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welcometoaether · 4 years ago
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“You are dead wrong. Truly. If the first thing that pops into your head upon hearing the name ‘Frankenstein’ is a big, green, weird-looking monster, covered in stitches, grunting and mindlessly obeying the commands of his creator, the crazy Dr. Victor Frankenstein, then my friend, you are so, so wrong.”
Need a new book recommendation? Check out Jazzy J’s review of Mary Shelley’s ‘Frankenstein’ in this month’s issue of The Aether: https://aether-7db978.webflow.io/
May 2021 theme: Human Connection in The Digital Age
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welcometoaether · 4 years ago
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“At the end of the day, people are simply trying to connect with other individuals.”
May 2021 issue of The Aether: https://aether-7db978.webflow.io/
Theme: Human Connection in The Digital Age
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welcometoaether · 3 years ago
When should you step back from something you love doing and accept that you cannot succeed? What is the appropriate amount of time to give yourself to make the things you want in life happen? How long can someone work on something before they burn out and begin to hate the things they are creating? Why do we, as human beings keep hoping and working even when there have been so many moments when we have failed time and time again? When nothing has come of our hard work?
This past month, these questions have become more common, for all of us. 2020 signified an epochal change, with the pandemic accelerating the cracking of an already fragile world. For many of us, 2021 was a fresh start in the truest sense of the word: being locked up at home for a whole year, many of us decided that this was finally the time for change. We would no longer hold back, we would pursue the things we had always longed for. For me, making this magazine was exactly that. But recently, it hasn't felt that way. It's become more tiring and time consuming than I had ever anticipated.
It has been 6 months since I started this magazine, and I thought by now I would be successful. By this point, The Aether was going to be a huge publication with thousands of readers all over the world and I would have a magazine that mattered. But Rome wasn't built in a day was it?
"Madness", the theme of this month's issue, hints at the state of this magazine as well as the unpredictability of the world we live in today. It has forced us all into a crisis of meaning: have I lived a life worth living? A doubt that permeates through the present with a sense of dread and trepidation.
French philosopher, journalist and author Albert Camus, the second-youngest recipient of the nobel peace prize for literature, has been held responsible for continuing the discussion on the meaning of life in the modern world. In his 119 page philosophical essay, The Myth of Sisyphus, Camus uses the Greek myth of Sisyphus, who is condemned by the gods for eternity to repeatedly roll a boulder up a hill, only to have it roll down again once he gets it to the top, to argue that life is essentially meaningless. For Camus, Sisyphus is a metaphor for the individual’s persistent struggle against the essential absurdity of life, and only once we accept this joyfully can we gain a definition and identity for life.
And that's what this month's issue is: my own joyful acceptance towards the struggles. It's the realisation that this magazine is something I'm passionate about, something that has offered myself (and hopefully many of you) a place of comfort and acceptance. It's a place where I have been allowed to express myself freely and not be judged or prejudiced against. It's a space I've come to really love and enjoy. If the inevitable fact of life is that we are all going to die, and everything we do in-between is to fill the time between birth and death, then I don't mind doing this to pass time. So, I welcome you to the re-rebirth of The Aether Magazine.
A new look, more content, a diverse range of writers and so much more, The Aether has changed for the better. It's been madness the past few months, wanting to give up and trying to come to terms with the fact, but then realising that this was not the end, but another beginning for me. Another beginning for us all. I can't promise that this will be the last beginning The Aether goes through - there will probably be many more to come - but all I ask of you, my dear readers, is that you stick around for the ride; that you stay with us through the ups and the downs this magazine will go through; that you continue to read and talk and discuss. That you continue to make a change in your own way, for a better future.
There is so much time to fill with the things you really want to do, so pandemic or not, go out and do them. Stop waiting for the end of the world before you go out and do the things you want to do. Go bungee jump and eat ice cream for breakfast and ask your crush out, because while life is long, it ends, and in order to live a life worth living, fill it doing the things you love and nothing less. I promise that I will put my all into this and create content that I am fulfilled by, I hope you all like the new look.
And with that, I leave you. Welcome to the rebirth. Welcome to The Aether. Welcome to Madness.
Krisha Sandhu.
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welcometoaether · 3 years ago
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Welcome to the August issue of The Aether.
Are you ready to enter the world of Madness?
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welcometoaether · 3 years ago
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CONVERSION THERAPY: Faith gone wrong
By Amanda Suliawan
“... these practices often focus around Christian teachings, indoctrinating queer people that the God that created them cannot love them for who they are.”
An all-powerful, all-seeing, all-loving creator, despising their own creation?
Madness, isn’t it? 
Welcome to Madness.
Welcome to The Aether.
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welcometoaether · 4 years ago
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Theme for June: Beautiful people
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welcometoaether · 3 years ago
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Creative writing feature for this month! Drop us a message on Tumblr/Twitter/Instagram at @welcometoaether or send us an email at [email protected] if you would like be next month’s feature. We hope to welcome you to The Aether.
Welcome to Madness.
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welcometoaether · 3 years ago
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". . . what started off as an insignificant painting with no name and no owner would eventually capture not only the interests of a Swiss tycoon, a Russian oligarch and a Saudi prince, but the entire Art world. This is the story of how a $1,000 painting became a $450 million masterpiece."
A $1000 painting into a $450 million masterpiece? Madness.
Welcome to The Aether.
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welcometoaether · 4 years ago
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June 2021 issue out now: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/welcometoaether
Theme: Beautiful people
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welcometoaether · 4 years ago
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March issue of The Aether: https://aether-7db978.webflow.io/
Theme: Justice
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welcometoaether · 3 years ago
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Come on, you deserve a cheat day. 
Welcome to Madness.
Welcome to The Aether.
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welcometoaether · 3 years ago
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“We are always in a hurry to be happy ... for when we have suffered a long time, we have great difficulty believing in good fortune.”
Want to seem a bit more cultured like our writer @jazzyj1011 ? Join her book club, starting with Alexandre Dumas’s masterpiece ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’. 
A book club? In 2021? Madness.
Welcome to The Aether.
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welcometoaether · 3 years ago
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"'No great genius has ever existed without a strain of madness.' says. Aristotle."
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"As long as you can feel, you can create."
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Welcome to Madness.
Welcome to The Aether.
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welcometoaether · 3 years ago
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"If I listened to everyone else, I wouldn't be where I am today. Trying to make everyone else happy will not give you satisfaction in your work."
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"You're always going to have critics and you're always going to have people who love it, so what you need to do is just make yourself happy."
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Skipping your graduation to take pictures at a concert? Madness.
Welcome to this month's issue of The Aether.
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welcometoaether · 3 years ago
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Perfect Blue: The madness of the split self
By Rahemma Azwar - social media entry
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In this month's Social Media Feature, Rahemma Azwar writes an article discussing the 'madness' of the split self, as depicted by Satoshi Kon in his 1997 debut film 'Perfect Blue'. Rated R21, the film follows a Japanese idol singer who quits her band to become an actress, shedding her "good girl" image to further her career.
Delve into the world of madness in this month's issue of The Aether.
Welcome to Madness.
Welcome to The Aether.
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welcometoaether · 3 years ago
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“I’ve found the human body incredibly difficult to get my head around—especially the vulnerability that comes along with it. In a sense, I’ve always failed at representing the core of our existence on a canvas. With this piece, I’d like to think that I’ve achieved that—with the way that the body, the subject, in question is almost like a gradient; with the the way that the the warmth of the foreground contrasts the deafening blackness of the background. Though untitled, I’d say it leaves a lot to be said on its own.”
Welcome to Madness.
Welcome to The Aether.
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