ttrpg-smash-pass-vs · 2 months
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On the left is the Wastrilith, the 10 ft (3 m) eel demon! They're telepathic, can create rough waves, grab people with spouts of water, and enjoy convincing people to become pirates. Just don't drink water while it's around, its presence corrupts it into poison. They're also manipulative and cruel, a bit egotistical, but I'm assuming you weren't looking for a good person when you decided to screw a demon.
On the right, the Death Kiss! A 10 ft (3 m) ball with retractable tentacles twice as long. They speak in high pitched voices and are a little sadistic, toying with prey and not taking fights seriously. They specialize in grappling and can drain blood through the mouth on the end! They're born from a beholder's nightmares of bloodloss. They aren't paranoid like beholders, about as smart as the average person, and as strong as a brown bear!
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adndmonsteraday · 24 days
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Wastriliths, otherwise known as water lords, were demons found in the aquatic environments throughout the lower planes. They corrupted nearby water sources with the Abyss's fell power, allowing them to control it to serve them.
“The corruption left behind when a wastrilith visits the world can persist for decades. If left unchecked it can become a bridge to the Abyss.” — Mordenkainen
Wastriliths were 10 ft (3 m) long creatures resembling segmented eels with bulging, unblinking eyes, and mouths full of pin-like fangs. A powerful tail attached to their humanoid upper body, with arms ending in claws. They were already very large creatures, but could grow to truly immense size.
Wastriliths were most easily described as arrogant bullies. They intimidated others into submission and terrorized their environment among other awful activities. Their influence could be especially dangerous when they encouraged people of evil temperament to become pirates and other criminals.
Although wastriliths could move on land, they were generally faster swimmers, and better combatants in water. They fought with their claws and fangs, but could also breathe boiling water to attack their prey. Their complete immunity to cold temperatures was contrasted by their susceptibility to hot temperatures. They were master manipulators of water, corrupting it simply by being near it, able to alter currents to block or move their enemies, and being immune to any effects involving it, including their own boiling water attacks. Those who drank from water corrupted by a wastrilith found it to be incredibly poisonous, maddening those that it did not kill. This effect did not apply to other demons, who found their foul water restorative to drink.
They had a large number of magical abilities. In addition to the powers common to most demons, they could cast control water, deeper darkness, fear, greater dispelling, read magic, suggestion, telekinesis, teleport without error, tongues, and wall of ice, as often as they wanted. Their ability to cast teleport without error was limited to themselves and up to 50 pounds (22.7 kilograms) of goods, and their ability to cast tongues was also limited to casting on themselves. Other magical abilities of theirs included the ones to cast any of the symbol spells, as well as summon monster IX up three times every day, though the latter power was limited to summoning aquatic monsters.
Despite not having magical control over undersea creatures, the reputation of wastriliths was so well known that most, even summoned water elementals and animals, did their bidding. They were fiercely territorial, fighting for superiority even amongst themselves, but at the same time concerned themselves primarily with their own business. As mentioned above, they enjoyed claiming the fealty of others and built themselves elaborate underwater castles when found on the Prime Material plane. Their domains were circles of approximately 25 miles in diameter, with the castles in the center. Some did not create marvelous sanctums, instead simply putting holes inside coral reefs for themselves to live in.
They were normally found in the aquatic environs of the Abyss and other lower planes such as the Fated Depths or the River Styx, the effects of which they were immune to. A vast number of water lords made their homes in the cold, dark regions of Demogorgon's Gaping Maw, the 88th layer of the Abyss. Wastriliths were also the favored minion of Dagon, as the water lords had once been obyriths themselves before evolving into their own separate demon type, and were given free reign over the Shadowsea so long as their predations didn't interfere with demon lord's inscrutable agenda.
Despite not needing to eat, wastriliths nonetheless indulged themselves in the flesh of intelligent marine life like merfolk and aquatic elves. The remains were often left to dissuade others from entering their territories, as was the sinking of ships and driving of sea dragons and other powerful undersea life.
A wastrilith could be summoned with a summon monster IX spell, but doing so was potentially lethal for the summoner for a wastrilith could try to break its bonds to the summoner and turn on him or her.
It often fell to the wastriliths to conduct the marine affairs of the Blood War, gathering aquatic entities to repel sea-faring invaders and traveling through the River Styx to make offensive strikes against Hell. They delighted in capsizing Baatorian ships in order to cause legions of lesser devils to fall into the river, thus giving them all amnesia and inducing chaos in their ranks. No one actually forced them to fight, their warring being an extension of their fight for supremacy in the waves of the lower planes.
Source: https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Wastrilith
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tomepact · 1 year
tiernay vc to be fair, the people im going after are demons now and they want to drag me back to the abyss
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ashes-to-asher · 9 months
Storytime, I guess? X'D
So, I'm a DM for a homebrew campaign (Othiat) with 3 players (@everdreamart, @traumallamarama, and @blazingjuniper). We live very far away from each other (the closest player to me is over 400 miles away), so we play via Discord. Whenever a map is needed, I've always turned to Owlbear Rodeo.
Last session, I ran the biggest encounter I have ever run.
The party had to stopped to spend the night at an inn in a small town they'd passed through before. They noticed that something was off; flies were buzzing around even though it was winter, there was a general smell of decay in the air, the townsfolk mentioned that the well had turned foul, etc., etc. The players knew something was up, but I don't think they realized just how bad it was gonna get.
Long story short, that little town was about to be at the center of a demonic invasion.
The PCs were woken in the middle of the night to screams and a poisonous green fog flooding the streets (and their room). They rushed outside, not having had time to put their armor on (so AC was low af). They almost immediately got attacked by a Bulezau, barely dodging out of the way in time.
That's when the map came out.
