#was trying to sleep when this idea hit me like a truck lmao
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kitkatyes · 3 months ago
I’m really curious—
Would anyone be interested in participating in an ieytd holiday exchange?
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rodeo-clowns · 2 years ago
heyy, I just wanted to request a Rachel green x fem r. Maybe r is sick and Rachel takes care of her or something like that pls.
Thank youuu
Fade Into You: Rachel Green
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A/N: Thanks for requesting! This is something I intended to write really quick around New Years but I got caught up in trying to graduate lmao! Kinda felt motivated to complete this bc I just finished fighting a cold and I wish I could relate to reader rn lmao. I hope you enjoy! Again, sorry for the long wait.
Word Count: 854 words.
Warnings: None, just fluff and a kiss.
It was a regular Saturday morning in New York. The sounds of people starting their days flooded the streets. You were sleeping in your light purple sheets when you awoke to the sound of an ambulance driving by. It was then you realized that you slept with your mouth wide open. Crap. You were officially sick. You had felt a sore throat coming the previous day but hoped that it was just from yelling too much at Monica's tv screen from your girls' movie night two days prior. Unfortunately for you, your nose was stuffed up and your throat was now aching like crazy. Just then, your phone started to ring from the other room.
Rolling off the bed, you took your sheets with you and shuffled into the living room as fast as you could without either passing out or throwing up. When you managed to reach the phone, you answered with a nasally "Hello?"
"Good morning, why do you sound like that?" It was Rachel, your girlfriend of six months. You'd forgotten that you made plans to get breakfast together.
"Oh, I'm sorry Rach I woke up this morning feeling like a truck hit me. Do you mind if we reschedule? I'm so sorry." You said, winded from having to talk so much
“No no of course don’t worry about it. Hey! I have an idea!” She exclaimed. You weakly grunted in response. “How about I come over and take care of you?” She says, clearly ecstatic over the idea.
“Really,” you weakly replied, “you’d do that for me?”
“Uh Duh! I’ll be over there in a second don’t you even worry. Just…lay back and i’ll be there!” She says, sounding kind of rushed and worried.
“Uh okay, thanks Rach, it means a lot.” You reply.
“Anytime.” She says before hanging up. After that, you can’t fight sleep any longer before passing out, head buried in your comfortable pillows. When you later opened your eyes after what felt like a very deep sleep you could head your bedroom door opening.
“Heyy,” it was Rachel, and she seemed to be holding a tray with a bowl of what smelt like chicken noodle soup.
“Rach?” you responded groggily, attempting to sit up.
“Shhh Shhhh yes it’s me, don’t move too much we don’t want you puking now do we!” she says, slightly scolding you but in a joking manner.
“Ok ok, is that chicken noodle soup?”
“Yes, yes I got Monica to speed make some for you on my way here,” she laughs while sitting by your side, placing the tray on your lap.
“You didn’t have to, really,” you say, picking up the spoon placed delicately on a napkin with flowers on it.
“Nonsense! What kind of girlfriend would I be if I just let you suffer?” She replied with a bright smile. After that you simply let her take care of you for the rest of the day. You could get used to being pampered by your Rachel. After all, there's no one quite like Rachel Green and her devotion.
By the end of the day, Rachel had made sure you had eaten enough, stayed hydrated, drank enough fluids and ensured you were never cold with lots and lots of cuddles (although you warned her against it, fearing she might get sick as well). By 11:00 P.M., you felt your fever break as you lay your head on her lap whilst she detangled your hair.
"Rach?" you said, eyes closed.
"Thank you." you said, finally opening your eyes. She looked cute focusing on your hair before making eye contact with your fluttering eyes. "Seriously, I appreciate it, no one's ever done something like this for me before."
"Well, that's just what you do for the people you love." She said with a smile, her focus going back to your hair, now beginning to braid it. You smiled back at her, slightly lifting your head.
"Did you just admit you love me?" You said with a cheeky grin, your eyes fully focused on her. She quickly turned a bright red before removing her hands from your hair and covering her mouth with them.
"Oh my god!" She said. She was clearly embarrassed. Her hands now fully covered her face.
"Rach..." You said, now moving to kneel in front of her. "Rach." You said again, moving her hands away from her face. You gently cradle her face in your hands, stroking her left cheek with your thumb. "I love you too."
"Really?" She said, still embarrassed. You smiled at her.
"Really," you whisper before leaning in and locking your lips with hers. Afterwards, Rachel ended up spending the night in your apartment, cuddled with you as the two of you watched Days of Our Lives, laughing at Dr. Drake Ramoray's bizarre return before the two of you fell asleep. The next morning, you awoke to Rachel sneezing three times in a row before sniffling. It seems that the two of you have a long day ahead of you, but that was okay now that you knew your love was fully mutual.
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wthtorke · 4 years ago
Incandescent (Kofi commission)
Kofi one shot commission by  Insta is day_of_mayhem! 
(I might have gone off on this one lmao Enjoy!)
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The night had been quiet, the trees softly hustling against one another as the wind blew. First, it was the strange noise.
From your little house in the woods, a sharp noise rattled through your bed, making you jump up in surprise.  Running to the window, you saw what could only be described as a falling star, coming quickly towards your house.
You could barely brace yourself against the windowsill as the star ripped through the clouds, falling far into the woods. Panting and scared, you looked for any signs of it. Any burning trees, smoke, noise coming from the general direction where it fell. You found none. 
From the window, you caught sight of your truck, still parked in the driveway. Grunting to yourself, you made your decision as you grabbed a coat and the wooden axe from the fireplace, running to your car, hoping to find the fallen star before anyone else did.
Gripping the steering wheel hard enough your knuckles turned white, you drove through the path in the forest, stopping when even more strange noises reached your ears.
Stopping your car, you tilted your head slightly, trying to catch it again. Seconds passed before a sudden blast made you jump, looking into the direction a flash of light also happened. Leaving the car, you held the axe close to your chest as you slowly walked towards the noise, breathing quickly as you did.
From the trees behind you, a slick, black ridged tail moved quietly as its owner's drool fell onto the tree branches, slowly stalking towards you. 
Eyes widening, you turned around in time to see a black creature jumping from the tree, arms outstretched and claws ready to tear into you. 
Falling to the ground, the creature landed heavily on you, claws grappling your axe handle as you barely had time to process its weight before shiny, sharp fangs closed itself repeatedly before your face. 
You only realized you were screaming when the creature shifted its weight to your chest, cutting your air as it reeled back to strike one final time to kill you.
Closing your eyes in fear, you could only open them again as an animalistic roar reached your ears, and then the crushing weight wasn't there anymore, a screech and a heavy, wooden thud following suit. The creature had been rammed from on top of you, instead hitting the tree it jumped from hard in its back, falling to the ground, briefly shaken. 
You took your chance to get up as well and dart between the trees, out of the creature's way. You only bothered looking for whatever had knocked it out of you when the black creature hissed into another direction, and you realized there was absolutely nothing there. 
Still, under the dim moonlight, the creature leaped into nothingness, surprisingly landing on the thin air, snapping and hissing, swinging its tail around. You watched as it tried to hit something with its piercing tail. With a roar, you jerked back as it seemed to hit its goal, whatever was beneath it started zapping and glowing with failing electrical power, soon revealing what the thing was perched on as it didn't stop its struggles for one second. 
At this point, you had come to the conclusion that they were indeed aliens, and the star was no star but probably a ship that crash landed, even if you had no idea where it was now. The stream of roaring and screaming snapped you out of your thoughts, the massive humanoid alien trying to shake the creature from it’s back as best as it could, while still trying to dodge its deadly tail.
You looked around, your fight or flight instincts screaming at you to do something, anything. Looking at the dark forest behind you, you had no idea if there were other alien serpents around or more alien warriors to help this one. It was when the serpent's tail pierced the warrior's arm and you saw bright green blood explode everywhere that you took action.
Running towards both of them with your axe in hand. 
Your decision was made as the blade of your weapon sunk into the black creature’s back, it’s startled shrill making your ears ring as it’s tail hit you hard in the chest, both making you fly a few feet back and thankfully escape it’s weird fizzing blood that you’d later come to know was pure acid. 
You shook your head as you tried to breathe again, all the air knocked out from your lungs as you landed on your back. Your vision threatened to darken as you sat up, trying to spot where the aliens were.
Slowly your ears started focusing again as did your eyes, permitting you to see that not only was the black serpent not on top of the alien warrior anymore as said warrior was about to jam it’s blades into the serpent’s throat. The most intense occurrence of all your life didn’t last more than 5 minutes it seemed.
Getting up on your wobbly feet, you noticed just about how much blood there was around the ground. You watched as the warrior clutched his side, chest rising and falling as he stared at you, and while he could absolutely kill you if he so wanted, he didn’t.
Not that you were opposed to that, of course.
You felt the adrenaline die down in your blood, the cold air finally making you shiver a bit. You looked at who you supposed was a ‘he’ and back towards the general direction of your car. If his ship had truly crashed, he was stranded. Hurt and stranded.
“Safe,” You said, pointing back where your car was, “Together…?” You questioned, montioning between you and him with your less hurt hand. He took a few moments to analyze the situation before making his decision. He was hurt, more so than he’d like to admit, but less than he’d be if you hadn’t shown up. He nods, slowly, unsure, later following you to the truck, all but hauling himself up the back of the pickup truck. ‘I’ll definitely need to hose that down in the morning.’ You thought as you saw the green blood streaks as you got into the driver's seat.
The drive back was smooth, no longer fueled by raw fear and adrenaline. You felt tired, maybe because of the bruises forming where you got hit or well, the fact that this was more action than you had since….Well, ever. Getting home, you didn’t really know why you snuck him through the garage door, you had no neighbors and no family living with you but somehow it seemed the right thing to do, he was an alien after all.
He seemed to know the concept of showering, at least. He washed all the dirt and grime off of his body and you were more than a little upset at yourself that you didn’t see him take off his mask, only noticing your mistake when he got out of the bathroom and the metal was so clean it was sparkling. 
You watched as he sat in your living room and started patching himself up. While he wasn’t bleeding profusely anymore, the roaring surely gave you chills down your spine as he plunged some kind of needle into his thigh, pumping the syringe’s contents into his system before sewing his wound shut.
You pointed at the couch and told him to make himself at home, as far as that could go, anyway. You passed out as soon as you hit the pillow, your body paying no mind to the huge alien downstairs.
The next morning, he was gone.
 As much as you were expecting it, it still felt...odd. Like some kind of fever dream. Only you knew it happened by the state of your house and garage. If you didn’t know it was an alien, you’d have thought a wild bear had wrecked your house. The floor was muddy, some things were out of place or straight up on the floor while some you couldn’t tell if they were touched at all. 
Sighing, you gathered the broom, mop and trash bags to start your new mission; Cleaning the house. 
Cleaning was usually boring, but this time it just felt restless. Even as your favorite songs played in the background. Of course, no alien could just have a slumber party in some human’s house but still, much had happened yesterday. You wondered when the government’s men were going to burst through your window and shoot a sedative up your arm because you’ve had alien interaction. 
You were cleaning the kitchen cupboards when a reflection that very much wasn't your own caught your attention in the mirror. Squinting a bit, you jumped back when your eyes focused and revealed your guest's reflection, only his position was right behind you. "FUCK-” You turned around quickly, hitting your knee in the process, ”When did you get here?! God-," You started coughing a bit from the sudden intake of air.
You looked back at him when you heard strange noises coming from his helmet, almost like someone was tuning a radio before the words became clear, recordings.
"No-, trails."
You blinked in confusion for a second before realizing what he meant, slight dread setting in your gut at the prospect that an alien could speak, or well, play recordings of english to you. "Trails-, in the forest? Wow..that’s, that’s very nice, actually, hadn’t thought of that,” you thought over your next words, taking in his huge form as you did, “You’re headed home now, I suppose?”
He shook his head, motioning to his still tender wounds from yesterday’s battle against the serpent.
The serpent.
“Oh, Um-, That thing is dead, right?”
He nodded, “Exterminated. Contained.”
“Great, great-, well, if you’re not planning to kill me and take over my house, you’re um...very welcome to stay?” You said, a bit unsure.
He nodded, walking over silently towards your garage door, you heard rummaging around, following to see him picking up after a broken vase you didn’t remember was there.
He was a considerate roommate, you could say. Wherever this alien came from, he knew of common sense, or just had a very strict mama as he helped in the chores he could. You suspected he didn’t trust you to clean his trails properly, but you weren’t complaining of free help.
Another thing you could tell is that he learned fast. Very fast. 
He’d been skeptical of you, at first. You’d never catch him sleeping or eating, always the same passive expression of his mask looking back at you. You couldn’t blame him, but even then, it was hard not to speculate what was underneath it. Did he look like Davy Jones? The Shape? He didn’t seem to be aquatic. Maybe a lizard? His skin was mottled like one, at least. 
3 months passed by before you both had that feeling. He’d been here for too long. His wounds were beyond healed, no one had shown up for him, no government, no other aliens, nothing. You’d seen him mess with his wrist gauntlet a few times, seen him test the cloaking device he had, it worked. 
So, why was he still here?
  It was on a similar night that you met him that you mustered the courage to ask.
The stars were bright, as was the moonlight. The breeze was soft, you both sat outside for a bit, looking into the forest. He told you he feared they’d come at night. You guessed he spoke of other humans, the kind that would want to study him alive, in the name of ‘science’, and he wasn’t entirely wrong.
“Are you waiting for your people to come get you? Have you sent a signal yet?”
Your breath hitched a bit, the cold air around you prickling at your skin. “Oh-, well...have they replied?”
You nodded, “So, I guess they’ll be coming soon, right?”
You waited for another robotic ‘Yes’ to hit your ears, to shatter your fantasy of living a nice life with him, somehow.
“No?” You asked, lifting your head to look at him, “Why not?”
He turns to look at you for a second, at least you could assume he was looking at you behind the mask.
With that, he lifted his hands to the object of your speculation during the last 3 months, fingers slowly snapping off tubes that connected it to the rest of his armor with an audible ‘Fzzzzz’.
You held your breath as he hooked his fingers around the mask, snapping it off as well. He hovered the mask for a second before slowly lowering it away from his face.
You could feel your pupils dilate as you took in the sight of him, the spiky crown around his forehead, the mottling, so similar to the rest of his body, going down to his eyes, you lingered there for a moment, taking in how yellow they looked, and how they were staring directly into your own.
You gulped as you kept lowering your gaze, spotting the fangs, the tusks, the strong jaws that could very much clamp around your neck right now, if he so wanted. Everything about him screamed predator before, but now, having the last piece of the puzzle, you could only think of one word to describe him.
You let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding when his hand touched yours, so tender, mindful of his talons, yet still enveloping your cold ones in warmth. You looked up at him, fingers slowly squeezing his own, an attempt to show him you weren’t afraid, just stunned.
“Stay.” He said, in a much deeper voice than any he’d ever played for you before. His voice.
You only realized you were crying when the tears caught in between the crinkles of your smile, stopping their journey straight down your face, giving them a shortcut to falling down your chin, to where his other hand was raising up, gently tipping your face up, as he lowered his own, pressing your foreheads together.
“Stay.” You repeated, in a much quieter, shakier voice than his, but with every bit of intention behind it, still smiling as he squeezed your hand again.
Suddenly, the night didn’t feel nearly as cold anymore, nor did it feel as lonely as it once did.
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bffsoobin · 4 years ago
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➤idol!yeonjun x non!idol reader, pure fluffy goodness, yeonjun gets teased a lot lmao
↳yeonjun has always been a hard worker; reaching above and beyond the expectations of every person he’d even met and even himself. There was only one part of his life he knew was impossible to better--you. In Yeonjun’s eyes, you’d never been anything less than perfect from the day he met you. He never lets you forget it either, even if everyone else was beyond tired of hearing it.
Word Count: 1,501
Requested: yes!
Warnings: tooth rotting fluff, very small sprinkle of angst (self-doubt in reader)
A/N: I wrote this super fast so it may not be my best work but it felt really good to get something out and posted again! Love you all, hope you had a happy holiday!
“Are you sure they want me to come?” You asked, shifting anxiously on the balls of your feet. “I mean, it seems like a thing reserved for just the five of you- celebrating the album- and none of the other guys have significant others to bring.” Yeonjun stopped in his tracks, leaving his shirt halfway buttoned up. Gently, he ran his warm hands up and down your arms. The sun had begun to set at some point while you were getting ready, and the light cascading in through the window opposite you washed Yeonjun in a golden ring of light.
You were so distracted by the sight that you almost missed the words coming out of his mouth.
“Baby, the guys love you. And they want you to be there. I promise. I wouldn’t ask you to come if it weren’t true. Hell, I wouldn’t even be going myself if it weren’t true. I’d much rather stay here with you and cuddle.” Your heart softened at his reassurance, anxiety bubbling away from your bloodstream in a few instants. Humming happily, you crushed Yeonjun into a hug that felt as if it could meld your bodies together.
Yeonjun lead you into the reserved restaurant with his fingers linked between yours with such fervor he might as well have glued your palms together. For that you were grateful though, because the party which you’d expected to be just the other boys and a few staff ended up being much more expansive. You spotted several important producers and a few other idols who had the time in their schedule to come and celebrate with their friends. The thrum of your heart kicked up tenfold as Yeonjun lead you through the crowds, eyes turning to him  and his head of bright pink hair immediately. Damn him for always being the man of the hour. The two of you had almost made it to the safety of his table; so close in fact that you saw Soobin waving at you enthusiastically and pointing at a pair of empty seats saved by jackets and hats. Mere feet away, Yeonjun was stopped in his tracks by someone you only recognized vaguely, but knew instantly was of importance. The man was tall, handsome and well dressed, balancing a bottle of beer between his fingers with practiced ease. 
As the two of them chatted about the album and general comeback procedures, you felt yourself becoming more and more out of place. For Yeonjun’s sake you plastered on a gentle smile, nodding along to whatever words were being exchanged between the two of them. 
“...her name?” You caught the tail end of the sentence just in time to see that the man was gazing down at you. You glanced between him and Yeonjun, trying to collect any information as to why you were being addressed. 
“I’m Y/N,” you offered carefully, not sure how they’d arrived at this topic. Yeonjun squeezed your hand reassuringly, running his thumb over the back of your hand.
“Well, I had no idea that Yeonjun had a girlfriend,” the man simpered. “What exactly do you do?” The implication of his words hit you like a MAC truck. What did you do? What did you do to deserve to be here, rubbing elbows with these famed people? 
“She’s a student, actually! She’s always busy with school work or research.” Yeonjun cut in, voice rising protectively. “She pretends it isn’t a big deal, but she’s pretty high up in her department, got all the professors to love her. And she’s on track for a really cool internship- right baby?” He shot the conversation back to you, attempting to ease the tears crawling up your throat.
“Oh, it’s not that big of deal, I don’t know if I got it yet, so-” 
“Shush, it’s amazing. And there’s no doubt in my mind that you’re the most qualified person for the position. You’re amazing,” Yeonjun beamed down at you warmly, a blush cropping up along your cheeks as you fought the urge to cover your face. Yeonjun quickly exchanged his goodbyes with the man and lead you finally to the table where you could take a deep breath. As soon as you settled into the chair next to Soobin, Yeonjun began to apologize in a hushed voice.
“I’m so sorry, I really didn’t think that he would say anything like that. You know that you’re amazing, though, right? I don’t want you to ever believe that I’m not proud of you, or you aren’t amazing because you aren’t an idol. I love how hard you work at school, I love that you aren’t busy with all the stupid idol things that I have to do. You’re such a positive light in my life, such an amazing person. I’m so happy that I know you. Seriously, I can’t imagine not knowing you. You know I love you, right? So much.” Your heart swelled, pumping so rapidly that it felt like it might fall out of your chest. All of the tension you’d felt during the conversation was completely gone, replaced by a pleasant buzz of happiness that only Yeonjun could provide you with. Despite the business within the restaurant, it felt as if you were in your own little bubble with Yeonjun alone, focused only on the gentle cadence of his voice and the steady heat radiating off of his body. His eyes were soft and round even under the concentrated eye makeup you’d helped him apply before leaving your apartment as he watched you carefully. 
“I know, and I love you too,” a smile split your face before you could stop it, straining the muscles in your cheeks until they stung. 
“Trust me, Y/N. We all know.” Taehyun laughed, causing the other three to nod in agreement. 
“Seriously, he literally talks about how much he loves you all the time. Sometimes even in his sleep he’s asking where you are-” 
“Hey! Stop it, you little-” Yeonjun growled, sending a menacing look toward Taehyun. 
“No! Keep it coming, tell me more,” happy to encourage the teasing of your boyfriend, you leaned back in your chair and picked at the shared plate of fries that had appeared in the middle of the table at some moment. 
“Oh, there was that one time we were in the studio and we couldn’t find him anywhere, like we even sent managers out to find him and everything and it turned out he got caught up talking with some random lady outside about you because he saw her carrying a bag you’d like.” Beomgyu offered, eyes sparkling at the chance to make fun of Yeonjun freely.
