#we have our reasons but idc to explain
bellarichie · 1 year
everyone talks about the cat distribution system with glamour and reciprocity but no one ever warns you about an annoying ass cat fixating on you without any reason whatsoever when you already have a cat who's perfectly fine. like ok i guess? i'll be your loving owner. begrudgingly.
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sovasleepy · 3 months
jealousy (valorant x reader)
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[ chamber, gekko, sova, omen x gn!reader ] — in which valorant men get a little jealous
tw: jealous and a little overprotectiveness but they’re (mostly) healthy about it. a little cursing for some flavor. random guy flirts with you in chamber's but hes not creepy about it. different guy is also creepy in omen's but its not talked about in detail. chamber makes a sexual joke in his.
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hot take: he’s so protective at all times idc idc
but he hides it so so well
he’s absolutely enamored by you, there’s no denying that. that’s only half the reason why he tries to show you off so much though
the other reason is because that means he is showing you off as his. he’s staking his claim on you in his own odd little way, but it works and neither of you mind it too much
“are you sure this shirt doesn’t make me look weird?” you asked, tugging at the material.
as much as you loved it, you couldn’t quite tell me if it was ‘you.’ you stepped out of the changing room of the store you were in and into the hallway, where chamber sat patiently waiting. he loved a fashion show if it was yours, after all.
he pretended to inspect it thoroughly, leaning forward in his chair and narrowing his eyes.
before he could answer, however, a different voice sounded out. it came from the door next to yours, where a different man had walked into the hallway to look at his own clothes.
“it looks good,” he spoke, smirk creeping its way onto his face. “but i imagine you’d look good in anything, huh?”
both you and chamber sat still and quiet for a few beats, as if registering what had just happened. the line was well delivered, but seriously? could he not tell that you were with chamber?
“well,” chamber spoke loudly. “they do look good in anything. and in nothing. we could see how you look when the shirt is on our bedroom floor, how’s that, ma cheri?”
you attempted to ignore the warmth that rose in your face, but failed. again, you were stunned. the opposing man blanched and retreated back to his changing room, where he quickly shut the door.
“come now, love. i think a thousand dollars in one shopping trip is enough, no? or should we stop by one more store?” chamber was overly loud once again.
and lying through his teeth, as well — you’d come to retrieve a single shirt for an event. that said, you couldn’t help but laugh as the occupant of changing room next to yours fumbled over himself, apparently knocked something down, and released a string of curses.
he didn’t have to know chamber was lying, and you didn’t have to know chamber was lying because he knew he’d earn a laugh from you.
gekko has like. a normal amount of jealousy?
he’ll bite back the small senses of it whenever you’re giving another guy a little more attention that he would like you to
or he’ll politely explain to you that he doesn’t really like you doing something because of how it makes him feel and you’ll talk it through
not because he doesn’t trust you, he just needs that extra little reassurance
if you’re willing to give up doing something to give him that peace of mind? all the better. if not? he can work on it, no questions asked.
overall 10/10 v good communication skills i love him
you could tell that gekko was uneasy. from the way his nails picked at his fingers and the constant bouncing of his knee, to the avoidance of eye contact and the way his speech was quiet and mumbled, gekko’s demeanor screamed something was wrong.
you watched him carefully as you sat back down at the table. again, his eyes didn’t move from the place they were locked onto.
a few moments passed as you thought of what could have been wrong. the two of you were at some company party, with loud music coming through the speakers and an unholy amount of people piled into the room. everyone was dressed formally in either dresses or suits, their makeup done perfectly and not a hair out of place.
maybe that’s what was wrong. perhaps the music was too loud or his suit was too tight.
“mateo?” you had to yell over the music, despite wanting your voice to be soft as you spoke to him.
he finally looked up to you, soft eyes scanning your face. he didn’t speak, but he hummed to acknowledge you audibly.
“is everything alright? you seem a little off.”
the question seemed to stun him for a few moments as he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth and looked back down to the table. after a deep breath, he finally answered. “i just felt a little… i dunno. saying i was jealous feels a little funny, but there was this guy earlier you were talking to? he was kinda tall, darker hair. and uh- anyway, you went to grab a drink and he seemed to be really funny i guess. you didn’t stop laughing the entire time you were talking and before you left he kissed your cheek.”
you thought about it for a second, trying to recall the interaction, before you let out something like a laugh.
“he’s from mexico, he told me it was a common thing there? i dunno. i’ve known him since i joined the protocol.” you said, smiling at him. “it’s nothing, but if you don’t like it i’ll tell him next time. i highly doubt there’s gonna be any hard feelings about it on his end. is that alright?”
he nodded, sending you a soft smile. his face had relaxed significantly in the past few minutes. "thank you, amor."
SOVA ━━━
he rarely gets jealous,, he thinks
he has a hard time exactly placing the emotion, and it’s mostly shrouded in protectiveness more than anything
he loves you, he knows you love him, and there is not a doubt that trickles into his mind
…..for the most part, anyway
there is the occasional time when that warmth spreads in his chest and the overwhelming urge to take you under his wing spawns, only to realize you aren’t in any danger
so why does he feel the need to protect you?
sova had never had any ill-will toward phoenix. the two of them weren't particularly close, but they had worked and lived together for long enough that they were closer than one might expect.
maybe thats why sova agreed to play games with he and a few others the other night. they played stupid ice-breaker games, despite mostly having known each other for years. a few embarrassing stories of his friends' youth were shared, including the time jett ate brownies without knowing weed was baked in, and the time raze got caught sneaking out in her teens.
at some point, sova was asked who he had feelings for. it was the late hours of the night, and you had long since passed out on the couch next to him. he'll never figure out how you slept through the laughing and talking, but you did. without saying a word, sova had smiled softly and nodded over to you.
there were a few gasps, and then there was the laughing and cheering of a few others. phoenix held out his hand, to which jett passed him twenty bucks with a disgrunted face. evidently, they had had a bet about his feelings.
little did he know that telling them--phoenix, in particular--about his feelings toward you would go on to be one of the worst decisions he could have made.
ever since that night, phoenix had made it his goal to flirt with you as much as he possibly could when sova was around. he would send the russian a wink and a smile after every interaction with you, driving the stake deeper. though you thought he was just being friendly and joking around, the interactions never failed to spark a sick feeling in his gut.
and currently, he was almost at his limit.
he was normally fairly calm, but his patience with phoenix had been run thin over the past few weeks and the interaction between you two was getting a little too close for his comfort. not that he had some sort of claim over you; you weren't dating, so why did he have this feeling?
"could you hand me my water?" you asked from your spot on the couch. you gestured to the bottle of water placed in front of phoenix, who was sitting beside you.
he watched as phoenix took your hand and brought it gently up to his lips, planting a kiss on your knuckles. "anything for you, my love." his voice was dripping with sultry as he spoke.
in a few quick steps, sova got up and grabbed the bottle before phoenix could. he stepped around the coffee table and handed you the bottle, sending a glare over to phoenix when he stepped away. the other man raised his hands in mock defense and leaned back into the couch. with a sly smile, he positioned his arm around the back of the couch and pulled you into his side. you laughed, but didn't push away.
"ok, fine." sova finally spoke. he had been glaring daggers at you and phoenix for the better part of two hours, and you couldn't figure out why. "what the hell is it for, phoenix? why are you doing this?"
you leaned up from where you were leaned against the man in question. "doing what?"
phoenix smiled impossibly wider and leaned forward. "yeah, doing what?"
sova grumbled. he huffed and took a moment to collect himself. "leave, y/n." he looked at you and his eyes softened. "please."
despite the look he sent you, you weren't leaving. you crossed your arms in defiance and glared. phoenix's hand came up to rub your back.
"that!" sova finally spoke again. this wasn't how he wanted to confess to you, but so be it. "i told you weeks ago that i had feelings for y/n and you have since made it your life's mission to flirt with them. you don't have the same feelings for them, so why? what do you gain?"
phoenix, painfully calmly, got up and walked to the other side of the room. "for one, you finally confessed. don't have to deal with your 'longing gazes' anymore. secondly, jett now owes me twenty more bucks."
OMEN ━━━
omen would like to pride himself in the fact that he was rarely jealous.
insecure? sure. a little self-depreciating? of course.
but jealous just wasn’t him. as much as he was dissatisfied with himself, he had full trust in you.
however, that didn’t stop the rare inkling of a feeling that you truly would be better off with someone else, especially when they flirt, and even more so when you don’t notice
one more time. that was all it was going to take.
just one more time for that guy to slide his hand up your arm, one more stupid joke to roll off of his tongue, one more laugh from you. omen knew he didn't exactly initiate physical touch all that often, but that doesn't mean he dislikes it. he would kill right now to have that be him, for you to be so close to him, for you to be laughing at his every word like you were laughing at that guy's.
he had told you that he would come with you to grab some supplies. a kingdom worker had been at the facility at the time, however, and the two of you seemed to be getting along perfectly well. to hell with the company you had asked from omen, he supposes.
and of course there it was again, his arm coming up to rest gently on your back as he guided you down another hallway. omen was a few steps behind the two of you, not that either one of you seemed to be paying him any mind.
fine. he could go back to his room.
his disappeared into a cloud of smoke, materializing again in the darkness of his own room. the events of the last thirty or so minutes replayed in his mind, a taunting loop of your smile as you looked at the man responsible for it. its not that he hated seeing you smile -- he loved it. but it was a different thing entirely when you smiled so big because of a man he could never be. maybe in another life, but not now.
the thoughts swirled in his head for what felt like hours. it was likely barely half an hour in reality, being that it took fifteen minutes alone to get up to his room from where the two of you had been before and likely another few to finish your work.
finally, a knock on the door of his room regained his attention.
"come in." he spoke, not looking away from the ceiling tile he'd been fixed on.
"what the hell is wrong with you?" you asked, clearly angry.
the phantom sat up, looking over to you incredulously. "what?"
"why the hell would you leave?"
"wasn't interested in watching him flirt with you." he was curt, as always.
"oh, yeah," you said dramatically. you were walking over to him now, standing in front of him. "because i was enjoying it so much. loved it even more when my boyfriend got tired and left me alone with him."
oh. that makes more sense than you blatantly hitting on him in front of your own boyfriend.
