#we only got through most of season 1 in 20 mins
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phoebebuggers · 18 days ago
my dad just let me explain the plot of stranger things to him from memory in excruciating detail…maybe men are good for something
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thats-rough-buddy04 · 5 months ago
After almost five years I decided to rewatch Voltron.
1. Because it’s getting booted off of Netflix
2. I wanted to do more of critical analysis of it now that it’s been so long since I watched it . Does it hold up? Do I view the characters the same as I used to? Trying to separate that fanon from canon.
3.I also wanted to see how plausible was Klance and was I being delulu all those years ago? Like I know of the art done by story board artist and stuff but just by the show itself, do them being together romantically make sense?
This is my season 1 analysis because doing it by season makes the most sense.
So season 1 was still pretty solid. The pacing was very quick and it was hard to digest what was going on cause it just was rapid shot of information. I think the biggest offender of this was the first episode which just everything was moving so quick. I feel that could have been a longer episode and it would have helped the flow of the first season a lot. Like they are on Earth for like 15 mins, and within that 15 minutes we are introduced to most of the main cast, already introduced to the first piece of Voltron, then boom space. Bring back 24 episode seasons especially if most episodes are 20 mins.
The main cast quickly got over being in space and you know having to pilot a huge mech pretty quickly which like if that was me I would be freaking out for awhile. Like it was maybe a minute and then everything was chill. Again everything was just quick pacing wise.
I still really like the fight scenes both with the mech and on foot. The animation pops off and it’s a fun watch. The humor for the most part was fine, like I didn’t think it was outstanding but I’m also not in the target demographic anymore. Like the simple joke about the sounds of a blaster was funny and it made me laugh. But there is jokes where I’m just like oh….. but they quickly move on from it so it doesn’t bother me as much. For Lance being the supposed comedic character I thought Hunk was funnier because Lance is not funny he’s mean.
With that Lance is just plain mean to Keith, when Keith has done jack shit to him. Keith will only retaliate after Lance says something to him. There was about one time Keith started it but who can blame him when Lance is constantly being a bitch. Which meanness comes with insecurity and it’s obvious he struggles with insecurity even if they haven’t really touched on that yet. Lance also almost dies multiple times this season which i don’t have much to comment on just that he almost gets sucked out of an air lock and Keith has to save him.
The Main Cast:
Shiro: His character arc hasn’t happened yet but the crumbs have been laid. I like him alot. I think how quickly he becomes dedicated to Voltron is believable because of how much he suffered in the Galran prison. Like he doesn’t want what happened to him to happen to anyone else. He’s the most serious out of the bunch but it makes sense since he’s seen what the Galra can do.
Pidge: I don’t much to say about her. When I was I younger I didn’t have much to say about her and I don’t have much to say about her now. Doesn’t mean she’s bad, I don’t really have much a a connection with her. I do really like the story line about finding her family though and I’m excited to rewatch that payoff.
Hunk: Like with Pidge I didn’t have a feeling either way for Hunk when I was younger but where that differs is that I appreciate him alot more now. That mini arc he goes through where he discovers how bad the Galra truly are, was pretty good. Him being the most scared to take risks then being the one urging the rest of the team to save the planet was a change of character but the was obviously the point. Also his relationship with Shay is super cute.
Allura: I adore her. She is serious like Shiro but again she had her whole race wiped out by the Galra, she knows that what they are doing is important. Yeah so she is bit tough on the paladins but she does it with the hopes they’ll be ready to save the universe. She is just a girl and I love that for her. The scene where she has to let go of her father for the final time is really sad because she is not just losing her dad but what seems like the last remnants of her home planet. I also just love her design, the pink is such a pretty color and suits her so well.
Coran: He’s funny, he’s silly. Still adore him, nothing can change that.
Keith: I adore this man. But season one Keith really doesn’t have much going on. Like he’s reckless and stubborn but that’s kinda all we know about him. His name is Keith, he was living in a shack, he’s good a flying and fighting, and he has a close relationship with Shiro but even that is shown for like a second in the first episode. I do know their dynamic is explored more later or which I hope so it’s been so long I don’t remember. I remember him being the more mean one but he’s not, he’s a guy and I love him for that. I also remember him being the super serious one but in reality he’s silly and goofy when he wants to be. He only gets serious when it’s mission time as he should be. I am excited to watch his full character arc but I can’t remember my opinions on it but I remember other people not liking it, so hopefully I do.
Lance: Lance is one of my most favorite characters ever. There comes a time in every man’s life where they must critique the things they love and now it’s mine. There isn’t much going on with him. He is there to be the funny guy which doesn’t work cause I don’t find him very funny. When his thing is to be funny it comes off as being mean makes it very hard to like him. I grimaced a couple times for what came out of that man’s mouth. I know he has a character arc but omg it’s so hard to like him at all season 1 for a character that’s supposed to be likable. That doesn’t mean there wasn’t moments where I saw the man I used to know but season 1 Lance very unbearable for the most part. I think I gasped audibly when he was like I miss Varadero Beach, cause I didn’t remember if the show itself said he was Cuba, I just assumed it was someone who worked on the show did. So I was like oh I’m dumb, it’s literally in the show.
Klance: For two characters that don’t have much going on this season, their dynamic is so odd. Like half their screen time is bickering, that Lance starts. They’re not rivals because Keith doesn’t view Lance as a rival, so it’s one sided rivalry. Then you think oh they just hate each other, but again Keith doesn’t hate Lance, it’s just Lance being a hater. But with that I can still see why people started to ship them. There were moments I was like wait…like when Lance asks Keith to save him after he gets chained to a tree. Keith response is a bit flirty to me and I was oh..wow. I see why people shipped them but I don’t see how they were thought as endgame, from just watching season 1.
I’m looking forward to season 2 but nervous for the rest of the series because I know the farther you get into the show the worst it gets. I don’t want to watch s7 and s8, there is no need to relive that. We will see when I get there though.
Also the fact it’s getting taken off Netflix is crazy. Like where is it going? Like I know it’s because of the contract with Netflix but I also theorize it might have something to do with the life action. If anyone wants to know where to watch after it does I can link it, cause trust I wanted to make sure I had a way to watch before it was gone for good.
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fiddler-sticks · 1 year ago
For Jaya week!
Surprise Party (but not really) (1237 words) by fiddlersticks Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: LEGO Ninjago (Cartoon 2011-2022) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Nya/Jay Walker (Ninjago) Characters: Nya (Ninjago), Jay Walker (Ninjago), Lloyd Garmadon, Kai (Ninjago), Zane (Ninjago), Cole (Ninjago) Additional Tags: jayaweek2023, Fluff, Surprise Party, Post-LEGO Ninjago Season 06: Skybound, Jay Walker Has Anxiety (Ninjago), jay has an eyepatch because i said so, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, no beta we die like sensei g Summary: A little fic for days 2 & 3 of Jaya week. No angst, all fluff 🥰
It was Jay's birthday, and Nya was excited. She had been planning a surprise party for him for weeks now, and everything was coming together nicely. There were only a few things left to do.
Nya double-checked her list. Lloyd was almost done blowing up balloons, Zane's cupcakes were cooling on the kitchen counter, Kai was pestering Zane for a fingerful of frosting, and Cole was distracting Jay in Ninjago City. All that was left to do was set up the table of snacks, wrap Jay's present, and the most important thing of all, which would be saved for when Jay got there.
Nya's phone vibrated. She pulled it out of her pocket to see a text from Cole.
be there in 20 mins
"Guys, 20 minutes!" she shouted in the vague direction of where the rest of the ninja were.
"I'm finished with the balloons," Lloyd said as he walked into the bridge of the Bounty where Nya was.
"Great! Could you put them in the living room, please? I've gotta go wrap Jay's present."
"Sure thing," Lloyd said, doing a little two-finger salute.
On her way to her room, Nya passed by the kitchen.
"C'mon, Zane! Can I at least lick the spatula?" Kai pleaded.
Zane was about to deny Kai the spatula for what was probably the tenth time, but looked up and caught Nya's eye, winked, and threw it at her. Nya smoothly caught it.
"Really? You let Nya have it and not me?" He turned to his sister, and said with the best puppy eyes he could muster, "Could I pleaseeeeee have it?"
Nya looked him dead in the eyes and took a long lick of the frosting-covered spatula.
Kai practically melted right there into the kitchen floor. "Nooooooooooo!!!!!"
"Haha, sucker! Oh, and Zane, 20 minutes," Nya said.
"Thank you, Nya," Zane said as he put the frosting on top of the fridge, out of Kai's reach.
Nya reached her destination, and took Jay's present out from the back of her wardrobe. Normally she'd just get him some inventing supplies he'd been wanting recently or something else that he'd mentioned in one of his rants that she'd filed away in her brain for later, but this year was different. This year they had went through the unimaginable together. This year called for something special.
She carefully put the present into the gift bag she got from the random stuff closet, and covered it with tissue paper. She hoped Jay would like it. It had been a touchy subject for a while, but everyone had eventually gotten used to it.
Nya looked at her watch. 10 minutes until Jay and Cole would arrive. She placed the bag on her bed, and walked out to the living room.
Balloons were everywhere.
"Lloyd, why are there so many balloons?" Nya asked.
"I blew up all the packages."
"... Why?"
"Because more balloons are better than less!"
"How did you get all those packages blown up in that short of time?!" Kai exclaimed.
"I don't know," Lloyd said.
"Well, it doesn't matter," Nya said. "Can someone help me put this tablecloth on here?"
"Sure thing!" Lloyd said.
Zane walked into the room. "The cupcakes and snacks are ready!" he said.
"Great!" said Nya. "You can put them on this table. And if anyone has any gifts, they can go here, too."
"They should probably be here by now," Kai said.
As if on cue, Nya got another text from Cole.
just pulling in now
"They're here!"
Nya half-walked half-ran to the edge of the Bounty, catching them just as they walked on.
"Hey Cole!" she greeted. "They're all in the living room."
"Cool," he said, and walked off in that direction.
"Hi, Nya," Jay said.
"Hi, happy birthday!"
"You said that this morning."
Nya smiled. "I know, I just wanted to remind you. So, what did you and Cole do?"
"We went to the arcade! A new Milton Dyer game came out, and we played that the entire time. It was so cool! Dyer's got the best games. Cutting edge!"
"That's cool!" Nya said. "I'm glad you and Cole had fun together. But that's not all we have planned for your birthday."
"Really? I've already had an amazing day."
"Well get ready for it to get amazing-er," Nya said, grinning. "We're throwing you a surprise party."
Jay looked confused. "A surprise party? They why'd you tell me about it?"
"I know you don't like jump-scares, and Kai really wanted to jump out from behind the couch and yell surprise, so I thought I'd let you know beforehand."
Jay laughed. "That sounds just like Kai. Thanks for telling me. You're the best," he said.
"You know it. Just make sure to act surprised or Kai'll be mad at me for spoiling it," she said as she started leading him towards the living room. "You ready for the party? All we have planned is eating food, playing video games, and gifts."
"Sounds perfect!"
"Well, here we go."
(a few hours later)
"That was a great party, Nya. Thank you," Jay said.
"Well, the day's not over yet. I still have one more thing for you, if you're up for it."
"I'm up for anything as long as it's with you. What is it?"
Nya just smiled, took Jay's hand, and started pulling him towards her room. When they got inside, they both sat down on Nya's bed.
"I made you something," Nya said, pulling out the gift bag.
"Yeah, open it up."
Jay carefully pulled the tissue paper out of the bag, and pulled out what was inside. In his hand, he found an eyepatch made out of the same blue fabric as his gi, with backstitching in big black thread around the patch.
"Woah..." Jay whispered. "Did you make this?"
"Yeah, I asked Sensei where he had our gis made, and I made it from the scraps they had leftover. Do you like it?"
"I love it. Thank you so much," Jay said, on the verge of tears.
Nya pulled him in for a hug, and they sat like that for a few minutes.
"Oh, there's one more thing I forgot," Nya said, pulling away to fish through her nightstand drawer. "I didn't want to put it in the bag in case it got lost. Here. I know you might not be up for something like this yet, but now you have it in case you ever want it."
In her hand was a little golden lightning bolt decal, the perfect size to fit on top of the patch. Jay picked it up and ran his thumb over the glittery gold.
"Thank you," he said. "I'll keep it on display until I feel up to using it."
"Oh, you don't have to do that."
"I want to though."
Nya smiled. It was just like Jay to show off to the world something that she had made, even if he didn't have a use for it.
"Well, what are you waiting for? Why don't you try it on?" she said.
"Okay!" Jay said, and turned away while he took his old eyepatch off, and put the new one on. When he turned back around, Nya grinned.
"Stunning," she said.
"You're just saying that because you made it," Jay said, but the grin on his face betrayed his feelings.
"Do you like it?" Nya asked.
"I love it."
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sortasirius · 4 years ago
What the Fuck Happened to the SPN Finale?
Okay so here it is, my Charlie Kelly style manifesto.
Before I get into it, I recognize that I will look like this to many of you, and that’s okay, I understand:
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Secondly, your personal Takes about the writers don’t interest me, I don’t need to hear them. This, as I’ll explain, is going to remain a writer positive blog, and that’s the end of it.
Third, and most importantly: some of what I’m going to talk about is fact, and some is highly educated speculation. I will notate what is speculation, just so there’s no confusion or hot takes in my inbox that I’m a conspiracy theorist or stirring shit up for no reason.
A list of what I’ll be discussing
The episode in regards to the rest of the season
The episode issues: length, editing
Scene placement and speculation of scenes cut
The scrubbing of Jack, Cas, Eileen
Network involvement and general timeline of when things were cut
Misha: theories on where he was, official company line, why we can’t expect to hear anything directly
The silence of the cast post episode (in Misha’s case, mid episode) and what this might mean
Jensen speaking with Kripke about the ending: why it doesn’t mean what you might think (also why kripke remained positive on the ending)
Walker, and why this episode had a major shift
Why the network would do this or get involved
Why the writers of the show simply aren’t the bad guys here, and what I “want” out of this post, since I know it’ll get asked
This is very long and under a cut, but I hope you’ll give it a read.
The Episode In Regards to the Rest of the Season
So, I’ve discussed this already here, but it’s the most obvious thing to me, and that’s the way this episode simply doesn’t fit with the rest of the season.
