#we dont trade lives my ass
purple--queen · 1 year
Something that still pisses me off is this whole Sword having Visions body. Did Hayward just showed up at the Avengers HQ & was like "Sooo this Vibranium belongs to the goverment & since this is also a...uh...weapon it should come with me :)"
& was Steve & the rest was just like "sure. He is dead now & the only person that cared about him is also...dead"
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gender-trash · 1 month
theres this schmancy ass expensive yogurt brand called la fermiere that's like 4 bucks a pop and comes in these stupid yet adorable terracotta/glass jars:
and i have, unfortunately, become addicted to the stuff because it IS really fucking good yogurt. so i have la fermiere pots running out my ears. i've been drilling holes in the terracotta ones and planting succulent cuttings, but i live in california so my succulent cuttings dont stay yogurt-pot-sized for very long. and all the while i'm accumulating more pots.
anyway the other day i saw someone on etsy selling empty la fermiere pots in a six-pack for like $40?? that's MORE THAN THEY COST WITH THE YOGURT IN THEM. i'm losing my shit. i think this is what matt levine calls a "good trade".
do we... do we think the value add of drilling holes in the pot and planting a succulent in it is sufficient that i could sell them at the farmers market for, say, $15 each...?
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doodle-do-wop · 3 months
Rayni (open discussion post)
as some of you may have heard/seen I am Rayni Aria's biggest goddamn hater
I can't stand her ass
I recently read/listened through Stellarlune for the first time and I hated her the moment I met her. Yes I know the ending of Legacy, I know how it all flows
But I Still can't stand her
Why? Because she is a literal blob of nothingness on the page
Spoilers for Stellarlune
Rayni Aria is a character who was once the Neverseen member Glimmer (dumbass name btw) who, allegedly was involved with none of the Neverseen's major plots so far; The Kidnapping of Sophie and Dex, their torture, jumping Sophie, Keefe, and Silveny in Exile, Mt Everest, the gnomes etc etc etc
Allegedly she's had zero part in any of that because they just stick her in a corner and even when Gisela was overthrown she still didn't do diddly squat, she just read medical books. Sure. Okay
Her life previous to joining terrorists willingly was she was just a normal girl with a normal life until people started to whisper speculations about her parents' relationship not being all of what it says on the tin. Her parents are found guilty of messing with the match system to be together and avoid a Bad Match status and are made an example of by banishment But Rayni isn't banished with them as instead her parents leave her with a note and are never heard from again Rayni drops out of Foxfire and lives in a rented room in Mysterium until Gisela finds her and tell her to quit her unemployment and join her emo band Cool, alright. Mid and extremely questionable loyalties. So you'll just go with whoever reaches out their hand first. Good to know
Beyond her frankly uninteresting backstory Rayni's personality is the exact same cookie cutter cardboard cutout mean girl leave no coughed insults unspoke persona that is so old and over used I think Shannon might've actually managed to resuscitate this dead horse. Rayni whines and bitches about how 'no one will trust her' but does absolutely nothing to win herself any favors. Instead she seems more than chipper to keep digging at her own grave so why dont we just drop this whole pointless scene and let her keep on going at it She's boring. She's bland. She's lame. And don't get me started on the weird cat lamp thing I don't know if Shannon was going for 'oh look she likes cats' or 'boo hoo she's so broken and jaded an this lamp is the one thing that lights up her dark dark soul'.
Rayni is weird, her vibes are just so off and so lack luster. Her depth is so shallow I couldn't even soak up a puddle of it with a napkin.
What's the point of bring in a bad guy now good guy/anti hero if all they do is snark in the corner, pet a cat statue, watch the protagonist do jack diddly squat and be like "oh yeah, you're a leader now" girl what??? That entire scene where Rayni unmasks herself was so boring if I cut out the only other emotion I felt while listening which was annoyance. I listened and live reacted to it on discord with some friends as my witness and what even was that scene? Tam is supposedly the one holding the talking stick in the group I guess just because he and Rayni are just such good buds so obviously he should take point (cause no one thinks he's brainwashed) and the entire time Rayni bicthes and moans about how no one trusts her (girl you're wearing a stinky, smelly, raggedy terrorist hood. You couldn't ask to trade it for a less stinky less terrorist embroidered one?) and while yeah people poke holes at her and take small jabs Rayni really seems gung ho with tossing playground responses with 14-16 year olds at her grown ass age. She's one year younger than Wyile and while young adults in their 19/20s arent mature at all it is CRAZY to me that she bitches about no one trusting her and then turns and calls Fitz Sophie's "telepath back-up" I believe the correct quote is "You're basically Sophie's telepath backup" and this is said to Fitz and that was just the most absurd thing I've ever fucking heard spoken by Gisela's fucking lapdog. Fitz is done so dirty in this book and Rayni basically calls Fitz a "backup" like he's a damn battery or some waterboy Sophie only needs to use like an object. The worst part isn't that its the bad guy's lapdog with questionable loyalties that says this. Its the fact that no one stood up for Fitz. No one said anything. And Sophie fucking laughed. She laughed at that. And Fitz is the only one to blame for their fucked up cognate bond, sure. (Biana, FITZ'S FUCKING SISTER also says and does nothing because Biana is just a little poster Shannon sticks on the wall this whole book)
And not to mention that whole bit with Rayni constantly comparing her and Stina as if they're different faces on the same coin. Like you can't sit there in your terrorist onesie and look someone in the face and be like "Yeah your life is gonna be just like mine. Just you wait. It's coming for you. And then, yeah, you'll be just like me. Huff Huff" and then get mad when she doesn't like you in the slightest. Like yeah, I just love sitting in the same room as someone who tells me my life has a timer on my happy days because we're totes twinsies. Shannon should've let Stina punch Rayni because if this snarky little bug really wanted some damn allies wouldn't she want Stina on her side? You know, the most outspoken nay sayer in all of the Lost Cities? If you're gonna bring up your little Gisela Mini-Me act get good Circus-Circus.
If I wanna like Rayni I need more depth than Miss Hardknock Life over here who gets her kicks out of throwing tantrums when people dont trust her while she wears a terrorist hood and gets her kicks out of replying to every petty response.
