cartoonkitten · 28 days
my thoughts on 200% wolf because i have a lot of jumbled thoughts after finally seeing it after waiting 2 years
i’m gonna tell you all right fucking now, that this movie is seriously so perfect and mind-blowing i’m not joking. it might be just me, considering a lot of outsider’s thoughts on it, which are now completely illogical to me cause i genuinely thought this movie was so fucking perfect in practically every way. like i’m shocked this comes from the same franchise i’ve been watching for 4 years (not in a mean way just in an insanely grateful way!!!)
OK I MUST ADDRESS THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM. THE ANIMATION IS JUST AS FANTASTIC AS IT IS ADVERTISED. LIKE seriously!!! they weren’t lying when they said it was pixar-level, because IT IS. the production value for the entire film is incredible enough, but the visuals are seriously impressive. they are off the charts good!!! the animation is so beautifully, fluid, rhythmic and have such a good flow to them that make everything so eye catching. the character acting and attention to details in it every movement is so well thought out and contributed to each character well. the slapstick, bounciness, and toony nature of it too make it sooo fun!!! like the trailers and clips were one thing, but getting to watch the entirety of it, you just really get immersed with out visual stunning it is. such a thing to behold!
another thing i gotta point out is the score and pacing, which go hand in hand to me. the pacing in this movie is actually so refreshing and it all flows well together, with the score only amplifying every scene (seriously, the score in this movie is insane!). i honestly didn’t think any scenes dragged out too-too long or went by too overwhelmingly fast. of course, with the visuals and everything else (and me being autistic for this franchise) it’s easy to be distracted otherwise, but still. i actually found that very satisfying. it also makes the action and other really good scenes all the more fascinating to see.
even the beginning of the movie automatically set me up for a breathtaking experience. the pan over the moon’s surface, the moonspirits’ theme and role, along with moopoo’s introduction. the establishment already made me excited— AND FREDDY’S NARRATION AT THE BEGINNING IS STILL FUNNY TO ME. hardcore awesomeness. AND ALSO that whole blimp rescuing scene is genuinely so good and fun to watch, like the slapstick and action are so good and funny and such an exciting start. and freddy and batty’s dynamic is still my most favorite beloved thing ever.
"it’s easy for you to say, you’re 100% wolf!" and still, freddy is actually the realest one in the room. HES TRYING HIS FUCKING BEST. disabled trans allegory real.
AND WHEN HE BECOMES A WOLF HES LITERALLY SO SILLY. HIS MONTAGE OF SILLINESS. also moopoo tries to eat a crow for some reason after pissing off freddy and it’s even sillier. AND AGAIN, THE HUMOR IN THIS MOVIE IS ACTUALLY INCREDIBLY GOOD. LIKE it’s genuinely funny and works so well, especially with the slapstick.
THEN TO THE DOGS. though they’ve weirdly became irrelevant especially after being retconned from the series, seeing them again here is.. honestly awesome! like they’re actually really funny and entertaining in this movie!! TWITCHY GROWING A SOFT SPOT FOR MOOPOO AND ACTUNG LIKE HIS MOM IS VERY CUTE. also the traveling scene on the buses was actually so funny. AND BATTY BEING AFRAID OF BATS IS ACTUALLY IRONICALLY SILLY, especially with her friendship with gar-gar later on, which i love by the way, their scenes are so blessed (also gar-gar is so cute i love him, he’s so somft. his name reminds me of gor-gor from gwar).
also this is so silly to me but i love when max makes freddy do a trust exercise and he attempts to do a trust fall and plummets on the ground and she’s like "what are you doing? no, go fucking kill those dogs"
moopoo starts to become vaguely corrupted with the earth magic that lies within that area. and it’s leaving me to theorize that it probably only, or at least predominantly, effects anything that is or comes from some form of moon magic. that’s just my idea. cause moopoo didn’t use and spells he just started becoming evil for no reason so, yeah, that’s what leads me to believe that.