“Or the time when we were trying to film an episode of TO DO and he kept checking his phone because he was waiting for you to send a good morning text. The stylists were so mad that he refused to take his phone out of his pocket and they had to give him a top that would cover them.” Soobin jumped in this time, grinning just as wide as you were at the realization that Yeonjun was much more whipped for you than you’d ever estimated. 
“And lets not forget literally any time we have extra time at the dorm and want to watch a movie or play a game. He literally always asks if he can invite you. At one point it was like nine days straight and when we said we’d rather not have a guest he pouted in his room instead of playing with us.” Your eyes grew wide with recognition at the story, as you remembered the exact time Soobin was referring to. You had, quite honestly, grown tired of visiting the dorm every single night after class but you did it anyway for the sake of spending time with Yeonjun. 
“Did you guys know that he came to my apartment that night and complained that you were being mean to him?” Yeonjun whined loudly at your words, burying his flaming face into his own hands and letting out a defeated groan. He knew it was all true, and he was no stranger to admitting his attachment to you, but hearing it all at once made him shy. 
“It’s okay, Junnie. You know I love how whipped you are for me,” you teased, rubbing the nape of his neck with delicate fingers in an attempt to get his head off of the table. 
“I am not whipped!” He protests, sitting back up and trying his best to glare at you and his members. His face was still tinged with red, evidence of being caught in a lie. 
‘If you’re not whipped, then what would you call it, hyung?” Hueningkai questioned, taking a poignant sip of his drink all while keeping his gaze locked onto Yeonjun. The entire table, sans Yeonjun, snickered together as he opened and closed his mouth in quick succession, trying to find the right words. 
“I’m not whipped. I’m just...fond.”
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multiplefandomsblog · 4 years ago
V3 boys accidentally knocking up their s/o in the killing game
desc; how the v3 boys would act if they found they knocked you up during the killing game.
warnings; fem!reader, pregnant!reader, sexual comments, cussing, mentions of sex, mild mild spoilers??
just a small note; I haven't finished the 3rd game yet so I have no idea what happens thus, I apologize if it isn’t too accurate or if there are gaps in my story! Also, i don’t know if reader stays in the killing game long enough to birth a child, so like, i just made it like she did?? 
to be honest, I think he would find out before you did.
he is extremely observant so he would notice the symptoms right away
He would notice how you got fatigued easily, how you seemed to get nauseated
first, he would ask you if you were late
then, if you said yes, he would tell you straight up.
“S/o, you’re pregnant.” “I- I’m what!?” 
he would definitely get worried for you and his baby, 
a child born into a killing game is not ideal after all.
would be with you at all times, too scared to let you out his sight
he doesn’t want you or his baby to get hurt or killed by another student
yes, he believes in everyone but he can never be too careful.
he’s constantly pestering you and asking if you’re alright
you have 0 time to yourself, because he’s always with you
would probably hold hands through the bathroom door if you were using the toilet
he would try and prepare everything for when you go into labor
he wanted to make sure that both you and the baby are safe before and after labor
he takes care of you very well, always getting what you need or want
overall, i think he’d be a very responsible dad when the baby is born, probably the best dad out of everyone.
At first kokichi thought you were joking,
“Nishishi! Nice prank, s/o! You almost got me!”
But when you look at him with a serious expression, he goes-
“Wait shit, did we not use protection?” 
He’s not sure how to feel about it, so he just puts a fake face on.
He acts super excited and unworried but on the inside he’s not sure what to do.
he would constantly over think and become unsure of himself, the question repeating over and over in his head; Would he be a good dad?
Though he’s concerned for you and the baby, he’s actually kinda happy
he’s excited for all the pranks he and the baby can do against everyone in the killing game.
He has a new pranking partner!
yes, his pranking partner is less than a month old, but still! the baby is going to be a pranking master!
if you had strange cravings, he would try them with you
wanting to, “experience being pregnant with his tongue(kinky?)”
the horny bastard would probably still wanna smash, but definitely more gently than usual, he didn’t want to stab the baby with his dick
I think he’d talk to your baby via belly a lot
he would tell your baby stupid jokes that were kinda inappropriate but still hilarious
“Hmm, it must be nice being inside S/o. I would know, I was too.” 
“KOKICHI-” “NISHISHI!” *fucking books it*
i think he’d be a pretty irresponsible dad, but he’d definitely fight for his new family(with pranks)
random headcanon, but i think kokichi would wrap your baby in one of his checkered scarves when it comes out like- ahHHHHHHHHHH
he would also swaddle da baby with his scarf fvhajfgkgavkgbuyg
When he found out, he was pretty shocked at first
But after the shock, he was insanely happy that he managed to create a human with you.
he adored the fact that his child would be able to make history and continue to live on even after he dies.
He loves humanity, so he’d love the human baby he made with you even more
during your 9 months of pregnancy, he would praise you and your ‘glowing body’ daily
constantly saying stuff like, “Your body is a temple and you are a Goddess.” and “The life growing inside you simply amazing and I am proud to share this experience with an entity such as you.”
You know, that cheesy ooey gooey romantic shit
“S/o, I want to crawl into your body so I can experience being born aga-” “That’s enough of that.”
It's cute and all, but it sometimes gets embarrassing when he is basically worshipping you in public(especially like that).
i think he would tell the baby, folk tales and myths while it was still in your belly
he wanted to raise the baby to be just as curious as he is.
though, behind all these adorable things, kiyo is worried.
don't get me wrong, he does enjoy the other students’ thoughts and strange minds, but he doesn’t trust them for a second.
he would never willingly leave you with another student.
he gets a teensy bit controlling; always asking you to stay in his lab or dorm.
but he won’t get unreasonably angry if you go anywhere else, he just encourages staying in places with less people
if you do need to go somewhere else with other people, he would just follow you
in the end, I think kiyo would be a dad that never neglects his kid(can’t relate-).
he would always be there for them.
K1-B0 doesn’t have the facilities to knock anyone up.
like kokichi asked, do robots even have a penis???? 
how the hell did you two fuck in the first place!????!
but if somehow, miu gives him a penis and actual sperm??? I guess it could work?? i don't know how it works man- I've never fucked a robot
I think he’d be happy and proud that he managed to impregnate you
“See!? I can do human things too!” “...Impregnating a human, K1B0? Seriously? Too fucking far.”
okay, I can’t take this one seriously T_T
um, if you and K1B0 had a baby, would it be half robot??
through your belly, the baby would make robot noises to communicate and K1B0 would understand which is cool
when the baby was born, he gets very protective; he doesn't want his baby to face the same discrimination and bullying he did
he wouldn’t be afraid that the others would hurt the baby, because he helped build in lazer eyes for his baby.
oh but he definitely would not let his baby go near Miu at all
he would prevent that from happening as much as possible
he’s afraid she’ll do something weird to the baby and add new gadgets,
sure its cool and all for him, but the baby is so young!
Kaito would be fucking psyched when you told him, stars in his eyes and everything
“I-I’m gonna be a dad!? whOOOOOOOOOOO!!” He picked you up and hugged you tight, but not too tight; he didn't want to hurt the baby.
But then realization hits him like a truck when he realizes, that the baby was going to be born into a killing game.
He would have a nervous breakdown and cry for about, ehhh a day or so
but once he gets it all out, he focuses on the positives
if it was possible, he loves you even more than he did before!
now that you have a mini you growing inside you(inception!?), its like, double the love :0
he’s giddy everytime he sees you with your baby bump, not being able to resist hugging you every time he sees you.
he loves you so much, it's hard to put in words 
he cries when he can feel the baby kick, kissing your belly uwu
when you’re around people he can’t trust in the killing game, he gets very very protective
he would watch their every move, moving to shield you when they move their hands.
but around the people he trusts like shuichi and maki, he’d let his guard down and relax
he would stress out if you were in any discomfort, always making sure you were okay
if your legs or back were sore, he would be there in an instant to massage your joints until his hands fell off
he puts you before himself, sometimes forgetting to take care of his basic needs like, eating or sleeping
you’d have to remind him a lot
I think something cute that he would do while you two slept is holding you or your belly protectively while he dozed off
overall, a goofy dad that makes stupid dad jokes.
would have a lot of proud dad moments
he seems like the type who would embarrass his child a lot lmao
uh, gonta is father?
would definitely be shocked and stressed out when you told him
his protective mom dad instinct would intensify and he would constantly be carrying you
1. because he didn’t want your legs to get tired
2. he’s practicing for when he picks up his baby
3. if he carries you like this, no one can reach and/or hurt you
4. because he can
5. and because a gentleman would do that
he doesn't really know what to do when you’re having pregnancy symptoms, like vomiting, nausea, etc.
he’s not great at that part, but he knows how to protect you from danger and he knows how to make sure you’re comfortable
he treats you like a queen(as all women should be treated!)
he isn’t really worried when you’re around other students, but he still picks you up just in case
i think he’d act super sweet, like his sweetness would intensify to 100
he would try cooking a meal for you or giving you breakfast in bed, but it always tastes like boiled eggs in the end?
like no matter what it is, it always tastes like boiled eggs
pasta? boiled eggs
maki rolls(haha)? boiled eggs
sandwich? boiled eggs
“...Mmm! Gonta this is, uh, not at all tasting like boiled eggs!” You tried to say enthusiastically, Gonta nodded with a soft smile, “Gonta glad you like it!”
eventually you caved in and told him(after a few months... you didn't want to hurt the baby—gonta—, okay?)
he’d have to ask kirumi to do all the cooking while he just handed her ingredients
he feels weird when he thinks about the fact that his baby is growing inside you
all he can think about is larva
but he thinks its cool that his creation is going to grow inside you and become another human
so he just rolls with it
(i apologize in advance if this isn’t too accurate)
i feel like i can imagine this:
Rantaro was sitting on the benches outside, drinking his bottled tea. His eyes darted towards your approaching figure. He stored his leftover tea in his cheeks as he gave you a wave, putting his bottle down. “Rantaro, i’m pregnant.” His eyes widened as the tea came spewing out, luckily he turned his head away so you were out of the splash-zone. He dropped his bottle before standing up and immediately hugging you. “I love you so much, we can do this. I love you.” He repeated as he moved his hand up your head, tangling his fingers in your locks.
he would be pester you if you looked like you were in pain or struggling with something, thinking you were going into labor
*breathing pattern changes* “Holy shit! Are you going into labor?? Fuck, okay um, uH hospital?? UH contRACTIOns HOw LoNg?-” “I JUST BREATHED DIFFERENTLY.”
p a n i c
he doesn’t know how the whole pregnancy thing works, he’s only a teen after all
but no matter what, he supports you in any way he can
i think if anyone made a bad comment about your baby or you, he would probably scare the shit out of them with his scary expression
intimidation x100
i headcanon him to be a cuddly dad
he would hold you a lot, he likes feeling all three of you together
small scenario from when the baby was born;
As your baby’s cries filled the room, you sighed as you got up from the bed. Rantaro, however, abruptly stopped your movement, “Don’t worry, I got ‘em.” He rubbed his eyes, kissing your forehead as he gently pushed you back down onto the bed and walked towards the crib.
You watched with droopy eyes as Rantaro gently shushed the baby by bouncing them in his arms. Rantaro made his way back to bed and slipped in beside you, the now quiet baby still in his arms. “Mmm Rantaro no, we’re gonna crush the baby.”
You softly groaned in protest. Rantaro pouted at you, silently pleading with you with his puppy-dog eyes. You let out a huff of defeat before nodding, eyes half-closed. The last thing you saw before dozing off was Rantaro smiling goofily at the baby. You slowly fell asleep, Imprinting a gentle smile on your face as you slept. 
sorry for steering the other way for rantaro’s, its 6am ;-; what is sleep anyway? phew, thank you for requesting this! i enjoyed writing it, it was fun :D
- mod chia
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jrueships · 3 years ago
about your latest kyle/demar/jimmy… i can 100% see kyle and jimmy bullying demar on both daily basis or yk the bedroom 😏😁
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what else is to be expected when demar gets with his two biggest haters !!! Thank you again to clutchpoints serving the gay agenda, unasked
BUT ALSO.........
you're So right op ... i think they're So funny. It's like they take turns being the one bullied like the healthy polycule they are! They remind me of that one stock photo compilation of these women bullying each other but like.. they would take turns being the one bullied?? Like in one pic the girl with the scarf would be the one getting her hair grabbed then the next pic SHES the one doing the hair grabbing ?? And people were captioning 'healthy elaborate polycule foreplay !! ' or 'the switch squad goin CRAAZY!!!' And it's like! Wow! It's very kyle/demar/jimmy
Like okay hmmm... like maybe kyle and jimmy are picking on deebo for idk always wanting to rp old movies LMAO like jimmy points at deebo mouthing the actors lines while he watches New Jack City and kyle does his evil little snort choke laugh and they clown on him in a duo. ' he think he Wesley snipes AAAHaa' 'he from Cali! The actor's dream is in his blood!' And deebos like 🙄 the copious stank yall be wafting through the vibes rn.... but then HE says smthin clever like 'if jimmy were an actor, he'd go every scene with some product placement in his hand' and kyle starts laughing at JIMMY now and jimmy like WOW. WOW! okay well at least i could fit on the screen without the camera needing to pan down everytime the crowd wants to see someone so Short' and kyle is like 🤣🤣🤣😐. That's not funny. So now deebo and JIMMY are laughing at kyle until kyle somehow turns it back onto deebo AND THE CYCLE CONTINUES !!!! like ! Idk!! Those three are just a bunch of little haters in love <3 i think they're just really funny, television worthy dynamic that flips All the time. They're similar but also Not, and it's Great. Also i Do be thinking about them cuddling together in bed <3 taking turns who sleeps in the middle. Jimmy is usually not allowed because he gets up really early and shakes the whole bed, but also he usually gets them all up in the morning with him even though they don't have to because he's insane planet fitness anyways. But yeah the idea of deebo sleeping in the middle of kyle and jimmy, buff arms around him at both sides, kyles leetle arms trying to hold both deebo And jimmy.. jimmy randomly holding kyles hand across demars chest.. demar waking up after a really bad dream that leaves him shaken and worrying about being alone, only to realize the two people he loves the most (besides his kids (and some stinky people too unfortunately bcus deebo is too nice)) are right there beside him and he kinda reaches his arms out behind them and pulls them closer, kisses their foreheads while they sleep <3. kyle doesn't sleep as often in the middle as youd Think he would because he moves alot in his sleep. Jimmy and demar wake up to kyle curled up on their legs like a cat under the covers LMAO. Also he probably hates jimmys coffee breath, even though jimmy smells like a God he Still finds Something to complain about. ALSO ALSO kyle probably still tries humping people LMFAO. Like they just be cuddling and suddenly deebo feels a dump truck repeatedly backing into his pelvis and jimmy feels something keep hitting his butt and deebo is like 'kahl. OK. Kahl- kahl, kahl. enough-' until jimmy goes 'LOWRY.' which gets kyle sent to the couch. Kyle probably sets the house on fire in the middle of the night and leaves lol (IM KIDDING
TO BE MORE SPICY ABOUT IT THO... LESS ON THE DOMESTICS UHHHHH... i think kyle and jimmy when they Bully deebo in the bedroom its kinda like... it basically feels like you're in hell getting 'tortured' by imps or whatever u know ???? like kyle is all 'you deserve a Break deebo, you deserve to Have this, you deserve So much.' And his stroking Demar's thigh getting closer and closer to where deebo wants his hand but won't until he has demar saying Please. Then there's jimmy behind demar muttering about how badly he wants to see him cry. Being more Crude with it. More rough, more demanding. Which is a pretty big accomplishment considering how bossy kyle can be. Which doesn't go away btw. Sometimes they don't always agree on what they wanna Do with deebo or want him to do or Want from him, not out of jealousy but out of 'EXCUSE ME??? im the sex SAVANT here get OUT B U M ' and deebo is just like. In heaven lol
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mitsuki-murakami · 5 years ago
don’t ever leave my side [Tendou Satori x Reader]
Helllooo! Can I request Tendou x reader where his s/o has low blood pressure and they just go like falling around cause they can't stand up and stay still and like, he tries to avoid them hitting the floor by grabbing them and try to avoid them hitting the corner of the door and ending up in the hospital for 3 days with a straight bloody line in their forehead, hm... I'm so embarrassed right now 😳 but can I request it? 😂
Requested by: anon
Yoooo don’t be embarrassed!! This is a really cute request uwuwu this actually reminds me of one of my friends lmao so it’s no problem really!
Having low blood pressure for a handful of years now, it was a common occurrence for you to fall around and end up with bruises and cuts all over you. It’s gotten really bad to the point that your teachers once contacted your parents to find out if anything was going on with you (or if you were engaging in suspicious activities). Your parents explained it well, and to your dismay, your adviser assigned you to be assisted with one student at all times. 
She had intended to assign one student to accompany you to each class that you had to attend, but it turned out rather differently. Since he had been your friend ever since your younger years, neither parent or teacher complained. Besides, it had been Tendou who insisted to be your assistant, promising your parents that he’d do his best to look after you. After all, he was already used to you.
He was painfully aware at all times, and sometimes it came across to you as annoying nagging, but you knew that he was tremendously concerned. It was impressive, to be honest, because whenever you’d make certain faces, he was already at your side without anyone asking. It was always even before you’d realized that you were already dizzy. 
His awareness was mainly due to the fact that he once saw you fall right in front of his eyes, and he wasn’t able to catch you before you could hit your head on the corner of the seat in front of you. Of course, he hated seeing you all bandaged up and stuck in a hospital bed for the following days. But what he most hated was the fact that he couldn’t even see the fact that you were starting to get dizzy and lightheaded, and that he continued to joke around with how ridiculous you looked instead of asking you what was wrong. How could he even be called a guess monster if he couldn’t even see his own best friend in danger?
Ever since, he’d begun to pick up your little antics. The way you’d close your eyes for an abnormally long moment, the way you’d hold onto the back of a chair to steady yourself, how you’d slowly get up from a seat so you wouldn’t jostle yourself too much, there were too many to mention. But he had a complete list of everything, and as time went by, he’d see it way quicker compared to before.
As a result, you and Tendou would be seated beside each other in almost all of your classes. You didn’t really mind. Less ruckus, less commotion caused by both of you, and you got to hang out more with your best friend. Which promptly turned into... boyfriend after you popped the question randomly while the both of you were quietly eating your lunch. He had almost choked, and he coughed out a quick “yes” while you doubled over in laughter.
It was ridiculous, how spontaneous your relationship over the years became, but it was one of the most exciting parts of it.
Sometimes, you’d feel like a burden to Tendou. Too worried that you’d manage to get hit by a stray volleyball if he took you to his practices, he would always rush you home before walking back to school. There were even instances of him carrying you on his back all the way. It would tire him out, so you told him that he didn’t need to do it, but he brushed it off, telling you that it was a good warm-up. Of course, he wouldn’t tell you that he liked the feeling of your chin nestled on his shoulder.
After weeks of nagging and asking him to take you to his practice, he finally agreed, but only if you’d stay at exactly one spot, in a seat up at the railings, along with one of your friends that you both trusted. At first, you rolled your eyes at how protective he was being, but you understood that he was only doing it for your safety. It was rather endearing, so you let him check on everything twice himself, so he could be at ease and that he wouldn’t have to worry over you during his practice.
You’d hate to be the one to ruin his game-- you’d heard a lot about Coach Washijo and how tough he was when it came to training the members. You’d always get used to seeing Tendou basically crawl into your bedroom after practice, whining about how rigorous their training was and how all he wanted to do for the rest of the day was to sleep beside you. 
Respecting how hard he always had to work, you also took it upon yourself to make sure that everything went smoothly the day you were going to see for yourself. No need to ask him how practice went-- you would be there to watch every movement!
Tendou carefully assisted you up the railings, and he gave your friend one last rundown of what to do if this or that happened before you playfully pushed him away and towards the stairs, where Semi was waiting for him. “Don’t get too excited when you see just how awesome I am down there!” He called out one last time before he disappeared down the stairs along with his teammate.
“He’s so whipped for you,” Miyuki commented, slightly nudging you. You giggled in response.
“Yeah, he really is,” you agreed. It’s not like you weren’t just as whipped for him, if not more, with how caring he was always to you despite the mockery that came to practically anybody else. 
“Hey, don’t forget our plan, okay?” You reminded her, and she nodded enthusiastically, giving you a thumbs up. “Of course! I bet he’d be so excited!”
You didn’t tell Tendou, but you had a plan to meet him down there once his practice was all finished up. It wasn’t much, but you thought it was perfect. It wouldn’t cause the biggest disturbance since everyone else would be starting to leave, and you would only be handing him his water and his towel after all.
Yeah, it wasn’t much, but to the both of you, it would mean a lot. Neither of you had been able to do anything without the other one, since he’d always insist to have you by his side at all times to ensure that nothing bad would happen to you. With that, surprises for one another was usually out of the question. But this time, you’d actually be able to do something for him without his help or knowledge.
The plan was flawless in your opinion. Miyuki would be able to assist you down the stairs and you’d meet him by the entrance just beside the door so that you’d have somewhere to lean on in case you got dizzy, and you’d be right there handing him his water and towel. You would finally be the one to hand him his stuff instead of the other way around! 