If I could, I'd rewrite that whole scene because I genuinely love big groups in books and it would be fun to see a diverse group personality wise instead of the same 'bad bitch' boring outline. I can't believe Rayni's 'tough' personality is a facade because she's not just tough to trust. She's tough to want in any way shape or form She's not Heather Chandler, She's not even Heather Duke, she could never even dream of being Regina Georgie. She's so 2D she flies away with a tiny sigh. The whole book could've honestly been the exact same without Rayni around. Erase her and simply have Trix reach out on his own or something and you still have the Esilyum plot intact. Rayni was just there to make a page count for nothing of any great importance.
That's just what I think of Rayni. She annoys, bores, and pisses me off. She's like the physical embodiment of an Instagram comment section. If yall want, please tell me what you think about her because I genuinely want to know what makes her even the slightest bit interesting to any of you. I like headcanons and I can be convince to take a lot of them. Will my opinion on canon Rayni change? Who knows man
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noisyquokka · 10 months
I know this is a very vague request and im really sorry in advance 😭… do you think you could write some headcanons/reactions for wayv? I noticed that most nct content is for dream, sometimes 127, and rarely my wayv boys and i LOVE them 😮‍💨, i dont really have a concept in mind i would prefer if it was made with a female reader in mind but gender neutral works just as well, and idk maybe a little bit suggestive if youre in the mood for it?? Idk anyways thanks for listening and im sorry im not giving you much to work with :)
+ OMG OK I JUST SENT IN A VAGUE REQUEST FOR WAYV BUT I THOUGHT OF SOMETHING NOW, idk if you’ll see this but do you think you could do wayvs reaction to a female reader whos more dominant, not necessarily in the bedroom sense (although that too) but just someone who looks more feminine but automatically takes on more masculine gender roles in a relationship like being big spoon, or bringing home the bag, or being the one to take care of things and fix things? Again i don’t necessarily mean in a sexual way just more in a general relationship because i know you said you werent confident/comfortable writing nsfw stuff, but if you wanted to take a more suggestive route too i wouldnt be mad, youre the writer here, im just here to support 💗, thank you again!
A/N - Not me having a whole-ass brain fart on gender roles as I wrote this🤪but ohhhohoo I love this idea!!! I'm sorry it took forever :( also some of these are longer than others, I apologize. But I still hope you enjoy 💛 Thank you for the request, Love!
WARNINGS - F!reader, suggestive if you squint from the other side of the galaxy??
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you had told him that you were quite independent from the beginning of your relationship
perhaps you hadn't been persuasive enough, or it didn't register in Kun's head...
because when he comes home from tour, he doesn't expect to find you in the kitchen, cursing under your breath with your head ducked beneath the sink
it appears you're too busy groveling at the plumbing to notice his presence, the clanking of metal on metal hitting his ears
"What... are you doing?" is followed by a thud! and another hushed curse as you emerge from the cabinet, rubbing at the crown of your head with a grimace
you're met with warm hands and a concerned gaze as you straighten up, adjustable wrench in your grip
"The shut-off valve for the cold water failed," you wipe the sweat from your brow, eyeing the small space you have to work with under the sink, "so I went and picked up replacements for both."
and Kun's just standing there like 'woah, babe, go off'
but also a little worried
cue the "shouldn't we call a plumber", and the "are you sure's"
it's not that he believes you're incapable, far from it!
he's just got no clue about the tricks of that trade lmao
asks if you need help
will literally sit by and watch like a curious Retriever whether you need extra hands or not (without being in the way, of course)
he has no idea where your confidence comes from when it comes to these types of things, but it's kinda... 😏
you finish the job in two hours, checking for any leaks after you turn the water back on and let the water flow through the pipes to clear the air in the lines
after this, he quickly adapts to you taking lead around the house with similar things
he's so used to being the leader/taking lead on so many things that it's so refreshing for him.
you're just the type to say "Hey, I've got it!" with no expectations
he's gonna find his ways of thanking you for the things you do btw
cooking you dinner, cleaning the entire house, buying you something you've been eyeing for forever.
also lives and breaths you cuddling him
back hugs, waking up to you pulling him back into your arms before you're both falling asleep again
this man is so content being little spoon if it means you're right there
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totally into it!
I'd bet that this man goes full doting boyfriend
probably the most curious out of all the guys
would be super invested if you were an HVAC technician or something just because of how physically demanding the job is
asks you if he could tag along to work one day like an excited child
to which you tell him that it's not as exciting for him to watch considering most of the job is you crawling into tight spaces
like you'd literally be in some dusty attic, sweltering as you work
it happens anyways, because you find that your HVAC unit is outdated, so naturally, you choose to update it yourself
cue a sneaky head peeking around the corner every chance he gets because, contrary to what you had said, Ten is very entertained
the man has the biggest heart eyes for you through the entire process - which is roughly 6 hours
"your attention to detail is beyond admirable!"
"I'd say it's necessary when I'm working with electrical, Babe."
wants to learn how to do whatever it is you're working on
doesn't matter what it is you're doing
soaks up whatever you teach him
mans is a whole sponge istg
at the same time he's absolutely gonna tell you to keep being the boss-ass bitch that you are
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supportive but a lil insecure :(
like he loves you loads, supports you 100% in all that you do
but sometimes it'll make him feel like he's not doing enough in terms of your relationship
I don't see the insecurity coming from your confidence of taking on a more masculine role, but more out of worrying that his time is so limited with you and around the house so when he is home, he feels like it's not enough
feels like he shouldn't tell you at first
like it sounds a little like an excuse to be an ass
but eventually thinks it's the best thing for your relationship
y'all take communication so seriously so why start holding back over something like this
you're quick to reassure him that he does more than enough
like sir, sit down and kick your feet up, you literally do so much for me, I will write you a whole list rn
it works to a certain extent, so you offer him some options "to make up for it" cough I'll leave this up to interpretation💀
fair to say that all is better with a little communication
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I say this solely for his safety and benefit
do not, under any circumstances, let this man know you can do some of the things that you're capable of!!
boy is too petty and competitive to have this knowledge
I feel like he'd be the type to see you so confidently take care of yard work and the next week turns into a competition of who can complete said tasks better
he wouldn't do it to make you feel less than, or to put you in your place (as if you wouldn't set his ass straight)
he's just a little dramatic
a lil competitive
he loses almost every time 😔
either makes excuses for it ("I didn't know there were levels to the lawn mower", "the handle on my rake was broken") or stays quiet
will be whiny for a few days afterwards
you have no issue giving him something to whine about-
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full cheerleader mode!!
