#wel writes
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weltato · 2 months ago
Rating: General Audiences Warnings: None Category: Gen
Relationships: T'Pol & Curzon Dax
Characters: T'Pol, Curzon Dax, Jadzia Dax
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, different realities, Friendship, Male-Female Friendship, Fluff, Trill Symbiont (Star Trek), Trill Species (Star Trek), Post-Episode: s05e10 The New Next Generation, Post-Canon, Mind Meld, Short One Shot
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 770
Series: Part 6 of 'The 12 Fics of The Holidays (2024)'
All that katra has to go somewhere, so T'Pol does a little research for Curzon's final mission.
Guess who loves ST: ENT?? Guess who fucking screamed when Jolene Blalock showed up AS T'POL!??? Yeah, might've been me :))
I have a special place in my heart for ENT, despite the travesty that was the final episode, because it was the first Trek I ever saw. I will always sing the opening theme and I'm not sorry.
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hiding-under-the-willow · 2 months ago
Some Ghost Ren crumbs if you have please? Also! Is Martyn in the au?
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Martyn would've been around when Ren was alive, he's obviously not anymore, all of the other ghosts are getting very tired of him talking about it
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weltato · 1 year ago
Oh boy, oh boy! I've been tagged! Ma! Get the camera! (why am I always green lol? everywhere I go this colour follows me. not complaining tho XD)
Tysm Lilac! I doubt I'll be anywhere near as in-depth as you, but here we go!
><><;><>< -Answers under the cut- ><><><><
How many works do you have on AO3?
I have, as of this post, a total of 33 on AO3. There are an extra 4-5 in the wip folder though, just waiting for me to finish them.
2. What's your total word count?
AO3 stats tell me it's 85,132 - the fic with the highest wordcount was the first one I ever wrote and took about 2 years to complete. (It's not the best, I kinda want to rewrite it tbh, but that's effort-)
3. What fandoms?
In order of which fandoms I wrote for first-last: - Sanders Sides [1] - Undertale [1] - DC's Legends of Tomorrow [1] - Ace Attorney [2] - Dear Evan Hansen [1] - Star Trek: Alternate Original Series films [1] - Star Trek: Discovery [3] - Dani's Castle [1] (This one is still a wip bc I've been procrastinating on finishing the last chapter before I upload everything.) - Detroit: Become Human [1] - Sherlock [1] - Ride The Cyclone [5!] - CBS Ghosts [1] - Wednesday (Netflix) [4] - Overwatch [2] - Good Omens [4] - Hatchetverse/Hatchetfield Universe [4]
I've been in the Hatchetfield fansphere since TGWDLM came out, but I only started writing for it recently when I read @lilacthebooklover's fic "Dehumanization" which I CANNOT plug enough. Go read it right now if you enjoy Paul whump and are a fellow Paulkins enjoyer <3
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
1. Patching Things Up currently sits at a whopping 358 kudos! This also has the highest hit count of 4,736! Insanity. 2. I'll Warm Your Hands To Warm Your Heart stands at 163 kudos, which is average to my usual rate. PTU was a wonderful anomaly. 3. Patchy Memory is just under at 159 kudos. These top three are all for the same fandom - Wednesday (Netflix). Such a good show. 4. The (Blue) Blood In My Eyes sits just under PM with 145 kudos. This was for DBH. 5. Mischa's Journey of Coming Out has just cracked three digits! It's a 107 kudos currently, and is an RTC fic.
5. Do you respond to comments?
All the time! Sometimes it's just a "<3" because I don't have anything to say, but I want to let the commenter know that their comment is appreciated ^-^
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ghosted Coffee (Poisoned Food), my gifted fic to @lilacthebooklover, definitely has the angstiest ending, mostly because I left it like that so that I could continue to write from it. I usually write happy endings, or soft endings because I want the soft to heal from the angst at some point :')
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
My most recent one is probably the happiest since it's just pure fluff. It's called Birthday Girl, Won't You Dine With Me? and it's Ted/Charlotte fluff. I've lovingly called them Sweetkoffski bc Charted is a weak ship name, let's be real.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully, I've never received hate on any of my fics, and I'm so grateful for that. I'll take concrit if people are willing to give it, but being an arse online is just stupid. Don't do it. You don't know what's going on in people's lives behind the screen. That could be the final straw for some. Think before you type. I love you all <3
9. Do you write smut?
Nope, and I probably won't ever. The furthest I'd go is fade to black, or off-screen mentions. Just not exactly comfortable writing that and putting it out into the fic world, no thanks. I do currently have an idea that dips lightly into sexual themes at the very beginning, but it shifts to fluff pretty quick.
