#we should do everything together everything should be parallel play
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shewhoeatssand · 4 months ago
I want to befriend Kaneki and meet with him and email him forever
#we should do everything together everything should be parallel play#and then when we go our separate ways at the end of the day I want to still email him things#like pictures of succulents and a glimpse under the amazon river#I want to email him pbs eons videos#I can show him coffee shop vlogs and ask “is this u”#in person I’d mostly let him do the talking and decide what to do#take me down the most intimidating alley on a whim after you said we were just buying lunch pls#I want to eat lunch with him so bad 😭😭😭🙏#it’d be kind of awkward though bc he wouldn’t be eating anything he’d just be sipping his coffee#being with Kaneki is the ultimate dream I wanna see his morning irritation I want to be pleasantly startled by him with his quiet footsteps#& get to ask him about what he’s reading#or how his training is going#or whatever he’s doing#I would ask him how he’d rate vacuuming out of 10 and if he gives it below a 5 will vacuum his house#I feel like he’d lie though and say he likes doing every kind of work just to stop others from doing it#unless he wasn’t in a state where he’s able to actively think about others like that#he should stop doing things and jsut relax imagine taking him on a nice tour trip up mount Fuji that would b nice#stay in a cabin make a snowman clap for him when he skis#he was so good at skiing in the TG calendar?!?? who taught him to ski#did he read “idiots guide to skiing” a day before and absorb all the knowledge like a sponge#he’s so smart. I wish I was smart. or at least smart in an applicable way#I want to try harder but I kind of can’t#or I get sort of frozen by something and can’t find a way forward unless I scurry around it (no one wants u to do this)#I love Kaneki he’s both literally and kind of metaphorically half human and I am too so if we combine we’ll have the power of one full human#we can be human if we stand close enough together#idk he might not want to stand next to me tho he has better options#kaneki time
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rearranging-deck-chairs · 3 months ago
rewatching 13s era for me is not so much diminishing returns as it is something opposite and eviler...............increasing losses? increasing losses
#every time i rewatch an episode the points where it couldve been better poke me in the eye#maybe probably the exact same thing would happen with any other thing i would get this obsessed about#you stare at something long enough its flaws will become ever more apparent#you love something enough everything it could have been but IS NOT becomes ever more painful#i watched 13x5 tonight.........honestly what the fuck goes on#no these were my responses now 3 years and probably a dozen rewatches in:#1) what the fuck goes on#2) philosophically stilll utterly unintelligible to me i might be stupid#swarm and azures whole thing. like. everything they say about their Schemes is completely......incoherent. i dont understand it.am i stupid#3) feels like most agents in these plots are just doing busywork. but might be my inability to understand plot again#but like diane?? who is she what is she why is she#4) 13s message to yaz 'flux destroys universe so refugees coming take over earth your task' is.....like.....profoundly......wtf#and seemingly easily fixable: flux destroys universe refugees come to earth find a way to welcome them#get unit involved THAT way. right?#unit as the liaison between humanity and alienity. rebrand#but maybe that doesnt work with the snakeman plot idfk im stupid with plot#5) scenes between 13 and tecteun couldve been so much more. mastervoice: i have Notes. first and least: tecteun shouldve called her Child#damn now i want to do 13 era rewrite again#i really should do that one day i think it would be good for my skills#turn it into a good oldfashioned 13 ep series. still one story tho. but to deepen everything out a bit more#actually getting into all the stuff thats only sort of Touched upon#making swarm and azure not only make sense but also emotionally important and if possible even lore-wise interesting#more abt the division past. doesnt need to be shown in detail if the absence is the point. that doesnt mean there cant be more absence#swarm&azure lore + division lore + vinder&bel lore in separate pieces starting to show a horrible puzzle when put together#yaz and dan in 1900s for 3 full eps or so. time to breathe. more yaz&13 stuff. a lot more 13&yaz stuff#i think that might actually be the heart of it. maybe it should be the heart of it#leaning into that 13-tecteun parallel. the frustration and resentment. build up to the 'so why are you SO interested in him!' stuff#more of their life in the tardis just the two of them without buffer#i kinda want to play with like a lot more body language between them which the camera doesnt allow as we have it#like zoom the fuck out pls
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kayleigh-83 · 6 days ago
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By popular demand (I saw two people asking) I thought I would throw together a quick guide to using the road editor tool in the newest version of SimPE! You'll see that this is a very easy tool to use, and best of all, goof-proof. If you do mess up (you probably will) it's very, very easy to correct.
Very, very, very important to make a backup of your hood before you ever do any tinkering in SimPE! I also recommend practicing on a test hood you don't actively play in to get a feel for it before you do anything to your main hoods.
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We're starting with a vanilla Strangetown. I would recommend going in your game and taking a nice overhead screenshot of the hood like this first to look at for reference of where everything is situated the way that you're used to looking at it.
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2. Open SimPE, go to Tools> Neighbourhood> Neighbourhood Browser and open the hood you're wanting to work on. If you're not so familiar with SimPE, opening your hood can take some time. Touch nothing until it's loaded!
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3. Once it's all loaded, from the Resource Tree list pick Neighbourhood Terrain Geometry (NHTG). Then you'll see one file populate the Resource List - click that. Make sure on the bottom that you have Plugin View tab selected.
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4. Now you should see this map of your hood pop up! There are different things you can toggle, I like to check the Show Lots box when I'm editing the roads. Then click the Road Editor button on the right.
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5. To be able to see better, I've pulled this Plugin View window up a bit - it may rearrange the Resource List and Resource Tree windows a bit to accommodate. You can also press the Zoom 2x button to see closer, and then you'll have to use the scroll bars to move around the map and the road editor tool.
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6. The road editing tools here will be placed down in the same orientation as the map. So the two parallel roads running through Strangetown from this perspective are the vertical straight road pieces (top row, second from left).
When you select a road tool, above it will indicate which tool you have selected.
Also - I recommend having Handle Stop Signs ticked.
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7. Once you have the correct type of road selected for the spot you're working on, simply click on the map - it lays it down one tile at a time. If you miss a spot like shown here, just fill it in.
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8. If you want to create an intersection, first delete the section of road where the intersection will go.
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9. Then choose the type of junction for the intersection you're making, and add that piece in. You'll see a red circle appear (unsure if this is because it's an intersection or because you have handle stop signs selected, but I recommend you do have that selected either way).
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10. Once you're done making all your changes, click Close Editor.
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11. This is the part where you save your changes! First click Commit in the top right of the editor. Then, File> Save!
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12. Load your game to check! Looks pretty good with all those new roads!
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13. However, we have indeed made some mistakes! Which were absolutely for illustrative purposes and not truly an accident.
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14. Never fear! Simply reload the hood in SimPE - I've deleted the spot where the T-junction should go and added one in, and deleted where the road just ended abruptly and added a proper end piece.
I have not experimented with what happens if you try to build a road through hood deco - if you have, please let us know in the comments how that went!