he literally grew up with three sisters, ain't no way he's gonna be against a strong and independent woman doing her thing
is the best assistant when you need an extra set of hands
literally the kid that holds dad's flashlight while dad fixes the car except you don't have to remind him to hold it steady
he's on top of it, baby 😎
mans takes this as seriously as performing open-heart surgery
I'm talking brows set in concentration and hands as steady as my granny threading a needle (that woman was so talented)
tools are in your hand before you've even finished telling him what you need
bro is just that good
loves helping you to the point that when you don't need his help, he's just a pouty boy in the corner
like Kun and Ten, he'll just watch and cheer you on in those instances
he is the ultimate ally
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I could see him drawn toward a woman who takes initiative in a relationship
probably finds it attractive as hell
at the same time, I could see him not caring much about traditional gender roles
sees it as a social construct that is meant to be broken
he digs how dynamic you can be in any situation, definitely!
that said, he is the reason you fix so many things 🧍🏻‍♀️
listen, him being your boyfriend does not guarantee your safety from The Menace™
feels bad about it sometimes
but like... you never complain
YangYang swears he's a magnet for finding patient people that can tolerate his antics
which is exactly why he's wrapped around your finger
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hockeyandhrsepwr · 2 years
Snap Snap 📸
Quinn Hughes X Photographer reader
Snap Series Masterlist
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Y/NJohnson I’m a photographer and I took this photo
Aka look at my hot boyfriend 
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Nucksfan  Thank you for your service🫡
Y/NJohnson I am a woman of the people🫡
JackHughes I'm waiting for the punchline
Y/NJohnson what punchline?
JackHughes there has to be something. you're never this nice to him
Y/NJohnson I can't just appreciate my boyfriend?
_quinnhughes he's not wrong......
Y/NJohnson 🫠
_quinnhughes Thanks babe
Y/NJohnson look how cute you are
Y/NJohnson I can't tell if you're being sarcastic but you're welcome
 Elblue Love it!
Y/NJohnson love you mama Ellen 
lhughes_06 Kent your sisters being gross 
Y/NJohnson Quinn your brothers being annoying
Canucks Favourite Hughes!
fan747 Quinn with facial hair 🤤
Y/NJohnson Exactly!! #bringbackthebeard!!
_quinnhughes I remember you saying something about beard burn.... 🤨
kentjohnson.13 bleh
JackHughes nasty (not in the hockey way)
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Y/NJohnson we’ll miss you Schenner!! Enjoy living in an inferior city
#stoptradingallquinnsfriendsaway #toomanygoodbyes 
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LukeSchenn Of all the pictures you could've chosen 
Y/NJohnson you know you love me 
LukeSchenn I know you care
Y/NJohnson just shout whenever, and I’ll be there 
Bboeser you are my love, you are my heart
Y/NJohnson and we will never ever ever be apart!!!!
_quinnhughes  girl quit playing 
Kuzya_096 XXX thats wrong, you’re out 🙅‍♂️
Y/NJohnson god thats embarrassing
Y/NJohnson pssst LukeSchenn, how much for you to clock Q next time we play the Leafs?
_quinnHughes are you serious right now? 
Y/NJohnson I think you’d rock the ‘just got my ass kicked’ look! Is it wrong to want to see that?
_quinnhughes Yes!!!
Y/NJohnson oh grow up, its a little punch. Jack wouldn’t do it so I have to resort to other measures
_quinnhughes JackHughes seriously?
jackHughes Oh yeah, she tried to pay me 20 bucks to hit you
_quinnhughes Well thanks for declining 
Y/NJohnson yeah, cause he’s a fucking wimp and didn’t want you to hit him back
jackHughes you didn't grow up with him, he's a menace
Y/NJohnson Oh I'm aware and I chose to be with him which might be worse
lhughes_06 yeah it definitely is
Canucksfan4894 Justin Bieber? She’s a woman of taste. 
Y/NJohnson  oh, thats courtesy of the locker room. Lots of Beliebers in there
Canucksfan4894 LMAO really?! Who
Y/NJohnson where to start? 
_quinnHughes I will revoke your visiting privilege 
Y/NJohnson  See the pass hanging on the mirror? That means I’m untouchable motherfucker 😎
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Y/NJohnson Any speculations about trades are irrelevant. He’s here till I say he can leave BBoeser
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Fan5758 Thought this was an official announcement
Y/NJohnson It is. I’m the boss and I say he stays
Canucks not how it works unfortunately :(
Y/NJohnson You can’t take away my emotional support dumbass! 
BBoeser I'm flattered, but I thought that was Quinn?
Y/NJohnson no, he’s my emotional support depressy dumbass. There’s a difference
BBoeser Oh sorry
Y/NJohnson god Brock, keep up 🙄
_quinnHughes Babe, you can’t keep doing shit like this
Y/NJohnson I haven’t been fired yet so I’d say I can
Y/NJohnson I know y'all think I’m joking but I will lock him in my basement
_quinnHughes we dont have a basement
Y/NJohnson well I'll lock him in the coat closet then. Jesus Quinn stop ruining my fun
Jackhughes yeah jeez _quinnhughes let her kidnap someone in peace!!
Kentjohnson.13 Youre living together !? 
Y/NJohnson did I not tell you this? 
Kentjohnson.13 NO!
Y/NJohnson oh, well whatever. 
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Y/NJohnson I’m a photographer and I took this photo (round 2)
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_quinnnhughes really babe?
Y/NJohnson I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of my awesomeness
Canucks48 legend 🙌
_eliaspetterson why'd you do me like that? I thought we were friends!
Y/NJohnson I couldve chosen worse photos. I'd call that being a good friend
Canucks4985 Quinn always looks so sad!
BBoeser what is going on in the 5th pic?
Y/NJohnson Cap being a boss, obviously
kentjohnson.13 can you just be normal?
Y/NJohnson ew, why would I want that?
_quinnnhughes don't be mean to my girlfriend! She's perfect
lhughes_06 even when she posts these photos?
