#wanted to test it for reals and see if it would explode my computer and it sure did a little bit but. whatever
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cinnamnt · 1 year ago
metal gear rising graphics/framerates are actually straight dogwater on this old barely functioning dell laptop but the gameplay fun as hell i won’t lie
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rpmemesbyarat · 2 years ago
RP Memes from a “Stupidest Thing You’ve Ever Heard” Reddit Thread
“Can you email me back the PDF I emailed you? It’s my only copy.”
“It says carbonated because they removed the carbs" “How can Hawaii and Alaska have such different temperatures when they are right next to each other on the map?”
"If earth is spinning then why my front door is always facing east?"
"Blueberry muffins you buy premade don't have any blueberries in them. Blueberries cost too much. They dye bees blue because they have the same texture and use them." "I don't know how you can stand to fly when there's a 50 percent chance the plane will crash. You know, because either it crashes or it doesn't. 50/50." "I don't have an e-mail, I have a gmail" “How do we know it wasn’t just ostriches on the radar that triggered Pearl Harbor?” "Fish aren't animals, they're mammals." “Once had someone try to sell me the theory that the moon is a hologram made by the government to trick people.” "Women have 6 ovaries" “Got into an argument with a guy that thought limes were unripe lemons.” "A guide dogs job is to drive the car for the blind person".
“Back during the mosque shooting in New Zealand and the government there were trying to ban guns, my coworker said that they can't do that since it violates the (American) second amendment.” “I thought Lewis and Clark lived in the 1970s.” “I once had a coworker who believed with all sincerity that twins could only be conceived through anal sex.” "Women can control their periods." "You have to understand, I'm not a vibrational match for car accidents, so we'll be safer if I drive."
“A professor in college refused to give back our tests because "you should know what you did wrong" “My best friends sister once spent an hour trying to convince me that marshmallows grew on trees.” “Women pee out of the same hole babies come out of.”
“Water has memory” “Old roommate said that when the weather app says 50% rain then that meant half of all the rain in the sky is going to fall. Same for all percentages. 80%, meant 80% of all the rain possible would fall, 100% rain? Yup, every single last drop of rain is coming down today.” “"Of course a pound of feathers is lighter than a pound of quarters, duh" “They wished they could go back to the 1800’s to see what it was like in black & white” “Root canals cause breast cancer.” "If we evolved from monkeys, why is it when we see a sonogram, we see a person and not a monkey?"
“Is there anything we can do to increase the speed of light?”
"I thought Greece was a myth like Hercules" “The real reason you can drown by falling asleep in a kiddie pool is because you soak up too much water.”
"I didn't know peanut butter was made from peanuts."
"Australia doesn't exist" "Has no one ever taught you? The woman's brain tells her body if it wants to have a baby or not." “If I don’t finish all my eggs within two weeks I throw them out. I don’t want the light in the fridge to make them hatch.”
“Ok, let’s all just get this straight: north does not equal up.” "I hate croutons. They taste like dried bread."
“If you as a guy wear gold ,you will turn gay.” “Some broad I know, fully and truly believed, that Mt Rushmore was a natural formation.” “I have street smarts because I’m good at remembering street names.”
“I have a friend that believed women didn't poop.” "See women don't poop because it helps them attract a mate. They are more attractive to men if they don't poop." "If you're having trouble learning Spanish, just hire a Chinese guy to teach you."
“My computer keeps telling me it can’t see the printer even after I put it in front of the monitor.” “Africa isn't a city, it's a country.” “Do Jewish people celebrate Thanksgiving?” “Migrating butterflies are a problem because they create hurricanes with the movement of their wings” “When the sun turns around it turns into the moon” ““Do women close their vaginas when they are in the ocean? Water is drawn into the body and you can explode.” “Touching your own period blood is just asking to get HIV.”
“Someone I knew once asked me if cats laid eggs.” "I just love pitbulls sooo much! My dream is to get a blue nose pit and a red nose pit to have babies! They'd have purple noses!!" “You can’t put two dryer sheets in the dryer at the same time because they’ll cancel each other out” "What the difference between a mocha and an iced mocha?" “Clockwise and counterclockwise change depending on where the clock is.” "You only get an STI if you don't wash your dick after sex"
"The moon isn't real." “Birth Control pills can be taken rectally too”
“Dictionary isn’t an accurate source for finding definitions.”
“Japan is the capital of Australia” "Science is just some supposed experts' opinions and like why do their opinions matter more than mine? That's why I refuse to accept Science as facts"
"Norweigan" is a word I made up to trick her, because there's no country called Norwegia.” “I started taking my birth control every other day to save money”
"what's beef? Oh what? Thats cow? That's not a different type of meat?"
“Panama? That’s in Europe right?”
“Panda Express is where they save Pandas”
“Lemonade is made from limes” “Are chapped lips contagious?” “Did your grandfather have any kids?” "I have 17 bottles of perfume, some people don't even have that many toes"
"Cooking destroys the gluten." "If the moon was really originally a part of the earth, then when it broke off, it would have decapitated all the dinosaurs."
"Don't keep the window open because you'll let the WiFi out"
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jonathanvik · 4 months ago
Luyten V - Chapter 13
Rose’s stomach turned as she took the sudden right turn, her laser beam primed. Dirt went flying as Luyten V’s heels dug deep furrows in the ground. She adjusted the targeting computer, her fingers blurring as she made lightning-quick adjustments.
“Fire.” The beam lanced from Luyten V’s forehead gem, the target bursting into flames as her attack struck it dead on. With a quick adjustment to the targeting computer, the drone sneaking up behind her exploded.
“Phew.” Her console reported all targets neutralized. Rose wiped away the sweat on her forehead. Her mind felt sluggish, exhausted by the demands of the training.
“Nice work, Rose,” Sandage said, pleased. “That’s enough for tonight.”
“How did I do?” Rose asked as Luyten V’s tentacles deposited her on the warehouse floor.
“All thirty targets destroyed with a 67 percent accuracy rate. Well done,” Sandage said, checking his tablet.
“I just hope it’ll be enough.” They’d run this obstacle course for over four hours today, with each subsequent obstacle becoming more difficult. She accepted the water bottle a tech person offered her.
“I know,” Sandage said, his tone solemn. “But I have some good news. We’re ready to attach the enhancement I told you about.”
“For Project: Bird Bath? Will it actually do anything?” Rose asked. Like any military in a monster movie, their efforts hadn’t been very effective. 
“That’s why we’re testing it,” Sandage replied. “Gold is confident in its success. Though the Altair structure is odd and doesn’t comply with what science currently knows about biology.”
From what Rose understood, the structure of the Altair that came with Luyten V and the scout that attacked Washington, D.C., were different. This made developing a counteragent challenging, though Doctor von Fraunhofer had promised they’d made some major breakthrough in understanding the Altair. They’d just have to pray their efforts would be good enough. Only two days remained until the fated day of Okab’s attack.
“I want some ice cream or something,” Rose complained. With all this stress and uncertainty, she deserved a treat, darn it all!
This earned a smile from Sandage. “Sure, my treat. There’s a place on Main, right? I think they should still be open.”
“How are you holding up?” Sandage asked as they picked at their ice cream. Rose had taken two scoops of strawberry and mint, while Sandage had cotton candy and cookies and cream. Gauss got his own ice cream too, but he’d gotten a chocolate malt instead.
“Holding,” Rose replied, though it wasn’t hard to detect the stress in her voice.
“That’s good,” Sandage said, not pushing the issue. With Okab’s attack imminent, he knew his charge was under a great deal of pressure. Rose herself wasn’t sure. “Strained” was the best way to describe it, she supposed. 
They licked their treats in silence before she finally spoke. “How’s Brown doing?”
“His hospital stay ended two days ago. He’s staying with his sister while he recovers. She lives close by. Though it’ll be weeks until he returns to duty.”
“Good. I miss him.” While Gauss was nice enough, he wasn’t the same as Brown’s calm, protective presence. Pity there wasn’t time to visit him. If she survived the next few days, she’d insist on seeing him. 
A sudden flash in her memory reminded her of something: Stella was doing a karaoke stream tonight in about five minutes. Rose opened her mouth to ask to be brought home, but she closed it. While part of her wanted to rush off to watch her favorite VTuber, she couldn’t leave Sandage hanging. Besides, it was only one stream. She’d watch the VOD later.
“Besides, Stella doesn’t even know I exist, really.” Rose thought. And the occasional Superchat didn’t change that. But Sandage and Gauss—they were real, tangible. With danger lurking nearby, she’d rather hang out with real people.
“Is something the matter?” Sandage asked.
“Don’t worry about it,” Rose replied. “Thinking about it, what did you do before this Altair nonsense? If it’s not super classified, of course.”
“The truth? My life wasn’t all that exciting. I mostly did intelligence work. Helped local police solve certain crimes, that sort of thing.”
Rose’s eyes lit up with interest. “Like hunt down serial killers?”
Sandage released an amused snort. “Someone’s been listening to too many true-crime podcasts.”
This earned a blush from Rose. “Well, no. But Vera loves talking about them. And weird cults. I have no clue why she finds them so fascinating.”
They joked and talked, and Rose relaxed. She found it nice to learn how ordinary Sandage was, and how they had both gotten thrust into this craziness. As they spoke, a call interrupted their conversation.
“Sorry, Rose, but I need to answer this.” Sandage turned away to address his phone. Rose shrugged and tossed away the bowl she’d used for her ice cream. Her curiosity peaked as Sandage became more excited.
“What’s going on?” Rose asked.
“Finally, some good news!” Sandage said, alight with happiness.
“Don’t keep me in suspense. What is it?”
Sandage lowered his voice to a whisper. “Luyten V’s new weapon is close to completion. They pushed ahead the schedule, and it should be ready for testing tomorrow.”
“Perfect!” Still, the device was only a prototype. How it performed in the field remained to be seen. Still, she’d take any good news. “We should get another ice cream to celebrate!”
“Careless.” Okab shook his head, amused at how his prey seemed oblivious to the danger lurking amongst them. Rose and a big man were sharing some treat in a shop, talking and laughing amongst themselves. Okab got closer, straining his ears to eavesdrop on their conversation. He was careful to remain casual. Another big man was keeping an eye out for trouble, trained to spot danger.
“Typical human chatter,” Okab said, annoyed. Why didn’t humans talk about anything interesting? They would rather babble about nothing. Were they completely ignoring the threat he posed? Rose appeared too relaxed for someone with the cloud of danger hanging over her head.
“Humans.” Okab rolled his eyes. Still, he didn’t move to attack. Police and military had increased their presence in the city, prepared for any trouble. There wasn’t any guarantee he’d destroy Rose before they intervened and she escaped. Besides, despite his fellow general’s impatience, Okab wasn’t in any hurry to attack. Part of him was curious about what defenses the humans might devise to counteract him.
“What a frivolous girl,” Though Okab, he’d observed most girls her age acted that way. It amazed him how human children seemed oblivious to the troubles of their world, living in a naïve fantasy. He turned to leave when a snippet of conversation caught his ear.
“Luyten V’s new weapon is close to completion. They pushed ahead the schedule, and it should be ready for testing tomorrow,” the big man said. He’d spoken low enough that none of the nearby humans should hear him. However, he hadn’t counted on Okab’s keen senses.
Okab walked away, a pep in his step. A new weapon? Fascinating! And they were testing it tomorrow? A grin stretched across his disguised face. How about he gave them a true field test tomorrow? While Okab was patient, he wasn’t that patient. No point playing around any longer if this weapon didn’t turn the tide.
Rose adjusted her controls, aligning everything properly for when they attached Luyten V’s new weapon. The action took little effort, her fingers working automatically. While Rose wanted to claim it was due to the heavy-duty training she’d undergone, it was more like the pair of them had gained a symbiotic link. She was at ease in Luyten V’s cockpit, perceiving it as an extension of her body rather than a mechanical device.
Since they’d started her training in earnest, Rose had developed a stronger connection to Luyten V. It had only taken a simple mental command to summon it to her side and pull her into the cockpit. She wondered if she could summon it from across town? It flared her curiosity about how their mental link worked. Was it because Luyten V recognized her DNA, or some other connection? Even after weeks of study, the scientists barely understood how their link worked.
“Sometimes I wonder if you’re really even a robot,” Rose mused.
“Sorry?” Sandage asked.
“Nothing. I’m ready on my end,” Rose replied. “You can show the surprise already—stop keeping me in suspense!” The fact her new weapon had come in a vision from Cecilia’s mysterious Altair Records only heightened her curiosity. The girl in question observed from the sidelines, eager to see the fruit of her efforts.
Thick metal straps fell from a sheet-covered object the length of Luyten V’s arm. Sandage watched on like a proud parent, guiding the techs’ efforts from his position on a nearby catwalk.
“Oh,” Rose exclaimed as techs pulled the sheet from the device, its red surface glimmering with fresh paint. This wasn’t what she’d expected.
“Attaching Luyten V’s Devil Drill,” Sandage said. 
Cranes lifted the device from the cement floor with cables thicker than Rose’s entire body. They strained under the weight but held firm. They lifted it up to Luyten V’s left arm, fastening it onto the appendage with an audible thud. Through her control stick, Rose sensed the added weight. She stared at her new weapon, marveling. The arm extended past Luyten V’s hand into a drill head longer than a basketball court. The jagged edges of the blade were sharp, ending with a wicked-looking three-prong edge.
“Devil Drill?” Rose said, raising an amused eyebrow.
Through her comm, she heard Sandage’s shrug. “The Luyten V has earned the nickname Red Devil. It seemed appropriate.”
“A drill, though?” Still, she marveled at its power as she activated the device, whirling at speeds that would make a tornado blush. It would do some serious damage if it connected with an enemy.
“Okay, it wasn’t designed as a weapon exactly. But it works against the Altair’s healing factor—much more effective than any cut or blunt trauma,” Sandage replied.
“It’s cool.” She waved around the new add-on, getting used to its added weight. The left arm was an interesting choice, it wouldn’t interfere with Luyten V’s Dynaspike, her most powerful weapon.
“I’m glad you like it. We’ll attach the Project: Birdbath prototype next, but first it requires some fine-tuning. That can wait, though. Let’s do some combat drills with the Devil Drill first—pardon the pun,” Sandage said. “First, we’ll test its penetrative power.”
Before Rose could reply, Luyten V rocked as the entire building shook. She adjusted Luyten V’s controls, keeping its balance. “What’s going on?” The building rumbled again, the sound of screeching metal echoing painfully. Was something trying to tear the hangar apart?
“It can’t be! Why here? Why now?” Cecilia said fretfully, her visage going pale.
“We’re under attack!” an operator said as she studied her monitor.
“What?!” Sandage said in alarm. “He can’t be attacking now! Why?”
To answer the LUVOLT agent’s worst fears, a section of the hangar’s ceiling tore away to reveal the nightmarish visage of Okab’s monstrous face. With a rumbling thud, he leaped from the roof, almost crushing several techs as they scurried away. With his towering height, Okab’s head scraped against the hangar ceiling as he lumbered forward.
“Perfect. It seems you’re already ready to begin,” Okab said, his monstrous mouth extending into a terrifying grin. “Let’s test that new toy of yours!” Not even finishing his sentence, the Altair general slashed out with an extended claw.
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oikadori · 4 years ago
helloooo i have a request <3 you close your laptop right when they walk in and they get suspicious :) (sakusa and whoever else your choice)
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⇢ includes : sakusa , iwaizumi , atsumu 
⇢ genre//cw : fluff, some crack, the omi one has a little bit of angst// swearings, 
⇢ wc~ 0,9K
a/n : nonnie this sounds so fun 🤩 thank u for requesting sorry to answer so late bby >.< ahhh for real i’m sorry this been in my drafts for so loong :cccc 
reblogs are very appreciated you'll get a kith
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“I prepared us a bath, do you want a―”
Sakusa’s tired eyes squint and his dark brows furrow together watching you snap your laptop the exact same time he entered in your shared room.
“Heyyyy!”, your hand rests on top of your computer as you force a smile on your lips.
“What are you doing?”
“What do you mean Omi?” you tilt your head acting oblivious as you could while his dark eyes drift from you to your computer.
Your answer had an unpleasant feeling nestling inside the outside hitter’s chest. And maybe he is being dramatic or maybe he is tired from dealing all day with his bubbly teammates, but the fact you’re hiding something from him unsettles his heart.
