#welcome teen Ella!
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Like A Virgin -

Alessia is a lesbian, but she’s scared to come out. She’s desperate to find the courage to have sex with a women, but isn’t sure how to go take those first steps. So she asks her team mate, Lucy Bronze to teach her, but Alessia is more confident than she thinks.
word count 16k
Warnings - smut, fingering, strap, cunnilingus, first time, shame of sexuality
Her hand was shaken as she rang the door bell, the nerves getting to her once again. It wasn’t the first time she’d been at the defenders house.
She had been here twice before, the first time was a party for the lionesses after the euros win. The second time was for Lucy’s 30th, the brunette had a massive house party, probably one of the drunkest nights the striker had ever had. And one of the funnest.
And here she was, staring at the black door, feeling her skin prick with goosebumps. She couldn’t believe she was doing this.
Since Alessia was an early teen she knew she liked girls, but she had never really admitted it to herself. It scared her beyond belief, she hid hid it from her friends, she would pretend to her school friends that she had crushes on whoever was the latest boy band that was trending.
She just wanted to fit in, she pushed it so far down that she even forced herself to have sex with a boy when she was 18.
It was awful, he was nice enough, he didn’t force her into doing anything she didn’t want to do, but it wasn’t what she wanted. It was just something she made herself do, to try and see if she could feel something for the opposite sex, but it only confirmed it for her, that there was no way she liked men.
Years had passed, and she had never had sex with another man, or even a woman, she hadn’t even kissed a girl.
It wasn’t that she didn’t want to, she didn’t shy away from pleasuring herself, her hands were a regular visitor between her legs. She had all the urges her body wanted her to do, but Alessia was shy, scared, and felt completely lost with doing the real thing.
It definitely didn’t help that she wasn’t out.
She kept her sexuality to herself, hoping one day that she would finally find the courage to do something about it. But it was hard.
She knew some of the girls on her team were out, and she wanted that so badly for herself. She just didn’t know how to go about it.
Well she had one idea.
But how do you ask one of your teammates to have sex with you because you’re too scared to go out and find someone yourself?
It wasn’t the worst idea, she trusted the girls, she knew some of them were lesbians or bi so it wouldn’t be the weirdest thing.
Another reason she wanted to ask someone she knew was because of the fame that had blown up for them. She was worried of sleeping with a stranger and they ended up selling a story or it got online somewhere. That was the absolute last thing she wanted, so another football player made the most sense.
She looked around the room wondering who she could ask, her best friend Ella was a no go, she was as straight as they came. Jess was in a relationship, so she was a no. She wondered about Rachel, but she was worried she might let her secret slip. She also wanted to ask someone she found attractive, and there was one person that had always caught her eye.
She looked over at the brunette, changing into her kit, her abs looked extra hard where they had just had gym workouts. Alessia had always admired Lucy’s godlike body, she had muscles for days, her body was the peak of physical perfection. Lucy was a quiet member of the team. She had her loud moments but in general she was quiet, a lot like Alessia.
When she first joined the squad she was most nervous to meet Lucy, she had looked up to the girl for years and still did to this day. Lucy had always been nice to the blonde, she had helped her a lot when she was new to the team, making her feel welcome. She’d always be there if she had any questions, never making her feel stupid for asking them.
They didn’t speak much with each other, as their friend groups were different, but they was always friendly when they did speak. Alessia wanted to ask Lucy. She was trustworthy, she was kind. She was older, so she felt like she wouldn’t be judged like maybe some others would judge her. And Alessia was physically attracted to her. Very attracted.
But how do you go about asking Lucy Bronze to sleep with you?
She waited until after practice, she knew Lucy was always one of the last ones to leave. So she took her time getting ready, glancing every so often at the brunette. Once she noticed Lucy was about to leave she hurried over to her.
The brunette picked up her gym bag, a bit shocked that Alessia was now in front of her. “Alright Less?”
“Ye-yeah. Practice was good today?”
“Yeah, our team won, so that’s always good.”
Alessia could tell Lucy was confused, they never spoke like this, it was a weird interaction for the pair to be having. It was now or never.
“Can I ask you a favour? Well, not a favour a question?”
Lucy was now very confused, she looked around the room, wondering why Alessia was asking her a favour and not someone like Ella.
Her deep northern accent sounded extra thick. “Yeah, what’s up?”
Alessia looked at her feet wondering if this was the right thing to do? Was she really about to ask this? “I - I wanted to ask if…..if you would. Would you recommend your boots? Mind have felt a bit weird lately.” She felt her shoulders drop in annoyance with herself. She bottled it.
Lucy looked at the younger girl with a face Alessia could have laughed at if it wasn’t for the circumstance, she was confused with a capital C. The brunette looked once more around the changing rooms, she was wondering if the younger girl was trying to pull a prank on her. She was certain someone was about to jump out recording the interaction.
She cleared her throat. “Erm, yeah mine are good, no weirdness. Just good old boots.”
The younger girl nodded, not really bringing her eyes to Lucy’s, she felt stupid.
Lucy pulled her bag up on her shoulder. Alessia realised she was probably waisting the girls time and probably getting on her nerves.
“Oh great, thank you, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Lucy looked at the girl, she could see she seemed sad but she wasn’t sure why. But she wasn’t one for prying. “Yeah, see you tomorrow.”
Lucy walked out the changing rooms, Alessia heard her steps disappear into the corridor. She grabbed her own bits and slowly started to make her way out, feeling completely deflated.
She made her way to her car when she heard a horn, she looked up to see Lucy’s car was still in the car park. She then noticed Lucy waved for her to come over. She felt her stomach drop.
But she walked to the car, trying to build up the confidence she used for games, she was going to need it.
She opened the passenger door, she smiled nervously at Lucy.
“Get in.”
Alessia did what she was told.
“What’s up Less? You looked like you were going to cry in there. Are you okay?”
Alessia felt a weird wave of many different emotions take over her, she could feel her eyes start to water. But she never let them fall. She then felt a warm sensation on her thigh, it was Lucy’s strong hand on her, a gesture that you wouldn’t see the brunette do often.
“Hey, talk to me.” Lucy’s voice was soft.
She let out a long sigh. Tears finally slipping at the corner of her eyes. “It’s going to sounds so stupid, and possibly rude. And I can’t believe I was even going to ask you. I just don’t know what else to do, and I’m just scared.”
“What is it? You can ask me.”
It’s now or never.
“I was going to ask if you would have sex with me.”
Lucy. wasn’t sure if she should ask the girl to repeat herself. Did she hear that right? Lucy definitely thought she was being pranked now, she half waited for a camera to come out or some party poppers. But they never came. I mean it wasn’t like she hadn’t ever thought about it, the girl was beautiful. Lucy had always thought she had a rare, cute innocence to her, but still held so much sex appeal without forcing it. You’d have to be an idiot to say no. But why was she so upset?
Alessia held her breath, the car felt like it had no oxygen, she felt like she was drowning, why did she do this? Just die a lesbian virgin and be done with it.
“Erm, I mean yeah, but why?”
What? Did she just say yes? Did she say she would have sex with her?
Alessia took a long breath, this was going to sound ridiculous. “I’m a lesbian.” It was the first time she had said those words out loud, let alone to someone else.
She continued, taking a long breath. “I haven’t had sex with a woman yet, and I really want to but I’m scared, and I want to be with someone who’ll talk me through it. I want to have sex with someone I trust.” Her voice was small and cracking, but she carried on. “I’m a lesbian, but I’m just so scared.”
Lucy felt her heart drop, she had never seen Alessia, the 5.9 ft girl ever look so small and vulnerable. She took in what she said, she understood where she was coming from. She knew first hand, coming out when she was younger was hard, it’s like jumping into a lake of cold water, and you’re not sure if you’ll ever come up for air. She knows it’s hard, and she understands, but she couldn’t help but be confused why she’d asked her and not someone else.
“I get it Less, I know it’s hard but you have nothing to be afraid or ashamed of, I know it’s got to be in your own time, but trust me when I say it’s the best feeling, being yourself.”
Alessia smiled at the brunette, she knew she was right, and she knew she’d get there one day. “Thank you, Luce.”
They both smiled at each other, a few minutes of silence filling the car.
“Also please don’t feel like you need to say yes, it’s absolutely fine to say no, I know it’s weird thing to ask someone.”
Lucy chuckled. “I’m actually flattered, but I can’t help but wonder, why me?”
Alessia suddenly became shy, considering she just asked Lucy to have sex with her. “Well, I feel like I could trust you with my secret and with the actual sex itself. I want someone who will teach me and show me what to do and not make me feel stupid for it. And I also find you really attractive.” Alessia took a quick glance at the older girl, she found her green eyes on her.
Lucy smiled a playful smile at the blonde. She felt her ego grow but not just in a sex way but the fact that Alessia trusted her enough with something so important to her. Something she was clearly struggling with. “Well, I can’t say I’m not shocked, but I’m very flattered. I think we should talk about it though, why don’t we go for some drinks, and we can talk it through?”
Alessia felt the breath she was holding slip through her lips. “Yeah, that sounds good. Please can we keep this between us?”
Lucy screwed up her face. “Of course.”
The blondes eyes were wet with soft tears. “Thank you.”
Lucy smiled softly at the blonde, her Bambi blue eyes looked like they was holding in so much pain. She felt something stir in her, she felt like she needed to protect Alessia at all costs. “No worries. I promise it’s get better Less.”
She smiled at the older girl, even if they didn’t end up having sex she felt lighter having told someone finally about her secret. “Are you free to meet up tomorrow?”
The brunette nodded. “Yeah. Do you wanna meet at Lemon? We can talk there?”
Alessia smiled her brilliant toothy smile, she was feeling a little better with each minute that passed. “Yeah, that sounds good. I’ll text you.”
The brunette smiled. “Good. Do you need a lift home?”
“No I’ve got my car, thank you though.”
Just as she pulled opened the car door she turned back to the brunette. “Thank you, Lucy.”
“Don’t stress. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Lucy smiled warmly at the blonde.
Alessia smiled and closed the door, she made her way to her car, getting in and starting the engine. The brunette watched her the whole way, happy to start her own engine once Alessia had started to drive off.
The brunettes mind was scrambled, she wasn’t sure if what just happened was real. The idea wasn’t the craziest thing she ever heard, she understood where Alessia was coming from. She knew a few of her friends that had sex with someone they knew first out of fear.
She didn’t think it was the strangest thing, but she was still shocked to be the one asked. She started her engine and drove off, the blonde was the only thing on her mind that night.
They had arranged to meet at ‘Lemon’ a bar they had been to with a few of the girls before. Alessia was waiting in a booth at the back, it was as discreet as she could find, she wasn’t keen on having anyone ease drop on their conversation.
She wore a simple outfit, a black crop top and loose jeans. She went for light make up, with her hair flowing over her shoulders. Finished with a pair of adidas. It was simple but she looked cute.
As she sat she felt a hand on her shoulder, she looked up to see Lucy smiling down at her. She felt a warm sensation go through her belly. She was actually here. They hugged in a tight embrace, Alessia’s senses were flooded with Lucy’s usual woody, but sweet perfume.
Lucy sat across from her in their booth, she looked as good as ever. She was wearing a cream cardigan, with a white crop top and burgundy trousers. Her hair in a low bun, also wearing light make up. Wearing the latest Nike trainers as always, Alessia saw her in a new pair every time she saw her.
The older girl smiled at the blonde. “Hey, you okay?”
Alessia smiled, relaxing instantly. “Yeah, I’m good, thank you. You?” Her voice held a shakiness to it, the brunette heard it straight away.
“Hey you know we’re just talking right now, we don’t even have to go through with it. We can talk about anything you want. We can just have a night out if that’s what you want.”
Alessia’s eyes widened in panic. Thats is not what she wanted. “No, no. I definitely want to, I’m just a bit nervous, but I definitely want to. But if you don’t want to that’s absolutely fine as well.”
Lucy smiled softly at the blonde. She would do whatever Alessia wanted or felt comfortable with. “Let’s get a drink.”
The girls ordered their drinks, they spoke about the next game they had coming up. They spoke about training and how the competition was looking.
Lucy didn’t want to go straight into the sex conversation, she wanted to get Alessia to relax and make sure if this is really what she wanted. It was working, Alessia was feeling more relaxed, her racing heart had calmed down immensely. This was another reason why she had asked the brunette, the girl had a way of making you feel calm in her presence, intimidating, but calm.
The intimidated part wasn’t what the brunette was going for, it was just a natural aura she possessed. People were intimidated by her, even people that had known her few years, she radiated self confidence, she also was an aloof character.
Alessia looked at the older woman in front of her, it sunk in that she would potentially be having sex with her. It made her stomach flutter and even further down south. “So, where shall we start?” Alessia gave a shy smirk.
The brunette smiled playfully at the girl across from her. “Well, I guess what you want, what you don’t want. Toys, rules, giving, receiving. How rough you like, not rough at all. Safe words”
Alessia felt her belly go again, more of a nervous feeling. “Well, I’ve watched a lot of porn, and read a lot of erotic novels. And I’d really like you to use a strap on, on me.”
Lucy had to hold back the shiver that went up her neck, she instantly wondered what Alessia would sound like if she was fucking her with a strap. The brunette couldn’t help it, she had always thought the blonde was hot. She had eyes, she could still respect the girl during all of this but she was human, her mind would wonder. They were planning on having sex after all.
“Yeah, that’s no problem. I can do that.”
“I also would like to use it on you, but it’s okay if not.”
“Yeah, that’s okay, I’m good with that.”
“I also want to erm….to go down on you, and you go down on me.”
Lucy closed her eyes quickly. Trying to hold down the hot sensation going through her body. “Y-yeah. That’s good with me.” Lucy took a sip of her drink.
Alessia nodded, glad this was going as well as it was. Not noticing the effects she was having on the older girl. “I kind of just want the usual lesbian sex, I want to do a lot with you. Maybe just do what you would normally do with a girl, and I can learn. Again if you’re okay with that.”
“Yeah, I get what you mean. I’m happy with that. I’ll show you the ropes. If you’re into ropes.” Lucy winked, giving her best her flirty smile.
Alessia felt her heart speed up. This was the other reason she had asked Lucy, she was confident in herself and her sex appeal was overwhelming. “I think I’d like that.” She gave Lucy a flirty smile of her own.
She continued. “I can book us a hotel, if you’re happy with that? I’m still flat sharing at the moment.”
Lucy drank her drink and shook her head. “We can do it at mine, I don’t mind. I mean we can do the hotel if you want. But I feel like it would be more comfortable in a space we know. But again I don’t mind.”
Alessia nodded her head. She agreed, she would have liked to have done it at hers, but she wasn’t guaranteed her privacy there, and it was even better to have Lucy’s own house, with no one to walk in on you. She nodded. “I would much rather that. I did feel a bit sleazy at the thought of it to be honest.”
Lucy chuckled. “You may be a few things but sleazy is not one of them Less.”
Alessia giggled, once again feeling completely at ease with the brunette.
The girls talked more about the rules and what Alessia wanted to explore. They spoke about the fact that this wasn’t an emotional thing, just something Lucy was helping Alessia with. Both girls were more than happy with it all. The girls were in Soho, so luckily there were several sex shops near by, they felt it would be good to pick up some supplies.
The blonde finished her third drink, the brunette shortly behind her. They visited the first shop they saw, Alessia followed Lucy’s lead, it seemed she’d been here before, knowing what was on what aisle. They explored the dildos and strap on section, Alessia was shocked at all different types to choose from.
She saw a 12 inch jet black dildo that made her eyes pop. She wondered how on earth someone could fit that in any hole. It made her think to tell Lucy she probably would need to go slow at first, as it had been a while.
“Erm Luce, just so you know, it’s been a while for me.”
Lucy smiled at the blonde, with a calm expression. “That’s okay, we can go as slow as you like, and as big or small.” The older girl wondered though. “How long is a while?”
“Couple years.”
“Oh. Like two? Three?”
“Six. It was my first and last time with a boy.”
“Oh. Okay. That’s good to know.”
The blonde felt insecure, Lucy probably thought she was a weirdo now. Lucy sensed the way Alessia clammed up. She was instantly by the girls side. “Hey, it’s okay. It doesn’t matter, I just want to know exactly where you’re at. I want to make sure you’re completely comfortable.”
Alessia smiled at the brunette, she really did make the blonde feel comfortable, her calm aura was easy to take on. Lucy looked into the big blue innocent eyes of the younger girl, she could see a mix of emotions swirling around. She gently grabbed the girls face and brought her lips to her four head, kissing her gently.
She felt Alessia’s body relax under her hands.
“Thank you, Luce. Thank you for this.”
“It’s okay. Remember we go at your pace.” Lucy continued. “Do you want to look at the at BDSM section?” She chuckled trying to lighten the mood, but Alessia’s face was eager. “Oh, I was joking but we can?”
“I just want to look.” Alessia already started walking to the red light section, Lucy right behind her.
The girls looked around the whole shop twice over. They brought the essentials and more. They shared an Uber back, luckily the blonde was only a 10 minute drive away from Lucy. Alessia turned to Lucy in the car, smiling at her, the brunette was looking at the busy streets of London.
They made it to Lucy’s place first. The brunette squeezed Alessia’s hand, as a comfort move. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Remember it’s your day, it’s your pace.”
The blonde smiled warmly at the brunette. “Yeah, I’ll see you then. Thank you Luce.”
Lucy nodded, she took the toys Alessia had brought so they were ready at Lucy’s.
And that’s how she found herself at Lucy’s door.
She let out a big breath as she waited for the older girl. Lucy opened the door to a nervous looking Alessia. Although she looked nervous she also looked excited. “Hey, come in.” Lucy opened her door wider.
Alessia smiled as she walked in the familiar house, it didn’t seem much different since she was last here. Lucy was right to suggest doing this somewhere they knew.
“Can I get you a drink?”
Alessia wanted to be sober for the occasion but she also wanted a bit of courage. “Please, what have you got?”
Lucy popped a bottle of Prosecco, pouring both girls a glass. She handed Alessia her drink. “Erm, I might only have the one, I want to be able to show you everything with a sober head.”
Alessia smiled. “Yeah me too, I want to remember everything we do.”
They spoke about a TV show that they’d both been watching, once again Lucy was trying her best to keep the atmosphere calm, and chill. They had both finished their first glass. Alessia looked at Lucy, a small smirk on her face. “You ready?”
Lucy felt excitement rush through her body, as much as she wanted the night to go smooth and make Alessia feel as good as possible, she couldn’t help but feel a little giddy.
The girl had so many other girls to ask, but she asked Lucy, she couldn’t help that her ego grew for many different reasons. “Yeah, I am. Are you?”
Alessia nodded.
“Use your words Less, remember what we spoke about.”
“I’m ready. Sorry.”
“Don’t be. I just want to make sure you’re comfortable.”
Lucy put her hand out for Alessia to take, and the blonde didn’t hesitate to take it. She brought her hand up to her lips, kissing her hand softly. Alessia felt warmth in her stomach, she watched as the brunettes lips lingered on her skin.
“Come, let’s go to my room.” The girls made their way to Lucy’s room. Alessia’s hand never leaving Lucy’s.
The brunettes room was dimly lit, a vanilla scent consumed Alessia’s nose. The room was lit by a bunch of candles on Lucy’s dresser side, it made Alessia smile, the girl was going out of her way to make this night special for her. Lucy brought Alessia into the middle of the room. She held her hand smiling at the younger girl.
“I know I’ve said it already but please let me know if you’re uncomfortable or want to stop at any point.”
“I will.”
Lucy nodded. “How do you want to start?” The brunette brought Alessia’s hand to her mouth again, kissing her knuckles softly.
“I want to kiss you.”
“Okay.” Lucy stepped slowly into Alessia’s space, her familiar perfume melted into the younger girls nose, filling her senses with everything that was Lucy. She placed her hands onto Alessia’s face, guiding her slowly to her mouth, bringing their lips together.
Alessia had just found what she had been looking for, and that was women. Lucy’s lips were perfect, it was nothing like kissing a man, it had never felt like this, this finally felt right. Lucys lips were soft and gentle, she kissed her with perfect pressure, she never wanted to stop.
Alessia had one of the softest pair of lips Lucy had ever kissed. She was about to pull herself back but felt Alessia tug her back in with her own hands. They stayed like this for a few minutes, just feeling each other’s mouths. Lucy could feel Alessia getting more comfortable, her body relaxing under her touch.
Alessia could have stayed like this all day.
Lucy chuckled gently at Alessia’s eagerness. She pulled back again, Alessia didn’t stop her this time. Lucy looked at Alessia’s face, she looked dazed.
“That was amazing.” The blonde whispered.
Lucy smiled from ear to ear, she couldn’t help but feel a little cocky but still wanted to check in with the younger girl. “Are you doing okay?”
Alessia smiled, she appreciated that the brunette was checking in, but now she wanted nothing more than to keep kissing her. “I’m good, thank you. I’ll promise I’ll let you know if I’m not.”
Lucy nodded, bringing her mouth back to Alessia’s.
This time Alessia took more of a charge, she kissed Lucy with determination, wanting to feel her mouth on hers again. But it was Lucy who slipped her tongue across Alessia’s mouth, causing the girl to let out the cutest whimper, a noise Lucy knew she’d definitely want to hear again.
Lucy still had her hands on Alessia’s face, she slowly slipped her hands into her blonde hair, deepening the kiss. She licked at the younger girls soft lips again. Alessia whimpered, allowing Lucy to gently slip her tongue in.
The moan that came from the blonde was erotic. Lucy felt Alessia inhale sharply through her nose. Lucy was doing things to Alessia’s head, she felt dizzy, her body felt intoxicated by the older girl.
Their kisses got more heated, the blonde even felt confident enough to slip her own tongue into the mix. Lucy was more than happy to finally feel the blonde gain some courage.
Alessia mirrored the older girl, slipping her hands around the back of her neck, she pushed further into the brunettes mouth. Her tongue roamed around the new space, being spurred on by the moaning coming from Lucy. She couldn’t help but feel proud to make the one and only Lucy Bronze moan from her kisses.
And Lucy wouldn’t deny it, Alessia could kiss. It was as if she knew exactly what Lucy liked, she used her lips and tongue perfectly. So perfectly, she was feeling dizzy herself. Lucy pulled back, she couldn’t help but smile at the blondes kissed swollen lips. She hadn’t noticed until now, how naturally full Alessia’s lips were, even noticing the unique beautiful Cupid bow shape of her lips.
Alessia wanted to keep things moving. “Can we get undressed now?”
Lucy nodded. Alessia started to pull Lucy’s T shirt over her head, revealing her beautiful six pack. The blonde had seen Lucy’s six pack countless times before and was always amazed at the sight. But now she was allowed to touch those beautiful abs, she couldn’t help but run her hands over her stomach, she loved the way Lucy shivered from her touch.
Lucy pulled Alessia’s t shirt over her head, her eyes roamed the blonde stunning body, noticing the hot flush on her neck. “You look beautiful Less, you really are stunning.”
She brought her mouth to Alessia’s neck, kissing the girl gently. She held her hips bringing her body closer to her own. She mindlessly ran her hands slowly up Alessia’s arms, down her back and on her own abs, as she continued her kissing.
The younger girls eyes fluttered shut, her mouth gapped open, her skin flared up in goosebumps. Lucy’s mouth on her neck felt incredible, her touches were soft and gentle. She let out a small moan once she felt Lucy’s tongue come into the mix.
“Oh my god, that feels so good.” She couldn’t believe this was finally happening, her body felt like it was on fire.
Lucy started to unbutton Alessia’s jeans, she wanted to ask if it was okay but she didn’t want to keep bugging the girl, she trusted that she would let her know. She started to kiss down the blonde girls gorgeous body, sucking the flesh at her breast. She wanted to kiss every inch of Alessia’s skin, wanting to make the girl feel adored.
Alessia put her hands on Lucy’s shoulders, needing something to hold on too. As her body was being worshiped. “Luce, your mouth is amazing.” She half whispered her words.
Lucy had to stop her cocky self from saying something like, ‘she hadn’t felt nothing yet.’ She kept it to herself, but still had to say something. “I can’t wait to use it on you.”
Alessia had already felt her wetness in her knickers but Lucy’s words had definitely just ruined them. She felt a shiver of excitement run through her body.
Lucy knelt on her knees, never stopping her kissing on the beautiful body in front of her. She began to pull the younger girls jeans down, revealing long, firm legs that never stopped. Lucy continued on kissing until she got to the top of Alessia’s thighs.
Alessia was finding it hard to breathe with Lucy’s mouth all over her skin, she could feel herself getting more and more wet. She could feel the wetness flooding her underwear inbetween her lips, she knew Lucy was going to see it for her herself.
And she did, she saw the dark wet patch on Alessia’s pink thongs, it made her chest swell with pride. She guided her long legs out of her jeans. “Is someone getting excited?” Lucy’s breath ghosted the younger girls sensitive skin, making her shiver.
Alessia had said yes to dirty talk in the bedroom, she was hoping it would be something she would like. She was beyond grateful Lucy had asked because it instantly turned her on more. “Yea-yeah. I am.”
Lucy smiled as she came back up, she wanted to kiss those perfect full lips again. Alessia would let Lucy do anything to her at this point, she was putty in her hands, and they had only gotten started. She kissed the blonde softly, slipping her tongue into her pretty mouth. Once again earning a moan from the girl.
Lucy would be lying if she wouldn’t say she was turned on just as much as the younger girl. Alessia’s moans alone was doing it for her, everything Alessia was doing was turning her on. She was about to take off her own jeans when Alessia stopped her.
“Do you mind if I do it?”
Lucy nodded.