Y/NJohnson aw, you think I'm perfect? 🥹
kentjohnson.13 no one else does
Y/NJohnson didn't ask you but thanks bro
Y/NJohnson I drop a picture, now these b*tches feel attacked
_quinnhughes I wonder why
BBoeser I think you mean 1 bitch
Y/NJohnson you're right, its _eliaspetterson
fan857 Queen shit
Canucks Giving the people what they want
Y/NJohnson yeah, since I'm not allowed to post them on the official account anymore.
kentjohnson.13 I can't tell when its you commenting from that account anymore
Y/NJohnson that’s the point little bro. You’ll never know….
Kuzya_096 I'm kind of scared to see your camera roll
Y/NJohnson This is the worst of them
_quinnHughes I dont believe that for a second
williamlockwood Not the penalty box one
Y/NJohnson My personal favourite
jackhughes mine too. Mom hates it though
Y/NJohnson and yet he's still the favourite
Lhughes_06 thats uncalled for!
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noisyghost · 5 months
I have Questions!!
How was Mira immortal??
How did she trade her immortality for Ark??
Totally normal about that whole reblog chain 🤡
*twirling my hair invitingly to distract you from the 20k word document with inconsequential headworld bullshit i'm opening up behind me*
To answer your questions, i have to explain two related points. Do not scroll down and look at how long this reply is. don't look. im very normal about them.
First point: how MagicTM works in my headworld. Magic works under the laws of alchemy, aka the law of equivalent exchange. For something gained, something of equal or greater value must be lost. This, of course, facilitates the philosophical question of "what is equal to a human life." Necromancy/resurrection is not a 'forbidden art' persay, it's just that it's generally agreed upon to be impossible. People have tried, and it usually just results in a waste of time. Because when a person is dead, they're dead. You could throw a thousand sacrifices at someone and it wouldn't make a difference (this is generally considered to be because if, theoretically, you did bring someone back to life, they would just immediately die again. Because they died for a reason, bringing them back wouldn't magically fix what killed them in the first place lol).
There appears to be, however, one small caveat to this - one perfect scenario under which a hypothetical 'resurrection' would be possible. If the person has very recently died (we're talking less than a minute, the longer that brain isn't getting oxygen, the deader they get), and a very skilled magic practitioner was nearby and had something they could trade, AND bringing the person back wouldn't immediately kill them again (IE: you cant fix someone getting their head blown off!), you could hypothetically resurrect them. This would literally ONLY work in a "they just need a few more minutes for help to arrive" scenario. If any of these conditions are not met, it isn't gonna work.
The circumstances under which Ark died just happened to be so perfectly aligned that this was even possible! Werewolves are very uncommon bc werewolves are so dang big that whenever they bite someone, it usually just kills them lol. The werewolf that bit Ark physically restrained herself from biting all the way thru. If she hadn't, he would have died instantly. Then, the second his heart stopped beating, Mira immediately made the exchange without hesitation. She traded functional immortality for about 10 minutes of time, which happened to be just barely long enough to get his ass to a hospital.
Which, ofc, begs the question: "what is worth 10 minutes of life". Leading me into.....
Second point: Mira is not human. Mira is a djinn. This was a driving wedge in her and Ark's relationship at one point - not because she wasn't human, but because she lied about it and it ended up getting his sister hurt (which is. a whole other can of worms). Djinn are long lived, 'human adjacent' beings considered to be the originators of the alchemical arts of magic in the first place. Which is to say, she's very good at magic!
Because of their status of Not Being Human, their lifespans don't align with ours, and they appear to be pretty much immortal (theres a whole disclaimer list and caveats to this but it would take too long to explain and we dont have time for that lol)
So, when pressed, Mira traded her extended lifespan to buy Ark a few extra minutes. And it wasn't even really a difficult decision for her - everyone but her seems really upset about it. But pretty much all of her friends are human or human adjacent, and will live normal human lifespans, so she thinks she "doesnt need those extra years anyway".
if you will, "whats a couple hundred years on this earth without you in it?"
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megamindsecretlair · 8 months
Get To Know Me Tag Game
Thank you for the tag @nerdieforpedro 😚 for anyone who cares, here's a bit about me! 🥹
General rule: I may overshare in dms and authors notes sometimes but Im generally a private person 🤣 to the point Ive lost friends over it. ive been working with my coworkers for 3 years and they dont know shit about me 🤣 I juss really love yall and feel safe with yall so here we go!
1. Were you named after anyone?
No. My mom didnt want our names to announce who we were on applications so we all got regular smegular names. My name is of Irish origin so my yt folks customer service voice got ppl thinkin I have red hair. I mean....technically yes but its buried under my braids 🤣
2. When was the last time you cried?
At the end of The Marvels. The first end credit had me in real, actual tears. On a more serious note, I last cried before my grandma died. Yall, its fn hard being a caretaker. I was not built Ford Tuff.
3. Do you have kids?
*ahem* 🗣🗣 fuck no! 🤣🤣🤣 I dont even have nieces or nephews. Kids make me nervous and Im pretty sure they can smell the fear on me. 🤣
4. What sports do you play/ have you played?
I played basketball and softball in HS. I love and miss softball all the time even though my big behind HATES running.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Sarcasm is one of my love languages. I put that shit on everything 🤣 Physical Touch is my main one since we sharing.
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Ooof, tough. Depends. Some quirk like glasses, lisp, moles. How they walk/talk, the way they laugh. I am a lurker by trade. Overly shy kid and writer by nature will do that to ya.
7. What is your eye color?
Dark brown. When that sun hits 🫠🫠🫦
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
I am a HUGE scaredy cat. I dont do scary movies nothin! Happy endings over here! 🤸🏽‍♀️ I will enjoy a thriller but only behind my hands and mostly starring Matthew Lillard.