It's an absolutely monstrous thing: probably 50x100 grids, with each grid representing 15x15 feet. The entire town was on this thing, and the party had free reign to hide, fight, or just run and leave it all behind. Problem is, that green fog made it so they can't see jack.
Owlbear Rodeo had a huge update relatively recently, and now there's a bunch of new extensions and features. One of those extensions is called Smoke and Spectre (by Battle-System and Armindo Flores). I've always been a fan of using fog to hide things on maps, but Smoke and Spectre took things a step further. Each PC had their own independent radius of visibility, and I set it so that everyone could only see out to a radius of 30 feet. I also gave them a few visible points on the map, representing locations they knew of, but the vast majority of the map was empty nothingness to them.
I had been worried that the lack of visibility would turn out to be too frustrating for the players to enjoy the encounter, but it actually worked out well. Everyone was forced to slow down and plan out their moves carefully; the town as swarming with demons, and getting too close to one would prompt an attack. Everyone was going one grid at a time, anxious and terrified (in a good way!) of things lurking just out of sight. Movement also became an issue in general, since one of the PCs (a tabaxi monk) is a lot faster than the others, and another PC (a fairy druid) could fly over certain obstacles.
The party actually got split up in the chaos, leading to them desperately trying to coordinate when they couldn't see each other or even their own surroundings.
They eventually individually made their ways (makin' their way) to the town center, where the invasion had begun. There, they encountered a Wastrilith in the well, which was way too high level for them to actually take down. Knowing that there were still survivors in hiding, though, the level 6 party was determined to end the threat.
See, this wasn't necessarily meant to be a combat encounter; it was meant to be a survival encounter. The demonic invasion has ties to the larger plot, and is supposed to serve as set-up/lead-in to certain things the players are still only vaguely aware of (things I will not be spoiling via tumblr). I expected the players to engage in combat here and there, and they did had combat with some of the lower CR demons around the town, but the overall point was to set up plot and give the players a unique encounter.
They almost had a TPK with the Wastrilith? ^^;
The thing downed two of them, but the druid had just enough spell slots to keep the others from dying. The party was doing decent damage, but there was no way they could survive more than two or three rounds of this thing's damage output. Finally, low on HP and spell slots, the satyr bard pulled a clutch Dissonant Whispers. Wastriliths have great Strength and Constitution, but their Wisdom isn't all that impressive.; it failed the saving throw and was forced to flee, giving the party a chance to escape its radius.
A whole lot more happened (little Opportune Moment has a rough night ahead of him, courtesy of a Tlacatecolo), and the encounter isn't technically over (next session, the party is going after the Sibriex that started it all), but holy crap was it a good session! X'D
My laptop almost caught fire trying to process the map and all the tokens on it, but this was a planed event I'd been excitedly dreading for so long, and it worked!
The limited visibility is what really sold it. Fog effects only go so far, and this encounter would not have worked if the players had been able to see their surroundings. The fear and anxiety about the creatures lurking in the dark heightened the experience for all of us, myself included; I got to play around with the visibility of the demons, figuring out how much they could see and hear.
Next session will be a bit more straightforward, but you can bet I'm gonna use Smoke and Spectre again; in fact, I already have a few ideas... >:3
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chalcanthitedreams · 5 months
Glory. My guy. My wretched thing. My horrible beast. I love him. Lore for my horrible creature under the cut <3 Warning, there's a lot of it.
So. Glory is a tiefling rogue etc. etc. I'm sure Hellen has posted pics of him before.
So. Childhood. Glory's parents never really... Let him outside other than whenever necessary and just kinda kept him from interacting with others outside the household. They always saw him as kinda... Different and treated him as a monster. However, his younger brother helped him make friends with people outside of the house, leading him to meet Lusya, a catfolk who also lived in the town he grew up in.
When Glory turned 14 his parents kicked him out because she was starting to get rebellious, and so she went to live with Lusya and her family, who eagerly took them in. This worked for about a year, but like. Lusya and Glory were teenagers. They slacked off and would hang out in the woods while neglecting their duties. One day, while doing this, an owlbear (Very common in the country he grew up in) attacked, and Lusya ran off to get help. Glory, traumatized, injured, and 15 years old, assumed she was abandoning him and once the owlbear was gone, which left because of a smell of rotting fish emanating from Glory's body (We'll get to that later.), got up and walked off into the woods.
Eventually he passed out, but woke up in the house of a kind man and his family. They offered to let her stay, of course, with her being an injured 15 year old, but she declined and tried to find her way back to the village. She did not manage to do this, so she was on her own for the next leg of this lore. She had already learned how to hunt, so for a while she used these skills to hunt for food, and sell any pelts she didn't need. When things got tough, however, she learned how to pickpocket and steal just to be able to get food. They wandered through this time, drawn towards an island called Seawalker's Haven for reasons she didn't know.
At one point, she had been caught in a village where she was already known and wanted. Since she wasn't an adult yet, she simply got sent to an orphanage. Usually he would escape in the night, but this time he was unable to. He was taken in by a rich man, who knew about what Glory was doing and simply told him that if he wanted to steal some of his money and leave, he would hold nothing against them, but if they wished to stay he would welcome her with open arms. Glory chose to leave, stealing a portion of the man's money and leaving in the night. He used this money to get himself a rapier, and more high-class clothes so he could fit in with the rich. After this point he vowed not to steal from anyone in need, instead taking from those who could stand to lose some of their riches.
In this time he also grew distant and untrusting of those around him, putting on an abrasive personality so that no one would want to get close to him.
He eventually did find his way to Seawalker's Haven, meeting with a group, which would come to be called Team Kill (Aka the D&D party. We're normal.)
