#warning: heavy shit
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callgespenst · 2 years ago
A week and a half ago, my old friend JJ passed away. He told me about his cancer diagnosis…I’m not sure when, I feel like it was only a couple months ago. Last I talked to him, he sounded like he wasn’t doing bad at all. He asked me to help his family out sorting through his collection, in the worst case scenario. And the turnaround on that was, much faster than I expected, than anyone expected, I’m sure. He had only just turned 41 a few months ago. I’ve known him for about twelve years. We went to college together, took Japanese together. His influence definitely helped shape me into the massive dweeb I am today.
I knew his family, was over at their house a few times, I also knew was his sister and her husband pretty well. Today, I came up to help out with the estate sale. I’ve been absolutely dreading coming here for the last week. This is the first time I had seen any of his family in at least three years, and everyone is understandably miserable, grieving, and trying to do all the stuff a situation like this demands as best they can. So far, at least, I don’t feel nearly as awkward as I thought I might, so that’s something.
Now, if you had asked me before today, I would have told you that JJ was quite the collector. Big fan of action figures, model kits, robot toys of all sorts, not to mention a wide selection of anime dvds and manga. But uh, he had -much- more than I thought he did. Between his bedroom, the basement, the storage unit down the road, there is, an almost unfathomable number of items. Many of them, by sheer dint of sitting around long enough since he purchased them, are now worth a small fortune. At the very least, with my assistance identifying many of the more niche items, selling them all will cover the expenses typically associated with dying, and hopefully also get everything to homes where they’ll be appreciated.
Before I came here, I went to the local hobby store, partly to buy a Qubeley for another friend of mine, but mostly to ask them, if they’d be willing to buy JJ’s backlog. They were nice enough to say yes, which is good, because selling model kits online is such a pain. Having someone buy the whole kit backlog without having to ship out all those big boxes will probably have the same net profit, with substantially less hassle. But somehow yet again, I drastically underestimated how much stuff he had lying around. The trunk of my car is almost full of 30 Minute Missions, Sisters, SMPs, and all sorts of other kits that were purchased, put in the basement, and never built. And somehow there’s still more. I don’t know if it’ll all fit in the trunk. But it has to, because the back seat is covered in boxes upon boxes of Star Wars, Marvel, and He-Man collectibles that I’ll be taking to another one of my local shops that deals in used toys.
The other day I was telling my mother about all this I was going to do today, just making conversation, letting her know what I’d be up to. She told me, very emphatically, that I was not to take anything home with me. In fact, she said I shouldn’t even bring any of the items the family asked me to resell into my house for any length of time. Which, even for my mother, is a really weird thing to say. I’ve already got enough stuff of my own, to be sure, but I set aside the SMP Layzner figures, since that was a show JJ and I watched together. (Not to mention, trying to sell built model kits is typically a fool’s errand. People want to build them theirselves!). If I can find them, I might also take the Armored Core kits he had me build ages ago, when I had no backlog and he wanted to customize the final product without the extra steps.
JJ had all this stuff, and almost none of it was out on display. He had one detolf in his bedroom with some nice scale figures, and everything else was in various sized plastic boxes. I think somehow this has actually made the process of sorting and identifying -more- difficult. Took an hour today to not only figure out which Nendoroid went with what accessories, but which display base was theirs. All we had to go off of was the copyright info on the back of the base, which was anywhere from somewhat to completely unhelpful, depending on how many kanji were involved.
We found a selection of animation cels under his bed. Lots of good stuff from good shows in there, it’s a shame they were left like that for who knows how long. Somehow, it was seeing a frame of Gije Zaral from Space Runaway Ideon that made me closer to breaking down crying than I had the rest of the day. Realizing that, I had finally finished watching Ideon, JJ’s all time favorite series, and never got to talk with him about it.
To summarize, I’m feeling a lot of wildly different emotions right now. Missing my friend, most strongly. He wasn’t religious, and most days I’m not either, but I hope he’s found his way into a pleasant afterlife, or at least an enjoyable isekai fantasy type deal. There’s definitely a twinge of “oh no, do /I/ own too much crap?” and some generalized world-weariness as well. But it’s not all bad. I got to pet a lot of cats today, and one of them snuggled with me for long enough that I think I’m wearing more cat hair than clothing now. And tomorrow, after some more sorting and pricing and organizing, I’ll head home and have a nice holiday weekend with my wife and some friends.