"really? sure seemed to find him so funny."
"because what am i supposed to do? tell him that he's not funny and to shut up?"
"you could have told him not to touch you."
"i did! and you didn't see me brushing his hand away and walking faster so he wouldn't rest his hand on my back? or were you too busy wallowing?"
the reality of this set in on him suddenly. he really had been too caught up in his own mind to realize what was happening. he had left you in an uncomfortable situation all because he was too stubborn to listen to what was actually happening.
"i'm sorry." he finally spoke.
"its okay," you sighed, and crawled your way into his bed. "i'll file a report or something later. we deserve a nap."
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fairuzfan · 10 months
If you can't see the difference between a diaspora Jew who has seen the violence inflicted on their community throughout history and the world for their entire existence since childhood and genuinely believes they will never be safe until they have somewhere to go that is made up of mostly Jews (and thinks that place might as well be 'where they came from'), and a Christian who wants all the Jews and Muslims back where they belong so that Jesus will come back or just so that 'their country' won't have Jews or Muslims anymore, and you believe those two people deserve the same scorn and violence, and that their Zionism is virtually indistinguishable, you're not a good person. I'm sorry you're just not.
My relatives aren't evil for thinking Israel should exist, they're just scared because they know what an angry, hateful world has done and can/will do to scattered Jews. They want to believe that there is a place in the world that is safe for Jews to live. (Whether Israel actually is that is beside the point- it isn't but that's beside the point).
And I'm a Bundist (not explaining it look it up idc) but with how things have been lately (and always really) I can't say I don't see the appeal.
Obviously Israel's government in general and the Likud party in particular is steeped in genocidal intent and abhorrent racism. Obviously the discrimination, colonization and brutalization of Palestinians should end. Obviously Israel should no longer be what it is- a militaristic puppet state by which the US keeps its hands in the middle east/swana region.
But don't you dare say that the Hobby Lobby CEO and my sister have the exact same Zionism or reasons for it.
I only say any of this bc you reblogged a post essentially saying all Zionism is the same and deserves the same treatment and seeing as diaspora Jews are neither the biggest material nor political backing force behind Israel, and also our fears are completely founded, I can't let you express that belief without at least making an effort to correct it.
(Also my sister technically just believes that Jews should be able to safely visit or live in the Levant, which we're indigenous to- and if you don't believe that where tf do you think we came from bc we didn't just grow out of the ground in NYC one day holding bagels I'll tell you that but I digress- but doesn't like the Israeli gov or its actions. So that may not even be Zionism according to you but that's what she calls it.)
Ok. Right now journalists are live blogging the massacre of my people and no one is lifting a finger and in fact sending them bigger and badder weapons. You're very heartless. I don't care if you don't think I'm a good person but I'm sad that you're not one either.
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calmcoldevening · 8 months
• Thomas hewitt (dating)- So Reader knows Thomas like we were born in the same town or were neighbors something of the sorts. And we hear rumors about how the Hewitt family are murders,/cannibals. But we remind our business cause we're like, nah cause they didn't hurt me or I haven't seen anything, They're just a little quirky, We defend their family. But for some reason Luda tells us not to go in the basement, We're like okay, whatever it's not my business. Reader is like a, 'idc not my business type.' Until one day reader hears noises or something, so we get curiousand go down there. But this is where we enter the angst, Cause Thomas or someone hears movement in the basement and thinks a victim is trying to escape. So they do something to us which makes us scared of them (torture or something) and it can end with like fluff or something, Because im pretty sure reader would forgive them.
Thomas Hewitt x reader, who knew out he's a cannibal and murderer
Tw: cannibalism, murdering, blood, violence (well, it's the TCM)
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Texas was your home, you loved everything about it, from the picturesque meadows filled with yellow buttercups to the dusty city road. These beautiful orange and scarlet sunsets and golden sunrises reflected in a small lake fifteen minutes walk from your house looked like the most real picturesque paintings. It was hot and humid during the day, and cool enough at night. The air was filled with dust and dry grass. Birds were rustling in the distance.
You liked everything here, because you grew up in this place. Your parents moved to Texas before you were born, so this was the only place you'd ever seen in your life. But it was heaven for you. The city you lived in was relatively small, so everyone knew each other.
You've always been sweet and kind, perhaps even a naive child with a soul too pure for this world. Maybe that's why all the neighbors in the neighborhood loved you. The children played with you, and the kind grandmothers often treated you to sweets or pies. Your face has always been decorated with a satisfied smile and cookie crumbs.
Everyone was surprised when they found out about your friendship with the "strange boy". His name was Thomas, he was one of your neighbors down the road. You called him Tommy. His face was covered with a decent layer of bandages, which he kept awkwardly adjusting with his small hands. You always giggled with that cute gesture, but not out of malice, but in a kind way. After that, you went up to him and gently helped him cope with his little problem. You combed his hair and put his hands in order. The boy always had short-cropped nails with dirt under them and dry palms, probably from housework. But apart from his oddities and inability to talk, and he was quite an ordinary child.
Sometimes you'd find him somewhere in the backyard or in the field. He stood there, deep in thought. Next to him, you noticed a small fluffy body and a crimson puddle. Sometimes you were scared of his violence against animals, but Thomas was always in a hurry to calm you down. He caressed your cheek and explained with gestures that he had only found the animal just like that. And you always believed him out of your stupid childish naivety. Time passed, and you got closer. The Hewitt family has always been kind to you. Sometimes, they were even more attentive and caring towards you than your own parents. Even grumpy Charlie. Sometimes a man intervened in disputes if you were molested by local hooligans. He could even punch them in their pretty faces, as long as they didn't touch you, the little girl of this family. Luda has always wanted a daughter, and now you have appeared. The woman was more than happy when she found out how close you are with her son. That's why it was no secret that you and Tommy were dating. On the contrary, Luda helped Thomas in every possible way to impress you, she helped him make gifts for you and told him how to take care of the girls. Charlie just turned on his adult film cassettes, that's all his support.
You really loved each other. You were the only one who really understood and cared about Tommy, despite his appearance. You loved his long dark hair, which you often so gently washed and combed. You loved those frosty blue eyes, like two big deep lakes full of love for you. You loved his masks, and tenderly kissed every scar on Thomas's face and hands. You were perfect. Tommy's heart belonged entirely to you.
And now you're 24. Thomas was a little older, but it was never a problem. The man was still very attentive and caring.
But gradually the city emptied with the closure of the slaughterhouse. It was a big blow for most of the residents of the city, because there were no other ways to earn money here. You turned out to be one of the few who stayed. Maybe you just didn't want to leave your home. Or maybe you didn't want to leave Thomas and his family. Anyway, it wasn't easy for all of you, at least because basically there wasn't a lot of food and all that.
But after a while, surprisingly, everything got better. Not really, of course, but old Charlie started getting meat from somewhere. It wasn't as tender as some beef used to be, but it's better than nothing. Although you weren't a big fan of meat before, so you almost didn't care about it. You helped Luda in her shop at the gas station, and at home in your free time you even grew some vegetables, which also helped the Hewitt family a lot. In general, everything was more than good, and yet, the atmosphere in the house was different now.
There have always been some strange rumors around the Hewitt family, sometimes even terrible ones. And yet, you loved Tommy no matter what. The whole family was kind to you, so you had no reason to doubt them, right? Thomas has always been nice to you. You often walked on cool evenings, just holding hands. You were talking about your day, and he just listened with a smile on his lips. You were the only person he trusted and loved. The guy liked your voice, your way of talking and your laugh. Undoubtedly, in his eyes you were damn beautiful, but it seemed that he was forever looking through your appearance, into your very soul. It was so sweet. You couldn't help but fall in love with him even more.
You were in the kitchen at the Hewitt house making a pumpkin pie. Luda has always been surprised by your wonderful cooking skills, so she wasn't afraid to leave you alone. He needed to go back to the store for a while, where Hoyt had taken her. So you're left alone. Humming to yourself, you swayed your hips to the beat of your made-up song. It's good that no one was watching you now and you could do anything. Finally, you put the pie in the oven and wiped your hands on the fabric of your apron with a victorious smile. After removing all the ingredients and washing the dishes, you sat down on a chair and just began to wait. Hundreds of different thoughts flashed through your head, from this very pie to the little ring you noticed in Tommy's room. You were filled with excitement, which made you happily bite your lip. Could it be...?
Your thoughts were interrupted by some kind of thud from somewhere below. Your body instantly tensed up. It was scary to hear something like that when you were alone at home.
You slowly got up from your chair. The sound seemed to come from the basement. But you clearly remembered that Luda, and the rest of the Hewitt family, told you not to go into the basement under any circumstances. It's strange, isn't it? Of course, you always followed this strange rule, but now that you were alone at home, you were scared of what might be there. You didn't find any better options than just going down to the basement and taking a peek. You're fast, no one will notice. What can happen?
The floorboards creaked unpleasantly under your careful steps. The unpleasantly cold water has touched your ankles.
Your eyes widened in horror, and you covered your mouth in fear. There was a man sitting at the other end of the basement, although he could hardly be called such anymore. His face was disfigured, and his arm and part of his leg were missing. His whole body was covered in scarlet blood. The victim's mouth was gagged and his eyes were painfully closed. There was an old bucket lying nearby. So that's what it was... The man was chained to the wall, and there was a massive hole from a meat hook on his shoulder.
"God.." the only thing that came out of your mouth was when you slowly backed away. My mouth was dry, and an unpleasant feeling of nausea was slowly rising in my stomach. Tears welled up at the corners of her eyes.
You took one hesitant step, then another. Finally, your back hit something massive. In the blink of an eye, a huge hand was placed on your mouth, and then darkness.
Thomas's mind was racing. You've seen their secret. Are you afraid now? Of course you're afraid. The moment he found you in the basement, your body was shaking in fear and your eyes were full of horror. But it's all for the family, you have to understand. Sure, Hoyt said to kill anyone who found out about their family secret, but Thomas couldn't kill you. You were his happiness, his light in life, his beloved. Therefore, he gently picked up your unconscious body in his arms, protectively hugging it to himself. It's just a misunderstanding, isn't it? Thomas left the basement, closing the metal door behind him, and headed for his bedroom. He put you on the bed, trying to make sure that you would be comfortable. You should get some sleep, then you can understand him. It's all for the family, for you. He wanted so much to see you as his little wife, to protect you and your possible children, he wanted it so much. But now his dreams were more fragile than ever.
