welsknight-central · 1 hour
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Colored sketch + thumbnails + a silly doodle for The Guys‼️‼️
My original idea for the colored sketch was to add frost/ice behind the star but the colors clashed too much and I couldn’t get it right! And I wanted to add some blood symbolism but figured it’d be too much for a sketch for me!!
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welsknight-central · 3 hours
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“Helsknight you’re- you are actively bleeding onto the floor! Gods- your arm! And- and that’s your first thought??”
My first draft of this was the other way around, but I thought this was funnier. And I’ve had this stuck in my brain like a worm I had to get it out
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welsknight-central · 5 hours
hypno is planning on getting a coffee cup without wels knowing btw. if anyone cares
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welsknight-central · 6 hours
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some wels from xisuma's last season 8 video ^-^
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welsknight-central · 8 hours
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Saint Calvin told me not to worry about you But he's got his own things to deal with There's really just one thing that we have in common: Neither of us will be missed
St. Bernarnd -- Lincoln
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welsknight-central · 10 hours
Today Helsknight is on a microscope! -💫
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welsknight-central · 11 hours
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welsknight-central · 11 hours
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“I wish so badly I could be like you”
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welsknight-central · 13 hours
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Needed to draw him with his hair down and his armor off for. no particular reason.
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welsknight-central · 15 hours
I want a height comparison between a coffee cup and impulse (and perhaps maybe a welsknight sipping some coffee 🥺)
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This little comic is a joke the impulse managed to escape before wels sipped-
Anyway i feel like yall should know that impulse’s height is gonna change so much. Someday he’ll be the size of an ant, sometimes he’ll be a bit bigger- but for now have him next to a cup
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welsknight-central · 24 hours
I don't remember if you ever explained this or not, but what's up with Tanguish saying he is killing Tango? I am guessing it is something to do with the skulk?
I know I've talked about it before, but it's probably been scattered across a lot of different shortfics [and talked a little bit in chapter 2&4 of the whole Redstone and Skulk fic in a somewhat blink-and-you'll-miss-it way].
I'm going to go ahead and lay the concept out in full, but like, warning: spoilers for all of the helsmit fics and shorts [Wels/Hels, Tango/Tanguish, and Ren/TheRedKing]
So in my little set of universe, helsmits au... Stuff... Basically the universe doesn't like that the hermits make helsmits.
Helsmits are made when hermits start to face a dark side of themselves, an inconvenient truth, or a dichotomy they don't like. For Wels/Hels, it's their idea of knighthood. Wels is the idealized white knight, Hels is the gritty, holding to your tenents even if it means killing people knight. They are a clash of ideals, and by definition both think the other is Being A Knight Wrong. Together they encapsulate the idea of "Sometimes to do good, very evil things are justified in the process."
For Tango/Tanguish, it's toxic codependence. It's being alone because you're sure of yourself/a little introverted vs being alone because you're self-isolating/filled with social anxiety to the point it's hurting your friendships. Together they encapsulate the idea that you can genuinely care a lot about someone and still be toxic, and that care and toxicity can be mutual. Humans weren't made to live in tiny 2 person isolated groups. We can, but there's a lot of angry psychology that tends to happen when we do.
[Ren and Red are a bit fuzzier. I never really hammered them out. Mostly it's Red thinks Ren is a coward for handling 3rd life the way he did, and Ren thinks Red is just a scary jerk. Something something appreciating the life you're given, something something remember your mortality something something friends make our short lives worth it. It was very hazy and existential I was coping with things when I was outlining those]
What happens when the hermits face these issues is, eventually they get past them. And since the hermit was there first, that generally [9 times out of 10] means the hermit grows as a person and moves on, and helsmit stops existing. It's like a physical incarnation of the "growing and changing through the plot" thing that happens during most character arcs. I wrote a short [Voices of Hels? I think it was called? Something like that] where Cub talks about absorbing his hels version and that's why his skin changed from old man to young dude. I used to have a list? Of hermits that didn't have hels versions anymore? I think Zedaph and Doc were on that list. And Gem. I need to find that list again. [In my funny little world I also justify Xisuma having so many helsmits (Evil X and Evil Beezuma for example) because he basically runs from his issues for so long he fundamentally changes as a person, and this he makes a new helsmit wholecloth once the previous issue no longer applies. I also feel like there are probably circumstances where a helsmet can disappear and then reappear later in life when someone faces an old or similar problem again. (Well well well if it isn't the consequences of my actions back again-- [gets tackled by my evil clone]).