Alessia undid the brunettes jeans, never taking her blue eyes off of her green ones, it may have been the first time Alessia had made the girl nervous. And she wasn’t wrong, Lucy did feel nervous under the blondes gaze, and she didn’t hate it.
Alessia copied the brunette, she started to kiss her neck, sucking at points on her skin, causing the brunettes breathing to quicken. She began her trail of kisses down to the brunettes chest, but she wanted to see more. She snaked her hands around Lucy’s back, her hands lingered on the bras clasp, once again looking at Lucy’s eyes. Lucy nodded.
She undid her bra, impressing herself that she was able to undo the clothing without looking. Even the brunette looked surprised. She dropped the bra to the floor, her breath hitched in her throat at the sight. Lucy’s breast was perfect. Alessia licked her lips wanting to run her tongue all over the rose bud coloured perks.
She lowered her head to Lucy’s right nipple, slowly kissing the erect bud. She eagerly opened her wet mouth taking in Lucy’s nipple. She was shocked at the reaction she got from the brunette.
A small whimper escaped Lucy’s mouth, she could feel her pussy flutter from the girls soft mouth on her sensitive flesh. She swirled her tongue over Lucy’s perfect tight bud, loving the noises she was pulling from the older girl.
Lucy’s hand slowly moved into the blondes hair, gently stroking her fingers along the blondes scalp, making Alessia shiver. “Fuck, Alessia.” Lucy looked down at Alessia, her long, dark lashes just barely touching her olive skin. The girl was truly beautiful.
Alessia kept up her assault on the older girls chest, she slowly lifted her other hand to cup Lucy’s left breast. She didn’t know what she was doing, she was going off of porn and natural instinct.
Lucy felt her legs shake, she couldn’t believe how skilful Alessia’s mouth was. For someone who had never done this before, she felt like a sex goddess.
Alessia let go of the bud with a loud pop of her plumed lips, looking up at Lucy. For the first time tonight the brunettes face was dazed, Alessia was more than happy with that. She could feel her confidence growing, more and more. She did the same as Lucy did and dropped to her knees.
Lucy looked down at Alessia, and it was a beautiful sight to see, her piercing blue eyes were looking up at her with so much adoration, it nearly took Lucy’s breath away. She began to kiss Lucy’s stomach, closing her eyes as she felt the hard muscles against her lips.
Her confidence started to peak again. “Do you know how many girls want you Luce? I hear it all the time, so many of the football girls want to sleep with you.”
Lucy smirked, she couldn’t believe Alessia was already going for the bedroom talk. She kept surprising the girl with how much of a natural she was. “Yeah? What do they say?” She stroked the blondes hair back.
The blonde looked up at the brunette, gliding her tongue from her boxer line to the bottom of her belly button.
Lucys eyes snapped shut, her head tilted back, trying to hold in a moan. Wasn’t it meant to be her doing this to Alessia? How was she already so confident?
“They say how sexy you are, how powerful you are on the pitch. They talk about your abs constantly.”
“And what do you say when the girls are talking about me?” Lucy wanted to build her up.
“I say they’re right, you are one of the most talented.” Kiss. “Sexist.” Kiss. “Beautiful.” Kiss. “Players out there, and now I get to sleep with her.”
Lucy bit her lip hard, Alessia was on fire, she was making her ego grow. She pulled Lucy’s trousers down, helping the brunette out of them.
Lucy motioned the girl up. The blonde did what she was told. Lucy kissed the blonde gently, pushing her hair behind her ear. “Firstly, wow. Are you sure you’ve never done this before? You’re completely a natural at this.”
The blonde couldn’t hold back the shy smile, Lucys words made her feel on top of the world. “I’ve got a good teacher.”
“No, this is all you. Really, you’re just… wow.”
The blonde smiled in that very cute way that she did, it made Lucy’s heart flutter. She felt proud of her. She continued. “Also, are you doing okay? Is there anything you want to ask? Or anything going too fast?”
“I’m so good, genuinely. I’m so glad you said yes to this. I can’t thank you enough. Are you having fun?”
“Its not a problem, I’m glad I could be of help. Yeah, I’m having a lot of fun.” She smiled playfully at the blonde. She continued.
“What do you wanna do now?”
Alessia wanted to eat Lucy out but she thought it might be better if Lucy maybe did it first, she could maybe learn a thing or two. She felt shy saying it. She bit her lip, looking at Lucy adorably. A 360 from being on her knees a few seconds ago.
“Can you go down on me? I wanted to do it to you first but I want to see how it feels.”
Lucy felt her pussy flutter, once again her own wetness was evident between her legs. She nodded. A playful smirk on her face, she couldn’t hide that she was excited. She moved close to Alessia, she cupped her chin, looking into her blue eyes. “Of course I can. I can’t wait to taste you.” Lucy’s voice was low.
Alessia’s pupils were already blown but now they nearly took over the blue in her eyes. She felt her clit throbbing, it was nearly painful.
Lucy took the blonde by her hands, guiding her to the king size bed. They crawled on the bed, Lucy watched Alessia’s face for any doubt, but she didn’t show any. They laid next to each other smiling, Lucy placed a hand on the younger girls hip, stroking her skin. She shuffled close so they were inches from each other’s faces.
She gently kissed the girl, her lips were doing things to Alessia, they were addicting to kiss. Her hand snaked behind Alessia’s back, undoing her bra with one hand, in one go.
Alessia giggled. “Show off.”
Lucy chuckled. “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.”
She removed the blondes bra, releasing a perfect pair of breast. She had to hold in the groan that nearly escaped her. She was still trying to be as slow as she could. They carried on kissing, at first it was slow and gentle but it soon became desperate and loud. Lucy could feel Alessia exploring her mouth with her tongue, making the older girl groan in pleasure.
She was embarrassed by how turned on the blonde was making her, she was meant to be the teacher here, the one with some self control but the younger girl was making it hard.
Alessia felt Lucy push her gently on her back, never letting their kissing come to an end.
Lucy pulled back, smiling down into Alessia’s face, the girl looked wrecked, her breathing was hard, her eyes nearly black. It was when she bit her beautiful pink swollen lips that Lucy nearly lost it.
Lucy once again felt a groan in her throat but this time she couldn’t hold it back. “You look amazing Less.”
The blonde was becoming a little ragged, she desperately wanted to feel Lucy’s mouth on her. She needed some kind of release. “Luce, please can you go down. Please.”
Fuck. Alessia begging was something she knew she’d be keeping in her own wank bank, she would have liked to have gotten her to beg a little more but she could tell she was desperate. Lucy gave the younger girl a sultry gaze. She didn’t need to be told twice. “Of course. I’ll take care of you.”
She kissed Alessia’s lips one last time, before she began to snake down her long body. But she had to stop off quickly. She took Alessia’s painfully perked nipple into her mouth, sucking gently.
“Fuck, oh my god. Lucyyy.”
Lucy was shocked when she heard the curse fall from the blondes mouth. She almost stopped her actions, thinking she had hurt the girl, until she felt her hips rolls. She had never heard the younger girl swear in all her years of knowing her, but she was definitely a fan of it.
She brought her hand up to Alessia’s other nipple, gently teasing it with her dexterous fingers. She switched sides, giving the other nipple the attention it deserved. Alessia was panting hard, as the brunette licked and sucked at her perked flesh.
She slowly started to proceed downwards, kissing Alessia’s own strong abs, and what a beautiful site it was. She sucked at her skin, leaving small red marks behind.
Alessia was loosing it, she felt like she was going to come just from Lucy’s kissing alone, like a horny teenage boy who had no control. Lucy sat up between Alessia’s long firm legs, looking down at the mess of a girl. She was truly frazzled.
Lucy began to pull the blondes thongs off, she could feel how wet she was, as the clothing stuck to the blondes lips from her own sticky substance. She pulled the now ruined underwear down her thighs and onto the floor. And Lucy once again had to hold back her moan.
Alessia was panting hard, she could feel her heart in her throat, she was shaking with excitement. She watched as Lucy was admiring her body, she looked at her with so much care. Even though she was the one going slow with her, it felt like she was just as excited and turned on as Alessia.
She didn’t feel shy from being naked in front of Lucy, they were naked all the time in the locker room, but even now, in this situation, she felt completely comfortable.
“You’re beautiful Less. I hope you know it.”
The younger girl giggled, she was suddenly shy.
Fuck, how could she be cute right now? She was about to devour the girl.
“Thank you Luce, so are you. I hope you know it.”
Lucy smiled her beautiful smile, as she lowered herself down between Alessia’s legs. She felt her own mouth water as she looked at the blondes very wet lips. Like Lucy, Alessia had no hair at all, she was waxed completely clean of hair. Lucy didn’t mind, as long as she could get to her destination she was happy.
She kissed the blondes thighs, but not teasingly, she just wanted to kiss the legs that scored that glorious goal in the euros. She kissed Alessia’s pussy lips, a small appreciative moan hummed through Lucy’s throat.
She then took her first gentle lick of the blondes pussy. A loud groan came from both the girls. She was delicious, Lucy’s mouth began to water as she began to lick gently on her velvety folds.
The sharp breath Alessia took in was almost painful, this was a whole new feeling, it didn’t feel real. It felt like she was having an out of body experience. Alessia held her breath, this was nothing like her bullet. She could feel every inch of the brunettes very talented tongue on her. Feeling the way it explored every inch of her.
The nerves on her soft flesh were screaming in pleasure, she couldn’t believe the feeling, it was what she imagined but a thousand times more. She could even hear how wet she was from Lucy’s tongue, it only made her wetter.
Lucy kept up the pace with her tongue, taking in everything that was Alessia. She kept her eyes on the girl, her facial expression was a beautiful site. She watched her body take in this new feeling, she watched as her hips rolled with her tongue.
She began to suck gently on her very sensitive clit. Alessia’s blue eyes popped open, a high pitched whimper began to fall out of her mouth. Her hips began to buck, she was already so close.
Lucy had to hold her hips down to stay in place, the girl was stronger than she looked.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck. Lucy.”
Once again Lucy felt her clit throb, hearing the blonde swear, it was erotic. She felt like it was something she wasn’t meant to hear, and it only made it hotter. She didn’t think it could be something that could turn her on, but the juices between her legs would beg to differ.
“Lucy, I’m…. I-I-I’m…fuuuck!”
And that’s when she felt it, she came, and she came quick. Her stomach tightened, her back started to arch off the mattress. Her muscles in her legs began to shake, she felt her climax spread over her body. It was all over so quickly.
Lucy was shocked at how quick she came, she had been between her legs just over a minute. The blonde couldn’t believe it, she covered her face in embarrassment. She could tell she was red, but she wasn’t sure if it was the shame or the way her body just exploded. She once again felt like a horny teen that couldn’t control herself. Jizzing at the first touch.
“Oh my god Lucy, I’m sorry. I-I couldn’t control it. It’s never felt like that before. I, god, I’m so embarr- ah god, Lucy!”
Lucy kissed the blondes clit, trying to distract her. She didn’t want the girl to be embarrassed, even if she did look very cute and frazzled. “Don’t be sorry, it was your first time, we can go again when you’re ready.” Lucy’s voice was husky and low.
Alessia appreciated her words but she was frustrated with her body. Lucy kissed the girls thighs, making her way up to her face, she went to kiss her but stopped herself, she wasn’t sure if Alessia was into tasting her own juices.
The blonde noticed the older girl hesitated, she wasn’t sure why. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. I was going to kiss you but wasn’t sure if you would want that, with your wetness on my mouth. Not everyone’s in to that.”
Alessia couldn’t believe how thoughtful Lucy was being, but there was no way she wasn’t going to have Lucy not kiss her. She pulled Lucy close to her face. “Thank you for asking, but I couldn’t think of anything sexier then tasting me on your tongue ”
She attached her lips to the brunettes, humming in pleasure from tasting herself. She was feeling more and more confident, she was shocked even in herself how quick she was adapting to it all, but she had Lucy to thank. “Can I do it to you?”
Lucy nodded, a small smile on her face. “But stop if you need to stop at any point.”
“I will.” But she knew she wouldn’t, there was no way. She wanted to make Lucy feel as good as she made her, well, try to.
They swapped positions, Alessia kissed down the brunettes olive body, her heart beating hard in her chest. She smirked hearing the small groans coming from Lucy above her. As she pulled Lucy’s black thongs down, her mouth dropped open in shock.
She was hoping that she had made Lucy wet, even if only a little wet, but when she saw just how wet the brunette actually was she had to hold back the groan. Lucys lips were dripping in her own juices. She couldn’t help but feel proud that she so had done this. She even felt a little cocky.
“Is this all for me?” She parted Lucy’s legs, watching her juices glisten.
Lucy smiled, a hint of shyness to her face. “Yeah, I told you Less, you’re so good at this.”
Alessia smiled, she got comfortable between Lucy’s legs. “Let me know if I’m doing it wrong or you want me to do something different.”
“I will.”
The blonde looked at Lucy’s dripping pussy, she did what Lucy did and kissed her lips, getting her first taste of pussy. She licked her lips, tasting Lucy for the first time, the taste was different to anything she had ever tasted. It was sweet, it was sour, it was everything and more, and she knew she would always want more.
She took a bold lick into Lucy’s lips, she closed her eyes in concentration. Loving the juices that washed over her senses, she moaned at the sensation, feeling her own pussy throb. She wanted to try and do this right, she thought about what she liked when touching herself.
She dipped her tongue into Lucy’s folds, licking upwards, hitting Lucy’s sensitive bud. Lucy groaned, her head tilting back. She was sat up on her elbows, she watched Alessia as she looked as focused as she did when on the pitch. She couldn’t take her eyes off the girl, she looked like a natural between her legs.
She flicked her tongue some more over Lucy’s clit, she could feel the brunette getting wetter on her tongue. She kept up her pace, loving the brunettes moans from her moves.
Lucy couldn’t hold herself up, she dropped back, her chest heaving. “Less, fuck. Your mouth is amazing. How have you never done this before?”
The younger girl smiled internally, there was no way she was going to stop her actions to talk. She carried on taking quick, pointed licks on Lucy’s now very stiff clit.
Lucy would normally hold the girls head or grip her hair, to have someone control, when she could feel her climax grow. But she wasn’t going to do to that to Alessia, not for her first time.
The brunette felt her orgasm speeding up to be released but she needed Alessia to change her movements. “Less. Can you suck? Please. I need your lips on my clit.”
Alessia’s Bambi like eyes looked up at the brunette, she had been concentrating so hard it was the first time that she had looked at her.
And she could have kicked herself for not looking sooner, the site was something she would never forget. Lucy’s face looked stunning, a face she had never seen the brunette make before, a face she’d definitely try to remember for later on.
The younger girl hummed in response, earning her a jolt from the body above. She pulled back for a second to see Lucy’s pussy. Wanting to make sure she was sucking on her right.
“Just suck? Hard? Or soft?” The younger girls lips were wet with Lucy’s juices.
Lucy breathed out hard, she looked at the blonde, who looked devastatingly gorgeous, Lucy could see her wetness all over her mouth and chin. But the girl also looked impossibly cute, her head tilted like a puppy in question, her innocent eyes wide with wonder.
Lucy stroked Alessia’s hair out of her face in a gentle motion. The blonde felt a wave of warm pleasure shoot through her body at the touch. “Suck it softly, I just need more pressure on my clit.” Her voice was raspy. “You feel so good Less, so fucking good.”
She smiled shyly and nodded, determined to please the girl. She wrapped her plumped pink lips around Lucy’s swollen pink clit, sucking softly like the brunette asked. The noise she heard from Lucy was delicious, she felt Lucy start to rock gently into her mouth, loving the feeling of the brunettes movements.
She watched Lucy’s hands grip at the sheets. Not wanting to waste them there, she guided them into her blonde hair. Lucy felt the touch, then the hair between her fingers, she looked down to see Alessia looking at her, a mischievous look in her eyes. She gripped at her hair softly, she smoothed it back into a loose ponytail, not pulling, just holding.
Lucy couldn’t believe what Alessia was doing to her, this girl must have lied to her, because how could someone be this confident, this quick?
The blonde continued to suck gently around her sensitive clit, as her tongue also worked at the bud of nerves. She could feel Lucy gently push her head a little deeper, as her hips began to rock.
Lucy moaned as she felt her legs start to shake, her orgasm was building quick. She rocked her hips gently into Alessia’s mouth, earning her a small moan. “Fuck Less, the noises you make are so good, so good on my clit.”
Alessia did it again, but this time louder and rougher. That was all she needed, the noise vibrated through Lucy’s nerves, pushing her to her climax. “Don’t stop Less, I’m coming.” Her northern accent thick again.
She felt her juices flowing out into Alessia’s mouth, she gripped the blonde hair in her hands pushing her head down to keep her tongue in place. Her body shook, her muscles tightened, her eyes closed hard. Heat radiated down her body as that sweet release settled over her worn muscles, slowly bringing her hips to a stop.
She felt Lucy’s juices gushing into her mouth, she swallowed what she could. Alessia felt Lucy’s body relax, she looked up at the brunette, she was sure she came but wasn’t confident.
Lucy breathed hard, bringing her arm over her face. “Fuck. Less….fuck.” She left out a raspy laugh. A little out of disbelief.
Alessia smiled shyly. “Did you come?”
Lucy let out a breathy laugh. “Yeah. I came.”
Alessia felt her pride explode, she actually did it. She was able to make Lucy come on her first time. Maybe she was a natural.
Lucy looked down at Alessia, her face was dripping from her juices, her hair a little messy. She looked beautiful. She was smiling like she had just won the World Cup.
She scrambled up to the brunettes face, ready to kiss her, but she stopped like Lucy did for her. “Can I kiss you?”
Lucy smirked. “Please, do.”
Alessia kissed Lucy with so much passion it nearly took her breath away. Alessia was on cloud nine, she knew she was going to enjoy tonight, but every second of it felt perfect, even if she did have the quickest orgasm of all time.
Lucy was making her feel amazing, every touch and kiss made her body vibrate. Not once was she regretting that she had asked for this.
“How do you feel?” The brunette stroked Alessia’s face.
“So good. I can’t believe I made you come. I’m buzzing. I want to do it so much more, I definitely want to do it again to you.”
Lucy chuckled softly. “We got all night, I won’t be saying no to that. You felt so good Less.”
The blonde reached out and kissed Lucy’s lips. Her self confidence was soaring. “Can we use the strap on?”
Lucy was a little nervous about this part, she didn’t want to hurt Alessia, or make her anymore scared about sex. She was going to take it as slow as she could. “Yeah, of course we can. We can go nice and slow.”
Alessia nodded bitting her lip in that sexy but cute way that she did. Making Lucy’s pussy wake up again.
“Fuck, you’re so sexy Less.” She kissed the girl swiping her tongue in her mouth, she needed to feel her lips. Those little whimpers she did every time made Lucy’s cunt spasm. “Right, let’s choose the right strap to use.”
Lucy had charged and cleaned all the toys so they were ready to use. They had bought a 6 inch dildo, and an 8 inch dildo. Both pink, as that was Alessia’s favourite colour. “I think we should go small.” Lucy bit her finger nails.
“Yeah, I think so. Do you need help putting it on?”
Lucy didn’t need help, she had done this many times before, but she wanted Alessia to feel involved, and she was learning after all. “Yeah, let’s do it together.”
The girls got the harness on quickly, the pink plastic appendage was sitting between Lucy’s strong legs. Alessia felt her nerves creep back up, she remembered the first time she had sex it had hurt. It didn’t help that she was wasn’t attracted to the boy and was dry like the Sahara. But she trusted Lucy, she knew she’d be able to tell her if she was uncomfortable.
The blonde crawled on the bed, with Lucy following behind, lying next to each other.
“Okay, please let me know if you want to stop at any point okay?”
The blonde smiled softly. “I will.”
Lucy started kissing her neck, working the girl back up, and of course it was working. Alessia was addicted to Lucy’s lips, they seemed to be able to make her wet instantly.
She kissed higher up her neck, gently biting the skin behind her ear, her breath tickling the younger girl. She whispered in her ear. “You’re going to take my fingers first. Then I’ll let you have my dick.”
Alessia’s whole body shivered, goosebumps took over every inch of her skin. Lucy talking to her like that made her cunt ache. Lucy noticed straight away.
She bit her lip nodding at the older girl.
“Good.” Lucy smirked.
Lucy snaked her hand down between Alessia’s legs, the smile that crept on her face was a little cocky, because once again the girl was soaking wet for her. “Open your legs.” Lucy’s voice was soft.
Alessia did what she was told.
She slid her fingers up and down Alessia’s velvety folds, her fingers were coated in wetness. It was the first time she had Lucy touch her like this and she couldn’t stop the groans slipping out of her mouth. It felt incredibly intimate, even more than when she was eating her out.
Lucy looked at Alessia ice blue eyes, trying to gage the girl, she slowly dipped her fingers lower to her cunt. “You ready?”
Lucy gently dipped one finger in Alessia, she had no resistance, the girl bucked straight away, letting out a small moan. Lucy slowly pumped her finger, in and out, taking her time.
After a couple of minutes she added another finger, earning her a low moan. She felt the younger girl squeeze her bicep, she let out whimper as Lucys fingers stretched her. She was tighter this time, Lucy pumped slowly, pushing Alessia’s soft walls. The girl was taking her so well.
“Luce, you fe-feel so good.” Alessia squeezed on Lucy’s bicep again, she could feel her muscle moving under every stroke of her hand.
Lucy hummed. “Fuck Less, you’re doing so well.” She kissed Alessia’s forehead. She was able to go a little faster, feeling the blondes body getting used to her fingers.
She carried on like this for a couple more minutes, the younger girls small moans were making her pussy throb. The small wet squelching sounds coming from between Alessia’s legs were erotic. Lucy’s mouth was watering hearing the wet noises.
“I’m ready Luce”
“You sure Less? I can keep going if you want?”
“No, I’m so ready.” Her words came out in short breaths.
Lucy nodded and gently removed her very wet fingers. She couldn’t resist putting her fingers in her mouth, wanting to show off for the younger girl. And it worked.
Alessia’s mouth gapped open, she felt her pussy pulsate. Lucy started to shuffle her body over Alessia’s. She grabbed the lube on the side, smothering the pink dildo.
Alessia’s eyes were wide, watching Lucy kneel in between her legs. She glided the dildo along the younger girls lips, nudging her clit every so often. Each time Alessia’s hips jolted at the touch.
The brunette leaned on her arms above Alessia. She began to shuffle, lining up the plastic to Alessia’s cunt. She held the dildo in her hand, slowly, she started to push the head in, watching the blondes face like a hawk.
Alessia’s eyes were closed, she was breathing hard, she moaned as the head was slowly pushed in. She felt a slight pain but not enough to want to stop Lucy.
Lucy kept going slow. She kissed Alessia lips, wanting to distract her. She kept pushing her hips, the deeper she went the more tighter it got. “You okay Less?” Lucy’s thick northern accent was showing.
“Y- yeah, it’s a lot. But I’m good.” Her breath was shakey.
“I know, you’re doing so well though. You’re taking it so well.”
Alessia’s head spun, it was one thing to be told you’re doing something well from Lucy on the pitch, but to be told you’re doing well, because you’re taking Lucy Bronze’s fake dick so well, was a whole other level of ridiculous.
Once again, Lucy noticed her words effecting the blonde. Lucy felt like she was in deep enough, she stayed still, just letting the younger girl get used to the feeling. She kissed her neck, tasting the sweat on her hot skin.
Alessia’s breathing slowed, Lucy could feel her body relaxing underneath her. She started to pump her hips slowly, the blondes hands grabbed her waist needing to feel something.
Alessia was whimpering, feeling the plastic dick gliding in and out of her, she could feel a slight pain of stretching but it also added to the pleasure.
“You’re being so good Less, look how good you are. You’re being so good for me.”
Alessia groaned, she couldn’t talk, not when Lucy was talking to her like this, fucking her so sweetly.
Lucy knew Alessia liked to be told she was ‘good’ she’d noticed it years back on the pitch. She clearly had a little praise kink in her mitts, something Lucy loved. “Thats it baby. Look at you, taking me so well.”
Lucy pumped her hips slightly faster, pushing her hips in a little deeper. Alessia started to really moan then, her grip on Lucy’s waist tightened.
“Fuck, Less, the noises you make. They make me so wet, do you know how fucking sexy you are?” Lucy went a little faster, the noises between them were loud and wet.
Lucy sucked on the blondes neck, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride that she was doing this to the girl, like she was almost taking her virginity again.
Alessia’s eyes were closed, Lucy’s words were driving her crazy, she could feel her cunt pulsate every time she spoke, every time she was praised. Her whole body was covered in sweat, taking the whole new sensation. She felt like she was floating, Lucy’s hips were hitting spots she didn’t know existed.
Lucy would have been able to keep this up for a while, but she also didn’t want to hurt the girl, she’d definitely be soar later on. “Touch yourself Less, I want to see your pretty face come for me.”
Alessia felt dizzy, Lucy’s hips were driving her into a whole new wave of pleasure. She heard what she said, she knew Lucy would want some kind of words back. She stumbled her words, her eyes half closed, just taking the grinding of Lucy’s hips.
“Y-ye…..yeah. Yes.”
“Good girl Less.” Lucy smiled proudly at the girl beneath her. It only made Alessia more wet. The younger girl snaked her arm down in between them, Lucy had given her enough space to move around.
She hissed when she first felt her clit, it felt hot to touch, her body was taking so much and it felt so good. She circled her clit, the way she always did, but she could feel the pleasure had heightened.
Lucy looked down their bodies, watching Alessia touch herself. Her face scrunched up in a cute, sexy expression. How did she do that?
“That’s it Less, just like that, I bet that feels so good.”
Alessia nodded her head, not daring to open her eyes, she wanted to have some control, she was scared if she’d look at Lucy right now it would probably push her over the edge. And she didn’t want that again.
Lucy snaked her hips like a pro, changing her pace to slow and deep, not wanting to over stimulate the girl. It also felt a lot more intimate this way, like she was actually making love, and not just fucking her senseless.
Alessia could feel the spark light in her belly, she felt the slow build of her orgasm rising up. She opened her eyes, meeting Lucy’s face, it was full of lust and pleasure. “Lucy. Lucy….you feel so good.”
Lucy smiled lustfully at the girl, she looked so good. Her voice was low and raspy, she loved the way her name was falling out of her mouth, there was so much want and need from it.
