Burning... love!!!~
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Hey teitoku!~ Watashi wa Kongou-desu! Would you like a cuppa tea? ((Independent RP for Kongou))
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burning-love-kongou-desu ¡ 9 years ago
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MVP get desu | 严トナ
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burning-love-kongou-desu ¡ 10 years ago
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burning-love-kongou-desu ¡ 10 years ago
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面相棒さんはTwitterを使っています: “まんじゅう型1番艦比叡ちゃん http://t.co/q9RKOkP77O”
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burning-love-kongou-desu ¡ 10 years ago
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burning-love-kongou-desu ¡ 10 years ago
The girl’s jaw was wide open as she inspected the shining pieces of ceramic. Although an avid tea fanatic, she never did bother with decorative pieces to serve with. The main experience was with the teas of course. Upon viewing Iowa’s gift, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to display them or if she wanted to use them. Her mind was made up pretty quickly though.
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"Happy Birthday Kongou-san!" Iowa held out a medium sized box for the elder battleship.
The brunette stares quietly at the silverette’s gift. Small tears began to well up in the girl’s eyes as she wrapped around the woman from the side in bliss.
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“IOWA THANK YOU! I knew someone would remember! Thanks so much!”
After wiping away a few tears from her eyes, she quickly accepted the gift. Upon receiving the gift, the battleship became curious.
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“Wait a second, what is it…? This box is light. Really light…”
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burning-love-kongou-desu ¡ 10 years ago
The top of the box comes off to reveal many labeled canisters. The battleship’s smile quickly followed as she lifted open one of the canisters to verify their belongings. The fragrance of the organic materials surrounded the battleships as Kongou began going through the cylinders one by one. Kongou’s tears of joy quickly began to consume her face as she looked up to Iowa once more.
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“IOWA *sniff* THANK YOU SO MUCH... I only ever had gotten... presents from my sisters before... but this is so kind... *sniff*”
Although Iowa had brought two presents, she was already content with the gift she had just received. However, she was thankful for her friend’s generosity and took hold of the second gift. This one was a quite a bit heavier and she had a feeling as to it’s containment thanks to Iowa’s initial hint. 
"Happy Birthday Kongou-san!" Iowa held out a medium sized box for the elder battleship.
The brunette stares quietly at the silverette’s gift. Small tears began to well up in the girl’s eyes as she wrapped around the woman from the side in bliss.
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“IOWA THANK YOU! I knew someone would remember! Thanks so much!”
After wiping away a few tears from her eyes, she quickly accepted the gift. Upon receiving the gift, the battleship became curious.
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“Wait a second, what is it…? This box is light. Really light…”
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burning-love-kongou-desu ¡ 10 years ago
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burning-love-kongou-desu ¡ 10 years ago
What would appear to be HMS Warspite came with a present for Kongou. "Happy birthday."
Kongou stared curiously at the woman with a gift in hand. She wanted to wholeheartedly accept the present but she never really got to know Warspite as much as she did. Surely it was an obligatory gift as the two never really had conversed but at the same time, what brought upon the need to get her a present?
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“T-thank you? I know we haven’t talked much but I really appreciate it! Surely we could be good friends! I think...” 
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burning-love-kongou-desu ¡ 10 years ago
The battleship was ecstatic. Not only did she receive a gift on her birthday, but she received a second as well! From a friend nonetheless~
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“Thanks a lot Iowa! You really didn’t have to~ But I’m sure glad ya did!” Her smile was spread from ear to ear as she began to open the first box. Kongou was expecting some sort of tea or even a piece of literature from the other but she held in her excitement as she began to pull the ribbons from the first gift.
"Happy Birthday Kongou-san!" Iowa held out a medium sized box for the elder battleship.
The brunette stares quietly at the silverette’s gift. Small tears began to well up in the girl’s eyes as she wrapped around the woman from the side in bliss.
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“IOWA THANK YOU! I knew someone would remember! Thanks so much!”
After wiping away a few tears from her eyes, she quickly accepted the gift. Upon receiving the gift, the battleship became curious.
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“Wait a second, what is it…? This box is light. Really light…”
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burning-love-kongou-desu ¡ 10 years ago
"Happy Birthday Kongou-san!" Iowa held out a medium sized box for the elder battleship.
The brunette stares quietly at the silverette’s gift. Small tears began to well up in the girl’s eyes as she wrapped around the woman from the side in bliss.
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“IOWA THANK YOU! I knew someone would remember! Thanks so much!”
After wiping away a few tears from her eyes, she quickly accepted the gift. Upon receiving the gift, the battleship became curious.
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“Wait a second, what is it...? This box is light. Really light...”
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burning-love-kongou-desu ¡ 10 years ago
mechanicaldaughter replied to your post:*casually walks around the offices to see if...
*looks at watch whilst tapping feet*
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“Uhhhh WAIT... I can explain... something about abyssals and tea... some fireworks... and a fish....”
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burning-love-kongou-desu ¡ 10 years ago
*casually walks around the offices to see if anyone’s around*
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“I wonder if anyone remembers...?”
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burning-love-kongou-desu ¡ 10 years ago
A girl with cat ears approaches Kongou. "Do you know a good place to do some fishing?" Indeed, the kitty-girl had fishing equipment with her.
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The battleship looks oddly at the girl as she looks around. The waters were wide but people didn’t really go fishing anymore as the abyssals still held control over the waters.
“Well... I know a couple, but it’s not really safe to be trying to head on out on open waters with rogues floatin’ around but if you absolutely want to, there are a couple of deserted wharfs you could try?”
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burning-love-kongou-desu ¡ 10 years ago
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All credits goes to the artist
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burning-love-kongou-desu ¡ 10 years ago
A question for the mun! If Kongou had a child with her admiral, what would they look like? Who would they take after more in personality and tastes? And what would their name be?
Kongou would probably be a pretty cool mom. If it was a boy, he’d probably look like Syaoran from Cardcaptors. I’d assume he’d have a happy-go-lucky attitude like Kongou since she’d be a pretty active mom. If it was a girl however, I would want to say that she’d be really shy and it would be super adorable having Kongou support her in trying to be more outgoing. As far as looks would go, probably... a brown-haired Haruna? Regardless, I’m pretty sure Kongou would have her children enjoy tea time with her and take them out for fun. 
As far as names go, I can’t really think of anything... 
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burning-love-kongou-desu ¡ 10 years ago
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burning-love-kongou-desu ¡ 10 years ago
Send me a ♡ and a dare, and my muse must do it.
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