coping mechanism always does to your brain (similiar reactions can be seen for different traumas), which is hurt it. It's a form of desensitisation that limits your brain's ability to percieve the situation. It's hard to rewrite and leads to hot and cold kind of reactions, so yeah, having a relationship with a capital R is, difficult. That's what I always understood as Nora saying they are never actually okay (andrew and neil). Or at least partly understood it as.
Okay, so this cleared a couple things up. Now JEAN. Jean and Andrew share some factors of their trauma. While not treated as such, Jean was technically fostered by the Moriyamas, and well, Andrew's experiences with being fostered are faaaaar from what it's supposed to be as well. The difference is in Andrew's situation everyone tried to pretend the horror is not happening, there must have been a lot of manipulation and coercion and just plain fucking gaslighting in these houses. Its hard to talk about but I can imagine some of these monsters wanted him to act like he is enjoying it, and thats just out if the emotional range of dealing with for anyone. Jean knew he's in a trap from day one. Moreover, when it comes to the rape's he was victim of it was ordered by Riko to be done by others. That's a different level of fucked up. What's even more important as distinction here is he stopped, when Jean stopped reacting and fighting it. Because what Riko wanted wasn't violation, that was the tool. He wanted to psychologically break him. When the fish stops flailing on the cat stops pushing it around.
And Riko was constant, his modus operandi was regular, and the psychological torture was the motivator behind most of his "conditioning" of Jean. This is a situation where the abuse has a cause for the victim. It sounds sick and I don't agree with it, but it's a game in their mind. In the books we can see that he learned how to limit the amount of attention Riko gave him and as we know he is not confrontational like Andrew with his problems. And yeah I don't mention Neil as confrontational here bcs he has conditioned himself to run from everything and say he's fine to everything so..., sometimes it erupts frk mit but that's not exactly the same, its a last resort.
Circling back, I think Jean is more likely to be sex repulsed. For him sex, which was a form of punishment, is a cause of anxiety. Sexual tension is easy to mix up with nervous tension because of a feeling of losing control of the situation. That's why if we do get romance in the new book, I am putting my money on it being very messy from his pov. The magical thing about trauma responces though, is that they're not black and white, and someone who is sex repulsed might also seek an ending to their anxieties through it. Yet, it's ts a bit of an opposite motivation to the one Andrew has. When Andrew thinks of himself as a tool, Jean is more likely to think of himself as an object. There's a difference. While Andrew wants to take control, Jean is more likely to use it as either a way to retraumatise himself - so his version of hypersexuality would include less control and more roughness and violence, actually trying to rile the partner up. It might stemm for him from low self worth or be a way of letting out his angers and frustrations. It's not that he is used to being hurt, it's that he doesn't expect anything different. I also think he is more likely to have problems with opening up in therapy. Where Andrew is active Jean is passive, and the opposite. The upside is he might actually be more likely to communicate emotionally than through rules and laws, it will take longer, but be a smoother transition, because more people understand it than Andrew's way of building relationships.
Hope this anwser satisfies you, I'm sorry if I got a bit carried away. 😅
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feeling really down rn cause i dont handle fights well in media (because i have to deal with those too often irl) so heres some happy/domestic thoughts i have about house and wilson:
first of all, from what we see of house in relationships/when hes openly (or privately) in love with someone, hes caring. hes protective, hes caring, and well, hes gentle. i'd like to think if he and wilson actually did get together, he would be like that with him. not in public, but in private where no one could pin him as a sap- he would be compassionate, and kind. its a big stretch to think he would act like that in front of other people. he has a reputation to maintain, dammit! but i think when they're alone, he would make sure wilson knows he loves him.
and thats not to say he would drop the bitchyness. he would still be a pain in the ass. thats just house! but i think he would have more genuine moments through the sarcasm. and if wilson needed him to be serious, he would be. because the main thing keeping house from being sincere with wilson is the fear of vulnerability. if house and wilson were together, then he would have had to already break down that wall, just like he did for stacy.
i also think he would have a lot of guilt. a lot of guilt for the years of mistakes he made simply because he couldnt open up. he still doesnt open up to people, but now that hes opened up to wilson, it feels like all those years he spent building his carefree, sarcastic persona, were wasted.
wilson would be the same as ever. selfless, sappy, unafraid of showing affection. but he wouldnt always give in. amber taught him to take care of himself, and i really think if house passed that stage of repression with wilson, he would be doing the same thing. i think there would obviously be moments where house exploits the fact that wilson is a pushover, but it wouldnt come as often. because once house crossed that line into the vulnerable area, he knew if he fucked up and went too far it would ruin everything.
i love their canon dynamic when living together. house loves wilson's cooking, we already know that. we ALSO know house loves bragging about wilson's cooking. i think house would use their changed relationship status as a way to piss off his fellows even more than usual. he wouldnt be genuine at work. he wouldnt show real vulnerability or softness. but he WOULD play up the cheesy gross pda, and disgusting pet names, and ridiculous sex jokes just because he knows it drives people nuts.
it would just be another layer of insincerity imo. he wouldnt actually flirt with wilson at work, or kiss him and say something sappy. what he would do is say the most annoying, toothrottingly ridiculous things just to get a reaction out of him, and everyone around them. it wouldnt be real, it would be sarcastic. but it would be so fucking annoying.
wilson is a pda person. i do think hes probably very repressed, so that part of him might be a bit hidden. i think he would be really annoyed by house's shenanigans because they embarrass him, but also because he wishes he had the confidence to actually be cheesy and open and affectionate like house pretends to be. He was always a pda person with his wives and partners. he wishes he could be like that with house but is honestly not ready for that yet, and he doesnt know if he ever will be. (it takes maybe a year. then hes fine with full on making out with him in the hallway lmao. he just needed time to adjust)
the first few days no one even knows. because they act exactly the same as they always do. house only starts with the stupid jokes once it's let slip somehow, either through a leaked email, an overhead conversation, or a suspicion from cuddy. he wasnt about to say anything on his own, but in order to make sure no one would DARE mistake him as CARING, he now has to make a joke out of it and be as annoying as possible. never let them see the real you.
those moments when wilson does get to see an unfiltered house, are the world to him. they always were, even before they were together. when house is genuine, its like seeing a rainbow. cherish it while you can. it wont last long, and its not something you can fully do justice to when describing it to someone else. those moments, to wilson, are the reason he keeps going. he's always had a positive outlook on life, but seeing someone like house able to smile, and show real compassion, gives him hope.