I also have barely touched the terrain editing tools, so that's outside the scope of this tutorial.
I hope this helped!
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a-sky-full-of-ideas · 3 months ago
Why do you even ship them?
In the past couple of months I’ve seen a lot of people genuinely confused about one or the other ship existing, so I wanted to explain some common reasons characters might get shipped.
But before we get into it: The point is usually just good, plain old fun! The entertainment of them being together !
And for entertainment and fun, it doesn’t matter whether they’ve even been in the same room or not! Hell, it doesn’t even matter if they’ve been in the same universe or not! Basically: It’s all not that serious and the ppl harassing creators/actors/fans about said ships are usually the minority and frowned upon!
First of all, there are different ways in which people enjoy that ship:
In canon, aka it either is canon or they want it to be canon
Half canon, this means either post canon or if a very specific thing would have happened differently within canon
Canon divergent, aka it’s only enjoyable in theory or alternative universes and they don’t actually want it to happen within canon
In other words, there are different ways in which people support this type of relationship
It is the perfect relationship and everyone should strive to find and be this kind of love
While they have their flaws, this is a realistic way a healthy(ish) relationship can come out on the other end of all the horrors tm
This is (somewhat) toxic but in the universe/story line it makes sense and is the best possible outcome for them
This is the truly worst thing that could come out of it for the both of them but that’s why it is so interesting
Usually it boils down to these emotions:
It would be funny if they go together.
It would shift the impact of all that angst and trauma
It would be super cute. Plain old romcom vibes. Specially if the of story is not that at all and you just want something good for them.
Some basic reasons, that are more about the concept of them than actually them: :
They are fan favourites
They are both hot
Everyone else in the group is coupled up
They fit a certain stereotype/common trope
They resemble another popular ship juuuuust enough
The actors have played a couple/ship in another show
Spite! To annoy the author/other fans
Some personal reasons of the individual fan:
Reminds fan of their own crush
Fan relates to some aspects of their story
Fan relates to some aspects of the characteristics
Character looks like them/ like their crush
Based on the characters/stories design
They claim to hate/dislike/annoy each other but are somehow always found in each others business (willingly or not)
Opposites attract: They have opposing color schemes, personalities and/or views. The more differences the better.
Parallels: They have the same color schemes, personalities and/or views. The more similarities the better.
Based on their relations
You just want something good for this character and they (other character(s)) ARE that something good.
You just want something annoying for this character and they (other character(s)) ARE that something annoying.
Them being together would annoy this other character to noooo end
Even tho they don’t interact on screen (often), there is evidence that they did so off screen: they keep up a certain level of relationship (good or bad) despite everything else going on
Purely about the characters
They don’t pay attention to anything or anyone else nearly as much as they do about each other, especially ppl they should objectively care more about.
They’re the only ones who survived/left to deal with the aftermath. Even if they didn’t talk much prior to this, this is something to bond over. To keep the memory alive.
The expectations set on them are/were the same. And despite the different support systems and coping mechanisms… the other is truly the only one who could even find a glimpse of understanding of what they’re going through.
Yin and yang: a perfect mixture of parallels and opposites: They’ve gone through the same thing but deal with it widely differently. OR They come from widely different backgrounds and reasoning but end up at the same conclusion.
BECAUSE they’re so codependent they just wouldn’t make sense with anyone else, regardless of wether they themselves make sense
BECAUSE it is unhealthy and toxic and it’s interesting to explore such a relationship
BECAUSE if they’d be in literally any other genre/time they’d be fine. Nothing this bad would’ve ever happened if they’d just lived in another universe.
Why not ? It’s fiction.
These are all the reasons I can come up with at the top of my head but feel free to add!
Alas I want to encourage everyone to be open minded! Either to genuinely try to understand why a ship exists or, if you don’t want to waste your time on sth. you’re sure you don’t like, just filter and block the ship and their fans!
None of us can afford to waste our very limited free time on arguing with and harassing others about something FICTIONAL …that we don’t even like. Instead, please focus on making and/or supporting art about YOUR ship! This is not only much nicer to the fans you don’t support but also to yourself! Positive interactions will result in more positive interactions after all! Mostly.
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williamaltman · 14 days ago
Saxon's feelings for Lochy
Ok, so, I've noticed that a lot of people don't seem to think Saxon has a thing for his brother, only for Piper and Lochy for him and I wanted to show the evidence otherwise because it was literally the first thing I noticed.
After he asks how many bedrooms there are and is told it's three, he immediately says "Ok, so Lochy, you're with me."
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Piper doesn't seem to like that and offers for him to sleep with her instead (knowing there was some kind incest vibe, it really came across like they're fighting over him). He then objects by pointing out brothers and sisters shouldn't sleep together. Which seems like a classic way to set up for possible gay stuff, "oh it's just guys/girls, don't worry, we can be naked around each other, no big deal".
When Piper invites Lochy to the temple, he immediately goes. "No, we were gonna go to the pool".
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He asks him again like he's genuinely upset at Lochy possibly not going with him, and maybe even by being with his sisters instead. Once again, like they're fighting over him, it's even framed with Lochy looking indecisive at the two of them, not knowing which option to pick (parallel with the college thing? Possibly a common theme for his character).
After he says he'll go to temple first and then the pool after, he's still upset.
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When Lochy does get to the pool, he notices it and calls him immediately.
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After a quick question about the monks, what does he do? Grab his dick and talk about how he gets so horny traveling.
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When they're in bed, he immediately starts to talk shit about Piper's buddishm and her overall attitude in life, saying Buddism is for people who "want to supress in life", and most notably. "Don't have desires, don't even try."
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And then he tells him that it's good to want things, at least if you can have them. If we're to assume he knows about Lochy possibly being attracted to him, this feels like a subtle way of encouraging that. Of telling it's ok to have these desires, that it's worth a try...
And there's where it comes the theory that Piper isn't actually into Lochy but just trying to "protect" him from Saxon, possibly because he tried something with her in the past and she didn't like it. So no wonder he's bitter about her and thinks she wants to "supress things".
In this case, by telling Lochy to do the opposite, the implication would be that he should "give it a try" with him, unlike her.
He comments on how good-looking he is.
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And then tells him he "Doen't need to shrink away from life like her". Again, if we're going with the theory that he tried something with her in the past, he's trying to push him in the other direction. Don't reject it.
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And then, you know. Asking him what kind of porn does he like. Going back, he does that right after saying he should "get laid, get everything" and that he's "going to help him" with that.
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It's also just, like, the most classic and obvious set-up, to bring in sex/porn into the conversation, the idea of watching it together or what not...
"How the fuck am I going to jerk off with you in here all week."
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Already kinda suggestive considering the vibes, but... Remember that he asked to room with him, and even objected when Piper suggested otherwise, when that would've left him with his own room.
