#we're dorks
dragontummy · 1 year
kinda wild how different we all are despite sharing the same brain. almost like we're different people or something!
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guildwarsgirl · 2 years
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@redarmygrif, @hipposandstardust and I decided to have a massive cuddle pile in GW2 last night.
I love how crazy my friends are ❤️
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mblue-art · 8 months
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BAD SANSUARY // [14] tears for owl-bones's event !
"...Killer, it just looks like I have running mascara."
"it's such a look though."
messy kisses and post-nuzzles
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i may be more than a little late, but here's some mario and luigi brothership and other brotherly shenanigans
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justsomespiders · 9 months
I hope my friends know when I talk about them I sing their praises.
I hope they know that I always have kind things to say about them behind their backs. That I love them to their face and when they're not around. I hope they all know they're loved.
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kumeramen · 1 year
Dear, I miss our trio ObiShiSaku 😫😢
Tmi, I always scroll your blog every day just to read your Art, smile like a dumb to your art 💕❤️
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They're back~! 🥳
Kinda late, but what more than to celebrate them being one of the top most voted characters! LET'S GOOOOO
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nebulaoz · 3 days
the beating of our hearts is the only sound.
steve, eddie, robin, nancy, johnathon and argyle are all packed in steve's beemer. johnathon and argyle in the empty trunk (besides the nail bat) and nancy and robin in the back. eddie is in the passenger and steve driving.
the group is chattering about what juice is the best, steve personally thinks orange juice or apple but grape is good too, until the beat and snare of the iconic "I Think Were Alone Now" by Tiffany sneaks in on the beemer's radio.
steve chortles and giggles, "ohohohoohh!!"
"oh no.." nancy murmurs and robin groans along with johnathon and argyle's mellow chuckling.
eddie is confused, very confused. "what? whats happening?"
before anyone can answer steve drums loudly on the steering wheel and belts out, "'children behave!!!' thats what they saaayyy when we're togethaaaaah!!!" in perfect, masculine song.
eddies eyebrows are in the sky at this point. he, (1, did not know steve could sing (especially this well) and (2, sing Tiffany of all singers.
"'and watch how you plaaay!!' they dont understand and so we're running just as fast as we caaan! holdin onto one anothers hand!!"
steve turns to him right when the stop goes to yellow.
"tryna' get away into the night and then you put your arms around me and we tumble to the ground and then you say, 'i think were alone now."
the light turns green and steve continues singing.
eddies eyes are full of stars and he doesnt even care about how everyone is definitely not looking at him as steve performs like a professional singer.
robin whispers to him in his ear and goes, "this is dingus' favorite song. remember to breath, by the way. " she smirks and pushes eddies jaw back up with a little 'clack' of his teeth.
steves moles are moving with his jaw, singing loudly. his adams-apple keeps bobbing up and down and eddie swallows the urge to sink his teeth in it. he'll do that when they get to steve's house.
steve's eyes glimmer with the passion of Tiffany's warm vocals that he so-perfectly matches.
after the song is finished he's panting, sweating a little after his performance like a dog.
the next song that plays on the god-foresaken beemer radio is "I Was Made For Lovin' You" by none other than KISS.
if eddie was falling before, he's completely gone as steve starts to belt out this song too.
"sorry for interrupting your awesome vocals there but i think your friend is gonna explode." argyle points out melodically.
steve pants and stops to look at eddie with concerning espresso and caramel dripping eyes. god he could and will get lost in his eyes. their practically so sweet he could lick them, he can just taste the syrup on them.
steves voice snaps him out of his daze.
"eddie? you alright?" theyve finally reached steves house and eddie fucking pounces on him, giving him the sloppiest kiss known to man. guilt drips through him but quickly fades away as steve presses back, curling his fingers in eddies hair.
the rest of the group groan and chuckle as they all exit, giving them some well-deserved privacy.
songs mentioned: I Think We're Alone Now" by Tiffany - "I Was Made For Loving You" by KISS
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murderluv23 · 8 months
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Sigh. Fuck, I love you.
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gayvecchio · 6 months
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mayapapaya33 · 24 days
Things they better put in TLOVM in no particular order pt 7 of ?
Percy and Scanlan bonding over their shared desire to steal an airship. Seriously they talked about it multiple times lmfao. Like 3 separate episodes! (I just counted, it's actually 7 episodes, lol).