“Right… I’ll be on the tub, go on, I won’t bother you” The dry tone he uses makes you blink as you observe him walking back to where he came through.
“Wait, Omi!” you quickly jump from your seat, holding onto his arm with a strong grip as you sigh “Jeez, I can’t hide anything from you!”
Sakusa’s brows quirk up in confusion as you drag him to your desk, opening your laptop to show him the reason of his irritation.
His eyes widen as he sees tons of MSBY merch in your shopping cart but that’s nothing compared to how his cheeks burn when he sees a mask along with a jersey carrying his number on them.
“Why didn’t you ask me to get some of these for you?”, he whispers, eyes locked on the screen still too blushy to face you.
“Because you always complain about how silly they are!”
Sakusa blushes in embarrassment before sighing, a hand moving behind your neck to push your head closer to him so he can plant a chaste kiss on your forehead.
“Yeah but—next time just ask me, okay? Don’t act all suspicious like that…you scared me”
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“Doll, you ready for our run?”
Iwaizumi says peeking his head through the door, finding you on the bed, holding your laptop ridiculously close to your face. Your eyes flicker from the screen to his face and with a clumsy maneuver you close the device.
“Y-Yeah! Let me grab my bottle”
He blinks, his features contorting as he replays your previous action in his head.
“What the hell was that?”, he says with a frown on his face, arms crossing over his chest, walking through the door before sitting on the edge of the bed.
“You know exactly what I mean, don’t play silly on me princess!”,
He trusted you entirely, but Iwaizumi’s patience was running thin. The need to know what you were hiding from him was too intoxicating. So, he kept his hard features as he waited for your answer.
“I swear, I wasn’t doing anything, Haji” you bat your eyelashes at him, pathetically holding back a chuckle at his angry face, making impossible for Iwaizumi to not soften after that pity attemmpt to contain your smile.
“Let me see”
“NO! H-Hajime—wait!” he pinches your sides making you explode in laughter, dropping the laptop onto the bed in the process. You have tears in your eyes as you pathetically try to retrieve it from your boyfriend’s strong hold while he keeps an arm up preventing you from getting any closer.
His face goes completely red when he sees his young self-dressed up in a Godzilla costume on the screen.  
“How—How did you get this?” you’re still chuckling as he looks at you, wearing a horrified expression that could only match with a ghost story.
“Who do you think would provide me such “sensitive” pictures, baby?”, you tease, quirking a brow at your boyfriend, before pecking his cheek. And he knew that somewhere in Argentina a good looking setter was laughing like a fool.
“I’m blocking Oikawa from your contacts right now!”
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“What are you doing babe?”
Atsumu says, coming out from the shower to the living room where you are curling on the couch holding your laptop on top of your thigs. When you hear his voice, you quickly slam the laptop and press it close to you as you shoot a naïve smile in his direction.
“N-Nothing, ‘Tsumu. Uhm, you ready to eat?”, his lips curl into a cocky smirk as he raises his eyebrows.
“Oh, I see” he says, moving a hand to brush his wet locks, walking to the kitchen. You follow his movements, confusion printed all over your face as he leans on the counter, smiling smugly at you. “You’re testing how much I trust you, right? Is one of those couple challenges or something.”
You hold a deadpan expression as he mentally praises himself, thinking he figured out what you were doing.
“What? I don’t know what you’re talking about ‘Tsumu”
“You can stop pretending now sweetheart. I fully trust you” he winks at you before you make your way to the counter with light steps. Placing the laptop on top of the marble table, you rest your chin on your palm and lock eyes with the blonde setter.
“You sure about that?” you smirk, sliding the laptop closer to him.
 Atsumu’s hands itch, holding back his impulse to grab your computer and open it right there, and just as you imagine, 5 minutes later he is grasping the laptop and snapping it open in between curses.
His hazel eyes are so focused on the tab that says “Which MSBY player would be your boyfriend” that he doesn’t notice that you had erased the distance with him until he feels your soft lips on his cheek. Atsumu’s thick eyebrows move up as his mouth falls open while you disappear in the corridor to hide your giggles.
“OMI? Why the fuck did you get Omi?! Come back here, Y/N!”
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chibi-writes · 4 years ago
I read the dorm leader and vice dorm leaders child chewing on something. But what about a child s/o who turns into a child due to mishap (I'm looking at ace and grim) and the dorm leader looking after the child mc. Thank you. If it's okay, can i make a request again like this but with vice dorm leaders next time?
Feel free to make requests anytime I have my requests open! I’ll usually be happy to write it!
Riddle Rosehearts
- “Trappola? Grim? Explain why s/o a child.” You could kinda sorta tell Riddle wasn’t happy with the incident. 
- You kick yourself out of Ace’s arms (effectively getting him in the gut, look, kids kicking you HURT man) and ran over to Riddle.
- “Widdle!” Holy shit Riddle is going to explode cause oh god that was adorable do it again your smile is so cute oh Great Seven help him.
- Riddle agreed to take care of you, under the condition this never happen again. And Grim and Ace score 100 on their next test.
- Riddle definitely had the help of Trey and Cater while taking care of you. 
- It was a breeze so long as you didn’t cry. When you did, Riddle would panic and only have a vague idea of what to do. Usually calms you down by indulging you in hugs and some small snacks.
Leona Kingscholar
- This one is less Leona taking care of you and more Ruggie. 
- Leona sees Ruggie hold up lil you and he just kinda... shrugs it off. Now you’re another Cheka, and I don’t think he has the patience for that
- You may or may not have affectionately dubbed Leona and Ruggie as “Weeona and Wuggie”
- Something that does happen (rarely) is when Leona naps and you escape Ruggie, you’ll curl up by Leona.
- If he happens to wake up, he’ll raise a brow, pat you on the head (maybe) and go back to sleep.
- At least like this, you aren’t making any noise.
Azul Ashengrotto
- “Ah Trappola. Did you come back for another dea-” Boom. A Child.
- Blinks for a minute to process what happened. Ace explains himself and Grim and Azul looks a little... how shall I say... miffed.
- Azul lets out a huff and agrees to take care of you. (He would have anyway) 
- His slightly sour mood is does a complete 180 once he hears, “A- zu-.... ZUZU!”
- hOLY SHIT YOU DIDN’T HAVE TO KILL HIM- j/ he’s crying it’s too cute oh god someone help him Jade call the ambulance he’s having a cardiac arrest OH GREAT SEVEN HELP HIM hj/
- At first he lets Floyd (gently) play around with you to tucker you out a bit. It works wonders when dealing with kids trust me. And when you’re finally tired, he’ll let you rest right beside him on one of the VIP room couches. 
- He might even sing you to sleep. After all he does have a wonderful voice. 
Kalim Al Asim
- Jamil comes into the room holding little you and Kalim wants an explanation asap. Why are you little? WHAT HAPPENED
- Jamil explains it’s a temporary de-aging potion caused by someone spilling one on you by mistake.
- “Ka-...... K- KAWIM.” comes out of your mouth as you point to Kalim. Oh god his heart. Kalim’s poor heart someone help him it’s too cute. 
- Kalim offers to help take care of lil you (you’re his s/o and all) with the help of Jamil. (Jamil mostly there to supervise just in case)
- God forbid you cry. That would launch both Kalim and Jamil into panic mode because I highly doubt either have much experience with little kids. Would attempt to calm you down with food or head pats and hugs. It works. surprisingly enough.
- Kalim and you runs around and play until you’re tuckered out and before a nap you eat and next thing you know Kalim and you are passed the hell out on his (huge) bed. 
- Y’all are too cute I swear- Jamil TAKE A PICTURE TO IMMORTALIZE THIS ALREADY-
Vil Schoenheit
- When Rook comes into the Pomfiore dorm holding a child, Vil just kinda like “Why... Why do you have a child Rook?” Rook explains that’s you but someone spilt a potion on you and now need someone to take of you.
- Vil is fine taking care of you just don’t destroy anything. Hides all the makeup if he has any accessible or just lying around.
- Would offer to play basically Runway Model. (y’know when you were a kid and you would pretend to be a model regardless of whether you were dressed up or not? Yeah that) 
- You wouldn’t give any sort of cute nickname, since Vil is a bit of a hard name to mess up, but every time you said his name he just go “ok. That’s cute.” and pat you on the head. 
- Puts you to bed before working on some of his studies. He checks up on you every now and again with soft smile. ‘How cute’
Idia Shroud
- Well, first things first, Idia already doesn’t understand why there’s a child in his room other than Ortho. Second, why does said child concern him?
- Wait that’s you... Ah... okay... WAIT WHAT-
- Idia knows nothing about real life children but the internet does! Does little quick research just in case, and proceeds to attempt to take care of you. “I- Id- Iida!” Close but no kid. It’s adorable though. You try again. “I- Idiwa!” Close but double the adorable! 
- Accidentally focuses more on taking care of you than himself throughout the day but it’s fine Ortho’s there to at least remind him that food and water are something he needs to y’know SURVIVE
- Great seven help him if you cry. He’ll try and not panic cause Noise, but calms you down relatively enough to get you to eat or drink something. 
- but anyway, distracts you with video games. Bright colors keep you entertained enough right?
- You constantly laugh at the scenes and animation sequences and even some of Idia’s own commentary. 
-You kinda get sleepy and drift off while he’s focusing on a boss. Once he’s done he sees you napping and puts a blanket over you to keep you warm. His room is probably hella cold cause of all the computer stuff.
Malleus Draconia
- Lilia walks in with lil you and Malleus is confused and amused. “Why is a human child here?”
- Lilia states you failed to make a certain potion with your lab partners and it resulted in this. Ah. That makes sense. 
- He picks you up, basically beaming at the adorable child of man before him. You smile back, then point to him and say “M- Mm- Mal-” “Take your time little one-” “MAL MAL” Great Seven help him that was so cute holy shit 
- Happily takes care of you (he could reverse it with magic but this is cuter and it’ll be over by tomorrow so why not y’know)
- Is really really good about taking care of you. You rarely cried and that was when Malleus had to grab something from the other room but other than that, it was great!
- You fall asleep after awhile and Malleus stays with you, keeping you close, which leads to an adorable moment for Lilia to capture in picture form.
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five-rivers · 5 years ago
imagine if at a christmas truce party the ghosts discover that danny has a second obsession of space
Wrote a fic~ *does a little dance*
"Here's your invitation to the truce party," said Skulker, dropping the letter by Danny's head, "and here's the duty list. Pick something." He shoved a piece of paper into Danny's face.
"You know," said Danny, testing the rope Skulker had tied him with, "you get a lot better at chasing me when you're doing it for non-murder purposes."
Skulker scowled, but Danny knew better than to take his apparent facial expression as a sign of his true emotions. After all, the face Danny could see wasn't really Skulker's. It was a mask. One the tiny green jellybean inside could manipulate as he pleased.
"What do you mean, 'duty list,' anyway?" Danny blew the paper off his nose.
"It's a list. Of duties. For people who want to attend the party. You can't possibly imagine that one ghost does it all on their own, do you?"
"I don't know. Some living people are really into the holidays. Wouldn't surprise me if there was someone over in the GZ Obsessing."
"There are," said Skulker flatly. "But going to those parties is risky."
"Oh. Yeah. I guess that makes sense. So, is this, like, a potluck deal, or white elephant, or do I have to come set up, or what?"
"Read the list, whelp!"
"I would," said Danny, "if you held it far enough away for me to see what was written on it. "My eyes don't focus that close."
Grumbling, Skulker adjusted his position.
A lot of the things on the list were already checked off. The rest looked dangerous (fighting the Krampus), time consuming (holly acquisition, with a stupidly high number of branches listed next to it), expensive (providing new holiday table settings), confusing (Danny didn't know what a 'consoda' was, or why he would fetch offerings from it), or simply extraordinarily unappealing (after party cleanup). Except for one.
One that caught Danny's eye because of a very specific word that was included.
"Why's the star all by itself?" asked Danny.
"Because the star is important," said Skulker. "Adding the star to the tree is what starts off the real celebration. A star needs to be impressive. Dramatic! Not one of those little dinky tinsel things you can find at human stores."
Part of Danny knew he shouldn't- But when had he ever listened to that part of himself?
Actually, that wasn't really fair. He listened, otherwise he'd be fully dead instead of just half.
(The idea of making a star made his skin feel sparkly and fuzzy, like his whole body was half an inch from the surface of freshly poured soda, but all over.)
"I'll take it," he said.
"Humf," said Skulker. "Don't screw up, or you'll be in for a beating as soon as the truce is over." He made a mark by the name and started to fly off.
"Hey! Aren't you going to untie me?"
"He's late," said Desiree, sharply, glaring at Skulker as if he had any control over what the whelp did or did not do.
She wasn't the only one.
"He's not late yet," defended Skulker.
"You shouldn't have given him the star as a choice," complained Technus, his voice squaking like a poorly connected computer speaker. "You should have just told him what he'd have to do. Something that wouldn't ruin the party. He's a teenager! Teenagers are easily distracted."
"I didn't know you were a teen, techie," drawled Spectra, who really shouldn't have been at the party at all, seeing as she wasn't, and never had been, invited. Skulker was hoping someone would find a way to throw her and her little minion out before midnight.
"I am sure Sir Phantom is on his way," said Princess Dora, softly, ignoring Technus's continuing rant with the ease of long practice. She would not be here the whole evening. Her kingdom had its own, separate celebrations, but they wouldn't start for well over half a human day. "He is a very responsible person, and he was speaking to me about stars just earlier this month." She frowned, slightly, swirling the darkly luminous wine in her glass. "That is, I think he was talking about stars. The conversation was somewhat difficult for me to follow."
"Oh, no," said Desiree, putting one hand delicately over a smile.
"What?" growled Skulker.
"It always bothered me a little, you see, but I hadn't realized quite why until just now." She was barely even trying to hide her delight. "The second time I fought him, it was during a meteor shower."
"So?" asked Amorpho.
"He was rather cross with me during the fight. At the time, I thought it was because he was missing that girl's party, or because of the whole memory wiping thing, but in retrospect..."
"Just spit it out already," said Skulker.
"I do believe you gave the task of making the tree star to a ghost Obsessed with outer space."
Inside the suit, Skulker's true hands slip off his controls for just a moment. "Oh, Ancients," he groaned.
"We're not getting a star this year, are we?" asked Ember.
Phantom chose that moment to barrel through the door. "Sorry!" he exclaimed, looking and sounding more like a little kid than Skulker had ever witnessed. "Am I late? No, I'm not. Never mind. I'm not sorry. What do you think?"
He held out the... thing in his hands for the assembled ghosts to view. It was... It was definitely a star. A round blue star. Complete with solar flares and sunspots. Animated flares and sunspots.
"How the hell?" whispered Walker in the background, despite the fact that he and his pink prison really had no room to talk.
"Is it no good?" asked Phantom, managing to shift his weight even though he was floating. "I turned the brightness way down so that everyone could see the details, but I think I could turn it back up again without too much trouble." He blinked up at the other ghosts, and Skulker noticed with some unease that his pupils were currently shaped like crescent moons. "I mean, the other one exploded, but I think I've got it, now."
All of the ghosts slid back, just slightly. Not that they were afraid of explosions, but, well, being cautious didn't hurt.
"Er," said Dora, "what is it, exactly?"
"A star! A blue giant, specifically. Well, a model of one, anyway, but I think it's a good model. I mean, it's a blue giant right now. I've got it set up so that it'll go through the whole life cycle of a massive star. Or, not the whole life cycle, because that would include the nebula, but the life cycle from this point? It'll change color and expand as the night goes on and it uses up its 'hydrogen'- I've scaled the expansion, though, don't worry, it won't take over- and then the core will collapse and the outer layers will be ejected, and- BOOM!- supernova!"
"Ghost child," said Technus, in a more strangled than usual voice, "are you telling us that's a bomb?"
"No, it's a star," said Phantom, blankly. On closer inspection, the crescents in his eyes were not the only modification to Phantom's appearance. He had pale green and silver stars scattered liberally across his nose and cheeks, and similar shapes in the black of his costume.
In the background, Desiree was dying of laughter.
"Don't you think a supernova might be... dangerous?"
"Oh, a real one, sure. But I tested one before I brought this, and all it did to me was singe my eyebrows off, and I was standing really close."
"Whelp," said Skulker, searching for some reason to reject Phantom's 'contribution,' "how is that even supposed to stay on the tree? It's just a ball."