9. Any talents?
.....no? I have a bunch of useless knowledge or trivia that no one asked for but ya gonna get 🤣 . Juss realized writing is considered a talent 😭 so that too 🤣
10. Where were you born?
US, West Coast baybeee
11. What are your hobbies?
Obvs, writing. Reading, sewing, cons, tarot, tv, listening to music, video games (xbox, switch, PC girlie) , Marvel. Marvel is a hobby. I will talk your ear off. That is both a threat and a promise 😚
12. Do you have any pets?
I have two gorgeous Boston Terriers who run me into the ground every day. Idk why my mom thought two was okay 🫠🫠 my Black ass tide 🥲 👏🏽
13. How tall are you?
Fun sized 5'3 and a half 👏🏽👏🏽🤣 pear shaped. I got ass for days but in the itty bitty titty committee. 😭😭😭😭😭
14. Favorite subject in high school?
Definitely English. My English teacher was so fine 🥲🥲 thats not WHY it was my fave but can ya blame me 😩 I loved reading the books but I hated the themes they shoved down our throats. What if that wasnt MY interpretation of the book??? Hmmm? Some faves include: Their Eyes Were Watching God (Teacake 🥵🥵🥵), Brave New World, Bright Lights Big City (probably where my love of second person is from) , Bronx Masquerade, and The Outsiders. And FUCK the Great Gatsby. If I hear about that damn green light one 👏🏽 mo 👏🏽 fn 👏🏽 time 👏🏽😩😡 and FUCK Of Mice and Men, he aint have to do all that in the end. And DOUBLE FUCK I Know Why the Caged Bird sings. Turned my stomach when she described the SA. Lemme stop 🥴
15. Dream Job?
Writer. I will publish, I will be successful, and I will live the life I want. I claim it 😩 on my Octavia Butler, NK Jemisin, Danielle Allen shit 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Whew! That was fun 😭🤣
No pressure tags: @mybonafidefeelings @bratzmaraj @braverthanthenewworld @multiversefanfics @chaos-4baby @westside-rot @saturn-rings-writes @notapradagurl7 @wide-nose-and-wonderful @blowmymbackout @blackerthings @harmshake @targaryenvampireslayer and who wants to do one. I love learning bout my moots.
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crybabyhearts · 10 months
Think outside a the box this Holiday Season! Who needs socks for their cold feet, or a new video game ta keep kids happy? When you've got--
Introducin some terms an conditions-- I am here in the Tumblr multiverse market ta play with fate!
So say goodbye ta basic sales, an say hello ta fast service mail!
Do ya want a bottle a liquid youth for your grandma? How about a checkbook that dont run out?
Need help crammin for exams? With my help you can perfectly memorize everythin you just read for up ta 3 years time! Oh my!
Further Information an Rates Below! ♠
All transactions an trades made on Tumblr will follow a "Thou Shall do No Harm" business model. While Salut Inc is the property of Hell, we believe in Good Business.
This means that there will be no intent ta harm, maim, or kill. Some may see the word "Demon" or "Nightmare" an think that we want nothin but cruelty. But in fact, we simply want happy clientele!
An how you'll be happy can be shaped by you! With our new an improved flexible payment system!
All potential clients are more than welcome to, an even encouraged, to choose this plan! Cash (digital or otherwise) is the easiest way ta get your promised wishes without havin to worry about payments later down the line! All wishes come with their own rates an conditions. Choosin this payment method will lock you into a fixed rate calculated at the time of wish makin. No payments are required prior to delivery or exchange- givin you a window of time ta cancel the transaction if you so please! But I don't know why you'd want to!
Do you have something extraordinary on your hands? Somethin you could live without but would make others go "WOAH!"? Then you've got yourself a trade! No deposits, payments, or otherwise! We are always in the market for the freaky shit the multiverse can crap out! Ain't nothin sell better than somethin no one's ever seen before! All ya hafta do is match your request with an item, skill, or potential working contract a equal value! Easy as PIE!
When you hear "favor" you usually think "I'm screwed.", but I am HAPPY ta let ya know that, that? Ain't the case! Favors are a special kind a currency, somethin ta build trust with. An I don't believe in fuckin up my flow. SO let's get inta em, shall we? ♠ Endless Checkbook - Endless Checkbooks come with a steady favor of Promotion, as every check is Salut Inc branded. ♠ Three Years of Crystal Clear Memory - This can include favors such as; The Use of Your Voice*, An Extra Tax Taken from Your Income, Promotion, etc! *When agreein to the conditions of Salut Inc usin your voice you are hereby consentin ta the followin examples: marketin lines on the radio, covers of songs, advertising campaigns, and more! ♠ A Bottle of Liquid Youth - Can I ask you a favor? Will you sign your soul away ta me so this bottle a youth can find its way to your loved ones lips? Now I'm sure this one sounds like a doozey! But you hafta consider the weight a life. Other RATES apply! (Soul favors do not increase the risk of death, or expedite it. Soul favors are simply that, a favor. Once the signed dies (a death without ANY second party involvement, even manipulation an hirin) their soul will simply be that of Salut Inc's jurisdiction, an will result in a specified Hellscape (Ours).)
Raph's been on my ass about takin breaks an makin friends. So bein my friend could count as a sort a favor. But you've gotta play the part! ;* Parties, board room bitchin an ventin, an hangovers galore!
That should be most things important or another! Business Inquiries @ IM's.
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danidoesathing · 11 months
hey bestie. wanna trade infodumps again. whats your favorite theory about lord huron, doesnt have to necessarily be the most correct it can also just be the funniest
ive talked about the lonesome dreams time loop theory already so. in honor of it being vide noir day ive got. a theory
i think Buck did actually die from getting blackbrained. he injested a lot of vide noir and like. it probably should've killed him. it probably did him, but god knows the dead dont tend to stay in this universe, so it aint out of the question that the lyrics in back from the edge were more. literal than we thought. i have no idea if this makes him one of the undead or inhuman or if he's just got some insane cosmic luck but he was dead for a couple of minutes at least.
and you know. thanks to dying on vide noir, you know, a drug that notoriously break space and time, it had. repercussions. that echoed out in all directions. jumps in space time entirely unrelated to him but still places and moments that actually occurred (ie the whole frozen pines moment). awareness of certain things he probably shouldn't be aware of (how the fuck does he know about the balancer's eye hello. how and when the fuck does he find out that exists). general sensitivity/draw towards the supernatural (found three separate supernatural beings in one night by complete accident. sure)
and like. the whole "being able to see ghosts thing" might come from the fact he died and came back thanks to the fucked up space goo. he doesn't really seem. bothered by the fact that he's talking to dead people so i assume he's been doing this a while. then theres his fucked up relationship with death in general. his indifference towards life. consistently using death as a metaphor and having repeatedly writing stories/songs where he dies. and he's just got weird perspectives on life and death in general. soooo
i have no proof and no real reason to believe this. its more likely his cosmic bullshit luck saved his ass and he lived through the overdose but you know. you asked for my stupid theories you get them. you can't prove me wrong either way
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myrfing · 1 year
6.4 msq spoiler thread
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i need this buff PERMANENTLY
yshtola is so good at indirectly cheering people up in that shrewd old lady way. not that she's old just well matoya
I like how they put pen and paper in estinien's room like he's literate
dragons are always wanting to pop out their eyeballs
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erenville are you...? the golled more...? can i go with you..