These people in this room have, truly, been nothing but consistent when it comes to their arcs, especially this season, and the marked dropoff in quality for the finale episode is just too sus to discount to me.  Dabb’s whole focus has been character-based.  In his seasons, we’ve moved far away from MOTW and bro-codependency, the found family taking it’s place.  Does it really sit right to anyone that that was all thrown away in literally the last episode of the entire show?
This is speculation on my part, but as a writer myself, there is no way I would be happy or willing to stamp my name on something that I didn’t think would, at the very least, wrap up the season+ character arcs that I and my team had been crafting.
And before anyone comes in here saying, “well GOT did that!”  Bruh.  The writing was on the wall for GOT long before the final episode.  You could tell that the showrunners just wanted to be done (not only from the plot, but from the fact that they lobbied for a shorter season).  Miss me with that, it doesn’t apply here.  Andrew has, besides Singer and J2, been with the show longer than anyone.  He cares, he is meticulous and detailed, and this ending feels worse than anything Bucklemming has ever written, let alone Dabb.
Additionally, I’ve seen a lot of people say that Dabb was never behind Destiel, that it was all Bobo and Meredith and no one else.  That is reductive to the point of insult of the work Dabb has done to get this greenlit.  This man did not write the s13 Dean grief arc to be slandered like this.  That being said, YES, Bobo and Meredith were the leads on the DeanCas arc this season, but ANDREW IS THE SHOWRUNNER, TO GET EVEN THE CONFESSION APPROVED BY THE NETWORK HE WOULD HAVE TO HAVE THEIR BACKS.  AND HE DID.
Finale Issues
So, now that we’ve gotten the fact that this episode doesn’t hit on any of the major themes the show was barrelling towards all season, let’s discuss the fact that the episode is just...weird.
Not only is it shorter than any other episode (I think with the intro and the credits/crew thing at the end, it was around 38 mins), but it was also...idk, 90% filler?
One of the lovely humans in the POLOL server did the legwork here, and broke it down:
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This is weird, y’all.  Most series finales are LONGER than normal (Lost, SOA, Longmire are the ones I can think of off the top of my head), and for the final episode to be this?  I saw more than one person point out that we only really needed 19 episodes, what was the point of 20?  AND THAT’S EXACTLY IT?  WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THIS FINAL EPISODE IF THIS WAS ALL WE WERE SUPPOSED TO GET?
It simply doesn’t make any sense, the first half of the episode was rushed, a final monster hunt gone wrong, but in the second half?  Nothing really happened?  Sam lived his entire life and Dean just drove around.  It doesn’t make sense to have all the emotional arcs left unaddressed in an episode that definitely needed some kind of spark.
Here’s the speculation I have: the episode seemingly went through a lot of changes between the initial inception of the final season and when we actually got it, but I think it would have been passable (as in, we wouldn’t be sitting here asking each other why each arc feels incomplete) until the editing room got ahold of it.  The only think that makes this episode make sense is network fuckery.  Truly, that is the only thing.  It explains the weird, cuts, the rushed pacing of the first half followed by nothing in the second half, the double montages of “Wayward Son” back to back, and Dean just...driving around for the last half of the episode.
Scene Placement and Speculation of Scenes Cut
Before I get into this section, the info of the shots in the episode I have come from a source that @occamshipper​ got a week or so before the finale.  She’s talked about this here.
So here’s what Min was given:
1-5: 1 INT MEN OF LETTERS – DEAN’S ROOM Dean is greeted by Miracle
6-10: 6 INT MEN OF LETTERS – HALLWAY/SAM’S ROOM Sam has his routine
D1 1 11-15: 15 EXT FARM HOUSE Establishing
N1 1/8 16-20: 19 Dad’s journal, marker, drawing of masked man in journal.
21-25: 23 INT IMPALA – PMP Driver picks the music
N2 1 3/8 1,2 26-30: 28pt2 INT BARN: A face from the past
28pt3 Sam and Dean say goodbye
28pt4 Shot early for technical reasons, presumably the overhead shot
N2 31-45: 41 INT MEN OF LETTERS – SAM’S ROOM Sam’s alarm goes off D4 1/8 1 46-60: 56 INT N7glasses for Sam, laptop.
So...it all fits right?  It all tracks with the actual episode, where it lands, etc.  The issue is between shots 29-40 which were apparently “too big to spoil.”  Uh.  Where are they?  And where’s 28 pt4?
After Dean dies, the next scene is Sam burning him, then shot 31, the shot of his alarm going off.
So.  Where are those 11ish shots?
PLUS we have the boards, which are scenes we KNOW were actually shot:
As well as scenes for 20 that were shot in 19.
It’s just...weird, it’s weird and again hits on the fact that the episode is so short and like 80% montage.
The Scrubbing of Jack, Cas, and Eileen
So now we have to reckon with the fact that Eileen was last mentioned by Sam after she got snapped by Chuck, Jack’s last mention is that he’s off being God somewhere, and Cas’ last mention is a ~knowing look~ between Dean and Bobby.
I’m sorry, make it make sense:
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????????  That’s the end if it?  They don’t need to be discussed after this???  It’s just simply not something a writer would do, they would not introduce these characters, these arcs, without thinking there’s going to be some kind of follow through here.
So not only were three major characters (including two leads and both of the original characters’ love interests) completely wiped from the finale episode, it was as though Sam and Dean never even needed them, which just...ain’t it.
So why Eileen and Jack too?  Why not just take Cas out of it if they were afraid of the gay?  Because, ultimately, the episode went back to Kripke’s original story: just the bros, they only need each other and no one else.  They don’t want anyone else, they don’t need anyone else.  Easier to go back to something they knew was successful than trust the writers and their audience and take a big leap.
Alex even said he shot for 20 with “some of the guys” here.  What happened to that footage?
The complete 180 of it all still shocks me, I still cannot believe that we were essentially at the finish line, and the network just stopped short, and decided to go run another race, at the expense of the arc of this fifteen year legacy show.
Network Involvement and When Things Were Cut
Okay, now into the juicy stuff.
So I’ve pretty well established that network fuckery is clear, but how much did they get involved, what was the original intent?
Well again, we may never actually know what Andrew’s original script was, but I think, at the least, it would involve Dean speaking his truth to Cas and Sam living a life with Eileen.
Now, it seems today, that Misha said that Jimmy Novak was supposed to be in the finale in one iteration of the script, and while initially my brain was like “that truly makes no sense and he’s either straight up lying or telling a half truth,” I think what may be happening is Misha talking about as much as he can right now.
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So Jimmy right.  Weird as fuck.  Why would he been in the Roadhouse and not Cas?  My current thought (this is about as reachy as I’ll get) is that Jimmy had no lines, could he have been in the Roadhouse as a red herring, like it said “Jimmy” in the script but it was just Cas in human clothes, a way to get around the network saying Cas couldn’t be in the final scene.  Also, you’ll notice that Misha didn’t say that Cas wasn’t supposed to be in the ep at all, just Jimmy in the last scene.
All this to say, there have clearly been multiple versions of the script, getting lighter and lighter with Cas and Eileen as the network pulled further and further back.  Remember, Dabb has to get things approved before they get shot, and if the network kept asking and asking and asking to cut Cas and Eileen, he had to find a way to work around it.  Granted, I still think that if we had been able to get a Dabb script that wasn’t torn to shreds in editing, it wouldn’t be so bad.  It may not be what a lot of us wanted (Dean speaking his truth to Cas and a reciprocation), but doing everything he could to give it to us in subtext or visual clues.
Plus, in all honesty, my man can’t keep his story straight anyway.  He said twice in his panel that the Empty and offscreen Heaven ending weren’t his original ending either.
In addition, remember that Jensen did ADR post episode 18, AND said in a meet and greet last weekend that Dean’s reaction to Cas’ confession was “cut down.” (Source here).  Many of us clowns got excited when we first heard about ADR, because we thought it would be upping the ante on Dean’s reaction, but I remember being a little sus when it was just crying.  My speculation on that is that they cut out Dean actually SAYING something, @winchestersingerautorepair​ spoke about that here.
The biggest sins were, in my opinion, committed during editing, where the network got too gun shy and sliced the episode until it was nothing but a heartless bro-fest of a finale, not mentioning anything about the other major characters that we all love, and letting the boys just suffer in separation until Sam died and finally joined Dean in Heaven.  The editing came by cutting all the major emotional beats between anyone other than Dean and Sam, leaving the skeleton of the story intact, just shorter and less...poignant than it was ever supposed to be.
We know Misha was in Vancouver, we know he quarantined, but we also know he wasn’t in the final scene, when he spoke about being in the last moment of the show months ago.  We were not crazy, he was there, he quarantined, and, in all likelihood (speculation but fitting with the timeline), he actually may have shot something (not much, but something).
I have sources here, here, here, and here showing where Misha was at that time.
Remember, the man was completely open about coming back until they finished shooting (look at this thread).  The switch happened, just like everything else, halfway through them shooting.
Please also remember Jake Abel posting his “Where’s Misha” video here.  Jake isn’t malicious, he isn’t being nasty here.  Misha was there, and everyone that’s trying to convince people he’s wasn’t just...isn’t telling the truth about it.
This is one of the things that makes me really mad, because they’re literally attempting to gaslight people into thinking, “oh we were totally wrong he was never supposed to be there” WHEN HE WAS THERE, WE KNOW HE WAS THERE.
So we’ve already heard from several people (Meghan Fitzmartin, Jay, a PA on the set of 19 (WHO WAS NOT WORKING FOR 20), Misha himself) that this was all down to Covid restrictions.  Ultimately, as this post says, we’ve heard FIVE versions of where Misha was.  None of it makes sense, but the Covid protocol seems to be the company line that others are repeating.
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You may ask: why?  Why lie to all of us when we have questions?  Why, in Jay’s case, say that we’re all spreading false lies to stir up trouble, when we just have questions and things that do not make sense.  Simply?  Warner Brothers is absolutely massive.  These people have their careers to protect and are likely all under NDAs.  They want to work for WB again and don’t want to burn bridges, including Misha.  It sucks, but that’s why it’s unlikely that we’ll hear someone come out and say, “yeah we’re lying to you.”
Silence of the Cast Post Episode
So this is...probably the worst part of all this, at least in my opinion.
The guys had all been pretty excited about the end of the show (especially Jared, but Jensen’s panel last week was Jensen as happy and jokey and positive as I’ve ever seen him.  He was so excited about episode 18, about what it meant for Dean and for Cas, and I just cannot buy that he would have been that excited unless he thought there was something more in the episode.
Misha live-tweeted the episode, and was watching it with his kids.  It’s well known that Misha and the kids don’t watch the show because it’s too scary, and let’s ask ourselves, why would he have them watch an episode that he’s barely even mentioned in?
He also stopped live-tweeting at a very specific point in the episode (Dean’s death) and has not mentioned Supernatural since then. 
None of them, not Jared, Jensen, Misha, or even Alex, said anything about the episode for nearly 36 hours, when Jensen posted a salty photo on instagram.  It’s just...not what you’d expect for the end of a 15 year show, when the cast and crew are so close to the fans, so close to each other. 
My theory?  They didn’t know.  They thought Misha was, at least, going to be in the episode in some way, and when he wasn’t, they decided not to say anything.
You really think that Jensen “Heller” Ackles would have been so excited about the end of the show last week if he thought Cas wasn’t going to be in it at all?  Nah son, doesn’t make any sense.
Even today, in Jared and Misha’s panels, they seemed sad and...more than a little careful, both saying that there were things they couldn’t say, both talking around things that we all have questions on.
Jensen Speaking with Kripke
So this is where a lot of people are getting fodder to take shots at the writers, saying that Jensen hated it from the beginning, but I don’t think so.  I actually think I know what Jensen went to him about, and it wasn’t the lack of Cas or the weird pacing or the montages (which I don’t think were there when Jensen got the script); I think it was the manner of Dean’s death.
I know a lot of people were upset about that, upset with how...normal it was, coming off an episode where they literally beat God.  I actually didn’t mind it, I thought it was an interesting thematic take to be like: you can be a hero all your life, but sometimes shit happens, and you just die.
But imagine how hard that was for Jensen to read.  He would run to Kripke for that, because for him, Dean dying by being impaled by a piece of rebar had to be tough to swallow.
So, why didn’t Kripke say that?  Why didn’t he say, “oh well he had a problem with Dean’s death, none of that other stuff was in the script.”
Guys.  Why would he get involved?  He’s not going to burn bridges any more than anyone else is.  He said the ending was good because it’s the easy thing to do, it’s simple, will cause him no problems in his career, and he can just ignore the people trying to engage with him on it.
Something else to talk about is the major shift this episode had from the rest of the season: the shift from Dean to Sam.  I am NOT saying that Sam isn’t important, he definitely, absolutely is, but it was DEAN who really needed to wrap up his arc, Sam just needed to move on, get married to Eileen, become the leader he was always meant to.  So what changed?  What was with the shirtless scene, the Austin number and random case there, most of the episode being heavily Sam focused, going through his entire life in a montage?
Anyone else notice the 375 Walker promos, or Jared’s little spiel about Walker and how he hoped SPN fans would “come along for the ride.”
It’s...kinda obvious?  CW wanted to appeal to who they think the key demographic of SPN and Walker is: rural areas in the South.  It would explain a lot, why so much editing, why so Sam focused, the Austin number, the number of Walker promos, all of it.
I’m not saying this is fact, I don’t know that it is, but it is a little suspicious that even in Jared’s panel today, he talked A LOT about Walker and how he hopes SPN fans will watch it.
Why Would the Network Get Involved?
Simply put: $$$
If they think Walker can be the new SPN, and that those crazy SPN fans liked it originally, it’s a lot safer to go with the “original intent” of the show than do something risky (like making one of your two original leads queer).
And?  They don’t care.  They don’t care that the episode didn’t make sense, they don’t care that all the emotional arcs were left hanging, they don’t care by (potentially) smashing together two of Dean’s monologues (one to Sam, one to Cas) that it came of as...gross. ( @curioussubjects​ wrote a beautiful post showing how part of that death speech was likely meant for Dean here).  They don’t care, they never have, they just want to make their money and move on from the too-loud fandom that fought for representation too hard for too long.
It can’t help but feel insidious, which, honestly, it might be, but it really all comes down to the next cash cow, which, they think, is Walker, even at the cost of the fifteen year legacy show.
The Writers and What I Want
So here it is, all this weird, sus shit laid out on the line.  And you know what?  To me, there is no way to blame the writers, because they didn’t want this.