I’ve been typing for an hour and have no idea how to wrap this up. If anyone has actually read this far, thank you, it really does mean a lot. I hope you are also experiencing a fluffy cat and maybe a warm blanket. Here’s to a full night’s sleep because it’s way past my bedtime.
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yardsards · 1 year ago
people have brought up the difference between "this piece of media is good" vs "i like this piece of media". i would also like to mention the third axis "i would easily recommend this piece of media to others"
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iero · 2 months ago
Tissue sample from my procedure results came back! I have no cancer, but I DO have complex hyperplasia with atypia and Google is telling me that it's considered "pre-cancerous" (still a giant L!!!) and the only treatments are hormonal birth control to reverse it or Taking It All Out. Guess which one I will be fighting for...
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aleppothemushroom · 9 months ago
Meet the Heavy but he only says what's important
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desthebolt · 4 months ago
Are you still taking requests? If so, could you draw Anya or Curly from mouthwashing? I think they would look neat in your style! >u<
I’m not unfortunately, but i actually drew them like a few minutes ago so i guess im posting them bejdhdb
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geegers22 · 7 months ago
I watched Heavenly Delusion yesterday and…
Holy shit I need a mental health day just to unpack that. I’m at work right now absolutely failing to pay attention because this story is all I can think about.
I think I really must love fucked up media because this show grabbed me by the throat and did not let me go, and I loved every second of suffering. Same way AOT and CSM did.
Oh wow that was an experience and a half. I have a new favorite series and I’m going to read the manga next. I can not stress how good this show is but I can not in good conscience recommend it to anyone without a strong content warning.
If you can take it, please watch this underrated gem.
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z-h-i-e · 5 months ago
Just in time for Halloween.
Werewelves: Extended Edition
A Choose Your Own Elfventure story
There's even more twisted shit in this version.
The year is 465 FA, and your realm is in trouble. Your cousins have been guests for longer than you would like, and they are gaining favor in your court. Your adventure begins as you return from a hunt with Celegorm and Curufin, home to Nargothrond, where your valet listens to your concerns…but soon, there will be other perils for you to overcome. The decisions are yours to make, for you are…
​Finrod Felagund, King of Nargothrond.
The original version had 144 parts that equaled to 1002 possible combinations for a story. This version has more, and has some options I didn't have time to write for the original version. it took about four months to write the original; it took over two years to revamp it so that I didn't break vectors for the paths.
It splits off after the first few choices, and you can pick either the PG-13 version, or the so explicit we didn't have a rating for it version.
Enjoy. And, actually, what I mean is, don't enjoy, because this shit is creepy as fuck.
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cartoonkitten · 7 months ago
my thoughts on 200% wolf because i have a lot of jumbled thoughts after finally seeing it after waiting 2 years
i’m gonna tell you all right fucking now, that this movie is seriously so perfect and mind-blowing i’m not joking. it might be just me, considering a lot of outsider’s thoughts on it, which are now completely illogical to me cause i genuinely thought this movie was so fucking perfect in practically every way. like i’m shocked this comes from the same franchise i’ve been watching for 4 years (not in a mean way just in an insanely grateful way!!!)
OK I MUST ADDRESS THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM. THE ANIMATION IS JUST AS FANTASTIC AS IT IS ADVERTISED. LIKE seriously!!! they weren’t lying when they said it was pixar-level, because IT IS. the production value for the entire film is incredible enough, but the visuals are seriously impressive. they are off the charts good!!! the animation is so beautifully, fluid, rhythmic and have such a good flow to them that make everything so eye catching. the character acting and attention to details in it every movement is so well thought out and contributed to each character well. the slapstick, bounciness, and toony nature of it too make it sooo fun!!! like the trailers and clips were one thing, but getting to watch the entirety of it, you just really get immersed with out visual stunning it is. such a thing to behold!