as for more extensive character thoughts. max is actually an incredibly good villain. she’s insanely badass, intimidating charming, funny and vicious, yet there’s a level of nuance with her— which is kind of why i genuinely would’ve preferred had they redeemed her if i’m being honest. i dug her almost character turn around, because it honestly wouldn’t be too far from realistic to push her in that direction. in character context, her betrayal /does/ kinda still make sense, but also with the fact that she’s humbled herself over the years serving her consequences, and even vaguely accepting her difference, she still admittedly does acknowledge that, despite not deserving the treatment she initially got, she still did bad things that hurt innocent people, fronting defensively out of hate or corruption (arguably both). it probably wouldn’t have been a very drastic change to the plot had they had her fight them after being "betrayed" first, show that freddy can use the magic and overcome the corruptions. then have freddy confront her on how "you can’t force respect, and you can’t earn respect either if you hurt other people that could have," still implying how him and moopoo are misfits like her, and respect her enough to search for her help. having her confront what she’s been too scared to admit all along, and be able to combat corruption herself. then she pushes the moon back into place. freddy goes to help moopoo, who is presumably still being corrupted by all the magic being thrown around, and thus, the rest can continue how it did. although, i’d prefer max not be given her wolf form back like freddy did. let her state accepting her consequence and that she’ll take her time re-earning her respect again. if this all makes sense. that’s really my main idea for max, i just thought it would’ve been cool, and also a subversion compared to all the other villains.
another thing i wanted to talk about it how i appreciate how they worked with freddy’s character. anyone that knows me knows how heavily critical i am of the first movie (which makes this incredible movie feel like a fever dream), and especially how i feel about the writing surrounding, weirdly enough, freddy himself. it was all kinds of disappointing and underbaked with the message totally mixed up. to be honest, this movie take that same message and redoes it more considerably i reckon. freddy doesn’t get inherently villainized for unrealistic reasons, and he honestly feels even more in character in this movie. like freddy is such a good protagonist and i feel like this movie molds him into the most fitting and well thought out way for him. i greatly appreciate it.
there is probably more i will be talking about later, but this is what my main thoughts are. this movie is fucking amazing and i can’t believe it’s real i’m gonna cry
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Lobotomy corp tonight at 7pm PST /9pm EST! (I an hour and a half!)
Will we be able to close out the finale tonight?
art by the lovely @sistermurcie who will be joining me!
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kalivasquezart · 5 months
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a change in you
part 1 // part 2 // [part 3]
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coralloid · 2 months
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Some parallels I've noticed between Paris, Texas (1984) and Disco Elysium (2019)
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birdmitosis · 10 months
I've mentioned it before, but Voice of the Cold fascinates me and I really keep wanting to pick at his character until I figure him out better, so this is my attempt to do that. (Pretty long essay under the cut!)
There are a few things about Cold's character that really stand out to me, and it's because he's very much a contradictory person. This isn't true of all the Voices; some of them are them all the way through, though there are some others who break out of what you'd expect from them (Contrarian and Paranoid being the most obvious examples, but also Hero, Smitten, and Skeptic IMO). Cold, though. All the way through, he is consistent, but what he is is consistently… odd. "Stop feeling anything" is basically his motto, and honestly a lot of his dialogue circles that concept. He makes it clear that he thinks the best thing, the only logical thing to do in fact, is to just stop feeling what their physical body feels and to stop feeling emotion while they're at it. The former, at least, he does seem 100% on top of, not at all bothered by anything physical that ever happens while he's present -- whether it's having their heart ripped out, their ankle snapped and twisted, or being drowned or burned to death. But even with physical sensation, there's something odd about Cold. For someone who's like "stop feeling what it feels" about the body, Cold's response to The Grey trying to kill them is consistent across both chapters, no matter you choices to get there or your choices while there:
(IMO, Cold sounds noticeably more interested in response to The Drowned Grey; I personally think this might be explained by the fact that he at least theoretically understands what the process of burning to death should feel like, as he explains to the others that the pain will stop when they don't have nerves anymore, but he has no equivalent words of wisdom about the drowning experience.) Following on from this is the way Cold responds to The Razor, where he gets a tone that is… not unique but rare for him:
These are, as near as I can tell, the three times in the game when Cold registers interest in the sensations of having a physical form. They're in response to immensely unpleasant sensations, or at least what Cold imagines to be such, and it seems like the less he can imagine it, the more intrigued he is: He sort of knows about what the body goes through when burning to death, he seems unfamiliar with what it would feel like when drowning but could probably imagine it at least a little, and the Razor just fucking exploding due to blades twisting from under her skin and erupting out until the only thing left of her is her heart is something that a human being (or rather a bird person) could not ever actually experience themself and could probably barely even imagine. So he can tune into what his body is feeling, or he would like to be able to at least in certain circumstances. (Negative ones! Cold please!!) So let's veer away from physical sensation into feeling emotion. Because Cold is imo fascinating in this respect. Cold is a complete contradiction when it comes to emotional shit. It is wild and I absolutely love it actually? He says he doesn't feel emotions and repeatedly advises that the best thing is to stop feeling emotions, particularly in The Moment of Clarity but also in The Grey chapters.