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pseudophan · 11 months
idk if this is confirmed or if im insane but i feel like dan in his why i quit youtube video was talking about how he felt like there was Dan content and Dan And Phil content and how he felt like he was split between them....i wonder if hes trying both to see what he still likes to do. he had his internet show and now danandphilgamws is back like. i have a feeling he's trying to figure things out rn
i think dan ultimately wants to do his own thing and has a lot of ideas and aspirations, specifically he wants to be a stage comedian like his passion is clearly for live performances and while the comedy bit is still being fine tuned (i'm not saying he's bad, in fact he's kinda good ngl, but he definitely has a way to go if he wants to be Great) the performance part he's got DOWN like say what you want about that man but he ooowwwnnnsss a stage. also he's weirdly great at audience interaction lmao? that was my main takeaway from we're all doomed, both the pre show and the show itself, he deals with heckling like.. AMAZINGLY well. he's genuinely hilarious responding to an audience like i never thought i'd say this a few years ago but i think he might actually have a future in live comedy lmao????
but i also think he.. needs money LOL like he's said many a time he doesn't really love being a full time youtuber, but also he does enjoy making youtube videos! just, you know.. not full time. but while on his own channel making Daniel Howell(tm) videos he puts a lot of pressure on himself, and then if he does a slightly less high pressure series or whatever (dystopia daily) it's relatively well received and the videos are good enough but like.. it's not the traction he wants, nor the traction he needs
ultimately dan knows that if he wants to keep and potentially build an audience online that lies in Dan And Phil. it always has and it always will. and i think for a long time he struggled with that, and as much as people gave him shit for it i completely get it. like, lmao, of COURSE he wants to be recognised for his own abilities and not just the dynamic and chemistry he's got going with... his literal partner. honestly it would be one thing if dnp were just comedy partners because there are a lot of comedy duos on the world who've made it big, but i think there's something about it being him and his full time actual real life boyfriend/life partner that kinda makes it weird. and as much as i love the dnp dynamic i still do get that feeling so much like honestly who can blame him ?? if your entire professional life is just.. your personal life but on camera ? that's weird. it's gotta feel weird and it's definitely unfulfilling for someone as aspirational as dan and i can't blame him at all for it
that being said, dan clearly does really enjoy making videos with phil. which yeah of course he does, he gets to just turn on a camera and talk shit with the guy he talks shit with all day long anyway. and i think what he's now realised is 1. if he wants to keep/build an audience, the dan and phil branding is where it's at and 2. he needs an income while he works on whatever solo projects he's got going on, and dnp makes a loooot of money
basically my point is - dan seems to really enjoy making videos with phil but he knows that's not really a life long career choice. as much as i'd love them to, it's not really an option for them to be playing sims when they're like, sixty. and while phil is relatively chill and seems to just take things as they come, which tbh is probably the healthiest way of doing things, dan is very overthinking and wants to get ahead of everything and also in general just like.. he wants to build a career! he wants to build something on his own and i can't fault him for that at all. dan knows that one day he's gonna need something more than just Dan And Phil if he wants to keep working, and he's laying the groundwork right now to be able to do that
again, though, i don't want anyone to take this as like 'dan is only doing dapg to make money and rebuild a fanbase' because as much as that is definitely a big part of it... just look at the man. in these videos. he's having a great time. and also, as annoying as we are, he does kinda love us. sometimes. maybe. <3
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wikiangela · 3 months
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omg that's a lot of sentences lol thank you so much bc it was motivating and really moved some fics along haha 💝💝 so here's looots of words for you <3
+ tagging a few people who were also interested in some of those, you'll get sentences for your asks too, but give me time lol, it's a lot of sentences 🤣 (really appreciate it tho, I'm so motivated now, my fics are actually moving along haha <3), for now have these: @daffi-990 @diazsdimples @evansboyfriend @typicalopposite @eddiebabygirldiaz @jewishbuckley @monsterrae1 @steadfastsaturnsrings @hippolotamus
putting it all under the cut bc it got long, obviously haha
🥩 🥩 - 6 sentences of the bucktommy barbecue fic
When he walks back into the backyard, grabbing a bowl of salad and a basket of bread on his way, he’s greeted by a pretty great picture. His whole family is around the two tables they put together to fit everyone, getting acquainted with Tommy’s friends. The older children – Christopher, Denny and Mara – sit to the side, chatting between each other, the boys trying to include Mara in their conversation, while the two youngest are right next to Tommy. His boyfriend is at the grill, fire already started, as he tries to keep the girls a few steps away, while they’re excitedly chatting to him. It’s so adorable.  “Hey, girls,” Buck says as he approaches them, wanting to let his boyfriend grill in peace for a moment, “you wanna see something?” he asks, and it’s enough to get two toddlers’ attention.
🏠 🏠🏠🏠🏠 - 15 sentences of the moving in fic
“Something looks different here.” He frowns, looking around. Tommy’s confused, because he hasn’t really changed anything. He furnished his house a long time ago, from time to time changing stuff more out of necessity than anything else, but that’s it. He’s good at renovating, building, fixing, any interior design is not really his forte. He does have a few paintings and pictures, and some knick-knacks from the few places he traveled to, but not much else. He likes simplicity, and he never felt the need to add anything more. Clearly, something must’ve changed, though. “What do you mean?” he asks, seeing a few of the other guys nod in agreement, also looking around.  “It feels, like, cozier, doesn’t it?” Another co-worker, Sean, says with a small frown. “Unlike you, Kinard.” “Did you always have these cushions?” Another person asks, settling into the couch, picking one of said cushions up. It’s fluffy and yellow, and, according to Evan, brightens up the room. “They’re comfy.”
💔 💔💔 - 9 sentences of the buddie cheating fic (we're at the smut point of this fic rn and this is not going well but I'm persevering and istg I'll fix it once I have the basis all written haha)
The door is barely closed behind them before Eddie pushes Buck onto the bed and climbs on top of him, throwing his henley off in the process, so they’re both shirtless. He hovers over Buck for a second, shining brown eyes looking into blue ones, one of his hands reaching to intertwine their fingers. There’s desire mixed with disbelief on his face, but no doubt, no hesitation – that he kind of looks for, the thought that this is wrong, that it shouldn’t be happening, crossing his mind again. But then Eddie’s leaning in again, crushing his lips against Buck like he wants to devour him, his hips grinding against Buck’s, and any doubts, hell, any thoughts, just evaporate. It’s just him and Eddie, no one else exists.  His hands land on Eddie’s hips and slide down to his ass, and, god, he can’t wait to get him naked again. He can’t wait to see all of him, appreciate every detail of his gorgeous body, this time completely sober, and able to remember it fully.  “I need you.” Eddie moans into his lips, rolling his hips again, their clothed erections rubbing against each other. He swallows whatever Buck’s response was about to be in another hungry kiss, before going back to what he started in the living room – trailing his lips down Buck’s jaw, his throat, kisses alternating between soft and lingering, and biting and impatient, then down Buck’s chest, sliding down his body, until he’s face to face with Buck’s zipper.