I guess the confusing part is when he closes the door after he noticed Lochy still watching him. But honestly it would probably be too far to just jerk off in front of him like he's not even trying to not be weird.
He might just be playing the long game, and walking up naked to watch porn with him still awake in the room still feels like quite a tease. He might also just be getting cold feet, or, perhaps, the whole thing is subconscious rather than on purpose and at that moment he has the realization of how weird this situation is.
There's actually a moment where you can notice him thinking about whether Lochy is looking before he looks back at him, and it seems like he's a little nervous about it (before this shot he was just looking at the screen, but then he raises his head to question it).
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So, cold feet? Checking to see if the teasing is working or if he looked away? A bit freaked out with the realization of how weird he's been?Idk, but it's definetely not one-sided, and I was actually more surprised at the implication that Lochy felt the same.
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bitethedevil · 2 months ago
If Raphael was supposed to be Gortash dad (makes sense they even share the same outfit style and all) maybe that explains Haarlep? His dad was feed up with Raphael having kids (worthless to him)
Yes! It does make all the sense in the world, to be honest. Especially since everyone except the Archdevils aren’t really supposed to have sex or reproduce. Haarlep as a gift makes much more sense in the context that Raphael had stuck his dick where he shouldn’t, and Papa wasn’t having it.
I got all the information from this link where they talk a lot about the House of Hope and Raphael as a character and there were some interesting things in there that I had no idea about.
Gortash’ clothes and all the parallels between those two make even better sense if they were actually related. It makes less sense that someone who was essentially a captive should wear clothes that represent their captor.
We were also supposed to be taken to Mephistar to meet Mephistopheles after defeating Raphael. The thing we saw in the scrying orb thingy was supposed to be a whole thing, but they scrapped it.
We were supposed to meet Papa Meph and he was supposed to thank us for getting rid of Raphael. It only proves what I’ve always thought about him: Raphael isn’t just some wittle cambion dude with a superiority complex (well he is ALSO that but). He must at least be somewhat good at playing the game since goddamn Mephistopheles himself could not get rid of him and seems thankful that he finally doesn’t have to deal with him.
Back to the thing with Gortash: It would also just be that much more tragic in a way. It’s the perfect example of children inheriting the same shit from their fathers, and it would be tied together perfectly if we actually saw Mephistopheles too.
Imagine this:
We meet Gortash and learn about his past. We learn that he’s Raphael’s kid and suddenly everything makes sense. Raphael has been a distant, shitty father so Gortash broke off to do his own thing and learned how to be independent.
We then kill Raphael and meet Mephistopheles, who is just like “thanks for killing my shitstain son! Cheers” and eats him in front of our eyes. It doesn’t take much deducing that Raphael grew up in much the same way. He broke off with his dad. He became independent. He sought his own power. And when he got a kid, he treated them exactly how he grew up anyway.
The cycle of abuse and everything. The story is already sort of there with Gortash, even though they were not blood-related, but it would have tied it all together in such a fascinating way.
Also, the fact that Raphael’s son stole the very thing he desired himself the most. Imagine the bitterness of your son succeeding where you couldn’t. That in itself has most likely been Raphael’s wet dream his whole life, and now his son succeeded in doing it instead of himself.
Like I said, many of these elements are still somewhat present in the current storyline, but it would really just have hammered it home.
(Thank you for the ask <3 Sorry I started rambling lol)
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letustalkaboutlevihan · 11 months ago
On the manga, Levi was sitting on a wheelchair and he's with Gabi, Falco and Onyakopon
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Levi was holding a magazine/newspaper(?) in his hand, but instead of looking at it, his eye was looking at the plane above them... remembering Hange.
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In Isayama's draft for this panel, the sketch for the plane was different. But Isayama redraw it to a similar flying boat that Hange protected. Isayama also crossed out the dialogue that says, 'The pain that we feel' and changed it to, 'The story we sought after'
Can't imagine how painful it is for Levi, losing everything and Hange 😢💔 (If only I could, I would give him a hug...)
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On the anime, Mappa changed Levi's ending into Levi distributing candies to the children. When he saw a round lollipop, he blinked because he remembered someone.
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He remembered Hange and the day they visited Marley with the kids...
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Isayama and Mappa were trying to tell and show us that in whatever endings, Levi will always end up thinking about Hange.
Just how can he even forget the person who saved his life? The wounds that Hange treated before might've already healed, but he would always remember her by his scars.
Afterall, Levi spent more of his days with Hange than anyone else. Hange truly played a big and important role in Levi's life 🤧
Even without statement and confirmation from Isayama-sensei, I firmly believe that Eremika and Levihan are both canon.
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There's a lot of evidence that proves their relationships are parallel to each other.
Just like Eren and Hange are both obsessed with Titans. Eren wants to kill titans while Hange wants to learn and study them.
Levi can recognize Hange by her knock while Mikasa can recognize Eren by only sensing him.
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When Eren asked Mikasa, "What do you think about me?" Mikasa replied, "You're a family".
When Hange asked Levi, "Maybe we should just live here together. What do you think, Levi?" Levi replied, "If we just run away and keep on hiding, what will we have left?"
Both Mikasa and Levi lost Eren and Hange because they chose to say a safer answer. Had they answered differently and truthfully that time, then maybe they never lose them.
I think that's what really Ackermans are. They are physically strong, but they are not good in expressing their feelings through words. (They only show it through their actions)
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When they bid a farewell to the love of their life. They didn't say, "Good-bye," ... But instead, they told them, "See you," / "See you later,"
They believe that they would see them again, in a place where there is no more war, no more pain, no more tears, no more regrets... A place where they can be happy together. A place where they could finally get the happy ending both Eremika and Levihan deserve <3
Isayama himself wrote, "Levihan" instead of writing it as "Levi and Hange" so he would lie if he'll say that he doesn't agree with Levihan ship 💜💚🤭
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English is my third language so please forgive me if I didn't get to explain it well. I just really want to talk about Levihan because they mean so much to me 💜💚
Thank you for reading! 😊
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shiroganejpg · 6 months ago
There's sooo so much to say about kabumisu and the parallels between Kabru and Mithrun in their individual characters and how both their similarities and their fundamental differences make them absolutely perfect for one another, both in the sense that they work together romantically and that they both helped one another grow as individuals to such an immense degree. They were each exactly what they needed, even when they have different values or alignments.
But something that just Gets Me is that. Both Kabru and Mithrun exist with one specific goal in each of their mind's. Kabru might seem less single-minded that Mithrun, but you have to consider how he goes about pursuing his goal: getting people to like him. He uses his charm and likeability, flexes his relationships, and gathers information - but it all comes back to the goal he has: preventing a second Utaya. We're told from the start that that is Kabru's goal and we see it reinforced multiple times on the way through the manga.
I feel like a lot of people in fandom overlook the impact Utaya had on Kabru and how it impacted his psyche and his motivations. But here's the thing: I think to some degree, this was what Ryoko Kui was intending. Kabru's overall intentions are well stated, I think, but we then see a lot of his actions and words that don't always seem directly related to this one-track mission, and it allows us this room to kind of question it and wonder if there's something else at play here.