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(I'll return to that last screenshot later…) He's not emotionless, though. He has an understated emotional effect, might not feel emotions as strongly naturally as others, and he's very good at letting go of something when, for example, a preference he states doesn't happen or an action he tries to take doesn't work, but… Remember how I said above that the tone he gets in response to The Razor is "not unique but rare for him"? Well, the other time he does it, I first interpreted as being about him anticipating violence. But I don't think that's quite it. I think that of two major times he gets that tone of voice, one is in response to imagining a physical sensation, but the other is in response to the threat/promise of an emotional one:
This clip is a bit longer than the others (like 30 seconds instead of 5-10 seconds), but you can see what I mean, right? When Smitten is just threatening violence or killing them again, Cold is completely blasé about it in his usual way; it's the "I'll make you feel what I feel if it's the last thing I do" part that seems to make Cold suddenly get… intense. (Which is an emotion in and of itself, or at least is inherently a, well, an intensifier of an emotion, so like. Again, Cold please.) But while that's the most obvious, notable moment, there are a lot of moments where it's obvious that Cold… does feel things, if again in an understated way.
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(Thank you so much to @butwhosgonnafindhim for the last two screenshots, from this amazing post which shows even more interesting context!) There are also so many times he talks (quite negatively!) about some things being boring, implying that he does feel boredom, and/or something that isn't boredom when there's a new experience:
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…And also too many times for me to share screenshots where he's just not letting comments from the other characters pass unremarked-on, needling them if not outright goading them, totally unnecessarily; this is most obvious in The Burned Grey chapter with The Smitten, but also with both Paranoid and Cheated if you choose to jump into the abyss with The Wraith. The thing is, Cold is also inconsistent when it comes to the other characters in a way that really interests me. He needles them, talks about not listening to them (though I want to revisit this in a minute), if you choose to reassure the Voices in front of the mirror if he's there, he even says "You don't have to comfort them." (Sorry I can't find a screenshot of this, I've been looking for ages!) But over and over again in various routes, he also repeatedly tries to advise the characters on how not to be broken down by physical or emotional pain:
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(I also noted in another post that in The Wraith route he straight-up says, as shown above, "let's throw the Narrator into a place that never ends and see what that does to him" but then if Paranoid is the other Voice with them and they go with Paranoid's plan to toss yourself into the abyss, when Paranoid gets elated that it worked Cold just has to chime in with a comment basically implying it's silly to prefer this outcome over any other:
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Which I like in and of itself but he also does stuff like this kind of a lot as you can see.) (And also thank you for these screenshots, @phospolipid-bilayer!) (And can I also just make a small aside that there are fascinating implications in the phrasing of "if you can tolerate joy"?) I want to wrap this up before it goes on too much longer, but there are three last things I want to cover quickly that I think are other fascinating facets of his character. First, very quickly, I would like to note that Cold is both espousing an absolutely useful way of dealing with horrific situations if you can actually manage it, but is also advising it far beyond the point where it's useful and the usefulness of his approach is limited even in the very specific circumstances that the Protagonist and the Voices are in.
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It's not just Hunted and Contrarian making some vague note about a shared experience you can't remember, though; consistently, Cold underestimates threats and is as likely to suggest a course of action that will get you killed as one that won't. Try to kill The Spectre, let The Spectre possess you and let her leave, let The Spectre possess you and stab yourself, just let The Wraith possess you and see what happens… half of those end in death, and in The Razor and The Grey chapters, his advice in the end boils down to "we're going to die, just accept it." While his lack of feeling can be of great use to push through situations, it's not so helpful when he isn't placing any value on survival at all, and that's only not a disastrous trait for him to have because everyone's trapped in a place where death doesn't stick. And now let's look back at The Moment of Clarity. All the Voices in The Moment of Clarity are shattered. This is obvious all throughout the chapter, where they're confused and have for the most part given up; they've been broken down and while they certainly aren't numb the way Cold talks about, they've been numbed and worn down in a lot of ways. It's most obvious in the mirror scene at the end of the chapter, how none of them are afraid anymore of what feels to them like the end in a very final way. But Cold doesn't seem very different, not through the chapter and not in front of the mirror. Right? He's never bothered by the mirror (IIRC he's the only one!) and he's always talking about how the other Voices need to stop feeling. But I think he is, actually. I think he broke too, and I think Cold breaking takes the form of him actually shutting out the other Voices. His trauma response in The Moment of Clarity is the most subtle, but I think it proves that he usually does care -- in The Moment of Clarity, by the time you come back to yourself and everyone is there (and has been there many, many, many times already), he just can't anymore.