10. *the wind whistles, for there is no 10th question to be found*
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Thankfully not!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Alas, I have not. It'd be really cool if I did though, or if someone wanted to do a podfic of something I'd written. I'd love to get involved <3
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I haven't. (lowkey running out of ways to say no :|)
14. What's your all time favourite ship?
Well good golly Miss Molly this is a loaded question - I have MANY. I generally class by fandom and try to have one fave ship per fandom, but for some (like Hatchetverse) it's really hard. Here are some of them:
From Hatchetverse: currently Paulkins bc they're so cute and sweet and they care so much and they ALWAYS FIND EACH OTHER IN EVERY TIMELINE AND- From Ace Attorney: Narumitsu, obviously lol. I do love other ships (Maggey x Gumshoe is adorable, FranMaya is one I didn't think I'd like and then -boom!- I was invested, etc.) Star Trek: This is one of the 'I have many ships' fandoms, since there are so many shows now, but probably because he's my favourite character and his character development is mm- magnifique... Culmets (also sometimes known as Space Husbands) from ST:Disco. I love them so much. Good Omens: Another probably obvious one - Ineffable Husbands. They're so.....y'know? I can't use words atm bc I'm still disappointed in Azi (not Neil, not Michael, in the character's decision. Neil did a fantastic job and I love him- I hate him- I love him for the S2 ending .^.)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
The original story idea I had. As in, novel idea. Like a book. It still exists in physical form in a notebook in my house, but I don't think I'll be thinking about it anytime in the near future, let alone working on it. Writing a full novel is a big undertaking and I'm not in a place to do that yet. Maybe one day, if I win the lottery and everything suddenly slots into place because I have an epiphany, but not right now. It's still a really good idea though.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I...am actually not sure? ^^;; Probably characterization, since a lot of people comment about how I've written the characters well, but I always worry that they'd feel ooc. I also seem to write a lot of angst sooo.....that's something, huh.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing groups. I can do a groupchat text thing (see 'Alone In The Crowd'), but I do struggle with writing more than 3 characters at once. I can't flip between them in my brain fast enough to write them well and then I worry that they'll all sound the same and- yeah. Give me 3 or less and I can write forever. Give me 6 and I'll struggle.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
If it's German, I can probably do it, so hurrah for me that Ace Attorney has (in the localised versions of the games) canon German characters that would probably realistically speak German sometimes. I haven't done German in about 5 or so years, so I'm rusty, but I can just about remember how the grammar works. Don't ask me anything conversational though - school only teaches you the language to pass an exam, not how to speak it :/
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I've already answered this ^^;; but it was Sanders Sides - if you don't know what that is: Thomas Sanders (the 'storytime' vine man) created a YouTube webseries about the different facets of his personality, including a character version of himself. He plays all the different roles (since they're all in his head so it makes sense that they'd look like him) and there's actual lore going down. I haven't seen the most recent episodes bc life and I watch many other people on YT as well, and tbh I've drifted from the fandom a bit, but it's still enjoyable.
20. Top 3 fics I've ever written?
My very top one was linked earlier and is for the Wednesday (Netflix) fandom - Patching Things Up. It's received so much love and I'm still blown away every time I see how many people have even clicked on the fic. Nearly 5k! Madness.
The next would probably have to be My Home, My Saviour, My Firefighter (the beginning of something beautiful <3) because I just enjoyed writing it so so much, despite it being incredibly angsty. It's the longest oneshot I had written at the time by about 2.5k(ish) words and even surpasses the 6 chapter fic Mischa's Journey (linked earlier) by roughly 1k. Won't be able to pass that very first fic though, don't think anything will unless I rewrite it.
Thank you to Lilac again for the tag! I enjoyed doing this <3
I don't have many people to tag tbh bc I'm not sure who writes and who doesn't that I follow, but I'll tag @marvelmaniac715 and @jewishruthfleming because I've read some of your writings and they're great reads, so so good <33
Open to anyone else that sees this who wants to join in!
20 Questions for Fic Writers
@snarky-wallflower Thanks for the tag! This was a lot of fun :)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
67 currently, but I have deleted a few old ones lol
2. What’s your total word count?
Now, when I tell you I went overboard on this question, I went overboard. My private, unposted, solely-written-by-me fics' total word count is 227,868. My total word count for fics I've collaborated with @charismabee on is 477,549, and my total word count on AO3 is 389,530. However, quite a few of my AO3 fics are collabs with Red, so if you take away everything like Wilting Flowers and Owl House but Kindergarten, you're left with 225,235 words written solely by me. So, if you total up 225,235 + 227,868 + 477,549, then you get a grand total of 930,652 words! Then, of course, there's the whole matter of my old fics on regular Word and not Docs, which would probably add up to at least another 50,000 total considering we're talking about my ASOUE and DT17 phases, as well as all of the private Viva Pinata and miscellaneous musical stuff lurking in there, and we've got that weird writing app on my tablet that I used a lot a couple of years ago whenever my phone got confiscated, but I cannot be bothered to search through all of that right now. So, it mostly rounds up to around 1,000,000 words. Fanfiction may or may not be taking over my life. (Gosh I love maths <3)