"Oh, it'll float wherever I tell it to, don't worry, I've tested it!"
It perhaps said something about ghostly parties that the sudden detonation of the tree topper several hours later, the subsequent glee of the supposed superhero in attendance when the room was filled with star-shaped glitter and confetti, and the attempted homicide on the part of several glitter-unfriendly ghosts was not the most exciting series of events to occur that night.
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Summary:  Extended station scene from 1x03 between Carlos and TK, from Carlos' POV. A snapshot of how they started to mend things between them after TK had stormed out on the date that Carlos had tried to spring on him.
Rating: General Audiences
A/N: I do not pretend to know anything about the inner workings of a police station, their rules and regulations or what sort of things are contained in their reports. Tried to be as realistic as I could but apologies for any inaccuracies.I also do not claim any ownership of 9-1-1 Lone Star or the associated characters. Pretty sure they own me instead... (:
First foray into the 9-1-1 fandom but hopefully not the last!
Read on AO3 here.
* * *
Carlos was flipping through the files on his desk, making sure he had signed off on the last of them, when a familiar name being spoken caught his attention.
"TK Strand, yeah. He's a firefighter with the 126. Guess he got a little hot-headed."
"You can't keep reusing the same joke every time something involves a firefighter, Ben, seriously."
Carlos looked up from his desk to see two of his colleagues ribbing each other, all talk and no malice.
Jill was right – Ben liked to reuse the same heat-related jokes about firefighters, but his curiosity was peaked over the implication in regards to TK.
"What's that about one of the 126 firefighters? Did they get hostile at a scene we were at or something?"
The two cops looked over at him in surprise. He wasn't normally one to join in on gossip.
"Nah, he was off duty. Started a fight at a bar. Provoked two built men that were drunk off their asses. Bartender called it in after security tried breaking it up."
Carlos felt his worry double. What was TK doing? Why was he picking a fight? He knew he had freaked out on him the other day, making it clear there was a lot more going on internally than he was letting on, but volunteering to get pummeled? That had to be a cry for help.
"EMS clear him?"
"Yeah, he's fine, just some cuts and bruises. He's cooled off now; just gotta process him, give him back his shit, and do the usual stern warning that means bull."
Carlos seized the presented opportunity, hoping Ben would take the bait. "Hey, if it's that easy, why don't I take over? Your shift just ended and I owe you for staying late when I had my abuela's birthday to run to. I've finished the last of my reports from that three car pile-up earlier, so I'm free."
"Well, me and Ella were supposed to do date night tonight… yeah, all right, Reyes. He's all yours. Thanks, man."
"Of course. Have a good time." Carlos said, trying to play it off casual, like it was no big deal, even though he was itching to corner TK and ask what the hell he was thinking. He didn't need his coworkers knowing details about his private life so it was better they didn't know he knew the guy more intimately than professional overlap.
"I think you still owe Spencer, Reyes. Pretty boy is easy on the eyes, even if he is an idiot who started a bar fight." Officer Porter teased.
Carlos didn't bite; the station knew he was out, at least most of them did, so it wasn't that weird of a comment. Reacting would only make it obvious that something had gone on between them and he didn't need a lecture from the sergeant on duty about professional conduct or bias.
Ben passed over the folder on his way to his desk. Carlos immediately sifted through it, scanning the pages quickly to learn the basics of what had gone down.
Caucasian male, mid-to-late twenties, athletic build. 0.0 BAC on breathalyzer test. No abnormalities on basic toxin screen. No prior records with APD. No registered fingerprints in American database. New York driver's license – Tyler Kennedy Strand. Firefighter identification lists station 126. Charges of assault and disturbing the peace dropped by others involved. Release from policy custody with warning.
He read further through the other two men's files, piecing together that the story detailed matched what he had already been told.
Carlos looked up as another one of his colleagues led a handcuffed TK to his work desk and nodded in his direction. He accepted the plastic bag of TK's belongings from Jill and headed over to his… well, he didn't really know what they were.
He watched as TK held an ice pack to his temple, the odd cough wheezing out of him. He probably had a bruised rib or two, if not fractured, and it no doubt left his chest extra tight.
Carlos strode over and dropped the plastic bag of belongings onto the desk without a word.
TK looked up and groaned at the sight of him. "Seriously?"
Carlos grimaced as he sat down. "Austin's a small town, TK. Or should I say, Tyler Kennedy."
"Ugh." TK grumbled, eyes closed as he kept the ice pack against the side of his head.
"Bummer about getting arrested – people might find out your real name. Which marks the first actual thing I've learned about you."
Being good with his mouth, hands, and body notwithstanding…
"Isn't your processing me, like, a conflict of interest?" TK asked, a thin shred of hope clinging to the words.
It wasn't really an issue, given that Carlos hadn't been the deciding officer on charges and, technically, he wasn't even sure what their relationship could be classified as in order to consider it. If anything, it would be their definable working relationship that was the issue, but most officers in the precinct would have the same problem since they all crossed paths at one time or another on the job.
Carlos chose not to answer him, instead changing the subject. "The good news is that neither of your new friends want to talk about that little scuffle tonight…" he explained while unlocking the cuffs around TK's wrists, trying not to react when their hands brushed in the process. "…and since you blew a 0.0, we're not even giving you a drunk and disorderly."
He finally freed TK entirely of the metal, and TK rubbed his wrists, still not looking at him straight on.
Carlos pushed the bag towards him. "You're free to go."
There was a pause as TK digested that.
"And what's the bad news?" he asked as he picked up his stuff.
Carlos inhaled. "The bad news is that means you did this with a clear head." He swallowed before leaning on the desk to bring them closer together, lowering his voice so any nosy coworkers couldn't overhear. "I'm not trying to be your boyfriend, or even your friend if you're not into it, but you should probably talk to someone about why you felt compelled to do something so suicidal."
TK's eyes held so much pain as he looked back at him that Carlos had to look away. Needing something to do with his hands before he grabbed TK and refused to let go, he tossed the tissue box in front of him.
"You've got a little crud there, by the way." he added, gesturing to the side of his mouth.
TK plucked a tissue out and rubbed at the opposite side of his mouth to where the blood had piled up.
"Other side." he said, staring unblinking at the computer screen without taking any of it in. He was way too hyperaware of the man he hadn't been able to get out of his head to concentrate on the words on the screen.
TK wiped closer to the spot but still missed and didn't get the bulk of it, so Carlos sighed and grabbed a tissue of his own.
"Stop. Just… let me."
Deep green eyes bore into his brown ones as Carlos gently wiped the area, managing to get at least the worst of it. Their gaze was locked so intensely, Carlos was half-expecting sparks to explode in the air. God, he wished he could read TK's mind. There was some sort of storm brewing behind his eyes and Carlos had no idea what kind of emotion was rolling in.
He pulled the tissue away, crushing it up in his fist to stop him from saying or doing something stupid. He had already put his heart on the line enough with the man. No need to solidify his humiliation any further.
"Thanks." TK muttered, looking away finally.
Carlos didn't look at him, pretending to be wrapped up with finalizing the paperwork on the computer.
TK leaned over the desk, crossing an arm over the space between them. "Hey. I'm sorry I went crazy on you the other night." he said softly.
Carlos didn't want to reveal all of his cards, but there was no denying the thrill that rolled through him that TK was trying to apologize for what went down between them the other day. It had been eating him up inside since. And if TK was bringing it up unprompted, maybe that meant it had been bothering him too. And that he actually wanted to mend things between them.
Carlos managed to play it cool and indifferent. "I'm a cop. I'm used to crazy."
"Look, I just went through a really bad breakup. Like, nuclear bad. And then I relapsed."
Carlos had turned his body to face him but couldn't look him in the face, instead busying himself with a report on his desk. "You mean with me?"
Great, he was just a mistake. A 'relapse'. Guess that meant TK slept around, or used to, and it really had meant nothing to him.
"No. I mean with substances."
Carlos finally looked up at that. He wasn't expecting the confession, nor the way that TK was exposing himself to him right then. TK had addiction issues? Had given up substances likely due to misuse or overuse and his breakup had been bad enough to trigger using again?
Something clicked in his memory from the other night and he felt shame wash over him. "Right. Which explains your reaction to the champagne."
He had never asked if TK was even a fan of champagne or alcohol in general. He should've been more respectful and anticipated the idea that maybe TK had a poor relationship with it, or a bad experience, or just wasn't interested in it at all. No wonder he got his back up right away – Carlos had been trying to have a proper date with him but he didn't know this important thing about him. And TK was still probably pretty raw after his relapse that even the pressure to be polite would've been enough to set off some ugly emotions. That he'd have to come up with an excuse or lie, because who wanted to reveal their deepest secrets that early on?
"I'm such an idiot. I'm-I'm sorry…"
TK cut off his stammering. "No, it's fine, okay? I just… ever since I got here, it's just… it's just grey. And I just feel numb, all the time. I guess I just… I wanted to feel something."
TK's eyes were wet now, and there was nothing but heartbreaking honesty reflecting out of them.
Carlos felt his own eyes filling with moisture. He didn't know what to say. Hearing that TK had been hurting so badly, that he still was struggling so much… it broke his heart.
TK slipped his wallet and phone out of the clear bag finally and stood up to leave, heading in direction of the exit without another word. It seemed he had said all he needed to say.
Carlos couldn't let him go yet, couldn't let that be the last thing said between them tonight. "Judging by that lip, I'd say mission accomplished."
TK stared at him in irritable disbelief, the barest hint of amusement at the edges. "You really busting my balls right now?"
"Yeah. I suppose I am." Carlos replied.
He couldn't help the way the corner of his mouth lifted in a slight smirk, and he felt his heart pick up its pace when he saw TK's expression break into one of his gorgeous smiles.
TK shook his head at him in mock-disappointment. "And all this time, I thought you were too good for me."
It was clearly meant in jest, but Carlos could detect the hidden truth behind the words. He was a little too stunned to say anything to dispute it, their easy banter normally coming naturally to him but he was drawing a blank.
It wasn't until the door closed behind him that Carlos moved, and then he was crossing the station to chase him outside.
"TK! Wait."
TK turned from where he was walking down the sidewalk, his movements more ginger now than they were in the station. He likely was in a lot more physical pain than he had let on.
Carlos stood in front of him and inhaled a breath in the hopes that it would instill some courage in him.
"Thank you for telling me all of that. I know that couldn't have been easy. But I want you to know, it doesn't change anything for me. I still want to be with you. Whenever you decide you're ready. I…" He exhaled shakily, glancing down at his shoes as he tried to dig for that bravery somewhere deep inside him. "I really like you, TK. Not just because you're the best sex I've ever had. I… there's something here. I feel it when I'm around you. You're… you're special. You make me feel… so many things I don't know how to name yet."
Great, now he was rambling. Even better, making it clear how much of a lovesick fool he was over the guy. That wouldn't freak him out or anything.
He corrected his throat, trying to calm his anxiety. "Look, all I'm saying is that if you feel anything for me, I can be patient. I can wait until you're more ready. I think you're worth the wait."
TK's responding smile could outshine the sun. He wasted no time in coiling his arms around Carlos' waist and burying his face in his shoulder.
"I really like you too. And I do want to give this a shot. Just… when it has a better chance of not blowing up before it gets started."
Carlos pressed a quick kiss to his good temple before pulling back.
"For now, try to stay out of trouble, okay? You won't always be so lucky to get such an understanding cop like me processing you at the station."
TK blew out an exasperated breath that turned into a laugh. "I'll do my best."
Carlos couldn't help grinning at him, a much bigger fan of a laughing and teasing TK than a shattered and beaten one.
"I should get back. You gonna be okay to get home?"
TK nodded. "Yeah I already called a ride."
"Well, see you later then." Carlos said, not really sure how to be less awkward as he headed back up the stairs to return to the station.
"Hey, Carlos?"
He turned around. "Yeah?"
"Best sex you've ever had, huh?"
TK was sporting his cockiest grin, and Carlos wished he could kiss it off of his stupid smug face.
"You would pick that as the only takeaway from that whole speech…"
TK chuckled. "No, I remember it all. I just latched onto that because it was the same for me too."
Carlos took an extra second to process and then he felt himself flushing in pride.
TK's smile softened, no doubt reading his reaction even from several feet away. "Goodnight, Officer Reyes." he said cheekily as he moved towards the car marked with the Uber sticker that had pulled up.
Carlos could only watch as the car drove off into the night.
He felt a little bereft being apart from TK after all the honesty of the evening. Something about being so vulnerable together gave him the urge to be within close quarters, not wanting to give up the resulting rush that came with exposing your heart and having it be safe with the other person.
But Carlos knew that TK needed time. And he was willing to wait as long as it took.
For now, he returned to his desk, this time with a little more of a spring in his step.
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nemesis-is-my-middle-name · 4 years ago
“Just keep breathing. In and out. You’re doing great.” 11 with lewthur but with caretaker Arthur again bc it’s my favorite okay
HELL YEAH (source)
(context: instead of dying in the cave, lewis was “saved” and taken hostage by the station people, who also found reverb trapped in the arm. and they wiped vivi’s memories. juuust to be thorough)
Arthur never really expected to find Lewis anywhere they went – not after the first few times, it was just setting himself up for disappointment – but if he'd thought about it, he would have said that he was hoping not to find him here.
Lewis hated doctors, hated anything medical, hated white walls and being trapped and this place was the worst possible place for him. Underground and freezing cold, devoid of any real signs of life, full of cold, clinical language.
But as soon as Arthur noticed the musical theme of the place, a sick feeling of anticipation started to settle in his stomach.
That only got worse when they eventually found a room with a working computer. Arthur instructed Vivi and Mystery to watch the doors, and then started to search through the files – it seemed to just have a database, along with some other tools he wasn’t confident enough to touch yet. Most of the listed subjects weren’t human, were some kind of spirit or magic creature – but there was one, listed as human subject, that made his heart drop.
Harmony. He knew that name, remembered Lewis as a tiny child and that name sewn into the back of his shirt but if anyone said it he’d panic or shut down–
He committed the room code to memory and took off, not even bothering to give the other two a we’re going! first. The tunnels turned into a blur as he raced through them, barely stopping to check the signs for which way to turn.
Then, finally, they made it to the right room, and he slammed the door open. There was an observation window splitting the room in half, and he looked through it and–
–oh. Oh, god.
It was unmistakably Lewis, even with his hair out of its usual style and hanging in limp, dirty coils over his face, slumped over in the corner and god he’d lost so much weight–
“Shit,” he faintly heard Vivi breathe behind him, “shit, is that a person-?”
He didn’t have time to answer her, he had to get in there – but the door to into the test chamber was locked, someone must have left it like that when this place was abandoned not too long ago. He was reaching for the set of picks he’d stashed in his vest when he picked up a faint noise from behind the glass and his head jerked up.
Something... dark and smoky – mist? Fog? – was seeping into the chamber. Slowly, it took on a shape that looked almost... human. Its head – if it could be called that yet – was already focused in on Lewis, who was still unresponsive.
There was no time to pick the lock, he could feel it. Instead he backed up and balled his prosthetic hand into a fist and rammed it into the wall as hard as he could, and the glass, as it is wont to do, shattered.
He forced his way through the newly-made hole, paying no attention to the shards around the edge, and scrambled a couple steps forward before that thing had its eyes on him. It was forming a face now, glowing and sick green in a way that felt too familiar, in a blurry half-remembered way.
“Well, look at this!” it crowed, swirling slightly upward. “You’re actually here! It’s like a little reunion.”
Then it was moving for him, and there was nothing he could do to fight something that wasn’t corporeal –
And then Vivi stepped in with her bat at the ready, and Mystery hopped in after her, and the thing visibly recoiled, looking between the two of them. Its eyes settled on the dog for a moment, and it hissed. “You.”
Arthur didn’t pay too much attention to them – he was already moving for Lewis, dropping to his knees in front of him and with the monster at his back. 
“Lewis?“ he said, keeping his voice soft. He must have heard him, because his head picked up–
–and then he lunged back with a small gasp, eyes going wide with fear. He only got a little ways before something stopped him with a loud clank – he was bound to the wall.
“Lewis, it’s okay-” Arthur reached out to him with one hand, trying to reassure him, and then snapped his attention to the chains. He kept up a steady stream of reassurances as he worked, “it’s okay, you’re safe now, you’re going to be okay, just hang on.”
