#we will let you have ukraine
it’s only a matter of time before russia will be reconciled with the west once and for all. it won’t happen anytime soon but i do believe it will happen. and i think it is a goal to strive for.
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floralcrematorium · 4 months
CanUkr Weekend 2024: The Rest Of Our Lives
Words: 2.6k
Relationships: CanUkr
Characters: Canada & Ukraine
Additional Tags: Human AU, Margaritaverse, Slice of Life, Domestic Fluff, FACE Family (Mention), Belarus (Mention), ScotNor (Mention)
Matthew and Kateryna discover a photo album from Matthew's childhood as they settle in to their new home.
This fic is a part of my Margaritaverse, a Hetalia Human AU focusing on Alfred F. Jones, a popular food YouTuber, and his brother Matthew Williams, a hockey star. This fic is specifically set a year or so before the events of "Migraines in Margaritaverse"!
This was written for @hetalia-canukr-week Day 1: Photographs!
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soryualeksi · 10 months
I honestly think we've reached absolute Pit Social Media when the images of deceased infants get meme-ed around because "lololol IT looks so stupid IT looks so fake IT is obviously a doll haha let's have some fun here hahaha". And they know dead bodies only from how they're made to look in movies OR maybe open-casket funerals where a mortician worked their ass off for the family to have a pretty corpse to say their goodbyes to.
I. Honestly.
I can't even wrap my mind around how devoid of humanity some people are. All of this has really opened my eyes about the people around me.
Tell them - and they don't even know what death looks like - that a real human person in distress is "actually an actor/a prop/a doll" and they're meme-ing the shit out of anh atrocity.
That's how corpses become internet fun memes. A big party for everyone. Because we're upholding CiViLiSaTiOn here and sHoWiNg ThEm TeRroRiStS.
As a kid, I was stupid enough to ask myself, how could anyone stand by when the Holocaust happen.
Now I know the people around us wouldn't only stand by, they would cheerfully join in AND make socmed memes about it. Because "hahaha those aren't real people, it's all a big movie stage - and if they were real, they'd DESERVE it".
I can't go back to seeing people like I did before.
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Considering what NATO did (ot the lack of action), we have to give Ze credit for not screaming at them and calling them names five minutes straight in his latest nightly video.
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zelena777 · 8 months
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It's been a little while when Ukraine and Palestine aor just Hamas get suffered by the war with Russia and Israel. I have to pray for Russia or Israel because i want to hope that they're going to stop fighting every mouth after 2022 and 2023. But more painful for Ukraine.
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yellow-yarrow · 10 months
i got mail... what could it be.. oh its propaganda from mr orbán himself .. paid with my taxes? .. they really shoulnd't have...
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"Brussels is funding hamas" "gyurcsány" "ukraine bad" "brussels bad" (x10) "migrants" "we must protect our children from the gays" "ukraine is at war thats why we shouldt let them join the eu and also because our eu funds will go to them" "ukranian GMO grains are forced on us" "brussels is FORCING us to CHANGE our way of life they are DESTROYING us"
oh my fucking god
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alcestas-sloboda · 2 years
I ordered puzzles from Odesa today and according to Nova Poshta, Ukrainian post service, it should be in Lviv tomorrow. I must remind you: this country is at war and has services better than half of the EU
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medicinemane · 3 months
Mike johnson has so god damn much blood on his hands, obviously Ukrainian blood, but also plenty of American blood
Refusing to renew something that helps vets exposed to atomic blast and Americans who were downwind of the fall out... it's just sick. I can't fucking stand mike johnson, he's one of the worst scum to ever be in congress, and that's fucking saying something
"Johnson refused to allow House members to vote on bipartisan legislation to renew and improve the program"
Fucking quivering little pimple seems to have a real MO for just wringing his hands while insisting it's not his fault, he just can't do the one fucking part of his job of putting shit up to a vote... oh boo hoo, so sad, he'll just have to unilaterally let funding expire on things instead of literally just putting it up to our elected representatives to see if they want to vote yay or nay
Single handedly make the choices but it's not his fault when they work out how they do