🥵 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵 - 18 sentences of the bucktommy smut - again, this one is not going well bc apparently I forgot how to write smut lol but I'll fix it haha
“You good?” Tommy asks quietly, and Buck nods frantically, his own hand moving to his crotch because if he doesn’t get out of his pants right now – but Tommy grabs his wrist. “Let me?” “Yeah.” Buck keeps nodding. “Just- please, I need you to touch me. Please.” Tommy swiftly undoes the button and zipper of Buck’s jeans, and Buck raises his hips, his hands helping Tommy shove the pants off his ass, satisfied when they stop around mid-thigh, and then he frantically pulls his underwear down, too, his leaking cock springing up against his belly instantly. He sees Tommy look at it and lick his lips, his eyes dark, and, fuck, Buck can’t wait for everything he’s going to give him. But for now, Tommy takes his time sliding Buck’s pants and underwear completely off his legs, muttering something about wanting Buck to be comfortable. Buck couldn’t care less about fabric restricting his legs, or any discomfort, as long as Tommy gets his hands on him.  And then he does – a big, rough, calloused hand, but the gentlest, softest touch, wraps around his dick. Buck inhales sharply, the feeling familiar, his own hands just as rough, but also so totally different.  Tommy looks up at him with big, shining eyes, scanning his face, as he thumbs Buck’s slit and gathers the generous amount of pre-come leaking out. Buck inhales sharply, a moan breaking out of him, not able to look away from Tommy’s face as his hand uses the liquid for an easier slide of his hand, as he starts stroking. His pace is slow, almost tortuously so, his movements deliberate, precise, eyes not leaving Buck’s face.  “Tommy,” Buck groans pleadingly, hand tangling in his soft curls. “Yeah, I got you.” Tommy whispers, his movements steadily picking up pace, still so in control, Buck’s in awe – and even more turned on.
🦵 🦵🦵🦵 - 12 sentences of the leg pain fic
“Looks amazing.” Buck smiles genuinely, though a little weakly, as he reaches for one of the plates. Tommy takes the place on his side- that is, on the other side of the bed, the one he usually sleeps on, that apparently Buck already started referring to as Tommy’s side. It’s not the first time they eat breakfast in bed together, and Buck’s the last person to worry about making a mess, especially right now, but Tommy is, as he hunches over the tray instead of taking the plate into his lap, like Buck did. Buck can’t help an endeared smile. He adores his boyfriend, and all his quirks, as he’s still learning more about him. And the best thing is, it feels like Tommy doesn’t mind any of Buck’s quirks, either – he seems to enjoy getting to know more and more about him, as well. He doesn’t think he’s ever felt this free to be himself, and this thought makes him wonder once again why the hell he was so hell-bent on hiding from Tommy that his bad leg hurts sometimes and once in a while it gets bad enough he has to take a day. Tommy gets it, gets him, and Buck feels so lucky to have found him. “The leg feel any better?” Tommy asks, shoving a forkful of the eggs into his mouth.  “A bit.” Buck shrugs. It’s not a lie, it feels like maybe the pain eased up a little bit, the painkillers kicking in, but it’s still very much there, and from experience he knows it’ll come back full force soon. 
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rec list (last updated: 10/22/23)
aka 'if you liked [cmh] you might also like [insert other really good fic here]' bc there are So Many amazing fics out there good lird
few things. first off if you see a disaster twins bias no you don't. second i tried to find all the authors' tumblrs but there were some i couldn't - if you know any of the ones i missed let me know!
aaand third, there are just. SO many good fics i ended up splitting things up. this is the rec post for multi chapter fics, here's the one shot rec post
Multichapter Fics
A Twin Thing (@minumi-chan)
Four times Donatello rejects Leo's notion of them being twins, and the once (and future) time he embraces it.
GOD THE TWINS EVER.... funny in parts but also hurts in the best possible way and thankfully has a happy ending to soothe the pain. i literally love them so much
Because We Could Not Stop For Death (@turtleinsoup)
After Leo dies, Donnie builds an android of his twin. After Leo dies, he comes back. He does. And Donnie will not ever let him go again.
very very very very VERY heavy please mind the warnings but god. god. another take on the 'leo dies in the prison dimension' concept that btw WILL make you cry. like a lot. absolutely incredible study of grief. i am never going to be the same person after reading this
coming right on back for you (@taizi)
Rise!Mikey’s portal in the prison dimension takes Leo a little bit farther than he meant for it to. 12!Mikey finds a familiar-looking stranger.
soooo full disclosure i haven't actually watched 2012 tmnt. that said even without that, this fic rules. incredibly soft and heartwarming. i love them
Corrupted Upgrade (@dandylovesturtles)
His brothers think they don't need him anymore? Well, fine. He doesn't need them either. The old Donatello is gone. He'll build a new one. One that will make them regret they ever threw him aside. Building things is what he's good at, after all.
i can't say too much without spoiling the twist, but oh MAN guys it's real good. come get your donnie hurt/comfort juice rn. also for a hurt/comfort fic it has NO RIGHT being so funny so often
Dimensions Apart & Home Again
"Who said I'm hiding?" Leo scoffs. Normally he wouldn't take such a sharp tone, but he's tired and not in the mood for what he feels to be an interrogation in his own bedroom. "You all know where I am. I live here, remember?" “Yeah, very funny. And you know where we live. But nobody's seen you for two weeks.”
ooohhh post movie hurt/comfort my beloved... leo is isolating and donnie kicks his ass. metaphorically. mostly. meanwhile raph and mikey are also having a certified Bad Time but it's okay they all get comfort by the end
Havoc, Thy Name is Donnie
Donnie accidentally turns himself into a child while experimenting with mystic power. It's cute until Donnie gets his hands on his older self's tech and then it's really uncute and Leo and S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. are having a heart attack.
child donnie is an absolute MENACE and it's INCREDIBLE. terrorizes leo. terrorizes shelldon. terrorizes some random criminals. terrorizes april. terrorizes draxum. all in the course of a single day. 12/10
how to get very good at juggling (@radishhqueen)
The Krang invasion put a couple of things in perspective for April. One of them was how much she wanted her parents to meet the Hamatos. The only difficult part is…getting her parents to meet the Hamatos.
the turtles meet april's parents! it goes... about as well as can be expected. REALLY good april centric post movie fic
little kid with a big death wish (@remedyturtles)
Leo's mind rebelled against the sensation. The heaviness burst into awareness, body, limbs, lungs, blinking. The middle distance he'd apparently been staring in focused. Leo was awake. Leo was aware. Leo was alive. Being alive wasn't something he thought he'd be.
genuinely don't think i could ever recommend this fic enough. mind the warnings as it does get very heavy but. god. idk how to express how much this fic means to me in just a few sentences but like. you'll understand if you read it (also for. an actual summary: post movie recovery fic with a side of extra leo)
Nothing Haunts Us (like the things we don't say)
The boys learn the hard way that truths can hurt. Well, some of them.
truth spellllll you love to see it! lotta post movie angst + some good comfort at the end + bonus the boys actually being emotionally vulnerable and talking about their issues (even if it's not 100% by choice)
Trial and Error (@apatheticrobots)
Leo ends up in the past. This changes some things.
