#well actually i would prefer to not do this at all but i feel like my resume needs to reflect a higher interest in the book world than it
sunderwight · 11 hours
Shen Yuan with a Luo Binghe dakimakura is great but sometimes I stop and think about how a role reversal would have looked (i.e. Binghe as the reader who transmigrates in, Shen Yuan as the fictional character he was obsessing over) and oh my god. Fan Binghe who grew up with chronically online geek culture would have been next level in the absence of an actual, physical Shen Yuan/SQQ. Fan Binghe would have owned everything. He probably would have had to commission it all himself, either because the novel wasn't popular enough for the level of desired merch or because the mainstream commercially produced products were too cheap or flimsy or inaccurate for his specifications or probably both. Perfect hand fan recreations. Replica Xiu Ya (it's an actual sword) hanging on his wall. Fanart both done in a classical style (as in, 'what Shen Qingqiu might actually have hanging on his walls') as well as a variety of character portraits and erotic art zines. Printed and hand-bound copies of his favorite fanfics. Somewhere in China there's an amateur bookbinder who is making BANK off of this obsession, producing the most high level gorgeously bound copies of the filthiest smut and fluffiest hurt-comfort teacher/student fics.
Luo Binghe would be controversial in fandom because he is just as nitpicky and wank-y as Shen Yuan, with an extra dose of turning up in the comments sometimes to act like a jealous/possessive boyfriend accusing writers of being a little TOO lustful towards his unlikely waifu, but on the other hand he is rich and he will pay through goddamn nose for anything and everything that caters to his preferences. So a solid chunk of the fan creators just do things they think he'd like because they want in on the cash cow, while much of the rest of the fandom hates his guts because they feel like he hijacked everything with his own fanon and headcanons and obsessions. Shen Yuan isn't even that popular! Most of the rest of the fandom is kind of down on him as a cliche clueless danmei protagonist, they're all there for the score of blueballed love interests. Beautiful Liu Qingge and darkhorse Shang Qinghua and mysterious, tortured Yue Qingyuan and whatever the hell is going on with his evil doppelganger, Shen Jiu. Luo Binghe doesn't ever commission Shen Yuan with any of them, though! He's always solo, or maybe with a faceless tentacle monster or something!
It gets weird. There are probably Woman Buying Wonder Bread-esque memes about Binghe's highly specific kink commissions. On the other hand, Luo Binghe comes down harder than the actual artists on unsanctioned reposts because he commissioned Shen Yuan in that sexy lingerie fondling a really huge sword and it's not just for anyone to go around putting that up on whatever website they please!
He would own several dakimakura and they would arguably be more normal than a lot of the rest of his collection, is what I'm saying. He'd have them in different poses and seasonal outfits and versions that were acceptable for company and ones that had to get tucked into a drawer under the bed every morning because they were for Binghe's eyes only. And it wouldn't even just be the sexy ones, but also the ones where Shizun looks soft and fond and gentle and affectionate. The man was definitely working his way up to commissioning a lifelike Shen Yuan sex doll when the universe did absolutely everyone a favor and yeeted him into a transmigration scenario.
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some-stars · 1 day
@yellowwwcrayon asked for things to be sent to them to cheer them up. so i wrote logan getting jealous over someone flirting with wade, as requested. hope it helps <3
They stop by the diner on the next block the morning after their first night in the new place, a narrow two-bedroom about twenty percent bigger and six blocks further from the subway. By the time the waitress gets them to their table, Wade already has her laughing, surprised and genuine, and the way she locks eyes with him when she pours his coffee is--it's nothing that Logan should feel any way about, but after a thoroughly sleepless night in his own bedroom, alone in bed for the first time in three months, he's given up pretending. It makes him feel a way.
She walks off and Wade doesn't watch her go. "So how'd you sleep last night? Is the luxury of a double bed all to yourself everything you were promised it would be?"
"It was fine," Logan says. The mattress had been an improvement over the pullout couch, at least.
"I starfished so hard," Wade says. "I went full snow angel. It was incredible." He sighs, smiling blissfully. Which is fine. Of course he prefers having his own space.
Wade lists the thrift stores he wants to check for dishes and furniture. Logan nods along and scans the menu for what to suggest to Wade when he inevitably forgets to look at it and the waitress asks what he wants.
She comes back after a couple minutes. "What can I get you guys?"
"Eggs over easy with bacon and home fries," Logan says, handing over his menu.
Wade looks his own up and down, fast enough that he's definitely not actually reading it. "I want. Uh. Logan, what do I want?"
"Waffles," Logan tells him.
"Fantastic choice." Wade gives him a thumbs up. "Waffles please, Emily. Can they come with strawberries and whipped cream?"
"Well..." She smiles at him. "I mean, they don't, but we have strawberries for the fruit salad and whipped cream for sundaes, so I'm sure we can make that happen."
Wade smiles back, bright and genuine. They're both being completely genuine. She's not pretending to be charmed for a bigger tip; she just likes Wade. Logan can't exactly blame her for that. And Wade likes her. It's hard to tell exactly how much, though. He's been in a good mood since Logan woke up.
"Emily," Wade says, "you're an angel. The biblically accurate kind, which is way cooler than a dude in a robe."
Emily giggles like she's recognizing a reference to something. She's good-looking, late twenties, maybe. Black hair in a ponytail and tortoiseshell glasses and fucking besotted with Wade, who may or may not realize he's flirting with her. There's no reason for him not to flirt with her.
Logan doesn't realize he's scowling until she leaves and Wade leans across the table. "What's got your fur all puffed out, kittycat?" he says. "I haven't seen that level of bitch face from you in weeks."
He makes his face go neutral, probably. "Nothing. What were you saying about IKEA?"
"Ridiculously overpriced for the quality, ever since they became a cultural icon. You're literally just paying for the brand at this point."
The food can't take more than ten minutes to arrive, but Emily manages to stop by to refill their coffee twice. By the time she sets Logan's eggs in front of him, she's calling Wade by his name and making some kind of reference to a TV show that apparently went off the air over twenty years ago, which of course Wade understands.
The idea of Wade hitting it off with someone, dating them, finding someone to be serious about again, should make Logan glad for him. God knows the guy deserves it. And the worst part is Logan is glad, it genuinely feels good to see Wade happy and looking comfortable to be out in public without the mask, with someone who clearly really likes him.
It just also feels fucking terrible, for reasons Logan hasn't even had a full day yet to consciously process.
Emily sets Wade's plate down, revealing that the strawberry slices on the waffle have been arranged into a smiley face. Wade claps his hands in delight. Logan's spoon bends in his fist. He puts some food in his mouth without tasting it, because he's genuinely worried he might say something. 
Wade blows a kiss at Emily as she walks backwards away from the table, and Logan makes a noise around his eggs. Wade looks back at him, eyebrows raised.
"Did something go down the wrong pipe, peanut?"
"A little young for you, isn't she?" It sounds stupid coming out of his mouth. He doesn't know why he's saying anything at all. 
Wade doesn't lower his eyebrows. "Thirty-two is pretty solidly in my half-your-age-plus-seven range. Not that you have a leg to stand on. Blind Al isn't even in your range. You can pretty much only date vampires."
"Thirty-two?" Logan says, skeptical. "How do you know?"
"She told me," Wade says. "You were there, looking like she just took a dump in your pina colada. For no apparent reason, since she definitely didn't do that."
Logan's so fucking stupid. "Forget it."
Wade shakes his head. "No, sorry, I'm interested now. It was a joke before, but literally if you had cat ears they'd be flat as hell right now. Tail swishing ominously, puffed up, the whole nine yards. Why are you so pissed someone's being nice to me?"