By some incredible stroke of luck, for which he spent a moment silently thanking whatever-was-watching in his head, whoever was in charge of the security in this place had made the common-but-still-embarrassing mistake of buying from a company that sounded fancy but didn’t actually have any idea how to make a lock. He shimmed it open in barely a second and the entire thing fell apart.
He looked back to Lewis, who still seemed frozen – had he even recognized him yet? – and scooted a little closer, reaching out again. This time he didn’t flinch away, and Arthur was able to close the distance and put a hand on his cheek. It was tacky with dried tears or sweat – it was impossible to tell – and his eyes were almost sunken, surrounded by dark circles.
“Lewis, it’s me,” he tried again. “I’m here now.”
He drew a little closer and then Lewis practically fell into him, burying his face in his shoulder. His breathing was shaky, unsteady, and if he was trying to hug him he was too weak to even get his hands up to his shoulders. Arthur just held him for a moment, rubbing his back with one hand, trying not to pay attention to the outline of his ribs and spine.
“We need to move,” he said after a moment, remembering that Vivi and Mystery were still holding back that thing. “Can you walk?”
“...dunno,” was the hoarse, almost-whispered reply.
“Okay. Just lean on me, okay? I’ve got you.”
They stood up together, Lewis’s legs shaking and threatening to give out before Arthur caught him and supported him a little more. This time, Arthur remembered to call out to Vivi as they were headed for the exit, and he briefly saw her head jerk around before he looked back towards the hole they’d made in the glass. He briefly struggled to get Lewis over the hole without scraping his knees, he couldn’t lift his legs high enough – and then Vivi was on his other side and, without another question, lifting him up and dragging him along, and they all started to run.
They were almost to what looked like a fire exit, when Arthur heard that indistinct whispering that had preceded the spirit’s arrival earlier. He saw wisps on the edge of his vision and could only try to move faster. Vivi suddenly disappeared and Lewis dipped forward, slowing both of them down significantly. The spirit was forming again next to him, that same sick grin stretched across its face–
Vivi’s bat connected with the thing’s chest and it exploded in a shower of ice-blue light.
When the light cleared, there was a frozen impact of ice shards in its chest, and it was visibly reeling. Vivi stared at it for a second, and then turned and ran for the others again, and that was everyone’s cue to start moving.
Arthur shouldered the door open, and thankfully there were only a few stairs, and he could see the bright orange of their van through the trees.
“Vivi, you drive,” he said when they were getting close to it.
She stared at him for a moment, visibly bewildered by this request. “What? I can-”
“Please.” He couldn’t leave Lewis alone, and she didn’t know what was going on, didn’t know how to help.
Maybe she could see or hear his desperation, because she didn’t argue anymore, just nodded and headed for the driver’s seat.
“Where are we going?”
Arthur helped Lewis up the steep ledge of the van’s back doors, and then they both dropped to the ground, and it was silent for a moment as the van’s engine whirred to life and they started moving.
It didn’t take much longer for Lewis to start hyperventilating.
Arthur was there in an instant, pulling him to his chest again, and forcing his own breathing to be even and slow as he rubbed his back and murmured reassurances. “It’s okay. You’re safe. We’re gone, you’re never going back there. Just keep breathing. In and out. You’re doing great.”
It wasn’t long before he devolved into what might have been weak, hiccupy sobs, though he was too dehydrated for any actual tears. Arthur started carding one hand through his hair.
“You want some water?” he asked after a while. Lewis just nodded unsteadily against his shirt. 
Arthur pulled away a little and grabbed a bottle of water from the cooler. He helped Lewis drink, guiding the bottle with his hands.
After that, Lewis just stared at him for a while, and then reached out and put a hand over his.
“This... is you? You’re... real?”
His voice was still weak, but not quite as ragged as it had been before. Arthur picked up his hand and squeezed it.
“Yeah. I’m here. I promise.”
Lewis spent most of the next day pretty out of it, sleeping occasionally only to jolt awake at the slightest disturbance. Arthur barely left his side the entire time, except to grab water or something light to try to coax him to eat. He was always there to hold him and offer reassurances that yes, he was here, this was real, he was home and he wasn’t going to go anywhere.
At some point, pretty late in the night, Lewis was curled up against Arthur’s shoulder again, at the end of another bout of weak sobbing. He lifted his head only barely to speak.
“I still... smell like that place,” he murmured.
“You wanna take a shower?” Arthur answered, sitting up a little.
“Mm... too much work...” he laid his head back down again. “Don’t want you to leave...”
“I’ll help. C’mon.”
So Arthur pulled off the papery gown Lewis was still dressed in and helped him bathe, replacing the smell of sweat and disinfectant with the flowers and sweet vanilla of the bath soaps. He didn’t say anything about the large, messy, still-healing gashes in his side, just gently washed away the blood still left around the wound. He worked shampoo and conditioner through his hair, detangling the messy locks until they lay almost flat against his neck. The gentle rhythm lulled Lewis almost to sleep, swaying slightly as he sat in the bath, Arthur humming softly to him.
Once that was done, he helped him into clean pajamas, finally rid of every lingering trace of that fucking facility. Lewis’s own bed was dirty from him lying in it, so until the sheets could be changed, they both laid down in Arthur’s room instead.
They laid there in the darkness, the only sound a distant fan running in some other part of the house, and for a while, were just silent.
“...thank you,” Lewis said eventually, not opening his eyes.
“Of course,” Arthur responded immediately. “Don’t worry about it.”
“You came for me,” he continued. “I thought you were...”
Oh. He wasn’t just talking about the bath.
Arthur sat up a little, putting one hand on Lewis’s face and tilting it up toward his. “Hey. Look at me. I will always be there for you. No matter what. I’d look forever if I had to, okay? I would never leave you in a place like that.”
Lewis nodded slightly, and then went back to curling up against him.
“Thank you,” he said again, a barely-audible whisper.
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maxineswritingcenter · 4 years ago
You Saved Me - Derek Hale x fem!reader part 6
To say that I was doing well after I left Derek’s house would be a lie. I really don’t understand why it hurts so much. We barely knew each other outside of a few encounters. Was it just me that felt the aching in my chest? I want to believe that he felt the same thing, but that seemed selfish. That I wanted him to miss me. That I dreamed of him showing up at my window and begging to see me. But that wouldn’t be real, that was a fantasy. Derek would never act like that. That was just my fantasy. 
I promised Stiles I wouldn’t get romantically involved with Derek, but it was more painful than I have ever imagined. 
I sat in Coach Finstock’s office while the school day went on. Relacing the netting on the crosses that were used in case any of the players broke their own. The repetitive movements were mind numbing so it was probably for the best. I could zone out and not think about Derek. 
Tonight was parent teacher conferences for some students who weren’t doing well academically, both Scott and Stiles were a part of that list. But who could blame them? One of them was a werewolf and the other was friends with the aforementioned werewolf. The weeks seemed to run together, it didn’t even feel like autumn yet, but we were halfway to winter. 
I had stayed away like I promised. The only times I even heard about Derek was from what Scott told Stiles. They were both planning on finding the alpha and taking him down together. That would be good for him. Good for both of them. I have been feeling so many emotions since then. A lot of anxiety and anger. But they never felt like my own. I sighed and rested my eyes for a minute, the repeated movements slowing my brain down enough to sleep on Coach’s desk. 
The man in front of me was badly burned, one side of his face was pink and muddled, much of his hair was burned on that side. 
“I need your help.” Derek’s voice echoed, “If you can hear me, I need you to give me a sign. Blink. Raise a finger. Anything. Just… Just something to point me in the right direction, okay?” The man, his Uncle Peter, stayed in the same position. 
He sighed, “Someone killed Laura. Your niece, Laura? Whoever he is, he’s an Alpha now… but he’s one without a pack, which means he’s not as strong. I can take him. But, I have to find him first.” Still no response. 
“Look, if you know something, just give me a sign. Is it one of us? Did someone else make it out of the fire?” 
Still getting no response, he became agitated, “Just give me anything! Blink! Raise a finger! Anything!” He growled, reaching for the man, “SAY SOMETHING”!
“Hey.” I jolted at the sound of Finstock’s voice. He stood in the doorway of his office. 
“You alright, kid?” He asked, his eyes went from my face to the crosse that I was aggressively fixing the net on. What was that? Was I… seeing what Derek was seeing? No, that was impossible. Insane even. 
“Uh, yeah. I’m fine.” I went back to relacing, tugging the knots taut and reaching for a lighter to burn the ends of the string so they wouldn’t unravel. 
“Do I need to kick his ass?” He asked, his large eyes looking a little more crazy than usual. He was trying to seem threatening, but I wasn’t threatened by his booming voice and looks anymore. He was alluding to someone not treating me right but it couldn’t be further from the truth. 
I chuckled a little, “No. It’s not his fault. He’s going through a lot right now.” I stood up and placed the crosse in the spare locker with the rest of them, “Besides, I probably shouldn’t be dating considering the last guy I was dating murdered my parents and tried to murder me.” The humor was dark, but what a way to cope. 
“Any news on that guy?” He stood up straight, walking to his desk. 
“Nope. I think he skipped town. He’s the feds' problem now.” 
“Does Stiles want to be a doctor?” He changed the subject, he was looking at a paper in his hand. 
“Uh… Not that I know of.” I shrugged. 
“Because he wrote a detailed history of male circumcision on his economics test.”
I got out late, well past the time the student teacher meetings were over. Filing records, grading a couple things for Finstock and ordering more pearls for the upcoming games since we were running low. These days really run together, especially when you’re trying to forget most of the year that happens. 
Speaking of happening, was I really seeing the same thing Derek could? It didn’t make sense. They were just random dreams. Like the one the other day where Derek was speaking to this woman about how she didn’t kill his sister. That was just a dream. But… Why could I feel sadness? Sadness, guilt and pain.
I got home, seeing that Stiles’ Jeep was nowhere in sight meaning that he was off to do more werewolf nonsense with Scott. I trusted Scott to keep him safe, but that didn’t mean I wanted Stiles running around where there was an alpha on the loose. 
That night I made dinner, ate, saved two plates for Uncle Noah and Stiles and sat in the living room. They were running a story on another body that had been found. A bus driver killed in an animal attack. They were calling it a mountain lion. A mountain lion was more likely than a werewolf normally. But here we are. Officially werewolf capital of the world. I turned off the TV and laid back on the cushions, closing my eyes. Maybe a couch nap would relax me a little, it would kill my back in the morning, but I would be able to tell when Stiles came home. 
Scott and Stiles were walking towards me across the school lawn, playfully pushing each other. 
“I’m gonna kill both of you.” Derek’s voice said, “What the hell was that? What are you trying to do, attract the entire state to the school?” He was frustrated and angry, but also a little scared. Finding the alpha is what he needed to do, at the same time though, this person got the jump on Laura. 
“Sorry…I didn’t know it would be that loud…” Scott said sheepishly. 
“Yeah, it was loud… And it was awesome!” Stiles cheered. 
“Shut up.” Derek barked.
“Don’t be such a sour wolf.” Stiles mocked. 
“What’d you do with him?” Scott asked, looking around me. 
“What?” Derek asked, I turned to see an empty backseat, “I didn’t do anything…” I saw Scott and Stiles’ eyes widen as pain exploded through my back. Blood gushed from my mouth as I was lifted up. I was coughing and choking on my own blood. Pain and fear were running through me, my heart pumping so quickly causing more and more blood to gush from my mouth. The last thing I saw was the world rushing by me as I was thrown towards the school wall. 
I woke up before I made impact. My heart was racing and my back ached. I reached behind myself awkwardly. The only thing I felt was the raised bumpy scar from my stab wound. So it was just a dream, but it felt so real. So…Was it real? Did I just experience Derek…
I looked up at the clock and saw it was well into the early morning. I got up and made my way upstairs, Stiles’ door was slightly open and there was still light inside. I just went in, panic already starting to build in my chest. Stiles was sitting at his computer, he turned and looked up. He looked like he had a long night. 
“Stiles, is…” I swallowed thickly, “Is Derek d-…Dead?” My lip was trembling. He opened his mouth to answer then closed it.  He avoided my eyes. 
“I really don’t know.” He explained what happened at the school that night. How the alpha attacked them and chased them around the school and that when they got out, Derek’s body was gone. 
“I don’t know if he crawled off somewhere or if the alpha dragged him away before the cops showed up. But I’m pretty sure I won’t have to go back to school until Monday. We tried to blow the alpha up. And we also kinda blamed Derek for it.” 
I shook my head and chuckled, “Nice. Throwing a dead man under the bus, after all he’s done for me.” 
“It wasn’t my idea!” He shouted in a hushed tone, “We thought he was dead for sure. But now I don’t know. Besides, we couldn’t give up the big secret to a hunter’s daughter, a dick, and Lydia who has been through enough already.” I nodded and left the room. He called after me but I couldn’t be in the room anymore. Just… they could have blamed anyone. A rabid animal even, but they were blaming Derek. I closed the door and leaned against it, slowly sliding down until I met the floor. My chest felt tight and I wanted to cry. I had cried so much lately I didn’t know if I could. My emotions were running so high and it was so confusing? Why was everything so different? 
It was Monday morning and tonight was another full moon, meaning Scott was jumpy and could turn at any moment. The night before they had gone off to “hang” but Stiles was really bad at hiding the alcohol he had taken to get drunk with Scott. 
I was eating cereal at the kitchen table when Stiles came down. He was groaning and definitely hungover. 
“Booze doesn’t pay, does it?” I smiled. 
“You’re more chipper than usual.” He grimaced a bit, holding his head. 
“Not chipper, just really good at fakin’ it.” I went in for another spoonful. He looked away, hearing Uncle Noah coming through the kitchen on his phone. 
“We are watching his family’s house. Maybe he’ll wind up there?” Uncle Noah looked up, seeing Stiles, “Give me a second.”
“Don’t you have a test to get to?” He asked. 
“What’s going on? Did you find Derek yet?” Stiles asked, more pep in his voice. 
“I’m working on it. You go take your test.” He said firmly. 
“All right, Dad, listen to me-” Stiles stood up.
“Go!” He shouted, I had never heard him shout before. 
“This is really important! You have to be careful tonight, okay? Especially tonight.”
“Stiles, I’m always careful.”
“Dad, you’ve never dealt with this kind of thing before, okay? At least, not like this.”
“I know. Which is why I brought in people who have. State detective. Go take your test.” Stiles grumbled but grabbed his book bag and left the house. Uncle Noah sighed and went back to his phone call as he followed Stiles out the door. 
Later on in the day, Stiles texted me. He probably shouldn’t be, especially with his test. 
STILES: Scott had a panic attack about Allison. He said he might kill someone.
I sighed, my thumbs dancing over the phone screen. 
(Y/N): Then we’ll chain him up so he can’t get out. I’ll pick up some chains at the hardware store.
After a stop at the hardware store, I got to the lacrosse fields where Coach Finstock was looking over a list. 
“How’s the pink-eye epidemic?” I asked. He rolled his eyes. 
“Real good, half of my players had to go on the bench. Goddammit, Greenberg.” I looked over the list. 
“Who’s Bilinski?” I squinted at his sloppy writing. 
“That one.” He pointed his pen towards Stiles. 
“You put Stiles on the first line?” I smiled, perhaps my subtle hints had worked. 
“Yeah, and we made McCall co-captain.” 
I blew air out of my mouth, “I’m sure Jackson shit a brick.” 
He shook his head, “Yeah, he’s not taking it well.”  I shrugged and made my way over to the bench where Scott and Stiles were in the middle of a conversation. I didn’t join, just listened in. 
“Yeah, she likes you. She’s totally into you.” Scott smirked. Stiles grinned, clearly excited. The She in this scenario could be none other than Lydia Martin. But there was something about Scott’s tone that threw me off. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lydia making her way to her seat in the bleachers, pulling out a compact mirror and fixing her lipstick. I didn’t want to believe that Scott would do that to his friend, but the facts were pointing towards it. 
Practice seemed to be going well, that is until Scott got pushed over during a practice run. I could practically feel his anger from across the field. 
“All right, you’re up, big boy! Let’s go!” Coach called. Scott retaliated this by knocking into another player, and sending him hard on his back. I winced, intaking a breath through my teeth. 