Not much matters in this period, except for recent events! And also he's learning, if slowly, to be able to trust other people and is actually making friends. Yippee
But, soon, she'll be learning exactly why her parents never really trusted her as a child. As a tiefling, she knew she had fiendish ancestry, but never really what that was. For her family, that happened to be a wastrilith, a fiend that was once considered an obyrith (Basically eldritch horrors), but became their own thing entirely. This wastrilith, Drowning, chose Glory specifically when she was born, entrusting her with its plans on Seawalker's Haven. At the moment Glory isn't going to be dealing with this very well, but things will turn out good. Wish this part was more satisfying, but we haven't gotten that far in campaign yet.
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saturniidaez · 3 months
That last post is so fun because!! I have a wastrilith tiefling! And some of those details align with him!!!
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thedemonconstantine · 5 years
“Yeh owe me, Wally!”
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justavulcan · 3 years
Make Your Tieflings Fiendish (3)
The final part of the project, for now.  Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes gave us a huge assortment of fiends to work with, so what if your grandparent was one of them?  I’m leaving off the demon lords and unique or archdevils on the basis of their being unique individuals, but that still leaves an absolute bestiary’s worth.  So, what if your fiendish grandparent was a…
 Akilith Demon? You’re either weedy and thin or absolutely massive, bulky like you grew to fill the space around you. Your skin looks greenish and mossy somehow, and always seems to glisten with a thin sheen of sweat that leaves a sharp chemical smell in the air.  If you’re lucky you’re proportioned like the mortal side; if not, your limbs might be different lengths as though they grew until they couldn’t fit.  Your eyes are likely stark red, and you may have a useless extra one or two spotted about.
 Armanite Demon? You might be easily mistaken for a centaur; if you are, your lower body is tawny and hardy, and your hooves seep with something dark and ichorous; you may or may not leave a trail wherever you trot.  If you haven’t your grandparent’s hindquarters, your legs are certainly still equine, powerful and muscled through the thigh and ending in a dark hoof.  Your horns curve out from your temples and back to meet near the crown of your head.
 Bulezau Demon? Your face is likely goatlike, with some mix of long pointed ears, horizontal pupils, a thick ruff about your neck, and a billy’s beard and horns.  You’re wiry no matter your strength, and your cloven hooved feet find natural purchase on sheer surfaces.  If you got the worst of your grandparent, you’re given to taking ill, and often show the marks of some illness or other- boils, scars, pox marks, and other such features mar your greyish, pallid skin.
 Dybbuk Demon? You’ve the look of a rotting corpse about you, or worse show your grandparent’s true face.  If you’ve the corpse, you look dead walking, bloated or shriveled to nothing like a body well on its way to decomposition, with the coloration to match.  If you were less lucky, you look like your grandparent in their own form- a ghastly pallor tints your skin, which might even be translucent to show the working parts beneath.  Your hair is long and grows thin and tangled, forming natural dreadlocks or tendrils. You’re far too flexible in either case, with hypermobile joints all over your body.
 Maurezhi Demon?  Your skin hangs slightly loose on your frame, as if it were too large for you.  While this is strange to look upon at rest, you can pull and contort it into shape, giving you a fair range of flexibility with your features.  Your teeth are hard to hide, though; stout, bone-cracking things, and too many for your mortal parent’s side to account.
 Molydeus Demon? You tower over your mortal parents’ kind, with skin the red of fresh blood or new red earth, and you’re solidly built, thick through the trunk, thighs, and shoulders.  Below the neck, you’ve little hair; above it, your face is nearly hidden behind a thick gray wolf’s coat of fur, and you might even have the snout and nose to go with it.  The beginnings of a second head sprouts from one collarbone- either the barest peek of a snake’s snout, or the whole first foot of a serpent body, long enough to wear tied as a necklace and withered to uselessness.
 Nabassu Demon? Your inky-black skin is scaly and lustrous like an oil slick.  Glowing yellow eyes and short horned nubs leave little doubt of your heritage, and your shoulders are thick with the muscle to support the vestigial wings or remains thereof.  You have a hunger in you for something hard to name, and demons and some other tieflings feel a momentary chill looking upon your face.
 Rutterkin Demon? You were a mistake, and you look it. While your body isn’t as twisted, random, and nonsensical as your ancestor’s, it’s still just wrong to look at- arms with extra joints, mismatched limbs, odd lumps and twists in your skin and bone, and misplaced fingers, teeth, nails, and non-functioning eyes tell the tale of your abyssal heritage loudly.  You grow little hair, and your skin varies wildly in color across your body, as if your sculptor couldn’t decide what would be the most fitting tone.
 Sibriex Demon? Your head is the best-developed part of you, and that’s not a good thing.  Your mouth is uneven, your nose crooked, and your eyes heterochromatic if they’re not even more distinctly differentiated by mismatched size, shape, or pupil type.  Bloated and misshapen, you bear the marks on your flesh of chains that you’ve never worn. Boils, spurs, discolorations, and random patches of thick, coarse hair litter your whole body randomly, and below the neck your body feels like an afterthought, added on after the artist’s work was done on your head.  Fused fingers and toes, uneven limb lengths, loose flaps of skin, misplaced bits of nail or scale, and a generally varying skin color mean that even if you have siblings of the same ancestor, you look little alike.
 Wastrilith Demon? Your most striking feature are the spined fins sprouting from your head like a lionfish in place of hair.  They’re scattered across your body, down your spine especially and perhaps at your elbows and knees.  Your skin is hairless, scaly and a sick lavender-maroon shade, and your hands have thick yellow nails that run to claws if you’re not careful to keep them trimmed.  You might have webbed hands or fused fingers.  You’re built long and lithe, with bulky back muscles and shoulders that make you a natural swimmer.
 Abishai Devil? You could be mistaken for chromatic dragonborn, but your arms are too long, almost to your knees, and you’re far too lean to be a full-blood dragonborn.  You have bulky back muscles as though you were meant to have wings, but if you do, they’re useless for flight, and mostly get in the way.  Your tail, if you have one, is long and active.  Rather than proper hair, you might have a head full of tendrils forming a messy mop about your shoulders.
