#we should always bully the french
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thebellekeys · 1 year ago
halloween is over but i just wanna note that paris is factually the most terrifying city and not just because of the catacombs and populists and bedbugs and princess diana dying but also because the film irréversible is set there
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darkficsyouneveraskedfor · 1 year ago
Dirty Work 10
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as bullying, familial discord/abuse, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You start a new gig and find one of your clients to be hard to please.
Characters: Loki
Note: Lucky me, I'm pretty sure I have a cold.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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“You know,” Frigga chirps as she takes the delicate tea cup from the table, “I think I’d rather my tea out in the sunshine. It’s such a lovely day.”
Mr. Laufeyson does not move and neither do you. You await him to take the lead or give an order. This may be his chance to dismiss you. You clasp your hands tight as you glance between mother and son.
“Very well,” he relents as he points at you then the tray, “I suppose we should enjoy the finer weather.”
You rise and linger as he ushers Frigga from the room. You gather the plate of biscuits onto the tray with the tea pot and the rest. You take it and follow the pair at a distance.
You watch as Mr. Laufeyson opens one of the French doors that looks out onto the patio and the tall golden woman steps through, mindfully balancing her cup. 
As you approach, Laufeyson glances at you and gestures impatiently. You hurry and hesitate as you near, only passing through as he jabs his finger once more in the air. Frigga settles on one of the iron chairs as you carefully place the tray on the table. Her son drags a chair out loudly and drops into it.
“I’ve always loved your garden, Loki,” she praises, “a pity you spend all your time inside these days. Oh, I remember that lovely party you threw when you returned from your honeymoon-”
“Mother,” he flutters his fingers at her, “please.”
“I know things were not happy in the end but for a time,” she says dreamily.
You back up and peer over at the door. Another impossible dilemma; should you leave, would that be rude? Or should you wait for his dismissal?
“Please, darling, sit, enjoy the sunlight,” Frigga undercuts your internal conflict, “have some tea. We’ve barely even spoken.”
“She should be working,” Laufeyson insists, “you shouldn’t bother her so.”
“Bother? Darling,” she arches a brow then turns her sights on you, “Am I bothering you?”
You press your lips tight and shake your head. You swallow as you search for your voice, “no, ma’am.”
“Ma’am? Please,” she exclaims shrilly, “Frigga will do nicely.” She reaches over to put her hand on the chair next to her, “please, come, since my son would rather glower at the sky.”
“I am not glowering,” Laufeyson counters and crosses his arms, wearing an expression contrary to his protest.
Frigga laughs as you bite the inside of your lip. You don’t see a way out. If you say no, it would be rude. You slowly round the table and ease the chair out before sitting. You wince as Frigga touches the collar of your shirt.
“I like this colour,” she intones, rubbing the fabric before letting it go, “it would be nice in a satin, wouldn’t it?”
“Um, yes, I think so,” you agree.
“It would be so lovely on you,” she purrs.
“Thank you,” you plant your elbow and nervously brush your fingers up your throat. Your eyes stray to Laufeyson as he narrows his eyes in your direction.
“Do have some tea,” she says as she reaches for the pot and an empty cup, “I hate to trouble for a full pot and waste half,” she pouts the brown reddish brew, “what do you take? Sugar, milk, honey?”
You stop your fidgeting and sit back, pulling your arm off the table to fold your hands in your lap, “nothing. Thank you.”
“Black, like Loki,” she muses as she sets the cup before you, the porcelain clinking on thick glass tabletop, “you two must have much in common.”
“Tea?” Laufeyson scoffs.
“Oh, surely,” Frigga sits back, “and how long have you been in his employ? Is this new?”
“Some two months,” Laufeyson answers for you, “she is still sorting much out. She hardly has time for tea–”
“If you have pressing matters, son, you’re welcome to make yourself busy,” she says flippantly, “do you know, my tea has been so lonely since you and Sif–”
“Carry on then,” Laufeyson cuts his hand in the air then puts his elbow down, cradling his cheek as he looks off into the lush green yard.
“Yes, we will carry on,” she sniffs, “so, darling,” she turns to you again, “two months. That’s wonderful. I don’t know that I ever saw any last so long.”
” Loki whispers tersely.
“Well, you are very particular,” she argues without glancing at him, “she must be rather good at the job. She is very sweet,” she pauses to look you over and her eyes drift to the cup, “please, have your tea.”
“Thank you,” you take the cup in both hands. You raise it slowly, blowing over the top before you sip.
“So, you must be from around here?” She prompts. You nod. “Quiet little thing,” she muses as you wipe a dribble with the back of your hand, “do you have family here too? Parents?”
You hug the cup in your hands, just over your lap, “my father.”
“Ah,” she accepts and you sense she wants to ask more but she senses the reluctance in your answer, “that’s very nice, isn’t it? You see him very often?”
“I live with him,” you explain, trying to keep your answers concise.
“How sweet,” she remarks, “isn’t that so sweet, Loki? Ugh, he and his father could never–”
“Mother,” he echoes once more, “that isn’t her concern.”
“Nor yours, it seems,” she chides as she turns straight in her chair, “you’ve not even asked after him. If you had, I may have had the chance to explain my visit.”
“Mm,” Laufeyson drones as his green eyes roll over dryly, “what is it he wants from me now?”
“Son,” she rebukes, “he is your father, he loves you–”
“He tolerates me,” he sneers, “so what is it? How have I disappointed him this time?”
She exhales and drinks from her cup before gently laying it down. She lifts her chin and you see in her an expression she passed onto her son. Determined and defiant.
“Hm, yes, I will be straight to the point, you know your father has a lot of clutter but he’s finally decided to thin it out,” she explains, “he had some pieces he was curious of. You recall, that Victrola he inherited from your grandfather–”
“You may go,” Laufeyson points at you then behind him.
“She’s not finished her tea,” Frigga argues.
“I do not pay her to drink tea–”
“Quit it,” she girds, “the girl has done nothing–”
“She doesn’t need to hear any of this. It doesn’t concern her,” he huffs.
“Oh, it is ever such confidential and high security information,” Frigga tuts sarcastically, “please, it is an old record player. Your father wants an appraisal from someone he can trust before he puts it to market.”
“Trust? I’m certain that’s not his word. Free of cost, I assume,” Laufeyson swallows thickly, “and market? He means to sell it? Of all things–”
“I won’t complain for it. I’ve been telling him since you were a boy to deal with the hoard–”
“Don’t let him sell it,” Laufeyson interjects.
“I can try but I don’t know if he’d listen,” she shrugs, “maybe he would if you did, eh? You are the professional.”
Laufeyson puffs again, his cheeks tinged red. His gaze meets yours as you’re rapt with intrigue, trying to piece together the little tidbits of his family life. You rescind your attention to your cup with an apologetic bow.
“I suppose you are not proposing I welcome him here?” Laufeyson ventures.
Frigga is quiet. The silence is tense as his long fingers tap on the table and he pushes his shoulders back. He clears his throat and lets out a long breath.
“Very well, I’ll make arrangements to travel,” he relents, “I can spare a day or two.”
“Oh son,” Frigga reaches to still his hand, squeezing it, “it’ll be nice to have you home again.”
He grunts but offers no sentiment. You stare at their hands and flick your lashes at the sudden heat behind your eye. More than a longing for what you’ve never had but a feeling you can’t name. Mr. Laufeyson has everything; a home, wealth, and a whole family and he only seems to be irritated by it all.
You peer down into your cup and choke down the bitterness in your mouth. You try not to let that needling thought win. That what if just as fantastical as the gardens beyond the patio. What if you had a mother like Frigga? How would that feel?
You tidy up the cups and what’s left of the biscuits onto the tray. Mr. Laufeyson and Frigga disappear inside as you set back to work. This is easier. It’s simple enough to clean up after people. What’s messy is having to interact with them.
You go to the kitchen and rinse the pot and clean the cups. You replace them in the cabinet with the glass window so they are back on display and you wipe the tray of crumbs. You return the uneaten biscuits to the tin and wash the plate in turn. You have everything away quickly.
You retreat to the hallway but hesitate. The sunlight streams in and brightens the space, beckoning you away from the staircase. You give with an excuse in mind. Well, it isn’t an excuse if you truly mean to achieve something.
You go back out to the patio and straighten the chairs at the table. You surpass them and take the few steps down to the stone path woven into the grassy sprawl. You walk between the hedges and vibrant flower beds. A green blur disappears from the tulips as fuzzy bees crawl over the long petals of the tall lilies.
You wind around to the path draped with hanging ivy and stop before the gazebo. It is the only piece within the garden which isn’t immaculately kept. It looks even neglected. You climb the mossy stairs as you hover your hand over the railing, vines wrapped around the wood.
You stop within as the dome blocks out the sun, the foliage swaying all around the structure. You take careful steps as you search out any imperfection. The note in the folder stick in your mind as you take careful steps.
Your eyes fix on one of the columns. That must be it. There’s a deep crack in the wood. It would need to be replaced. As you come closer, you trip and stagger back, barely keeping your foot from dipping through the broken slats. You look down at the large gap in the floor, concealed by the overgrown moss.
You back up and frown. You can tell this place was once as beautiful as the rest. You can’t help wonder why it’s gone forgotten. You tilt your head as you put your hands on your hips. You’ll call a carpenter and see what they say.
Your eyes are drawn up by a rustle. A branch shakes and a small creature lands on the railing. The soft chipmunk sits and looks around furtively. He seems not to even see you as he puts his front paws down and skitters along the trim. You don’t dare move as you watch him, a faint smile curling in your lips.
He jumps down onto the floor sniffing and scratching as he makes slow progress across the space. You just stand there, transfixed by the tiny critter. You’ve never been this close to one. It’s so cute. He gets closer and closer, nearly touching your shoe as you hold your breath.
Your name echoes behind you and the chipmunk rears up in fright. It squeaks and looks up at you, as if only discovering your existence before it turns and scurries away. You retreat in a similar state, shaken and uncertain.
As you get to the top of the steps, you see Mr. Laufeyson at the top of the path. He stops short and shifts direction towards you. As he marches along the untended stonework you gulp. You take a step down as he approaches.
“What are you doing out here?” He sneers.
“Mr. Laufeyson, I meant to have this repaired–”
“Forget it. Have it torn down,” he barks, “I’ve been looking for you.”
“Sorry, Mr. Laufeyson.”
“This thing won’t stop,” he reveals your flip phone. You’d left it in your bag with the other one. 
“Oh, I’m sorry–”
“Enough. Sorry, sorry, sorry,” he shakes his head, “do better. I am tiring of apologies.”
You nod and come down the steps. You reach for the phone as he holds it out. He doesn’t not hand it over right away, as if thinking better of it. Then suddenly he shoves it into your hand, his fingers scratching your palm. He recoils and spins on his heel.
You stay as you are as he paces then turns back again, “my mother is fond of you.”
You don’t know what to say. So you remain silent. This doesn’t seem like a conversation for two.
“You should thank her for if she wasn’t, you might not be employed any longer,” he growls.