“Don’t forget to stretch.” Coach Washijo called out just as he exited the gym, and all the other boys laid down and went upon their businesses. Some went ahead and immediately, some rushed for water, and you saw Tendou talking to that one dark-haired first year.
“Let’s go,” you gestured to your friend, and she helped you up, one hand on your arm and the other on your shoulder, just like Tendou taught her. The two of you took your time hobbling down the stairs, and once you stepped down the last step, she guided you towards the entrance, letting you lean against the wall next to the door. You gave her a reassuring nod, so she completely let go of you and let you walk on your own.
No one could’ve anticipated the next events.
You decided to take a peek inside before you entered, which was apparently a bad idea. Not knowing that there was someone on the other side of the door, a person had fully slid open the door.
It caused you to lose balance. 
At first, you thought you were fine, really. You were able to stand up straight for a few moments. You even saw Tendou, who wore a shocked expression at the sight of his girlfriend being somewhere he didn’t leave her. That was, until you felt the dizziness hit you like a truck, and you fell.
Black rimmed the edges of your view, and the last thing you saw was Tendou frantically running at full speed with his arms stretched out in an attempt to catch you, but it was all in vain, since he was halfway across the gym. You weren’t exactly conscious at the time, but you knew that the look of horror on Tendou’s face was a look that was going to be etched into your mind for the rest of your life.
You were able to hear faint sounds of shouting during the whole time you were unconscious, but what was most comforting was Tendou’s voice. You couldn’t make out what he was saying, but it comforted you to no end to know that he was right by you the whole time.
Once you opened your eyes, you found a familiar red-head curled up against your bed. You could tell it was the same day. It was dark outside, but Tendou was still wearing his tracksuit from earlier. He was still sleeping, so you didn’t want to wake him up too quickly.
You started by wiggling your hand, which he held so close to his face you could feel his breath fanning against your palm. His nose scrunched, and he started to mutter threats. You could only assume that it was for his opponents for the upcoming match.
You chuckled softly, and you let go of his hand to run it through his hair. He leaned into your touch, and it was obvious that he was looking for the hand that he held earlier, before he looked up and cracked open his eyes.
“Hey,” you called out, and he smiled at you, trying to rub away the fact that he had been crying earlier
“Hey, you,” he grabbed your hand that was in his hair and pressed it to his lips. The two of you relished the silence of the hospital room, and none of you spoke for quite a while.
“Sorry.” You apologized, and all was understood. At this point, he had already crawled into your bed next to you, one arm around your shoulders holding you close to him, and another fussing with the gauze that was neatly placed over your forehead, completely covering your newly acquired cut that ran straight across one of your temples and onto the center of your head. 
“Jeez, I know how obsessed you are with me, but at least promise me one thing,” he said, a wistful smirk upon his lips.
“Yeah?” You gladly buried yourself into his chest and waited for his request.
“Don’t ever leave my side again, got it?”
AAAAAAAAA I’m so soft for our boy Tendouuuuuu!! ahkk TT Thank you so much for requesting this hehe
Thank you for reading!!!
message me if you’d like to be in the taglist!! owo
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honestlyfrance · 5 years ago
offering love until it hurt
ship: sambucky
warning/content: canon death; ca:tws setting; angst; character study(?); is this even complete?
summary: Sam Wilson’s timer was so close to zero. So close, but, he doesn’t really believe in them. Not the concept of soulmates, no — he’s just lost his faith in his.
a/n: i remember hearing the priest saying “offering love until it hurt” and all i could think was “wow.” this was one of the many supposed soulmate au fils i did for the sambucky bingo that happened, but i obviously did a social media au instead :D so have this one instead! I’ll continue posting my failed fills to fill the content in the sambucky tag (especially since i won’t join the big bang lmao) please tell me what y’all think! love y’all and stay safe!
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The counter on Sam Wilson's left wrist was so close to zero, so close for the inked numbers to finally countdown to 000: 00: 00: 00, and so close to meeting his Soulmate, after a whole lifetime of feeling icy coldness everywhere he went, not once feeling warmth but only feeling the chill tone down a bit during random moments. Living with encrypted numbers were like living encased in a cold and wet cellar with no sunlight streaming in and dancing on your skin Living with numbers on your wrist that rarely become coherent was like living alone in the corner of an abandoned hallway. Cold, cold, dirty, lonely — life was agonizing. It was less than twenty-four hours left. Yes, it was. Sam's soulmate could've been that blonde or they could've been that Redhead. Yeah — When Sam's soulmate appeared, he couldn't have known; it happened too fast.
Steve Rogers, Captain America, had appeared on Sam's doorstep with Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow, asking for his help. Sam almost threw his shit, wanted to take the world in his hands, and yell at it, saying, "Let me be selfish for once, please. Let the world slow down just for me, just for my chance at unconditional love," but seeing their bruises and cuts urged Sam, knowing full well that his soulmate would appear in a few hours, to bring them in unprompted.
Sam could be selfish when the timer stopped because that was all his in the end.
"Not everyone." Sam had said, his eyes subtly sweeping his street as he let the two enter his home. He glanced at his wrist; only a few hours left; maybe more or less six hours — he's counting, damn right Sam's counting. 
Soulmates weren't a big thing in his life. No one revolved around the idea of having someone built like you, for you, to love you unconditionally because they knew — they all knew — that the world isn't kind enough to serve such kindness. Everyone he knew and grew up with hated each other in some way but loved and offered love so much that it almost hurt to love. Sam had his fair share of love, and it hurt too much to think about.
"This Riley?" Steve had said.
Sam nodded back. "Yeah."
His heart has been handled by so many hands that his heart has been softened at anyone's touch, making it almost impossible for it to harden at some ungodly sight; the amount of love pouring out of Sam's heart was almost ceremonious, almost as if he was there to be handled, "almost as if his soulmate was everyone he met," as his co-soldiers have said. But, no. His timer has never seen the number zero on the first digit — never stopped counting the breaths Sam hitched in his throat as he watched it count down many times. Sam sometimes wished the next time he held his breath, his soulmate was breathless too when the number zero appeared on any digit.
The amount of love Sam echoed from his bones to his fingertips was addicting, and everyone nipped at the affection and care he had given; almost an addiction, he was a whole other drug the medicinal field couldn't conjure, not even morphine could match. Sam liked it — Sam liked "offering until it hurt," as his father had once preached. Maybe that's why he couldn't turn down Captain America and the Black Widow. Maybe that's why he didn't bother to follow the pull of gravity he felt a tug at him, the subtlety teething and biting at him like needles. Maybe that's why he was selfless. Maybe that's why he couldn't take something for himself.
Sam sits still instead, watching Jack Sitwell look around in search of the "good looking guy in the glasses." They meet eyes, and Sam wishes it to be his soulmate instead, to feel the warmth of the world, embrace his bones made of ice sculpted by God Himself, and to have the counter display a golden zero.
Not this asshole.
Sam wanted his soulmate so badly, even when he's lost faith in them.
"Yeah. There you go." Sam says through the phone. 
It's almost a ticking time bomb in his chest, vibrating at impossible speeds as he waits patiently for him to combust once the timer gets down to zero. He could feel the pull beckon for him, come home, Samuel, it says, but the ice in his bones began to melt; he could feel the warmth, and it disappeared so suddenly, it's almost sickening. Jetlag, practically — it's a sickening ride the universe has given him.
Sam didn't listen to it, didn't want to look down on his wrist, didn't care to cater to the pull his body aches for. As his mantra says: "I've lost faith in you, I've lost faith in you. Let me be the reason I can't believe you." He's been starved of the love and care his soul aches for, and all of these potential soulmates he's met has no place for Sam's soul — no matching fit for his soul to intertwine with. The pull deafening, the ringing in his head, and his feet were almost dancing towards his soul mate's direction. Stop, please, Sam wishes he could bury himself in coal.
The moment Sam had flown to the top of the building with Sitwell in tow, he feels the stabbing of a thousand needles on his skin, all a hissing sensation as he feels his environment being whipped with a satisfying breeze — a breeze Sam couldn't recognize, and when he had landed and retracted his wings, the breeze lowered in temperature and became bearable; Sam could cry behind his goggles. 
He sees his two acquaintances and stopped himself.
Sam couldn't glance down on his wrist, but he's all hyper-aware at the moment; he could almost feel his soulmate walking towards the pull, and Sam senses his stomach twisting in a hundred knots as bile made its way to his throat but failed to reach his end. Again, to be buried under piles of coal was seemingly becoming a yearning Sam couldn't seem to comprehend.
Ms. Black Widow had her gaze burning at the back of Sam's head during the drive on the highway, and it suddenly got warm in the car as his hand on the wheel showed signs of sweat, leather sticking at his hand and becoming slightly slimy. Sam has his face sculpted into a serious and tamed expression despite the nervousness in his aching body, building up an insane amount of anxiety as he could feel the countdown turn to minutes — and it was minutes! 
Sam sighed as he felt his surroundings turn hotter, and he mumbled under his breath, something about his soulmate and his timer, his supposed meet-cute, yet he couldn't even hear himself. There's a ringing in his ear that dulls him into sleep.
Captain America glanced at him, and his eyes glinted in realization; Ms. Black Widow saw it too, the sweat trickling down Sam's neck and melting into the fabric of his shirt, it was too familiar for them; then, it hit them.
It hit Sam too fast.
Jack Sitwell was pulled out of the car after a loud thump on the roof of the car erupted their senses, and he was immediately roadkill as an incoming truck passed by at the speed limit. Screams dwindled and there's chaos in the air.
The world suddenly turned into hellfire, as if Dante's description was intertwined into the real world, Sam Wilson was handled with the terrifying licks of an imaginary flame — as if someone had found a flamethrower nearby and decided to scorch his body until it turned to ash and his bones were all its left, but that wasn't entirely the case; it wasn't oven heat or campfire heat, it was the first interaction Sam had with actual heat, and it was daring, it was fumbling, it was nerve-wracking.
Before Sam could check his wrist for the awaited number, Natasha had pushed him aside with her foot, and then he realized, My soulmate is trying to fucking murder me! as bullets barely flew past him and stuck into the headrest.
His steering wheel was pulled out from the roof. "Shit!" Sam yelled. 
This wasn't the ideal meet-cute Sam imagined. 
But, we go back a few months, years, decades, hell — let’s go back to 1935.
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pretendcnco · 5 years ago
starcrossed - christopher velez
✧・゚: *✧・゚: *:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:* :・゚✧*:・゚✧ ・゚:*
or the long awaited sequel to caminos destructivos
word count: 5.5k
note: currently feeling like this video lmao, but hi, I hope you’re all well, I haven't posted in the actual longest time. I did lose a lot of motivation for many things, writing being one of them but this has been in my drafts for months and I’m lowkey proud of it so I finally decided to post it. I hope y'all enjoy my own overplayed rendition of Romeo and juliet LMAO. im slowly getting back into the mindset of writing so just be patient with me, I do see the unanswered asks and will try my best to work on them but really, no promises. but again, hope u enjoy :)
tags: @ella-se-vuelve-loca @mepuserojito @yatusabess @estoy-enamorado-de-ti @richukisbb @smoljoelito @cnc-oh-boi @esmejha108 @h-bea92 @ericks-mala-actitud@undeadspazzattack @cncoh-damn @itsspelledbyannca@estefania723@cncogirl18 @pizzaspirits @miacha3xl @you-kinda-smell-like-christmas@jessenia-p@KitKat1328 @boundtobreakk @nochillnelly @cnco_bby @prettydamnmuchinlove @maggie-lunax @s4usagee @ericksmamita@wastedearth@ccnicole02 @apla-o-eaytos-mou @cncoaddicted @rosebud213@ruvaitkevicius@lover2448
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✧・゚: *✧・゚: *:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:* :・゚✧*:・゚✧ ・゚:*
From the moment Christopher Velez stepped foot into town, rumours circulated around him. Rumours about his tough looking exterior, the tattoo on his hand, and the reasons as to why he had moved to town. Whispers were heard all around town about him. He didn’t fit in, it was obvious. His dark wardrobe contrasted immensely from the bright apparel most of the town's population donned. He was quiet, never really speaking unless spoken to, trying to make as little impact in his last year of high school as he could.
But that was until he met her.
He knew about her before he officially met her, of course. Most of the trophies in the school's front office held her name, her face adorned the many pictures hung up on the walls. Class president, Model UN, Debate Club, Environmental Rallies, Scholarships, Soccer, Cheer. Everyone knew her name, her face, she was the star student. But what surprised him was that she didn’t have a group of followers mindlessly trailing after her, rather she was always with just one other girl. This intrigued him because she didn’t seem larger than life, like how the school portrayed her, she seemed rather normal. She was humble, at first glance no one would think she was the Y/N L/N that everyone talked about. He supposed that was what intrigued him about her. He questioned how someone so accomplished in her young age could be so humble about it. Maybe because he grew up around people who would always brag about their accomplishments, no matter how horrible they were.
Christopher wouldn’t describe himself as someone who didn’t care about school, but some things presented themselves in his life that made it one of his lowest priorities. He always zoned out when the guidance counselor began talking to him about his future, because she always said the same: he didn’t have one. His grades were inconsistent, as was his attendance, and his test scores were, let’s just say, not the best. He knew he didn’t have a bright future, you didn’t need to tell him, but it wasn’t because he didn’t want one, he so badly did. He wanted to be able to provide for his family in the right way, he wanted to do something meaningful with his life, but ultimately the stars choose a different path for him.
Catching the school- no the town- angel’s attention was not what he had planned to do. He was okay with just watching her from afar, never in a million years believing a girl like her would go for a guy like him. But that night at the party, the night he decided to make his move, waiting to be rejected, he was surprised to find her kissing him back, with as much, if not more, want as he had.
She was intoxicating to say the least. Her innocence excited him, the idea that he knew things she didn’t, that he could teach her those things, excited him.
But the backlash of their relationship was immediate. Her brother was no fan of him, taking every chance he could to let Christopher know how much he didn’t deserve his sister. Chris didn’t take his threats seriously, knowing he could take him easily, but he tried to respect him, he was Y/N’s brother after all.
It was difficult, keeping their relationship discreet, especially when Chris couldn’t keep his hands off of her. Despite what her brother and most of the town believed, Christopher didn’t want Y/N just to sleep with her, to purposefully corrupt her. He wanted her because she was smart, care-free, and kind. Very different from the people he used to hang around back home. He could stay up late on the phone every night because she always had something interesting to talk about, he enjoyed listening to the way she thought, the things she cared about. But he also wasn’t going to deny that she was an amazing kisser, despite her lack of experience.
Christopher didn’t plan on breaking her heart. But he also didn’t plan on having all he ran from be unearthed in this new town. He ran from it for a reason. He looks back now and wishes he could have changed something, anything, to make things better, but in reality he had no idea what. He believed Y/N to be his saving grace, a gift from God in the hopes of turning Christopher’s life around, but now he assumed his actions had caught up to him, and God himself realized Christopher didn’t deserve something as good as Y/N.
ten days until zabdiel’s end of the year party
Christopher’s arm was slung over Y/N’s shoulder as they sat in the front seat of the truck Benito let him borrow. Her legs were tucked under her as she cuddles in close to him, both of them watching the movie being played that night at the drive-in. She lets out a small chuckle at the joke one of the characters say and he glances towards her. The light from the film lights up her face, her lips plastered in a permanent smile. She was so beautiful, he couldn’t believe she was his. And this is what prompts him to lean down and place a kiss on her cheek.
She looks up at him then.
“What was that for?” She questions, eyeing his small smile.
“Nada, you're just so beautiful.”
Her face heats up at his words, compliments from him always making butterflies erupt in her belly.
“Oh, stop.” She says with a small laugh, nervously moving her gaze down. At this, Christopher lets out a small chuckle and places a hand under her chin, lifting her head to meet his gaze. Their eyes meet and Y/N couldn’t help but get lost in them. And then he’s slowly meeting their lips together. She smiles into the kiss as he wraps his arms around her, pulling her onto his lap. His hands settle on the backs of her thighs, her arms wrapping around his neck. He begins trailing kisses down her neck, reveling in the way her eyes flutter shut at his actions. He sucks on the spot under her ear, earning a small gasp from her.
“Chris,” She breathes out, her hands gripping his shoulders at the sensations.
And suddenly, all that is heard is hoots and laughter as small pebbles hit the trucks windows. It was no secret in town that kids came to the drive-in to hook up, and of course there were the dumbasses who made a big deal whenever they saw a couple too close in the car.
Y/N jumps away from Chris, letting out a small laugh as more pebbles hit the car. She glances towards her window and her smile suddenly drops.
“Fuck,” she mutters. Chris eyes her warily as she gets off him and scoots to roll down the window. The boy outside's laughter immediately stops when he sees who the couple in the car was.
“Wait until your brother hears about this.” The boy says, shaking his head. Chris was utterly confused, did they know each other ?
Y/N scowls at the boy outside the window before speaking.
“Fuck off Johann, don’t you have something better to do than be Michael’s lap dog?”
The boy’s, Johann's, eyes widen in shock, mouth popping open at Y/N’s remark. Chris stifles a laugh upon seeing the boys face, and Johann turns to face him.
“You just wait, you don’t fucking belong here and we’ll show you.”
Y/N sticks up her middle finger in the boys face and rolls up the window. She lets out a loud sigh and straightens her shirt.
“I’m sorry about him. My brother and his friends are a pain in the ass, but you already knew.” She tells him and Chris shrugs.
“It’s okay, hermosa.” He tells her, leaning down to peck her cheek. “Let’s get out of here.” He mutters and she nods. Chris sets the car in drive and pulls out of the field, eyes meeting Johanns as he passes, the other boys gaze filled with hate.
Later that night, Chris finds himself looking after the supermarket as Benito had other matters to attend to. Y/N was long asleep at this point and he watches the clock, waiting for midnight to hit. When the clock read 12, he quickly gathers his stuff and heads out. He clicks the lock shut and shoves the key into his jacket pocket before beginning his walk back to Benito’s.
“Christopher.” A voice shakes Chris out of his thoughts and he turns to find the one person he didn’t want to see. Chris sighs heavily as Micheal, Y/N’s brother, jogs over to him.
“I’ve been meaning to talk to you.”
“I think I’ve heard enough.” Chris states simply. He heard all the things Micheal said about him, thought about him. They were whispered around town and he caught words as he walked by, he didn’t need to hear more. Christopher turns without another word and walks away, feeling Micheal’s burning stars like a target on his back.
seven days until zabdiel’s end of the year party
“Yo, who would’ve thought Y/N would end up with you?” Richard says with a laugh as he receives the newly rolled blunt from Zabdiel. The rest of the boys chuckle at his words and Chris just smiles, blowing out a puff of smoke from his mouth.
“I don’t even know.” He admits.
“You’re treating her right, right?” Erick asks, taking a sip of his drink. Chris looks up at the younger boy from where he was sitting. He knew Erick saw Y/N as a sister, so of course he was a little protective.
“Of course.” He states and Erick nods. If Y/N was happy, he was happy.
They were all currently chilling at the Camacho family’s mechanic shop, where Richard worked part-time. After hours they all gathered there to smoke and drink, unbeknownst to his father of course.
A knock at the metal garage doors brings all the boys attention to the group of people sauntering into the shop. Richard stands from his seat and quickly hides the blunt in his hand. Zabdiel and Joel fan the air, trying to rid the area of the obvious smell of weed.
“We’re closed, bro.” Richard says to the group of boys walking in.
“Yeah we know.” The tallest boy says, and when they finally step into the light, Christopher quickly sits up. Y/N’s brother and his pack of goons walk towards them, their sights set on him.
“We’re just looking for one person.” Micheal, simply states. Christopher’s jaw clenches as he sits up straighter.
Richard steps in between the two boys.
“Listen, you’re not gonna start this shit here.” The red-haired boy tells Y/N’s brother. “Now I’d really like if you all just turn around and get the fuck out of here.”
“We just wanna talk to him.” Micheal says, pointedly looking at Chris. The other boys turn to face him before looking back at Y/N’s brother and his friends.
“We know you guys don’t want to just talk.” Joel states.
“And if you’re trying to start something, piénsalo otra vez.” Zabdiel speaks up, standing and crossing his arms over his chest.
“Listen, you just let us have a talk with our friend here,” Micheal begins, motioning towards Christopher. “We don’t mean any harm to you guys.”
“Bro, we already told you, get outta here. If you want Christopher, you have us too.”
Now all the boys stood, staring down the other group.
“I suggest you back down Richard, unless you want the whole town knowing Joel passes your drug tests for you.” Richards stare was pure rage, and Joel shifts uncomfortably next to him.