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Nowhere else in the game is he quite like this. In front of the mirror every other time, he either tells the Protagonist that they don't need to reassure the other Voices, or if the Protagonist decides to tell the Voices it's the end for them he tells the Protag that he wouldn't have told them Voices that/would have kept that to himself. When the mirror is actually approached, where the other Voices usually have some fearful dialogue, I'm pretty sure Cold is always silent. This lack of care, this level of coldness, is actually unusual for him, and is specifically associated with the one chapter where all the Voices have been traumatized and broken down. And I think that actually says a lot about him. (And that line about thinking he was special is also unique, only coming up if you don't do anything and let the world unravel in The Moment of Clarity chapter... I'm not sure what to make of that one, though.) Finally... just... what?
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(I said we'd return to that screenshot! 🥳) But you all see what I'm getting at here, right? The former makes the most immediate sense, at least to me. The Voices are shards of the Long Quiet, and I theorize that they're sort of the equivalent of how the Princess changes completely; the Long Quiet can't change the way the Shifting Mound can, but has a part of her in them, so when her perception of them starts to change them a piece just breaks off instead. Whatever is happening, though, the Voices sprang into being the way they are, defined by their descriptions. It makes sense, then, that Cold has always been the way that he is; he comes into being in a very specific way and with a very specific identity and personality. But the latter... That has some potentially interesting implications. It's the "trust me" at the end; it makes it sound like he has experience with this, doesn't it? So is he simply talking about what the Protagonist went through when he was created, implying that this is how he was created (or how he sees it)? Or is he acknowledging that he is in fact trying to stop his own feelings, because he wants to, because there's something about them that makes him want them to stop? That would potentially work with the rest of this analysis, with Cold's inconsistencies and subtle shows of emotion (and, uh, occasional less subtle ones). Including him talking about "tolerating joy." (And even The Wraith's choice of words: "you think you are numb" but "you are hopeless and paranoid.") TL;DR... There's a lot to this particular Voice, and hopefully actually writing all this out will quiet my brain down some!
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adahlenan · 5 months
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        “ what you are, I was; what I am, you will be ”
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neon-entity · 6 months
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1.7 Alton gifs!
Just when I thought he couldn't get cuter, they gave him so much spunk in these new animations 🧡
So here are some gifs I made! I may post more in the future (I was hoping to record his zap hit animation) but these are what I have for now. Free to use, no need to credit me.
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thisisxli · 3 months
𝐓𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭. - 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮 𝐆.
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Rs: Satoru Gojo x gn!reader (amab/afab/no implied gender)
warnings: denial of feelings, unrequited love almost, rejection, grief, weaponizing, major deaths, ANGST, manga spoilers
Tags: right person/wrong place or not enough time, realizes things too late, VERY little fluff if you squint, Satoru is head over heels for reader, Satoru is kind, Reader is shitty with feelings
Summary: You refuse to be swayed by the one whom they call 'the strongest.' That is until you realized you were truly too late.
wc: 0.7k
recommended song:
a/n: if you enjoyed this work, you can read more by visiting my Masterlist. :) made inspired by my poll post!
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To say you didn't like Gojo was an understatement. In fact, it wasn't true at all. But you were scared and you knew that. You knew that him being the strongest lures in a lot of curses. And you never knew when you were gonna die either; so every time he asked you out, you declined. Every. Single. Time. Of course, there were times where you... have warmed up to him. At some points. He even made you laugh a little. But you remember that the world you live in wasn't normal. It was cruel.
"(Y/N), I got a mission assigned to me and I might need your help-" "no. I know what you're trying to do and it's not working."
Even if it were the smallest things he'd ask for, you would refuse to do so or even help him in the slightest. To sum it all up, you were awfully rude and blunt towards the white-haired man.
Even if it was him being sealed away, Nanami dying, and Sukuna about destroying the whole city of Shibuya. You completely shut yourself off from Jujutsu society and everyone else, you were simply a coward. A traitor some would say. A scoundrel. You couldn't even bring yourself to talk to Itadori who you knew needed more comfort than you did.