3. What fandoms?
I've written mostly for the Kindergarten 1 and 2 fandom, my total fics on AO3 for it totaling 38. However, I have written a heck of a lot of OMORI as well, and dabble in the Owl House, DHMIS, a few webseries on YT as well as the Hatchetverse sometimes, too!
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
1. World's Okayest Uncle at 799. My latest WIP, written for the Hatchetfield Universe and based around the concept of Paul Matthews becoming the accidental uncle of every kid in town. Each chapter focuses on a different child (the three so far about Alice, Richie and Pete respectively), and once all of them have been sufficiently adopted, I've been considering adding some slice-of-life stuff, exploring the changed character dynamics, and looking into parts of canon that would change in the AU as well. 2. Hollow at 455, a Hunter-centric one-shot for the Owl House set immediately after season 2 finished. It was written in the post King's Tide craze of awesome Human Realm content, so it got quite a lot of hits at the time. It focuses on Hunter dealing with the aftermath of Belos seemingly having died, and himself having being thrown into a completely new, unfamiliar world as an unfamiliar God took over his own :) 3. Flapjacks at 279, another Hunter-centric piece because TOH fans can't get enough of him lol (I am very much one of those fans). I began writing it back when Thanks to Them was first released, then got the motivation to finish it after I saw Watching and Dreaming. It focuses on Hunter returning to the Human Realm after the Collector's defeat, as well as Camila's thoughts on being a parent of who knows' how many kids at this point. Hunter finally gets the chance to mourn, and finds out what a flapjack actually is. 4. Gravesfield Historical Society, at 275. In which it's only natural that the Boiling Isles' leading Human Expert decides to do some research, and Gus does his very best to ignore the images plaguing him from looking into Belos' mind. Vee looks for some closure, Hunter is very protective over his little siblings, and Gus just wants to have a fun day at the museum. Things... Don't go to plan. 5. Fading, at 215. Yet another TOH work (I was around when the fandom was active as heck), one of the shortest pieces I've ever written at only 722 words. It's from Flapjack's POV during that scene in Thanks for Them. You know the one. I made lots of people cry, and sacrificed the birb.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Of course!! I thoroughly appreciate every comment I receive; they really make my day. Being part of an active fandom with the Uncle Paul AU has sort of taken me by storm so my inbox is pretty clogged at the moment, but I promise that I have read and smiled over and will reply to the comments all of my lovely readers have left behind! It means so much that someone's not only taken the time to read what I've written, but that they liked it enough to leave a comment behind. Even just keysmashes or "<33"s are really lovely to see, so thank you to the wonderful commentors out there! You guys are awesome :D
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ooh, now this is a tough one! Pretty much 95% of what I write is angst, with a good 70% being Hurt No Comfort. Still, I think the angstiest ending I've ever written would have to be that of either "Enough", in which 13 y/o me decided it was a good idea to follow the perspective of kindergartener Theodore Huxley as his brother pushed him to his death, or "Wilted", in which 13 y/o me decided it was a good idea to follow the perspective of suicidal kindergartener Lily as she gave up on finding the one person who cared about her and committed suicide as a result of being bullied. Wilted should probably win out considering the implications of what would happen to Billy as a result, and bc the ending subsequently led to Nugget's death too, but Ted's train of thought in Enough is so gosh darn sad.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Definitely "McDonald's". That's the fluffiest thing I've ever written, no doubt about it. Not a smidgen of angst, just a bunch of kids with colourful eyes and pointy ears walking into a fast food restaurant and discovering what chicken nuggets are. It literally ends with the promise of more cute adventures to come, so I'd say this one's a no-brainer loll
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've only ever received hate once, on a little Gravity Falls AU I made entitled "Puppet Strings and Stage Curtains". I got some pretty nasty criticism on it and, as a kid who was still very anxious about posting stuff online, it really impacted me at the time. I'm still a little nervous even now to open up my inbox because I think I might have gotten another comment like that shfjdhhgkjh. I wound up abandoning the fic because my motivation was completely destroyed, and I couldn't even look at the thing without feeling ashamed. However, I haven't received any hate since, which is great! There's just no reason for it, really; if you like something, leaving a comment is wonderful, and it makes the author happy! If you don't, just don't read the fic. Leaving a hurtful comment isn't going to make anyone happy, and can be really damaging to writers. Shoutout to @weedkillercentral, who, without fail, leaves the bizzarest comments known to man on almost every work I post.