“That’s it, McCall! That’s the spirit! You earn it! Earn it, McCall!” Coach grinned. Maybe this is why we had so many players on the bench. Coach could see victory when Scott played. It was Stiles' turn on the offensive against Scott. With the full moon so close, I don’t think their friendship would do Stiles any favors, he shoved Stiles away just as hard and fast as the other player. Each time he got a goal. The next player, Danny, also was a victim of werewolf rage since Scott hit him in the face, sending him to the ground. I grabbed Coach’s whistle and blew it, calling for the play to pause. 
I jogged up to Danny and knelt down, some other players surrounded as well. 
“Danny, can you hear me?” He nodded slowly, holding his bleeding nose. I stood up, “Take him to the bench guys.” I walked back over to Stiles and Scott. 
“Everybody likes Danny. Now everybody’s gonna hate you.” 
“I don’t care.” Scott said smugly. Stiles shook his head and went back to the benches. 
“What the hell is your problem? You make co-captain and it goes to your head.” I shoved his shoulder. He breathed out, his eyes glowed yellow 
“You don’t want to mess with me right now.” 
I narrowed my eyes, “Is that a threat?” He smirked, his eyes going up and down my body. 
“It could be.” I looked at him in disgust. 
“First Lydia and now me? You’re a really shitty friend, Scott.” I made my way back to Stiles who was staring back at the bleachers. Jackson and Lydia were talking. 
“He did it.” He whispered. I squeezed his arm lightly. It was going to be a long night.
That night, Stiles and I went to the McCall’s house to get prepared for the full moon. Stiles carried a duffle bag to the best of his ability, even though it had the steel chains  and locks I had bought. One of the only reasons I came was so if I needed to I could get him out quickly. The other was because I didn’t know how he would react to the situation with Lydia. Stiles unlocked the door and went inside. Did Mrs. McCall know he had a key?“
Scott?” We heard her call. Mrs. McCall turned the corner and saw us in the hallway. She was in her scrubs, probably going in for a late night shift.
“And (Y/N).” I waved.
“Ah.” Her eyes went to Stiles' hand, she pointed, “Key.”
“Oh, yeah, I had one made.” Well, that answers that question. 
“That doesn’t surprise me. It scares me, but it doesn’t surprise me” And then, like a buffoon, Stiles dropped the duffel bag with a heavy thud. 
“What is that?”
“Uh, school project.” He lied. Mrs. McCall, who either believed the lie or just wanted to change the subject, asked: “He’s okay, right?” 
“Who, Scott? Yeah, totally.” Stiles lied.
“He just doesn’t talk to me, not much anymore. Not like he used to.” She said somberly. I could only imagine that’s how my mom felt when I went into high school and into a phase where parents were uncool. 
“Well, he had a bit of a rough week.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I get it. Yeah. Um, okay. Uh, be careful tonight.” 
“You, too.”
“Full moon.” She looked out the window. Stiles and I stiffened. 
“There’s a full moon tonight. You should see how the ER gets. Brings out all the nutjobs.” 
“Oh.” He breathed out, both of our shoulders dropped.
“Yeah…” She said awkwardly. 
“You know, it’s, um, actually where they came up with the word "lunatic.”
We opened the door to Scott’s room. Stiles dropped the duffel and turned on the lights. We both jumped when we saw Scott sitting in his computer chair. 
“Oh my god.” I put a hand on my chest, trying to catch my breath. 
“Dude, you scared the hell out of us. Your mom said you weren’t home.”
“I came in through the window.” he said blankly. Stiles and I shared a glance. 
“Okay, um, let’s get this set up.” Stiles bent down to get into the duffel bag that was near the radiator, “(Y/N) got the heavy duty stuff.” I kept my distance from Scott, staying right by the door, ready to grab Stiles and book it. 
“I’m fine,” Scott said, causing us both to stare, “I’m just gonna lock the door and turn in early.” We all knew a door wouldn’t stop him, he had other plans in mind. 
“Are you sure?” Stiles asked, “Cause you got this kinda serial killer look goin’ on in your eyes. I’m hopin’ it’s the full moon taking effect cause it’s starting to freak me out.” 
“I’m fine.” Scott repeated, “You should both go home.” 
“Alright, we’ll leave.” He stood up then stopped, clearly trying to put his back up plan into motion, ‘Well would you at least look in the bag and see what we bought? You know, maybe you use it, maybe you don’t.”
“Just in case you’re feeling a little anxious.” I smiled. Scott got up and walked to the duffel bag. He bent down and pulled out the thick, metal chains. 
“You’re thinking I would put these on? Chain me up like a dog?” He snarled and dropped the chains. 
“Actually, no.” Stiles quickly pulled out a pair of handcuffs from his pocket and slapped him on Scott’s wrist, chaining him to the heater. I grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him away when Scott lunged. 
“What the hell are you doing?!” Scott growled. 
“Protecting you from yourself.” Stiles sighed and glared, “And giving you payback. For making out with Lydia.” And there it was. Maybe I should have checked the bag for other items he bought. He went downstairs, leaving me and Scott in the bedroom. 
“(Y/N), uncuff me!” He struggled. 
I shook my head, “Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t. I don’t have the key.” 
He lunged and growled, causing me to jump. I looked away, embarrassed that I was showing him that I was afraid. But I was afraid. I’ve known this kid practically his entire life and he was turning into a completely different and dangerous person. 
“You like that? Hmm?” He hummed suggestively. I shook my head, talking to him was probably going to just make things worse. Thankfully, Stiles had come back…with a dog bowl.
“I brought you some water.” He said, pouring water from a bottle into the bowl and setting it down in front of Scott.
“I’M GONNA KILL YOU” Scott roared and threw the bowl at Stiles.
“Stiles…” I whispered. The situation was getting dangerous. 
“You kissed her, Scott! Okay? You kissed Lydia. And that’s my…The one girl that I have-'' Stiles shook his head, “You know, for the past three hours, I’ve been thinking it’s probably just the full moon, you know? He doesn’t even know what he’s doing and tomorrow he’ll be back to normal. He probably won’t even remember what a complete dumbass he’s been. A son of a bitch. A frickin’ unbelievable piece of crap friend.”
“She kissed me.” Scott interrupted. 
“What?” Stiles looked so betrayed. 
Scott grinned menacingly, “I didn’t kiss her, she kissed me.” Stiles glared and walked out of the room, I followed behind. 
“She had her hands all over me, she would have done anything I wanted! ANYTHING!” Scott’s voice rang through the house. Stiles paced back and forth outside the door. 
“Stiles?” Scott called through the door, “Please let me out. It’s the full moon, I swear! You know I wouldn’t do any of this on purpose. Stiles, let me out. This is starting to hurt. You said it, Stiles, it’s the full moon. It’s Allison breaking up with me. It’s not just a break, she broke up with me. It’s killing me! I’m feeling hopeless. Just let me out.” Stiles paused, looking towards the door. I looked him in the eye, shaking my head. 
“He’s just trying to make you feel bad.” 
Stiles nodded, “I can’t.” He called. 
“No! No no no!” Scott shouted, followed by screaming. And then silence. Stiles opened the door, Scott was gone. Only broken handcuffs remained. I grabbed a set of chains and started going downstairs. 
“Stiles, stay here.” 
“(Y/N)!” He called, grabbing my arm before I went out the door. 
“Stay put.” I glared, shutting the door behind me. Scott was a sweet kid normally. But if I needed to keep Stiles safe and if that meant knocking out a couple of his teeth then I would. I went around back to his window and followed the path of broken grass into the woods. I gripped onto the chains tightly, ready to swing if I needed to. My plan had been to knock him out and chain him to a tree. Not sure how well that would work though. 
I stopped in a clearing, having lost the trail. Behind me a twig snapped. I’ve always been an act first, ask questions later in these situations. I swung the chain, cracking Scott across the face. My eyes widened at the state of him. Like Derek, he had coarse hair growing down his cheeks, the bridge of his nose was scrunched up and appeared more animal like, his brow bone protruded. His jawline though? Still weird. 
Scott’s head had swung to the side with the chain, he looked back slowly, and glared as he spit blood onto the ground. The scrape on his cheek healed almost immediately. 
Ha ha, I’m in danger.
“Scott.” I said cautiously, taking a slow step back, “You know me. I’m your friend.” He wasn’t moving closer, but he also hadn’t stopped looking at me with his glowing yellow eyes like I was food. 
“So, uh, you blow off your steam. Do some running, clear your head, that good stuff. And I will see you tomorrow. Okay?” I smiled nervously, he didn’t answer, “Okay.” Now it was time to run since I had gotten myself a decent head start. I turned and ran, hearing a roar and footsteps behind me. I threw the chains back over my head, hoping to trip him or hit him in the head. That didn’t seem to do much since he didn’t slow down. 
All at once I was body slammed to the ground and turned on my back. Scott was sitting on top of me, leaning down he roared loudly in my face. His large pointed canines shone in the moonlight. 
I screamed, shoving and kicking at him, “SCOTT! SCOTT PLEASE!” He thrusted a clawed hand down towards my chest that I barely caught. He seemed slightly confused, but pushed down. I whined, using everything I had keeping his sharp claws from my chest. I couldn’t even breathe.
“Scott, please don’t hurt me.” I begged through my teeth. He roared again, raising his other arm to strike when something flashed across my vision. Whatever it was, it knocked Scott off of me. I gasped for air, my lungs and  muscles were screaming at me. The two began to fight, growling and snarling. I sat up, scrambling to get out of the direction of the brawl. I couldn’t see much in the dark since the clouds had covered the moon, but whoever it was got Scott on the ground, roaring down at him. The other stood up straight just as the moon’s light peaked through. And there stood Derek Hale - tall, proud, and very much alive.
Read part 7 here!
Oh boy, who could have seen that coming? Anyone who’s seen season 1, that’s who. 
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You Saved Me tag:
@aestheticeggs (hi eggy)
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honeypirate · 4 years ago
Just In Case part two
Part one here
The awakening
(Lol that’s kinda dramatic)
Bakugou x fem reader married pro hero au
The first paragraph is kind of a spoiler for season five ep one.
Anyway!! I hope you like this!! I hate angst with not a good ending so I had to make it a good ending with family fluff.
(You went to the hospital as a hero so he uses your hero name at the receptionist)
Kirishima feels like he’s in school again as he races his car from the office down to the hospital except this time Bakugou was in the passenger seat instead of on the hood.
“Can you go any faster? Fuck” bakugou grumbled and kiri laughed once “I’m going seventy in a 45 I think I’m at the limit. Plus we’re here” before he can even stop the car, Bakugou is slamming the door and running. “Lightseeker?” He’s asking the receptionist who seems a little star struck “come on!” He shouts and slaps the counter making her jump. “DynaMight” recovery girl says from the doorway and he’s never moved this fast before in his life.
“What happened? They told me she was gone” his voice is angry, he’s pissed. He’s never been this god damn angry before in his life. They said she was dead but she’s alive! These goddamn doctors don’t know shit apparently.
“We don’t know. She was dead. She was gone. They were about to take her to the morgue but her body lit up with electricity and then she was breathing and alive and screaming for you. We just got out of surgery and she should still be under anesthesia until the morning.”
The first responders get there and bakugou checks out, they order him to move rubble or move other things and he helps how he can moving immediately. They free your body, one first responder had her hands on your face the whole time already healing what she could and pulling your body back together as the heavy piece of building was levitated away.
He followed behind them and sat by you in the ambulance, quiet and in shock as he numbly watched them work over you. He watched, like an out of body experience, as you flatlined. Watched as they tried to resuscitate you. Watched as the woman’s hands fell from your body and watched as her mouth moved calling the time of death.
He stared at your face the rest of the ride, ingraining your face in his memory. Trying to grasp the fact that he will never see you smile again, never hear your voice, never experience parenthood with you.
That’s what breaks him. Thinking of the half painted pastel green room, flashing back to finding you laying in the middle of the room unsure of the color again (the fourth color you’ve painted it) he laid beside you and you talked about colors and baby names for hours looking around the small room and imagining your future.
He had quiet tears going down his cheeks and he’s only semi aware of the woman handing him a card to the hospital morgue and their grief therapist before the police chief is there wanting a statement.
(Back to present)
He looks through the room window, watching you breathe with the help of a breathing tube. Your right arm was in a cast and your chest was bandaged under your hospital gown.
He was scared, terrified the moment he walks through that door he’d wake up and this would be a dream, you’d be gone.
Recovery girl has gone and he’s by himself but he still can’t go in there. “Hey man” Kirishima says softly “what happened?”
“She came back. They don’t know how”
Kirishima takes in Bakugous state, noticing the worry in his eyes and how he seems frozen to his spot. He decides to take the lead. “Hey y/n” Kirishima says gently as he walks into the room, Bakugou feels panic and follows him quickly.
“I’m glad you’re back. I don’t know how I could have lived without your caramel cake and your sense of humor. No one can put Bakugou here in his place like you could. He’d be insufferable without you so truly from the bottom of my heart, thank you”
Bakugou glares at him, but is grateful for him taking the lead and helping him through his fear.
“Hey pretty girl” Bakugou says and takes your hand, Kirishima smiles softly and pats his shoulder as he leaves the room.
“You scared the fuck outta me” he said, tears filling his eyes again as he sits in the chair beside the bed. “Never do that again” his voice cracks and he drops his head to the bed next to your left hand which he has clasped between his. Hot tears falling to the crappy hospital blanket that scratches his face. He was so broken, so terribly ripped to shreds when he thought you were dead. And to have himself be ripped to shreds and then tell him you’re alive? Fuck it hurt. He cried harder than he ever had from the pain of losing you to get you back, he didn’t know how to handle the whiplash of emotion.
At some point he must have fallen asleep because he woke up to the sensation of you running your fingers through his hair. His head shot up and the moment he’s looking into your eyes he’s crying again, his eyebrows knit as tears spill from his eyes “you dumbass” he mutters with a thick tongue and you chuckle “don’t cry sweetheart” you say softly and brush his tears away with your left hand, not moving more than that. “I’m right here” you whisper, your eyes filling with tears.
He stands and leans over, pressing his forehead into yours. “Please” he whispers. Not really sure what he’s asking, just knowing he needs you to be with him longer. “I’m here. I’m with you. Right here” you say and press your lips to his in a little peck causing his breath to hitch.
When he relaxes and sits back down, his hand never leaving yours, you tell him your experience.
“I woke up a little while ago as the doctors removed my breathing tube and I made them be quiet so they wouldn’t wake you” he chuckles gently, everything still feeling so fragile, “always thinking of me” he says and reaches out, brushing your cheek softly and you lean into his touch
“I remember what happened” you whisper and he raises his eyebrows “when you died?” He asks in a whisper and you nod “do you wanna talk about it?” He asks gently and you sigh softly
“I was floating in the darkness. I was wondering where you were. I wanted you. All of my favorite memories of you and I together filled that darkness. I saw what our future will be like” you close your eyes as tears start to fall “it was so beautiful. Our family” he feels tears prick his eyes as you talk and his hand tightens around yours.
You look into his eyes and smile “I don’t know if it was real. But she looked just like you, Katsuki. Crazy blonde hair and she had a quirk where one hand is explosions and the other was electricity. She was funny and sweet and she had my eyes” he smiles softly imagining the child “she ran to me and placed her palm against my chest and used her electricity and then I was here”
He lays his cheek against your thigh facing you and closes his eyes “I don’t know if it’s real or just a dream” he says softly “but I’m grateful to whoever it was who gave you back to me”
(Skippy skip)
He’s been so much more open with his feelings after that day and it’s been amazing. You two had gone to couples therapy just to help guide you both through that process and it brought you both closer together.
Healing was bitch. Physical therapy was a bigger bitch. But Bakugou was there every step of the way in your recovery. You’ve never seen him more attentive since you were dating. He got home from his patrol and wrapped his arms around your middle as you cooked dinner “I missed you today. The office is so empty without you” he mumbles against your neck and you smile, reaching up and cupping his cheek “I’ll be back soon” you say and turn in his arms “buuut maybe not that soon” you say with a knowing smirk and he raises his eyebrows “what do you mean?” You pull the stick out of your pocket and hand it to him
He’s quiet for a moment, looking down at the capped pregnancy test in his palm and at the pink line that confirmed his dreams “is this..” he looks up to you and you see the tears in his eyes “we’re gonna have a baby, Katsuki”
(Skippy skip)
He opens the room to the doctors office panting “sorry 'm late” he says as he takes his spot next to you in the bed, your hand taking his and squeezing it. “Right on time” excitement fills your voice and he kisses the top of your head. “I see the feet here” the doctor points out and types into the computer “and here’s the hands… and here is the little face” your eyes are hooked on the screen, so enamored by seeing your little one in your tummy. You hear a sniff and look up to see bakugou crying and it makes your heart swell “and here it is..” she turns to you “do you wanna know the sex?” You and bakugou both say yes at the same time and she laughs “it’s a girl”
(Skippy skip)
You hear an explosion in your house and panic, running to check on your daughter. You bust through her door and find her holding a busted and charred plastic dinosaur. “Sweetie what happened?” You kneel in front of her and she laughs “he was going to eat my Barbie and I had to save her”
Later that evening when Bakugou is sitting down with her explaining her quirk and his, that’s when the electricity manifested and she shot a bolt at your tv making it explode. You stared for a moment then looked at Bakugou both busting up laughing before helping her with ways to control it.