You woke up in a dark room. It must have been Tommy's bedroom, judging by the big bed. You slowly sat up in bed, feeling a dull ache in your head. After a couple of moments, these horrible images of a corpse in the basement popped up in your head. You instantly wanted to empty your stomach. You put your hand over your mouth, feeling hot tears on your cheeks. Your head was throbbing painfully, and nothing came out of your chest except a long-drawn-out cheekbone. You slid down the bed to the floor, pressing your back against the wall in the corner of the room. Your body was shaking in terror, and your mind was full of vile, terrifying thoughts. I wanted to scream, but it felt like your tongue had been ripped out. You covered your head with your hands, tucking your knees in. You need to get out of here, run. Away from this house, away from this city, away from these people.
Your mental reverie was interrupted by the sudden creak of the door. The dark room was slightly illuminated by warm light from the corridor, the doorway was soon blocked by a tall bulky figure. You instinctively cringed, afraid of the consequences.
Thomas's heart ached as he watched you crawl away from him in fear. As his victims. He carefully closed the door and slowly approached you. You looked like a cornered animal. Thomas didn't like that feeling. He gently grabbed your hand, pulling you onto his lap. You resisted and tried to break free, your mind was racing wildly. But he didn't stop. He took you on his lap, holding you gently against his strong chest. You struggled and cried, afraid that you would be hurt. Thomas felt like his whole world was collapsing seeing you like this. You pounded his chest with your hands, muttering some words, but he wouldn't let go, Thomas just held you closer to him, stroking your back and trying to calm you down. You were afraid of him. It was like that.. wrong.
Finally, you were exhausted, hanging limply in his arms. Your head is on his chest, and only long sobs come out of your mouth. Thomas kisses you briefly on the forehead.
"No harm.." He mutters in a rough voice. He rarely talked, but it seemed like the best option right now, "..love Y/N."
You didn't answer. Your head ached, and your mind was empty, the animal fear in your body gradually subsided, replaced by fatigue. You fell asleep in his arms. Thomas sat there with you all night, afraid that something might happen to you.
In the days that followed, he took care of you and tried in every possible way to show that he would not harm you in any way. He'd rather kill himself if he hurt you. Thomas came into the room and fed you with a spoon. At first you refused and resisted in every possible way, but gradually, because of hunger, you simply did not have the strength left. Thomas brought you something that didn't have meat in it, he knew that meat could upset you. Stewed vegetables, your pumpkin pie, some snacks. Thomas wouldn't let anyone into this room, not even his mom. He had to make sure you were going to be okay. You are his sun, his reason to live.
Over time, it seemed that you had thawed out. It wasn't like you were completely resigned to the fact that the Hewitts were murderers and cannibals. But you realized they wouldn't hurt you, Tommy wouldn't let you. He explained to you that it's for survival. In a way, you realized that this was just the only way out, and yet it was still disgusting and disgusting for you. But Thomas didn't do it because he likes it. He did it for the sake of the family, protected it and fed it. It's necessary.
After a while, you even left the room, although you no longer looked towards the basement. Gradually, everything returned to normal. You even started living at the Hewitt house, Monty made sure to bring all your stuff here. You became the second mistress of Hewitt, Tommy's wife. He finally put the ring on your finger, and you realized all his warm love for you. Luda was glad that her boy had really found his happiness. Now you were sleeping together, giving each other love. You even went down to the basement if Thomas forgot to eat. Ignoring the screams of another victim, you placed the food tray on Thomas's workbench and gently touched his shoulder. The man turned around and wrapped you in a hot kiss. You had a strange feeling when you kissed so strangely to the screams of desperate victims. But it didn't matter. At that moment, it was just you and him, your husband Tommy.
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learnastrowallura · 18 days
💚The 10th house in astrology💚
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The source if this information is The Astrology Podcast (Chris Brennan) on Youtube and I will add a personal example plus some of my own thoughts as well
10th house: career, occupation, profession, work, enactment, achievement, reputation, intention, choice, actions, public image, visibility, exposure, rank, position, demand, duty, reward, honor, MC, legacy, bosses, power dynamics, angular
The sign and planet(s) in the 10th house can show us the image that is apparent or visible to others within a professional context, what we do exactly or how we take action toward achieving what we desire, what is the vision that we have and the contribution that we make (within the 6th house it is more... well what you HAVE to do, whereas with the 10th it is more end result based aka what impact will I have in the world), what is my role to play here etc, technical abilities and talents, career potential, our tendencies or even enthusiasm pertaining to taking action (or in the opposite case hesitation toward it) during work, which type of career the individual will take on, what we are known for
Looking at the ruler of the 10th house can, of course, give us more detail on career/reputation matters.
The midheaven in hellenistic astrology may not always fall in the 10th house, so for example if it falls in the 9th house your career may involve spiritual and/or religious matters, teaching people perhaps in college, and if it is in the 11th house then it may involve friendships so maybe there is an overlap with the coworker and friend relationship, or if you pay attention to the talks that you have with your friends there might be a certain theme that comes up that may be a good fit for you in your career, etc (use whole sign house system for this)
Personal example: Leo in 10th house, no planets
Right well this one is a bit tricky to delineate, to be honest
Starting with Leo I definitely make... a statement, I suppose? See the thing is with the 10th house it is something that becomes easier to analyze and figure out in adulthood. I would say I am known for being a certain kind of provocative and bold at my school for sure. Leo is all about shining and self expression and I do not shy away from being authentic and presenting myself as I am, yk? Not many people like it but yea
The reason why I mention college is because I do believe the way I behave there is close to how I would behave in jobs as well since it does count as 10th house work for me but that is my own perspective on it so take it with a grain of salt <3
Right now I am doing an internship which is as close as it gets to a job as of now and I would say I am all fired up to get shit done and I am also quite focused on doing the things that I have to do in a good and proper way (fixed sign quality; stability is prioritized) even though the situation rarely ever demands it; I would say I have good work ethic personally.
My midheaven is in my 10th house so there is not much to talk about there it is the most common case
My Sun which is the ruler of my 10th house is in 1st house placidus and I do resonate with that because my career, my legacy is of priority to me and I take that shit super seriously like it is this huge like goal of mine
Whereas with WS my Sun is in my 2nd house and to me that manifests in being very financially driven so while I do have a good work ethic if I find myself investing my time and energy into something long term that is not going to give me a financial ROI then I will look for something that does idc
My Sun trines my Saturn in the 9th house which does make me feel like that slowly but surely success in career vibes are relevant to me and that hard work and leaning into spiritual studies is going to be quite beneficial
My Sun is also square my Uranus in 4th house and I am not in a stage within my life in which I can quite explain that, however, I do think that shit constantly happening within my private life and home could potentially make me lose my focus and weaken my resolve at times butttt I always bounce back so it's oki
Thank you for reading <3
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whysojiminimnida · 1 year
Remember When I Said Taehyung Might Not Be As Gay As We Thought?
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Don't judge a man by his milfy wardrobe, he looks goooood.
It was... awhile ago. Maybe as far back as 2021 although I do not feel like link-searching it. It's in the archives if I didn't kill it.
Granted, there was a lot going on, then. There's still a lot going on and until now I had no desire to ever - EVER - return to this hellsite. Because Taekookers are fucking weird, yo. And some of y'all got a lil bit up in my shit too as I (fuzzily) recall. Which: it's whatever. I'm extremely unsocial, don't even answer my own DMs. And it's not personal, so I get it. I don't need or want to defend myself, but I will protect people I care about. With my absence, if necessary.
OT: I also totally kicked the big C while I've been out so that was nice. Yoongi the cat is pleased that his noms will continue uninterrupted. I will be in wigs for at least another year. It's all good. Oh LOOK at what we have here. Don't come at me for publishing this, I will explain.
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I got it from actual media days ago, okay, and also: there was no expectation of real privacy. Keep reading. Or don't, I'm not telling you what to do.
ANYWAY. I had to come back, mainly to say TAENNIE IS REAL I TOLD Y'ALL IDK WHY NOBODY EVER BELIEVES ME BUT HERE WE ARE. I'm gloating. Honestly, it's so rude, I'd apologize if I cared. But I am rude and snorfling into my cheerios about this. Tae just made me so damn happy, is all.
LET THE MAN BE BI OR HETEROFLEXIBLE OR EVEN STRAIGHT IDC. Jennie clearly makes him happy. Look at his "I'm going to Paris to see my girlfriend" face!
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And in that very specific jewelry look, no less. Foundrae. Again. Still. Hm.
Here's what I can tell you based on my limited third hand no sources no receipts this is probably utter bullshit usual disclaimer: It's a soft open, kids. This whole "oopsie we just so happened to get caught taking a lil walk in public with our managers in tow during which date at least one of us signed several autographs, what a surprise" is in fact a soft open for what will likely be a public confirmation PRETTY DAMN SOON. It might happen before I get this thing published, actually, depending on when I get it up. If it's before May 22 at noon my time, no idea. If after, well. Guess we'll see. Jennie's supposed to show up at the screening of HBO's The Idol that day, screening at the Grand Lumiere at 10:30 CEST. One wonders if she will arrive alone, or bring a plus one. It's a big ask, and if he does it they're probably getting married, that's how big a deal it would be. So I'm not holding my breath, but.
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This seems like a reasonable prospect for a plus-one viewing. Might not be the only one but... Jennie's IN IT so.
I'M NOT SAYING THIS IS GONNA HAPPEN. I think it would be a fucking POWER move if it did, but I also do not necessarily expect that it will. It COULD. It... MIGHT. It might not. Either way they're a thing, I'm telling you. They are, have been, a thing. For awhile. And it is apparently quite serious - like up to and including talk of engagement serious.
Remember when a bunch of folk thought that one gummy bear dude was going to jail for "hacking" Jennie's phone only there's been no actual movement on any "investigation"? Yeah. Trickle truthing, they call it. Give 'em a little bit, let them deny it and yell and chew on it for awhile before you give 'em a little more. But c'mon, nobody's wearing half the love-themed couple pieces at Foundrae for no damn reason.