"I'm not--" 
Wade reaches over and pulls the bent spoon out of Logan's hand. "Sure. Cool as a cucumber, that's you. Seriously, did she do something bad?"
He's frowning, a little, like he's genuinely open to the possibility of the woman he's into having some secret evil tell that only Logan noticed. He always takes Logan so fucking seriously. Nobody's done that since--he can't remember. Since before everything went wrong. 
"She's fine," Logan says. He thinks he sounds mostly normal. "It's fine. Fuck off."
Wade's eyes go cartoonishly wide, and Logan's stomach turns over. "Holy fucking shit are you jealous?"
"Shut the fuck up," Logan says, low and dangerous. Wade's grin practically splits his face in half.
"You're jealous, oh my god. You like me. You have a crush on me, oh my god, this is so fucking cool."
He can't do this. "Go fuck yourself," he snarls, and slides out of the booth and stands up. His face feels hot. He wants to punch Wade, but he wants to get out of here more; he's three long steps away when Wade calls after him.
"Logan, wait!" He sounds urgent. Almost scared, which doesn't make any sense. "It's okay, I'm not--I'm sorry, I'm being a huge asshole. Please don't storm out of our first brunch in the new neighborhood, I'll be too sad to put the receipt in my scrapbook. There'll just be a blank space. It'll be heartbreaking."
Logan's so fucking tired. From not sleeping, but even more from Wade sounding genuinely apologetic, like he thinks he's done something wrong. Logan sighs and turns around. The spoon is spinning back and forth in Wade's fingers. He probably doesn't even know he's fidgeting with it.
"Can you just not fucking joke about it?" he mutters, and sits heavily back down.
"No, I'm not--I mean, it's not--" Wade frowns, pressing his lips together like he wants to say something. 
Logan waits, for lack of any better option.
"I like you too," Wade says. It comes out in a rush, quiet and earnest. "I like you a lot. More than Emily. Was she really flirting with me? I don't think she was flirting with me. Can I come sit on your side, or is that too forward?" His brow furrows, and he leans back, away from Logan. "Not that you're like, required to date me now, just because you have--wow, I am making a lot of assumptions, sorry, it's just kind of nerve-wracking because you haven't said anything or even moved a single muscle in your face and I'm starting to feel like I've drastically misjudged the situation but I can't figure out how and it's making me a little manic."
"Wade," Logan says. Wade's mouth shuts. Something in Logan's chest clenches tight for a second, then flutters open.
He slides over to the inside of the booth, making room.
When Emily comes back with yet more coffee, Logan watches her face fall. She takes a breath and rolls her shoulders back. "How's everything tasting?" she says, with a smile only a little less bright. 
"Fantastic," Wade says. "Are these local strawberries?"
"It's November," she says, "so no."
"Then I must just be tasting the love you put into them," Wade says, squeezing Logan's hand. Logan nudges Wade's foot with his own and smiles down at his plate as Emily laughs. 
"Oh shit, she was flirting with me," Wade hisses once she's gone again. "What the fuck, that never fucking happens! I mean it used to happen constantly but then, you know, Extreme Makeover: Face Edition. Which makes your sudden affection all the more inexplicable, but--gift horse, mouth, et cetera. We should tip her a lot, I think."
"Yeah," Logan agrees. "She's got good taste. Ought to be rewarded."
"Now you're flirting with me?" Wade's voice comes out higher than normal. He coughs. "Tell me your feelings on PDA, I need to know right now immediately."
Wade is staring at his mouth, swaying even further into his space. Logan tries to remember how he felt five hours ago in the pre-dawn dark, alone in his cold too-wide bed, but it's already fuzzed over and distant.
"Go for it," he says, and then he's being kissed. Wade's mouth is sweet with syrup, and pleasantly bitter beneath that. Logan kisses him back, loses track of time for a minute.
When they leave, Wade puts enough cash on the table to cover their bill twice over. Logan adds another ten dollars and his silent, fervent thanks.
(okay i did put it on ao3 and it's very slightly tweaked over there)
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sulumuns-dootah · 2 days
WHB demon's favorite horror movies
⟡ Masterlist ⟡ 
A/N: Another long post including all our demon boys :D Also thought I'd change up the look of these all-demon big posts so lmk if you like this one ^^
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You'd expect him to pick some torture-porn, but he actually picks something supernatural
More specifically a movie with vengeful spirits
People hurting each other? meh... Spirits messing with people bc they're pissed? Well, now we're talking
Favorite movie: The Grudge (2004)
Rather than something scary, Sitri like watching something cosy
Doesn't want to spill his tea when a jumpscare gets him
The only time he'll watch something like that is with his partner, so he can hear their heart race
Favorite movie: The Shining (1980)
(We've had Amy just for a little bit so bare with me)
Rebellious boi allert (?)
Pretty boy loves to watch movies about other boys ^^
Favorite movie: Lost boys (1987)
In last year's halloween-themed post I wrote that Leraye doesn't care as long as the movie has thunderstorms in it and I still stand by that
Who has the brain capacity to remember movie names when most of your blood is rushing south?
Please, please, please introduce Paimon to Hereditary!
Still, despite the movie literally having them in it, Pai prefers more of a "girly" horror
Favorite movie: Jennifer's body (2009)
Okay, not really a horror movie fan per se, but a horror musical?
With a lot of good music with funny lyrics?
And the type that Jiyu enjoys singing?
You've got Belial's attention
Favorite musical: Sweeney Todd (2007)
We've got a psychological horror fan on our hands!
Oh, and if the movie has the characters speak in unordinary way?
A local accent or different language has Astaroth interested instantly
Favorite movie: The Vvitch (2015)
Zagan likes the old classics
Or the old movies where the characters don't speak
Sadly, he doesn't speak up for himself when the nobles are arguing what to watch, so he has to watch a lot of movies from the others
Favorite movie: Frankenstein (1931)
As brave as Ppyong thinks he is, he doesn't like horror movies that much
Usually, someone has to be with him for comfort and safety while watching anything remotely scary
Favorite movie: Any of the Scooby Doo movies
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I... don't think Mammon has a preference.
Part of me feels like he doesn't really get the point of watching movies
Like, if you suggest snuggling up and watching something, he'll be all for it, but only bc of the snuggling bit
Favorite movie: Your favorite movie
Is anyone surprised that this gold-digger loves any movie that follows wealthy people?
Me neither
Doesn't matter what genre it is, he's The Rich Person Apologist™
Favorite movie: American psycho (2000)
Eligos doesn't like scary movies, but(!) horror adjacent movies are his thing
Loves all those teenage witch shows and movies like The Craft
Oh, also Scream Queens ^^
Movie nights with Paimon and Eligos >>>>>>
Favorite movie: Elvira: Mistress of the Dark (1988)
Since Valefor like to know about other people's experiences in bed, why not extend that to the type of media he likes?
Found footage feels right to say that Valefor would enjoy
Also, why do a lot of the found footage movies contain sex scenes? :/
Favorite movie: Ghoul (2015)
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I bet you expected something Lovecraftian, huh?
So did I, but couldn't find any movie in that genre that would scream Levi's name
But you know who fits his aesthetic perfectly? Tim Burton's movies!
It also kinda makes sense since I'd imagine our poor PTSD-having demon would hate anything making him feel on edge
He's had enough of being scared
Favorite movie: Corpse Bride (2005)
Ooh, another psychological horror fan!
I also imagine that all the Hades nobles like theatre/musicals/ballet, so let's look for somethin in the middle...
