#water filtration bag
visionfilter · 11 months
StainlessSteel Water Filter Bag
"Discover the power of pure water with our Stainless Steel Water Filtration Bag on Tumblr. Engineered for excellence, it efficiently filters impurities, delivering crystal-clear results every time. Embrace sustainability and health with our premium water filtration solution. #StainlessSteelWaterFilter #PureWater #SustainableLiving"
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mageofminge · 6 months
do you guys ever have nightmares about getting a fish tank only for the fish to die within the day you get it due to some really horrible and also easy to avoid errors?
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poojagblog-blog · 4 months
/PRNewswire/ -- Industrial Filtration Market is expected to reach USD 47.1 billion by 2029 from USD 37.1 billion in 2024 at a CAGR of 4.9% during the forecast period according to a new report by MarketsandMarkets™.
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xtruss · 4 months
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aquasnails · 1 year
Lubao Bags: Enhance Your Shrimp Tank with Nature's Filtration
🦐 Discover Lubao Bags: The Ultimate Solution for Pristine Shrimp Tanks! 🌿 Enhance water quality, promote shrimp health, and create an aquatic paradise. Dive in now! #ShrimpTank #NaturalFiltration 🌊
Maintaining optimal water conditions in a shrimp tank is crucial for the health and well-being of these delicate creatures. While traditional filtration systems have their merits, nature often provides the most effective solutions. Enter Lubao Bags – an innovative concept that harnesses the power of natural filtration to create an ideal environment for your shrimp. In this article, we will…
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mochinomnoms · 3 days
Silly scenario, but imagine something goes wrong in Alchemy, which results in Riddle getting turned into a fish, specifically a goldfish like a legit goldfish, not a merman. If Floyd were to find out, depending on his mood, he would either laugh or annoyed that his goldfishy quite literally turned into a goldfish. Now imagine Floyd carrying goldfish Riddle around the campus in a small tank. This was funnier in my head, I swear.
I'm so sorry, Riddle, because Floyd has the impulsive decision-making of a 2-year-old who just discovered free will.
He's dropping Riddle into his mouth and just barely registers, “oh wait, I probably shouldn't eat him lol” before spitting him back into the bowl.
If you wanted to take it on a much sweeter, shipping note, this would be a great opportunity for Floyd to show a much softer side to Riddle. I'm assuming that Riddle is still very sentient and aware in this new form, but maybe the others aren't aware of that.
This includes Floyd, for plot purposes of course, as he takes to carrying Riddle in a little baggy. Riddle's not happy, as he's been snatched from Trey and Cater's very dependable hands and is now being jostled around in this stupid eel's hands.
Imagine his surprise when Floyd, upon entering an unfamiliar part of Octavinelle, carefully drops him in a pleasantly cool, refreshing tank. It's a freshwater one, too, which doesn't match the rest of the waters surrounding the dorm. It takes a moment for him to realize that it's probably one of Jade's terrariums, perhaps gifted to Floyd, if the random knick-knacks like a small bouncy ball and a still wrapped lollipop were any indicator.
I suppose he could be fascinated with freshwater marine life, being from the sea. Still, it's much more well-kept than I'd expect from Floyd, of all people.
There's a few other small freshwater fish swimming in the small tank as well. They looked remarkably healthy and lovely, despite being mostly gray and silver. The filtration system looked expensive too, was this all really Floyd's doing?
“Floyd, did you really put Riddle into my tank?” Ah, never mind, this makes more sense. “I thought I told you after the last time, stop added things into my tank. And when did you add that candy?”
Riddle had never heard Jade speak in such an irritated tone, it reminded him of how Cater would speak with his older sisters on the phone. Siblings don't always get along, he supposes.
“Aw it's fine, the little guys love my decorations! And besides,” Floyd leaned down to stare at Riddle with his bi-colored eyes. They looked quite pretty, he'd hate to admit.
“I gotta take care of my Riddle!” Huh, Floyd never, if ever, called him by his actual name. “Sea Turtle and Seabream probably would've kept him in that stupid bag until he turned back. That's no good!”
Riddle watched as Floyd rested his head on his arms, gazing at him with an expression he'd rather not name as Riddle swam around in the water. He had to admit, the water against his scales felt quite nice, Riddle wondered if being in a merform would be the same?
“And I gotta make sure he likes the water, that way he'll agree to move into our home after we get married.”
Riddle was glad that he couldn't do more to express himself other than fan and flutter his fins and gills, as he's sure Floyd would rub his sudden embarrassment in his face.
“Please, you have to confess for that to even happen.” Jade scoffed as he reached his hand in to pick out the toys and trash Floyd had left in the tank. “And that's if you get him to not hate your guts.”
“Jaaaaaaade! You're being meeeeean!” Floyd turned back around to wrap his arms around his brother's waist, letting himself become deadweight for Jade to drag as he tried to walk to the trashcan by his desk.
“You can't say nothing! You're in the same boat with your mate!”
“I am most certainly not!” Jade's huff was almost amusing, if not unsettling coming from him. “My darling is just shy, I need to be careful—”
“You're a scared little bitch is what you are.”
Riddle watched as Floyd immediately ran out of the room, Jade following right after him. He thinks he could make out sounds of crashing, but it was muffled from the water and glass. It took all but of a few minutes for a disheveled Floyd with a blood nose to zoom back into the room, nearly smacking against the tank as he fell to his knees.
“Sorry Little Goldfishie, didn't mean to leave ya alone. I'll stay with ya for a while until you turn back into my Riddle. 'Kay?”
Perhaps delusional lovesickness ran in the Leech family. Perhaps Riddle was also a bit delusional, as the fond look in Floyd's eyes didn't completely turn him off.
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palestinegenocide · 4 months
Israel blocks entry of vital medical machines and ventilators
CNN has reported that Israeli forces have set up “arbitrary and contradictory criteria” regarding what items are allowed to enter Gaza, blocking the delivery of anesthetics and anesthesia machines, oxygen cylinders, ventilators, and water filtration systems.
“Other items that have ended up in bureaucratic limbo include dates, sleeping bags, medicines to treat cancer, water purification tablets and maternity kits,” the report added.
Since 2007, Israel’s blockade over the Gaza Strip barred Palestinians, at varying periods, from importing products such as cumin, soft drinks, shaving cream, instant coffee, and cookies. Other items include wheelchairs, footballs, lentils, and tomato paste. At the time, Palestinians circumvented these draconian bans through the use of underground tunnels, which were mainly used for commercial purposes.
UN officials and humanitarian organizations have been warning of a famine in the Gaza Strip, enabled by Israeli forces’ siege and shooting at Palestinians gathering near aid trucks, seeking to get a share of the food.
Wafa news agency reported that since Thursday, Israeli forces shot and killed Palestinians waiting for aid to arrive at the Nabulsi roundabout, dong so twice in less than 48 hours, west of Gaza City. At least 117 people were killed and hundreds were injured.