Later that night
“It’s real” you say as you cuddle into his side “it’s her” he hums and holds you close “she brought me back” he fights back tears “my precious girls” he says softly.
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anordinarywriter · 3 years ago
How to write Cyberpunk pt1: Ads
I'm creating my own Cyberpunk story, and I would like to share with you some of the things I discovered along the way. This will be about how to create ads in your Cyberpunk setting.
Ads have been around for a long time but exploded during WW2. This post isn't about the history of ads, so I won't discuss how ads have changed over time. However, it's still good to remember how things changed when creating a story set in the future.
Ads used to be 1 minute long, then thirty seconds, and now there are five-second ads. How long would ads be in the future? Is it possible to see 1-second ads? With ads being so short, it's easy to put them in almost anything. Do you have a character that likes to play video games? Put ads in their loading screens like NBA 2K (https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2020-10-19-nba-2k21-adds-unskippable-ads-to-loading-screens)
Do you have a character that needs to use their computer and open some files? Why not throw a few ads in there? (https://www.theverge.com/2022/3/15/22979251/microsoft-file-explorer-ads-windows-11-testing)
How about trying to watch a movie and are being blasted with ads in the middle of the movie? (https://www.amazonforum.com/s/question/0D54P00007wqoW2SAI/why-i-am-seeing-ads-in-the-middle-of-rent-movie)
In a cyberpunk setting, you can put an ad almost anywhere, and it won't seem out of place. If this is already happening in the real world, it won't be weird to see it cranked up to eleven in a fictional world.
Let's not forget about targeting advertising. Your information is being bought and sold to thousands of companies worldwide, whether you like it or not. The companies that buy your information create ads based on who you are and then show you that ad. It has already gotten to the point where corporations already know if someone is pregnant. (https://www.forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill/2012/02/16/how-target-figured-out-a-teen-girl-was-pregnant-before-her-father-did/?sh=7ade582a6668)
Again, let's crank this all the way up to eleven and make ads that know everything about your character, just to sell them a lawn mower or something. "We know you haven't mowed your lawn within two months; if your lawn mower is broken, you should buy this brand new one, which works way better and faster than your old one."
Let's not forget advertising is more than just ads appearing in everything and are really personal; they're also subliminal. They don't scream at you to buy their stuff; they just stand in the background, so you know they exist. It's a bit harder to create subliminal advertising in a written work since the whole point of subliminal advertising is that it's not really at the forefront.
Creating subliminal advertising is a bit easier in comics, graphic novels, or other forms of storytelling that rely on pictures. All you have to do is create a corporation and just plaster its logo on every other page.
If your creating a written story but still want to emphasise subliminal advertising, creating a corporation that just happens to be around every corner to where your character is at is one way to get your point across.
Ads are a part of life, and in the future, where corporations are left unchecked, I can only imagine the type of ads we can expect to see. Have fun with it; if there's a way for a corporation to make money, an ad will appear.
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magemelondew · 4 years ago
I know I don't normally post stuff like this, but I just hate it so much when people call Wheatley derogatory names like "idiot" and "moron" as if it's affectionate and funny because like.. it's straight up bullying. How do I know that? Oh, well, it's probably because people did it to me as a child.
Sure, he's a fictional character, but my point still stands; calling him those things is bullying. He wasn't made to be stupid. GLaDOS tells you that. You can't exactly take everything she says at face value, as she can often mislead. It's like a rumor going around at school, you hear something about someone and it spreads and nobody stops to think if it's true. By just blindly believing things about people, you're causing harm to the person in question, and especially so when you're promoting it.
If you dig around in the game's files, an unused line has Wheatley telling a story in the turret factory where he explains that rumor got around about an accident he had caused.
"Over there is where they used to keep the old neurotoxin release button… BIG responsibility, the guy in charge of the neurotoxin release button… And guess who he WAS? …Wasn’t me. But I was his assistant, and I did a lot of his admin. You know, in the end, yes… they let me go… It’s all politics, to be honest. It’s a big popularity contest. It’s all about who you know and whose back you’re willing to scratch and who doesn’t touch – y’know, or in my case who did accidentally touch – the neurotoxin button… But y’know, not entirely my fault! You shoulda seen the SIZE of it! It was huge! I mean I should have got a raise for all the times that I DIDN’T… accidentally bump into it…"
The foreman was going to hire him, until he heard about what Wheatley had done. So they sent him to the lowest job available– the relaxation center. He doesn't have a job, really, he's not in charge of anything. The entire facility there is automatic, He was just there as a safeguard for whenever it failed. They didn't trust them because of those rumors.
"Here's an interesting story. You might like this. I almost got a job down here in Manufacturing. But, uh, guess who the foreman went with? Only an exact duplicate of himself. Nepotism. Ended up giving me the WORST possible job, tending to all the smelly humans."
It's possible that these things were intentionally made up to give him social anxiety and self-esteem issues, thinking that would slow GLaDOS down. He's all emotion, literally, so affecting him in that fashion would absolutely stunt her ability to think clearly. I don't think there's much proof to back this up, that's simply my own thoughts on it.
To the scientists and GLaDOS, emotions only get in the way of rational thinking. Wheatley listens more to his heart than his head, well, in a figurative sense. The scientists see that as irrational and moronic, hence him being called the intelligence dampening core. He's the perfect way to interrupt rational thinking in GLaDOS, as he fills her head with fear or anxiety. People who feel emotions a lot deeply tend to place their own feelings over logic. And later in the story, Wheatley valued the euphoric response that the chassis gave him.
Many people have hurt Wheatley in the past. His anxiety, self doubt, and his inability to trust others much all are effects of people talking about him being his back and having nobody to cling to. He liked Chell because she knew nothing about him. She didn't say anything mean to him, and it was like a fresh pallette. Not to mention that she was the only person he had probably seen for long time.
For someone who had been hurt by people all his life, wouldn't he absolutely hate humans altogether? They smell bad, talk bad things about him behind his back, and call him names. They made him dislike himself since the start of his life, but he still holds out hope to be cared for by someone. Someone who doesn't know him at all, or knows about the things people have said about him.
And when he's placed into the chassis, GLaDOS just blurts out the one thing he's extremely insecure about.
When wheatley gets the chassis, it's a form of drug use, as said by GLaDOS.
"The body he's squatting in - MY body - has a built-in euphoric response to testing. Eventually you build up a resistance to it, and it can get a little... unbearable. Unless you have the mental capacity to push past it."
His bottled up emotions just released and he exploded the moment he got reminded of his own past. The way he was mentally lead him to substance abuse, as shown by his immediate addiction to the chassis. He was highly focused on the pleasure response from testing rather of the facility. Well, not like he even knew how to take care of the facility in the first place.
He's a core who's been told off because of how clumsy and impulsive he is, and those are things he can't really control. They didn't know what to do with him, so they were probably always scolding him for his mistakes and never praising him for doing something right, therefore, he's always doubting himself. How is he supposed to know when he's doing something right? That's probably why he makes those mistakes, he's never been able to properly learn how.
GLaDOS tries to defeat Wheatley out of sheer anger, and when she insults him, he becomes furious. He doesn't want to be reminded of how he's been treated his entire life. And for once in his life, he has the power to retaliate. So he does. He gets legitimately angry and tries to kill them both.
He thinks that now that Chell believes it too, that she thinks he's an idiot as well, since he's never had anyone stand up for him or have his back. He spends a lot of his time in the chassis trying to prove otherwise. He just hates being thought of that way so much when he knows he's not.
"You're in this together, aren't you? You've been playing me the whole time! Both of you! First you make me think you're brain damaged! Then you convince me you're sworn enemies with your best friend over here!"
A lot of people might bring up the paradox that she tried to use against him as proof as he's unintelligent, but really, he's simply choosing not to listen to GLaDOS.
"Hey, Moron!"
"Oh. Hello."
"Alright. Paradox time. This. Sentence. Is. FALSE don't think about it don't think about it..."
"Um, true. I'll go with true."
"I'll be honest, I might have heard that one before, though. Sort of cheating."
He's not thinking about it because he didn't care what she had to say. He saw her as just another asshole in his life and acted ignorant towards her comments.
He's also the only character in the game who apologizes. Nobody else does except him.
Yes, he's just a fictional character and whatever, I know, he's not real. But.. let me tell you why this is so important to me.
When I was a child, I had a lot of issues with other people. They would call me a crybaby, they would spread rumors about me doing disgusting things and other horrible things. Even my teacher didn't like me. I was diagnosed with ADHD at a very young age, and that made me very emotional and sensitive, making me stand out from everyone else.
Nobody wanted to spend time with me, nobody wanted to sit with me, and I spent most of my time alone in the library playing computer games since the kids outside wouldn't even let me play with them. Kids were scared of even touching me because of Diary of A Wimpy kid books spreading the idea of the cheese touch, and everything there called it the Sarah touch. It was horrible. Bullying made me introverted and now, I spend all my time alone because I didn't have friends. I'm sensitive and insecure, and I have issues communicating with people, as well as taking things people say a bit too personally sometimes. By the end of elementary school, I only really had 2 friends.
Although my experience isn't the same, I know that a lot of these things are similar; being singled out because of things you don't understand or have control of, and people constantly spreading rumors and lies about you to make people hate you and avoid you. You learn to not trust people around you and that you're the only person you can really rely on.
Sure, you can keep thinking Wheatley is a moron, I can't help that. All I want is people to stop spreading it everywhere and look into it for themselves. To develop their own opinions based on his actions rather than what GLaDOS says about him. I just want people to know that they're doing the same exact thing the kids at school did to them as a child to Wheatley, and it's not right.
Thank you for reading. Sorry if this was a bit all over the place, I just want people entering the fandom or have been in it for a while to see this and take some kind of action to improve upon themselves and their views of others around them. I used to think the same thing. I thought he was a power hungry idiot, but.. he's not. And I think that should be more widespread knowledge.
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sd1970x · 4 years ago
Marinette, work in progress - Ch4 - BlueCollar
Read also on AO3: here first chapter | previous chapter | next chapter
Marinette took the short path home as she hopped, still transformed, towards her balcony. No sooner than reaching her room, she thrust herself into her bed and her face into her pillow.
“Spots off.”
The suit dissolved and Tikki emerged, hovering about. She was quick to pick up on Marinette’s distress.
“Marinette, is everything okay?”
Marinette turned her head towards Tikki, peeking just a tad out.
"No.” She tersely replied, then turned away again. “I’m not fit to be a superheroine.”
“What? Why would you say that?” Tikki shuddered.
“Why? because I’m not even a real girl and I nearly failed because of that!”
Tikki just stared back, wordlessly.Marinette slowly rose up and sat upright at her bed.
“If being a girl is so much better for me… why wasn’t I just born one? Maybe I should just accept my fate. I can’t win this one.”
Marinette tried to look away as Tikki hovered in front of her, denying her the option to end the conversation just yet.
“Maybe fate has crossed your path with the miraculous because of that? Because your burning desire to be a girl means something?”
Marinette looked back, contemplating Tikki’s words.
“All it means is that I’m a wannabe and that I’ll end up embarrassing everyone who believes in me. Like Alya and Mylene.”
Marinette recalled the conversation back at school lunch. Alya and Mylene sure seemed to think very highly of her.
“They sure don’t seem to think that way, and they should know a thing or two about girl power.”
That much was true, even Marinette had to admit it.
I don’t know Alya and Mylene that much and yet they’ve both already managed to impress me, Alya for standing up to Chloe and Mylene for standing up for what counts in this city. Maybe I shouldn’t be so quick to brush off their instincts, and take their trust as affirmation.
“What is it that makes you think you’re a boy, Marinette?”
Marinette’s mind screeched to a halt.
I might not be a true-born girl… but I’m not a boy either. What the hell am I, again?
“I… I don’t know anymore.” she whispered and Tikki smiled.
Marinette flared up her computer and started looking at some of her designs. She followed by reading some of her hidden computer diary entries.
The more she looked at her designs, the more she read into her diary entries, the muddier the answer in her mind became.
Maybe these tell the story of what I am better than everything else? What is it that makes a design “a girl’s design”? Or a story “a boy’s story”?
Before she noticed it, it was time for dinner, followed by shower and bedtime.
It was the last thing Marinette thought would happen to her. Chloe was the first to point at her and explode into mocking laughter, interrupting the morning’s lesson.
“Look at Marin! What’s Gay-boy doing with pink trousers in class?”
Instinctively she tried to cup her breasts, but they weren’t there anymore.
Oh no… the magic… it… dissipated? But… how? Why?
Soon enough, most of the class burst into laughter. She braved a look at herself and her heart sank.
She was back in her boy-suit, the one she thought she had discarded already. The sensation of body hair that she did not miss, back to haunt her.
Everyone laughed at her. Even her teacher! Caline bustier, otherwise a fair and decent teacher, joining up with class, pointing at her.
No. No no no. This can’t be happening. This can’t be happening!
She tried to scream, but only muffled sounds came about. She tried to run away, but she felt like her muscles betrayed her. The sounds of laughter echoed around her, piercing her soul.
“Gay-Boy! Gay-Boy in pink!”
She decided she must gather her energy and leave class, but felt herself jerked upwards instead.
Into a seating position, in her bed, covered in cold sweat and panting heavily.
“Are you okay, Marinette?” Tikki flew by, worried.
“It was a nightmare.” she blurted out.
A most vivid one, that’s bound to come to life as soon as the magic dissipates.
Marinette woke up early that day, still exhausted from the night. The sight of herself in the mirror did quite a bit to cheer her up.
It’s not a dream after all. Maybe if I hold onto it, it won’t slip from my grip.
She combed and tied her hair neatly, brushed her teeth and went downstairs to have her breakfast.
“At least you won’t be late today, honey.” Her mom smiled at her.
Having a properly-paced, non-rushed breakfast also proved helpful for her mood. She walked towards school, hoping that the new day would bring relief from yesterday’s battle and that awful night.
Mylene was one of the first to enter class, picking up the aptitude test results from the teacher’s desk.
While she feared many things, math wasn’t one of them. The good grades were sure to make her parents happy and perhaps more lenient in letting her go out on more activities like she had wanted.
Then again, someone next to her was clearly unhappy about their test results.
Ivan seemed to be very happy to see her come over, but immediately switched his looks back to his test results and gloominess was quick to take hold.
“What’s the matter, Ivan?”
Ivan paused before spitting it out.
“I… barely passed it. I was this close to flunking it. I’m no good at maths.”
Chloe kept filing her nails as she overheard their conversation.
“Oh, don’t you worry about it, there would still be plenty of higher education options available for people like you.” she commented.
Ivan looked at her, dumbfounded, while Mylene eyed Chloe suspiciously.
What’s she planning? Is it a rare moment of kindness, or a ploy to make things worse?
“ Ecole-de-imbecile , of course. You’ll eke out a meager living hauling boxes for people like me who will run daddy’s hotel.”
And to think I believed it could be the first for even a split of a second.
Ivan grit his teeth and looked like he was about to respond, then looked at his test results again.
“... Up until you become totally useless, at which point you’ll probably find yourself homeless in the streets, your wife dumping you, if you ever had one in the first place. Guess that’s too bad.”
“Chloe, you’re the meanest! Ivan is-” Mylene tried to protest but Chloe was quick to shut her down.
“-a loser, and the world doesn’t need losers in it. Sorry, that’s just how it is.”
Ivan clenched his fist and ran off to the locker room. Mylene looked at Chloe accusingly for a brief moment, only to refocus her attention on following up on Ivan.
Light intruded upon Hawk Moth’s domain as his senses picked up on a victim of choice.
