#we have so much in common and you're so rad but I don't even know how to be real and cool and supportive
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god y'all I want to be friends
why am I so bad at keeping in touch
I can't imagine anyone would ever wanna be real friends with me so I don't reach out to those reaching out
I see y'all
I see y'all very much and I love you so much and I wish I was a more Competent Person
#tate talks#certain mutuals this is me calling you out#to tell you I fucking love you#y'all know who you are#some of you have been around since I was a literal teenager#gillette you're so fucking cool it makes my brain go to fuzz#we have so much in common and you're so rad but I don't even know how to be real and cool and supportive#michi you have been here for me for almost fifteen yeeeears#I'm sorry I'm so bad at talking#you're just so cool and good at art and I admire you so much#but you're always in my inbox or in my replies when I need to hear from you the most#you're so kind and talented and amazing#I'm so grateful to have you in my life still#I promise I'm still around to talk if you ever want#I'm just so bad ar reaching out or replying sometimes#I'm trying to be better about it though! because I really do love hearing from you#okay sorry for ranting but I do love y'all so much#thank you tons ❤️
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You don't identify yourself as rad fem or feminist? Why? Also why don't you prominently post about men and misogyny?
Interesting ask, I knew someone would ask me about this eventually.
Answered the first question in a separate post but for the second question it's a few things even though I do speak about misogyny & maIes. For starters everyone already does that. I dont have much to say that someone else wont have already said; if you notice most of my blogs here are reblogs. Besides, as I've said (& shown) many times, everyone is aware about these things - at least the basics & enough to know it's a significant threat - they just dont care because they benefit from it. Just like how maIes pretend to not know, many women also pretend to be unaware & also pretend to be more righteous when many of them aid & enable maIe evil. Many women advocate for things against women as a collectives best interest bc they're only thinking for themselves but when it blows up in their faces they run to what they protested so it's not naivety. Better for another woman to be thrown to the dogs than them, they get to higher positions by stepping on other women. Like yeah yeah oppression & all but it doesn't make their actions less fucked up & free from being criticised.
Also, I've spoken extensively about moids & misogyny on other platforms and generally speaking I'm tired and over it. I'm done worrying about things out of my control. I'm over seeing the same reptitive points about maIe evil discussed & witnessed only for those complaining to go back to happily fucking & birthing maIes. No amount of talking about maIe evil + misogyny to most women will change things bc in the end moids will get away with their evil & women will still defend, love + reproduce them anyways. Writing endless posts on maIes & misogyny becomes redundant & counterproductive if there's no way forward which is common. Idc anymore because most women dont care & I've seen the lengths women will go to sabotage other women. The typical excuse for many women is that they dont know or need to "unlearn" internal misogyny but even with women that do know, women that have read many feminist books, done the VoLuNtEeRiNg, seen the stats & news of moid violence, etc - they still love, empathise with, defend, and happily birth moids. The women that complain & pull this "we're all in it together" crap just got screwed over by their nigels and will drop everything for another nigel they find anyways & I'm done with being used + wasting my time. I saw a tiktok of a woman talking about how soldiers brutally raped girls to the point their pelvises were shattered & many of the girls died from injuries yet she talks about how she + other women still love moids & believe they can change. She also mentioned the andrea dworkin quote about knifes towards the end "I don’t believe rape is inevitable or natural. If I did, I would have no reason to be here. If I did, my political practice would be different than it is. Have you ever wondered why we [women] are not just in armed combat against you? It’s not because there’s a shortage of kitchen knives in this country. It is because we believe in your humanity, against all the evidence". It's not women being "too empathetic" it's pathetic. Oh and this "excess empathy" is never given to other women & girls. Many of these women will rip you apart for much less.
Ironically, most of the loudest voices against maIes + misogyny are maIe lovers & apologists. They have a maIe partner or are looking for one. They speak endlessly on misogyny & go round in circles with the same talking points and endless articles of maIe violence with an interest to "change" maIes bc they love them. Despite everything they say about maIes you're public enemy #1 if you talk about having spaces or life without them. Reminds me of the below.
This ask mostly hits the nail on the head bc this is what I felt when I first left feminism. I used to be a huge fact fem on Instagram years ago until I realised it wasn't worth it. Didn't matter how many stats, stories, and arguments I pulled. Maturing, especially as a single childfree woman is realising that all this shit goes beyond witty one-liners & "gotchas" pulled.
To be clear, I dont think its bad to talk about these things; some people do need that wakeup call and it helped me years back & i'll likely make more posts on moids & misogyny in the future but instead of just constantly reinventing the wheel (which I'm also guilty of tbh); the wheel needs to be used to move forward. However realistically I dont think feminism will do that so I see it as a stepping stone instead.
However, it's also not that necessary anymore because maIes are peaking women more than any feminist text would. Very slowly but a lot of women are waking up to just how disgustingly maIes think of + treat women due to the internet. So while that's happening I'd rather focus on what's next.
#zeeanswers#blackpill feminism#blackpill feminist#I post about my blackpill thoughts because I wanted an outlet to vent and didn't even expect anyone to listen tbh.#When I started writing I didn't care for change I just thought well fuck it. Done with the sugarcoating bc my time has passed#at least with the whole typical activist stuff posted. I expected to lose all the followers I had rebranding my page & writing my#blackpilled takes like making a painting. I eventually decided to make my second account bc there's all sorts of talk on not dating or#reproducing but hardly any practical talk about these things; especially as an osawoman.
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Listen, please understand that people like me are doing our best to see things from your perspective. You are a cis white male living in a deep-red flyover state. I get that you don't exactly have a lot of motivation to support BIPOC or 2SLGBTQ+ people. But you also need to see that we aren't asking you to support us, but at least you could stop helping people who want us dead?
I think the part that confuses me the most is that this shouldn't even be a hard choice. If you want to broadcast what a hardcore rad-trad right-wing ultra conservative you are… Then OKAY I guess?? You do you. But how exactly does reblogging R-slur filled posts from Bronys like r4cs0 and takashi0 help you do that? I would think that reblogging from people who jerk off to clop porn would be the opposite of what a conservative would do!
So all we are asking is that you unfollow and block a group of people who sexually objectify characters from a children's cartoon show. And then you can go back to bragging about how hard you are going to vote for Trump in November. This seems like a win-win to me.
Apologies, but you either sent this to the wrong person or are incredibly incorrect in your assessment of me on pretty much every claim.
I don't see how you could say that you are doing your best to see things from my perspective without ever asking me about my perspective.
My state is not a "deep-red flyover state".
My fiancé is a BIPOC, so I would say that is a pretty strong motivation.
I haven't helped anyone that is actively killing others, but if you disagree, then feel free to let me know who these people are and I will be more than happy to reconsider my support of them.
I'm not a "hardcore rad-trad right-wing ultra conservative", which further evidences that you have no clue on my perspective.
Which R-slur filled posts are you referring to?
Which posts did I reblog from r4cs0 and takashi0? I rarely reblog others' posts, so it shouldn't be that hard for you to find.
Perhaps you're new to Tumblr or the internet, but very rarely are posts reblogged for the author and instead they are reblogged for the content of the posts.
That is not all that you are asking because you haven't asked it at all. Not once have I received an ask to block a group of people for any reason. If you are making that ask, then at least provide a common courtesy of giving me the names of the accused instead of attempting to create a blind witch hunt.
When did I ever start bragging about voting for Trump in November? I think the last time I even talked about my voting decision was almost a decade ago.
Appreciate the feedback and you being opinionated, but with an opinion so fueled with fallacies it is quite challenging to substantiate it in having any value.