another thing i gotta point out is the score and pacing, which go hand in hand to me. the pacing in this movie is actually so refreshing and it all flows well together, with the score only amplifying every scene (seriously, the score in this movie is insane!). i honestly didn’t think any scenes dragged out too-too long or went by too overwhelmingly fast. of course, with the visuals and everything else (and me being autistic for this franchise) it’s easy to be distracted otherwise, but still. i actually found that very satisfying. it also makes the action and other really good scenes all the more fascinating to see.
even the beginning of the movie automatically set me up for a breathtaking experience. the pan over the moon’s surface, the moonspirits’ theme and role, along with moopoo’s introduction. the establishment already made me excited— AND FREDDY’S NARRATION AT THE BEGINNING IS STILL FUNNY TO ME. hardcore awesomeness. AND ALSO that whole blimp rescuing scene is genuinely so good and fun to watch, like the slapstick and action are so good and funny and such an exciting start. and freddy and batty’s dynamic is still my most favorite beloved thing ever.
"it’s easy for you to say, you’re 100% wolf!" and still, freddy is actually the realest one in the room. HES TRYING HIS FUCKING BEST. disabled trans allegory real.
AND WHEN HE BECOMES A WOLF HES LITERALLY SO SILLY. HIS MONTAGE OF SILLINESS. also moopoo tries to eat a crow for some reason after pissing off freddy and it’s even sillier. AND AGAIN, THE HUMOR IN THIS MOVIE IS ACTUALLY INCREDIBLY GOOD. LIKE it’s genuinely funny and works so well, especially with the slapstick.
THEN TO THE DOGS. though they’ve weirdly became irrelevant especially after being retconned from the series, seeing them again here is.. honestly awesome! like they’re actually really funny and entertaining in this movie!! TWITCHY GROWING A SOFT SPOT FOR MOOPOO AND ACTUNG LIKE HIS MOM IS VERY CUTE. also the traveling scene on the buses was actually so funny. AND BATTY BEING AFRAID OF BATS IS ACTUALLY IRONICALLY SILLY, especially with her friendship with gar-gar later on, which i love by the way, their scenes are so blessed (also gar-gar is so cute i love him, he’s so somft. his name reminds me of gor-gor from gwar).
also this is so silly to me but i love when max makes freddy do a trust exercise and he attempts to do a trust fall and plummets on the ground and she’s like "what are you doing? no, go fucking kill those dogs"
moopoo starts to become vaguely corrupted with the earth magic that lies within that area. and it’s leaving me to theorize that it probably only, or at least predominantly, effects anything that is or comes from some form of moon magic. that’s just my idea. cause moopoo didn’t use and spells he just started becoming evil for no reason so, yeah, that’s what leads me to believe that.
as for more extensive character thoughts. max is actually an incredibly good villain. she’s insanely badass, intimidating charming, funny and vicious, yet there’s a level of nuance with her— which is kind of why i genuinely would’ve preferred had they redeemed her if i’m being honest. i dug her almost character turn around, because it honestly wouldn’t be too far from realistic to push her in that direction. in character context, her betrayal /does/ kinda still make sense, but also with the fact that she’s humbled herself over the years serving her consequences, and even vaguely accepting her difference, she still admittedly does acknowledge that, despite not deserving the treatment she initially got, she still did bad things that hurt innocent people, fronting defensively out of hate or corruption (arguably both). it probably wouldn’t have been a very drastic change to the plot had they had her fight them after being "betrayed" first, show that freddy can use the magic and overcome the corruptions. then have freddy confront her on how "you can’t force respect, and you can’t earn respect either if you hurt other people that could have," still implying how him and moopoo are misfits like her, and respect her enough to search for her help. having her confront what she’s been too scared to admit all along, and be able to combat corruption herself. then she pushes the moon back into place. freddy goes to help moopoo, who is presumably still being corrupted by all the magic being thrown around, and thus, the rest can continue how it did. although, i’d prefer max not be given her wolf form back like freddy did. let her state accepting her consequence and that she’ll take her time re-earning her respect again. if this all makes sense. that’s really my main idea for max, i just thought it would’ve been cool, and also a subversion compared to all the other villains.