You spent your time wallowing away, a uneasy feeling in your stomach when you catch yourself reminiscing Gojo. You can't help but look for him in the crowd, turning your head when you catch people with similar colognes, and blue eyes. But none were him. And yet, you kept telling yourself you didn't care about him. He didn't know you. Not like that at least. And you didn't know him; you two were simply just strangers. You didn't want a single thing to do with him, you told yourself.
Your knees nearly started to buckle when you hear he had been released, immediately going into battle in the upcoming fight. Of course, you were there to witness it. To catch his lingering gaze on you. To catch his toothy smile. It felt like it had been such a long time since you've seen him, only though it's been almost a month.
"Nonsense!" You shout, slamming your fist on a table with tears threatening to spill over your cheeks. You were absolutely opposed to their newfound plan for if 'Gojo lost' against Sukuna. Like hell you would ever let these fuckers use him up like that! Not like how Geto was used- you couldn't. Not him. Especially not him. You didn't even know why you were protesting, watching his face turn into a look into surprise filled you with embarrassment along with others' deafening silence in the room. Luckily, Yuta had the exact same idea. "As if! Ridiculous! The audacity! To use that man after all we used of him already?!?!" A few head shakes at your words, looking away to avoid your gaze. They understood you but everyone, even you knew it had to be done. "What about Gojo-sensei?! Gojo-sensei isn't important?! Haven't we all kept on pushing him to become a monster of his own??! If he's gone, it has to be someone else..! If no one else will, then I will become one!" Yuta declared.
You were surprised to say at the least. Your protests were heard through and through. But they didn't listen, no, not at all. Even Yuta went through with it. There wasn't much you both could've done but sit there and let things happen.
Not once did Gojo say one word to you after he was unsealed. Before he went into battle, he gave you a prideful smirk and winked at you before giving you a softer look just as he left. Now there was something nagging you. What was it? And then, you knew.
You knew when you saw his dead body laid flat on a metal table covered by thin cushioned paper. Yuta was dying soon too. You knew what had to be done and you knew how you truly felt now and what you needed to do a long time ago. "Satoru!" You sob your heart out as Yuta was being talked through, soon to be operated with Gojo. "I love you, I love you so much! I'm sorry," you cling onto his cold bloody hands before feeling him slip through your fingers, your hands weakly reaching out to his dead body being escorted out the door by Shoko, "don't leave me."
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a/n: sorry if I didn't do too well with the ending here. I still hope you enjoyed it :)
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roostercrowned · 2 months
I'm almost done with the first book of the Dragon Prince trilogy by Melanie Rawn (which I'd been curious about FOR DECADES because one of the covers features a favorite Michael Whelan painting that I had in tasseled bookmark form as a kid) and I'm having some Same Hat moments with RotE
WE GOT 1. magic that involves psychic communication over long distances 2. Fantasy Drugs 3. Evil Seduction Scene that ends in attempted throttling 4. out of control breeding kink stuff in the guise of royal succession plotting 5. enjoyable supporting characters (I really like Tobin and Chay) 6. stronger-than-expected sense of character interiority for the time and genre (Hobb is still the best but I've been pleasantly surprised here) I didn't care for the protagonists much at first but now that she's really put them through the blender I'm like yes! yes!! Sweet suffering! Writhe, children!!!!!
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everypaneloftenya · 3 months
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Chapter 26 - Chase Down The Leader
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whumpypepsigal · 2 years
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Wedding Season (Hulu) s01e05: “You all right, mate?”
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choccy-zefirka · 1 year
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"You look like us now!"
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re-alter · 2 years
What the actual fuck
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fairyjiu · 2 months
Finished season 3 of Sweet Home like ‘glad that's over with’. What a disappointment.
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catsarewitches · 1 year
massive trigger warning for suicidal ideation and mention of a suicide attempt
but ed choosing to wear the cravat stede gave him the day they met specifically on what he hoped was his last day on earth. this show saying in no uncertain terms that if even just one person loves you, life is worth living and that you remain worthy of that love even at your worst. when not that long ago, i had put on my favorite outfit and walked to a bridge in hopes of jumping.
i don’t think i even have the words for what this show means to me
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neonpigeons · 1 year
watching edward babygirl teach being insane and mentally ill and being like "aha wow he's so relatable" and then you realize. you too are insane and mentally ill, actually
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