9. Do you write smut?
Nope! I am a ✨minor✨ (@snarky-wallflower dw I too am a nerdy prude, sex jokes are Ew). Still, I do enjoy writing romance from time to time! Some ships are straight-up hard not to enjoy reading/writing for :))
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Funny story, actually. I used to have Wattpad and, as much as I hated using it, a friend of mine liked the site so I used it to support her. I wound up posting some of my own stuff on there at one point. I will never be able to get over the fact that when you searched up my username online, the images used to show a picture of Sharkbomb Glomgold. How do I know this? Because small me got bored and looked up my username, and accidentally found a mirror site to Wattpad with some of my stuff on. It credited my username and everything, but I panicked about it because as far as I was aware, I had no control over whether I could take it down or what else could be put on it. So, I deleted everything on my account, and just like that, the fics on the mirror site vanished. So no, I've never had anything outright stolen-- at least, I hope I haven't-- but that was a Not Fun experience for little me a few years ago
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, I'm not famous enough for that lol. I did have an offer for someone to make a podfic of smth I wrote a few years ago, but they never got around to it. Still, if anyone ever wants to translate one of my fics, I'd love it if you did! Please just let me know and acknowledge me as the OG author; having a work translated sounds awesome.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Many thanks yet again to the amazing @charismabee, my dear co-author and the Kel shirt to my Maverick cosplay wig. The amount of hours I've spent writing with her is actually insane, as well as the times we've just messaged brainstorming AUs or having far too strong feelings about the show Elena of Avalor. We've done joint Whumptobers and Febuwhumps, fics that are combinations of the nichest stories and characters, a lot of redemption arcs for 5-year-olds... If you like my stuff, I thoroughly encourage you to go give her work a read at TheFearIsRed on AO3! :D
If anyone else ever wants to try collaborating on something, I think I'd be willing to give it a try! There are loads of talented authors on here, and co-writing is a lot of fun <3
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Hmm... Well, Paulkins is an obvious one (remember that one post about "hatchetfield fans when normal man and his barista crush show up for 5 seconds"? yeah that's me). They have a level of mutual trust and understanding that's just really nice to explore, they both have issues galore but will support each other no matter what, half infected Paul content is golden and as an avid Uncle Paul truther, Emma finding out about his many children is just too funny a concept to me. They act like teenagers when they see each other, they're both down bad, she knows he doesn't like the Christmas advert jingles, he thinks she's funny,,, they're so <3
Another strong contender is Pearla (Penny x Carla), from the K2 fandom. @goldmoth82 was the one who got me into writing about them with their absolutely incredible stuff (art, fics, you name it!). They're just a traumatised android and a thieving arsonist, what more could you want?
Gold rush (Kel x Mikhael) is another of my favourites though, mostly because it's so funny. Mikhael has declared them rivals, and Kel could not care less. Mikhael challenges him to races, and Kel beats him easily. Mikhael insults him often, but Kel doesn't retaliate. Mikhael wants to be independent and special, to stand out from everyone else. Kel wants to be appreciated as more than just Hero's brother, to be liked and acknowledged as himself. Mikhael would vehemently deny his feelings until Daphne and Bowen tied them up together and forced him to confess. Rivals are just lovers in disguise, everyone. One-sided gold rush is even funnier, because they're technically one-sided rivals. Kel was Mikhael's homosexual awakening. Mikhael looks so dumb and flamboyant because he's trying to impress him. Mikhael claims he hates him and that his bright red face is from anger after Kel effortlessly beats him time and time again. I love them.
But I think out of everything, Wrightworth would have to take my top pic for favourite ship. Gay lawyers who would die for each other for the win.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
Ohh gosh. There are quite a few, but I'd probably say this year's Whumptober. My mental health went schwoop this October and I only got up to day 11 despite my plans. I still intend to finish the collab one with Red when I have time again (exams suck), and I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to get around to completing it. At least there's always next year! :"]
16. What are your writing strengths?
Definitely characterisation. I have a lot of fun getting into characters' heads and making studies on them in different scenes or just overall, and have a lot of fun bouncing different personalities off of each other. Once I know a character, I know the character, and writing their POV is as simple as breathing lol. I'd also say that I'm pretty good at tension building and breaking, as well as Hurt No Comfort (you need some good old angst, I'm your gal).