Mithrun, on the other hand, seems relentlessly and directly devoted to his goal. He doesn't act on things that aren't directly related to his cause -- that is all we see in him. We don't have the same room to wonder about his intentions or motivations because we can plainly see that everything is directly related.
It's incredibly interesting to see how these two overlap: They both have their own one-track goals, but go about them in completely separate ways. Kabru uses his likeability and his charm to get what he needs to fulfil said goal, and sometimes that involves "detours"; Mithrun doesn't have the capacity for that, and he just runs straight at the issue. Neither Kabru nor Mithrun's story is fully revealed to the reader - we hear of Utaya, we hear the story told, but the flashes we see are only that: Flashes. A lot of Kabru's backstory is not revealed to the reader. Mithrun's story, on the other hand, is revealed through an unreliable narrator who we know cut out significant portions. Kabru is the one to tell Mithrun that he deserves to have his privacy, and that the world doesn't need to know everything, because Mithrun overshares to a point that could be self-detrimental.
They both have a goal, and a one-track mind for said goal. But they have so much they can learn from one another - and do learn from one another. They are both underhanded, they disregard themselves and don't take care of themselves the way they should, they're relentless in the pursuit of their goals... but they're also polar opposites in some things.
And all of this, when put together, forms them into two perfect puzzle pieces. These characters could have been made for one another in terms of helping each of them grow as individuals: each one is exactly what the other needed to aid their growth. They're insane. I love them.
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royonninjago · 11 days ago
Something Interesting about the Forbidden Five's Elemental Powers
We still have little in the way of the actual personalities of the rest of the Forbidden Five, but now that I'm pretty sure that we have all their Elemental Powers (assuming there isn't a mistranslation or something), I think I've stumbled across a pretty interesting link between all of them.
Each one of their powers roughly translates to a form of control or manipulation, which could play into why they're so dead set on conquering every realm in existence. As for my why I think this, here is my reasoning:
Brute Force This power represents domination through violence and right of conquest. It is the oldest and rawest form of control, representing the concept of might makes right. From what we've seen of Nokt and his "everything is war" mentality, I feel that this is especially fitting.
Fear This power represent domination through sheer terror and psychological manipulation. This form of control is a lot more primal than Brute Force, as it exists inside everyone. We haven't gotten as much screen time with Rox, but what we have seen is that she is much smarter than Nokt as she not only is a prolific wielder of Theroxian magic and is the one who created the Wolf Masks, but I think that it can be inferred that she was a large contributor to the "Elements of Betrayal" plan, if not the mastermind behind it.
A quick aside, but since Doc Wyatt has confirmed that Nokt and Rox are the leaders of the Forbidden Five, I think what that means is that they take leadership roles depending on the situation. Rox is more of a big picture strategic and plan making type of leader that decides what to do, when do to it and how it should be done. Meanwhile, Nokt is the on the ground leader that leads troops into battle and makes quick on the fly decisions that affect the flow of battle. This especially seems to be the case within the context of that flashback scene of Rox making the Wolf Masks while Nokt returns from battle with Zarkar as a prisoner.
Also, from here on out it is purely speculation based on the rest of the Five's Elemental Powers and their designs and motifs surrounding them.
Swarm This power represents domination through mob mentality and group think. I know that in the teaser trailer it looks like they're just controlling a large amount of and turning into a swarm of insects, but since this Element is called "Swarm" and the one who wields it is a giant bug person, I think it's safe to assume that any insect that operates under a hive mind is fair game. Besides, this one seems to be pretty self explanatory, after all how many people have done something just because other people are also doing it? As the famous "I can't remember who said it" once said, "a person is smart, but people are stupid".
Misfortune This power represents domination through superstition and faith. For thousands of years, people have been living in a chaotic and unpredictable world, and to cope they have been turning to the supernatural to rationalize it. And, historically speaking, those who have claimed to be in control of these supernatural forces have become very powerful and influential within their communities. And, historically, not all people with this kind of power have used it for exclusively good intentions. I mean, look at the shit that went on during the dark ages and the crusades and you'll understand what I mean. A miscellaneous and not fully formed thought I've had is about the chains around Zarkt's body and his Element being Misforture paralleling Pandora's box being locked up and holding in all the world's evil and misfortune. If someone who knows Greek mythology could put the pieces together then that would be cool.
Decay This power represents domination through culture and tradition. I admit this one is a bit of a stretch, but I think that the best parallel for this power is how eventually all institution erode and lose their sense of purpose, eventually becoming ripe for someone to usurp their power and influence for their own selfish needs. It's a story that has been told and repeated for as long as civilizations have existed, and as a mummy person Kur would be perfect for this Element since they most likely have seen the rise and fall of empires and would know exactly what to do. Read into that how you want.
I'm interested to see how the other members of the Forbidden Five are as individuals and how they interact with the Ninja and each other. If you have any other ideas to add on or refute or whatever, I'd love to hear them!
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aho-dapa · 1 year ago
Side note, because I'm watching a video essay that's pretty much saying everything I've been thinking about about,
With sjm's writing, what separates it from a typical romantasy not to take seriously is that post ACOTAR, the author suddenly says to take it seriously.
Feyre's Calanmai Hall scene isn't about Feyre not wanting Tamlin's advances, but that she does, she's just doing the typical romantasy protag thing of rejecting what you really desire. Think about how this contrasts with Rhysand's scenes utm, she doesn't want them and its not given enough detail, but this changes after Feyre and Rhysand get together. For example, the CoN scene. The fucking mid air thing. The telepathy sexting that can happen at anytime without true consequence. Very exhibition. Much voyeur.
This is literally sjm's fantasies played out through Feyre and Rhysand, and even through Feyre and Tamlin.
Despite how much I like Tamlin, he only really became a truly nuanced character in hindsight for me because of sjm's unintentional manipulations of her own narrative. In ACOTAR, he's also built around Feyre the same way most characters are in the first book.
He is built to fit into Feyre, he's meant to parallel her acceptance of her own desires, her own beast through him, because submitting to him is submitting to herself. That's why Feyre's themes get mixed up post ACOTAR, she loses that beast like quality to become a star to suit Rhysand. And sjm brings that back in ACOWAR with the Mirror (although it doesn't hit like it once would have because instead to fitting Rhysand to Feyre, sjm wrote Feyre to fit Rhysand).
The thing that's frustrating is that sjm is the one that is saying these are just not her fantasies on page, she's the one that brought mental health into it, brought up abuse and neglect, and handled it all so poorly.
It's this thing where sjm still wants to have the upturned-nose high ground in her books, she wants to be right, she doesn't want Feyre to be questioned or truly be in the wrong because Feyre is her fantasy. sjm likely writes Tamlin to not like human slavery, not want to be like his father, and with a self sacrificing personality while keeping his beast like qualities for the steamy parts. Because he's written to have that middle ground most people looking for that fantasy can still enjoy while not being too disturbing for our modern sensibilities.