You look down, “I’m sorry I was late–”
“I do not appreciate tardiness. It is unprofessional and disrespectful,” he interrupts.
“It won’t happen again, Mr. Laufeyson.”
“It won’t. If there is a next time, you won’t be late, you will be terminated,” he affirms, “do you understand?”
“I do, Mr. Laufeyson.”
He takes a deep breath and holds it in. His fists ball then release and he exhales. He crosses his arms and looks down his long nose. You see him weighing his next words but as he opens his mouth, the phone in your hand erupts. Your eyes round as you stare at it dumbly.
“Sorry, sir, I–”
“Answer it!” He demands as he tosses his hand out dismissively and turns on his heel, “if I hear that racket one more time–”
He stomps back up the path as you flip open the phone, fumbling to answer as the noise tears through the gardens. You press the green button and put it to your ear as you watch after Mr. Laufeyson’s angry gait.
“Hello,” you squeak.
“Hello, this is Harmony Home Nurses, we are returning your call
“Oh, uh, yeah,” you bat your lashes and falter. You’d nearly forgotten about everything else amid the tempest of your work. “Thank you, I
my father
You try to tuck away the anxiety as you explain your situation. You try not to think of how Mr. Laufeyson won’t be happy with you taking a personal call. Or how he will be just as irked at being interrupted. 
Your missteps are piling up and he is not the type to let them go unchecked.
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trainsinanime · 3 months ago
I'm still considering whether I'll do any non-vague posting about this, but let me just say: Writing long and erudite posts about what you think is wrong with a French children's TV show does not absolve you from the accusation that you're doing
 let's call it entry-level analysis. A post can be long and well-written and still just regurgitate the most basic, boring points, and some of them plainly wrong.
Actually maybe don't read this, it may be too salty itself.
"Adrien is sometimes too pushy", "Marinette is sometimes a stalker", "Alya is a bad friend because she's unwilling to bully a random new girl just because Marinette said so", yeah, yeah, we've heard it. More than once. Way more than once. Yes, even with receipts and quotes. Trust me, it's been discussed. These are the kind of standard hot takes of someone who is doing their first attempt at critical analysis, and I actually think on some level we should encourage that. I do believe fandom should be beginner-friendly in all regards.
But man, it can be annoying to read sometimes. Especially when someone uses these hot takes to justify the existence of salt fics. Let me be 100% clear here: Salt fics are not a reaction to flaws in the source material. Salt fics are materially different from fix-it fics. This becomes more clear when you track these patterns over fandoms, and in particular look at my favourite example over in Fairy Tail (sic).
That fandom has a number of fandom-specific plots, like some "angel of death sends main character back to relive the origins with the knowledge they had later" (also very popular in Harry Potter back in the day), but also one that is just 100% salt specific: It's about Lisanna, a childhood friend of the male lead Natsu, coming back from the alternate universe she was trapped in, and displacing Lucy, the female lead, who eventually leaves, sad and depressed, while nobody cares about her. The sentiments are all the same: Feeling depressed, feeling annoyed that your friends are suddenly interested in the new girl, feeling like you don't belong anymore, leaving your friend group to punish them and so on.
There are some differences as well. This whole thing was back in the days of Fanfiction.net, when crossovers were in a whole other section of the site and thus not easily findable, so the whole "
I'm going to run away to somewhere where people want me" never had the frankly hilarious addition of "
and when I'm there I'm going to marry Batman!", which spawned a whole sub-fandom in ML (its fans tell me that it's not all salt; I haven't bothered to check).
But the most important difference: The inciting incident never happened in canon. People just thought it might. In canon, Lisanna did return from her alternate dimension
 and then immediately became a forgotten background character. Lucy and Natsu remained just as in love as they always had been, which is to say, very much except they don't seem to notice it. Their relationship was never strained even for a moment.
And still people wrote these stories that are functionally salt fics, with the same storylines, same emotions, same beats. Because salt fics are not about fixing what is wrong with the show. If they were, they'd spend all their time discussing the terribly fucked-up metro map. Salt fics are about exploring feelings of loneliness, isolation, "why are you hanging out with here when I told you she sucks" and just pure spite, in a way that you don't really see outside of pop songs. That is the end goal. The characters and plots are just a way to get there, and they will get twisted as necessary.
This is critical for understanding and discussing the phenomenon of salt fics. Alya is not actually getting demonised because she acted a bit stupid in one episode where everybody but Marinette acted a bit stupid. It's incredibly weird to hear this argument, and then all the supporting quotes for it, in the same post, right underneath, are all:
Alya: Okay, but do you have any proof? Marinette (angrily): Arrghlwargl! No!
Like, come on. Alya is getting demonised because people really want to. Because it works for the kind of story. These stories assume that it's Alya's job to always support Marinette unconditionally, and that any deviation from that, no matter how minor, is a highest order betrayal. And then they go full Count of Monte Cristo on her.
(Well, not really, that could almost be fun. Nobody ever has Marinette imprisoned for fourteen years, get out with the help of a hypnotist monk, use a buried pirate treasure to buy an island, then manipulate a telegraph line to
 It's all just torn notebooks and such. Boring.)
The idea that people hate Alya for mostly valid reasons is just plain wrong and shows that you've missed a huge part of what's happening in the fandom. You could use all the Alya hate as an entry point into analysing what her role is in the show, how people in the fandom perceive her role, how people in the salt dom perceive her role, how her role and her personality shift depending on the needs of an episode at the expense of a consistent character and so on. There is some great analysis in that direction out there already, but more wouldn't hurt. "Alya is a bad friend sometimes because of Chameleon" remains an uninteresting take no matter how well you word it, though.
And that's just Alya. Adrien hate, for example, is its entirely own field. In short: Yes, some characters in this fandom are over-hated. Try digging deeper next time.
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kvthgok · 2 years ago
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Webs | Miguel O’Hara x Teen Spider Reader (Platonic)
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Warnings- none
Summary- Miguel helps you learn how to control your webs!
Side note- not proofread hehe, to lazy đŸ€­
"Quit the whining before I throw you off the building myself" groaned Miguel. Today he was teaching you how to control your webs. This whole Spiderman thing was new to you.
I rolled my eyes, "Rude much? Still there is absolutely no way I'm jumping off this building! Your crazy!" I rambled on. He sighed.
"How old are you again?" Miguel asked, raising his eyebrows. "Oh right.  Your 15 and you're afraid of heights.  Well, you better figure out how to do what I tell you to do.  Or else."  He said, while crossing his arms.  His tone becoming more threatening.
"yeah yeah bossy pants" I said looking at my nails.
Miguel shook his head.  He was being more than bossy, he was being a bully. "Now, you better do what I say.  Quit your whining unless you want to go for a little trip." Miguel said, motioning towards the edge of the building. 
"Can we make a trip to Mcdonalds ?" I smiled like a idiot trying to piss him off and it was working perfectly.
"Why, so you can stuff your face with Big Mac's or french fries or whatever else that greasy food joint serves?"  Miguel asked, shaking his head. "You don't need anymore junk food.  It's a wonder you're not heavier than you are considering how unhealthy you eat." Miguel groaned, a scowl on his face. 
My jaw dropped.
"Yeah."  Miguel said, leaning back and crossing his arms.  He was still scowling at you.”And you wonder why I'm so tough on you when you stuff your face with that junk food.  If you want something to eat that bad, I'll make you something when we get back at the HQ." Miguel sighed and turned his back to you, his arms crossed and his head resting on one of his arms.
I still stood dumbfounded process what he said before.  All I knew that it was super out of pocket.
Miguel stood there, his back still turned to you.  He was still muttering to himself. "It's like you're always thinking of food," He huffed, turning his head back to face the sky and closing his eyes. "It's not healthy for you to eat all of that junk food.  Don't you care about keeping yourself in shape?"  Miguel asked, looking back at you.
“Nope not really." I said happily, skipping to him like a toddler that just got a toy from a store. 
Miguel glared at you as you skipped towards him.  He was annoyed at your childishness but wasn't going to show it. "Yeah, well you should be more worried about your health than you currently are," Miguel said, while tapping his foot on the pavement.  He wasn't pleased about your carelessness towards your health.
"Wasn't this whole purpose to help me control my webs and not talk about my love for food?" I raised my eyebrow.
Miguel sighed and looked back at you, tapping his foot on the ground again."It was at first," He started to explain. ”But then the whining began."  He said. Miguel's arms remained crossed as he looked at you, his eyes narrowed and his face expressionless.  He was annoyed with you and he wasn't afraid of showing it.
"whaaaaaa what whining " I nervously laughed trying to act innocent knowing damn well I was.
"Oh please."  Miguel groaned and turned his back to you once again. "The whining isn't going to help.  All you need to do is learn how to control those webs of yours."  Miguel said. He glanced back at you through the corner of his eye.  He looked annoyed.
"Well what are we waiting for?" I questioned.
Miguel took a deep breath and looked over the edge of the building once more. "First things first.  You need to face your fear of heights."  Miguel said. He turned and faced you, his arms still crossed. "I'm not going to wait for you to conquer your fear.  It's sink or swim and I'm not afraid to give you a good shove."  Miguel said, his tone becoming more stern and more demanding. Miguel looked back at you and his eyes narrowed some more. "Yeah mhm sure buddy" I said in a smart ass tone.
Miguel's scowl became more prominent.  He stared at you for a moment, before grabbing the  front of your shirt. ”Ready or not, here we go." Miguel then proceeded to drag you towards the edge of the building.
Miguel held you over the edge of the building, with your only lifeline being his grip on the front of your shirt. "Now, are you going to keep whining or are you going to help yourself?"  Miguel asked. He looked down at you, he had a small smirk on his face. I glared at him.
“Oh don't give me that look.  I've been more than patient with you," Miguel said, before glancing back at the edge of the building. Miguel continued to hold me over the edge of the building, with his grip tightening on the front of your shirt.
"You wouldn't dare."
Miguel scoffed and narrowed his eyes at you. "I would dare," Miguel said. He began to shake you side to side, his grip still intact on the front of your suit. "Quit complaining and just learn how to control those webs of yours."  Miguel growled. “I rather die" I started complaining again.
His grip on the front of your suit tightened. He was frustrated by your continued complaining, and he didn't have much more patience. "I'm going to drop you," Miguel said in a stern tone.
"Doubt it but whatever floats your boat.”
He ignored your sarcasm. He tightened his grip on the front of your suit once again. He took one more look over the edge of the building.That's when he made his decision. Miguel threw you over the edge of the building, your only lifeline being the fabric of your suit. That's when Miguel let go.
"I HATE YOU!” you screamed while panicking in the air. HES CRAZY WHY COULDN'T I TRAIN WITH PETER? I thought to myself. Miguel had found it quite entertaining however.
Miguel chuckled as he watched you frantically move your arms and legs around.  Your attempts to use your webbing to slow your fall were not going well. You were in a panic, desperately trying to reach for something to support yourself and slow your fall. You were looking to the side of the building and noticed Miguel had his arms crossed, watching you fall.  He had a smile on his face.