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Action scenes, for one, though I've been improving on them since I started the TOH Kindergarten AU! I'd also say that I struggle with slower-paced, filler sort of stuff. I might like to build up to an event, but chapters that don't have plot relevance just sort of stump me lol, even when they're necessary :)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
I enjoy learning languages, and have been teaching myself Spanish for the past couple of years or so. However, writing them is a whole separate thing entirely. If I had a translator, I'd be all good! I just get a little worried when I write any language that isn't Spanish because google translate is unreliable as heck, so I typically tend to avoid it. Luckily, none of my fandoms really require it- but if that Franziska & Miles brainrot doesn't go away soon, I might be in a bit of a pickle trying to write German dialogue hshjhgfk
19. First fandom you wrote for?
A Series of Unfortunate Events (the Netflix show). It was the first fandom I got really, properly into, diving in headfirst at the age of about 12 and finding a lot of awesome content. The obsession I had with VFDBaudelaireFile13's Violet Snicket AU "Misery Loves Company" a few years ago was wild. My writing back then was very jolty, and I wrote in chapters that only lasted a few paragraphs with big, bold titles that often had at least two exclamation marks at the end. Still, ASOUE is one of my favourite shows to this day, and I don't regret a thing from my time binge-reading everything I could find for it (except that one lemons fic I accidentally came across when starved for content), nor any of the silly little unposted AUs I wrote on Word.
20. Top 3 fics I've ever written:
I puzzled over this question for ages, but found it impossible to choose just one! Ignore that I'm cheating a little here, and take three instead <3
1. An unposted collaborative work with @charismabee/TheFearIsRed that we called MPT. It was the first big fic I ever wrote, and it was probably what really got me into writing as a hobby. I got to spend time at random intervals writing about and whumping my favourite characters with someone I'm very close with, making up the plot as we went along. I remember coming up with the initial idea on a swingset, and spending hours colour-coding every segment of those 50,000 words based on each mention of a character as well as who wrote what. MPT is messy, and a tad repetitive in places, and while finished, I don't believe it's something I'll ever post. But it holds a special place in my heart, and it's a lot of fun looking back on my writing from a couple years ago compared to now 2. Not sure if this fully counts, but an untitled Omori WIP I've got going atm is definitely up there. It's Hero-centric with huge emphasis on his trauma, following the course of the year the events of the game occur in. I've had a blast writing his thoughts and time at college, and I'm geberally just really proud of it thus far. Hopefully, it'll be done by January in time for his birthday! :) 3. Now this one is a posted work– Magical Girls: Omori!, another collab with Red. We came up with the idea, binge-watched season one of Glitter Force on Netflix, and ran with the plot. We've planned out all of season 1 with ideas for season 2, incorporated a plethora of great characters, and been able to mess around with a fun fantasy high school full of our favourites. It's always wonderful to write, and I really like how it's been going!
Thank you again to @snarky-wallflower for the tag! You're amazing <3
As for people I know, I've tagged the vast majority of you already sjhkffg oops.
@charismabee @goldmoth82 @weltato @inprisonforsparkling hey there jpr the au mastermind, fanartist of the century, paul whump bestie and king of michie. you guys are some of my favourite writers out there, i'd love to see what you answer with for this (no pressure ofc!) <33
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sweetest-honeybee · 18 days ago
Why is starting a fanfic so HARD
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bananasofthorns · 1 year ago
“He betrayed your trust and you aren’t more upset?" Helsknight scoffs. "Pathetic.” Wels rolls his eyes. “It’s a death game, Helsknight, that’s kind of the whole point. I should’ve seen this coming, honestly.” “You’re naive.” “Iskall’s my friend. It’s not naive to trust him.” “He broke that trust!” “Well, yes, and I plan to get him back for that someday, but also: it’s a death game. We all agreed to it. I’m not mad at him for killing me, I just wish he’d been a bit more upfront about it.” If he’d been more obvious about trying to kill Wels, then maybe Wels wouldn’t be dead, also. But Iskall’s whole goal was to kill him, so he can understand the deception. “You’re infuriating.” Wels shrugs. He generally tries not to be, but in this instance, he finds that he doesn’t mind. “Maybe so. Look, can we finish this later? I need to go get my stuff back from Iskall, and your presence would probably freak him out.”
you know when you get to that point of dealing with intrusive/self deprecating/etc thoughts that you're just like. "yeah okay. consider: you're stupid and wrong. also: go away, i'm busy"? that should be wels and hels
read on Ao3
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zukosdualdao · 10 months ago
i'm a worst case kid / in a plague pit town
zutara month, day 1: reluctant allies
summary: ever-slight canon-divergence in which zuko accepts katara's offer to heal iroh after feeling his too-weak, dying pulse, as his injury is bad enough zuko is unsure he will survive otherwise. not much else changes. it was never going to.
warnings: canon-typical depictions of injury, violence, and trauma responses.
other notes: title is a lyric taken from tommy lefroy's "worst case kid". starting pov is zuko's, ending pov is katara's. two pieces of dialogue are directly taken from the show.