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The Canadian Miracle
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"The Canadian Miracle" is a short story published today by @tordotcom; it's set in the world of The Lost Cause, my forthcoming @torbooks novel.
I'm serializing it on my podcast! Here's part one.
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Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.
— Fred Rogers (1986)
It’s a treat to beat your feet on the Mississippi Mud.
— Bing Crosby (1927)
I arrived in Oxford with the first wave of Blue Helmets, choppered in along with our gear, touching down on a hospital roof, both so that our doctors and nurses could get straight to work, and because it was one of the few buildings left with a helipad and backup generators and its own water filtration.
Humping my bag down the stairs to the waterlogged ground levels was a nightmare, even by Calgary standards. People lay on the stairs, sick and injured, and navigating them without stepping on them was like an endless nightmare of near-falls and weak moans from people too weak to curse me. I met a nurse halfway down and she took my bag from me and set it down on the landing and gave me a warm hug. “Welcome,” she said, and looked deep into my eyes. We were both young and both women but she was Black and American and I was white and Canadian. I came from a country where, for the first time in a hundred years, there was a generation that wasn’t terrified of the future. She came from a country where everybody knew they had no future.
I hugged her back and she told me my lips were cracked and ordered me to drink water and watched me do it. “This lady’s with the Canadians. They came to help,” she said to her patients on the stairs. Some of them smiled and murmured at me. Others just stared at the backs of their eyelids, reliving their traumas or tracing the contours of their pain.
“I’m Alisha,” I said.
“Elnora,” she said. She was taller than me and had to bend a little to whisper in my ear. “You take care of yourself, okay? You go out there trying to help everyone who needs it, you’re going to need help, too. I’ve seen it.”
“I’ve seen it, too,” I said. “Thank you. I hope you don’t mind if I give you the same advice.”
She made a comical angry face and then smiled. She looked exhausted. “That’s all right, I probably need to hear it.”
My fellow Blue Helmets had been squeezing past us, trudging down the staircase with their own bags. I shouldered mine and joined them. Elnora waved at me as I left, then bent to her next patient.
I stepped out into the wet, heavy air of the Mississippi afternoon, the languid breeze scented with sewage, rot, and smoke. My clothes were immediately saturated with water sucked out of the ambient humidity, and I could feel myself pitting out. Squinting, fumbling for my sunglasses, it took me a moment to spot the group of angry men standing by the hospital entrance. Red hats, open-carry AR-15s. It was the local Maga Club. On closer inspection, a few of them were women, and while they skewed older, there was a smattering of young adults, and, heartbreakingly, a good number of small kids, holding signs demanding foreign agitators out of mississippi!
Bekka, a Cree woman from Saskatchewan who’d been my seat buddy on the helicopter ride, leaned in. “Straight outta central casting.”
At first, I thought she was right. Weather-beaten, white, unhealthy in that way poor Americans are, lacking access to basic preventative care. They looked so angry. Plus, the guns. But there was something else there, and I couldn’t put my finger on it until I spotted a sign being held aloft by a heavyset, middle-aged guy with wraparound shades and a sweat-sheened face: our lives matter too.
I knew he meant it in a gross way, but I couldn’t argue with it.
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Read the rest on Tor.com, or listen to it on my podcast!
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orowyrm · 3 months
what everyone absolutely needs to know is that it’s by no means a glamorous or ‘dignified’ job lmfao when our probes get stuck we smack them with hammers and/or yank on the casing with all our strength or use our weight as leverage and it’s not uncommon to get mineral build-up or biofilter sludge or grease or other such assorted substances all over oneself in the process. doing maintenance on pumps and skimmers and ozone injectors (and other adjacent equipment) is a very physical and sweaty and loud job. not uncommon to have to stop what i’m doing to stretch / drop a layer of uniform before going back in to take another shot at unsticking that lever or unscrewing that probe casing. ive built more muscle doing this job for the past handful of months than i did in four years of stocking 50lb bags of dog food and 80lb boxes of saltwater 7hrs a day. what i’m saying is that loids job is not all scanning papers and taking notes and sitting at a desk looking pretty he’s also climbing around in the bowels of whatever plumbing or piping there is and prying shit open with his bare hands and hauling heavy equipment around and hitting stubborn switches or casings with a mallet hard enough to flake rubber off the thing and regularly have to replace it. just so everyone knows. working as part of a very small technician team in a facility with any amount of large, delicate, specialized equipment that sees heavy use, be it life support systems like air or water filtration or specific instruments for void research, you end up wearing several hats just to keep everything moving smoothly and safely, so while on paper you might be there to do ‘assorted maintenance tasks’, in reality you’re part mechanic, HVAC tech, electrician, janitor, inventory manager, secretary, IT guy, the list goes on and on ON TOP OF whatever science you’re also doing. i ran out of time to type i ahve tasks to be doing i’m just going to post this as is hang on
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pokemoncaretips · 1 year
The mareanie line.
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Not exactly a beginner pokemon.
General notes: The Mareanie line is a largely solitary one, and requires a fair amount of maintenance. Bear in mind that some regions don't allow them to be kept due to biosecurity reasons.
General care: A mareanie needs a big tank, around 50 galleons minimum, with a toxapex requiring double that. Though it can leave the water for periods of time, it does need clean, salinated water with a stable pH of around 8.1 to 8.3. The tank will require good filtration set up, as for reasons I will get into shortly, you can't keep a cloyster with it to filter.
They are purely carnivores, and require feeder pokemon. Though they will eat anything they can get their hands on, they really should be kept away from human food in general.
Mareanie and toxapex MUST be kept as solitary pokemon. This is not negotiable. For many wealthy people it's a flex to keep a truly massive tank with as lifelike a biome as possible, and many have made the mistake of adding a mareanie to their ecosystem, and a few days later they have no other water pokemon and a much larger mareanie. Even keeping your mareanie and your corsola in separate tanks is asking for trouble, as they manage quite well on land and will simply crawl out of theirs and into the now doomed corsola's tank. Bruxish in particular should be kept away, as they will attack each other and the odds are slightly against the mareanie line, putting both pokemon at risk of injury.
In the case of limb loss, don't panic. These regrow. Just provide extra food to offset the calorie cost of regenerating the limb.
In general, the entire line are solitary, and though they can get comfortable and relaxed around their trainers, they tend to be standoffish with the rest of the team. It's common for smaller gyms holding tournaments to set up a function afterwards where pokemon and trainers can mingle and enjoy snacks as a way of building camaraderie and encouraging sportsmanship, and I recommend just filling a poochy bag with pokemon snacks and taking your mareanie or toxapex home, as it will likely park itself over a plate of whatever it likes and bite anyone trying to take it away.
This pokemon must be monitored at all times, and ideally you should look into getting a tracking tag applied. If it escapes into the wild it could cause devastating effects on the local ecosystem if mareanie aren't already native to where you are. As mentioned, some regions flatly ban this line from being kept. Keep your tank secure and maintained at all times.