I was trying to hug onto a window from a building. People were looking at me , “Hai..." I nervously chuckled.
Miguel just watched you panic and make a fool of yourself.  He didn't help or say a single word.  He was amused, and he enjoyed watching you struggle. You tried to grab onto the window from another building.  Some people were looking at you, some of them looking down from their balconies across the street.
"That's right, keep making a fool of yourself."  Miguel said under his breath. I sharply turn to look at Miguel with daggers in my eyes. He was trying to hold in his laughter.
Miguel looked at you, still with that sinister smile on his face.  He was entertained by what was happening to you. He continued to watch and see what you would do.  Miguel wasn't trying to hold in his laughter, he was letting it all out.  Miguel laughed the entire time at you and your struggles.
His laughter continued, and he started speaking again. "You know, I didn't think you'd be able to grab onto anything.  This is way more entertaining than I expected."
I yelled in anger and in fear, "Imma kill you once I get to — OH GOD I HATE YOU MIGUEL!" I started slipping. Miguel rolled his eyes and continued to watch you.  He didn't take your threats seriously at all. You were still hanging onto the window from the building you grabbed onto, still struggling. 
"What's that?" Miguel asked. "You hate me?"  he chuckled, clearly not taking you seriously when you yelled that you were going to kill him. "How cute."  Miguel said in a mocking tone. "This could end if you would just learn to control your webs and save yourself."  He said.
"Maybe I am," Miguel smirked. "But, at least I'm not the one hanging on to a window for dear life now, am I?"  Miguel asked with a grin on his face. "Still struggling there, are we?" Miguel said with a smirk , watching you struggle.
He noticed as your nostrils started to flare, and he smirked. "Someone's getting annoyed, huh?"  Miguel asked, then turned his back, crossing his arms and resting his head on one of his arms. "Go ahead, keep yelling."  Miguel said  just continued to watch you.
You finally managed to get back onto the rooftop after some time later.  You sat down on the edge of the building roof, breathing a sigh of relief and glancing at Miguel. He wasn't talking to you, and he wasn't looking at you. He was still with his back turned, his arms crossed and his head rested on one of his arms. Miguel then broke the silence.
"Are you ready to learn how to control your webs now?"  Miguel asked, his tone becoming more serious.
“I thought I just did?” I said out of breathe.
"You grabbed onto a window, that's all," Miguel said. "I've seen kids do better than that.  That's not controlling your webs.  That's just desperation."  His tone was a dismissive and sarcastic tone. Miguel then turned and faced you, a hint of annoyance in his voice. ”Do it again."  Miguel said. I mocked him.
Miguel just stared at you, unimpressed by your mocking tone. "Well?"  Miguel asked. He was expecting you to start practicing and trying to control your webs again.  However, it seemed the fall had taken the wind out of you. "What are you waiting for?"  Miguel asked with a slight scowl on his face.
“Waiting for my breathe to come back” I sighed laying on the concrete floor.
Miguel rolled his eyes, thinking you were just being lazy. "Well get a move on.  I'm not waiting all day for you to get your breath back."  Miguel said. He didn't sound very convinced by what you had to say.  His arms were still crossed and he didn't like that you were taking a break after what just happened.
-Skip 2 hours later-
The sun was starting to set, the sky gradually becoming darker. Miguel had been standing on the edge of the building roof for two hours, and he was clearly getting more annoyed as time went on.
Miguel then turned around to face you, sighing. "Alright?  You ready yet, or are you going to need another break?"  Miguel asked in a sarcastic tone. "At this rate, this entire night is going to go by and you still won't have gained control of your webs."  Miguel said with a groan.
“Okay okay fine I’ll do it.” I said confidently walking over to the edge then I looked down and we were back to square one.
Miguel rolled his eyes. "You're afraid of heights, aren't you?"  he asked. He had a smirk on his face as he asked you that. "You're too afraid to face your fear and learn how to control those webs of yours.  I thought you wanted to become a better Spider-Man.  I had expected more."Miguel shook his head, clearly annoyed by this point.
He kept telling me if I wasn’t going to face my fear then I would never be successful and on and on. At this point he was getting on my nerves.
He then got close to you, his face just inches away from yours. His voice became more demanding and he didn't try and hide his annoyance at this point. Miguel's eyes narrowed and he looked at you with what can be described as disgust."I'm telling you right now," Miguel started, his tone changing.  
"If you don't face your fear and control those webs you'll be nothing but a failure.  You'll just be a joke." Miguel paused for a moment. "You'll never live up to Peter Parker's legacy the way you're acting right now." “Oh yeah?!” I grew pissed.  “Yeah.” He repeated to start getting you mad so you could do it. 
Miguel smirked and looked away from you.  He was playing the psychological cards and he knew exactly what he was doing.  He wanted you to get more pissed off.  That way, you'd maybe prove him wrong and use that anger to control your webs.
He turned his gaze back on you, looking at you with a smirk. "You can prove me wrong, you know," Miguel said with a small laugh. "You can make me eat my words.  Is that what you want to do?  Or, are you just going to be a coward and let me win?" He scoffed and chuckled as he said that last line.  It was a cruel thing to say, and Miguel knew the effects it would have on you. Miguel had pushed your buttons, and he was playing you like a puppet.
I glared at him and then went for it.  You might have a chance at making it as a Spider-Man after all," Miguel said with a smirk.  He still had that mocking tone in his voice, but he had changed his expression from annoyance. "That's the way I like seeing you," He added. He looked away from you, but then glanced back after a few seconds. "Do it again."  Miguel said in a demanding tone.
“I swear if I fall imma
oh wait this is kinda easy” I said surprised. Miguel couldn't help but chuckle at your response.  You were still trying to be sarcastic, but it also felt like you were enjoying yourself. Miguel continued to watch, watching your progress unfold before his very eyes. 
"Keep going," he said. Miguel let out a grin in approval of what you had just said.  He had been pushing you to this point, and he was glad to see you were trying to control those webs of yours.
Few minutes later we were sitting on top of that same roof eating the McDonalds I begged Miguel for.
Miguel had a big smile on his face as he took a bite of his McDonald's burger.  His eyes were focused on you the entire time, just watching you closely. He was impressed that you had learned to control your webs. 
"You did it," he said in a genuine tone as he took another bite of his food. Miguel was no longer annoyed, nor was he mocking you.  Now, Miguel was just proud of what you accomplished.
"How does it feel?"  Miguel asked, a hint of admiration in his voice. 
“Awesome” I smiled 
He spoke again, “You know, if you want to be a good Spider-Man.” "You need to learn more than just web control and using your Spidey senses."Miguel looked at you as he spoke. "You need to learn how to fight.  There's more to being Spider-Man than shooting Webs at people."
“You gotta be kidding me man” I started to whine again.
 Oh boy here we go again

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kharmii · 4 months ago
Seems you are vindicated about that Algerian boxer. Sorry, don’t know how to make it a link. Someone saw his medical records.
This is another case of hard leftists using bullying tactics to screech that the sky is green, and grass is blue. It was obvious Imame Khelif was a man. Reasonable people said, "Hey! Show us the genetic testing proving he/she has XX chromosomes!"
Instead, -typical- we had the useful idiot leftwing causehead harpies descending upon us screeching, "How dare you! She's intersex! How dare you question a minority Muslim! You are obviously weirdos with no friends!"
When none of that worked, they had to move on to lawfare against such as JK Rowling and Elon Musk for daring to speak the truth. What nerve that person has to threaten lawsuits against people telling the truth, just to shut them up! Typical left-wing tactic worldwide. Anyway, the take-away from that link is that Imane Khelif's parents may have been blood relatives who produced an offspring with 5-alpha reductase deficiency, a disorder of sexual development that is only found in biological males. This is why The Kharmii doesn't support the incest irl, even if I think identical twins making out is hot. Anyway, here is the entire article under the cut, plus a Twitter link about the problem of inbreeding in Muslim culture:
Cousin marriages are common in Muslim culture because it's a way to keep women down. They get caught in isolated, closely knit families that are able to control every aspect of their lives. That's why it's always good to see new people.
Now the article from the Anon's link:
A shocking new development has emerged in the case of Algerian boxer Imane Khelif after a French journalist reportedly gained access to a damning medical report revealing Khelif has “testicles.” The news comes months after Khelif seized a gold medal in women’s boxing at the Paris Olympics.
The genetic abnormality influences the normal development of a child’s sexual organs. At birth, male babies impacted by 5-alpha are often incorrectly assigned female due to the presence of deformed genitalia that sometimes takes on the appearance of a “blind vaginal pouch.”
This disordered development typically becomes apparent by puberty, when 5-alpha adolescents begin to experience signs of masculinization such as muscle growth, hair growth, and an absence of breast tissue development or menstruation. Without access to a proper clinical examination, males with 5-alpha may incorrectly believe they are female into adulthood.
At the end of October, French journalist Djaffar Ait Aoudia obtained a copy of a thorough physical examination that was conducted on Khelif in order to verify the presence of a disorder of sexual development.
According to Aoudia, the clinical report reveals that an MRI determined that Khelif had no uterus, but instead had internal testicles and a “micropenis” resembling an enlarged clitoris. A chromosomal test further confirmed that Khelif has an XY karyotype, while a hormone test found that Khelif had a testosterone level typical of males. In the file, doctors also suggested that Khelif’s parents may have been blood relatives.
This report coincides with an earlier admission by Khelif’s coach, Georges Cazorla, that the Algerian boxer had been subjected to an assessment at the Kremlin-BicĂȘtre Hospital after being disqualified from women’s boxing by the International Boxing Association (IBA) in March of 2023.
In an interview from August, Cazorla tepidly conceded that the endocrinologists had determined there was a “problem with [Khelif’s] chromosomes” at the time. Despite this fact, Cazorla insisted that Khelif should still be allowed to compete against females.
Cazorla also stated that Khelif was placed on testosterone suppressants following the 2023 medical assessment. However, the International Olympic Committee has not submitted athletes to chromosomal testing since 1999 and, at the Paris Olympics, the only requirement to participate in women’s boxing was to have a female sex marker on legal documents.
Further confirmation of the boxers’ karyotype was given by Alan Abrahamson, an associate professor at the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, who is a specialist in Olympic sports and member of the International Olympic Committee’s press committee. In an August statement, Abrahamson said that he had personally viewed the results of the hotly-contested chromosomal tests ordered by the IBA in 2022 and 2023 which “concluded the boxer’s DNA was that of a male consisting of XY chromosomes.”
The news of Khelif’s leaked medical report comes after he won gold at the Paris Olympics in the women’s 65kg category.
In collaboration with the Independent Council on Women’s Sport (ICONS), Reduxx was the first outlet to break the news of Khelif’s participation in women’s boxing at Paris, raising alarm bells due to his previous disqualification from women’s boxing by the IBA. The news sparked a firestorm of controversy, with the IBA coming out in opposition to the IOC’s decision to allow Khelif to fight women in Paris.
