#well done idf
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AMAZING NEWS: Qaid Farhan Alkadi, an Israeli kidnapped by Palestinians on October 7, was rescued from an underground tunnel and is now in a stable condition in hospital.
Some comments on this:
1- First of all, the IDF once again deserves ENORMOUS praise and credit for this achievement. These men on the front lines are absolute heroes, fighting some of the worst fascist criminals on the planet. Over 700 have died fighting Hamas, many of them barely out of their teens or barely into their twenties. They could have carried on their lives as usual, but they chose to go into the mouth of the dragon to fight pure evil and to bring back Israel's hostages. GOD BLESS THEM ALL.
2- Second of all, this rescue occurred at the time that the hostage negotations are said to have broken down. Yet another hostage rescue proves those negotations either have a limited value or, as I suspect, are almost entirely useless. None of us will forget Israel's astonishing rescue of four hostages in the al-Nuseirat neighbourhood in June, a complex operation requiring months of preparation. In this case, the IDF said they did not have precise info on Alkadi's whereabouts. Shortly before this, the IDF had located the bodies of six hostages, also in a tunnel.
3- Hamas' murder of hostages both on and since October 7 shows that the terrorist group is not serious about negotiating. And of course, as many in the West would conveniently like to forget, Palestinian captors are beating, starving, and raping Israel's hostages on a regular, if not daily, basis. Rescued hostages have testified to being held in cuffs and treated as slaves. Hamas and its Palestinian supporters know full well that abuse of the hostages will only prolong this war, yet they continue doing it. Alkadi being in hospital to recuperate from being held in a tunnel only demonstrates the savagery and the inhumanity of Palestinian terrorists, and the total lack of ethics of many Palestinian civilians. That leads me onto point number 4.
4- Alkadi was held hostage for 326 days, and not a single Palestinian helped him escape, nor alerted the IDF to his whereabouts. The same can be said for all other hostages held by the Palestinians. For ten months, Palestinians have kept silent as Israel's hostages have been subjected to near-constant assaults and violations, including repeated rapes. For ten months, Palestinians have not assisted with the rescue of a single hostage; instead, their response to hostage rescues has been complaint, rather than celebration-- even though hostage rescue makes the end of the war more likely. Most importantly, for ten months, not a single Palestinian lawyer or judge in Gaza or the West Bank has prosecuted Palestinian murderers, rapists, kidnappers, and other deviants who attacked Israel on October 7. The total moral failure of Palestinian society is exposed each time Israel either rescues a hostage, or sadly has to recover the body of a murdered hostage.
5- The rescue of Alkadi and other Israeli hostages shows the success of Israel's war in Gaza, the need to remove Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad from power, and the need to ensure that the Palestinian terrorist network, including tunnels, are permanently destroyed. Those who have been pressuring Israel into a quick exit have been proven wrong yet again. Over 100 hostages remain in Gaza, and since the Palestinian terrorists and Palestinian civilians have no intention of rescuing them, let alone returning them to Israel, the war is necessary to bring them back.
6- When you next hear Western pro-Palestinian activists, or Western journalists, or others insisting that "Hamas isn't there", you'll know it's a lie. After all the noise made about the "danger" of IDF operations in Gazan cities, we discover the truth yet again: that Hamas has militarised almost the entire Gaza Strip, that civilian buildings have been turned into military bases, that Hamas' terror tunnels are used for keeping hostages, that those terror tunnels are accessed via secret openings and via buildings, and that numerous Palestinians assist with the daily terrorist operations and cover-up. Anyone at this point continuing to peddle the myth of total Palestinian innocence and Hamas' mysterious disappearances every time there is an IDF operation is determined to make themselves a fool.
I send my good wishes to Mr. Alkadi and his family, and I send the IDF my full support in rescuing all of Israel's remaining hostages.
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archtroop · 3 months
Jewish Space Laswrs? More like a Zionist Home-Made Trebuchet, I say!