YES the healing (well. eventually).... big fan of the leos' dynamic in this one. also that One Scene (the one with the animatic. if you know you know) gives me goosebumps EVERY time good god
Unfinished business
When one dies leaving something undone, there's a belief, that they do not go gentle into that good night. They linger on until they've finished what they couldn't while alive. And for four turtles, that business is using the Poltergeist movie as inspiration.
bad future ending but make it HILARIOUS. tldr the future turtles haunt the SHIT out of the krang. that's all i'm giving you because that's all you should need. they fucking rick roll them. please
Use Only For Intended Purpose (me!)
That's probably not how mind melds are supposed to work.
sorry for reccing my own fic do you still love me /j BUT FR if you like post movie disaster twins hurt/comfort with a side of dream sharing. i got u
Where in the World is Neon Leon?
Leo practices portalling on his own. This is not a good idea for many, many reasons.
set over the course of the show + the movie! aka leo trying so so hard to be seen as reliable and getting incredibly fucked up over it. also making new friends
write this down on my headstone (it wasn't what i hoped for) (@bottledovercast)
it’s as he drifts listlessly through the cold-as-shit hellscape that leo’s willing to admit, maybe this wasn’t what raph meant. aka: i do not believe for one second that there were No Problems in between getting leo out of the prison dimension and the final scene of the movie.
i genuinely do not know how to do this one justice with words. it's written impeccably and the hurt/comfort is just. chefs kiss. please read it (+ has a sequel now that's also absolutely incredible!)
In progress
At My Worst (@teainthesnow)
Future Leo ends up back in time, stuck in the body of his younger self, who is still conscious but trapped within his mind.
genuinely LOVE this concept like there's a lot of (really good) future leo goes back in time fics but i'm pretty sure this is the only one i've read with them sharing a body? god the dynamic is. SO good. one of my fave future leo + present leo dynamics ever tbh. just. chefs kiss
I May Be Invisible, But I Still Look Good (@dandylovesturtles)
Leo is cursed by a mystic whatever thingy. But don't worry guys, he's totally got this! Getting back into his body? Easy peasy. (He hopes it will be easy peasy.)
will smith poses fellow ghost(ish) leo fic my beloved! ngl this one kinda has a special place in my heart so i May be biased BUT even aside from that it's just. so good. the premise is so interesting and it's written super well and in character and also i would like to give leo a hug PLEASE GOOD GOD
I'm Sorry, Teenage Mutant What Now? (@tangledinink)
When Hamato Yoshi is presented with the chance to return to the surface with his sons and give them a 'normal' life as humans, he takes it. He didn't think that they would forget about that whole turtle thing. But it seems kind of too late to tell them now. Surely they won't find out any other way, right?
human au! ... kind of. actually brooches au but they THINK they're human which is fine until, y'know, it's not. currently in the 'not' part of the fic and it's just going really great for everyone! you love to see it
In Which Donnie and Leo Make Themselves Everyone Else's Problem in an NYC That Isn't Even Their Own
It was a huge mistake on the Kraang's part to kidnap the wrong half of the wrong set of brothers and leave behind two very worried twins. And not just any twins. The disaster twins.
another crossover with 12tmnt which. again i have not seen, but like. this fic is just. REALLY good. it's set pre movie so there's not that trauma, it's literally just the twins fucking the 12 kraang up and living up to their nickname while the 12 turtles (and rise mikey and raph) look on in horror
i think i would prefer the prison dimension (@purplecatghostposts)
Leo gets sent to the Kraang Apocalypse Future that he really didn’t want to think about. Future Leo, Mikey, and Donnie are absolutely baffled by him. Nobody is happy.
you've heard of future leo in the present, now get ready for: present leo in the future! he gets dragged into the apocalypse instead of getting pulled out of the prison dimension back to his brothers and boy he is, understandably, Not Thrilled!
Last Grain of Sand in the Hourglass (@last-hourglass)
The one where the Hamato family is freaking the fuck out, Leo is lost in the Prison Dimension, and a very-time-displaced Leonardo refuses to leave his younger self behind. (Oh, and there may be some mystic hauntings afoot. You know, the usual result of messing with the space-time continuum.)
future leo gets saved while present leo stays in the prison dimension! there's A Lot going on in this one and half of it is BIG spoilers but just. oh my god. this shit is SO well written i am eating it
Mikey's Jam-Packed, Guaranteed to Get Donnie's Memory Back, Friendship Tour!
Donnie wakes up without his memory one day and everyone panics. They're just going to have to jog his memory the old-fashioned way! Through the power of friendship! [And a small (I was wrong. A very large) degree of violence and shenanigans]
donnie gets amnesia and SO SO MANY shenanigans ensue. also a tiny bit of angst but it's fine
Minor Interference (@bambiraptorx)
The turtles accept Draxum's offer to train them. Little does he know that they're only going to use it mess with him.
haha draxum accidental dad moments... well okay not entirely just yet but he's getting there! the turtles are PEAK teenager literally just causing problems on purpose and it's incredible
Mutant Ninja Midlife Crisis (@mutantninjamidlifecrisis)
In the midst of attempting to make peace with his death at the hands of the Krang, Master Leonardo is suddenly yeeted over two decades into the past, courtesy of his little brother.
YEAAHHH another future leo fic! mans gets dropped into the past and IMMEDIATELY kidnapped and brainwashed so things are going great (it's fine he gets better. you know how it is)
odd man out (@threestripeslider)
The one where Future!Leo somehow managed to luck out on a one in a million mere millisecond chance of a freak glitch in the space-time continuum that sends him back into the present, where the Invasion has been successfully driven back. And it looks like it was a one-way ticket travel.
DAD FUTURE LEO MY BELOVED.... he really took one look at these kids and said is anyone else gonna give them a third (3) dad and did not wait for an answer. also big fan of casey's high school adventures LMAO
Power Up
Leo also gets healing hands like his 2k12 counterpart. Sadly, they end up backfiring on him. Who needs to know though?
leo taking 'it's not about me' to the extreme. good god please get this kid some therapy and self worth. the AGONIES
The Lemonade Leak (@turtleinsoup)
The one in which Leo can’t sleep without his swords, because there is a monster in his room, pretending to be Donnie.
oh man. oh MAN. legit one of my fave fics out there. i'm not usually a big thriller person but this one GETS ME + the way the author writes the different perspectives is just. chefs kiss. genuinely has me on the edge of my seat every single update
The Neon Void
Five years. It's been five years. Hamato Leonardo was back. But he was no longer who he once was.
krangified leo! ... sort of. absolutely delicious angst and also i want to rattle leo's brothers. TALK TO EACH OTHER
Three-Sided Coin (@leglessstreetlights)
Highly self-indulgent fic where I put Leo, Future!Leo, and TurtleTot!Leo in the same room until they hug
what the description says! room is a bit of a stretch and present leo is fresh out of the prison dimension So There's That. some really sweet moments in this one though. tiny leo my beloved
this year we lost our dear brother leonardo
The aftermath of the Krang, and of pulling Leo out of the portal. 90% comfort and silly banter.