 Amnizu Devil? Your rubbery pea-soup green skin is the greatest mark of your ancestry.  Your mouth is perhaps a bit wide for your mortal parent’s side, and you can’t grow any hair at all, but otherwise you could easily be mistaken for any other mortal. It’s your bearing that sets you apart- you radiate authority like someone in a position of power, and your demeanor seems effortlessly, seemingly supernaturally charming.
 Merregon Devil? You’re built like a soldier, tall and sturdy with a straight spine and dark gray skin.  Your face is oddly ill-defined, as though someone didn’t care to give you real facial features, but it sits well because you have an instinctive urge to cover your face.  Your voice is soft and may be ill-used- your grandparent’s blood leaves you with a distinctly nonverbal tendency for communication.
 Narzugon Devil? You were born to the saddle, and your body tells the story ably.  You’re small and light like a jockey, and you likely have bow legs and have since you were born.  Your skin is an ashen color and your eyes the red of flame, and if you’ve a tail or horns, they’re stubby and ill-defined.  When you ride, you draw the eye, a subtle hint of your grandparent’s command.
 Nupperibo Devil?  Your grandparent did you few favors by managing to reproduce.  Your head is tiny in proportion to your body, and you have the kind of broad, clumsy bone structure that makes it difficult to move.  Flies and other buzzing insects find you appealing, and so you are constantly bothered by them.  You’re nearsighted, hard of hearing, or both, but your senses of smell and taste are sharp as a blade, which helps you fill your endless hunger.
 Orthon Devil?  You are built like a barrel, with a thick torso and matching arms and legs- indeed, you are almost as wide as you are tall, with thick, elephantine legs and arms like tree trunks.  Your skin is ashen or sallow but basically a normal human skin tone, and you grow little hair.  Your most dominating facial feature is your tusks- your lower canines are long enough to protrude from your jaw when your mouth is closed, and you have an underbite.
 Howler?  Your face is fairly skeletal; naturally lighter skin covers your face, making your eyes and mouth stand out.  Your eyes are like as not black through the sclera and red in the iris.  Your throat is a dark, sullen red and you may even have a throat pouch you can use to make your voice really boom or carry.  The rest of you is top-heavy, with stout shoulders, a narrow waist, powerful thighs, and a short, naked tail it’s best to wear wrapped around your waist. You’ve no hair, but may have a line of thin spines from the crown of your head down your back.
 Canoloth Yugoloth? Your features are fairly bestial, from back-bent knees like a dog’s to a distinct snout and thick jaw full of stout, sharp teeth.  Your most distinct feature is your tongue, which is at least a foot long and is covered in small thorny protrusions; your sense of taste is supernaturally acute. Your skin is stark crimson, a muddy yellow, or somewhere in between.  Built like a bulldog, with a thick neck, stout shoulders, and barrel-like body, you’re not large so much as you are wide, almost as wide as tall.
 Dhergoloth Yugoloth? You have more arms than you ought to. Not working ones, mind, your fiendish blood doesn’t run strong enough for that, so arms three through five are an encumbrance rather than a blessing, and must be worn under clothes or lopped off to keep them out of the way.  Your shoulders and torso are oddly shaped to account for the extras, sort of a lumpy, squashed pentagram.  Your skin’s an olive-green color and faintly iridescent if not chitinous.  While you’ve no horns and little hair, hiding your pure red compound eyes is a challenge. Thankfully you probably didn’t end up with mandibles.
 Hydroloth Yugoloth? Your skin is pebbled and rough like a toad’s, and that same look marks your face, which is wide and set on a neck that seems too short and wide.  The effect overall is that you have no neck, and your wide mouth and broadly-set eyes add to the toad-like look.  Your fingers and toes are webbed and long, and your thighs are thick as tree trunks to spur long jumps.  Your memory is excellent, bordering on photographic, and you sometimes wake from dreams of lying on the bottom of a dark river, feeling comforted.
 Merrenoloth Yugoloth? You’re a gaunt one, and pale too.  Your face is sunken, with hollow cheeks, deep-set eyes, and drawn lips, giving you a profoundly skeletal look.  If you grow hair, it’s only around the sides, never on the top of your head, although a long but thin moustache or beard grows naturally.  You never get seasick, and the feel of planks under your feet, swaying gently with current or tide, feels more natural than the motionlessness of solid ground.
 Oinoloth Yugoloth? Your skin, already an unhealthy bruise color, is often pocked with boils or buboes, which while harmless to you are unsettling to others.  You otherwise always seem ill somehow, with a persistent cough, constant sweat, or low fever.  You have horns that curl out and forward slightly from your temples, and your nails are long and a natural crimson color- they also grow like weeds, forcing you to chew or clip them constantly.
 Yagnoloth Yugoloth? You’re distinctly lopsided to look at- the fact of the matter is that one arm is much larger and stronger than the other.  Curiously, it’s not the one you use for writing- that hand is small and delicate, slender for fine work like writing contracts.  Whatever the case, your shoulder and pectoral on the larger side are similarly bulkier, which may lend your torso a bit of an unnatural twist.
 See the original post here and the second post here.