A warm water species, this pokemon does require a lot of upkeep and maintenance, and isn't for beginner keepers. However, it is unfussy with its diet and fairly sturdy. Toxapex in particular can withstand slightly colder conditions by trapping its body heat. Care rating: Orange
Training: Though a difficult keeper, this line is frequently kept due to its useful moves and abilities, being a champion of the "toxic stall" strategy. A well trained toxapex is a defensive tank. As such, you'll likely come across them often, or if you aim for the big leagues, may even want one. They can be tricky to work with, particularly teaching them the difference between a hunting bite and a battling bite. They will need to be trained on dummies before you can send them up against other pokemon. A pokemon who has killed another pokemon in a fight is banned from battling permanently, so getting this right is VITAL.
Luckily, this pokemon is food orientated, so a bag of goldeen minnows and some patience will gradually break through those instincts.
This line has a dangerous combination of stubbornness, hunting instincts and not being the brightest. If you want one of those award winning toxapex, there's a long struggle ahead of you. Training rating: Red
Safety: A rather nasty poison type, this is a pokemon that requires careful handling. Mareanie poison is milder but still uncomfortable, causing itching to the injury site and numbness to the surrounding limb. On rare occasions people may have an allergy, causing shortness of breath and a blue tinge to the skin. Toxapex spines are MUCH more dangerous, especially as they can be fired. This venom causes severe joint pain and swelling, and can last for up to three days without treatment. Allergic reactions to toxapex have proved fatal in the past.
I cannot state strongly enough how dangerous this pokemon is for small children and people with health issues. Safety rating: Red
Overall ranking. Though a famous defensive wall, this pokemon needs a LOT of work and care, and can be lethally dangerous is not respected. I recommend this pokemon for expert poison type trainers only.
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capybaracorn · 4 months
Anesthetics, crutches, dates. Inside Israel’s ghost list of items arbitrarily denied entry into Gaza
(Al-Zarqa, Jordan) - Humanitarian workers and government officials working to deliver urgently needed aid for Gaza say a clear pattern has emerged of Israeli obstruction, as disease and near-famine grip parts of the besieged enclave.
The Israeli agency that controls access to Gaza for the multi-billion-dollar aid effort has imposed arbitrary and contradictory criteria, according to more than two dozen humanitarian and government officials interviewed by CNN.
CNN has also reviewed documents compiled by major participants in the humanitarian operation that list the items most frequently rejected by the Israelis. These include anesthetics and anesthesia machines, oxygen cylinders, ventilators and water filtration systems.
Other items that have ended up in bureaucratic limbo include dates, sleeping bags, medicines to treat cancer, water purification tablets and maternity kits.
Israel’s throttling of aid came into sharper focus Thursday when its military opened fire as desperate Palestinians gathered around food aid trucks in western Gaza City, according to eyewitnesses. This triggered panic and some people were shot while others were plowed by trucks whose drivers tried to flee, eyewitnesses say. At least 112 Palestinians were killed and hundreds more were injured, according to health officials. The IDF said it had fired warning shots to disperse a crowd after seeing that people were being trampled.
A White House readout of a phone call between US President Joe Biden and Qatari Emir Tamim al-Thani on Thursday said both leaders agreed the horrific event underscored“the urgency of bringing negotiations to a close as soon as possible and expanding the flow of humanitarian assistance into Gaza.”
US Senator Chris Murphy said the situation was “a result of the complete breakdown in social order in Gaza, which is spiraling out of control without a massive influx of humanitarian aid and a pause in the fighting.”
[See article for embedded video]
For months, queues of trucks bound for the enclave have been backed up along the highway leading from the Egyptian town of Arish, a major logistical hub for aid, to the Rafah crossing with Gaza. In a satellite image from February 21, a queue of trucks can be seen stretching out for 4 miles from the crossing.
Across the border, Israel’s bombardment edges closer to some two million people hemmed in between the southern Gazan city of Rafah and Egypt’s frontier. Further north, at least six children have died in hospitals in recent days from dehydration and malnutrition, according to Gaza’s health ministry.
"It’s deliberately opaque, deliberately ambiguous" - Senior humanitarian official
“While there’s a war being fought in Gaza, we are fighting a different war here,” said one humanitarian worker at Egypt’s Rafah crossing with Gaza. “It is a war to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza.”
Most of CNN’s sources requested anonymity for fear, they said, of reprisals and further Israeli restrictions on an already choked aid pipeline.
Several sources said a substantial portion of the donations they handled were either rejected or held up by a long wait for clearance by Israel’s Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, or COGAT, which manages the flow of aid into the strip.
“It is perfectly engineered chaos,” said one CNN source who oversees donations from four different relief organizations at one of the transit routes. Over 15,000 tons of their relief supplies await Israeli approval to enter Gaza, the source said. More than half consists of food items.
“It’s deliberately opaque, deliberately ambiguous,” said another senior humanitarian official. “You can receive clearance from COGAT and arrive to find police or finance and customs officials who will send the truck back.”
In a statement provided to CNN after publication of this report, COGAT said that it had facilitated the admission of humanitarian aid to Gaza since the beginning of the war. It said that “dual use products for humanitarian infrastructures are not sweepingly denied entry,” but were subject to “security evaluation” to prevent them being used by Hamas. In relation to allegations that specific goods were denied entry, it said that these are subjected to security checks to ensure they are not used for “terrorist purposes.”
COGAT described the testimony given to CNN as “false accusations” and criticized the decision to go public with the claims.
“Israel assists, encourages and facilitates the entry of humanitarian aid for the residents of the Gaza Strip and for medical and other critical infrastructures in the strip,” the statement said. “Israel’s war is against the Hamas terrorist organization, not against the residents of the Gaza Strip.
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Israel has long barred certain items from entering Gaza. In 2007, it imposed a blockade on the strip after Hamas took over. A year later, COGAT released a list of banned “dual use” items, making slight modifications to the document in the years that followed.
These are goods which, it said, could be repurposed for military use and would be barred from entering Gaza, such as concrete, agricultural fertilizer, certain chemicals and other miscellaneous items like binoculars, underwater cameras and water skis.
But those criteria appear to have been abandoned in the aftermath of Hamas’ brutal October 7 attack on Israel, which left about 1,200 people dead and over 250 people held hostage, according to Israeli authorities.
"We provide minimal humanitarian aid… If we want to achieve our war goals, we give the minimal aid" - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
The Israeli military responded with an intensive air, sea and land assault on Gaza that has sent the death toll soaring to over 30,000 people, according to Gaza’s health ministry, devastating most of the strip’s buildings and houses, as well as large swathes of its commercial sector and farmlands.
In a January 13 press conference, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu boasted about permitting “minimal humanitarian aid” to enter Gaza.
“We provide minimal humanitarian aid,” Netanyahu said. “If we want to achieve our war goals, we give the minimal aid.”