Speaking to Reduxx on this latest revelation, ICONS co-founder Marshi Smith slammed the IOC and the Algerian Olympic Committee for allowing Khelif to continue his journey to Paris gold despite being fully aware he was genetically male.
“The IOC and the Algerian Olympic Committee are complicit in endorsing male violence against women under the guise of public entertainment on the world’s largest sports stage,” Smith said. “They stood by as women were subjected to physical assault for spectacle, stripped of safety, fairness, and their lifetime achievements. All those involved must face swift and serious consequences.”
Smith adds that she believes Khelif should be stripped of his gold medal, but doubts any action will be taken to rectify the injustice.
“We urge leaders in sports and governments worldwide to condemn the IOC and demand a public commitment to ensuring fair and safe sports for women from this day forward. This must never be allowed to happen again.”
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dustedmagazine · 2 months ago
The Gits — Frenching the Bully (Sub Pop)
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The title of the debut LP by the Gits was always a little uncomfortable to hold in your head, and it became even more so after the tragedy of Mia Zapata. It’s equally uncomfortable trying to listen to this record anew, keeping that awful story at arm’s length as her voice crowds you into various corners of the room you’re in. Forget about elective ignorance, or selective memory. There’s too much pain and rage in these tunes, boiling under the music’s surface of hard-rocking, bluesy and boozy raucousness. Check out “It All Dies Anyway,” which could just about pass for an outtake from Cheap Thrills (1968) — a little sloppy then just as often gloriously tight, spilling over with gutty affect, the sonic equivalent of that last shot of Southern Comfort you probably shouldn’t have done, but the greenish aura at the edges of your vision is sure making the night a lot more interesting.
Zapata’s outsized presence — her inimitable grafting of swagger onto sudden vulnerability — and the Gits’ association with the Pacific Northwest in the early 1990s has led some to erroneously group the band with Riot Grrrl! It’s not an entirely misplaced reference, but Zapata’s presence was a lot more female than didactically feminist. Give a listen to the sensibility articulated by rawkin’ tunes like “Another Shot of Whiskey” or “Here’s to Your Fuck” (a nod to Dean Stockwell’s turn as Ben in Blue Velvet: “So fucking suave
”). For sure, she seems to be arguing her ability to drink hard and love harder, but not with any sort of aim toward gendered equality. Zapata was entirely herself.
For those reasons, we might position her in a long succession of blues belters that also happened to be women: Memphis Minnie, Etta James, more recently some vocalists in metal whose pipes are nearly as impressive as Zapata’s, like Windhand’s Dorothia Cottrell. And we should remember just how much blues was in some of the grunge music that came out of Seattle; see Mudhoney’s “Sweet Young Thing Ain’t Sweet No More” or Alice in Chains’ “Sea of Sorrow.” Inasmuch as the Gits had musical fellow travelers, those songs get close to the snarl and churn of great tunes like “Kings and Queens” or “Wingo Lamo.”
But there are also franker confessions of the agony that moved Zapata toward so much hard drinking. “Cut My Skin It Makes Me Human” isn’t a good-times song, and the longing for a tougher shield, to keep the self safe from the abuse of existing as a person, emerges from “Second Skin” with gob-smacking honesty. The boys in all those grunge bands were likely also doing some hurting (the smack habits didn’t happen without a whole lot of shame and pain), but songs like “Hands All Over” and “Black Sun Morning” projected their aggro energies out onto the world. Zapata let hers come home. She was a blues singer. She frenched the bully, then kicked him in the balls, then picked him up off the floor and leaned in for more.
Jonathan Shaw
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valentinetypewriter · 1 year ago
The Lion And The Snake - Chapter One
Summary: the Black siblings and the Marauders hate each other, and nothing and no one will ever change that, well at least that's what they think
Main Masterlist // marauders era masterlist
Notes: I'm changing the Yule ball to be an annual thing and not a triwizard tournament thing. Also I'm not entirely fluent in French so I'll be using google translate, so I apologise if anything is incorrect. And lastly I'm adding in just a random oc that will become more important later on - let me know your guys thoughts on this fic in the comments
Warnings: bullying, fighting, mean Marauders, slytherin Sirius, badly translated French
Word count: 1,944
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The problem with Gryffindors in general was that if you weren't in their house they didn't seem to think you were worth their time, they were all so self assured and confident in a sort of 'I'm better than everyone else' sort of way, and even the Slytherins got along with the other two houses better than Gryffindor. The worst of them though was the infamous Marauders, a trio of rowdy (and incredibly annoying) Gryffindors. James Potter, Peter Pettigrew and Remus Lupin, everyone in school knew of them, even the ones who couldn't care less, though it was for all the worst reasons. The three were always pulling off cruel and idiotic pranks on other students, their preferred targets being pureblood slytherins. They were nothing more than over the top bullies who had no sense of boundaries, even within their own house.
Though the Marauders, and most gryffindors, often thought the problem was with Slytherin. They were after all the evil house, nothing more than obsessive purebloods who would marry a cousin before even thinking of marrying a half-blood, well that's what they thought of them anyway. Their favourite targets were a set of twins in 5th year, a year younger than them and quiet too, not many friends to talk to about being bullied either. Their targets were none other than Regulus Arcturus Black and Y/n Vulpecula Black, who tended to stick to themselves, which meant that the only friends they had were the friends of their older brother. Though Sirius nor his friends had any problem with the two kids hanging around them, especially if it meant they wouldn't be targeted by older Gryffindor students.
Unfortunately today was not a lucky day for the twins, as they were on their way to their Divination classroom a loud and obnoxious voice rang out from the end of the hallway "well if it isn't my favourite little twins" the two sped up before even looking behind them, the only thing they didn't account for was the much taller and intimidating boy who was waiting around the corner at the other end for them to approach. "What's the rush" large hands rested on their shoulders, the two stayed quiet glaring up at the boy. "Oh thanks for catching these two moony!" The short blond haired boy said with too much joy for someone so terrible. Regulus was the first to speak up "what the hell do you three want" his voice was harsh and clearly irritated "well little spitfire is that anyway to talk to upperclassmen, and to think we were going to be nice to you today" James slung his arms around them, squeezing himself uncomfortably close in-between the two kids "yeah sure, we totally believe that" the young boy bit back, shoving James's arm off himself. "You know what lads, I think we should teach these little punks how to respect their elders" Remus said, shoving the twins back around the corner. "You know moony I was thinking the exact same thing" Peter piped in, opening a closet door behind him. Of course James quickly caught on "wormtail, moony you two are genius" the brunette quickly shoved the two into the closet before casting a locking spell they wouldn't be learning until next year. The young girl was quick to bash on the door "let us out you dicks!" The tall scarred boy moved closer to the door "oh sorry little vixen, you two had your chance, we have to teach you some manners that your parents clearly aren't" she could hear the three boys laugh with each other before their voices faded out as they walked off. The young girl let off one last kick to the door before looking towards her brother "how are we supposed to get out?" She sounded defeated. Regulus was quick to move around the room, shoving things away to make space on a shelf. He grabbed a piece of parchment and his quill from his bag, he quickly wrote onto the paper before casting an enchantment on it and slid it under the door "I sent a letter to Sirius and I added a small map that'd lead him to us".
The twins sat down together, talking mindlessly about classes before ending up on the topic of who'd they take to the Yule ball "I don't think I'll actually go this time" the girls brother looked up at her "but Y/n you didn't go last year either" she just shrugged "I just don't have anyone to ask, and no one asked me last year, I doubt it'd be different" the boys shook his head "Evan seems to have taken a shine to you, I think he might ask you" Y/n let out a dry laugh "I highly doubt that Reggie, I'm sure he'd ask Barty before me" the boy was cut off before he could respond by the door slamming open. Outside stood their older brother, slightly out of breath and his curly hair a mess "are you two alright, they didn't hurt you did they, je vais les tuer" the two shook their heads "no we're fine Siri" y/n said, walking past her older brother to exit the closet "right well I'll get you two to class safely". The walk to their classroom was quick and Sirius was even quicker to try and walk off before being stopped by Regulus "oh and Sirius, try to not beat anyone up this time" he had a wolfish grin on his face that screamed trouble "I promise I won't personally lay a hand on them".
Divinations went by quickly, as did most of Y/n's classes, and lunch quickly came around. She was walking from charms class, one she happened to not share with her brother, to the great hall. On her way there she saw a few students running around her, all heading towards the courtyard, yelling about some kind of fight. At first Y/n thought it was just another duel between two students, that was until she got closer and heard the violent sounds of skin hitting skin. She pushed through the crowd hoping her worried thoughts wouldn't be true, unfortunately they were very true. Fighting in the middle of the courtyard stood none other than the Marauders fighting with Sirius and his Friends, Barty, Evan and another pureblood slytherin girl he was close with, Sabrina Sallow. Well it was more Sirius watching his friends beat up the Marauders then anything, he stood there, leant up against a tree with a bright grin on his face "you know I would give nothing more then to bash your heads in for what you three did, unfortunately though I made a promise not to lay a hand on any of you". Y/n could at least give him that, the thing about Sirius is that he always kept his word, he also always found a way around the things he'd promise. The fight was pretty brutal to Y/n, the fights she was used to were sanctioned duels, not something so muggle like. She had seen them all do horrible stuff that'd bruise or scar, they scratched and punched and pulled on hair, Y/n was even sure she had seen Barty bite Peter on the hand. It carried on for a bit longer until the terrifying voice of Professor McGonagall rang throughout the courtyard "what on earth are you all doing!" The six fighting students all pulled themselves up, a bit of shoving here and there "my office now, all seven of you" none of them made even a sound of disagreement as they trudged off to her office. As they walked off, Sirius saw Y/n in the sea of students, giving her a thumbs up before continuing on. "The rest of you clear out, I'm sure you all have much better things to do" once she left the students were quick to disperse, now there was no longer anything entertaining going on, a few lingered to continue their lunch outside. Y/n though went off to find her twin, to tell him about what she just witnessed.
Y/n was quick to find her brother, sitting in their usual spot under a large tree in a normally empty courtyard. The girl quickened her pace slightly at the sight of him, when she reached him she practically threw herself onto the bench "you will not believe what just happened" Regulus looked up from the book he was writing in "oh, did you find James snogging a boy again?" The girl rolled her eyes at her brother "no not this time, it was actually to do with Sirius" he closed his book, placing it back into his bag "was he the one snogging a boy" Y/n hit him on the arm slightly "will you stop talking about boys snogging each other, no I saw Sirius in a fight, a physical one, well sort of, it's was his friends actually, they were fighting those stupid Marauders and he was watching" his eyes grew wide "he did what, did he get hurt!" Y/n shook her head, smiling at her twins worry for their older brother "no he didn't get hurt, they all got into trouble though, with professor McGonagall" Regulus sighed "of course they did, I'm sure they will all be stuck in detention for months" he stood up pulling his book bag over his shoulder "do you want to go find Sirius and the others, we can either congratulate them for their stupid bravery
" he paused for a few seconds mulling over his options "or we could go reprimand them for getting in trouble" Y/n beamed up at the now standing boy "you know what, that sounds wonderful Reggie". She wrapped her hand around his arm, quickly pulling him in the direction of the Slytherin common room, hoping that Sirius would be there.