“And you Zabdiel, how about that girl you knocked up last year? How is she doing?” Zabdiel pauses, fists clenched at his sides, not having expected that to come out of his mouth. Christopher watched the scene unfold, knowing exactly where this was going. Despite the small towns shiny exterior, there were heavy secrets lying just below the surface. Christopher’s was one of them. The life he ran from, the reason he moved to a completely new country, the thing he’s been trying to keep hidden for months. Christopher held his breath, just waiting for Micheal to spill his own secrets. His heart was beating so wildly in his chest he couldn’t hear, or didn’t want to hear, the rest of the conversation. Before he knew it, a punch was thrown. Christopher is thrown back into reality at Erick’s shout and he turns to see Johann and Richard in a violent embrace, both boys trying to get the other to back down, however bloody that left them. Somewhere on his left, this same messy dance was started by Zabdiel and another of Micheal’s friends. Joel and Erick watch with wide eyes as Micheal walks towards Christopher. Erick acts first, trying to push Micheal away, but to no avail. And before Chris knew, Micheal’s fist collided with his face. Joel and Erick were on him now, struggling to pry off Micheal from Christopher. Micheal manages to get in another hit before Joel and Erick completely pull him off. Chris was bleeding, he reaches up to wipe the blood from his mouth. His ears are ringing, the blows to the head he received not working in his favor.
“This is the last time I tell you. Stay the fuck away from my sister.” Micheal spits out as Joel and Erick push him away. Christopher looks around to see Zabdiel and Richard panting heavily, Richards eyebrow was split and Zabdiel had a bruise growing on his cheek.
“And the longer you guys protect him, the more likely all your secrets are gonna come out.” Micheal spits onto the ground next to Christopher, blood dripping from the one place Chris managed to land a punch. Without another word, Micheal and his boys depart. Chris and the others watch their figures depart, dark silhouettes against the stores warm yellow lights.
“Fuck,” Richard mutters. “Fuck!” He shouts, kicking a beer can so hard it hits the metal garage doors with a loud bang.
“How did he know about Zabdi? And Richard?” Joel whispers. No one answers, because no one had a clue. But they were all thinking the same, if he knew that, what else did he know?
“I’m sorry.” Chris says. Zabdiel shakes his head. He saunters over to the small refrigerator and tosses Chris a cold beer. Chris places the can on his face, hoping to lessen the swell before he got home, he didn’t want Benito to think he was doing the same things he was doing back in Ecuador.
“You didn’t do anything wrong.” Zabdiel tells him.
“Si, I don’t think loving a girl is wrong.” Erick mutters, and a silent agreement is shared throughout the room.
Chris leaves the shop that night with guilt hanging heavy on his mind. He apologized again and again to the boys, but they kept telling him it was okay. But it wasn’t, it wasn’t okay.
As he begins his walk back home, his phone pings. He hoped it was a message from Y/N, she was the only person that could cheer him up in an instant. But as he unlocked his phone, he saw the message wasn’t from Y/N, rather from an unknown number. He eyes his phone warily as he clicks on the message. There were pictures, pictures of Christopher. His throat instantly felt dry and he looked around him, a shiver running down his spine as he eyes the dark expanse behind him. He turns his attention back to his phone to examine the photos. They were pictures that didn’t put Chris in a very good looking position. Goosebumps erupt on his arms, and it wasn’t because of the cold. A message pops on his phone.
Unknown: leave her or this will be released.
Chris: fuck you
Unknown: you have until the end of the week.
Chris eyes his phone in disbelief. He ran from this, but here it was to be the end of him.
The next morning Chris was surprised to see Y/N at his door. Rushing to pull on a shirt and get to the door before Benito did, he slides out of his room, breathless when he finally opens the door. He opens it to reveal his angel. Y/N stood in front of him, a bright smile on her lips and a tray of cupcakes in her hands. Chris peeks outside, notices Benito’s truck is gone and looks back at Y/N, a sly smirk on his face. He reaches towards her and quickly pulls her in, maneuvering the cupcakes from between them and just as quickly placing their lips together. Y/N makes no complaints, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him close. Chris relaxes in her hold, the only place he has felt truly at peace since leaving Ecuador. Their lips meet in small, slow kisses, savoring the moment together. After a while, he pulls away, placing his head in the crook of her neck, inhaling her scent, the tropical smell of her perfume that always reminded him of her. Y/N places her hand in his hair as Chris holds her tight.
“Erick told me what happened.” She mutters, and Chris sighs. He pulls away and walks to the kitchen. “I’m sorry, Chris.” She says, following him into the kitchen. She leans against the doorframe and watches as he paces back and forth. He looks up at her, his big brown eyes caught in the morning light.
“You don’t have anything to be sorry about, hermosa.” He tells her before turning to pull out two mugs.
It was her turn to sigh now. She steps towards him, wrapping her arms around his waist from behind and resting her head on his shoulder as he prepares them coffee.
“I just wish things were easier.” She mutters. He chuckled softly before placing a kiss on her head.
“If everything was easy, there would be nothing to fight for, right?”
He just wanted to make her feel better, but how he wished things were easier too.
The rest of the morning was spent with Y/N and Chris wrapped in each other’s arms, tangled in his sheets. She had fallen asleep, huddled up into his side. He watched the way her chest slowly rose and fell as he drew small circles on her arm. He kept thinking about those photos, that threat, and what it could mean to him, what it could mean to Y/N. His head was full of what he could do, how he could fix this. He had no clue. Before he could think anymore, he felt Y/N stir in her sleep. She smiles when she notices him looking at her.
“Hi.” She says and he smiles, slightly giggling at how messy her hair was.
“Hola.” She sleepily grabs her phone off of his bedside table and in an instant sat up.
“Shit, I have practice in an hour.” She exclaims, quickly getting up to get her things in order. Chris sits up to watch her.
“Do you have to go?” He questions. At the moment he didn’t feel safe. Tough, punches-first-talking-later Christopher Veléz was afraid. He wasn’t sure what these people wanted, he didn’t know who they were. But they knew him, and they knew where he was and that was enough. He didn’t want to worry Y/N just yet, but he supposed because his nerves were so high, Y/N took notice anyway. She looks up at him, a worried look on her face. She promptly drops her bag at the foot of his bed and abandons her efforts to put her shoe on to approach him. She crawls across the bed to straddle his waist and without words Christopher pulls her close, wrapping his arms around her and snuggling his head in the crook of her neck.
“It’ll be okay, Chris. My brother can’t make decisions for me and I won’t let him continue tormenting you like this.” She unconsciously runs her hand through his hair, force of habit.
He chuckles a little at her words. His worries were much bigger than her brother, but he couldn’t tell her. He couldn’t.
“You’re so tough, hermosa, but you don’t need to protect me.” He says, lifting his head up to meet her eyes. She scoffs and rolls her eyes.
“Okay Macho Man.” She says, to which he laughs. “I love you, Chris, of course I’m going to try to protect you.” His heart physically hurt in that moment. Here he had someone so selfless, so beautiful, and she let him call her his. His past was catching up, but he hoped he could stop it in time. He leans up to press a kiss onto her lips, allowing himself to melt into her for a second.
“Vamos, you have to go.” He says, playfully pushing her off. She chuckles as she falls off him. Quickly she collects her stuff and gives him a quick peck before bounding out of his room. Christopher grudgingly follows her, never fond of seeing her go.
“I’ll see you later, okay.” She calls out as she walks out of the house.
“Bye, amor.” He responds, watching as she walks to her car. With one last wave, she’s gone, and Christopher is left alone.
three days until zabdiel’s end of the year party
The rest of the week was uneventful. The growing nerves of both fear and excitement loomed in the halls as the seniors got ready to graduate. Christopher doubted he would graduate, and if by some miracle he did, he had no idea what he wanted to do. He walked the halls and overheard his peers with their larger than life plans. Some were going to big schools in the big cities, others were planning on making it big in Hollywood, and others decided on staying close to home and attending local universities. Whatever their plans were, they were definitely more than what Chris had in mind, which was, at the moment, nothing.
He admired hearing Y/N’s plan for her future, she seemed to have everything prepared. She had laughed when he mentioned this to her now.
“Yeah, but I still feel like when I graduate I’m gonna spiral.” Chris chuckles and brings their entangled hands up to plant a kiss on hers.
“I doubt that, amor.” He mutters. She shakes her head, as if tossing the whole thought from her mind.
“What about you? What are you thinking about after graduation?” He clenches his jaw at her words. Did she want an honest answer? Christopher didn’t think he would have lived long enough to graduate highschool.
“We’re closed.” Chris calls out from behind a shelf. He waits a beat to hear a response, or even the store’s bell to tell him someone has left. Neither of that came. He sets down his inventory sheet and steps towards the front of the store. He turns towards the magazine rack to see someone scanning through the prints. “Hey, I said we’re closed.” He tells them. The person still did not respond. Christopher felt goosebumps prickle his skin. None of this situation sat right with him. Chris begins to approach the person.
“Hey,” He begins, reaching out to grab their shoulder. Catching Chris completely by surprise, he feels a fist collide with his side. On instinct he jumps away, pain coursing through his body. There were two people. He scoffs, unsurprised that Y/N’s brother would start something here. But as the two people approach him, he notices how big they were. These guys could not be Micheal and his friends. Chris tries to fight back but these guys were definitely stronger than him, deflecting his every blow and returning them with two of their own. Grunts sound through the small store as the mystery people deliver fist after fist to every square inch of Christopher’s body. He tried to fight back, but they easily overpowered him. It was in little time that Chris began to fall unconscious. He didn’t know how long it had lasted, but when he finally came to, the people were gone, and the clock read 3AM.
Sitting up was a nightmare, he could feel the deep green and purple bruises forming on his ribs and face. Chris manages to stand after several failed attempts and limps to where his phone was left discarded.
A couple calls and texts from the boys, several missed calls from Benito, and double from Y/N.
Painfully, he manages to drive home.
As Christopher locks the door behind him, Benito’s shouts greet him.
“Christopher Velez dónde cojones estabas?”
He turns to face Benito. His hearing was muffled, it was as if hearing through a wall.
“It’s three in the morning! I’ve been worried sick!” Benito flicks on the lights and prepares to yell some more when he stops, finally seeing Christopher’s face. The bruises were growing, ugly shades of purple and green spotted on his face.
“What happened?” Benito questions, slowly approaching Chris. Chris shakes his head, not wanting to discuss what had happened at the store. He walks past Benito into the kitchen.
“Christopher.” Benito warns, following close behind him.
“It’s nothing!” Chris tells him, but Benito shoots him a look, a look that Chris couldn’t ignore.
He sighs. “Some guys came into the store, and out of nowhere started beating me up.” As Chris says this, Benito retrieves some frozen peas from the freezer and alcohol from the medicine cabinet.
“They were trying to steal?” Benito questions, handing Chris the peas before pouring some rubbing alcohol onto a towel.
“I don’t know, I don’t think they took anything.” Chris tells him, wincing as he presses the cold bag to his bruising face.
“Chris,” Benito begins, a pensive look on his face that didn’t settle Chris’s nerves. “I promised your mother to take care of you, but it looks like I’m not doing a good job.”
Chris answers in silence, unsure of what to say.
“I hope you’re not messing with the wrong people.”
Chris glances up at his words, but doesn’t say anything, his silence was answer enough.
Benito goes to step out of the kitchen, but before he leaves, he places a hand on Christopher’s shoulder.
“Call Y/N, she’s worried.”
Chris rests his head on the cupboards and lets out a sigh.
He knew he had gotten himself into some deep shit, and the last thing he wanted to do was involve Y/N. But he needed to hear her voice.
“Hello?” She says when the call connects.
“Hi.” He responds.
“Hi? Hi? You go missing for hours and all you have to say is ‘hi’?” She’s exasperated, and she’s probably been up for hours waiting for him.
“I’m sorry.” He says.
“What happened?”
He wasn’t going to get her involved. Christopher’s number one goal was to keep Y/N safe, and he would do it no matter what.
“Some guys were trying to rob the store.”
“Oh my gosh, Chris, are you okay?”
“I’m fine, amor. It’s nothing.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, deberías ir a dormir.”
“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow?”
There's a small pause.
“Yeah. Buena noches, hermosa.”
the day of zabdiel’s end of the year party
The next couple of days were difficult. Every call that came from Y/N, he ignored. Every text he left opened. He knew it wasn’t the best plan of action, but he needed her to let him go, and this was the only way. He knew she would hurt, but a broken heart was better than one that wasn’t beating. Chris hadn’t planned on getting deep with La Marquesa, but he needed money and working as a delivery boy back in Ecuador didn’t cut it. He was going to stop after he got enough so that his family could live somewhat comfortably, but that was a pretty lie he told himself. He knew this life, once you got in it, it was almost impossible to get out.
Friday night came by slowly. The pain it brought him to ignore Y/N’s calls was almost unbearable. But he needed to protect her at all costs. His phone then pings from where it lay on his bed.
zab: vas a la fiesta hoy?
He had forgotten about the party entirely.
zab: you said you’d help me with the beer
He sighed, he had promised that. Christopher sends a text back quickly before throwing on his jacket. He didn’t want to go tonight but he had promised a friend. He decided to just drop off the drinks and leave, not wanting the small possibility of facing Y/N.
After taking as much beer as he could find from Benito’s, promising to restock tomorrow morning, Christopher set off to the party. By the time he got there, the music could already be heard down the street. The pulsing lights shone through the windows and the silhouettes of drunk teenagers were visible.
“You made it!” He hears as he steps inside. Joel approaches him and slaps Chris on the back. Chris offers him a smile and lifts the boxes of beer in his arms. Joel nods and motions towards the kitchen.
“Zab is upstairs, he’s been looking for you.” Chris nods and sets down the boxes on the counter before heading up to Zabdiel’s bedroom.
“Aye! Llego el Christopher!” Zabdiel exclaims as Chris pushes the door of his bedroom open. He offers them a smile as he and Richard clap him up in greeting.
“Everything okay?” Richard questions, noticing fatigue in Christopher's eyes, the normal bright and effervescent look in his eyes was almost completely diminished.
“Si, si.” Chris mutters. They both nod his way, but don’t completely believe him. Zabdiel quickly finishes getting ready, as he was already more than fashionably late to his own party. After he sprays the last bit of cologne, he and Richard follow Christopher out of the room.
“Creo que me voy para la casa.” Chris says as he walks to the stairs.
“Que?” Zabdiel questions. “The party just started!”
“I know, I’m just tired.” Zabdiel and Richard share a quick look.
“Bueno loco, it was good seeing you even just for a second.” Richard says, patting Chris on the shoulder.
Christopher walks downstairs, ready to head home. He keeps his gaze in front of him, just wanting to get home as soon as possible. He steps out of the house, Zabdiel and Richard following to bid their farewells. Chris doesn’t look back as he approaches his truck, but he almost stops dead in his tracks when he hears someone calling his name.
“Christopher!” Y/N. He knew her voice anywhere. Christopher flinches at her voice, but he didn’t turn, he didn’t stop, he couldn’t. Zabdiel leans down to whisper something to him but he brushes the taller boy off.
“Christopher!” She yells again and in a moment, she grabs his arm and turns him to face her.
He made sure his expression revealed no emotions, despite the fact that his heart was a hurricane of them. He watched as the tears clung to her lash line, threatening to fall any second. Christopher’s heart hurt as he looked at her, wanting to console her, to tell her it would all be okay. But he couldn’t. Y/N then reaches up to touch his face, noticing the bruises. Before her fingertips could graze his skin, he moves his face away, sure he would collapse into her if he let her touch him. She recoils back and a large pang of hurt erupted in his heart.
“What are you doing?” She questions.
“What?” He questions back. “Did you really think this meant anything to me?”
Her mouth pops open at his words.
“Wh-what?” She stutters. He hated this, he hated it so much.
“You never meant anything to me.” He states. Those words were a double edged sword, hurting both him and her. “We’re over.”
The tears were falling soundlessly down her face, and Christopher swore he felt his heart crack in two.
“You know they’ve always talked about you.” She says in between tears. “They said you would never treat me right. Maybe they had a point.”
Hearing her say that almost knocked the entire facade off. Y/N, the one person who always told him he was capable of so much more than he thought, the person who made him feel like less of an outsider, the person who defied all rules to love him, was telling him this, hitting him right where it hurt. He knew he was never good for her, but she always made him see him through her eyes. But now she saw his as everyone else did, a criminal, an outsider.
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morgana-ren · 5 years ago
Hell and You XI
Summary:  After being abducted but somehow escaping a horrible fate, your life has been turned sideways. It's been months now and you're still trying to recover and cope with the traumatic events that occurred in that dark basement. Your friend and roommate, determined to get you back into the groove of things, convinces you to come out for a night on the town despite your better judgement. What's the worst that could happen? After all, it's been months, and Strade is long since through with you, right?
Rating: HA HA HA holy shit look if anything bothers you, just don’t. Stay far the fuck away. R+. 
AO3 Mirror if you prefer to read it there
You heard it right, folks. Chapter 11 is finally up and ready for business on a newly re-edited version of Hell and You, my dumpsterfire of a magnum opus. Gods I need to reevaluate my fucking priorities lmao
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“Wake up, little one!”
An involuntary grunt pushed itself out of my throat, voicing my reluctance to oblige the command. It took me a full moment to drag my heavy eyelids open, only to be greeted with Strade’s predatory grin beaming down at me. The foggy veil of sleep lifted from my brain and reality hit me like a fucking truck. I realized exactly where I was and what was happening. My groan turned into a long, drawn out whine and I did my best to turn from him, only to quickly be reminded of the shackles around my wrists with a sear of pain as they grated my skin. The renewed need to get away from him was tearing me apart, inside and out.
“Come now, liebling! You’ve been asleep for hours now. It’s far past the afternoon!” He placed a large hand on my ribs and shook, digging his fingers in a little too deeply to be comfortable.
I hissed, shaking him off. I tried to remember even falling asleep, feeling violated by his presence, both conscious and not. “What time is it?”
“Almost three now.”
I almost jerked up, held back only by the stinging pain in my wrists again and a warning flare from my sore shoulders. “What day is it? How long was I out?”
A condescending smirk slowly made its way across his face. “It’s still Sunday, häschen. Why? Expecting something?”
A slow, deep crevice carved down into my stomach. Acid crawled up my throat, and I resisted the urge to hurl.
“What do you want, Strade?” I closed my eyes, if only so I didn’t have to look at him. I wanted to tear those golden eyes out with my bare fucking hands.
“It’s been a while since you’ve eaten.” He pulled something from his pocket and thrust it into my face. I forced myself to look at it, only to be greeted with a broken, crumpled energy bar held between his meaty fingers. “You should eat. Keep your energy up.” He twisted it around, shaking it slightly as if to entice me.
Between the smell of stale grain, the raisins that were dangerously close to fermenting, and his horrid, wolfish smile, something inside me broke.
Despite the obvious danger I was in, I almost choked on my own spit laughing. It bubbled up from deep in my chest, breaking through a barricade of self-preservation and sanity. The overwhelming need to be petty overrode my better judgement. “Is that the only thing you ever eat?”
He stared at me blankly, a sliver of curiosity breaking through his stoic façade. My anger boiled over, and I cackled even louder, tears brimming in the corners of my eyes.
“Holy shit. I knew you were pathetic, but this really takes the cake.” The words came out like vomit. I knew this would be a big mistake, but I couldn’t stop myself. I needed to spew some of his own bile back at him. I closed my eyes again to keep the tears from falling.
“You technically have an entire house, including a fully stocked kitchen, and you still choose to live off those cheap fucking energy bars.” I began digging my nails into my palm to ease the mania, trying to bring myself back down to reality, but it just kept coming. “You have no idea how to even take care of yourself, do you? Too busy taking people apart and reenacting your bullshit slasher fantasy to learn how to take care of yourself even on a base level?”
I opened my eyes briefly, enough to see him scowl, face darkening as he narrowed his eyes on me.
I stopped laughing.
“Such a sweet girl,” He bared his canines at me as one of his hands shot down, grabbing my jaw and yanking it towards him, pulling my face far enough to tug on my restraints and forcing a small cry from me. “Offering to make me food. Is that what I heard?”
“Mhmm!” I nodded fervently. “Okay, okay, let go!” His fingertips were digging into my already sore jaw, pushing my cheeks and lips into a pucker.
“What was that?” He leaned in, cocking his head, clenching his hand even more. “One more time?”
“Please!” It wasn’t so much a sentence as it was a mushy worded plea. “Strade, please stop!”
He pulled his hand away but kept his face close. I could already feel his handprints bruising into my flesh. He stroked my hairline as I moved my jaw back and forth, trying to ease the ache. “Kind of you to offer.” Reaching behind him, he pulled his knife. “Now be a good little pet and don’t move.”
One of his hands slipped the blade just under my chin, and the other went to unlock my handcuffs. I thought about rushing him as I felt one of my hands fall free, at least until his knife dug into my chin hard enough that I felt a small drop of blood dribble down my throat. He looked down at me almost knowingly as he immediately grabbed my other free hand and slapped the constraint back on, only in front this time.
He pulled himself up from the bed, yanking me up by the chain of my binds as well. I opened my mouth in a wordless cry, letting him drag me upwards by my raw wrists from the mattress. One of them began bleeding anew, letting small crimson drops fall onto the carpet as he led me out the door and down the hallway, jerking me along by the small amount of slack he allowed. This carpet is so beyond ruined.