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beingatoaster · 2 years
Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes: a wastrilith is a corrupting fiend that dwells in and fouls bodies of water, making them extremely gross
me: sure, sounds good, I have a body of water on this map I found and I can easily reskin this sort of lizard-fish-looking critter into a giant fiendish snake for flavor
Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes: it is resistant to fire
me: yeah, it lives in water and can spit/create water, that tracks
Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes: it is resistant to lightning
me: ...doesn’t track as well, but eh, this isn’t Pokemon, I guess it could have like a. mud-slime layer or something, IDK
Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes: also, it is resistant to cold
me: what the fuck. this is a reptile-fish-looking thing that lives in water. how is it resistant to cold. what the fuck, Mordenkainen, are you sure about this
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myth-lord · 3 years
D&D Monster Madness
Aboleth Abyssal Maw Ahuizotl Air Elemental - Ragewind (Caller in Darkness / Voidwraith) Almiraj Ankheg - Kruthik ANT - Abyss Ant ARCHON - Lantern Archon - Hound Archon Arrowhawk - Steelwing Aurumvorax Axe Beak - Achaierai
Babau Balor Banderhobb Barlgura - Girallon (Yeti) Basidirond Basilisk - Dracolisk BEETLE - Water Beetle - Fire Beetle (Bombardier) - Siege Beetle Behir Beholder Belker - Phiuhl Black Dragon - Shadow Dragon Bladeling Blindheim Blink Dog - Cooshee Bloodthorn Blue Dragon Bodak Boneyard Brown Dragon Bulette Bullywug - Grung - Hezrou (Pod Demon)
Carbuncle Carrion Crawler - Ulgurstasta Catoblepas Cave Fisher - Avalancher Cave Moray Centaur - Armanite CENTIPEDE - Adaru - Remorhaz Chasme Chathrang Chimera Choker - Skulk Chuul Cloaker Clockroach (Clockwork Horror) Cloud Giant - Fog Giant Cockatrice - Pyrolisk Copper Dragon Coral Golem Couatl Crawling Claw Crimson Death Crysmal Crystal Dragon Crystal Ooze Cyclops
DARK TREE - Hangman Tree - Quickwood - Orcwort Darktentacles Deadly Dancer Death Knight Deepspawn Destrachan Deva - Erinyes DIRE BEAST - Dire Rat (Osquip) - Dire Bat (Mobat) - Dire Boar (Fhorge) Displacer Beast - Phane Doppelganger - Maurezhi Dragon Turtle DRAKE - Water Drake (Dimetrodon) - Fire Drake (Zezir) - Air Drake (Wyvern) - Earth Drake (Rock Reptile) Drow - Drider Dryad - Splinterwaif Duergar - Derro - Automaton Dunkleosteus Dust Digger - Silt Horror
Earth Elemental - Tomb Mote Eblis Eidolon Ethereal Defiler Ethereal Dreadnought Ethereal Filcher Ethereal Slayer Ethereal Stalker Ettercap - Vermin Lord Ettin
Faerie Dragon Fetch Feyr Fire Bat Fire Elemental - Fire Effigy Fire Giant Flesh Golem - Rotripper Fomorian - Plague Spewer - Eldritch Giant Froghemoth Frost Giant
Galeb Duhr Gargoyle Gas Spore - Ascomoid Gelatinous Cube Gelugon GENIE - Dao - Djinn - Efreet - Marid Ghaunadan GHOST - Poltergeist - Allip (Wraith) - Banshee Ghoul - Ghast (Witherstench) - Berbalang - Devourer Giant Dragonfly Gibbering Mouther - Argos Glabrezu Gloomwing Gnoll - Witherling - Marrashi - Flind Goblin - Nilbog - Spriggan - Gremlin (Quarrak) Gold Dragon Gorgon Gravorg Gray Render - Cadaver Collector Green Dragon Green Slime - Arcane Ooze - Alkilith Greenvise Grey Dragon Griffon
Hadozee HAG - Bog Hag - Bheur Hag - Night Hag Hamatula Harpy - Siren Hatori Hell Hound - Yeth Hound - Canoloth Hippocampus Hook Horror Hullathoin Hydra
Id Fiend Imp - Mephit - Quasit Intellect Devourer - Cerebrilith (Brain Collector) - Grell Iron Golem - Adamantine Golem - Juggernaut
Kelpie Kenku Kirin (Celestial Stag) Korred Krenshar - Carcass Eater Kyton
Lamia Lemure - Rutterkin Leprechaun Leucrotta Lich - Demilich - Skull Lord Lillend LIZARDFOLK - Drakkoth - Kobold - Pterrax - Salamander - Troglodyte LYCANTHROPE - Werebear (Firbolg) - Werefox (Kitsune) - Wereshark
Magmin - Magma Hurler Manticore - Jarilith Marilith - Spell Weaver Medusa Merman - Merrow Merregon - Barbazu Mimic - Trapper Mind Flayer - Ulitharid Minotaur - Goristro Mohrg Morkoth Mudman Mummy - Grisgol - Skirr Myconid - Phycomid
NAGA - Dark Naga - Water Naga Nereid Nightmare Nightwalker (Death Giant) Nothic - Shardsoul Slayer (Phthisic) Nuckelavee
Obliviax (Puppeteer) Oni Orc - Tulgar Osyluth Otyugh Owlbear
Paeliryon Peryton Phoenix Piercer - Roper POSSESSED OBJECT - Book of Vile Darkness - Carrionette (Soul Puppet) - Helmed Horror - Slithering Hoard - Trap Haunt - Xaver (Deathdrinker) PUDDING - Black Pudding - White Pudding Purple Dragon Purple Worm - Fiendwurm - Neothelid
Rakshasa Ravid Red Dragon - Hellfire Wyrm Redcap Roc Rot Grubs Rust Monster
Sahuagin - Skulvyn Sandman - Skriaxit Satyr - Bulezau Scarecrow SCORPION - Hellstinger Shadow Demon Shadow Mastiff Shambling Mound - Tendriculos Shardmind Shocker Sibriex Silver Dragon - Mercury Dragon Simpathetic Skin Kite Solamith (Soul Eater) SNAIL - Balhannoth - Flail Snail - Metalmaster Solar   - Angel of Decay Sphinx SPIDER - Phase Spider (Wraith Spider) - Aranea (Tomb Spider) - Darkweaver - Bebilith Sprite Steel Predator Stirge Stone Giant Su-Monster Succubus (Incubus) Swordwing