I don’t think Dabb and Bobo would have gone ahead with the confession in 18 without thinking that there would be some closure to that arc, they wouldn’t have done that not only to the fans, but for the sake of their own story as well: no writer wants to start something that they can’t finish. (And this applies to both Cas and Eileen).
Here’s a basic rundown of what I think happened: they had a clear arc from 18-20, ending in reciprocation at some level from Dean, Sam marrying Eileen, Hunter Sam as the new Bobby, Dean in heaven with Cas and big roadhouse reunion at the end. Covid prevented a good amount of that. Network had to stare at big gay 18 for six months, got cold feet. Thought about Walker, target audience and alienation of the rural areas if it went full gay. Misha quarantined and likely shot something (not much), he was then cut by execs and went home. They likely added in lines referencing Eileen and Cas to make it clear but more subtextual. They wrap, editing gets it and hacks it to pieces, so we get a shorter episode that’s mostly montages and jarringly bro-centric with nothing else. Arcs are left hanging. Dabb gets episode but it’s too late, there’s nothing he can do. Actors aren’t told so they can continue to do positive PR for the ending, they all found out at the same time we did: hence almost complete silence about the finale.
And you know what?  They warned us.  I talked about it here, but they’ve been telling us all season that Chuck wasn’t the writer, he’s the network.  I don’t think, still, that they thought it would be cut up like this, into something so unsalvageable that it’s been panned by almost everyone, even people who didn’t care much about Dean and Cas.
Finally, a masterpiece can be ruined by editing, and while I’m not sure even the script they ended up shooting on was a masterpiece (due to the network meddling already), but to me it’s blatantly obvious that it’s no one but the network that caused this, that took away closure for Dean, Cas, and even Sam.
So what do I want?  Nothing really, there’s nothing we can do, but I wrote this mostly to show people that the writers are not your enemy.   In fact, to the people trashing them?  You’re doing exactly what the CW wants you to: blame the obvious targets, blame Misha, blame Jensen and Jared, blame Dabb.  Scream and yell at them on Twitter and about how the show is ruined because of them.  The network keeps their engagement levels high, they don’t get as targeted for their behavior, and just keep moving along.
Just, please, think about who did this,  Mourn the show, be angry, but not at the people who fought tooth and nail for this for literal years, not the people who wanted it more than we did, not the people who cannot say anything because of their careers and the NDAs they’re bound by.
Someone is going to spill eventually, but until then, we just have to wait, and continue to be loud.
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fandomscombine · 4 years ago
The Hargreeves Kerfuffle Part 4:Diego
The Hargreeves siblings x Hargreeves!Reader (Familial Relationship)
BG: The Reader is Number Eight. It follows how you fit into the structure of Season 1 and the family dynamic of the siblings.  
This part follows y/n blowing off some steam with Diego being a supportive brother.
You don’t have to read every single part as each focuses on the reader’s relationship with each of her sibings.
But of course to get most of the story, read the whole thing. Besides why would you want to miss out on Hargreeves Siblings content?
A/n: sorry if this took long to update, I lost the master copy of the fic document- well technically, I was and am typing this on an auto-save document but it had glich somehow and when I searched and open the file it was only the first 2 parts. It took a while to find back the most updated document.
READ: [PART 1]   [PART 2] [PART 3]
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Your blood was boiling.
How dare Luther, your own brother accuse you of killing your own father.
Sure, your childhood wasn’t exactly the healthiest and emotionally suitable for a child but in a weird way your father had shape and trained the 7 of you to be at least somewhat in control of your powers.
Raising superpowered children is no small task.
Lost in your thoughts, you hadn’t realized how far from the academy you had walked.
You stared at the city Harborview, imaging how your life would be different if you hadn’t had these powers.
Peace. That’s what you think you would have. A sense of peace, living a normal daily life- get up, go to work, hang out with friends, sleep in a nice cosy apartment and repeat. No powers.
The final words of Sir Reginald replays in your mind.
‘The end is near, get the others ……and save…..the…..tttiiiimmm’
The end is near, get the others and save the tim- whatever or whoever tim is.
You assumed that it meant his time was up and had wanted the family back together. You had done just that but what had that got you? Indictment for one. A family reunion consisting of 5 emotionally incompetent adults and one trapped in a kid’s body.
Leaning across the railing you shouted. ‘Cosplaying as batman at aged 6 was cute but as a grown ass adult lurking in the shadows is definitely a red flag!’
A chuckle sounded from the corner. ‘Noted m’mam. Will not do it again’ said a deep voice.
To an untrained ear, no sounds of footsteps could be heard.
You, however can as do your siblings. All of who can also identify who is coming based on the sound- each ever have a slight variation, a unique touch.
Luther has the heaviest, loudest footsteps out of everyone.
Allison- quiet and delicate.
Diego has a sense of purpose in his walk- no doubt like the secret agent and superheroes he had always wanted to be.
Klaus is a bit unpredictable; it is either too fast and energetic or soft and slow pace.
Five. He cheats, mostly blipping in and out of places. But if need be, he usually takes leaps or huge steps, always ready to teleport out of any situation in midstep.
Ben. The master of stealth. He always manages to take the least steps, the most effective route between hiding points.
Vanya though without training is actually very good. At times you wouldn’t even notice her near as proven in her countless times secretly watching the rest of you training.
‘I doubt that.’ Turning to face the new arrival. ‘You are the literally embodiment of Vigilante Hero Complex.’
The city lights illuminating his face.
‘Ah! Case in point!’ You pointed at his outfit. ‘You’re even wearing a spandex suit, Diego!’
Diego shook his head, brushing off your teasing aside. He was happy to at least help bring a smile onto your face- even if it was at his expense.
‘How you feeling?’ Even though you all were the same age, Diego can’t deny that the numbering hadn’t had an older sibling protectiveness to come over him- especially when Luther was being a total dick. If only he was in charge, he thought.
‘Better… better now that you’re here.’ You admitted, bothering your brother never gets old. ‘Thanks by the way-for the cheer up.’
You both stayed in comfortable silence it was not until 20 mins later did Diego break it by apologising.
‘Sorry for what?’
He didn’t reply instead he lifted something out of his pocket. It shone against the deep blue waves.
You gasped. ‘Dad’s monocle.’
‘I know Luther believes you took it.’ He let out an exasperated sigh. ‘I’m sorry. I should’ve have confessed instead you took blame for me….’
Wrapping his fist around it he continued, voice getting harsher. ‘I …I just couldn’t you know? After all he did to us? How he treated us? We were just kids!’
He clutched it tighter shattering the glass. ‘He was gone. This was the most valuable things he had- never let it out of his sight….so I thought that this….that by taking this, it would be the closest thing in ever hurting him.’
‘Oh Diego…’ You didn’t know how to comfort someone who is going through the same scenario, a same situation that you yourself need help on.  ‘Dad is gone and…yes he wasn’t the most caring father. But the past is in the past, the only thing we can do now to move forward. Don’t let that define us. Strive to do better.’
‘We tried that once remember? And where did it get us?’ He countered.
‘Better than if we were to have stayed.’ You rebutted. ‘C’mon Diegs. Think about mom. Think about how she constantly reminds us to put our best foot forward, no matter what life throws at us..’
Diego’s face softens, he was always a momma’s boy.
Closing his eyes, he mutters an okay. Then he tosses the bloody cracked monocle into the water. ‘Now, why don’t we go stuff our faces full of donuts.’ You offered. ‘I can handle your typical brooding self but the 2 of us sulking? No can do, what we need is to eat our feelings.’
‘Giddy’s it is.’ Replied Diego, offering you his arm.
‘So I assume you parked 2 blocks from here?’
His eyes went wide. ‘How’d you-‘
‘PPPPlease!’ Rolling your eyes. ‘I might have subconsciously wander to this part of town, but I was conscious about a car not so subtly tailing me for 6 blocks.’
‘So you knew I was watching you from the very beginning.’
‘YUPPPP’ Popping the p. ‘At first I wasn’t sure who- nice car by the way, new?
‘A month ago.’
‘Anyway is wasn’t until you started following on foot til I knew.’
Elaborating when you saw his confused look. ‘You walk as if you’re the protagonist in an action film.’
‘I do not!’ He said defensively.
‘DO too!- Thanks.’ Settling down onto the passenger seat as Diego closed the door.
The debate lasted until you reach Giddy’s or so what was left of the store.
READ: [PART 1]   [PART 2] [PART 3]
Taglist [All]: @gruffle1
Taglist [TUA]:@herecomesthesun1969 @alabaster1223 @ultraviolet-m @winterierwriter @lordofthunderthr @grapesauze @xbarrjallenx @white-wolf-buckaroo @yoheyyosup @infinitystones2018 @94seun @buckynatlarry @thegirlwholikestomanythings @just-some-stars @97yrm @2cuteforyourlies @e-bendy @criminallyhamilton @aqarath @change-the-world-someday @sambucky8 @spankin-soda @big-galaxy-chaos @neenieweenie @okimreadynow @weird-pale-blonde-person @thebloodrobin @vicassa​@tkdcnlettuce @alexander-hamilhoe​
Feel free to tell me to you want to be tagged for the series or for all/any other of my fics.
Would love to hear your opinion on the series so far too!
 -Posting this a 2nd time, cause the 1st Tumblr error-ed out and deleted it.
also a bit of self plug here, i have a writing challenge going on and I’d love for you to join!
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flowerslightning · 5 years ago
Wanna be a Game Character?
And now, who's up for a physical torture??
Inspired from Saitama's 100 days challenge, since this will only be for ' 7 ' weeks only, Im gonna name this workout challenge as "TIFA LOCKHART WORKOUT".
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I like Lightning Farron more, but she has a God-like power. While Tifa is an ordinary girl who train her body to be in the same level as the hero. So I use her name for this workout. Besides, I want to have what she has - the agility, power and speed.
I.. Have.. No.. Idea.. My weight .. Has .. Increased.. A lot 😂😂😂 no wonder why I feel my body is heavier than usual. I didnt train a muscle during the quarantine and the last time I trained seriously with my coach was in January and then my intern shift interrupted most of my training seasons.
I got scolded by my coach for being weak and unmotivated today 😂😂 and today was be the last time I saw him bfore moving 500km away from my hometown bcause of this intern for 7 weeks. I need to get back to my usual figure before meeting him again.
Disclaimer : I'm not a coach nor someone who has knowledge in nutrition. I once used this method to reduce 8 kg in a very short amount of time for my sparring tournament and it worked (but previously the workout was a lot more intense than this). And my weight maintained for several years, not until my sleeping schedule got crazy from the past 6 months and I have to stay indoors 24hrs and eat midnight snacks almost everyday and 0 hrs of exercise for 3 months straight.
★Tifa Lockhart Workout★
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Tifa has light build, superb strength, slim but fit figure, high agility and speed. She has abs but not the 6 pack type and her female appeal still maintained. A body where lots of women admire. While genetic does play a huge role in a person's body, but I believe Tifa does not have restricted diet but still train herself intensely. This workout should be light and easy to follow (well at least for me it is easy).
So, overall, the main objective is to regain power and speed. Which I assume I can achieve this by loosing weight and increase muscle endurance through out the 7 weeks self train. I will focus more on full body workout which involves cardio and strength exercises. [Pls note that I hate dumbbells and dislike gym. I like cardio and love pushups and plank]. So, this workout is really simple but effective (for me) and may torture ur mental a bit. It doesnt need equipment (but u need a jump rope)
★ Ready to go? Lets check the schedule first
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F - Fasting | INT F - Intermittent Fasting
I will give myself 2 days rest to allow my body to heal. I have extra time doing the weekends, so I will push myself to do more workout. Doing the selected days, I will try to spend at least 2 hrs for weekdays and weekends at least 3 hrs.
★ Move on to the diet
I'm not a foodie person. So I can survive a day without eating heavy meal while still being active. I choose Mon and Thu to fast, and Tue, Wed, Sat for intermittent fasting. Fri and Sun are my super 👻 cheat days. And dont forget to drink ur water 3L/day. I like to add a few slices of lemon in to my plain water for no proper reason. I just like to watch the lemon floating inside my bottle 😂
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Rice is our main dish and we often have it during breakfast, lunch and dinner. Rice is a form of high carbs, so Im gonna cut it completely from my diet, along with bar chocolates, sweet drinks, candies while still eating breads and cookies, less intake of salty snack and more in protein and fruits. And the rest, Im gonna eat it like usual but in smaller portion- noodle, kuey teow, oden, mee, oatmeal, etc.. Will be away from home for 7 weeks though, I'm a cheapstake to myself so I dont really spend money on food 😂
And i dont take any extra supplement. I hate drugs..
★ And here's what the activity will look like
Dont forget to do warm up! We usually rope jump for half an hour before stretching.
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Since my only problem is my weight increased and I feel my muscle endurance reduced, I will immediately start at Level 3, then jump to Level 5 and then to Level 10. Im not an expert though, I just like to push myself to my limit and see how far I can still proceed.
If ure new to any type of exercise, pls try to do this activity level by level. Increase ur level every 2 weeks. Eg - Level 1 rpt 10x push up, 10 mins rope jumping, 1km jogging for the first 2 weeks | Level 2 rpt 20x push up, 20 mins rope jumping, 2km joggin for the next 2 weeks | Level 3 - and so on. Make sure to have 5-3mins rest before doing the next activity.
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Agility workout aint fun without a partner, for me, at least. But, yeah, none of my female intern friends like sweat 🙃 so I have to train agility.all.by.my.self. (or probably will skip it and change to strength workout) Hmmm
Friendly reminder : Do it slowly but constantly. If u cant finish the 10x burpees, u can rest 2-3 mins every 5x. No need to push ur self too hard. Unless if ure stubborn like me, then have it ur way. Do this at ur own risk.
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As a summary to this challenge ;
Right now, I am 166cm tall and 56kg. Perfect BMI u may say, but I feel heavy, unlike when I was only 54-52kg. Besides, I'm in class B sparring tournament. Cant let my weight be more than 54kg and less than 50
☆ Mission : Reduce weight - From 56kg to 51kg
☆ Objective : Regain strength, speed and muscle endurance
☆ Workout focuses : Full body workout - Cardio + Strength
☆ Time limitation : 7 Weeks
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Keep in mind that this is not about trying to be like Tifa Lockhart, but instead, u may have abs and lean muscle like her through this workout (depends on ur genetic, routine and diet). If u want to reduce weight and bcome light like how I want it to be, then this simple exercise is for u.