#I'm sorry; I both genuinely hate the man and will never forgive him; so seeing this just adds more fuel to that fire#and I'm also genuinely pissed to hear that we aren't gonna be bothering to fucking help out people we fucked over#it's fucking sick#listen; I try not to talk politics too much and I try not to tell people how to vote cause it's not really my business#and cause I don't like arguing with people on tumblr; waste of my time#but for all the dems many many many many many fucking flaws; it's shit like this that makes me hate the gop#every last line about sticking up for rural or poor people or whatever is such a fucking lie#god bless our troops... unless it would cost money to compensate them for making them stand near atomic detonations#at every turn I see fucking simple easy decent bipartisan policy shot down but fuckers like johnson; who is the gop at this point#fuck em; can't stand em#go fucking vote if you can in whatever country you're in; try and get a mail in ballot for your sake#I'm still not gonna tell you how to vote but uh... maybe keep in mind when someone's hands are fucking caked in blood#and keep in mind what kind of company people keep in their political party#fucking murder#cause inaction is murder as sure as if he stood their and kept them from getting treatment directly#removing the funding to let these people get cancers and stuff operated on#it's the same as murder#and again; that's not even going back to him personally; like literally it was just him and him alone#holding up aid to Ukraine for months because he refused to put it to the floor#where... oh look... once it was put to the floor it passed just fine (with a fucking tiktok ban added)#(hate that site but I hate government overreach with this kinda shit more)#one of the few people in this world I think I actually truly hate#I'm never gonna fucking stomach the 'he was so brave for holding a vote' shit lie#bullshit; if he had a spine or a soul he would have brought Ukraine aid to the floor before funding ran out#just like if he had a spine or a soul he'd have brought this radiation victim funding to the floor before it ran out#almost like there's a fucking pattern here of him squirming like a pus filled pimple simpering about how he just can't do his job#can't do the one fucking thing he's supposed to do and bring shit to the floor for a vote#I have more opinions on him; but if I said how I really feel right now I think it would get me put on a list#and... sadly just cause of who I am; if I were in a room alone with him I think I'd just lay into him instead of beating his ass#but he's a fucking monster and reading this story just now... I'm almost seeing red with how much it's pissing me off
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ivyithink · 2 years
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just a guy with his candles
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melodic-melovin · 11 months
The real question is if when Один Не Один releases on November 14th I can pull the same stunt I did when Ghost's Hunter's Moon came out and play it literally so much it gets added to this year's Spotify Wrapped a month before the cutoff point. I'm already insane about this song just from previews.
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qqueenofhades · 7 months
I really really REALLY need to see more people makimg the connection between trump and his russian handlers tbh.......like i know we've somehow gone through the looking glass of putin apologia but that piece abt the NYT you just posted, the bots, the interference: in the bag for trump? Yes. But i dont believe its due to his or even republican power or popularity or forcefulness.......this is a man with so much debt and kompromat thats only getting worse!! Not to sound kwazy BUT WE ARE BEING FULLY INFLITRATED and at the risk of conspiracizing i think the russians are ALSO behind the Times's demise along with so many other information centers etc. Like i KNOW these leftists love him but like. Wouldnt they care a LITTLE abt being manipulated like this???
Trump is 100% an active, willing, and eager Russian agent. That's not even paranoid conspiracy theory, that's just the only reasonable interpretation of the facts:
NOT TO MENTION that in the next two years after the Helsinki conference where Trump kowtowed to Putin in every way, the CIA admitted to losing huge and unusually high numbers of classified informants around the world (not CIA agents, but people secretly working for the American government in often-hostile countries):
Once again, this all happened when Trump was in office, when he was actively handing over CIA intel to the Kremlin against the wishes of the entire national security establishment, and which other experts have suggested was directly as a result of Trump handing over the identities of American informants to Russia, including those stationed in Russia itself:
Now, I could go on, but you get the point. Not to mention that Trump just lost a major UK-based lawsuit against Christopher Steele, the former MI6 agent who was the first to provide documents linking Trump to Russia in the controversial "Steele dossier":
And now: Trump is deeply in hock for hundreds of millions in legal fees and punitive judgments that are only increasing by the day, he somehow just came up with $90 million to appeal the judgment against E. Jean Carroll (nobody knows where he got this money either), and Russian state TV spends all their time openly salivating for Trump's return to the presidency (so he can hand over Ukraine and the rest of NATO and, as he literally said, "let Russia do whatever the hell they want.") I know we're largely numb to all the awful treasonous shit that Trump does, but like. This isn't a conspiracy theory, this is just what's going on in plain sight, and while the Online Leftists have recently become so stupid that I honestly can't tell if it's just terminal brainworms or active Russian psyops, it's strongly indicated that it is in fact a mix of both:
So, like. Just some food for thought.