When we reached the kitchen, I was breathing deeply and clenching my fingers. My wrists were raw and bleeding, my arms aching and shoulders barely able to move. Either oblivious or uncaring to my pain, he shoved me towards a counter, letting me catch myself against the harsh granite with my forearms.
I rubbed at my joints, trying to scrape off some of the dried blood as he lumbered over by the fridge, stopping halfway as he spied my knife block. He looked at it for a few seconds before he picked up in his hands, turning and smirking at me as he placed it on top of the fridge and pushed it back where I couldn’t reach, doing the same with our silverware drawer and anything he deemed a threat to his personhood.
“Oh, fuck you, you fucking prick.” I spat, coaxing a small giggle from him.
“If you want me to reach anything for you, you just have to ask me nicely.” He reached over and ruffled my hair.
“Strade, will you please hand me that big ass knife?”
He pursed his lips and gave me an annoyed look. “Cute.”
“Okay, genius, you go ahead and tell me how I’m going to cook anything without any silverware.”
He looked to the side for a few seconds as he pondered it, chewing on his lip. He looked around again briefly before turning and stalking back over to the fridge. He yanked it open, pulling out a carton of eggs and throwing them on the counter. He then proceeded open and slam a few drawers before pulling out a spatula and holding it towards me.
“Eggs sound nice, don’t they? And I don’t think you could do much damage with this.”
I yanked it from his hand, lip twitching. “You want to test that theory?”
“Oh, süße. Don’t bring a spatula to a knife fight.” He grinned, palming his blade.
“One of these times, I’m going to get that thing away from you, and I’m going to dig it into your fucking eye socket.”
He gave me a coy look, running his tongue over his teeth and biting his lip subtly. “I was planning on just eating a little food but talking like that makes me think you have something else in mind.” He went to reach for me again, and I jerked out of his range, holding my hands up defensively.
“I’ll make the damn food, just don’t touch me.”
He kept the predatory smile on his face, leering nearby. “Playing hard to get, hmm?” He pulled his knife out, tapping it playfully on his lower lip. “That’s fine, for now. But you might want to hurry. I am hungry, but I’m also feeling a little... under stimulated.”
I backed away from him, showing him that fear I’d tried so hard to keep down. I had to draw this out as long as I could. I just had to hold him off until someone came home. I knew what under stimulated meant for Strade, and I knew what that meant for me.
Pain. Lots of it.
Something about the way my hands were shaking or maybe my terrified expression must have excited him. His face blossomed into a deep shade of red, and he ran his tongue along his teeth. “Keep looking at me like that and I might not be able to resist.”
I swallowed down hard, turning from him as quickly as I could. Shakily, I looked around in the upper cabinets for a bowl I could crack the eggs in, which was much harder than I’d like to admit in handcuffs. The rest of my efforts went to pretending I couldn’t feel his horrid stare on my backside. “Is scrambled okay?”
He made a small humming noise which I took as acceptance. He had taken to leaning against the opposite cabinet nonchalantly, using his knife to clean out underneath his fingernails. I started cracking the eggs in the bowl, trying to focus on the cooking instead of him.
I wasn’t sure how many he’d want, so I just used as many as we had left. I used the spatula as best as I could to beat the eggs into a yellow slurry before reaching down and pulling a small pan out from underneath the oven and putting it on the stove. Something so simple seemed so terrifying with the knowledge that Strade was so close.
It did occur to me that I might be able to use the pan to fend him off, but frankly between the stunted movement of my arms and his overbearing form, I decided against it. He’d probably just take the pan and knock me clean over the head with it. If I was going to play the attack card, I needed the advantage.
I noticed he was being uncharacteristically quiet, which was exceptionally unnerving. I didn’t know where his mind was wandering, but whatever it was, I had to put a stop to it. If I could steer his mind somewhere that didn’t involve more of my blood, I had to do it.
“The um...” I paused briefly, not entirely sure what I wanted to say. As I poured the eggs into the pan, I noticed out of the corner of my eye, he was staring pretty intently at me, waiting for me to speak.  “The cut on your chest is pretty nasty. You should probably clean it.”
I turned over my shoulder and looked at him. He had a surprised look on his face, eyebrows raised and slow blinking. He stared at me for a few moments before looking down, prodding at the shreds of his black undershirt and across the deep, marred flesh that crossed his chest courtesy of me. He rubbed his fingertips together, trying to dust off some of the dried blood that wiped on his fingers. It looked like he had managed to patch up his arm but didn’t have time to get to his chest before I woke up.
“I suppose you’re right, Schatz.”
I was moving the egg batter around in the pan but stiffened when I noticed Strade approach the sink beside me. He chucked his knife aside, turning the faucet on and digging his fingers underneath his tank top. He yanked it over his head, chucking the discarded clothing in the sink under the running water.
He was completely shirtless now, and I tried to recall if I’d ever seen him quite this naked before. It was odd to say the least since we had technically slept together (if you could call it that) but there was something too familiar, too personal about seeing him do something like this. I don’t think I’d ever seen so much of his skin, let alone his bare chest. Then again, we didn’t have the most normal relationship.
It was strange. His stomach was dusted with tufts of hair, particularly on his upper chest and then kicking back up again near his happy trail where it thickened again. Considering his heritage, that didn’t surprise me, but what did strike me is how tan he was. I guess I hadn’t really noticed it before, with the torture and all. While he was definitely a bigger guy, he was also fairly built, large muscles tucked away under the layer of chub on his tummy and arms. All things considered, he would have been a very handsome man, were it not for his dirty little secret.
His golden eyes peered intently downward, lip gently clenched between his teeth in concentration as he palmed water in his hands and washed over the crossed, jagged slices on his chest. They looked painful, but it didn’t seem to faze him. He ripped a few paper towels, dabbing the wounds gently and wiping away at the excess blood.
“Your attention is flattering, Hase.” His gaze slowly turned up to mine and a deceptively soft smile curled across his face.
“I wasn’t staring, I just-“ What was I doing, exactly? “That looks bad. I was going to offer you a bandage or something. You might want to wrap it.”
His grin turned patronizing, lowering his eyelids and tilting his head. “We can pretend that’s what you were doing if you want.”
I scowled, turning back to the eggs that were beginning to cook. “I take it that’s a no then.”
“Don’t worry, little one. Of all the nasty little injuries I’ve seen in my days, this one barely holds a candle.” He scoffed, waving his hand around before picking his knife back up off the sink. “You are quite good with this knife though. Knew just how to make it hurt.”
“Good.” I huffed out under my breath.  
“See?” Strade chucked the bloody paper towels on the counter and stepped toward me, playing with a lock of my hair in his fingers. “There you go again. You know what that kind of talk does to me.”
I rolled my eyes, making a noise of disgust as I turned my attentions back toward the food. I pretended not to notice that Strade pulled away from me, opting to stand menacingly in my peripheral watching me for a few moments before moving back behind me where I could no longer see him.
That made me anxious. Very, very anxious.
It wasn’t until he pressed himself against me that I began to panic. I could feel him leaning down, his breath on the back of my neck. I almost jumped when I felt his hands on the low of my hips, the metal handle of his knife pressed against my hip bone.
Fuck me.
“You know, you’re precious like this.” His free hand crawled up my stomach, making its way to my ear where he pushed the stray strands of hair back behind it. I had to swallow down the bile when I felt his upper body fall against my back, his mouth right in my ear. “Cooking me breakfast. Worrying about me. My little domestic hausfrau.” He let his arm wander down and rest on my shoulder, curling around my neck slightly. “A man could get used to that.”
“Could a man get used to having his head smashed repeatedly with the heaviest object his ‘frau’ can find? Because that’s what you’re going to get.” I hissed through my teeth, scraping the forming egg clumps from the bottom of the pan.
Another dark laugh bubbled up from deep in his chest. His grip on my neck tightened uncomfortably, and he allowed his full body weight to push into me, trapping me between him and the hot stove. The thing that made me almost swallow my tongue, however, was the unmistakable hardness I felt from his pelvic region pushing against my lower back.
“I can think of several better uses for your mouth rather than sassing me.” The hand with the knife slowly crawled upward, trailing the edge up my stomach and neck, pushing only hard enough to sting slightly. When he reached my face, he turned the blade, pressing the flat bit against my cheek.
“Strade-“ I started, the gravity of the situation setting in. Very hot stove in front. Very dangerous stab-happy man in back. This had to be the world’s worst threesome.
“Let’s play a little game, Hase.” He pulled the knife from my face, opting to grab my hand that was holding the pan straight instead, clenching his fist against my knuckles. “Put your hand on the stove.”
“What? No!” I almost tried to buck him off, but he dug the blade into my joints, letting a small stream of blood drip down onto the ceramic. I whined in pain, looking over at him pleadingly.
His maniacal smile was back, and he bumped my backside with his hips, sending my upper body lurching forward as my legs collided with the oven. “I wasn’t asking.”
“Strade, please, I need that hand to cook your food with! I can’t cook for you if my hand is burnt to shit!”
He gave me a faux look of disappointment, wrapping his fingers harshly around my hand before slamming it down in the middle of the stove; thankfully away from a heating plate. “I thought we were becoming so close. You know I like to give you a choice in these things. You might not even get hurt at all.”
The literal pain in my neck from his romantic idea of fellatio said otherwise.
Whatever it was he wanted, I knew it was pointless to fight. He was getting excited, breathing heavy and beginning to sweat heavily from his chest and neck. I could feel his front beginning to stick to my back from his overexcitement. I just needed to get it over with quickly. I could take it. Just handle him until they got home.
“O-okay. I’ll play.”
“Nettes Mädchen.” His grip loosened on my neck, clawing down and making a point to grab and knead my breast before moving down and playing with the band of my shorts. “I want you to beg.”
I was taken back a little bit. Begging, in the grand scheme of things, was easy. If he wanted me to beg, sure.
“Strade, please.”
He laughed, nipping at my neck. The hand on my lower body started teasing down the elastic, slipping down to my private areas. I squirmed, feeling his hands dip low, violating me.
“Eager, hmm?” One of his feet harshly kicked my legs further apart, rubbing his groin on the back of my shorts. Two of his fingers found their way between my folds, stroking gently. “Good.”
I sucked in a breath. His calloused fingers, as much as I hated it, felt good. At least until I felt a sharp pain in my hand and yelped, seeing him dig the knife far enough into my hand to make it bleed. A small bit of blood coated his blade before he pulled away, reaching down to the front of the stove and switching on one of the burners. The one directly adjacent to my hand.
He began rubbing me gently in small, controlled circles. I maneuvered the spatula around, if only to maintain a small amount of control as he manhandled me. I closed my eyes as he loosened his grip, holding back a sigh of relief.
His bloody knife tangled slightly in my hair as he brought his hand up and stroked my head. An uncharacteristically gentle act. “I want you to scream.”
As quickly as his gentleness came, it left. He yanked my hair, forcing my head back, letting the tip of the blade run along my scalp. “I like when you scream for me. Scream for my hands, or the knife, or even the burn. But you will scream. And you can even choose!” He sounded giddy for a moment until his voice darkened. “Or I will.”
I didn’t need to see his face to know the look on it. The same one he gave me when he pulled out the knife the first time. The same one he got in the alley way. Pink and flushed and needy. Enthusiastic. Excited in anticipation of what was to come. Or who.
“You’ll come undone by your hands,” he picked my hand up and held it by the burner, reveling in my uncomfortable worming for a moment before returning it back to its original position. “Or mine.” His fingertips stopped rubbing me, finding its place at my opening.
“Understand?” He leaned his head down by mine, pulling on the strands of my hair tangled in his fingers.
I swallowed, trying to think about the situation. There wasn’t an answer but yes. Strade did not take ‘no’ for answer. Even if I entertained the notion, he’d either cut me or burn me anyway. There was a part of me that felt him beneath my bottoms too, understanding that just letting go and giving over to him might be the best option.
For my pride? No. For my well-being and continued breathing? Absolutely.
I nodded, swallowing down hard and trying to finish the food in front of me. I can do this. I’ve survived Strade before. I can do this.
“Let’s play then.” He whispered in my ear, slowly pushing a thick finger inside me. I couldn’t help but gasp as he worked his way in, keeping his thumb padding against my sensitive nerves. I hadn’t been with anyone, not since the last time with him, and it’s like I had somehow been expecting him. My fear only served to heighten the sensations he gifted me.
I could feel the heat of the stove against my free hand, understanding the consequences if I disappointed him, but his actions were already making my knees weak. I couldn’t help but grind into his hand, trying to push him deeper, work him further against me.
I felt him smile into my hair, adding in a second finger. A moan left my lips as he nudged it inside as well, curling his fingers slightly as my body yielded to him. I tried to mix the eggs again, seeing the slight burned brown beginning to appear on the bottom, but I couldn’t focus as his fingers began thrusting harder, his thumb actively circling my clit.
I let my head fall against his shoulder, breathing heavy as his finger fucked into me. At least until I felt my alternate hand maneuvered close enough to the burning stove to panic me. The heat wasn’t quite so intense as to hurt, just enough to for me to feel waves rolling off the burning metal and onto my hand. Squealing, I tried to rip my hand away, only for Strade to hold it down in a cruel grip, never stopping his ministrations.
“You like it, don’t you?” He giggled, curling his fingers further and dragging them against my walls, coaxing a loud noise from me. I was acutely aware of the danger I was in, but it didn’t stop me from thrusting my lower body against him, trying to give him deeper access. I exhaled, letting my head drop and allowing him to do to me what he wanted. He obliged me, pressing his thumb deeper and oscillating his fingers, rubbing his growing erection against the thin layer of fabric that was my shorts.
I bit my lip, refusing to answer him. If I had to cum for him, fine, I guess, but there was no way in hell I was going to admit that I actually enjoyed it. He continued regardless, pushing his fingers deeper inside me until I could feel the dripping wetness leaking between my thighs and onto his palm.
“See? You don’t have to say anything. You tell me everything I need to know.” He licked across the clotted wound on my neck, delighting in the response he had elicited from me.
“I-it’s a fucking-“ I breathed out, trying to keep my voice even. “Uncontrolled r-response. It doesn’t mean I want this.”
Wow. Even I didn’t believe me. I might as well have said ‘Fuck me Strade, fuck me now.’
“Whatever you have to tell yourself. You can’t lie to me. I know you.” He removed his other hand from my wrist, releasing me from the precarious situation my hand was in near the burner, opting to reach back up to my breast instead. He yanked my top down, rolling and harshly tugging my nipple between his fingers. Liquid fire shot straight between my legs, and a loud mewl escaped my throat as I bucked into him.
He chuckled, groping and kneading as he continued pumping his hand. I could smell the eggs burning, and I knew somewhere in my mind that I needed to stir it, but I couldn’t bring myself to move, too busy laxing into him and losing myself in his touch.
“Move your hand closer.” He muttered, trying to give the strain in his pants some relief against my thigh.
“Mmm?” I stuttered out, eyes closed and mouth slightly agape. Fuck it felt good it felt really really good and-
“Näher!” He seethed, bumping my arm with his body until I lurched into the stove again. My hand. He wanted me to move my hand.
Shakily, I moved my hand even closer to the rim. The heat was intense now and leaving it here for too long would dry my skin into complete rawness, slowly weakening and cracking the skin. A slow burn. Seems fitting. It was beginning to hurt, but the sensation wasn’t nearly as overwhelming as his fingers invading me.
“You’re getting close.” He huffed, practically dry humping me into the stove.
“I can see that.” I mumbled, glancing down at my hand through heavily eyelids.
“Not what I meant.” He began maneuvering quicker, and I threw my head back on his shoulder, whimpering pathetically. It took every ounce of self-control I had not to plead for him, urge him to go harder, faster, cry his name and cling on to him.
“J-Jesus fuck-“
My cursing only spurred him forward, thrusting me very rapidly into oncoming orgasm. I could hear my breaths getting more and more high pitched, abandoning the eggs and clenching both my hands on the warm porcelain as I threw myself forward. I was on the peak, about to go off the edge, just a little more, fuck just a little more fuck fuck fuck!
That’s when I heard it. The sound of the front door opening.
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elliethesuperfruitlover · 4 years ago
Cormac Mcnamara Fluff HC’s and SFW Concepts (x black reader for my inclusion) (heehee)
A/N: I spent some of my time off from the hellscape that is school on starting Foreign Exchange. Yeah, I don’t care much for Hannah, she only calls poor Cormac when she needs smth, and the poor thing gets led on so. Time for me to get my fluff fix in. He deserves all of the love and hugs. So, virtually, I’m gonna do that for my little cinnamon roll. I’d be friends with him if I went to school in Ireland for some reason.
@misskittysmagicportal you’re welcome lmao
Warnings: Menstruation, most likely a mention of racism bc i like to tackle issues head on, very very mild gore
Cormac is the softest little boy in town, let me TELL YOU.
I feel like he’d be so down for cuddles, or you just watching him fiddle with his technology.
Even if you understood jack shit about it, you’d put the effort in to learn about what polarizers are.
You’re an exchange student that knows NOTHING about the portal, you’re just from America.
On the day you arrive at Okeefee’s College, you were convinced you weren’t going to fit in.
You didn’t.
Half of the people there stared at you, and gawked at your accent, and how you enunciated your t’s and didn’t whistle your s’s.
Cormac was of course, out of the way, he’s not one to socialize, new student or not.
Of course, you were in the corner, even though you should’ve sat in the front of the class. Luckily enough, you didn’t have to do much, as new students always get a pass.
You stayed below the radar for the first couple days, and never seemed to notice Cormac looking at you in class, whenever you’d shy away from answering questions about yourself. He wasn’t too familiar with anyone too much different than the masses of the school, color, interest, speech.
You were thinking of taking the LONGEST of naps after your classes finished, but those plans were quickly changed. The both of you weren’t paying attention where you were walking.
He crashed into you to say the least, and the copy of “Astrophysics for People in a Hurry” fell out of your hands, your bookmark getting lost.
“Ah, I’m sorry about that. Wasn’t watching where I was-WAIT, you’re that new girl from America, aren’t ye?” Cormac said, readjusting his glasses. You nodded, and were perplexed at his new creation, it looked like a gramophone, but with a motherboard and an antenna.
He tried to hide it from you, but he saw your gaze constantly go back to the machine, even as he snapped in front of your face.
‘You alright there? Oh, you’re looking at this. You want to hang out with me over the weekend. Maybe you can catch up from your bookmark, while I work on this.”
You confirmed, and that’s how you two became polarizing pals.
Cormac may be smarter than the library, not the porridge one, and as quick as a whip, but do NOT be shocked. He is very socially inept, and a little behind on cues, and different things.
He almost touched your hair once, without your permission, but you stopped him right in his tracks.
“Cormac, do you want your hand maimed and chopped off, then hung from the top of the flagpole.” you said, giving him a death stare.
“N-no, I don’t. Did I do something wrong?” he asked, taking his hand away, putting it back on the screwdriver.
“Well, for starters, don’t touch my hair without my permission. It’s a no-no for all people, but for black people especially. We had to have our hair cut off completely. That was our culture, and it was ripped away because we were seen as less than, nothing but an animal. So, you, taking your hand, as clean as it may be, and putting it in the fruits of my ancestors’ labor. That’s disrespectful love.” you replied, turning a page.
He has no idea, (damn education system), but he continues to learn about different cultures, especially black culture, African-American culture. The War on Drugs. He comes to you close to every day with different factoids, a good amount of them you already know, but you’re still happy that he puts effort in.
He’s a very tall lad, so expect very warm hugs from him. After a long day of school, he walks over to you, wherever you may be, and hugs you, asking how your day was. You melt into the hug, and smile against him, marveling at how consistent he is.
In classes, if there’s an odd number of people left, it’s always you, he, and Hannah. Y’all get the work done quickly, and he even lets you join them when Orienteering.
Now, you’re one smart cookie. No matter race, everyone has the power to be as smart as they can be. As well as that, they can work damn hard to get there, through all the trouble and hatred. Every now and then, a teacher might shut you down. Ask Cormac if he knows, in which he responds, but always sends you a look of pity.
A teacher could go through all of the students in a class, and not get the right answer once, and your hand stayed up through every excruciating second of it. And, begrudgingly, the teacher asks you, in which you give the correct answer, and if even a *word* is out of place, you’re ridiculed.
That always tends to upset, you, ruffle your feathers, but you don’t give in, not until you’re alone, in your dorm. Crying at the unfairness, wishing it were different.
Or in Cormac’s arms, wetting his sweater, his brain moving a mile a minute to try to say the right thing. He always held you so gently, he’s used to it. His experiments could go wrong with a moment’s change. He’s used to being patient, and tender.
He’s always trying to ask you about life in America, trying to find out what you hated, what you loved. His curiosity was never ending, it seemed. Sometimes, though, he could get a little caught up with his words, and you’d giggle at him, and help him along. This typically happened when he was trying to ask you out to go to the courtyards, or to library dates. He’d sneak food to you, and you two would have picnics near the sheep.