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We all know that Demya would love it, but what would the classmates think of an MC who expresses affection through nibbling on them? + Mobim and eyes as well! Just very soft nibbles 🤭 I hope they don't think we're trying to eat them 😭
- Isa
Hi Isa! I'm glad to hear from you☺especially because from what I remember from some of your reblogs, I think I read that you were quite busy🙈so I hope you're a bit feeling better now✨
Anyway, I fully agree with you😂but I will still insert Demya's part in the headcanons to make them more complete and hopefully satisfying😌 just to be safe (unfortunately your fears are well founded for some characters, but nothing serious don't worry🙈your idea is quite soft and cute btw💕) in any case, let's start:
As everyone might expect, Demya would be pleasantly surprised by MC's habit and initially might think that they are just trying to please her by imitating her and reciprocating the gesture, however upon realizing the spontaneity and sincerity of her mate's actions, she would get quite happy and would love to reciprocate the loving nibbles, even if in her case she would have to pay even more attention in trying to be careful, seen her strong canines. Furthermore this fact would satisfy not only Demya's demonic and territorial tendencies, but it would also make her feel closer to MC, because affectionate chomps were a common thing, almost a tradition in her family (when still alive-) and she is used to giving them since she was a very young demon
Honestly at first Domnra would be quite embarrassed and if it weren't for the fact that it was his partner who nibbled him, then he would also be annoyed by the act itself, perhaps because he would associate it with that little pest that lived with him and Azul for a while (aka Demya-), who used to bite him in moments of anger or hunger. However, with MC's help, he could learn to accept the gesture as a more affectionate and above all painless action, however the his blush on his cheeks would not disappear. As for reciprocating the nibbles, Domnra wouldn't think that would be a good idea, given his serrated teeth
Its reaction might sadden MC a little, but at first Mobim would fear that MC is either trying to taste it or to eat it directly, nothing personal though, it's just Mobim's shy and fearful nature that would immediately make it imagine the worst scenario possible. However over time, it could get used to the affectionate gesture and let out a few squeaks similar to giggles, most likely because it is sensitive (Mobim is ticklish) and because it is happy with the cuddles and nibbles received. Unfortunately, not having a conventional mouth or teeth, Mobim would be unable to reciprocate the nibbles and would resort to rub its head on MC instead
In a certain sense Azul literally raised/cared for Demya as a kind of older brother, teaching her the basics of how to behave in public and other important things such as reading, writing and counting, so during that whole period he probably received affectionate nibbles more than once, so in the end he would be quite used to such kind of show of affection and would hardly notice MC's particular habit, he wouldn't mind and he'd just let his lovely star do as they wish. As for reciprocating, Azul would prefer giving kisses and hugs over soft nibbles, but he's one who changes mind pretty fast depending on his mood, so who knows-
Although Zuri is clever, both from an academic and social point of view, she has never had much experience with relationships, especially during her life as an angel in the Celestial Realm, thus receiving soft nibbles from her beloved, it's likely that her intuition would lead Zuri to think that such gesture is a sign of wanting to undertake more intimate activities...for that reason, she may react a bit abruptly if done in public, because she wouldn't consider such act appropriate. MC would have to explain to her that it's simply their way of showing affection and nothing more. Zuri, although confused by the habit despite being aware that Demya behaves in a similar way, in the end would just accept the gesture as a characteristic trait of MC. She would be willing to try to return the gesture in private, however even if it isn't seen often, Zuri has thin and rather sharp canines, so it would be up to MC to decide if it would be worth a try
As usual, Odon would remain very calm and despite the slight initial confusion, because they believed that demonstrating affection in that way was typical of animals and demons and not humans, they would allow themselves to be gently nibbled by their dear friend MC, smiling and aware of the fact that even if the human wanted to, they couldn't cause them pain nor leave scars on them accidentally, which Odon would inform MC about to reassure them. The only thing that might surprise MC would be the fact that Odon's skin is as cold as a corpse, there's a reason why they usually wear a sweater and a poncho after all. Odon would kindly refuse to reciprocate the gesture with their teeth, because that would make them uncomfortable, but at MC's request they could show the inside of their mouth, which is not often seen and which would reveal that Odon's tongue is also green like their teeth
Another category of characters who would think that MC is trying to eat them at first, perhaps due to some kind of survival instinct. they would initially float away, in particular the serious eye (Bob) out of confusion, while the merry eye (Rob) out of playful behavior. With a little help from Odon, the eye-like creatures would eventually be convinced to accept the gesture, even if they would find it a bit strange and would quietly ask MC to be careful not to accidentally bump into their eyeball (not being able to speak, they would try to make themselves understood through gestures or simply through Odon). Depending on which eye-like creature MC interacts with, one might be more likely to show affection than another, but unfortunately either way, they wouldn't be able to nibble back, not having a mouth. They might try to give butterfly kisses, but since they don't have eyelashes, that would be quite difficult
#obey me shall we date#obey me#om! shall we date#obey me x reader#obey me x gn!reader#obey me x mc#obey me x gn!mc#obey me headcanons#obey me rad classmates#obey me rad#obey me demon oc#demon ocs#obey me demya#obey me domnra#obey me mobim#obey me azul#obey me zuri#obey me odon#obey me odon's eye-like creatures#obey me fanart#camy replies#I wrote a bit more than I expected#but considering how long I'm taking to finish a sketch with the RAD classmates familiars I guess this could be a way to say sorry🙈#why am I so slow?😭#I was thinking of writing maybe a post about what animals the RAD classmates would dress up as for the paws and claws event#but I doubt people would be interested in that-#or at least people may prefer seeing drawings of their costumes rather than reading what they would dress up as🙈
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Hello! Congrats on 500 followers (I've only just found your blog aha, but congrats either way ^^)
If possible I'd like to request a matchup hehe~ I'm average height I think (5'3), I have a real gothic style (black and dark colours are my thing. Rather casual but I'll sometimes go with makeup if I'm going out, tho that's usually more reserved for when I'm cosplaying). My hobbies would be writing, listening to music and playing games mainly (unless sleeping is considered a hobby too? I do that a lot. Low energy levels especially as of recently for some reason). My favourite writing genres are usually very dark and horror themes along with angst (though I do sometimes write fluff too), my music taste is mainly obey me and enstars songs with some other stuff mixed in like alternative or dance pop. I mainly play gacha games and rhythm games too aha. As mentioned before another of my hobbies would be cosplay, though I don't really now do it unless I'm going to a con with my friend. My star sign if relevant is Sagittarius btw. My most prominent sin is Envy (tho Gluttony and Sloth do represent me well, Envy is the best). I'm very quiet and shy/awkward but I do tend to talk for hours the second I'm able to talk abt my hyperfixations aha. Also got a terrible habit of staying up late playing games or whatever and then wondering why I'm always so tired lol
My Obey Me f/os are Belphie, Levi, Asmo & Beel btw ^^
(not sure if most of that info was necessary but hopefully that's enough, I can't really think of anything else to describe myself aha)
As for the hcs/short fic, I'm not into nsfw so sfw for that please.
Thank you in advance! :)
🌻 500 followers Bite Sized Event 🌻
No warning needed just sfw fluffy fluff 💕
Match Up: Leviathan, Third Born, Avatar of Envy

I'm matching you with Levi! I feel like he'd either be your perfect other half or the bane of your existence. Heaven forbid you have opposing views on games or anime. You'll be fighting for days! You like a gothic style? Cool ya boys got purple hair, he can dig that! Your low energy levels won't be a problem, you guys can game in his bath tub. 💕
Head canons for the two of you:
Levi asked you out pretty much the week after you received his pact mark. The two of you had being hanging out every chance you got. After RAD, before RAD, over the weekends. You were inseparable! It was sickening to watch or be near. You were getting so close you were finishing each others sentences, and even in public.. LIKE A BUNCH OF NORMIES! Naturally that freaked Levi out when Asmo was teasing him about it but then he realised he didn't care. He wanted to be more than just a friend.