The wind is whistling in this dry, abandoned, dead town, dead like—
Zuko does not shiver, and he does not cry.
He used to be able to tell himself things like that and mean it. When did that stop being true?
Uncle’s pulse is so faint, for a moment, he thinks it isn’t there at all. Even when he feels it, he knows it might as well not be. He might not have long at all.
Zuko hears the other footsteps approaching, their silence loud and almost mournful, but he bristles on instinct. They can’t see him like this, can’t see Uncle like this—how could he be so stupid as to turn his back on the enemy? 
“Get away from us!” he shouts as he looks back. They’re all staring at his uncle’s prone form, and Zuko turns back to him, too, heaving heavy breaths. He needs to do something, but he is weak, useless, outnumbered—
“Zuko, I can help,” the waterbender insists, and Zuko wants to snarl, yell, reach for his fire, and he raises his hand to do so—and frowns. 
What does she mean?
He looks back to where Uncle lies prone.
A heartbeat shouldn’t feel like that. The Dragon of The West shouldn’t go down so easily.
Uncle shouldn’t be able to seem so small and worn and fragile.
Slowly, Zuko lowers his hand and looks to her striking blue eyes. There’s no pity or malice there, he doesn’t think, she just looks… still cautious and unyielding, but sad and sincere, too.
He’s fallen for tricks like this before, though—Azula has always loved how easily she could fool him—and it feels a little like he’s standing on the edge of a steep precipice.
It would be naive to just… trust the word of an enemy. She has no reason to want to help him. He knows this.
The rest of them still watch his uncle’s maybe-dying form, but the waterbending girl stares at Zuko unflinchingly, almost as though in challenge.
Uncle groans brokenly, the noise like that of a wounded animal. 
The world is dead silent.
The prince of the Fire Nation is staring at her with tears threatening to fall from his right eye, though not the left, which is twitching lightly. She’s never before noticed how he can’t seem to open it fully due to the scar tissue set against it. She’s never had much reason to take in his features as anything more than the face of their enemy. 
His gaze is still steely and untrusting. In this light, his scar looks violently red and painful. He asks after her offer with a voice that cracks, though he doesn’t seem to pay that any heed. His hair is short but growing in, and he’s traded out his Fire Nation attire for earthly green and brown robes. He looks so different from when they last saw him. 
He looks so… young.
It’s all a little bizarre.
“Be careful, Katara,” Sokka insists from behind her, though when she glances back, his focus is on Iroh, a complicated expression playing on his features. Aang is staring at him, too, eyes wide and verging on teary. She doesn’t yet know Toph very well, but Katara can tell her body is rigid, her feet tense as her toes curl into the dusty ground beneath them. Toph doesn’t know that Iroh has been their enemy. But Iroh also helped them at the North Pole, and again just now against that princess, Zuko’s sister, she supposes, with her calculating eyes and strange blue fire.
Katara nods but says nothing further. If Zuko was going to make a move against them, he could have done it when his sister vanished.
They had turned away from their futile attack against her, and he’d already been kneeling at his uncle’s side.
She approaches slowly, circling to the side opposite him. When she kneels and reaches for her waterskin, Zuko nearly growls and takes hold of the edge of Iroh’s sleeve tightly, like he might try to drag him away.
“I’m not going to hurt him,” Katara says, flush with indignation. The dirt beneath her chafes her knees even through her clothing. “I need space to heal.”
“I’m not moving, so forget it.”
Katara tilts her head and looks into his eyes as he glares back. He now looks every bit the angry, hateful prince that had tracked them around the world for months, but she can see something else filtering through his expression, too, something like fear.
She almost wants to laugh at the absurdity of it. Why should he be afraid of them?
“Fine,” she allows after a moment. “Just don’t get in the way.”
He nods tightly, and at the agreement, Katara opens her waterskin. She calls the water to her and sets it against Iroh’s the right side of his chest, his robes black and charred. Closing her eyes, she calls out to his chi and focuses her energy on it. She doesn’t know if she can do it, doesn’t know if Iroh is truly too far gone…
After a few long moments, his breathing evens, and Katara sighs. Across from her, Zuko’s features soften just a fraction, but when she meets his eyes, somehow, she knows exactly what they both are thinking, united in nothing but this.
It doesn’t change anything, Katara's thoughts insist as her friends draw closer. Zuko tenses again. It can’t.
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day-azevir · 3 months ago
Grian was human. Kind of in the same way that Etho was human. Or Wels was human. Or False was human. Was. As in past tense with the implication that something had been lost.
