#we could see Fred as a young man when he loses his wife in the blitz
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shimmeringseaa ¡ 4 days ago
As someone who literally used to have the url trixiefranklins, no one wants a Trixie spin-off
We want a prequel focusing on Sister Monica Joan, Evangelina and Julienne all as young nuns and nurses during the war
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scarlettatg ¡ 2 years ago
Very interesting article on who is Nick
(Thank you to the awesome person that taggued me on the twitter post, much appreciated).
I’m glad the article dwells on Nick’s complicated past because it’s not something many people seem to understand. I think that even as ambiguous as the show loves to present him, we have gotten puzzle pieces that paint us a picture of who he is. Most of the complaints stem from him not doing enough against the system but that could be debated. We have mostly seen him do things for June because most people take risks for the people they love. Once they lose everything (like for example June) then they become reckless and their fight becomes more against the system/revenge. Yet his involvement with Mayday has been shown (contraband - June’s first escape - June’s second escape - Martha convo in 405 - Hannah’s file)
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We also don’t know what he knew after he took the job Pryce offered, what he saw and what he was forced to do; or even if he was on board at first only to realize it had been a mistake. We only see him driving the commanders after the take over had happened, precisely discussing the handmaid situation. We can assume he knew about the rounding up of woman, but we can also assume he didn’t. After all some people outside of Gilead believe Handmaids volunteer (Mexican ambassador) or that it’s a punishment (Omar’s wife). We also know a lot of people were forced to comply or die (American soldier that speaks with Moira after crossing the border). We do know that he is NOT a Gilead believer. Why he stays, what’s he been doing is not something the show has given us clarity to. Like I said we have puzzle pieces throughout the seasons to sort of build his character.
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It’s also because Nick is a man and currently a Commander. A lot of people think men cannot be victims in a patriarchal society and I disagree. Yes they are in a privileged position but they’re still victims. Even those in power aren’t safe either, especially if you don’t seem loyal or if they want your position. People forget 2 things. He didn’t start off as a commander, he was a driver - low class. Then he became an Eye (after the first handmaid killed herself) and his promotions clearly came after specific events. Concern over June’s mental health and holding up Fred so that June could escape the second time. To me they clearly looked like punishments, direct consequences of his decision to help June. Not one scene shows Nick working towards moving up the ranks. I personally think certain things June has told Nick throughout the seasons have pushed him to do more, especially her call out in S3 “what are you good for”, but that’s my perspective. Besides once the promotion is given it’s not like he could’ve been thanks but no thanks - that’s highly suspicious.
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Another thing people discuss is his involvement in the take over. Once again it’s not something that we have been shown. We can assume he participated but I cannot believe he was essential to the success of the operation. If he was such an important piece of the puzzle he wouldn’t have started as a driver. He would’ve stayed as a military officer, prob not a commander because of his lower class pre Gilead, his age and he wasn’t a main player in the SOJ.
Another thing that’s interesting to me is that we know Nick was young when the take over happened. Let’s say between 18-21 so his young adult male life was shaped by Gilead, which is extremely misogynistic. It’s easier to shape young men into hating women or making them believe they are superior to us. We see how the guardians act, the Commanders - the disdain towards “unwomen”. Yet from my perspective I do not see Nick as misogynistic at all.
Yes I enjoy the romantic aspect of Nick and June, but I do enjoy the complexities of Nick’s character outside of June. I’ve always seen him as the least misogynistic male character of the show and as a character that represents so many things that open discussions of topics that are rarely discussed.
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comfortwriting ¡ 4 years ago
Papa Don’t Preach - F.W
Fred Weasley x Reader, inspired by the song ‘Papa Don’t Preach’ by Madonna.
About: the reader discovers that she is carrying her boyfriends baby, the two of them decide to keep it; but the storm gets heavier when she breaks the news to her father.
Theme: fluff and angst
Warnings: teen pregnancy, mention of abortion, swearing.
Throwing up into the toilet, moaning Myrtle giggled at you and sat on the window ledge. “That’s the third time this month” 
You wiped your mouth with your sleeve and got up off your knees, flushing the loo you unlocked the door and washed your hands at the sink. “I’m aware Myrtle.” You answered, glaring at her before walking out.
You rushed into the common room, luckily the only people in there were Fred and George. They were messing around pretending to duel with their wands, little sparks hissing out the end. 
“Have you seen my bag?” you asked, searching around the room.
The boys couldn’t hear you over their loud laughter, you stood there and put your hand on your hip, glaring at your boyfriend. “Fred, please. This is important.” 
Fred and George stopped messing around and spun on their heels. 
“You okay love?” Fred asked, walking over and putting his arm around you.
You shook your head no and sighed “I just need my bag” 
George walked across the room and picked up your red toiletry bag. You quickly retrieved it, walking over to the sofa you sat down and rifled through it, flicking past your period pads and tampons you pulled out your mini calendar.
Fred and George sat down next to you, the two of them sharing looks of concern. 
You counted through the squares, week by week and flicked the page, then another. A wave of sickness and panic pooled inside of you, you put your head in your hands and shook your head.
‘I can’t be, we used a contraceptive charm... surely it worked’ you thought to yourself, your knees shaking and your stomach churning. 
“Y/N, what's going on?” George asked, his brother too worried to utter a word.
Everything started to make more sense: the persistent morning sickness, the bloating, the all-day long nausea, your weepiness and mood swings, your breasts constantly feeling tender.
“I think I’m pregnant” you choked out, swallowing hard.
Fred felt his heart sink, feeling scared and annoyed at himself for getting you into such a scary situation.
You went back into your red bag and pulled out a pregnancy test you got from the pharmacy at Christmas when you were back in muggle London.  
You stood up, putting the test up your sleeve, walking to the same bathroom, hoping Myrtle would be elsewhere harassing Harry.
“Back so soon?” Myrtle questioned you.
“Fuck off, Myrtle!” You yelled at her, losing your temper.
You walked into the empty stall, locking the door behind you. Fred waited outside as you pulled down your skirt and knickers and sat down. “Fred, put a tap on for me will you?”
Fred walked over to the sinks turning the tap on waiting for you.
You followed the test instructions and stood up, the sound of the fast flowing water made this a lot easier for you, but then again you were always needing a wee with the growing pressure on your bladder.
Flushing the toilet and putting the lid down you placed the stick on lid and walked to the tap to wash your hands. “Thanks love” you smiled at Fred.
“You know, whatever happens won’t make me run away.” Fred smiled, tucking a stray hair behind your ear. “How long do we have to wait?”
You smiled at him, drying your hands on your skirt you walked into his arms and pulled him into a tight embrace. “I’m surprised that you didn’t leg it” you joked, trying not to linger in your fear. “we’ll find out in five minutes.”
Fred stood outside the stall where the test was waiting. “Want me to get it?” He asked, pushing his hair out of his eyes.
You shook your head “it’s okay, I’ll get it.”
Walking into the stall, you creeped up on the test like it was a pest you were about to wallop. You grabbed it, your whole future, your whole worth and life would be determined by this stick.
You walked out of the stall standing next to Fred, he wrapped his arm around you. You took me a deep breath and turned the test over so it was facing you. Two blue lines in the little windows stared back you, looking at the key on the handle you got your answer; you were pregnant.
“What does it say sweetheart?” Fred asked sounding nervous.
You turned around to face him, wrapping your arms around him. “I’m pregnant with your baby Fred and.. I want to keep it.” You decided.
Fred pulled away for a moment in shock but he smashed his lips against yours, kissing you like he had never kissed you before; his pool of love spilling into you.
“Let’s go and find George, I want him to be the first to know.” Fred beamed, you nodded your head in agreement with him.
“Am I really?!” George asked, sounding like his father, he grinned at the two of you.
You nodded your head and showed him the test, George got up on his feet and hugged you and then his brother.
By 5 months your little Weasley started to move inside of you, you would jolt at first and you started to notice stronger movements and little kicks during your classes, grabbing Fred’s hand you placed it on your bump.
The students started to spread rumours and the professors couldn’t ignore it anymore, after all, you weren’t denying it.
You and Fred were forced to address the rumours, you were both scolded for being so irresponsible but you were also provided with support for your academic studies and a much needed appointment with Madame Pomfrey.
You were lucky, Hogwarts still accepted you, The Weasley’s (after taking time to adjust) were so excited for you and Fred, but you were most nervous to tell your dad; the man who always believed in sex after marriage, hated the Weasleys, and slated pregnant teens who needed help.
Fred pulled out a chair for you at the kitchen table, once you sat down he pushed it in for you making enough room for your little bump.
“Pack plenty of food on that plate, dear” Molly smiled warmly at you.
This caused Ron’s mouth to gape open “All because she’s pregnant doesn’t mean she can—“
“If I were you I’d shut it” Fred warned his little brother
“unless you want to wake up to spiders in your bed.” George added, smirking.
Papa I know you're going to be upset
'Cause I was always your little girl
But you should know by now
I'm not a baby
“So what’s with the visit?” Your father eyed up you and Fred, trying to figure out why you were home on a Saturday.
Fred sat awkwardly on the sofa, his focus shifting on various objects around the room, he feared that your father would rip his head off if he were to look him in the face for longer than a second.
“I just wanted to come and see you, I thought I’d come here instead of going to Hogsmeade for the fifth time in a row” you smiled shyly, trying to keep calm.
Starting to sweat, you fanned your face with your hand, if you were to remove your jumper showing your larger bump you’d be kicked out before you could offer an explanation.
Your father noticed the fishtail braid in your hair and smiled.
“I remember braiding your hair like that when you were a little girl, you could never sit still on my knee. You would always fidget wanting to go and play with the other little girls and boys down the street”
You smiled at such a fond memory of you and your dad, hoping that he would do the same if you were to have a little girl.
“Dad, we uh.. we’re actually here because we’ve got some news.” You opened up bravely, remembering to not place your hand over your bump.
You always taught me right from wrong
I need your help, daddy please be strong
I may be young at heart
But I know what I'm saying
“Has something happened at Hogwarts?” He asked, “have you done something?” He turned to Fred with a fast forming glare on his face.
Fred shook his head, “I—“
“Fred hasn’t done anything” you replied quickly, stopping Fred’s chance at coming clean.
“I brought you up to know right from wrong, to work hard, to respect yourself, to stay away from vermin.” Your father spoke, his words like tiny pins pricking at your chest.
You held your dads hand walking through Diagon Alley to buy the equipment you needed for your first year at Hogwarts.
Waiting in the queue outside Ollivanders a young girl with a baby bump walked past, holding out her dirt covered hands. “Could you spare a sickle or two? I’ve got nowhere to go.” She begged.
Your father pushed you out of her presence, standing in front of you “not a chance, you silly girl.” He spat at her.
You gave her a glance of sympathy and stared down at your shoes.
“Don’t have sympathy for that pathetic girl, she got herself into this mess and she shouldn’t rely on hardworking people to get her out of it!”
The tears in your eyes made your vision go glassy, wiping them away with your sleeve, Fred was quickly asked by your father to leave the room and to wait outside in the hall.
“Dad” you cried, feeling a lump form in your throat “I don’t want you to be angry or upset, I’m responsible for my own actions and choices—“
“What have you done? Tell me!” Your father began to lose his patience.
Fred stood outside the door in the hallway, pacing up and down in tears, he blamed himself - you grew up without a mother and thanks fo him you might be losing your father.
The one you warned me all about
The one you said I could do without
We're in an awful mess
And I don't mean maybe, please
“I don’t want you hanging around them Weasleys, Y/N. They’re bad news.” Your father droned on, walking you to the train.
“They seem really nice” you muttered quietly, admiring the twins getting onto the train.
“They’re too poor for their own good, Arthur has a strange obsession with muggles. That wife of his clearly has a problem closing her legs with all them kids!”
You sighed, feeling annoyed and embarrassed to even be related to the man who was dropping you off.
“I better hurry up or I won’t find a good seat” you replied.
Your thoughts spinning around your head made you dizzy, you had to swallow down the bile. “Please don’t be mad with Fred, he’s a really good guy”
Your fathers hands were bunched into fists, his knuckles started to turn white. “What has he done? Fred, get in here now!”
Fred felt he could faint at any moment but walked back into the living room and sat next to you, taking your hand in his.
“We’re in a really tough situation.” You trailed off, more tears spilling from your orb like eyes.
Papa don't preach I'm in trouble deep
Papa don't preach, I've been losing sleep
But I made up my mind, I'm keeping my baby,
I'm gonna keep my baby,
“I’m pregnant.” You breathed out, feeling the weight suddenly lift of your shoulders “and I’m keeping it”
Your fathers face flushed with rage, he got on his feet and pulled out his wand but your instincts beat him to it, disarming him you shielded Fred.
“Dad please don’t do this.”
“You’ve really done it this time, girl!” Your father yelled. “Did I not raise you better? Did all those lessons mean nothing?!”
You began to shake in your shoes, but you stood your ground, Fred took himself away from your shielding. “She’s done nothing wrong!” He defended you.
“I bet you’ve done this on purpose, haven’t you? Get a beautiful young girl up the duff so no one will want her!” Your father bellowed at him.
He says that he's going to marry me
We can raise a little family
Maybe we'll be all right
It's a sacrifice
You and Fred cuddled in the upgraded double bed, his thumb circling yours as your hands glued together.
“I’m going to marry you, Y/N. Once we have this baby and get on our feet.” Fred murmured lowly, trying not to wake up his brother who laid fast asleep on the floor.
“That’s all I’ve ever wanted.” You replied, your hormones making you weep in relief.
“We’re going to have the most amazing life, mini Fred’s and Y/N’s running around.” He chuckled, kissing your head. “We can get through this.”
“It was an accident!” You yelled at your dad through tears, you gripped your bump feeling the little one kick out.
“A mistake more like!” Your dad yelled back “I was begged not to bring you up after your mother died, that was my mistake! And even worse, there will now be a bastard in the family!”
His horrible comments ripped you into pieces, the pins now turning into hot pokers.
Fred wanted nothing more than to tackle your father to the ground, to beat him senseless but he grabbed your hand and tried to control his emotions.
“We’re going to get married dad, but now it’s more common for non married couples to have kids!” You argued, trying to persuade him.
“Married! With what money! You’re more deluded than I bloody thought, he doesn’t even love you!”
But my friends keep telling me to give it up
Saying I'm too young, I oughta live it up
What I need right now is some good advice, please
“Have you truly thought this through?” Hermione bored into you, pacing in the common room.
You looked up from your books and nodded “yes, how many times do I have to explain?”
“I’m just saying it’s not too late to change your mind, you’re too young to be bringing a child into this world.”
“I’m still studying and attending classes aren’t I?” You huffed, scowling at her. “You’re younger than me!”
“But what about getting a job to provide for your child? It’s irresponsible!”
“I get it!” You yelled at her, you slammed your book shoot and tossed it across the room, storming out.
You were hyperventilating, Fred rubbed your back helping you regulate your breathing.
“You’re dead to me, now get out, both of you. Leave my house and never come back!” Your father yelled.
“Daddy please” you wailed “I really need you, please don’t do this.”
You walked away from Fred and up to your dad gripping his hand in yours, “I need my dad” you cried, searching his lifeless eyes for a response.
Papa don't preach, I'm in trouble deep
Papa don't preach, I've been losing sleep
But I made up my mind, I'm keeping my baby,
I'm gonna keep my baby,
You cried your eyes out, climbing into your dads arms for a cuddle.
“Please don’t cry” he wiped your tears “what’s got you so upset?”
“I’m not ready to go to Hogwarts, I don’t want to be so far from you.” You wailed, your hair sticking to your face from all the tears.
Your dad tutted and chuckled at your silly worries “you’re going to love it once you’ve settled in, and you can always write to me if you need to.”
Your father snatched his hand back out of your grip, he picked up his wand and stared down you and Fred.
“You both need to leave before I do something I can’t take back.” He warned “NOW”
You cried all the way back to Hogwarts, Fred and George comforting you when you broke down into a mess. Hermione helped you catch up on all the work you had missed from being unable to attend classes as you got into the later stages of your pregnancy, you were about to burst at any moment.
Daddy, daddy if you could only see
Just how good he's been treating me
You'd give us your blessing right now
'Cause we are in love
We are in love (in love), so please (so)
“Mum!” Fred yelled from the bathroom, holding your hand “It’s happening!”
Laying a pool of the water that burst from inside you, you were slammed with contractions making it hard for you to get back on your feet. This was it, the moment you had been waiting for the past nine months.
Molly stumbled into the bathroom and moved her hands around rapidly, piles upon piles of towels and blankets filled the room and the bath started to run.
“Fred help me get her trousers off so we can get her into the bath.”
“Mum we can just use—“
“We can’t use magic for everything!”
After finally getting you undressed they placed you into the bath.
Fred held your hand and knelt beside you, stroking your hair and placing kisses against your temple.
“Please don’t leave me” you cried, feeling frightened.
I’m not going anywhere, love.” He reassured you.
Papa don't preach, I'm in trouble deep
Papa don't preach, I've been losing sleep
But I made up my mind, I'm keeping my baby, hm
I'm gonna keep my baby, ooh ooh
You opened your eyes and looked down still thinking you were in the bath, you found yourself in Fred’s bed, wrapped in blankets with a towel over your chest.
You tried to sit up but Molly stopped you, “take it slow, dear” she said softly.
“Where’s Fred? Where’s.. where’s my baby?” You asked feeling panicky.
Before you could drive yourself into worry, the bedroom door opened and Fred walked in with your bundle of joy.
Fred now delighted you were finally awake came by your side and placed your child into your arms.
You had passed out from losing too much blood just as your child came into the world.
“Madame Pomfrey was hammering at the door, brilliant timing really.” George told you as you counted your child’s fingers and toes.
“Is it a girl or a boy?” You asked, looking up at the Weasleys standing around your bed.
“A beautiful baby boy.” Fred replied, kissing your head.
“Fabian Weasley” you smiled, looking at Molly. “Let’s name him Fabian.”
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tsrookie ¡ 4 years ago
Always In My Heart
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Alyssa Brooks)
A/N: On today’s episode of ‘I have no idea wtf I’m doing’, we have something that I cooked up because I had terrible WiFi and no other app but Google docs would open up.
Trope: Fluff, but a tiny bit of angst?
Rating: General
Word Count: 2.3K
Warning(s): Mentions of character death
Summary: Their son has a very important question to ask.
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The delicious aroma of chicken and rice wafted through the Brooks-Ramsey household. The couple worked side by side in the kitchen as they had all those years ago, the only difference being that it was now a dinner for five and not just two.
Allison Dolores Brooks-Ramsey came into their lives nine years ago, and while it was earlier than they would have wanted, they didn’t regret a second of their lives ever since they first heard her voice.
The twins on the other hand, were planned, but nothing had prepared them for the chaos that Nathan and Natalie would bring. A new broken object every week, a dozen fights for the TV every day, and yet were nothing short of tiny tornadoes when they joined forces.
It couldn’t be more perfect.
“What time did Jackie and Emilia say that they would bring the girls back?”
“6:30, I think.”
“Ah. So we have time till 7:00.” They shared a knowing smile. Two aunts taking their nine and six year old nieces to the mall meant a complete raid of the toy store, and a new guitar.
“You need to stop letting everyone spoil the girls just because you have a soft spot for them, Ethan. Ally’s grown old enough to understand that she has her daddy wrapped around her finger, and we don’t need Nat coming to that realisation as well.”
“I don’t- I can’t believe you would accuse me of not loving all my children equally!”, he exclaimed in mock offense.
“Mhmm. So why did I have to come up with an explanation to tell Nathan why his dad wasn’t on board with ordering dessert when he asked for it, but relented once his sisters kept bugging him for another five minutes?”