Whenever there weren’t too many teachers around, and when Hannah was in Perth, you two would cuddle on the grass, and sneak cheek and hand kisses in every now and then.
He’s an EXCELLENT cuddler by the way, lots of space to appreciate.
He knew mostly where you would be, and you him, but every now and then, one of ye’ wouldn’t respond to emails, but it’s usually due to an upset stomach, or too much studying. This wasn’t going to be the case ever time.
You were usually very attentive during class, doing classwork, writing down notes. However, one of these days, Cormac could tell something was wrong. Your head was down, and your binder was pressed tightly against your abdomen. Every now and then, he saw you scrunch your face in what seemed like pain, but he couldn’t put his finger on what the problem was.
It was a Friday, so you were free, and you and Cormac had plans to sleep in, and have another sheep picnic. At the moment, however, all you wanted to do was take a big fat nap, and sleep through the weekend.
As soon as class ended, you bolted out of the door, and Cormac tried to catch up, but Tara teased him, saying that you’d finally grown up, and wanted someone better than him. Your body was still, however, in too much pain to do focus.
He tried to get to you, but you were moving too fast, already halfway up the steps. He saw a portion of your khaki skirt, was red, and he began getting concerned, thinking you had began dying.
When you finished your shower, and began soaking your skirt, gone but never forgotten, you saw a cluster of emails from Cormac, asking if you were okay, dead, angry at him. Or needed medical attention. You were brought to tears, and instructed him to meet you at 7:00p.m., in front of the boy’s shower room, typically where Cormac would take you to his room, where you’d fall asleep on his bed, book on top of your face. He’d want to take a picture, and did, leaving it above his bed.
He met with you, and when he asked you if you were okay, a particularly tough cramp hit you like a truck, causing you to crumble. You groaned at the pain, and Cormac followed you down, asking if you were okay.
“Cormac, I’m cramping, just some pain.” you whispered, holding back tears
“What’re the cramps from? You eat something weird?” he asked, looking at you with concern.
“No, I’m on my period.” you said, sitting on the cold floor.
“Oh, you mean...menstruation. When you shed your uterine lining because your egg wasn’t fertilized, so now it’s coming out of your...um...lady....parts.” he stuttered, a blush forming on his face, followed by a look of concern.
You laughed at his explanation, and confirmed his suspicions, until another cramp hit you.
“Oh goodness, you must be suffering. I’ve heard that menstrual cramps are sometimes as bad as heart attacks.” he said, beginning to rub your stomach, helping soothe the pain.
You nodded again, and he led you to his room, grabbing you spare chocolate from when you were craving due to PMS, (unknowingly). He heated up a towel, and tucked you into your sleeping bag, his parallel to yours.
Tears began to escape from your eyes from his gestures, and he reached over to dry them.
“It’s okay to cry. Especially if you’re in a lot of pain. I think that it’s absolute bollocks that you feel like there’s something wrong for you for simply being human. It’s like a punishment for not getting pregnant. You didn’t ask for it.” he replied, letting you lay on top of him for the time being.
You smiled against him, but sadly woke up to more bloody underwear, and realizing that you’d leaked on Cormac. You shook him awake, and he didn’t even begin to panic, handing you a pair of spares, and a product through the door.
“Just a bit o’ blood. Nothing bleach or peroxide can’t fix.” he said, hugging you once again.
Cormac is very hesitant to kiss you on the lips. You pecked him once, and that sent him up the wall. His ears turned even more red, and his cheeks lit up.
He responded to your laughter with multiple face kisses, eventually landing one at your lips, lingering for a moment.
You cheered for his confidence, and you two went to a picnic the next day, the sheep happy to have you two there.
You felt completely over the moon to have Cormac as your partner. Even if he was a little shit sometimes, you wouldn’t have him another way.
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langdvn · 5 years ago
do you have any theories thus far? 🤔
i do (sort of), i didn’t want to dig into any theories because the show alone is so chaotic and all over the place that i didn’t want to give myself an even more jumbled brain lmao.
but, i rewatched episodes 1-3 the other night and notices a few things/took some things down that may be more important than when i first saw them upon watching.
so spoiler alert if you’re not caught up with the episodes yet! i wouldn’t read further than this!
i’ve seen a lot of people say or theorize that’s montana may be satanic and or into that kind of stuff and in the first episode she calls brooke ‘the last american virgin’ which, if she is satanic could be that she wants to sacrifice her, but for what?? become big in the aerobics community? i could see this, especially since we now know she’s in a relationship with RR, who is all about satan.
also, RR does say after attacking brooke the first time, ‘i will find you, satan will lead the way’ does he mean satan satan or montana????
and as much as i want xavier to be a soft good character, there also shady things that i noticed that could lead him to be in ties with montana and RR (or maybe just coincidences). in the first episode xavier is talking about the cops finding a dead body and the persons throat being cut, then montana comes up behind him and says ‘describing your last date’, now that could be just something funny and cute banter, butttt if they are in on things together it could also mean something super dark.
xavier also says he has a cousin in law enforcement, which knowing his mother is an alcoholic and knowing his past, that maybe that is a lie. to me it doesn’t make sense that he would have this big well off cousin in law enforcement and then have such a bad past? a crap family life? it just doesn’t click with me. (or i’m over thinking it??)
also something to mention: when xavier invites them all the to camp and montana invites brooke, before x leaves he says to brooke ‘it could cost you your life’ if she stays in town, then that same night she’s attacked?? interesting...
i’ve also seen people say that montana may be the sister to brookes ex fiancé, or his booty call, which i could see, but also seems too logical for the world of ahs.
but it’s clear montana has an issue with brooke, with gaslighting her all night and being shady, and what not. but brooke is also very hard to pin down and i feel as if maybe she’s hiding more.
in her wedding scene she says ‘you know how scared i get being alone at night’ which makes you think: why is this??? what happened to her that made her so scared of the night?? but the night when RR attacked her she looked fine, no fear, acting normal, left her window open, to me doesn’t seem like someone who’s afraid to be alone at night, so that makes me feel like the wedding scene was a lie or just missing a few big details.
now back to xavier and montana: since we all know montana brought RR to the camp, i noticed that in the first episode when trevor’s footsteps are approaching outside of the girls cabin and they all freeze and wait in anticipation, everyone looks a little worried BUT montana. she looks as if she’s anticipating something and shoots a look to xavier, that’s very hard to read but doesn’t play off as ‘upset’ or ‘worried’.
and if xavier is in with montana and montana is satanic, he may only be in it for stardom. we know how bad he wants to be an actor, so why not sacrifice someone and make all your dreams come true?? mayhaps??
xavier may not be a part of anything, but i don’t think he’s super innocent either. he has some shade going on to him, the ‘i’ve never been to this camp but here’s a back way that i know will work’ as well as his ‘method’ acting.
onto margaret, who we all know is super fishy.
when jonas was brought to the camp shouldn’t margaret have recognized him then? she would of had to show them where the infirmary was, did she not see his face?? still?? it seems a far stretch that even after she walked into the infirmary after he had been brought there that she didn’t see his face and recognize him until RR told her about him.
also, when jonas was explaining how he died to margaret he said he ran after seeing her and then got hit by a truck, a truck he assumed jingles was driving, though he didn’t actually see his face, the lights were in his eyes and he has his hands up, shying away and trying to cover himself. and then margaret goes on to add ‘so jingles was in the truck? did you see him?’, sort of being pushy about it, digging for more, and almost sounding like jingles wasn’t the one in the truck, maybe she was? maybe someone else that she does know about??
also back to RR and montana: when it comes to margaret and RR (a weird mess), when he was talking to her he said ‘a girl brought me here, but i think i like you better, i know i do, you listen to me’, which shows that montana is in control here and wearing the pants and pulling the strings in their weird relationship. which i pray we don’t get one of those ‘feel bad for the murderer’ plot lines (pls murphy no), but it does show how lethal montana is, i think, and that no one is truly safe around her.
i’ve also seen some people say that maybe it’s a VR experience, (shout out to @avesatanormalpeoplescareme’s theories for leading me down the VR theory hole) like maybe they are doing research on how or if people are put in a certain murderous situation what people survive and who wouldn’t and who would go crazy and turn and who wouldn’t, like a real research on the mind and what people would do in such a chaotic situation like that.
would also explain why ppl with bad pasts were chosen, or ‘randomly all there at the same time’.
but the VR would also make sense due to the camera angles: where ray runs into trevor and montana, also there’s a first person (ish) view when they stop at the gas station and open the door to the van. also when chet approaches brooke in the first episode, as if he were literally talking and looking straight into the camera at you.
and with the rumors going around that sarah paulson will be returning as the ‘lady in white’ or whatever, maybe she’s the ring leader of it all?? putting on the real experiment (if it’s VR or ppl are put to sleep and being tested on).
also, random, but margaret keeps mentioning ‘tomorrow’ or ‘morning’ like more than someone should, like she keeps reminding them about the next day almost so much it’s overdone, like maybe emphasizing that there won’t be a tomorrow or that if they don’t do what she says they won’t live to see a tomorrow.
and rita also leads me to believe that she didn’t think or knows that this experiment is going to last until morning, since she didn’t kill the nurse and left her in the barn, a barn where they would have to go into eventually to get things out for the kids. so why wouldn’t she kill the nurse?? put her somewhere else?? somewhere they wouldn’t go into eventually. she clearly didn’t think this murderous experiment would last until tomorrow/morning.
another few things i noticed:
when jingles kills blake, why didn’t he go and kill the other boys too? they were right there and would of been the perfect easy targets since they didn’t see him coming, at all. so why would he just kill blake and then move on? he’s there to kill everyone isn’t it? why would he just skip killing such easy targets??
i don’t think jingles killed blake. it doesn’t make sense that he wouldn’t go on to kill the others especially when it would of been SOOO easy.
this was just a mess of me rambling ideas and theories and honestly i’m sorry for anyone who read through it all lmaosjdj.
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isthisthingeven0n · 6 years ago
before I fall : v.s
though it may be more david based in the end, it is more of a vlog squad piece (not all members I’m afraid, just a few!)
hopefully, this all makes sense. she is reliving the same day, over and over again. she doesn’t understand why she wakes up on cupids day every morning, but she is determined to find out why and end the loop.  this is based on the movie before I fall. thank you to @vxlentinehood for all the information that was necessary for this piece.  also, thank you to the anon who requested, it’s a long one so you might want a hot drink for this! obviously, characters are changed, and the details might not be identical to the movie, so just bare that in mind - I hope you enjoy! :)
masterlist (with less long pieces, I promise they’re not all this long lmao)
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Opening my eyes I struggle to contain the heavy pants as I look around. Feeling the fabric between my fingertips I let out a silent sigh of relief.
Silk between my fingertips, walls of white with the same photos. 6:30am. Cupid’s day. Again.
For the past few days, I’ve been reliving the same day, over and over again. It’s a twisted nightmare that always ends the same way- I die. And once I open my eyes I’m back in my own bed waiting for my brother to come and annoy me until I get out of bed and head to school. 
The same events happen automatically. I get picked up by Kristen, we talk until we get Carly and our last stop is Corinna. 
Once we get to Corinna’s house she has to flash us and we let her in the car. They all laugh, I once did too. But that’s the thing about reliving the same day over and over, things that should be funny aren’t, they’re merely reduced to a forced smile or a small scoff instead. 
We go to school, Todd always tries to make a move on one of us before David invites us to his party as he gifts me a rose. Its always the same rose, a sweet perfect red rose. His smile is sweet, the nervous glint in his brown eyes as he quickly walks away as Corinna wraps her arm around me, pulling me in the opposite direction for lunch. 
“Watch out, there’s the freak.” Corinna tries to whisper, but she hisses the words instead as the others laugh. 
Glancing behind my shoulder I watch as Liza sits down at her own table, no one else to join her. She keeps her eyes locked on her food. She knows to at this point. “Does she even own a hairbrush, I mean come on.” Carly comments and Kristen agrees and mimicks Liza trying to brush her hair but failing miserably. 
They turn to me, waiting for me to say something like I normally do, but Liza is sat in silence. “Well, Y/n?” Corinna says, turning her body to face me as she raises her eyebrow. 
“Why do we hate Liza so much?” I ask as I look out of the corner of my eye, seeing her sat picking at her food, barely eating anything. 
Carly deadpans and Kristen scoffs lightly. “Because she’s a freak?” Kristen states and the others laugh. This is my cue to stop asking and continue with the rest of the day until the party tonight. 
Walking in I can already smell the growing odour of our inevitable doom or more so my own. Everyone here is holding a red cup in their hand to prove their ability, that age doesn’t define them. 
Corinna keeps a hold of my hand as we near Todd and Scott. Todd turns once his eyes roam over my body, and his hand is resting on my waist as he smirks down at me. 
Every time that same smirk. The smirk that tells me tonight is the night. I’ve listened to the same advice Corinna gives me on the way over. How to please him and how he can do the same for me. She slips a condom in my bag and Todd knows. He thinks it’s going to happen, but it never does. 
“Wanna go somewhere more private, babe?” Todd whispers into my ear, kissing my lobe as he finishes his question. 
I once hid the moan that escaped my lips, but now I’m immune to his touch. “I think I’m going to get a drink,” I respond and slip out from his touch and head towards the kitchen, unaware of Corinna following behind me. 
“What the fuck was that?” She spits the words with such surprise as she leans against the counter whilst I pour myself a drink and down the bitter liquid, feeling the slow burn down my throat. 
I shrug my shoulders at her and she scoffs loudly. “I wanted a drink, C. There’s no crime in that.” I respond. 
This argument has had numerous outcomes. One is that we leave the party early, Liza is left unharmed but we still get hit by the truck due to traffic holding us up. 
Another is that I end up in the bedroom with Todd, but Kristen bursts in saying Corinna is arguing with Liza outside. We leave, Liza runs away and we get hit by the truck. 
The other outcomes always end with us leaving the party, I don’t sleep with Todd. We all die and I wake up and it’s 6:30am on Cupids Day. 
“But come on, it’s Todd, Y/n.” She states as if he is some magnificent creature. 
He glances over from the other room and bits his lower lip between his teeth as he looks at me. I smile back at him before looking back to Corinna. “I, I just don’t know if he’s the right guy.” I admit it, knowing how this will all end. 
“Come on, Todd is the kind of guy everyone wants to be with and he likes you. You can’t pass on this, it’s your first time.” She is pressuring me, just like she has done before. 
She pressured me into my first kiss, my first drink, a lot of my firsts are down to Corinna being by my side. But she isn’t getting this one, not tonight. “Just drop it, C. I’m going to find Carly.” I tell her, passing her and heading in the opposite direction Todd is and head towards the garden. 
As I stand outside, breathing in the fumed air I check my phone. 8:36pm. I have a few more hours to try and fix it all. I want to wake up and it be Saturday tomorrow. 
Sighing loudly I barely hear him come up behind me. “Hey, I didn’t think you were going to make it.” Of course, it’s David. 
The sweet guy I want to end up with, the kind of guy who I am not worth. Letting out a small laugh I cross my arms, trying to keep warm. “Yeah, Corinna wanted to come and a party is a party, right?” I try to joke, but I can tell he’s focusing on my lips as they move. “I, erm, do you have a hoodie or something I could slip on? I’m freezing.” I mutter and turn to face him. 
His brown eyes suddenly snap and a small smile forms on his face. “Yeah, yeah sure.” His mind kicks into gear as I follow him towards his own bedroom, passing Corinna and Todd as I go without a second thought. 
Sitting in his room I admire all of his cameras, the collection he keeps along with the artwork he displays. “I didn’t know you were into cameras.” I say as I stand up, my fingers gliding across the lens’ he has lined up on a shelf. 
David turns and clears his throat. “Yeah, I, I want to produce something someday.” He says as he picks up a small lens, fiddling with it in his fingertips. “Not sure what, but I want it to mean something, tell a story.” 
“I have an idea,” I say quietly as his door remains shut, the rest of the world shut out for a little while, for a few minutes at least. “what about a story of a girl who lives the same day of her life, over and over again.” 
I watch as he raises his eyebrow and places the lens down, leaning against the shelves like I do. “I’m intrigued,” 
“She wakes up on the same day every day suddenly. And, and at the end of the day, it ends the same. She dies and wakes up again on the same day at the same time.” I begin to ramble, but he doesn’t mind. He’s watching me closely, tilting his head to the side, brushing his brown curls out of his face. 
“And no matter what she does?” He asks.
“She still dies and wakes up, reliving the same day.” I move closer and he does too. 
“Does she do anything different each time?” He licks his lips and bits his lower lip, just like Todd does. Except this time it does affect me, it sparks a reaction that I can tell he likes. 
“She tries different things, gets closer with certain people.” I whisper as I glance down to his lips and back up to his big eyes zoning in on mine. 
“But they won’t remember it happened when the day resets itself?” He mumbles as he breaths on my lips lightly. 
“I guess not.” 
Closing my eyes I feel his hands resting on my waist whilst mine lie flat against his chest. His lips ghost mine, and before I finally have the chance to kiss the right guy the door bursts open. 
“Y/n, it’s Corinna. She’s humiliating Liza.” Kristen yells out and I snap out of my moment with David, mumbling an apology as he remains frozen, still in the moment whilst I’m torn away from it. 
Kristen drags me towards the living room where a circle of people stand with their phones up high, filming the event in all angles, for all social media outlets that are available. 
“Oh Liza, Liza, Liza.” Corinna circles around her whilst she remains perfectly still, her eyes locked on her shoes. “You really think people wanted you to come here? If you got invited it was to make fun of you like we always do.” She laughs loudly and Liza flinches at the sound. “You’re pathetic. A pathetic weirdo who has no friends. No one wants you here, you’re better off dead.” 
Before I can interfere she takes a hold of Todd's drink and pours it over Liza who whimpers as the liquid drips down her. 
She lifts her head as everyone laughs, phones flash from every direction. But her eyes lock with mine before she leaves, running out of the house and out of sight. 
Corinna turns around, crossing her arms as she tilts her head to me. “We better go, I told my Mom we’d be home by 12.” She says, barely looking at me before she looks up at Todd who tries to catch my eye. 
I follow her out, glancing back seeing David stood there, holding a hoodie for me. Smiling back at him I give him a small wave as I follow Carly and Kristen out. 
Closing the car door I sigh loudly, but no one talks until we’ve pulled away. We drive along the empty streets, the deserted roads lining the woods as Corinna’s lights are the only things illuminating the road in front of us. 
“I mean, of all the things you could do Y/n. Do you know how embarrassing that is? Ditching Todd and being with David? David, the dork who invited us in the first place?” Corinna scoffs and I remain quiet, focusing on the road ahead. 
Maybe this was it. I broke it off with Todd, I nearly had a moment with David. Maybe that was what how it is supposed to be, realising I have more self-worth than being with a fuck boy like Todd. 
Looking at my phone I see the time and let out a sigh. “Watch the truck.” The words leave my lips automatically at this point. 
“What truck?” Carly asks again, the same response. 
I close my eyes as I hear the horn and feel the bright lights on all of us, waiting for the impact. 
Gasping I sit upright. 
Silk bedding. 
6:30am. Cupid’s Day. 
 “Okay, self-worth not the objective after all.” I mutter as I climb out of bed, feeling the exhaustion kicking in thinking about today all over again.
Waking up I glance around, I’m here. Again. 
Yesterday I tried to do everything they wanted me to do. I followed the usual order of events. I spent the evening with Carly and Kristen, talking for the most part. 
It was all fine. 
I didn’t talk to David, I left him to be despite what happened the last time. Something he’ll never remember. 
And then Corinna embarrassed Liza, and David kicked everyone out. 
We drove home, and then the truck hit us. 
Sighing loudly I hear my door open and my little brother runs in and jumps on my bed. 
He is so sweet, so full of life. “Mom says you have to get up.” He whines and I place my hand on his small face. 
“I have some advice for you kid,” I tell him as I move to sit upright. “if anyone ever gives you crap, don’t listen to them. You’re here, and you’re you for a reason. Okay?” I explain, but I can tell it isn’t sinking in. 
“Okay, but Mom still wants you downstairs for breakfast.” He says before climbing off my bed and running out of the room. 
Standing by the bottom of the stairs I hear my Mom singing lightly to the radio. Dad must’ve already left like he normally does at 5am without a single sound. 
“Hey, Mom?” I speak up and she turns around, diverting her attention from the pan of pancakes. 
She walks over, giving me a tight hug. “You alright, sweetie?” 
“I, I think I’m going to stay home today.” I tell her and she places her hand on my forehead and mumbles to herself before turning around and pours me a glass of juice. 
“You do feel a little warm. I’ll phone the school for you, just rest up.” She smiles sweetly like she always does. 
I think that’s something I got from her, the warm smile that tells you everything will be alright. It doesn’t matter that I might be going insane, or that I could be trapped in my own hell. Nothing matters when she smiles at me like that, it all melts away.
Sitting in my room I see my phone lighting up, notifications flooding through from everyone. 
corrina - you’re still going to go tonight right? 
todd - hey babe, hope you feel better tonight ;) 
kristen - hope you are okay, I’ll miss you!x
Closing my phone I leave it alone and head downstairs once I’m dressed. “Hey, Mom?” I call out and she turns around. “Can we go to the beach? I really would like to get some fresh air, an spend time with you.” 