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habits-white-rabbit · 3 months
Zionism brainworms are making me understand why my friend started avoiding social media like the plague
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vamptastic · 3 months
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I highly fucking dislike this post purely because literally everything in life is complicated and in particular the prospect of dissolving an existing state to create a new one is obviously Fucking Complicated. Maybe you find it uncomplicated morally, but that's not what the post actually implies. Make every country in the world safe for Jewish people- a noble goal, but most certainly not an uncomplicated one. And like- what is the implication? If antisemitism did not exist worldwide, then Israel would likely not have been formed, yeah. Would love it if that had happened. But it didn't, and eradicating antisemitism tomorrow would probably still not inspire the 7 million Jews living in Israel to move, you know? Like, unambiguously, the treatment of Palestinians by the Israel government has been reprehensible. It was entirely unnecessary. But a change in conditions, statehood, governing body, it doesn't actually move people to a different location, and right now there is a lot of bad blood between Israelis and Palestinians and both of them have nowhere else to go. I don't get how people can say things like this without thinking logistically about how you can get two groups of people to live in the same place without killing each other. I think equal rights and and equal standard of living is a damn good place to start, but the fact remains that the past 70 years happened. It's just kind of maddening- people will use South African as an example of major political upheaval caused by similar strife, and like, that's a good example and good place to start but the main difference is that South Africa was a British colony. British South Africans went back to fucking Britain and other parts of the UK. The Jewish people were up until the formation of Israel a stateless nation and I think it's understandable that we don't want to go back to the countries that expelled us repeatedly- but I don't think the Zionist project was a good or moral solution. It just feels like people can't discuss this without trying to ignore the Jewish part of the equation, when it's what actually makes this ~nuanced~ and ~complicated~. And it's unsurprising that those who think they have it all figured out possess no grasp on Jewish history.
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mantra4ia · 1 month
Comments about the Harris Walz rally against pro-peace, Pro-palestinian protesters at the Michigan rally:
It's ridiculous to think that Kamala should allow her rally, her speech, should be hijacked by two to three people. It was irresponsible of those protesters...
She has a right to stand up for herself.
If she allowed them to keep talking it would have made her look weak, especially as a female candidate.
Me: She's doing a *campaign speech,* that's literally the definition of standing up for yourself. That doesn't mean you're exempt from critique or demand while you do it. If her rally can be hijacked by two to three people, she has bigger problems. Kamala Harris let her fluster and frustration get the better of her, shouted down voters (in Michigan!), and it came across as extemporaneous and elitist. More pertinent, this gives people room to worry if her stance on checking the Israeli government — withdrawing or caveating support — is weak.
I have no interest in validating fellow Democratic voters in the k-Hive with debate on the import or "etiquette" of interrupting a 1) nominal campaign speech 2) of a coronated candidate and a seasoned politician / current VP 3) if they fail to acknowledge the import of the ongoing nakba, and the monumental lack of "etiquette" which is just cause for disruption.
Palestinians suffering Genocide (famine, disease, destruction, and death) > "Kamala, Kamala you can't hide."
We are speaking. We see you. We can't hear rally cries over the sound of bombs, screams of torture, cries of hunger.
All this is to say I would like for sensible heads to prevail, and for Harris to learn from this, because I want sanity and peace to win and for Kamala to level up. "I'm with her" blue-wave Harris proponents should be interested in her showing substantive strength instead of just campaigning gusto. People's lives are worth more than political vibes.
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trunchbullbaby · 10 months
Jazwares, the toy manufacturing company best known for it's plush toys Squishmallows, have pledged to donate to "Brothers for Life", a charity which aids Israeli soldiers and directly benefits the IDF
Here is the statement that they made on Linkedin details their work with "Brothers for Life".
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As well as this, they are also working with Canary Mission, and organisation that aims to expose those who have publicly shown support to Palestine to their employers.
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It makes me sick to my stomach that a company that makes the majority of its profits from children, a company that claims to be committed to "the development of children", will gladly give money to those who are committed to bombing and killing them.
I am urging all of you to spread to the and boycott this company. Reblog. Tell your friends. TELL PEOPLE WITH CHILDREN. Do not let this Christmas fund a genocide.
Jazwares also manufactures Roblox toys, Adopt me, Fortnight, Bums Bums, Living on the Veg, and plenty more.
Look out for this logo and do not buy from them.
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EDIT: Just wanted to be clear that this isn't an official boycott that the BDS have asked for, i just found the information and wanted others to know. The BDS boycott are the most important right now, and this should be done alongside them.
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disteal · 10 months
Hey, we're fundraising to help our friend replace the belongings she lost in an IDF strike on Gaza!