The twins arrived at the common room, their heads darting around the students inside before landing on the group they were hoping to find. They all sat by the large fireplace, and despite just getting in trouble they all held prideful looks on their faces as they talked about how many hits they got in. The two approached the group, sitting down on one of the open couches. "You know you're all unbelievably stupid right?". The four teens looked over at the younger students "yeah but we won though didn't we lads" barty said slightly shaking Evan who was sitting next to him, Sabrina and Evan were quick to agree. Sirius though just looked over at his siblings smiling "I couldn't just let them get away with what they did" they both smiled at him "We appreciate that Siri but you can't keep getting in trouble for us" it was obvious to both his siblings that Regulus was worried about Sirius, even if he would never admit that. "Well you look like you need to rest, that adrenalin will wear off soon and you three will be in a whole lot of pain". Barty, who was always over dramatic, threw himself over the twins "tell me doctor, will I live to see another day" his Scottish accent thick in his fake tone of sadness. Y/n lent down to make eye contact with the lanky teen "not if you keep biting people, you feral boy" he laughed as the girl shoved him off. "She's right though you lot should head to the medical wing, I'll make sure they get to class alright" Barty stayed laying on the sofa until Sabrina and Evan dragged him off
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booksandchainmail · 3 months ago
oniisama e, episode 30
finally this show is living up to it's french revolution character nickname
actually wait I just put together that since the author also wrote rose of versailles, presumably she did a bunch of reading on the french revolution and cares about it as a time period. Hence the weirdly obscure reference
"All of us are free and equal" really channeling that revolutionary energy into this highschool extracurrical
has someone done a les mis au of this? feels like it would work, I can see Kaoru and Rei as some of those students who die tragically on the barricades and get a lot of fanfic out of it, Kaoru is a young revolutionary brimming with zeal (and wanting specifically to avenge/protect Rei), Rei is a cynical illegitimate nobleman but finds motivation in her friend
(I've sort of half-seen the movie once so this is maybe not very accurate. oh well)
Tomoko should get in on this! The Sorority's arbitrary decision to select Nanako nearly destroyed their friendship, she's been hurt as well
"why can't I ever do fashionable things [protest] like everybody else": me (very boring) in high school
Nanako is growing up so much in these episodes
Rei doesn't have to canvass for signatures, she just sits there
ok. so the older Sorority girls approach these bully minions and go, hey... we have two slots... help us and we'll put your boss in one of them... and they go for it! absolutely no direct bribe to them! damn that's some loyal henching
imagine trying to stealthily incinerate a petition and then someone stops you by throwing an ornate dagger into it
I guess the loyalty goes both ways
So Mariko and Misaki were to a degree noble rivals/only one allowed to defeat me, and then devolved into stabbing in like a couple of months. This school really fucks people up!
everyone in this show is always trying to kill themselves
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auttumnmai · 2 years ago
I redesing Chloe
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So Like you know that I did some redesing for mlb, for fun yk.(here's the link if you're curious : +
I have always wanted to do Chloe, but I knew that she need it a lot of work for my part. Like, from all the years of watching the show I found myself really like "liking" Chloe. We all love a mean girl.
I going to do give some thoughts about her desing an d why I landed on this one and comment a little bit of her writting as character.
small note: When I do this redesings I always thought about them like 16-17 ish years old, it just when I think of what I would have done with the story is them being just a lil bit older.
So for Chloe I had a few key words to go off. It girls( from the 80ÂŽs,60ÂŽs and the early 2000ÂŽs),very femenine, a lil bit of preppy and french girl. it was really dificult to balance all of this because I wanted to gave it a really iconic look but at the same time very effortless becuase of "nepo baby". Also I used "french girl" becuase I thought "she's the daughter of the most famous fashion editor of French, she would be an it girl just for the nepotism" So she should have a really unique style that breaths nepotism .
Also some time it can be similar to Mari's because of something that I'm gonna' explain later.
I'd made a pinterest board as usual for this. + (the link).
also I made some really bad explorations on options,like really fast to cutr down options.
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For some reason gogo boots were like the shoe to go, like confier than a heel but it has a hell, also i despise flats shoes. Also I wanted to make her have like a supermodel fisique, becuase when I saw her mom I thought "it's like a fusion of Anna Wintour and Yolanda Hadid" so like yeah.
I also had to some skechtes of her face, not because I did not like her face,just becuase it did not translate as well to my style.
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As you can see I even found a face for Zoe(unintencional) that looks like angelina Jolie for some reason. At the end my references are the ones on the bottom.
now for the writting
If it's not clear I do really belive that Chloe was like mistreated, because one thing is that you wanted to make her an antagonist and the other thing is what they did to her. Like keep her as a bad guy but do it with respect to the character and the work that has been done the character.
some notes about her .
-A thing that I do not remember being used in the show, the similarities between Mari and Chloe. Like literally sometime they have the same delusion and do stuff like without thinking of the concequences. Like it's simple Chloe can be a reminder of what happens if you loose the tracks and idk becomes to self absorb. And Mari is for Chloe like what she saws a "weak".
-Also a very important thing, I'd belive that Chloe should have a really meaningfull reason to bully Mari. Like it does not excuse her behavior but give it more flavor. Remeber Style Queen and Audrey acknowledeges Marinette for her talent. This is the moment. So Mari should represent all the things that Chloe was teach by her Mom to be "weak", "unusefull" ,so when she sees her mom be nicer to someone "meah" than her own daughter, she gets mad.
So I do have more notes, but I would enter to the territory of fanfiction (iamalredythere?), also If there' s any mistake in the writting, (which I know that there's) please be patience, english is not my first language and I'm def not used to write this long, at least not anymore.
have a nice day or time!
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ratsoh-writes · 6 months ago
Kovu smiled innocently "Oh please, you only have one son~" he bend down to his fathers level to tease him.
Lucy wathed Mutt play with the dogs. "Do you wanna see the goats? or the chickens? We got babies too"
King was yappin up with Helios, telling him that he was looking for a new roomie since his old one moved in with their partner.
Mavi was done grilling some food when Kovu came back with Wine in a star wars shirt. She snorted, grinning at the view.
Kovu called everyone over to take their seats and dig into the foods. Grill of every kind, vegan options too.
Wisp was going around bring people bottles of juices. Dove helped out as well.
Mavi glared at him, Nirjara snorted. "Are you getting married finally or what's all the jazz about?"
"Oh nah, we found a fifth ki-"
Mavi yelled, and their friends joined her
"IM JOKING" Kovu snarled
"FUCK YOU, YOU SLUT" Nirjara and Mavi yelled in unsion
Kovu sipped his drink, grinning
"Oh, and btw, we already married-" This fucker. Aimeé and Dove threw flowers around while Lucy and Wisp were holding little cameras, recording the entire thing while giggling.
kovu placed his glass down "Now if you'll excuse me. I choose life. " He dipped. Good, Mavi was hot on his heels. She was yelling in French. It definitely were profanities.
Jaws leaned to Pluto and his little group. "Ten bucks says She catches him. " King listened in, Nirjara spoke up,"20 on wine catching him first"
@the1920sisntaphasemom @under-art-reblogs @genius-shelly @a-very-tired-raven
After some more sassing wine finally leaves to go bully lord and bring mutt back to the group
Mutt: heh, sure, but lemme tell m’ brother.. or y’ dad. They should know where you are.
Aka he shouldn’t be alone with strangers kids
But that doesn’t matter cause wine and lord are there to drag them back to the festivities
Hearing the yelling every one turns in kovu mavi and nirjara’s direction.
Kovu: oh and btw were already married~
Artemis who had been listening in flashes every one her hand showing off a shiny gold wedding ring that absolutely wasn’t there a second ago. AimĂ© and dove throw flowers around her and her previously green dress turns white as the spell on it fades. Kovus more casual outfit doesn’t change though
Helios: *screaming* YOU F*CKING WHAT?????
Helios is right with mavi now chasing kovu like his life depended on it. He’s so mad he forgot to summon his flames.
Wine gives a chilling grin as the glass in his hand crunches and crumbles into dust.
Mal cheers on Mavi and Helios while lord groans and puts his face in his hands.
Mutt and slim just look bored as cash is cackling recording the show with Lucy and wisp.
Coffee meanwhile is suspiciously gone too. F*cker helped organize ruining wines shirt so he also dipped
Pluto: 20 G-G on Helios remembering his flames a-and catching up~
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lycanlovingvampyre · 2 years ago
MAG 171 Relisten
Activity on my first listen: cutting the French tamarisk in my garden (how fitting!).
JON: "Don’t. Touch. Anything." MARTIN: "I wasn’t planning to." [HE GIVES A LITTLE HEH AT THE END.] Fair, after Martin constantly wanted to touch the plastic explosives xD
MARTIN: "You sound like you think they’re beautiful." JON: "Don’t you?" He is what he is, a part of the Fears and does seem in tune with it here. Accepting it (5th stage of grief - acceptance. I do like that theory of each season representing one of the 5 stages of grief, even if S2 doesn't quite fit anger). But to be honest, I also think the flowers sound pretty cool. Some people find morbid aesthetics beautiful. I always have.
JARED: "Not to worry friend; no harm done. Just a bit of pruning will set you right." [HE CLIPS SOMETHING. THE PERSON-PLANT YELLS.] [JARED SHUSHES THEM AS THEY CONTINUE TO DO SO. THEY START CRYING, OVER SOME FLESHY SOUNDS. WATER BURBLES.] JARED: "No real fuss. Should sort you right out. Soon you’ll be good as new." [THE PERSON-THING CONTINUES TO WHIMPER IN THE BACKGROUND.] JARED: "Better, even. You just need to – reach down inside and – really feel that fear. Let it guide how you grow." That however I find horrifying again. Obviously hurting the person, so much that they cry out in pain, and still think that what he is doing is the right thing, helping the person...