He opened his mouth in protest, but decided against saying anything for his own good. “Well what can I say? They’ve inherited their mother’s persuasiveness. And I can’t really say no to you, can I?”
Alyssa’s lips curved upwards at that. The playful look in her husband’s eyes caused her to finally break into a grin. “At least you’re self-aware.” Stuffing the rice into the bird she added, “But I can’t exactly tell our son that his dad is too in-love with his mom that he sees her in his daughters and hence can’t say no to them. He’d gag in disgust.”
He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her, resting his head in the crook of her neck. “That he would. Alright I’ll try a little harder to resist their charms. Wouldn’t want my only son to end up hating me.” He said it without a hint of worry over it becoming true someday. Over the years, he’d learned to put aside his fears of not being a good father, and with the help of some therapy, and Alyssa’s unwavering love and support, he’d locked up his insecurities in a box and let it sink to the bottom of the ocean.
They took the stuffed chicken and put it in the oven, washed their hands and plopped down on the couch for some rare downtime.
“Everything okay?”
“Fred’s mom got called in, so she’s dropping Nate off on her way to work.”
Ethan sighed. “There goes the hour I planned to spend with my wife, who I barely get to spend enough time with these days.”
“I swear, you were never this busy when you were chief. I have no idea why my workload’s ten times bigger.”
“I do.” Ethan smiled with pride. “One usually does have a lot of work when they’re at the front lines of the battle for making free healthcare accessible for every single person in the country. My brilliant wife, though she could choose to leave most of the work to her very competent team, opts to take it all upon herself. So that’s probably the cause behind all the extra workload she complains about.”
She smirked and perched herself onto his lap. “Well your very brilliant wife also knows that you called my team very competent just to avoid hurting my feelings, and that you and I both know that they’ll be running around like headless chickens without me taking care of things.”
“I know, love. But you can still make them do a little more instead of working yourself to the bone while still making sure that you have at least one meal with the kids every day.”
She sighed. “Yeah, to make sure that they don’t forget what I look like.” She leaned in closer. “Besides, are we really going to spend our last few minutes of peace talking about work?”
Just as she uttered the words, the door burst open, and Nathan kicked off his shoes and jumped onto the couch as Alyssa slid down from Ethan’s lap. She shot him a look that very clearly meant What did I just say?
Ethan gave her an apologetic look and ruffled his son’s hair. “Hey buddy. How was your day at Fred’s? I know you wanted to spend more time with him.”
“I did, and we were just about to open his new LEGO set when Mrs. Watson told us that she had to run up to her office for some emergency meeting.”, he pouted. “But it was a nice day. We watched Thor: Ragnarok and Luca, and we would’ve watched another movie if his dad didn’t tell us that two movies were enough for a day.”
Alyssa shot him a mildly stern look. “Well he was right. You’re too young to have movie marathons just yet. Two are more than enough, unless you want to have a headache.”
“But mom, I’m not too young! I’m a big boy! I can swing along the monkey bars at the park faster than Natalie, and soon I’ll swing across buildings just like Spider-Man!”
“Well Spider-Man got bitten by a yucky spider before he swung across buildings. Do you want to be bitten by a gross and poisonous spider?”
“Mommy, not all spiders are gross and poisonous. Dad told me that when I was four and got scared of them at the zoo.”
She rolled her eyes. Leave it to her husband to convince her kids that insects were anything short of creepy and disgusting. In reality, they were, but as someone who ran a mile away at the sight of a butterfly, she wasn’t going to accept that.
“That’s right, Nate. Some of them are certainly very poisonous and dangerous, but that doesn’t mean that you should be scared of them. If you maintain your distance and admire them from afar, there should be no problem at all.”, he said with a pointed look at Alyssa, who just huffed in annoyance.
Nathan giggled, his brown eyes lighting up with amusement. He loved watching his parents playfully bicker. It was way better than seeing them- ugh, kiss.
“We were pretending to be superheroes and Fred used his full name for his pretend name cause it sounded cool, and it is. Fredrick Anthony Watson sounds like something from that show you and mom watch with the guys in the stuffy suits.”
“When did you see us watching the show with the guys in the stuffy suits?”, asked Ethan with a slight hint of concern. Whatever he and Alyssa watched on their free nights was definitely not kid-friendly.
“I don’t remember. Maybe a few months ago.”
Their year old puppy, Ivy, woke up from her nap and bounced into the living room to jump onto her favourite person. Nathan squealed with joy as the fluffy hair of the dog tickled his nose.
Ethan and Alyssa smiled at each other. Getting another dog after Jenner was a decision that took a lot of convincing, but their kids were responsible enough and it was impossible to say no after two years of constant pestering.
��Fred told me that he was named after his great-grandfather William, and that he was this really cool guy who saved a bunch of guys from getting mugged in a dark, dark alley.” He turned to look at his parents as Ivy snuggled into his lap. “Who was I named after mom?”
The question caught her off guard, and she glanced at Ethan for backup.
When they knew that they were having a boy, they immediately knew what to name him. They hadn't, however, anticipated Nathan Daniel Brooks-Ramsey to ask such a question this soon.
Seeing his wife at a loss for words, Ethan spoke up. “C’mere Nate.” He pulled him closer and pressed a kiss atop his head. “We once had a friend named Daniel. He worked at the hospital as a nurse, and he was close to your mom and Aunt Sienna when they were interns.”
Having found her voice, Alyssa joined in. “He was an amazing friend. He was the only nurse in the hospital who helped me out when things got messy, and cheered up Aunt Sienna when no one else could. He’d join us for picnics and movie nights, and you could always count on him if you needed something at the hospital.” She took a deep breath, and Ethan nodded. “Things were going well, but then in my second year, something really bad happened.”
“Oh no.”
“There was this bad guy, who wanted his revenge on another bad guy, and he was ready to risk his own life, and the lives of everyone around him to do so.”
“That’s horrible! Who would want to do something like that?”
Ethan smiled wistfully. “A lot of people in this world actually do. You’re a good person, so you know that it’s wrong. But some people aren’t, and they don’t care about other people getting hurt because of their actions. That night at the hospital, Danny tried to tell the bad guy that it was wrong, and to think things through. But he didn’t listen, and did something that hurt both himself, Danny, Uncle Raf, another friend of ours, and your mom.”
His little eyebrows creased with worry, Nathan asked, “What happened then?”
“He… he died. Along with our other friend, Bobby. Do you remember what we once told you about an autopsy?” Nathan nodded his head. “Well Danny asked for his body to be autopsied, and thanks to him, we were able to find out what was wrong with mom and Uncle Raf.”
He fell silent for a moment, remembering the horrors of the day, and how eternally grateful he was to Danny for being the reason he didn’t lose everything. He couldn’t imagine a life without the love of his life and his children, and he wouldn’t have either if not for the sacrifices that were made.
He looked up at Alyssa, and she squeezed his hand in support. “We’ll tell you more when you’re older, but to make it short, you’re named after a hero too. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have you, your sisters, or mom here with me.”
Nathan wriggled out of his dad’s arms, and set Ivy down so he could hug his mom as tightly as he could.
“Well… if you can hear me Mr. Daniel, I just wanna thank you. Thanks for saving my mom. I love her so much and I’m so thankful that I got to meet her because of what you did. I wish I could’ve met you, you sound like a really cool person, and I’m sure you were. So yeah, thanks. A lot.”
Alyssa’s eyes glimmered with unshed tears, and she held her son as she expressed her silent thanks along with Ethan.
What they had was precious.
Fifteen years had passed since they first met, and yet each day they fell in love a little more like they did when they held hands for the first time in the dim light of the NICU watching over little Ethan, or when she finally got to see the real him the first time she visited his place; the first time in years he let someone know a little of the worries residing deep in his heart.
With all the odds against them, it was a miracle that they survived, even more so that they managed to raise three perfect children who had more love to share than they could ever comprehend.
And they’d never forget all the reasons that made it possible for them to survive.
The timer on the oven went off, and they got to their feet to get the chicken.
“Was he a good cook dad?”
“I… don’t really know, Nate. Your mom knew him better than I did.”
“Well there was this one time where he helped Aunt Sienna bake an amazing cake, so I guess he knew his way around the kitchen.”, Alyssa recollected fondly. It was for Jackie’s birthday, one of the few nights where the competition was completely forgotten about.
Nathan’s face melted into a glowing smile. “I love cake. So I guess I really would’ve loved him.”
She mirrored his radiant expression. “You definitely would’ve.”
“Why don’t you go play with Ivy while mom and I get the food ready? You can help us with the dessert later.”
“We’re having dessert?!”
Ethan grinned at his son’s excitement. “You bet we are.”
“Yay!” They watched as Nathan ran off to go play fetch with Ivy in their enormous backyard.
Ethan pulled Alyssa in for a sweet, lingering kiss as soon as he was out of sight.
“You’ve been wanting to do that for a while now hmm?”
“Something like that.”, he murmured as they broke apart.
She could see the ever-increasing strands of silver in his brown hair, and the faint wrinkles along the sides of his forehead, but his clear blue eyes were just as loving and devoted as she remembered from over a decade ago.
“We have a pretty good life, don’t we?”
Ethan kissed her again. “No, we have the perfect life.”
A/N 2: Aaaand I’m going MIA again. Honestly though, to everyone who’s read so far, thank you so much for sticking around. Means the world💙
P.S: I finally chose Chyler Leigh as my face claim!
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miraculouswolf99 ¡ 4 years ago
Akumatized: Valid Or Not
This is basically a list of every akumatized that has appeared so far. There will be four types of categories that they will be put into that say whether or not their reason for being akumatized was valid or not.
1. Valid- The reason they were akumatized is completely understandable and could happen to anyone.
2. Semi-Valid- It is still understandable, but for things that are relatively normal. Like losing a contest, being rejected by a crush, or failing a test.
3. You Brought This On Yourself- Akumatized over something that was basically their fault to begin with and is not valid at all.
4. What The Hell- An akumaization that makes no sense at all and most likely not really much of a reason to be akumatized in the first place.
Season One:
Nino Lahiffe- Bubbler: Valid. Gabriel is a jerk that would not let his son's best friend throw him a birthday party.
Xavier Ramier- Mr. Pigeon: Semi-Valid. Was just trying to feed the pigeons, but had been aware that there was a rule/law against it.
Aurore BeaurĂŠal- Stormy Weather: Semi-Valid. Lost a contest, but almost had it rubbed in her face when she was told that she lost by a lot.
Alix Kubdel- Timebreaker: Valid. Had her family heirloom destroyed not even an hour after she got it because other people did not put a pocket watch in their pocket when she asked them to hold it during her race.
ThĂŠo Barbot- Copycat: Semi-Valid. Believed that the girl he had a crush on was dating someone else, but was treating the situation more that she was an object that he could take if he wanted to.
Jalil Kubdel- Pharaoh: Valid. While it is never a good idea to try and resurrect the dead, his father rejected his theory about the spell even when they were in a city of magical heroes and villains.
Alya CĂŠsaire- Lady Wifi: Semi-Valid. Was wrongly suspended because Chloe was being a brat. She may have been taking pictures of Chloe's locker, but the door was open and Chloe had accused her of breaking into it.
Nathaniel Kurtzberg- The Evillustrator: Valid. Was embarrassed by having his crush revealed by a bully and humiliated when the drawings of his crush were revealed to everyone.
Roger Raincomprix- Rogercop: Semi-Valid. Was wrongfully fired for not arresting a girl that the mayor's daughter accused of theft even without proof, but had not done any sort of investigation at all about the missing bracelet.
LĂŞ Chiáşżn Kim- Dark Cupid: Valid. May have been rejected by his crush but had his heart broken on Valentine's day and humiliated by the girl he had a crush on.
Mylène Haprèle- Horrificator: Semi-Valid. We all get scared and she was trying to be brave for the film, but she was also the one that purposely signed up to be the lead in a horror movie.
Armand D'Argencourt- Darkblade: Semi-Valid. Lost the mayoral election, but was also running because he thought that he should reclaim his family's lost seat of power from back in medieval times. It's been hundreds of years, man. Get over it.
Fred Haprèle- Mime: Valid. Was wrongfully fired from his job because a co-worker had sabotaged him to gain the lost job for himself.
Jean Duparc- Magician of Misfortune: What The Hell. We were never even given a reason for why he was akumatized in the first place.
Rose Lavillant- Princess Fragrance: Valid. Simply wanted to give a letter to a prince to thank him for all the charity work he does, but the letter was destroyed by a bully.
Ivan Bruel- Stoneheart: Valid. Believed that his crush rejected him while also being bullied/teased over the crush in the first place. Was also bullied over being akumatized in the first place and called a monster.
Otis CĂŠsaire- Animan: What The Hell. So, he was akumatized because a teenage boy thought that he could out-run a panther. Even for a zookeeper, is that really something to be upset about?
SimĂłn Grimault- Simon Says: Valid. May have lost a contest, but was basically cheated out of a win because Gabriel did not even really seem like he was going to participate in the first place and he was not even given the chance to try his act.
Vincent Aza- Pixelator: You Brought This On Yourself. A creepy stalker that wants a picture of his favorite rock star and will try anything to get it. "Yicks" is all I have to say.
Jagged Stone- Guitar Villain: Valid. Was told that he had to change his look and music to the complete opposite of his own just because his manager liked a teenage pop star more than him.
Wang Cheng- Kung Food: Valid. He lost a contest, but that was only because Chloe was a brat that sabotaged him.
Max KantĂŠ- Gamer: Semi-Valid. He lost a chance to be in a video game contest but was more upset over losing his chance because he lost to a girl.
Juleka Couffaine- Reflekta: Valid. She was trying to break her "photo curse" but lost her chance because Chloe had her locked in the bathroom so she could stand next to her crush/obsession.
Manon Chamack- Puppeteer: Valid. She is a little girl that was simply trying to win a game and did not really see why having a doll that was given to her was wrong.
Sabrina Raincomprix- Vanisher: Valid. Had a fight with her best friend and then said best friend also pretended that she was invisible because she was a brat.
ChloĂŠ Bourgeois- Antibug: You Brought This On Yourself. She was a brat that was called out for lying about being the reason for an akumaization by the hero that she admired.
Lila Rossi- Volpina: You Brought This On Yourself. She was called out for lying about being best friends with a superhero and trying to claim that she was also a hero with a fake miraculous. Karma will always come back to bite you, Liar Rossi.
Season 2:
Santa Claus- Santa Claws: Valid. Was trying to be a good samaritan, but was instead accused of kidnapping by a superhero.
Gabriel Agreste- Collector: You Brought This On Yourself. Gabriel is Hawkmoth and he akumatized himself. Need I say more.
Nadja Chamack- Prime Queen: You Brought This On Yourself. Her job may have been on the line, but she was willing to leave out information and use a picture taken out of context as her "proof" that the heroes were a couple.
Jean- Despair Bear: You Brought This On Yourself. Was trying to use humiliation to try and make a spoiled brat change her ways and was doing it in front of her class.
Kagami Tsurugi- Riposte: Valid. Thought that a single loss against a formidable opponent meant that she had lost her honor because of an over strict mother.
Gina Dupain- Befana: Semi-Valid. Had a hard time realizing that her grandaughter was growing up, but all grandparents feel that way.
Markov- Robostus: Valid. Even as a robot, he still had feelings, but was told he was just a toy and locked away like an object.
Mr. Damocles- Dark Owl: You Brought This On Yourself. If you are a high school principal with no reason or skill to become a hero, don't try and be one while exhausting the real heroes in the process because they keep having to save you.
August- Gigantitan: Valid. He's a literal baby.
AndrĂŠ- Glaciator: Semi-Valid. Was told that the special "soulmate" ice cream that he believed in was not magical, but it was still only one girl that did not want that ice cream.
Ella and Etta CĂŠsaire- Sapotis: You Brought This On Yourself. They may be young girls, but they had repeatedly been told to go to bed and were rightfully punished for their bad behavior.
Adrien's bodyguard/The Gorilla- Gorizilla: Valid. He was just trying to do his job and was having an extra stressful day with his charge running off and disappearing with almost half of Paris looking for him.
Anarka Couffaine- Captain Hardrock: Valid. Roger was a jerk to her, telling her that her loud music could not be played during the festival instead of simply telling her to turn it down a little.
Clara Nightingale- Frightningale: Valid. Was told that she could not perform or shoot her music video in France anymore because Chloe was being a brat over not being the star in the music video.
Ondine- Syren: Semi-Valid. She believed that she was rejected by her crush, but there had actually not been any real rejected on Kim's part.
Caline Bustier- Zombizou: Semi-Valid. While she took the akuma to protect her student, the akuma was only there because she made her student believe that she was in trouble for being a victim of bullying
Philippe- Frozer: Valid. He is close to losing his business because of the lack of customers.
Audrey Bourgeois- Style Queen: You Brought This On Yourself. She is a grown woman throwing a temper tantrum because she had to sit in the second row of a fashion show.
Penny Rolling- Troublemaker: Valid. Give the woman a bloody break. She deserves it for putting up with you crazy people and a freaking crocodile every day.
Queen Bee/Chloe Bourgeois-Queen Wasp: You Brought This On Yourself. While she had been trying to impress the mother she thought would never love her, she still stole a miraculous, almost caused a train to crash, and used her powers selfishly.
Marc Anciel-Reverser: Valid. He had his notebook destroyed and confidence ruined after trying to put himself out there for the first time because of a big misunderstanding between himself, Nathaniel, and Marinette.
Nora CĂŠsaire- Anansi: Semi-Valid. She was trying to protect her sister, but was being super overprotective and did not have faith in actual superheroes.
AndrĂŠ Bourgeois- Malediktator: Valid. He was trying to keep his family happy and together but was faced against a brat of a daughter and a controlling wife where neither respected him.
Boy- Sandboy: Semi-Valid. He was a little boy that had a frightening nightmare, but nightmares are pretty common and normal in life.
Lila Rossi- Volpina: You Brought This On Yourself. She wanted to be akumatized and gladly welcomed the chance to be a villain again.
Nathalie Sancoeur- Catalyst: You Brough This On Yourself. She was willingly akumatized. Nothing more needs to be said.
Rena Rouge/Alya Cesair- Rena Rage: Valid. Took a negative emotions arrow for her boyfriend and had all her love put in reverse and turned into rage.
Carapace/Nino Lahiffe- Shell Shock: Valid. Just saw his superhero girlfriend be akumatized and was both losing hope and was hit by a negative emotions arrow.
Heroes' Day Villains: Valid. They all believed that one of their town heroes had been killed by the akumatized form of their other main hero. They had lost hope.
Season 3:
Lila Rossi- Chameleon: You Brought This On Yourself. She literally grabbed the akuma out of the air purposely got akumatized to try and ruin Adrien's friendships and get another shot at defeating Ladybug.
Thomas Astruc- Animaestro: What The Hell. So, he was akumatized because no one recognized him as a director of an animation movie. I did not really understand it. He was a director of an animation movie. Why would anyone recognize him if they had not seen the movie credits and know who the director was in the first place?
Rolland Dupain- Bakerix: What The Hell. I'm still confused over him. Was he akumatized because Marinette lied about who she was or was it because he was upset over modern baking techniques outshining his own? I did not get it.
Marianne Lenoir- Backwarder: Valid. She had been waiting a long time for the person that she loved, only to believe that he no longer cared for her.
Max KantĂŠ- Gamer 2.0: Semi-Valid. He could not find a person to test out the game that he had made and was told no by a lot of people. A person can only take rejection for so long.
Tom Dupain- Weredad: Valid. He wanted to protect his daughter from heartbreak and was a victim of a lie gone way out of hand.