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You might have seen this post floating around about our friend Swin who went to volunteer as a medic in Gaza, and whos residence was bombed the night before she was able to escape through Rafah.
Well, she's home! And we're so grateful to have her back, but the explosion utterly destroyed a lot of her belongings, including her phone, and left her with some minor injuries that'll need some care.
We'd like to raise some money (around $2000) on her behalf to replace this stuff; it doesn't sit well with us at all that Swin should go through so much to help people and be left with nothing but a bill.
We'd really appreciate any help, whether it's through sharing this post or donating, and there's more info on the Gofundme page!
>>Here's the link to the Gofundme!<<
We'd also like to mention while we've done this with Swins consent, she's requested privacy while she recovers. If you've got any questions or concerns, please direct them our way! (my dms and asks are always open, and you can reach out to darling @classychassiss who's drawn our banner and helped me organise!)
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Well what was supposed to be me and a high school era friend trying out being FWB ended with me with my shirt off, her seeing my kippahs on a shelf in my room, and immediately saying “oh I don’t think they have a right to exist” and launching into a massive “Hamas has done nothing wrong, all the Israeli citizens that have died were killed by the IDF, and Israeli citizens deserve zero sympathy cause of the actions of their government and military cause everything is entirely their military’s fault and that means civilians don’t deserve sympathy and no it’s not a double standard I’m holding Israel to in comparison to the rest of the world.” So while I’m stunned into silence, she then goes “did I kill your boner?” and starts laughing at my face and says “the longer you keep staring at me the more I’m going to keep laughing. And internally I’m going “I thought we were going to have sex, not you spew this bullshit at me.” So I just say “yeah I think it would be best if I just took you back home.” And she just grabs her stuff and angrily storms out of the house and we sat in awkward silence as I drove her home. And I’m back home and just a mix of both anger and shock cause I didn’t know this side of her at all and like, why the hell do you look at an article of Jewish clothing in the bedroom of the friend you’ve known for over a decade and are here to have sex with and just start saying that? What the hell? And she full on, at one point, tried to say certain Israeli people “aren’t really Jewish” cause they’re from Poland or Polish descent.
Like. Why? Just. What part of any of that makes sense at all? Regardless of you being in the bedroom to try and do it with someone who had been a friend since like 2008? You see something Jewish and decide to say that? Fuck off. I’m done with you. So now I have a full pack of condoms, but no one to use them with. But at least that means I won’t be using them with this person. And in my shock, as I told her this wasn’t going to work and that I should take her home, I even said “I’m sorry” as she was walking out and she just shot back “sure you are.”
So anyway, that’s someone I’ve deleted all texts from and unfriended on social media.
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oldpotatoe · 11 months
as many of you know, gaza has now gone dark.
targeted israeli strikes have wiped out the telecommunications infrastructure. phone lines and internet services are gone. gazans cannot call their loved ones to check if they are still alive. they cannot call for ambulances for aid. if they survive the increased bombardment tonight and the following nights, they will bleed out alone with no aid.
now i will tell you what will happen in the next few days/weeks, and i pray it to be untrue. unfortunately the apartheid state, also known as israel, has been quite obvious and transparent with their plans.
the stated goal of many politicians over the years from israel, including netanyahu, has been to have the entire strip of land of gaza as israel, with no separate region for palestinians. i am not going to provide links, google is free and i am fucking tired.
what they had done before tonight, in the last two weeks, was destroy over 50% of buildings in gaza city as well as neighbouring areas, so gazans have nowhere to return to. gazans have been forced south, and israel will use this opportunity to have troops in north gaza (currently referred to as the ground invasion) advancing south while bombing "h*mas sites" in the south. israel will do this knowing there are plenty more civilians there that will die, causing terror and panic and having palestinians want to flee to anywhere, anywhere that is safe.
israel is doing this in the hopes that this panic and terror will convince egypt to open the border (well, the border israel isn't currently bombing) so that palestinians can escape to the sinai desert in egypt.
once survivors leave, the area that is currently the gaza strip will 1) be reduced in size if a lot of palestinians stay, should they not be bombed out of existence, or 2) be entirely absorbed into israel if very few palestinians stay, which is the ultimate aim of israel. those remaining palestinians will be moved to the west bank, or the remainder of gaza will be converted to west bank conditions where they'd go through the same problems palestinians in the west bank go through (reduced access to water, checkpoints to go from any place to any place within their own land, getting dispossessed, or randomly killed by racist extremist settlers).