JARED: (dismissive) "Oh, and who’s this? Your boyfriend?" [THIS IS CLEARLY MEANT TO BE A DISS.] MARTIN: "Um –" JON: (overlapping) "Yes, actually." JARED: (Ah!) "Oh. Hm." Okay, the obvious here is of course Jared trying to diss Jon using homosexuality/homo-romanticism as an insult (is this btw. the only time homophobia comes up in TMA? There was implied transphobia in MAG 110, but otherwise?), which absolutely doesn't work on Jon and he even immediately answers with full confidence, taking the wind out of Jared's sails in an instant. Which can be a very good strategy against bullies, they want an emotional negative reaction, if you just refuse to give that to them, they will move on to their next victim (sadly for that poor soul). But it also tells a bit more about each character here. Jared has been described as "thick as mud" in MAG 17, that is pretty typical for individuals like that to resort to xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny, etc. But Jon and Martin also tell us something here. Martin was absolutely not sure how to react. As far as I know he's gay, there was never any indication that he's bi or pan, so I'll go with that. He probably had plenty of experiences being bullied for being gay, especially if you take his age into account. Growing up in the 90s/early 2000s was probably not a good time (absolutely not saying it was easier before!). Homosexuality was listed in the ICD-9 in 1977. That is the International Classification of DISEASES!! It was only removed from the ICD-10 in 1990! (Not going into it's record in the DSM because that's only used in the US and we're in the UK here, but it was similarly bad, it was seen as a mental illness.) And additionally 1997 was the peak of HIV and AIDS epidemic and that really fueled homophobia back then. I remember calling someone/something gay was a really common insult back then among teens. So denying his homosexuality especially among unfamiliar and (duh!) hostile people is probably super hardwired into Martin, and he never was someone with a lot of self-confidence anyway (total opposite: Tim for example, of whom we know he's not private about "that stuff" - MAG 69).  And then we have Jon, biromantic. We don't know if he has ever dated men before, but generally being bi means you're probably a lot more likely to be in hetero-relationships, simply because it's a lot easier to find those. Also, I mean he has been raised by his grandma, there's every likelihood he has subtly been raised in a homophobic way and there's a good chance he has tried to rationalize crushes on other men as "a really close friend whom I'm looking up to", even if deep down he knows it's not that. Okay, what I'm saying is he probably hasn't experienced external homophobia towards him. I do like the popular fanon idea, that Georgie helped him work through that, as she seems a lot more confident than him. Otherwise he has probably experienced acephobia or he hid his asexuality well enough and grew up super insecure on the inside without showing it. Which, considering his behavior in S1, is pretty likely for his character. So it does make sense for Jon to show confidence here, given the possibility of him never to have experienced homophobia, usually presenting super sure of himself and also by now he knows how powerful he is in this world, that probably also works very well as a boost. (Also it's super cute how sure and smug Jon sounds, like he's extremely proud about Martin being his boyfriend.)
JARED: "Anyway. Willing. Unwilling. Don’t work like that anymore, does it? You made sure of that." MARTIN: "That’s – not fair." JARED: "And what?" MARTIN: "I – I – Mm, uh –" Ah yes, trying to speak up for Jon, which takes a lot of energy. Makes sense that he's deflating again when more resistance is coming his way.  Also, all the monsters and Avatars seems to know it was the Archivist's doing. Helen is obvious, she has suspected it and watching them this whole time. Oliver could kind of suspected it because the Web sent him to wake up Jon. But Jared here?
JARED: "[S’right.] Don’t really matter now, does it?" JON: "No. No, it doesn’t." Yeah, blaming someone doesn't change anything about the situation that resulted from it.
JARED: "Alright. Well, I’d like to hear about my garden." It's so funny how that somehow inspires, what? Sympathy? Compassion? Pity? in me. Like he loves that place, it means something to him and he wants to hear its beauty one last time. Aside from the plants being human beings suffering, it does sound peaceful here, birds, wind chimes...
"The soil should be prepared first, a rich and earthy cocktail of insecurity and self-hatred that allows the roots to twist and contort freely. The temperature should be kept the steady, humid warmth of air conditioners struggling to cope with the perspiration of a dozen bodies pushing themselves too hard, while the lights must be kept at a harsh, fluorescent glare." Pushing yourself at fitness studios to fit a certain beauty standard? Sounds like it to me.
"Counterintuitively, growth is most effective when the orchid is suffering from aggressive dehydration, and it is vitally important that the air roots be rarely praised, and only for the flowers’ appearance and growth." Yeaaah, sounds even more like body building. And this one is called Fortisium Reese, fortis meaning strong, fortisium also sounds a bit like fortissimus, the superlative of fortis. Dehydration is commonly used to get rid of that bit of subcutaneous water, so the muscles can be even better visible under the skin. And then the only thing that matters is appearance and ever more and more muscles.
"While the Gristlebloom Orchid may be the most eye-catching of the plants that you will find in the mortal garden, the Bone Rose is perhaps the most delicate. Thin and brittle, it is constantly on the verge of collapsing under its own weight, even as its ossified stems reach and twist and stretch in a desperate attempt for closeness." Beauty-standard super-skinny, Gracillium Patricia, gracilis - thin.
"At the final, glorious culmination that a body may someday achieve, the ever-retreating perfections that sit always on the tip of a knife. But also growing with the flower must be that other dread: Not of perfection to be hunted, but of decay to be fled." Plastic surgery? Decay to be fled - fear of aging? Secarium Leopold, secare - to cut.
"This is Maeve’s nightmare. There is no other word for it. To be trapped, unmoving, within the body that has betrayed her so often, feeling every sensation as it grows and warps and sprouts, never knowing what new mutation it will visit on her next." Ya, same. 
JARED: "Is it really that bad? Seeing what I’ve done here? Or – (heh) Is it maybe that deep down, you think it’s as beautiful as I do?" JON: (*snapping*) "Shut up!" Not willing to let those who he considers a monster know how he feels about it though.
MARTIN: "Are you okay?" JON: "I’m – (*not great*) Great. You?" Martin probably asked because it does seem to take Jon a bit of effort to call upon the Eye to shift its gaze, since he gasped there, when Jared was successfully deleted from existence. But Jon gets all snappy and defensive. Saying he's great when he isn't. He probably expected to feel great, or at least better, but it's doing nothing. Revenge doesn't give him the satisfaction he hopes it would.
MARTIN: (bit of a laugh) "I really thought this one would be messier." JON: "What do you mean?" MARTIN: "Well I mean – he’s a Flesh – thing, right? I thought he’d be all meat and blood and gore and all that." JON: (bit of a laugh) "Apparently not." MARTIN: "He didn’t even put up a fight." JON. "No." Right after Jude who was resisting really hard, trying to convince Jon to let her live, help his revenge arc even, Jared here just accepted what's coming for him. That probably contributed to rethinking the smiting.
MARTIN: "Jon – we are doing good, right? Making things better?" [THE SLIGHTEST OF PAUSES.] JON: "I don’t know if that was ever an option." The smiting is just a selfish act, Jon letting his anger getting the better of him, blinding him.
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mariana-oconnor · 2 years ago
The Naval Treaty pt 2
Here we are, back again. Last time we learnt about Watson's previous life as a school bully and I took an instant and entirely unsupported-by-the-text dislike to a man named Joseph Harrison because he was described as being nice.
This is also a problem I sometimes have in real life, btw. I am suspicious of people who seem too outwardly open and friendly. My brain assumes that they are hiding something. Maybe my soul is broken.
I'm still convinced he's a secret puppy-murdering villain, though.
"I was a happy and successful man, Mr. Holmes, and on the eve of being married, when a sudden and dreadful misfortune wrecked all my prospects in life."
Look, look, look. If there's one thing these stories have told me it's that in Sherlock Holmes world the time just before you're married is the most dangerous time in your life. Evil parents, lost loves, evil exes and all sorts of foul fiends crawl out of the woodwork of your past and try to drag you down. Engaged people should have constant bodyguards in this world.
"They should not leave my bureau were it not that it is absolutely necessary to have them copied."
I'm feeling like I'm about to have a bit of a rant about opsec and how to protect confidential documents. Percy, if you take this treaty offsite, we're gonna be having words.
“Excuse me an instant,” said Holmes. “Were you alone during this conversation?”
Exactly what I was thinking. Did you take proper precautions before talking about the secret documents that you were going to be moving from their secure location? Was anyone listening at a keyhole?
“My uncle's voice is always remarkably low. I hardly spoke at all.”
His uncle whispers constantly. Is that because he feels like true authority never shouts? Or does he have some sort of a condition? Does he just smoke so much that now he constantly has a rasp?
"One of them in my room, Charles Gorot, had some arrears of work to make up, so I left him there and went out to dine."
You mean he's working on these top secret documents and locking them up in a shared office space. But the other people sharing his office do not have the clearance to work with them? And he just... left the building? With someone else right there?
Nope. Nuhuh. If they're as important and secret as indicated, could he not have a private office for the duration. You said he's working on these after hours, so you could totally lock him in a separate room with a guard on the door (it's a fire hazard, but it's the Victorian Era, so I don't think they cared). Are there no free rooms available in this building at all? Have you never had this situation come up before?
Also, those desk drawer locks are not very secure.
“When I came to examine the treaty I saw at once that it was of such importance that my uncle had been guilty of no exaggeration in what he had said. Without going into details, I may say that it defined the position of Great Britain towards the Triple Alliance, and fore-shadowed the policy which this country would pursue in the event of the French fleet gaining a complete ascendancy over that of Italy in the Mediterranean."
Percy. That's too much detail. No. You don't talk about it. You don't talk about it. Oh my god. You are bad at this. If it's so secret that no one in your office was supposed to know about it's existence in that office, then it's way too secret for you to just go about telling these two guys who just rolled up - one of whom used to beat you with wicket stumps - anything about its contents.
Percy... please...
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(image from Wikipedia)
“It was a long document, written in the French language, and containing twenty-six separate articles. I copied as quickly as I could, but at nine o'clock I had only done nine articles, and it seemed hopeless for me to attempt to catch my train."
There is a theme in these stories of people being set tasks to copy out documents that are too long for the copying time allotted. Did ACD have a job as a copyist at some point. This feels like some shade coming from personal experience to me.
A quick glance at his biography doesn't give me any indication of that, but does reference his school being run on 'medieval principles' and I can well imagine that one of the things they were forced to do was copying. But that is only my imagination.
Also, I can empathise so much with Percy here. The 'oh god, I'm going to miss my train and be stuck here if I don't finish this work soon' feeling is real and valid and very upsetting.
"I was feeling drowsy and stupid, partly from my dinner and also from the effects of a long day's work. A cup of coffee would clear my brain."
Accent on the stupid, I fear. Are you about to leave this top secret document on your desk while you go looking for your caffeine fix. Say it ain't so.
"I rang the bell, therefore, to summon him."
I stand corrected. And wow - personal delivery service of hot beverages at the office. How times have changed!
Although, since I now work from home I do get biscuits delivered to my desk every day, so I can't really complain.
“To my surprise, it was a woman who answered the summons, a large, coarse-faced, elderly woman, in an apron. She explained that she was the commissionaire's wife, who did the charing, and I gave her the order for the coffee."
OK, problem number 1 - your own colleagues weren't high enough clearance to be in the room when you're copying this, but the commissionaire is?
Problem number 2 - you don't recognise this lady. She says she's the commissionaire's wife, but do you know that. And even if you do know that, does she have clearance for this document?
ALSO - 'large' and 'coarse-faced' given the time period, this could well be indicative that this is a man disguised as a woman.
“I wrote two more articles and then, feeling more drowsy than ever, I rose and walked up and down the room to stretch my legs. My coffee had not yet come, and I wondered what was the cause of the delay could be."
Oh Percy.
Oh Percy you didn't.
You went and left it sitting on the goddamn desk didn't you?