“Hmmm, you look so good, taking me so well. You’ve been so fucking good all night. You been such a good girl for me, haven’t you?”
Alessia nodded, looking up at Lucy with her Bambi like eyes,
Lucy kept up her thrust, she lowered her face kissing the girl hard, making her groan. Alessia was getting closer, Lucy’s words were pushing her closer to her peak, but she wanted more. “More, Luce.”
Lucy smirked deviously, at the girl beneath her. “More baby? You want me to tell you how good you are? How good you are at sucking my clit?”
Alessia’s legs started to shake.
“Or what about how good you are on the pitch?” She pushed her hers hips deeper. “You’re one of the best strikers I’ve even known. Every time I watch you, I’m amazed.” Her breathing was rough.
Alessia bit her lip, trying to hold her orgasm at bay, it was a move she also noticed Lucy liked, watching her green eyes dart to her mouth.
She kept her fingers working, she felt her orgasm rising.
“That’s it Less. Just like that, you listen so well, don’t you?”
“Look at you, fuck you look so good Less. I think you deserve to come, don’t you?”
Her lip was being squeezed hard between her teeth, she had never felt this turned on before, she could feel her own juices dripping down her cunt. Lucy was pushing her to a whole new level, a whole different sensation for her body.
She nodded again, her eyes half closed, feeling her body working itself up. Her mouth slightly open, small groans escaping her lips.
Lucy went close to her ear. “Come for me Less, you’ve been so good, come for me. Let me see your pretty face.”
That was it. Her words pushed her over, her hips pushed her over, everything about Lucy pushed her over. “I’m com- I’m coming. Lu- Lucyyy!”
She let out a high pitched scream, her pussy pulsated hard around the dick. She kept her finger on her clit, pushing herself to a new high. Her back arched, trying to take as much as she could. A warm sensation trickled through her body, her muscles felt soft and heavy.
Watching Alessia come inches away from her face was a new bucket list tick, it was just added, but it was ticked. Lucy was in heaven, she had never seen anything as beautiful as this, no view, no sunset could beat this, ever. She caught Alessia’s lips, wanting to swallow her moans, wanting to taste her.
Lucy kept her movements deep and slow, wanting the younger girl to ride out her orgasm as hard as she could. She had to stop herself from pushing for more.
Alessia was in total bliss, she had never felt any of her orgasms hit her like that did. Considering it was still her that touched herself it felt completely different, it felt like her body had a whole new experience. She opened her eyes to see Lucy looking down at her, she looked as proud as she did when she scored a last minute goal, maybe even prouder.
“I cant even describe how good I feel.” Alessia’s voice was raspy.
Lucy smiled gently at the younger girl. “I’m glad to hear it. I cant describe how good you looked.” She let out a gentle laugh as she watched Alessia blush at her words. “I’m going to pull out okay.”
The blonde nodded. “Okay.” She let out a small squeak at the loss, she suddenly felt empty, her pussy was throbbing.
Lucy removed the harness, she watched the girl breathing hard on her bed. “Hey, you okay?” She walked over sitting next to Alessia, pushing her hair out of her face.
Alessia faced the brunette, she looked worried. Once again Lucy was being so caring and thoughtful, checking in with the younger girl as much as she could.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m just so happy. I’m so glad I asked you to do this Lucy. I could cry.”
Lucy smiled, she felt so bad for Alessia, the fact that she still felt too scared to come out was heartbreaking.
“It’s all good cry’s though, don’t worry.” Alessia’s sat up kissing Lucy softly.
“I get it Less, you know I’m always here if you want to talk, I’ve been there. No matter the time or day I’m there. Whenever you’re ready.”
The blonde smiled, she felt her eyes water, but she didn’t want any sad moments tonight. She just wanted to enjoy herself, enjoy her company.
“I’m going to grab some water, I’ll be right back.” Lucy kissed Alessia on her four head as she got up.
A couple minutes later, the brunette returned with two bottles of water. She found Alessia lying on her front, her peachy arse looking perfect. She passed a bottle to Alessia. “Here, drink some.”
The girls casually spoke about everyday things, just relaxing in each other’s company. It was nice, everything was relaxed and peaceful, nothing forced or awkward.
“So, am I allowed to use the strap on you?”
Lucy playfully smiled at the blonde. A soft chuckle left her mouth. “You are, but don’t feel pressured.”
The blonde smiled shyly at the brunette. “I want to fuck you from behind.”
Lucy choked loudly on her water. “Ye- ahem. Sorry.” She tried to clear her throat. “Yeah, that’s, that’s fine.”
Alessia couldn’t hide the excitement, she bounced off the bed, grabbing the harness Lucy had worn. They decided to go for the bigger dildo for Lucy.
The brunette helped Alessia with putting on the harness but tried to let her work it out alone. She had to help a few times but she got the gist of it.
Once it was on, Alessia felt a surge of confidence run through her. She looked at the pink dildo bouncing between her legs. She looked at Lucy standing in front of her. she had a small smirk on her face.
“What’s funny? Don’t you like my pink dick?” Alessia giggled.
Lucy laughed loudly. “I wouldn’t say pinks my favourite colour.”
“Good thing you won’t be seeing it then.”
Once again both girls were shocked by Alessia’s confidence. Lucy had to keep it up, she loved seeing her like this. “Oh is that so?”
“Yeah, my pink dick will be going in your pink pussy.”
Lucy felt her cunt flutter. She wasn’t normally the one in this position but she did enjoy herself when she was. Most girls assumed she didn’t like to be topped so she would normally be the more dominant role. But Alessia clearly wanted that role tonight.
Alessia reached out to Lucy, she took her hand and walked them to the bed, just like Lucy did to her. She kissed the brunette hard, feeling her soft lips on her mouth was needed.
“Let me know if I’m doing it wrong or you’re not comfortable.”
Lucy nodded. “I will.”
“Get on your knees for me. Please.”
Lucy smiled, bitting her lip, it was cute watching Alessia find the balance for her dominating side. Lucy did what she was she was told, she climbed on her hands and knees on the bed.
Alessia’s mouth watered at the sight.
Lucy Bronze, on her hands and knees for her, waiting to be fucked. She glided her hand down Lucy’s back, feeling her spine under her fingers, making the girl shiver.
She brought the tips of her fingers back up to Lucy’s cheeks, gliding them down her strong thighs. “Fuck Lucy, you have such a beautiful arse.”
Lucy laughed. “Thank y-you oh my god.”
Alessia took one strong lick through Lucy’s pussy lips, then another, and another, until she was fully lapping at her folds.
“Fuck, Less. Fuuuuck!”
Alessia once again feeling completely in her zone, she licked through Lucys wet folds, working the girl up.
She felt Alessia’s tongue all over her lips, all over her clit, making her more wet with each stroke. Lucy let out a low groan, deep from her throat as Alessia began to fuck Lucy with her tongue, pushing as deep as she could.
Lucy couldn’t stop the moaning, she couldn’t believe the way Alessia had her whimpering, how she had her body for her own.
She dipped her tongue in and out of Lucy’s pussy, her cunt squeezing around her tongue. She loved the position she had Lucy in, like she was all hers to have. Maybe Alessia was more of a top than she thought. She removed her tongue, and began to suck on Lucy’s very swollen clit, the girl was dripping, Alessia could see her wetness running down her thighs.
The high pitched moan that came out of Lucy’s mouth was loud, she couldn’t hold it in. Alessia’s lips on the her clit like this was driving her crazy but the glorious feeling stopped suddenly.
Alessia stood to her feet grabbing the lube from the side, like Lucy, she smothered the dick generously.
Lucy was making small whimpering sounds, upset that she had lost Alessia’s tongue.
Alessia stroked Lucy’s back, in a comforting gesture. “Awww don’t be sad Luce, I’m going to fuck you now.”
“Fuck, Less.” Lucy was lost for words.
“Tell me if I hurt you or you’re not comfortable.” Alessia stroked her fingers through Lucy’s wet folds, coating her fingers in her juice. Loving the way Lucy’s body reacted to her.
She slowly dipped two fingers in to Lucy’s heat, only feeling a small amount of resistance. Lucy groaned at the stretch, loving the feeling of Alessia’s presence inside her.
Alessia slowly pushed in and out, watching her fingers being swallowed by Lucy’s cunt. She could feel her own pussy becoming wet again. She stayed like this for a couple of minutes, she was trying to do everything Lucy did to her, but as she knew Lucy had done this before and was more used to it.
“You feel so good Luce.”
“So do you Less, you feel amazing.”
“I’m going to use it now, are you ready?”
“Yeah.” Lucy moaned at a sweet spot Alessia hit.
The blonde pulled her fingers out, amazed at how wet Lucy was. Her fingers were coated in Lucy’s juices, she greedily sucked them, not wanting to waste a drop. Alessia looked at Lucy’s swollen pussy, dripping in her wetness, she wanted to clean her up, but that could wait.
She lined up the dildo, she watched Lucy’s body as she started to push the head into Lucy. “Not that hole!”
Alessia suddenly stoped, moving away from Lucy in a panic. “Sorry! Oh my god. I’m sorry Lucy.”
Lucy laughed. “It’s okay, it happens.”
Alessia felt a little embarrassed but pushed on, she watched the head of the dildo this time, lining it right up to Lucy’s cunt. She pushed gently, watching Lucy take the pink strap inch by inch. Alessia didn’t stop until her thighs were touching Lucy’s cheeks.
“Fuck Lucy.”
Lucy let out a rough moan. the younger girl moved her hips slowly. The noises Lucy made was encouragement enough to move her hips faster.
She held on to Lucy’s hips, keeping a steady pace, she watched her dick go in and out of Lucy’s pussy. She loved the noises she was pulling from the girl, she seemed to be doing the right thing with her hips, so she pushed further.
She moved her hips quicker, holding onto Lucy tighter, she watched as Lucy’s cheeks bounced with each thrust. She groaned at the view, Lucy looked so good like this, letting Alessia take her so openly.
“You take it so well Luce.” A sudden urge ran through Alessia, wanting to rail Lucy like she was her own personal sex toy, she wanted to make Lucy forget her own name.
Alessia was naturally a gentle and calm person, but right now seeing Lucy in this position, making those beautiful noises was driving her crazy. She drove her hips harder, her fingers dug into Lucy’s skin, she was definitely going to leave bruises but she didn’t care, she wanted to fuck Lucy like she owned her. And she did.
Lucy fell forward, her head hitting the mattress, finding it difficult to use her arms as she lost all self control.
The brunette couldn’t hold back the moans, Alessia was fucking her like there was no tomorrow and she didn’t mind it one bit. She had to hold on to the bed sheets, trying to gain some control, her whole body was being rocked from the taller girl. Once again the girl was stronger than she looked.
“Yeah baby? What’s wrong?”
Lucy was sweating, she had to take what Alessia was giving her, she didn’t have much say, and once again she didn’t mind. “Touch me Less, please.”
Alessia reached down to Lucy’s swollen clit, rubbing hard on the sensitive nub. She pushed her hand on Lucy’s back, giving herself leverage to please the girl.
Lucy hissed at the touch, her body was going into overdrive, her pussy was clenching at every quick thrust Alessia was giving to her. She couldn’t concentrate on anything but the heat going through her body, she could feel herself getting wetter and wetter.
Alessia continued to circle at Lucy’s sensitive clit, she pumped her hips in and out as fast as she could, watching the girl unfold.
The brunette could feel her orgasm coming, her stomach tightened, her thighs began to shake, her pussy clenching hard. Alessia’s skilful fingers were on Lucy’s clit like it was her own hand, touching her with perfect precision. “Fuck, fuck. Less, don’t stop, please.”
“I won’t. I’m here, I’m here.”
Lucy felt her orgasm hit her, her whole body became stiff, a loud moan fell from her lips as her body jolted. She could feel her pussy pulsate around the dildo, that was still pumping slowly into her.
She felt her wetness dripping down her thighs, she closed her eyes trying to catch her breath. She felt Alessia stroke her back, with gentle touches, it made her melt even further into the bed. “I’m going to pull out.”
Lucy just nodded, she wasn’t able to talk, she had been wrecked by the younger girl. For the 100th times tonight the blonde had shocked her with her confidence.
She groaned at the loss, she felt Alessia dip off the bed, removing the harness. Lucy felt her breathing calm, finally able to take a normal breath again. She felt Alessia stroke her back, the touch was soothing, making her smile in the mattress.
“That was so fucking hot Luce. I wasn’t too rough was I?”
“Not at all, I enjoyed it, a lot .”
The blonde smiled, she looked at the brunette who was still lying on her front. She began to kiss up Lucy’s back, watching her muscles twitch from the touch. Lucy looked completely relaxed, a look Alessia had never seen on the older girl, it was nice.
Lucy smiled, feeling Alessia lips on her back, she let out a small whimper when Alessia hit a sensitive patch.
“Hmm does someone like back kisses?” Alessia’s voice was low and sultry. She continued kissing Lucy’s back.
Lucy groaned, her eyes fluttering shut. She did indeed like back kisses, she was in heaven right now. They stayed like this for a while, Alessia was happy enough to just worship Lucy in this way. She watched as the girl squirmed and groaned as her lips touched certain points on her body.
Lucy could feel herself getting wet again, she couldn’t help it, her back was her sweet spot. But she wanted to be the one pleasing the other girl. “Hmmm your turn. Lay down.”
Alessia laid on her front like Lucy had. Lucy shifted so she could start kissing Alessia’s back. She looked down at the sight before her, Alessia had one of the nicest and cutest arses she’d ever seen. She dipped her head, kissing one cheek at a time.
She heard Alessia giggle from above, she carried on kissing her cheeks until was positive she had kissed every inch of her skin. She took a quick bite of the flesh, making Alessia squeak.
“Lucyy!” Alessia belly laughed.
“Sorry, I couldn’t help it.” Lucy’s smiled to herself.
She started making her way up Alessia’s back, sucking and kissing her skin. She could hear Alessia’s breathing pick up, she clearly liked the back kisses too. Once again she kissed every inch of Alessia’s back, watching the girl squirm under her touch, getting wet just from Alessia’s small whimpers.
She reached the blondes neck, her familiar perfume flooding her senses. She kissed her neck, sucking on her skin, causing the blonde to moan. She noticed Alessia’s hips grind against the mattress.
She glided her lips along the side of her throat. She breathed into Alessia neck, causing the girl to shiver, a small moan escaped her lips. She whispered in her ear.
“I’m going to fuck you with my fingers, then I’m going to eat you out, until you’re screaming my name. Is that okay?”
Alessia’s skin was covered in goosebumps from the brunettes words. She felt her hips grind into the mattress again, she was ready for anything Lucy wanted to give her.
She nodded her head. “Please, Lucy.” Her voice was dripping with want.
Within seconds she felt Lucy’s hand between her legs, causing her to jump at the touch. She whimpered as she felt Lucy slide her fingers up and down her wet lips, purring into her ear as she did.
“You’re so wet Less. Is this all for me?”
“Ye- yeah.”
“God, you’re so good Less. You’re always so good for me.”
“Yeah?” Her eyes were closed tightly.
“Yeah baby. You wanna be my good girl don’t you?”
“Yes. I do.”
“Good. I don’t want you to come until I say you can okay? I want you to last this time.” Lucy’s voice had a hint of a tease to it.
Alessia’s was soaking the mattress beneath her, this was definitely her favourite type of fourplay.
Alessia’s nodded her head, her eyes still closed. “Yeah, I-I ca-can do that.”
“Good.” Without warning, Lucy sunk a finger into Alessia, pumping quicker than she had before.
Alessia let out a moan of pleasure, she could already tell this was going to be hard.
Lucy pumped away, she leaned her top half on Alessia’s back, leaning closer to her ear. “Good girl Less, can you take another one?”
Alessia nodded. Lucy pushed in a second finger. The moan Alessia let out was breathtaking. “Fuuuck.” The blonde groaned out in pleasure,
“Do you know how hot it is when you swear? You make me so wet, it’s ridiculous.”
Alessia moaned in response, she wasn’t able to form a sentence right now.
From this angle Alessia felt tighter, but Lucy knew she would tell her to stop if she needed to. She pumped away kissing on Alessia neck and shoulders, listening to the girl moan from her relentless pumping.
Lucy picked up her pace, fucking Alessia hard and fast. She watched as Alessia took her fingers, her arse cheeks bouncing from her thrusts, she could hear how wet the blonde was, making Lucy groan in her own pleasure. She picked up her pace again, the room started to drown in Alessia’s moans. The sounds of wet skin and wet cunt was deafening.
Alessia was barely coherent, Lucy was working her body hard, her constant fingers pumping in and out was making her vision blurry. Then she felt a pressure she hadn’t felt before, but before she could think too hard about it, her body did something.
She was squirting, all over Lucy’s hand and wrist, she thought she’d wet herself, she’d never squirted before. “Lucy? I - I don’t -“
Lucy felt Alessia gushing on her hand, she watched as the warm liquid splashed out from her lips. The sheets underneath were soaking in her wetness.
“Fuck.” Lucy half gasped, feeling her own cunt clench at the site. “You’re a squirter.” Lucy sounded over the moon, she had slowed her movements but not stopped. She kissed Alessia’s back, clearly feeling the confusion from the girl. “It’s okay Less, you just squirted, it was fucking hot.”
Alessia relaxed a little at Lucy’s words, she could tell Lucy was being honest. She didn’t have long to think about it as her pleasure took back over her senses, Lucy’s fingers had picked back up.
Lucy’s mouth watered at the thought of Alessia squirting, she wanted to try and make her squirt again. She pulled out of Alessia gently, as much as she wanted to be rough with the blonde this was still all new. “Turn over Less.”
The blonde noticed how rough Lucy’s voice was, her northern accent sounding thick and heavy. She rolled on her back, just like Lucy asked, trying to move out of the wet spot on the mattress. She looked at the brunette, her pupils had blown three times the size, she looked almost desperate to get on Alessia.
Lucy didn’t waste anytime, she dipped her head in between Alessia’s long legs, taking a long stroke from the bottom of her cunt, right to the top of her clit. Wrapping her lips around her clit.
Alessia let out a high pitch moan, grabbing the bed sheets, once again her body was on fire. Lucy wasn’t going slow either, she was licking on Alessia’s folds like her life depended on it.
She was holding the girls long legs open, like she was hers to have, like she owned Alessia. Lucy knows she’s good at everything sex, and she knows exactly how to use her talented tongue.
She lowered herself to the blondes entry, dipping her tongue deep, she flicked her tongue as hard as she could, feeling the soft muscles inside. Tasting her sweet juices, dripping down her folds, Lucy was lost in Alessia, she wanted nothing else then to eat the girl out.
Alessia’s voice was turning horse from her groans, she watched as Lucy’s head bobbed up and down between her legs. She was driving the younger girl crazy, she would suck at her clit then move down the fuck her with her mouth as soon as she felt her legs shake.
Alessia’s hips would grind but Lucy would hold her down, she wanted the girl to last as long as she could, she didn’t want to give her any control. She wanted the girl to squirt again, she wanted to hear her scream her name.
“Lucyyy.” Alessia whined.
Lucy stopped her movements with her mouth. Giving the girl a very quick break. The smile on her face was devilish, her chin dripping with Alessia’s juices. “Yeah Less?”
“I can’t take anymore. I need to come.”
“Hmm I thought you was my good girl? I want you to squirt for me.”
Alessia bit her lip. Fuck, Lucy words were her weakness. Her chest was heaving hard, trying to find the strength. “I am.”
Without warning Lucy pushed a finger into Alessia. She let out a deep moan, Lucy pumped only a few times before she pushed in a second finger. She didn’t give her any warning before she started to pump hard, never rough, just deep and precise.
Alessia let out a deep moan, music to Lucy’s ears. She watched as the girl took her fingers. “That’s it Less, fuck you’re amazing. You take me so well.”
She wrapped her lips around Alessia’s swollen clit, she wanted the girl to come as much as she did. But she wanted to see her squirt one more time, she pushed deeper into her pussy, the wet sounds they made were loud and dirty.
She felt it again, like she did before, it felt like she was going to wet herself. She tried to squirm away but Lucy’s strong hands held her in place. “Thats it Less, good girl, squirt for me.”
And she did, she squirted harder than before. She felt Lucy’s mouth back on her, lapping her up, drinking her in. “Oh my god, Lucy.” Her blue eyes were wide. She realised Lucy was trying to swallow her juices. Fuck.
“You’re so good for me. So fucking good.”
“It’s okay Less, let me take care of you.”
She looked up at Alessia’s face, she looked wrecked but she still needed to make her come. She started to lick Alessia’s very swollen clit, gently taking her nub between her lips and sucking.
Alessia nearly screamed, she started to grind her hips into Lucy’s mouth, the girl finally let her move her hips this time. She snaked her hands down into Lucy’s dark hair, grinding into her mouth.
Lucy kept her fingers going, deep and slow into the blonde, she could feel her pussy pulling her in, she could tell she was getting close.
Alessia felt like she was going to pass out, she was sweating like she had just done a hit work out. She could feel Lucy’s tongue working her up, she was eating her out like it was her last night on earth. She could hear how wet she was, Lucy practically slurping at her pussy.
She felt that beautiful feeling, the tightening of her stomach started to stir, she grounded her hips harder into the brunettes mouth, chasing her climax. Her long legs started to shake, her abs clenched hard. Her mouth formed an o shape as she felt her muscles tighten.
She whimpered looking down at Lucy, her green eyes on her. Lucy stopped her movements only for a second. “Good girl, Less, come for me.” She quickly reattached her lips to her clit.
And she did, she came hard. Harder than she ever had before. She came, screaming Lucy’s name. “Lucyyyy.” Her voice was hoarse.
She grounded her hips hard into Lucys mouth, holding her in place, feeling her juices flow onto the girls awaiting tongue.
Her body finally slowed down, her breathing was ragged. She felt like she nearly lost consciousness with how hard her body had just worked. She breathed out a heavy breath, as she felt Lucy pull her fingers out. She looker down at the brunette. She couldn’t hold back the tired smile as she looked at Lucy.
Lucy kissed her thigh as she climbed up her body, she carried on kissing her skin as she got to her face. She smiled down at Alessia, her wetness smeared all over her face. “Wow.” Lucy’s smile was playful.
“Yeah. Wow! I can’t feel any part of my body.”
Lucy kissed her lips gently. “Was that okay? Nothing was too rough?”
“No, no not at all. I’ve never came like that before. That was, wow.” She giggled, her bright blue eyes had a beautiful spark to them, a spark Lucy hadn’t seen before.
Lucy smirked, feeling very cocky. “Never came like that before? So, that was the best orga- ahh.”
Alessia’s hand was in between Lucy’s legs, straight on her clit. Stroking her gently, she was dripping.
“You was so good Luce.” She bit her lip, her dark lashes fluttering as she felt Lucys hips move with her hand.
Alessia had a feeling Lucy liked to be told she was ‘good.’ Because Lucy liked to know she was good at doings things, that she was the best at everything she did.
She quickened her movements, hoping this was going to go the way she hopped. “You fucked me so good. No one else will be able to fuck me like you did.” Her voice was low, and lustful.
Lucy moaned, Alessia’s words were driving her crazy, she loved being told she was the best at anything she did, let alone sex. She groaned, pushing down on the blondes hips, getting the friction she needed.
“You’re the best Lucy, everything you did was amazing, everything you do is perfect.” She could tell Lucy liked it, so she carried on. “I’m going to be picturing you every time I touch myself. I’ll be imagining your face. I’ll be screaming your name.”
Lucy was getting close.
“You were so good to me tonight. So gentle, so kind.” Her other hand reached the back of her neck, pulling her in for a kiss.
Lucy moaned, she felt the warmth travel through her body, Alessia’s fingers and words were driving her to her peak. She grounded her hips harder. “Yeah? I made you feel good?”
“So good Luce. I’m going to be thinking about this night every time I have sex with someone. You’ve ruined it for everyone else.”
“Fuck. Less, fuuuuck.” She came hard. Her hips grounding forcefully into Alessia’s hand, she collapsed onto the blonde, breathing hard into her neck.
Both girls laid there, breathing hard. A mess of wet limbs.
Alessia was stroking Lucy’s back, smiling to herself. She couldn’t believe how natural everything felt, how easy it was, the confidence she had with it all. She felt on top of the world. And she had Lucy to thank for it all.
She felt her eyes close, just feeling Lucy’s skin under her fingers. Lucy’s breath tickling her neck. The girls fell asleep, both in each others embrace.
The next morning Lucy made them breakfast, once again making the whole situation feel normal. There was no strings attached, no feelings involved, just their own personal love for each other.
Alessia got ready to leave, Lucy walked her to her door.
“I genuinely can’t thank you enough Luce, this has meant so much to me.”
Lucy smiled with her beautiful toothy smile. “It was my pleasure, if you ever need me again, I’m here. And not just for sex, but if you ever need to talk about it all.” She looked at Alessia with her serious face.
Alessia nodded, her cute smile appearing on her face. “Thank you Lucy.”
“But definitely here for more sex too.” The brunette chuckled.
Alessia laughed, she hugged Lucy hard, they stayed like this for a couple of minutes. Just holding one another.
Alessia made her way to her car, she looked back at Lucy waving, she smiled and waved back.
“See you Monday Less.”
“See you Luce, thanks for ruining any future sex for me.”
Lucy laughed hard. “Sorry, not sorry.”
The blonde smirked. “Maybe you could tie me up next time.”
Lucy’s mouth gapped open in shock. Alessia loved that she got the last laugh. Leaving a horny looking Lucy in the door way.
Alessia got in her car, making her way home, with a new bounce of confidence.
She couldn’t help but wonder what lucy would look like tied up.
Maybe a second ‘lesson’ was needed.
#woso soccer#women’s football#woso#woso community#woso smut#lucy bronze#lucy bronze smut#alessia russo#alessia russo smut#woso fanfics
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Welcome to Camp Overlook, Where We're Stronger Together!
DEMO LINK ll Updated: 4/26/24 ll Wordcount: 96k [W/O Code], 23k [Average]
Secrets are all around you in the small town of Crescent Cove, and its local summer camp, Camp Overlook. A place where childhood memories mix with the unsettling realities of the unknown.
A place once known for freedom and friendship, is now shrouded in flickering lights crawling around the woods and campers vanishing into thin air. Far hidden in Hudson Forest is the truth of any person's most horrid nightmares.
As a counselor, you are entrusted with guiding a group of youngsters through their formative days of self-discovery as you grapple with the disturbing circumstances around you.
Whether you are a newbie or a returning former camper yourself, the secrets of the woods are still ominous and crippling. Among the cheer of camp, eerie events unfold before you.
Is Mr. Adams, the cheerful camp director, still a jolly man, or is there something now hidden beneath the surface? Is Crescent Cove, the quiet little mountain town, hiding a secret so great that it will do anything to keep it covered? Are the campers, lovable and rebellious, exhibiting behavior that goes against their nature?
Camp is supposed to fun, so why are you running for your life?
Setting: Crescent Cove, USA (Fictional Small Town)
Genre(s): Horror, Mystery, Drama, Romance
Warning(s): This is an 18+ story for depictions of violence, death, sexual themes, and child endangerment.