Alright, that's it. Feel free to join my 7 weeks challenge ! If u participate in this challenge, do tell me ur result and ur experience. I'm eager to listen to ur story 😆😆
I will be in hiatus for 7 weeks straight. Was told the internet line at the village clinic is horrible. So, will come back on 23rd August. See ya guy later ! 🤗
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shesawriter39049 · 5 years ago
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                 *Yoongi centered fic with a shared OT7 plot*
CH.1.1   CH. 1.2
**Operation: What’s eating blue!?***
“Stop, this stopped being a you, thing and became a us thing  the minute we chose to show up here tonight! You gave us an out and we stayed...we will always stay...”
1.2 K Sneak Peek
Pairing: Yoongi x OC
Genre: Sugar baby AU/Suspense/Smut/Angst/Roomate AU/FWB AU
WC: 7K
Nonsexual Warnings: Mentions of drug use (Molly/weed/)Strong language/ Alcohol addictions/ brief mentions/ speculations of domestic violence/abuse
Sexual Warnings: Oral (M & F receiving) power bottom Min Yoongi, cum play, breath play, spanking, dirty talk, Slight overestimation, sex toys (Cock rings....) Semi-public sex (A chill little blow job in the car) The sexual warnings are for both parts of CH.1 so the smut is split in half!
NOTE:  Just to clarify the dynamic Yoongi and the OC are roommates who hookup on the side, they are BOTH sugar babies to two separate people! So yes, that would imply that Yoongi and some of the other boys who are also sugar babies are Bi. There is no MxM but there is mentions of it occasionally….as well as some harmless ot7 flirting! Also all of the boys are introed, Tae and Joon just play a lager part here!
I guess, fuck where do we even start? Maybe, will go back to where it all technically started, which was the last time things felt...somewhat normal yeah?
So, that would be...hmm...about 2 weeks shy of you heading into Junior year at USC right? The day your boys picked you up at the airport, and the three of your treated Blue, aka TaeTae to brunch!?
Well, wait let’s back track a little it all started much eariler than that, because you weren’t even aware of your brunch plans until later in the day. So Initially the day in question kicks of with you, in oversized blacked out CHLOE shades, hungover as fuck, sat in at the airport one Sunday afternoon. Smack dab in the middle of Terminal 6, in a bar called Blu2o sipping on a Bloody Mary, scrolling aimlessly through Snapchat. While simotaniously being told for the very first time ...that you’ll be attending a “Haute Couture”  themed charity auction...on Tuesday! Yup,  the day after tomorrow! Thank god he can’t see your damn face right now, biting down on your straw to muzzle yourself!
“No, babe it’s fine, I’ll just hit Rodeo tomorrow morning, and I’m sure my nail and lash girl can fit me-Oh you...haven’t gotten... what ...your wearing either?” Parroting the words back In slow motion as if it would make the words sound better or something!
Oh for fucks sake! Bringing your forehead flush to the marble bartop already feeling a full blown migraine brewing at the nape of your neck. Giving yourself a couple moments to self compose, this man is so damn unorganized it’s unfucking real. His personal assistant better be the 2nd highest paid person within his entire company because…..This is far from new, I don’t even know why your suprised and I’d say you don’t get paid enough for this....but ya do! So you suck it up, lose the attitude and slip right into your “Yes sir” or maybe I should say ‘Yes daddy” voice.
“Don’t worry about it, I know your busy. I totally get it, your a 28 waist right? Of course, I remember...I remember everything you tell me….Ohhh your gonna let me put you in color too???” Eyes flickering up to the notification from your bank, noting a cute little 12k wire pending.
“Yeah, no, I see it, that should be good. I was thinking Versace or Cavili for you anyway...they have good prints to fit the theme, and if all else fails I have my card too…yup..just landed about..hmm... 30 minutes ago actually. Of course, stop apologizing, Sunday's are always your golf days, I get it, hey, tell the guys I said hi and enjoy your day. Text me later if you feel up to it..k....bye..”
Were you actually getting a little flustered there towards the end? It's the slight accent, isn't it? Honestly, it didn't take much for you to slip into “character” with him, even after barely being together a full month. For one he wasn’t an asshole, had a decent sense of humor, and he’s really fuckin hot...however there was one, little, well shit, not so little issue...you noticed while with him recently. Which, then sparked quite a few questions while also answering some that had been rattling through your head since the day you met. But will circle back to the fact that you spent a week on vacation with a man, while dressed in some of the sexiest pieces of 2019 couture! Yet..you barely got touched once outside of a couple chaste kisses and hand-holding while at the two fashion shows you attended together… so, yeah, yeah!
A low groan in frustration rattled from your throat as you continued scrolling through Snapchat, trying to come up with some possible outfit scenarios in your head! It’s kinda funny, how mynute all of that seems now though, how your definition of “Stress” that day was you trying to decide if your sugar daddy was gay, while also  finding time to fit in a self-care day, shopping, and getting your books for school!!  The fact that, that was what you considered migraine worthy, fuck, what you wouldn’t give to consider multitasking your only maltitude of “stress” again …..
Just in your own little world, mind swirling with a couple of stylists you’ve met along the way, considering the idea of them pulling some vintage pieces for you instead!  What you should be doing, is scrolling through your contact list and texting said stylists, instead you find yourself more and more distracted.  Getting lost in the mounds of snap updates from Jimin as he “modestly” sunbathed in a private villa in Italy. Then later sharing a glimpse into his shopping spree from Versace, no doubt a good 20k worth of Italian luxury spread out along the plush white sheets. Sending him a cheeky little “That’s my boy” with a couple of smug winky faces in response!
It’s still kinda crazy to think, things like that are considered normal within your world now, the fact that you aren’t even surprised at the number of gifts. Or, simply the fact that your barley 21-year-old best friend is sunbathing in Italy on someone else’s dime. Then again, you just got sent 12 thousand dollars to spend on an event that would last maybe all of 5 hours, while sitting next to a stack of Louis Vuittion luggage from your first class flight in from Vegas, technically. Opting to land there first after a long 15-hour flight, checking in at The Four Seasons for not even a solid 24 hours before coming home! Honestly?There was no real reason for the pit stop except it gave you an excuse to see a friend while also allowing you to unwind in one of your favorite hotels!
That sentence alone is actually absurd when you really think about it, the idea of you casually booking flights and suites in 5-star hotels as if you’re ordering off the damn dollar menu at Mcdonalds! You, the girl that was working two jobs at the Groove and mourning a piece of shit cheating ex boyfriend her freshman year of college.....is now reminiscing about catching flights to chill with friends and last minute finding dresses for Couture themed galas.Like, what the actual fuck is life.... Oh my bad, life at the moment is constantly being paranoid that you and your friends will get arrested! Life in this moment however...was a fucking perfect!
The friend you where meeting in Vegas was Hoseok by the way, the redhead was currently vacationing in Sin City for the next couple of days, typically residing in LA as well. Just Chillin’ before the semester starts, living his best life, which revolves around “OFF-WHITE'' shopping sprees, private dance lessons, and constantly taking thirst trap pics for his 10’s of thousands of followers online. He randomly texts you saying “I miss your face” you text him saying “I land at 8 tonight bring a bottle and sushi to room 605 at The Four Seasons hotel '' Simple!
Your initial flight, the one that was 15 hours, was originally from Paris, where you spent the last week or so with Jeong-su, being arm candy, sipping wine, sightseeing and of course shopping!. Barley 32 hours ago your Snapchat looked pretty damn similar, if not worse in comparison to Jimin’s but what can I say, you can’t be in the home of Givenchy and Gaulthier and not go to Givenchy and Gaultier!
What your life is, what you and your friends do, I mean, I think it’s safe to say it’s pretty self-explanatory yeah? The average 20 something-year-old in college isn't flying themselves out of the country or going luxury shopping without a little help. In your case, it’s typically thanks to a person you commonly refer to as “Daddy” now, the context behind the word however….is where you and your friends may differ from others…..
But that’s your business, your concern and more importantly your choice, and honestly for a while life seemed too damn good to be true...I guess looking back on it now, I guess that’s because it kinda was!
Sat at the predominantly empty bar alone, more than content by the silence, twirling your straw between your lips, as you scanned back over the shit show that was your schedule for the semester! Getting more of a migraine from that, then shopping or even the fact that you're still hungover and drinking on an empty stomach at half-past 12. Shooting a quick text to your redheaded best friend cursing him out for getting you drunk off your ass on a bottle of Yamazaki 12.
“Can I get anything else for you beautiful? Another drink or maybe an appetizer? We have damn good loaded queso fries if I do say so myself!” Waving the menu in your face playfully, the warm, inviting voice in front of you was the bartender, who’s had his eye on you since you swayed in. Even if you looked like crap for your standards you knew to most you were the farthest thing from it as you swayed into the bar like you owned the place. In your heels, and tiny little black dress, while an airport assistant trolied in your luggage behind you! Ohhh Blair  Waldorf would without a doubt be proud!
“Mmmm…” Lips pursed in a slight pout as you raked over the menu, honestly, you were hungry and they have bomb ass fried pickles…..”Actually, yeah, I’ll get-”
“ 3 tall shots of whatever top-shelf Tequila you have, also add whatever she’s been drinking to my tab, along with an order of fried pickles with extra ranch…please and thank you!” Smoothly sliding his black card, and ID across the marble bartop for review.
The look on the bartender’s face was fucking priceless, torn between shitting himself and maybe….nah, just straight shitting himself! Skin flushed, the sense of panic was clear as day,  wondering if he’d overstepped that fine line between customer service and filtration. Considering whoever the person behind you is, clearly knows you well enough to know your food order. A forced bashful smile playing along his lips as he bowed out in acknowledgment, sliding the gentelmen back is ID and whispering out a faint “Yes sir, coming right up…”
The base vibrating through your ears instantly had you readjusting your posture, a strong tingle running down your spine, back arching ever so slightly. A playful smirk playing along your lips as you slowly laced your tongue back around your staw, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“You sure you wanna do that? My tastes are pretty expensive..” Tone blatantly flirtatious, yet you still hadn’t bothered to even turn around, that’s when suddenly you hear a deep arrogant chuckle rumbling low in his chest. Only...this sounds a little brighter? And like it’s coming from your left instead of behind you…
“Mmm, I’m sure we can handle it baby….”
You could feel the air shift behind you, it felt warmer, and there was a strong mix of scents flooding through your nose. Leaning back in your seat, pleasantly finding your shoulders, the back of your neck, and your head, cradled against a lean wall of silk. Sighing contently, naturally letting your body melt into his frame, nose running into your face as you smiled so hard your cheeks hurt. That’s when a gangle of veiny, porcelain limbs wrapped around your shoulders pulling you even tighter against him, only to find brown, sharp, cat-like eyes staring down at you, though a pair of translucent designer shades. Seemingly a little bit amused at how excited you are to see him. Long dark wavy locks falling messily into his face, a tiny silver hoop dawning his button nose. Tongue playing at the corner of his mouth, letting the tiny silver ball slip between his lips. This angle lets you really appreciate how sharp, yet soft his features were, an oxymoron that honestly makes no damn sense unless you see him in person….jawline sharp enough to cut glass yet he has the cutest cheeks ever when he smiles. It honestly makes no sense whatsoever and he’s one of the many reasons you have trust issues. Well, that and your line of work, considering the number of men you find out are married and still try and sneak around with you.
Then, as if to just make his presence known, there’s another pair of hands making their home along your body, gently squeezing your thigh. Except, he’s polar opposite to the person I just described, the man behind you is your roommate Yoongi, the man who just took a seat to your left, is your other roommate Namjoon! First off, he’s tall as all hell, and an offensively perfect shade of brown, he can’t even go into the burbs without being asked what self-tanner he uses. In which he smugly replies “Genetics” letting them sit there and try and google said company that makes that brand of self-tan. Streams of meticulously placed colored neo-traditional tattoos paint his skin, accompanied by deep dimples, and bleach blonde hair styled into an undercut, sides buzzed into the perfect fade.
“So you gonna get up and give me a real hug or what???”  Placing a kiss in your hair as he pulled back, giving you room to hop out of your seat and right into his arms.
The Full thing is coming soon, this is from summer 2019, I just have to edit, and reread the full thing again! I also wrote the first 3 parts all at once..sooo if your exicted show this some love anddddddddd come let me know!
Love you as always,
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mistressemmedi · 5 years ago
why is Hans Zimmer so important? He just did music for movies, no? I'm not trying to be rude, just curious sorry
Omg not rude at all but I’m so sorry anon, you’ve unleashed an answer that has become an essay about me gushing over Hans Zimmer. 
First off, Hans Zimmer is a musical genius when it comes to scoring movies. Like, he’s up there with Morricone. Alan Silvestri is another one. 
What’s peculiar about him is that he uses various methods of ‘telling’ the story through the music that doesn’t use just an orchestra but also rock/electro/synths etc. He is able to write and capture the mood of the movie/story/moment etc. so well. 
I’ll give you an example, since this is a motorsport blog (most of the time) we’ll use Rush and the main song ‘Lost But Won’. Give it a  full listen (I know, I KNOWWW it’s 6 minutes long) before continuing to read below - best done in a quite small room or with earbuds 
You’re a driver. An F1 driver. 
In the beginning we have the strings, they bring you to the track. 
The French horns pick up, reminding you that... This is it. This is the race of your life, of your career. There is palpable excitement in the air but it’s subdued because of how important this moment is. 
Those few notes from the guitar remind you of the nervousness that you’re feeling, which is weird. This is not your first grand prix, for fuck sake.
You look around, at the mechanics and engineers trying to give you a last word, the last advice before you settle in and go for the drive of your life. The bass picks up, the low notes helping you focus more but the nervousness intensifies. It settles in at your throat, like a weight you can’t swallow. 
The strings of the guitar are now moving faster, the notes coming out more hurriedly. It matches the pace of your heart because your eyes locked in on the car of your rival, the man you need to beat to get that title. The nervousness now is gone, giving space to  a spark of excitement from before. 
The voice from the single violin reminds you that it’s time. 
Off you go for the formation lap. 
The cello starts to play, through turn 1, turn 2, and you know this track well. It’s an ebb and flow of just you and the car, you don’t need to think. Your hands automatically move in sync with your feet. Brake. Clutch. Accelerate. Brake again. Last turn, you can see the start line. 
There’s a small pang of sadness as you stop the car for the start. It’s the last race, it’s been a long season. But is this enough? Why can’t we race one more time?