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enjymemink · 11 months
At this point Tumblr would let anything trend except Palestine despite having larger number of posts per day. And don't come at with the algorithm bs. We saw how Ukraine trended without interruptions for days after days yet when it's time for Palestine, it quickly disappears. Miss me with your algorithm bs.
@staff we see you. I thought y'all would be better than FB and IG. Clearly I was wrong.
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du-buk · 2 months
Hi! I appreciate the nice comments and support, especially on 8/11 day! 🦭💙 this is the 3rd, or 4th year of its release. (I should know this lol). However, I still wish to make some statements ⬇️
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Thank you to everyone who support one guys work; ME! 8:11 is a huge passion project for me, and while I’m shy and never know how to react to compliments; just know that I appreciate all the support! The amount of fanart, fanworks, positivity, and support given towards me warms my heart. 💙🦭
I am often asked if the series will continue; it will, I am just a bit slow on the progress admittedly^^; financially it’s difficult to make time for it, and I’m working through a lot of my trauma in therapy at the moment. It’s what helps me create works for 8:11, like shown here!
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(I also have to keep my eye in good health. Safety comes first!) however, I would appreciate if people listened to my mods+I when we ask people to refrain from breaking rules or being rude to my mods.
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Please be patient with my mods and I.
I understand speaking in English can be difficult for some. I try to be accommodating for everyone, but excessively arguing with my mods about it stresses the team out. And we just want to have fun! Let’s all hold hands okay?
I want to create a fun environment for all 811 fans, even those across oceans and mountains. Let’s be kind to each other and if you see any nice fanworks, leave positive comments to encourage artists/creatives!
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Thank you for all the support thus far again. And to make it clear; 🗣️ I hate p*dos, zoos, inc*st!!
🗣️Block and look away from those things. Don’t engage internet battles guys. I cannot control what some people create fanart of 8:11, I’m just one guy, and it’s best to just ignore what you don’t like seeing online.
🗣️ I stand with palest1ne, Ukraine, Sudan, human rights, and the environment!!!! Especially our earth and creatures that cannot vocalize their needs!!!!
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redjaybathood · 8 months
You know, it's kinda funny to see the "Ukrainians are white so they are more privileged compared to Palestinians" posts right when there's another air attack alert in Kyiv. Will my low chances of being shot dead at traffic stop in USA help me survive a Kinzhal rocket dropped at my house?
"You're white so this is why the racist media supports you" - sure, if you disregard a campaign to smear Ukraine that's being going since 2013. Yeah, before the war started.
"You're white and that's why governments support you, so don't whine" ironic seeing yet another refusal to give us more weapons. More ironic is, our victory is crucial to the world's stability and food security - your, my friend, safety and ability to feed yourself. Even more ironic, that countries that oh support us so much, and who rely on us to keep them safe, are dragging their feet so we die, die, die... How white of us.
"You're white, you don't deserve to be treated with basic empathy. You don't deserve respect, your life is worth nothing" from one side, and from another, it's "You are subhuman, you don't deserve basic empathy or respect, your life is worthless..." from another.
Let me be clear. Whatever issues you have with white people, we didn't do shit to you. We were the colonized people, we were enslaved. We are experiencing genocide - yet again from the hands of the same empire. You don't have a higher moral ground here - you have a social media acceptable target. Our whiteness makes it okay to call us names, be happy when we die, manipulate data, pictures, to show how unworthy we are of the help we managed to get. Spread propaganda justifying our genocide. Spread narratives that become barriers to us receiving said help we are, in your merry-world, entitled to. Justify why you personally call for people to stop helping us.
We didn't do shit to you. You are doing it to us. You are punching down. And that's your privilege, being an arrogant and ignorant cunt somewhere a bomb is not going to drop on you, whatever your skin color is.
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avi-on-jumblr · 9 months
awful tweet warning:
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Before I describe everything that's wrong with this tweet, let me transcribe Stephen Fry's words:
I am Stephen Fry, and I am a Jew. The great Irish thinker and writer Conor Cruise O'Brien once said that antisemitism is a light sleeper. Well, it seems to have woken up of late. The horrendous events of October 7th, and the Israeli response, seem to have stirred up this ancient hatred. It's agonizing to see all violence and destruction that is unfolding, and the terrible loss of life on both sides brings me an overwhelming sadness and heartache. But whatever our opinions on what is happening, there can be no excuse for the behaviour of some of our citizens. Since October the 7th, there have been 50 separate reported incidents of antisemitism every single day in London alone, an increase of 1350%, according to the Metropolitan police. Shop windows smashed, stars of David and swastikas daubed on walls of Jewish properties, synagogues, and cemeteries. Jewish schools have been forced to close. There is real fear stalking the Jewish neighbourhoods of Britain. Jewish people here are becoming fearful of showing themselves, in Britain, in 2023.