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Palestinians flock around a truck carrying bottles of drinking water sent by the United Nations' children's agency, UNICEF, as civilians experience water and food shortages on November 21, 2023.Abed Zagout/Anadolu/Getty Images
Exacerbating the situation is an apparent ghost list impeding the delivery of a wide range of items.
“I’ve never seen a supply chain that ought to be so simple be so complicated,” said Save the Children US president and chief executive Janti Soeripto. “The level of barriers being put in place to hamper humanitarian assistance; we’ve never seen anything like it.”
Soeripto, who visited the Egyptian side of the Rafah crossing with a UN convoy in January, told CNN she saw several items that Israeli inspectors had turned back.
She said toys were rejected because they were in a wooden box rather than a cardboard box, sleeping bags were denied because they had zippers, and sanitary pads were turned back because a nail clipper was included in the hygiene kit.
In January, US Senators Chris Van Hollen and Jeff Merkley saw maternity kits and water filtration systems among the items Israel turned back from its inspection point in Nitzana.
“In no rational world could (these) be deemed dual use or any kind of military threat,” Van Hollen told CNN weeks after his trip to Egypt’s side of the Rafah crossing.
“We learned that when a truck with just one of those items is turned down, the entire truck gets turned around and has to go back to the beginning of the process, which can take weeks,” Van Hollen said.
“We talked to the heads of international aid organizations that had been working in conflicts worldwide for decades,” the senator added. “They said they’d never seen a more broken system.”
The situation prompted Van Hollen to spearhead US congressional efforts to hold Israel accountable for its handling of humanitarian aid, which he described on the Senate floor earlier this month as a “textbook war crime.”
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Israel’s elusive guidelines on restricted items
Publicly, COGAT claims that it has abided by its 2008 banned items list. In private, COGAT has said that that document is now obsolete, according to a humanitarian official in direct contact with the Israeli unit.
COGAT enforced the 2008 list when the war first erupted on October 7, the official said. “About three weeks in, they said that list is not valid for this response. This is a different context. They said ignore the list.”
CNN’s weeks long investigation has documented multiple examples of the erratic process that followed, with officials sometimes falling back on the 2008 guidelines and other times citing them as redundant.
In one instance on February 14, COGAT rejected a truck-load of sleeping bags “because they were the color green, and green means military and according to the 2008 list, military is dual use,” the same humanitarian official told CNN.
“No one can argue that sleeping bags are going to win a war,” the official said. “We did push back on that and warned them that it would look pretty silly if this got out.”
Four sources described another incident when Israel rejected a shipment of dates – a rich source of nutrients desperately needed by a hungry population. Two of the sources said it was because the seeds were picked up as a suspicious object in the x-ray inspection imaging.
Other trucks carrying dates have been allowed into Gaza, according to UN data. But humanitarian workers have said they are worried about a repeat, and several have resorted to pitting dates prior to inspection.
Donations must pass two COGAT hurdles before entering Gaza. Aid organizations must first get clearance for their shipments from COGAT, then the trucks must clear Israeli inspection points. Items have been rejected at both of those stages, according to CNN’s sources.
COGAT provides a range of reasons for these denials. Sometimes it cites bureaucratic issues, such as an incorrect manifest, other times the items are in whole or in part deemed to be dual use, sources said. Some of the reasons provided to humanitarian organizations appeared to be expressly political. Most of the time, COGAT doesn’t provide a reason for the rejections at all.
“Where do you draw the line?” one humanitarian source involved in the aid operation told CNN, referring to Israel’s elusive criteria on dual use items.
The confusion prompted Israeli rights group GISHA to file a Freedom of Information Act request on February 7 asking the Israeli government to release details of any new restrictions on aid imposed since October 7.
“At the moment, there is very little transparency about the policy and procedures by which the government is operating,” Tania Hary, executive director of GISHA, told CNN. “We believe that Israel, as an occupying power in Gaza, has an obligation to provide for the civilian population’s needs in the strip.
“The Israeli public has a right to know what is being done in its name in Gaza.”
Anesthetics, crutches and other ‘frequently rejected items’
CNN has obtained documents from three major participants in the humanitarian operation that list what they called the “most frequently rejected items.” Among them are essential medical supplies: anesthesia machines and anesthetics, crutches, generators, ventilators, x-ray machines and oxygen cylinders.
For doctors and patients inside Gaza, the implications are excruciating. There are numerous reports of preventable deaths for lack of oxygen and ventilators. Over 1,000 children have undergone leg amputations in Gaza, according to UNICEF, some without anesthesia. That figure was compiled by UNICEF at the end of November and has not been updated since.
"There was no anesthesia. My anesthesia was the Quran which I was reciting" - Ahed Bseiso, 17, recalling her leg amputation
One doctor, Hani Bseiso, amputated his 17-year-old niece’s leg with a kitchen knife in his home, using only the clothes on his back to stop the bleeding and dish soap to clean her wounds. “An Israeli tank missile hit her when she was on the sixth floor of our building,” Bseiso told CNN. “I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t have anesthesia or any kind of medication.”
“There was no anesthesia. My anesthesia was the Quran which I was reciting,” the niece, Ahed Bseiso, later told a journalist working with CNN in Gaza. The amputation, carried out on her uncle’s dining table, was filmed and shared widely on social media.
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Ahed Bseiso, 17, is seen weeks after her leg was amputated without anesthesia.Hani Bseiso
Medicines in Gaza began to run out shortly after the war erupted on October 7. Injuries from intensive bombardment skyrocketed while Israel stifled aid deliveries.
“Towards the end of my 43 days in Gaza, we had run out of anesthetic, and we were doing procedures with no anesthetic at all,” said British-Palestinian surgeon Dr. Ghassan Abu-Sittah from his clinic in London, two months after his return from Gaza.
“We were having to do extremely painful cleaning procedures to stop wound infections on children with no anesthetic and no analgesic.”
In the absence of appropriate medical supplies, Abu-Sittah concocted a solution to fight infection: dish soap mixed with vinegar and saline.
“I would pour that over the wound and scrub the wound down,” Abu-Sittah said. “It was probably the darkest moment of my life. The child was screaming. The parent was crying, and you’re trying to just block all of this out and do it as quickly as possible.
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Dr Ghassan Abu-Sittah, a British-Palestinian surgeon, described working without essential medication and painkillers in Gaza as “the darkest moment” of his life.Alex Platt/CNN
Another humanitarian source inside Gaza said that in early February he witnessed a six-year-old child with burns covering 40% of her body. She was at a hospital in Rafah, the best supplied population center in Gaza, where medics could only give her aspirin to ease her agony.
Another woman, Um Adel, said her granddaughter died due to a lack of oxygen at a hospital in the southern Gazan city of Khan Younis.
“We were in Khan Younis. We couldn’t sleep during the day or the night because of the bombardment,” she told another journalist working with CNN in Gaza. “My granddaughter died because she was ill and there was no oxygen or any kind of medication for her. May her soul rest in peace.”