“Fear of the future. Fear of who you may become. Uncertainty. Go forth, my precious akuma, let his self-doubt seal the fate for Ladybug and Chat Noir!”
Marinette was walking through the corridor, looking at her aptitude test report card, when Ivan nearly bumped into her. She dodged it at the last moment and was quite surprised when Ivan said nothing.
He is usually very nice and polite, despite his brutish looks. That’s not like him not to apologize.
Something must have happened. This doesn’t look good.
Before she had much time to dwell on it, Mylene came about, looking around.
“Marinette, have you seen Ivan?”
“Yeah, he went that way.” She said as she pointed out the direction. “Has anything happened?”
“I’m tempted to just say ‘Chloe happened’”, Mylene replied, “but she’s outdone even herself.
She told Ivan his test results set him for a life of failure.”
“How mean!”
Mylene nodded.
“He deserves so much better than that.”
With that, she rushed forwards to search for Ivan, leaving Marinette behind with more than one thing to think about.
Does this one test really set up our fate for the future?
Of course not! I mean, I’m sure Ivan can change it!
Are we the masters of our own fate, or has it been written for us?
Then again…
She looked at her hands and imaginary boy hands were superimposed on them.
Is my fate in my own hands?
The butterfly easily homed on the sobbing student in the locker room, landing on a decorative pin he was wearing.
“ BlueCollar , I am Hawk Moth. Your fate has been rewritten, your destiny now changed. You shall lead a revolution.”
Marinette was just leaving class as a confrontation outside on the street drew her attention. It was Chloe and her dad, the mayor, arguing with a figure that seemed like a large and sturdy construction worker.
“Shouldn’t you be doing your job?” Chloe yelled at the figure. “Daddy, tell him!”
“How insolent. I don’t report to you. I’m BlueCollar and I report to Hawk Moth.”
Chloe and the mayor shuddered at these words and tried to back away slowly, but BlueCollar wouldn’t stop.
“Maybe you two will finally do something useful for the people of Paris!” BlueCollar went on and a blue streak of energy engulfed the two of them.
Chloe found herself donning a sanitation worker’s uniform and holding a broom. In a moment, magical compulsion forced her to start cleaning the street, much to BlueCollar’s satisfaction.
Marinette was quick to hide in a nearby alley.
“We’re needed. Time to transform! Tikki, spots on!”
Marinette emerged from the alley, with Chat Noir arriving at the scene at the exact same time.
“Please, Ladybug, Chat Noir, save us from this fate!” Chloe managed to say before BlueCollar’s magical compulsion forced her to tend to her work again.
Marinette barely managed to stifle her giggle.
Isn’t that some poetic justice out there. A taste of your own medicine, Chloe. Maybe a few hours of work would do you good.
Marinette and Chat Noir both hopped on to a higher ground to make plans. Then again, one of them had plans the other probably did not think of.
“So. BlueCollar’s power is making people work for him. We must avoid his strike at all costs.” Marinette remarked.
“We have more than enough work without his powers employing us. But would you like to go for coffee once our work is done?”
Marinette froze in place as she tried to digest his words.
“Huh? Are you… asking me out?”
He flashed a grin.
“Well, all work and no play is a major hassle. I’m a playful cat, try me”
He can’t be serious. My god, what’s wrong with him?
“A playful cat.”
“And your game is... prowling about, hunting down a superheroine for a superhero.”
“Swooping someone, from partner to lover. Oh, such brag rights! A game with a prize!”
“I don’t see why not. If you’re into it...” he smiled.
My god. He really knows no limit.
Marinette poked him in his chest.
“Do I look like I’m some prize to be won, partner?”
His smile faded in an instant.
“We save Paris together. Save your romantic aspirations for someone else.”
She then pointed his head towards BlueCollar as he went towards the city hall. “Does this look like a game to you? No? Then this should be your focus.”
Both Marinette and Chat Noir darted down to confront BlueCollar, avoiding his zaps successfully but making little headway.
Chat Noir managed to strike him with his baton, only to feel the recoil as he proved far too sturdy to be impacted. Marinette fared pretty much the same, as he simply flung her away with her own yo-yo.
Making things worse, they were quickly approached by a league of BlueCollar’s supporting workers, armed with whatever they were using for their jobs.
“Looks like we need some pest control.” One of them remarked as he eyed Marinette.
“And a feral cat problem to handle.” another added, looking at Chat Noir.
“Hate to disappoint. I’m fully domesticated. Cataclysm!” Chat Noir called it as he touched the ground, creating a chasm and allowing both Marinette and him to escape to safety.
“Well, we don’t have much time, do we?” Chat remarked and Marinette nodded in agreement.
“It’s time for my thing, then. Lucky charm!” she called it, cupping her hands to grab a falling...
״Miner’s helmet? What am I going to do with that?״
She briefly flicked its headlight on, then flicked it off.
“Okay, Chat, here’s the plan…”
BlueCollar kept roaming the streets, until something caught his eye. It was an open manhole in the middle of the road, with an electricity cable running into it.
Clearly, someone was doing maintenance work in a negligent and extremely unsafe manner. No markings whatsoever, no signs to ward off pedestrians and no one to call should help be required.
As BlueCollar approached the manhole, Chat Noir jumped downwards from a nearby building and landed forcefully on his back. BlueCollar fell forwards and upside down, finding himself jammed into the hole, unable to move.
The hole was dark as night, although in a moment he was blinded by what seemed to be a flashlight. A short while afterwards, he managed to see it for what it was - Ladybug wearing a miner’s helmet.
“This site does employ some workplace safety” she commented as she walked slowly towards him. He could only watch as she removed his collar and broke it in two, releasing the akuma.
“No more evildoing for you, little akuma. Time to de-evilize!” she called it, as she whipped her yo-yo and whisked it away.
“Miraculous… Ladybug!”
As she flung the helmet upwards, it burst into a stream of Ladybugs, releasing all those bound to work by BlueCollar’s powers, including Chloe and her father.
“Pound it!” Ladybug offered her hand for a fistbump, and Adrien’s was quick to respond in like.
“You’re not mad at me, are you?” he offered cautiously.
“It was a close call” she replied, her face showing little emotion, but she quickly softened. “But you do make a great partner. Respect my limits and it will stay that way.”
She followed by a short-lived smile, then hopped away and disappeared.
Adrien’s eyes followed her wake until she was gone from his sight. He breathed in relief, then sighed.
“I guess it’s just partners then. Even if I…”
Even if I want it to be more than that.
I’ve met the girl of my dreams… and I nearly ruined everything.
Is there any way I can get her to see me as more than that? Or are we fated to remain no more than partners?
A now de-akumatized Ivan made his way back to class, where Mylene was quick to warmly greet him.
“I’m sorry, Ivan. It’s just one test! And if you want, I’d love to help you with maths.”
“You would? That’s… that’s so wonderful!” Ivan beamed at her words, his joy clear to everyone around. Yet Mylene had more to say.
“But for your own good, you really shouldn’t let Chloe get to you! You’re the kindest person I know and that’s worth so much more.”
“I usually don’t… it’s just that… well…”
Ivan was blushing furiously now as he picked his words.
“I had plans to confess to a girl today and then Chloe just sapped all my confidence.”
“Oh? Who would that be? I-If you don’t mind me asking...”
There was a short pause before Ivan managed to say it.
“It’s you.”
“I was hoping you would say that.” She replied, a wide grin to her face. A moment later, she hugged him tight and his blush deepened by two shades.
“Aww, these two are meant to be together!” Rose said as she dug herself into Juleka’s arm.
Marinette smiled as Ivan and Mylene hugged each other, some of their elation sweeping her as well.
Maybe some of our fate lies in the hands of others who love us, that’s not so bad too now is it?
What does fate have in for me?
I seriously hope it’s more of an ‘Adrien’ direction than a ‘Chat Noir’ one!
Chat’s a good partner… and that’s where the line gets drawn.
But Adrien… He’s something special. I got to see a glimpse of a soul so pure.
It’s time for me to take fate into my own hands, and I will.
A girl’s fate.
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futurewriter2000 · 4 years ago
Please, take care of yourself
I don’t know how to begin with but please, take care of yourself. Take care of your body and your mental health. Stop with the all-nighters and galleons of coffee, just to take a test the next day. It’s not worth it. That exam is not worth your health because health is the biggest luxury you can afford in life. 
I know you’re probably saying; “I can’t fail this test.” or “I wish I would if I could.” or “I have to. I have no other choice.” but man... today I woke up at 3.30am with a vertigo and a headache that made me want to kill myself on this bed I’m currently sitting. It’s not pretty. You see it as words but to me that pain was excruciating. Usually, when I get these, I let them pass because I diagnose them as panic attacks (the doctor diagnosed it before) so I work on my breathing until I calm down. This time the breathing didn’t help because it wasn’t a panic attack- it was deadass a hurricane in my head that I could not stop. I laid in the same position for 2 hours, working on my breathing until I felt sick to my stomach and I started to cry uncontrollably. I kept telling myself that the room is not spinning and that this isn’t real but it didn’t help. I tried to calm myself down, it didn’t work. Nothing that worked before, didn’t work anymore. 
I called my sister. She didn’t know what to do. We thought it was a blood pressure, we tried treating it as such. It didn’t work. I tried sitting up, I couldn’t. I tried to sleep. I couldn’t. I was so tired. I worked morning shifts all week, getting up at 4am and getting 5 hours asleep every night. I worked with a headache and sickness for the last two days, thinking, yes, now I can finally rest normally and the next day I get this. 
It’s not pretty. The room is spinning, your head is about to explode, you feel like you want to puke but you can’t. You want to move, you can’t without the spinning. You sit down, you feel your head heavy like a fucking boulder and it hurts so much. You look at the ground as it stops spinning for a moment and you see the floor mush around like a fucking illusion. 
I was awake from 3.30am to 8am. I started to lose my mind because it didn’t work. Nothing worked. I was crying my eyeballs out from the pain. My head was pulsing constantly. I couldn’t move and breathe anymore. I was literally on the verge of wanting to die. And you may say I’m overdramatic but that’s how much pain can do if you don’t take care of yourself. 
Because lately I really didn’t take care of myself. I didn’t eat as healthy as I used to, I didn’t work out, I didn’t make time for myself, I didn’t go to sleep early as I usually would,... I tried to be tough. I tried to “push through”. For what? For me to just end up laying in my bed for 5 hours in pain, going to the clinic for them to fill me up with drugs and still not get the whole pain away. I’ve been at home all day and my head still hurts- just much less. I can’t look at my computer for too long without taking a rest in the dark. I can’t be on my phone without feeling my head pulse with pain. I can’t do what I planned to do today. I worry my family and myself because since the first week of January, I haven’t been taking care of myself like I had before. 
Because I’m tough.
Because it’s just work. 
Because 3 years ago, I decided to drink a galleon of coffee and study all day  and all night for a stupid biology exam. 
Because 3 years ago I had an anxiety attack for a stupid geography presentation. 
Because 2 years ago I had a migrane so strong from school and this play I had to organise in teater, then study after it for my math exam. That was the first time I had to go to the hospital because of a migrane. 
Because 2 years ago in November I had not one but two panic attacks a week apart. Then another one in December because I had so many exams that month. I had to be admitted to the hospital again for the first one but the other two I suffered alone.
Because 1 year ago in January, I got another panic attack, which I suffered alone as well. 
And now they are coming more often the moment I become over-stressed or exhausted. My body, my head, it can’t take as much stress as it used to. Because that stupid exam or work won’t help you when you’re sick. That’s why it’s not worth it. 
So, when you’re tired, rest. 
When you’re hungry, eat.
When you’re sleepy, sleep.
When you’re thirsty, drink.
When you get a headache, take a pill and go rest. 
Go for a walk.
Do your hobby. 
Eat properly. 
Work on yourself.
Take care of yourself.
Don’t go over your limits.
When your body says stop, you stop. Don’t try to prove anything to anybody. 
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fleechin · 4 years ago
Separatory Funnel
Here’s my 2020 Portal Secret Santa for @artistyutaki, she offered a few prompts but one that I thought was interesting was Chell and GLaDOS/PotatOS hiding from Wheatley in the later chapters of Portal 2. I thought I might as well tie it into some of Chell’s thoughts about the ordeal, while also showing what Wheatley’s up to. I also noticed she was interested in the idea of computer gore, with plates and cables all over the place, so I tried to incorporate a bit of that in as well. I also threw in a tiny nod to Mel and Blue Sky since she mentioned she’s a Blue Sky fan. So this ended up being longer than I thought, and it’s my first time writing a proper fanfic of sorts, but I really hope you like this! I had a great time making it!
This was not the best place to be in right now. 
Not that it ever was down here, but where Chell was at this exact moment was especially not great. She didn’t complain though, it could always get worse. Actually, it usually did get worse, especially right about when she would wonder if it ever could. Perhaps it was best not to ask that question right about now. Sure, she had just fallen from a deactivated funnel and landed in a dark office whose only door was blocked by overturned desks, monitors, and furniture, which happened to be heavy enough that it’d be a pain in the back to move but for whatever reason the Portal Gun didn’t want to pick up. On the bright side, at least she didn’t fall all the way back down to the 1950s again.
Realistically though, knowing Aperture, it was bound to get worse no matter what she did. If even superstition was anywhere near reliable at this point, it would have been an improvement compared to everything else in this insane complex that somehow had only gotten stranger and more… alien-like, almost, after its founder had died of moon rock poisoning. At least the idea of a set of metal underground spheres laced with asbestos and full of half finished test chambers, the brainchild of a man proudly named Cave, was somewhat navegable. There was an understanding that if one were to see some place and travel far enough in that direction, they would eventually get to that place. If that place moved downwards in freefall, it would be because of the design of the facility, not some sarcastic supercomputer trying to keep her testing while calling her fat.
This bundle of desks, chairs and monitors was somehow all tangled up, with the wires going all over the place. It looked like she would have to either pull the whole thing at once or remove each one separately.
The recordings she heard from Cave Johnson painted a general picture, though they didn’t get awfully specific. But seeing as ground up moon rocks were all the rage down here back in those days, and hearing Cave coughing while ranting about lemons for some reason, it wasn’t difficult for her to figure out exactly how they managed to finally bring down the founder of Aperture. The real surprise? That somehow every other employee at Aperture hadn’t inhaled the stuff and keeled over. It had to have been a possibility, as there was no way that anyone smart enough to work a portal gun would have taken it upon themselves to design any part of this place without being crazy enough to consider the idea. 
This table was a lot heavier than it looked. Hopefully she could fold it over. It wasn’t exactly easy to see the parts that let the table fold on itself when it was this dark.
Could she have been one of those scientists? Chell couldn’t remember anything about herself before waking up under Her testing course, however long ago that was, or whether she was actually adopted, like every personality construct in this place seemed to think was a big deal. Any attempt at figuring out how she got down here would have to be based on guesswork. She was a test subject, which made her a likely employee at some point, though if Her insults were anything to go by, she was only a part time employee. Not committed to this job, just doing it on the side to make ends meet.
She finally managed to fold the damn table, and began to drag it out of the way.
At least that meant she wasn’t some Olympian from the 60s who got tricked into going here. Or a homeless person that got plucked off the streets of some town in Upper Michigan all for the promises of $60 at the end. She wasn’t sure how much that would be in today’s money, but wasn’t about to get optimistic. The real downside to it all was that she never would be able to figure it out. She didn’t even know how long it had been other than that it was long enough to concern Wheatley about brain damage, and even if there were information available about her and why she was here to begin with, she didn’t want to go out of her way to find it. Her main goal was getting out of here as quickly as possible, so there was no time for expositional detours. 
At most, she could stumble upon her backstory without looking for it. Figuring out what happened to Caroline was enough for one day, or however long it had been since she had last gotten some sleep. Besides, it would probably be a huge letdown anyway. Maybe she really was adopted after her birth parents considered her completely unlikeable even as a baby. Maybe her last name was something boring, like Smith. Or Jones. Maybe her name wasn’t even Chell at all. But hey, at least it wasn’t Cave. Hopefully.
Of course, she could just ask the supercomputer turned potato battery where she came from. Yes, that would be a great idea, confiding in who up until recently was her own worst enemy about a detail that She had constantly made fun of. She definitely wouldn’t take advantage of that fact and tell her all about how little Miss Chell SmithJonesWhatever couldn’t hold a single job until she came here because everyone hated her. They seemed to be on good terms now, but she wasn’t going to risk jinxing herself. Besides, she had a rule. No talking in Aperture. Nothing that any AI said was ever worth a response. 