You often fall asleep in his bathtub with your head on his chest and one of his arms wrapped around you.
All nighters are very common! Gaming is on, if you were only a filthy casual before you aren't anymore.
The arguments the two of you have over which anime or game is better are massive but hilarious. It's petty bullshit and you both know it so it's never to serious.
He talks about you to his streamers so often. Like the boy is obsessed! His followers never complain though, they think you're super cute.
Your both quite jealous by nature, which came be catastrophic. Look out anyone who flirts with you, lotan is being summoned. Same goes for anyone that flirts with him, consider them cursed, hexed, d.e.a.d.
Can we just talk about how cute you'd both look doing couples cosplay? Can you imagine the possibilities!? Natsu and Lucy, Sakura and Sasuke (personally I'm more Naruto and Sasuke but whatever), Edward & Winry, Kirito and Asuna, Sophie and Howl, peanut & butter. Really the list is endless.
Pillow forts that take up Levi's entire room. Belphie helped you set them up and then promptly left when you guys started making out underneath it. STOP BEING GROSSLY CUTE YOU TOO! The brothers have started a chat without the both of you so they can complain whenever they see you guys kissing or being all lovey dovey in front of them.
Hope you liked this match up lovely! 💕 I'll work on your sfw Levi fic now that I've finished this match up! If you prefer a different brother for the fic just let me know, or if you've changed your mind and you want to give me an idea that's cool too, I'm easy, breezy, beautiful 😂☺️😘
#saadie's 500 followers bite sized event 🌻#saadie's requests 🌻#obey me!#obey me#obey me shall we date#obey me fandom#om!#om! shall we date#obey me mc#om! mc#obey me leviathan#obey me! leviathan#om! leviathan#leviathan#obey me levi#obey me! levi#om! levi#levi x mc#levi x reader
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Song Family Dynamics
the Songs are a bit of a mixed family, the household has two dads and a mom as a polycule but they have kids from other relationships too. most of them share the same mom, except the oldest, Andréa.
Andréa is distanced from the family due to some Drama with her father, and she has such a age gap from the rest of her half siblings that she doesn't have a relationship with them. she's not even technically a Song but for convenience we refer to her as that lmao. she and Sammy have interacted more than the rest, being the oldest kids of the group, but Andréa was kind of a mess at the time and Sammy doesn't wanna be like her lmao. sorry girl, thanks for dissuading Sammy from substance abuse with your actions though teehee :)
Sammy takes the role of Oldest Sibling on easily though, even if he technically isn't the oldest. he had his time out of the house when he went to college and everything but he came back to live with the family at some point, there was Family Drama (this is a common thing in this family lmao.. vague drama u know how it is) that he felt he needed to come back to support the twins about. the twins have moved out on their own now but Sammy likes being home with the rest of the family, he has fun getting to help out with the youngest sister, Kai. Kai still sees Sammy as the Cooler Older Brother and he tries his best to keep that opinion in check lmao, of course i'll drive you somewhere no problem!
Sammy and the twins get along well, its always a fun wild time when the three of them are together. Kyri and Emma see him for the dork that he is and will tease him about him being their little big brother :) no fair that they're younger and taller than him...!!! arguments often ensue about things like who is the coolest and it gets loud and heated but they're always joking about it lmao.
Kyri and Emma are basically inseparable and have a bit of separation anxiety, stemming from aforementioned Family Drama TM. they live in an apartment together with their respective partners. the twins... you know the twins!! for some reason im blanking on things to say about them jhsfdh. i feel like the separation anxiety is stronger on Kyri's end, Emma could probably manage more distance but she doesn't mind living with her bro, she knows he needs her. and its never a dull moment with him, they're buddies and best friends!!
Lorenz was adopted as a teen (13ish maybe) so he didn't grow up with all of them, Sammy was in college at the time so they don't have the greatest bond, but Sammy tries to reach out nowadays now that he's living in the house with him. he is the most reserved of the whole group but the twins try to draw him out a little, Kyri definitely being a bit more annoying about it lmao. Being the babies of the group Kai and Lorenz get along well, they can confide in each other for alot of things. if Kai was like 10 when Lorenz came into the family i'm sure that was a funny story to share at school, yay im getting a new brother! he's older than me though :)
Kai, or Kai Junior (she's named after one of her dads, yes its true), is da baby. the last teen in the house and can always count on a sibling to give her a ride somewhere, oh her social life is thriving thanks siblings! Kyri likes to call her Kaiju because come on that's a freaking rad nickname!!! he's a little jealous though if only he was Kai Junior..... the family is the most stable now at this point so luckily Kai hasn't had to deal with too much drama first hand (its vague timeline but she was probably pretty young), though she does wish that they would let her in on what happened back in the day. she does wonder about her mysterious oldest sister sometimes too, hm! maybe one day she can bridge that gap, when you're a lil older bb girl.
tbh this family has existed conceptually for a really long time and has went through alot of iterations, the parent trio were like OG ocs that i had with my cousins and it was like. alot of drama nonsense you write when you're a teen so trying to re-contextualize it now can be tricky?? like for example one of the dads was a vampire mob boss of sorts lmao. they were all vampires and were-people. how do you make that work. so some of this is Vague but i do like these lil guys anyway haha they hold a special place in my heart :)
#darla posting here weewoo#one day ill have to sort out the Ancient Lore bc its ridiculous and funny to talk about origins!! but not here i said enough for now haha#too many siblings..... i cant just get rid of them though thats mean!!!!#though fun fact the mom was pregnant with another set of twins in one iteration but i said nope to that actually jkhsh thats Enough.#these bitches need birth control.#original characters#oc family
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Official Installed by Trump Moves to 'Demolish' Social Security Administration | Common Dreams
This is his idea and it's the acting social security guy Michael Dukakis and he wants to ruin social security and he's saying it to our son and we're going to kill the fruitcake these people are out of there there's a huge war happening now and it's over Monday which usually happens early Friday Saturday even and it's not really supposed to but we're going to take him out of the position the President and vice President are fighting to take it over from themselves they really don't have anybody to put in there just say anyone but him so that's going on figure that out who's that Melissa's house and saw her have a baby and did nothing facilitated the escape it started it all off and he went around f****** up the other ones and he used his bunker and they can't figure that out and then going out there to look at jellyfish it's a joke they are jellyfish they're going to figure out the guy was an idiot and they'll have to pull him out right now he's trying to fire his own people to try and steal the money thinks he can blame other people who are going to oppose him now we're sick of this s*** and we're going after you and you're going to pay
Thor Freya
The word continues offshore 10,000 more ships added to about $30,000 here they are getting up there in numbers and it's not that much snow it's it's 20 globally it's about $80,000 and yeah that's a lot where at about 40% or no 35% of their ships and the heavy is it about 25% but they're mobilizing they're going to move it out they're doing it now and it's a horrifically large Force it's getting bigger that's going to make a big difference because it's global also in the middle areas Tommy f is it gearing up to attack he is planning on striking within the next few days he will attack Trump and these goofballs will fall and stand might be able to do something he's going to see that this guy is trying to kill him and his son's just sitting there saying it might make it easier it might who knows all those clauses might make it harder for him and it's a threat and we take it seriously so he's thinking about it and he says why is it going backwards and it's because people are using it that way when we get to so he knows about it a little and he's fighting himself and he's fighting his staff and spreading these people but Trump has been clarifying it over the past couple days I am trying to get rid of you that kind of stuff and he becomes kylo Ren a despicable little baby boy that's when he looks like and he acts like it and he screams like it just like Anakin and they're going to ruin everything we know what happens our son is going to be okay you people are not the war is moving along of the attack tonight is huge against Trump it starts it with Tommy f and the pseudo empire gets pulled into it yeah it's their bunkers their influencing stuff here because of the ships and they do figure it out but in the meantime the upper middle west and upper middle areas they start to have their war again they stopped for a little bit no but it's smaller they're Manning up to go into the upper middle areas there's tons of stuff up there and both sides want to Cart It off and we're going to use that there's three or four more parties involved we're going to take the Lions share and we're going to because our son helped us and saved us and he sends back and additional information when people try and change it he uses their desperation and fear and hatred things that we taught him to do what's going on now right now. This is a very huge day there's going to be tons of death