As Mom parks, I step out from the car. She always parks on the top of the cliff as the sea breeze is the strongest at this point. You can see nothing but water from up here, how it collides with the cliff faces and the lagoons below. 
It’s one of the more relaxing spots I have. It is somewhere I can forget everything, I can forget dying over and over. I’m allowed to not think about everyone. I don’t have to tell Corinna I’ll consider sleeping with Todd. I don’t have to listen to them all being horrid to Liza. I can be me, just myself in this moment. 
“Penny for your thoughts?” Mom comments as I sit on the bonnet of the car, the sea breeze curling in my hair. 
Sighing loudly I budge over, making room for her. “I just want to be a decent person, but it feels like no matter what I try I, I keep finding myself in the same position again and again.” I don’t move my focus from the waves crashing into each other, but I can feel her eyes on me. 
“Honey,” It’s that tone, the one that will tell me I’m a good person and everything will be okay. “you have your whole life to decide who you want to be,” Except it’s not that tone. It sounds an awful lot like it, but she’s being completely honest. “and whatever happens now won’t matter in a few years. I know you mean well, and I grew up with girls like you and it all works out. High School is hard and if it were easy life wouldn’t be how it should be.” 
She wraps her arm around me and we sit there for a while in silence. A relaxing moment where I can allow my mind to switch off and enjoy being here, a break of the same day. 
“I think I’m going to stay home tonight, watch a movie with you.” I suggest and she pulls away, smiling. 
“Oh I’d love to, but I told your Dad we’d have friends over as both you and your brother are out.” I completely forgot about that. 
I’ve been so wrapped up in myself I never considered asking my Mom how she is, how things are for her. Is Dad okay in his job, how are you feeling about the long days without him. She has a thick skin, hiding anything that really affects her. But at this moment I can tell it’s all getting too much. She needs this as much as I do. 
“Sorry, that completely slipped my mind. I hope you have a good time though.” I tell her before we climb back in the car and drive home so she can start dinner and I can get ready for the party, once again. 
When Corinna arrives she is frazzled. “You okay, C?” I ask as I climb in the car, but rather than say anything she shakes her head. 
“My, my parents are getting a divorce.” She whispers, breaking the silence. 
I unbuckle my seatbelt and wrap my arms around her tightly. “It’s okay. I’m sorry Corinna. When, when did you find out?” 
She sniffs loudly as she keeps a hold of me. “About a month ago. I, I tried not to believe it and distract myself but I can’t anymore.” 
Moving her hair out of her face I sigh as she continues to cry. “Is that why you’re so invested in me being with Todd? And the whole Liza thing?” 
Corinna nods and scoffs at her current state. “God I’m a mess.” She comments as she wipes her eyes. “I just want you to be happy, Y/n.” She mumbles as she places her hand in mine, squeezing it lightly. “But Liza she, ugh. We were once friends, but we had an argument in Ninth grade and she went all weird.” 
I listen carefully, remembering that argument before I knew either of them. Liza disappeared for ages and came back a year later completely silent whilst Corinna rose in popularity. 
“What is so bad about Liza, C? I mean, really?” I ask, knowing I’m closer to getting answers at this point. 
She runs her fingers through her hair as she focuses on her own reflection. “I don’t know Y/n, really. It’s just gone on for so long I, I just go with it.” She admits and I lean back into my chair. 
“Then maybe now is the time to stop.” 
Driving along I watch as we pull up to the house. As I unbuckle my seatbelt Corinna clears her throat. “Please don’t tell the others about my parents.” She asks softly and I nod. 
“That’s not my business to share.” I respond as I go to open the door but pause. “Oh, and I’m not interested in Todd.” 
Corinna opens her mouth and looks at me like I’m mad. “Seriously?” She is clearly shocked by the revelation. “How can you not?” 
“C, if you like him trust me he’s all yours.” I laugh light-heartedly and she shrugs her shoulders as we walk inside and I head straight over to David. 
“Hey, I didn’t know if you were going to make it.” He says softly before turning around and revealing a rose. “You weren’t in and I wanted to give you this.” David’s smile is so sweet, he’s too kind to me despite the fact I’ve barely spoken to him this year. 
“Can we go somewhere private?” I mutter and he nods before turning around and I walk off, following closely behind him. 
We’re back in his room again. The same camera’s displayed and lens’ lining his shelf. 
I glance around as he stands by his doorway, unaware of the number of conversations we’ve had here. I’ve opened up about my life, and he’s told me things I didn’t ever anticipate hearing from him. 
Everything he’s told me, all the words I’ve said to him remain forgotten, one sided as he stands nervously, his hands in his pockets. 
“I’ve got something for you too,” I tell him as I motion down to the rose beside me. “you once told me you wanted to make something, produce something one day and I have an idea.” Taking out the papers I pass them over to him. “You don’t have to read it now, but consider it.”
He takes a hold of them, his fingers slipping over mine as I lock my eyes with his warm brown ones. A small smile emerges on his lips and I stand up, walking closer towards him as he remains still in the middle of his room. 
“Isn’t Todd waiting for you out there?” He turns and motions to the door, nerves clear in his expression. 
He remains so unaware he’s done this approximately eight times by now, but he wouldn’t know that. He wouldn’t know he’s gentle and caring, that he is so afraid of hurting me that he just holds me close. Nothing has happened because we are always cut off too soon. 
“I’ve never been interested in Todd, David.” I mutter as I feel his arms moving to rest on my waist, lightly pressing against my skin. “I should’ve told you sooner,” 
“Wait, what?” His eyebrows furrow as he looks at me, the small smile forming on my face. “You, you like me?” He questions it entirely, despite how close we are. 
“Is that so hard to believe?” I laugh quietly before placing my hand on his cheek and lean in. 
And this time there are no interruptions, no one comes in to stop us. 
I’m allowed the perfect moment with the right guy after all. 
As he kisses me his hands rise into my hair, pulling me closer into him. I can feel every emotion through his lips on mine. All of the times we came close to this but were never allowed it. They were worth the wait. 
I pull away and rest my forehead against his. “That was,” I breath as I smile at him. 
“Something else.” He finishes before kissing me lightly, and then the door opens and I look over seeing Kristen stood there slightly confused. 
“Todd is making a scene, he’s going in on Liza,” She mumbles and I slip away from David, his hand slowly letting go of mine as I smile back at him. 
“I’ll be back, I promise.” I tell him as his hand falls back down to his side, and I follow Kristen away from my safe haven, back towards the reality. 
Everyone is in a circle again, except it's not Corinna taunting Liza, it’s Todd. 
“Liza no one here likes you. You’re just putting everyone in a bad mood being here.” He keeps spitting things at her, telling her she’s worthless as everyone continues to film it and laugh. 
I look to Kristen who wears concern heavy in her eyes and I manoeuvre through the crowd until I’m in the centre of the circle. 
“Todd leave Liza alone.” I tell him and he turns around, looking at me with pure surprise. 
“Oh, hey babe.” He mutters as he reaches down to kiss me, but I bat him off. 
“I’m not your babe.” I spit at him before I step in front of Liza. “Stop trying to prove yourself, all of you. What has Liza ever done to any of you besides try to keep to herself?” Looking around I start to see more faces than phone cases, some are paying attention. “You’re all as bad as each other. Even if you’re not saying the words, you’re filming it, reacting to it. How does that make you any better of a person?” 
My words hang in the air as Todd clears his throat. “Wow, Y/n. You look a little flustered, here.” He picks up a drink and pours it over both me and Liza. 
Flicking it off I ignore my damp shirt. “So mature of you Todd, probably the most mature thing about you.” I hold up my pinky and everyone starts laughing. Todd moves away and David walks up to me, holding a hoodie. 
“You might wanna slip this on.” He says as I slip it on, the fabric covering my hands and my shorts. “It’s a bit big.” He comments and I laugh lightly. 
“It’s cute though.” I respond before turning around, seeing Liza gone. “I, I need to find her.” I tell him before I turn around and head out of the house. “Can you follow in your car?” I ask and see him grab his keys and rush out shortly after me. 
I was running through the woods that echoed her whimpers, the growing sadness that hung heavy on the branches. “Liza!” I kept yelling as my feet struggled to keep up with me, but I had to do it, I had to make sure she was okay. 
As I came towards the end of the woods I saw someone stood there. 
That cream coloured cardigan that hangs over her small frame. “Liza, please just move away from the road.” I stay still as she leans against the willow tree that marks the border of the woods and the beginning of the road. 
She shakes her head, a small laugh escaping her lips. “Since when do you care, you’ve never cared!” She yells and I hold my hands up defensively. 
“I know, I know I’ve been horrible to you. Everyone has. But you don’t deserve to die because of it. I can’t let you die.” I breathe heavily as a car passes by, illuminating the panic in her eyes. 
“It’s never going to get better though.” She whimpers as she shuts her eyes and turns her back to me and steps forward. 
And then it all plays in slow motion. 
I run towards her, pushing her out of the way as the bright lights shine directly in front of me. 
No sound escapes my lips as I feel the impact hit me.
My body is completely limp as it rolls over the car and I slam into the tarmac. I can feel everything losing weight, nothing feels right. 
I struggle to keep my eyes open as I feel myself draining away. But I can still hear them all swearing as they surround me. 
“Y/n, oh my god I, I’m so sorry.” It’s David. He holds me limply close to him, his hand resting under my bloody head as I focus on him and smile. 
“It’s all over, David. Everyone can start again.” I choke on my words, struggling o breathe as I feel blood filling my lungs. Slowly I motion to his pocket, the pieces of paper I gave him. “Share the story, for me.” 
Slowly I can feel the edges of my vision blacking out, both Liza and David sit with me quietly telling me I’ll okay and help is coming. 
But I don’t need help, as time will now resume just like it should. 
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Slip ~ Jacob (part 4)(final)
A/n: ahhhh yes here we go the ending! Whoo! I’m just going to keep doing twilight if y’all don’t request. I have a TRUCK LOAD lined up too lmao
Word Count: 4367
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Slip, slip, slip through your hands. Oh, it's gonna slip, slip, slip through your- slip, slip, slip through your hands.
I was nervous.
Right before this end battle with the newborns, it had finally been revealed that Jacob hadn't actually imprinted on me. Sam was FURIOUS, and no amount of me trying to intervene could get anyone to calm down. It didn't matter that I was human- Sam especially was very willing to tear through me to get to Jacob. I even got to finally see Paul's scary side.
Right before all shit hit the fan, Everyone was pissed at Jake, and I was worried. I was worried their anger would distract them. Drive a rift between them. Right when they needed to be unified the most, coming together to keep each other safe and having each other’s back, this had happened. It had been last night that started the fallout. We had been together, trying to keep our voices down as he snuck in my room but struggling because it was late and we were both tired, and even Jake with his boosted coordination ability kept bumping into things. We ended up curling together in my bed, whispering about the most random things had he played with my hair, and I traced random patterns against the skin of his bare chest. Finally, he whispered, “I don’t know if, like, I’ll imprint on anyone,” he whispered. “But I don’t want to, and I don’t care. You know? Like I love you so much, and I feel like I’m even luckier that we got to have this natural kind of love and not have anything forced on us. Like we get to make our own choices, you know?”
My smile had been sweet. “I love you too.” He had kissed me, and it was a perfect kiss, and I loved it and him and ugh- what a perfect moment! When he left, even later than when he had come, I whispered, “At least we know that we chose this. WE made this work.” He kissed me again and disappeared into the night, shifting and running into the night to head home. He had wanted a few more moments to see me before the big style today because he had to go up the mountain with Bella and Edward and if anything happened - though I was viciously refusing to accept the idea of even a maybe - he wanted to say he loved me. When I had come to Emily’s house this morning, they told me that Jake’s mind had been our night together and everyone knew that he hadn’t imprinted, my good feelings and nervousness gave way to pure terror. They came back one last time as a pack to drop off Kim, and when they saw me, there were snarls and scoffs asking why I was here, and Jake had to all but put himself between his pack and me - and then when it got too rough I would have to reverse the roles - but only the actual imprints could get them to calm down. Once Sam was calm, he forced everyone else to back up since I was in harm’s way and I wasn’t moving.
And now they were gone, and I was in the backyard, pacing and wringing my wrists and trying not to have a panic attack as the genuine fear of the maybe I had been avoiding slipped into my head. Emily finally came out, her eyes heavy with worry. Probably for the boys and me alike. “Y/n, please come inside.” I looked at her but didn’t stop moving. “You can pace inside, I just don’t want you outside. Please? You’re worried, and I don’t want you to do something... irrational.”
My pacing stopped. “It’ll be my fault if he dies.” I ran my fingers through my hair, tugging at my roots. My face twisted up as Emily approached me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders and guiding me inside. “It’ll be both of our faults, but I’ll have to live with it. We- We knew they would have to find out eventually, but couldn’t it have been just a few days later?”
Emily sat me down on one of the couches. “Y/n, it is NOT your fault if anything happens. It’s not either of your faults. If those boys slip up and don’t have Jake’s back, it is their own fault, because you know that even though they threatened to go through you to get to him and we're getting seriously close to making that a reality, he’ll still have theirs. And maybe he didn’t imprint, but he does love you. And you love him, I can see it clear as day.”
Looking up, eyes watering, I met her eyes. “Emily... I’m scared. Not just for Jake, for all of them. This was such bad timing.”
She sighed. “I know.” Her eyes closed for a second and her face flickered with fear and pain, but then she cleared it to put back on that face of strength and calm. It was refreshing to see her not always be strong, though. A relief, to know it wasn’t just me that was completely losing my shit. “We all are,” she added. “But it’ll be-“
Before she could even finish the calming idea, the front door flew open and Quil stumbled in, eyes wide with guilt and fear. “Jake got hurt.”
I was frozen for a second too long, unable to deal with the sudden pain that at first slowly moved through my body and then suddenly flared. I stood, running to him. “Take me to him.” Quil seemed surprised by my earnest and moved back, obeying my authority even though he didn’t have to. Did these think I didn’t love Jake? Did they for a second believe that I didn’t care just as much as they did or an imprint would merely because we were magically connected by some force that wasn’t our own choice? Our own decision was stronger than that. No offense to those who had imprinted, but I think that the time and energy we took to fight for each other and the free choice we had to challenge what we were told and make our own path might be an even stronger bond than that of an imprint and imprinted. I didn’t voice this, though, as I drove us to Jake’s house, pushing the limit a little too much.
I raced into the house the second the car was parked, not even thinking to turn it off or grab the keys - thank you Quil for understanding my panic and doing it for me - before I was barging inside and shoving my way aggressively through the pack boys to get to Jake’s room.
Sam caught my arm. “Why are you here?”
Facing him with my full anger, unable to hold anything back in my panic, I seethed, “Wouldn’t Emily be here if it was you? Because she loves you? Not because she’s your imprint and HAS to be here, but because she LOVES YOU?” Sam let go of my arm in shock. “Same as I love Jake? Same as he loves me? Or is it only when you imprint that you can be in actual, real, adult, long term LOVE, Sam?” The room went dead silent and my fiery gaze met each of the boy’s, the trapped tears blurring my vision. “Now if you’ll excuse me,” I said finally, my voice calmer now that I’d gotten my anger out and shaky as my emotions hit. Shaking it. Cracking it. Breaking it. “I have to make sure my boyfriend isn’t dead.” I moved around Paul who had been blocking my way before but was just as frozen in shock as the others now, going into Jake’s room quietly and softly.
Carlisle Cullen sat on a chair, bent over Jake. “Hi,” I greeted softly, my heart racing as I pushed myself into the room further by not all of the way. “I... I was wondering if I could just- I’ll keep quiet.”
Carlisle was much warmer and softer than I had seen since the night before from Jake, which was ironic considering how literally much colder he was than everyone else I had interacted with thus far. “Come in,” he affirmed, getting out of the chair. “You can sit on this. I don’t need it.” I nodded and took the seat moving it towards Jake’s head and taking his hand. He breathed shallowly and had his eyes closed. I didn’t want to move him so I bent over, pressing my lips against his knuckles. “Did you know that Jasper and Alice aren’t True Mates?” I looked at him. “That’s the equivalent of an imprint for the wolves. Vampires have True Mates.” He got to work, feeling around Jacob’s chest- the boy had probably gotten his ribs broken. “At first we were all weird about it, because after all, Esme was my True Mate and Emmet’s was Rosalee’s, which is why we turned them when they were dying. Alice found Jasper, both of them turned by someone other than me. They found each other I dare say.” He finally looked at me, smiling. “I don’t know what those boys out there think, but I know that without any kind of supernatural guidance, the love you and Jacob have for each other is very real.”
I smiled. “You know they can hear you, right?”
He looked back at Jake and I swore that his fatherly, warm smile turned into the cockiest smirk I’d ever seen on someone’s face. “I know.” Okay, I officially liked ONE vampire. The others were chill but Carlisle was my friend. As if he could sense my thought, he looked over and winked and I chuckled, the tension in the room lifting instantly. “He’ll be fine by the way,” Carlisle reassured. “Just got a few of his ribs broken. I nodded, but the words took all of the energy out of me. Being so angry and panicked had completely drained me, leaving me with absolutely nothing else to keep me running and awake. My eyelids drooped and I smiled at Jake. My boyfriend. I hadn’t used the official title yet. It was kinda nice...
When I lay my head on the bed next to Jake’s to relax, not even a second passed before I fell right to sleep.
Oh, it's gonna slip, slip, slip through your- slip, slip, slip through your hands. Oh, it's gonna slip, slip, slip through your... slip, slip, slip through your hands...
It started with Carlisle, but I’m assuming most things did.
Next, it was actually Edward, to my surprise. At the wedding, I found myself interacting with Edward a lot more than I thought I would. Jake and Bella kept cracking jokes and teasing each other and insulting people quietly in a corner in a joking way and Edward and I sat back as he whispered in my ear what they were saying, making us laugh just as they did. It seemed after the little moment between us in the woods what seemed forever ago, we’d exchanged smiles or said hello and just in general exchanged a lot of pleasantries. Carlisle may have been the first Cullen I considered a friend, but Edward was a close second. “It’ just a shame I’m already dating Jacob, and you’re already with Bella,” I remarked. “We could have had SO much fun trying to set each other up!”
Already being in cue with what I was thinking - stupid mind reader - he laughed, nodding. “I do not at all doubt that. I may read minds, but you have a way with people that is genuinely astonishing.” We laughed again, going on a full conversational tangent about the trouble we could have gotten into if we had been friends sooner. And, boy, did I wish that we had had that chance...
Alice came over, but I was already so at ease with the idea of being friends with the Cullens that she slipped right in. The banter between her and Edward cracked me up. “You look absolutely lovely by the way,” she remarked as they calmed down.
Beaming and blushing, I subconsciously ran my hands against the soft material of the dress I wore. “Jake showed up at my house in a dress shirt and slacks, and I laughed because I knew he was never a suit kinda guy. Made me tie his tie for him.” I rolled my eyes. “He had we looked perfect though, with my simple dress and his lack of a suit jacket that Bella had complained about nonstop. I thought it fitted though.” I flinched as I realized I’d gone on a rant instead of thanking her. “Thank you for noticing.”
Alice rose a perfect eyebrow. “So you’re going to be trouble just like Bella then.” I snorted, tapping my heels together. I was wearing flats and a long, black dress that had no pattern or anything that stood out except the strings on the back that crossed over my otherwise bare skin, closing into the skirt at my waist. My sleeves were long. Simple but pretty. I shrugged, my blush worsening as I fiddled with my fingers. “And you’re not getting any better by hanging out with a bunch of boys,” she teased, her eyes finding the wolf pack boys and then Jake with Bella, Carlisle with Esme, and then finally Edward.
“I’m hanging out with you right now,” I pointed out. “And Bella and I are pretty chill, actually.” Alice seemed unimpressed, which made me and Edward laugh again.
Jasper moved over a few moments later, just as I was debating on whether Alice and I would be friends or not, and stole third place with a simple comment. “You two look like you’re getting into trouble... may I join? I could always use a bit of fun.” He smiled, and Edward and I exchanged shit-eating grins.
“Hell yeah,” I affirmed. Alice rolled her eyes, but her smile gave her away. She left when Bella called her, and I let out a breath, relieved. “She’s trying to turn me into a girly girl, what do I do?”
“Resist,” Edward sighed hopelessly. “She won’t ever stop.”
When the dancing started, Jake and Edward switched places as they each came to ask their person to dance. Jake left a kiss on my cheek as he wrapped an arm around my waist, tugging me toward the floor. We ended our night with our chests and foreheads pressed together, his arms around my waist and mine around his neck. “I love you,” I whispered.
He smiled. “I love you too.” He looked around the room. “And one day...” His eyes met mine and my insides warmed up and hummed even though he didn’t continue his decoration. He didn’t need to. I didn’t have to be Edward to know what he was thinking.