Favorite movie: Black Swan (2010)
You can imagine how Barbatos reacts to most scary movies, which usually consist of dark scenes shot at night
Not to say he won't watch anything with you, but he will complain about how pale the actors are :/
Favorite movie: Midsommar (2019)
Okay, we can all see this coming
This fucker (affectionate) loves his torture-porn
I mean, most of us have read his H-scene
Favorite movie: Hostel (2005)
Our old/young man loves movies with creepy children since he looks like one of them
Some even give him inspiration for acquiring more souls for himself
Favorite movie: Sinister (2012)
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To capture this idiot's attention, a movie needs to be really interesting to him
Likes his cannibal movies
They, just like to Orias, give him inspo, but this time for recipes
Favorite movie: Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
Bael is more grounded with his taste in movies
Still a slasher fan, but more on the realistic side
Imagining him just sitting on a couch/armchair while sipping some tea under a blanket while watching a movie gives me tired single mom vibe idk
Favorite movie: Psycho (1960)
An obvious fan of Werewolf movies since he's one technically too
Kinda hopes that he can learn something about controlling his transformation from them
(I don't really like werewolves alltogether so I found this one on google - I hope it's good)
Favorite movie: Wolf (1994)
Rebelllious boi 2
If there's guns that shoot, Stolas will watch it bc it goes with his tough guy persona
Favorite movie: The Purge (2013)
Given that he'll most likely fall asleep during the movie if he's not watching it with Beel or you in the room
Likes 90's movies in general bc they're more chill and more about the vibes
Favorite Movie: Scream (1996)
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Another torture-porn enjoyer
Surprise surprise?
Yeah, him and Glasya having a movie night is an experience only for the stongest
Favorite movie: Laid to Rest (2009) or The Collector (2009)
Phenix loves any and all movies and they don't need to be scary or anything due to their affliction
Still, I think if they weren't under Asmo's influence, they would enjoy a good succubus/siren movie
Favorite movie: Siren (2016)
Yep, another torture-porn fan, except this time for the opposite reasons
Glasya and Ronove look for fun gore, Danta is looking for hot ways to die
Favorite movie: Audition (1999)
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Okay, not a movie but an anime
What else would you expect from our weeb snoozer?
Favorite anime: Junji Ito Maniac! (2023)
Usually, Beleth loves his mafia type of movies
When it comes to horror, he wants to be laughing hard
Bonus points if he can relate in some sort of sense to the main villain
Favorite movie: Beetlejuice (1988)
Teacher boy loves his horror villains S-M-A-R-T
Like the calculated, composed type
Favorite movie: Silence of the Lambs (2001)
There's nothing scarier to Bathin than being contained to one place without the possibility to escape
It makes him feel claustrophobic no matter how big the place is
Like you could lock him up in a castle full of spacey rooms and he'll be anxious
Favorite movie: Misery (1990)
Since Andre can't see, I don't really think he's enjoy movies
He does, however love the audio stuff
Audioboooks and horror game OSTs are his go-to's during spooky season
Favorite audiobook: Between two Fires
Favorite game OST: Layers of Fear
Since Belphie took Niflheim from him, Agares realised he really loves his vengeful spirit movies
'They took from her so she started taking from them'
or how the quote was in his favorite movie
Favorite movie: The Woman in Black (2012)
With his love for speeches and such, Vassago finds himself ofhen enjoying the religious horrors
Bonus points if there actually are some speech scenes
Favorite movie: Midnight Mass (2021)
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If there's a movie containing the Antichrist, Luci is interested
He kinda also finds it amusing to see humans fumble with their demon names and stories
Favorite movie: The Omen (1976)
It might be a bit childish, but Morax likes movies themed around holidays
Bonus points if there is an adorable character
Favorite movie: Trick 'r Treat (2007)
Buer loves a good mindfuck movie with an unexpected twist
Other psychological horrors are good too, but you know...
There's nothing better than a lore drop that makes you wanna rewatch the movie from beginning and look for the subtle hints
Favorite movie: Orphan (2009)
The last member of our gore aficionados
The only struggle for Marbas is to not criticize some anatomy errors of the sfx team
Favorite movie: Terrifier (2016)
It's rare for this babey dragon to watch horrors, but if he's with someone, he will
Once he's watched one already, he's less scared and will watch it again alone
Any movie where he can relate to a character is an instant hyperfixation until another movie comes around
Favorite movie: The Boy (2016)
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yuwuta · 2 days
i fear there are only few of us left who gaf about eren :/ do u think anything else about him im so deprived
ofc ofc ofc that’s my baby ://///// i think about him all the time always <33
His niche of skills is based in homemaking and actual home-making as in construction because when he would act up as a kid, those were the punishments Carla gave him LOL. He got into a fight at school and she’d make him chop wood and start a fire. He was rude to her or Mikasa and she forced him to iron everyone’s clean laundry and fold it after. He made a mess being reckless when she told him to do his homework and she sent him outside to go lay new bricks around the well. All of which reigned him in by the time he was 12ish, and then he started just… doing it for fun or doing it preemptively before his attitude got out of hand. He’d have a bad day at school, and his mom would come home to him mowing the lawn or planting new trees or fixing the plumbing or fixing that broken leg on the chair or cleaning the gutter or harvesting the vegetables or fixing that crack in the wall; it becomes a sort of outlet for him. So now, occasionally you’ll see Eren run his fingers across a cracked wall or chipped piece of furniture and him mumbling some home depot jargon to himself about how he could fix it and whatnot. And he can. He proves to be very useful when your landlord is a deadbeat, and very attractive when he just decides to sit in the living room and put your furniture together.
He’s not a terrible cook, but he’s not a great one either. With effort, he can follow a recipe but there’s always something off. Except maybe one or two dishes from his childhood that he can make perfectly. They’re the first things he ever cooks for you. He’s not that bad when it comes to baking, much to everyone’s surprise. He makes a pretty decent cupcake. Also, whenever he does cook, or just helps you cook, he wears an apron.
If you asked him, he’d say cheek kisses are his favorite. He likes giving them, but he likes receiving them even more. There’s just something so sweet about it… you’re so gentle with him sometimes it stuns him, and something about kissing his cheek is so pure that it makes Eren stop and wonder how one person could make him so happy. His favorite kind of kisses to give you are forehead kisses, especially if he’s taller than you. It makes him feel like he can protect you, reminds him he has something to fight for.
Terrified of thunder and lightning but he refuses to admit it. Whenever it’s raining, he finds himself curled up on the couch, preferably laying on top of you and sleeping away as much of the day/night as he can. Sometimes he just wants his head on your lap and your hands in his hair; something else to focus on other than the sounds outside. But, admittedly, he likes it when you play with his hair on any day.
Has your last name saved as his last name in his phone. Also definitely doodled your name with his last name in his notebooks as a kid with hearts and kisses around it.
Not a morning person in the slightest and he will make it everybody’s problem. He can be such a scrooge in the morning, no matter what or when he eats or wakes up. You just have to ease him into the day, let him flop on you and lean against you and a kiss or two couldn’t hurt.
He’s a terrible gossip. And he likes to start drama. Messy in every sense of the word. He wants all the tea, he wants names and dates and receipts, and if he has the chance to stir the pot just know that he WILL! The boys are all bitter that Eren is the one who gets invited to girls night but he simply makes himself one of the girls (and he’s so willing to sell out Jean or Connie if it means he gets a seat at the table). Plus, he makes pretty good tea and supplies the desserts, and is everyone’s handyman—he built this gossip session brick by brick.