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Seriously they got the whole collection almost and both have been seen wearing them almost exclusively. For a year.See airport pic above.
Look, I don't have inside info on Taehyung. I do not. I ain't hang with his friends and I don't know him personally. Never met the guy. But I know a PR move when I see one and this is exactly that.
We all know how toxic stan culture can be. Some ToadlicKKers (and a few of us house elves) are certifiably bonkers, if stan twitter is anything to go by. And the guys, the company, they expect a whole meltdown. They know this is not gonna make half their fans happy. I mean the tkkers have a point in that it looks like they wanted to be seen. BECAUSE IT'S A SOFT OPEN. What Taejen/Taennie/Jenhyung and the companies also know is that based on historic shipper behavior, this is gonna come back on Jimin, Jungkook, maybe Rose' and Lisa. And by extension, the other members. Maybe not as much due to their respective distance, but still. I bet by the time I finish this it will have already started.
Oh look there it is. Fuck those bitches, really.
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Good LORDT. I'm not adding the audio, if y'all are that hungry for psycho hose beast Jimin hate hie thee to stan twt.
But, totally off-topic kinda...
... wouldn't it be cool if Jennie, who speaks great English, was hanging out with Troye Sivan and was like "so you know my boyfriend tells me that his bffs..." I'M JUST SAYING NETWORKING IS COOL AND FRIENDS OF FRIENDS GET THINGS DONE OKAY.
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You know that girl has the scoop. If Tae knows it, she knows it. Oh heeeeyyy Troye.
Also OT: I love that Taekook have been hanging out a little more lately. It's refreshing. I genuinely think having Jennie in his life has been good for Tae in several ways. And you know, I'm kinda surprised Taennie has lasted this long. I didn't honestly think they would. It warms my decrepit, sad old heart a bit. Turns out I have a lot more to say so IDK IDK, if I feel okay about it I might be back. Right now I'm just waiting for the official Taennie nod and the continued total meltdown.
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buddhamethods · 9 months
10 BL Characters I Want Carnally
AKA I'm just a person with two keen eyes and dubious morals when it comes to enjoying media so don't take it seriously, I'm here for a good time.
Thank you @sndrys for tagging me! This was an eye opening experience putting this together. As it turns out I might have a type (ew).
1) Guy from Bake Me Please (2023)
The sole reason for me creating this list! Look, I dropped Bake Me Please almost immediately because it just wasn't for me BUT I've been lowkey watching through my dash. And let me tell you, my fingers gain consciousness and hit reblog everytime this baby's face pops up because...well...LOOK AT HIM. He is beautiful and he should get the guy (hehe get it) in the end idc.
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2) Yok from Not Me (2021)
Yok is such a beloved character and for good reason! He is sexy, he is gay, he sets buildings on fire and steals cops' wallets on accident because HOW WAS HE SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT GUY HE WAS STALKING WAS A COP??? I love you Yok, never change.
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3) Palm from Never Let Me Go/ OurSkyy2 (2022-23)
The anger I felt for all the injustice and mistreatment our beautiful Palm had to face in this show took literal years off my life. It's rare for me to get this passionately protective over a character and yet here we are, in the Palm Protection Squad headquarters. Even Nueng is on the watchlist!
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4) Tonhon from Tonhon Chonlatee (2020)
Not to out myself as an enjoyer of silly goofy times , but I did have fun watching Fish Upon The Sky and Secret Crush On You, so OFCOURSE I thought I would like this one too but GOD was it rough. Did I still finish it? Yes. Did I fawn over PoddKhao pairing and have been quietly praying for some kind of reunion ever since? Also yes. Was I foaming at the mouth barking everytime Tonhon AKA Podd was on my screen? I'm not gonna comment without lawyer present.
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5) Tew from My Dear Gangster Oppa (2023)
Speaking of Tonhon Chonlatee...AH! Ai Long Nhai (TC's spiritual prequel of sorts) was sure...something. And by something I mean I saw Meen and decided I will never speak ill of men ever again, feminism quite literally left my body. And then a year later My Dear Gangster Oppa came out and guess what??! MEEN IS THE GANGSTER OPPA! Dreams really do come true, kids.
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6) Wen from Moonlight Chicken (2023)
(or Tian from ATOATS or Mueang Nan fron FUTS). Mix...I will eat you. Always so dewy and healthy and sparkly-eyed. But Wen from Moonlight Chicken is something out of the realm of my imagination. The sex appeal? The maturity?? The gentleness??!! Somebody sedate me before I say something I will not be able to justify in court.
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7) Vee from Love Mechanics (2022)
He is a pretty bisexual who makes the most abhorrent stupid decisions known to men and then weeps and suffers for them WHAT MORE DO YOU NEED? Once again, is the show flawless or even remotely coherent? Absolutely not. That being said Vee brought me so much joy by being stupid I'm forever grateful.
(also YinWar are so back GO WATCH JACK AND JOKER TRAILER)
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8) Prapai from Love In The Air (2022)
To a certain extent I've enjoyed every MAME show I've watched. To do that you need to possess the rare ability called "I abandoned every shred of moral integrity to gawk at hot men". And Prapai? MAN is this bitch hot. Tall dark handsome? Check! Bisexual on a bike? Check! Stubborn and annoying? CHECK!
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9) Xiang Hao Ting from HIStory3: Make Our Days Count (2019)
*incoherent wailing and sobbing* IM NOT EXPLAINING SHIT ABOUT HIM LEAVE ME ALONE
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10) AlanJeff from Pit Babe (2023)
My newest obsession! I refuse to separate our local senior citizen and his favorite prophetic mechanic. Both of them are hot as shit in their own way. Alan is a sexy dilf with so much weight and responsibility on his shoulders it's a miracle he retained his optimism and youthful awkwardness. And Jeff is a prickly baby-cow-baby-deer eyed baby that is so touch starved it's actually a little funny. SO I GUESS ALANJEFF SANDWICH IT IS.
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(don't be shy tag yourselves besties <3)
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melverie · 7 months
⸺ LESSON 1 ⸺
Solomon & Barbatos
MC's magic
situation in the Devildom
demons & angels (& humans)
strange feelings & soup
- lesson 2 || all posts so far -
1. As you might have seen, I'm trying to connect some plot points atm and have decided to just go through the lessons again in hopes of untangling this mess. Depending on my motivation I might do this for all 40 lessons All of them will be tagged under #mel's descend into madness because that's honestly what it feels like lol 2. This is a mix of gathering facts from the game as well as me trying to make sense of everything. I'll add the lesson references to all things actually stated in the game. That being said, I'll only add them to moments that happen in lesson 1 since that's less work for me lol 3. I'd love to hear your thoughts!! Add stuff, dispute some of my points, theorize, bring up story points that don't make add up to you--idc what it is but I'd love to hear it all!! Either share it directly on here or send me an ask if you'd rather share them as anon 4. General spoiler warning for all of Obey Me Nightbringer, as well as for the original Obey Me
most likely Nightbringer, so I'll just call him that -> 'Nightbringer' fits into the amount of characters in their name, and just like the unregistered number, NB later in the story talks about taking MC to a place where they will be happy [1-1//chat 'Untitled' with Unregistered; both pics below]
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Fun fact: "lightbringer" (aka the meaning of Lucifer's name) also fits :)
NB knows MC's name because they told him recently from NB's perspective, and a long time ago from MC's perspective [1-1//chat 'Untitled' with Unregistered]
Nightbringer talks about how nothing remains hidden from him and that they see everything (-> Barbatos, Michael, Father?) [1-1//chat 'Untitled' with Unregistered]
this is how NB describes how he sees time [1-1//chat 'Untitled' with Unregistered; pic below]. It's similar to how Solomon claims Barbatos once described time to him
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definitely Solomon and not some imposter because his cooking is still the same inedible mess we know him for 💖 [1-17]
he's casting some spell when MC calls him and claims it's for jumping through spacetime [phone call 'Untitled' with Solomon] -> at the very least it doesn't have anything to do with influencing the memories of the others because they already didn't remember MC before their phone call
Solomon is the one who tells us we are in the past [1-12]. I have no reason to doubt him there -> he also says that MC "just disappeared" [1-12]. No mention of anyone's reaction to this though
Solomon is also the one that tells us that we need to reforge our pacts with the brothers if we want to make it back to the [1-12; pic below]
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had (OG) Barbatos lend him his power to come to the past [1-12]
when choosing the option that implies that MC and Solomon are dating, Diavolo response with this [1-9; pic below]. That doesn't sound like there's any bad blood between them yet, at least not from Diavolo's point of view which, in turn, makes Barbatos' behavior toward Solomon so much stranger
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Solomon explains that MC's magic is much weaker because their pacts with the brothers aren't functioning properly since they are in the past [1-12] -> the OG already established that MC's magic is tied to their pacts with the brothers (OG's season 2 plot literally revolved around that), so it makes sense -> since they need magic to return to the present, MC is essentially trapped in the past [1-12]
MC isn't able to use the pacts at all at first [1-2, non-amnesia route], however the pacts aren't completely severed as evidenced by MC being able to use the 'Stay!' command [1-5] -> once overcome by a warm light inside them, MC is able to use the pact commands again [1-5]. Imo it somewhat plays out similarly to MC being revived during the lesson 16 incident in the OG (which was Lilith's doing)
something about Solomon's reaction to being told MC used stay bothers me. Idk what though. Then again, maybe he was just worried about MC's safety, so it could also just be nothing [1-9; pic below]
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the Great Celestial War was about a year ago [1-2] -> Mammon mentiond that it felt more like a century to him [1-14; pic below]. Probably nothing but I'm critical of every little detail at this point lol
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the demon king is already out of commission, but he was still around to give the brothers their titles as avatars [1-5]
the brothers' arrival threw the Devildom in disarray [1-7]
both Asmodeus and Diavolo talk about how angels and demons technically aren't enemies anymore, yet both parties are still clinging to what happened in the past [Asmo in 1-15, Dia in 1-18; both pics below]
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Diavolo says that the goal of building the school is to bring the Devildom and the Celestial Realm closer together. He generally talks about just the "two realms", completely leaving the humans out of all this [1-18; pic below]
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Diavolo says that he feels like he and MC already share a strong bond [1-18; pic below]
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Lucifer indirectly expresses his concern for MC, and is honest about his feelings and worries with them (only to immediately downplay it and snap at MC, thanks Luci 💖) [lesson 1 hard mode]
⸺ MISC ⸺
the House of Lamentation has just been rebuilt in the Devildom. They also once again tell the story of what happened in that house when it was still in the human world and say that it might be cursed [1-7]. Not really all that relevant tbh
Diavolo first talks about building a school [1-17]. RIP 'The Glory Days' devilgram ;-;
Lucifer says that he doesn't trust demons [1-18; pic below]. Will be slightly relevant again in lesson 12 iirc
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outrunningthedark · 2 years
(I’ve definitely posted about this before, idc idc) Of ALL the “Did that really just happen???” moments from 4x14, the one that doesn’t get talked about enough (IMO) is when Bobby explains how the 118 is going to handle doing their jobs while the sniper is still on the loose. Hen asks, “What about our families? Are they in danger, too?” And then Bobby, the Captain, the one who has to keep a level head for everyone else’s sake, replies “We have no reason to think that.” DO YOU REMEMBER WHAT CAME NEXT??? DO YOU??? BUCK SAID “WE HAD NO REASON TO THINK EDDIE WOULD GET SHOT HELPING A KID, EITHER.” Bobby’s talking about FAMILY MEMBERS not being targets (because every other family does not have a second firefighter) and Buck’s immediate response was (essentially) “WHAT ABOUT MINE???” GODDD.