this is a series not a single wip but i'm saying it counts because i love it a lot. hope this helps <3 yeah what it says on the tin. immediately post movie family hours you love to see it
Times Five
Leo gets struck by a mystic beam that splits him into five parts of himself; literally.
god the TWIST. still losing my mind over it. the whole thing honestly. lotta dealing with leo's complicated emotions about the invasion and himself, really really good tbh
Write Me Well, My Love, Write Me Weird
When stories start popping up on various media outlets of the Turtleman, New York Cities own personal cryptid, most of the world shrugged. To the citizens of New York? fear, excitement, adoration for this odd and lovable creature. Everyone is quick to share stories and memories of their encounters, much to lament of Turtleman's older brother.
leo and donnie get spotted by humans (more than once) and said humans post about it on social media, as humans tend to do. raph is Not Thrilled. angst (and eventual comfort) ensues
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
Eyeless Jack cuddling + sleep hcs !
short little break in between TADC stuff since i kinda miss writing for creepypasta, and i miss EJ... lil guy.. also side note, carrots irritate my throat real bad and i kind of. got forced to eat something with carrot so im in hell rn im so so mad, i can even like. go make tea w/ honey in it like people keep telling me to do because honey ALSO fucks me up.. hot cocoa my beloved i am PRAYING that you save me from this torment, even for just a moment *crumples onto the floor into a pathetic dried up heap)
Tumblr media
okay so obviously, like the other eyeless jack (well all the other creepypasta stuff) i write this is leaning very heavy on my take on him as well as how i personally draw and perceive him in my head
for one hes short but hes thick, so cuddling him is like cuddling a large teddy bear!
i actually had to look through my old posts to remember if i hc him to be hot or cold; and hes cold! freezing cold, actually.. good for the summers but not so much now that its the colder months... unfortunately, thats just an aspect of the thing that made him... well, eyeless jack... he doesnt really, warm up.. i think the coldness actually gets worse overtime since in my au hes becoming less and less human, so overtime cuddling actually gets more uncomfortable :(
moving on from some more... sad ideas, i think hes soft. like hes built, he has muscle, but i think a fair amount of that is just plush chub (i am an advocator for beefcake ej!!!)
it takes a while for him to get into the swing of wanting to actually... be physically close to you and have you be vulnerable with him since internally he does have fears that the bits of him that make him crave human meat may rear its head in...
but he does eventually warm up to you after some time..! it just takes a lot of reassurance and trust building, as well as developing a system should there ever be a... situation..
i dont think he sleeps, either, demon stuff you know? like i think at first he could sleep if he wanted but overtime loses the ability to sleep altogether... but hey look at this way, he wants to watch over you for the night until sunrise. he wants to make sure youre safe during your more vulnerable moments
and i think thats really sweet, actually
i need to write more ej stuff... i miss this guy so much, i miss my hcs... i think i might write angst for him soon.. i feel evil
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I've made. S o m a n y. Attempts at analyzing Vox's relationship with the fuckin Angel & Val bullshit. So many. But they always come out sounding like fucking word salad. So instead, I'm going to try making a bulleted list of all the different pieces of evidence I've gathered, and then simply not draw a conclusion because I don't fUCKING KNOW-
Vox does not like Angel
Vox seemed excited at the prospect of Angel quitting(despite knowing he physically can't?)
Like his eyes *literally* lit up he was so excited(the same way Velvette's did when she was yelling about wrist ruffles & Carmilla's did during Whatever It Takes)
Saying "Angel quit?" could've been him joking, but between his expression, tone of voice, and the context surrounding the line, I don't think that's the case?
That line is weird as fuck man...
There are two reasons Vox doesn't like Angel: Val constantly freaking the fuck out over minor Angel-related things & he's probably jelous of how much space Angel takes up in Val's brain
Vox does not seem to care for Angel's well being, probably viewing him as nothing more then a cash cow
I say "seem" and "probably" because it IS significantly more likely that Vox doesn't give a shit, but we haven't seen Angel & Vox interacting one on one yet, so there's still a chance I could be wrong and Vox does care in some capacity? Again significantly more likely he doesn't I'm just trying to cover all my bases here
Which speaking of- we don't know how Angel feels about Vox at all? Like aside from Vox's cameo in Poison(Angel's pseudo-dream sequence), we don't actually get Angel's perspective on Vox. Ever.
Like I'd assume Angel doesn't LIKE him just by virtue of his relationship with Val but there's no real way to tell?
Vox(seemingly) hasn't done anything to deal with Val's weird issues with Angel
He probably can't get rid of Angel entirely because of the loss in profits
But he also hasn't attempted to limit Angel's ability to leave the studio or anything, and he hasn't done anything to Val that might discourage his irrational behavior
He's actually pretty hands off when it comes to all of the other Vees' shit just like. In general. The only time we see him interfering is when Val is destroying Velvette's stuff
Vox doesn't seem to give a shit that Angel moved out of the studio
Like he isn't even happy about it just true neutrality-
He only STARTS caring when Val starts threatening to shoot up a building about it(read: when his image is now on the line)
The look Vox gives Angel in Poison just kind of proves he. Doesn't like Angel. And is kissing(but appearently not dating???) Valentino.
The fact that the blood drips, which are usually on the left side of his mouth, are coming off of the right instead during this scene FEELS important but that's another topic entirely so I won't go into it here
Also, as stated before, Poison is a pseudo-dream sequence, so this scene might be less about how Vox views Angel and more about how Angel views Vox
But if that's the case, I cannot for the life of me decipher what the fuck Angel feels about Vox from this one shot so it's pretty much useless for now 💀💀💀
Alright that's it. I tried my best to be impartial and just write down what we know about the characters while also pointing out any gaps in information we might have, but if you think I'm being too generous or too harsh with any of these bullets and feel the need to tell me, PLEASE be nice about it and also use tone indicators. I don't wanna sound like a whiney baby or whatever the fuck but I genuinely cannot handle feeling like a stranger is yelling at me rn and tone indicators help me a LOT in that department.
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woojungz · 11 months
gamer bf yujun! 🎮🫧
❝ yujun x gn!reader
𓂃𓈒 something i thought of after watching yujun's daily_x vlog! word count: around 600(◜⁠‿⁠◝)♡ im also trying out the bullet list format in this one !
( likes and reblogs appreciated!♡ )
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a thing i didn’t expect from yujun is for him to be a league player like…😭 anyway, i wonder if he also plays other fps games like valorant or whatever. and the biggest question is which character does he main?!
he also mentioned playing terraria and other ps5 games with jinsik
let’s say this whole situation started when you guys have that one hangout together as a couple where the both of you just do your own thing. maybe yujun invited you to his room, you’re just chilling on his bed while he tells you he’s gonna play some pc games.
at first it was completely peaceful, save for a few typing sounds of his keyboard and mouse clicking. your soul almost left your body when the silence was shattered by his sudden scream, snapping your head towards the back of his chair.
and when you go and approach him, he just gives you that cute eye smile of his.