That's why some people not looking for this find Tamlin and Rhysand's actions strange and gross, but people who already indulge in those fantasies were okay with it. And there's even people who think that ACOTAR is too vanilla (me). Anyway.
Basically, ACOTAR is not meant to be taken seriously, its literally another romance book with a fancy (?) cover. Post ACOTAR is not tho, so sjm makes a big deal about taking it seriously because she wants that middle ground with Rhysand when honestly, Rhysand could have been a dark romance ML and no one would have batted an eye. But that wouldn't work for the precedent sjm established with the middle ground, she needs that 'he's feral and sexy and toes the consent line but it's fine because xyz' in her books, and that's why the fandom is so divided. We can't decide whether or not to take it seriously or not because sjm switched up.
Her fault as a writer is that she didn't do this well at all.
I mean, this is also coming from the same woman that briefly had another one of her characters entertain their sovereign right to colonization in goodwill, so. This woman should never have been taken seriously. Unfortunately, she insists upon herself. So in order to actually discuss these books, we have to take her silliness seriously.
(Which is why I stopped because it's an endless cycle of saying sjm wrote something silly and because she's saying it's serious, now we gotta be serious about bat birthing or whatever)
Never forget how I saw a bat get birthed just to actualize how stupid the *gets shot*
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the-cards-she-wont-show · 10 months ago
TTPD Twin Storylines weaved together & double meanings throughout! ✌️👯‍♀️💕
Attention ALL Swifties (particularly Gaylors) and associates of the Tortured Poets department
PLEASE READ!! (and read with an open mind!!)🤍
Listening to the amazing TTPD on repeat this past week, I am certain that I have made an important discovery that I haven't seen talked about anywhere else yet and would like to get the coversation going, in hopes that Taylor will see that we are all finally listening to her! I'm still piecing everything together, as there is so much to unravel and am far from calling myself an expert on her exact timelines and dates, so am looking forward to hearing thoughts from others that are more knowledgable in her history.
I have been of the belief for a while now that Mastermind and Dear Reader were foretelling of her future, and also that the album title had a double meaning (evidenced by the lack of apostrophe in 'poets'). That the tortured poet would be departing. Note that I am also a believer that she has been closeted by those closest to her and is preparing to ruin her name and perceived reputation, give up the false public version of herself and come into her own true self. Everything as we know it will be destroyed and it is all playing out now, coming together as part of her plan.
Falling in line with all of the two's - the double album, the double meaning in the album name, the two sides of taylor etc, I have found that there are two intertwining stories told throughout her tracklist, AND that all songs also have a double meaning!! None of which are about the perceived muses of Travis, Matty or Joe. The 'evidence' for those relationships are all red herrings (for example 'putting narcotics into all of my songs' - but only in the songs with obvious reference to her beards), to make it seem ambiguous and open to interpretation of who the songs may be about, which is seen often throughout her discography. She uses an incredible amount of metaphors and we must look beyond those to decipher her lyrics - do not take anything at face level with Taylor. Most should realise that she is so much smarter than making obvious songs about whichever male muse she is 'dating' at the time. She has always played into that public view to cover her true self. Many songs have themes of secret and hidden love, which juxtaposes with the public 'relationships' she is seen as having.
She tells us in 'The Manuscript' that "lookin' backwards might be the only way to move forward". Therefore we must listen to TTPD in reverse, from track 31 (13 reversed!) to track 1. I believe The Manuscript also acts as a bookend for both of her stories and should be listened to as a closer after the last song of the story 'Fortnight' ends, to get a complete picture. Once we have listened to the album in reverse order, can we see so plainly that each song tells a different story of a period/situation/muse/love/heartbreak in her life - beginning at her parents meeting in The Manuscript, to current day. I think the songs may also actually have a sister song from the corresponding album/period in time, with similar sound, lyrics or theme that connects them. I believe that each song also has a double meaning and can be interpreted as messages to her fans about things that have happened to her over the years or that are about to happen, and she is trying to communicate her feelings of being trapped, which is honestly so heartbreaking. Many relate to her being caged and forced to hide her true self, in particular by one person closest to her - her father. It is devastating to listen to.
The really brilliant part I discovered next, is that The Anthology tracks also have another hidden storyline being told which intertwines and intersects in the exact right place to fit in with her life story. It includes all of the "THE" songs and is in reverse order from the parallel life story and vinyl variants order of issue (but chronological track list order).
The Tortured Poets Department
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived
The Alchemy
The Black Dog
The Albatross
The Prophecy
The Bolter
The Manuscript
Rather than presenting my interpretation of the timeline and each story told in every song, I urge everyone to listen to both stories, in these exact orders, with an open mind as to what she could possibly be describing! My mind was completely blown when I figured this out!! Her mind is incredible, there is no other way to describe the album, other than a masterpiece! I feel so much for the pain she has gone through. This album explains her feelings and reasons for hiding her true self over the years for any fans that will inevitably be feeling upset and deceived. We all need to show compassion for everything Taylor has sacrificed and give her what she needs. She truly deserves love, honesty, happiness and peace. ✌️💜
I'm in the process of creating a document trying to piece all of the hidden connections together just to wrap my head around this amazing body of work, so may possibly link this when I have it completed, otherwise I will add it to this post for anyone that might be interested.
I have a couple of extra personal thoughts, theories and hopes for anyone still reading…
The manuscript of her life story may possibly be the manuscript for a future book/film.
I think one meaning of "Fortnight" is a foretelling message to the fans that havent been noticing any of her many hair pin drops - she has been trying to get the message across but they aren't listening. For the fans she loses when she comes out - she touched them with this album for only a fortnight, before she lost them. She loves the fans but staying in the closet is ruining her life. I think something big could be happening a fortnight after release? Friday 3rd May is International Sun Day. ☀️ Karlie Kloss was always 'sunshine' to Taylor. According to Karlie, their first meeting was at the 2011 Met Gala on May 2, however, there is a possibility that they could have met at the afterparty - after midnight, making the anniversary May 3! 2024 Met Gala is a few days later, could they both make an appearance? If nothing big occurs, perhaps some seeds of doubt will be planted on the 3rd? Or.. It could also be a surprise rep TV (with or without Karma and Debut - surprise triple drop?) with wlw vault tracks?! Who really knows.. I honestly have no idea, but whatever happens, I know Taylor has it all meticulously planned out and everything will happen when it is supposed to.
Taylor is chairman of the Tortured Poets department - the leader of the mass coming out we are about to see. As Chely Wright put - 'we need someone at the top' to come out and pave the way for others to do the same, and to stop the forced closeting in the celebrity world. I think Travis and the majority of her former beards are also queer and there will be many more 'tortured poets' that will join 'the department'.