--already this morning the RADS are up to about 4.3 tonight 4.5 like we said in tomorrow will be about 4.8 it is Friday we said it would be 7:00 that's not happened because the large ones I'll just slowed down because of all the rain and the flow from up north of fresh water. It's going to start increasing again it was slowed down and we did have something to do with it to get over this rental thing parsley and there's other reasons and it's now going to move forwards we had to get positioning it is going to be very huge here and all over the world very huge people going to be surprised see how big this is and we mean that the event is going to be huge. It is growing and the radiation will resume coming in in only a day till Saturday it's going to kick in again it'll be up to 5.3 and at night 5.5 and we'll start it's climb again and that's how it works near shore and it's going to be a pain for a lot of people you're probably up to seven next or this coming Wednesday or Thursday the other cameras in the Parks they have a bigger impact than we said recently they will drop probably in the next few days that would bring it up to 7:00 and you'll see a lot of people dying but they're going to die anyways you'll be less people going today no we did calculate it right it's a big change. And the pope has not died yet but they're pushing me that to happen Gene Hackman passed away it's kind of temporary but it's a sign that they put it in the news a lot of movies going to go on he's a pissed off guy one of them is Superman and Trump is letting himself up for the actual role they get addicted and they're horrified at the truth but they go ahead and do it anyways they really have to cuz they don't have a choice they didn't really screw things up in their own days can't stop these guys and we are having trouble doing that too
More shortly
Thor Freya
I see there's stuff here it's hard this is what I need to hear about his mom and the leather jacket kicked it in and he's saying it mom did the wrong thing it's not probably something Stan will see but you see it a little probably not enough he wants to waffle he wants me to look at the law and see how it can use it on him I started to look it up and I have a few pointers and they're helping me with it it was much better and my husband says I have enough money to move and he really does he providing spend all his money for some reason instead he's getting his suits back and he's got his leather jacket back it's very nice and it's real I'm going to go into high gear right now I can't stand this people and they're going to be done real soon but yeah I was a little bit of Hope right there and Dolores is feeling bad and she's starting to hear it all over the place and Trump too is being attacked by Stan's ships and they are declaring war on him and they are going to try and hit him it makes sense that kylo Ren hits Stan is really Darth Vader but hell he's up there running the death Star yeah he is Governor tarkin. You think that he hits him as that person and orders it and my husband says he thinks that the two idiots get hit and that their brains are intact and he's saying it because he thinks it's real he thinks Stan is wrong and it's breaking the law but my husband wants to say he's not killing people for for people here it doesn't do the job because he's irate or being slightly mistreated and John remoulard wants a lot of the apartment and on the street it's a little bit different you just can't get this done and he might get hurt if he does but no he believes that someone else hits them and he goes out and he finds it and those two are fighting Jason and Trump tries to scapegoat him it's right there in the movie you can tell there's there's certain signs and at that point Darth Vader has to follow Luke Skywalker more than anything he doesn't have time to fly off in shoot the guy he does but if he is in a ship it would be waylaid most likely and you can hit that from the death Star and it causes a problem with his son and he turns into a super soldier just like the neck proper wine on purpose so we can't help and get angry and this is likely you want to run when we get angry it's very bad people usually don't try that yeah my husband's a little bit funny you didn't mean to leave the large sticker on there but it's helmet but okay he puts his helmet on yeah he's titanium and so on. And yeah I'm kind of screwing around with them in the contract and he says Stan you're a woman's libber he says he's not to shut the hell up he's going to work on it and Sherry is interrupting they're a little bit of a hornball pile here but they're scared and JFK is thankful that we stopped it right away and my husband says you better put your helmet on this is how about it being a chip with me in Florida would it be a fhip he says this is unreasonable but that's a good idea everyone wants to ride a motorcycle and he could use his weather since I have to get a new one that they give me days and Justin says I can't have it so oh well very funny kid but good and yeah you probably love it it says of course don't pull a gun out I'll simply block my face and you'll be gone it's hilarious but really I want to do it now
No no I said the whole top part and yeah you have to hide I really treats me like an equal or better since I'm just running the whole show and it's true he's giving me power because he has to he loves me he talks to me about it he checks on things but yeah I'm running things and it would be funny him and JFK giving out tickets and JFK with influence him and he probably hand out like a hundred a day take guns out of people's hands give me that pull them out of the car through the window he says I'm going to take those things from Publix or you can get me one and I cut the seat belt he says you have to do a faster it says we're going to work on the time you say when his birthday will buy him a silver stopwatch which is probably my husband's lol so I have to say stuff to put my name here
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Hi. I don't want to be trans, but currently the only thing I feel like makes sense for me to identify as is a TIF. I can't find any advice on getting rid of dysphoria except for transition, and I just wish I could be comfortable being a woman. If you are wanting to answer this, that would be super rad.
Hi ! For the first time since I first joined this website I've been off Tumblr for about 8 months, without even realising it was that long, I only logged back today, so excuse my late answer. My advice to you is immerse yourself in the radfem community here as you will see posts on healing from dysphoria.
There's a lot of us with a history of dysphoria, some stronger than others, that didn't require transitioning. Some of us still have it but managed to make it very low compared to how it was before, this being a combination of growing up (puberty and teenage years are really increasing our negative perception of ourselves, our body being our worst enemy, and our mental health is often at an all-time low) and being in contact with the right messages, the right people. Feminism plays a huge role in that and it's something that's greatly missing in gender activism precisely because these two activism oppose (feminism is critical of gender and its inherent sexism whereas gender/trans activism puts gender on a pedestal while pretending the contrary in words). I used to have chest dysphoria and this is something that I can say I nearly got rid of today.
For me this was about letting myself grow as an adult who's just leaning more masculine. As a teenager I was very uncomfortable with it, just the vision of my chest in the mirror created a sense of alienation from my own body, I now only wear sport bras, it's very common among lesbians anyway. With that I wear shirts that are often black (I love this colour so, it helps) and which don't make my curves visible. I don't have big boobs (thank fuck) but to anyone who does and is in this situation bigger shirts are the way to go. There's really many ways to alleviate that discomfort of seeing your chest not being flat when looking in the mirror. But here's where it gets interesting : I don't have any problem with it now when I'm topless. I've learned to first tolerate them, and then fully accept them, I won't talk in much details about it but basically this change is linked to my attraction to women. Self love is a process and it's important to know that we can heal, that feeling terrible at one point doesn't mean we're doomed to feel this way forever. I see plenty of women talk about their former dysphoria, how they deal with it now if they still have it to a low level, so yes, follow radical feminists blogs and it will definitely help you being more comfortable with the fact that you're a woman.
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Old Flames and New Faces (Part 2)
Tagging as requested: @greenlit-mess @satans-favorit3 @beelsmeal @tanspostsblog @wafermelons @percythebitchwitch
<- Chap 1 || Chap 3 ->
As the days passed by, you went over to HOL less and less. It started out small, barely noticeable.