now, egypt has been adamant not to displace the palestinians. in online discourse, people have been dehumanising palestinians by talking about past disruptions in other refugee areas and saying that is why egypt does not want to take them. while there may be slight truth to this from egypt's perspective, the major reason egypt is refusing is that no palestinian refugee abroad has even been given the right to return to their own land. and this will be the fate of gazans if they are made to leave in a mass exodus to egypt/other neighbouring countries such as jordan, which these leaflets from army-backed israeli are threatening palestinians with (photo from salfit in the occupied west bank):
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therefore, what i likely see happening is the above bombardment (in increased numbers now that gaza has gone dark) -> mass panic in gaza, more so now that gazans are cornered in the south -> a reluctant egypt, but with the US will promise a large amount of "aid" money to egypt to facilitate the mass exodus of palestinians, the borders will open.
palestinians will be forced out. israelis are already planning on hoovering up the prime real estate there, for amusements park no less!
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this is nabka 2.0. this is genocide.
btw, as we speak: israel's leading newspaper is already making claims that h*mas's main operation base is under shifa hospital. the hospital currently housing 50,000 displaced palestinians. the idf is claiming h*mas is using the hospital as a human shield, which is their new favourite phrase to justify killing civilians. so you already know what to expect in the news.
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opencommunion · 6 months
"The neo-Zionist view on the past is even more nationalist and romantic than the consensual Zionist view of it. Israel of the Second Temple era was the glorious past which must be reconstructed. ... As a result, neo-Zionists took seriously the idea of rebuilding a Third Temple to replace Haram al-Sharif and preparing cadres of priests to serve there when the time would come – although they differ on how to achieve this goal, whether by exploding the two mosques on the Temple Mount, or waiting for divine intervention to pave the way for their scheme.
... The neo-Zionist interpretation of the idea of Israel constituted the ideological infrastructure for the official educational system. The neo-Zionists produced several educational kits (textbooks, curricula, and so on) which would have the power to impact the next generation of Jews in Israel. These kits could produce only one type of graduate: racist, insular, and extremely ethnocentric. The message that came through clearly ... is to fear the Other inside and around you – the Other being the Arab world around Israel, the Palestinian neighbourhoods, the Palestinian citizens inside Israel, and non-Jewish immigrants.
... Another crucial element was the militarisation of the educational system. In 1998 the Ministry of Education announced a new master plan devoted to linking students more closely with the army. The basic idea was to follow children from kindergarten through high school graduation so as to ensure that they would be well prepared for ‘military environment and values’ and that they would ‘be able to cope with situations of pressure and developing leadership skills on a battlefield’. The level of physical fitness required by the army would be a precondition for matriculation and graduation, and an obligatory, integral part of the future educational system would be participation in army manoeuvres and military indoctrination. This was to be complemented by enriched lessons on Zionism and Eretz Israel studies. In the final three years of high school, the scheme aimed at ‘increasing the motivation and preparedness for the IDF’. During the initial year there would be a focus on ‘the individual’s commitment to his or her homeland’, and in the following two years, on ‘actual participation in military life’. In a way, this had always been done at schools, but always as a marginal part of school life; moreover, its features were formulated by more mainstream Zionists. Now the individual pupil would learn the history of the land according to the neo-Zionist interpretation – an education bound to shape his or her vision of the future."
Ilan Pappé, The Idea of Israel: A History of Power and Knowledge (2014)
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deborahdeshoftim5779 · 3 months
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This beautiful photograph is proof of why Israel is such an incredible country.
Noa Argamani, who was kidnapped by Palestinian terrorists in October 2023, was recently rescued by Israel, along with three other hostages. She has been reunited with her father, and was able to see her terminally ill mother. As devastating as it is to have a parent that is dying, the pain would have been even worse if Noa Argamani had not been rescued.
Look at that beautiful smile. Seven months of an unspeakable nightmare are over. God bless her and her family.
This rescue proves that it was probably never necessary for Israel to do hostage deals with Hamas. Israel had and continues to have the capacity to rescue Israelis (and non-Israelis) from Palestinian terrorists. There was probably little reason for Israel to agree to release Palestinian convicts, including convicted terrorists, in return for hostages.