another thing i wanted to talk about it how i appreciate how they worked with freddy’s character. anyone that knows me knows how heavily critical i am of the first movie (which makes this incredible movie feel like a fever dream), and especially how i feel about the writing surrounding, weirdly enough, freddy himself. it was all kinds of disappointing and underbaked with the message totally mixed up. to be honest, this movie take that same message and redoes it more considerably i reckon. freddy doesn’t get inherently villainized for unrealistic reasons, and he honestly feels even more in character in this movie. like freddy is such a good protagonist and i feel like this movie molds him into the most fitting and well thought out way for him. i greatly appreciate it.
there is probably more i will be talking about later, but this is what my main thoughts are. this movie is fucking amazing and i can’t believe it’s real i’m gonna cry
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red-n-stuff · 2 years ago
It’s sad boi hours so here we go with a headcannon for y’all, it’s pretty heavy so it’s under here. 👇
(Heed the tags folks)
CW: Mentioned Character Death, Character Aging, extestentialism of a vampire, suggested Romeo/Julietting (if you get the drift on that)
Sam takes every single moment he has with darlin and treasures it.
If there’s one thing he’s learned through the time he’s spent immortal, it’s the fact that delicate, lovely beautiful things die much too quickly.
His wolf is no exception.
As he closes his eyes and feels their breath under his hands as they sleep, and memorizes the lines of their face, he asks himself what comes after them. Wonders if there ever will be an after them. He can’t picture it, going back to an empty home and silent mornings.
He knows he has so much time left with them- the dawn of their first year together just barley creating the hill of what he dreams to be many, many fulfilling years. He treasures each moment- is thankful for every gift…but that doesn’t change the fact that one day he’s going to watch their hair turn grey- he’s going to watch their body fail them and he’s going to have to say goodbye and with how quickly the years have hurtled past him since his turning, he knows the cruel March of time will strip him bare again.
He has always been an over thinker- and This thought settles in the back of his mind and ossifies. Rising to the surface when he watches Vincent and his partner chase each-other through the trees, or when darlin gets sick, or when another brush of violence just creeps too close for comfort.
He holds them close while they sleep, and wonders what the world looks like for them in ten years time.
He couldn’t imagine asking them for their eternity- it’s hard to picture them without their shifting magic, but he couldn’t dream of a world without them. Would they want that? Would he? When he so steadfastly balked at the blood-drinking eternity staring back at him, could he really want that for the single person he loved more than anyone in the whole world?
Never again to run in the sun, or feel the wind on their fur? That didn’t feel much like his darlin. His sunlight.
Maybe, he thinks as he combs his fingers through their hair, it’s hard to know what they’d do. They were unpredictable- and always had a way of surprising him. And the future was so frought with unknowns it would be impossible to make a concrete decision now.
But maybe, one day, when his wolf was no longer there to hold, he’d stay up to watch the sunrise. Just one more time.
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transxfiles · 9 months ago
watching an indie film is all fun and games until o(--< wahg im gonna be a lil fucked up now
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sukunim · 1 year ago
Guess who hammered their leg NOT ONCE but twice
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scaryhagmother · 3 months ago
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Oh okay so yes that was all Ryan and Blake’s plan all along to cross promote and that fucking freak just changed it up afterward because he knew he was fucked for being a fucking creep and THAT’S why she wasn’t talk about the DV girl I’m SORRY
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10-59 · 4 months ago
arghhhh i don’t wanna go to campus and take this exam and then have to drive back through snow nooooooo
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magniloquent-raven · 6 months ago
Your mickey posting has gotten me to want to watch the show, I don’t have the streaming services for it tho, do you have a site you watched it on? Even if not, congrats for launching a very successful ad campaign for shameless
oh my god i got another one 😂
i honestly don't remember where i watched it actually, i just know i had to watch s11 on a different site than the first 10, but that was because i was watching it right after s11 aired.
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ubersaur · 1 year ago
Was talking to a friend abt loaning some anime dvds to rip to their data hoard and nw I'm thinking abt Planetes again cuz thats one of the series i have as dvds. Should rly rewatch that or read the manga cuz I know it's a fave but I can barely remember it cuz I binged it all v quickly sine years ago lmao
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goinghomecomic · 2 years ago
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INTERMISSION 1 - Meanwhile
Before we start though, I would like to warn that this section will contain topics of suicide ideation. Pages with this subject matter will be tagged with “sui //” and “suicide ideation //” for easy blocking.
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