But no, this is it. You can do it. 
Get to the mark, line up. Wait. 
Drums start. It’s lights out and away we go. 
Same as the formation lap, turn 1, turn 2. You start well but your rival started better. Not to worry, this is your element. The chase for the win. 
The tempo picks up (around the 2:50 mark) and now the strings are working in coordination with the guitar. Time is irrelevant, is it lap 20 or 40? The only thing you can see is the back of the car in front of you. Time is something left behind after turn 5 & 6. 
You almost got him but it’s not quite enough. The hairs on your arms raise up a bit, and you don’t even realize that you’re smiling. The trill of the chase, of making that pass stick and showing everyone that you are the best. 
Turn after turn, and all your focus is accelerating down the main straight, braking as late as you can. It’s raining, when did that happen? 
The crescendo of the strings, guitars, horns, drums is now absurdly loud. It almost matches the hammering of your heart in your chest. You realize that you’ve been holding your breath for the past... how many minutes?
Main straight again. And you see it, the sign that says “P2, 5 laps to go” (at 3:30 mark)
What? How did that happen? We’re still racing! You’re not in front! More time, we need more time!
The excitement of the chase gives way to the bass guitar, which is vibrating with your anger. 
The drums are louder. They urge you to go fast. Faster. 
There’s a  tinge of desperation now. The shrieking voice of the high notes coming from the electric guitar are a reminder that you will not make it time. You will not win this. 
Faster. You need to be faster. 
It’s a cacophony of instruments, feelings and god knows what else. 
Last corner. Finish line. 
You didn’t make it. 
(At 4:50) Suddenly the tempo is gone, you feel like you’re out of breath. Everything boiled down to this final race and you tanked it. 
The repetitive three single beats from the drum almost feel like a final send-off to your championship dreams. It’s gone. It’s all lost. How fitting, almost like a gun salute at a funeral. 
(At 5:35) You get out of the car, you don’t feel like celebrating. 
The lone violin prompts you to look at your rival, the winner who stole everything from you. 
But did he really? He’s also one of your closest friends on the grid (as much as you can call a competitor ‘friend’). The respect, the camaraderie he showed you through the season. He never pulled his punches while racing and always gave it his all, trusting you to honor him the same way. 
You can hear the guitar again (at 6:10) reminding you of that feeling before the race, that small spark of excitement. 
You nod at your rival, he nods back in a gesture of respect. A small thank you for the battles on track this past year. 
Maybe you even smile a bit. 
The violin’s last note ends. There’s always next year. The next championship is definitely yours. 
Listen to it the song again. 
Now, obviously the story in Rush is a bit different, but you can tell that this song was written specifically about being fast, about racing, about winning and losing.
Bonus song from the Rush soundtrack would be Stopwatch. Excellent 2 min little thing.
The way that Hans Zimmer is able to direct the orchestra through the tempo changes of the score is amazing. And let’s not forget the man composed the music himself. WTF right? Amazing! 
If you have the chance, listen to Interstellar. I don’t know how but somehow he managed to explain how it feels to be in space, how it feels to be lonely, the desperation of survival etc... With music. Incredible. 
Also, listen to his original Pirates of the Caribbean score. You can’t tell me that listening to “He’s a Pirate” one cannot help but imagine Captain Sparrow running around Tortuga with a bottle of rum lol. 
Anyways, I’m a massive fan of Hans’ work and I’m extremely jealous of Lewis who got to sit down and pick his brains.
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booksanditsseriesormovies · 4 years ago
GX Month Day 10
(September 9): Free Day/Introductions
Ready for Story time (in fear of sounding like a Youtuber)? Ok here is how I got into GX and my 3 favorite characters in the series...
So I was one of the many that grew up with Duel Monsters. I was like 8-9 y/o when my friends and I got into the hype of it, some friends of mine even played the card game with hand drawn cards because it was hard to come across the real thing in Latin America at the time. 
But I was never able to finish it and I dropped it. Until I was in college (seriously how many got back into their childhood likes in college), where I finished it in like a month and a half and left a hole in me after I finished. So the next logical step was to watch GX to keep myself going in the YGO train...
And I just couldn’t. 
It was just too different and I loved DM way too much. And the first few episodes of GX gave me a huge whiplash theme wise (fun fact: that’s happening to me rn and that’s why I am rewatching S3 of GX instead of watching 5Ds, I watched like 5 episodes and I’m still too attached to GX to enjoy it). 
Like how did we go from this
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to this
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The fact that we get bombed by tons of fillers (including Judai dueling a freaking monkey) so early in season 1 was not helping. So after like 20 episodes or so I dropped it, not really convinced. That was like 3 years ago.
Fast forward to quarantine. I was going through my list of pending anime to watch and I came across Yu Gi Oh GX, and I decided to give it another go now that DM wasn’t so fresh on my emotions. And I had also read several comments saying that you had to get through season 1 and 2 because season 3 and 4 were spectacular and totally worth the watch. 
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And so I started watching it and while I got into it thinking “okay I just want to get to season 3″ I found myself truly enjoying season 1 (at least after the never ending completely irrelevant fillers). People found Judai annoying and I have to say from what little I’ve heard of the dub, yeah he is annoying there. But in the sub I ended up really digging Judai’s carefree personality and how he just honestly loves dueling. 
My only point of comparison so far is DM and Judai’s attitude to dueling is such a contrast to Atem’s much more serious one (though both are great and fit their characters and storylines well). In fact, after seeing Judai in season 4 I seriously missed the carefree Judai of season 1 and 2, like it caused me pain to see how badly season 3 had broken this poor boy and made him harden beyond recognition. Thank God for BBT because we see that he is back to being a happy boy.
Then I got into season 2 and we got introduced to this magnificent being
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Edo Phoenix started off as the character that made me roll my eyes because of how damn full of himself he was, smugly beating the living daylights out of Judai and Ryo (so bad both of them experience a full on trauma induced breakdown, seriously). But he just grew on me as he started drifting away from Saio a bit and we learn of his tragic backstory with his dad and DD (and when he nonchalantly cut off Judai’s fishing line after he caught his steak I swear to God I laughed out loud in public because of it). 
And then he showed up again season 3 all of a sudden and he got grouped with Ryo and the power vibes were off the roof (like that scene of them defeating those Supreme King’s minions with Cyber End and Plasma #iconic). And he got some nice character growth, saying he was helping Judai fins Johan because Judai had saved Saio before. And then him dueling Amon (that piece of s***) to save Echo...thanks season 3 for killing off my child.
Forever salty that the last we see of Edo is him getting punched by Ojama Yellow
BUT in season 3 we got introduced to this man right here
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And I never looked back. This person, this lovely Crystal Boy is my favorite boy forever and after 5 min of knowing him I knew that would be the character I would lose my shit over in these series.
I just love everything about Johan, his bond with the Crystal Beasts, his natural sense of leadership, his resolve to become a bridge between humans and spirits. But most of all, how he is the first true friend Judai has IMO. Johan sees Judai as an absolute equal, and in the span of a few episodes he develops a much more deeper bond with him than most (if not all) of his other friends in 2 seasons. I feel like, if Judai represents the Gentle Darkness, Johan is his Light counterpart (like Darkness and the Light of the Destruction...but good), that’s why they are so similar. My dream is that they would have explored this had season 4 not been cut short, maybe Johan was also a reincarnation seeing as he and Judai felt they had known each other before.
I think it was absolute BS that he wasn’t around for most of season 4 considering he was the catalyst for the second half of season 3 (wth s4 writing team). But at least he came back to duel Fujiwara with Judai and he made him laugh for the first time in like 50 episodes (everyone say thank you, Johan). It was in the middle of a duel to save Humanity but who cares those two children were having fun teasing Darkness. 
Well anyways, Judai, Edo and Johan are my boys. I love them a lot so please love them too. And love GX because half the flake it gets is undeserved tbh. 
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the-coconut-asado · 4 years ago
A Bit Like Julie Andrews
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 A loathsome guest at a dinner party I once attended announced you can make anything taste good with fat.  She said this as I was serving up a chocolate pecan tart promised to the host, and my first instinct was to divert it into her face. I didn’t of course, because violence and whip-smart retorts only ever live in my head. Later on, she invited me into the bathroom to see her new labia piercing. So, mixed messages.
That said, she had a point about fat. I’ve been writing this blog for eight years now and the most shared and liked recipes have lashings of fat and/or sugar in common. No surprises here - as we all aspire to cleaner, increasingly plant based virtue-signalling, how many of us are squirrelling away six pineapple Jaffa Cakes when we think no-one’s looking? Right this minute I am staring longingly across the coffee table at a box of Divine Mint Thins while a sweet potato bakes in the oven. And the rate at which we get through sea salt butter in our house (yep, the one with the extra crunchy salt crystals) is not something I am ever going to admit to my GP. 
But if you all want fat and sugar, then I am here to please. Not necessarily with animal fat, and not always with proper sugar. One of the most versatile oils in my kitchen is coconut, sunflower oil always produces moist and springy sponge cakes and I could almost drink extra virgin olive. And I sometimes supplement no-carb Splenda for sugar in some recipes with zero difference noticed. None of this interferes with the popularity of the finished dish, sometimes it even enhances it - and I am often asked for recipes for dishes I photograph with abandon but haven’t got around to writing up. 
So what follows then is only a bit like Julie Andrews: rather than a selection of my favourite things, it’s a revisiting of some of yours - a Top 4 of those recipes most often requested or dishes shared, fats or sugar included, with a couple of twists thrown in. 
Perfect Roast Pork Belly 
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For my money the supreme leader of pork joints is belly - roasted long and slow until those layers of fat melt and the hide turns to the guiltiest pleasure of all: cracking. I used to subscribe to the belief that anything this good was proportionately difficult to achieve - but after many years and attempts, I have found a way as fool-proof and leave-it-alone succulent as you can get. 
My advice is to serve this with creamed corn - fresh corn shucked and simmered in a little butter and cream. Pork and corn are a less-travelled match made in heaven. Cowboys kind of got the hang of it but were seduced into flatulence by the baked bean before the corn craze could really take off. But what the wild west discarded, the barbecue warriors picked up. OK I’m taking The Crown approach to history but you get the picture. Serves 4-6. 
One 2 kg pork belly joint, bone in ideally but not necessary( get your butcher to score the rind)
1 tbsp. each fennel seeds and cumin seeds
1 tbsp, chilli flakes
2 tbsp. Kosher salt
2 onions, cut into wedges
2 carrots cut into chunks
1 leek cut into chunks
200ml sherry or white wine
100ml water
For the creamed corn:
3 fresh ears of corn
50g butter
150ml double cream
Kosher Salt and freshly ground black pepper
How to make.
The night before you aim to roast the pork, get rid of any covering, pat the skin dry, pop it onto a dish and put in the fridge. This will dry out the skin and ultimately product better crackling. 
Heat the oven to 220C (or 210C Fan) and take your belly out of the fridge at least 30 mins before roasting. Pulverise the fennel seeds, cumin seeds, salt and a and chilli flakes in a pestle and mortar. Rub the mix into the scores in the pork rind, then pop into the oven for 25 mins to get the crackling going. 
After 25 mins,remove from the oven and transfer the pork onto a board and reduce the oven to 180C or 175C fan. Working quickly, toss the onions, carrots and leek into the roasting pan and then put the belly joint on top. Pour the sherry or white wine into the roasting pan around, not on, the pork. Return the pork to the oven and roast for two and a half  - 3 hours. 
Check the pork at 2 and a half hours - if you can wiggle the rib bone easily, great, if not, return to the oven for another 30 mins. Remove from the oven again and transfer the roast veg to a bowl and keep warm. Crank the oven back up to 220C and return the joint one last time to crisp up the crackling. 
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Remove from the oven and leave to rest for 20 mins before carving
Dutch pancake with caramel apples
Leave It Alone is the best mantra for an easy life in the kitchen. Some dishes were made to be fussed over - risotto, caramel and of course pancakes. But a dutch pancake gives you both time to yourself and a whomping great wow factor when you bring it out of the oven. Thanks to Erin Jeanne McDowell at the New York Times for this little number. (Serves 3-4)
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(100 g) plain flour
3 Tbsp. dark muscovado sugar
½ tsp salt
½ tsp cinnamon
½ tsp kosher salt
Pinch ground nutmeg
50g unsalted butter
3 eggs
100ml cashew nut milk (or milk of your choice)
1 tsp vanilla extract
For the caramel apples: 
40g butter
75 ml double cream
110g dark muscovado sugar
3-4 apples (granny smiths are good)
Juice of 1 lemon
1 tsp vanilla essence
Pinch of ground cinnamon
How to make
Heat the oven to 200C fan (210C). Put the butter in a frying pan or skillet that you can use on the hob and in the oven. When the oven is hot, pop the skillet in to melt the butter. 
Mix all the dry ingredients together. Break up the eggs with the milk and vanilla essence then add to the dry ingredients and mix until smooth. 
Peel and core the apples then cut into thin slices and toss in the lemon juice. 
Take the skillet out of the oven (the butter should have melte by now) and pour in the pancake batter. Put back in the oven and set your timer for 20 minutes. 
While the pancake is doing its thing, make the caramel apples. Melt the butter in a saucepan then add the sugar and cream and mix again. Add the apples, stir to coat the apples in the caramel mix, then simmer gently for 5 minutes until the apples soften. Take the pan off the heat and stir in the vanilla essence and cinnamon. 
After 20 minutes, and using protective gloves or oven mitts, remove the skillet from the oven. The pancakes should be all puffed around the edges like a dramatic Yorkshire pudding. 
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Pour the caramel apples into the centre, bring to the table and drizzle with double cream while everyone round the table gasps. DO NOT FORGET that the handle is hot so use your oven mitts while handling at the table. 
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Stuffed Courgette flowers
This is a romantic dish for me as it reminds me of my first trip to Rome. At the same time it’s tempura on steroids. Cook the whole (usually tiny) courgette with the flowers attached - it may not look as pretty but there is more flavour and nutrition (always handy when you are taking a bath in carbs). Like the Dutch pancake, this dish gives good gasp when it arrives on the table. (Serves 4). 
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8 courgettes with flowers attached
250g ricotta cheese, soft goat’s cheese or goat’s curd
6 anchovies, finely chopped
1 tbsp each finely chopped mint and parsley
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
For the batter:
70g cornflour
30g plain flour
80ml ice-cold sparkling water or lager
400ml sunflower oil for frying
How to make:
Mix the cheese, anchovies, herbs and seasoning in a bowl. 