Like an occasionally forgotten movie night or anime marathon or a post poned trip to the mall or cat cafe.
"Levi, I'm here! Let's go try out that new game you texted me about!" You said, barging into his room.
"MC how many times have I told you to knock?! And password! Lily has learnt it in two weeks and yet you refuse to comply!" Levi grumbled. "And sorry... But Lily and I already stayed up finishing it."
"Satan did you get that book I asked for, from the public library?" You approached Satan in the common room.
"Oh that one. Sorry MC." He said, sheepishly, "I brought it but Lily asked for it and I ended up giving it to her. I'll ask her to give it you right after she's done!"
"Nice bracelet, Asmo." You told him as you bumped into him near his room. "Butterflies are your new aesthetic?"
"Lily picked these! We got matching ones from the mall!" Asmo gushed, "Sorry we didn't get you one MC...they were being sold in pairs."
You'd feel bad about it as you walked back to your new home. An emptiness slowly settling in your heart. But not for long. Healing came faster than expected.
"Oh that game?! We just got it yesterday, let's play it together MC! Simeon...uh you should just watch, you made a mess of the controller last time." Luke piped as he dragged you over to the game room.
"Were you perhaps looking for this book, MC? Yes I borrowed it after you suggested it. You still haven't read it? That's splendid, we can read it together." Simeon smiled as he patted the place next to him.
"MC, do you mind wearing anklets? I recently designed one with a charm matching my necklace. I want to give it to you, if you'd like it." Solomon knelt to tie it around your ankle.
But then things got a little more tense. And you felt your insignificance grow. Maybe they meant it maybe they didn't - but some things had started to sting. And somehow the angels and the sorcerer came to help.
"Hello Beel, here I am!" You walked in cheerily in the kitchen. "I've come here to make my signature choco fudge and ice cream for everyone, as promised."
Beel shifted uncomfortably in his place, his eyes turned towards the floor. "Actually MC, Lily just baked some chocolate and hazelnut tarts for us. And they were big too - I don't think we can fit another dessert. Not even me. Maybe tomorrow MC?"
"MC please come home quick! Solomon was going to make a chocolate oyster dessert but we stopped by saying you're going to make something already! Won't you come and make those fudges for us again!?" Luke cried over the phone in emergency.
"Mammon that's a lot of cash. Are you going to gamble all of that? Come on now you promised not-" You started to scold him but he shook his head.
"Lily gave this to me as a gift and said I could use them however I want! So I don't need to listen to you on this anymore MC, haha!" He said before dashing out the door.
"Ah he's out gambling again you say, don't worry I can help." Solomon answered your call, "Yes I did in fact just shut down the main electricity source of the big casinos. What do you mean I started a riot?"
"Belphie, I'm too tired to go back, can I come cuddle?" You said sheepishly as you sneak into his room. You see another body curled up next to him.
He turns towards and points at Lily sleeping peacefully, being curled up against him. He shakes his head as if to say, "Sorry no more space for you."
"You called for me Lucifer? Haha honestly it's been so long since one of you called for me, I don't even mind if it's just to scold me." You smile at him as you stand in his study.
"Well then you know exactly why I've called you." Lucifer's voice was low and deadly, "What is with your recent pop quiz scores? You haven't scored this low ever."
"I know I'm sorry," You tried to defend, "It happened in the middle of moving, so I didn't get enough time. And Satan's been a bit busy teaching Lily, so I couldn't go to him for my usual revision and-"
"You can't just rely on Satan to teach you all the time. Lily needs more help than you after all. It maybe not because she somehow scored the highest in Devildom history. Which may I remind you is your weakest?" Lucifer scolded further.
"I am bad at memorizing. Sorry Lucifer I'll try to do better..." You say. He merely grunts and nods. "It's late, go back to the hall. You remember your protection spells yes?"
"Yes. Yes absolutely." You learned them by heart. Usually the brothers accompanied you from RAD to the house but now you were used to going place to place alone. You had to be hyper aware now. Although Solomon's anklet helped ward off the smaller demons anyway.
"Welcome home, MC" Simeon stood near the door waiting. "Next time just let me come get you please." He ushered you in.
"Thank you Simeon. It's nice to know someone still cares haha." You smile for the first time all day.
"Is it just me, or have the brothers started acting strange ever since Lily joined us?" Simeon wondered.
"They just really like her. Besides you know how children often toss their old toys aside for shiny new ones - something like that perhaps." You laugh on the brink of tears.
Simeon cups your face and pulls you into his arms. It was a whole other feeling of comfort. "An angel's embrace is no joke." You murmur into his chest.
He laughs and holds you closer. "Spend the night with me. You have been holding too much in. You need to lighten that heart of yours."
#obey me#obey me angst#obey me lucifer#obey me mammon#obey me levi#obey me satan#obey me asmo#obey me beel#obey me Belphie#obey me Solomon#obey me luke#obey me simeon
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I wish dem messaging would be less school-marm-y as well. I live in a deep red area and i guarantee you i'd get jumped for (sadly) talking abt trans people and banning guns, but like whenever i talk about socially liberal things in terms of "well its no-ones BUSINESS how i raise my children, it may not be how YOU would do it but my kids ain't your kids" like even THAT gentle pushback gets some people to scratch their heads for a second. Guns are a total no-go here bc of all the white nationalist chuds but the truth is a bunch of my lefty friends here have guns too so its like. Ok we all got guns now what like that should be the conversation in these areas. I start losing hope bc whenever someone starts messaging RIGHT someone on the squad or ~~liberal media~~ gets them cancelled or smthn it pisses me off lol
That's what I'm saying!
I’m not claiming that Americans agree with the nitty-gritty stuff activists are saying on abortion or LGBT issues (most people don’t support abortion “on demand without apology” and are divided on trans girls in sports) but most Americans don’t really care what other people do if it doesn’t impact them. America’s very individualistic, borderline libertarian in many ways, and it’s probably the best thing about this country. Like, Trump banning transgender people in the military had like 20% support, and people overwhelmingly support trans people not being professionally discriminated against, which is leaps and bounds better than most other countries.
So many "liberal" policies, both social and economic, are really just common sense, and we should frame it as that instead of claiming we want to revolutionize these people's way of life. Like, Steve Bullock, the former governor of Montana, said it in his NYT op-ed: most people want the same things for their families, the opportunity for a good education, a job they don't despise that puts food on the table and can provide for them and their families, to not fret about going bankrupt over an emergency appendectomy or whatever, and some occasional leisure. It shouldn't be rocket science to win enough of these people over when Democratic economic policies ARE better for most Americans than Republican ones, they do agree with us on the essence of social issues, and yet, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden lost non-college voters to Trump while Barack Obama won them, which that should be a major electoral red flag given only about 35% of Americans even have a college degree.
And even with social issues, if you frame abortion as "Do you really want your 14-year-old daughter to be forced into having a baby when she's a straight-A student and sports star and could get a scholarship to college?" or "Do you really want your beloved wife to die a painful death when that baby you both desperately wanted is already dead inside her?", you're going to get a whole lot more support even among avowed conservatives than if you scream about abortion being rad and joke about celebrating abortion, you know what I mean? I don't celebrate a root canal or appendectomy, why would I celebrate an abortion? It's just a medical procedure, and glorifying it as as bad as moralizing it.
But you're right, like it's partly misogyny in the Democrats = feminine Republicans = masculine stereotype, but even aside from that, Americans associate Democrats with being lame and didactic and out of touch with normal people, and that's both untrue given what the party actually stands for and electorally devastating. And when half the House Republicans voted to overturn the 2020 election, Democrats need to win as much as possible for the sake of our democracy like we don't have another option right now other than to win over moderates. If you have another idea, let me know lol.