Karma will be album 1 (TS12) in the 3,2,1 countdown, TS13 is 0 - the album in which she gets all of her full colour back, reclaims her glitter gel pens and finally can sing her truth proudly! She has destroyed her own name and reputation, burnt down the lover house and all her former selves.
Last of all, PLEASE BE KIND! If anyone has made it to the end of this and doesnt agree, I'd love for you to have a listen to the songs in the orders above before commenting. If not, lets just agree to disagree! We all have our own personal takes on Taylor's lyricism and I would never dream of being unkind to another just for having a difference of opinion. 🫶
For Taylor - if you somehow happen to see this - please know you are truly a mastermind, you are loved and we've got you!
❤️ gerimegs
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lurkingshan · 2 years ago
I’m thinking a lot about the scene between Pran and Tian where they discuss the fight Tian and Phupha are having. Not the fake one about who liked who first, but the real one about Phupha refusing to travel home with Tian or change anything about his life to meet Tian’s needs. It’s a funhouse mirror image of the conflict Pat and Pran are having about how much Pran should let Pat help him, and their long-term dynamic of Pat letting Pran win every disagreement and always being the one to compromise or give in when their needs are in tension.
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What I love about it is that Tian doesn’t know anything about their relationship, he’s just (drunkenly) talking about his own experience, and how frustrating and exhausting it is to be with someone like Phupha who never meets him halfway. And Pran is sitting across from this guy who looks like his twin, whose story he has already memorized and connected to, who he now thinks of as a sort-of friend, and he is self-aware enough to see the parallels instantly, and to feel a little embarrassed and ashamed that he is essentially the Phupha in his relationship. And you see him react, just a little, and maybe start to think for the first time about what it must feel like for Pat to yield to him on everything, and never have that reciprocated by Pran.
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Reading this wonderful post from @waitmyturtles earlier where she mentioned how she empathizes with Pran, I was also reflecting a bit about where I see myself in this story, and let me tell you, I am such a Phupha. When it comes to how I want to live my life, where I want to be, and how I want to spend my time and with whom, I am uncompromising to a fault. I completely get where Phupha is coming from - I told you who I am, and now you’re telling me it’s not enough. He is frustrated by the idea that he has to change himself for Tian, and I get that, I really do. It’s something I am personally not willing to do. The key difference between me and Phupha, however, is that I am not in love and I do not desire to be in a romantic partnership. He very much is, and very much does.
So what might a guy like Phupha think, as he is struggling so much with the idea of yielding to Tian, when he is met with someone like Pat? Someone who is so like him in some ways - in his strength, his masculinity, his physicality, his confidence, his loyalty, his desire to help others - and yet so unlike him in other ways - his emotional openness, his vulnerability, his comfort with compromise, his absolute willingness to put his pride aside for his lover. Where Phupha is rigid, Pat is versatile, in every sense of the word. There is a lot Phupha might learn from talking to someone like Pat about how he sees his relationship, why he is always willing to bend to Pran’s needs, and why he ultimately feels it’s worth it, even if he sometimes feels some of the frustration that Tian does. Might Phupha have his own epiphany next week, opening up a path for him to finally compromise on something important to Tian?  
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@dribs-and-drabbles, I’m not sure how this might fit into your theory about the patterns playing out in these episodes, but I really hope we get to see this happen next week, and watch both of these couples learn from each other’s experiences and find a way to meet their partners in the middle. Because as @waitmyturtles said, this is the work of being in a long term relationship.
In the server with @bengiyo @shortpplfedup @kyr-kun-chan @wen-kexing-apologist we talk often about how amazing it is when romances address what happens to couples after they get together, and how exciting it is that we are starting to see more bl shows about the work of staying together, and I’m so glad that the genius minds behind Bad Buddy and A Tale of Thousand Stars took the opportunity of this special to dig into that so authentically. And to have done it in such a brilliant way, by mixing and matching these characters from beloved shows, putting them side by side and demonstrating how they are similar and also how they can learn from each other, creating a sense of community in this shared universe, and making it all so damn fun along the way, is just an unbelievable treat for us as an audience. Can't wait to see how it all comes together next week.
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yingdu-lover · 2 months ago
I never knew I would be so passionate to say shit about link click ☠️🤣 I mean, it's so angst, life philosophy, metaphor, symbolism shit that I almost forgot to sit and enjoy but NOW when the ' meticulous construction of plot, intertwined parallel narratives and themes and intense philosophical symbolisms' are away, I CAN FINALLY BASH IT BWAHHAAAHAHAHAHA to my heart's content.
so, @whispersoflullaby and I decided to watch THAT godforsaken special episode and we have been inventing creative slurs in our mother tongue since then
Cheng Xiaoshi dives into the body of someone called Sanren laoshi who(via qiao ling) hands them a very...questionable photo.
I SWEAR TO GOD I AM NOT HOMOPHOBIC (maa kaalir dibbi) but that masked person/the very obvious sexual partner of the host is a...MAN?!
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they do not seem to be an AFAB person. and also, for some reason that person's voice felt like lu guang's?????????? (I played it repeatedly but that 'look, look, look!' felt very much in lu guang's voice!)
idk is there any sober explanation to this or what the fuck 😭😭😭😭😭
the case is (head to toe) weird. it felt very weird and doesn't feel to have any significant connection to the main story. how is this canon?! I mean whatever special episode...Lan studio produced it, right? it has proper OP and ED... that made it look extra funny 🤣
I didn't question my life choices watching this episode! Not for one sec I felt the urge to cry, stupid things were happening in the most stupid and corny anime way possible. They failed their mission (100% cheng xiaoshi's fault) and the lines are so fucking hilarious
"during summer vacation people either
1. sleep to their heart's content
2. focus on their hobbies
3. post shoddy videos (a man taking pictures of a girl in blue underwear standing in a pool)
what should I do during summer?"
the host's request was to rectify the fuck up and say
"I really like games more than the sea!"
😭🤣🤣 so stupid everything was. And also the underwear thing...HUGE focus on hosts'....
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'flexible' and 'cute'?
and ofc
" look, look, look, look, look! you have been staring at me for a while, what? falling in love?" ☠️ broski...sex is over now fuck off and pls kindly wear your trousers or somebody weird will pounce on you like this.
Cheng Xiaoshi's inner eiden was threatening to dominate when he said "oh? Sanren laoshi is not single then?" the zesty voice 🤣☠️ PLZZZ
☠️ why the episode was so weird, horny and hilarious lmao. don't mind grammer I just can't comprehend what I watched. hianime comment section 😭 some are saying wtf but others going like
"samajh nahi aya par link click hain to pura dekha aur accha laga" ☠️
"not quite sure what I watched but this show is peak and I watched it whole-"
noooo you should join us ☠️, link click has made me cry like a pathetic fox howling and all, now it's a slacking episode, I'm gonna call it names ☠️😭🤣 it feels SOOO good to not to intellectualise link click and cry with every fibre of your being
but a few serious things........