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imqueerandadeer · 1 month
Okay it's time again for rants and personal stories no one fucking asked for. Todays topic: How fucking rampant and normalized ableism is, with comments from @pansgoobernonsense as usual.
Really long post ahead guys you've been warned.
The reason it has been featured in the last post and now this one is because it's also ND and Asian and I wanted to get other peoples experiences with ableism.
It also said that I can interview it for practice because journalism sounds cool to me and I might want to be a journalist.
Anyways obligatory disclaimer/reminder. I don't speak for all mentally disabled people because we are not a monolith!! For example I am great at masking my ADHD and Autism (I'll get into that with more context later) and it's somthing I've picked up subconsciously. Other people with my same conditions may not be good at masking.
Also this post will mostly center around mental disabilities, specifically ADHD and autism because thats what we have and know most about. Neither me nor my friend are physically disabled (to my knowledge) so I won't speak much on it because It's not my place.
Alright with that out of the way lets add some context.
Hi, if you don't know me or haven't seen my blog before (most of you probably have though in some shape or form) I'm Ollie or Cupid. I have ADHD, self diagnosed (and peer diagnosed) autism, and possible dyscalculia. Theres also a millon other things I'm suspicious about having but I won't get into those.
Lets start with this, imagine (or don't idc) that your back in *gasp* middle school. Terrifying. Now since this is tumblr I'm gonna assume most of you have autism and/or ADHD so y'all most likely know what it's like to be in middle school and be ND. But still I wanted to talk about my experiences with ableism in school.
Okay I've noticed that the difference of how I get treated because I mask and those that can't mask for whatever reason is wildly different. I have instructional support which is technically special ed and no one has ever called me "Sped" or the R-slur. Versus the the kids who visibly have support needs and their disabilities are present. They get called those things all the fucking time.
The hypocrisy of it all is what really gets me. Kids at my school will really stand there and call these other kids dehumanizing things while I stand there as a person with ADHD and autism having to akwardly laugh it off and pretend it doesn't effect me. Yes of course I tell them off but it doesn't work, because they have been taught that what they're saying is fine and people who have higher support needs are not human, which is wrong and ablesist.
Thats not even their fault really it's what they were taught. Although if they weren't taught it and they know It's wrong but still do it then it's their fault
It genuinely got so bad that me and my friends wrote a letter to the office telling them about the ablesist language at our school, I don't think the letters ever got sent but yeah it was that bad.
On another note I don't think my schools very wheelchair accessible at all, although I wouldn't know really because I don't use a wheelchair.
Now heres @pansgoobernonsense experiences woth ableism as a whole, while mine were mostly about school its are more personal
"My personal experiences with ableism are mostly from my parents, and since I have not one but two neurodevelopmental disorders I’ve experienced it a lot. The most notable of these experiences come from my parents reaction to my autism.
A notable example was the time I was crying because I didn’t want to go to a party (I had had a panic attack at another similar party at the same place with similar people) and my dad had said I didn’t need to go but my mom made me.
I tried to explain (through tears) that I didn’t want to go and my dad angrily called me “autistic”. I’ve also been told to just “act normal” in social situations (despite the textbook definition of autism being essentially “I can’t act normal in social situations”). My parents have also neglected to tell me about my diagnosis for basically my entire life.
I was diagnosed when I was 2-3 and only found out this year. The reason behind this decision was “if I knew I’d tell everyone and use it as a get out of jail free card”.
They seem to treat my diagnosis as a label rather than an actual disability. It makes sense, since historically mental disabilities haven’t been treated the same as physical disabilities, but it’s still an awful experience."
While my experiences with things like this haven't been as severe as Nicks experiences I do have some of my own.
One time I was talking to my mother and she said that they suspected I had ADHD but didn't get me tested until I was 12 because she didn't want me on meds that early, which yes is a semi fair point but still why would you keep your suspicions a secret until I startes to notice and suspect it myself. That seems so weird to me and it could have saved me a lot if trouble if she had just told me.
Anyways thats it, sorry if it's not cohesive or coherent it's 1:00 am for me, I need to sleep
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ihateliterature · 6 months
"but how can asexual people have sex?"
"but how could aromantic people be in relationships"?
"but how could aspecs be polyamorous?"
"but how could aspecs get married?"
"but how could aspecs have kids?"
"how does that work?"
"I just can't understand!"
Buddy, there are these things called bodily autonomy and free will, ever heard of them?
Why are people doing anything? Idk and idc, not my problem, and it's not yours either. Get your head out of people's groins and move along
I'm tired of explaining and doing a whole schematic categorization of reasons why aspecs might do something like we are a specimen on discovery channel and not real people
Why are some asexuals having sex? Because they want to. Why are some aros in relationships? Because they want to. And if you need more of an answer than that ask yourself why it's so hard for you to accept someone's decisions over their individual lives
"but I'm just curious..."
Over what? What is there to even be curious about? People's sex lives? Relationship dynamics? Weren't we always angry when homophobes tried to ignorantly pry into our personal lives in extremely rude ways? Why are you acting like them?
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incorrectwwfquotes · 4 months
I will yap like a bret hart promo thank you I actually really love him, and hes really cute >_< HE COULD BE MY GRANDPA BUT IDC
SOOOOOOO ERM, Hi How are you? Shawn and Kevin >>>>> I call their ship HBKDiesel, cuz erm ya, KEVIN IS SO HOT HELP MY SOUL
Okay hehehehehehehehehe
i love bret hart and his yapping he is so adorable i love him. my girlfriend and i bully him a lot for his inability to shut up but we do it out of love like an annoying little brother despite him being older than both of our parents lol
i'm doing good thank you dear!!! hope you're okay also!!!
i love shawn and kevin i love their vibes so much. i never know what to call them and my friend called them 'dieselbreak' once so that kinda just stuck as far as tags go
kevin is sooooo attractive there's this particular clip from his nwo days that drives me INSANE for no particular reason
i can't explain why i love this one so much i just do. wish i had the insane BDE he exudes lmao
and then there's this other ne from the same match where he just absolutely towers over scott and syxx and it blows my mind every time. most people tend to tower syxx anyway he's just a little guy (he is taller than me but whatever) but scott is by no means small so it always makes me lose my mind lol but you're just gonna have to imagine it cuz tumblr only lets you add one video per post booooo
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star-girl69 · 2 years
could you write about the reader being for an importan house, like maybe tyrell and she's haleana's lady in waiting and her best friend and is dating/courting aemond
a/n: ok i hope that this doesn’t stray too far from the ask but i made it so that they were already betrothed because i felt like it just worked better but if it’s totally stupid feel free to tell me also i know the king’s landing being really cold part is unrealistic but idc anyways, i hope you all enjoy!!!
also this is most definitely going to have a part two i just didn’t want it to get too long and i just wanted to get something out for you guys sooner rather than later
and i just want to remind everyone- MY REQUESTS ARE OPEN FOR BOTH DAEMON AND AEMOND thank you so much for all of your requests so far!
Rules Are Not Meant For Us
Being a Lady many rules. Sit right, walk right, stand right. Not to mention what you could and could not wear- it was hard to keep everything straight.
But you had been trained from this since birth. When you were born, the farms at Highgarden had had a particularly rough few years. Ever since then, it had been drilled into you that it was your duty to marry into a high-ranking house, save your house.
Your duty was all you had. So you clung to it, knowing that below was only disgrace.
“Lady Helaena, your mother requested you for tea.” Helaena nodded from her seat, and you sighed, sitting next to her. “Helaena, you cannot keep ignoring her.” You grabbed her hand. “Aegon is… he is a horrible man to be married too. But you have to understand that it was what was best for your family. Let your mother explain, at least. You do not have to believe her, but at least pretend.” She sighed, put her hand over your own.
“I know, Y/N. Gods, I know you are right. I just- I do not want too.”
You smiled softly. “We are women, Helaena. You know the only reason I am here to marry, to men, we have no other reason for living besides that. Our battlefield is the childbed, our war council’s are our marriages. I know you will survive this, Helaena. You are the strongest woman I know.” Tears fell down her face.
“No, you are, Y/N. I am eternally grateful for you. I am happy we are to become sisters.” You smiled, thinking of your betrothal to Prince Aemond. You had made your family proud, secured your house’s future.
You smiled, thinking of Prince Aemond.
Oh, you had admired him for years. Since coming to court, since starting your positon as Helaena’s Lady-In-Waiting, you had lusted after him in the privacy of your own mind. The most valuable lesson your septa had taught you was that while men will take a woman’s body, they can never take her mind.
Lusting after him was the only thing you allowed yourself.
When your Lord Father had proposed the marriage, Helaena told you that Aemond’s lips turned upward, almost as if a smile. You humored her, knowing that with Aegon looming over her, this was the most fun she would have. You did not believe that Aemond’s “smile” meant anything more than surprise, but the thought was still nice for the two of you.