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suugarbabe · 2 days
Hello if I’m remembering correctly you made a post about Blaise Zabini and I was wondering if you feel like it if not ignore about Blaise either falling in love with reader through the course of there stay at hogwarts or either because friends please and thank you
P.S Blaise Zabini is one of my favorite characters and I love him to bits and pieces he’s so underrated🥲
Sorry this took so long, and sorry if there's errors, i did not proof read. but i hope you're still around and didn't abandon me and enjoy this! She's longer.
Funnily enough if someone had told Blaise that he would eventually fall for one half of the whimsical duo and that is you and Luna Lovegood, he would’ve told that person they were off their rocker. When Luna had sat down with his group of friends at breakfast the day after sorting, everyone had a curious tilt in their little eleven year old eyebrows. Draco had slumped his round cheek against his fist while explaining, “Mum told me I had to be nice to her since she’s family.” 
The group had nodded in general understanding that Draco had been referencing Luna, her platinum blonde hair essentially matching his own. Mattheo gave the girl a smirking grin, “I’m always nice to her, aren’t I Lunes? I’m your favorite cousin.” Luna smiled blissfully sweet back at him, “While I do enjoy your presence, Matty, I would prefer that at school you do not set fire to my things if that’s okay.” Mattheo gave a toothy grin as he held out his smallest finger, “Pinky promise.” (He broke that promise by third year but he swears it was accidental)
Theo was the first one to actually point you out, “They both you boys’ cousins?” Blaise had spent enough time at the Malfoy manor in his youth to know that you weren’t related but Draco looked in your direction and answered, “Dunno the other one, she just came when Lune did. Think they’re like a pair or something.” He shrugged his shoulders, going back to fill his plate. Luna took to introducing you to the group, her voice soft and airy even at this young age. You waved a small hand in their direction, a bright aura glowing around you, or at least that’s what it appeared like in Blaise’s young mind. 
Luna informed the group that you had been sorted to her house and had sat next to her in the great hall afterwards during last night's meal, “She complimented my earrings, so I had to wear them again today.” Luna brushed her hair behind her ears showing off the radish shaped jewelry. You nodded at her explanation, “They’re rather dashing, don’t you guys think?” Your voice had a similar airy tone to Luna’s but a little hint of something else that Blaise couldn’t quite put his finger on. Nonetheless the boys all politely nodded, a young Enzo responding, “You mean they’re rather radishing?” He slapped the table as he started laughing hysterically.
When no one else started laughing he rolled his eyes, “Cmon, seriously no one?” You gave him an encouraging smile, “The delivery was quite good but the joke was not, I’m afraid.” Now this, this caused everyone to laugh, which only caused Enzo to pout. Even Blaise seemed to laugh despite the serious demeanor he was trying to keep. That was the first real effect you had on Blaise, and you weren’t even trying. You never really tried.  
Over the next several years Blaise had seen you in passing. As you both got older you started to form your own friend groups. Well, Blaise continued with the rest of the boys while you and Luna formed your own group. In passing you were always polite to him, even though he never really acknowledged you. It wasn’t to be rude, it was just the facade that Blaise had adopted in his clique. Broody, silent type. That’s how everyone knew Blaise. Quiet, in the background, only speaking when spoken to or to absolutely silence someone being an idiot (frequently Theo). 
When Professor Bins had partnered you together for a project, the rest of the boys told him how sorry they were for him. “Whaddya mean?” Blaise wasn’t quite concerned with being partnered with you. You and him were, friendly he supposed. And he knew you were incredibly smart so he wasn’t worried about his grade falling with you as a partner. Seeing his confused look Enzo spoke up, “We mean because you got stuck with with Loopy.” Blaise’s face must have shown his confusion because Theo jumped in, “You know, Looney and Loopy.” 
“Hey, watch it,” Malfoy quipped. Theo raised his hands, “Hey, you know we don’t call her that, besides her friend seems a little worse for wear than she does.” Blaise scoffed, “If we’re talking about worse for wear none of you have place to talk.” Blaise readjusted his bag over his shoulder, “You guys are a bunch of gits, I’ll see you later.” He stalked off, leaving his friends behind as he ventured towards the library to meet you. When he made it through the thick double doors the overwhelming smell of musk and old books flooded his senses. 
Blaise actually loved the library. He loves the old books, the dark academia atmosphere, and the quietness from the absence of his friends who rarely, if ever, stepped foot in the space. In truth Blaise was pretty sure the only way any of them would even know where the library was is if they followed him to the location. 
Taking a deep breath in, Blaise scanned across the viewable tables. Not seeing your form he figured he beat you to the library, so he ventured off to his favorite spot farther in the back. He liked this particular space because it was (1) harder to find and (2) no one usually bothered him there. Rounding one of the bookcases he halted abruptly when he saw none other than you sitting at his table. “W-What are you doing here?” his voice sounded almost squeaky, causing him to clear his throat. 
You looked up from your textbook with a smile, and there was that glow again. A low shining hum that seemed to radiate around you since Blaise first saw you all those years ago. And then it hit him, a visceral punch to his gut, a raging swarm of butterflies overtaking him. All those times he felt his cheeks heat when you said hello to him. That weird feelings of happiness when you two ended up having a class together. The raging anger he had when the boys were seemingly making fun of you earlier. He fucking liked you. Oh gods, he was fucked. You glowed to him. 
He sat down at the table, missing your answer to his earlier question and blowing right past it to get his materials out. He was so hyper fixated on not freaking out, he seemed to be ignoring you on accident. Only when he heard your soft laugh did he look up. “M’sorry did you say something?” You smiled sweetly, eyes soft and kind as you looked at him. Blaise could feel his body temperature rising under your gaze, pulling his tie loose to see could feel like he could breathe again.
You smiled even bigger, biting slightly on your body lip. Fucking Salazar she’s trying to kill me, Blaise shook his head slightly, focusing back on you as you started to speak again. “I asked if you wanted to go to Hogsmead with me this weekend.” Blaise’s jaw slacked slightly, “Wha-, erm, you’re asking me out?” You laughed again, “I figured it was time, I’ve been crushing on you forever and Lunes told me to just be bold with it, no matter how loopy it seemed.” 
Blaise seemed to choke on nothing, having a slight coughing fit before recovering, “You, erm, know about that?” You grinned, and Blaise told himself he’d never grow tired of seeing it on your face, “I know that people call me and luna Looney and Loopy? I’m not daft, B. We decided to just embrace it after second year.” Blaise nodded, cheeks heating slightly. “So, do you have an answer, or will I be going by myself?” Blaise did his best to control his stammering, “I, erm, y-yes.” 
You raised an eyebrow, “Yes I’ll be going by myself?” Blaise let out a long sigh as he rubbed his hands over his face, “Bloody hell, Zabini get yourself together. No, I mean, gods, I meant yes I’ll go with you this weekend. I would actually love to go with you.” You bit your bottom lip again to contain the growing smile, “Perfect.” And Blaise was sure of it, that if he wasn’t already, he was going to fall in love.
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Hello everybody! I’m Carbonated-Jem! 
I sincerely hope you’re having a good day as this post finds you.
You’re probably wondering what this is. Well this my good compatriot is the result of a very ill advised task I put upon myself at the beginning of this year. There’ll be a TL;DR at the bottom for those who don’t want my full ramblings (sorry about that btw, not very good at this), but I do appreciate anyone who’ll give a silly person like me the time of day.
You see, I am a fan of Danganronpa, and as a result I like to read a lot of gay fanfic (and if I’m feeling daring I’ll even look at fan art, shocking). This series for all its ups and downs is quite important to me and becoming who I am today. Tokomaru especially helped me through a period of a lot of stress and depression, among other things. 
But as you can tell by the name this isn’t a Blog Dedicated to Tokomaru, it’s a blog dedicated to Junkan. Which might be very surprising to anyone who I haven’t divulged this info to personally. 