Israel’s restrictions have also impacted medicines for the chronically ill. For weeks, COGAT temporarily prevented insulin pens for children with diabetes from entering Gaza, according to the UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Palestine Jamie McGoldrick and one other source.
“On the goods that are being prohibited, it’s a full range,” said McGoldrick in a January 24 press conference. “Some of it is medical material such as basic drugs and material for treating not just trauma but for chronic illnesses.
“One example would be most recently the pens that are used for insulin for children,” he added. “In terms of the rationale for it, I really can’t explain it because I don’t know.
“These are essential commodities for us to address the emergency which is currently unfolding in a very dramatic fashion.”
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An aid truck enters from Egypt en route to Gaza as seen from the Kerem Shalom crossing in Israel on December 22, 2023.Clodagh Kilcoyne/Reuters
At one of the waypoints of aid in Jordan, stacked boxes of donations extend for around eight miles, a backlog that would require around a thousand trucks to deliver, Jordan’s charity officials estimate.
The director of programs and planning for the Jordanian Hashemite Charity Organization (JHCO), Marwan al-Hennawy, slits open a box of food to show what should be reaching people in Gaza; this one contains rice, chicken stock, tuna and dates. It is enough to feed a family of five for two weeks.
Behind him are dozens of wheelchairs wrapped in dusty plastic. “We have 220 wheelchairs and we’ve been trying to get them in since the start of the war,” he told CNN during a rare tour of the warehouses of aid meant for Gaza.
Al-Hennawy scans the sea of boxes around him. “It’s painful to look around and see all this,” he says. “I feel like I’m trapped. I know Gazans desperately need this help but I can’t get it to them. It’s like a nightmare.”
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danvswild · 1 year
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Hey folks! My name is Dan and I used to work for Tumblr. I quit my job about 10 days ago to prepare and commit myself to a long distance thru hike. Welcome to my hiking Tumblr 🎉🎉🎉
Here we go! It's T minus 4 days until the beginning of my Pacific Crest Trail thru hike. I will be blogging and documenting my journey on the trail. I suppose I will try to publish my posts every time I go into a trail town.
Gear List
Let's break down the gear I will be starting with!
Big 3 (pack, shelter, sleeping bag)
Durston Kakwa 40 - I will be carrying a 40L backpack this time. I've added some patches with fabric glue to personalize it a little bit (◕‿◕✿)
Enlightened Equiptment Enigma 20F Quilt
Durston Gears X-Mid Pro 1 - best lightweight trekking pole tents imo
Sleeping Pad - Klymit Insulated V UL SL
Water Filtration
Smart Water Bottle 1L x 4
Sawyer Squeeze <3
Jetboil Stash
Fuel Cannister
Bic lighter
Nail Clipper
Wet Wipes
Chafing Balm
Lip Balm
First Aid Kit/Duct Tape/Meds
Smart Wool Socks x 2
Arcteryx Synthetic
Arcteryx Atom Shell
Patagonia Wind Pants
Baseball Cap
Underwear x 2
Hiking Shorts
Patagonia Sun Hoodie
T-shirt x 2
Apple EarPods
iPhone 11 Pro
Garmin Inreach Mini 2 - satellite transmitter
Nitecore UL Headlamp
Nitecore UL 10000 mAh Powerbank x 2
Sony ZV-1 & UL tripod
Journal & Pen
UL Sea2Summit Pillow
Bug Net
There may be a few I'm leaving out of this list but ^ gives you a general sense of what I will be carrying. Here's also a link to my lighter pack
Base weight is currently just under 14 lbs! As reference, I am 5'7 130 lbs
Section 1: Southern California
The Southern Californian portion of the trail is dominated by desert landscapes with a few mountain passes. Socal saw record snow fall this year so I hope water resupply in this section won't be as big of an issue!
The following are all the trail towns I will be visiting in this section. For the sake of simplicity, all trail towns up to Kennedy Meadows South or KMS will be part of socal.
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My friends back in NYC will be sending me resupply packages as I go. Currently, I'm reading Pacific Crest Trials which I am finding to be very interesting in terms of mental preparation for the thru hike.
My friend Kevin will be driving me down to Campo, the southern terminus of the trail on the 29th!
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I'm feeling pretty good about this and as prepared as I can be!!! I also reached out to a manufacturer to make pins I could give out to fellow hikers on the trail. I've learned from music festivals that pins are a great way to make friends :3
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It's just a simple design of the PCT trail marker but it came out looking very nice!
Intentions & Goals
I read this book called 'Start With Why' with one of my previous coworker and I thought defining my "why"s for the trail will help tremendously. I know I will have really tough days and days when I want to just quit and go back to the comforts of society. Here is my unpolished "why" for the PCT that I memoed on my phone:
I am doing this for to remind myself that I can do anything I put my mind to. This year, my friend passed away and I was reminded that life is fleeting and I need to live pursuing what I want more vigorously. Postponing happiness until retirement is a flawed life approach! I've always wanted to this and I would like to take this time to figure out what I really want to do in this life and where I want to end up. I am trying to live with more intentionality and I'm working towards a real goal I've set for myself and doing this out of my own joy.
I am hiking the PCT because:
I need time to evaluate what I want to do with my life and career
The PCT has always been a larger than life adventure that I wanted to do
Life is short and I should take every chance I get to pursue what I want to do in life
I have the rest of my life to excel in my career
I want to experience true freedom and self sufficiency
I want to prove to myself I can do anything I set my mind to
Well here we go and I will try to post updates on my epic as I go :D
Happy Earth month! Go plant a tree 🌲
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catdotjpeg · 4 months
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CNN has reported that Israeli forces have set up “arbitrary and contradictory criteria” regarding what items are allowed to enter Gaza, blocking the delivery of anesthetics and anesthesia machines, oxygen cylinders, ventilators, and water filtration systems. “Other items that have ended up in bureaucratic limbo include dates, sleeping bags, medicines to treat cancer, water purification tablets and maternity kits,” the report added.
Since 2007, Israel’s blockade over the Gaza Strip barred Palestinians, at varying periods, from importing products such as cumin, soft drinks, shaving cream, instant coffee, and cookies. Other items include wheelchairs, footballs, lentils, and tomato paste. At the time, Palestinians circumvented these draconian bans through the use of underground tunnels, which were mainly used for commercial purposes. UN officials and humanitarian organizations have been warning of a famine in the Gaza Strip, enabled by Israeli forces’ siege and shooting at Palestinians gathering near aid trucks, seeking to get a share of the food.
Wafa news agency reported that since Thursday, Israeli forces shot and killed Palestinians waiting for aid to arrive at the Nabulsi roundabout, dong so twice in less than 48 hours, west of Gaza City. At least 117 people were killed and hundreds were injured.