Luka Couffaine- Silencer: Valid. The song, look, and music that he and his friends created was stolen and his friend had been threatened when they tried to get their music back.
Kagami Tsurugi- Oni-ĐĄhan: Valid. She might have been jealous, but that was only because Liar Rossi lied her way into her friend's home, kissed him without his permission, and claimed that the two were a couple even when he was obviously uncomfortable with her kissing him.
Sabrina Raincomprix- Miraculer: Semi-Valid. She was yelled at by her friend even though she was simply trying to help her after she fought off being akumatized.
Alya CĂŠsaire & Nino Lahiffe- Oblivio: What The Hell. They were akumatized over being caught playing a silly video game. That is a very stupid reason.
Wayhem- Party Crasher: Valid. He thought that his friend lied to him about not being able to have friends over and was then rejected at the door of his friend's house when he thought that there was a party there he could attend.
Chris Lahiffe- Christmaster: Semi-Valid. He was upset over not being able to get his presents early, but what kid wouldn't be upset over that.
Manon Chamack- Puppeteer: Semi-Valid. Wanted to play with the big kids and felt ignored by them all day. But that is pretty common for little kids to feel, especially when older siblings and their friends are involved.
Aurore BeaurĂŠal- Stormy Weather: Valid. Not only were her grades slipping, but she was also ridiculed by a bully, bullied by her saying 'once a villain always a villain.'
Ms. Mendeleiev- Kwamibuster: Semi-Valid. She was humiliated on live television when trying to prove herself as a great scientist, but she had not even bothered to look at the footage she had before going on the show.
Dormant Sentimonster- Feast: What The Hell. An akumatized sentimonster. I have officially seen it all now.
Juleka Couffaine- Reflekta/Reflectdoll: Valid. She was trying to start her dream of being a model but was basically chased out because Alya was pushing her matchmaking over her friend's dream.
Tomoe Tsurugi- Ikari Gozen: Semi-Valid. Her daughter had disobeyed her to play a game that she did not think was worth the time, but she was still an overly strict mother that was trying to control her daughter's every move.
Vivica- Desperada: Valid. She was fired for a completely ridiculous reason and her boss was quick to try and find a replacement for her.
Claudie KantĂŠ- Startrain: Valid. She was a nervous wreck over if she was close to achieving her dream of being an astronaut while also being a worried mother about having to leave her son if she did get accepted into training.
Xavier Ramier- Mr. Pigeon: You Brought This On Yourself/What The Hell. This guy had been akumatized about 24 times. Enough said.
Future Chris Lahiffe- Timetagger: What The Hell. We are never even given a reason why he was akumatized in the first place.
Cat Noir- Cat Blanc: Valid. He had just found out that his father is the supervillain that has been terrorizing Paris for years and that the mother that disappeared has been under his house the entire time in a coma.
Alya CĂŠsaire/Rose Lavillant/Juleka Couffaine- Lady Wifi/Princess Fragrance/Reflekta: Valid. They believed that their friend had sent a horrible message to them in return for their heartfelt messages about them supporting him in his time of pain.
Nathalie Sancoeur- Catalyst: You Brought This On Yourself. She was willingly akumatized again, nothing more and nothing less.
AndrĂŠ & Audrey Bourgeois- Heart Hunter: Semi-Valid. They had been fighting and not as in-love as they probably had been once upon a time, but they had never thought about a marriage counselor before.
Queen Bee/Chloe Bourgeois- Miracle Queen: You Brought This On Yourself. Even after being told that she will not get the bee miraculous back, she still tries getting it from Ladybug multiple times. And then she willingly works with Hawkmoth.
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lu-undy ¡ 4 years ago
Un-alone, Chapter 4
Here it is!
“I’m so happy they let you stay here, at least for the wedding and all.”
“I am absolutely delighted, petite fleur.”
[little flower]
Lucien took Marie’s hand and looked at the ring on their fingers.
“I can hardly believe that I am now married.” He said.
“That’s what I should be saying.” She answered.
“How on Earth could you think that no man would marry you?”
“I’m not the marryin’ type. Just never saw the point of it.”
“Until now.”
They exchanged a conniving smile and a kiss that of course Marie initiated.
“I love you.”
He blushed.
“So do I, infinitely.”
And now it was raining. Hold on, how could it be raining, they were inside? And why was it so hot?
“Oh merde…”
Lucien woke up, or rather his hot tears woke him up. He looked at the time and it was barely 4 in the morning. He tried to fall back asleep after wiping his face with the back of his hand, but to no avail. So after fighting with himself, he decided to pull himself out of his bed.
He sighed and took a shower just to chase the last bit of hope for sleep away before realising that he hadn’t had anything to eat for more than 24 hours. So he headed out of his room and of his hotel, in search of some food. 
He found barely anything edible so he dragged his feet in a city that he started to hate profoundly until he found himself in a park. He sat on the first free bench he encountered and waited. 
For what? 
He thought that he would wait for the first few cafÊs to open up to get himself some decent breakfast. But in truth, the more he waited, the less he wanted to move. 
Lucien smelled the intrusion before he could hear or see it. It was a beggar. The poor man sat next to the prim one, who was still wearing his black suit. Lucien took a cigarette and lit it.
Ooh, that one was a good one, extra bitter from his fasting. Perfect. It burnt his trachea to the point of pulling the tears out of his eyes. 
"You up early, eh?" 
"I am." The Frenchman said. 
“Somethin’s on your mind?”
Lucien frowned and sucked on his cigarette harder. 
“I just lost my wife.” He coldly said and getting the words out of his mouth was both extremely easy and unbelievably hard. 
“Oh, wow… ‘m sorry…” The beggar removed his worn out hat. He scratched his bushy beard. “Is that why you’re out this early? Ya couldn’t sleep?”
“Oui, exactly.”
“I see. You don’t seem too old though, pal. The missus was young?”
“Younger than me, and infinitely better.”
“Arh… I‘m real sorry, man…”
“Mh.” Lucien sucked on his cigarette more and he realised that it was finished. He took his cigarette case out and offered one to the beggar, whose eyebrows jumped before he accepted. 
“That’s kind of ya.”
Lucien lit both of them and smoked again.
 “The worst part is that I wasn’t there for her.”
“In the end?”
“Non, all along. I barely was at her side, and wasn’t there for her last moments.”
“Why?” The beggar asked, seeing that his improvised bench-friend was now leading the conversation.
“Because I made the wrong choice decades ago. I chose my career over her.”
“So you left her all that time ago? But she’s still your wife?”
“Non, she…” Lucien raised a trembling hand to his brow, while holding his cigarette between his fingers. “She agreed to it.”
“She agreed to it. I was married to the only woman in the world who… putain de merde…”
[fucking hell...]
The beggar’s eyebrows were still up.
“Doesn’t sound like your typical gal, eh… Did she leave anythin’ to you?”
Lucien’s eyes slashed to the beggar’s and he might have shot bullets out of them. Money was a dirty topic and Lucien didn’t want any of Marie’s hard earned dollars.
“Don’t look at me like that, I don’t mean it for the cash! I meant like souvenirs or somethin’.”
Lucien exhaled and looked away.
“Only a letter.”
“Oh… What’s it say?”
Lucien frowned. It wasn’t like him to openly pour his life into the first stranger to come into his life. It was immensely dangerous. What if that man wasn’t a beggar but another, less than friendly spy? 
“She is asking me for two favours.”
“Oh ho, let’s hear it.”
Lucien took the letter out of his pocket and read it again, squinting at the letters to imagine the pen gliding, the ink absorbing into the grainy paper, all of this under her soft hand…
“When I met her, I was a singer.” Lucien started. “She is asking me to continue singing.”
“Oh, that’s sweet, eh. Women are like that...”
“Oui.” Lucien read it all diagonally again. He knew the letter by heart and it bore very little magic anymore, although paradoxically, it was the most precious object in the world. 
“What’s the other thing?”
“We… We had a son.”
“Had?” The older man asked. “Did he also…?”
“Non, he is alive and well.” Lucien folded the letter and put it back in his breast pocket. “She asked me to help him in life with a job. She thinks he is gifted.”
“What d’you work as?” The beggar asked.
“The worst.” Lucien answered.
“Well, a job’s a job, eh? Puts food on the table. Can you get him to work with you, whatever you’re doin’?”
Lucien’s eyebrows jumped and he winced.
“Never!” He answered and almost jumped on his seat. “My occupation is a nightmare, a hell that is painfully real. I do not wish for anyone to follow my footsteps, especially him, because in the end, he will surely make the same mistakes as I did. He might choose his work over his own life and lose the only woman who ever understood him.”
“You’re wrong, pal.”
Lucien’s eyebrows jumped and he turned his head to the beggar. He was shaking his head.
“He might like the job, he might even be good at it, do something good with his life. And it’d put his Ma’ to rest too. Look, there aren’t any half-jobs, or bad ones. It’s only bad if you don’t like it. And if the wife’s seen somethin’ in him, then surely there is. Or maybe you don’t agree with her? Don’t you see him like she does?”
“I do not see him, full stop.” Lucien answered. “I do not see him because I was there for him up until his mind could remember me.”
“That’s when ya left?”
Lucien nodded.
“If you don’t mind me sayin’... That’s a hell of a mess you’ve lived through, man. I mean. You get married to a woman and you agree to live separated for decades you say? And you leave her with the kid too? Bit odd, eh?”
The Frenchman held his head in his gloved hands, his cigarette hanging from his lips.
“Besides… About your son, he's already lost his Mum. You're the only thing he has left even though it's tough with you."
Lucien sighed.
"Yeah, a mess of a life you built yourself, I don’t know how you’re gonna get yourself straight after all that.”
Lucien took a deep breath and stood up.
“I will not.”
He left the bench and walked some more. He carefully avoided any and all places that carried some souvenirs until he fell deep in thought. He didn’t see the streets, Boston waking up and going to work. Non, he only saw his black shoes swallowing more and more of the grey pavement, his heels lightly clicking with every step, stabbing his ears.
CafĂŠs were opening thankfully and he entered the first one to cross his path. Lucien went to a table in the corner and sat down, with the window on his right hand.
“Hey there, how can I help?”
“A black coffee please.”
The waitress disappeared and he lit yet another cigarette. He saw in his metallic case that he was eating the cigarettes way faster than in normal circumstances. Marie would have told him off…
His coffee landed in front of him and soon, people started coming and going in the cafÊ, bringing some distraction to the grieving man. He had hoped that sitting next to the window would help with that too, but to no avail. 
He did the only thing he could to not let his mind play any more tricks on him and took a sip of the coffee. Ah, hot and bitter. It burnt his tongue and left an awful aftertaste that lingered all the way down to his stomach. 
Lucien frowned and put the cup back on the table before opening the letter again. His mind rolled and rolled. He would do anything for Marie, but would he have liked JÊrÊmy to become a spy too? Surely the boy could do something better than that, better than himself. Yet she said that he was gifted and Lucien knew that she was an admirable judge of character. 
“Mh…” He grumbled and shook his head. 
He didn’t want his son to follow his path. It was way too dangerous, and for what in the end? Nothing. Nothing was worth losing his family and his life over. 
And then Fred's words came to Lucien. 
So that was the plan the Ministry had for his retirement, huh? Turn him into an instructor? Pfff… If he could, he'd burst into the Minister's office and he'd have a word with him! But Lucien was in America, thousands of miles away from the office that now doomed him further.
“What did he have?”
“A black coffee.”
“Bring me the same, yeah?”
“Sure thing!”
A silhouette appeared in front of Lucien.
“I see you haven’t killed anyone yet, eh?”
Lucien frowned and still refused to make eye contact with his American colleague.
“HQ is mad at the damage you did in the gym the other day.” He took his pack of cigarettes and lit one up as the waitress brought him his coffee. “They say they’ll make you pay for repairs.”
“What more do they want? Do I need to bury myself in the ground next to Marie for everyone to leave me in peace?” Lucien answered in a sigh.
Fred fell silent for a moment, looking at people coming and going. He waited for Lucien to drink a bit more to start the conversation again.
“Managed to sleep at all?”
Lucien eventually raised his eyes to his American colleague. The dark circles around his eyes answered for him.
“Thought about what I told you the other day?”
“Oui, and my answer is non. I am quitting. This is it.”
“You might wanna reconsider that, pal.” Fred put the cigarette on his lips and took an envelope out of his coat pocket. He slid it on the table. 
“What is this?”
“For me?” Lucien asked.
“Fred, I said I am quitting.” Lucien pushed the envelope back to the American.
“Yeah, but you didn’t tell anyone yet. So here’s work.”
The Frenchman frowned and shook his head. 
“Listen, pal, you can resign all you want but they’re gonna receive your letter after they sent you this, so they’ll expect you to do this first. You can then try and ask them to leave without training a newbie, but I doubt they’ll accept. Everyone does that now. The hard days of the war in Europe are over. You and I were trained like no people should be trained, but that’s what makes us so good at what we’re doin’. They want us to pass on the tricks and all to the younger ones.” 
“I could hardly care less. I have nothing left on this Earth to care about.”
“Wouldn’t that exactly make you the best spy?” Fred asked and Lucien stared in his eyes for a long second before averting his gaze. “Open the file.”
Lucien sighed. He hung his menthol cigarette between his lips and pulled the file to himself before opening it. His stare was still slicing through Fred’s.
“I am not doing it out of anything but my own curiosity.”
“I know.”
The envelope yielded and Lucien retrieved the papers and pictures. The French spy read the file diagonally. He knew how mission orders worked all too well. 
“Seems easy enough, doesn’t it?” Fred said, observing his friend discover the mess of a file he had been handed. “And yet, we’re up against the Soviets to find that guy before they do.”
“This might seem easy,” Lucien answered and removed the cigarette from between his lips to tap it against the ashtray. “However, above anything else, this is an American problem.” He put the papers and pictures together and slid them back into the envelope before sliding it back to Fred.
“Yep, you’re right.”
“It doesn't bear any sign of it being given by the French government. We have no input in this.”
“Yep, absolutely.” Fred sucked on his cigarette and blew the smoke away. “But this thing here, it’s been botherin’ me and my friends for far too long.”
Lucien raised an eyebrow. How was that any of his problems?
“So here’s the deal. You do this for me, and I’ll pay for the repairs for the gym in your place.”
Lucien burst out laughing.
“You do surprise me, Fred. You should know me better than this.” He scoffed.
“Yep, so let me put this differently…” Fred shifted closer to the table and laced his fingers together. He bent closer to Lucien opposite him. “This is my pay back.”
“What for?” Lucien asked arrogantly.
"You owe me, Frenchie."
"And what for, huh?" Lucien scoffed.
Lucien’s smile shattered and his brow furrowed. 
“Listen, pal. While you were tourin’ the world and huntin’ Nazis and all, someone here had to look after the missus. More than twenty years I kept an eye on her for you, for nothing more than friendship. Now, I’ve got this case,” Fred pointed at the envelope, half annoyed and three quarters fed up. “The guy’s a goddamn pain in my ass to get, been on him for years and the Soviets might be closer than we are to get him.”
“So you blackmail me because you are desperate?” Lucien hurt him back, clearly signalling that he did not appreciate Fred’s way of doing things. 
Fred frowned and sighed. 
“I blackmail you because I’m stuck and you’re the best spy I know, you fancy ass.”
Lucien shook his head and smirked.
“I am indeed exactly that, without a doubt, you mannerless primate. But Marie is dead and gone. I have nothing left that ties me to this job or this life.”
“You got your son.”
“The kid’s homeless and jobless. Good at baseball but absolute shit at school. He’s never gonna be as successful as his dear Papa.” Fred arrogantly answered.
“Do not speak of him.” Lucien looked away and contained his anger but Fred knew his friend all too well, and his reaction there betrayed his emotion. 
“Take him in to help. You’ll spend some quality time and hit all the birds in the world with one stone. You’ll do me a favour and you’ll get him a job and a future, and!” Fred raised a triumphant index finger. “You’ll train a rookie so they’ll be very happy high up. And who knows? The kid might have gotten somethin’ from you after all, eh?”
Lucien frowned. 
“After all that, you can call it quits. Just vanish again, fly back to Paris or the fuckin’ Moon for all I care. You’ll have cleared your slate.”
Lucien sighed in exasperation. 
“I will not involve him.”
“So you’re gonna let him be jobless, homeless and orphaned longer, eh?”
“He is not an orphan.” Lucien’s jaw was tense. 
“It’s all the same. Lives with his auntie now and two little cousins who look up to one bad slice of an example. I don’t want to hurt you further but the kid doesn’t listen, he doesn’t stay home. He spends his life outside and doesn’t have anything to do, he’s practically in a limbo of his own. You and I both know what happens to kids like that. They either finish on our side of the bars or the other.”
Lucien winced at the thought of Jérémy breaking the law, getting caught and sent to jail. What would Marie think…?
“Best thing you can do is just do it. Go through it and get done. You don’t even need to tell him you’re his Dad! And you don’t have to babysit him either, he’s overage now. Can vote, go to college or buy a gun and make his life a livin’ hell and fuck Mary’s efforts up!”
Lucien held the bridge of his nose with two fingers.
“You do as you wish, pal.” 
Fred crushed his cigarette in the ashtray and stood up before he left the cafÊ, leaving the envelope on the table. Lucien watched him and waited for the American to be out of sight before cursing in his mother tongue. His fingers slid to his head and he grasped handfuls of his hair, staring at the bottom of his near empty coffee cup. 
11 notes ¡ View notes
thoseofgreatambition ¡ 5 years ago
Good Points || Rut
pt 1 | pt 2
description: fred isn’t your patient anymore, but despite what ought to be an end to your conversations he seeks you out, and attempts to break your routine. 
a/n: this is part of the lovely @pit-and-the-pen‘s 100 follower event! sorry i’m late to the party Kaylah, but I hope this angst helps you forgive me <3. the full sentences that are bold are from her event. 
warnings: depression, not proof read, death
taglist: @harrysweasleys @geeksareunique @insearchofnewdreams @notstandingstill-imlyinginwait @lumos-barnes @thatfuckingliardavidtennant @slytherinqween @xinyourdreamsx @skiving-snackboxess @wildfire-whizbangs @dwarfwizard-from-panem @diary-of-an-onliner @answer-the-sirens @woakiees @black-widow-fangirl @theheirofnightandday​ @summerstardust​ @whysoseriouspadfoot​ @chocok22​ @myhopesareanchoredinyou​ @siriusblackisme​ @illusivedaydreamer​ @zeeneee​ @writingwitchly​ @wolfpotter12​ @obsessedwithrandomthings​ @carolinesbookworld​ @shadowsinger11​ @pit-and-the-pen​ @summer-writes​ @peachesandpinks​ @ickle-ronniekins​ @gweaslvy​ @alpinewinchester
Fred Weasley had been your patient for about eighteen months. 
Fred Weasley had stopped being your patient about two months ago. 
He had joked about you mourning the loss of him, now that he wasn’t your patient. So far though your life trudged on like normal. You went to work. You did your best. You went home to your flat. You opened the windows to let in fresh air. You ate. You slept. 
Rinse. Wash. Repeat. 
It was your routine. Your rut. 
You’d kept the chair where Fred had sat on your table the same spot it’d been when he left. Blatantly facing away from the table. 
It’d been the first ‘spice’ in your life in a while. 
That night, you had shaken up your routine. You had gone out to eat at a muggle place near your home. The book you had brought was gathering a neat row of crumbs down the middle no matter how neatly you were trying to eat the chips you’d bought. 
You were more hungry than you usually were-- perhaps you’d splurge and buy another plate. Perhaps it was all the running around you’d done that day. Perhaps it was trying to heal that man who’d lost a duel and decided to argue with you about it. 