And if you were to look at him now, you would never believe it. Grian? With the ever-changing wings and too-sharp teeth? With feathers and scales and the eyes of an apex predator? How could a being like that ever have been human? It's quite simple, really.
Some thousand years ago, a deal was struck between the Queen of the Forest and a desperate mother. You see, there was a prophesy in the kingdom of a war between brothers - how one would embody light and the other dark, and how they would kill one another. The mothers first child had already been recognized as the warrior of light, and she couldn't bear to watch the King's Guard slaughter her second son. The child bore no name as she handed him to the Queen under the promise that the fae would keep her child safe.
This caught the Queen by surprise - usually they were the ones spiriting children off into the night. Instead, she was being given one as a gift? Something of the sort. And so the Queen gave the child a title; 'of the Forests Fae'. Names did have power, after all - and so by designating the child as one of her own, his soul would abide by their rules, age as a fae and wield their power to an extent.
Over time, the Queen grew fond of the not-quite-human child and bestowed upon him a name: Grian. For he smiled so brightly and carried with him the warmth of the sun.
And it was like that for quite some time. Grian living amongst the fae and the forest's inhabitants - even meeting Pearl, who would accompany him on later adventures and become a hermit herself far into the future. They would venture further and further out of the woods each time, observing mortals and life outside of the forest. Eventually the Queen gave them permission to leave - explore as far as their hearts desired - under the promise the two would keep each other safe. The two agreed, and stayed by each others side. Until Evo, of course.
The Watchers aren't angels, per-say, but they're not not angels either? You see, the god they served has been missing for a long time, and without someone to direct their energy, they've gotten a little bored. That's not to say they aren't still looking for their god, but when enlisting help they have potential candidates partake in trials that may seem random to an outsider, but are quite logical to them.
Evo was one of these trials, and most of the participants weren't even aware of what the end-goal prize would be.
Grian still isn't sure how he won, but he knew for sure he did when he stepped through the Watchers Portal and ended up among the stars instead of by his friends side. The Watchers that oversaw Evo wove eyes and magic into Grians soul, granting him their powers, but more-so granting him the responsibility of finding a lost god.
It would be centuries before he met Mumbo, and a few years after that before being invited to Hermitcraft, but that's a story for another time.
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sheepfish03 · 11 months ago
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Saw this post back in January and wanted to draw the sillies.
The time between starting and finishing this has been so long that Wels' design is a bit different from how I draw him now (not that you would notice since I haven't posted anything in a bit)
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welsknight-central · 4 months ago
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welsknight is not on bluesky!
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weltato · 8 months ago
IMPORTANT!!! I was informed that this fic is very similar to another fic called 'Face him head on' by @theonlygamergost (probably due to my friend being inspired by it and then pitching the idea to me). This was NOT intentional, I never ever mean to plagiarise anything and I'm so grateful to the fic author for letting me know about this. Please go and read their fic as well for being an incredible piece of work that inspired this one <3 There is a link to their fic in the notes :)
Rating: General Audiences Warnings: None Category: Gen, M/M
Relationships: Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth/Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright, Ayasato Mayoi | Maya Fey & Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright, Ayasato Harumi | Pearl Fey & Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright, Ayasato Harumi | Pearl Fey & Ayasato Mayoi | Maya Fey
Characters: Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth, Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright, Ayasato Mayoi | Maya Fey, Ayasato Harumi | Pearl Fey
Additional Tags: NaruMitsu Week 2024, Time Travel, Magatamas (Gyakuten Saiban), Time Shenanigans, classic magatama shenanigans, Fluff, Angst, Fluff and Angst, pearl knows a lot of things..., Bratworth, Feenie, Mentioned Dahlia Hawthorne, Mentioned Manfred von Karma, Post-Seven Year Gap (Gyakuten Saiban), No Spoilers, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Inspired by Roleplay/Roleplay Adaptation, POV Alternating, Bratfeen
Chapters: 1/1 Words: 5,328
Series: Part 4 of 'NaruMitsu Week 2024'
It turns out the magatama is capable of more than just showing psyche-locks.
Day 3 of NaruMitsu Week 2024! Originally written as part of a multi-chapter fic, now uploaded separately.
The third separate upload of the mini-fics I wrote for NMweek24!! Day 4 will be out tomorrow :) This one isn't quite so "mini" oops :p
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creativenicocorner · 1 year ago
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It's like they don't even know they're in a horror story. Well, I tell a lie, by this point in the story they've got the notice - but they stay silly.
Anyways, upcoming Glow Worms or rather: In the Depths of the Safflower Hills chapters are coming together~
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tunastime · 5 months ago
HASA Interspace Investigation Coalition Investigator Reassessment Team
For: the Mission Critical Event Occurring on Stardate 2104.119
Stardate: 2104.123, Location: HCS Influence
Responses recorded using the Automated Question and Answer System (AQNA) aboard the HCS Influence.