“y/n! i just got a double kill!”
he really just dramatically startled you for that. when he saw you sigh before leaving him alone, he asks you if you wanna try playing together.
“you’ll get it if you try playing this game i promise!”
and that’s how he ended up convincing you to buy your own pc. you also have him to thank for the mess of pc parts scattered all over the floor. yujun wanted it to be a cute couple activity so he asked if you could build your pc together. you agreed, trusting that he knows how all this stuff works.
well, he never actually said he knows how… so he sheepishly smiles at you and rubs his neck shyly. he should be thankful he’s cute or you would’ve tackled him already. oh, and it absolutely did not help that yujun is probably the clumsiest person you know.
when you finally feel like building the pc is in smooth sailing, some random part you need would go missing. just to find out that yujun accidentally sat on it. it was far more stressful than it should be, but yujun was trying his best to cheer you up and remind you of all the games you could play with him once you guys get the thing done.
finally you get the thing built in a day, almost thinking you’re never gonna finish it with him around.
the first time you played fps games with him was such an experience. he lives for the way you panic sometimes that you just freeze on your position and ask him for help, yujun standing behind you as he comes closer and moves your mouse and keyboard by himself. you feel like you’re probably ruining his gaming sessions because everytime you come along, he loses more than he wins matches.
but he doesn’t care about victories in his games rn!! what he really enjoys is the time he’d spent with you, and he tells you he loves gaming more than ever because you’re playing with him!
sometimes the other members would tag along too when you guys play
oh, after school gaming sessions at pc cafes are becoming a frequent thing in your relationship!
and it’s also really really cute to witness yujun being all giggly and excited when starting a game, but then halfway through he’d get serious, brows knitted together and all. such an intense expression on his face, but would startle you sometimes when he cheers after getting a kill or whatever
if you're into chill games, he'd also have fun playing it with you! whether it be stardew valley, animal crossing, or minecraft.
accidentally lets a creeper into your minecraft base
he'd offer to rebuild your base for you but you stop him when you see the huge gap between the taste you have for your minecraft builds. you guys just have contrasting aesthetics when you build your minecraft base.
like you'd be making a cute house on the side while yujun builds his own with diamond blocks.
anyway!! i’d give gamer bf yujun a 10 outta 10, the cutest :(
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puhpandas · 8 months
i saw some of your posts about being anti-cassie's dad protag for HW2, which valid, but the theory's become so popular most people seem to accept it. HW2 is kind of a mess to theorize about what the string of events was considering both endings could easily be canon, but I guess I'll get to the point. I'm sure most people have heard plenty of theories about what happens in the game if it's Cassie's Dad as the protagonist, so I'm curious. If you don't think it's him, who do you think is most likely? And (while this is difficult to figure out with any protag..) what do you think is supposed to be happening throughout the game, like, timeline-wise/plot-wise? Personally I feel like Cassie's Dad protag is possible, but I don't think it's set in stone or that he would be a reoccuring character. Imo Cassie's Dad protag works best if he stays a one-off character, building onto Cassie's backstory. I kinda wonder if the "what makes you so special?" lines aren't actually saying he's special, but asking what he thinks makes him special enough to go through all this and survive. Still I'm really curious to hear alternatives! I'm definitely not attatched to that theory lol. I just haven't really heard anything else tbh since the theory's so big in the fandom..
theres tons of evidence (a lot of it already used for cassie dad protag evidence) that apply to Cassie protag. for starters hw2 is obviously incredibly reminiscent of hw1 with its ending. vanny traps you somewhere and waves, the same way glitchtrap trapped you somewhere and waved in hw1s canon ending.
it's been widely accepted that vanny cassie is very possible and the direction the story is going in so playing as cassie in the lobby and going through princess quest and helping vanny and it being implied Vannys using the player as a vessel now the same way glitchtrap used vanessa to create vanny makes it very plausible we play as cassie
theres also the 'unused' line (but they all perfectly apply to the game as it is right now and add much needed context that make the game actually make sense) that's from presumably vanny, saying: "it kept you for a reason"
not only does the it pronoun 100% mean the mimic (and cassie is still down there in the same place where the mimic is literally free rn but alive) but it means that the mimic purposefully didnt kill cassie and also probably was the one to drop the evelator because it has a plan for her. aka the plan is getting vanny a new vessel so mimic can resume operations
the lobby itself also perfectly matches post ruin. you have the vanni mask on first of all, but second of all theres little items around the lobby that hint that you're cassie. like the robot parts strewn around that could imply cassie is trying to repair roxy (theres also the helpy screen)
as for "what makes you so special" I think people are misinterpreting the cassie ending as it being Cassies dad and not a staffbot. it literally shows you straight up that you get attacked by other staffbots and made into maskbot and give cassie the mask. if anything it shows us that Cassies arrival was planned and it's more evidence that we play as her becoming vanny. but its ALSO a perfect explanation for how confusing the minigames are in telling us who we play as
we literally play as a staffbot/mapbot. the minigames go from clean and fixed animatronics to gradually getting worse. even when the pizzaplex is clean and the animatronics are just a bit dirty, we've only seen that in sb. we play as a staffbot from pre sb, during sb, and post sb. "what makes you so special" what makes you so special compared to the other staffbots
it also explains why the animatronics are mean to you. staffbots are seen as useless hunks of junk and its shown all across the pizzaplex and in ruin as well when they're constantly shown discarded and destroyed.
freddy also says the line "you ARE a Fazbear technician, arent you? idk bc I can't see you". it means we literally arent a Fazbear technician. were a staffbot. and the same applies for carnies line about kids. its prerecorded and we're just a robot anyway
I have more posts about all this stuff individually but more in depth in my hw2 theory tag. this is what I genuinely think and I believe cassie is the protag for sure. it just feels so clear with how reminiscent hw2 is of hw1s ending tied with the clear plot of vanny cassie it's just like. why would we play as her dad when we watch ourselves get trapped by vanny the same way vanessa did right in front of our eyes.
we have the cassie ending because it shows us how maskbot got the mask and where it came from. it came from glitchtrap + by extension the mimic and vanny. vanny betrays glitchtrap at the end but also traps cassie in the process. the elevator dropped on cassie in ruin because the mimic did it on purpose to enact this plan. I think hw2 is more straightforward than ppl realize if you put everything together from what we have and dont try your hardest to put other characters in when the game is definitely about vanny cassie
like hw2 and ruin were made at the same time. they go hand in hand and reference eachother in the game, even before one of them was even out. the story is about cassie becoming vanny, the whole thing. this game is an intermission (the song scorched cranberries (the end credits song) is elevator music) showing us how the new villain/character thatll be big in the next plot was created. this is about cassie
maybe her dad will have the spotlight in hw2s dlc. idk. he has something going on but nothing in hw2 I dont think.