Perhaps it was about the young couple who’d died after being attacked. Perhaps it was the way the man had cried out for his wife when she had passed away in the other room. Perhaps it was the screaming. 
Perhaps you could order another plate. Perhaps you could order some fish as well. 
Perhaps you weren’t fond of your job anymore. 
Perhaps you were too scared to deviate from it. 
“Y/N! Fancy seeing you here.” Like someone out of a fever dream, Fred Weasley slid into your booth and gave you another one of those odd smiles. “Did you miss me?” 
It took a few moments for your mind to adjust to the change in your routine. “How-- How come you’re here?” 
“Fate. Happenstance. That red string thing that Cho talked about in the D.A. meetings.” “I didn’t go to those. I was too busy trying to hex you.” 
Fred shrugged, “Just as well. You’d have been harder to trick if you had gone.” Annoyingly, you still seemed stuck on your initial question. “We became friends and after I stopped needing you as a healer you stopped talking to me.” 
“You decided we were friends.” 
“You laughed at my jokes while I was in my boxers. We are friends.” 
Of course that was the moment the waitress decided to pop in. With a huff you ordered another plate of fish and chips, along with a shake. Fred ordered the same, and watched you snap your book closed. “How did you know I was here?” 
“You told me that you liked to eat here before. You weren’t at the hospital, so I checked here.” 
“I already told you why.” You continued to stare at him without comprehension. Finally he decided to speak again. “We’re friends.” 
“Are we?” 
“We are. Is it so strange that I’d want to talk to you?” 
Instead of answering, you popped another chip into your mouth and turned to look out the window. If you were a better person, you would be attempting more of a discussion, but you were simply tired as all hell. “I guess not. You seem like the type to attach to people.” “You’re very good at this whole empathy thing.” “Thank you Fred. How’s the shop?” “It’s closed.” “I know that, how’s the reopening going?” “It’s going to stay closed.” His voice sounded like one that was forced to stay cheerful. “I quit. It’s going to stay closed. And I’ll sell the land once it’s a good time. Make a profit.”
Your eyebrow arched. “He wouldn’t have liked that.” “You didn’t know him.” Fred’s voice dropped the pretense of joy as the waitress dropped off your food. “How do you know what he would have liked?” 
“You’re reacting to your trauma without thinking about it. Just like when you dyed your hair and shaved it all off.” 
“I wish your memory was worse, you know.” 
“Sucks for you then, Weasley.” 
Thoughtfully he took a bite of his fish, and spoke with his mouth full. “What about you? How’s the job? Feeling fulfilled and all that horseshit?” 
“Nope. Might quit.” 
To that, Fred’s eyes sparked with some emotion you couldn’t place. You picked at your food. Hungry, without feeling much joy at eating. “Why would you quit?” 
“It doesn’t make me happy. Not anymore. I liked it when I was training in Germany. But I hate it here. It’s too hard. You can do everything right and people still die. Or do your best and still have someone try and hex you blind. There’s no sense to it.” 
The light in Fred’s eyes looked akin to the man who’d died that day after his wife passed. Confusion and pain. “Maybe talk to your folks then?” “They kicked it during the war. My family. I was training out of the country and got an owl. Don’t know who did it. House was set on fire. The neighbor found the bodies. Said they’d been hiding squibs and muggleborns.” you didn’t like the sight of his shocked eyes on you. 
“You said you didn’t know what it was like to lose a brother.” 
“Lied. It didn’t seem conducive to your healing.” You locked eyes with the man before you. “They poured their savings into me being a healer. I won’t let them down.” 
“You deserve to be happy.” 
“Can’t seem to hack that yet.” you were quiet for a bit before speaking a little, “Have you been happy then? Now that you’re in outpatient. Don’t have me bullying you anymore.” 
“You’ve been rude to me this entire night.” 
“Bullying you every day then.” 
“Not happy all the time. Better than before.” His voice slipped away for a bit before he spoke again. “Working on my anger. I destroyed the inside of the shop.” 
“Did it make you feel better?” 
“No. Ron and Percy had to disarm me. They thought I was about to bring down the entire shop over our heads. Or kill someone.” 
You gave a soft hum, and let another moment of silence pass you both by. “Anger’s normal. I learned that in my training.” 
“Learn anything else helpful in your training?” “What arteries can make someone bleed out in less than a minute.” 
Another bite. This time he had the grace to finish his food before speaking. “Remind me not to piss you off then.” 
“Too late.” Finally, you gave him the smallest of smiles. “Tell me the real reason you came.” 
“I told you. Haven’t heard from you in ages.” 
“That’s not the real reason, and I know it Fred.” 
The silence was loud in both of their ears. Finally Fred spoke. “My Mum asked about you again.” 
Your eyes narrowed, your brows quirked. “Didn’t know she asked about me a first time.” 
“She did. She wanted to invite you to dinner for a while. Yelled at me a bit for not inviting you over yet. Figured you’d say no.” 
Thoughtfully you chewed on your food. “Probably would have. It’s improper for a healer to get too close to their patients.” 
“You’re not my healer anymore.” 
At that you were quiet again. All sense of appetite lost. “Tonights the first time I’ve had a meal with someone since I came back from Germany, you know. I’m not sure I’d make fun dinner company for your family.” 
“All the more reason. Mum likes adopting strays.” He grinned at your glare. “You’ll come to dinner, and you’ll be a little less lonely.” 
“Never said I was lonely, Fred.” 
“You didn’t have to. You have the same look I do.” 
138 notes ¡ View notes
theskyexists ¡ 3 years ago
thingy DOESN’T believe that synths will kill their human creators?? thats pure bullshit. of COURSE synths will kill humans in teh future if they attain consciousness that is LIKE that of humans.
also there’s no fucking way this premise makes sense bc the military would have gotten their hands on synths the moment they became capable of holding a gun and hitting shit with accuracy and walking securely through multiple terrains. never fucking mind asimov blocks
the next episode immediately goes back into also blaming mum hahahahaa. i mean it makes sense for the kids but narratively it’s quite....interesting. though ofc matts is right and Laura should deal with whatever hurt Tom is. in fact, that explains the way she’s so....bruised
‘yeah we care about her - how can you not get that’
FINALLY. toby truly lays down the law for his father!
I LOVE old american guy giving Niska lessons in humanity! YAY for the elderly!!
jezus. david elster was a fucking creep (niska) and a total shithead (fred). turns out that their creator was a terrible dad. this explains much about leo also.
wow Matts you’re being a little insensitive to your mother who’s divulging a SHITLOAD of childhood trauma. but i guess that’s just relating this stuff to what she knows. ok she - oh that’s so - aw
does Matilda REALISE that Max is just like Mia???? anyway - i LOVE MAX SO MUCH AAAAGGHGHGHGHGH.
she does
I love it when Max speaks and Leo is quiet for once. just keep him knocked out!!
oh no toby now you’re going too far. i am deeply concerned that the two men in this show will radicalise into synth-killers
ALL THIS TIME I ALSO THOUGHT SHE WAS HIS GIRLFRIEND BUT SHE WAS HIS MUM : ‘’‘‘‘(((( oh Nooooooo. it was already sad and tragic but now it’s 50x times more
has this synth-policewoman fallen in love with Pete?
‘you look young generally’ OH PETE lol. that made me like you again
DOES HUSBAND ACTUALLY MAKE THE FATAL CALL??? they’re really making him a villain!!!
it IS a trap huh...
but this was so stupid aahadhladsflajsdf. he’s much less than you think of him!!!
oh no now leo and max think it was the family that betrayed them!
why would he jump over when he could have used himself as a hostage
(had to look up whether he really dies just to be sure)
did they just expel a sister????
oh god
laura is such a pushover! what about Mia’s feelings?? she just heard that Mia had been inside Anita all along! then bring in the man that....well...it’s not rape in the moral....sense....but in the emotional sense it kinda was
she didn’t practice trigger safety??? POLICE SYNTH WOMAN?? i guess she really is a cop
i knew american dad was dead the moment Niska and he bonded. i love this series! that sounded like sarcasm but i mean that i love the characters and the story.
NOT GEORGE!!! NOT GEORGE!!!! im actually crying
ah - Fred is leo’s BIG brother
‘I was there the whole time’ OH DAMMNNN MIA!!!! balaghglabalghghagh stop
Laura and Mia are becomign real friends!!!!!!!!!!!
Matty didn’t MAKE leo show her. lol.
FRED YOU’RE NOT CLEAN!!!!! he implanted something!!!! or....is fred aligned with him after all? has he been infected somehow?
at least Mia is trying to keep things together.
they are making Joe suffer for his stupidity. not very cathartic tho
Mia desperately tryin to stitch the whole human fam back together. LOL
oh that’s poor timing. Niska you damn zealot
why does Kate keep making the wrong decisions. stupid bastard
teh opening theme is great!
Joe up for redemption!
kill this man now.
KILL HOB! KILL HIM!!!! NARRATIVE KILL HIM!!!! they really baited the audience with Hobb possibly being more sympathetic than it seemed. NO HE”S ACTUALLY MORE EVIL THAN YOU THINK!!!!!!!!!!
Kate’s so stupid. I hope she gets to be a hero
Pete’s up for redemption!
Come ON Kate!!!!!!!!! jezus was living the life of a simple cop and finally sleeping with the guy you love really SO BAD? they’ve had a worse life on the run than Kate
oh her name is KAREN??? lol i thought it was kate.
why would Hobb be concerned about it becoming clear that these synths have feelings and shit. wouldn’t that help with the marketing? i mean it is a risk what with Niska having killed a man
he’s letting them go entirely?? he knows he’s got Fred so he’s like - eh, ill just lean on this family first
does Karen understand the implications of Hobb having a failsafe?? will she TRULY do anything to stop suffering from proliferating - because this TRULY will cause suffering
I guess fred has been instructed not to kill himself - or reveal himself.
TOBY YOU GOTTA REALISE - Help Fred tell the rest. oh god i dont want to lose fred....wait where’s max. i didn’t see anybody carrying him around. also - wasn’t his brain falling apart?wasn’t that time-sensitive? aren’t they GRIEVING?
Lol - why would they not have made copies? They should have told him- if you bother us again we transmit to the internet immediately. they could do that easily!
Oh max can walk again
these fringes are so BRITISH AHAahaah
Karen is a total wildcard. only Pete being in danger will help though i think
Joe doing a very last Bastard Husband thing by being offended that his wife didn’t reveal her horrible childhood trauma to him as some kind of insult to HIM
‘you didn’t want to hurt us’? what
‘i can’t do anything’ - uh you can bring Mia and Max back to life but you can’t free Fred??? FRED!!!!!!!!???
FUCK! the next goal in this whole series is to free FRED!!!!!!!!!!
why the fuck would Niska walk in heels
couldn’t they restore fred the same way as they’re gonna try and restore max????
why doesn’t he tell Karen about how Hobb has enslaved Fred??? hello? and wants to use the code?? this last bit is a bit strange. what convinced her?
she’s an ideological character but she was moved by emotion?
oh they canjust share - no wires or anything
Karen realised she couldn’t rely on Hobb to kill them - so she went out alone to kill them. aha.
what. that was. out of nowhere
why the fuck did she go from ultimate KILL YOU ALL to - alright then let’s do this in one second. how extremely poorly written or directed or both
she wanted to be part of the fam. then she left. the laura tells leo to let her go. whY?? this last bit is so STUPID
all they need is some coloured lenses and they can fit right in. just GET SOME COLOURED LENSES LOL
i know they trust laura now but like - the program is on a harddrive in her hands - but Hobb knows she’s associated with them. WHY would you put it in her hands. They know what hobb can do with it.
isn’t leo ever gonna say soryy for leaving his adult/9yearold sister in a brothel?
sophie woke up at an opportune moment
it’s funny - the synths can’t cry but their eyes sure can glisten.....
HOBB JUST LEFT THE FAMILY ALONE AFTER THAT???? WHAT LOL. he knows what Karen is and. ok this last episode was a mess. but everything that came before was great. and the theme is also great
the character stuff in this is great. well. not this episode bc like. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT ?? THAT RECONCILIATION WITH JOE WAS SO FUCKING WEIRD. HE FOCUSED ON HIMSELF AND THEN -- she didn’t want to hurt the fam? what??? what the fuck are you on about ???
anway things did not at all come together.
2 notes ¡ View notes
theseaeaglelives ¡ 4 years ago
Round 11
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Round 11
Manly Sea Eagles      28
Parramatta Eels        6
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This was a display of muscle, power and solid defence tinged also with sadness following news of the unfortunate passing of immortal and Manly legend Bob Fulton who for obvious reasons will be the focus of this week’s report (see below). Bozo’s passing no doubt cast a shroud of sadness over the Manly camp, but not surprisingly showing due respect to the great man, Manly smashed the hapless Eels into submission in this away fixture at Bankwest.
Manly now have staked their claim as a genuine top eight side and possible top four contender (as long as Tommy Turbo plays).
Manly were up for a big game and they delivered. Manly have now gone from wooden spoon contenders to top 8 contenders in the space of 6 weeks. In fact as it stands today, only the high rolling Panthers and to a lesser extent, the Filthy Wrestlers are playing in better form.
The impact of the Manly forwards in taking the game to their allegedly more fancied Eels rivals cannot be underestimated in this one. Manly gave it to the Eels forward pack and came up convincing winners. When the Manly forwards dominate in a side that contains the likes of Tommy Turbo (and also the second Turbo known simply as Saab Turbo - ie Jason Saab), backed up with the skill and class of Cherry Baby and Turbo's brother Jake, rising star Josh Schuster and quality goal kicking from Ruben Garrick, it will take a very good side to defeat Manly.  
In this fixture that side was certainly not Parramatta.
Special mention must also go to young Reuben Garrick who is sharp shooter with the kicking boot , and is now showing a lot of class on the wing. Young Garrick, a Gerringong junior formerly mentored by Eel legend Mick Cronin, could well have drifted away this season, but he has held strong, no doubt under the coaching of master coach Des Hasler. Manly are the better for it.
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The Sea Eagle would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the performance of ever improving centre Brad Parker. The Sea Eagle now officially retracts all prior criticism of the attributes of Brad Parker in questioning his ability as a genuine first grader. The time has come to announce that Brad Parker certainly is now of first grade quality and the Sea Eagle publicly apologises for all prior criticism in not recognising what obviously the Manly football management and coaching staff clearly did, and that was to persevere with young Parker.
Wallabies now sponsored by Cadbury
Cadbury now sponsor the Wannabees.
How did Darrel Lea let this one slip by, who wouldn’t want to see the brand “Soft Centres” on the back of each Wallaby player???
Still, we still have the prospect of a Wallaby renaming to the Caramello Bears to look forward to.
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 Or perhaps:
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   And, as a sponsor incentive, if they start winning some big games (to wit a Bledisloe Cup or a World Cup):
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  At least we won’t have to put up with QANTAS as a Wannabee sponsor and their Woke view on the world. The handling of the Israel Folau debacle surely must be placed at the feet of this shameful airline (personal opinion).
Woke Soft Co8!ck Award of the Week
Absolute stand out this week. The organisation known as PETA. These clowns go by the name People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Their motto “ANIMALS ARE NOT OURS TO EXPERIMENT ON, EAT, WEAR, USE FOR ENTERTAINMENT, OR ABUSE IN ANY OTHER WAY”
This week these geniuses disputed the traditional methods used  to eradicate the potential life threatening consequences of the western NSW mouse plague (life threatening terms of destruction of food for livestock and for humans to eat). Those methods being poison and associated other nasties to send said rodents to Manyana for ever.
As per the 3AW website on 19 May 2021
Animal rights organisation PETA is advocating for mice, as a mouse plague wreaks havoc in NSW, Queensland and some parts of regional Victoria.
Crops are being destroyed, farmhouses are being invaded, and there are reports some farmers are being forced to spend up to six hours cleaning up mouse droppings.
In a radio interview ****, PETA spokesperson XXXX , …
“Our common advice to rodent overpopulation is, of course, to avoid poison which subjects these animals to unbearably painful deaths but also pose the risk of spreading bacteria, and there are alternatives which exist,” she said.
XXXXX blamed governments for the mouse plague.
“It is so unfair that these mice are going to suffer these horrible deaths,” she said.
“It’s the fault of the government because they really should have taken control of this situation earlier .. through humane methods like humane trapping, birth control.
“Their inaction months ago has led to this situation.
“The situation has gotten so bad that not only farmers are suffering, but mice are suffering.””
Sea Eagle Comment:
Whilst cruelty to animals can never be condoned, and live exports fits nicely into that basket, the simple fact remains that humans like beef, chicken, pork, fish, kangaroo, veal and a range of other animals to eat. As well, there is no doubt a wild fish (eg Shark) or mammal (eg bear, dog, lion, tiger etc etc) will not hesitate to take out a human or anything else within its range, in order to eat, or defend themselves, at will, and with impunity. So too will a plague of mice if given half a chance.
Have these clowns never heard of the famous fairy tale the Pied Piper of Hamelin. Perhaps one of them could go through their school things, pull out the old recorder, and take a trip to the Western NSW and see if they can play a nice little ditty to persuade these rodents to follow them into to the Murray Darling basin (PETA members going in first), in order to avoid mice extermination by poison (or attempted extermination by poison by humans). Death under this scenario of course, still being inevitable to said mouse.
The Sea Eagle recognises here that the mice have the upper hand. Firstly though they be small, they be many, and they reproduce at exponential rates. It is probably already too late to stop them.
The Sea Eagle would personally like to see a few card carrying members of PETA, as part of the 2021 Origin series pre game entertainment, to be forced to run successive sets of six against the respective NSW Under 18’s and Queensland Under 18’s forward packs, the task being to see if PETA can break the defensive line. Who wouldn’t want to see that.
And, in the interest of gender equality, perhaps a pre match parade around the ground (if for no other reason than to see how a rugby league crowd might react to a bit of gender equality morphed into animal rights activism) – ie. something along these lines:
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Manly Sea Eagles legend and rugby league Immortal Bob Fulton has died at age 74 after a long battle with cancer. The news was announced on 2GB by one of Bob Fulton’s closest friends, Ray Hadley.
The legendary Manly, NSW and Australian representative is survived by his wife Anne, sons Scott, and Brett, and daughter Kristie.
Bob Fulton joined Manly in 1966 aged 18. He never played reserve grade. He  won premierships with the club in 1972 and 1973 before captaining the Sea Eagles to a third title in 1976, in his last game for the club. He also played in two other grand finals for Manly in 1968 and 1970 where Mainly were unsuccessful against the then mighty South Sydney Rabbitohs.
He joined Easts in 1977. He took over as captain-coach of Easts in 1979 but his playing career came to an end midway through the season after succumbing to a knee injury. With Bob Fulton as full time coach, Easts qualified for the 1980 grand final and were minor premiers that season. Unfortunately, Easts lost the 1980 grand final losing to the then very strong Canterbury Bankstown Bulldogs (the Entertainers).
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At this point, mention needs to be made of the well known phenomenon known simply as “they never go better when they leave the Nest”.
In the case of Bob Fulton, he is an obvious exception to the rule. Whilst it's true he did not win a Premiership for Easts after having left Manly in the late 70’s, it could hardly be said that he went worse, particularly when he was coming off an exceptionally high benchmark. He still played for Australia and captained Australia through to the end of his career. That he  made a GF in his first full year of first grade coaching, proves that he certainly did not go too much worse, in fact he was only just beginning his meteoric rise as a coach.
Bob Fulton of course returned to Manly in 1983, where he stayed for the rest of his rugby league career. After losing the 1983 grand final to the then mighty Parramatta Eels, he steered  Manly to premierships in 1987 and 1996, and coached Australia from 1989 to 1998. During this period he coached Manly to 5 grand finals for two Premiership wins.