1. they wear those summer clothes...the happy visions/memories shown in 'The Eye' are the same
2. Lu Guang really feels...NON TRAUMATIZED? at least I got this feeling. he is just a chill guy, and extra silly, more expressive (I FELT THAT) can it be that it was...in the og timeline? IT FEELS LIKE ONE
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this is the actual 'dumb time traveller photo faggots doing silly things together ' in a real sense (the misconception most of us had before we started watching link click???) it's silly through and through trust me
before watching this my brain was so hacked by profound depression (caused by nothing other than link click, surprise!) but I feel 🤣🤣🤣 so good now. had a good night's sleep. I passed out writing the half of the post and now I am writing at 4:30 am ☠️
anyways, I have never seen anyone discussing this episode before so I did it 😭 I am in love with the silly things actually! man I love this head emptu no thot vibe, and those questionable frames ☠️ and that masked man! hsjsjkkakekrisjznfkk why was all of these needed at all! but I loved that 🤣
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knightobreath · 6 months ago
oliver's epic ii2 movie act 1 trailer analysis
ok so ! theres a lot. im going through it scene by scene
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steve cobs KEEPS calling mephone. what the hell is his plan here. i would say mephone should just block his ass but i have a feeling that he is unable to. I predict that he's gonna have to answer at some point.
(also, i went and checked, but the sound that played is the same as the hang up sound from ep15)
also hotel oj party yayyy everyone gets to hang out and have some fun before everything goes to Shit!
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this shot's just fucked up man. i don't think i need to explain what this parallels.
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this is either a realization or someone walking in, and i think it's the latter because there's little build up. I cannot tell who it would be based on his reaction only, but it Would be someone in the hotel.
OR. what if it's another hallucination like with 4s in the iii finale? That would explain why there's no light from a door opening.
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baseball was already upset before seeing taco & mepad
his reaction BARELY CHANGED when he did see them (the eyebag line showed up after he looked through the door)
mepad is comforting taco, who is likely worked up about you know. talking to pickle and mic
man i actually like the bullets format im going with this from now on
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mic is happy! I don't have any predictions for the context of this scene
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we're getting stuff on knife and trophy!
can't really extrapolate from this scene, hard to tell if trophy was throwing the can there on purpose or not.
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test tube, fan, and paintbrush are going to play a very active role in the episode
As pointed out here, they're in the area that Paintbrush burned down in episode 12.
This area has a direct tie to Cobs with the painting, it's possible that they're trying to stop him on their own.
The device test tube is holding is a reused asset, and was both the time machine from episode 12 and the gem detecting device from episode 13. due to this reuse of the asset, we can't know for sure what it does here.
My prediction is that the device is being used to detect something meeple-related.
I'll note here that mephone is only shown inside of the hotel for the duration of the trailer, I believe that he might be hiding in there for most of this act while the contestants go out and actually try to fix things.
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NOW THIS IS INTERESTING. Knife and suitcase are traveling in the Grand Slams balloon from Theft and Battery.
Since it's only the two finalists, this could be a part of the final challenge.
Hot air balloons in ii have only been used twice. once in theft and battery to get to mecloud, and once in the great bluish bake-off to get to the end of the desert.
I predict that because of cobs's importance to the plot of this episode that this balloon is going to mecloud, although I'm not entirely sold on the idea.
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I predict that this goes before the scene where they're outside of the hotel.
tt and pb have an idea! and they're confident in it.
Judging by paper's expression, this was brought on by something Not Good Happening.
blah blah somehow i connect this to meeple shenanigans okay moving on
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simple! suitcase and knife entering the hotel
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hi lightbulb
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Cobs is PERSISTENT. voiceover backs this up
He must call mephone a lot during the episode
Mephone is clearly running off so people don't see him constantly receiving these calls. i bet hes having a complete crisis over it. panic attack
I predict that as the justification because hotel OJ seems to be a relatively safe space. Theres a total horror to it, a looming danger only one person can really see. He's being hunted down in the middle of a party.
I predict that Cobs's presence in this episode is mostly through this looming horror.
Then there's the flashback of episode 15 with mepad being mad at mephone, voiceover is mephone asking mepad for help, and i'll take a break from dissecting visuals for a sec
MEPHONE: We can't escape him this time! MEPHONE: You have to help. MEPAD: We no longer work together. MEPHONE: Then, don't do it for me.
The voice lines may be put together from other parts of the episode
ehehe i get to talk about mepad. Okay
Mepad not working with mephone extends beyond the show. He actually just doesnt want anything to do with him anymore. oh my god
listen. i would write a whole essay about mepad and mephone rn But i have more scenes to get through.
mephone being the one guy that mepad refuses to help anymore is sending me Dude you fucked this up bad. you ruined your relationship with the one guy whos willing to help literally anyone. but it also shows how out of depth he was coming back from iii because his previous development is not helping him with his mental health this fucked
the "don't do it for me" is said over a scene showing all of the hotel oj guests implying that mepad should do it for everyone else. while this is definitely true i think mepad should also just do it for himself. please. please have mepad start doing things for himselffffffffff PLEASE
I'll touch on this more as i go through the visuals
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taco knocking on pickle's door. it's happening chat
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and i think he saw her
judging by the eye height though? I'm not actually sure. Taco isn't that tall, so either he sees Mepad or someone/thing else. Most likely has to do with taco though.
off topic but does oj seriously decorate his hotel's walls with images of cups and oranges. someone get this guy an interior decorator PLEASE
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Don't have much to say here. not much is happening and there doesn't seem to be any implications with this bit.
whys paper so mad at those hats
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off they go!
i bet these two will be running around in the background of everything a lot.
likely not using mepad's teleportation because it's flashy and noisy, which doesnt work well for stealth.
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everyone's here! except for nickel, who doesnt show up at all in this trailer. don't know what to say about that.
salt also isnt in this particular shot, but she was at the party in another shot earlier.
Oh and mephone. He's probably stepping outside to take a call hehehehehehehehehehehe
pickle also isn't here, but i expect he's either avoiding the party for some reason or preoccupied with a certain sideplot. Or both.
everyone seems to be having such a nice time enjoying themselves! it would be a shame if something horrible were to happen and several characters were to permadie
*cough*but of course that wouldnt happen. Um
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the final shot of the trailer is mepad
i love mepad
i hope he doesnt die
this means hes gonna have another big role in an episode...
it seems a lot of the plot is gonna hinge on the decisions made by mepad. specifically if he's gonna help mephone or not
okay I'm tired. i may add more later. WAIT my final thoughts,
BIG PREDICTION: Mephone will try to hide the cobs calls at the party but will get found out. When he's found out various characters (including tt pb and fan as shown earlier) will try to help in some way. This is act 1, so a lot of stuff will be set up but there wont be any big deliveries.
Mepad will play another big role.
Taco WILL talk to pickle.