Remember that Israel managed the rescue of thousands of Ethiopian Jews from the Horn of Africa without anyone knowing. The 200+ hostages stolen from Israel were scattered about in the Gaza Strip, just next door, and Israel quickly overcame the terrorists during the early stages of the war. The self-righteous, pseudo-moralist hysteria over Rafah was incited by Palestinian terrorists because they have no other city of refuge left, and they are running out of leverage.
It's time for the United States, Egypt, Qatar, and the international community to stop stifling Israel's abilities and war goals. Israel can win this war against Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Israel can rescue the hostages. Israel's invasion of Gaza has enabled the latter and will therefore enable the former.
By rescuing hostages, instead of doing deals, Palestinian terrorists and their supporters lose levereage. And if they lose leverage, they can be defeated.
Stop standing in Israel's way. Palestinian terrorists started this war; the consequences are entirely of their own making. If people hated war as much as they claimed, they would support Israel achieving all of its war goals. Stripping Palestinian terrorists of their weapons, land, fuel, supplies, and levereage will ensure that they cannot start another war in the future. That will be good for the Israelis, good for those Palestinians who want peace, and good for the Middle East.
GOD BLESS THE IDF for rescuing these hostages!
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sayruq · 11 months
Remember how Israel was like 'ground invasion is imminent?' The most recent time that is. Well they'll have to push it back again
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No wonder morale keeps sinking. The real truth is that the IDF is terrified of the prospect of fighting the resistance street by street and in the tunnels. Their own leadership admits their casualties will be very high.
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These soldiers simply aren't trained enough for real war. Their real purpose is beating Palestinian women and children and kidnapping their men. Here's Joe Biden making excuses for Israel so they continue to look strong to Americans.
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It's no surprise that another delay is being fronted after a day of Israel receiving heavy bombardment from the resistance in Gaza and Hezbollah.
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Speaking of major blows, here's more of the resistance attacking Israel
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Not to mention, political blows
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Naturally, after a day of humiliation, Israel dropped many bombs on Gaza. Remember this whenever you see an attack on Gaza. Yes, it's being done out of cruelty and yes, the aim is to annihilate Gazans, but it's also as a result of impotent rage because they're unable to defeat the resistance or even intimidate them.
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(It's interesting how there's more dissent in the Israeli military and media than in America.)
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This is Israel finally acknowledging that Hezbollah has become a huge problem for them. Hezbollah has yet to 'officially' enter the war which means it is not even using its full missile and rocket capacity.
To put it simply, Israel cannot handle war with Palestinians and Hezbollah at the same time. They're floundering against both and they have to pick and choose who they want to focus on more.
And finally, just to end the post with an amusing thought. This is the Biden administration's response to the recent polling showing there's no popular support for Israel in America
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matan4il · 5 months
I've written before that the Iranian attack on Israel is pretty unprecedented, and I was thinking in terms of the history of this specific conflict, but it's actually true on a bigger scale as well.
They launched at least 331 airborne weapons that Israel has intercepted as well, more if you take into account what was intercepted by other countries. Most of the weapons were launched out of Iran itself, but some were launched by Iran's proxies from the territories of Yemen and Syria.
Now, the suicide drones? Take about 8 hours to make it from Iran to Israel. The cruise missiles? Around 4 hours. And the ballistic missiles? Those are the ones that would cause the most damage and would be the hardest to intercept, they actually leave the Earth's atmosphere, travel in outer space and re-enter right before they strike, and they move at such a speed that they make it from Iran to Israel within just 10 minutes. So imagine what it means, that Iran launched all of these weapons at different times, from different locations, but coordinated everything to make sure they'd all hit Israel at roughly the same time. That was done in order to tax our defence systems, to maximize how much would get through and succeed in hurting Israelis. Despite that, 100% of the drones were intercepted, as were 100% of the cruise missiles, and 99% of the ballistic missiles. Only one person (a 7 year old Muslim Bedouine girl, Amin al-Houssani, was injured, please keep her in your thoughts) was directly hurt (though over 60 more people were indirectly harmed).