-- From "‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 149" by Mustafa Abu Sneineh for Mondoweiss, 3 Mar 2024
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poojagblog-blog · 4 months
Chicago, Feb. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The global Industrial Filtration Market size is expected to grow from USD 33.5 billion in 2022 to USD 45.2 billion by 2027, at a CAGR of 6.2% according to a new report by MarketsandMarkets™.
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prolix-yuy · 4 days
happy pedro hours!!
if you were stranded on a desert island with the Pedro boy of your choice, what are 5 essentials you would want to have for the two of you to share? (a way off the island cannot be one of them 😂)
Damn! I was hoping Frankie would have his helicopter gassed up for me!
My items would be:
A tent
A cooking pot
A firestarter
Water filtration straw
Duct tape
I'm cheating a little because I was raised in the woods and have watched a lot of Naked and Afraid, so all of my items are practical. But if I get item #6 it'd be one sleeping bag for us to share ;)
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My Heart Is A Safehouse For You | Part 3
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Santiago Garcia x Reader
Word Count: 3,964
Rating: T
Summary: Set prior to the events in the Triple Frontier universe. There is a 3 year contract to obtain intelligence and dismantle as many cartel related activities as possible - hopefully leading up to toppling one of the most prolific traffickers in Columbia. Can the reader help the team decipher the cartel’s next movements, and will they possibly lose their heart in the process?
Notes: Taking all the background liberties with this one. Littering everyone’s backstory we know from the film and pretending the guys banded back together for a 3 year contract mission, that paid them pretty decently and kept them relatively at low risk.
Not beta read or proofread.
Wednesdays were typically a training day. In the morning, the guys would fill their time with working out, breakfast, and heading to the shooting range out back. Then Tom would bring everyone around and work out what leads to follow or any recon that could be assessed for an upcoming op. 
If there wasn’t any new intel, then the guys would go off and do their own thing until later. 
Today was a pretty slow working day, which was a nice change of pace. You normally don’t join the boys when they workout, but you didn’t sleep the night before. Nightmares constantly plaguing your mind. So you were first out the door, getting an early morning run in. By the time you returned, the guys were in full swing with their routine. 
You enter through the side entrance, which leads straight into the gym. It must have been Santiago’s turn to choose the playlist for the day, because Metallica was blaring through the speakers.
As you walk into the gym area, you refill your water bottle from the filtration system. None of them had noticed you yet, since you were tucked away in the corner of the gym. Taking this rare moment in, you creep a bit closer. You lean against an edge of wall, sipping your drink and admiring the view. 
Tom was laying down on a bench, lifting some weights. Benny and Will were sparring towards the open space in the back of the room. Frankie was cycling, staring out the window with a view of the field. Garcia was furiously wailing away at a punching back in the opposite corner of the room. 
You could calculate they all had probably been at it for a good 45 minutes. Santiago had built up a sweat on the front of his chest and back. 
Normally you wouldn’t stare at them so openly, but none of them were facing in your direction - so you let your guard down a minute, Your heart always does a weird flip-flop inside your chest whenever your eyes land on Santiago. 
You really needed to find a way to get over him, but it was difficult since he - you know, lives with you. 
There was a lull in the music; so you decided this was your chance to make your presence known. 
“Morning,” you say, a bit louder than usual. 
Benny looks up from circling his brother and raises a gloved hand to wave at you. Will took that moment as an opportunity to knock his baby brother to the ground with a right cross. 
You suck in an invisible breath through your teeth. Ouch. 
“How many times do I have to tell you? Never drop your guard. Even with a beautiful lady standing on the sidelines,” Will chides his brother, but offers his hand in assistance to help him up. 
Benny bats his hand away in irritation.
“Beautiful, you say? Sounds suspect. You must want something from me today if you’re pulling out the big guns this early in the day,” you snicker at Will, amused with the situation. You mouth an ‘I’m sorry’ to Benny, as you walk up to them. 
Benny punches his brother in the stomach as retaliation. He just grins at you and waves it off. 
You wave at Fish and Tom, who have decidedly ignored the intrusion. Turning your head to greet Santiago, you notice he’s stopped working the punching bag and is aggressively tearing off his gloves, a scowl on his face. 
Who pissed in his Cheerios this morning? 
“Finish your match, I’ll be over here,” you voice to Will, as you change course and head towards Garcia. Santiago has now taken a seat on one of the benches along the wall. You decide to sit next him, handing him your water, “Hey you.” 
Garcia jerks, not expecting anyone to sit down next to him. He really was in rare form this morning for you to unnerve him. 
“You okay?,” you prod, still holding out the water bottle for him to take.
Garcia sits back and leans against the wall, taking the offered water.
“M’fine. Thanks,” he says, tipping the water bottle at you in appreciation.
“No, you’ve got your grumpy face on. What’s up?” you nudge him gently with your leg. 
“I don’t have a grumpy face,” Garcia mutters. 
You snort.
“Pope. I’ve known you long enough to know when something is eating at you,” you raise your eyebrows in response, cocking your head to the side.
“It’s nothing. I’ll shake it off. Just woke up this way.”
Okay, you couldn’t really push him. It’s very possible he didn’t get any sleep either, and you got the feeling, pushing his buttons wouldn’t be a very good idea. 
In fact, giving him some space, seemed to be what he wanted. 
Now it was Garcia’s turn to raise his eyebrows.
“That’s it?,” he questions.
“Just like that?”
“Just like that,” you calmly reply. 
“What’s wrong with you?,” Garcia suspiciously asks. 
“Lots. Probably,” you deadpan to him. 
The beginnings of a smile appear at the corner of his lips. 
You study Santiago as he starts to stretch his legs out. It looked like he was planning to say something to you, but sucks in a pained breath and clutches his left knee instead. 
“Knees aching again I take it?,” you inquire. 
Garcia concentrates for a moment before nodding, rubbing at his knee lightly. 
Not wanting to see Santiago in any pain, you move to sit on the floor, tapping his leg in the process, “Get down here.” 
“I’ll be fine. Just need a minute,” Garcia says. 
“Nu-uh. Not taking any macho bullshit today. Get your ass down here Garcia and let me help you.” 
“Yes m’am,” he murmurs, moving his body to the floor next to you. “What exactly are you going to do to me?” 
“I think I can help alleviate some of the pain you’re in. I’m not a doctor, but I’ve researched some methods that may help reduce the soreness you get after an intense workout or run,” you answer, scooting over to one of his legs. Your hands hover over the knee you’re sitting next to, “May I?” 
Santiago searches your eyes for something, but he nods, bracing his arms behind him. 
You lower your hands to his knee and begin to place your fingers over certain sections around the outside pocket of his knee. Pressure points that could relief pain and achiness for periods of time. 
Garcia tenses at first. You dart your eyes over to him, making sure he’s okay. He purses his lips together, but gives you the go ahead to continue. 
You move your fingers swiftly and apply pressure. You heard large exhales come from Santiago as you worked on him. Your fingers are pressing on the side of his leg right below his knee cap, when you hear Garcia moan.