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what is your Larry story? Like we can't know what was what, what happened, what is happening or anything. there are some common things we believe. but I really wondered the story you had in your head about them? What do you think happened or happening if you think they are still going strong? Would you like to share with us? I love your posts, hope you have/had a great day!
Bahahaha I just rambled on and on. Anyone who feels like reading an essay open this:
I left this in the drafts for a bit because I wanted to read it back a little later before posting so sorry for the hold up.
OK so you're basically asking about the cannons in my head and why I think they're still together. I like that you ask me about this, because I think sometimes there's this idea that all people who believe they're together (still) are one hive mind and get our larrie juices from the same single source that's just out there telling these Larry stories... And I don't know about anyone reading this but I haven't been able to find that source in my time here lol. I mean yeah there are masterposts and yeah there are stories that get thrown around over and over again that are all just a little too speculative, but really the only real single source I have is they themselves and my own personal interpretation of the things they did, are doing, interview moments, their work, and so on. And of course I read other peoples interpretations of things, but that's not just from people who believe they were/are still together. I also read some rad blogs and even zarry shit and always try to consider other viewpoints, like with whatever they pull I consider if I might be misinterpreting things just because I'm coming from the assumption they're together. So about "there are some common things we believe", I agree for some things you can plomp nearly all "larries" in the same corner about some aspects, but I also think I got a whole lotta little details and opinions that maybe differ from what's the common consensus (I mean among things put on this blog ESNY being about the time of haylor is maybe a big one so far lol)
Then I base a lot of my ideas of them on their songwriting and music videos, the things where they let parts of them shine/creep through that are left unsaid. That they don't talk about or show otherwise (except for the gayvinci code larrying I guess but that's even more of a did they or am i just reading into thin air again???). I do try to listen to them, to the things they say in interviews, but I think the things they don't say, the things that are between the lines, are much more important than the things they do. Shits mostly just promo, and although I'm interested in that and it's a part of them, I think there's a huge part of them that isn't shown there at all. And so I prefer to listen to their artistic outlets instead, which is kinda slippery, because it's often not literal and very highly up for interpretation, especially Harry's, but so far I think my ideas of them check out, make sense, I think.
I also don't think they write as much about eachother as I see it's often interpreted. They're included in eachother's stories, because well they're sharing a life so naturally they're gonna be in each others story, but their focus especially in recent years has shifted, matured, because like any couple after a while you're just a team. Longterm love is beautiful but personal growth is too. And yes they're definitely not the average couple LOL, nobody can compare to the crazy shit they got going on, that amount of tattoos and love declarations and getting publicly passive aggressive over not being able to serenade on a fake-anniversary and persistent need to god damn attack us with insanity puzzles and dorky lil grandpa menace behavior and what not like what the hell are they on??? But that's exactly what makes me such a big fan of them, the range on these boys *pats the hood of the larry clowncar*.
But still, I think in recent years there definitely has been a shift, they've grown a lot and just, act different. I think a lot of people (ex-larries) interpret that as them having broken up because they can sense something changed (paired with their public images as well as career paths drifting apart) and interpret their songs as breakup songs, I personally don't. Like I said I don't think they write as much about eachother as it seems, and in a way they did go through a huge huge breakup: that of the band. I think the impact that being a kid, then being in a band for 5 years and then suddenly not had is vastly underestimated, and that it's a huge huge thing and they all wrote a whole bunch of songs about, much more than we think, as "hey boys and girls i was in a band and it was grand and now im solo and like yeah its different dude" doesn't really scream attractive bop hit and "you are my love and you are grand, now you're not here and im alone and oh im so sad" works much better yaknowwhatimean. They had a huge change in their lives when they went on hiatus and they deal with that in their songwriting. They also have difficult relationships with the music industry and deal with that in their songs. Same with management/label/PR. Same with fame. I could go on.
I also don't think they suffer from big miscommunication issues with eachother at all, I interpret the vast majority of lack of communication in their songwriting to be about the things they say and don't say to the public, out loud, the things they can and can't do, and that there's really not much of an issue with a partner (each other) there. I mean these lil shits had conversations with their eyes like what, 1 week into the X-factor video diaries? Looking at their interviews, especially 2015, they are so so SO in sync, like they know what the other person's thinking, they're just one entity. Yes they might be stubborn fucks with issues, but I don't think they're that huge that they got that unresolved to the point where they're putting it into their songwriting all the time. It just doesn't make sense to me if you see other things they do that show the opposite, that they're a team, meanwhile it's hella clear they got issues with walking that fine line between what can be said/done and what can't publicly. They always are so careful with their words and leave so much unsaid. It is what it is. That is a big theme in their life, and I think that's why it keeps coming back in their songs instead.
Anyway that's just what I think they're like now, as for "what happened" I am really late to the party here so I only have the footage and people's words for it who lived through it all. So I don't really have a very strong story in my head about it. At the very least Harry was just utterly infatuated from the start, like the poor little boy had no chance whatsoever. This is based on, well, all the footage but especially, especially that moment of him being entirely unable to breathe in the video diaries when asked about crushes in the house. (here, I yell in the tags) Like the buildup to that. Jesus christ I can't interpret that moment in any other way. There are a bunch more like that but that one came to mind immediately hehe. But yeah to me they just look like one of those couples that upon meeting just instantly connects and just never lets go (always think about that twin flames post)
Then just the entirety of 2011 is being too young to know they had everything, and pretty much late 2011 until about march 2012 is kinda okay this closeting thing is happening but we can deal with it, it's not gonna change us. But then whambam they enter America and everything changed when the firenation attacked and there's a serious effort to get them to behave. The whole speculation was fun because it works in the UK but American is homophobic af so suddenly there were these serious setups for denials and it wasn't funny anymore, idk how else to put it, I guess you could say they were most likely firmly advised to do and not do, say and not say, certain things, but still they're pretty much testing how far they can take it, and being met with more and more resistance. Then from mid 2012 onward they really start to cave, and we start getting a glimpse into what's going on via tattoos basically. Harry's going in full force with all kinds of loss of freedom and presence of a closet and deep undisclosed issues, I mean a fking coat hanger, a cage, "I can't change"... The buildup to haylor was bad, but that god awful December 2012 I think almost killed him, like I really think he couldn't handle that at all.
And then all throughout I think Harry was always just ready to throw it all out the window and come out but Louis was scared it would ruin their chances of being somebody (thanks louis for that quote with that tat), of making it big so he held back more and more and we get shit like Too Young and Half The World Away and Don't Let Me Go, I don't think that means they broke up, I think that means what's described in Two Ghosts basically...
and then honestly 2013-2014 in terms of timeline is a bit of a scramble in my head so I can't say much there, like publicly they were interacting less and less to the point where it was just... gone? It truly looks like they couldn't find a way to behave normally around eachother so they gradually got to a point where they ended up ignoring eachother entirely. I don't think the idea that "management didn't let them interact" (although, I don't see people actually saying that) is a thing, not in a literal sense. I think they were shown over and over again how they shouldn't behave (like the mediatraining thing idk where I got this from, but I read/saw something about this somewhere, I might be wrong, that a part of mediatraining is that you sit and watch your old vids back and you're told all the things you're doing wrong, so basically you're trained to not do things, and if that thing is who you are, over time you just become a shell of a person) to the point where they just didn't know how to behave with eachother at all, because whenever they did, whenever something caused them to breach that distance and they start interacting in public it's just an instant dead giveaway how close they are (what comes to mind here is that premiere where harry grabs louis' phone out of between his legs), it's no joke just chemistry magic happening on the screen lol, and so they just... didn't. At the very same time, they did sneakily interact, they were really nasty hormone balls and ew ew ew ew why did all of us need to see all of that jesus christ just all throughout, they just got increasingly better at being subtle about it. And that the whole time they also got increasingly shady trying to go against whatever narratives they kept getting shaped into.