Customizable MC - Name, gender, appearance, sexuality, and personality are all choosable aspects to make your counselor.
Get To Know Your Little Campers - The kids look up to you at the end of the day and their relationships with you reflects on the story.
Discover The Mystery of Crescent Cove - Learn the truth on what exactly happened thirty years ago that changed a small town forever.
Find A Summer Lover - Choose from thirteen ROs all looking for someone to love. Maybe you’ll find more than just one...
Meet Your New Best Friends - Create lasting friendships that survive the test of time. Or lifetime rivals that are ready to hurt you at any chance.
The Camp Needs You - Save your friends and protect the camp, or watch it all disappear before your eyes.

Lucas [M] - The King of the Woods
Stuck up, arrogant, and just one half of an irritating duo. Lucas always has to have the last word and the last thing anyone needs is to hear him whine about not getting it. It doesn’t help that the staff like him, the liar. Just be sure to stay out of his way or else.
Asher [NB] - The Sleeping Angel
Completely checked out of life, or at least, that’s what Asher wants everyone to think. There’s just a little something more hiding under that quiet exterior but Asher isn’t the type of person to open up to just anyone. They’ve got demons in their closet, and they’ve come along to camp for the ride.
Jack/Jasmine [M/F] - The Wise Old Tree
If anybody can round up a group of rowdy kids and teens together its this counselor. Calm and collected, they're there when the situation loses control and everyone needs to be working together on the same page. But this personality wasn’t perfected over night and even the calmest of seas can swallow those around them below.
Ethan/Ella [M/F] - The Friend of None
What some may call everyone’s best friend, they're at this camp for one thing and one thing only. To make a summer that’ll last forever. Leader of the pack, they know how to get the populous together and have a good time. But even the party animal has to get tired at some point and it's those moments when the real them emerges.
Ruby [F] - The Little Red Hen
Soft-spoken, polite, and kind to a fault. Ruby is the person you want when you need a comforting hand. A true healer and guiding life even if she is a little shy around others. But all healers have a story, Ruby just doesn’t have the cure to make it all go away.
William/Willow [M/F] - The Undisguised Wolf
They say if you gaze into the abyss, it tends to gaze back and tells you what you’re made of. That’s how it feels when this quiet storm enters a room, the room grows cold and the fun dies out. No one knows what lurks behind those eyes, and no one knows for sure if they’re the eyes of a monster.
Oliver/Olivia [M/F] - The Two-Faced Lover
Excitable, sweet, just the happiest bubble around. Around most people at least. But really, they're just an actor who knows how to play their part. No one knows the real them and maybe that's starting to have a toll on them. But it’s not like they can suddenly do a 180 and show the world who they really are. At least that’s what they like to think.
.....and seven others to discover! (Character Bios Here)
#camp overlook#interactive fiction#demo#dashingdon#horror#interactive game#hosted games#choice of games#wip#choicescript#if wip#current wip#if game
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ANOTHER because I did not post this yesterday. (I have a problem)
Play with Fire (Feat. Yacht Money)- Same Tinnesz
“You don’t know what you’re doing,” Shouto snarled as he pinned Rabbit to the wall.
“Oh, don’t I?” the vigilante smirked up at the intern hero student. “Why don’t you explain things better to me?” he pushed up, and Shouto had to step away. Rabbit laughed, dancing out reach. “Poor baby Todoroki. All hot and bothered,” Rabbit teased.
“I’m not-” Shouto tried, but Rabbit just laughed.
“You’re sure about that pretty boy?” Rabbit leaned in, a smirk in his tone. “You really sure?”
“Why are you doing this?” Shouto asked.
“If you really minded, I’d back off,” Rabbit said honestly. “But you don’t. I can tell.”
Shouto would not admit the menace was right, even as he slipped through his hands with a laugh.
He really didn’t mind.
Looking at Me - Sabrina Carpenter
“Are you paying attention?” Izumi asked as she looked at Todoroki, arms crossed. He swallowed.
“I am.” His gaze flashed to their classmates and Izumi rolled her eyes.
“Don’t pay attention to them Todoroki,” Izumi moved to grab his hands and for a second she thought he’d let go of his Quirk, but he calmed down. “Just try to follow my lead while looking like you’re leading,” Izumi led him into the waltz they needed to learn, unaware of how the class, aware of his crush, was trying not to laugh.
He himself was trying not to mess up. If he got lucky he’d be able to dance with Izumi all night, and would be able to hold her attention for most of the UA event.
He just had to get this down.
FMLYLM - Ella Issacson
“No one is going to love you like I do,” Bakugou screamed at Izuku’s back. The other man paused, and turned around.
“That’s the idea,” Izuku snapped before he went back to walking away. The shocked silence from behind him put a smile on Izuku’s face.
Why on Earth would Bakugou think Izuku would still stay?
A few weeks later, Katsuki showed up at the nerd’s door, ready to hear apologies and to take the man back. The person who answered the door was not Deku though. Instead it was a bare chested Tenya, who raised an eyebrow, his body covered in hickeys.
“You’re not welcome here,” the blue haired man closed the door, a speechless blond on the other side.
I Ain’t Worried -OneRepublic
“You need to relax Tenya,” Izuku told his friend, dragging the taller teen down. Tenya grumbled, sitting down and watching the sky like Izuku was.
“There is so much to do,” Tenya grumbled. “We can’t just wait here, letting-”
“We need to take a breather,” Izuku said, knocking his shoulder into the other’s. Tenya sighed, but obeyed. The two sat there for some time, watching the sky. Eventually Tenya laid fully down, Izuku following suit.
“... I needed this,” Tenya admitted, smiling a little at the sky.
“See?” Izuku laughed, propping himself up. “We can’t keep worrying about things, we’ll go spar.”
“Fine, fine, you’re right. But only for today!”
“Of course.”
No Light, No Light - Florence + the Machine
Izumi stared at the destruction around her, stumbling back to fall on her butt. She looked up at Dabi as he laughed, mocking the heroes who he’d just torched.
“Dabi-” Izumi croaked out. He paused and looked down at her, seeing her wide eyes.
“Oh baby,” he said, his voice edged with violence as his blue eyes held hers. “You alright?”
“I… I yes,” Izumi glanced away. She looked at the bodies, pushing herself up. “They had me surrounded. I… they were heroes.”
“Oh Izumi,” Dabi sighed, going to wrap his arm around her. “They were scum.” he tilted her head up to kiss her. A forceful kiss that stole her breath away, his arm tightening as did his hand on her chin. It was possessive, violent. She had to pull away to get air, making Dabi laugh.
“Come on baby, let’s get out of here.” Izumi followed the slightly older man, glancing behind them.
She hadn’t known what she was getting into when she started dating Dabi.
She didn’t know if she was prepared for it. At all.
She Likes a Boy - Nxdia
Takami Kei (or Hawks) took another shot, trying not to think about what had just happened. Her best friend, her partner through hell, had accepted a date.
But not with her.
No, Midoriya Izumi had taken the arm of Todoroki Natsuo with a giggle and smile. She had constantly talked about the slightly younger man since they sixteen to his fifteen.
Hawks drank another shot, her shoulders going up. Why was she like this? Why did it matter? So Izumi was dating Endeavour’s kid. Hawks liked the hero.
Why did it matter so much? Why did it hurt so bad?
Why did it matter Izumi liked a boy?
(Why didn’t Izumi like her?)
Raging on a Sunday- Bohnes
Izuku bared his teeth, a bloody bat in one hand and a riot shield he’d stolen off a cop in the other. “Back off.” He hissed.
“You don’t need to worry,” the man in front of him said. “We can protect you.” the tone he held made Izuku stand straighter in front of the broken body behind him.
“He’s not a danger.” Izuku snarled.
“They all are,” scoffed the man. “All villains like him.”
Shinsou flinched, trying to curl up. Izuku’s snarl got worse and he glared at the man. A new wave of discrimination after the League was taken down, after heroes were shoved down. Or well, not new, just worse. People like Shinsou were targeted more. Before it had just been words, but now here they were.
“You take one more step, and I will break every single bone you have,” Izuku said.
“Really Dekiru? Without a Quirk?” the man scoffed.
“I don’t need a Quirk to rage.”
Magick -Witchz
“Don’t you want it over with?” Tomura asked Izuku, leaning in to whisper in the man’s ear. “Don’t you want the world to know how you feel?”
“Stop,” Izuku tried to escape Tomura but the hand on his arm made it impossible.
“You think they actually care about you?” the man laughed lowly. “The shiny medal they hold up showing they’re good people, look they let a Quirkless kid in. They just want what they can get from you.”
“Isn’t that what you’re doing?” Izuku hissed.
“Oh, I’m honest,” Tomura purred, leaning in. He was a year older then Izuku, who had been accepted to UA University. Ever since the villain saw him though, the man had followed Izuku around, picking at everything.
It was hard not to listen to him.
Therapy -VOILA
“I don’t want to talk to you,” Izuku said as soon as he opened the door.
“Izu-” began the man outside the door but Izuku paused, a finger jabbed at the other.
“Don’t use that name. You cut me off without any word. And then I hear you’re dating some random model?” he looked at Bakugou who winced. “I should have never tried to date you. Not after everything, I knew better. I knew better and yet… I let Mom talk me into it. I let your friends convince me. I let Hagakure and her romantic delusions get to me. And what did I get? Pain.”
“Not that name either.” Izuku snarled. Bakugou actually rolled his eyes.
“Fine, Midoriya. Look, it was just for PR-”
“Go fuck yourself. Deal with the mess that is your personal relationships by yourself, and don’t use me to try and bandage it.” Izuku slammed the door shut, leaning his head against it.
He had come a long way. Before he’d have fallen into the other man’s arms.
He was proud of himself.
Lilith -Ellise
“She will chew you up and spit you out,” Dabi warned the obvious spy. Hawks wasn’t paying attention, eyes locked on the green haired woman at the bar. Midoriya Izumi, or Null as she called herself to weaponize an insult thrown at her, was disarming. Big green eyes, curvy and soft figure. Disarming in how she dressed with her soft cardigans and loose skirts.
They all knew the rumours about them keeping her under lock and key. How a Quirkless woman had to be so scared being surrounded by the League. The more unsavoury comments of what they did to her made Dabi sick. They’d gotten rid of the ones who had made those sort of comments, Izumi having zero tolerance for them.
But still, everyone assumed she was there against her will. Including the spy it seemed. Dabi shrugged.
When Izumi used the man up, leaving a broken toy behind her after she got what she wanted from him, he’d learn.
There was a reason Tomura listened to the woman, and no it wasn’t because they were siblings.
It was because Izumi was fucking terrifying and would ruin Tomura otherwise.
Hawks would learn.
#bnha#bnha au#midoriya izuku#shuffle challenge#fem izuku#villain izuku#tododeku#dabideku#aged up izuku#hints of hawksdeku#fem hawks#iideku
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The Secrets We Keep
Plot: Ella and her twin Camden make the side for the Under 17 Jordan World Cup for England, there Alessia falls for Camden but she could never tell anyone outside of the camp.
Chapter 1
There wasn’t much of a difference between the two Toone twins, they were both just as fiery as one another, but Camden was certainly a solo rider whereas Ella needed people around her. Both of the Toone twins were in the Manchester City academy and got a call up for the under 15 England team, Ella bonded with Alessia Russo and Camden got close with Lotte Wubben-Moy, the four of them always around each other. They all made it in the Under 17 World Cup side traveling to Jordan. Alessia arrived at the airport with her parents and her boyfriend Tom, they had been together a few months and looked like a typical teen couple, they were cuddled up after check in when everyone was getting snacks. Camden rolled her eyes as Ella joined the pair, she just joined Lotte at the store picking out a book. When they went to board the plane, Tom and Alessia shared a kiss.
The four girls all sat together on the flight, Camden had packed a full bag of activities unable to sleep on any plane flights. After three hours Lotte and Ella were both asleep leaving Camden and Alessia awake, the brunette grabbed out her PSP and the blonde stared at her. “You brought video games to the World Cup?” Camden nodded. “Yep, it will keep me occupied and it means I don’t have to talk to people.” Alessia rolled her eyes. “Oh yes because talking to me would be horrific.” Camden smirked and looked at Alessia. “I mean if you were the only person left to talk to then maybe I would have a five minute chat to you.” Alessia hit her gently. “Dick.” It was another few minutes of silence until Camden looked over and saw the blonde watching her play. “You want to play a video game too? I brought my Nintendo DS as well.” Alessia laughed softly. “Of course you did.” Camden reached into her backpack and handed the metallic blue device, handing it to the blonde. The two played their respective consoles, both girls glancing at the other.
Alessia soon yawned and handed Camden back her device after an hour. “Thank you Cammie.” Camden blushed at the nickname, luckily the plane cabin was nice and dark. There was a weight on her shoulder as Alessia rested her head on Camden’s shoulder and was soon asleep. Camden couldn’t focus on her game with the blonde using her as a pillow, she soon joined the blonde falling asleep resting her head against the striker’s. The girls were woken by giggling, Ella and Lotte had taken a few pictures of them asleep, the two girls blushing as they looked at each other.
Their room assignments were pretty typical, Lotte and Camden were in one room and their neighbours were Alessia and Ella. It was going to be a phenomenal experience, Lotte and Camden were sitting in the team lounge looking through a guidebook for Jordan. “I want to go to Petra.” Camden said excitedly as Alessia and Ella walked in. “Looking at tourist trips already?” Ella sat next to Camden and took the book. “What is that?” Camden gave Ella a run down of Petra. “Oh that sounds incredible.” Alessia smiled wide. “We will have a look at it in a few days when we have the day off. You are more than welcome to come with us.” Camden smiled. “Ellie is coming too.” The girls looked through and began planning their day off.
Their first training session was hard, the girls were jet lagged and were struggling with the heat. Camden was a defender and was paired with Alessia in the drills, they were both physical and both were pulling at each other. Alessia pressed herself into Camden during one of the drills and the defender put her hands on Alessia’s hips, trying to focus on the drill itself. Before she knew it the ball was whipped into the box and Camden felt a hot pain on her face and immediately hit the ground. Alessia’s head had hit straight into Camden’s nose, leading to a bloody nose that made everything more dramatic than it was. “Oh my god Camden!” Alessia dropped to her knees and held Camden’s face in her hands. “I am so sorry! It was an accident, are you okay?” Alessia examined Camden as the medics ran over. “Nah it was my fault, I lost concentration.” She pinched her nose as the medics inspected her. Alessia stayed and put her hand on Camden’s knee as they checked over her.
The medics stopped the blood and Alessia had made the decision to follow Camden while she was getting treated, there was blood on the defender’s shirt and Alessia examined Camden’s face. “Russo just relax. It happens, you are a tad taller than me so I am more impressed that I jumped that high.” Alessia sighed and pulled at Camden’s shirt. “Your shirt though Cammie.” Camden shrugged. “Makes me look tough. Might get me a girlfriend if I look badass.” Alessia laughed at Camden’s comment. “Oh yeah, total badass. Girls will be all over you.” Alessia wrapped her arm around Camden and they went back onto the field.
After training the girls had a shower and met for dinner. Niamh came over and sat with Camden asking about her injury, a few of the other girls also came over and asked the girl how she was going. Alessia kept her eyes on Camden watching the interaction. Niamh invited Camden and then the rest of the table to watch a movie after dinner, which they were all more than happy to accept. As they all entered the theater Alessia sat with Ella and Lotte, Camden was lead by Niamh to another couch where they sat together, Alessia rolled her eyes and turned to Ella. “Is Niamh serious? It was just a blood nose she doesn’t need to check on her all night.” Ella smirked. “Don’t think Niamh is concerned about her nose, I think she is more focused on Camden in general.” Alessia sighed. “Yeah well she has been in a bunch of camps, she could have gotten to know her then.” Ella nudged the blonde. “Be careful Less, someone would think that you were a little jealous.” Alessia crossed her arms across her chest. “Not jealous.”
Ella had always had a feeling that Alessia had a crush on Camden, it wouldn’t be the worst thing having the two date, but she knew that they were both too stubborn and nervous to ever admit it. They put on Bend It Like Beckham, Niamh was too close to Camden for Alessia’s liking, Camden put her arm around Niamh making her cuddle in a little. Alessia stood up and walked out of the theater and up to her room, Ella sighed and leant back on the chair sharing a knowing look with Lotte. The two followed Alessia back to the hotel room. “Less you okay?” Ella called out as she entered the room. “Yeah I am fine. Just seen that movie a bunch of times. Didn’t want to see it again.” She laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. “Nothing to do with Niamh cuddling up with Camden? Maybe you have a little crush?” Ella sat on the end of the bed and Alessia turned so her back was facing Ella, she began crying and Ella and Lotte just cuddled the blonde until she fell asleep. Alessia would never admit to herself that she had feelings for another girl, even if those feelings had been bubbling for over a year.
Camden walked Niamh back to her room, she kissed Niamh on her cheek gently wishing her goodnight. When Camden walked into her room she noticed that Lotte wasn’t there, she went to Ella’s room and knocked on the door. The Arsenal academy player opened the door, “Hey you weren’t in our room, everything okay?” Lotte nodded. “Yeah Less is just homesick.” Camden’s face dropped thinking about Alessia being upset, she walked past Lotte and saw Alessia asleep in the bed, Ella rubbing her back as she slept. “She okay?” Camden’s eyes didn’t move from the sleeping blonde. “Yeah Cam, she just misses home.” Camden sat in the chair by the table in the room and watched Alessia. There was silence between the three girls for about an hour, Ella was soon asleep on her own bed along with Lotte but Camden remained in the chair. Alessia woke up some time later and rubbed her eyes, she saw who she thought was Ella sitting in the chair and gasped. “Ella?” Camden smiled and shook her head. “Wrong one. Ella said you were homesick.” She slowly walked over to the bed and sat next to Alessia. “You okay? Our parents should be here before the first game. We will get to see them after that.” Alessia nodded and looked down. “Yeah, just homesick. How was the movie?” Camden shrugged. “Yeah you know, it’s a classic.” Alessia pulled her knees to her chest. “You seemed cuddled up, quite happy with Niamh.” Camden gently rubbed Alessia’s back. “I think she has a crush on me, she is sweet just not for me I don't think.” Alessia leant into Camden’s hand. “Why?” Camden sighed. “Dunno I just didn’t feel anything.” Alessia nodded. “Want to come to mine and Lotte’s room? We can put on a movie or play video games or both. Whatever you want and need Less.”
The blonde followed the defender into the other bedroom, it was incredibly neat and organised just like the two girls residing in it. It was the opposite of Alessia and Ella’s even though they had only been there a couple days. Camden motioned for Alessia to sit on her bed and grabbed out her video games, handing the DS to Alessia and sitting next to her. She picked a random movie and smiled at the blonde. “Hopefully this can take your mind off it.” They played for an hour until Camden yawned. “You need to sleep Cammie.” She shrugged. “Yeah and so do you.” Alessia nodded. “Yeah I do.” The two looked at each other, their eyes locked. Camden looked down. “I will sleep in Lotte’s bed.” Alessia grabbed her hand. “No.” She said quickly. “Can um, you sleep with me I am just so homesick.” Camden nodded and laid down with the blonde, she rubbed Alessia’s arm as she began to fall asleep. Camden cuddled into the girl who made her heart race and fell asleep soon after.
Lotte and Ella woke up to Alessia not in her own bed and headed into Lotte and Camden’s room. They saw the striker and the defender cuddled up in the bed, Camden was holding Alessia close, spooning her. Ella rubbed Camden’s back to wake her. “Hey, you two need to start getting ready. We have breakfast and then another session.” Camden rubbed her eyes and got up from Alessia, she nodded and grabbed some clothes then headed to the bathroom. Once they heard the water running they woke up Alessia. “I see you had a great sleep last night.” Ella smirked and Lotte laughed. “We played some video games and we fell asleep. Simple as that.” Alessia stood up with a blush painting her cheeks. “You are wasting your time with Tom, just tell Camden how you feel.” Alessia sighed. “You and Camden are in Manchester, I am in London. It wouldn’t work.”
They headed to their training, Alessia and Camden had barely spoken at breakfast, Niamh sat with Camden but the twin’s eyes continued to glance at Alessia who would return the look every now and then. During training Alessia and Camden were paired again. “I promise not to give you a blood nose.” Alessia smiled. “Don’t worry, I will pay attention to your big head this time.” Alessia gasped and pushed Camden as she laughed. They were both impressive in the drills and even worked well together in the small sided game they played together in. They had an unspoken understanding of where each of them would be for the ball and the goal. After the training they showered, Alessia kept glancing at Camden as they headed to the game room. There was a pool table at the far end of the room, Camden and Lotte set up a game as Alessia and Ella came in. They split into teams Ella and Alessia up against Camden and Lotte. Alessia was shocking at pool, Ella was getting frustrated. “Alessia come on!” Camden laughed and got behind Alessia. “Hey, I can help you.” She held Alessia’s hips and pressed her body up against the blonde. She showed Alessia how to hold the cue, the two other girls shared a knowing look as Alessia bit her lip. She hit the ball perfectly and turned to Camden who was incredibly close to her. They stared at each other for a minute, Lotte cleared her throat and Camden stepped back quickly tripping over herself but steadying before she fell to the ground. “Um thanks.” Alessia said quickly and Camden nodded. The two girls didn’t look at each other for the rest of the pool game, with Camden and Lotte winning quite easily.
They headed back to their rooms and Camden laid back, covering her face. “Scale of 1 to 10 how big is your crush on Alessia?” Lotte smirked and sat on her own bed. “Is it that obvious?” Camden said into her hands. “You stare at her, glare at her boyfriend and spend as much time with her as you can without making it clear to everyone that you are desperate to be near her.” Camden groaned loud. “FUCK!”
Ella got into bed as Alessia got dressed for bed. “You need to either tell Camden you like her, tell her you aren’t interested or dump Tom.” Alessia laid down and stared at the ceiling. “I know.” She turned out the light and kept staring at the ceiling.
The following day a group of the girls headed on a tour of Petra. On the bus Ella and Lotte made a plan to sit next to each other forcing Alessia and Camden next to each other. It was around a two hour trip, Ella and Lotte were excited to see the two in close proximity for two hours. Alessia sat next to Camden and smiled at each other, Camden automatically handed the Nintendo DS to Alesia who began playing. Alessia leans against Camden to try and get more comfortable, she turns so that her back is against Camden’s arm and her legs hang in the aisle. Camden later turns so that she can put her back against the window, her legs on either side of Alessia and the blonde leans against her chest. Soon Camden put her game away and wrapped her arms around her waist and put her chin on her shoulder. Alessia smiled wide as she felt Camden on her shoulder and holding her tightly. Ella and Lotte took sneaky pictures of the two while giggling at the two cuddled up. “This level is hard Cammie.” Alessia pouted, Camden put her hands over Alessia’s and helped her with the level.
Once they arrived at Petra the two girls had to separate from their cuddling, but they were so distracted by one another and didn’t even notice that Ella and Lotte weren’t with them. They took pictures and listened to the tour guide, Alessia tripped and grabbed onto Camden’s hand. “Hey you okay?” Camden steadied the blonde and she nodded. “Yeah, just clumsy.” They held hands for a moment then let them go. They walked towards the back, they took pictures together of the landmarks around them. There were some of the other girls whispering about the two of them being so close and away from everyone. Camden gave Alessia some facts about Petra and the blonde listened intently. The two were enthralled in each other and sat next to each other again on the bus, Alessia in between Camden’s legs on the bus ride back. They looked through their pictures together and took some more on the bus.
Their first game was against North Korea, the girls sit in their changing rooms getting their last chat before they were heading out onto the field. Alessia grabbed onto Camden’s hand before they lined up. “Good luck Cammie, I know how amazing you are going to be.” Camden blushed and bit her lip. “You too Less. You are so phenomenal.” They smiled and lined up. It was an intense game, it was incredibly physical and they were 2-1 up at half time and were behind up until the 94th minute when Camden crossed a ball into the 18 yard box where Alessia jumped up and headed the ball into the goal. Alessia ran straight to Camden who jumped straight onto her and hugged her tightly. The rest of the team joined in on the celebrations. Alessia and Camden relished holding each other, even if the other girls were there as well. After the game Alessia hugged Camden again outside the changeroom. “What a ball Cammie! You are incredible!” Camden hugged Alessia back tightly. “You are the incredible one, what a goal!” The two stared at each other, Alessia leant in and kissed Camden quickly. Before Camden was able to process what had happened, Alessia was gone.
At dinner that night Alessia scanned the room to see if Camden was there just to avoid sitting with her, Camden had never made it to dinner she had just gone straight to her room. Ella and Lotte sat with Alessia who just stared at her food. “You okay Less?” Ella looked at the blonde girl with some concern. “Yeah, just tired I guess.” Lotte and Ella looked at each other. “You and Cam are both stuffed, she went straight to our room.” Alessia looked up at Lotte. “She isn’t eating?” Lotte shook her head. Alessia got up and grabbed one of the cakes from the buffet and headed up to Camden and Lotte’s room. She stood outside the bedroom composing herself before she knocked on the door. “Ella I am not hungry I just -” The door opened and Camden stood there in a pair of shorts and an old Manchester United shirt. “You weren’t at dinner. Ella said you were tired so I brought you some cake.” Alessia handed over the cake wrapped in a napkin. Camden smiled softly at the gesture and took it, she stood aside allowing the blonde to enter. “I kissed you.” Alessia said after a moment of silence between the two. “I’m aware, I was kind of there.” Camden looked down, not moving from the now closed door, Alessia sat down on the bed. “I don’t know why I did it. Well I do. But I don’t know why I did it this time.” Camden looked at Alessia confused. “Alessia, what are you talking about?” Camden walked over to the blonde and sat in the chair across from where Alessia was sitting. “I have wanted to kiss you before. But I just bury it and pretend I don’t. I couldn’t this time. I had to, it was killing me.” Alessia let a tear fall from her eyes, Camden wiped it from her cheek. “It’s okay. I have wanted to kiss you for a while too. But that boyfriend of yours makes it a little tough.” Alessia hadn’t even thought about Tom the whole time. “I am only with him because my parents like him. I don’t know what they would do if they knew.” Camden sighed and put her hands on Alessia’s shoulders. “Look, I don’t want you worrying about that. We are away from them at the moment, it is just us here.” Camden lifted Alessia’s chin so she could look into her blue eyes. Alessia stared into Camden’s eyes, she leant in and kissed her softly to begin with then deepened it after a moment. Camden matched the blonde striker’s passion and put her hand on the back of Alessia’s neck. They pulled apart, both of them keeping their eyes closed as they caught their breath.
“I am sorry I ran off before.” Alessia looked down, Camden smiled. “Don’t be. It was a really good kiss, plus you just made up for it.” Alessia smiled and grabbed Camden’s shirt, pulling her on top of her on the bed. The two girls laughed as they kissed deeply. Camden moved a piece of hair from Alessia’s face and tucked it behind her ear. “You are so beautiful.” Camden smiled wide at the girl below her. The two talked for a few hours before they fell asleep in each others arms in Camden’s bed. Ella and Lotte walked into the room to see if the girls were okay, once they saw they were more than okay they decided to sleep in Ella and Alessia’s room so the girl would have some privacy.
The rest of the tournament had the same routine, the girls would have breakfast together, either train or have games then wind down together. The whole time Camden and Alessia were like the perfect couple, most of the girls on the camp knew exactly what was going on between the two of them. They were constantly together and cuddled up, they made sure not to do anything around the parents so that Alessia wouldn’t have to have an awkward conversation.
Their last night was what everyone was looking forward to, everyone went to dinner and then for their last walk in Jordan. Alessia and Camden were holding hands as they walked through a garden, they took pictures together making sure they had memories of the time they had together. They shared kisses and whispered sweet nothings to each other, they were in their own world enjoying every second together.
As the team got onto their flight home after their defeat to the eventual tournament winners North Korea, Alessia ensured that she sat next to Camden. The two watched movies together and when the other girls fell asleep they took their chance to make out, it was a five hour flight but they wished it were longer. They knew that once the plane landed they would have to go back to their old life, meaning that Alessia would go back to Tom and Camden would head back to Manchester. Both girls were close to tears as the plane landed, everyone got off the plane but Alessia and Camden just stayed in their seats holding onto their last moments together. Camden made the first move to stand up closely followed by Alessia, “I don’t want to get off the plane, Cammie.” Camden sighed and put on her backpack. “Me either, but we have to. The real world awaits. Maybe one day we can actually be together, for real.” Alessia pulled Camden close for one final passionate kiss, once they walked off the plane they were back to being just friends. Camden’s heart broke as Alessia hugged Tom once she got off the plane and saw her family again. Camden didn’t look over at the happy reunion, she kept her head down and went to baggage claim.
The two girls parted ways until the next time they would see each other, who knew when that would be.
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Secret Meetings at Hogwarts ✨️
Female Main Character: Alex
Pairing: F!MC×NikRyder
Summary: Alex and Nik dating at Hogwarts. Gryffindor & Ravenclaw ❤️💙
Word Count: 1.7K words
Rating: Teen/Mature
Warnings: Mention of having sex, possible pregnancy??
Tagging: @dutifullynuttywitch ; @infactnoimmasitinthemiddle ; @tessa-liam ; @choicesficwriterscreations ; @choicesmcappreciationweek (Mention of bri's MCs, Ella & Alex) ; @choicesfandomappreciation [Secret Pal Gift]
@daydreaming-dummy , we both had the same Secret Pal Ideas... Hogwarts. Hahaha, what a coincidence.
-> My complete Nightbound Masterlist <-
Comments via Reblog wholeheartedly welcome
Author's note: The 3rd Secret Pal Gift for @bri1234 . I hope you like it. I know you didn’t list this pairing, but this fanfic was planned months ago for you. Remember when I asked you which Hogwarts House your characters belong to? Here you go!! Now I canon our Alex as a Gryffindor, too, because at first, she was my Hufflepuff. Later I realized that you were right. She's strong, has the courage, and many times she saved her favorite nighthunter, his pretty ass. Battled monsters and even defeated a deadly bloodwraith. Truely Gryffindor. I really hope you like it because I was too nervous to share. Especially the topic the fanfic had. Time to share it.
Nik Ryder, a Muggle (which means pure human) and Ravenclaw student at Hogwarts, always considered himself to be more of a Gryffindor, but it was the talking hat who decided in his very first year that he belonged more to House Ravenclaw, the cunning and clever ones. Indeed, he had great courage and bravery, too, like a true Gryffindor, so the talking hat took a lot of time to think itself before making a final decision. Now Nik Ryder reached his final year at Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft & Wizardry, like his girlfriend, Alex, who was a Gryffindor.
"Hey, rook, could we talk for a minute?", he nervously said as he walked through a stone corridor, approaching her.
"Hello, my Ravenclaw. What is it?"
"I wanted to confess something. It is really, really important. What I'm about to say is a little complicated..."
"But I have Professor Snape today. I cannot be late. Especially not in his class. We can talk later."
"Alex... just listen, please. It won't take long, I promise. It's important.", he whispered in a tense voice.
"Oh, what's now? Is it about your Quidditch training? Or did your snow-owl owl fly away again? I prefer a cat as a pet." she giggled.
"Damnit, Alex, listen to me! It's serious. I don't know how to say this but... I don't care about annoying you right now, I don't care about this class you can't miss. I need you to stay. I need you to just hear me out and don't run away from me. Okay? Please.", he begged. Putting his hand on the stoned wall behind Alex to block her way.
"Nik, what stunt did you pull now? Wizard duel against Katherine, the Slytherin again?"
"I... I have something to tell you. Something really important. You know the last time we... Well, you know... We got a little intimate..." he lowered his voice to a whisper after he dared to speak.
"Yeah, that was... Wow, like I was in heaven"
"Well, there's a problem."
"Huh? What? Oh Nik, I hope nobody from the Professors caught us. Or your Ravenclaw housemates? Or even the caretaker's cat, Mrs. Norris?"
"No, don't worry. We weren't interrupted but my worries are higher than this. That night, you remember it well, don't you? That night... We had a very good time... and... I think I may have done something stupid. Promise me you won't freak out, okay?"
"Oh Nik, you scare me. What's the matter?"
"Rook, we were together that night. We did things... naughty things... and I forgot to use any protection.", he finally confessed and closed his eyes out of embarrasement.
"Alex, I can't say why... I just looked at you that night and... I... I couldn't think properly. I just... I got carried away. I... I didn't use protection that night and I think we've done something stupid."
He frowned, then tried to make eye-contact.
"Love, what I'm trying to say is that there's a high chance I didn't pull out that night. A high chance that you... you know..."
"But I thought...", she was too shocked to speak.
"Alex, you need to understand that this is a possibility. Pregnancy is very likely. "
"Oh shut up, Nik. I need the pills now!!"
"Alex, I'm sorry. I know! I know we should have used protection but I couldn't think. It was like a tunnel-vision and I just got lost in you. I couldn't think straight and it was already too late... and then I was too stupid and scared to tell you the next day. Now it's a real possibility that you're pregnant! I couldn't sleep last night knowing that I'd done something so stupid... Please, forgive me. I'm so sorry, rook."
"Nik, how could you make this stupid mistake??!! We're still students here and... Oh my, I need the pills now!!!"
"You... You want the morning-after pill? Okay, alright, I'll arrange it. But you do know that if you are pregnant, I'm staying by your side no matter what. Love, you know that no matter what happens, you don't have to worry, alright? I promise you. If you are... if you're pregnant, I'll stay right beside you the whole way through. You're not getting rid of me that easily."
"Nik, perhaps in the future, but no children now. When we're older, after marriage but not now. We're 18 and 19-year-old students among other students. Not now, Nik. Besides, you cannot arrange the pills that easily as a man and..."
Suddenly, Professor Snape, the Slytherin teacher, appeared behind them. He gazed at them with his usual cold expression.
"Damnit... not now.", Nik silently muttered.
"Ms. Alex and Mr. Nik Ryder. Care to explain why you're not in class?"
"Sorry, Professor Snape. I'm here now for the potions class.", Alex calmly answered.
"Good. And you, Mr. Ryder should head for Charms class.", he ordered the younger man as he glared at him.
"Yes, Professor. I'll be going now. Good luck, love."
Before leaving, Nik kissed her forehead and left for his class immediately. As he walked away, he looked over his shoulder to watch Alex head to her class, feeling a mix of worry.
Throughout the Charms class with Professor Flitwick, he couldn't help but have his mind divided between the lesson and thinking about Alex. He was restless, counting the minutes until the class was over. Even the Hufflepuff student who was seated next to him, Vera Reimonenq with Ella (bri's Cursed Heart Main Character) noticed before turning their focus back to the lesson.
Nik thought about Alex in her potion class surrounded by all those toxic ingredients. The worry in his mind started to increase. The professor's voice barely registered in his head and he found himself constantly looking at the clock. Time feels like passing slowly, each second lasting an eternity. Nik glanced around the class, trying to focus on the lesson but his thoughts kept returning to Alex and her well-being. He knew he should get the pills for her, but the class still had 10 long minutes to go. Tapping his foot nervously, counting down the seconds.
Suddenly, the young man was slightly startled as the small Professor Flitwick stood in front of him on his table, breaking his thoughts.
"Professor, I... I swear, I was paying attention."
The Charms Professor watched him skeptically, noticing his restlessness.
"Mr. Ryder, is everything alright? You seem distracted."
"Yes, Professor, I'm fine. Just a bit restless today, it'll pass."
"Alright, Mr. Ryder. Please try to pay attention to the lesson. I expect your full focus in my class."
"Of course, Professor, I'll focus on the lesson, I promise.", he reassured him while anxiety was killing him from the inside.
The ten minutes left of the class seemed to stretch like never before. He couldn't shake the thought of Alex, knowing she might be exposed to the potions class, even more without him in the same class to make sure she was alright. Three minutes... two minutes... one minute... and the class finally ends.
Immediately, Nik rushed out of his seat, grabbed his bag, and headed straight out.
A few minutes later, after organizing the pill with the help of his Ravenclaw friend, Ivy. It would be improper, and I was not allowed to ask for the morning-after pill as a man. Headed straight for Professor Snape's classroom. He walked as fast as he could while still trying to maintain some composure. When he arrived at the Potions room, he took a deep breath, bracing himself before secretly opening the door and peeking inside. His silver eyes scanned the classroom, looking for Alex. He discovered her standing next to their Gryffindor friend, Cal at one of the desks, surrounded by potions supplies. The sight of Alex there, near the poisonous potions, made his heart skip a beat. The boyfriend gazed around, trying to see how much attention Snape was paying to the students. Seeing that the professor seemed to be more focused on his notes, he quietly stepped into the room. Moving quickly and discreetly, he approaches Alex from behind.
"Rook, don't turn around. Just listen.", Nik whispered, looking at Snape, then back at his girlfriend.
"Ssshhh, I need to give you something. But I need you to be discreet. Be quiet. Can I trust you not to draw attention?"
"Do you have the pills? How did you...?"
"Ssshhh... Yes, the pills. I have them right here. But I need you to take them discreetly, okay?"
Nik looked around the class which contained Gryffindor and Slytherin students. Making sure no one was watching. Especially not his rival, Katherine, the Slytherin who was somehow befriended by his girlfriend, Alex. He reached into his pocket, pulled out the morning-after pills, then discreetly slipped them into her hand, making sure no one else saw the exchange. He tried to look as normal as possible, not wanting to draw any attention.
"Here, take it."
Again, the young man watched carefully Professor Snape, who was still distracted by his paperwork. Nik carefully continued as if nothing unusual was happening, but inside, he was filled with anxiety, praying that she could take the pills without anyone noticing.
"Thanks, Nik. Now go before you get caught. I don't want you to get detention or lose house points."
"You're welcome, rook. Take them discreetly, alright? I'll see you after class."
Casting another glance at Snape to see if he'd noticed anything, Nik left the classroom, trying to act as casually as possible. Once outside, the Ravenclaw let out a sigh of relief, hoping that his Gryffindor girlfriend could take the pills without being noticed. He leaned against the wall, waiting anxiously for the class to end. His heart raced and anxiety gnawed at him. He checked the time several times as his mind wondered what was happening in the classroom. He couldn't help but worry. His thoughts raced with all kinds of scenarios in his head
Finally, the class ended, and the students started to file out of the room. Nik straightened up and watched as Alex emerged from the classroom. He quickly approached her, trying not to look too eager or relieved
"Nik, it worked."
"Oh, thank God... I was worried. How are you feeling?"
"Okay, I guess."
"No nausea or anything like that?"
"Uhh, no. I just hope not.
"Good, that's good. And Professor Snape didn't notice anything, right?
"He's Professor Snape!! You never know."
"You're right about that. He never misses anything, that man...", he nervously chuckled to lighten the mood.
"And next time, you better be honest with me, Nik. I was so worried."
"Believe me, I got more worried. I swear, it won't happen again, love. You have my word."
Woah 😮 as a big Harry Potter fan, I love this!! You’re really spoiling me here lol