“Oh, fuck,” Pope drawls out. 
You pause, glancing up at him.
“No - please. Continue, that felt amazing,” his chest heaving.
A tiny smile graces your lips before nodding and applying more pressure once again. 
Another smothered groan comes from Santiago. Fuck your life. If he keeps making these kind of noises, you’re not going to survive helping him and you’ll be the one in need of medical attention. You try to concentrate on his knee and nothing else. You managed to make it through the one leg and move to the other side of him to work the other knee out. 
Now that you had a better idea of what pressure points help to reduce the pain in Santiago’s knees, this one didn’t take as long. 
More moans come from Garcia, and you pray to whatever God is out there to end your agony. Why had you decided to do this?
Oh yeah, because you’re stupidly in love with him. 
You didn’t want to call Garcia out on his noises of relief. He’d only razz the shit out of you the remainder of the day, and you couldn’t deal with that. 
Thankfully Fish steps in.
“For fuck’s sake, Pope. Get a grip, you act like you’ve never been touched before.”
There were a chorus of agreements from the rest of the guys. You were facing everyone now, working on Garcia’s other knee, and you whispered a ‘Thank you.’ to them. 
“Que se jodan chicos,” Garcia says, twisting his head to the side to look at them.
Will, of course, was giving you a very pointed look. 
You shift your gaze to Santiago and notice his eyes are closed. Lifting one hand from his leg, you flip off the older Miller brother in response. 
He just huffs at you, throwing a towel in your direction. It hits your face. 
Because of course it does. 
You pull the hand towel off your body and toss it to the side, making a face at Will for his action. You move your hand back to Garcia, when he shakes his leg loose from you. 
Turning your head to meet his eyes, Garcia has that scowl on his face again.
“We’re done,” Pope says, tight-lipped. 
“I’m almost finished,” you respond quietly, not sure why his mood shifted so dramatically.  
“It’s fine,” Garcia tersely replies, jumping up from the floor to grab his towel off the bench.
Santiago moves to leave the room, before stopping to spin around, “They do feel better. Thanks.” 
And then he’s gone. 
“It wasn’t anything you did,” Tom’s voice floats over to you. 
“He’s been in a mood the past few days,” Frankie says. 
You hum in response. Unsure of how to take that information in. 
Getting up from the floor, you grab your abandoned water bottle from the bench. The guys start filing out, leaving you and Frankie alone.
“Hey, don’t mind Pope. He’s not mad at you,” Fish says, walking up to you.
“Do you know what’s bothering him?”
You see Frankie still momentarily, “It’s nothing. Just something Pope needs to work out on his own.” 
“I see,” you murmur.
“You going to the farmer’s market today?,” Frankie asks, clearly trying to change the subject. 
You flip your wrist over to read the time, “Hmm. Yeah, it’s still early enough, you wanna come along?” 
“Actually, yeah - I do. I’m cooking again tonight, and I’d like to pick up a few ingredients.” 
You perk up hearing this news. 
“Great! I’ll meet you at the car in 30?”
“Copy that. Wheels up in 30 mi rayo de sol,” Fish smirks. 
You laugh and lean into Frankie, pushing him towards the hallway. 
The farmer’s market was every Wednesday and Saturday. Usually, you went by yourself. It was a nice way to get out of the house from time to time. As much as you adore your boys, sometimes having a quiet moment to yourself was needed. 
Frankie was surprisingly good at picking out fruit and vegetables. He claims he’s practicing for his future wife, wherever she may be. 
It was a beautiful day. Early enough in the morning that the heat of the day was still a few hours off. 
You and Fish are strolling through various vendors, occasionally stopping to make a purchase. At first, you thought Frankie wanted to go out; so he could talk to you about Santiago without any prying ears or eyes around, but no such luck.
At one of the vendors stops, Frankie was bartering with one of the women selling a particular fruit he needed. You look around to the other shops nearby when you notice a man in a black hat, with a black scarf pulled up over his face, covering his nose and below. 
You don’t give much thought to him at first; however as Fish finishes up his purchase and the two of you start walking again, you see the man also starting to travel in your direction. You’re trying not to make eye contact. You keep your head lowered and shuffle up next to Fish. He walks parallel to you and Frankie from the opposite side of the street. 
Talking a chance on your hunch, you stop at a local vendor at the corner. The man in the dark hat, stops as well, pretending to have dropped an item. 
“Hey sunshine. you coming?” calls Frankie. 
“Yup, thought I might have needed something here. Sorry,” you shout. 
You turn to meet up with Frankie. You bow your head down and to the side to view out of your peripheral vision. The man also starts walking again.
This was not good. 
You hurry your steps to Fish, ever so slightly. Once you reach Frankie, you grip his arm and throw it over your shoulder.
“Uh, everything okay?,” Frankie asks.
You lean into Fish as he tugs you closer, jostling the bag in his other hand.
“I think we’re being followed,” you whisper to him. “Guy in his late 30s, black hat, black scarf, other side of the street.” 
You feel Fish take in a deep breath before turning his head to bury his nose at the crown of your head. He rubs the tip of his nose against you a few times, before laughing and tucking you further into his side. 
“I don’t recognize him, but you’re right. We’re definitely being followed,” Frankie replies nonchalant. 
You feel Fish’s posture changing. No longer is the carefree and fun loving man you know. Now, he’s more alert, tenser, critically taking in the area for more threats. 
“It might be nothing,” you state.
“It’s definitely not nothing.” 
You turn to peer up at Frankie, when he jerks you to the sidewalk with him. The force of the pull, causes you to stumble, but you recover and fall into step with him once again.
“On my signal, we’re are making a break for this corner, and will start sprinting. Understand?”
You swallow thickly, before nodding a couple times in acknowledgement. 
“3, 2, 1 - now.” 
You both turn the corner in normal stride, and then as soon as you’ve cleared it - start racing towards the next block. Frankie twists his head to check for our mystery stalker. 
Frankie pulls you into an alleyway and drops his grocery bag on the floor as you press yourselves up against a wall, listening for footsteps. 
You hear footfalls approaching, unfortunately it sounds like more than one person. Nervousness is creeping into your veins, and you try to calm yourself. Fish has bent down to peer around the corner trying to see if it’s the same guy following.
Frankie turns to you, lips in a grim line, shaking his head. You close your eyes and curse internally. Fish quietly makes his way back to you, back also pressed against the wall now. He holds up a finger to his lips in a hushed manner.
You nod. 
Frankie points to a gap behind the dumpster several feet down the alleyway. You both look out to see how close the men are. Fish makes a motion with his hand to start moving when you see the man who’s been following you both. Frankie grabs you and pushes you toward the ground.
The situation is much more alarming as you’re both out in the open. You only hope the men don’t search the alleyway. 