I try to make it a habit to not delve too deep into fandoms for the sake of my mental health, I look up fanart, read some appreciation posts on tumblr, read fics, and depending on the series make art for others to enjoy. However one thing I tend to become vaguely aware of regardless of whether I want to or not is what ships are and are not controversial. So I am very aware of the fact that saying I ship Junko and Mikan is bare minimum getting some weird looks from a lot of the people reading this.
Before I give a reason why I’m doing this let me just make clear what this is in the first place.
This is the 100 Days of Junkan, a project I undertook (Kind of as a joke) at the beginning of the year. I have made 100 Pieces to post across the next 100 Days. Some are finished art, some are sketches, some are sketches I added color to later, some are multiple images grouped into one day, comics, and far more. I’ve learned a lot through this project artistically, and some of the surprises I have in store will hopefully be worth the effort. I don’t know 100% for sure what day this post will be on, however the event itself will begin October 1st, and if I did the math right will continue all the way till January 9th. 
Why would I put this much time and energy into this ship, knowing that there are a lot of people who downright hate it? Simple, I just like the ship a lot, and wanted to make more art for it.
And I should further note, there are plenty of fans of this ship as well, however they may be disappointed to hear that unless you’re very much like me, you probably won’t enjoy what I’ve made with these two. In canon (much to my chagrin, because I’m not partial to the direction it took in DR3) this is a very abusive relationship. This is not really my thing, anyone who has seen the ship art I’ve done on my main page will know that I much prefer to draw soft, fluffy shipping art. I try to make art which will leave a positive vibe on people for the most part.
That said I understand why there are people who like this ship for how it is represented in canon. Shipping Junkan has taught me to stop being judgy of people for what they ship (I used to really hate Togami x Toko for example, and while it’s still not my thing I can totally understand why people are into it now). Everyone has their own reasons for shipping something, whether it’s an interesting dynamic, they just like seeing the characters kiss, as a coping mechanism, and plenty of other reasons. I have my boundaries of course, but at this point I try to be open minded towards peoples proclivities.
So if I’m not drawing a Canon Compliant Depiction of this ship, what am I actually doing here?
Well I’ve decided that I’m going to draw niche art for an already very niche ship. I like Junkan on the softer side, where regardless of where it's supposed to be in canon or an AU they just actually love eachother, I've seen and have been inspired by a decent amount of Fanfics depicting this exact thing. It's the dynamic that I find the most interesting personally, as I like the directions you can take it with the characters.
So that’s the deal, for 100 Days starting from October 1st you can expect this blog to post a constant flow of soft Junko x Mikan art. If that’s your thing, I sincerely hope you like all this! It’s been my number one goal to give some art to the people who share a similar desire for softer depictions of this Ship, along with all the people who have already made amazing pieces of writing and artwork depicting the same. If this isn’t your thing, I hope you’ll at least stick around to give it a chance, and if I can’t sell you on it like I have with some of my friends, I hope you can at least walk away from this with a shrug.
Apologizing in advance to all those who peruse the Mikan and Junko tag, because this is gonna be flooding those for awhile I imagine. I fully understand if you wanna block me for this, hope you have a lovely day after that! 
Now dear viewer, please watch this long road unwind and behold such sights as: Me slowly memorizing these two to the point that I can draw them almost entirely without reference at this point, inconsistent colors schemes,  inconsistent heights, so much goddamn blushing, AU’s galore, and the unspeakable things I learned how to do for this project! (And by unspeakable I mean I don’t wanna spoil the surprise!) 
Oh! And as an extra bonus to all this, go check out my AO3 account. I have a singular Junkan Fic on there right now, however as a little bonus for this event (and sure, thematic for Halloween) I’m going to be posting a Vampire AU Junkan Fic periodically throughout October. Partially inspired by the fact that Day 30 depicts a scene I came up with way before the actual fic, and I really want to have it written out and available to read before that post comes out.
The other reason is that if I say i’m going to post it here, that means I am required to actually do it by the law of my brain. Which will likely outweigh my complete lack of self confidence in my ability to write anything making me too paranoid to actually let it go public~
Here’s the link!
And if you stumbled upon this post through the Junkan Tag and not my main account, here’s a link to it!
You’ll find plenty of other Danganronpa Art, including Junko and Mikan on their own. I do other stuff but I imagine that’d be the most immediately interesting, but hey you never know. So hopefully if this blog doesn’t provide anything you’d be into, my normal works will catch your attention! 
I’ve also opened an Ask Box for this blog, why? I dunno. I’ll be real it just seemed like the thing to do. But feel free to ask questions and I'll try to respond best I can!
And finally here is the TL,DR for those who didn't wanna read through my mind numbing rambling.
I like Danganronpa, I like drawing Soft Junkan art for a lot of reasons. I’m posting 100 Pieces for 100 Days of this ship, and hopefully ya’ll will enjoy it. If not, that’s okay! I hope you have a great day! 
Reblogs Appreciated!~ Stay hydrated Everyone!~
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syndrossi · 20 hours
I was going to leave this as a comment on the ask you just answered, but it was getting too long, so, new ask it is: As amazing as Jon and Rhaegar being twins is, there have been many ideas/thoughts on how to squish Dany into a Resonant AU just for fun. Do you have any you especially enjoyed thinking about or think are plausible? Her being their eight-year-old reborn triplet would obviously be fun. I do think her being from yet another universe where she hasn't met Jon yet makes the most sense, so that all three of them are on sort of an even playing field coming into their new circumstances. (Maybe even one where she hasn't hatched dragons yet, that way when she gets a dragon egg with Jon and Rhaegar, it's just as exciting for her as it is for them? Or a verse where she never meets Jon at all, and instead saved the world with Aegon/Young Griff and/or Rhaenys?) I like the idea of her being reborn into the younger!version of Nettles too, thus being their little sister instead of their triplet. I feel like the dynamic shift with a very pretty and Valyrian-in-appearance yet natural born little sister could get real fun and interesting in the Red Keep very quickly, especially since they really do need more girls in this family... All that said, I think my absolute favorite idea for Dany that has been suggested so far is probably the one with her showing up unexpectedly in an au of Reverberate AU where Daemon is shocked at receiving three babies instead of two. 😂 If you DO write a drabble with her in it, I'd vote for this one. I can just see Daemon's shocked pikachu face at being handed THREE babies when he was expecting two...
I think the Resonant set-up but with triplets is the most popular suggestion, but also the least plausible to me. A triplet live birth is so exceedingly rare that people are going to talk about it, and I feel like word would reach Daemon eventually and he'd put two-and-two together. Plus, they'd be an attraction any time someone visited the Gates of the Moon, and TWO Targaryen colored children out of three is going to be nigh impossible to keep under wraps.
So an "early Nettles" relationship (if you ascribe to the theory that Nettles his bastard) would work better for sure. Perhaps he has a dalliance with another lady in Rhea's court before Elys arrives, or perhaps it's with *gasp* a commoner, so she is baseborn. I think it's easier to "hide" a bastard if the mother is a commoner, but a noble lady would have SOME means at least. Perhaps Rhea learns of it as well and "handles" the matter, fuming, to further clean up Daemon's messes so as not to deal with the political inconvenience of her husband's outright infidelity.
So here, Dany would be slightly older than the twins, physically, but they'd be near enough in age to be basically triplets. Maybe on Rhea's deathbed, she's like "by the way, asshole, you have ANOTHER illeg--erm, I mean you have an ACTUAL bastard child living in Gulltown."