^ This is actually so accurate lol
I also love how you brought my Ella into it!!
Thank you so much 🥹
#choicessecretadmirer2025#ladylamrian#choices nightbound#nightbound#playchoices#choices fandom#choices stories we play#pixelberry
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Gifted Violets By Sparrow-Aiden
Word count: 492 || @flashfictionfridayofficial || This isn't my best work but HHHHHHH
In my family they say when you find them on your doorstep it's a sign your time is about to come.
I never believed that when I was little.
Then as a teen, we found some addressed to my mother. Within 12 hours she was dead.
But I brushed it off as a coincidence. My mother, you see, she was always superstitious. Knock on wood three times, throw salt behind you, blow cinnamon into your home on the first, etc. All these little rituals. So when it first happened I thought she stressed herself to death.
That they had just triggered an anxiety response & due to the relationship with them, she got in her own head.
Then it kept happening. Including to people outside my family - people who had no way to know of this silly superstition in my family.
My friend Mary - she had a baby. Only just brought her home when she saw them on her doorstep with her name. Unfortunately she didn't know the meaning, assuming it was just a cute gesture from a loved one. Mary was dead before morning, leaving her daughter without a mother. Mary's husband was a good man though - her daughter, Ella, grew up in a good home.
I scoured the internet & found some whispers of people believing what my family does - that this is a warning of your upcoming demise. It was far more common a delivery than I had known. Some brushed it off as a part of death. Much like a death rattle or releasing your bowels when you die - just a neutral part of it. But not everyone, or even most got them. It was a fairly rare sight. That's why there were only. Whispers. My family were morticians, so I suppose that's why in our family it was far more known & spoken about.
Others thought it was a warning. So you had time to bargain with death itself for another day, another week, if you're lucky, maybe even a month.
More off the wall theories were that it was a cabal of criminal killers & that was their calling card. That made the least sense.
It was only today I learned the real reason.
When you open your front door & you see them, it's not a warning, a threat, an olive branch to bargain. It's your final gift.
You see when you find them it's like for the next 24 hours, if you live that long of course, you're under a spell. You know what the gift means, but you're physically unable to tell anyone.
When you see them, before you open your note, take a deep breath. It's okay, your friends & loved ones will be okay.
Because when you're gifted violets, it's not a punishment or a threat. It's a welcome & a promise. It's a reward for being good.
A welcome to a new world - a forever world. And a promise that whoever you're leaving behind will be okay.
#writeblr#writing#writer#writing community#writers#wip#wips#my wip#my wips#flash fiction friday#FFF267#FlashFictionFriday#CW // About death
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definitive source list for us!
we are 21 so please be 18+ when interacting
feel free to add us on discord at starsandskies
Ace Attorney
Aphmau (Minecraft Diaries)
Back to the future
Be More Chill
Bill And Ted’a Excellent Adventure
Blush Blush
Clone high
Crocodile Dundee
Crush Crush
Dead poets society
Dear Evan hansen
Detroit: Become Human
Ella enchanted
Endless Ocean
epic battle fantasy
Ferris Bueller’s day off
Free guy
Garten of Banban (sobs)
Genshin impact
Harry Potter
Indiana Jones
Independence Day
Jurassic Park
Jurassic World
marvel (comics, tv series, Lego, films)
Mario media (Mario lore on YouTube, games)
Mad Rat Dead
Marauders Era
Night at the Museum
Percy Jackson
Poppy Playtime
South Park
Speed Racer
Star Wars
Stranger Things
Stardew Valley
Teen Beach Movie
The Good Place
The Great Gatsby
The Princess Bride
The Sisters Grimm
The man in the suit ARG
Top Gun
Top Gun Maverick
To The Moon
Welcome to Nightvale
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Welcome To The Official Loonatics KR Blog!