Things never really normalized with the pack. There was always a separation between me and them, especially now that they knew that Jacob had broken the Alpha’s rules and continued to push Sam’s control over him every day. When Jake snapped and went on his own after Bella came home, pregnant of all things, it got really bad. I was sitting outside with Jake when Seth came. “Hey.” He smiled at me and Jake exactly the same and I stayed quiet at their back and forth interactions. But when Jake accepted Seth and Seth sat on the other side of me, talking to me as if there had never been any kind of tension or awkwardness between us, I realized that not everyone in the pack felt the same Sam and the others did.
So now I had Edward, Jasper, and Seth. Hm, maybe Alice had a point with the being friend with only boys thing...
When Emmet became my next friend, I knew it was terrible.
I was pacing, unsure what to do with myself as everyone stressed about Bella and Jake withdrew from me to be an alpha and a worried best friend at the same time. I wasn’t mad, but on my own, my own stress settled and grew. Emmet offered to show me the tops of the trees. “It’s pretty cool,” he mused. His eyes met mine. “And everyone’s worried about you as the only normal human here.” I smiled weakly, and he grinned. “I figured, I’m antsy to do something too, and Bella’s seen the crazy things we can do, why not you?” So, in the middle of stress and anxiety and high pressures and Bella’s less possible death (still dooming, but the blood was helping with her not dying possibility), Emmett took me on a piggyback ride as he jumped from treetop to treetop of like a flying squirrel.
When Leah joined, I was the only person to get her to eat anything. I took two sandwiches outside as she kept watch, leaving Seth to keep the mood as light as sanely possible. “You can eat this,” I said, holding up one sandwich as I bit into the other. “Or I can eat them both and you can go hungry. Again.” There was a pause as she glared at me. “I made it myself. With my normal human hands.” There was only a slight pause before he gingerly took it out of my hand and bit into it after unwrapping it. I smiled. “Is it good?” She looked at me and then slowly nodded. The awkwardness broke and I wouldn’t say we were friends, but we were on good terms.
Leah was my second female friend made, alongside Bella. Bella, Leah, Seth, Edward, Emmet, and Jasper. What a weirdly fitting group I was accumulating.
All good feelings flew out of the window when the baby was born. A girl, apparently. So then Renesme. Maybe it should have been cheered as a new life came into the world... but with the new life also came the loss of Bella’s life. I knew the second Jacob ran out, tears streaming down his face. He rammed into me and had to catch me because I was human and he was not. But I held onto him once I was stabilized, holding him close to me and closing my own eyes tightly. Seth moved to Leah, their choosers brushing and their faces equally twisted with pain.
When Sam’s pack showed up, I had just gotten done convincing Jacob that killing Renesme was off the table and that after all we'd done, we couldn’t turn our backs and give up now. “She’s all we have left of Bella, and if she was here, you KNOW Bella would demand we protect her. It’s not her fault, Jake. It’s not her fault.”
“Go inside,” he told me slowly, pulling away from me as he wiped his face dry. “I need you safe as long as possible.” I nodded, moving inside to warn everyone that the wolf pack was here.
The Cullens, obviously already in the know as they moved around Rosalee, who held the baby, finally listened to me when Leah’s howl cut the rough the night, leaving me and Rose alone. “You have to give her to me,” I said. “They’ll hesitate before attacking if I’m holding her at the very least, and I can’t help out there. They need as many hands as they can get. They’ll die, Rose. And then so will Renesme.” My face twisted. “I love Bella so much. And I know she would want this baby safe. So, I want her safe too. I promise you she’s as safe with me as she is you.” Rose scanned my face and then nodded as another scream came out, handing me the baby and then disappearing with a whip of wind pushing against me. I tucked Renesme against me, bouncing her very softly as I soothed even though she wasn’t crying. It just felt like the right thing to do.
It was startling how... adult she looked. It looked wrong on a baby’s face. Like she understood me even though she couldn’t speak or know that there was a correlation between an object and the sound I made when I was referring to it.
My musing was cut short when Embry appeared int he room, shirtless but wearing short, his hands in the air and his eyes wide. I tensed, but he didn’t approach. “I’m not here to hurt her. I won’t even ask to hold her, you have no reason to trust me. I just want to see her. Is she... what’s she like?” There was a battle going on behind his eyes that was even stronger than the one raging outside. “I want to see if she’s worth fighting for.” Quil appeared in the shadows behind Embry. “We both do.” I pursed my lips and then nodded.
“You listen to everything I say though. Try and kill this baby and you will be taking me down in the process.” They both nodded, coming forth slowly. They moved in front of me, stilling when I said they were close enough. I moved my body so they could see her face. “No tricks,” I warned quietly. They were too busy looking at the baby, though.
“She looks so harmless,” Quil finally whispered. “And small.”
I shifted, and their eyes found mine. “She’s just a baby. Women die in childbirth all the time. This isn’t different just because it’s supernatural involved.”
Embry smiled a bit. “Just like how your love with Jake is just as real and as strong as the imprint bond.” He wasn’t mocking or teasing or rolling his eyes. He was letting me know he agreed. My eyes watered and I nodded, smiling more shakily and softer than I ever had in my life. “We won’t let him get hurt, Y/n.” He placed a hand on my shoulder. “We’ll be right back.” Quil nodded, wearing the same smile Embry was, and then they both left. It was an amazing relief to know that there were two more on our side and two less on Sam’s. And I hoped with all of my power that they would all come home safe. I can’t imagine how much pain it would cause Emily and Kim, who had been so caring and nice to me. How much it would cause so much pain to so many people I cared about...
When the battle ended, Leah had a broken leg, Seth was out cold, and Emmett was missing an arm. Fun fact that I didn’t want to know though: Apparently, all you have to do with vampires is wait for the pieces to come together again and they’re excellent! That’s why you rip them apart and then burn the parts. I made them do it in another room.
Sam’s pack was all either out cold or tied up and so thanked the heavens that no one was dead. Paul had a broken nose, and several of the wolves had broken legs or ribs or arms, but they were all alive.
I showed Renesme to them one by one, explaining all I had experienced and using all the reasoning I had on Jake and Embry and Quil, covering again and again why everyone should NOT kill this child. A new wolf whose name I didn’t know was the only one I convinced. We kept them tied up, and the baby guarded until Bella’s healing process occurred. Turns out she’s not dead. I had never cried harder in stronger relief than I did when I heard the news, having to give Renesme to Rose so I could cling to Jake, shaking violently as sobs shook me to my core.
When Bella woke up, she took her child and approached the wolves who were still tied up. None of them could meet the eyes of a mother staring down those who had tried to kill her child for any reason. Mainly because the idea had been Renesme was born, and Bella had died because of it.
After the fiasco calmed down, Jake and I sat in the living room with Renesme, laughing and playing with her. She growing crazy fast and it astounded me. She began to call us Aunt, and Uncle and it made us grin. Jake was like a brother to Bella, which made sense. I guess I was Bella’s sister in law.
“Rosalee’s actually pretty cool,” Jacob added as we talked about this life we were growing accustomed to but never expected. “She’s a mechanic too. And with Leah’s hobby of wood carving picking up, the three of us actually... get along.” I laughed at his bewildered expression. “It’s kind of awesome actually.” My eyes turned to Ren - after Jacob had posed the idea of ‘Nessie’ I’d immediately suggested ‘Ren’ instead because I was not going to call her by the same name that people called the lake monster - and I smiled, thinking... “What?” He asked, tilting his head at my expression.
My eyes wouldn’t meet his. “I was just thinking... one day, this could be us. In a house, married, kids...” I looked at him, blushing. “If you wanted. We wouldn’t have forever... but we could have what he would have, and maybe that could be enough?” I cleared my throat. “Not as long as Bell and Edward will have. Or as long as any of the Cullens will have actually. But- but we could...”
Jake pulled me close, planting a soft kiss on my neck. “I would want nothing less than as long as we’re allowed in a normal life we’ve both chosen,” he whispered softly. “I picked you. I did, for a reason. And if you’re still around... I’m not going to stop picking you, Y/n.”
I smiled. “Here’s to as long as we’re allowed then.”
“To as long as we’re allowed,” he agreed. “Marriage. Kids. A house. I promise.” He kissed my shoulder, and I leaned back into him. There was still a lot ahead of us, stuff we didn’t know at the time. There was still years to figure out when and how and to get all the details down perfectly, but we would make it. We had thus far like he said. He did keep picking me, and I, him, and nothing ever stopped that. Who needed an imprint bond with love like this?
FTL: @alexa-playafricabytoto @chipster-21 @bitchyseawitch
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thedarkestdragonknight · 6 years ago
Shur Kha for the ultimate ship meme because why not :3
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Rate the Ship -  Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs (Honestly, I’m all for the ship though it’ll def take some plotting because the obvious Jacques being 99% into the dudes |D Mostly in part because male characters are easier for me to work with ;v;)
How long will they last? -  For how long they’d last... that would be up in the air I feel >> depending on how many times they butt heads and such. I could see it lasting a long time but at the SAME time I could see it lasting briefly >>
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - With Jacques being how he is, it would no doubt have taken quite awhile to forge any relationship (romantic or otherwise) because he tends to be very guarded when it comes to letting people in. 
How was their first kiss? - One word: Awkward... >>
Who proposed? - It wouldn’t be Jacques that’s for sure *SHOT* Honestly, who WOULD be the one to propose between these two >_>
Who is the best man/men? - No doubt it would be Shur’s brother Khara as well as P’shali and Swath >>
Who is the brides maid(s)? - I... have no idea |D Though one character could come in mind but she’s played by @talechaser-ffxiv​ >> and that would be Mana.
Who did the most planning? - Between the two of them, I’d likely lean towards Jacques but honestly... both? LMAO
Who stressed the most? - Jacques hands down... then again I could also see this as another both sort of option |D
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - PFFFFTTTTT I dunno? (These are hard okay >>)
Who is on top? - While Jacques has his moments where he’ll gladly ‘bend over’ for people he’s generally the one on top ;)
Who is the one to instigate things? - I mean... Jacques can be pretty forward when it comes to certain things so... more than likely him >>
How healthy is their sex life? - When you’re with Jacques you no doubt have a very healthy sex life >v>Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Jacques is obviously no stranger to the kinky stuff (He loves his Bondage and stuff like that) so... |DStraight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - SERIOUSLY THESE QUESTIONS LMAO Ummmmmmmmmm Jacques has stamina for days so... >_> I’d say fairly long?
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - Jacques is always the sort to make sure his partners get a decent amount of... ahem... times, equal though... that’s hard to say |D Jacques tends to be a hit or miss on that mark >>
How rough are they in bed? - If something doesn’t get clawed up then it’s not a good time! XD Not really but...Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - Jacques is certainly a cuddler and snuggler when he’s in the right mood so... >>No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - If Jacques had the choice he’d say none... but at the very least they’d have one |D
How many children will they adopt? - If it gets him passed the poopy diaper stage then he’d gladly adopt at least one child. More if said child is you know... decent >>
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Sorry Shur but this is your field, Jacques is obviously not going to be dealing with any poopy/dirty diapers |D
Who is the stricter parent? - Jacques would likely be the stricter of the two but that would probably be because he is worried for his children. Overprotective papa would be extremely over protective.
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Jacques would be there watching them like a hawk, though he would also no doubt be the person to let them make their mistakes and hopefully learn from them >>
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Jacques is a natural cook, so obviously he’d be the one to likely remember them the most |D
Who is the more loved parent? - Both? I couldn’t see one or the other getting more love honestly >>
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? - Both again, I could see Jacques being the one to go there but also Shur as well. Both going because they want to make sure their kids aren’t up to no good >>
Who cried the most at graduation? - Another one that I like feel both would have the equal amount of crying here. Jacques would try and hide it though XD
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Not Jacques >> he’d let them stay in there just so that they could learn their lesson... and if they don’t well then he’d just let them keep getting in trouble until they learn.
Who does the most cooking? - Jacques, he wouldn’t let anyone else in the kitchen unless he trusted them >>
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Hmmmmm I don’t truly see either being picky about their food but at the same time possibly Shur?
Who does the grocery shopping? - Jacques would be the one to go out and get everything, whether it’s through shopping or straight up gathering it from the wilds
How often do they bake desserts? - Jacques would be doing it all the damn time, he loves baking >>
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - Jacques doesn’t MIND salads but he’s more the meat lover type... so yeah |D it would be a healthy diet but mostly meat >>
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Jacques, he would easily be the one to make any sort of surprises happen. Whether it’s an anniversary or a birthday or any special event.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - This would likely fall on Shur because Jacques doesn’t really like going out all that much. You know... Introvert and all that |D
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - I mean it wouldn’t be Jacques |D
Who cleans the room? - Equal sharing of the cleaning, Jacques would do his part and I can see Shur also potentially helping out as well. Maybe it’s something along the lines of just one cleans one day and the other cleans the next.
Who is really against chores? - Honestly... Jacques wouldn’t be against it so... I DUNNO 8D
Who cleans up after the pets? - When you have a massive Behemoth, a Fenrir puppy and a honery Chocobo you learn to clean up quite frequently... *COUGHS* So Jacques more than likely |D
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Jacques would stomp on anyone who hides stuff under the rugs so... Not him >>
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Depending on the guests it would probably be Jacques. He doesn’t do good with people obviously >>
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Free Gil is Free Gil so either of them would likely be the one to find money in the couch while cleaning |D
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - This one is a toss up, Jacques would likely be the one that takes the longer baths because of his scales and he tends to ‘shed’ them every so often. So the hot water would help with that, long soaks = very pleasant for him as well.
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - Probably Jacques, especially if it means he can just go out into the forest or something to ‘get away’ and unwind a bit :P
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Jacques would certainly get into the spirit of things but he wouldn’t go WILD so to speak. He’d put up a tree and such with lights and that’d be about it. He’d likely decorate for the major holidays of Eorzea and that’d be it.
What are their goals for the relationship? - Hmmmmmmmm, a healthy one would be the biggest thing that I could think of. I DUNNO I’M BAD AT THIS OKAY ;v;
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Jacques, he rarely gets enough sleep so when he does he’d be out like a light and no doubt sleep until noon or past it >>
Who plays the most pranks? - Obviously Shur :v she’d prank the shit out of poor Jacques day in and out to the point that he’d likely be looking for the traps/pranks the moment he gets home XD
LORD THIS ONE WAS HARD 8C I hope I did a good job though! But I leave you with this gif...
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charliebattinson · 7 years ago
ON THE ROAD | Road trip with Shawn (BP) | Shawn Mendes
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Hey loves!!! So this is my first legit writing? I don’t write imagines and this is just bullet points but I’ve been thinking a lot about this and I felt like writing it. Most likely I won’t be writing again, I just had so much inspiration for this haha. I hope you guys enjoy, i hope it’s not too cringe and feedback is much appreciated! Also a huge thank you to @illumegeoff for helping me on how to insert an image lol & for being super supportive (p.s. the yolo phrases was something inspired by you based on what i saw on your blog lmao) and @justadashoffangirling for being super supportive!!!
super spontaneous
“Hey babe let’s go across the country”
“Sure. When?” “Now!” “WHAT NOW?”
Shawn would be “YOLO”
You just pack all the necessities. Super little clothes
“We won’t really be needing a lot of clothes” 😏
You bring your polaroid because memories
You guys legit have no idea where to go. No plans at all.
Just drive, drive and drive
You’re so turned on by shawn driving stick in a pick up truck with sunglasses on
You take a pic of him
And you’re like “mamma mia”
“Shawn pull over”
Red cheeks and messy hair
Playing old hits like no scrubs, leaving on a jet plane, bittersweet symphony, a thousand miles
“But I would walk 500 miles and i would walk 500 more”
“Da da da (da da da)”
Playing games in the car
You shuffle your music and play name that tune
License plate game - see how many different license plate you can find or try to find a phrase in that license plate
Shawn being a sour loser
Shawn not talking to you because you won
“You’re such a big baby”
Kissing his face and neck to make him give in
“Baby I don’t wanna die”
Stopping by the gas station
Buying shit load of junk food
Trying to talk to each other with your mouths full of cheetos giggling at one another
See who can stuff more marshmallows in their mouths
You stop by an open area with a tiny cliff in the middle of the dessert because the stars are so pretty and night is beautiful
Lying down at the hood of the car talking about things while sharing a bottle of cheap wine
You decide to spend the night there
Cuddling with loads of fluffy blankets in the back of the truck
You take turns driving
Shawn puts his hand on your thigh just to soothe you; he finds comfort in touching you
You rent a motel room and take a nap before heading out for the night
There’s a country fair!!! Drinking on apple ciders and sharing on a turkey leg and funnel cake
Dancing to “sweet home alabama”
Playing fair games
Shawn gets so competitive with some of the kids in the fair games
winning a huge ass stuffed toy
You’re scared for the both of you because he’s a fucking tree and you feel like your seats are just gonna break
when you’re up there at the top you can’t help but just admire how shawn looks, how much you love him and he can’t help but do the same
Next thing you know Shawn’s trying to unlock the door to your motel room, struggling with the keys but its so hard to because he can’t stop kissing you
“Shawn open the fucking door”
Hands everywhere on each other, clothes scattered on the floor
It’s giggly and playful at first then it becomes rough and needy “from giggles to loud moans”
“Shawn we’re going to leave a dent in the wall. Tone it down”
“Fuck no”
Shawn takes a pic of the two of you after sex. You guys have a private scrapbook full of intimate and candid polaroids. Something to keep both of you sane when he’s on tour for months
Talking, eating in between the sheets
Shawn playing the guitar (of course he brought it) and serenading you with the police’s “every little thing she does is magic”  and you can’t help but swoon so hard
Round 2 becomes round 3 and so on…
Late night swimming in the pool of the motel
Waking up in the late morning because of how spent you are
You straddle shawn and take a polaroid of him sleeping with his full lips and fluffy hair
Morning sex 😏
Getting ready to head for the next place
Showering together taking a pic of him in the shower because its a glorious sight to see with his wet hair
Arguing on which road to take
“I panicked!”
getting so confused with the directions of the map till you both realize its been upside down all this time
Your tire runs flat
Shawn goes and replaces it, his arms are in full flex mode and he’s so hot doing it
Finally getting to the destination
You’re both so amazed on how beautiful it but also curse at how hot it is
“Babe lets take tourists shots”
You admire how cute shawn looks with a baseball cap, backpack and his arizona shirt as he gives you a big smile when you take a picture of him
You just sit there just staring at it admiring it and how happy you are with this spontaneous trip
Buying postcards and a souvenir to every place that you visit
You head out to a diner
Burgers and milkshakes; sharing a banana split, deciding where to go next
“Yolo bitch”.. “shawn” .. “sorry”
You decide to go to the beach in the middle of the night
Skinny dipping
“What if my balls fall off or what if something bites them”
Falling asleep on the beach and waking up in time for the sunrise
You bump into your old college friends and they invite you to a beach party
You and shawn do shotguns and beer pongs ; maybe eat little amount of “brownies”
You and shawn get seperated at the party
You find shawn with a crowd cheering on him
He’s doing a keg chug and he’s so drunk
He’s screaming “YOLOOOOOOO”
Drunkly making out
You drunkly watch the fireworks
“I looove youuuu”
Pass out and wake up to your friends house
Spend the day in the beach just chilling, sunbathing
Burying shawn in the sand and ditching him
Pouring aloe vera all over shawn’s face
Watch this for visuals https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4e4e217pXrU
Camping out near the woods
You both have no clue on how to built a tent
Having a bonfire and melting marshmallows
He brings out his guitar and sings
“How do we have sex in a tent?”
“We can’t shawn you’re too goddamn big”
“Oh really… 😏”
Waking up to a beautiful breezy morning
Visiting a nice town, renting out a bed and breakfast
The old couple who owns the place admires the both of you because it reminds them of their younger selves
Sleepless night 😏
The old couple also has a sleepless night because they thought someone was getting murdered
“I hope that poor girl is alright”
Shawn’s smirking “oh she’s more than alright”
Kicking his leg under the table “OW”
Visiting an old vinyl shop
Going to the local bakery and trying out all their pies
Playing footsie under the table
“We need to wash our clothes. I’m running out of clothes to wear”
Fooling around in the laundry shop since you two are literally the only people there
You guys go to the weirdest museums
“What the fuck am i looking at”
Visiting a lake
Shawn paddling a boat and having that scene just like in the notebook
Also getting stuck in the middle of the lake because shawn has no sense of direction
Throwing popcorn at each other
Visiting more tourist spots
Last night before you go home you would just camp out in the middle of nowhere looking at the stars finding constellations and talking about your future together
“As long as you’re right beside me i’ll be fine wherever we are”
“Lots of kids. I don’t care how we’re gonna do it but i want a lot of kids”
trying out having sex in the back of the truck in the middle of nowhere
“I feel so exposed right now”
Falling asleep to shawn’s humming
Waking up and getting ready to go back home; long ass drive home
Passing out on your bed when you get home
Shawn takes a pic of you sleeping and keeps that polaroid whenever he’s away on tour; something to keep him by
“I love you so much”
“Thanks for the trip baby. We needed that”
“What can i say? YOLO bitch” “shawn” “sorry”
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