As you said, it's an interesting scenario because a) you have the tension of Viserys wanting a proper legitimate princess so he'll have to legitimize her (even if she's *le gasp* baseborn!), and b) the bastard-by-association fears with Dany and the Velaryon boys. And Jon and Rhaegar of course ready to spring to her defense for anyone who dares try to confront her about her bastard roots.
My preferred "which Dany makes the jump" is also a 14-16-year-old version. I think it's cleaner if she isn't the mother of dragons yet, as that's a rough (and complicated) set of bonds to have broken, and she gets to share in Rhaegar's wonder. Plus Jon gets to be double the big brother! Though in terms of maturity, a 16-year-old Dany who hasn't yet gone back to Westeros and has been struggling with the politics of Essos is also a fun midpoint between 14-year-old Rhaegar and 19-year-old Jon. She would feel more like the Dany people are familiar with than her very innocent/naive fourteen-year-old self.
I'm with you where my personal favorite would just be Daemon, all confident in his prediction of twins to the point of commissioning a double-sized twin-dragon-head cradle, getting flummoxed by triplets and spending the next three years terrified of something happening to Dany. (Once she survives their first year, his suspicion probably falls upon the Spring Fever that killed Elys.)
It's probably the least satisfying for people who want to read Dany-with-the-boys, since I'm betting they want the payoff of them being able to converse and seem more like their canon equivalents, vs the much more blended outcome you get in Reverberate, where the boys (and Dany) act somewhat more like their physical age, especially early on.
I'm definitely far more likely to write something along these lines in a oneshot, since the character relationships/dynamics get exponentially more complex whenever you add a new one to it. With the original Resonant trio, there are four main dynamics to follow: Jon+Daemon, Jon+Rhaegar, Rhaegar+Daemon, Jon+Daemon+Rhaegar. With Dany, on top of those four, we now also have Jon+Dany, Daemon+Dany, Rhaegar+Dany, Jon+Dany+Rhaegar, Jon+Dany+Daemon, Rhaegar+Dany+Daemon, and Jon+Dany+Rhaegar+Daemon, aka SEVEN more. It's not so bad in a oneshot, where you don't have to cover the development of all of those--it's generally just a snapshot of their relationship at a certain point in time.
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ugly-anarchist · 1 day
Alright, anon, I'm not posting your messages in 3 different posts so lets just break this down here
[Indented text is the anon message. This is going to be long as hell]
butch women and trans men are not oppressed for being masculine, they’re oppressed for being gender nonconforming females (not saying trans men are women, just stating how a patriarchal society sees them).
So, firstly, the thing I'm talking about isn't actually oppression on a systemic level. You're talking about how non-queer society sees us, I'm talking about how other queer people treat us. Butch lesbians have been pushed out of sapphic spaces for a loooong time. Butch lesbians are seen as scary, mean, violent, and inherently abusive within queer spaces. Which stems from a demonization of masculinity. I should know this. I identified as a butch bisexual sapphic for years. I know what this feels like. I was once told that people with "high T levels" are more likely to be abusive, which includes me because I'm intersex and have naturally high T.
Secondly, maybe don't try to define trans men's oppression for them? I'm not a trans guy either but I experience a lot of the same bullshit from society that they do and it's not just "being a gender non-conforming female" it's a lot more complex than that. And also just, in general, a very weird way to say it.
i’ve never heard a masc cis gay man complain about being welcome or not in queer spaces, to the point in which feminine cis gay men have complained about them writing “no sissies, masc4masc” in their bio on dating apps.
I have. I've heard plenty of stories about masc gay men and specifically bi men in queer spaces feeling very unwelcome because they were being treated like a threat. And some gay men being transphobic (because s*ssy is a transmisogynistic slur in this case) or having a preference for other mascs also isn't indicative of mascs being treated well?
Like I know a lot of butch4butches that have that preference specifically because they feel unwelcome or are treated badly by femmes. I don't know how you personally not hearing about it or what some people put on their dating profile proves here.
Also your complete lack of acknowledgement of bi men in this makes me doubt even more that your perspective on this is a valid one because that tells me you either don't know any bi men or you ignore them to such an extent that you forgot they existed.
claiming misandry or anti-masculinity exists is the same as saying that heterophobia exists because straight trans people are treated like shit.
Never said that misandry on its own exists, don't know where you got that.
People are treated like shit based on the fact that they are masc all the time. That is a thing that happens. I have experienced it, I've heard so many stories from other queer people who experience it. I don't know how saying "no you don't, I'm gonna tell you what you really experience" is at all an alright thing to do.
it’s not heterophobia, it’s transphobia/homophobia. in the same way that masc afab people being treated terribly is misogyny and homophobia, and has literally zero to do with misandry/“anti-masculinity”. if anti-masculinity or misandry existed, even straight cis heterosexual men would suffer from it.
So, like, I'm talking about anti-masculinity in the queer community. "If this is true here then it must be true with this different thing" is a really bad argument because you could use that to invalidate anything that is true.
For example: The definition of racism is "prejudice based on race" which technically that definition doesn't exclude white people but you don't see anyone arguing "if racism existed, even white people would suffer from it" or trying to say it's not really about race just to exclude white people. Like, obviously you can't be racist to white people and anyone who claims you can be is just making a bad-faith argument. I am looking pointedly at you when I say that, btw.
also, a lot of radfems are gender nonconforming women/butches and literally campaign for women to drop conformity to the patriarchal concept of femininity. gender critical conservatives are not radical feminists and y’all need to stop conflating the two because no matter what jk rowling says, in practice and in theory, they have very little to do with one another (and hate each other, at that).
There's actually two sides of the "radfem" spectrum and they're both just as bad. There's the ones who hate gender non-conforming women, specifically the ones who go on HRT, and claim they're gender traitors. And then there's the ones which you describe who usually shame women for liking feminine things. Both their beliefs usually go against the whole purpose of gender-nonconformity which is to be yourself and do what makes you happy, society be damned. People who are truly GNC don't judge others for presenting in a way that is typically considered "conforming" to their gender and don't campaign for other people to be like them?
Also... Are you defending radical feminism? Are you a radfem? Because that would make a whole lotta sense.
and one last thing,
Just so you know, this is how this anon began the final message. It is the longest one. Really said "one last thing" then sent me a whole 4 paragraphs.
please stop acting like “people who are attracted to men” are demonized in queer spaces, what a slap in the face to lesbians. the moment they have a little visibility y’all claim they are privileged and somehow bossing around/discriminating against gay men.
Never said that lesbians were the oppressor in this situation. There is no oppressor, it's fully lateral mistreatment. And like.. it's not about just gay men.
Bi women have been pushed out of and demonized within sapphic spaces for decades, actually. I should know. Because again. I'm a bi sapphic. We are seen as a range of things. Pretenders, abusers, invaders, the source of lesbian oppression, tricksters that try to force lesbians to fuck men, or just disgusting. Traitors. Again.
My own mother knows this because before she married my dad she was in sapphic spaces in the 90s. From her personal accounts, bi women were seen as the enemy and a lot of lesbians... weren't even lesbians. They were political lesbians. Women who rejected their attraction to men and only dated other women. Some of them were even straight. And they were considered more of lesbians than bi women were.
Even in the modern age, bi women are expected to shit on their own sexuality. They are expected to say "ew I hate that I like men" and never date or fuck a man to be accepted in queer spaces. Again, I know this because I'M LITERALLY BI.
gay men are literally the face of this community and continually disrespect sapphic/lesbians (see the billie lyric controversy, see the way they’re treating chappel roan, see the way they keep calling women b*tches with no regards on whether we like it or not, see the way they keep fraternizing with straight women that would literally cower in fear if they saw a butch lesbian in real life).