Account made by me @kervinfire
NOTE: Under construction and repost due accidental deletion
Has anyone remember @purpleluckystar popular Loonatics Unleashed fan fic reboot called Loonatics R (aka Loonatics Revamp). It was one of the best fan-fics out there for the underrated fandom wanting to have a reboot. It has featured revamped characters from the show. Rebooted backstories from our favorite Loonatics and it even has a compelling story and new characters that this fan-fic has to offer on Tumblr and DeviantArt. It even has the ask the Loonatics in the Loonatics R Blog from the characters that Purple revamped.
Everything was going great until this fanfic was canceled due to her health problems (I hope you stay safe Purple). Which means almost without warning. Purple almost tried to delete all the Loonatics R-related content including the fanart in Deviantart. When she announced that she would delete her Loonatics R blog I had to save the fanfic including the asks that Purple made and transfer all her Loonatics Chapters from my Wattpad. I decided to try continuing the fanfic but time is trying to stop me and it would be impossible to continue the fic alone. That is @draze-a came in.
In Discord, we talked to each other continuing the fic and making new characters. I even have @mysticinternetdinosaur to join alongside me including @segamarkiii and @loonamonium who join in the KR project and even DarthCraftus from Deviantart who now joins in the project.
With a crew like this. We will try our best to do whatever it takes to keep this fanfic alive. And the best part. She gave away all of her OC characters and now I now finally adopted all the characters that Purple made. from Loonatics R
So again. Welcome to the official blog for Loonatics KR...
If you are new here visit the original Loonatic R Fanfic that I save in Wattpad
And please help me give me donations in PayPal
Or at FundraiserMe
CHARACTERS (More characters and Links will be added soon)
Main Protagonists (Canon Characters):
Ace Bunny
Lexi Rabbit (renamed to Rabbit by Purple because she said that they won't be related)
Danger Duck
Slam Tasmanian
Tech E Coyote
Rev Runner
Allies (Canon Characters):
Other Characters Adopted and Owned from @purpleluckystar:
Alonso Gonzales
Boomer Goldfist
Dotty Bunny
Ella Rabbit
Marina Quack
Nao Bunny
Upton Rabbit
Jason Raccoon
Con and Doyle
Professor Snout
New Characters Made From Loonatics KR Project Crew (More characters added soon)
Tiger Leaps - Made by @kervinfire
Cane Lupo - Made by @kervinfire
Rage Shards - Made by @kervinfire
Roary Roar Lyon - Made by @draze-a
Koale Hypaethral - Made by @mysticinternetdinosaur
Sam Soojin - Made by @mysticinternetdinosaur
Jett Reighland - Made by @mysticinternetdinosaur
Q & A
Q: What is Loonatics KR?
A: Loonatics KR (also known as Kervin's Revamp) takes on the same fanfic story of Loonatics R. Not just the KR version will continue the story for the unfinished chapter but it also brings more in a Snyder Cut-styled story that features new characters and new scenarios
Q: What is the purpose of why making the fic?
A: The purpose why I wanted to make this fic and take her place is because I wanted to keep the Loonatics Unleashed Fandom alive. Official Warner Bros continued to mock that show from Animaniacs, Teen Titans Go, and even New Looney Tunes. But this not stop me to prove that I am one of the people who have my love for Loonatics Unleashed. until its recognized for a reboot.
Q: This takes forever to make. When are you going to post it?
A: We can't promise when the release date will be. Sometimes making fanfic takes a lot of time. We completed chapters and retells but its best to keep it fully complete before we publish it again.
Q: Can I draw your characters from Loonatics KR?
A: I keep my characters protected and treat them like my creations. If you want to draw my characters (especially my adopts and the canon fan made revamps that I owned) Always ask permission and tell me what are you going to draw. Especially with my Discord friends
Q: What other sites will you use aside from Tumblr or Wattpad?
A: For the future, I may also plan to put it in Deviantart or Instagram
Q: Will your Asks remain open in Tumblr
A: There are not enough people asking for now so yes it will remain open
Q: Just in case what would happen if you quit the project or when you die while making the fic,
A: I'm not going to quit this project. This fanfic that I owned and am now in the making is everything to me. And even if WB already made a reboot I am going to make this my Loonatics AU (alternate universe). But when I say I would gladly let my project friends take place if I passed away. @draze-a would probably be the first one or @mysticinternetdinosaur
#ace bunny#ace bunny kr#lexi bunny#lexi rabbit#lexi rabbit kr#danger duck#danger duck kr#slam tasmanian#slam tasmanian kr#tech e coyote#tech e coyote kr#rev runner#rev runner kr#loonatics unleashed#loonatics kr#loonatics au#loonatics oc#loonatics r#wb#warner bros#looney tunes#fanfic#fan fiction#au#oc#writers on tumblr#tumblr writers#fanfic writing#fanfic writers
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Alright, guys, I have the template right here. I am planning on beginning the polls as quickly as possible, also credits to @/ mad-scientist-showdown for the original template.
You can still submit propaganda for any of these characters, (a few of em still have none :< )
Characters below the cut
Batch A...
Ash and Pikachu Vs Prompto Argentum and Noctis Lucis Caelum (Final Fantasy XV)
Tatsuhisa Kamijo and Yuga Ohdo Vs Nabu and Riven (Winx Club)
Iruma Suzuki, Asmodeus Alice and Clara Valac (Welcome to the Demon School! Iruma-Kun) Vs Rowley Jefferson and Greg Heffley (Diary of a Wimpy kid)
Buhdeuce and SwaySway(BreadWinners) Vs Riz Gukgak and Fabian Aramaris Seacaster (Dimension 20's Fantasy High)
Gus and Hunter (The Owl House) Vs Kiri Sully and Spider Socorro (Avatar: The Way of Water)
Ashlynn Ella and Briar Beauty (Ever after high) Vs Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinksi (Teen Wolf)
Andre and Tori(Victorious) Vs Hailey Banks and Scott Denoga(Hailey's On it)
Alexa and Liana (Barbie and The Diamond Castle) Vs Longtae and Tian (A tale of 1000 stars)
Batch B...
Maya and Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney) Vs Anne Boonchuy and Sprig Plantar (Amphibia)
Stan and Ford (Gravity Falls) Vs Jack and Legosi (Beastars)
Mercedes and Anette(Fireemblem) Vs Phineas and Ferb
Flynn and Julie (Julie and the Phantoms) Vs Mei and MK (Lego Monkie Kid)
Mario and Luigi (Super Mario) Vs Spongebob and Patrick
Kaede Akamatsu and Shuichi Saihara (Danganronpa V3) Vs Mordecai and Rigby (Regular show)
Samwise Gamgee and Frodo Baggins (Lord of the Rings) Vs Pete and Porsche (Kinnporsche: The series)
Wayne and Raj (TD) Vs Ink and Pat (Bad Buddy)
Batch C...
Lilo and Stitch (Lilo and Stitch) Vs Sakura Kinomoto and Tomoyo Daidouji (Card Captor Sakura)
Noel Levile and Claire Elford (Witch's heart) Vs Kipo and Wolf (Kipo and the age of Wonderbeasts)
Cuphead and Mugman Vs William "Bill" S. Preston and Ted "Theodore" Logan (Bill and Ted's excellent adventure)
Candace Flynn and Stacy Hirano (Phineas and Ferb) Vs Tsukishima Kei and Yamaguchi Tadashi (Haikyuu!)
Johnny Test and Dukey (Johnny Test!) Vs Ken and Hideyoshi (Tokyo Ghoul)
Magolor and Marx Vs Ja'far and Sinbad
Ponyboy Curtis and Johnny Cade (The Outsiders) Vs Valt Aoi and Shu Kurenia (Beyblade Burst)
Sonic and Miles (Tails) Prower Vs Dr. Doofinshmirtz and Perry The Platypus (Phineas and Ferb)
Batch D....
Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Alya Cesaire (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and ChatNoir) Vs Anakin Skywalker and R2D2 (StarWars)
Sam Puckett and Carly Shay (iCarly) Vs Joe Tazuna and Sara Chidouin
Sogo and Geiz (Karmen Rider) Vs Molly and Scratch (The Ghost and Molly McGee)
Glimmer and Bow(Shera-Princess of Power) Vs Ed Burger and Isabel Guerra (Paranatural)
Robin Buckley and Steve Harrington (Stranger things) Vs Bandana Dee and Kirby (Kirby)
Yami Yugi and Joey Wheeler (Yu-Gi-Oh) Vs Hurley Kane and Darren Lachance (Inazuma Eleven)
Red and Blue (Pokèmon) Vs Tiw and Tinn (My school President)
Jem and Will (Shadowhunters: The infernal devices) Vs Tiana and Charlotte (Princess and the frog)
#tournament info#tumblr tournaments#character poll#tournament poll#character tournament#tournament bracket#poll bracket#character bracket
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This is a blog for ALL the miku fictives in the rat king system, aka @a-literal-frog :3
You can just call us miku if you don't know who's fronting ^-^
DNI: Anti endo, radfems/terfs, exclusionists, abelists, want to talk to us just because of our source, if you draw miku nsfw
PLEASE interact: fellow miku/vocaloid fictives, endogenic/pro endo, neurodivergent, xenogender/neopronouns users, pjsk players, alterhumans!
Here we have:
Hatsune miku! / Regular miku
Name: Miku
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 16
Sexuality: pan!
Signoff: - 🩵💫

Mesmerizer miku
Name: Miku! ^-^
Pronouns: she/they
Age: 16
Sexuality: asexual panromantic! ♡
Signoff: - ❤️🩵🎉
Extra: no shameful conduct around me please! [Like negativity or venting] (^_^)

Name: it's MIKUDAYO!!!!
Pronouns: any/all
Age: ageless
Sexuality: AROACE
Signoff: -🔥🛸
Extra: I make arson jokes :D

Anonymous M / Objekt
Name: M or Objekt.
Pronouns: it/its (dehumanising)
Age: none, because I am not human.
Sexuality: refer to age. I am also aplatonic
Signoff: - 🤖😶
Faceclaim: None.
Infinity Miku
Name: infinity or ∞
Pronouns: it/its end/less time/timeself sh∞/h∞r
Age: fuzzy
Sexuality: aromantic, questioning sexuality
Signoff: - ♾️🌌

Sakura miku!
Name: Sakura
Pronouns: she/her, cherry/blossom 🌸/🌸s
Age: 16
Sexuality: lesbian
Signoff: -🌸🍒

Empty sekai miku
Name: miku
Pronouns: she/it/void
Age: ageless
Sexuality: questioning
Signoff: -⬜️❤️🩹
Extra: I struggle to express emotions. Please take that into account when interacting.

