#warhammer troll
conniemb · 8 months
Really tempted to make a troll army for the old world but idk how viable it actually is with the greenskins battletome not being out yet. I've also been like super curious as to whether or not throgg and the chaos trolls are gonna make a comeback when chaos warriors come out cuz that'd be fucking awesome like maybe an updated throgg model or even a reprint of the original would be insane. It's really cool to see the old troll models come back but honestly after getting a 3D printer I'm really struggling to justify GWs price point cuz it's so much cheaper to 3D print. I've found some awesome models for a troll army online too but now I'm just trying to decide do I use them for an old world troll army if that's viable or a funky gloomspite gitz trugg army.
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indigo-scribbles · 7 months
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POV: there's laundry day on ship but nobody told you...
Marazhai is a gremlin, confirmed...
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I love this bug, it's hillarious :D
Also Dadelard spotted
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ao3-anonymous · 7 months
Fastest Growing Fandoms on AO3 This Week (02/20/2024)
Every week I pull data on how many fics are in each fandom and compare to the previous week, then calculate the percentage increase to determine fastest growing fandoms.  Since this naturally skews towards smaller fandoms, I have included the same data filtered to Over 1k, 5k, & 10k fics.
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Over 1,000 Fics:
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Over 5,000 Fics:
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Over 10,000 Fics:
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Source: AO3 Fandom Dashboard
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shaslajoel · 1 month
Orcs, goblins and a troll, for various fantasy skirmish games
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farsight-the-char · 1 year
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The Troll King, who slept so long a shrine was built on his back without him realizing.
The magical fuckery of the realms woke him up, so he seeks to smash all magic fuckery so he can sleep again.
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herrnethar6 · 6 days
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Another Mini from the Novel "The Elves" by Bernhard Hennen. Officially licensed and produced by Westphalia Miniatures
The Troll
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A troll conversion with some extra arms. It was really satisfying to add muscles to make the whole look work :D
Can you tell which arms use the original connections and which are added?
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minisandmonoliths · 11 months
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Ice to see you...
Mantic Snow Trolls I'm going to use as some Yetis for a thematic Ogor Mawtribe army.
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cursed-40k-thoughts · 11 months
Who would win in an eating competition, Grom the Paunch or Greasus Goldtooth?
Greasus would annihilate Grom. It's not even gonna be close.
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hoztthespunkieball · 6 months
Army update #2: Ed, Edd & Eddy joined the chat
Today on my way to work I kept thinking about the colour pallet for my army. When I was getting myself some lunch I noticed an interesting soda can. (You probably know where this is going).
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Those colours are EXACTLY what I was looking for. Gentle tint of mint was the missing piece I needed. Now I know how to proceed.
After work I swung by the War Store and got myself propper clippers. They were kind of pricey, but it's okay. I don't mind spending a bit more money on something I'll be using regularly.
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I also picked up the figurine I started painting the last time. When you buy your first set you get one for free. I still haven't finished painting this lil guy, but will do that in a free moment.
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Then I finally finished the base on Uno. He still got a long way to go, but ita a start. After adding some more highlights he'll be a beautiful boi.
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After that I took some pics of the bigger bois I partly put together the last time. They're not done yet because I was too scared to proceed with regular scissors and damaging the arms.
Ed: the one with one paw on a rock.
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Edd: the one with cool as skull on his side.
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And Eddy: the one with small, cute bone attached to his hip.
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Tumblr doesn't allow me to put more that 10 pictures, but it's okay. I'll upload more pictures of the bois once they're all built and covered in base. All you have to know now is that their asses are showing and I love them for it. Healthy kings embracing body positivity. Just take my word for it.
That's it for now. I'll keep y'all posted :)
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cobalt-owl · 9 months
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ao3-anonymous · 7 months
Fastest Growing Fandoms on AO3 This Week (02/27/2024)
Every week I pull data on how many fics are in each fandom and compare to the previous week, then calculate the percentage increase to determine fastest growing fandoms.  Since this naturally skews towards smaller fandoms, I have included the same data filtered to Over 1k, 5k, & 10k fics.
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Over 1,000 Fics:
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Over 5,000 Fics:
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Over 10,000 Fics:
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Source: AO3 Fandom Dashboard
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tagedeszorns · 1 year
I can't believe I'm doing this ...
I found this neat nugget on my doorstep.
Edit: At this post, to be precise. Just for context.
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Well, @beril66. Okay. Normally I'm the nice explainer-bear in this part of the woods, answering even the strangest questions in a friendly and detailed way. Normally I'm the damned Credible Hulk who even feeds trolls with lore until they are round and peaceful or at least waddle away into the wilderness again after the winter feeding to survive the frost period …
But this … this is beyond my boiling point!
Listen, you clown - you come traipsing into my blog, obviously didn't even bother to look at the last three posts, obviously don't even know who Saqqara is and therefore don't see the irony behind letting a diabolist explain the world - and instead of just keeping yourself nice and closed, you throw up something like your comments on my living room carpet? What went wrong in your childhood?
But you know what? I just can't help it. I should end this text here, block you back under your bridge and go back to drawing naked Astartes. But instead, once again, I can't get out of my skin and feel the urge to reply.
I can't say now that you give me much to work with. Nothing but "No, it's not like that, I think it's great and you're stupid". That's not exactly the level at which I usually discuss Warhammer - but I'll make it work.
So: If you had looked at my blog even superficially you would know that I like TTS. I am therefore looking at it with a very friendly eye. The fact that I'm not upset about the portrayal of my absolute favourite characters Lucius and Fabius should give you the additional hint that I have no problem at all with something I like being made fun of. But I am not wearing the ultimate fanboy-blinders and am able to keep my distance and can therefore say that I do not find both Magnus and Dorn portrayed "in character". Extensively readable in the Heresy novels (for Dorn and Magnus, by the way, many of the characterisation gems here can be found in the later anthologies. Which explains a lot of the mistakes in TTS, as not much of it had been released yet when they started their project and set the characters. So the creators couldn't know any better. The fact that angry fans are now shitting their incendiary speeches at my feet here is of course then rather unreflective. But I can't blame Alfabusa and the team for that. You don't choose your fans). That you conclude from this that I think the Emperor is great and am humourless is in itself extremely amusing. But you're probably right.
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He's the best. I aspire to be like him. Also, please educate yourself about the difference between "well written" and "being a good guy". Because the Emperor is well written in a lot of cases, he just isn't a good guy.
For me, TTS is not the problem. It's people like you who obviously don't want to delve further into the subject matter, but turn memes into canon. No one needs to have read every scrap of lore. I myself am very selective in what I read and I know far too little. Learning new things, changing my mind accordingly - that's a big part of the fun I have in fandom. I allow myself the luxury of challenging my fan-ness with books and opinions that don't line up with mine. At best, I'm even wrong and can add something new to my private Warhammer treasure chest.
I recommend you do the same. Don't stop where you are, read the books. Realise that, contrary to what you seem to believe at the moment, they are not humourless and unreflective, but on the contrary have wit and irony in many shades (quite a few of those shades are called "sledgehammer", but that counts too!).
Now that was severely abbreviated, but I'm tired of it.
Run, little troll! Run, you are free!
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beastofnurgle · 4 months
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this fool has a nest on his head
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farsight-the-char · 1 year
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A lot of rumour engines solved, amazing how many were on just one model though (troll king).
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First of a group Troggoths as trolls for some upcomming DnD adventure
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