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can we kiss
god he appeared on screen and SORRY vrtra but i need him to continue and tell me about his life and I need to go with him
now they're blueballing us about a mysterious letter
i like how zero's just been there like well I guess you know everybody on earth then
margrat. i need more of her bizarre behaviors
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i forgort
thancred calling it "social struggles" YOU GUYS ARE MAKING THIS AWKWARD FOR ZEROOOO
these drake ass polar bears
the aetherfont is sooo gorgeous also I forgot my codex broke and nearly let thancred die. long time since ive healed a trust party as well but we go slow smell the ice bears
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oh my god :U
thancred: just stick stay close to this one
gourd: slowly turning head with his o_o frontal bird face
they just let thancred tag along just beacause. not to be mean but we could also just meet new people
U Guys Are Leaving Gourd OUt of the Conversation Hinting At Something Happening To Come What The Hell So He Doesn't Get Alone Time And You Guys Are Getting Jobs Without Him Anyway
zero voice Idgaf about that
can the garleans get over their magic fear already you live in a world where there are glowing horses
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damn that's crazy
msq is always very strangely gentle and thorough relative to others when it comes to dealing with garlean trauma or maybe thats just my hater lens. anyway the whole they are bigoted and small minded because they'd been hurt stuff is getting old and it's kind of crazy how this hurt people hurt people stuff is the limit here
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trust me i dont really want 2
a weird bit about the whole garlemald thing is the bizarre angelic benevolence of the ilsabard contingent. not ONE person has been like you know you guys spent the past half century fucking up the entire world and you still demand respect for your gay ass tower because the imperial family sat their asses in it. anyway i have problems with the whole we're actually a totally 100% saintlike patience goodhearted pure intentioned foreign aid group thing We Have To Save The People Of Garlemald on the side of the alliance since the start but whatever
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i dont want the thank you from this man LMFAO
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zerooo 8[ also so much of what zero recounts explains. Cylva.
aw that's true jullus
LMFAOOOOO THEYRE MAKING THE WOL THINK OF ZENOS BECAUSE OF THIS CONVO? gourd did NOT trust that man unless you mean trust him to be awful. and what did zenos trust in the wol that he'd fight him eventually? I GUESS? MAYBE THEY MEANT HE WANTED TO TRUST US BUT I ALSO DO NOT CARE?
we're not friends just because someone calls you their friend 29083902 times 💀 i think that dude barely had a concept of gourd as a human being with his own life
an act of trade also can be an act of charity. THIS IS WHAT I MEAN THEIR POLITICAL WRITING IS SOMETIMES SO.....garlemald is still absolutely at the alliance's mercy + they still obviously believe in right by might re: that one line from the old dudes so there's no reason for them to not be cognizant of the fact we can just take by force and doesn't handle the hanging But Why Aren't They? question at all. this was a pity deal and everyone's like friendship and hope <3. im not saying goodwill and sincerity cannot exist between groups but this requires a sense of solidarity that we do NOT have with garlemald considering we still have to step entirely around the subject of their imperial affairs
you see as a nation they're not equals. they're the languishing half dead scattering remnant of an empire that built its wealth and prosperity for a time on war, theft, and enslavement of the rest of the world and radz and the alliance absolutely could just turn the tables and invade and probably just wipe out everyone here without breaking a sweat. of course that's abhorrent but it's crazy that THIS particular pain even the mere thought of it is made to not exist while the garleans get to be complicated about it. they want to keep their national name and pride with none of the consequences and we don't even demand that as if a nation is sacred and untouchable even after everything. I don't get it bro
i like the way varshahn says wyrm
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glitter guy....
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incarnateirony · 2 years
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I miss old fandom. And this isn't a "whining about the Winchesters" post.
It's just.. literally the fandom.
Watching these clout chasing goblins spread lies, play games, come back into my DM trying to talk out both sides of their mouth to fish for what I have, "big name fans should stick together", "don't you care what people think?"
Like guys. I don't just come from the gulf. Some of me, unfortunately, is stuck here, despite my best valiant efforts to get out.
But I remember many things.
I remember the postcards this fandom sent to the crew during writers strikes when we had no other way
I remember feathers sent to save Castiel and rehire misha.
I remember the many years fans repitched wayward until berens picked it up.
I remember SPN Rescue, and when the government wouldn't save New Orleans, we went out there as a family on our fucking life rafts saving lives for no glory of our own, but because it was the right fucking thing to do
the remaining trivial loud bitches around here dont even know what Nola is, Katrina is, what cultural shit set that up or that we even WENT there to fight, while they try to White Wander into Nola and establish their own nonsense.
These were the things that made the fandom ours. Really ours. Over time, well intended fundraisers available online became click and order activism and it's like everyone just. Forgot. What we used to do.
I remember when Lua and I put aside our differences, and SPN Rescue and BT worked together so wide we got travis banned from worldwide conventions, not just SPN.
Like this fandom used to be a power force but all of the old blood got burned out by assholes and the new kids filling their roles genuinely seem to gauge all things in clout trade rather than that.
Like. It seems to be frying one person in particular's brain. We don't get along. They found out, apparently, somehow, that I am in fact correct, and they've been bouncing off my dms on alts on various socials trying to wiggle in since because it's just. Utterly roasting them how this could mutually be true and how at the same time nobody cares about a bunch of privileged assholes roleplaying on twitter.
Yeah, big name fans SHOULD stick together, but you new kids came in acting like privileged assholes that think you can speculate and rumor your way through life. If me and Lua used to be able to work out our shit to do what was important, you guys can too, but your little digital thrones matter more to the current lot than the actual actions and results. All talk
nah man you new kids lost the plot. fuck sticking together. i'm here for the guys, not for myself and not for you. i'm here for PEOPLE and RESULTS. You're here for. Whatever the pile of constantly edited narrative on 2p0's wall is. Or the 72 alts trying to get back into my server now that they were told the truth by someone on high who has been screaming BUT HOW DID YOU KNOW since. yeah. uh, i already told you how. not sure why your gears are getting stuck here
Yall lazy ass victim mindset late invaders coming in trying to demand everyone be as lazy and noisy and pointless as you and just trying to bury an entire past of this fandom many like 2p0 are wholesale oblivious to. That history makes them irrelevant attention seekers rather than people of action, and man they will do anything in their power to drama llama it out but like
how shall i say
we're here now
at the end of the road
...was it worth it?
seriously tho that BNF line I got sent was such a red flag and you don't even realize it
realistically bnf is an illusion as it is
the most powerful people in this fandom, you never know until it's too late.