Surprisingly, none of the men walk down the alley. They give a cursory glance and keep moving forward. As they almost pass the alley, their backs are to you both now. Fish grabs your arm and gently pulls you up. 
Frankie makes a move to lead further down the alley, when you hear metal clanging on the ground and a pipe rolling into the middle of the street. 
You look down and realize Fish’s shoe caught on some scrap metal and released a pipe, causing the commotion. 
Fish swears silently and gives you an apologetic expression. 
Your head snaps up when you hear the tell-tale sign of a gun safety being released. 
“Run,” Fish said, his tone leaving no room for argument.  
You both sprint to the opposite side of the alley, hearing the first ping of gun fire ricochet off the wall you were just at.
Trying to run in a zag zag motion, you careen into the alley wall, Fish right on your heels. As you turn to him, you see one of the men point a gun straight at him. Without hesitating, you grab Frankie by his shirt jacket and yank him to you, dragging him against the wall. 
“Thanks,” he wheezes, wasting no time to grab your hand and keep running down the street. 
You point to an opening across the street, leading back into heavy traffic, “There.” 
“Let’s go.”
More gun shots go off, but thankfully miss. 
You hear one of the gunman stop to reload, and you and Frankie nod at each other this is your chance to make a break for it and cross the alleyway back onto main street. 
Sprinting as hard as you can, you both high tail it. You’re right behind Fish, hot on his heels when you hear shots firing again. Frankie looks back, and yells, “Move right!” 
Frankie makes it around the corner, and you jump over a basket in your path slowing you momentarily. You pivot to your right and move towards Fish. Another round of gunfire pierces your ears. You feel a slice across your upper arm, as you rush to catch up to Frankie. 
Now back into the farmer’s market, you work quickly to cross to the other side of the roadway, ducking behind cars and vendors in the hopes to lose your tails. Surely, they’d be more cautious opening fire with tons of people around. 
Frankie sees another alleyway to duck into, in between two shops. There’s a cubby where you both can hide in. It leaves you some field of view to spot your attackers. 
Your back is against the cubby wall as Fish is scanning the crowd. You can only see Fish’s facial expressions, but after a few moments he relaxes. 
“They’ve passed us. But we should probably hang out for a bit longer before getting out of here,” Frankie whispers. 
You bob your head in acknowledgement, noisily releasing the breath you’ve been holding. You raise your arm up, moving to thank Frankie but stop short, hissing in pain.
Bringing your other hand up to your arm, you grab hold of where the pain is coming from. When you pull your hand away, you see blood. 
“Shit. Hey, come here,” Frankie says, alarm coloring his voice. 
Fish tilts his head to look around and make sure no one is around. Once he’s satisfied, he gently drags you into more daylight to see your injury.
“I’m alright, Frankie.” 
“Yeah, it looks like a graze, but it’s bleeding a lot. We need to stop this blood flow and get you back to the house,” Fish states matter of fact, trying to hide his worry. He peels off his outer shirt layer and rips off a strip, wrapping it around your wound. 
“Thanks,” you murmur. 
“Pope is going to murder me,” Frankie faintly whispers, eyes tight. 
“What was that?,” not catching everything he said. 
Finishing his makeshift bandage, Frankie ties off the wrap. 
“We need to get back to the truck,” Fish relays. 
“What if we take a taxi back?” 
“Well, we don’t know who these guys are, - what if they staked out our car. We could take a taxi back and then wait until we know the truck isn’t being watched and send one of the guys to pick it up and bring it back. That way no one person is associated with the truck and it might make them think they had the wrong vehicle all along.” 
“Anyone tell you, you’re a genius?” Frankie grins, the first genuine smile since your day had been derailed. 
You shake your head at him and give a light squeeze to his hand.
“Thank you.” 
“I think I see our ride, let’s get you home safe. I’m going to have the guy drop us off a few blocks earlier, so we can walk the rest of the way.”
“Sounds good. The adrenaline is wearing off. Let’s get the hell out of here.” 
You cautiously hop into the nearest taxi, and give directions for your drop off point. 
Once the driver arrives at your destination, you hop out of the car in a hurry. You do your best to keep a straight face, but your arm is beginning to throb.
“You still with me over there?” Fish saddles up next to you, arm hovering over your back in case you need the support. 
“I’m going to be okay Frankie. Like you said, it’s just a graze,” you smile reassuringly at him. 
As you approach the house, you motion to Frankie, “Let’s take the side entrance, I don’t want to drip blood all over the front of the house.” 
“Seriously?” Frankie scoffs. “You’re injured and you’re worried about the house?”
You shrug, smiling through the blood loss, “You know how I feel about blood in my house, Fish.” 
Frankie helps you inside and sits you down in the gym, while he moves to grab the first aid kit out of the closet. 
“Sunshine. Hang in there, I need to get the kit from the kitchen. This one doesn’t have what we need to fix your wound. I’ll be right back,” Fish says, jogging down the hallway.
You sag on the floor, back resting on the bench nearest to you. Glancing at your arm, you see blood seeping through, but not quite as fast as before. Feeling a bit light-headed, you close your eyes to rest a minute, trying to ground yourself. 
There’s a muffled shout from the hallway. You were unable to make out what was being said, but it definitely was some sort of heated exchange in Spanish. 
Hurried steps were coming closer to you. 
You roll your head to the side expecting to see Frankie with the first aid kit, but instead your eyes rest on Santiago, who’s crouching down next to you.
Gone was the grumpy attitude from earlier, his expression now shows something akin to panic.
“Hey - sweetheart. Can you focus on my voice? I need to stay awake okay?” Garcia softly says. 
You clear your throat, blinking a few times, “I was expecting Frankie.” 
“Yeah, well - I thought I’d give you something nice to look at while we wait.”
You know Garcia was trying to keep things light, but his voice was betraying him. He kept moving his eye line from your bleeding arm then back to your face. Always assessing. 
“I appreciate the thoughtfulness,” you reply, a bit more color in your voice. 
Santiago brought his hand up and began caressing your face from forehead to jaw.
“Are you in a lot of pain?” Garcia questions. 
You snort at that remark. Maybe it was the blood loss. You weren’t at 100%, which is possibly why you made the mistake of mumbling out, “Please, Garcia. I’ve been through much worse.” 
The hand on your face freezes.
“What did you say?” Pope whispers, eyes locked onto you. 
You squeeze your eyes shut, just realizing what you said. 
“Don’t worry about it,” you quietly express, resting your cheek in his hand. “Need a nap.”
“Fish, hurry up dammit,” Garcia yells, before dropping his voice again. “Hey - no nap time here. Later. We need to patch you up.” 
You hum at Santiago, but the events of the day finally caught up with you. Blinking heavily, you slump to the side, feeling Garcia catch you.
“Just need 5 minutes,” you murmur, slurring your words. 
Darkness creeps in, as you hear Santiago’s voice getting further and further away. 
You drift off, with the feeling of Garcia’s arms firmly wrapping around you.
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