#warning sign series
connorswhisk · 7 days
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luke and daryl, first kiss
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yeetlegay · 7 months
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Not 20 minutes into ep 1 of The Sign and god has already granted me this buxomous green flag 🙏
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heretherebedork · 9 months
I just want to put a big warning on part 3/5 for episode 5 of The Sign for a suicide video including a shot of hanging feet. It's a very deeply emotional video about being failed by the justice system and wanting to see things made right but simply not being able to be there to do that.
The video and watching of the video starts at around the 12 minute mark and goes to 13:30, ending on her feet.
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iguessitsjustme · 8 months
Screenshots because I don't have the spoons to gif.
Babe getting his Sense back:
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2. Night asking Day what he did:
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3. Blue's dad asking if he's a faggot when he was just a child:
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4. "Betrayal friend!":
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5. Mhok finally admitting his pain and guilt:
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6. Mhok getting left to cry alone:
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7. Namkhing being abandoned:
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8. Tharn outside the ER:
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9. Alan finding Babe watching Charlie's accident:
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10. Blue's suicide note:
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11. Tharn getting blamed for not protected Phaya:
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12. "He's still warm":
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samdeancrimespree · 5 months
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idk whose post this is originally and i know this moment was kinda played for laughs in-show but like. they are good enough at hunting animals to find and kill food to eat on a new fucking planet.
they are …. So calm in this situation. they each have their tasks and jobs and they complete them in an orderly fashion, barely even having to talk, like they have a routine for being alone in the middle of the woods. we don’t ever see them doing this, but they must’ve done it before.
at which age do you think john winchester decided his sons needed to learn how to fend for themselves in the Real World and left them in the woods with bows and arrows and knives and said “i’ll be back in 4 days.” cause i’m gonna say 10 and 14? dean might’ve been out on his own before that, with the vague excuse of “training” given to sam to explain his brothers 2 day absence. it was a semi-frequent, maybe quarterly thing throughout their childhoods. obviously not on a Schedule so they never knew when to expect it, but they were always kind of waiting for it. it was just A Thing They Did, just like everything else. a way to prove they were retaining all their training. this was the winchester version of a camping trip. for the first couple years, sam didn’t even know this wasn’t what camping normally meant. he just knew he really hated camping.
one time, john got distracted by a hunt and left them in the alaskan wilderness in october for almost two weeks. one time, john forgot it was sam’s birthday and dean spent any spare time he had looking for cool rocks and leaves to give sam, and promised he’d give him his real presents when they got back. one time, dean got attacked by a goddamn cougar in colorado and sam patched him up and wondered what the tentative friends he had made last week were learning in their tenth grade class. and he hated john but almost cried with relief when he came to get them. dean did almost all the hunting because the very first camping trip, sammy shot a rabbit in the leg and sobbed as it slowly bled to death, and dean never wanted to see that type of anguish again. he hated killing the animals too, but he could do it, because sammy had to eat. he knew john would question it if sam hadn’t improved his skills, so they would set up makeshift archery ranges to practice. and in his reports to john, dean would always give half the kills to sam.
over time, as they got more skilled, john would give them less and less supplies, until at the end they only had a couple weapons each, rope, matches, and a first aid kit. and bobby thought when the boys spent one summer building a fort but refusing the tools he offered them, they were finally being regular kids.
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silverraes · 9 months
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not a single coherent thought left in my brain, all I know is screaming about phayatharn
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jjsanguine · 9 months
Tharn: don't run off on your own. You almost died
Phaya: but I didn't. and like if it's my time it's my time so stop nagging
Tharn, vice grip on Phaya's collar: don't let me hear you mention your death again
Mayris, in the background: 👀🏳️‍🌈?
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pickletrip · 9 months
The plot is plotting.
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But your parents gave you to the Abbot to extend your life & try to change your destiny. That is why you're still alive today. But young man, I warn you. You must look out for those whom you've wronged in the past life. They are very near. They are coming to take your life.
Totally not ominous. His personal life and professional life are all about dying.
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Believe me. Phaya doesn't want to be anywhere but with Tharn. So, rest assured, he'll do his best to be a nuisance to Tharn.