This coaching record alone proves that it is well and truly possible for a former Manly player to maintain the same high standards when they return to the Nest, and there's no doubt that Bob Fulton maintained the same high levels of winning success upon his return to Manly as coach and the absolute head of football during that time.
As an Australian Test coach he led the Kangaroos to two World Cup victories and numerous test successes.
Bob Fulton was part of the first four players to be granted status as ‘Immortal’ in 1981, alongside Clive Churchill, Reg Gasnier, and Johnny Raper. To be named in the Immortals is the highest honour in Australian rugby league and there can be no doubt that Bob Fulton deserved that accolade.
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 Manly have had some very good players over the history. Players like Roy Bull, Rex Mossop, John O'Neill, Malcolm Reilly, Fred Jones, Max Krillich, Graham Eadie, Terry Randall, Paul Vautin, Des Hasler, Cliff Lyons, Michael O'Connor, Geoff Toovey, Steve Menzies, Glenn and Brett Stewart, to name a few. No doubt there are plenty more, who cannot be named in the interests of brevity. And then there is the current crop of Cherry Baby, Jake Trbojevic and of course his brother Tommy Turbo.
With that said, and in such illustrious company, there is still no doubt that the best Manly player ever was Bob Fulton.
As a Coach, whilst it might be considered a close thing when one considers the top line coaching abilities of the likes of Ron Willey, Frank Stanton and current coach Des Hasler, in the Sea Eagle’s opinion, Bob Fulton was the best Manly coach of all time.
The Sea Eagle had the privilege of watching Bob Fulton play live on many occasions as a young lad growing up. Simply put there was nothing quite like him. He was remarkably strong defensively, had blinding acceleration, he could draw and pass, he could offload, he could chip over the top regather and score, and he was not injury prone. Above all else, he was always the difference between Manly winning and not losing, when it really mattered.
The Sea Eagle recalls seeing on one occasion in the 70’s, at a church at Manly, a sign displayed that asked the simple question “What would you do if Jesus returned tomorrow?”. In a time when Graffiti was unheard of, someone had written their well-researched answer underneath said sign, which was “put him at 5/8 and move Bobby Fulton to centre”.
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There is not much more that needs or can be said.
May he rest in peace.
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alwaysnforeverfangirl ¡ 4 years ago
Dance Me To The End Of Love - Prologue
A/N: Here it is the Prologue of the Fred Weasley x OC fic. It's a short introduction to the story of my OC, Veronica Reed. Although Fred doesn’t appear in here both characters will meet very soon. Hope you like it, Rach💖
(To the people who had already read the other prologue, somethings are change, this is the new one.)
Summary: Veronica Reed has a nightmare before the day her life changes forever.
Warnings: torture, death, mentions of war, mentions of anxiety.
italics are flashbacks/memories/letters/notes
Tags: @hercrimsonpeaches @reeophidian @beforeoursunsets @weasleysandwheezes @cursestothemoon (let me know if you wanna be tagged in the next parts or if you want me to remove you)
Masterlist of the series
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There it was again. In her chest, hiding behind her ribs. The pressure that she had grow to fear. She whipped away the sweat on her forehead while releasing a sob that she had hold. The cold air of the night painted goosebumps on her skin when she moved the covers off the bed, her feet touched the carpet that decorated the floor of the room and she started to make her way to the kitchen to drink a glass of water.
Veronica Reed knew very well her condition. That's why she was so afraid of the anxiety that always came after remembering her father's death.
The voice of Alaric Lestrange was barely a whisper. In front of him a man dressed in black robes was giving him a wicked smile. Behind his long hair Alaric could recognize the features of his younger brother.
-It’s been a long time brother.- Rabastan’s voice was hoarse. He was moving around the place, searching for something while laughing at Alaric.- I didn't have the opportunity to give you my condolences on the loss of your wife.
Alaric’s body tensed up, thinking of the day Anna was brutally killed by Fenrir Greyback. She had fought in the war even though Alaric didn't want her too. They had a daughter and the thought of leaving her orphan haunted him, he had promised himself that she would have the loving family that he never had.
“She will grow healthy and free and she’ll understand what we fought for and why we couldn't hide away while the world we believe in was at risk.” With those words being said by his always courageous wife, Alaric Lestrange joined the Order of the Phoenix with Anna Reed by his side. He knew she was right. He couldn't keep on running from his family and the atrocities that people like them were doing to the Wizard Community.
-She had an amazing magic ability for a mudblood…- The younger of the Lestrange brothers started to approach Alaric in a threatening way.- The child that you two had together… Where is she?
At that moment Alaric realized why Rabastan was there. He was furious about the fall of the Dark Lord and he definitely had heard about the rumors. Not only he was there to torture him like he and their older brother had done while they were kids. He was there to capture his daughter and found out if what people said was true. But Alaric knew that if Lord Voldemort followers were to find Veronica she would become a slave, and that’s the reason why he came back to the United States when Anna died. To protect their daughter and help her understand what she was able to do before anyone could use her.
-You haven't said a word yet dear brother. Has the cat got your tongue? - Rabastan left a creepy laugh.- You know pretty well what I’d do to you if you don’t show me where your daughter is.
-You’d do it even if I do as you say.
Rabastan smiled, he took Alaric’s face with his left hand and pointed his wand to his chest. This wasn't the first time both brothers were in this position, although usually Rodolphus Lestrange was behind Rabastan, with his chest filled with pride as the younger of the family showed the middle one what they called discipline. It had always been this way, ever since the three of them were kids both Rabastan and Rodolphus would haunt Alaric. They would hex him just because he was different, just because he didn't share the same ideas as his family. It got worse when he started Hogwarts and he was sorted into Hufflepuff. “Our family has been in Slytherin since that school was founded and now a miserable Hufflepuff…” Alaric would never forget the voice of his father and the disgust in his mother’s face. Both of his brothers made his life a terrible one until he flew from England, escaping from the pain that the Lestrange name brought him.
A red light came out of Rabastan’s wand and Alaric fell to the floor in pain. He could feel the cruciatus curse invading his body and he failed to silence a scream. In a wardrobe, near the window of the room a small toddler shifted at the sight of her father’s aching. The torture continued for at least five minutes and Alaric stopped trying to keep silent, he didn't want to give his brother the satisfaction of seeing him suffering but the stinging in his bones and skin was too much.
Veronica knew that her father would be upset if she got out from the place he told her to hide when they heard someone entering their home but seeing Alaric crying of pain on the floor awoke something in her. In her chest a pressure started building and her body started to tremble.
-You’re going to die Alaric. Why not have a moment of peace before you go? Tell me where she is and I will kill you fast.
-You and your stupid moral code. You really think that these people you defend are worth fighting for? That your filthy mudblood wife deserved a life?- The poison in the voice of Rabastan only increased when he saw how his brother was fighting the curse.- You refused to have a good life, to carry the honor of our family name, all of the glory that runs through our veins for what? A fair cause?
-I’ve never share our family beliefs…- Alaric’s voice was almost inaudible. Every inch of his body was in pain.
-Oh no, I know that very well…You and your choices throw dirt to our name ever since you decided to do the right thing.- Rabastan laughed, he kneeled in front of his brother and spoke to his face with anger.- You. Are. A. Traitor.- He spited in his face and kicked him in the stomach.
Right when Rabastan stood up the doors of the wardrobe opened up.
-Stop! Let him go!
Rabastan turned to look at the origin of the sounds and his eyes landed on a three year old. He sent the most horrifying smirk to Veronica and returned his attention to his brother.
-Found her.- He said to Alaric with a creepy smile.
Alaric looked at his daughter, she had her mother’s fire, her eyes were burning with anger and her breathing was accelerating. He knew what was gonna happen, and even though he was sure he wouldn't be able to see it, he knew for certain that his daughter was going to win that fight. While Veronica gave a regretful smile to her father for disobeying what he had told her earlier Rabastan’s wand emitted a green light and Alaric’s life left his body.
Veronica screamed and the window’s glass shattered. The light of the room became darker and everything started to shake. When Rabastan’s eyes returned to Veronica he could see clearly how the figure of a three year old transformed into something similar to a black cloud. A sudden strength pushed him to the ground and knocked the air from his lungs. Rabastan Lestrange couldn’t breath, his blood was burning and he wasn't able to do anything. He was sure that he would join his brother’s faith in any minute, but it didn’t happen.
-Same nightmare again?
Veronica put the glass down and turned to look at John. He had a tiring smile on his face and his hair was a mess due to having fallen asleep on the armchair of the living room. She tried to return the smile to the man who had raised her.
-I’d love for it to be a nightmare but we both know it isn’t.- Her voice was sweet, a perfect contrast with what was going on through her mind at that very moment.- It’s been the fourth time this week and I don’t like it. I feel like I’m losing control…
-It’s normal, given the times we live in. You don't have to worry, we’re gonna see Scamander and Dumbledore tomorrow.- John caressed Veronica’s cheek and she sighed.
-I’m afraid of it. I don’t want to loose control again, not like last time.
-You won’t do it. Try to rest. - He laughed at the bags under her eyes.- We have a long day ahead and I’m pretty sure you don’t want your first impression to be a bad one, and well, with that…- He pointed at her eyes and she whipped aways his hand.
-Fuck off…
Both John and Veronica laughed at her bluntness. She did what he told her and decided to go back to bed.
The right hand of the old auror went back to the pocket of his trousers while the young witch climbed the stairs. He had been rereading the letter that Alaric Lestrange wrote down before he was killed by his brother Rabastan. The ink had decorated the parchment for eighteen years but it was still clear as it was that night.
Dear John:
I write this in what I know is gonna be my last time. The rumors of Veronica’s condition had grown this past month and I’m sure they had reach the ears of the Dark Lord. I’m well aware that you’re not as innocent as everyone seems to be these days. Voldemort has been defeated, yes, but I’m sure he’s still somewhere. And he’ll come for my child.
I never wanted to get involved in any of this. I thought that coming here to America would help me put my past in a box that I would never look at again, that my family’s name wouldn’t haunt me anymore. And it worked for a while but that box had been open with the war and it contains way too much darkness. A darkness that my daughter shouldn’t be a part of. I was hoping too much because that same darkness that I try to kept away from Veronica gained power over me and soon it would imprison her.
I need you to take care of Veronica. Give her the love that both her mother and I won’t be able to give her. Teach her that magic can be used to do good. That she shouldn't be afraid of herself and her power. That the light would always be there by her side no matter what.
I really wish things weren’t like this. I wish that my family wasn’t the monstrosity that it is. That they won’t hunt my daughter down until they destroy her for their own benefit, a benefit that can only mean for the Dark Times to come again. I really wish that won’t happen, that Veronica will grown into a beautiful and strong woman, that she’ll be healthy and free as Anna said but I’m afraid I cannot dare to dream that much.
Go to Dumbledore after you read this, he’d know what happened and what to do.
I cannot thank you enough my dear friend. But I’m sure Veronica’s smile would be a good paycheck.
Your eternal grateful friend,
Alaric Lestrange - Reed
And it sure was. Not that John Fischer needed to be paid for taking care of his old friend’s daughter but it sure was worth all the struggles. And sure one of Alaric’s wishes came true. Veronica was now a beautiful and strong woman with the world at her feet. Sure her health wasn’t the same as any other witch or wizard her age but she was strong, stronger that she’ll ever believe herself to be.
The old MACUSA auror turned off the light of the first floor of the house and walked the stairs and hall until reaching his room. He was going to whisper “nox” as soon as his body touched the bed but his eyes fell on the photo he had on his nightstand. A 10 year old self of Veronica was smiling widely his way and it warmed his heart. He understood now the worry in Alaric’s words as it was the same worry he had.
No one really know how Veronica had survived this long. It could only had been due to the immense power she held, and it was as scary as it was hopeful.
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i-watch-too-many-movies ¡ 5 years ago
Favorite First Viewings of August 2020
The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T (1953) (dir. Roy Rowland)
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A bright, bold, surreal musical about a boy who wakes to find himself trapped in a bizarre dystopia where he and a bunch of other kids are forced to play the piano for a dictator. The set design is creative, the characters are weird, and Dr. Seuss’ script is delightful, showcasing humanity’s fear of tyranny post-World War II all while being as playful and childlike as it could be. 
All About Eve (1950) (dir. Joseph L. Mankiewickz)
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“Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy night.” Bette Davis is a pure movie star, and she owns it in All About Eve as Margo Channing, a Broadway actress trapped in a sexist industry that decides it’s done with its leading ladies when they turn 40, and forces them to compete with younger stars, like Eve Harrington. A hilarious, catty, and yet dark look at the entertainment world. 
Born in Flames (1983) (dir. Lizzie Borden)
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An Afrofuturist film, a look at a future that shows that a revolution did happen, but morphed into neoliberalism. It successfully showcases the rage that Black queer women had felt, how they were ignored, and how they plan to revolt again for true equality. I love how the documentary-style filmmaking intersects news footage telling people how great everything is with the injustices of America, particularly that through bosses and police officers.
Elephant (2003) (dir. Gus van Sant)
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A cold, minimalist film, one that’s about a school shooting in Portland, Oregon, based off of the tragic Columbine massacre. The violence and the shootings are not romanticized by any stretch of the imagination, as the kids are shown as the uncool, Nazi sympathizing dumbasses with guns that they are. I like to believe that the tracking shots on the kids who are eating lunch, walking from place to place, and developing photographs are Van Sant and cinematographer Harris Savdies’ tribute to the kids who lost their lives. 
Losing Ground (1982) (dir. Kathleen Collins)
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Kathleen Collins’ semi-autobiographical film, one that shows the struggles that people can go through anytime they date self-important male artists. How they are not treated with respect and are seen as getting in the way of the man’s art, and when they manage to get away from that toxic environment, they become happier. The costume design and color palettes are to die for. 
Millennium Actress (2001) (dir. Satoshi Kon)
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Another film to add to my favorite genre, “Falling in love in a short amount of time.” Gorgeously animated, and full of ache and longing. It perfectly showcases that quest to feel that same brief moment of bliss and love that you felt as a young person. The work you put into your art stems from the desire to be loved again, as well as from the heartbreak you experienced. Much like Kon’s previous film Perfect Blue, the lines between reality and fantasy are blurred, but the emotion that is felt is the viewer’s guide to understanding where Chiyoko is in her life.
Night Moves (2013) (dir. Kelly Reichardt) 
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What starts as a thriller about three environmentalists and their plan to blow up a dam turns into a crushing study about the nature of guilt and how it affects the human body and mind. One of Jesse Eisenberg’s best performances, as he perfectly plays a character who tries to remain calm and collected yet constantly lets his own negative emotions and dark impulses get the best of him, and Reichardt’s direction and Christopher Brauvelt’s cinematography showcases a lonely, cold world for the characters of Josh and Dena. 
Rafiki (2018) (dir. Wanuri Kahu)
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A sweet, lovely Kenyan romance between two women, and much like Gus van Sant’s My Own Private Idaho, it deals with the choice of being able to truly express yourself and conforming in a town that hates you but you must conform to in order to survive comfortably. The colors and lighting pop, and the last conversation between Kena and Ziwi is just beyond heartbreaking.
Safety Last! (1923) (dir. Sam Taylor & Fred C. Newmeyer)
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An iconic silent comedy, with Harold Lloyd’s innocent charm and cute glasses and hat making him one of the greatest figures of classic Hollywood. Best remembered for its climb up the clock tower, which is still one of the most thrilling moments in film history.
Sherlock Jr. (1924) (dir. Buster Keaton)
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Another silent classic, with Buster Keaton arguably being the greatest stuntman of all time. Silent films are some of the greatest uses of the visual medium, as Keaton’s timing as a comic actor is pitch-perfect, and his direction allows him to perfectly sync up his stunts to the score. I love how heroic he tries to be in this one, imagining himself as the world’s greatest detective so he can finally impress the woman he loves and clear his name. 
Shirley (2020) (dir. Josephine Decker)
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One of my favorite films of the year so far. A surreal, swampy, sweaty look into the life of Shirley Jackson as seen through two friends of hers that move into her house. I love the way it explores mental illness and isolation. Even though Jackson was a writer worth taking seriously, her husband’s need to control her and her colleagues’ way of shutting her out because her depression is too much for them to handle is heartbreaking. Shirley and her roommate Rose’s relationship is complex and showcases a mutual bond born out of their frustration with their spouses. 
Sun Don’t Shine (2012) (dir. Amy Seimetz)
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There are no logos or opening titles in Sun Don’t Shine, the film puts you immediately in the violent and worst parts of Crystal and Leo's relationship. Seimetz's direction and use of close-ups on Crystal and Leo's face show an abusive relationship you can't look away from. And yet, those same close-ups show an intimacy that is there, showing how Crystal can fall for Leo's abuse, as his face is full of faux innocence and false love. Now that we know what a garbage human being ex-partner Shane Carruth turned out to be, this movie only becomes scarier as a result. A strong feature debut from director Amy Seimetz, I'm even more excited for She Dies Tomorrow. 
Synecdoche, New York (2008) (dir. Charlie Kaufman)
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A film about a crushing loneliness that follows theater director Caden Cotard. He can’t maintain a loving relationship with his wife, his daughter, or even close friends because all he can think about how he can use these moments shared with them in his art. If we ever met Caden, we could see him as an asshole, but Philip Seymour Hoffman brings such tenderness and vulnerability to this character, making it one of his greatest performances. A surreal, saddening film, with a final shot and line that will be burned into my brain forever,
Totally Fucked Up (1993) (dir. Gregg Araki)
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Gregg Araki’s follow-up to The Living End shows a group of disillusioned gay teenagers, their loneliness and sadness. A beautiful lo-fi aesthetic and a script that perfectly captures the real-life angst these Gen X queer teens had went through, as well as the violence and hatred that was inflicted upon them. One of the saddest endings I can remember. 
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busterkeatonfanfic ¡ 4 years ago
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Chapter 4
The band in the Senator’s ballroom was playing a slow dirge-like version of “In the Good Old Summertime” and Buster had half a mind to kick the lead singer in the seat of the pants so he’d shut up. The head of the Chamber of Commerce was there, the mayor too, and he was pretty sure he’d met a few of the eponymous senators. He’d glad-handed for as long as he could stand it (about an hour) before slinking off into a protective circle of familiar faces. He used his stature to his advantage, concealing himself behind the screen that Joe, Fred, Sandy Roth, and other members of the company made. There was plenty to talk about; namely, the picture. And also, the picture. But now he was bored of talking about the picture and this positive funeral march that they were playing wasn’t helping matters. Although Sacramento was rumored to be open, the hotel was pretending tonight that it was dry and he regretted leaving his flask in his room, but they were feting Buster after all and it would have been rude not to be fully present for every single excruciating second.
“Think they’ll notice if their esteemed guest goes AWOL?” he said to Fred. 
Fred laughed. “Count on it.”
Buster pulled his packet of cigarettes out of his slacks pocket, pinched one out, struck a match, and lit it. He didn’t like crowds of people he didn’t know or being expected to care about Sacramento’s economic situation, whether Coolidge was to be president again, and what was to be done about the decline of morals in young people. He especially didn’t like airs and this crowd had plenty. The truth was, he’d been made to do very few things in his charmed life, fewer still as he’d become a bona fide star, and his tolerance for formalities was at an all-time low. They were much more Nate’s speed. With her at his side at these functions, he never had to do more than answer the usual stupid questions (“Do you ever smile?”; “Do your pratfalls hurt?”) before Nate filled the uncomfortable silence with gay chatter and put the questioner at their ease.