Any big deaths, especially permadeaths, will either happen right at the end of this act or in a later act altogether.
more toilet. please animaitonepic Please show us toilet again. i have hope since we saw the ep12 challenge area.
this party is not ending well.
i need to rewatch season 1 i barely remember it
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dianadragonfly · 1 year ago
So, I was thinking about different fandoms and the fics that I love. What makes a good, satisfying fan fic? I realize it has 100% to do with the canon.
Take BBC Sherlock. I struggle so much with AUs where their beginnings are different. Sherlock is an astronaut, assigned to work with scientist John. (This is an example, not a dig at any specific fic). I can't. I can't. I realize BBC Sherlock is also an AU from Doyle, but BBC Sherlock and John are so fucking tied to "A Study In Pink" and John handing his phone to Sherlock that everything else seems false. Fun premise, but not the Sherlock and John I know.
A satisfying Johnlock fan fic needs to change the ending of the BBC canon. To think of these two men, who love each other so much, just continuing their parallel existences, never becoming anything more than crime-fighting buds, is just. . . it doesn't fit. It doesn't fit the show. It doesn't fit the characters Moffit and Gatiss created, even if they decided to not make it happen (as a special 'fuck you' to their fans). It's heartbreaking.
My favorite fics are fixits -- many of them deal with the aftermath of Euros and Mary, or some do "canon intercepts" and deal with Seasons 3 and 4 differently. Still, anything but John and Sherlock raising Rosie together as partners/lovers/husbands in 221B with Mrs. Hudson downstairs feels like a lie. (Some canon intercepts write out Rosie completely.)
If I had to write sequels to BBC canon, I'd pick "Drawn to Stars" by @totallysilvergirl or "Never Turn Your Back on the Sea” by @discordantwords . There's a thousand other ones, but those ring the most true to me.
"Heartstopper" fics don't have a lot of room to mess with the ending. Anything other than Charlie and Nick happily growing old together is so far out of canon and out of character that it doesn't even seem like it's worth exploring. There are a handful of ones that have one character or the other dying, but mostly, we understand right away that Charlie and Nick are endgame. We are 100% aligned with canon and creator on this.
Anything that isn't true to this ending rings as false as anything that isn't true to Sherlock's beginning. Fun to read, but not our characters.
With Nick and Charlie being so young in canon, their beginnings are so much malleable. Sherlock and John are tied to that lab. Nick and Charlie? not so much. They meet in grammar school. They meet in University. They meet after a hot hookup at a club in their 20s. They meet after broken marriages to Imogen and Ben. They meet during Nick's rugby career or as fellow teachers. They meet at gyms, at animal rescues, at psychiatric hospitals. They are single parents, University professors, rock star drummers, hot shot authors and academics. Their beginning isn't fixed. But the end always is.
I have so many favorites but I just re-read "Lavender Fields" and I think it's a perfect Nick and Charlie meeting up in their 30s fics. There's a ton of University fics too.
I haven't read nearly as many fics from other fandoms, so I don't know their quirks. I'm finding that fandoms that don't have a m/m pairing are hard to find a lot of fics for. (That's a whole 'nother post). But other m/m fandoms seem to have canon-compliant extra scenes. (Wanna see Achilles and Patroclus get freaky in a tent somewhere? Here ya go. That being said, there's one about Achilles waiting for Patroclus in the Underworld that breaks. my. damn. heart.)
Anyways, I need to do a serious look-through of other fandoms to see how this plays out.
I should add the links here to the fics I mention, just because.
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sirenthegalaxycollector · 3 months ago
Criticisms of Veilguard
After playing the series for most of my adult life, I can confidently say that this is one of the few games where I could feel how much the leads did not want to be making this game and simply didn't respect or enjoy the world they were working within. I strongly believe that both these things contributed to the lack of understanding of the societal intricacies of the world and the disdain with which they consider their consumers. Its a miss on so many levels, but for me, personally, its the obvious corporate propaganda.
In a time where our real world is experiencing fascist ideals spreading like a wildfire fed by the fear of disrupting the status quo, anything claiming to be art media has a responsibility to try and give people a way to explore their fears. To try and open their perspectives to a different viewpoint, or to model options other than staying the course simply because of fear. This could have been a game about different informal organizations coming together to ease the world through a drastic change, and exploring the consequences of that change. It could have examined Tevinter's relationship with the Evanuris. Could have explored the ways in which they have historically profited off hiding the origins of their magical and technological advancement by building a society that marginalizes the very races who's pasts they plunder for their successes. Could have shown organizations like the Lucerni, supported by unions and guilds, of which the shadow dragons could have been one, working together to reform Tevinter culture over the last decade, setting the stage for them to be better situated to handle a situation like the Veil coming down. Or perhaps making massive gains in the aftermath, because it would be pretty hard for a mageocracy to continue to maintain status quo when magic is more accessible. On the subject of the Shadow Dragons, I strongly dislike that they named this anti-slavery organization that, because its just too close to the hierarchical titles of a certain racist cult in the u.s.a. Snakes Serpents would have been a better choice, there's the alliteration with shadows and, more importantly, it would have been a cool little nod to indigenous American cultures (and maybe others but I am most familiar with the mythologies of the Americas). Not to mention, Fenris should have been in this organization, he is alive in canon and would absolutely help organize slave rebellions. There is no justice when the Veil remains. Mythal and Solas made the Titans tranquil. That is where the Rite of Tranquility must come from, taking the lore from prior games into account. No wonder he disapproves so greatly in DAI when you use that option. With the Veil left standing, we still have the Titan/Dwarven souls trapped in the Fade. There is no way that Harding, the Inquisitor, or Rook would find that an acceptable solution after everything they have learned. I do not think anyone in the Veilguard would consider that acceptable. Yet, Veilguard completely avoids the topic of tranquility, it isn't even in the game's glossary. It is hard to not see that as a way of denying new players full knowledge of the atrocity committed against the Titans so they consider the Veil remaining just. Considering the real world parallels between the dwarves and elves of Thedas, and various ethnic groups of our world, the decision is, at best, poorly considered in its implications. In what world would being offered the chance to reunite these peoples with the soul of their cultures and choosing to keep them divided be considered just or right? Thedas, I guess.
This game had the potential to dig in and explore the biases present not only in the teams working on them, but also our world at large, something they were already primed to do with the set up of the previous games. Instead we got a game that reinforced the status quo, that framed societal change as a mistake, and reparations of any kind as the responsibility of the past, divorced from the people who continue to profit from the atrocities. I do not think that this messaging is coincidental. It is too much aligned with the interests of the corporate class that has eroded our societies so quickly. I don't know if less apathy would have changed the ultimate message. Perhaps the biases of society were too overwhelming to confront in the face of all that is happening around us. Or perhaps decision makers were unable to recognize the biases they held. Whatever the case, the game did not capitalize on the potential offered by the stories that came before it and that is disappointing.
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