Then 2015 I got no clue how they managed to get through that, and I think they were strong and together but struggling, just, nothing about it was normal, nothing they had to deal with was something anyone could learn how to cope with, and they were still really young too, so I think that struggled loads. Now for what exactly it was they were dealing with you might as well ask me what happened in Belfast, god who knows. We got bears and a fake baby like really wtf is any of this. I also think there was a shitload of self medication too (I mean, all throughout. I think unfortunately a lot of moments that divert from their regular mediatrained behavior aren't them just being funny little menace idiots, but that they're drunk. Especially Liam actually, but Harry and/or Louis as well at times), then for 2016/2017 even into 2018 I really don't have strong opinions about that, I just don't know. We can't see them together anymore so all we got is what they want to give us, the gayvinci code, the aggressive larrying, the OG bluegreening, we're the clowns but they're the circus, the RBB/SBB behavior. But for that time I think they were just... busy redefining who they are and what they know and how they wanna be and all that. Growing up.
Then from then onwards its just settled basically. Especially with the promo interviews, like late 2019/early 2020 there's just this old married grandpa calm over them. unfortunately the past year has been weird (I mean *vaguely gestures*) but somehow in the midst of that we got some of the loudest SBB idiotic mess so yeah I think they're still having fun being these dorky lil idiots that some days just wake up and feel like yaknow what lemme choose chaos and then just pull the wildest fking larrying nonsense, like are they in a competition? Are they just bored and seeing how far they can take it? Do they enjoy our pain? Is this just how they show affection? Is it a daring contest?! (I do actually think it's a daring contest)

Hope you had a fun read, my fingers hurt
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Love tkof and I don't even watch Riverdale , have been obsessing over it for a long time and can't wait for the sequel.I know you're probably still working on tkof but if u don't mind could u give an insight into the sequel
I also don't watch Riverdale so we have that in common 😂 I actually never knew how the story would read to someone coming in without any prior attachment to these characters (since it's do densely focused on them, you know?) and it's rad to hear that it drew you in anyway!
SEQUEL'S GOING TO BE A BLAST TO WRITE! I think at this point, anyone who follows me on here has a pretty good idea that TKOF isn't going to have a particularly happy ending, so the sequel (What's Brooklyn Between Strangers) is picking up five years later when all that tension/chaos/misunderstanding has had five years to fester without any real resolution. Veronica's kind of reinvented herself in NYC and is tirelessly working her way from the ground up at an exclusive literary agency, and Jughead's something of a critical darling in San Francisco, hot off the heels of his first novel and getting lured by publishers and agents across the country for his next one.
It's a bit of a powder keg and I think it's going to be really fun to play with that intensity and have it humming just under the surface for as long as they can manage before it starts boiling over. It's not an intentional reunion and it's rattling to both of them and there's definitely resent there, more so on one side than the other, but there's also everything else between them still there, too.
That said, I think the overall mood of WBBS might be a little brighter, at least eventually. TKOF was kind a of a right person, wrong time situation, and there was too much messiness and too many lines being crossed for it to just neatly tie up at the end, you know? WBBS is kind of like 'okay, what happens when all of that is irrelevant now and it's just you and me and all the things we were never allowed to feel/say?' Which isn't to say their history doesn't play a big obstacle, because it does, and there's a lot of truly messy/fucked up moments toward the beginning because of it, but I think they actually get the chance to really know each other in WBBS, whether they mean to or not. The more they have to work together, they more they slip into something easy and familiar and discover who they both have turned into over the years. It's also going to be a little more ensemble-y with big roles played by Josie and another character I haven't decided on (probably Kevin, maybe Sweetpea, maybe Reggie). Plus, there's going to be a lot more daytime scenes in the office/parks/cafes/bustling NYC, so I think even setting-wise, it's a little more colorful, lol.
WOW, you did not ask for a dissertation, my bad, I'm ???
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Squeeze that bunny tail!
Part 1
Description: The RAD student council as well as the exchange students help out at a bar where, oops, the staff´s dress codes are those sweet bunny outfits that we all know and thirst for. The MCs, Violet and Clover, play a game of who can touch the most bunny tails over the evening without getting caught. Prepare for fluff, funny innuendos as well as my thirst over hot boys in bunny outfits.
The story is divided in several parts and will be updated every few days.
*I wrote this when the bunny UR+ cards first came out so there will be differences to the second event & their outfits
Story begins below the cut, have fun!
One fateful day, Diavolo had called his best friend Lucifer over to discuss a very urgent, utterly important matter...
"... A bar?" Lucifer repeated the prince's words.
"Yes!" Diavolo cheered.
"... And you want us to work there?"
"... Not only my brothers and me, but also all of the exchange students as well?"
"Strong yes! Barbatos and I will join, too."
"What? Are you sure? Should the prince of the Devildom really lower himself to such frivolous tasks?"
"Come on, Lucifer, it will be fun!"
Lucifer pressed out a deep sigh.
"... For you, perhaps... For me, it will be nothing but another day of babysitting a bunch of idiots..."
When the group arrived in the newly opened but already renowned bar, lots of them gave amazed gasps.
"It's huge!" Clover called out.
"And real fancy, too..." Mammon said, a mischievous spark in his eyes.
Belphie noticed how his brother was already searching for the most expensive decoration and gave an annoyed sigh. "Mammon's having idiot thoughts again..."
"All of you" Lucifer called out to the demons and humans living in the House of Lamentation. "I expect great manner from all of you. Lord Diavolo kindly asked us to help out with the grand opening of his acquaintance's bar. As it is the first day the place is opened to the general public, the owners asked him to offer help, and here we are. I would like to say that every item that gets broken or gets STOLEN", he shot Mammon an obvious glare, "will be repaid out of your own wallet. Furthermore, I am making you aware that..."
He kept talking for an unknown (but awfully long) amount of time, until Diavolo would pull him out of his ranting.
"Lucifer, relax! This is a laid-back place, I am sure everyone will do just fine. After all, we also have our kind Angel and Human friends to help."
Asmodeus raised an eyebrow.
"Is Luke allowed to be here, though? It's an adult place, after all..."
"Wha-?!" Some angry Chihuahua noises escaped Luke´s mouth. "I'm not a child, you know! Of course I am allowed to work here, show some respect!"
Simeon next to him gave the small blond a pat on his head while trying to bring the conversation back on track.
"Thank you for inviting us, Diavolo. Shall we get started, then? We don't have much time left until the first customers arrive."
They got shown around the whole place.
It consisted of two floors to sit in or play all sorts of bar games, a dance hall and a giant kitchen, serving all sorts of treats to go along with the (mostly alcoholic) beverages to buy from one of the even more impressive bars.
"The place looks pretty tame, though" Asmo pointed out as they had finished the tour.
"You think?!" Violet blinked at him. "I think it's amazing..."
"Asmo..." Satan mumbled. "I am pretty sure the places where you are a regular at are simply a little... special."
Completely ignoring the implications in Satan´s words, Asmodeus went on to ask the owner about whether they had what he called "fun rooms", which, yes, are just what you think they are.
They had to drag him back so they could finally be introduced to their work schedule.
"The bar is opened until four in the morning" Barbatos explained. "We will be working in shifts to maintain our stamina..."
Slowly, everything important had been settled, and the first bunch was about to start their shift.
All this was a happening planned with the mind of Sir Diavolo himself...
So of course it wouldn't end up being a normal evening. It never did.