Defence systems usually aim for a success rate of between 80 to 90% interceptions, so the fact that this MASSIVE and UNPRECEDENTED attack was launched, designed to penetrate all of the defence systems that could be employed against it for maximal damage, yet Israel and the coalition that came together (including Arab countries) to stop Iran's attack managed to make sure that less than 1% got in? Unbelievable. The attack was unprecedented, and so was the defence. I can tell you, even some of the Israelis who worked on developing our defence systems for years felt the success rate had actually exceeded their expectations. That said, the attack was bigger than anyone in Israel thought it would be, too.
Just to really drive home what a ballistic missile is like, this is just the engine carrying part of this ballistic missile, which was intercepted over the Dead Sea (Iran launched at least 110 at Israel, 99% of which were successfully intercepted):
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But even intercepted airborne weapons cause damage. Little Amina was hit by debris from an interception. I'm sharing a vid, cut from the news (it's just for visuals, so I didn't translate it), which shows one of the few hits inside Israel (filmed by Israeli Muslim Arab Bedouins, you can hear one of them calling in panic to his friend, Ramadan), and then the debris that the IDF collected and removed by trucks, to give you an idea of the size of these pieces of weapons, falling from the sky, after they had flown across 1,600 kilometers (~1000 miles):
Bottom line, it's no surprise that the Israeli Chief of Staff made it clear that there will be an Israeli response. We don't know yet what kind of a response it would be, or when it will take place, but there will be one. This kind of attack from Iran just can't be met with silence. If it were, that would imply acceptance of the massive and unprecedented nature of the attack, which in themselves constitute evidence that Iran very much did intend to cause Israel real damage.
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That means if Israel accepts the attack with a shrug of, "hey, we inetrcepted it, and it only cost us 5 billion shekels, so we can just look the other way," then next time? Iran will launch an even bigger attack, to try and get past this remarkable defence. And there will be a next Iranian attack, no matter what excuse they use in order to launch it.
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In related news, the Iranian-funded terrorist organization Hezbollah has launched two attack drones at Israel today, which did not set off the warning alarms, crashed in Israeli territory, caused a fire, and wounded at least 3 people.
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Meanwhile, this is a reminder that while the Islamist regime of Iran has had a lot of victims since its inception in 1979, no one has suffered at its hands more than the Iranian People. It's no wonder that there are signs of Israel support in Iran, even under that oppressive dictatorship. Here's a graffiti seen in Tehran:
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(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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yooniesim · 7 months
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Statement from Overwolf
...Okay, first of all, this whole statement is sadly nothing but them taking the same exact route as before: misdirecting & changing the narrative to only be about "victims" when their Home Support initiative is partnered with the ILF, an openly Zionist organization. This isn't about innocent parties only when they're partnered with an organization that contributes directly towards IDF Military Intelligence. All of the money from the fund goes to the ILF's bank account to distribute, per their own FAQ page. And even without that, the association alone is enough to boycott. Overwolf and Curseforge cannot be "clean of politics" while their CEO partners with and therefore directly supports Zionist parties.
Screenshots directly from Home Support website & ILF website
This statement overall stinks because it puts the blame fully onto people with legitimate concerns by calling them all harassers. Have some people gone too far towards creators? 100%. I know that well. But Overwolf is clearly using that to deflect off of themselves, and this is why it never should have been done in the first place. Y'all focused on the wrong shit- the smaller targets instead of the big ones, and the wrong claim that they're directly funding the IDF with CF revenue, and now they're doing exactly what I said they would: once again using the fact that that's not technically true to weasel out of people's concerns. They even directly call out the fact that it's misinformation like I said they would! They clarified fucking nothing, they repeated the same shit they already said because they know they can. We need to change the focus of the boycott so that they are forced to address their actual wrongdoing! Stop spending all your time sending threatening messages on anon and instead spread factual information with sources and reach out to creators in good faith effort to get them to speak without the fear of being attacked. They will stay silent as long as the negative consequences (financially & socially) is all on them and not Overwolf & EA.
I'm still working on a comprehensive post with everything, but in the meantime, please spread this post around.
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jewish-sideblog · 7 months
I think there are a lot of reasons why BDS has never had any practical effect and why I think it never will. But the biggest reason, for me personally, is that they’re calling to boycott Standing Together.
Like. If you’re refusing to support the major Israeli organizations calling for peace and self determination for Palestinians? If you’re demanding that other people withhold their support for such an organization? Then you clearly care more about fucking over Israelis than you care about helping Palestinians.