Recorded responses enclosed.
Begin transcribed data.
Interview for: IIC Employee #7717
Stated Name: Hels
AQNA [Generated Text Question]: Please explain the events of [stardate 2104.119]. Subject (Hels) [Recorded Verbal Response]: Well that’s an easy question. We got ambushed, that's what f—ing happened. It was supposed to be a standard datum extraction from a site that was supposed to be abandoned, because nobody decided it would be a good idea to check again. So we got ambushed mid-mission. That's what happened. AQNA: Can you elaborate on the event that triggered the call-back sequence? Hels: What, you want me to draw you a diagram? [No AQNA Text Question Generated] Hels: So no diagram? [No AQNA Text Question Generated] Hels: The drop-squad successfully made ground contact after about half an hour of survey on our end. We assumed based off of initial information and our scans, that the site was uninhabited. I mean—it’s a decommissioned testing facility for something way more boring than what we’re usually sent for. Why the f— would there be… things living there. Things. They weren’t human. They weren’t me either. We triggered the call-back sequence because I watched everything go white so fast I thought I was seeing the inside of my skull. Ex is the only reason I got out alive. I’m sure he’s… thrilled. AQNA: Were you unable to retrieve the body and equipment of [#7716]? Hels: I didn’t see him. On account of the pulse grenade. Did you watch the footage, or should I be playing narrator? [No AQNA Text Question Generated] Hels: I don’t know where he is. I don’t know what they did to him. We lost all his vitals when the pulse fried our equipment at the site.  Interviewer: Can you elaborate on the status of [#7716]? Hels: What do you mean elaborate? What—he’s probably dead. Is that what you want to hear? He’s f—ing dead. He’s dead, you piece of shit machine. Go ask somebody else what they think. [No AQNA Text Question Generated] Interviewer: Can you speak to [#6763]’s competence as potential squadron leader? [No verbal recorded response available]
Interview for: IIC Employee #6763
Stated Name: Exania
AQNA [Generated Text Question]:  Please explain the events of [stardate 2104.119]. Subject (Exania) [Recorded Verbal Response]: We failed to complete our extraction procedure. I was able to reach the data site within an hour of touchdown, alongside the rest of the team. We successfully retrieved the abandoned facility data within our allotted time frame, but on the way back to extraction, we were ambushed and caught in the line of fire of the inhabitants that had taken over the facility. I was able to successfully extract the bridge crew and one other member of the drop-squad. AQNA: Can you elaborate on the events that triggered the call-back sequence? Exania: We were attacked? Someone started shooting. Someone threw a magnetizer and a pulse grenade. The two other drop-squad members took a majority of the flash, but it was bright. Everywhere was... painfully bright. I don't have much more to say on that. I just acted in the best interest of the team as second in command. AQNA: Were you unable to retrieve the body and equipment of [#7716]? Exania: He’s dead. What did you want us to do? Retrieve a handful of charred up equipment? I don’t think so. AQNA: Can you elaborate on the status of [#7716]? Exania: He’s dead. That’s it. AQNA: Can you speak to [#7717]’s competence as potential squadron leader? Exania: #7717? I can't.  AQNA: Can you elaborate? Exania: I can't. AQNA: Can't? Or won't? Exania: Does it matter? [No AQNA Text Question Generated] AQNA: Please elaborate on your specific involvement with the events of [stardate 2104.119]. Exania: I successfully extracted information from the facility on [REDACTED]. I successfully extracted my drop member #7717, Hels. We were unsuccessful at a full extraction of the entire crew. Look, did I not just say all of this? What's not clicking for you? I know you're just recording this answer looking for keywords. I'm not daft. I think we’re done. AQNA: You're excused. Exania: Thank you.
Interview for: IIC Employee #7716
Given Name: Wels
AQNA [Generated Text Question]: Please explain the events of [stardate 2104.119]. [No verbal recorded response available] [No AQNA Text Question Generated]
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vriendenboekjes · 9 months ago
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iets over dromen, ziekte en verlangen.
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carpp · 2 months ago
just played the latest honkai chapter and i gotta be honest... the last two chapters have been more interesting and well written than most of the part one story to me
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dagaan · 6 months ago
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lostinthe-void-666 · 2 months ago
Okay I have no idea if anyone actually reads this au because I’ve never posted updates on it on tumblr (started it before I had an acc…)
But the next chapter of The Lost And Found is out! Very glad for it to finally be done as it’s been over five months…
Summary: It’s what we’ve been waiting for, isn’t it? 16.1k words
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