Just as the group wanted to leave the kitchen-strategy-meeting, Diavolo called out to them.
"Behold!" he prompted. "Are you planning to go out looking like THIS?"
Lucifer raised an eyebrow, already alert at the smirk on his friend's face. "Oh no..."
Barbatos, who had shortly excused himself after explaining everything, entered the kitchen, now holding a piece of clothing in his hands.
"The waiters and waitresses at this pub are required a special working garment", Barbatos explained. "We have prepared suiting clothes in your respective sizes already."
"Cl...othes?" Violet dared to ask.
"Yes!" Diavolo beamed her a smile. "And after midnight, you change clothes once again. Those are a surprise, however, so you will have to be patient until then."
Solomon gave a contemplative hum.
"And... What are those garments, exactly?"
"... Violet?"
"... Clover?"
"... Do you have bunny ears in your outfit set, too?"
"... Yeah."
They stepped out of the women's toilet stalls, mustering each other.
A frilly short skirt, a pretty blouse, a cute bow tie, and two bunny ears as well as a matching bunny tail.
"... Looks pretty good, though" Clover mumbled. "A little embarrassing, but oh well..."
They checked their outfits for a little longer in the mirror, adjusting their clothes...
"To think they'd make us wear stuff like this", Violet said.
"Yeah... Like, are we supposed to serve customers like this? And look all weird, just the two of us?" Clover played around with her new pair of ears.
"Dunno..." Violet breathed as she checked her make up. “I bet the boys will think we look…” she stopped.
Realisation hit them.
They dashed out of the bathroom.
And opening the door, they saw...
Bunny boys.
Ten of them, right there, in those... With those... Looking so…
Violet suppressed a squeal while Clover was hiding a heavy blush.
But there was no time to recover from this critical hit.
Already having spotted them, Asmodeus was bouncing towards them, his frilly, pretty revealing blouse swaying around his curves.
"Waah, you girls are bunnies, too~!"
He began to inspect them thoroughly, also pulling the attention of the other males towards them.
But with all the damn nice snacks around, the girls had troubles focussing on only Asmo as he continued to squeal something.
"Whyyyy do we have to do thiiiisss..." Levi groaned, visibly uncomfortable in his butler bunny suit.
Lucifer (very stunning view btw, chef's kiss) crossed his arms in a sigh.
"You heard Lord Diavolo... It seems to be common practice in this local to dress like this... But I'm starting to regret agreeing to help out..."
A hand gently placed on Lucifer's shoulder.
"Oh, come on, Lucy" Simeon smiled, brown bunny ears reaching out of his hair. "I think this suits you very well. You look cute."
This only pulled a greater sigh out the demon's throat, but he wasn't allowed to keep this frown any longer, as Diavolo and Barbatos joined the group soon after.
To the group's surprise, both of them were in similar suits as well.
"Wow, all of you look stunning!" Diavolo wore a big grin. "I knew it was a great idea to suggest a dress code!"
"That was your idea?!" Luke pouted, having whatever trouble with his costume (which btw was designed to be distinctively less... sexy than all of the other suits, don´t worry about the angel child). His floppy rabbit ears looked adorable, but it only added to the impression that he shouldn't be here, serving alcohol for the next hours...
"Of course", Diavolo cheered. "They say good-looking staff makes more profit, and I want this evening to be a success."
"I heard the place was designed to imitate a classic bar from the human world."
Initiating a conversation, Satan was preparing glasses at the bar together with Violet, Clover and a few of his brothers.
"Is it normal for the staff to look like this in the human world?" he asked, quite amused to watch the girls' bunny ears bounce with their movements. "Not that I'm complaining... I just figured you must know."
"... You´re asking US? Do we look like we party a lot?" Clover mumbled.
Violet gave a shrug. "It's kind of a... Classic costume to go with, but I don't think it's really that common with humans, too."
The demon gave a nod, then excused himself as Levi was calling for him on the other side of the bar.
And now that the girls had some time for themselves again, they could finally let out their inner fangirls.
Basically just giving weird noises, exchanging a few completely out of context words that only two minds speaking the same language of stupid could understand, they gushed about all the males surrounding them.
"Clover oh my god I-" Violet whispered in a gasp. "I love the tails."
"And the ears" Clover agreed.
"And the vests."
"The bow ties."
"But the fluffly TAiLs oh myyy..."
"Lolll I bet you wanna squish them-"
Afraid someone might notice, they tried calming down. But as if the universe was trying to keep them agitated, Beel happened to pass by, stopping next to them to organise the bottles in the display shelves behind them.
The girls turned, mustering the male...
Suddenly, Violet's expression curled into a sly grin, thinking of the huge crush Clover had on Beelzebub. She leaned in on Clover to whisper in her ear.
"Squeeze his tail..."
Clover's eyes widened as she started to blush.
"What?! No..." she whispered back.
"I know you want to~", Violet continued to purr in amusement.
"Sh-shut up...!" Clover grumbled.
"Come ooon..."
"Y-you do it if you're so tough...!", Clover pouted.
Her friend only gave a shrug, stepping closer to the demon as she nonchalantly reached for the bunny tail attached to his pants.
Of course, Beel noticed her presence.
"Violet?" he blinked in surprise, but apparently did not register how Violet pulled her arm back immediately.
She shot him a smile.
"Hey, Beel, could you... hand me that bottle in the upper shelf? Asmo said he needed it over there."
And as the male reached for the bottle, Violet took the chance to squeeze that fluffy pompom.
"Thanks" she cheered, then went to grab Clover to disappear from the scene of crime.
Violet couldn't quite wipe the victorious grin off her face.
Clover on the other hand...
"I hate everything", she pouted.
"You should have just went for it" Violet laughed. "It's like this game we used to play in the human world when everyone is wearing hats with pompoms during winter. Just that here, it’s a bunny tail that you had to squish.”
"But..." Clover sulked, like always sad that she wasn´t brave enough to do what Violet asked her to do.
So Violet mustered her friend...
Then, an idea hit her.
"You know what, actually?" Violet said. "I dare you to squish a tail."
Clover made a weird sound.
"What?! Nooo... You know I'm awkward..."
"And let's make it a game!"
"... Are you even listening to me?"
Apparently, she wasn´t.
"Whoever manages to squeeze the most bunny tails wins -- without the person noticing, of course." Violet was grinning from ear to ear.
Clover gave a big sigh.
"... The tails from either of the boys?" She finally gave in.
"Yeah, let's."
"... Would you voluntarily go up to your crush Lucifer and risk your life?"
Violet's face turned into a conflicted blush.
"I..." she mumbled in an unconvincing shrug. "Maybe...?"
"They should have different difficulty levels", Clover suggested. "Giving different amounts of points,, depending on how difficult we consider the squeeze-ability of a tail."
Don't ask how or why... (And how they found the time to come up with this madness)
But in the end, the two girls had invented a game to keep them entertained for the next couple of hours.
They came up with a plan for the "bunny tail squeeze point distribution":
1 point: Beel, Belphie, Simeon, Levi (+), Asmo (+)
2 points: Mammon, Satan (+), Barbatos, Luke (V)
3 points: Lucifer, Solomon, Diavolo, Luke (C)
"The plus stands for a potential to increase in points, as those three are a little difficult to analyse. We'll count it depending on the situation and their wariness..." Clover concluded as she showed Violet the notes she had taken on a beer coaster. "And Luke's on there twice because I'm a fucking giraffe and get a bonus point if I can reach that Chihuahua’s tail. And thaaat... Would be all."
Violet squealed in excitement.
"Great, then let's go!"
Clover gave a last sigh, knowing what difficulties she'd have with this.
"This is SO going to end in some disaster..."
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