Clean. Desk. Policy. NEVER LEAVE ANY DOCUMENTS ON YOUR DESK WHEN YOU ARE NOT AT IT. This is basic security protocol if you work with sensitive material, Percy. It's not difficult. This isn't something you do every day so you don't even have the excuse of just forgetting this one time. This is a specific document that you have clearly been told is not to be removed from its locked drawer except in exceptional circumstances. And you're wandering around the halls and leaving it just lying there. After having spoken to a woman you don't know with it right in front of her.
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Oooh, we get a map. I love maps.
I thought for a minute the map was going to prove that there was only one corridor between his room and the commissionaire's office, meaning that if anyone went past, he'd see them, making him leaving the document on the desk almost acceptable. But no. There's a second corridor off. The man is a muppet.
Please have this image of an infinitely better Percy to tide you over:
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"Then I put out my hand and was about to shake the man, who was still sleeping soundly, when a bell over his head rang loudly, and he woke with a start."
First instinct is that he was drugged.
But the commissionaire seems to know about the coffee... which he wouldnt' if the woman hadn't told him about it. So was she his wife? Was I off track with that? Or is she telling different lies to both parties?
“‘If you was here, sir, then who rang the bell?’ he asked.
I mean, no, but once again we have a horror movie sort of line.
“A cold hand seemed to close round my heart. Some one, then, was in that room where my precious treaty lay upon the table. I ran frantically up the stair and along the passage. There was no one in the corridors, Mr. Holmes. There was no one in the room. All was exactly as I left it, save only that the papers which had been committed to my care had been taken from the desk on which they lay. The copy was there, and the original was gone.”
I know I say this a lot but: Oh no! Who could ever have foreseen that this would happen? What a totally unpreventable occurrence! Clearly nothing could have been done to stop this. Fate is so cruel.
So nice of them to leave the unfinished copy, though.
“I recognized in an instant that the thief must have come up the stairs from the side door. Of course I must have met him if he had come the other way.”
Wow, look at that braincell chugging along. If only you had thought of this before.
"It was quarter to ten.” “That is of enormous importance,” said Holmes, making a note upon his shirt-cuff.
I feel like this might be because of train times. We had that comment before about Percy being afraid he'd miss his train, and now the time is important. Train timetables are where my brain automatically went to. Quick! To the Bradshaw's!
“‘Ah, that is only my wife,’ cried the commissionaire; ‘has no one else passed?’"
So either the wife is involved, or his wife is currently being impersonated. Which is a difficult task to pull off to the person's spouse, so I'm inclined to believe that his wife is just tall and coarse-faced and in league with Joseph Harrison (Stop looking at me like that! He'll be involved somehow. 'How could he possibly have known about Percy copying the treaty?' you ask. I don't know, there are two more parts of this story left. That guy's bad news. I feel it.)
“But I was not satisfied, and the attempts which he made to draw me away increased my suspicions. “‘Which way did the woman go?’ I cried. “‘I don't know, sir. I noticed her pass, but I had no special reason for watching her. She seemed to be in a hurry.’"
Like she was smuggling stolen documents???
Also, Percy is engaging his brain here. It might not be the right solution, but at least he isn't just blindly trusting that the commissionaire's wife is fine. She saw the document, he hasn't seen her since, she left after the document was stolen.
“‘You're only wasting your time, sir, and every minute now is of importance,’ cried the commissionaire; ‘take my word for it that my old woman has nothing to do with it, and come down to the other end of the street."
OK, commissionaire's also sus. We do not trust him. Maybe he isn't married at all. Maybe he's just been paid off by Joseph Harrison who is posing as his wife with a paisley scarf.
Still doesn't solve the question of how Harrison would know about the document. Unless the commissionaire was paid to tip him off about anything weird going on so he could capitalise on it. Possible.
It also doesn't explain the bell.
Why the bell? Why summon them back to the room when you're about to make your escape? I can't think of a reason for that to be a good idea. Although we only have the commissionaire's word it was the bell in Percy's office. Could have been any bell. But even then, why did they need him to find the documents gone right then and there?
Always possible someone was standing behind the door when they came in and in his panic Percy just didn't think to look around at that point. Classic locked room mystery trick, although this time there wasn't even a locked room.
“‘16 Ivy Lane, Brixton,’ he answered. ‘But don't let yourself be drawn away upon a false scent, Mr. Phelps. Come to the other end of the street and let us see if we can hear of anything.’"
This is a reasonable line for the commissionaire to take if the lady is his wife, but at the same time, there's something about the way in which it is phrased that still fills me with suspicion. 'don't let yourself be drawn away upon a false scent' is so very odd a way to say it. You'd expect more protesting his wife's innocence. The values of her character that mean she would never. This reads like someone who is very intent that Percy should indeed be drawn away upon a false scent, just the one he's dangling in front of him.
“Nothing was to be lost by following his advice."
Nooooo. Percy. You should have kept going. Believe in yourself. Sure, up to this point you've been pretty rubbish at this whole spy thing, but these were good instincts.
“How is it, then, that the woman who came into the room about nine left no traces with her muddy boots?” “I am glad you raised the point. It occurred to me at the time. The charwomen are in the habit of taking off their boots at the commissionaire's office, and putting on list slippers.”
This did not occur to me, but cool little bit of evidence, and nice to see Percy using his brain again. The man clearly used wisdom as a dump stat, but his intelligence is pretty high.
“We examined the room also. There is no possibility of a secret door, and the windows are quite thirty feet from the ground. Both of them were fastened on the inside. The carpet prevents any possibility of a trap-door, and the ceiling is of the ordinary whitewashed kind. I will pledge my life that whoever stole my papers could only have come through the door.”
Our options are these: it was the wife, or it was a third person who hid behind the door when you came into the room and then escaped while you were busy chasing after the thief you assumed had already left. The ringing of the bell makes no sense in either of these cases because it would be easier to just walk out without attracting attention back to where you are. it's not like they needed you to unlock the door. Why did the bell ring? Was it an accident?
“They use none. There is a stove. The bell-rope hangs from the wire just to the right of my desk. Whoever rang it must have come right up to the desk to do it. But why should any criminal wish to ring the bell? It is a most insoluble mystery.”
Precisely! I'm sure it's not insoluble, but as the case stands currently, I cannot make it make sense unless it was a mistake. But pulling a bell by accident is a strange sort of accident to have.
A young woman opened the door, who proved to be Mrs. Tangey's eldest daughter. Her mother had not come back yet, and we were shown into the front room to wait. “About ten minutes later a knock came at the door, and here we made the one serious mistake for which I blame myself. Instead of opening the door ourselves, we allowed the girl to do so. We heard her say, ‘Mother, there are two men in the house waiting to see you,’"
That's your serious mistake?
I mean, yeah, it's bad, but I think that is just the most recent in a series.
OK, so either the commissionaire has a wife OR the young woman is also caught up in this affair. It's becoming more convoluted to believe the commissionaire is involved, but if he isn't involved then are we to assume that old woman number 1 was indeed his wife and old woman 2 was an imposter. Or are they both his wife and he just doesn't know she's involved. He is sus, but his involvement makes everything more complicated and to occam's razor the thing, one thief is more likely than a conspiracy.
“Then for the first time the horror of my situation came in its full force. Hitherto I had been acting, and action had numbed thought. I had been so confident of regaining the treaty at once that I had not dared to think of what would be the consequence if I failed to do so."
Percy isn't very good at thinking ahead, apparently.
"It was horrible. Watson there would tell you that I was a nervous, sensitive boy at school."
Maybe that was because people beat you with sticks.
"What though I was the victim of an extraordinary accident? No allowance is made for accidents where diplomatic interests are at stake."
Uh, my dude. This wasn't an accident. This was negligence. You should totally be fired for this. Sorry.
"Here I have lain, Mr. Holmes, for over nine weeks, unconscious, and raving with brain-fever.[...]Slowly my reason has cleared, but it is only during the last three days that my memory has quite returned."
90% that the motive was not political because after 9 weeks there's no way a political threat hasn't already taken the papers and used them. No way of resolving that. But these stories often end with 'well, we can't get the bad guy', so maybe not. But I can't see them doing that in a case of national security because they tend to be fairly patriotic. It has to be somewhere close for there to be any chance of recovering the treaty.
"If you fail me, then my honor as well as my position are forever forfeited.”
You should already have lost your position. The only reason for you keeping it right now is nepotism. You were given a top secret document. You, through negligence, allowed it to be stolen. That's not even a vaguely unreasonable dismissal.
“There is one of the very utmost importance, however. Did you tell any one that you had this special task to perform?”
This is the one sticking point for my Joseph Harrison blame party. How would he have known? Unless he didn't know how important the document was, but then what's even the point?
"The authorities are excellent at amassing facts, though they do not always use them to advantage. What a lovely thing a rose is!”
Holy non sequitur, Batman!
“There is nothing in which deduction is so necessary as in religion,” said he, leaning with his back against the shutters. “It can be built up as an exact science by the reasoner. Our highest assurance of the goodness of Providence seems to me to rest in the flowers. All other things, our powers our desires, our food, are all really necessary for our existence in the first instance. But this rose is an extra. Its smell and its color are an embellishment of life, not a condition of it. It is only goodness which gives extras, and so I say again that we have much to hope from the flowers.”
O...kay... Objection: relevance?
“You suspect some one?” “I suspect myself.” “What!” “Of coming to conclusions too rapidly.”
Not helpful, Holmes.
“Then go to London and test your conclusions.” “Your advice is very excellent, Miss Harrison,” said Holmes, rising. “I think, Watson, we cannot do better. Do not allow yourself to indulge in false hopes, Mr. Phelps. The affair is a very tangled one.”
Oof, Miss Harrison is very direct. I like that. I hope she isn't involved, but I can't currently see a motive for her. 'Stop talking about roses and go do your job.' Heh.
“He was cold, but not harsh. I dare say my severe illness prevented him from being that. He repeated that the matter was of the utmost importance, and added that no steps would be taken about my future—by which he means, of course, my dismissal—until my health was restored and I had an opportunity of repairing my misfortune.”
I guess firing someone with brain fever does come across as a bit rude. Maybe I'm just mean.
I hope to conclude the tale in my next email.
But it says 2 of 4, Watson?
I'm still sure that Joseph Harrison has something to do with it. Sure, there's literally 0 evidence of that. He hasn't even been mentioned in this section that I've seen. He has no way of knowing about the document, no evidence that he was there. No evidence of motive (except that his sister is getting married and that makes people commit crimes sometimes apparently). But I don't like him, so I will persist.
We've got a mysterious bell, a fleeing woman who may or may not have been the commissionaire's wife and a document that no one should have known Percy had.
The only people who knew about the document were Percy, his uncle and the woman who came to take his coffee order, as far as we know.
So either one of them told someone, the crime was merely opportunity based and not specific to that document, or one of them committed the crime.
We're going to discount Percy because why would he call in Holmes if he did it himself and he's been pretty clear and explicit in his insistence that he did not tell anyone.