“You like him, I know it.” Helaena’s sweet voice brought you out of your thoughts, and you blushed and looked away.
“He is very handsome, Helaena. You cannot deny this.”
“I suppose. But you, my sweet friend, are in love!”
“I am not, Helaena.” She smiled to herself, in a way that told you she knew something you did not know.
“If you say so, Y/N.”
Since becoming Aemond’s betrothed, you had been stripped of your title and duties as Helaena’s Lady-In-Waiting, now becoming a sort of Princess like her. Of course, your official title was still Lady Tyrell, but you found that you had no duties other than preparing for your wedding.
But you found that those weren’t really duties. Cake-tasting with Queen Alicent and Helaena, dress fittings, flower arrangements, and more. Helaena helped you with almost everything, and you were so grateful for her opinion. Although Alicent was a brash woman, you could tell that even she was excited for the wedding, and enjoyed helping in its preparations.
You sighed, thinking back to Aemond.
Your first “date” as betrothed was a disaster. You were sheltered, and did not know how to converse with him. Your walk in the gardens consisted of him staring at you with some look in his eye, and you talking aimlessly about the weather. Disastrous.
Helaena still insisted he was in love with you as well, and you just humored her to be nice. You could not believe that he would love you. Even after lusting after him all those years, imagining you two together, it was only an indulgence to comfort you in your cold bed. Nothing was to ever happen between the two of you.
But it was Prince Aegon’s nineteenth name day, and a grand feast was to be held. The speeches at the beginning you found to be quite boring, filled with fake flattery. Even Aegon stopped them early, instead having the first course brought out early. You were grateful, sending a silent thank-you.
You ignored Aemond beside you, still embarrassed from your first date. You and Helaena spent most of the dinner gossiping, giggling and subtly pointing at Lord’s and Lady’s in the crowd below.
Then, the dancing started. It opened with a dance from Helaena and Aegon, as was customary, and then the floor opened up for guests. The drums beat steadily in the background like your thundering heart, nervous at being left alone next to Aemond without your best friend.
He cleared his throat, and you were sure he could hear your heart beating.
“Lady Y/N, would you like to dance?” He stood up, holding out an hand. You took it, smiling politely through your nerves. Gods, you were probably going to step on his foot. His hand was cold and bony in yours, and you found that you quite liked the way his hand fit with yours. Almost like puzzle pieces, like two halves of something.
He led you to the dance floor, and you cleared your mind. The dance was not all intricate, simply meant for partners to walk around and converse. The steps were easy, and you subtly danced closer to Aegon and Helaena.
She spotted you, smiled in that knowing way. You silently pleaded for help, but she did not save you in your plight.
“I-” You turned, and he was not looking at you. “I’m sorry that I haven’t spent time with you, since that day in the gardens. To be honest with you, I could not bear it. I utterly humiliated myself in your presence.”
You frowned. “You did nothing of the sort, Prince Aemond. I was- Gods, all I did was talk about the weather. I- I do not know how to talk to men, especially you.”
Something like a blush appeared on his cheeks, and he dipped his head when he spoke, almost bashfully.“I liked listening to your voice. It’s- hypnotizing, almost.”
“Oh.” You weren’t sure what to say. No one besides Helaena had really complimented you before, and you liked it, especially from him. You regained some semblance of yourself, straightening your spine. “Thank you, My Prince.”
Perhaps you had revealed your emotions on your face, because when he looked up at you a fire ignited in his eyes.
“Of course, issa jorrāelagon.”
You smiled, High Valyrian. “What does that mean?”
“It’s a term of affection, endearment.”
You looked down, smiling. He was playing you like a fiddle. “I like it, Aemond. Thank you.”
From that day forward, your relationship changed.
It had been a few weeks since Aegon’s nameday, and you found yourself spending more and more time with Aemond. Once you got comfortable with each other, talking came easier.
You too walks with him in the gardens often. You told him about your day, gossip you had learned from Helaena, anything and everything. He would just walk alongside you, arm looped with yours.
He would visit your rooms at night, and you would scold him on how improper it was. Every night, his answer was the same.
Rules are not meant for us, issa jorrāelagon.
He would bring you jewelry and dresses, books of High Valyrian poems he would translate and read to you. He told you of Vhagar, and promised that he would take you to meet her soon.
Sometimes, when he was too tired to translate, he would just read the poems to you, settling on the small couch by the fire. You would lay with your head closest to him, just listening. You did not need to know what the words said to feel the emotion behind it.
You would often remember how he told you your voice was hypnotizing. But when he read those poems to you, you wanted to crawl into his lap and sleep there.
This night, you were faced with the same problem.
You weren’t even paying attention to the poem, only the sound of his voice.
“-Issa jorrāelagon-” You recognized this word.
“When will you tell me what that means?”
“Soon, issa jorrāelagon.” You groaned playfully, throwing a small decorative pillow at him. He laughed, and continued to read.
You shifted onto your stomach, feet in the air as you faced him. He sat like a king, relaxed, legs crossed underneath him. You could not take it any longer. You needed some semblance of touch, of love from him.
“Aemond?” You asked during a pause. He looked up.
“Can I- I, um…”
“I cannot grant your wish if I do not know it, issa jorrāelagon.”
You supposed it was better to just say it quickly.
“Can I lay my head in your lap?” You screwed your eyes shut, scared of rejection.
You could not lose him before you even had him.
Instead of rejection, a tender hand reached under your chin, pulling your head up to face him, you opened your eyes to be met with his beautiful face sporting an amused smile.
“This is what was causing so much stress, my beloved?” You nodded, still fearful of his laugh. “You need not ask, issa jorrāelagon.” Something lifted form you, and you let a wide smile cross your face.
You crawled forward, shifting onto your back and you settled into his lap, looking up at him.
“I’m not sure this is proper. This must be against some rules.”
“It is. But rules are not meant for us.”
He smiled brighter. “Yes. They are not meant for us.”
“Will you keep going?” You gestured to the book in his hands.
“Of course, issa jorrāelagon.”
You heard the soft shutting of a book, before arms looped under your arms and legs, carrying you bridal-style. He set you in your bed gently, securing the sheets and silks around you. He placed a hand on yours, and you feel him start to move. You gasp, and reach for him.
“What’s wrong?”
“I don’t want you to leave.”
“I’ll be back in the morning, hm?” You should have protested, but you were tired. You nodded, let yourself drift off.
Feather-light, soft lips against your forehead.
You and Aemond had adjusted your routine. You would lay your head in his lap every night, he would read to you, then carry you to your bed. Stay until he thought you were asleep, and press a kiss to your forehead.
But tonight was different. A cold front had blown through the Keep, and the heavy storm clouds outside did not help. The fire was burning brightly and heavy furs were wrapped around you, but you were still shivering.
Highgarden was always warm, and you had never experienced cold like this before. Your eyes started to close, but you still shook. Aemond carried you back to your bed.
“You’re freezing, my beloved. Shivering.”
“Highgarden was never cold. And even in past years, the Keep was never as cold as this.” He frowned.
“Yes, but you’ll freeze like this. I will not lose you before I have you.”
“Lay with me, please.” You we’re almost begging, mind clouded in your cold and need for him.
“Issa jorrāelagon, that is breaking a lot of rules.”
“Please. I’m so cold, make it better, Aemond.” And he could not ignore you.
He kicked off his boots, climbed in next to you. A hesitant arm lifted the blankets, slotting in beside you, wrapping his arm around your waist. He let out a sharp breath.
You sunk into him, and you were like puzzle pieces, like two halves.
You fell asleep with his breath against the back of your neck, and even in the debilitating cold, slept the best you ever had.
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neptunes-sol-angel · 8 months
I've been off here for awhile because I needed a break from this account because I've been fatigued from content creating and I specifically have plans to return for the next few days but before I post anything, I really want to talk about something with this community that's really bothering me. I haven't had any issues with anyone doing this to me, and I'm thankful for those who have been patient with me, but I do have mutuals and people that I follow that I've seen this happen to, and it's the entitlement.
There are way too many posts of people pressuring readers to make their content a certain kind of way, telling them what topics to do, or what topics to do less of and it's extremely disrespectful, unless a reader asks for suggestions/recommendations for ideas, it's rude to slip into their inbox/asks/comments to tell them how they should do their readings because if you take away the notes, it'll be apparent on how this pressure that y'all put on us is the main reason for why so many readers leave. They lose their sense of direction for what to do with their accounts, seeing the value in what they post up here, and enthusiasm for doing readings period. Stop doing it, it's rude. It's like the internet makes a lot of you forget manners and the common courtesy of boundaries because another thing that I want to talk about is these games.
It's getting out of hand how Y'all are treating readers over free content. Unless there was a monetary or reading exchange, there should be no reason for why you feel that it's okay to smother a person for a luxury (NOT A NEED) that they offered to you for free.
I need y'all to understand that the majority of diviners here bring you content because this is a form of escapism, idc who disagrees. A lot of the readers in this community are young, they're exploring and they have the free time to do it. But what all of us have in common, is that we have lives, and that shit changes. At any time. So does our schedules. We have school, work, bills, families, hobbies, issues that we need to take care of related to the things that I mentioned previously, physical health problems, mental health problems, issues with finances, issues with housing, and sometimes it can be that WE ARE JUST TIRED.
It's not to be rude, but if y'all continue to harrass readers like @crystaldivination and @s1ncer3dreams , I really want to remind anybody that posts content up here that's reading this that setting boundaries applies to YOU TOO, you don't have to be scared to defend yourself or feel pressured to explain right away that you're doing what you need to take care of you
I've observed these readers for awhile now, and from what I've seen, THEY ARE ALWAYS giving out free readings and if youve ever picked up a deck and have actually read for people, you would understand how it's actually insane how much taxing it is to even do a fraction of what they do. That post was unfair and vile to make, you didn't even wait to let this person respond to understand what's going on, y'all need to relax because this is concerning. 
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
I ain't gonna lie. JK kinda being a bit of a shit stirrer today. Why is he posting pictures adding up to 13 like he's baiting Jimin, but posting the food in the same set of dishes that Tae owns? Tae already showed that dish set in his story not long ago. Kinda like that day JK said Jimin was his, but turned around and said Tae was his. JM's in NY minding his business, while JK's kinda being messy. Well, at least both sets of shippers are happy & fighting at the same time over who JK is really posting for.