Tlincalli Treant - Saguaro Sentinel Troll
Umber Hulk Unicorn - Dusk Unicorn Uridezu
Vampire - Varrangoin Vargouille Vrock
WASP - Hellwasp Swarm - Quanlos (Advespa) Wastrilith Water Elemental - Caller from the Deeps Web Golem Wendigo White Dragon Wight - Boneclaw Will o Wisp - Trilloch Winter Wolf
Yellow Dragon (Sunwyrm) Yellow Musk Creeper - Twilight Bloom (corpse flower) Yrthak Yuan-Ti - Abomination
Zombie - Drowned - Dustblight - Entombed Zorbo
UNIQUE Demogorgon Juiblex Tiamat Bahamut Lolth Cryonax Imix Ogremoch Olhydra Yan-C-Bin Pazuzu Kraken Tarrasque Leviathan Eye Tyrant Elder Brain Zuggtmoy
UNDEAD: Shadow / Adherer / Coffer Corpse / Crypt Thing / Huecuva / Necrophidius / Penanggalan / Revenant / Death Slaad / Son of Kyuss / Blazing Bones / Flameskull / Sinister / Skuz / Dracolich / Nightwing / Nightcrawler / Gravecrawler / Charnel Hound / Vitreous Drinker / Atropal / Spectre / Skeleton / Giant Skeleton / Entropic Reaper / Famine Spirit / Wraith / Deadborn / Vampiric Mist /
FIEND: Nalfeshnee / Cornugon / Pit Fiend / Larva / Amnizu / Hellcat / Mezzoloth / Nycaloth / Arcanoloth / Charonaloth / Dergholoth / Hydroloth / Oinoloth / Piscoloth / Ultroloth / Yagnoloth / Demodand / Cambion / Abishai / Spinagon / Yochlol / Molydeus / Nightmare Beast / Wastrel / Jovoc / Zovvut / Advespa / Durzagon / Arrow Demon / Sorrowsworn / Deathdrinker / Whisper Demon / Evistro / Draudnu / Remmanon / Blood Fiend / Echinoloth / Dybbuk / Nabassu / Braxat / Death Dog / Howler / Soul Eater / Tanarukk / Skybleeder / Incubus / Barghest /
ABERRATION: Eyewing / Eye of the Deep / Giant Leech / Lurker Above / Giant Octopus / Giant Jellyfish / Giant Slug / Thought Eater / Xorn / Flumph / Thoqqua / Volt / Xill / Land Urchin / Burbur / Giant Sea Anemone / Giant Clam / Giant Sunstar / Fachan / Neogi / Giant Squid / Decapus / Darkmantle / Delver / Ethereal Marauder / Frost Worm / Grick / Avolakia / Odopi / Rot Reaver / Gorbel / Spectator / Slaad / Digester / Meenlock / Chaos Beast / Balhannoth / Masher / Vodyanoi / Uchuulon / Dharculus / Brain Collector /
HUMANOID: Hill Giant / Halfling / Hobgoblin / Weretiger / Yeti / Aarakocra / Babbler / Dark Creeper / Dark Stalker / Dire Corby / Dune Stalker / Mountain Giant / Gibberling / Grimlock / Meazel / Norker / Quaggoth / Formian / Verbeeg / Selkie / Thri-Kreen / Wemic / Dragonkin / Asabi / Werebat / Athach / Abeil / Death Giant / Lumi / Phoelarch / Storm Giant / Nightshade / Gith / Flind / Bugbear / Wereboar / Wererat / Werewolf / Ogre / Tabaxi / Skindancer / Pit Master / Shadar-Kai / Lizardman / Triton / Kuo-Toa / Nagpa /
OOZE: Ochre Jelly / Slithering Tracker / Stunjelly / Aballin / Flareater / Phasm / Bone Ooze / Flesh Jelly / Teratomorph / Conflagration Ooze / Corrupture / Graveyard Sludge / Brown Pudding / Gray Ooze /
BEAST: Ankylosaurus / Brachiosaurus / Ceratosaurus / Elasmosaurus / Mosasaurus / Pteranodon / Stegosaurus / Triceratops / Tyrannosaurus / Giant Eagle / Giant Eel / Giant Frog / Giant Gar / Giant Lamprey / Subterrean Lizard / Mammoth / Giant Otter / Giant Owl / Giant Sea Horse / Sea Serpent / Giant Constrictor / Giant Cobra / Giant Snapping Turtle / Giant Weasel / Giant Wolverine / Blood Hawk / Bonesnapper / Jaculi / Quipper / Rothe / Behemoth Hippo / Boobrie / Giant Catfish / Compsognathus / Deinonychus / Dimetrodon / Struthiomimus / Tanystropheus / Giant Raven / Verme / Megatherium / Cloud Ray / Quetzalcoatlus / Spinosaurus / Gambol / Moonrat / Guulvorg / Amphisbaena / Dire Bear / Dire Crocodile / Dire Elephant / Dire Shark / Dire Rhinoceros / Dire Stag / Dire Tiger / Dire Wolf / Worg / Muckdweller / Brain Mole / Ixitxachitl / Jackalwere / Pegasus / Sea Lion / Androsphinx / Hieracosphinx / Ice Toad / Bunyip / Disenchanter / Fire Snake / Kamadan / Mantari / Nonafel / Afanc / Baku / Boalisk / Kech / Ascallion / Frost Salamander / Kirre / Dragon Eel / Tojanida / Mudmaw / Rejkar / Zezir / Lodestone Marauder / Rylkar / Julajimus / Sand Hunter / Cranium Rat / Witherstench /
PLANT: Shrieker / Whipweed / Kampfult / Mandragora / Giant Sundew / Vegepygmy / Wolf-In-Sheeps-Clothing / Death’s Head Tree / Thorny / Phantom Fungus / Twig Blight / Dread Blossom Swarm / Night Twist / Burrow Root / Assassin Vine / Bloodsipper / Burnflower / Vine Horror / Tri-Flower Frond / Violet Fungus / Wood Woad / Battlebriar /
FEY: Brownie / Nixie / Nymph / Sylph / Atomie / Boggle / Green Hag / Grig / Hybsil / Frost Fairy / Lhiannan Shee / Ragewalker / Lunar Ravager / Banshrae / Frostwind Virago / Wild Hunt / Eladrin / Grimalkin / Sea Hag / Annis Hag / Kercpa / Skiurid / Pixie / Pech /
CONSTRUCT: Homonculus / Caryatid Column / Iron Cobra / Margoyle / Mongrel / Magic Golem / Bone Golem / Glass Golem / Shield Guardian / Hangman Golem / Merchurion / Clay Golem / Clockwork Horror / Dwarf Ancestor / Stone Golem / Emerald Golem / Retriever / Hellfire Engine /