Taking each courgette, gently splay the petals of the flower and remove the stamens with a small knife. Using a teaspoon,  stuff each flower with the filling then twist the tips of the petals to seal. 
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In another bowl mix the batter ingredients and leave to stand for 5 minutes. 
Heat the oil in a deep pan or flat-bottomed wok. Line a serving dish with kitchen paper. Once the oil is hot, take each courgette in turn, dip it in the batter (courgette and flower) and then carefully lay it in the oil and deep fry for a couple of minutes, until the batter turns golden and crisp. Try not to crowd the pan, you can probably fry three at a time. Remove each courgette and flower from the oil and onto the paper lined dish. When all the courgettes have been cooked, remove the kitchen paper and serve while hot, with some quick pickled red onion slices on the side. 
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Sweet potato Gnocchi with pesto
Anything a potato can do, a sweet potato can do as well if not better. Plus it’s packed with antioxidants (not red for nothing) and lower in the demon carbs. When in Buenos Aires, gnocchi is traditionally eaten on a Thursday (a ritual they share with Rome) and it’s my niece Luli’s favourite dish. Wonder what she will think of this version? The gnocchi is based on a recipe by Jonny Rhodes (Serves 4)
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1 large sweet potato
1 cup plain flour
½ cup wholemeal flour
1 tsp. Ground cumin
½ tsp cinnamon
¼ tsp allspice
½ tsp kosher salt
1 egg
50g butter
2 tsp apple cider vinegar
For the pesto:
1 large bunch basil
1 tbsp, pinenuts
2 fat cloves garlic
25g grated parmesan
½ cup - ¾ cup extra virgin olive oil
How to make.
Heat the oven to 190C fan and roast the sweet potato for 1-11/4 hours (the potato should be soft inside and give when you insert a knife). Cool, skin and mash. 
In a bowl, mix the flours, potato mash, spices, salt and egg. Roll into a ball then cover with cling film and pop into the fridge for an hour to firm up. 
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After an hour, remove from the fridge and cut into six portions. Dust your work surface with flour then taking each portion in turn, roll into a long sausage and cut 18-20 portions. You can either leave the portions like this or roll each portion over a gnocchi paddle to give it ridges, then place on an floured baking sheet. Repeat with each portion, then cover all the gnocchi and refrigerate until ready to cook.
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 Bring a pan of salted water to the boil, working in small batches, add the gnocchi to the pan and continue to boil. As the gnocchi float to the surface, remove with a slotted spoon and transfer to a greased baking sheet. 
Make your pesto, put all ingredients except the olive oil into the food processor and pulse until chopped small. Keep the motor running and gradually add the olive oil until the mixture thickens. Turn off the motor and leave to one side while you saute the gnocchi. 
Heat a large frying pan and add the butter. when melted and sizzling add the gnocchi in a single layer and cook undisturbed for 2 or 3 minutes, until the bottoms are light brown (you may need to do this in batches). Then add 2 tbsp butter, 3 tbsp water and the apple cider vinegar and swirl around the gnocchi. 
Serve immediately in pasta bowls and drizzle the pesto over the top. Grate over some parmesan. 
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raziakhatunblr · 4 years ago
Zone of Truth 5e | Most recent update 2021
Zone of truth 5e article 2
inform us about the magical spell"Zone of truth, 5e."
 What do we do in Zone of Truth 5e?
You create a magical zone that protects against deception in a 15-foot-radius arena based on the point of your choice within the range. Until the spell ends, a monster that enters the spell's place for the first time on the reverse or begins its turn there should make a Charisma rescue throw. On a failed save, a creature can not speak a willful lie whilst in the radius. You know whether every monster succeeds or fails its saving throw. An affected creature is aware of this charm and may consequently prevent answering questions to which it might ordinarily react with a lie. Such a monster could be evasive in its own answers as long as it stays within reality's boundaries.
 Zone of Truth 5e is a pesky small 2nd-degree spell that can ruin a campaign's mystery. But there are a number of ways you can avoid Zone of Truth and keep your campaign's mystery alive!
 To avoid the impacts of Zone of Truth 5e, then you need to be successful on your Charisma Saving Throw, possess an ally that possesses the spell Switch memory, or manage your answers in a manner that omits the facts without being deceitful.
 If your celebration captures an NPC that understands something that you don't want your party to understand, how do these things prevent them from finding out with Zone of Truth 5e? Zone of Truth is not bulletproof. By utilizing these tips, you could have the ability to keep up the mystery of your effort living!
 What is Zone of Truth 5e's necessary info?
 Inside this region, no creature could" talk a lie."
 Zone of Truth lasts for 10 minutes and doesn't require some elements to throw. Making it a potential mystery wrecker with little to no cost to throw.
 Level: 2nd
 Range/Area: 60 feet (15 ft Sphere)
 Components: V, S
 Duration: 10 Minutes
 School: Enchantment
 Attack/Save: CHA Save
 Damage/Effect: Control
 Zone of Truth Requires a Charisma Saving Throw
Ahead of the spell might take effect, the target of this spell can create a Charisma Saving Throw. On a successful save, the spell is not enough, although on a failed to conserve, the goal cannot talk a deliberate lie. On the other hand, the spellcaster knows whether the spell takes hold.
 According to your party and the number of spellcasters and level two spell slots available, succeeding in your saving throw could get you some time. There are ways you may find an edge to bonuses on your saving throws, nonetheless. The spell Bless allows you to include 1d4 to saving throws for a single minute. When possible, casting this spell prior to rolling up the saving throw can supply you enough of their benefit to spare.
 If you are looking for new dice to offer you an edge with this roll, check out my preferred accessories and dice!
 If you can figure out how to save enough time to empty the celebration's spell slots, you might have the ability to escape or produce a program.
 Preventing Zone of Truth 5e using Modify Memory
At some point, you will overlook your Charisma Saving Throw and will have to go to program B. This choice requires some pre-planning, but if you understand, your party has the Zone of Truth. In addition, you are interested in being on the safe side, make sure your NPC comprises a companion that can choose the 5th level spell, "Switch Memory" and throw it at level 9 (de 260 of the Player's Handbook).
 Alternatively, set an ally, minion, or superior that will follow and hide 30 feet off and cast this spell in case the NPC is captured.
 Modify Memory is a 5th level spell that enables the caster to change 1 memory, and this has occurred within the past 24 hours which lasted no longer than 10 mins. The altered memory lasts for 1 minute, only long enough to make it through this interrogation.
 That is great if the celebration will be requesting your NPC about an event they just finished, but maybe not as good if they inquire about the company or strategies.
 However, this spell gets stronger if it's cast at higher levels. The Length of the memory which can be altered expands as follows:
 1. Level 6- 7 occasions
2. Level 7- 30 times
3. Level 9- Any point in the creature's past
For those who have an NPC that knows a great deal, you may have the boss or Villain conceal out of the shadows and throw Modify Memory to avoid the party from studying his/her crucial identity or strategy. The monster questioned would consider telling the truth, thus subverting Zone of Truth 5e.
These two choices assume that the party has not done something to keep the casting of spells, such as tie the NPC's palms or take all his/her things or secured the area, making it impossible for one more personality to get within 30 feet. If the NPC has been contested or another NPC in the region can't cast a spell to save cries, alter his memory, or escape (Dimension Door or Teleport). You've got no choice but to skip the truth.
 That's where the issue gets dicey. Although Zone of Truth does specifically say animals could" preventing" telling the facts, it also says it shields against" uncertainty" If you would like to try to speak your way out of Zone of Truth, you need to follow these tips to prevent your players from feeling conned.
 Zone of Truth specifically says it protects against disturbance. As a consequence, you can prevent the question, but you can not knowingly try to fool your players. This is an excellent line. When asked, "Would you split the window?" You cannot reply, "No," because the crowbar broke the window, this can be an attempt at deception.
 It would be best if you avoided the question completely, such as stating, "Why would I divide a window?" That does not supply an answer to the query but could throw off your players enough to protect against the issue entirely. If you try to use semantic, it can do nothing but frustrate your own players.
 The spell says a monster"may be evasive in its replies as long as it stays within the bounds of the reality."
It usually means you could make evasive statements as long a the announcements themselves are accurate. That will not fall in the realm of semantics since you are not twisting the question to assist your self. You're merely making a fair statement. A superb illustration of this could be an NPC saying, "My master plans only to do great!"
 If the NPC knows his master considers himself to be about the generous right side, then this is a true statement that is not an attempt at deceit. If you can do this well, your players may (hopefully) misconstrue what you are saying.
 The players can threaten or bribe your NPC, where you should play the NPC authentic to their own character. In the event your players request a question you can't evade, don't reply.
 The Zone of truth 5e can be tricky to navigate. You definitely don't need players to feel cheated in any way, but you also don't wish to give up all of your secrets straight away. This advice and guidelines should help you keep the mystery alive while also keeping everything fair.
 Is the caster influenced by Zone of Truth 5e?
Zone of Truth is a place of affect charm. It means that anyone inside the area is affected by the spell, including the caster. On the other hand, the caster can opt to create a saving throw against the spell, and the spell may be cast anywhere within 60 feet, so the caster could choose to be just outside the spell's range.
 A Ring of Mind Shielding does not stop the Zone of Truth's influence if the monster collapsed the Charisma Saving Twist; nonetheless, it does prevent the caster from knowing if the creature stored or failed the spell's saving throw.
 Zone of Truth is an enchantment spell that prevents lies where nobody can speak within the field of effect.
 For a few moments, an area characterized by the caster turned into a zone in which lies couldn't be advised. Creatures within the region knew they were compelled not to speak falsehoods and withstand the bout, but people who could not resist could not lie to the spell duration. Affected creatures were not made, to tell the truth; they could stay silent or evade queries provided that they had been truthful.
 The affected region has been a square having sides as large as 5 ft (1.5 m) based on the thrown model. Or according to the caster's energy or a 20-ft-radius (6.1 m) sphere.
 In addition to verbal and somatic components, in addition to the priest's holy symbol or divine attention, the older variant of the spell required a cheap imitation emerald, ruby, or diamond to throw.
 What are the Gamers saying about Zone of Truth 5e?
"We started a new effort, and after their first semester, my players are attempting to learn more about the mystery of a stolen auction thing. My team is comprised of experienced, intelligent, genre-savvy gamers, and everybody has some DM expertise. B-)
 One of the players gets access to the Zone of reality spell. He has the authority/permission to use that spell on several suspects. But, it limits questions of attention to the analysis ). I believed I had the mystery nicely designed so that Zone of fact wouldn't split it, but I have more time to reflect on my players' skill level, I might want to think this through more.
 In the past, when I have run a puzzle for other experienced gamers, I was able to use evasive answers and counter-questioning to trip them up with a zone of details. I managed to confound one experienced player during his very first casting of the Zone of fact (the questioned killer had given the recognizable of a spellcaster poison to sprinkle in the drinks of the murdered, claiming it had been tea).
 Those tricks worked due to a lack of experience either generally or utilizing the spell. Nonetheless, these gamers have a good experience.
 Have you successfully operate a puzzle for seasoned genre-savvy players? How can you manage smart questioning via a zone of truth 5e?"
"Partially is dependent on how violent they are, however, one good strategy would be to overshare. It might give far too much information, such as authentic but insignificant products. The players may then need to collect an investigation to notice patterns and identify which items from 20 are important.
 Basically, yammer. The replies are accurate but need an investigation from the gamers.
 A third option is an ownership. The party begins questioning the defendant, and the BBEG assumes direct control. Maybe the defendant stocks one or two critical clues ahead of the BBEG kills them.
 Then, you can reach the fourth option. The suspect has a magic thing that registers everything to get a lie. The truth. Even sense motive. It is all comes up as lies. "
 One approach in Zone of truth 5e -- place yourself in the perspective of the Villain and consider what they know. Then use that information to formulate a plan -- and when the PCs can quickly circumnavigate it, let them. They are heroes.
 If this really is a situation where you want them to fail/struggle, the very best choices would be to:
 2.) Make sure that the person being interrogated is not very likely to lie. If they have been deceived by somebody else, they may be saying it is untrue without comprehending it, which will not activate detection. The Glibness spell is the 8th level, but somebody who should tell a lie might rely upon it. I don't understand why it is 8th degree -- sounds somewhat like a 4th level spell for me. Modify Memory is the 5th degree, and you can use it to hide lies. Occasionally a monster in enchanting disguise can supply all the ideal answers.
6.) Double lies. And they find about the kidnapping of the ideal individual who needs interrogation! They recover the victim -- and might not have triggered to restart the questioning although the victim hired the awful man through an intermediary to kidnap the victim and select their location.
Comment 4
"I know entirely. I know this topic is hot, and I recall reading a few of your previous well-articulated articles.
 Maybe this can be semantics, but I sure don't think of it trying to work contrary to my gamers. Instead, I'm searching for answers which have worked in your games that say"yes, and" or"yes, but" to the Zone of truth spell while still allowing the (highly experienced ) gamers to take delight in the investigation process. I consider it more like playing to their level.
 For comparison, think about: A player picks the ranger course simply because they want the thrill of exploration. On the other hand, the Natural Explorer feature can detract from mining by trivializing it -- or instead, it necessitates some creative thought, adaptation, and workarounds to encourage an exploration heavy session or game. To put it differently, Organic Explorer functions, but it does not" feel" right since it avoids the challenge rather than engaging with it.
 Likewise: A player who picks the Observant feat along with the zone of fact spell suggests they want the thrill of analysis, the triumph of solving a mystery through the forces of deductive reasoning. They don't require an easy success over 10 minutes with no true investigation prior to casting a spell. At least, that is true with my own group.
 Not at all! The zone of truth won't allow you to lie, but it leaves lots of room for evasion, misdirection, and distraction. Finding ways to lie while still telling the truth is that the national game of Zilargo. pic. 
-- Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith)  
Liches can't throw Zone of Truth. ...Right? 
-- D&D Beyond (@DnDBeyond)  
It is a Zone of Truth + Advantage to Charisma tests to extract/force the info, so as to prevent the"free fact" button which removes a clever challenge.