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Anon, come closer. Let me show you something.
Remember this?
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Okay. Wonderful then I'm sure you remember that atrocity they did of photoshoping V on Jimin's face. See if u can find it among all these times where they replaced Jimin with V.
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These assholes didn't even try 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ That's one of the most iconic Jikook moments of all time. If you're gonna try to copy at least put in some effort 🙄🙄
That's one.
2) Remember when Jimin said the best part that represented him was the timestamp 1:23 on the One Day MV?
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Remember how JK started recommending songs to army and pausing the songs at 1:23? He did this continuously without fail. (Manilla fight)
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Even when sometimes the part made no sense. More on this here.
When Jikookers started celebrating this guess what the vermin did? They took the 123 theory and decided to relate that to Vkook. Even though they never would have done that shit, if Jikookers didn't point it out. According to them, 123 was about Tkk because V was born on 12th December 🤦🏽‍♀️
Shouldn't it have been 1230 then?? Why did they get rid of the 0? For convenience as always. 🙄🙄 Well, joke's on them, because JK stopped doing this. This is one of the earliest moments of JK debunking Tkkrs.
3) When Jkkrs noticed the JM and started talking about it.
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The vermin said the tiger was about them. Because V's animal is a tiger.
Fuck the fact that the tiger and Korean culture go hand in hand. But guess what JK did when he met Poly C? He👏🏾covered👏🏾that👏🏾shit👏🏾up! Sure the man and the rest of BTS hated how the SK government were treating them. Sure he hates how he can't even show the world who he's in love with due to his homophobic country, so he decided the Tiger didn't mean that much to him after all. But I bet he saw a chance to kill 2 birds with one stone and he did. Fuck SK and fuck Tkkrs. Boom! Done.
4) When Karmy nick named Jikook the Sun and Moon duo because satellite Jeon is always orbiting Jimin like the moon orbits the sun, The vermin also started calling Tkk the Sun and Moon duo. Their reason? Don't ask me. Idk and idc. Too bad though, coz even BH knows who are the REAL Sun and Moon duo
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5) While we are on the "mine" topic. Karmy already explained the difference between JK saying Jimin is his Vs when he said (warning RIP your algorithm if you click on this) V is his. According to Karmy, with V it came off more like a statement. With Jimin it was possessive, AF. And I agree. Not just because I'm a Jikooker, but because you don't need to be Korean to hear the difference.
For context: An army asked JK to give Jimin to them and JK was like; he's mine. But here is what u have to keep in mind. The V one came way, way, waaaaaay later than the Jimin one. As soon as he said Jimin was his, the vermin kept pestering JK with the same thing the former Army asked about Jimin. So going by JK's tone, it seems to me like he said what he said about V, to shut them up. 🤷🏽‍♀️ The difference is in the tone, guys. U don't gotta be Korean to hear it.
These are just a few examples. And now you're telling me, even though our numbers theory makes more sense, Tkkrs are claiming what JK is doing on weverse for themselves because of a plate?? A plate? Really.
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This is just like when they decided Tkk went snowboarding because of a pair of shoes. Like no one else owns those shoes apart from JK and V 🤡 Again, someone please explain to me how people take them seriously. Please. They want what we have soooooo bad. They have always wanted what we have.
Jin can grab V's balls or whatever tf this was. Taejin what goes on??? 🧐🧐
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And the vermin did not bat an eye. Not one fucking peep from them. But in the same memories 2021, Jimin gets embarrassed and does the simple act of hiding his face in JK's neck (something he has done for years BTW)
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You cannot tell me these people don't know Jikook is real. If they didn't see what we see they wouldn't want what we have so bad. And they certainly wouldn't feel so damn threatened.
So anon, JK owning the same plate as V, cannot even be compared to JK making a post on Jimin time. It ain't and will never be the fucking same. Please.
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sweetmariihs2 · 3 months
Lmao I don't get nothing to do this. But I think it's fun and I love to share the crazy stuff I make.
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I don't know what happened to me, I just decided that I wanted to make an "ambient" playlist inspired by the scene of the Festival Of Fools (tm) in The Hunchback Of Notre Dame. I think it happened when I was practicing my habit of searching for similatiries between my hyperfocuses and the songs I like, and it had enough potential to make a playlist about it. And since Spotify doesn't allows me to add little notes to each one of songs in the playlist, I'M GONNA MAKE THIS HERE ON TUMBLR, BECAUSE I NEED TO TALK ABOUT IT
I would also like to point out that the songs are put in order of the events during the whole scene. From the moment Quasimodo arrives at the festival, the party and parade itself, Esmeralda's dance, Quasimodo's humiliation, Esmeralda's "justice" discourse and running from Frollo's guards. Yes I have songs for each one of this events in order that match the lyrics and sometimes even the instrumentals :)
These parts are like, "divided in sections". Idk how to explain it to you, but I do this often, it's like "part 1 of the playlist, followed by the part two, then part three..." it's like dividing the playlist in acts yk
And I thought it was better if I came here to explain each one of the songs instead of just waiting for someone to find the playlist somewhere and discover by themselves
So let me explain the reason why each one of these songs were added in that playlist, specifically (yes i'm autistic how did you found out)
First section of the playlist - Start of the Feast Of Fools!!🎊🎉
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That's where I put the "start" of the festival. The court of miracles is included because let's be honest Clopin eats it up every time, and this song has such a strong Topsy Turvy vibe too.
Feast Of Fools - When Quasimodo arrived.
Topsy Turvy- The start of the festival itself.
Court Of Miracles - Because it makes sense, our party goes on
Second section of the playlist - The festival!
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I was really excited to talk about this one, Cure For Me it's so Feast Of Fools/Clopin coded idc
Cure For Me - It's a song about self acceptance, being proud of who you are - despite having hateful people out there, it's not your fault, their hearts are bitter, yours shouldn't get too (which really reminds me of the whole topic of the movie, Quasimodo, Esmeralda...) That's the meaning! Now, the visuals and instrumentals just give those jester vibes. I feel like a clown in the best way possible. You should totally search for the visuals, like the music video or just the photoshoot! Aurora (the singer) dresses and dances like a jester, along with misterious masked figures. It just feels like a party in Venice. As you can see, there's two versions of Cure For Me; the first one is the studio one, the second one is acoustic. I decided to add the acoustic because it's inspired by brazillian's bossa nova, it has a choir of people singing, played by real instrumentals, it just sounds more like... someone singing in the streets. I like both versions!
I've Got A Dream - THAT'S SO COURT OF MIRACLES CODED I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO SAY IT JUST IS. All those dangerous people reunited and threatening the protagonists of death while singing an upbeat song and showing that deep down they're not so bad just makes perfect sense. (Lmao we're really finding a lot of similarities between HOND and Tangled aren't we?)
Kingdom Dance + Kingdom Celebration - I don't even need to explain but I will for the minority of people who don't get this one. It's the song that plays in Rapunzel's village during a festival, they dance and have fun, and the second song is a similar song that plays at the end of the movie. It was also made by Disney, which makes it better.
Third section of the playlist - The party continues!! They're for immersion lmao
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These are a bunch of circus/medieval festival songs I choose to add a bit more of "realism". I didn't just added them randomly, I searched for medieval songs, medieval festival songs, circus music, VINTAGE CIRCUS MUSIC WITHOUT MAKING IT HORROR AND SCARY (it's rare but happens every time lmao), and even inside those playlist, not all of them made up to get here.
I made this part just in case you wanna pretend you're inside the festival bc I know how it feels to enjoy daydreaming and being delulu, I know I know
Fourth section of the playlist - Esmeralda's dance!
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Actually not all of these songs are part of the Esmeralda's dance section. I know *the crowd starts to boo
I just feel like they're not really part of the last section. So I'm gonna explain why did I put them in the playlist:
Some Type Of Skin: Aurora often sings about being a sensitive person and wishing the world was kinder, this song is not different. I can't explain exactly why this song reminds me of HOND, there's something in the quotes "however much it feels to bleed, it's only temporary", "we're good people and we both deserve peace" and the happy instrumental that just makes me want to dance and wish for a better world with her. To be honest, it kinda reminds me of Esmeralda! But Idk. It's a bit unrelated, I just wanted an excuse to add this to a HOND playlist. Let's pretend it's just part of the festival.
Giving In To The Love - Once again, this song is about hoping for a better world. BUT, IN THIS CASE, the context and lyrics are a bit different. I already spoke about this in other post I made, but the main topic of this album is how radical religious people sometimes harm more than they help. That post is great, the songs are amazing and they fit so well in the context of HOND, BUT, I'm just focusing on this playlist this time. This song I'm talking about has quotes like "I'm tired of the rules and your corrections... (self-explanatory) I want to live my life, be all of it's pages... (try things, love without being considered sinning, stuff like that) And underline that I am not an angel... (I'm not 100% pure, I'm a human) 'Cause if I'm not pure, I guess that I'm too much! I never know how to keep in, keep in touch... (self-explanatory) If I'll be somebody, I'll never let my skin decide it for me; I never had the world so why change for it? [...] ...Giving Into The Love." The music video is Aurora in a garden with statues that sometimes portray hateful and painful moments, like someone separating a gay couple, for example. At the end of the song the statues come alive and learn that loving, talking, making friends is better than being hateful. They all then go to take a swim in the lake. Yay! That was also a song I just wanted to fit in here. Let's pretend it's also part of the festival, it won't hurt a single fly
Rythm Of The Tambourine - That's an extra song added in the Hunchback Of Notre Dame musical. The people involved wrote these songs inspired by the ones in the movie, they added new original tracks AND OFFICIAL DELETED DISNEY HOND SONGS to the musical. That's an original track, and it's an extended version of Esmeralda's dance during the song Topsy Turvy, she sings here, and it lasts more. There's like Quasi's, Frollo's and Phoebus' reactions to Esmeralda's dance. It's a musical after all, so... and it's really good!
Artemis - It's one of Aurora's songs again! I never quite understood the meaning of this song though. The song is about the goddess Artemis, and it has a sexy and somehow dangerous and threatening tone to it. She sings in a low tone about decisions someone can make about the goddess (I believe so), since I can't explain you the lyrics, it will be better if I just show it to you.