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mini rambles #1
okey cool back to me yapping as i continue to procrastinate Inazuma b/c FuCk InAzUmA
[ The Dainsleif Quest ]
Kaeya met Dainsleif here b/c he goes w/ Lumi just abt everywhere
yes i know they actually canonically meet later, dw abt it, i've already thought through e v e r y t h i n g
i'm just gonna say it. dainsleif doesn't help us as much as everyone says he does. he told us just as much abt our sibling as anyone else, the only difference is that he's actually met our sibling.
lumi has emotional turmoil abt 90% of the time whenever she hears abt her sibling, once again, being apart of the abyss order. it succ. why is this happening, bro
also the inverted statue was Fucking Terrifying(tm) to Lumi due to how she vibes w/ the world (and how i've h/c'd it so far), so yeah, that was a tummy twister right there.
[ Outside of Dainsleif Quest ]
while waiting for a Sign(tm) abt Inazuma, Lumi and Kaeya proceed to do the following:
solve a Ruin Guard problem in Liyue
somehow managed to keep Klee out of trouble for the most part in Mondstadt
run into and meet Mona (who found them both Particularly Interesting)
hang out a lot w/ Zhongli now that he's free to do things
discover that Third Round Knockout has discounts at 3pm b/c Zhongli likes to go there like every fuckin day. very nice.
meet Yun-Jin, Beidou, and Shenhe
fix the Jade Chamber
made a lot of pirate jokes abt Beidou (and Kaeya, on Lumi's part)
broke a mechanism in Liyue three times, much to Cloud Retainer's annoyance (don't ask)
became probably the most yapped abt duo in Liyue and Mondstadt combined (not for the reasons u'd think, they're known as "the Brats")
became well-known in Treasure Hoarder circles for a completely different reason from being "the Brats". if u mention the Traveler or her Mondstadt envoy around them, they either break out into a cold sweat and start shaking or they actively disappear. no one is sure why. Lumine and Kaeya do not elaborate.
have had to keep Paimon from breaking into the Golden House (four times, now).
obtained the Serenitea pot. Lumi couldn't figure out how to utilize it for a hot minute, which prompted a three day long journey into figuring out JUST what the fuck they needed to make a fucking bed.
[ Other Bits and Baubles I wanna Mention ]
Kaeya has had to keep Lumine from falling from like seven different scams. not b/c she's an idiot, but more b/c she likes to see how far the scammer is willing to go and tends to go overboard.
Lumine has become an insane penny pincher in a short amount of time. Kaeya is slightly intimidated by this; he's not sure how she keeps track of the Mora they get so meticulously--it's not like she's taking notes every time she collects a coin??? how the fuck does she know exactly where that 49 Mora came from????
Zhongli is often working at the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor rn, giving the whole "normal dude" thing a try. He goes to Third Round Knockout every day at like 3pm (b/c they have discounts at that time and it's peak story telling time), and Lumi and Kaeya never miss a chance to sit in with him.
Paimon is a feral toddler who's OBSESSED w/ food. Lumine struggling to keep up w/ her demands but it's fine she's discovered the Frozen King Pig in Dragonspine. Also Xiangling sometimes stops by to cook for them now (Mondstadt was wild y'all).
Kaeya and Lumi work to build up their very tiny teapot abode during the small moments they have between adventuring and helping people out. It's ain't much but it's honest work.
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Fanfiction commentary and recommendations: Lex Luthor´s ascend from supervillainy to fatherhood Part IV (chapters 16 to 20)
The Original story can be found here.
The previous parts of the commentaries can be found here:
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
So, the classic silly rambling before the actual commentary part is surprisingly part that´s the hardest to do. Go figure.
Well. At least aside from formatting. I may have found out how to make links into hyperlinks, but I still have a problem with getting the HTML code to do what I want and just center the line break. And I´d also love to do blocktext, so that there are the most even edges of text possible on both sides, but I know the second one just WON´T work because different devices and different formattings so it would just look awful. I could still center. But my brain hates HTML code rn. Why is HTML so much easier on AO3?
But to build anticipation: I know that the next few chapters will be kind of wild. Or. not really 'kind of' but actually a bit wild. As in: The Joker´s involved. I mean, with all of the foreshadowing in the past few chapters I was really not surprised, but damn, do I hate the man.
With the knowledge of not being with that knowledge: back to the regularly scheduled program.
So? Which topic do you think chapter 16 starts with? Ding ding ding! You´re right! Lazarus Pits! Or rather: the price some people have to pay for the boon. In Jason´s case? His sanity.
And also the helpless feeling of just. Not knowing. Not knowing why or how he was the only one that suffered such harsh side effects when the rest of the family got away more or less scot-free.
I … can´t imagine how hard it must be to know all the darkness that dwells in oneself can just … erupt like some kind of volcano. Even worse if you wake up after such an eruption and just. Don´t remember. It´s frightening. And that Jason has endured that for years now? Oooof. He needs more hugs from his friends and family ASAP. Especially because he seems to feel like such a burden …
But how did we get to such deep introspection from him? Because he finally feels as if he´s getting back from the pits. You remember what I said about Jason feeling a lurch in his chest?
Yeah. It´s still happening, again and again and it´s kind of crawling up his throat.
And as I can��t imagine that feeling all too pleasant - he just kind of. Slowly falls onto the floor. Or. He would have, if Dick hadn´t caught him, good older brother that he is.
It doesn´t help that Danny collapses as well.
And then he throws up something green and goopy and it starts to move towards Danny and ugh. It sounds so digusting and horrifying I kinda had to take a moment to get a drink because god damn, that was not a comfortable experience to read about and any time I reread this for corrections I feel this imagine return to my mind.
Thank god for Alfred saving the day, because as the only one with his faculties intact he just puts a bowl over this … thing. And it helps! Whoooooo!
But now we have an exhausted Jason, a collapsed Danny and a very worried family. And not just any worried family, but a worried batfamily. Good god that can´t end well, can it?
Because of course, after the discussion about his health problems the family gets even more worried when his heartbeat slows further. And since he´s not awake, he can´t even veto going to a hospital. Thank god for Duke though, because he got them to go to Dr Thom(p?)kins instead.
And of course they´re suspicious now. Probably more of Lex than Danny, but still.
Tim, bless his soul, wants to tell Lex what just happened because any parent should know what happened to their child. Especially since there could be allergies or traumata involved.
But no, bruce just wants to get him to a clinic. It will come back to bite him in the ass - that I can promise.
And where does it come back to bite him in the ass? Right at the clinic. Jason may be fine, but Danny? In the eyes of the doc? Fuck no, he´s not. I mean, he never is, but they don´t know that, do they?
And because of all the radioactivity and the health problems and because he´s a sus mf - what does Bruce do? He wants a blood sample.
Now. We know how Danny is about his blood. It´s a dangerous thing. Thank god for Leslie and her ethics though. Because I don´t think neither Danny nor Lex would forgive him for that breach of trust and bodily autonomy.
Bruce and Damian are both deeply suspicious because the matter seems quite close to Lazarus pits and fear that Lex may be experimenting on him … and also Damian kinda lowkey hates Danny because he has hurt his family twice already, however unintentional and who says he won´t hurt even more of them?