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the-necessary-unnecessary · 5 years ago
Hi, i want to share some thoughts and you and your blog always been one you can do it in so i hope it's o.k with you. I read lately a lot of articles about stats of Arsenal players that also comparing players stats. I think when you do so you have to consider the positions of these players during the seasons and the no. of touches they made cuz if you don't you're manipulate the stats and hurt the more versatile players in the team If i take the attack players (RW, AM, LW) and compare (1/_)
their touches or the touches in the box it obviously will show that the AM have more of these two because she is in a central position And with an Arsenal-style attack that is based on possession and not counter attacks you have to go through the midfield so the AM will always be the one with more touches in the box or outside it if you compare her with the Wingers ( I took the CF out cuz her role is to be in the box the most and the target for the last pass), this and more especially when you have players in attack that play the same position all season and you compare them with players that played also in other positions during the season (more deep in midfield like CDM and so) because an injury problem in the team. The truth is that by this they hurt their own stats (and its o.k cuz the team is first) but in the same time they not got any credit about their versatility (Dom, DvD and so) unless you are an english player and then you will get all the glory for your versatility. 
In any case, the versatility of these players has become like something obvious for the fans and media (just think we don't have these players that playing very good in a lot of positions when we have a injury problem) and this is were they're IMO very underrated because the media and fans tend to form an opinion a player based on stats mostly and when you not consider these things it's wrong one cuz like i said their stats will be all over the place when you compare them to a player that played one position all season. 
second thing is that like i said the more central you position is the more touches you will make so no doubt you have more opportunities to create especially cuz all the field is open for you in central and you have a lot of options. thats why i think that if you compare AM with Wingers you need to base it on also on touches and not based only pr 90 min. for exp. Nobbs started in 12 games and DvD in 14 but they have almost the same no. of touches (around 840) and if you take this number and consider that DvD played also as winger and CM/DCM during the season and only her stats almost similar to Nobbs i say her numbers is more impressive ( 24/20 kp, 7/6 gca, 36/43 sca). I choose to read the stats not as pr 90 min cuz their touches on the ball is almost similar and to take in account that DvD played in 4 different positions during the season it all depends how you choose to read the stats and if you take other things in consideration. also don't forget that the writers is also biased with some players they want to hype (cuz nationality or so). I'm very very sorry the ask is so long 👀👀👀it's horrible i know 🙈🙈🙈 and i'm sorry for my English too (7/7).
For exp of how the media is biased in England: no one talk about Bloodworth last season when she played as CB, LB and CDM but don't stop talking about Willamson this season when she played the same positions. Also they didn't stop talking about Nobbs stats last season with 8 starts and 9 goals/ 3 assist but didn't say a word about DvD with 11 starts and 10 goals/ 3 assist and her and Dom filling every position in midfield (she start as a winger) cuz of the injuries of Nobbs, Little and Lia.
Don’t apologise at all for anything this is all very interesting and I always like to read you opinion on things! You raise some interesting points here, the ones about stats and needing context to be taken into proper consideration has been touched on before but not so much in relation to the context with other players. I agree that it’s a dangerous game you play when you start to compare two players with the same stats that don’t necessarily play in the same position. Each player functions as a different part which makes up the general team machinery, you don’t want two parts that are the same as in that case one of them becomes redundant and the team loses some of that originality and individuality. So comparing two players on the same stats, unless they play in the same position or want to compare how different positions utilise different assets, is not the best way forward without taking into account playing context.
Your focus on versatility over stats it’s also an interesting one. I think they can be mutually beneficial at times and wouldn’t say that versatility is the be all and end all. Some people specialise in one position and it would be nonsensical to put them anywhere else because they’re so good at it - Viv is the best example here and beth to an extend since she practically only ever plays on the wing now. Also, unless you really are a versatile player then there’s no benefit of putting someone out of position if they’re not going excel as much there (jack of all trades master of none and all that). However, I agree with you in the fact that versatility is another important context that needs to be taken into account when looking at stats. 
Also, the bit about some players having their versatility taken for granted whilst other play out of their normal position and get really praised by it raises an important point about bias. I definitely agree that there are some players that get a lot more hype than others, some of it is justifed and some of it is excessive, but I also think it’s a natural thing which comes with any sports team/other group thing. At Arsenal I do imagine you’re on to something with the nationality, it’s an English team so it makes sense that a lot of people will get behind the English players (whether this is fair/right or not is another issue), and also just the English-speaking players in general since they are able to build a wider rapport with their audiences and command the crowd more. Daan I see more hype about the versatility but maybe it is more taken for granted than whenever Leah plays out of CB - I think how much Daan plays out of position compared to Leah might also be a reason behind this though. Idk it’s a very interesting point and I must say I hadn’t thought about nationality bias as much as I’d thought about general player bias, so I’ll definitely keep that in mind and be on the look out for it from now on. Thank you once again for all your thoughts, and you English was great :) 
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theofficefantasyfootball · 4 years ago
WEEK 2 - Wrap Up
Love Hurts!
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Well guys.  This week in our league the #1 and #2 draft picks went down.  Saquon Barkley is out for the season and McCaffrey is out 4-6 weeks (which really means 8 weeks)  And even then we all know he won’t really be the same CMC - he’s damaged goods.  Guys like Scott and Brett are probably in a real sad place right now.  Dealing with the loss of their most beloved players and also dealing with a loss for the week.  It’s a lot to take in so if you have time to reach out and let them know you are thinking of them I know that they will appreciate it.  Hang in there guys - there are only 11 more week until playoffs and I believe you will be able to find great replacements for these players that consistently put up 20-30 points each week!
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I didn’t think we would be here, I really didn’t.  I am just being honest.  Stu Jones is 2-0.  He took down Scott Krippayne (Tree Huggers)  this week - who as mentioned above lost Barkley early in the game and also was without Kittle this week.  Rough, rough, rough. 
Stu sat Edelman, Fournette and Goff but it didn’t matter -  because he was still able to put up 114 points to give him the win. 
Listen, it’s early...and this week proved to all of us that you never know what is around the corner for your star players and you have to accept that.  But, Stu being undefeated has given me some pause - I mean, can he keep it up when he faces the FUNK GUY in week 3?  Scott, I am sure you don’t care about 1 stupid loss...plus your Seahawks took care of business - you will be fine right?   There’s always a silver lining - remember that!
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Wow!  What a...battle these two had...huh!?!?!  Talk about a disappointing day for Bebo to put up 139.44 points and lose?  Right?  Yikes!  Dana, who earlier this week was texting me that his team sucks - managed to put up nearly 170 points to take down Bebo and become the champion of this match up.  Just a rock hard win for Dana.  Highlights?  You want highlights?  Sure - how about Aaron Jones with 46, Mahomes with 31, Mike Evans with 21 and Jonnu Smith with 20.  Pretty damn good.  Bebo, sorry man...that’s a tough loss.   All you can do is make adjustments, keep working it and move on from this rough start.  Bebo moved to 0-2 and Dana to 1-1.  Great win Dana.
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Everyone knows that Andy and Gabe are the best of friends so fantasy footaball is not really a competition thing between the two of them.  I know in my heart that is the case, especially with Gabe recovering in the hospital still - but I have to admit that I have been secretly hoping that Gabe will pull out a few wins these first few weeks just so when he is able to re-engage he isn’t totally out  for the season.  But, TuPadre - just like Brett Rutledge last week - went a head and took advantage of the match up and grabbed a win. 
In all seriousness - I want to let everyone know that Gabe continues to improve.  It is going to be a long process but we are all hoping he will return fully and remind us all why he is named Mr. Awesome. 
Gully moves to 1-1...Gabe to 0-2 but I feel a win coming on when he faces the Moose in week 3.
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What a crazy wonderful surprise to beat Brett Rutledge in week 2!  I have to be honest - knowing that I was going up against Tom Brady, (I was sure would be out to prove something after losing in week 1), CMC, Kelce and kind of expecting Adrian Peterson to get more than he actually did...I thought it was going to be a blood bath.  Especially after Elliott and Dak started out with a pair of fumbles to send me into negative digits right away...but it all worked out in the end.  I had a good Dallas Cowboys offensive attack as they spent the entire game trying to come back from the dead and a few 58 yard kicks from Butker and that’s all it really took!  Thanks Brett for not ruining my Sunday and allowing me to get a win!  Sorry about CMC.  He was solid and even played through the hurt for me last week but it just must not be your year.  At least you have a lot of RB’s on your bench to rotate in!
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Ole Kyle had a little hiccup this week in his quest to win another championship.  I guess what I am trying to say as nice as I can is that the backdoor bandits took one up the ass.  He lost. 
Kyle has been playing a lot of golf lately....he is even building a small compound on a swanky golf course in Little Rock.  This gif reminded me of him this week....so close to pulling it off and then just like that - it’s all over. 
Lanakila needed a win.  Sure, we can all say things like, “it’s a long season” or “it’s early, so much can happen” but no one wants to be without a win.  And Cliff is now 1-1 and primed to keep moving up.  Both of these guys escaped the week without any major injuries or players out for the season...so expect them both to keep competitive in the next few weeks.
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If there is anything i know about the Moose it’s how he loves to have his games come down to Monday Night.  He LOVES the excitement.   And heading into this one - Rob was up 5 points and all left to play were Josh Jacobs (Moose) and Jared Cook  (Howard). 
Overall the game was a good one - with the Saints taking an early lead and the Raiders coming back to tie at the half.  Then in the 3rd quarter the Raiders took a big lead.  Rob held the lead but every now and then the Moose would be in position to take over the lead...like Jacobs trying 3 times on the 1 and not getting in...stuff like that. 
With 5 min left the Moose was still down 3.62 points.  When they Raiders got the ball back - they were just trying to kill clock so they were running it with Jacobs.  Mitch was desperately texting me “FEED HIM!!!” but after the possession leading into the two kin warning he was still down 1.92 and they were now handing off to Booker and Richard.  I just envision Mitch going crazy!  Why not Jacobs he was probably saying....
I heard nothing from Rob.  He’s a 3 time champion...he knows what he’s doing...steady, solid...sure of himself. 
As the clock worked it’s way to 1:07 the Raiders lined up for a field goal to try and close out the game - from 54 yards - it was good!  No way the Raiders need to take the field again - so Josh Jacobs night is over...and so is the Moose.
Good win Howard.  Man you are good at this fantasy football thing!
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Everyone moves on...couple of close games with the Titans and the Chiefs but everyone that was still alive - will get another chance in week 3.
So, this weeks high point winner is Dana Cappillino with 169.38 points.  A few of you made female option suggestions for the High Point Image Prize and Dana suggested ju Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman).  I am not going to constantly go with suggestions but I looked over his suggestion and from my research it looks like Gal is an athlete after all so she does qualify.  I do take this seriously and will not allow non-athletic women into the club.  Congrats Dana.  $20 win...and Gal Gadot
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butterfly--empress · 5 years ago
Crazy MLB Thoughts...
Or shit I would sort of want to see but after watching Seasons 2 and 3 doubt highly will happen nor do I trust the writers to be substantially confident in making a cohesive story that doesn’t fall at the rails.
The fact that they seem to like making Miraculous Ladybug Episodic when it really should be a Serialize show, tells me all I need to know to NOT but much faith in what they do. 
But I’ve been surprised before but...GREAT DOUBT (I’m trying really hard not to tl:dfr the essay about my...gripes with MLB on a whole because writing that...we’ll be here all day. ALL DAY)
anyways moving on;
1. Adrien and Felix are either step siblings or identical twins and someone lying about who’s the real baby daddy/baby momma and both sisters are in on it. 
2. Both sisters are in on EVERYTHING...and prob share everything and Gabe is none the wiser. Don’t make that face at me fam, Ya’ll come up with very interesting poly ships...DON’T @ ME! XD
Look at their fucking Maiden Name; without some translation; Vanily? If that shit don’t sound too damn close to Villain IDKWTF does! XD
But seriously, the name has various meanings which all boil down to, deceit and moral ambiguity. I don’t put nothing passed nobody.
I seen what the animators were doing; trying to paint Amelie in Black while Emilie is dressed in White. See, that symbolism of trying to make me think Amelie is a bad twin to Emilie’s good twin because of how Gabe sees her. But I like to think the reality is more of the opposite if...IF Emilie’s really a big bad. 
3a. Emilie is more antagonistic than Gabriel but actually loves her son and husband.
3b. Emilie could also just be full calculating evil and all of Adrien’s ‘memories’ of his loving mother could be of his Aunt Amelie instead...
4. The whole ass episode of Felix had me like: I watched one too many damn K-Dramas to know that anytime rich families act like this around each other; it usually involves birth secrets and the fact that someone was getting it on with the ‘wrong’ somebody...or the right somebody. 
Look, all I’m saying is, Gabe is def the father and most likely the father of Felix but Adrien could...maybe...actually...be...Amelie’s kid for some unfounded reason and no one’s saying anything about it. (no way in the 7 HELLS do cousins look identical like that unless the creators just felt spiteful for some reason and rehashed a scraped character design...)
Don’t look at me like that Fam! I cannot be the only one who thought there were a lot of secrets not being shared/said in this episode! If ya’ll can theorized about Sentimonsters, I can theorized about  Agreste/Graham de Vanily family drama. 
5. Audrey and Tomoe might have a bitter rivalry/partnership/something with Emilie and Gabriel. I feel like something happened for Tomoe to be all; ‘I don’t need friends, they’re a disappointment’. 
6. Fam! Ya’ll have got to chill with the ‘Character X is a Sentimonster theories’, come on that’s weak writing fam. FAM we’re better than this!
7. Marinette will finally get to tone down on her crush/obsession for Adrien WITHOUT having to be with *coughusecough* Luka.
8. Adrien as Chat Noir will finally get to tone down on his crush/obsession for Ladybug WITHOUT having to with *coughusecough* Kagami because she vaguely makes him think about Ladybug....Yea I said it. 
I believe Adrien only tries to move on with Kagami because she’s the closest thing that reminds him of his Idealistic view of Ladybug and not really for Kagami herself. which isn’t fair to Kagami...jfc I said I was NOT going to tl:dfr this post....ahh too fucking late now!
Sure, Adrien admires her but I don’t think he really truly likes the girl in that way. Out of Order Episodes or not, that boy can’t go 5 mins without going nuts over his precious M’Lady. XD
9. I just rather there NOT be this extra baggage of a love triangle and I just would like for ONCE to get through a season without feeling 2nd hand embarrassment over the cringy shit Marinette does to get Adrien’s attention.