For Wels/Hels, Helsknight has pretty solidly accepted his fate is to disappear into Welsknight at some point. His biggest goal until that happens is to, basically, make Welsknight strong enough to actually do good in the world. It's not an altruistic thing. He things Welsknight is weak, is a bad knight, and represents the kind of slothfulness that happens when you live a relatively carefree life. He makes Wels miserable on purpose, because he thinks that's the only way it'll make him stronger. And if Welsknight is strong enough to do good in the world, then hey, Helsknight can disappear into the aether knowing he didn't die for nothing [I feel like you kinda have to have a martyr complex on some level to be a good knight, RIP all the knight characters I've ever written].
For Tango and Tanguish though, Tango isn't trying to be a better person. He's not trying to get over his codependency and social anxiety to reconnect with his friends. He's feeding into is isolation bad habits, and in so doing, is feeding into Tanguish. If he keeps going at the rate he's going, someday Tango will collapse and stop existing, and Tanguish will be the only one left standing. Tanguish doesn't want this [he is just as codependent on Tango as his hermit is on him] and he's also starting to figure out he doesn't like the self-feeding cycle of never having contact outside of each other. He's decided he's going to break their cycle by forcing Tango [and also himself] to branch out.
In Chapter 4 of the Redstone and Sculk series, where Tanguish corners Helsknight to ask him for help, and Helsknight says stuff about "how rare it is that one of us wins", that's what he's talking about. Tanguish could be the last man standing and he's actively choosing not to. Helsknight, who doesn't think it's physically possible for him to win against Wels, thinks it's really, really stupid that Tanguish would just give something like that up.
So! Yeah! Hope? That answers everything? Clears things up? Most of this was supposed to come out either:
A) In the next couple chapters of Redstone and Sculk
B) When I finally got around to writing that Wels/Hels body swap fic I started writing and then stopped writing because MSH is my baby right now and I can't focus on two things at once
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There's glory ahead But our love will be forgotten If my heart was still mine I would go to the bottom And apologize to you Until the day it went rotten
Another of Helsknight's tenets to match the one I drew ages ago, complete with a different outfit, because I believe in not being able to decide what he looks like.
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Day 2520: Wels takes Tango down into a dressing pit, where another resident that might have to do with Jimmy's disappearance dumps corpses, in hopes of setting up a trap to find where they might be. While it's a relief not to recognize any of the bodies, not one of the many mangled, rotting wings in the pit are still attached to their avian's backs.
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who is the most calm hermit?
In my opinion I think it is between Wels,Xb, And Xisuma what do you think?
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(Absolute crack shit) The only reason the hermits are in a polycule is because everyone wanted Grian. There were already some relationships, Jo's & Cleo, False, Ren & Wels, Impulse, Tango, & Zed, but everyone wanted to scoop Grian up for them and their partners. Poor TFC, the only aroace person (they still love him, just platonicly) on the server, had to listen to all the hermits ranting about the dragon-man, only for them to not have the balls to say anything to him. The poor man.
TFC eventually decided to just get it over with, and during a server meeting he point-blank told Grian everyone was in love with him.
Before causally excusing himself to mine like nothing just happened.
Ultimate wingman TFC
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He awoke to shuffling, startled, and then sighed with relief when he saw Helsknight, stepping out of a shadow on the floor as though it were a doorway. Helsknight looked down at him for a moment, and Tanguish felt very much like a bug being studied under a glass.
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Today Helsknight is on a wood pile! -💫
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