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Well well well. That old granny is whoever this is. I have no idea who this is supposed to be, but at least she is on Tharn's side. MDL says she is a mysterious woman. Yes, I agree. Mysterious indeed.
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forkaround · 10 months
This is a pet peeve really but it's so annoying when I see 'Naga' in The Sign fandom. Coz I know people are out there pronouncing it Naga (and people do write it Naga in English) when it's actually Nag. Maybe Thailand does it different, idk. It's so abrasive on the tongue.
A Nag is a snake. Naga is naked.
Come to think of it, who knows if other people are pronouncing it Naga, with aa sounds. They could just be using ae sounds, or ea sounds.
And it's the same with Rama, it's Ram. But then again Thailand could do it differently.
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spicyvampire · 7 months
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Yeah i'm sure u heard about it that fast cuz u have someone who told you and not cuz u were right in the middle of causing it
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ohmerricat · 7 months
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generational hauntings. in fear of becoming the man your father was and failing to be a hero you fail to become anything at all
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keepthetension · 10 months
quick note about the sign
you know how studios often put their names on things in their shows? like characters in copy a shows use copy a bank, stuff like that?
the sign is made by idolfactory, which gets shortened to idf. and this is on the backs of their combat uniforms. like, it's on there super clearly
maybe skip this show if you don't want to see that
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longsleevelaceration · 2 months
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megamindsupremacy · 1 year
shoutout to my WIP spreadsheet for being the only thing holding my entire writing process together. I do not know how I functioned in the dark days before I had this thing. Gaze upon my incomprehensible notes and weird names I give my fics before posting them
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(and credit to @profoundalpacakitten for making the spreadsheet template! and doing all of the hard work coding this thing!)
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sunshinerotting · 1 year
boston did nothing wrong ever actually
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sevenredscugs · 2 years
Atop the shell of a broken city, a small, white-and-tan speckled creature crawled through the remains.
The others called it the Sentry, and as with all the other members of its colony, it bore Sings in Silence's - the Caretaker's - mark proudly above its head. It had been raised here - not all were. As social as slugcats were, there was usually some limit to a colony's size. Living space, risk of predation, the deepening pit of hunger as more mouths opened to feed... but here? Here, in their nest atop the clouds, they welcomed any with fat tails and slick fur... and some, even, without.
Many slugcats who had climbed to their colony from the surface tended to come in odd shapes, with odder talents. The Caretaker only told them that the strangers had other caretakers, ones they didn't seem to feel any need to return to.
Sentry liked it here. Why, if the strangers had come from other caretakers, had they risked the predators and floodwaters to come here? It had gone down to the surface before, along with a small group of its kin, when Caretaker had given them a mission.
Had the others been on missions?
Why had they not returned where they came from?
Did they... not like their caretakers?
The slugcat scrabbled across a small overhang, jumping and grabbing onto an exposed piece of metal. It wasn't the greatest thing to attempt to hold on to, but it was practiced - with little effort, it hauled itself up, atop the edge of a wall.
A light green overseer flickered out of a crack in the ground, its unblinking eye stared straight at the slugcat. Sentry tilted its head, then cast its gaze off into the distance.
The clouds around its home roiled and bounded like a swarm of angry lizards, dark and heavy as they always were at the end of the cycle. Further in the distance, it could see where numerous metal shapes broke through the cloud cover. The homes of other caretakers, it knew-- the blocky spires of their own nests stretching high into the sky.
What was it about here... and not there?
Sentry's attention jolted away from the horizon as the familiar shape of the overseer's projection flashed repeatedly in front of its face. It leaned back-- it had been leaning forward? It leaned back to get a better look at the picture.
A simple red circle, flashing again and again as the overseer wobbled almost frantically. The projection fizzled... and then a different one was displayed before it. An image of torrential rain, and rising floodwaters.
It knew the meaning well.
One of its ears flicked back, and it gave a soft and hopefully reassuring churr as it reached out to patpat the overseer on the 'head,' causing the image to fizzle out again. The thing continued to wiggle and wobble, almost like a worried pup.
Seeing no reason to stress the Caretaker further, Sentry promptly turned and hopped down from the wall, setting off towards where the rest of its colony was staying. It had no intentions of climbing down to the surface...
Not with the rains about to start, at any rate.
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