Before you try to go ham on me LadyNoir/Adrinette/Marichat/Ladrien (GODDAMN THIS FUCKING OTP) shippers hear me out: I am not saying I don’t want the love square..THE ORIGINAL LOVE SQUARE OF really two loves in like/lust/future love unknowingly with each other to end.
But I do want less cringe, there’s so much I can take of Marinette learns not to be petty and seems to grow up a bit for the NEXT damn episode to reset like that shit didn’t happen....boi..i’m about to rant about the writing...
12. Season 4 will be consistent with it’s plot driven story and continuity...we can only pray.
13. When old Gabby Moth gets redeemed (not if but when...hey i’m trying to be marginally realistic here) the story for it, isn’t weak asf and doesn’t feel forced. Even though its going to feel forced...unless Emilie really does turn out to be that bad bitch and shows she cares more for power over her family and dismisses Gabriel...only for him to wisen up that his wife really isn’t a saint and realize too late that Nathalie was always there for him...FUCK I just made myself sad..I’m sad....
14. Astruc is really being a troll and Chloe actually gets a redemption...maybe too much to ask for?
15. Meanwhile Lila FUCKING Rossi can eat ass I don’t like that hoe. 
16a. Marinette will not try to carry the huge/sudden burden of being the guardian...(yea..THANKS FU FOR THAT BTW...*coughshitguardianmentormotherfuc...coughs*) ah Mari will not try to carry this heavy ass burden on her lonesome and actually lets those she chooses to give Miraculous too, KEEP THEM THIS TIME...ya know..so it’s more convenient for them to help her and Chat Noir when they need assistance.  While she maybe the Guardian, she will allow Chat Noir to share her burden with her. 
16b. Chat Noir will play more of an equal role alongside Ladybug and not be kept in the dark. ISTG RN; if Mari, after telling Fu she doesn’t want to keep anything from the guy that is supposed to be her number 1 partner...in the fucking dark...this whole ass website is going to feel my wrath for days on in. 
no more of this ‘pushing Chat Noir to the sidelines and keeping him in the dark’ more than Hawkmoth trying to use their trust for each other against them, distrust and lies is the fastest way for him or some other big bad to win.
Also I just REALLY want the gang to keep their miraculous. 
17. Probably going to get flack for this but I really want to see Chloe/Luka happen or at least some form of interaction between them. 
I don’t mind the Lukagami Ship but it rly feels like a forced pair the spares to sideline them away from Adrienette and I rly can’t see it. I mean I can but I think Chloe/Luka would make for something more interesting. 
18. Felix NOT becoming a big bad, because wow do we really need ALL of Adrien’s fam being coo-coo for coca puffs?? especially if Emilie is as worse than her husband 
19 the other side characters get to actually develop.
20...Was there something else??? Probably but I’m tired and can’t think outside of really wanting a kind and just Emilie Fucking Agreste and also wanting the Bitch Mother of all mothers from hell Emilie FUCKING Agreste, while also wanting a lil of both.
And now unable to decide WHICH Emilie Fucking Agreste to write about in my two AUs because where at first i wanted sweet innocent Emilie fucking Agreste, now I want cunning, ambitious gets what she wants behind a sweet demeanor, you’ll never see her striking, Emilie Fucking Agreste!
While good!Emilie Agreste would be simple and easy to write for...my mind is going; palace politics is just so much better when everyone is backstabbing everyone! Just like historical dramas! only not everyone dies! XD
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sheepishlyshippingsheep · 5 years ago
What I love about BNHA Season 4 Ep 1
Okay I said my thoughts about the series being posted on my Tumblr would be a regular thing but the past chapters have been really making me nervous. I have several Tumblr drafts already but I couldn’t post it. HAHA. So for now, here are my thoughts for the first episode of this most anticipated season!
 Spoilers after the cut!
As a journalist irl, this one really touched me so much. Often in anime/manga or jdrama, I’ve seen media being depicted as being terrible xD only after scoops and stuff. BNHA was no exception. Even I felt so bad with the grilling that UA had before the media. Of course media culture is different for my country, but my pride with my pen was also questioned thanks to these things I’ve been watching. SO to see a bunch of journalists who love All Might but also their job? It was so good to see! (EDIT: His camera quirk too! I’m so glad it was given to him just imagine if Mineta had such quirk!! OH GOSH THE HORROR) The episode-special character was shady at first but given his past, his goal was super touching. I LOVED WHAT HE TOLD DEKU THAT HE’D WRITE “THE SYMBOL OF PEACE WHEN HE WAS YOUNG” I ALSO LOVED HOW HE SAID HE WAS SO HAPPY TO WRITE THAT THERE IS HOPE.
Because that one line got through me. Even from episode 1, I knew BNHA wouldn’t be all the fun adventure it looked like despite the comic reliefs. It had several foreshadowing of darkness that is slowly being peeled especially with the upcoming arc (a bit of a warning for anime-only watchers because darkness will really come for the next episodes). But that one line made me realize that we are watching these kids’ growth and even if Deku is All Might’s successor, these kids are all symbols of peace. These kids are all the hope that the world needs. And that is so heartwarming to realize again.
I also loved how this episode was a creative “recap.” The swimming episode seasons ago was fun, yes, and also a creative to have a recap. But this one was done (for me at least) more tastefully. Not just fun, but something that leaves a good impression.
THE DAY TO DAY LIVES OF THE CHARACTERS GOT ME. I had to pause and rewind several times. It’s just so good to see everyone in their “natural habitat.” With all the action and pressure of being a hero and all the things that make the plot turn heavier each time something happens, it’s so good to see them having fun or just being chill. They are still kids and I’m so happy to see them doing kid things.
THERE ARE SEVERAL DETAILS THAT ARE SO FUN TO LOOK AT. Hate him or don’t like him, Mineta and his usual perv ways was a thing that needed to be shown. He completes the Class A experience. Hagakure and her consciousness on her appearance is one too! Same as Aoyama’s sparkling and “looking into our souls.” Sadly we didn’t hear a dialogue from Bakugou but it’s fun to see him all angery again (and admit that the idle eating scene of him was eye candy). Sadly, no Todoroki dialogue too (right or I missed it?) but his stolen shots were cool. Tokoyami and Dark Shadow! GOSH how many times were they shown eating? HAHA. It’s so cute to see Dark Shadow serving him food <3 Kaminari charging phoneS was another great thing to watch! Koda being that cute cinnamon roll. Iida being IIDA haha. Aizawa snapping on Mineta was fun too xD The Ashido-Hagakure team-up when it comes to chats is also wonderful.
Another thing I loved about this episode is that though the profiles of each UA student, we got new scenes. it wasn’t purely just recycled scenes. We got to see more of their daily lives. Some good things to note about their characters!
If there’s one thing, I wish I saw more Kyouka? More Momo? Or more Bakusquad interaction? More Tsuyu? Meizo? But in a 20-min episode, that is understandable! I’m already happy to see the kids.
Notice that I haven’t mentioned Ochako or Izuku BECAUSE WE GOT IZUOCHA!? I MEAAAAAN. For this episode, it was mostly Izuku being flustered! That is so cute! We all know that it’s confirmed that Ochako has feelings for him but we’ve yet to get a clear one from Izuku. So you know, instead of getting Ochako being the one flustered (when she’s the one who has a crush), it’s Izuku. So my shipping heart is happy! 
That selfie shot of Izuku and the journalist though! LOL Ochako blushing like that!? I mean I know she’s confused. But LOL. I can’t. 
Speaking of All Might, mentioning the movie was pretty good! Makes you think that all fillers are connected. 
Izuku’s intro is also new compared to the past 3 seasons. So cute to see everyone in it but I noticed my ships sharing same scenes so maybe that;s an addition for my personal enjoyment
All in all, I love this episode! It’s a good refresher that has its own story and content! The upcoming episodes are gonna go darker so I super appreciate this gift.
I won’t specify my thoughts on the OP and ED because it would take so much time! Probably another post? IDK but both are chilling! The OP has all the elements of foreshadowing to more happenings in this arc EVEN THE SUBTLEST ONES (like Touga suddenly appearing after Ochako? That one was soooo good!) so anime-only watchers, I suggest you go absorb that opening because you’ll see lots in future episodes! The ED was just... heartbreaking. I didn’t want to make a joke but it really broke me then Mirio and Deku smiling in the end built me up.... but it’s a bad joke... if you know the story... of Eri. SO YEAH. These are my thoughts. Thanks for reading if you reach here!
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runswithscissors26 · 5 years ago
Just gotta vent. Ignore this/I just need to scream into the void and feel a little bit heard for a second.
I have food issues. I have issues with food. Food is gross. I don't like it. I almost never get hungry. I can and will forget to eat for a whole day. Me wanting specific food is very rare.
I am a very picky eater. I am a vegetarian (not vegan). I am lactose intolerant (I can get around this with Lactaid pills, but its a pain).
Food has to look, smell, taste, and feel right for me to eat it. If it looks or smells funny, it's not happening.
I have 3 breakfast options, plus 2 "fancy" ones for when I go out.
I have 6 lunch options, plus 2 for when I go out.
I have 12 dinner options, 6 of which are the same as my lunch options, plus the 2 options from lunch for when I go out.
I have 6 otions for snacks/desserts.
I used to have more options, but cut them for one reason or another.
I get on kicks where I'll eat the same few things for days, weeks, or months all the time. Example: I ate crackers with peanut butter for breakfast, a peanut butter sandwich for lunch, and mac and cheese for dinner for YEARS. I rarely deviated from it. Then, I totally switched. I couldn't stand the sight of those foods and rotayed through seversl more phases, but they were shorter than that one.
If a food I usually eat tastes funny, there's a very good chance I'm getting sick. In 1st grade my mom sent me to school with a peanut butter sandwich and chocolate milk for lunch (my fav meal at the time). It tasted horrible, so I went to the nurse, explained, and had her take my temperature, etc. No temp., nothing clearly wrong with me, but I insisted. She called my mom.
Come to find out, lunch tasted gross because she changed brands of peanut butter, bread, and milk. She hadn't told me. She apologized for not telling me and switched back the brands. Life went on. She would tell me if the store was out of my brand and she had to substitute another gmfor a coupke of days.
Fast forward 20 years... I can't cook like my mom because she doesn't follow the directions on boxes, so I can't cook any of the foods I like (that require cooking). I still live with my parents for a bunch of reasons, one of which being my food issues/forgetting to eat.
I'm back to my crackers/sandwich/mac and cheese routine for the most part. I drink my instant meal shake when it's too hot for hot food, but other than that, I'm back to basics.
I eat Kraft original/classic mac and cheese with "a bit" of extra milk and 3 slices of Velveeta cheese melted and the poured over the top and mixed in. I was actually hungry for dinner! So my mom made my food a bit early because the hungry feeling will pass and not come back. I thanked her when I got it from the pot, like always. It looked a little pale and smelled a little different, but I didn't say anything because is wasn't repulsive, I hadn't seen it out in the light, and I hadn't tasted it. She gets upset when I reject food that she makes, so I decided to try it.
So I go sit down and take a bite. It has a weird flavor, and the weird smell is still there. And there are little tiny things in it that kind of look like pepper. I took another bite, thinking maybe it was just a little bit that got accidentally sprinkled in when she was making her and my dad's food.
Nope. The weird taste and smell are still there. So I go best out of 5. Still weird. But now she's in the middle of making their dinner, and I feel bad marching into the kitchen and rejecting food that she makes for me, especially if she is busy with something else.
At this point, I've eaten about a quarter of the bowl and decide that just this once, I can deal, its just a little pepper or seasoning. So I ate kind of fast and didn't really chew, and decide that if my mom didn't spill something in it (by accident), then I'm cutting mac and cheese out of my diet again.
As I'm taking my last bites, my parents join me with their dinners. I (gently, I don't bite the hand that feeds me, and she's a bit sensitive about having her cooking criticized) tell her I think she might've accidentally spilled a little pepper or something in my food. She looks confused, so I showed her a noodle with the stuff on it.
She gets this guilty look on her face and I'm instantly back in first grade, telling a nurse that I must be sick and her insisting that there's nothing wrong with me.
Turns out that she cooked the noodles and got up to the part where she melts the cheese and realized we are out of velveeta. She substituted some shredded 5 cheese blend that we had. She confessed and said that she would have told me if I had come back in and told her.
She insisted I must have liked it because I ate it all. The one time I try to "grow up" and suffer through a meal so my mom doesn't get her feelings hurt, it turns out that she was trying to pull something. I tried to explain that I ate fast because I was trying not to taste it, but neither she nor my dad believe me. They think I'm overreacting now only because I know for sure.
I reminded her of the incident in first grade and she said she remembers it. I doubt she remembers how freaked out I was because if she did, she wouldn't have pulled this sh*t.
She said she didn't want to waste the food, so she didn't tell me. Well, its wasted now! When I smelled and saw it in the pot I took half my usual amount in case I couldn't stomach it. 3/4 of a box of Kraft is now trash.
God forbid I try to spare someone's feelings and not return food like a Karen at a restaurant.
My dad piped up as I was leaving the table that we do have velveeta, it just wasn't in the right spot because the drawer was full.
Yeah, I left 2 min after they sat down, I'm not sitting there to be guilted and b*tched at because someone else tried to pull something. They both know about my food issues and how bad they are, and she should have told me.
And on top of all this, I had a reaction to the dairy. Velveeta is sooo not real cheese, maybe like 5% real, but the cheese that was in the food I ate was real. For my regular mac and cheese, I need 1 pill. Throw more dairy in, I need more pills. I thought I was having my nice regular fake cheese and took 1 pill. But alas, it was weird looking, weird smelling, pale, real cheese with little bits of who knows what in it.
Let's throw some more on shall we? Tomorrow is my birthday. It's been hot so I've been having my drink instead of hot food. I was looking forward to mac and cheese for dinner tomorrow too. WAS.
Now I don't want to look at mac and cheese.
Now I don't want to be in the same room as them.
Now I'm locked away (hiding) during what is usually my wind down time. Usually I read for a few hours before bed.
Now I'm too angry and hurt to have the patience.
Now I'm crying and sniffly.
Now I'm dreading my birthday, when I'm supposed to be all happy and sh*t tomorrow.
I realize how insignificant this is to the rest of the world. But its significant to me, in my little corner of the world. The person I trust to make my food screwed with it, lied to me (by omission), and then tried to put it all back on me because I didn't return it.
"Sorry" in the tone she used doesn't cut it. If I could eat like a normal person, I would. Don't lie to me about my gd food. I have enough issues with it already.
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