(Then it cuts off.)
For those who still don't know why this tweet was ignorant and inane, let me explain.
"To hear him conflate antiZionism with antisemitism has shocked me."
Guess how many times Stephen Fry mentions zionism? Zero! Guess how many times he mentions the country of Israel? Zero! (Unless you count "the Israeli response" which is unrelated to the existence of the country, or Zionism at all.) What this person is saying, is that they consider the smashing of shop windows, and the vandalism and marking of Jewish property, to be anti-Zionism. Considering they are an anti-Zionist, by following their logic, we can conclude that they not only believe this destruction and harassment is acceptable, but they believe it is ethical.
Further, they accuse him of showing no care for the Palestinians, even though he explicitly states that the loss of life on both sides brings him overwhelming sadness.
Finally, they accuse him of "[Centring] people in this country". It is disturbing that this person believes one cannot be concerned over two issues at a time. It perpetuates the idea that we can only talk about the "worst oppression" and talking about anything else means you are complicit in "silencing" someone else. If this were true, we would not be allowed to talk about Gaza either, or Ukraine, or police brutality, racism, islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, and so on and so on, because clearly there are other issues with hundreds of thousands more deaths, and millions more displacements, so why bring attention to it ever?
Unfortunately, people are not talking about those countries, like Syria, Yemen, Ethiopia, Congo, and more, and anyone who does is spammed with "free Palestine" comments. In fact, the most I've heard people talking about Sudan is when these TikTok geopolitical experts attempt to spam the Palestinian flag and get it wrong.
This is not new. This is obviously not new. I have seen tweets like these every single day in the hundreds for the last 80 days. It is not surprising that people think smashing windows is "anti-zionism", nor that they think it good. It is not surprising that they hear a Jew speak, and experience shock and disgust, regardless of what we say.
I do wonder if they would regard anything short of a second Holocaust as antisemitism.
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darkeagleruins · 3 months
The Joe Biden Admin Is Putting Illegal Migrants & Ukraine Refugees On Social Security. Funds Are Low & Biden Has NO PLANS To Save The Program For Americans ‌
“In the $4.5 trillion of taxes the president has proposed —not a dime, is going to shore up Social Security.” ‌
A 24% decrease in social security check payments is projected in just 9 years ‌
How could anyone vote Democrat at this point? ‌
“The president keeps saying he does not wish to have cuts in social. Is he aware that under current law, when the program goes broke in nine years, that there will be a 24 percent benefit cut for those who are current recipients? Is he aware of that? ‌
Well, it's clear that Social Security... But is he... ‌ I apologize for interruption, but I have limited time. Is the president aware that when social goes broke in nine years, under current law, there's a 24 percent cut in benefits for people who are currently receiving. ‌
If we don't do anything about it, I think that's about right. ‌
Okay, let me ask. ‌
But the president will want, wants to strengthen social security and make sure that doesn't happen. ‌
In the $4.5 trillion of taxes the president has proposed, are any of those taxes going to shore up social security? I actually know that answer. The answer is of the $4.5 trillion in taxes he has proposed not a dime, is going to shore up Social Security.
Does the president know personally anybody who is dependent upon Social Security, and if their benefits are cut by 24%, they will slide into poverty? ‌ It's hard for you to know, so I'll give you a pass on that.
I assure you that the president knows many people on Social Security. ‌
Then why doesn't the president care? ‌
He cares very deeply. ‌
Then where is his plan? ‌
He stands ready to work with Congress to address...
‌ That's a lie, because when a bipartisan group of senators has repeatedly requested to meet with him about social, so that somebody who is a current beneficiary will not see her benefits cut by 24%, we have not heard anything on our request. And we've made multiple requests to meet with the president. Now you can't comment on that, I realize that, but that is a fact and if you've been told to say he stands ready to meet, I will tell you there's absolutely no evidence because we have not gotten our meeting.”
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