And after that whole ordeal? Danny just decided to take his legs into his hands and get the hell out of dodge.
Can´t blame him tbh. Really, really can´t blame him.
So where does the baby boi end up? At a random roof in Gotham where Harley finds him. Predictably she thinks he maybe wants to jump though our Boy quickly reassures her that that´s not the case.
Doesn´t change the fact that he´s still spooked though. Mainly because he thinks he did something wrong and now the Waynes won´t want him as a friend anymore, because why would they? He hurt them and then they even had to get him to a clinic and Harley, please do something about this, it´s just sad to read :')
And now Danny doesn´t even wanna call Lex, because of the situation because he fear he´ll never be allowed to go anywhere again because he was 'right' and just. Danny I understand your fear, but comunication please.
Of course he deflects by asking if the Joker was around, which somehow leads to Harley taking him to her and Ivy´s place? Don´t ask me how it happened, the only I way I can condense it is if I say: they ranted.
This leads to this part of the conversation:
“Really? Then why did… you know,” he said, looking her up and down. “I know it couldn’t have been just the Joker that made you this way. He’s your… origin story, not your love interest.”
And I think that just endeared danny to her forever.
So while Danny cuddles with Bud and Lou on the Couch, the bats are freaking out because they lost Danny. And what do the bats do best when they panic? Suit up and spread out. 
Lex is finally being called. Suffice to say the conversation does not go well. At all. And Lex is now on the way. Because of course he is. Especially after Bruce basically insulted him by insinuating he´s a bad parent. Way to put your foot in your mouth, Bruce.
And what else does happen on this lovely day? The Joker gets out, because of course he does. Why not make bad things even worse? That´s what this man does best after all.
Meanwhile Ivy is exasperated at Harley´s antics, seeing as she wants to steal Danny from Lex and yeah. Just a typical start to girl´s night i guess? Catwoman will have fun with this situation, i can already tell xD
Now if only I knew what Damian would want those bolt cutters for?
Selina arrives! And instantly thinks Danny was kidnapped as well.
That topic quickly shifts though. And what does it shift into? Bruce´s batdoption problems. It´s just such a good meme and I´m not even mad about it.
It also seems a put a few things into perspective for Danny since she tells him that some people don´t think Lex to be a good parent. For very good reasons to be honest, but I guess it still stings a bit ...
In the end girl night starts with them just trash talking Bruce and his furry tendencies. As well as his hypocrisy when we consider his dating history. How a man with such a moral compass can deal with dating people such as Talia or Catwoman I will never understand. I know, I know. Sexual Tension. But Sexual Tension does not cause you to conceive a child together (that´s just trash as well. I gotta be solidary xD)
So in the typical girl night fashion, they talk about feelings and who may have a crush on whom and how oblivious some people (*cough* Danny *cough*) are and there´s many an adive to be had. They´re just gal pals having fun :D
Meanwhile Lex is annoyed at the Gotham airspace seeing as he can´t get into the city without changing vehilces because a certain clown blew up some buildings.
Meanwhile girl night changed into poker night and well. I don´t think any of them play fair xD
The conversation that follow are easily put under the "What happens on girls’ night, stays on girls' night" category as Ivy suitably calls it.
The bats and birds still haven´t stopped searching. Joker´s still a crazy piece of work and Danny? Danny is just losing at Uno and living his best live.
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bluelizze · 4 months
I DECIDED TO MAKE A POST ABOUT MY GENERINE REACTIONS TO ACCIDENTAL BF PT 4 (omg pls read this series it’s a gem by the wonderful @tenkover)
also i was just causally looping this edit while i was doing this
"You reach up and fix his crooked septum. He blushes. That damn thing."
SINCE WHEN DID TOMURA HAD A SEPTUM (ngl I actually looked up what it was bc idk what it was and I WAS SHOCKED MY JAW DROPPED)
“Why would I want to,” Tomura smiles and kisses the top of your head. He wants to absorb you… you can crawl into his ribcage any day and make yourself at home."
“The Izuku thing, for example, like, we started off as friends just getting to know each other and out of the blue he gets handsy. It felt like all the friendship building was just… fake– and it was. His entire personality changed when I told him I won't be with him. I've had that happen before. It makes me feel… so alone. Or just generally talking to men. If you're nice you are flirting and they feel entitled to your… well, body. It hurts. And if you aren't nice… you put yourself in danger. My dad taught me to always be polite– well, too much because…. I was nice to my stalker. It's dumb– I am. That's also why I always do what people want… it is the path of least resistance.”
also reader being real here bc I always feel like I have to put on a mask around certain people so I sometimes have identity crisis (that’s why I relate to furina and mafuyu A LOT)
“He's always late!” Himiko sighs. “I'd never let you wait, (Y/N)-chan! If Tomura ever lets you wait– just text me, kay?”
“Really? Voice changer? Cmon, man,” Tomura says and pinches his nose.
“Is it because… your friend who got a girlfriend?” He sobs.
OMG????? Does touya love reader?!?! (I wouldn’t be surprised if that were the case)
“Y-Yes. Sorry. I… I wanted to ask if I can soft launch you on Instagram?”
“When I'm back… can we maybe go on a date? Get Boba and sit in the park?
BOBA DATE BOBA DATE BOBA DATE (I’m drinking one rn)
“Please just leave… go to your boyfriend.” You frown and a lump grows steadily in your throat. You look at the back of his head. His light hair looks badly tangled. “Touya… is that the problem?” “Yep.”
OH I AM RIGHT!!! (not but surprised but STILL THE REVEAL 😤😤😤)
Yes. Thank… you. Hey, one more thing… you're not a serial killer?” “When does it become serial?” “After 5?” “Oh no then we're good.”
“During semester break he showed up here and introduced himself as my boyfriend to my dad. I don’t know if you know how charming Izuku can be… my dad loved him. And… I had to play along because if my dad knew that I have a stalker he would never let me go back to uni. So… when he finally pissed off I tried to do damage control and told my dad that I was planning to break up with him– this is so stupid.”
IZUKU you mother fucker 🙃
He snorts. “Talk later… honey..?”
HE CALLS US HONEY 🥹🥹🥹 (I love nicknames like those)
Toshinori wraps his arms around you, almost smothering you with the intensity of his embrace. “Kid, you don’t ever need to justify coming home.”
“You love him,” Toshinori chuckles and wipes his hands on a kitchen towel before starting to chop up some tomatoes. “You should see how your eyes are sparkling right now.”
“You are Dabi!” You wave the phone.
“Holy shit. Now I get what you were saying– Tomura is the guy you have a crush on."
omg first spinner and now touya. everyone having a crush on tomura on this fic and honstly, that's valid
"Dude, I thought you were confessing TO ME!”
“No– did you just forget I am gay or what?! Be for real.”
Tenko doesn't remember and Tomura can't face the truth.
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