2:34:52 of episode 57 one example of this. Go to the transcripts and type in Airship and you'll see what I mean! in the 40's and 50's they really want to steal an airship! Ok I just scanned through, and they state a desire to steal an airship in Episodes 42, 43, 45, 56, 57, 65, and 67. And I genuinely believe they only shut up about STEALING an airship because that's when they actually got their hands on one through legal means. (And were disappointed about not being able to steal it lol). This is JUST them talking about stealing an airship, not them geeking out about airships once they're actually on one which would definitely add to the list.
Honorable mention to episode 64 where Scanlan gets excited about the prospect of airships and just goes "Airship airship airship!"
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utilitycaster · 4 months
I'm absolutely sure I'm this person to, quite frankly, no shortage of people (though obviously I think they're wrong) but it is always funny when you see a commentary post on the nature of fandom and you check the OP and you're like you're not wrong, but you're participating in this precise bullshit. My favorite is the post that complains about big name fans and then if you go to OP's blog they're like "join my fandom family by following me and using my specific tags!" and it's like bestie you are deliberately fostering a bizarrely cliquish environment, no WONDER you find fandom an unpleasant place and your commentary reeks of jealousy. Anyway this is about how there's a very good post about toxic fandom behaviors and treating their own fanon as canon for the purposes of clout and I can't reblog it due to being blocked despite never to my knowledge interacting with op and I THINK it's because they're a big of/md fan and I definitely was team Black Sails during the pirate poll and it's like, well,
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akai-akai · 2 months
simon. you cannot change my mind.
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ellena-asg · 1 year
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yellowhollyhock · 3 months
During that episode I didn’t understand why Leo got startled by the turtle at the meusum
well I'll tell you how I read it
-he's jumpy, they don't go out like this often
-he's trying to keep track of all his brothers
^ -not too long ago he came back from Japan to find them all missing and possibly dead
-sees a shell in his peripheral
-aah! (Donny don't stand that close Mikey stop messing around Raph if you're just trying to scare me--) oh wait that is not one of my brothers it's just an exhibit.
-uncanny valley (is that what it's called when something is freaky because it almost looks like a human but is clearly wrong?) turtle style
so basically: because he's just Like That XD
I laugh at him but when I'm shopping I always get startled by the mannequins. Sometimes the same mannequin multiple times 🤣
One time I was kinda waiting for my mom and grandma to finish up cuz they stopped to look at something while we were headed out. I was aware of a body-shape next to me, but had already been startled by a mannequin in the area that trip, so I was not going to be this time, right?
Yeahhh the mannequin was further back and when I looked up there was in fact a human standing right next to me.
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Hot take: The people who are STILL insisting that Izzy is homophobic (despite the NUMEROUS instances of the cast/crew/David himself saying that nobody on the show is being targeted for their identity and ‘it’s not “I can’t believe he’s with a guy” but “I can’t believe he’s with THAT guy”‘ ad nauseam) towards Stede, Lucius, or Ed (I don’t believe I’ve seen anyone say anything about Fang or Pete, though I could be wrong, but I’m gonna touch on that in a bit too*)? They’re, unironically, being homophobic by stereotyping the characters and reducing them to just their sexuality.
If you recognize that Stede is a multifaceted character and you recognize the ways in which he is multifaceted - He’s a man born into wealth and raised on classist, colonialist ideals. Yes, he’s also traumatized by how he was treated by his father and peers but trauma doesn’t exempt people from blame when participating in, embracing, enforcing, and benefiting from classist and colonialist ideals - you will understand that Izzy is not being homophobic towards him just because he hates him.
If you only view Stede as a gay man and ignore everything else about his character then the only motivation for Izzy to hate him MUST be because he’s a gay man and therefore Izzy MUST be homophobic.
If you recognize that Lucius is a multifaceted character and you recognize the ways in which he is multifaceted - He’s a man who likely was born into some level of the middle class, given that he can read and write (It’s also possible that he was born into a working class family and he learned to read and write there, but it’s the unlikely option by default. None of the rest of the working class crew know how to read or write save Jim who was raised by a nun and would have been taught by her.), he also avoids doing work which is necessary for the function of the ship that they live on and depend on for their livelihoods and encourages the rest of the crew to do the same with his insubordination. He’s also in an unorthodox relationship that people who have not experienced the concept of consensual non-monogamy would not understand and might interpret as cheating - you will understand that Izzy is not being homophobic towards him just because he hates him.