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hatakefamily · 2 years
This is stupid, this was so fucking stupid but Jun would get himself killed of they didnt do something about it.
Maya and Kai knew for a while that their teammate was doing some shady shit lately, but this was damn near crazy. With Jun's landlord raising the price on rent he started to sell weapons to people that really, really shouldnt be having them. The teens knew money was needed to live in their world, but there had to be something better than that, especially something that wasnt gonna get their buddy arrested let alone lose his job.
Amaya was looking at her shoes, she knew this was the responsible thing to do, but she hated being a snitch--what happened to having eachother's backs no matter what? She took a glance at her level headed friend, "You sure we should do this, I mean I dont know if you have but I've certainly done my share of unethical shit for cash."
"Yeah, but first off you legitimately had no other option with your unemployed ass and secondly I remember you having to go to court multiple times for stealing," Kaito was biting his nails, he didnt really know why he was nervous. The kid trusted Kakashi, it wasnt like he'd throw the kid in a cell on sight, but still this was bad. Not to mention the guilt swallowing him for not calling this bullshit out when he found out a month ago.
They both knew it was pointless to try and talk since into their comrade now, the teen was too stubborn for his own good. Knowing Junpei he probably had been doing this for awhile now (considering that his landlord raised the rent almost four months ago) and was getting an adrenaline rush by not getting caught yet. But gods damn this could lead to serious trouble, with the law and rougher 'customers.'
Kaito wanted to go to Anko-sensei about it first, yet Maya brought up a good point; what would she be able to do? Don't get them wrong, they wouldnt trade their sensei for the world but when it came to legal strings she had little to none, at best she could maybe talk Jun down to taking a break from pushing illegal weapons.
The kids lost the chance for consideration when they saw a familiar silver haired man.
Kakashi was a busy man. There were a lot of things for him to do in a day and rarely did he find the opportunity to linger around and chat with old friends.
Yet, as he rounded the corner and laid eyes upon Kaito and Maya standing in the hallway just outside of his office, he couldn't help but feel like this was one of that moments he had to make time.
Perhaps it was the glum looks on their faces or the overbearing weight that seemed to hover in the small space. Maybe it was simply because he hated seeing the two of them look at him as if they were afraid to speak.
Afraid to tell him whatever it was that plagued his mind.
Coming to a stop in front of the pair he looked between them. An attempt to assess the situation before he broached the subject of their presence.
Judging by the way Kaito refused to meet his eyes, he guessed that it was bad.
Very bad.
"And to what do I owe the pleasure?" he asked in a poor attempt to lighten the mood even just a little.
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thelooniemoonie · 2 years
Tonight on "Moonie's Science Adventures":
So if some of my friends may know, I have a special interest in all things botany. I'm more of an enthusiast than by trade, but I enjoy all things in the natural sciences.
I tend to forage and collect plants a lot, especially with where I live there are lots of wild areas to walk around. And last summer I collected and dried a bunch of plants- including ones I never seen before. And last time I collected this lil thing called fireweed.
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These guys. Very beautiful, very powerful, alright
So I also found these things form some sort of pods. Something that isnt clearly shown in the plant diagrams so I shrugged and said "fuck it" and decided to go crow time on these guys anyway.
And today after work I found something strange in my space where I kept these lil guys.
One of the pods split.
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And I thought, "oh that's weird, maybe it's a seed pod of some sort" so I picked up another one of these pods and it EXPLODED.
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Now I dont show it in the image here, but I'm sure we all know how dandelion seeds look, right? Small seeds on wind bearing puffs?
I want you to imagine these things packed up til the ass in them. Like some poor chap in a tiktok eating cattails, I unknowingly bit into a hell of cotton balls and started to drown in my own hubris. Because these things? Hey certainly were built for the wind. They would make dandelions cry for being weak. If you so much as breathe or move your arm these things go EVERYWHERE. And now they were everything everywhere all at once entirely contained within the walls of my own office on a Monday night.
So yeah I took the time to look at them under my microscope so i got some cool shots
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Also I guess I have to vacuum now.
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bambaooo · 2 years
i doubt anyone is still on here anymore lol. shit, i barely am, i saw the las thing i posted and i dont even remember when it was lol
but yeah, 2022 was a wild ass year. alot has happened, and probably the most eventful year of my adult life thus far. 
soooo, in january was my last month of work at my job at the time. I was put in a weird position where the contract I was working for ended early and i was laid off. i feel like any other person would have been freaking out, but luckily i was still finishing up my last semester of grad school. For the first time since graduating undergrad was basically free any not working. coming from me, ive since i was in highschool I was always the type of person to want to work work work and make bread. So basically from once i could work when I was 16, i was working every chance i could get until this month. I looked at it as my opportunity to finally take somewhat of a break from working cause I know I wouldnt get an opportunity like this again. 
Although i did have hella plans for the next 6-8 months after finishing my job, i still had grad school to finish so basically from February to like Mayish I kinda just laid low and just took hella walks, worked out, and did school. i was going to sleep pretty late every night, waking up whenever and just going with the flow. there were some events scattered here and there like family parties, Allison’s cousins’ wedding in march which was fun. 
But come end of April into May, is when the real fun shit began. Went to the first of many muisical preformances. the first one was Brian McKnight which was wild. He is hella good live. and then shorly after I finished grad school.  First I finished grad school with two fucking masters degrees. One witha  4.0 and the other with a 3.9. I want to take a moment to realize how wild that is. In undergrad I legit was on academic warning and have a 1.7 gpa LOL. shit was wild. But also early on in May we went to see jame arthur in silver spring which was fun. Around mid May I went to Miami fora  day trading conference, definately a wild expereince. I learned a lot, but also met a lot of cool people. First solo trip and it was fun. A few weeks later went to my friends wedding wehre i got to catch up with other hommies and it was chill. 