Yeah so misogynistic gay men are in fact a problem but I'm not talking about strictly gay men. I'm talking about the way masculine perceived traits are demonized within queer circles. Come on. I'm pretty sure cis gay men were barely talked about in my original post, why are you fixating on this so hard?
just because somebody who has literally no power over gay men whatsoever and has been traumatized by men her whole life airs out her frustration with her literal lifelong oppressors via tweet or tumblr post, doesn’t mean that suddenly the patriarchy doesn’t exist anymore and has not armed lesbians especially for the past thousands of years.
So I'm talking about the people telling me I'm inherently abusive or more likely to assault people based on the fact that I have high T levels... I'm not talking about people venting about their abuse at the hands of men.
I also never said the patriarchy doesn't exist... I feel like this message isn't about me anyone.
stop painting them as the mean bosses of the community when actually they are a very small, demonized minority who suffers every day at the hands of anyone in the world who likes men (straight women, gay men, even bi women like me).
Fascinating... So... I'm not doing that. Lesbians are not the "mean bosses" of the community. Some are just treating random people shitty for perceived masculine traits with no bearing on truth or reality. A lot of them aren't even lesbians. Like I never said this was a specifically lesbian issue. I said there was a problem in the community in general. So like... all people... not just lesbians.
Also, genuine question: How are you oppressing lesbians for being bi?
it’s such a warped, harmful view and a big stereotype, at that (lesbians are man-haters who hate women’s boyfriends!! what a progressive statement!! never has it been said before, and especially not by homophobic conservatives).
I mean I just didn't say that. I don't know how to respond to this because I just straight up didn't say that.
I just... This isn't about me anymore is it?
Who hurt you?
have some respect for once, a lesbian literally threw the first brick at Stonewall.
So... uh... we don't actually know for 100% certain who threw the first brick. Some say it was Marsha P. Johnson. Some say it was "gay street kids". Even if it was a lesbian... so? Just because one lesbian did a good thing doesn't mean other lesbians are incapable of being dicks to other people?
Idk, man, I never said that lesbians were the source of all evil. I just made a post about my own personal experiences and the experiences of people I know and have seen being talked about. I'm a bi, intersex, non-binary sapphic. I get shit on for the things that people perceive as masculine traits that I have and the fact that I like men. This happens a lot.
I don't know why me saying "hey please stop implying that there is something in my blood that makes me inherently abusive" is lesbophobic. Why is this about lesbians, actually? You made it about lesbians. Why are you using lesbians, a group you've stated you're not a part of, as a gotcha against me? Why are you using lesbians to silence me about my own experiences? Why is that okay?
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wraithdance · 2 days
Do you have a type of man you gravitate towards?
Teehee not yall tryna pick my lil noggin apart with all these questions lmao. You interested in me nonnie 😏
First I’m bi so I’m not just into men lmao
For me I actually am not hugely stuck on physical appearance so just be cute to me (I do got a lil size kink tho so babes with bellies and big arms/chests and I’m whiting out) I prefer dating older men but it’s not a hard line I just really don’t want to deal with someone in a different life phase.
For women I’m a sucker for pretty girls of any size tbh I do like em a lil mean tho for reasons I can’t speak of without blowing my cover 💀
Universally I prefer people who are self sufficient and well read! Romance isn’t huge for me, so my big thing as an aro/avoidant is feelings of security and communication. So someone big on patience is getting farther with me than not. I do NOT like being brow beat or belittled so anyone I gravitate towards would have some emotional intelligence.
Love a person of color DOWN especially the more ethnic features, the more I’m trying to FUC- [air raid siren sounds]
Uhhh otherwise idk I’m kind of a case by case girly I’m never gonna make the first move so if I feel like I’m approached respectfully and the person is confident I can make a consideration
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chaotic-carnifex · 1 year
No hold on I'm gonna make an extra post about this:
I wouldn't choose to be alloromantic
If I were given the choice to either remain aro or become alloro again, I would choose aromanticism.
And I think a lot of people need to hear that.
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benevolenterrancy · 27 days
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@hereticcryptid I appear to be slowly but surely developing an entire series about how Hensheng and Baxia apparently get fed up with their owners' inability to express their feelings and take matters into their own hands...
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undead-moth · 3 months
I know I've been on about this for a while now and I'm being a hater but you're telling me SydCarmy was "always meant to be platonic" even though there are two seasons of writing making use of tried-and-true explicitly romantic tropes, themes and writing signals, and SydLuca is going to be romantic because...he was nice to her on screen for a few minutes?
I don't even care if people ship SydLuca, or if they just prefer it, but you can't honestly tell me that you believe Carmy was always meant to be a friend but Luca is an obvious love interest.
Just because Syd and Carmy haven't kissed or confessed their love to each other doesn't mean that isn't very obviously the direction this show is going. The Bear has already shown you who is endgame. It has shown you every episode of the show so far.
Honestly I really don't think The Bear fanbase understands this show or cares about these characters or the story being told here, which is unfortunate because this show is shockingly well-written in comparison to most shows right now, and we should be so grateful for it but all we're doing is complaining that the writers led us on by not making a ship canon fast enough. It's just. Sad.
#The Bear#SydCarmy#I was like a casual fan of this show two days ago#and now seeing how little respect this show gets from it's fanbase I'm losing my mind#I mean I shipped SydCarmy before anyway but now it means so much to me#it means so much to see such a realistic and purposefully well paced romance take place#so many shows portray romantic relationships and their beginnings in ways that just don't really happen in real life#and this show very purposefully said no. These are characters who are strangers. who are working together. Who are in a tense environment#and each of them has problems - one of them the type of problems that makes developing new relationships pretty difficult#these two would not get together right away. It would take a long time. And there would be ups and downs.#And even when that's the case. Even if when it takes a long time and doesn't go smoothly and is hard -#it can still be beautiful. It can still be romantic. It can still happen and here's how#and I'm just so inspired genuinely. It is so difficult to write romance without being cliche and so difficult to write it in a way that#could actually happen in real life and I really do hope I can write something half as good some day#and then to know so many people have no appreciation for it at all#because they prefer the shows that have characters make eye contact a few times and then confess their love for each other like#it's just fucking sad. So sad that so few people have any appreciation for good writing especially the difficult of romance writing#like I really just don't even know what to tell you. In real life these two would not have confessed to each other yet. They would not have#kissed yet. They would not have even realized they have feelings for each other yet because those feelings would still be developing#and I also want to point out that given the disparity in power between Syd and Carmy in season 1 it wouldn't have been healthy for them to#get together much sooner. He was her boss. He was also her idol. Before they can even get together that needs to be balanced out.#And then on top of that don't you see the value in Carmy realizing the dream girl he's romanticized in his head - Claire - isn't actually#what he wants? Don't you see the beauty in him being disillusioned from that? And realizing that Syd is what he wants?#Don't you see the beauty in Syd having an idealized vision of what Carmy The Great Chef is like realizing she was wrong and that he's human#and flawed and then realizing - she loves him anyway? She loves him more for not being on a pedestal and for having his flaws?#Are you telling me that even thinking about this doesn't move you? Doesn't make your heart ache a little?#And again - ship and let ship - but what is Luca? What is Luca if not just what she was hoping Carmy would be when she wen to The Beef?#What is he if not just another man who she has not seen under pressure yet? Not seen reliving trauma yet? Not been her boss yet?#It's easy to look at him and think he's better than Carmy - and that's the point. That's the point The Bear is making.#It is easy to want someone you don't know. It's hard to want to someone you do know. But that's what love requires and that's the point
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boy in silly sitting positions compilation