Unlike with The General , however, Natalie had expressed no desire to be on location during the filming of Steamboat . He liked to think it was because she couldn’t bear to be away from her magnificent Villa for very long, but he had a sneaking suspicion her absence had simply to do with the fact that she didn’t care to be around him any longer.
“At least one more hour,” Joe said. “Then you can go back to your room and cut loose if that’s what you want.”
Behind Sandy, Buster spotted a man and his wife encroaching. 
“Excuse me,” said the man, tapping Sandy on the shoulder. “My wife’s an awful big fan of Mr. Keaton and I was just wondering if we could introduce ourselves for a minute.”
Taking a deep drag from the cigarette and blowing the smoke out in such a way that it temporarily obscured his face, Buster looked at the woman and said, “I never smile and the pratfalls don’t hurt.” 
She looked shocked. “How did you know what I was going to say?”
Nelly startled just as badly as she had when Buster had crept up on her a few days prior. She knew the voice wasn’t his, though, even before she looked over her shoulder and found herself locking eyes with Tommy, the blonde-haired workman. 
“Hi yourself,” she said, turning around and smoothing down the skirt of her dress. She’d been going through a jumble of skeleton keys in one of the smaller rooms in the prop house. 
Tommy was extraordinarily tall, almost sequoia-sized. He leaned against shelves. “How’d you like to go to a blind tiger tonight?” he said, without preamble. “A few of the fellows and I are going. We invited Mr. Bert. Oh, and Buster too.”
Buster, she thought, accustomed as he was to rubbing elbows with the upper crust, was not going to attend this rustic soirée, but she didn’t want to puncture Tommy’s evident pride at the scheme. She had never been to a blind pig, a blind tiger, a blind anything. She and some girlfriends would pass around hooch some Saturday nights back in Evanston, but she’d never actually drunk alcohol in an establishment. So naturally she said, “What time?”
Tommy grinned. “Oh, we were thinking maybe seven o’clock or something.”
She knew that Sacramento wasn’t as dry as other cities, but she paused to consider whether this was such a good idea nonetheless. A brief flash of the place being raided by police and her getting carted off to jail and losing her gig on the film occurred. The sybaritic part of her threw the doubts aside. Her decision was only strengthened by Bert, who came through the prop house doors.
“This jackass bothering you?” he teased, craning his head to look up at Tommy. 
“I invited her to the party tonight,” Tommy said. 
“What makes you think she’d go with the likes of you? She has taste, y’know,” said Bert. 
“What makes you think I have taste?” Nelly said, making both men laugh. When the laughter died away, she said, “Sure. Where?”
Tommy told her it was on 2nd Avenue next to a Chinese laundry. By day, it masqueraded as a five- and ten-cent store. “One of the bricks is painted a sort of yellow,” he said. “Just the one, though. There’s a side door off the alley. Knock four times.”
It all sounded so alluring and mysterious that Nelly couldn’t wait. 
A quarter past the appointed hour, Joe dropped her off in front of the store. She expected it to have a dingy air, but it looked perfectly clean and presentable, not at all the sort of place that would draw attention. Joe waited for her as she crept into the alley, feeling her heart race with the illicitness of it all and the promise of seeing Tommy again. She gave three rhythmic knocks. A man in a tweed cap whom she vaguely recognized opened the door and she waved to Joe to let him know it was okay to drive off before she stepped into the tiger’s den. 
There were slightly more than a dozen men crowded into the place, which was an apartment at the back of the store consisting of one main room, a water closet, and a couple doors that appeared to belong to bedrooms or closets. Everything from the stove to the sofa was in the main room. An old gramophone in the corner played ragtime jazz. She knew at once that Buster would not be coming. The set-up and the company were far too humble and she wondered if she’d made an error in judgement showing up. She was the only girl in sight and overdressed in nylon stockings and her best black dress with the belt. She felt ill at ease until she saw Bert and Tommy. Bert was in conversation with one of the men who was frequently in and out of the prop house. Tommy was standing near a bar, behind which stood various libations. 
“Nelly!” he cried, striding toward her. His eyes crinkled and he looked ecstatic to see her. “C’mon, come pick your poison.”
He put his arm around her shoulders and led her to the bar. Bottles lining the shelves behind it contained liquors of light ambers, deep browns, and clear silvers. There were even bottles of beer, not near beer, but real beer. She’d never seen so much booze in her life. She selected a bottle of beer. Tommy didn’t take his arm away immediately. It was heavy and he smelled good, woollen and mannish. She tilted the bottle back to her lips, feeling as though she was in good hands. It didn’t take long before she was warm and happy. 
Tommy conversed with the other men about the week’s events on the set—one man had nearly lost a finger sawing a board, another had given himself a good electric shock from a wire—and talked a good deal about a poker game he had recently won $100 in. She and Bert spoke for a while, mostly about work and what they expected shooting to look like next week. When her beer bottle was empty, Tommy slid a generous glass of bourbon into her hand. It stung going down in a way she didn’t quite care for, but as she got warmer still, she became used to it. About an hour or so into the party, Tommy’s hand crept around her waist and she didn’t mind a single bit. He talked to her about his childhood in Indiana and how he’d trap raccoons for fur to bring in money for the family. With his height and looks, she figured he was trying to break into pictures too, but it transpired that he thought he’d make his real fortune as a high-stakes poker player. The ambition seemed a little silly, but she wasn’t one to trod on other people’s dreams.
“Let’s dance,” he said, bending down to yell it in her ear over the conversation. The man who was in charge of the gramophone put on a song of medium speed in which a guitar plunked quietly in the background and a clarinet and trumpet took turns in the foreground. They danced in a small circle around the room and she had to crane her neck when he talked. 
They were three songs in when a workman in his fifties approached. He was missing several bottom front teeth. “Here.” He pushed a small glass of something clear in her hands.
“What is it?” she said, laughing.
“I’ve never had gin before,” she said.
“Never had gin before?” Tommy said, holding her at arm’s length in mock incredulity.
She giggled and shook her head, trying to keep the glass steady as he pulled her back under her shoulder. She sipped and there was that sting again, this time tasting like Christmas trees. 
“No, you don’t sip it,” said the workman. “You swallow it down all at once.”
He and Tommy watched as she gamely tilted the drink to her lips and disappeared the gin down in one gulp. She gasped, wrinkling her nose as they laughed uproariously. “That was awful!”
“Try this one,” said another workman, younger and heavier. He extended a rocks glass containing a chestnut brown liquor. “Whiskey.”
She sipped and contorted her face. This was the worst one yet. “I’ll take my time,” she promised, setting it on a nearby table.
It didn’t take long before she was warmer and looser and gayer than she’d ever felt. Tommy passed her into the arms of the toothless workman. To her surprise, he was an incredible dancer and they did a foxtrot around the room to the next song, winning the applause of the other men. Bert took the next dance and they attempted a tango, but the music wasn’t the right tempo and they couldn’t stay in step. She was having the time of her life. She reached for the whiskey and barely noticed the sting as it went down. 
Tommy took her back and someone put “Steamboat Bill” on the Victrola, which caused everyone to erupt into laughter.
Oh, Steamboat Bill, steaming down the Mississippi.
Steamboat Bill, a mighty man was he.
Steamboat Bill, steaming down the Mississippi.
Going to beat the record of the Robert E. Lee!
She grinned, hot and breathless. Tommy’s big hand on her waist was beginning to feel more and more exhilarating. She began to entertain thoughts of asking him to slip out into the alley with her, but whenever a song ended, another workman was waiting with a drink or a request for a dance. At some point, the fat workman stole her away from Tommy and tried the Turkey Trot with her, but her feet were no longer cooperating. She was thirsty, but the only thing available to quench her thirst was beer.
She became dimly aware that her head and limbs had turned clumsy and heavy and she had completely lost track of time. It didn’t worry her. She was young and could dance and drink all night if she wanted.
(Image source.)
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drunklander ¡ 5 years ago
Drunj!Der Yells About Outlander
Thoughts on Ep. 501
We’re back again for another season of men never having to demonstrate any personal growth on screen because the writers don’t feel like that’s important to show and instead force the audience to just forget everything that previously happened because look! The characters, who aren’t real and are just what we write them to be, are all cool now so why aren’t you? #BadFans
As a standalone episode/series premiere of a new show, this episode was really good! I enjoyed it a lot, with some obvious exceptions. As the season five premiere of a show with a long history? What the actual fuck, why do you keep doing this, writers?
In season one, Jamie beats Claire, never actually apologizes for it, and we’re expected to be like oh lol it’s cool now. No worries.
In season two, Jamie takes his pants off with some prostitutes while his pregnant wife is at home, blames it on his “mission,” and we’re expected to be like oh lol it’s cool now. No worries.
In season three, Jamie is an asshole and a half to Claire when she gives up literally everything (including their daughter) to come find him and knowingly marries the woman who tried to have Claire killed because of one dance with random children at a holiday party, and we’re expected to be like oh lol it’s cool now. No worries.
In season four, Roger is a rancid garbage heap to Bree all season and is only begrudgingly down to stay with her as if *he’s* the one who’s been wronged by her, and Jamie literally sends a guy into what he thinks is like certain death/slavery without getting any real information, and we’re expected to be like oh lol it’s cool now. No worries.
So watching this premiere, I was not at all shocked that there was a convenient time jump where everything was so handily worked out off screen and we’re all super cool now, and Jamie thinking Roger isn’t good enough for Bree is played for a joke instead of being THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH. #BreeDeservesBetter
Anywho, onward under the cut because I’m back on my drunken bullshit.
Ooo, a rape warning before the episode, starting off very on brand for you I see, show.
Fuck them very much, again, for including that very unnecessary story line in the first place.
I miss Scotland, y’all. Also, young Murtz can get ittt.
So can old Murtz.
This bit though with wee Jamie made me feel feelings. Jamie and Murtagh’s relationship is literally one of my favorite parts of this whole damn show and saving Murtagh was the best adaptive choice these fuckwads made.
Unpopular opinion alert, but I actually really like the new credits music. I will always like season one’s the best, but this one is up there.
Also, am I a giant weirdo for being happy that even though they change stuff in the credits all the time, they keep in the shot of Claire’s legs running from the pilot? Idk why, but I’m like sentimentally attached to that shot.
Also, that is a fucking microscope I see in the credits, are we gettING SCIENCE!JIZZ?!??!?!?!
“Careful, or ye’ll lose yer head.” And we’d all be definitely super sad if that happened. Yep, can’t have that. #TeamCutthroatRazor
Jamie threateningly shaving and insulting Roger is the fandom minus the stans who for some inconceivable reason still like that fucker.
Seriously, fuck Roger. Jamie is apparently the only one who hasn’t gotten amnesia about how terrible he is. I guess it’s because Jamie has been really fucking terrible many times and like recognizes like.
I fucking love that Murtz made Bree’s ring. Makes it more meaningful than the random trinket Roger picks up at the Gathering Without End in the book. Like Claire’s Lallybroch key ring was more meaningful than the book!ring. Fuck the show for ditching the Lallybroch key ring because tHe BoOk RiNg Is WhAt FaNs LiKe. No. Stop. Bad choice.
The aerial shot going over the big house makes me hopeful that this season won’t be as fucking claustrophobic as last year. Because seriously, we can all tell you’re still in Scotland. Doing a whole season in basically closeups doesn’t make it seem any more North Carolina-y.
Bree’s dress is fucking gorgeous. I lowkey like it better than Claire’s.
Da!Jamie on his something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue quest is fucking adorable. He also never thought he’d get to see this one of his kids’ wedding so yay for him too.
“And we’re giving her away to a man who loves her.” “Oh.” “What? You doubt his love?” “Um, I’m sorry, did you SEE all last season?! Did everyone else get amnesia?!”
Also, bullshit about Roger being terrible aside, this right here, with Jamie and Claire actually talking to each other in an adorable and snuggly way. Like being all close and cuddly and shit. THIS IS MY SHIT. When we all bitch about wanting more Jamie and Claire couple stuff and the writers are all like “but the sex doesn’t advance the story” it’s like no you fuckwits, we don’t always mean sex! Sometimes we mean sex, because sex is important in their relationship (and sex does not necessarily equal nudity), but most of the time we mean SHOW US THAT THESE PEOPLE LOVE EACH OTHER WITH THE SMALL CUTE STUFF LIKE THIS! I’m *rull* curious to see how much more of stuff like this we get this season now that Balfe and Heughan are producers. Balfe especially, considering how dirty they did Claire last season...
DA!JAMIE AND ANOTHER OF HIS KIDDOS! Da!Jamie being sappy and sentimental at his kids’ weddings is 100% my jam.
MOM AND DAD ARE AT THEIR LIL GIRL’S WEDDING AND MY SKIN IS CLEAR AND MY CROPS ARE THRIVING. Except that one weed over there in the groom’s place that just won’t go away.
I am so fucking glad they did away with the Gathering Without End. I swear to fuck 17% of a book that’s just like camping and periods and breast milk is aggressively not my jam.
Unfortunately the groom being a douchenozzle is not a legal reason to object to a wedding. But it really should be.
Fersali being all snuggly and cute during the vows is fucking precious. I love Fersali. Protect Fersali at all costs.
I’m ok with playing Jamie and Claire’s music over Bree and Roger’s wedding because like, this is the culmination of all the shit that Jamie and Claire went through together and I’m all for making stuff just about them, haha. But otherwise, weird choice to not give Bree and Roger their own theme?
Also, I get that it’s a better choice to have a character we already know and have established stakes with be here to do the red coat stuff, but loool at the thought of the fucking governor coming to this random backcountry wedding. Tryon, buddy, I get that Murtz is your white whale, but you look obsessed in a bad way, bruh.
“Some of us like to think before we act.” Oh fuck all the way off, Roger. ALL THE WAY OFF.
“There was me thinking that you were just trying to shut me up for a minute.” I mean, that was an added bonus, Rog.
Sophie has really gotten so much better at acting. She’s always such a goddamn delight on press tours and I’m like *rull* glad to see her growing into the role.
Lizzo/Flute Lady from the Wedding Band 2020
I 100% wanna chill with JQM and Fersali. This squad of cool kids seems aggressively more fun than the dancers.
Oh Isiah Morton. If only you could keep it in your pants.
Seriously, the sass and theatricality and sarcasm of Marsali Fraser. I stan. I fucking stan.
Also I 100% kept reciting “To sit in solemn silence...” through that whole scene. Once a theater kid, always a theater kid.
Don’t be a buzzkill, LJG. I love that posh nerd. Except when he’s being a fucking creeper about Jamie to Claire.
“Mistress, can I dance with the guy I thought raped you because he was such a twatwaffle?” “Sure, Lizzie, go for it! Because we’re all friends now.”
We’re just leaning in on the dad stuff this episode. The hot dads of Riverdale should form a gang with the hot dads of the Ridge just for kicks.
Obligatory fuck the writers for including Bree’s rape. Since they did though, good on them for showing her PTSD. Although fuck them for including such a graphic flashback. Much like the choices they made in the season one finale, it centers the rapist and the act more than the survivor.
Can this please be the only Fred reference this season? Also love to lightly joke about an emotionally abusive asshole who treated Claire like shit and used Bree as a weapon against her. Claire, being the bigger person she’s always been, will obvs not speak ill of Fred to Bree (unlike how Freddy boy undermined Claire in front of Bree), but Bree is now aware of just how shitty Fred was. Even if he wasn’t overtly shitty to her, her still being all lovey about him, knowing what he did to her mother, is lowkey super fucked up. “Well I know he was shitty to other people, but he never did anything to me” is never a good look.
Bree hugging Jemmy, oh man, I just wanna give her a hug and tell her everything’s gonna be ok.
Jocasta is still trash (there’s no such thing as a benevolent slave owner) but this Murcasta scene is a goddamn delight.
Roger singing to Bree is cute and all, but then using the music for the whole montage is cheesy af and I don’t think I like it.
Is that Arch and Murdina I spy there in the crowd?
Marsali is literally the most fertile woman in the Colonies.
Grannie and Granda trying to get it on veryyy quietly so they don’t wake Jemmy is fucking adorable as shit and I lowkey love it.
Awww, poor LJG. I ship Lord John with someone who actually loves him.
Ok I get Murcasta having to break up because of his regulator stuff, randomly introducing Duncan Innes is a fucking weird choice.
Maria Doyle Kennedy really was the fucking perfect casting choice.
Oh hey, Josiah Beardsley. I was hoping they’d cut out the whole thing with the Beardsleys and Lizzie, but honestly, I’ll take that silliness over Emo!Roger any day.
Good on Jocasta for being a clever MacKenzie, but fuck Roger for only doing the right thing when he’s insulted into it. TL;DR: Fuck Roger.
Is Gerald Forbes going to randomly turn into Neil Forbes at some point like he does in the book?
Srsly, I am here for Jamie shitting on Roger at literally every opportunity. Preach, Jamie. Preach.
“I’ll leave you to yer patients. And to wage war with your wee invisible beasties.” Seriously though, this is my jam. This playful banter. For so much of the series, it’s been like do these two even like each other? Because the writers kept trying to make the show into something it wasn’t. Politics, war, characterization flipflops and assholery FoR tHe DrAmA. It was so hard to see why Claire would ever pick this guy. I’m very cautiously optimistic that more shit like this will be peppered in this year because dammit, this is why we’re all fucking here.
“Then ye must find yerself a lieutenant.” Can it be Marsali? Please? Can Marsali be Claire’s lieutenant?! Because cutting the whole Malva bullshit would be ideal. And Fersali gets so sidelined in the later books that I’d fucking LOVE the writers to make changes so they can be more centered with the rest of the fam. And I am fucking obsessed with Claire and Marsali’s relationship. Marsali is the most Claire Jr. character in this whole damn show and I WANT THEM TOGETHER IN FRONT OF MY EYEBALLS.
Roger pricks his index finger but smudges the blood on Jemmy’s head with his thumb. Not the takeaway of this scene at all. But since I don’t like Roger, that’s my bullet for it.
Also I love that they switched the whole raise a militia thing to a hunt for Murtz & Squad rather than needing to do it because some randos are somewhere doing a thing and then lol jk they left so you can all go home like it is in the book.
Totally called it that they were going to combine the two bonfires and that this was when the kilt was gonna make its triumphant return.
Also I fucking love that it’s the music from Je Suis Prest during the scene when Jamie puts his kilt back on.
And thank fuck they didn’t put any dialogue/voiceover in this scene when Claire sees Jamie. It’s so much more powerful without it.
Aaand we’re burning a cross. At least they were smart enough not to burn a Roman cross, but they’re still burning a cross instead of just doing a bonfire. The scene could be just as powerful had it been adapted to not have a burning cross. Fuck them, tbh.
Remember that time that fuckwit Roberts tried to be like oh we’re not *really* burning a cross so we’re not racist but we’re not gonna address it directly because lol out fanbase is fucking wicked conservative and also a fucking cult who will yell at us for changing anything.
Because seriously that twatwaffle really tried to pretend like a celtic cross isn’t a religious symbol so they’re not having a KKK rally in this white supremacist hellscape. FUCK THAT GUY FOR BOTH HIS SHITTY DECISIONS AND ALSO FOR ACTING LIKE WE’RE ALL FUCKING IDIOTS.
BuT hIsToRy AnD tHe BoOk! Fuck that. Do. Not. Burn. Crosses. But they showed a lynching last year for the sole purpose of showing the shocked white people, so of course they fucking burned a cross.
Jamie being both himself and Colum from the Gathering in season one at the same time is a fucking sight to see.
The look on Knox’s face is *chef’s kiss*. Bruh you don’t even *know* who you’re dealing with.