Vampire miku
Name: Miku/Mari
Pronouns: she/vamp
Age: immortal, 1600
Sexuality: demiromantic, bisexual
Signoff: -🫀🩸
Extra: I have haemomania! I'll tag posts mentioning it with #haemomania, block if it makes u uncomfy~<3

Rabbit hole miku
Name: miku/usagi
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 21
Sexuality: aromantic hypersexual
Signoff: -🐇🎩
Extra: sexual traumaholder, may post about it, or just post nsfw posts (no pics or stuff just words), block the tag #usaginsfw to not see it

Name [nombre]: Miku ó fiesta
Pronouns [pronombres]: she/her ella/ellas, fiesta/fiestas
Age [edad]: 16
Sexuality [sexualidad]: bisexual
Signoff [cerrar sesión]: -🎊💃
Extra: hablo en español normalmente, pero puedo traducir á ingles [I mostly speak in Spanish, but I can translate in english]

Name: Mcmiku, miku or fry
Pronouns: she/they
Age: 16
Sexuality: aroaceflux
Signoff: -🍟🎉

(Not a) devil miku [angel]
Name: angel
Pronouns: shy/hyr
Age: ageless (teen presenting)
Sexuality: hyperpanromantic, asexual
Signoff: -🪽💫

(Not a) devil miku [devil]
Name: Miku/Dae
Pronouns: she/they/he
Age: 17
Sexuality: bisexualflux
Signoff: -💔✨️
Extra: angelkin :3

Snow miku
Name: Miku/cocoa
Pronouns: she/snow/cozy/winter
Extra: im otherkin(fictionkin?) of a snom from pokemon
Age: 18
Sexuality: hyperplatonic aroace
Signoff: -❄️☕️
Name: Mikuo/Mikhael
Pronouns: he/him
Signoff: -🎧💙
Age: 17
Sexuality: gay mlm
Extra: transmasc 🏳️⚧️

Ghost rule miku
Name: miku/ghost
Pronouns: they/them
Signoff: -☄️💓
Age: ageless
Sexuality: fluid
Extra: I struggle with compulsive lying :(

Cat miku :3
Name: Miku/Neko
Pronouns: she/nya
Age: 16
Sexuality: lesbian
Signoff: -🐾🐈

Name: Miku
Pronouns: she/star/clown
Age: ageless, 16 presenting
Sexuality: aroacespec
Signoff: -🌈🥳
Miku Cat
Name: Mikitty/Mimi
Pronouns: she/her
Age: young
Sexuality: non applicable (shes a cat)
Signoff: -🐱🩵
Extra: Nya
Kagami Kawaiine
Name: kawaiine
Pronouns: she/ask
Age: 17
Sexuality: pansexual desu!
Signoff: -🩷🌟
Hatsune Maya
Name: Maya
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 13
Sexuality: questioning
Signoff: -🩷🎵
Strawberry Miku!
Name: Miku/Berry
Pronouns: she/her, Shi/hir, Shy/hyr
Age: 19
Sexuality: asexual lesbian
Signoff: -🍓🥛

Hero miku
Name: Hiro or Miku
Pronouns: they/them
Age: 20
Sexuality: lesbian
Signoff: -⚡️📢

Symphony Miku
Name: symphony
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 20
Sexuality: demipansexual
Signoff: -🎼💛

This is every miku for now! We will update if it changes<3
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SCLC mega recap!
Welcome to the dramatic and ever-changing world of the Pessoa family—a swirling cauldron of dreams, struggles, and unexpected love affairs! We left Viola (the Second Gen heir) as a no ordinary single mom; she's a comedy queen and sitcom star who climbed her way to the top, all while managing a household full of twins. A sim-life superhero, if you ask me.
Her daughter Octavia became a mysterious teen who embraced her vampire lineage to delve into a life of nocturnal adventures with her father Caleb and her intriguing aunt Lilith. What darkness and light have they unlocked in Forgotten Hollow?
Cornelius, Octavia's twin brother, is the epitome of resilience! He battled the chaos of youth, aced his way through college, and decided to change the world.
Now a top-notch politician, he's married to the fabulous Mezquite, and they have two dynamic children: Sara and Devante.
Devante, the explorer, ventured into university and sprinted off to Selvadorada, the mecca of archeological treasures. From ancient ruins to vibrant cultures, his postcards are more than mere paper; they're slices of his soul.
Sara, our Oasis Springs artisan, turned her green thumb into a crafting empire, filling homes with handmade furniture that's to die for. But oh, the drama! Her marriage crumbled when Ella Jr, her high school sweetheart, fell under the spell of the ageless vampire, Auntie Octavia.
Thrown into emotional turmoil, Sara's kids navigated the chaos in their own unique ways. Rhys, a gentle soul, found refuge in the serenity of nature, while Adeline ignited her passion for eco-activism, becoming Sulani's youngest crusader. Now Adeline is on the verge of adulthood, and the air is thick with anticipation.
So, grab your popcorn and brace yourselves, because Adeline's coming-of-age promises to bring a whole new wave of drama to this already sensational family saga!
#scl#such colorful lives challenge#recap#oasis springs#sims 4#sims 4 challenge#ts4#ts4 legacy challenge#Viola Pessoa#Sara Pessoa#Adeline Pessoa#Rhys Pessoa#Devante Pessoa#Cornelius Pessoa#Octavia Pessoa#Ella Lum Junior#scl gen 2#scl gen 3#scl gen 4
10 notes
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The final episode... for now, at least.
Transcript below the break
Hello and welcome to the conclusion of The Rewatch Rewind, the podcast where I counted down my top 40 most frequently rewatched movies from 2003 through 2022. To those of you listening to this on the day it’s coming out, Happy Cary Grant’s Birthday! This felt like an appropriate day to release this fun bonus episode to analyze my list a bit more, get into some statistics, talk about what I’ve learned from this project, wrap things up, etc. If that sounds boring to you, that’s totally fair, I won’t hold it against you if you want to skip this. But before you turn it off, I want to mention that my brother Quinn, my guest from the Ella Enchanted episode, put together a “Sounds of the Rewatch Rewind” Spotify playlist featuring the songs and soundtracks from the movies I’ve talked about that he could find on there, which I’m going to link in the show notes, so now that you’ve listened to me talk about these movies, you can listen to parts of the movies themselves.
Assuming the runtimes on IMDb are correct, I spent approximately 99,258 minutes watching these 40 movies from 2003 through 2022, which is 1,654 hours and 18 minutes, or 68 days, 22 hours, and 18 minutes. So almost 10 weeks. Which sounds like a lot, but it was spread out over 20 years, so I don’t feel like that’s particularly excessive. I wouldn’t have been surprised to learn I had spent more time watching these movies. And that’s one of the main things I’ve learned from actually keeping track of the movies I watch: I’m very bad at estimating how frequently I rewatch movies. Before I started writing down what I watched, I thought there were lots of movies I regularly watched dozens of times per year, and probably several that I’d seen over 100 times. But now I know that watching a movie five times in a year can feel like a ton, and there are relatively few that I feel like sitting through more than 20 times total, let alone 100. Part of that could come from maturing, or from having a much wider array of movie choices at my fingertips, but a significant part of it is that it takes fewer rewatches than I think it does for a movie that I love to stick in my brain. There are plenty more films that didn’t make it anywhere near my top 40 that I feel like I know backwards and forwards and inside out. So I just want to reiterate what I said in the introductory episode: I don’t think these are the 40 best movies ever made, and I don’t even think they’re my 40 favorite movies. But I do love them all, and I don’t regret getting to talk about any of them.
When I first started keeping track of what I watched back in 2003, I thought of myself as someone who primarily loved “old movies,” with a few newer movies managing to worm their way into my heart. I would have expected most of my top 40 movies to be in black and white, and almost all of them to be from before 1970. But as it turns out, 18 are fully live action and in color, 16 are live action in black and white, four are fully animated, and two are a mix of animation and color live action. The breakdown of which decade these films are from tells a particularly fascinating story. Five of these movies came out in the 1930s, nine in the 1940s, three in the 1950s, three in the 1960s, zero in the 1970s, four in the 1980s, four in the 1990s, nine in the 2000s, and three in the 2010s. Which means that exactly half were from before the 1970s and exactly half were from after the 1970s. Many of the views of movies from the 2000s occurred in the first few years I kept track, so clearly the pretentious “I only love old movies” persona I tried to cultivate as a young teen was never very accurate. Stories from a variety of eras resonate with me. But what, you may be wondering, do I have against movies from the 1970s?
First of all, to be clear, there are several movies from the 1970s that I love, they just didn’t happen to make it into my top 40. But the thing about the ‘70s is… that’s when Hollywood movies became more explicitly sexy. By which I mean that after the Motion Picture Production Code was abandoned in the late 1960s, filmmakers started putting much more explicit sexual content into their movies because they were finally allowed to. Now, I’m not saying I’m in favor of censorship. I think people should be able to make movies about whatever they want, provided they’re not actively hurting people. But a lot of 1970s movies feel particularly overwhelmingly sexual to me, like Hollywood was trying to release decades’ worth of previously forbidden sex scenes as quickly as possible. And I want to be clear that I don’t necessarily think there’s anything inherently wrong with that, although I feel like it was often executed in ways that objectified women, which I do have a problem with. But I also think a not insignificant reason I’m not as into movies from that era is related to my asexuality. I’m not judging 1970s movies for having too much sex, and obviously not every movie from that decade has explicit sexual content, but I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the decade after the production code went away is the one that doesn’t have any representation in my top 40 most frequently rewatched movies. While movies with sexual content continue to be made long after the 1970s, it does feel a bit like once the novelty wore off, filmmakers kind of toned it down a bit, or at least incorporated it into more interesting stories. It’s kind of like when a kid learns a swear word. At first it’s like, a huge deal, and they get in trouble for using it, and then when they get older they’re like, “allowed” to swear, and they feel so cool for a while, but then it stops feeling cool and they learn how to use it more selectively and effectively. That’s how it feels like sexual content in the Hollywood film industry evolved. So as a relatively sex-indifferent asexual who doesn’t exactly mind sexual content, but doesn’t particularly like it either, it makes sense that that transition period doesn’t appeal to me as much.
And I do have to keep saying that I’m specifically talking about the Hollywood film industry because the vast majority of the movies I watch are from Hollywood. Really the only “foreign” film in my top 40 is Pride and Prejudice, and even that was co-produced by an American company. I have seen and enjoyed several films from other countries, but I could definitely watch more. There is an upsetting lack of diversity on this list: the vast majority of these films are primarily about white, straight, cis, allo, middle-to-upper-class Americans or Europeans. There are characters who don’t fit all of those, but most of them play relatively minor supporting roles in the main stories. I’m pretty sure that all of the directors on this list are white, and all of the screenwriters are at least half white, but I don’t know all of their backgrounds, so forgive me if I’m unintentionally erasing the identity of any of these filmmakers. Regardless, I definitely need to watch more movies made by people of color. As I addressed in previous episodes, only two of these movies were directed solely by a woman, one was co-directed by a man and a woman, and the other 37 were directed by men, so I also need to watch more female-directed films. The screenwriter gender breakdown is a little better, with eight written solely by women, eight written by a combination of men and women, and 24 written solely by men. I would personally love to see more movies written and directed by non-binary people, but mainstream society doesn’t seem to want to give them much of a voice, so I think I’ll have to look into more independent films to find that. The two newest movies on this list were independently produced with funds raised through Kickstarter, so I do seem to be moving in that direction, even though the vast majority of my top films were made by major Hollywood studios. I wasn’t surprised that Disney was the studio with the most films on this list, with nine – what can I say? I grew up during the Disney renaissance, I was indoctrinated. But I wasn’t necessarily expecting RKO to have the second most, with seven, considering that studio hasn’t been around since the 1950s. MGM is in third place with six, but I would have expected that to have more than RKO, considering it made a lot of classic Golden Age gems and still technically exists today (even though it’s now owned by Amazon). Over half of the movies on this list were made by one of those three studios. Again, an embarrassing lack of diversity.
I’m not sure how many LGBTQIA+ filmmakers were involved with the films on this list, since even now people don’t always feel safe or comfortable coming out publicly, and in the past it was even more dangerous to do so. However, the director with the most films on this list, George Cukor, with four, was openly gay, and as I mentioned in several episodes, sometimes movies with supposedly straight characters give off queer vibes. No character in any movie on this list is openly aromantic or asexual, but I was still able to spend a lot of this podcast talking about the ways I related to these stories as an aroace person. Since I’ve been so focused on how much I wish there was less romance and sex in movies, I thought it would be interesting to give each of my top 40 a score indicating how important romance and sex were to the story, on a scale of 0 to 3 for each, with 0 meaning there’s essentially none and 3 meaning there’s a lot. Now, I will point out that no movie on this list is rated higher than PG-13, so a 3 on the sexual content scale is still pretty mild. I also feel like reasonable people could disagree about how to rate some of these movies, so please indulge me as I go through each movie and state and briefly justify my scores.
Mary Poppins gets a zero for both, even though there is a kiss between Mr. and Mrs. Banks, but they were already married at the beginning and their relationship is far from the main focus of the story, which goes out of its way to keep Mary and Bert’s relationship platonic.
Similarly, while Emperor’s New Groove does show that Pacha and Chicha are in a loving married relationship, that’s such a tiny portion of the film that I’m also giving this one a zero for both romance and sex. So we’re off to a great start.
Legally Blonde is a bit trickier because at the beginning Elle is extremely focused on romance, but she becomes less so as the story progresses, although other characters remain focused on romance throughout. Also there are no sex scenes, but there are still some rather explicit sexual references. So I’m giving Legally Blonde a 2 for romance and a 2 for sex.
The Princess Bride has a lot going on, but the romantic love between Westley and Buttercup is consistently one of its main focuses, so I’m giving it a 2 for romance, but apart from some very slight innuendo I don’t remember any sexual content, so it gets a 0 for sex.
Frozen is another kids’ movie, so another 0 for sex, but the romance aspect is fascinating because it starts out tricking you into thinking it’s going to be very romance-focused, but ends up demonstrating that the initial romance was fake and other kinds of love are just as important, so I’m giving Frozen a 1 for romance.
Chicago is probably the most sexually explicit movie on this list, so I have to give it a 3 for sexual content, but there’s only a little bit of romance, so it gets a 1 for romantic content.
The Sound of Music has quite a bit of non-romantic stuff going on, but the relationship between Maria and Georg, and Maria’s internal conflict between wanting to be a nun and wanting to be with him, are important parts of the story, so I’m saying romance 2, sex 1.
Holiday is mostly about Johnny thinking he’s in love with Julia and learning he’s really in love with Linda. The social commentary keeps it from being a 3 on the romantic content scale in my opinion, but I can’t give it lower than a 2. I suppose sex is meant to be implied because they talk about marriage so much, but I don’t recall any specific innuendo, so I’m giving it a 0 for sexual content.
Newsies is mostly about the strike but there’s still the Jack and Sarah romance stuck in there, and the “Lovey Dovey Baby” song is pretty suggestive, so I’m saying 1 for romance, 1 for sex.
Stage Door is one of the few Production Code-era movies that actually has more sexual content than romantic content – there’s a lot more focus on potentially using sex to get ahead in show business than on romance, although there’s still a bit of romance in there too, and the sex isn’t super explicit, so I’m saying 1 for romance, 2 for sex.
Monkey Business is mostly about the formula to make people young, but that seems to manifest itself by stirring up relationship drama. The sexual aspect is mostly innuendo, so I’m going with 2 for romance, 1 for sex.
Father Goose starts out with no romance, but by the end becomes mostly focused on Walter and Catherine’s relationship, and there are some mild sexual references, so I’m again going with 2 for romance, 1 for sex.
Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House is mostly about the house. There’s some minor relationship drama, but even that is more about stress caused by the house situation than actual romance, so I would argue that it only deserves a 1 for romance. I’m tempted to give it a 0 for sex, but there’s enough innuendo when Bill spends the night alone with Muriel that I think I have to give it a 1.
Adam’s Rib is another tricky one because it’s about a trial that impacts romantic relationships, but the focus is rarely on the romantic aspect of those relationships. And by today’s standards, there really isn’t that much sexual content either, although for its time it feels pretty explicit. So I’m saying 1 for romance, and 2 for sex.
Mamma Mia has enough focus on non-romantic relationships that I’m only giving it a 2 for romance, but even though there aren’t any explicit sex scenes, there’s enough talk about it and enough suggestive dancing that I think it deserves a 3 for sexual content, at least on my scale.
I know that The Lion King features one of the most romantic Disney songs of all time, but I would argue that a relatively minuscule amount of the plot is actually dedicated to the romance between Simba and Nala, so I’m giving it a 1 for romance. And despite the misinterpretation of the leaves spelling SFX as the word SEX, and the rather suggestive look that Nala gives Simba in the middle of their love song, overall I don’t think it has enough sexual content to justify a rating above 0.
Freaky Friday appears at first glance to be heavily focused on romance, since Tess is about to get married and Anna wants to pursue a romantic relationship, but it’s way more about the mother/daughter relationship, so I’m giving it a 1 for romance, and also a 1 for sex because there’s a bit of innuendo.
The romantic aspect of The Major and the Minor is weird and kind of toxic, but it’s still there and it’s pretty important, so I’m giving it a 2 for romance. Then there’s the whole Pamela assuming Phillip slept with Susan part and some sexual harassment before it was called that… it’s not super explicit but I’m still saying that’s a 2 for sexual content, at least for its time.
I argued in the Bringing Up Baby episode that I don’t really believe that the main romantic storyline is actually romantic, but the characters seem to think it is, and Susan at least is pretty focused on that, so I’m saying 2 for romantic content, and once again there’s a bit of innuendo, so 1 for sexual content.
Enchanted is very much a romantic story, so I have to give it a romantic rating of 3. And while I’d like to give all kids’ movies a sexual content rating of 0, I’m sorry, that shower part boosts it up to 1. Kids might not know they’re talking about sex, but… there’s really no other way to interpret that.
Ella Enchanted has quite a bit of romance, but the main storyline is Ella trying to get rid of her curse, so I think that keeps the romantic content rating at a 2. And again, I want to say 0 sexual content because it’s a kids’ movie, but then I remembered some of the things Char’s fangirls say and…yeah I have to give it a 1.
Notorious is ultimately a spy movie, but the spying is accomplished by Alicia seducing and pretending to fall in love with Alex, and actually falling in love with Devlin, so that sounds like a 2 for both.
It’s a Wonderful Life is about a lot of other things, but a good chunk of it is devoted to George and Mary’s relationship, and there’s enough innuendo that I’m going with 2 for romance, 1 for sex.
Again, I argued in the Beauty and the Beast episode that I’ve never seen Belle and the Beast’s relationship as a typical romance, but most characters and audience members seem to. I still maintain that there’s enough other stuff going on to keep it from being a 3, but I don’t think I’d be justified in giving it a romance score below a 2. But I’m not giving it a sexual content rating above a 0, despite what the childhood ruiners say.
A Mighty Wind is mostly about a concert, but it gets a bit into Mitch and Mickey’s romance, and there are a few sex jokes, so I’m saying 1 for both.
His Girl Friday is pretty focused on Hildy wanting to marry Bruce but still being in love with Walter, but that’s not the only thing it’s about so I’m giving it a 2 for romantic content. If you read between the lines and interpret Molly as a prostitute, I guess an argument could be made to give it a higher sexual content rating, especially because there are a few other veiled sexual references as well, but I’m sticking with 1 because it’s all innuendo.
Gaslight is an interesting one because it’s very focused on the relationship between Gregory and Paula, but it’s more about the abuse than the romance, and nobody should think of this as a romantic movie, so I’m saying 1 for romantic content, and 1 for sexual content, because while there’s nothing explicit, it is very heavily implied that Nancy is sleeping with Constable Williams.
Edgar Allan Poe’s Murder Mystery Dinner Party is quite focused on friendship, but the party wouldn’t be happening in the first place if Edgar wasn’t trying to woo Annabel, and there’s also the whole Lenore/HG Wells thing, so I’m saying 2 for romantic content. And while it’s not at all explicit for the 2010s, there are definitely some sexual references, so that’s a 1.
The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer is almost entirely about romance, so I can’t give it below a 3 for romantic content. And while the movie does make it very clear that the bachelor does not sleep with the bobby-soxer, again, there’s enough innuendo that I have to give it a 1 for sexual content.
North by Northwest is mostly about Roger trying to figure out what’s going on. While he does fall in love with Eve, for a good chunk of the movie we think she’s trying to kill him, so I don’t think it deserves higher than a 1 for romantic content. But it was fairly sexually explicit for its time, so I’m giving it a 2 for sexual content.
The Sure Thing is very focused on both sex and romance, so that one gets a 3 for both.
Ishtar has a little bit of romantic content, but it’s mostly about the incompetence of the bumbling songwriters, so I’m giving it a 1 for romantic content. But there is some nudity and rather frank conversations about sex, so I feel like I have to give it a 3 for sexual content. I actually thought Ishtar was rated R until I double checked before making that episode. It’s PG-13, but just barely.
My Man Godfrey is about a lot of things, but although Godfrey the character would prefer to keep romance out of it, Irene keeps forcing it into the story, so it gets a 2 for romantic content. And, like most movies of its era, there’s no explicit sexual content, but there’s enough innuendo to earn it a 1.
The Princess Diaries is mostly about Mia learning she’s a princess, but enough of it is about her relationship with Michael and her crush on Josh that I have to give it a 2 for romantic content. But, as my sister Rosemary pointed out in that episode, the romance is very innocent, and I don’t recall even enough innuendo to bring the sexual content rating above a 0.
The Case of the Gilded Lily mirrors the innuendo but no real sexual content of production code-era films, but with significantly less romance than most of them, so I’m giving it a 1 for both.
Top Hat is extremely focused on the confusing romance between Jerry and Dale, so that’s a 3 for romantic content, but despite the fact that their dancing has been compared to making love, I’d argue that as far as sexual content there’s barely enough innuendo to earn it a 1, let alone anything higher than that.
Singin’ in the Rain is mostly about the change in the motion picture industry from silents to talkies, but Don’s love life pulls enough of the focus that it gets a 2 for romantic content. And while there’s barely any sexual content, Cyd Charisse’s dancing is suggestive enough to earn it a 1.
I’m going to be bold and say that Clue has zero romance, because even though there is some kissing, none of it is really romantic. But most of the suspects are being blackmailed for sexual reasons, so it gets a 2 for sexual content.
While I don’t watch Pride and Prejudice specifically for the romance, I can’t deny that that’s what most of the story is about, so I have to give it a 3 for romantic content. And the whole Lydia/Wickham thing brings the sexual content score up to 2 – one could even make an argument for 3, since we do briefly see them in bed together, but I think it’s a small enough proportion of the mini-series to keep it at 2.
Similarly, The Philadelphia Story has lots going on, but it is all about Tracy’s wedding, and which of the three possible grooms she’s most in love with, so I have to give it a 3 for romance. And even though she doesn’t actually sleep with Mike, there’s enough talk about it that I’m giving it a sexual content score of 2.
To sum all that up: as far as romantic content goes, 3 of these movies got a score of 0, 13 got a score of 1, 18 got a score of 2, and 6 got a score of 3. For sexual content, 8 got a score of 0, 19 got a score of 1, 9 got a score of 2, and 4 got a score of 3. And if we add the romantic and sexual ratings together, only 2 movies got a score of 0, two got a score of 1, 11 got a score of 2, 13 got a score of 3, 8 got a score of 4, 3 got a score of 5, and one got the maximum score of 6.
So why did I go through all of that? Well, aside from wanting an excuse to go back through all 40 movies again, I also wanted to emphasize that even when you’re not interested in sexual or romantic content, it’s extremely difficult to avoid. Allonormativity and amatonormativity are everywhere. I was able to find ways to relate to these movies from an aroace perspective, but every single one ultimately leans, at least to some extent, into the pervading societal assumption that every normal human fundamentally desires a long-term, monogamous, romantic and sexual partner of the opposite sex. This is so normalized that the two movies that earned a zero for both romantic and sexual content still include romantic kissing, and while I stand by my assertion that those movies don’t have enough romantic content to justify a higher rating, I also know that if those throwaway background romantic moments had been between two characters of the same sex, a bunch of people would have made a huge deal about how the LGBT+ “agenda” was being “shoved down their throats” and “forced on their children.” You know who really shoves their lifestyle down people’s throats and forces them on children? Straight cis allos! If children’s sexual and romantic orientations could be changed just by seeing them in movies, I would be incredibly straight and allo by now. But even spending all those years bombarded with the message that normal people were like that, it didn’t make me feel attraction that my brain wasn’t wired to feel, it just made me confused. What I would love to see in my next 20 years of movie watching is more normalization of other ways of being outside of amatonormativity. Right now that’s feeling very unlikely, given the enormous backlash against LGBTQIA+ rights that is currently escalating throughout much of this country. More awareness of aspec identities has led to more explicit aphobia. But it has also led more people like me to understand ourselves better, and I would love to see that continue until acceptance overwhelms the bigotry. And that could be greatly helped by more aspec artists getting to tell their stories. I know of some good aspec representation in books and TV shows, but I really haven’t heard about much in feature films, apart from the sort of vague ace coding I’ve discussed throughout this podcast. But I would love to hear recommendations if any listeners out there know of any openly asexual and/or aromantic movie characters.
Many of the movies on this list are silly comedies, which don’t tend to be recognized by the Academy Awards, but I thought it would be fun to look into the Oscar stats a bit anyway. Of these 40 movies, 23 were nominated for at least one Oscar, and 10 had at least one win. Among those, there were a total of 98 nominations and 28 wins. The most nominations for a single film was 13, achieved by both Mary Poppins and Chicago, and the most wins was 6, again by Chicago. Two movies that were nominated won 100% of the Oscars they were nominated for: Frozen with two and The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer with one. I did go through and watch all the Best Picture, Best Actress, and Best Adapted Screenplay Oscar winners, at least up to a certain year, and those projects added to the view counts of five of the movies that made it into my top 40: Mary Poppins, Chicago, The Sound of Music, Gaslight, and The Philadelphia Story. I have considered tackling other Oscar categories, and I’ll probably make a podcast about it if I do, so that could potentially be on the horizon, we’ll see. Another movie podcast idea I have is to pick either an actor or director and go through their entire filmography chronologically and talk about that. I’m not sure if or when any of those ideas will come to fruition, but I have greatly enjoyed talking about movies on this podcast and would love to continue in a similar vein.
As for The Rewatch Rewind, I like to think that for now it will just be on a rather long hiatus rather than being completely finished. I have continued to track the movies I watch, and my top 40 has already changed in the last year, so it will be interesting to see how my movie watching continues to change in the years ahead. After I’d been keeping track for 10 years, I blogged about the 35 movies I’d seen at least 10 times, and 30 of those movies were still in my top 40 after 20 years of keeping track. The 10 new movies that were added for this list obviously include the three movies that hadn’t come out yet 10 years earlier – Frozen, Edgar Allan Poe’s Murder Mystery Dinner Party, and The Case of the Gilded Lily – in addition to Notorious, Adam’s Rib, Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House, Father Goose, Holiday, The Emperor’s New Groove, and Mary Poppins. The five movies that were in my top 35 after 10 years but were not in my top 40 after 20 were Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Neptune’s Daughter, Duck Soup, and The Phantom of the Opera. For the 30 movies that were on both lists, I still had a lot of new things to say about them ten years later. I’m not sure if I’ll wait until I’ve been keeping track for 30 years to return to this podcast, or if I’ll also do something for 25 years, but I do have every intention of returning for another season of something similar eventually. I probably won’t do the exact same thing, maybe I’ll do a top 100, or I’ll talk about my top movies from each decade or year, either of keeping track or when they came out – I haven’t decided yet. So stay subscribed or following to hear more from me in a few years – assuming these podcast platforms are still around in a few years.
Regardless of what the future has in store, thank you so much for listening to my analysis of the 40 movies I rewatched the most in my first 20 years of keeping track. Since I don’t know what movie I’ll be talking about next, in honor of his 120th birthday I’ll wrap this up with a quote that at least has been attributed to Cary Grant, although I couldn’t find where or when he said it, so maybe he didn’t, but it’s a good quote anyway: “My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can.”
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Crazy but she's mine ch7
Ez woke up hearing soft voices , drawers opening and closing.
"Illiana you look fine stop stressing!" A voice exclaimed.
"I can't stop stressing!" The teen exclaimed not so quietly.
"Ezekiel tell her she looks fine , I know your awake!" Jackie said snatching the pillow out from under his head.
"es demasiado pronto para esta mierda nena." Ez groaned.
(it's too fucking early for this shit babe.)
"Don't give me that shit , you decided to adopt a teen with a woman you barely know, so goddamnit your gonna help me with her issues , tell her she looks fine!" Jackie said wacking him with the pillow.
"You look fine kid , there can I sleep now?" Ez said raising a brow.
"I have a date and I need to be ready , Ez You didn't even look!" Illiana exclaimed.
"A date?, your like twelve , I'll grab my gun." Ez said raising a brow.
"Im sixteen asshole!, also Natalia is a girl , Fuck it I look fine ! You guys shouldn't worry atleast I won't get pregnant." Illiana exclaimed rushing out.
"Debería haberlo visto venir, ella y Gilly discutieron todo el día ayer sobre quién era más sexy, Jennifer Lopez o Selena Gomez." Ez said, noticing that the woman infront of him was in a robe with No bra on.
(Should've seen that coming , her and Gilly argued all day yesterday about who was hotter , Jennifer Lopez , Or Selena gomez)
"Quit staring!, i know my boobs look good, its must suck cause your never gonna see em'." Jackie said wacking him.
"My kitchen better be spotless Ezekiel, SPOTLESS!" Jackie said wagging her finger at him.
"That was amazing!" Natalia exclaimed.
Illiana laughed as the two walked out of the cinema.
"Im mean it was like WAM! and she was like BONK!" The girl exclaimed wrapping an arm around Illiana.
"It was amazing , Just like you." Illiana winked as a raindrop fell from the sky.
"Oh my god are we gonna kiss , in the rain , a rain kiss , am -" Natalia was cutoff by a soft kiss.
"I got a rain kiss!" Natalia exclaimed as rain poured down.
"Yes you did." Illiana laughed as Natalia cheered at the sky.
"You two kissed in the rain!" Jackie exclaimed laughing.
"Ye-" Illiana was cut off as the boys came into the house, Ez kissing Jackie on her temple.
Which prompted Jackie to wack him , a common occerance in this household.
"Anyways! We kissed in the rain, it was like BAM! magic and rainbows." Jackie exclaimed standing on the counter.
"Who kissed who , do we need to get our guns , your like twelve." Hank said as Illiana let out an offended noise.
"One im sixteen, Two she is mwah, as in amazing , and I put the moves on her." Illiana said.
"I fucking knew it!, Pay up Gilly I told you she wasn't straight." creeper said.
"Fuck thats fifty bucks!" He exclaimed.
"I'll take that!" Illiana said snatching the dollar rushing to her room cackling.
"My Kids a fucking f-" Bishop started untill Jackie pushed him.
"Finish that fucking sentence, finish it bitch I dare you!,and she's my damn kid,Mine,not yours,your no father,not to her,you don't get to start acting like one , not unless she wants to bond with you , but untill then, you have no right to judge,so go on finish that fucking sentence bitch!" Jackie said starting to rant.
"Camilia,Bishop I think you guys better go,except Angel who's staying on the couch.
The guys dragged him out , Angel coughing awkwardly.
"Imma just- Y'know ." He said going to the living room.
"Camila-" Ez started until she growled.
"I've told you he wasn't welcomed here, the others yes,but not him, what if Illiana was down here Ez,She doesn't need any of his shit!" Jackie exclaimed.
"Hey,Hey!,I know I should've asked you first,It was on short notice-" Ez started.
"Club shit stays in the Club,Ezekiel,Fuck we sound like a damn married couple!" Jackie exclaimed wacking him.
"Ow!,your the one always starting arguments!" Ez said as he grabbed her wrist.
"Because you always cause the issues,now if you excuse me , Im going to have a nice bath,and Angel better not snore,you can here everything in this damn house!" She exclaimed.
"Damn." Ez murmered as he heard a beer bottle open.
"What?" Angel said sipping on his beer.
As Jackie was about to enter her room, arms wrapped around her waist.
Illiana had small smile on her face.
"You heard all of that didn't you?" Jackie questioned.
"Like you said,You can hear everything in this damn house." Illiana laughed.