Y’all. Israel has the most advanced and well-organized military in the region. The IDF has fought the entire Arab League at once, after being hit with surprise attacks from all sides, and won handily. It’s done that multiple times. Israel has the economic and military backing of nearly the entire Western world. Israel has nukes.
As a practical matter, Palestinian sovereignty in the former British Mandate must come with Israeli permission. The best way to achieve Israeli permission is to support peace organizations within Israel, and support Israeli voices in favor of peace. But if your goal is just to antagonize millions of people in a country with an elite military and nuclear weapons, including the people in that country who agree with you, you’re probably not gonna get what you want. Just sayin.
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laineystein · 8 months
i personally don’t support war and find blindly serving any military awful. I don’t mean to be rude i just wonder why you think that defending israel is the only way to garuntee jewish safety? that feels like taking responsibility off of other countries and leaving diaspora jews vunerable. im really just anti military but this conflict has been awful and i hope for the safety of all jewish people israelis muslims and palestinians but no safety to a government of right wingers
I admire your bravery in reaching out when I don’t have anon turned on. Few would, so good on you.
First off, I’m not serving blindly. None of the soldiers I’m serving with are serving blindly. We all believe in what we’re doing and we’re going to keep doing it until the mission is done and all of our people are safe again. I could get into the nuances of conscription and reserves but I’m not going to. With confidence, succinctly, none of us are serving blindly. (I’m also employed by the IDF outside of reserves so I assure you that I, in particular, love my army and believe in what we stand for.)
I don’t *think* that defending Israel is the only way to guarantee Jewish safety. I know it is. We are a country surrounded by homicidal antisemites. Hamas has stated that they will continue doing what they did on October 7th until we cease to exist. There is no peace for the Israeli or Palestinian people with Hamas still in power. So we’re destroying their tunnels and we’re rooting them out and we’re here for our hostages. Let’s play devils advocate - if Israel didn’t exist do you all honestly think that Hamas and all other Iran proxies would just allow Jews and the Western world to live in peace? Because they wouldn’t. Y’all should be grateful that we’re here because if we weren’t, they’d be killing Jews elsewhere. Don’t let them fool you into believing this is about land. They. Hate. Jews. And Israel is the only place in the world where Jews can truly defend themselves. My grandfather survived the Holocaust BH and he always says that they didn’t have a way to defend themselves in the camps. They weren’t organized. They didn’t have weapons. They didn’t have the upper hand. Well now we’re organized and we’re armed and we’re trained. Never again will we be helpless - thanks to Israel.
“That feels like taking the responsibility off of other countries” - what responsibility? To protect Jews? To persecute Hamas? Feh! None of that will ever happen. Not once has any other country *saved* the Jewish people. And, actually, often times people are turning a blind eye to our persecution - like most of the world did on and after and ever since October 7th. Like they did during the Holocaust. Like they have every time Hamas and PIJ indiscriminately fire rockets at Israel. As I said, never again will our safety be in anyone else’s hands because the world has shown us time and time again that they do not care.
“Leaving diaspora Jews vulnerable” is an insane way to blame the victim. WE WERE ATTACKED. But do you think we needed to be attacked for people to hate Jews? No, this has just empowered them to do so out loud. There has always been a correlation between anti-Israel hate and violence against Jews in the diaspora. In May of 2021 when 4000+ rockets were fired into Israel, goyim in the diaspora took this as permission to act out their antisemitic fantasies. Again when WE WERE ATTACKED. Don’t forget - People were celebrating our massacre before Israel even set foot in Gaza. Don’t let the world fool you into thinking that Israel defending ourselves has created antisemitism in the diaspora, it’s only encouraged it.
I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt here and assume you are not Jewish. I don’t know how to explain this conflict to you - a conflict I have lived my entire life (like my parents and grandparents before me). I don’t know how to share my pain and grief and the pain and grief of my tribe in a way that will make sense. But I’m done needing to justify my existence as a Jew. Israel is done justifying its existence as the homeland of the Jewish people. History has shown us that our survival is our responsibility and I/we won’t apologize for it. The same people that are too cowardly to stand up for us when our people are killed and raped can keep their mouths shut when we defend ourselves.
And it seems like maybe you didn’t read this post that I shared today which really would have answered a lot of this without me needing to go on a sleep deprived rant.
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