His uncle could have told someone. No doubt other people were aware that a copy needed to be made and could have made extrapolations, but that seems too distanced from the narrative at this point. His uncle could have stolen the treaty himself, but it seems unlikely he'd be involved in treason based on what we've seen of him. We have no motive for his treason.
Would the commissionaire's wife be able to read French legalese? Maybe? Was the woman even the commissionaire's wife. Or perhaps the wife herself is uninvolved. She came, took the coffee... but then how would her imposter know about the document?
Whoever the woman who took the coffee order was, they're the only person who had a chance to see the document. But why would anyone think to impersonate the commissionaire's wife if they didn't already know about the treaty? I keep going round in circles.
And the bell is still weird. Accident or lure? But why lure? How accident? Hmmmm...
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darkwood-sleddog · 2 years ago
Thank you for your answer! It was very informative and got me thinking. I think the issue some people have with Pitbulls being a very active, often intense dog, is that other people try and use it as an excuse to have the Pitbull and other bully breeds all banned or disappear.
I feel the myth of the nanny dog has hurt the breed as a whole, tho so has people who see their dog as just a object with no training. You mentioned that they are dog aggressive, but are there any breeds that a Pitbull can work well with? Or a most effective way of having them not be aggressive towards other dogs?
And regarding the Bully breeds as a whole, how do you feel about each or specific ones? As some are known to naturally be more intense than others, and do you feel there should be more classes for them, rather than calling all a Bully breed?
Something we must remember is that pit bull type dogs are only the most recent dog breed to go through this. They are absolutely not alone (before current day it was German Shepherds and Rottweilers that held this stigma) and most breed ban lists for apartments include huskies, malamutes and other primitives. I think breed bans are ridiculous frankly and I think the fear the pit bull will disappear is unfounded. Yes, they might not be as prominent or popular, but in my opinion that is a good thing, because then they might be owned in majority by people that can properly manage them.
Pit Bulls are by design dog aggressive. They are bred to see other dogs as prey as this is the drive that causes them to fight. Which is what they were bred for. There are many other dog breeds that are also genetically dog aggressive for various reasons be it guardian work or just in general primitive dog things (primitive dog breeds tend to be same sex aggressive). Dog aggression can be on a sliding scale of very to none at all and can also be indiscriminate between other dogs or gender specific. Most adult dogs of a majority of dog breeds are dog selective to a degree (meaning they don't adore all other dogs indiscriminately and only have a few close dog friends they mesh well with). The most affective way to have a pit bull not be aggressive towards other dogs is to manage them so they do not get the opportunity to be aggressive towards other dogs. This means no dog parks, muzzle training, reactivity training, probably not letting them off leash etc. The best type of dog to pair with a pit bull is a human being (the pit bull is supposed to be very soft with people).
I think "bully breed" is simply an overarching term for a bunch of related dog breeds, much how we use "spitz breed" to describe various types of northern dogs with different purposes that have a double coat, pointy ears, and a curling tail. The various breeds that fall under the bully category (and which breeds fall under this category changes depending on who you ask) are classified in breed registries depending on their original purpose. I don't think they need new classifications because this is how many related breeds that aren't the bully type dogs are broken down. (For example, both Greyhounds, English Foxhounds and Norwegian Elkhounds are in the hound group, but look distinctly different. They are however classified all as hounds due to their purpose, which is being used for hunting. A Norwegian Elkhound, Alaskan Malamute, and German Spitz are all spitz type dogs, but also serve very different purposes and are thus classified differently. The American Pit Bull Terrier and the French Bulldog are both commonly classified as "bully dogs" due to their history, but we can all agree they always have and still do serve different purposes).
The American Pit Bull Terrier is a recognized breed (UKC) with a breed club, breed events etc. and is in the Terrier group. I'm linking the standard HERE so everybody can get a good sense for what the breed should be.
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amoureuxsys · 9 months ago
I manifest love for everyone. I want everyone to feel how I feel. Everyone should experience this feeling.
My boyfriend checks on me everyday, he never forgets to tell me he loves me, he treats me like the manliest man he’s ever met. He supports my choices without making me feel bad about them, he compliments my insecurities. When we call he flusters me until I am stimming and my face is completely hot and red from blushing. He whispers sweet words to me to help me fall asleep. He is patient with me and never forces me to do anything I don’t want to. He is so respectful and so romantic. He’s a dream. He calls me specific pet names just because he knows they make me stim. He is okay with me not wanting to go on T and reminds me that he will always see me as a boy. He’s so gentle with me.. his voice gets so soft and angelic when he compliments me.. He’s so safe and comfortable. He’s my best friend. He jokes with me, he allows me to bully him in a playful way, and he does the same to me, he deals with my shenanigans and allows me to be hyper without judging me. He actually melts when I speak french to him instead of trying to make fun of me for it. He’s so perfect, and I got so fucking lucky that I found my soulmate. I hope everyone gets themself a flower boy. I hope everyone gets to feel the love I feel. I hope everyone gets to experience this feeling. I want to wake up now. I want to be productive at work because I know when I pick up my phone my boyfriend is complimenting me on how good I am at my job. I want to live, because he gives me a reason to.
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angevinyaoiz · 2 years ago
Watched this Henry II docudrama while working on stuff yesterday and as u all know I love seeing what ppl do with the reenactor drama while Dan Jones walks around like a badboy at Chinon.
The thing is I've been so spoiled by the ugly haircuts and colorful stage camp toot toot music of The Devil's Crown that going to this SUPER grey and gritty modern realism filter is a whiplash haadjdjdidid. Also I realized they recycled a lot of this footage into the Secrets de Histoire video about Eleanor lmaoooo
The narrator talks in very serious voice about how THIS FAMILY DRAMA IS MORE BLOODIER AND DRAMATIC than FICTION which true I suppose but also to me it's Funny. It's Bathos.
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We have Eleanor being the Evil Woman in the Yaoi shot here between Henry and Becket
Becket looks EVIL in all his shots and they play like the most foreboding haunting music it's like God damn u guys don't have ANY lighting whatsoever. Bc he comes across so sinister when they get to the part about Young Henry's dadson marriage coronation and they talk Abt Becket being uninvited it sounds like he's Maleficent or something..should show up in announced just to CURSE him (tbh he kind of did that with the excommunication lmaooo)
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We get to see Henry Junior ofc which I'm always like yayyyyy it's my glup shitto...this doc really leans on that "Criticizing Henry re his interpersonal faults and internal personality" kind of motivation for his actions which I'm like ehhhh ofc things are more complex politically and I can't help but feel after reading Strickland's TYK book it's more hmmm. But anyways this distracts from the important things which is:
Narrator sticks pretty much to Actual Factual things that happens and the actor scenes follow suit BUT THEN! THERE IS SUDDENLY A FANFICTION (preceded by narrator going "one could only imagine what the heated conversations were like")
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The dark ass lighting is annoying as hell but basically Young Henry bursts into Henry's room to be mad about Chinon (Mirabeau and Loudon) being given to John and they argue for a bit and then Henry gets mad and starts choking him???
But then he stops and then they're both like crying and hugging with this foreboding music. Anyways thanks timeline for the completely made up dadson bait for Me Personally
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Blabla blah rebellion etc it's very truncated ad most of it is about bullying Henry LMAO
But ofc we get Eleanor helping da Boyz rebel and being mad Abt Toulouse and then there's the obligatory intimate shots w Richard (this also was recycled in Secrets de Histoire)
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Also this series ofc follows the grand tradition of letting you know who John is by giving him a smirk and fancy lil fashion accessory in this case his cunty hat
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Anyways pretty fun intro and overall generally factual. I nitpick bc I've just come off my reading ofc but djskjf the psychological narrative of "Henry grew up fighting for his throne in disordered times (the Anarchy) so that led him to want to reassert order and control in the lands and also not relinquish control in his family" feels oversimplified modern psychoanalysis storytelling rather than based in the reality, surprised there wasn't really any brief mention of the whole thing Abt the king of the English still being subject to Louis for the French lands thing bc that feels very central??? To the conflicts?? To me??? but it's a fun intro. At least there were no Party City Wigs like in Secrets de Histoire
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katatonicimpression · 1 year ago
I'm curious about your thoughts on the whole theorized Monet/Pietro thing
Tldr: neutral with complaints about tangentially related topics
I. Is he her type?
So, the only people she's been shown to be genuinely into are Everett and Jamie. And that one time she bragged about sleeping with two hot French dudes, in a scene where it's ambiguous as to whether she's making the whole thing up.
(Incidentally, this is this whole thing where Monet could genuinely be read as having fucked literally only twice in her entire life (Jamie and Darwin) and while I don't subscribe to this reading, I think it's noteworthy that it's compatible with the text. Either way she has a lot less experience than people assume and a lot of it is straight up bad (see: Jamie and Darwin: a one night stand who disrespects her, and bad decisions sex that she immediately regrets))
So, if we can glean a "type" from this, it's pretty basic (sorry M). She likes conventionally attractive guys who are decent people. Pietro (currently) fits that pretty well. Also, just in general, yeah I think she would find him attractive.
I did see a comment of someone using her relationships with Guido and Sabretooth as evidence of her interest in older men which...
Jamie already covers that
She is never into Guido. That's not my reading; that's text. He bullies her into a date then beats her to death. She shows no interest in him.
The Sabretooth thing emerges in Uncanny X-Men (2016), a series where she is consistently ooc. Even then, even despite the fact she is massively out of character, she still only shows an ambiguous fondness for (magically not currently evil) Victor.
II. The age thing
So, when we say older men here we really mean Jamie and Pietro who are both a decade + older than her. Pietro being the same age as the O5 so technically 70-something but portrayed as late 30s, maybe early 40s. Monet is early to mid 20s.
Is this a problem? Eh, I'm not too bothered. They're both adults, and met as adults.
But, if I may.
If you think Warren was too old for Paige, logically you should think Pietro is too old for Monet. If you're an age gap purist for white girls, you should be consistent about it. Just in general I think she's a character that people mentally age up, when actually she's the same age as Jubilee who is, in contrast, constantly infantalised also for racist reasons. So they can high five over that I guess.
So yeah the age gap isn't a problem for me but I do wish people would remember it's there. He's a dad on cusp of middle age, and she's a young adult.
III. Will it work?
Probably not in the long term. I think it makes sense for them to be attracted to each other. I (headcanon) think it makes sense for her to be drawn to other Europeans just as a random thing.
That said, they're pretty different. They're different lives, combative personalities and class differences could cause conflict. I see it being a fun thing that fizzles out imo.
IV. No, will it work as in will it be a good storyline?
Oh good god no. Duggan is really incompetent. He has time and time again shown himself to be incapable of writing actual arcs with movement and growth. His previous forays into romance have been written the same way he always does. I.e. "here is thing. End of story." It's bad.
That said, it may still end up being something salvageable, writing wise? So far, what we've seen is some vaguely suggestive dialogue that isn't ooc so, like, yeah seems fine.
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