If you only view Lucius as a gay man and ignore everything else about his character then the only motivation for Izzy to hate him MUST be because he’s a gay man and therefore Izzy MUST be homophobic.
If you recognize that Ed is a multifaceted character and you recognize the ways in which he is multifaceted - He’s a man of color, born into a working class family who worked hard to make a name for himself, to the point where he did not have to endanger himself or his crew to earn their livelihoods. He’s also some level of neurodivergent and understimulated by the environment he’s in (because he excels at his job) which leads him to make irrational and dangerous decisions and puts the lives of himself and his crew in danger. He’s also been making increasingly out of character decisions (corroborated by Fang and Ivan) by the influence of Stede - you will understand that Izzy is not being homophobic towards him just because he’s angry about his relationship with Stede.
If you only view Ed as a gay man and ignore everything else about his character then the only motivation for Izzy to be angry about his relationship with Stede (and only Stede, because he had no qualms about Ed and Calico Jack’s involvement with one another given that he sent Jack to get Ed out of the way of the English, but that’s another post I don’t have the spoons to make) MUST be because he’s a gay man and therefore Izzy MUST be homophobic.
If you IGNORE that Izzy is a multifaceted character and you IGNORE the ways in which he is multifaceted - He’s a gay (we’re not having this argument) working class man who earned his high ranking position on an extremely respectable pirate’s crew. He’s capable and is rightfully angry when he’s looked down on because of his class. He recognizes the importance of ship maintenance and is rightfully angry when those tasks are ignored. He doesn’t understand Lucius’ relationship dynamic and thinks he can use (what he thought was) him cheating on his partner (seriously, how is ‘I’m going to tell the man you were fucking that you were fucking another man’ threatening to out him?) as a motivation to make him do the necessary ship work. He is rightfully angry when his orders are ignored because he’s the highest authority on the ship next to the captains. He is in love with Ed and is jealous because Ed is in love with Stede - you can pretend that Izzy is homophobic because of how he behaves towards the other gay men on the ship.
If you ignore that Izzy has valid reasons for his actions (which does not mean that the actions are all entirely justified) then the only motivation for them MUST be because he’s homophobic.
(* The persistent neglect of Fang and Pete in these discussions is also rooted in homophobia. Fang and Pete are the only explicitly gay men on the ship who don’t, at any point, present ‘femininely’** and therefore don’t fall so easily into the bubble of the stereotypical gay man and so they get ignored in these discussions because they aren’t suitable to push the narrative that Izzy only interacts negatively towards ‘feminine’/’gnc’** gay men.)
(** The insistence that Stede, Lucius, and Ed are in any way, at any point, LEGITIMATELY presenting ‘femininely’ or are ‘gender non-conforming’ is ALSO rooted in homophobia - and I’d argue a touch of racism via Ed’s hair and beard as they relate to his indigenous roots. The assumption/association with those three being considered feminine comes from their identity as gay men. That is homophobia.
Stede wears men’s clothes. He wears RICH men’s clothes. Bright, colorful, patterned fabrics are worn by RICH men in the 1700s - if you want to argue that, say, king George presented femininely or was gnc because of the way he dressed be my guest but you won’t because he doesn’t and he isn’t. Lucius wears men’s clothes. His clothes are perfectly at place amongst the rest of the crew’s clothes. Ed wears men’s clothes. His leather is in direct relation to gay leather-men which is a hyper-masculine aesthetic in the same way drag is - typically - a hyper-feminine aesthetic. His appreciation for Stede’s clothes comes from the wealth and privilege that centers around the easy possession of those types and quantities of fabrics.
None of them behave in ways that are stereotypically feminine. Having and expressing emotions is not a uniquely or inherently feminine trait. Caring for and maintaining your appearance is not a uniquely or inherently feminine trait. Even if they were, Izzy also does those things. Izzy frequently expresses his emotions - yes, anger, a stereotypically ‘masculine’ emotion, but others as well. He also puts a great deal of care into his appearance, aside from the materials, the only difference between his and Stede’s outfits are the type of shoes and the presence of a jacket. If those traits are to be considered inherently feminine then it is disingenuous to not apply that label to Izzy as well.)
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3416 · 10 months
thinking about how mitch and auston both have tattoos on their upper right arms to symbolize their family and the family crests.................
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totally feeling normal every time i remember that
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