#cats#I especially like the last one where he just has one single paw poking out of that box for some reason lol#I still have costumes to post and like a billion other things.... grr... constantly failing at staying active on social media aughh#I think because currently my Main Focus is on trying to get my game done and stuff.. which basically just means sitting and writing all day#so there's not much to post about. Though I know the Good At Social Media thing to do would be to post about the#writing and share progress and talk about the game and characters or whatever to try to build interest or something but that is SOOO weird#to me.. I could maybe get it if it was like a tiny tiny discord groupchat of playtesters with like 5 people in#it.. But something about talking openly about things before they happen is weird to me?? Like presumptuous feeling or something#''oooo guess whats gonna happen LATER!!!'' like.. how do you know.. what if it doesnt. what if you dont finish it. what if its not the way#you think it's going to be. what if something changes. etc. Like I literally avoid movie trailers and game trailers for the same reason ghj#Even if it's not ME doing it it just feels... weird.. Maybe it has to do with my OCD and how I just don't like talking about ''future''#things in Certain Terms. Like if I was going to say ''Oh yeah sure. come over to my house in a few months''. I would have to follow it up#with like ''HOPEFULLY you can come over to my house in a few months'' or 'They'll come over in a few months MOST LIKELY''. Because just#stating that something will happen matter of factly takes for granted like.. what if somehting horrible happens and I DONT have a house#in a few months? or what if something bad happens to me. or to the person coming over? I can't ever DEFINITELY say with 100% certainty#that one could ACTUALLY come to my house in a few months. anything could change. So I have to allot for that in my phrasing. hbjjkn#There are a lot of situations where you're expected to just Assume Things but for some reason that bothers me. My brain literally does not#even Assume the most basic things.. like how do *I* know that just because it's someones birthday that they want to be wished a happy#birthday? what if they dont? everyone is different and has different preferences. I should check with them first. or wait until they public#ly announce that theyre accepting birthday wishes. I have to allot for all 5034859069 rare possibilities at any given time and never take#anything for certain. etc. ghjbjhbh.... ANYWAY.. I have been feeling a bit sick lately as usual.. but still slowly making progress on some#things. Moslty I need to edit costume photos. make sculptures. and work on the game. Going back reading some of the old writing from like#2018 and suprisingly I don't have to change that much of it? In fact I like it mostly. so that's good. I would be very interested if I were#playing the game myself. Though that doesnt mean much since my tastes are so niche lol..#Still really want to clear some of my million tumblr drafts as well... alas and aughh and ooughh and so on and so forth. Between all of my#evil appointments other such things...why cant I have one billion dollar to retire into relaxed hermit artist life of no stressors.. bleas
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gobbluthbutagirl · 3 months
here are some shows that have 10 to 13-episode seasons: the wire, breaking bad, the sopranos, mad men, better call saul
and here are some shows that have 22-episode seasons: supernatural, glee
now i’m not saying anything. i’m just saying
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aroaessidhe · 1 month
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2024 reads / storygraph
The Loudest Silence
YA contemporary
a newly Deaf-Hard of hearing girl moves across the country and starts a new school, struggling with navigating her disability and love for singing and lost friendships - determined to not make any new friends for the year she’s in Florida
and a boy struggling with family expectations and anxiety, after being made the fútbal captain even though he secretly ways to be on broadway, who quickly befriends her
bi & aroace-coded MCs
#The Loudest Silence#aroaessidhe 2024 reads#hm this was okay! it’s a sweet and light YA contemporary focusing on friendship and disability.#It’s a little cheesy; and I liked the immediate easy friendship (well; after a few false starts) and how welcoming Hayden's#friend group/family were. I like how they all jumped to learning/practicing ASL.#I liked how Casey was dealing with her newfound Deafness with a lot of positivity - the main frustrations being how other people treat her#but there’s also the underlying isolation and grief. At the same time it didn't go as deep as it could have with that?#The friendship is central to the story - but honestly I feel like Casey and Hayden’s relationship doesn’t develop past ‘they’re friends now#[continues other subplots] - it ends up being a bit telling not showing their friendship. And then she gets a love interest.#I feel like if you’re centering your book on being a platonic love story - rare in YA! - giving one a love interest kinda goes against#what’s supposed to be unique about it? Like it wasn’t overwhelming and I thought it was sweet actually; I just didn’t come here for that.#I always find it a little odd when YA contemporary books don’t explicitly name their aroace characters as aroace -#obviously I prefer an exploration of experiences to just using the word and nothing else; but in this genre; why not both?#considering various other identity labels are used and discussed there were various points where it felt like it was walking circles#around where it would be obvious to say “no I’m aroace” lmao?#And there’s a point where Casey mentions seeing an ace sticker on his guitar - the only reason it wasn’t an aroace sticker is bc#that would have ruined the minor subplot of her assuming he’s gay/dating his other friend. It felt like a slightly odd way to mention it?#but also I guess I appreciate it being evident throughout but also being a non-issue plot wise - while there’s a couple of moments#of people making romantic assumptions about them;for the most part it’s just treated normally for a boy & girl to be friends (as it should!#It does get points for mentioning people watching by conan grey LMAO (not that it really explores him feeling that way specifically;#but I mean same lol)#Overall plot-wise - there were kind of a lot of things going on and it petered out a bit? I wanted some more depth in some areas.#Also I feel like some of the references seemed out of date for current teens haha.#i do love the love for unusual pets (hairless cat and iguana)#aroace books#bisexual books
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gibbearish · 11 months
kinda frustrating how we've spent the last few months acknowledging how a lot of well intentioned but guilt trippy social justice posts are like specifically designed to worm into ocd ppls brains and then now every single post abt palestine is "i dont care how bad your mental health is, i dont care how bad looking at all this makes you feel, if you don't read every single post you see on this topic in full you are a horrible person and directly contributing to their deaths. 'waaaah my mental health' well at least youre not being bombed, did you think about that??" and its like. i absolutely get where youre coming from but you dont get to complain that guilt tripping is bad then turn around and use it anyways because you think the cause youre using it for is worthwhile. like. everyone thinks the cause theyre using it for is worthwhile, thats why theyre using it. but its still a shit way to do it
#like when you make a tumblr post to your tumblr blog youre not guilt tripping people who disagree with you#youre guilt tripping your followers who if theyre still following you probably already agree with what youre saying#and esp on a topic with so much brutality involved like. yeah OBVIOUSLY theres people who have to look away#like. yall know a bunch of these posts and articles and videos show graphic injuries in them right?#like i physically cant watch news videos abt this bc i will spend days with my brain making me imagine#peoples deaths in graphic detail specifically because it knows that will upset me. and i would prefer not to do that#in fact me doing that helps palestinians exactly as much as finishing my brussel sprouts helps starving kids#by which i mean none. its just a cheap guilt trip to get you to do something you don't want to#which when it's brussel sprouts thats whatever but when its 'deliberately expose yourself to extremely triggering#things otherwise youre a bad person'. not so much#idk i feel like maybe its due to ppl feeling. agitated abt not being able to do anything abt it#like the government isnt listening and we're a world away so physically /all/ we can do really is sit and watch#so i can understand a) wanting to find someone to lash out at to alleviate that feeling#like if you cant stop the actual problem at the very least you can shout down the people supporting it right?#and b) seeing 'not watching' or even just 'not watching as closely as i am' as a transgression#bc well its all we can do so if youre not even doing that you must be bad#and its like. i really do get it. but the whole world is watching right now‚ like this is THE big news thing happening rn#so a few people choosing to avoid to subject will not make a single iota of difference#idk. i guess what im saying is if youre feeling the urge to yell at someone for not looking close enough#just donate some money to a support fund instead itll do a lot more
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