DRAGON: Bronze Dragon / Dragonne / Pseudo-Dragon / Cloud Dragon / Mist Dragon / Linnorm / Gorynych / Tether Beast / Styx Dragon / Ambush Drake / Guardian Naga / Spirit Naga /
ELEMENTAL: Invisible Stalker / Water Weird / Azer / Mihstu / Ice Elemental / Lightning Elemental / Time Elemental / Energon / Earth Weird / Nishruu / Nyth / Orglash / Immoth / Tempest / Blackball / Breathdrinker / Chraal / Gulgar / Zaratan / Chaos Shard / Kapoacinth / Visilight /
VERMIN: Rhinoceros Beetle / Water Spider / Assassin Bug / Ant Lion / Death Watch Beetle / Slicer Beetle / Megapede / Giant Solifugid / Tenebrous Worm / Fyrefly / Bonespear / Sword Spider / Spider Eater / Spellgaunt / Brood Keeper / Chelicera / Harpoon Spider / Tomb Spider / Boring Beetle / Giant Ant / Giant Crab / Bristle Spider / Death Jumper / Snow Tarantula / Giant Tick / Bloodsilk Spider / Heart Tick / Carcass Crab / Giant Centipede / Giant Mantis / Giant Scorpion / Giant Spider / Wraith Spider / Giant Wasp /
CELESTIAL: Lammasu / Titan / Planetar / Swanmay / Trumpet Archon /
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jessicasdndrps · 6 years
All Magic Comes With a Price || Vadania
You hear the voice of Yog the Invincible in your head once more. You’re probably making it up, but you think he sounds almost smug. Like he always expected you to come back and accept his gift. For half a second you consider declining again purely out of spite. But you don’t. You know how much you need this. How much all of you need this.
And so you accept. 
He tells you the gift you’ve been given and just as quickly as it came, the cost comes as well. You’ve never felt itchier in your life. It’s almost painful as the thick, oily fur sprouts from your skin and covers your body. But it’s worth it. Oh it is so worth it. You feel...healthier. Like you could take more hits before falling. And that is exactly what you need to defeat Strahd.
As Daedi forces her way between you and April, you take a step back. She’s taking a second gift. You’d had your mind on another as well. And you know you will need it as well. Without another glance at the others, you walk back into the hallway. You spare a look at Alya and see that she is still focusing on her new staff. You hope she can forgive for what you’ve done. For what you are about to do again.
You walk into the southern room alone, remembering which sarcophagus you want. And as you hear Vaund the Evasive, you accept his gift. You don’t have much time to wonder what the price will be before your fingers are twitching and you’re looking nervously around. You’re alone in this room and you don’t want to be. There could be something lurking that you can’t see. And it wouldn’t do to fight it alone. Even with your new gifts.
Stepping out of the room, you walk back toward the others, constantly looking around and over your shoulder. Continually checking for the next creature to attack. It’s the days after the wastrilith attack all over again. But this time you’ve done it to yourself. This time...
It was worth it.
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ttrpg-smash-pass-vs · 29 days
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On the left is the Storm Giant Quintessent! It CAN look like that, temporarily reforming as a 26 ft (7.9 m) elementally charged giant. But these things aren't really giants anymore, their normal form is a living storm. A mountain's blizzard, a waterfall's undertow and endless mist, these are nature's power incarnate. The booming thunder, the fog swirling, the wind lifting you, these are all part of them! So, do you ride the lightning? Do you fear the storm, or let that living hurricane take shape and rock your world?
On the right is the Wastrilith, the 10 ft (3 m) eel demon! They're telepathic, can create rough waves, grab people with spouts of water, and enjoy convincing people to become pirates. Just don't drink water while it's around, its presence corrupts it into poison. They're also manipulative and cruel, a bit egotistical, but I'm assuming you weren't looking for a good person when you decided to screw a demon.
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dandinspo · 6 years
Ocean Based Random Tables Level 17
3 x Giant Shark (cr 5, mm 328)
1 x Storm Giant Quintessent (cr 16, vgm 151)
Marid (cr 11, mm 146) and 4 x Water Elemental (cr 5, mm 125)
1 x Wastrilith (cr 13, mtf 139)
Nagpa (cr 17, mtf 215) and 8 x Cultist (cr 1/8, mm 345)
4 x Water Elemental (cr 5, mm 125)
700 gp, 50 pp
300 ep, 400 gp
800 gp, 50 pp
800 gp, 70 pp
900 gp, 30 pp
1400 sp, 500 gp
Silk Gown trimmed with Ermine (250 gp), Jade Ring set with Chalcedony (250 gp), Silver Amulet set with Star rose quartz (250 gp),
Vicious Weapon (whip) (dmg 209),
Sword of Life Stealing (shortsword) (dmg 206)
Potion of Ooze Breathing (Potion): For 1 hour after drinking this potion, you can breathe normally if you become engulfed by a gelatinous cube or other ooze. The potion provides no protection against acid damage.