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I just feel like this song is the personification of "fire Esmeralda" to Frollo. I can't explain why. The instrumentals remind me of Venice, there's an accordion in the middle of the song, which somehow still sounds sexy and misterious. If you'll hear to the song, you will know what I mean.
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*eating my own hand* if you know these songs (c'mon guys you're on tumblr) you know that's already great and we're not even in the best part yet (It WILL GET BETTER THAN THAT)
Pity Party: If you're not familiar with Melanie's songs, which is hard to believe if you're someone who grew up in the internet, this song is part of an album called Cry Baby. This album tells us the story of a little girl called Cry Baby, she was bullied and abused throughout her whole life, sometimes based on the singer’s life, and it was a big comfort for this huge outcast group we know on the internet (including myself), often criticizing society in her lyrics. This song specifically is about Cry Baby's birthday, but no one showed up for the party. She organizes the party perfectly and wait for her "friends" to arrive, but they don't which makes her question why, wondering if they're just making a cruel joke, and wondering that maybe if she had took different decisions in the decoration they would have shown up, but at the end she notices that it's because people just don't like her, and this drives her to madness, basically. She sings "It's my part and I'l cry if I want to", while proceeds to cry and destroy the decorations and toys she had scattered around, who she pretended were her friends, but then noticed that they're just... not real people and that she's alone. Reminds you of someone?
When Quasimodo was choosen as the "king of fools", people choose him because he had "the ugliest face in Paris". It was something good, because he was being treated as a king, but it was also bad because it wasn't for good reasons... people were just mocking him. (Lyrics)"Maybe it's a cruel joke on me, whatever, whatever" yes it is a cruel joke. The parallel between them is that they're being delusional and telling themselves that "those people aren't really mean, are they? They like me. It's just that *excuse*". But after sometime they notice that they're just convincing themselves of that, and well, yes... people don't like them indeed. In a day that was supposed to be a party, the best day ever for them. "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to [...] I'm laughing, I'm crying, it feels like I'm dying"
The Contortionist: Melanie again! This song is more about an abusive relationship. Her abuser twists her like she's a contortionist, and that's not being pleasurable to her. The person claims that they love her, in one second they're loving her, in the other their pushing her, pulling her, grabbing her, and twisting her like a contortionists. It vaguely reminds me of that terrible scene, so I added it here.
Show And Tell: YOU'RE NOT MENTALLY READY FOR THIS ONE. I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO START HELP. THIS ONE IS SO IN CHARACTER THAT I DON'T KNOW HOW TO PUT INTO WORDS. Do you remember when I mentioned that Melanie had that "Cry Baby" album about a girl with the same name? That girl went to school now and the album is called "K-12"... it's also a story. In this song, the protagonist did something that broke the principal's rules (he's supposed to be interpreted as a political leader or authority figure, this whole album is a metaphor for society) and the principal, an ugly bastard old guy, decided to punish her for that. Inside the context of the album, which is really surrealistic btw, she's turned into a ventriloquist doll to be waved around in front of the whole class (the society, people). In the music video, she's a little doll being controlled by the teacher to dance while all the students watch, laugh and shout, as if her suffering was entertainment to them. The principal knows that, and he doesn't care, because "she deserves this treatment" (she didn't do anything). At the end of the music video she's thrown by te teacher at the public, and they destroy and hurt her, because it is with her suffering that they entertain themselves with, until she's a broken porcelain doll.
The whole song and music video is a metaphor about how the artists are treated nowadays. The methaphor behind being a ventriloquist doll is how people control you to sell you to people, and the people are the students. They watch you close, have fun with your suffering, and they don't care about your boundaries. REMINDS YOU OF SOMETHING? HUH? SOMEONE? SOMEONE OUT THERE?? (lmao I thought this would be funny)
The ropes pulling her around, making her "dance" for them while she's clearly unhappy with everything. All of these lyrics. Shut up I'm not okay
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Cry Baby: It's the opening song of the album "Cry Baby". Talks about her character, she's crying in front of everyone and they're laughing at her for it, calling her a cry baby, while they don't know and don't give a damn about her kind and soft heart. You get why this matches Quasimodo don't you
Mr Potato Head: Another one of Melanie's songs. This one is not exactly related to the huniliation scene but it fits Quasi's character and I just wanted to add. This song talks about beauty standards, how people are modifiying themselves in an obsessive search for beauty, without realizing that they are erasing their own identity. She says ironically "No one will love you if you're unattractive [...] will a pretty face make it better?"
You Keep Me Crawling: That's part of that one Aurora's album about the harm that religion causes sometimes, and this song, You Keep Me Crawling, can be interpreted in two ways: as an abusive relationship, or as someone's experience in christianity. In the first verses, the lyrical self is trying to understand why the "abuser" treats them that way, why do this person makes them feel less, at the same time somehow excusing what this person is doing to them.... "maybe if I forgave you more, or that, I wouldn't be treated that way... maybe you never meant to do that? To make me suffer? That wasn't your intention, right?" and they start to question "but why do I feel less when I'm around you? Why do I feel smaller? Maybe it's because I need to serve someone..." and in the chorus the singer just repeats in a pleading, beautiful and yet deeply saddened way "So you keep me crawling on my knees, Lord you keep me crawling on my knees..."
In the next verse, though, she starts to wonder if that if she act a certain way, this abuser will understand, "If I keep confessing (religious hints) maybe if I'll believe that you never meant for love to hurt for me, maybe you'll feel a bit of sympathy..." and then she starts to noticed that, maybe, this situation can't be fixed... this person can't be fixed... and it reminds me of the scene where Frollo tries to stab Quasimodo, and Quasi finds out that the evils in the world that Frollo spoke about so often were just him. The person that was manipulating and abusing him was Frollo. And in that part of the song Aurora starts to notice that it's the abuser's fault and not hers, "why do I make you feel stronger? Why do you keep hunting like an animal? Maybe it's because you need to own someone..." and she keeps on singing "lord you keep me crawling on my knees", but this time, in a more desperate and heartbreaking way. Her emotions are stronger here. And the song ends with "maybe if I stop believing you will see that giving into love should never hurt for me... giving into love should set me free..." which is clearly a reference to the song I mentioned "Giving Into The Love". "Loving shouldn't hurt, so what you do to me it's not love, it's abuse". It reminds me of Quasimodo and Esmeralda, both in their own ways.
Last section of the playlist - "Justice!"
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EHEHEHEHEHEHH THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR *rubs my hands in a villainous way lol*
The Principal - This song is part of the "K-12" album that I mentioned. You remember when I told you that this album was about a school that was a methaphor for society? The principal was made inspired by a real political figure the singer doesn't support, and this song is about the character itself, and his role inside the story. The protagonist, who's singing the song, absolutely hates him, and she's the only one who was brave enough to tell him what she thinks of him in his face, without fear of punishment. All the other students are silenced by him, they're all afraid of saying out loud what they feel in fear of punishment, but she's not. In the song, she grabs a phone and says to him everything she thinks of him. "sneaky, greedy, money-seeking, always peeping, fucking creepy, got it on the down low, so you think you're always sneaky - what If I had told your mother... her son was a cruel mother fucker?"
And she proceedes to sing about his behavior, how he forces people to stay silent and follow him, when everybody thinks the same as her, but they're too afraid to say it out loud. "I've tried to make you listen, but you won't, it's your way, right? Killing kids all day and night [...] you're shooting at the angels while claiming your the good guy" it's like he's hurting the purest beings (angels) while he's claiming himself as the right one there. It's a song about protest, really, you should check it out.
A Soul With No King - Another one of Aurora's songs that has confusing lyrics! The instrumentals really do remind us of a medieval dance, most specifically a witch one, and I'm sure she did this on purpose. The lyrics, though, have some quotes that remind me of Esmeralda, but it's hard to explain exactly. It looks like Aurora is opposing against someone somehow. She starts somehow menacingly with "I know you know me... and you always will... like a man with no wisdom, and a soul with no king." She later continues "I know you fear me" and repeats "nothing will ever change, no gain, no shame; call out my name when you need me again" (we know very well that Frollo hates and loves Esmeralda at the same time, he wants her, and he's afraid of her somehow. But when he wants her and "needs her", he "calls out her name", you know what I mean? Hypocrisy). "If you know who I am, why don't you call my name?", (Are you afraid huh? Are you're afraid of calling my name?)
There are two quotes in this song that particularly catch my attention: "you speak of the devil like he's not your friend, when the world starts to burn give water to men" (you say you hate the devil but you're no better, and the part about the world burning is very ambiguous, but it reminds me of Frollo's actions) and my favorite one: "But if this is what you want, why speak of right and wrong? You still go in for the kill..."
This girl would be white men's nightmare if she was alive during medieval times (just like Esmeralda is Frollo's nightmare probably). You should DEFINITELY check this one too because it's not only the lyrics, but also the instrumentals, they both fit very well with HOND.
The Devil Is Human - OHHHH I HAVE SO MUCH TO SAY. IT'S 1 AM I'M TIRED I WANT TO SLEEP ARRGGGGH. In this song, Aurora pretends that she's talking to God, but she's actually calling out bad christians for the absurds they force people to swallow. Not only bad christians but also some... well... outdated social norms that are in the bible and they're also harmful to today's society. This one sounds like Esmeralda is talking directly to Frollo too. I want to sleep so I'll stop here but it's really worthy of your time. And I also spoke about this song in that other post I mentioned here, is that the third time I talk about this? I don't know, it's just a good post
Churchyard - This song talks about hate. Someone (a man) is saying hateful words towards the lyric self, saying that she belongs in a churchyard, she should be dead- and that she can walk away but she won't go very far. The lyric self, then, tells us this information very calmly, and sings about knowing that this person is bitter, blinded by the hate in his heart, and she hopes, truly, that one day he'll notice what he's doing and regret his actions. It's a really good song. And that's how we finish the playlist (and the festival), during Esmeralda's persecution.
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I made this playlist for funsies!! I make relations to my hyperfocuses and songs all the time, and I want to share, I NEED TO. Now you guys can hear to the playlist and pretend you're in the Feast Of Fools with me lmao
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