#fanfic#wattpad#original character#jd pardo#j.d pardo#ez reyes#mayans mc fic#emmy rossum#shameless#fiona gallagher#mayans fx#mayans mc fanfiction#mayans fanfic#mayans#jenna ortega#ez reyes fanfiction#ez reyes smut#ezekiel#ezekiel reyes
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My music playlist for my The Amazing digital circus ocs
Personality- ♠️
Past and personal demons- 🌧
Songs they'd listen to - 🎼
• ⭐Darci
a Spotify playlist revolving around my oc Darci with songs that perfectly depict their past and current life, their personality, and their trauma
One of those songs being:
Satisfied by Marina and the diamonds 🌧
Watch me work from the Trolls Band together 🌧
"Glory and Gore" by Lorde🌧
"Human" by Christina Perri♠️
"Everybody's Fool" by Evanescence♠️
"Boulevard of Broken Dreams" by Green Day♠️
"The Show Must Go On" by Queen♠️
"Secrets" by OneRepublic🌧
"Say Something" by A Great Big World, Christina Aguilera🌧
"Not Afraid" by Eminem🌧
"Demons" by Imagine Dragons🌧
"Fighter" by Christina Aguilera🌧
"Holding On To You" by Twenty One Pilots🌧
"Welcome to the Black Parade" by My Chemical Romance🌧
"Heavy" by Linkin Park (feat. Kiiara)🌧
"Mad World" by Gary Jules🌧
"The Kids Aren't Alright" by The Offspring🌧
"Survivor" by Destiny's Child🌧
"Beneath Your Beautiful" by Labrinth (feat. Emeli Sandé)🌧
"Jar of Hearts" by Christina Perri🌧
"The Scientist" by Coldplay🌧
"Sound of Silence" by Simon & Garfunkel🌧
"I'm Not Okay (I Promise)" by My Chemical Romance🌧
"How to Save a Life" by The Fray🌧
"Feeling Good" by Nina Simone🌧🎼
"Moon River" by Frank Sinatra🎼
"Fly Me to the Moon" by Diana Krall🎼
"Smooth Operator" by Sade🎼
"La Vie En Rose" by Édith Piaf🎼
"The Girl from Ipanema" by Stan Getz & João Gilberto🎼
"What a Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong🎼
"At Last" by Etta James♠️🎼
"Unforgettable" by Nat King Cole♠️🎼
"My Funny Valentine" by Chet Baker♠️🎼
"Misty" by Sarah Vaughan🎼
"Fever" by Peggy Lee🎼
"Ain't No Sunshine" by Bill Withers🎼
"Fly Me Away" by Goldfrapp🎼
"L-O-V-E" by Nat King Cole🎼
"Unchained Melody" by The Righteous Brothers🎼
"Summertime" by Ella Fitzgerald🎼
"It Had to Be You" by Harry Connick Jr.🎼
"Come Away with Me" by Norah Jones🎼
"The Girl from Ipanema" by Stan Getz & Astrud Gilberto🎼
"Georgia on My Mind" by Ray Charles🎼
"At Last" by Etta James🎼
"Smooth Operator" by Sade🎼
"Dream a Little Dream of Me" by Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong🎼
"Cry Me a River" by Julie London🎼
"What a Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong🎼
"Moon River" by Frank Sinatra🎼
"Just the Way You Are" by Billy Joel🎼
"Can't Help Falling in Love" by by Hailey Reinhart (because ain't no way they're listening to Elvis Presley)🎼
"Blue Moon" by Billie Holiday🎼
"Sway" by Dean Martin🎼
"Over the Rainbow" by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole🎼
"Moonlight Serenade" by Glenn Miller🎼
"You Are the Sunshine of My Life" by Stevie Wonder🎼
"Beyond the Sea" by Bobby Darin🎼
"Stand by Me" by Ben E. King🎼
"Somewhere Over the Rainbow/What a Wonderful World" by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole🎼
"Isn't She Lovely" by Stevie Wonder🎼
"The Way You Look Tonight" by Frank Sinatra🎼
"Copacobana" by Barry Manilow 🎼
• 🐻 Pesto
psycho teddy♠️
my axe by Insane clown possi ♠️
Boogie man by insane clown possi♠️
"Killing Strangers" by Marilyn Manson♠️
"Bodies" by Drowning Pool♠️
"Down With the Sickness" by Disturbed♠️
"Break Stuff" by Limp Bizkit♠️
"The Way I Am" by Eminem♠️
"Dragula" by Rob Zombie♠️
"Let the Bodies Hit the Floor" by Drowning Pool♠️
"Disposable Teens" by Marilyn Manson♠️
"Psychosocial" by Slipknot♠️
"Die MF Die" by Dope♠️
"Freak on a Leash" by Korn♠️
"Chop Suey!" by System Of A Down♠️
"Blow Me Away" by Breaking Benjamin♠️
"You're Going Down" by Sick Puppies♠️
"Animal I Have Become" by Three Days Grace♠️
"Bleed It Out" by Linkin Park♠️
"Devour" by Shinedown♠️
"Numb" by Linkin Park♠️
"Bodies" by Smashing Pumpkins♠️
"No More Sorrow" by Linkin Park♠️
"Behind Blue Eyes" by The Who🌧
"The Night We Met" by Lord Huron🌧
"Hurt" by Johnny Cash🌧
"Snuff" by Slipknot🌧
"Welcome to My Life" by Simple Plan🌧
"Cats in the Cradle" by Harry Chapin🌧
"Mad World" by Gary Jules🌧
"Adam's Song" by Blink-182🌧
"How to Disappear Completely" by Radiohead🌧
"Concrete Angel" by Martina McBride🌧
" Drunk" by Living tombstone🌧
"Hurt" by Johnny Cash🌧
"Mad World" by Gary Jules🌧
"Boulevard of Broken Dreams" by Green Day🌧
"Unwell" by Matchbox Twenty🌧
"Breaking the Habit" by Linkin Park🌧
"Another Brick in the Wall, Part 2" by Pink Floyd🌧
"Numb" by Linkin Park🌧
"Sober" by Demi Lovato🌧
"The Kids Aren't Alright" by The Offspring🌧
"In the End" by Linkin Park🌧
•🏎 Randy
"Highway to Hell" by AC/DC♠️
"Born to be Wild" by Steppenwolf♠️
"I'm Still Standing" by Elton John♠️
"Rebel Rebel" by David Bowie♠️
"Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey♠️
"Fast Car" by Tracy Chapman♠️
"We Will Rock You" by Queen♠️
"Livin' on the Edge" by Aerosmith♠️
"Baba O'Riley" by The Who♠️
"Drive" by Incubus♠️
"Runnin' Down a Dream" by Tom Petty♠️
"Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor♠️
"Life is a Highway" by Tom Cochrane♠️
"Walking on Sunshine" by Katrina and the Waves♠️
"Here I Go Again" by Whitesnake♠️
"The Show Must Go On" by Queen🌧
"I Want to Break Free" by Queen🌧
"Boulevard of Broken Dreams" by Green Day🌧
"Don't You (Forget About Me)" by Simple Minds🌧
"Carry on Wayward Son🌧" by Kansas
"The Middle" by Jimmy Eat World🌧
"Boulevard of Broken Dreams" by Green Day🌧
"Under Pressure" by Queen & David Bowie🌧
"Loser" by Beck🌧
"We Didn't Start the Fire" by Billy Joel🌧
"Kryptonite" by 3 Doors Down🌧
"Stressed Out" by twenty one pilots🌧
"The Show Must Go On" by Queen🌧
"Behind Blue Eyes" by The Who🌧
"Everybody's Fool" by Evanescence🌧
"In My Mind" by Amanda Palmer🌧
"Human" by Christina Perri 🌧
"Burn It Down" by Linkin Park🌧
"Firestarter" by The Prodigy🌧
"Sound of Silence" by Simon & Garfunkel🌧
"Shut Up" by Simple Plan🌧
"Man" by Skepta🌧
"Born This Way" by Lady Gaga🌧
"Famous Last Words" by My Chemical Romance 🌧
"Happy Jam" by Piemations and Fries on the side🌧
"I /me/ myself" by Will Wood 🌧
"Girls" by Marina & the diamonds 🌧
• 🍃Figaro
"Young, Wild & Free" by Snoop Dogg & Wiz Khalifa ft. Bruno Mars♠️
"The Lazy Song" by Bruno Mars♠️
"Stressed Out" by Twenty One Pilots♠️
"Don't Worry, Be Happy" by Bobby McFerrin♠️
"Smoke Two Joints" by Sublime♠️
"I Gotta Feeling" by The Black Eyed Peas♠️
"No Rain" by Blind Melonl♠️
"Bare Necessities" from "The Jungle Book" Soundtrack♠️
"One Love" by Bob Marley♠️
"Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana♠️
"Float On" by Modest Mouse♠️
"Hey Ya!" by OutKast♠️
"Budapest" by George Ezra♠️
"We Can't Stop" by Miley Cyrus♠️
"Semi-Charmed Life" by Third Eye Blind♠️
"Wagon Wheel" by Darius Rucker♠️
"Here Comes the Sun" by The Beatles♠️
"I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz♠️
"Three Little Birds" by Bob Marley♠️
"Mr. Blue Sky" by Electric Light Orchestra♠️
"All Star" by Smash Mouth♠️
"Walking on Sunshine" by Katrina & The Waves♠️
"Good Vibrations" by The Beach Boys♠️
"Walking in Memphis" by Marc Cohn♠️
"Brown Eyed Girl" by Van Morrison♠️
"Banana Pancakes" by Jack Johnson♠️
"I Want You Back" by Jackson 5♠️
"Knee Deep" by Zac Brown Band♠️
"Linger" by The Cranberries♠️
"Home" by Machine Gun Kelly, X Ambassadors, & Bebe Rexha♠️
"Underdog" by Alicia Keys♠️
"Welcome to the Black Parade" by My Chemical Romance♠️
"Survivor" by Destiny's Child♠️
"Human" by Rag'n'Bone Man♠️
"Stronger" by Kelly Clarksonl♠️
"Control" by Halsey🌧
"Anxiety" by Julia Michaels ft. Selena Gomez🌧
"Talking to Myself" by Linkin Park🌧
"Heavy" by Linkin Park ft. Kiiara🌧
"The Village" by Wrabel🌧
"Secrets" by Mary Lambert 🌧
"How to Save a Life" by The Fray🌧
"Drown" by Bring Me The Horizon🌧
"Serotonin" by Girl in Red 🌧
" Pass the dutchie" by Musical Youth♠️
I will update the playlist whenever I come across any songs that remind me of my ocs or If an artist turns out to be problematic. In the meantime the rest of the oc playlist and covers for said playlist will be worked on
#oc art#original character#tadc#tadc oc#the amazing digital circus#the amazing digital circus oc#the digital circus#the digital circus oc#oc playlist#original charaters#original characters playlist#spotify#spotify playlist#Spotify
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