A stiletto dagger cast in lead with driftwood decorations
A small wooden walking cane carved with tentacles
A copper collar engraved with five moons over waves
A cloth puppet of a squid
A knot of sea hag hair
A bloodstone candlestick covered in barnacles
Collapsing Ceiling: DC 10 to find, DC 10 to disable; affects all targets within a 40 ft. square area, DC 14 save or take 18d10 damage; legendary tier, dangerous
Freeze Bomb: DC 15 to find, DC 20 to disable; affects all targets within 20 ft., DC 18 save or take 24d10 cold damage and become restrained for 1d4 rounds; legendary tier, deadly
Rune of Fear: DC 10 to find, DC 15 to disable; affects all targets within 10 ft., DC 10 save or become frightened for 1d4 rounds; legendary tier, setback
Magic Missle Turret: DC 15 to find, DC 15 to disable; initiative +1, 1 attack per round, 10d10 force damage; legendary tier, setback
Symbol of Hypnosis: DC 10 to find, DC 15 to disable; affects all targets within 10 ft., DC 11 save or become incapacitated for 1d4 rounds; legendary tier, setback
Hail of Arrows: DC 10 to find, DC 10 to disable; +4 to hit against all targets within 20 ft., 10d10 piercing damage; legendary tier, setback
Crushing Pit: DC 10 to find, DC 10 to disable; affects all targets entering a 10 ft. square area, DC 12 save or take 18d10 damage; legendary tier, dangerous
Collapsing Ceiling: DC 10 to find, DC 10 to disable; affects all targets within a 40 ft. square area, DC 20 save or take 24d10 damage; legendary tier, deadly
Falling Cage Trap: DC 10 to find, DC 10 to disable; affects all targets within a 10 ft. square area, DC 11 save or become confined; legendary tier, setback
Poisoned Scythe Blade: DC 15 to find, DC 10 to disable; +10 to hit against all targets within a 5 ft. arc, 24d10 slashing/poison damage; legendary tier, deadly
Weather (4 hrs to 4 days):
Sunny with good winds
Cloudy with good winds
Rainy with good winds (Rain reduces visibility by half, imposing disadvantage on perception checks.)
Calm (no wind blows at all)
Sunny poor winds
cloudy poor winds
Much colder than usual
Much hotter than usual
Rogue Zephyr: Rogue zephyrs are gentle but magical breezes which undo simple (those of DC 20 or less) knots, locks, bolts, manacles, shackles, and similar impediments.
Temporal Wind: Temporal winds are rarely severe in any physical dimension, but can easily blow creatures through the dimension of time. Creatures must succeed on a DC 15 Cha save or be blown 1d6 hours forward. The creature seems to disappear in a shimmer of silver light, then reappears later in exactly the same space (or closest unoccupied space), orientation, and condition as before. From the affected creature's point of view, no time has passed at all.
I am a disabled and queer Nerd. If you like what I am doing here and want to help me afford my medical bills consider buying me a coffee on my Ko-fi account. http://ko-fi.com/mcgough
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tomepact · 1 year
'what's a wastrilith vlad' its this
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they're demons that corrupt water around them and are mean as FUCK
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franticbindings · 3 years
We were fighting some Wastriliths (a kind of demon) last night and all I could think about was that if the Wario Conjecture holds, there must be celestials out there called Mastriliths.
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lews-therin-telamon · 4 years
The Gang get attacked by water monsters
Y joins the expedition, once he learns they are headed to Gravenhollow. Coming to the conclusion that heading there will do more for his research that vivisecting more demons.
My version of Y is an Alchemist Articifer, and offered the party some of his tools while he travels with them. Giving up 2 of his Infusion slots for them. Which ended with Ibirix getting a “Headband of Intellect” (a piece of scrap metal, bent to sit on their head, dunked into a jar with a brain it and shaken vigorously before being put on) and making their Roper Tentacle Whip magical (applying an oil to it). These stop working when he leaves the party, so the flavor is that the treatments need to be regularly reapplied.
Several days pass, and more members of the party decide to make use of their travel time to train in skills. Ibirix (who was not present for when this started) retroactively joined in on Sol’s Arcana lessions with Zilch, Shade is being taught the Survival skill by our remaining scout and Vidus is training with his soldiers to become proficient in Athletics.
Eventually, the party arrive at an underground river, fearzress infused sand glowing on each bank, inky blackness in between. This was a puzzle to figure out how to get the party to cross. Since they had Y with them, he could simply spend both of his 3rd level slots to cast Water Walking on the whole Expedition and cross that way. The group elected to use a mixture of various members’ flying capabilities (levitate + fly spells), spider climb, AND Water Walk, making the upcoming encounter much less deadly for the group’s squishy characters.
If Y had not been with the group, it would’ve been a simple encounter against 8 Ixitxachitl, as the focus would’ve been on getting the party across.
But since Y was here, I spiced things up with a Wastrilith. Which had I played to Kill could’ve easily have ended in some PC deaths, as the party were having a rough time dealing with fighting an underwater foe capable of dragging them into the depths. Whose very presence made the waters around it difficult terrain. 3/4 of the party are casters whose spells have verbal components, making underwater combat difficult, as they dont have water breathing.
But the party came out on top, with a massive overkill Eldritch Smite from Vidus.
I wrapped up the session with the party running into a talking basilisk, who clearly was waiting for the group, claiming “the library” sent them.
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