#And the fact you read it in second person as Finrod Felagund
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z-h-i-e · 5 months ago
Just in time for Halloween.
Werewelves: Extended Edition
A Choose Your Own Elfventure story
There's even more twisted shit in this version.
The year is 465 FA, and your realm is in trouble. Your cousins have been guests for longer than you would like, and they are gaining favor in your court. Your adventure begins as you return from a hunt with Celegorm and Curufin, home to Nargothrond, where your valet listens to your concerns…but soon, there will be other perils for you to overcome. The decisions are yours to make, for you are…
​Finrod Felagund, King of Nargothrond.
The original version had 144 parts that equaled to 1002 possible combinations for a story. This version has more, and has some options I didn't have time to write for the original version. it took about four months to write the original; it took over two years to revamp it so that I didn't break vectors for the paths.
It splits off after the first few choices, and you can pick either the PG-13 version, or the so explicit we didn't have a rating for it version.
Enjoy. And, actually, what I mean is, don't enjoy, because this shit is creepy as fuck.
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niennathegrey · 7 years ago
Top 10 Husbandos
Rules: list your top 10 husbandos (as in fictional characters from tv shows, video games, and/or anime), and then tag people)
(Thanks for the tag, @snowywarriors! I’m sorry it’s so late--I’ve gotten pretty bad at keeping up with tag games lately. I’ll try to do better next time!) 
10. TIE: Finrod Felagund // Maglor (The Silmarillion)
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(Credit: “Finrod” by ilxwing // “Maglor” by ilxwing )
I honestly can’t choose between them. I love Finrod because he’s quite possibly the nicest person in the entire book, and I will never not be sad about his death. I love Maglor because even after all the horrors of the First Age, he still had enough light left in him to show kindness to - and grow to love - Elrond and Elros.  
9. Frodo Baggins (Lord of the Rings) 
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Aragorn, Faramir, Boromir, Legolas, etc. are all well and good--but I like Frodo the most because he’s the most like me. He’s bookish, I’m bookish. He’s a hobbit, I’m a hobbit in all but size. He brought the Ring to Mount Doom when almost no one thought he could (yes, he had Sam’s help, BUT STILL)? That’s pretty uplifting to read for someone Doing Her Best™.  
8. Haku (Spirited Away)
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My dad introduced me to Studio Ghibli when I was… about 10, I think? And Spirited Away was the first one I remember watching. It’s been one of my favorite movies ever since then, and yeah, I did go through a short but pretty intense crush on Haku. I still have a soft spot for him, even now.
7. Peter Pan (Disney)
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I think this Peter was my very first childhood crush. I wanted him to take me to Neverland so much, and I used to look out my window at night and try to find the second star on the right. I love the 2003 movie, but I’ll always have a soft spot for the Disney version.
6. Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars)
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My first clear Star Wars memories were of the prequels, and I remember always being more interested in Obi-Wan than Anakin. Add in the fact that I recently finished the Mandalore arc in my ongoing The Clone Wars watch (shout-out to @bistormtrooper, @fernandabarrera, and @tarrkin!) and you have one (1) more confirmed Obi-Wan stan. 
5. Itachi Uchiha (Naruto)
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I had it really bad for Itachi in my early teens. I found it fascinating how this stock Stoic Evil Brother™ actually had all this honor and altruism(? principle? selflessness?) and capacity for love and attachment buried way deep down.
4. Peter Pevensie (The Chronicles of Narnia)
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The second Hot Older Brother (and second Peter!) on this list. He’s another adolescent crush that I still have a soft spot for today. I loved how deeply he cared about his siblings, and about Narnia and Aslan.
3. Robb Stark (Game of Thrones)
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The third Hot Older Brother on the list. I loved that he never wanted the Iron Throne—only justice for Ned, Sansa, and Arya, and independence for the North. (I should probably mention that my love for Robb stems from the show—I’ve only read the first book, but I do plan to read the rest eventually.) Needless to say, I was a wreck after the Red Wedding.
2. Bucky Barnes (Marvel)
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[inarticulate T-rex noises] Bucky is a good man who was made to do bad things and wants to atone for them, even if he feels he can’t possibly. How could I not love a man who’s that fundamentally good?
1. Steve Rogers (Marvel)
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I have MANY FEELINGS about this man. But I’ll give you the tl;dr version of the gushing and just say that he’s (obviously) one of the fictional characters I love and admire the most. Seeing him onscreen just makes me feel safe and warm. 
(As you can see, I definitely have a type. Or two.)
Tagging @stark, @chewbacca, @apawcalypsemeow, @usethehorseluke, @fernandabarrera, @carrie-reylo, @dmhnllgleeson, @reyssolo, @stvrmbreaker, and @spaceamazon!
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