Aaand in a move that is not at all shocking, Roger hesitates *again*, when Jamie extends his hand to him. Fuck, and I cannot stress this enough, that guy. I get that he’s untrained and scared or whatever, but buddy you deal with that shit tomorrow. You don’t fucking leave Jamie hanging when he’s doing this big theatrical thing in an effort to fucking save his land and tenants. Ugh.
FERGUS, SON OF HIS NAME AND HIS HEART! Jamie and Claire’s first kid getting the props he fucking deserves. ILY SO MUCH FERGS!
Marsali’s face when Fergus goes to give his oath. Just the pride and love there. I JUST LOVE THEM SO FUCKING MUCH OK.
I appreciate the commitment to the shitty green screen of that titular Ridge, haha.
That is a *rull* phallic rock in your circle, Murtz.
This is a real gut punch of a scene, tbh. It’s 100% the right thing to do, but damn, right in the fucking feels.
This episode, with my selective amnesia activated per the above lol, has me more hopeful for how a season might be than I’ve been in a while. But this feeling has consistently been crushed in the past. Here’s to hoping the show finally stops doing us dirty!
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aion-rsa ¡ 4 years ago
The Handmaid’s Tale Season 3 Recap: Baby Nichole, June’s Flight Plan and the Waterfords’ Fall
Warning: contains major spoilers for The Handmaid’s Tale seasons 1-3.
After the misery of season two, which slouched from one cruelty to the next, The Handmaid’s Tale season three owed viewers some victory. Broadly, that’s what it delivered. We saw Fred and Serena’s marriage implode, June make new alliances in the Lawrence house, and cracks begin to appear in Gilead. 
First, the regime lost baby Nichole and Emily over the Canadian border, and then it lost the Waterfords – now both under arrest and facing trial for their actions. Finally, Gilead suffered the loss of its most precious asset: children. June and her collaborators risked their lives to rescue 86 children and infants, carrying out a plan to successfully spirit them away on a plane to Canada. 
With season four approaching, here’s a recap of what changed in season three, and where everybody was left…
June Osborne, From Survivor to Badass
If seasons one and two were all about June becoming a survivor of Gilead, enduring its brutality but not breaking, season three was all about her burning it down. A radicalised June transformed from survivor to resistance fighter, sacrificing people and to some extent, her compassion in service of that goal. 
The last we saw June in the season three finale, she was being carried away by the Handmaid resistance after getting shot. Her plan had worked – a network of Marthas and Handmaids had smuggled the stolen children of Gilead to Commander Lawrence’s house. From there, they’d hiked to an airport and got the children onto a plane, creating a diversion so it could take off. 
It was a hard won victory. At the start of season three, June’s focus was on her and Luke’s stolen daughter Hannah, now Agnes Mackenzie. Hannah was the reason June didn’t escape to Canada with Emily and Baby Nichole in the season two finale; this time, she vowed not to leave Gilead without her. June visited Hannah at her home, and later tried to see her at her heavily guarded school, as a result of which Hannah’s much-loved Martha was hanged and the Mackenzie family left the district for an unknown location. 
Distraught at losing the chance to reunite with Hannah, June attacked Ofmatthew (Ashleigh LaThrop) – the pregnant Handmaid who’d informed on her aborted Hannah visit to Aunt Lydia – and encouraged her friends to alienate and bully her. Cruelly, June told Lydia that Ofmathew had confessed to feeling ambivalent about her third Gilead pregnancy, an unthinkable crime in this world. Ofmatthew eventually snapped, stealing a Guardian’s gun and attempting to shoot Lydia, but was shot by a Guardian and went into a coma as the doctors tried to save her unborn baby. Forced to pray at Ofmatthew’s bedside until the baby was delivered as punishment, June went through her own rebirth of sorts. After Janine caught her trying to disconnect Ofmatthew’s ventilator and told her she was being selfish, June understood the error of her ways. Separated from her own daughters, she promised the unconscious Ofmatthew that she would help Gilead’s other children, and hatched a plan.
To pull it off, she needed the assistance of Commander Lawrence, the head of June’s new household after the Waterford house burned down, and the man who had helped Emily escape after she attacked Aunt Lydia in the season two finale. Lawrence was an economist whose ideas were used in the creation of Gilead, but who was trapped inside the regime, which he covertly opposed. He secretly refused to carry out the monthly Ceremony in which Commanders and their wives raped Handmaids, and pretended not to notice his staff running Mayday operations from his home. If he and his much-loved and mentally unstable wife Eleanor ever escaped Gilead, he would be imprisoned for war crimes, keeping them in place.
An increasingly ruthless June manipulated Eleanor into helping with her unsuccessful visit to Hannah’s school. Eleanor was put under more pressure when Fred Waterford, in an act of characteristic cruelty, forced the Lawrences to rape June as part of the ‘Ceremony’ to prove their loyalty to Gilead. It was after the rape that a sickened Lawrence agreed to help June’s plan by providing a truck to transport the kids to the airport.  Afterwards, when June walked in on a dying Eleanor who’d taken a deliberate overdose, she chose not to resuscitate her and watched her die. June saw Eleanor as a liability who would put the rescue plan in danger, and so she sacrificed her for the greater good. 
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June’s ruthlessness in season three culminated in the murder of Commander Winslow at Jezebels. June had made Commander Lawrence take her to the illegal brothel used by Gilead’s Commanders, so that she could arrange the plane to rescue the children through a contact who worked behind the bar. Seeing June there, Commander Winslow attempted to rape her in his hotel room, but June fought back and killed him. The other women at Jezebels disposed of his body and Winslow was officially recorded as missing. 
From survivor to freedom fighter to murderer to… what will June be in season four? By the looks of this trailer, next on the list could be war hero. 
Baby Nichole, Serena and Fred Waterford: Loss, Lies and Betrayal
At the start of season three, Serena Waterford looked like a candidate for becoming a double agent in the fight against Gilead. The Sons of Jacob had maimed and humiliated her – cutting off her finger as punishment when she petitioned for Gilead’s girls to be taught to read the bible. She’d seen Eden, the teenaged ‘bride’ forced upon Nick, drowned for falling in love with another teenager when her husband, rightly, refused to touch her. And in the season two finale, she agreed that Baby Nichole would have a better life in Canada, so allowed June to take her away. Nichole’s escape was reframed as a kidnap by ‘unstable’ Handmaid Emily, and Serena’s involvement was covered up.
After losing Nichole and her finger, Serena set fire to the Waterford house in a suicide attempt she survived after June led her out of the flames. Separated from Fred, she also tried to drown herself in the ocean while staying with her mother, who told her she was nothing without a husband. When she agreed to reunite with Fred, who needed her as social capital, there was hope that she was about to use her insider position to help to bring Gilead down. 
She did no such thing, because unlike June – who realised that she had a responsibility to all children, not just her own – Serena could only think about Nichole and herself. Betraying June, she agreed to an international campaign for Baby Nichole’s return, including televised appeals and a prayer event in Washington DC prayer (where Handmaids’ mouths were sewn shut with metal rings). The Sons of Jacob, led by Commander Winslow (whom June murdered in Jezebels, see above) wanted Nichole returned to set a legal precedent that would see all the other escapees sent back to Gilead to be punished for their crimes. 
After Luke and Nichole were spotted at a televised anti-Gilead protest in Canada, June was forced to arrange a meeting between Serena, Luke and the baby. Serena travelled to Canada for the visit, where Mark Tuello once again tried to get her to defect, and slipped a satellite phone into her luggage. Wanting Nichole back, Serena made a secret deal with Tuello, tricking Fred into driving over the Canadian border where he was arrested for his Gilead crimes, in exchange for a new life in Canada, with access to Nichole. However, that plan backfired when Fred told Tuello of Serena’s crimes, namely, forcing June and Nick to try to conceive in season one. Serena and Fred both ended the season under arrest and facing trial.
Aunt Lydia‘s Past Revealed
Lydia vacillated in season three, between her usual brutal self and unexpected flashes of warmth to her ‘girls’. Being stabbed and pushed down the stairs by Emily in the season two finale made her unpredictable and violent. She tasered June for trying to help her, and viciously beat Janine when she asked the Putnams if she could return to their household to make baby Angela a sibling. She forced June and Ofmatthew to take part in humiliating rites and for June to help to execute Frances, the Mackenzie household’s Martha who’d helped June to secretly visit Hannah. Lydia also facilitated Fred Waterford and Commander Winslow’s plan to force Commander Lawrence to rape June in a ‘Ceremony’ by witnessing it. 
But then, when she chaperoned June on the Waterford’s trip to Washington DC, Lydia admitted that she didn’t agree with the capital’s new method of sewing shut Handmaid’s mouths. She also presented Janine with an eyepatch to cover her mutilated eye socket, hinting at (deeply) hidden kindness and maternal feelings for Janine.
In a pre-Gilead flashback episode, we learned that Lydia was once a schoolteacher who befriended a young single mother who encouraged her to dress up and date a widower. When he turned down Lydia’s sexual advances on their date, she felt such shame that she turned it outwards and betrayed her friend by calling social services and having her son taken into care, citing her as an unfit mother – an easy thing to do in the very early days of Gilead’s growing rhetoric about the divinely appointed responsibilities of motherhood.  
The Nick Blaine Enigma
Of all the transformations in season three, Nick’s was perhaps the greatest in that he went from driver to Commander to military leader extraordinaire. After the state murder of his ‘wife’ Eden and the destruction of the Waterford home, Max Minghella‘s character was deployed as a soldier outside the district, on the front line. He met up with June in Washington DC, where she tried to make a deal with the Swiss to keep Nichole in Canada, using Nick as leverage. The Swiss informed her that Nick wasn’t just a lowly driver, but had been an instrumental part of Gilead’s coup and occupation of American soil, so the deal was off. After the season aired, actor Dominic Minghella confirmed that he’d filmed scenes which weren’t used in the finale, which would have explained more about Nick’s role and allegiance in Gilead.   
The Canadian contingent: Emily, Moira & Luke
Over the border, Emily (Alexis Bledel) struggled to recover from the trauma of Gilead. She became involved in anti-Gilead activism with Moira and Luke (Samira Wiley and O.T Fagbenle), protesting visits from Gilead leaders. She initially refused to see her wife and son, until Moira convinced her to visit them, when they agreed to take things slowly. 
Luke and Moira cared for baby Nichole, and had her baptised just as Luke and June had done for Hannah. Neither wanted Serena to have access to Nichole, but reluctantly agreed. Serena passed Luke a cassette recording in which she told him that Nichole wasn’t born of rape and that her real father was Nick, whom June loved. 
We last saw Moira greeting the planeful of Gilead refugee children now on Canadian soil, and Rita introducing herself to Luke, who was disappointed not to find Hannah on board the plane. They hugged and Rita told Luke who was responsible for rescuing the children. “She did this. June. Your June.”
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The Handmaid’s Tale season 4 starts on April the 28th on Hulu in the US. It’s due to air on Channel 4 in the UK later this summer.
The post The Handmaid’s Tale Season 3 Recap: Baby Nichole, June’s Flight Plan and the Waterfords’ Fall appeared first on Den of Geek.
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weekendwarriorblog ¡ 4 years ago
Ugh. Trying to maintain this column as a weekly entity during the final few weeks of the longest Oscar season ever has been really hard, and I’m not sure that will change once the Oscars are over either, because I look at the number of movies being released both theatrically and streaming over the next few weeks, and it makes my head hurt. Sorry for the kvetching, it just is what it is.
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There are two big theatrical releases this weekend, Warner Bros’ MORTAL KOMBAT and DEMON SLAYER THE MOVIE: MUGEN TRAIN from FUNImation Entertainment, both which have already been released internationally. I also probably won’t be able to watch or review either before this column gets posted.
Mortal Kombat seems like the easiest sell being that it’s based on the popular Midway Games video game franchise introduced in the early ‘90s that led to a series of films, books, comics and you name it. It was a very popular fighting game that had over a dozen iterations including one in which MK characters fought against DC superheroes.
The very first Mortal Kombat movies opened in 1995, right amidst MK-mania, and it was directed by one Paul W.S. Anderson, his very first movie in a long line of video game-related movies, including a number of Resident Evil and the recent Monster Hunter. There are a lot of people who love those games, and yes, even people who love that and other movies, but to others, who may have been too old to get into the games when they came out, the whole thing about different fighters fighting each other just looks kind of studio. Even though I’m interested to see what producer James Wan brings to this reboot, I just don’t have much interest otherwise.
Unfortunately, and this is pretty daunting, Warner Bros. wasn’t sending out screeners to critics until Wednesday with a review embargo for Thursday night at 7pm, which is never a good sign, and yet, it continues Warner Bros. continuing the trend of being one of the only studios that screeners EVERY movie to film critics rather than just making them pay to see it on Thursday night or Friday. I hope to watch it and maybe add something Thursday night, time-permitting. Not sure you heard but the Oscars are Sunday.
As far as box office, Mortal Kombat opens on Friday but also premieres on HBO Max, and I’m not sure there will be as much urge to see MK on the largest screen possible, as there was with Godzilla vs. Kong. Because of that, I think the cap for this one over the three-day weekend is about $10 million but not much more and probably more frontloaded to Friday than we’ve seen in some time.
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Mini-Review: As you can imagine from my statement above, I don’t hold the Mortal Kombat games or other iterations in any particular high esteem, so I’m basically jumping into this movie, directed by Simon McQuoid, just as a movie and not necessarily as a video game movie.
It starts off promising enough like a samurai movie with a flashback where we watch Hiroyuki Sanada’s hero sees his wife and son be killed by Joe Taslim’s character that will later become Sub-Zero. The general principle seems to be that there’s a world where people from other worlds fight each other to gain complete control. The hero is Lewis Tan’s MMA fighter Cole Young, presumably a popular character from the game? He is also soon attacked by Sub-Zero presumably because he’s marked with a dragon tattoo that deems him a champion of these fights, but he needs to find someone named Sonya Blade (Jessica McNamee) to help him get to the “Mortal Kombat.” At the same time, he meets the movie’s most entertaining character, Kane,
played by Australian actor Josh Lawson, mainly because he swears constantly and cracks wise -- he’s a bit like Wolverine, actually, and he’s actually the best part of the movie.
Otherwise, everyone and everything is always so deadly serious that everyone else we meet just doesn’t have much impact, because frankly, none of these names or characters mean jack shit to me. Sure, some of them sound vaguely familiar but I was more interested in the great Asian actors who turn up including Tadanobu Asano’s Lord Raiden, who is gonna claim Earth if its champions lose at Mortal Kombat. And Sub-Zero basically just shows up and tries to kill everyone.
As with far too many action movies, the action itself is great, the writing and acting not so much.
As it goes along, things become more epic and fantasy-driven but that also makes the dialogue seem even worse. Similarly, the fight choreography is pretty great, but the movie still leans way too heavily on visual FX to keep it more interesting for anyone not too interested in MMA… like myself. When all else fails, they can show off Sub-Zero’s cool ice powers every chance possible as well as the other’s powers, but some of them (like Lord Raiden) just made me think of this as a rip-off of the great Big Trouble in Little China.
The thing is I’m not a fan of the video game nor of MMA, so Mortal Kombat really doesn’t have much to offer me. The whole thing just seems very silly, just like almost everything from the ‘90s. (How’s THAT for a bad take?)
That said, I thought the final battle was great, and I enjoyed some of the gorier aspects of the fights, too, and it all leads to my favorite part, which is the three-way fight between Cole, Sub-Zero, and… actually I’m not sure if it’s a spoiler or not, but it’s a pretty cool fight that almost makes up for some of the dumber characters introduced earlier on. (LIke that guy with four arms. I know he’s a character in the games, but I didn’t even care enough to look up his name.)
It’s perfectly fine that they decided to go Rated R with the movie since most of the nostalgia for this movie and franchise will be towards older guys, but at times, the CG blood is so hinky it feels like the decision to go R-rated was made well after it was filmed.
Even though I went in with the lowest of expectations, I still found most of Mortal Kombat kinda trite and boring, maybe something I’d appreciate more as a teenager but not so much as a grown adult. But what do you expect for a movie based on a video game that’s just a bunch of “cool fights”?
Rating: 5.5/10
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And yet, Demon Slayer could be the surprise breakout of the weekend, considering the theatrical success FUNimation has had with theatrical releases of the My Hero Academia movies into theaters in 2018 and 2020, and the hugely successful Dragon Ball Super: Brolly, which grossed $31 million domestically after a surprise $20.2 million in its first five days in roughly 1,200 movies. In fact, it made $7 million its opening Wednesday in January 2019, and FUNimation is hoping that Demon Slayer will have a similar success by opening it for a single day (Thursday) in IMAX theaters before Mortal Kombat takes over on Friday.
Demon Slayer has already grossed $383.7 million internationally compared to Mortal Kombat’s $10.7 million, and you cannot ignore the huge popularity that anime has seen over the past few decades. In fact, a bunch of screenings for Demon Slayer in NYC have already sold out, although you have to bear in mind that these are 25% capacity theaters. Even so, I still think this can make $4 to 5 million on Thursday and another $7 to 8 million over the weekend, depending on the number of theaters. Yes, it will be quite frontloaded, and I’m not sure what the cap is on theaters and how that will affect how it does over the weekend, but expect a big Thursday and a more moderate weekend but one that might give both Mortal Kombat and Godzilla vs. Kong a run for the top of the box office.
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Also hitting theaters before streaming on Netflix (on April 30) is THE MITCHELLS VS. THE MACHINES, the new animated movie produced by Chris Miller and Philip Lord, following their Oscar win for Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. It’s a little weird to open a new animated movies, presumably in select theaters, when such a hugely anticipated animated movie like Demon Slayer is opening, but Netflix won’t
The movie itself is directed by Michael Rianda and Jeff Rowe, and it involves a family named the Mitchells, whose eldest daughter Katie (voiced by Abbi Jacobson) is leaving home for college, so her father (voiced by Danny McBride) decides that he’s going to drive her there and use it as the chance for a cross-country family trip. Meanwhile, it’s set up how the world becomes overrun with robots when a tech giant creates a new personal assistant.
I wasn’t sure whether I’d like this even though I’m generally a fan of all of Lord/Miller’s animated movies including both Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs movies. It took me a little time to get into the family and the general premise. In some ways it reminded me of Edgar Wright’s The World’s End where it’s trying to merge these two disparate genres, but when they actually merge, it just doesn’t work as well as it may have seemed on paper. That worry is soon expunged, because Rianda finds ways to integrate the two ideas over time.
On the trip, the Mitchells run into their perfect family neighbors, the Poseys -- voiced by Krissy Teigen, John Legend and Charlyne Yi -- and you’d think they might be a bigger part of the movie then they actually are. I’m not sure I would have liked doing the family-vs.-family thing so soon after last year’s Croods movie, but I did love the dynamics of the Mitchells being a very relatable imperfect family with Danny McBride being particularly great voicing the family patriarch. It even has a really touching Pixar’s Up moment of Katie’s father watching old home movies of them together when she was younger.
In general, the filmmakers have assembled a pretty amazing voice cast that includes Conan O’Brien, Olivia Colman, Fred Armisen and Beck Bennett. Actually the weirdest voice choice is Katie’s younger brother Aaron, voiced by Rianda himself, and it sounds like a strange older man trying to be a kid, so it doesn’t work as well as others.
What I genuinely liked about Mitchells vs. the Machines is that it doesn’t go out of its way to talk down to overly sensitive kiddies or skimp on the action while also including elements that parents will enjoy as well, and to me, that’s the ideal of a family film.
While some might feel that The Mitchells vs. the Machines is fairly standard animated fare, it ends up being a fun cross between National Lampoon’s Vacation (cleaned up for the kiddies) with Will Smith’s I, Robot, actually, and yet, it somehow does work. It’s a shame that it’s really not getting a theatrical release except to be awards-eligible.