Before we knew it, it was June. Something in the water was definiately something to remember, dope to see all these live performances and just be out and about. Glad to have experienced once while it was in DC for probably the only time ever. And literally a day or two after I went to trip 2 of the summer to Massachusettes for adrians weddings. First time doing a road trip like that, and it was pretty fun. Being with old friends, in a new area, just enjoying life. I was able to eat edibles, get drunk. and try lobster by itself for the first time ever and it was a good time. Stopped by in jersey on the way back and went to jersey smorgasburg and it was dope! it just kinda sucked a little while after, cause I found out i had covid a day or 2 after coming back from from the trip. but luckily it was very mild and was good to back by 4th of july. 
After a few more weeks in july, i was on my way to SoCal. 2nd a last solo trip. this trip was probably one of my favorite trips I have taken in my life to be honest. teh weather was good, was able to go to the OC fair, smorgasburg LA, and went to a reggae festival. I know the way I am with island music might seem a little weird to people, but shit, that festival was fun af. Going to concerts by yourself is fun af. Also while I was there i got to meet up with some VCU hommies and my cousin! 
After getting back home it was only a few more weeks until the last trip of the summer. Me and Allisons first trip of the year to Miami after her semester ended. It was fun too cause i didnt really go to the beach when I went in May. And I got to eat a bunch of food that I didnt get to eat the first time too. Its honestly just nice to hangout and do what we normally do, but in a different environment. 
A few weeks afterr we did a little trip to RVA/charlottesville. Allsion got us tickets for WIcked and it was dope. We were able to explore around richmond, and I got to show allsion on my favorite places to eat in rva. 
During this whole last few months from July to septermber I was consistently apply for jobs, going through interviews be lowkey being stressed about job searching. I was stressed, but not that stressed cause I knew id get a bite eventually but not knowing when was stressful. Luckily in september I got my first offer and was able to start my job in october. Fully remote and working in my field. 
October was a bunch of going back and forth between DC for work stuff and learning shit. November I kinda realized that I will have a lot of free time and that its gonna be alot of free time and pulled the trigger on fulfilling my lowkey dream of working in a grocery store. 
Holidays this year were very chill and nothing to crazy. Thanksgiving we bounced around between Allisons and My family. Christmas was more bouncing around MD and VA, being around familiy and enjoying ourself. It was honestly the first time in a while that Christmas felt like something worth celebrating. Also I actually reached out and caught up with friends. Like i feel like its very rare for it to happen, but getting together with my friends is something I will always enjoy. and tonight its NYE. My ass is at home, with no plans cause I got work a whole foods tomorrow and im completely okay with it. My life has been full of celerations and family and im okay with going into the new year chill. 
2022 has honestly been such a blessing. Going into the new year, many people want to exceed what they did in the previous year, but im already at the point that I am accepting that this past year was just so crazy that 2023 might just be a chill year. I remember I had a year i called teh “rebuild” in like 2017 or 2018, when it came to lifitng, but this will be a different type of rebuild, financial and health rebuild. I want to get my money right and get back lifting again.
but yeah, 2022 has been just full of blessing and i am fortunante to have been able to do the things that I have been able to do this year. Unlike 2022, I do not have any big plans for the year, and whatever happens will happen. Im excited for it, and am ready for what ever comes back at me. 
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celamoon · 2 years
🂱anon!! this concept has been microwaved in my mind for 4 months now so!! i wana tell you all about it!!
so reader (abbreviated. to reed) is part of class 77-b before the apocolypse. and reed has a very smart talent (ult inventor, scientist whatever. a pretty general smart jack-of-all-trades talent) but ohno!! junko is a bitch and ends the world!! so after the events of sdr2 reed uses their talent!!
to build a time machine!! and is doomed repeat the whole cycle over and over and over trying desperately to save their friends.
MAYBE vecuase of v3 and how fycking meta and scary that was reed becomes self aware and realises thwir in a game. (like how games have different routes and shjt?? ljke that. mayve even with their means of timetravel being save files. undertale style yk??) and whoosh!! reason to live out the window!!
but thennnn they rember gud times!! cracking cold one w/ the boiys yk!! finding cool rocks!! plus their s/o!! and they have a reallll eye opener abd realise. that shit was real!! to eveyrone else it *was* real!! and everyone else deserves a happy life and if reed has the power to do it they *should* and they do the cycle ouroboros thing and all that shit.
i think the concept would be really jnterestinf with nagito izuru or if we *really* push canon, junko or kokichi (tho tbf the timeline is already a spaghetti noodle mess lmao.) personally i dont simp for any of the above characters i just think tje dynamic would be interesting.
good lord i talk alot
anyways. um. thoughts?
🂱 NONNIE!!!! YOU ARE SOOO BIG BRAINED!!! Reader who time travels back and is stuck in the cycle!! I loveee fics like that omg nothing like putting poor reader through hell for character development *wink wink nudge nudge
But I also think it's vv realistic for reader to end up all depressed from the time travel! I don't think V3 takes place in the same universe or timeline as dr1-3 but I think it'd be terrifying if reader finds out in one of the investigations that they invented a time machine and kept trying to save everyone bc ohh that would be good fic material
But I think it'd be really cool to see a reader who does end up time travelling to try and fix this mess and at some point Junko catches their ass red-handed and tortures them or smth
That'd be a fun way for reader to fall into despair phew
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r1c3b0y420 · 13 days
Background, i worked at the trading post (only supermarket on the reservation i live on) and we dont get very many white people around so imagine my fucking surprise when a line of like 8 guys wearing blue jeans and the same grey jacket and they all bought one thing from the deli and a mt dew each and came to MY FUCKING REGISTER
Finally after like 4 of the same guy with minor changes checked out my little sheltered native american ass got up the courage to ask them what tje fuck was going on and so this interaction happened
Me: soooo… are you guys from like jail or something…?
The guy: *laughs kinda awkwardly* haha, no we’re amish, we help with the mennonite disaster group.
Me: OHHHH i didnt think we had any of you guys up this far north?
Guy: yeah we live around *insert location here that i cant really remember i think its closer to michigan idfk*
Me: haha cool, heres your stuff have a good day
And then i checked out a guy who most definitely overheard the convo and did not like that i compared the amish lifestyle to being in actual prison inadvertently
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