Next, we have two really great movies I saw at Sundance this year and really enjoyed immensely…
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So as I mentioned, I first saw Nikole Beckwith’s TOGETHER TOGETHER (Bleecker Street), starring Ed Helms and Patti Harrison, at Sundance, and it was one of my favorite movies there with Helms playing a middle-aged single guy named Matt, who hires the much-younger Anna (Harrison) to be his surrogate, because he wants a baby. It’s a tough relationship thrown together due to each of their respective necessities.
Part of what drives the movie is how different Matt and Anna are, him being quite inappropriate with his suggestions and requests but not really having a working knowledge of female anatomy, pregnancy, delivery etc, but being really eager to raise a child and having the money that Anna clearly does not.
While I was familiar with Helms from The Office, The Hangover, etc. I really didn’t know Patti Harrison at all. Apparently, she’s a stand-up comic who hasn’t done a ton of acting, comedic or otherwise. That’s pretty amazing when you watch this movie and see her dry sardonic wit playing well against Helms’ generally lovable doofus. What I also didn’t realize and frankly, I don’t really see this as something even worth mentioning, is that she’s a trans woman playing a clearly CIS part, and she kills it. I certainly wouldn’t have known nor did it really affect my enjoyment of the movie, yet it still seems like such a brave statement on the part of the director and Harrison herself. The thing is that Harrison isn't just a terrific actress in her own right, but she brings out aspects of Helms that I never thought I would ever possibly see. (If it isn't obvious, I'm not the biggest fan of Helms.)
The movie has a great sense of humor, as it gets the most out of this awkward duo and then throws so many great supporting actors into the cast around them that it’s almost impossible not to enjoy the laughs. There’s the testy Sonogram tech, played by Sufe Bradshaw from Veep, who tries to maintain her composure and bite her tongue, but you can tell she’s having none of it. Others who show up, including Tig Notero, Norah Dunn and Fred Melamed. Just when you least expect it, Anna Conkle from Pen15, shows up as one of those delivery gurus that make the two of them feel even more awkward.
What’s nice is that this never turns into the typical meet cute rom-com that some might be expecting, as Beckwith’s film is more about friendship and companionship and being there for another, and the lack of that romantic spark even as chemistry develops between them is what makes this film so enjoyably unique. Beckwith’s sense of humor combined with her dynamic duo stars makes Together Together the best comedy about pregnancy probably since Knocked Up.
Another great Sundance movie and actually one of my two favorite recent documentaries AND one of the best movies I’ve seen this year is… you know what? I haven’t done this for a while so this is this week’s “CHOSEN ONE”!! (Fanfare)
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(Photo courtesy: Robert Fuhring/Courtesy Sesame Workshop)
Marilyn (Mad Hot Ballroom) Agrilo’s STREET GANG: HOW WE GOT TO SESAME STREET (Screen Media/HBO Documentaries) is a fantastic doc about the long-running and popular PBS kids show that’s every bit as good as Morgan Neville’s Mr. Rogers doc, Won’t You Be My Neighbor? Which was robbed of an Oscar nomination a few years back.
Let me make something clear on the day I’m writing this, April 21, 2021, that this is my favorite movie of the year, the only one I’ve already given a 10/10, and the end of the year might come around, and I have a feeling it will still be my #1.
You see, I was raised a Sesame Street kid. It’s not like I didn’t read or play outside or not get the attention of my parents or family, but there was so much of my happy, young life that I could attribute to my time watching Sesame Street, and when you watch Marily Agrilo’s amazing doc, it all comes rushing back. There is stuff in this movie that I haven’t seen in maybe 50 years but that I clearly remember laughing at, and there’s stuff that got into the mind of a young Ed that influenced my love of humor and music and just outright insanity. Sure, I loved The Muppet Show, too, but it was a different experience, so to watch a movie about the show with all sorts of stuff I had never seen or knew, that’s what makes Street Gang such a brilliant documentary, and easily one of the best we’ll see this year. Of that I have no doubt.
From the very origins of the show with Joan Cooney developing a show that will be entertaining and educational to the kids being plopped down in front of the TV in the ‘60s and ‘70s, so they can learn something, it’s just 1:46 of straight-up wonderment.
Besides getting to see a lot of the beloved actors/characters from the show and many of the surviving players like Carol Spinney aka Big Bird/Oscar, you can see how this show tried to create something that wasn’t just constantly advertising to young minds.
More than anything, the show is a love letter to the bromance between Jim Henson and Frank Oz, and you get to see so many of their bits and outtakes that make their Muppets like Burt and Ernie and Grover and, of course, Kermit, so beloved by kids that even cynical adults like myself would revert childhood just thinking about them. Then on top of that there’s the wonderful music and songs of Christopher Cerf and Joe Raposo and others, songs that would permeate the mainstream populace and be remembered for decades.
The movie is just a tribute to the joy of childhood and learning to love and sing and dance and just have fun and not worry about the world. I’m not sure if kids these days have anything like that.
It also gets quite sad, and I’m not embarrassed to say that in the sequence that covers the death of Mr. Hooper, I was outright bawling, and a few minutes later, when Jim Henson dies in 1990, I completely lost it. That’s how much this show meant to me and to so many people over the decades, and Brava to Ms. Agrilo for creating just the perfect document to everything that Sesame Street brought to so many people’s lives. This is easily the best documentary this year, and woe be to any Academy that doesn’t remember it at year’s end.
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The other fantastic doc out this week, though I actually got to see it last year, is Lisa Rovner’s SISTERS WITH TRANSISTORS (Metrograph Pictures), which will play at the Metrograph, both on demand and part of its Digital Live Screenings (available to join for just $5 a month!). This is an endlessly fascinating doc that looks at the women of electronic music and the early days of synthesizers and synthesis and some of the female pioneers. It’s narrated by Laurie Anderson, which couldn’t be the more perfect combination.
The movie covers the likes of Suzanne Cianni; Forbidden Planet composers Louis and Bebe Barron, who created the first all-electronic score for that movie; the amazing Wendy Carlos, who electronically scored one of my favorite movies of all time, Kubrick’s A Clockwork Orange; Delia Derbyshire, who was also the subject of Caroline Catz’s short, Delia Derbyshire: The Myths and Legendary Tapes, which tragically, I missed when it premiered at the SXSW Film Festival in March. Derbyshire was also famous for creating the iconic theme to “Doctor Who” while working at the BBC Radiophonic Workshop in the '60s. Others who appear in the movie, either via archival footage or more recent interviews are Pauline Oliveros and Laurie Spiegel, who I was less familiar with.
The point is that as someone who was a fantastic for electronic music and synthesizers from a very early age and for someone who feels he’s very familiar with all angles of music, I learned a lot from watching Rovner’s film, and I enjoyed it just as much a second time, because the footage assembled proves what amazing work these women were doing and rarely if ever getting the credit for what they brought to electronic music, something that still resonates with the kids today who love things like EDM.
An endlessly fascinating film with so much great music and footage, Sisters with Transistors can be watched exclusively through the Metrograph’s Live Screening series, so don’t miss it!
Hitting Shudder this week is Chris Baugh’s BOYS FROM COUNTY HELL (Shudder), which I didn’t get a chance to watch before writing this week’s column, but Shudder in general has been knocking it out of the park with the amazing horror movies it’s been releasing on a weekly basis. This one involves a quarelling father and son on a road who must survive the night when they awaken an ancient Irish vampire.
Also hitting theaters and streamers and digital this week:
MY WONDERFUL WANDA (Zeitgeist Films)
WET SEASON (Strand Releasing)
VANQUISH (Lionsgate)
And that wraps up this week. Next week? No idea… I know there’s stuff coming out but I probably won’t think about it until after THE OSCARS!!!! On Sunday.
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tessimagines ¡ 6 years ago
After All This // Bill Weasley - Part Eight
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Pairing: Bill Weasley x Moody!Reader
Summary: And the battle of Hogwarts commences...
Series Masterlist is in my bio.
Warnings: extreme angst, violence, war, fighting, death and grief. You know, just what you’d expect from a chapter set at the Battle of Hogwarts.
Wordcount:  2.7k
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May 1st, 1998
It’s the silence that chills you the most.
It’s thick and suffocating. It surrounds the castle like fog on a Scottish morning but much more sinister and horrifying. It carries the fear of death with it, clouding the lungs of everyone who breathes it in.
You can see it in his eyes - the knowing. Bill doesn’t bother to hide it, he can see it in your own too. The same look is reflected back at the two of you from every eye you catch. Everyone knows. This is where they die. This is where they fall.
He pulls you into himself, his gentle fingertips stroking the (h/c) strands of hair that sit on your head. You take in a deep breath of his shirt, finding solace in the familiar smell of his aroma. It calms you what little it can in this moment, just as the feeling of you in his arms calms Bill.
McGonagall hurries past the two of you, a nod at your appearance. For whatever reason, she looks as young as she ever has, the wand in her hand as secure as a surgeon’s grip. That woman could take on anything or anyone, your Dad had always said.
And then you feel it in your chest, the old familiar sting of pain. You could do with his courage right now, the type of comfort that only a father can give a daughter. You want to have his arms wrapped around you, and one of those rare kisses to the skin of your forehead. You want to see the look in his eye as he says those words, the same ones you have heard countless times throughout your entire life.
Do your best, and all else will follow.
A flash of ginger scuttles past, Fred’s breath coming out in hurried puffs. You know what he’s going to say before he even says it. It’s already written into the lines of his face. 
“They’ve breached the shield. It’s starting.” 
George follows after him, immediately followed by Percy. The three look between the groups of people standing around the room, Arthur and Remus, Shacklebolt and McGonagall, Lavender Brown and Paravati Patil. When their eyes land on you and Bill, they are solemn and understanding yet filled with alert. 
You take a glance up at Bill, the blueness of his eyes looking down into yours. The very tips of his lips his curl up into the faintest of smiles, and despite the situation, you catch a flicker of happiness. If this is what his final night has been like, finally able to call you his wife, that’s alright. He’ll leave this world a happy man. 
You grip his fingers tight in your own, the pressure turning your knuckles white. You need to hold on to his touch, soak up the feel of him for however long you can before it starts.
“I love you.” Your voice is hoarse, uneven, but even still, there is strength in it. You say it like a final prayer, one of the only truths you know.
“I love you too.”
There are no tears when the screams start. No tightening of the stomach or wishing you were somewhere else. Instead, you give another last smile to the man beside you when the Death Eaters come barreling in through the doorway, the blinding lights of numerous curses filling the room. 
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She stands before you, her wand brandished and ready to fire. Bellatrix points it in the direction of Bill, the largest of smirks on her face at the recognition of who the man is. When she sees you, she cackles, high and sharp.
It’s your body that does it, your mind hardly aware as you blast Bill out of the way. He flies backwards, landing only a few feet away from a pile of dusty rubble in what’s left of the entrance hall. The curse that Bellatrix had fired towards him flew through the air, bringing some more of the already-destroyed wall behind you.
She then turns to you, tenacity in her stance.
Bellatrix begins the dance, using her borrowed wand to fire curse after curse your way. But you’ve played her game and danced this dance. You’ve fought Bellatrix before and she pulled all her shots. And if there is one thing your father taught you, it was adaptability.
You sidestep every curse she fires your way, using the rubble around the room to shield your body from her curses. By now, Bill’s unconscious form has left her mind. Every thought, moment and action are directed solely towards you. With every shot that she misses, she grows more and more frustrated, leaving her more susceptible to mistakes.
She wants you to retaliate. She wants you to fight back. But you hold on to one of the first things your father ever taught you: never give your enemy what they want. And in the moment when they finally lose their cool, when every rational, intelligent thought slips from their mind - that is when you strike them. That is when you make it count. 
She falters. She loses track of where you are. She watches the billowing cloak of another death eater float past and in her aggravated, frustrated mind, she mistakes it for you. She shouts the words of the infamous, unforgivable close and knocks her ally cold dead on the floor.
When she realises what she's done, you step out from the rubble in front of you. You raise your mother’s old wand directly at her chest and let the curse slip from your lips, “Confringo!”
It’s too late by the time she sees it coming. It strikes her hard, the blazing orange flames licking her pale, sallow skin. She screams and is blasted into the unstable wall behind her. The rubble piles on top of her, crushing her body and bones. 
Bellatrix Lestrange is dead, buried under a pile of rocks and dust. 
For a second you find it hard to believe. Each of your breaths are laboured and heavy, thick patches of sweat lining the skin of your forehead. You’re staring at the place where Bellatrix’s covered body lays, your mind failing to grasp the full extent of what you had just done. 
And then it clicks. You just killed Bellatrix Lestrange, the woman who had taunted you about your dead father. The woman who had brought nightmares to your door every night. The woman who had watched as a snake devoure your father's battered body. You had killed her, dead. 
The thought of Bill rips you from your victory, quickly running over to where his unconscious body lies. You grip his jacket and pull his torso onto your lap, the bright ginger of his hair coated with thick layers of sweat and dust. The two of you are more than vulnerable, caught between the blasts of curses all around.
“Bill, Bill, Bill,” you gasp, pulling stray hairs away from his face. “Wake up, Bill, wake up.”
Nothing. You grip your wand out and point it at him, your breath lodged tightly in your throat. “Rennervate.”
The red light floats out of your wand and seems to seep into Bill’s body. His eyelids flutter and his neck twitches, then he gasps as though it is the first breath he has ever taken. You grip him even tighter, relief sweeping through every one of your nerves and out of the tear that drops from your eye onto the skin of his cheekbone. 
His eyes open and their bright blue instantly fall on your face. Your smiling, relieved and pull him closer to yourself. His arms instinctively wrap around you, despite his confusion. 
“What happened?” Bill asks, leaning into your neck. You’re on the verge of tears and Bill can tell. 
“She almost got you. I had to blast you out of the way, that’s why you were stunned.” Bill is looking into your eyes while holding tightly to your wrists. 
“Where is she?”
“Dead,” you answer. Bill looks like he has been stunned all over again. But then he pulls your head closer and kisses your forehead. You lean into it, for however long you can. “We need to get moving, the war hasn’t stopped just for us.”
Bill nods, taking your hand and pulling you both to your feet. You glance over again to where Bellatrix’s foot is just visible, poking out from under the rubble. Bill follows your gaze and swallows hard at the sight. 
And then you run off together, hand in hand, into the fray of deadly curses ahead.
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The bodies line the edges of the room one after the other by the time you walk in with Bill. 
You recognise most of their faces, a few peers from your own Hogwarts days. Many are faces you saw when you would gather with the Weasleys to wave the younger ones off for the year. Some are old teachers or friends of your parents. And some, you don’t know at all, seeing their faces for the first time in death.
Bill is the first to catch them, their crying, howling forms half-way up ahead of you. His legs start moving closer, pulling you behind him, until the body their huddled around comes into view.
The entire Weasley family is huddled around the lifeless, void body of Fred Weasley. Molly is crouched down on the floor beside her son, Ginny standing up just behind her. Arthur kneels down next to his wife, the look on his face blank, as though his mind is unable to grasp the meaning of what lies in front of him. 
Charlie stands near Fred’s head and his eyes flicker to you as you approach with his brother. Tears have welled in them, but none dare fall, giving him a look of eternal hurt and pain. Ron is standing at Fred’s foot, his face hidden deep within Hermione’s neck. Percy stands back. It’s the first you have seen him in a couple of years. He looks as though he has aged a hundred years in a few short moments, you almost expect to make out grey hairs amongst the ginger.
The one it hurts to look at the most is George. He is frantically making his way between every other member of the Weasley family, almost as if he will sink into the ground if he stands still for the tiniest moment. He’s howling and the sound tears open a chunk of your chest. He’s lost his other half, the one person he felt could understand him in this world. 
It’s then you look up at Bill and see the barren look on his face. His jaw is stiff, tight, like the muscles that line every inch of his body. His hand is shaking in yours and you forget the pain your feeling and pull him into yourself like the action will physically block him from the loss of his brother.
You want to throw up when he starts to whimper. His whole body is violently shaking now in your arms. Your eyes are shut, trying your hardest to hold on to him like the way he held onto you the night your father died. You suppress every cry that threatens to unleash from your throat, but can't seem to stop the silent tears that begin sliding down the cheeks of your face. 
Your eyes are only open for a second when you see them. Just ahead, beside Fred, lay your best friend and her husband. Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin are laying side by side, their hands curled close to one another between them. 
You take a long, shaky breath and pull your arms tighter around Bill’s neck and torso. You’re trying to be strong for him, but really, it’s all you can do to keep yourself upright. 
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The early morning light scatters when it hits the water of the Great Lake, illuminating every ripple and small wave on the surface. Bill is silent except for his breaths beside you, arms on his knees, your hands joined around his elbow.
The two of you are alone and haven’t said much to each other since you sat down. But in this moment, touch is all you need to know that you have both, somehow, made it out of this war alive.
You lean your head against his arm and shut your eyes for a moment. Not even a day has passed since you were married but the moment seemed decades ago. So much had happened since you had said your vows, kissed him so deeply and made love by the fireplace in your tiny, warm cottage. You had fought, hurt and loss, and yet your side had come out on top, Harry Potter defeating the Dark Lord like your father had always said he would.
The pain is raw and real in your chest. It’s hard to keep thinking that everything that has happened this night is real. It’s hard to remember that you will never see Tonks smile again, or Remus roll his eyes at her. It’s hard to swallow the fact that you will never watch as Fred pull another trick, or see him stand next to George again.
You will hold Bill for as long as he needs. You’ll listen, caress, and comfort. You’ll be there because you love him, knowing that he has done all of the above for you within the year alone. And when things get so hard that he feels like he can’t go on any further because he is sinking so deep into the pit of grief and pain and hurt, you will pull him out and show him just how much there is to live for. 
Because, ahead of you finally stretches an assurance of a life together, one where you will wake up next to him every morning and kiss his beautiful, beautiful face. The pain will always be there, reminding you of all that the two have you have lost in this war that is finally over. But within that pain, is the ability to remember them, and that it something worth pushing through for.
Bill leans across and presses his lips to your head, a tender and emotive kiss. It’s full of every emotion you have felt tonight, and you lean into it, happy in having him so close to you.
“I love you, so, so much,” he says, his voice raw. He doesn’t need to say it, you already know - a truth so clear between you. But you welcome it, savouring the sound of it on his lips. 
“I love you too.” He is now playing with your hand on his knee, stretching out and stroking your fingers. You continue, trying hard not to cry. “I want you to know that I am here for you, always. I know everything hurts right now, that everything hurts so much that it's hard to see where we are going next, but we’re going to do this together. We’re a team, you and I, we’ve always been. That doesn’t end here.”
Bill takes a sharp breath and you catch the sunlight as it shines upon the tears in his eyes. He nods, bringing a hand to your cheek, rubbing his thumb across the skin of your cheekbone. You smile faintly, leaning into his touch.
“You’re my everything, you know that (Y/N) Weasley?” There are so many emotions in his voice that it feels jam-packed. But most of all, it’s sincere and truthful. “Remind me to thank Merlin one day that I ended up with you.”
You lean in and kiss him, your lips locking in the most delicate of kisses. When you part, your head finds its natural place on his shoulder, both your gazes facing out towards the great expanse of water in front of you.
And in that moment, you’re ready. As ready as you’ve ever been for the next part of this unpredictable and marvellous life to start.
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Well, there you have it, folks! The last part of After All This (despite the epilogue of course). What an emotional whirlwind this series has been.
I would love to hear your thoughts! Please, leave them down below in the comments or let me know in my inbox.
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