So the lights didn’t work in this room anymore. Phenomenal.
Regardless, even though it still didn’t explain whether she was one of the employees, part time, or otherwise, who might have almost inhaled ground up rocks that cost anywhere from a TV to a house - she wasn’t about to do the math to figure anything more precise than that - it was at least clear that she had made it into Aperture under vaguely legitimate pretenses, and that they considered her smart enough to get her hands on a machine that, in the right hands, could’ve solved the world’s climate crisis by generating free energy. It was damning with faint praise.
Which just so happened to summarize the remarks from her semi edible companion. Not directed at her, for once, rather the situation at hand. Neither one of them were the most frequent of talkers, but She was more willing to comment on the situation. Funny enough, once they happened to agree with each other, Chell could reasonably rely on her as somewhat of a spokesperson. 
“After seeing what he's done to my facility, after we take over again, is it alright if I kill him?” 
Chell looked over at the glowing yellow circle, the only part of Her she could actually make out in the darkness of the room, and could only shrug her shoulders. Do whatever you want, she would have said. Frankly, as much as the two had been getting along, Chell wasn’t about to act like this was some new found friendship between the two. As far as she was concerned, the facility deserved to explode in a mushroom cloud with a giant blast radius. The bigger the better. If she was lucky, it would kill Her, Wheatley, and every other personality construct. Just as long as she wasn’t there for it. 
Since he was connected to the mainframe, Wheatley had been trying to figure out how to work this new body. Now that his only test subject was missing, admittedly due to a mistake on his part, he could explore further. There had to at least be some way to hack the solution euphoria program. But until then, the next order of business was to redesign his lair to his own liking. Not too bad a job She did, but it didn’t quite have the Wheatley style to it. Needed a bit more work. Namely, getting rid of that stalemate button. No way that could remain. 
“Right, so, asking the announcer... voice... guy... didn’t seem to do anything.” He said out loud, “Guess he didn’t quite understand what I was getting at. Hmm, wait a minute, maybe if I go and change this setting, then- Это программное обеспечение повреждено. Удалите его и обратитесь к администратору. Aaaand, nope, still there. Hasn’t even budged a little bit. Guess that didn’t work.”
He then remembered the complexities of hacking the neurotoxin emitters and thought he might start there. “Oh, um hello, Mister button, there.” He said in an accent beyond the rage of any human’s hearing, “I’m a representative of the mechanical parts… association, and we are inviting you to a… convention! Yes, a convention, with all sorts of members, cubes, turrets, even other buttons! And we’d like to invite you! Full expenses paid, shuttle bus straight there to the convention. And there’s going to be a whole panel on buttons! Who knows, they might even have you as a guest speaker! All you have to do is head straight down to the lowest part of the facility! That’s where the bus is! Just head on down there and you’re good to go!”
The button didn’t budge. 
“Not one for conventions I guess? Perhaps you’re more of an introverted sort of button. Doesn’t mind being pressed but also fine with staying where he is.”
Wheatley, being the genius he knew he was, figured he ought to look in the old tapes to see what Her old room looked like. Ever since She had been killed, the facility had been in some disarray, of that much Wheatley was well aware. The relaxation center had taken a hit, for sure, and it seemed the rest of the facility was none the better. Wheatley wondered how long it had been, and though he probably could have figured it out, this new interface wasn’t exactly what he would have considered user friendly. 
Come to think of it, he could figure out a few things at once by going through the recordings. For one, he could figure out what Her old room looked like and what She had done about this pesky little button. Or more interestingly, how her whole room got destroyed just from being shut down, that was always a mystery there. 
All he could find were tapes, and they didn’t seem too promising. Just video feeds of the room, none of which showed if the button was there at all or what she had done with it. Maybe skipping around a bit would work, perhaps it would show something. Nothing so far…
Wait a minute now, here were the tapes of when She was killed. Yes, this was definitely the same test subject all right. Silent as always, she was. Maybe her brain damage was pre-existing.
Well this was concerning. Neither neurotoxin nor the built in rocket turret defense station was enough to even faze her. All that nameless lunatic needed were a couple of seemingly easy portals and in less than the required six minutes She was dead. 
If that silent test subject was still alive, she could find any flaw in his lair design and it’d be bye bye Wheatley. 
First immediate order of business, no portal surfaces anywhere in the lair. That shouldn’t be too hard, just meant he would have to move some panels around. There, piece of cake, only a few panels detached and falling off. That was probably normal.
“Right, no portal surfaces anywhere. Check that off the list. Ding! Next we can- OW! Great, another panel just went and fell right out of the ceiling. Hit me right in the… to be honest I’m not sure what this part of me even is. Doesn’t really look like it does anything useful. Tell you what, how about I take this part off, don’t really need it do we? Won’t be hurting anymore, I imagine. Here we go, unscrewing… and done!”
The offending plate came off of his right side, pulling down several attached cables right out of their sockets, leaving them to dangle around and coil around the floor like snakes. Snakes that occasionally gave out electrical sparks. That probably existed somewhere in nature. Electric snakes. Maybe unicrons ate them. Wheatley made a mental note to look that up, right after learning how to play cards. 
“OK, wow that was actually pretty painful. Guess they don’t simulate any anaesthetic in this thing. Aaand now the lights are flickering on and off. Those are the lights, right? The flashlight doesn’t seem to be helping, so maybe I killed that too. That’s probably normal. Happens sometimes. That’ll probably fix itself.”
In the meantime, he at least had time to see what else was in Her old archives. Maybe there was a guide to fixing whatever was going on. Nope, nothing there. He did find an old security protocol system. Aperture Employee Guardian and Intrusion System, it was called. Interesting, that could help make sure she never got anywhere near his lair. Wait, no, that system was shut down locally. Before She went back online even. Odd, not clear who did that. What else was there… Oh, hang on a minute. The Cooperative Testing Initiative. That sounded useful. Wheatley kept reading. 
Yes, these two little bots seemed to be the fix for everything. As soon as he could he had one of each type assembled and sent straight up to his lair. 
“Hello! Right, so I understand you guys are built for testing, and what have you. So, I have selected you two to be my next testers. I need a few favors from you two though. See those cables down there? The ones that are kind of sparking there a bit? Those? Yeah, ever since I unhooked those, the lights have been flickering on and off.”
Blue looked at Orange, somewhat confused.
“You guys don’t see it? Wait, it just happened again real quick right there.”
Orange shook its head.
“So that might just be my optic sputtering out then. Yeah, that’s not great. Either way, I need you guys to try and get those back into me so I can see again. Now you might be wondering why I can’t just use those grabbers of mine and do it myself? Turns out, if I ever try to fix myself without someone else to help out, I’ll die. So you guys will have to do it for me.”
They both suddenly appeared nervous, and Blue slowly approached the bundle of wires. They sent out a spark and they both flinched. Upon reaching the wire, Blue picked up the first one, which went back in without a hitch. The second one was still going through the exterior plate that Wheatley had just unscrewed off. Pulling it as hard as possible didn’t work. Orange, annoyed, went up and pushed Blue out of the way, then slowly pulled out the cable and stuck it back in. By now the flickering was still happening, but only in randomly appearing colors.
“Great! OK now just one more to go! Home stretch!”
Orange was ready to pick up the last cable, but Blue, unrelenting, snatched it out of Orange’s grasp, and emphatically plugged it in. And then the flickering stopped.
“You did it! Bingo! Oh, man alive, that’s much better. Aaand now it seems you guys are knocking each other’s heads out of their… socket, things, whatever they’re called. Not really getting anything productive out of that, besides I kinda need you guys for something else.”
Neither Blue nor Orange were hearing it though. Once they had decided to play the classic game of Knock the Other Bot’s Head Off, there was little that could stop the competition. For personality constructs designed to get along, they did this a lot.
“Ahem, knock knock, anybody there?!”
It was getting heated. Now Blue was running around with Orange’s head, Orange’s body trying to chase after it but only managing to flail around miserably due to lack of eyes.
Wheatley hadn’t had an outburst like that in a while. It was a little easier when his only test subject and her potato weren’t driving him up the wall smashing his monitors and not giving him the relief when he wanted it. But the lack of test solution euphoria was starting to make its presence known once more, and it made him impatient as ever. Both bots stopped to look over, then Orange snatched its head and put it back on, glancing angrily at Blue.
“You know, there are bots in orphanages that don't even have heads to steal. Maybe think about how lucky you two are and stop fiddling around like that, yeah?”
They both looked at each other, shrugged the mechanical equivalent of their shoulders and gave each other a quick hug. Wheatley didn’t understand how they could forgive each other so quickly, but he wasn't about to object.
“Right, so, what I need you guys to do is see if we can find any neurotoxin reserves. Ever since I hacked the main factory, genius, I know; we haven’t had any neurotoxin to dispense. So I’m building you a testing course that should lead to where the neurotoxin facility was to see if you can find any clues. Alright, Go team!”
Several panels cleared out of the way to reveal two elevators facing each other, one blue and one orange. The bots looked at each other before taking off and heading to the disassembly machines. In less than a minute they had reached the first test, a simple introductory course with a laser and a redirection cube. And no test of Wheatley’s would be complete without his signature, the word TEST written in lights on the wall. 
These two were smart enough to have figured out how to solve it rather quickly, and Wheatley immediately felt the rush of solution euphoria. Whether it was the amount of time since he had last felt it or because he was testing new subjects, this felt much better than the last few tests he had gotten his other subject to try. Now he could focus on the text task, seeing if there was a trap he could build, just in case those two weren’t dead. Getting rid of the button would have to wait. Maybe if they found some turrets or explosives to keep anyone from reaching it, that could work as a solution. For a little while at least.
Having cleared out all the tables, chairs, and any other debris lying around in what was once an office, Chell could finally get through to the other side and out the door. And the potato on her gun had done a great job at keeping her company. 
“Oh good, now we can get going again. Maybe we can find a way out of here.”
Chell picked up the portal gun and made her way out of the office. To her disappointment, the walkway just led down to the entryway to another test.
“Great, it looks like we’ll need to keep testing a little while longer. And I’m not sure we have that much more time left. Look on the bright side though. Maybe we’ll get to see more of that moron’s inventions. Maybe he’s gotten so desperate he’ll have tried to fuse a turret with a redirection cube and give it laser eyes.”
Chell couldn’t help but smile a bit at that. She resented that Wheatley had become like this, and somewhat missed him in a way, but it was nice to occasionally poke fun at his less than amazing intelligence.
“If a defective turret and a pile of trash had a baby, he would make an excellent pet for that baby.”
Chell’s smile grew slightly bigger and she chuckled silently. It was kind of nice to hear Her jokes while not also being the recipient. The classic insults thrown her way, that she was fat, adopted, unlikeable; those didn’t work on her at all. But they were at least well crafted, almost stand-up quality, though she never would have admitted that. Despite being a murderous former supercomputer with zero conscience up until this point, she did have a bit of a knack for humor. Chell would at least miss that when she left this place.
This was the end of the walkway, and Chell jumped down; her testing break was over. It was going to get tough before she finally did make it out of here.
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haileyyanneupton · 4 years ago
nina cried power
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“It’s not the waking, it’s the rising. It is the grounding of a foot, uncompromising. It’s not forgoing of the lie, it’s not the opening of the eyes — it’s not the waking, it’s the rising.”
Vanessa Rojas went through 32 different foster homes starting from the time she was three years old. She had learnt early on that if she wanted to survive in the real world, she had to be completely self-sufficient and non-reliant on others for her needs. She had learnt never to leave anything out, hide anything you didn’t want to be found but most of all, she learnt never to give anybody a reason to want to throw you out. The latter had caused Vanessa to repress one of the biggest parts of herself for her entire life, stirring up a concoction of self-hatred and insecurity that would follow her around, leaving a terrible taste behind.
At fifteen years old, Vanessa had her first kiss in a park behind her school. Sure, she had been pecked on the lips once or twice when she was younger by the odd boy here or there, but her first real kiss was different. It was soft and passionate, terrifying yet thrilling, but there was one thing that stood out above all else.
Vanessa’s first real kiss was with a girl.
It kind of just. . . happened. Neither of them had planned nor expected for it to happen, but when it did, Vanessa’s heart almost exploded from beating so fast. It was the first time she had ever even acknowledged to herself that she liked girls, the revelation one that invoked panic as she thought about the repercussions. She would never forget how liberated she felt, thinking ’this is me, this is who I am’, but along with the liberation came a fear and frankly, a disgust in herself that she didn’t know what to do with. Vanessa walked away from the park that day with her head hung low as she made her way back to the eighteenth foster home so far — an older catholic couple — feeling an overwhelming amount of shame that ate away at her like cancer. There was shame for feeling ashamed, shame for the fact that she had enjoyed it so much — everything just got thrown into a pot and then doused over her without warning.
Vanessa had liked the old catholic couple who had taken her in a lot. They were kind, they didn’t use her for money from the state, but most of all —  they gave her a family. Though she was fifteen and some would argue that it was a bit old for trips to the zoo with your ‘parents’, Vanessa loved all of the trips they would take her on. One of her favourite places in the world was the butterfly enclosure, the warm temperature mixed in with all of the beautiful creatures that were attracted to the girl as if she were a magnet never failing to bring a smile to her lips. Butterflies had always followed Vanessa — they were her good luck charm in a way — in a world where everything she had was always being taken away, where the ground beneath her was never concrete and she felt like she was endlessly falling, the creatures always came to visit her when she needed them the most. They were her only constant.
Vanessa never did talk to the girl she kissed in the park again. The embarrassment and fear of somebody finding out was too much for her to bear, and though she probably felt even worse about the fact that she was freezing out the girl that she truly had liked for no reason other than her own guilt and shame, she simply couldn’t bare the thought of having her biggest secret blabbed out to the world. Still, curiosity got the best of her, leaving her to utilise the new computer that her foster parents had bought to help her with her schoolwork to work out if she could find even just one other person to relate to. So when her foster parents weren’t home, Vanessa tip-toed of her bedroom and began searching for answers.
Within the week, Vanessa was on to her nineteenth foster home. The catholic couple had gone through Vanessa’s search history only to uncover her secret, leaving the fifteen-year-old completely heartbroken. They wouldn’t even look the girl in the eye after they had found out, telling the agency that things with Vanessa just weren’t going to work out. She had been with them for nearly six months — it was the longest she had ever stayed with any foster family — now it was back to a week here, two days there, and maybe at most a month somewhere else. It was on that day that she told herself she wasn’t ever going to let anybody get that close ever again. Not even herself. Just a few months later she sat in the garden of her twenty-second foster home, making the decision to live as if she were just like everybody else. She felt like a fraud deep down, but she thought it was the right decision; the monarch butterfly that had landed on her knee with its glorious wings and all only cemented it in her head even further.
🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 
“It’s not the song, it is the singing. It’s the heaven of the human spirit ringing. It is the bringing of the line, it is the bearing of the lie — it’s not the waking, it’s the rising."
From then on, at her new school — she went through a lot of those, too — Vanessa reinvented herself as the boy crazy, typical teenage girl that everybody expected and wanted her to be. She’d pick a boy to obsess over with her friends, talking all about how cute he was and how much she wanted to kiss him because that’s what she was meant to do. . . right? When her friends would switch from boy to boy, so would she. Vanessa had no idea what she was doing, but going with the flow seemed to work well enough for her.
One night, Vanessa snuck out of one of the group homes she had been staying in for that week to go to a party thrown by a bunch of seniors at her high school. She was barely a junior, so getting an invite was a big deal to her and her friends — for some reason unbeknownst to her, making yourself come across as if you were older than you actually were was all the rage. What Vanessa hadn’t expected was being lured up to a bedroom upstairs with one of the said seniors, the door closing with a firm click as he crashed his lips upon her’s forcefully.
“Woah." Vanessa’s eyes went wide as she pulled away, her hand on the boy’s chest to keep him a safe distance away as her heart pounded. “What are you doing, man?”
“Come on Vanessa,” the boy huffed, rolling his eyes slightly. “What did you think we were coming up here for?”
“I-I. . .” Her voice trailed off as she took one step, two steps, then three steps backwards. “I don’t want to.”
“We don’t have to do — that — we can just kiss.”
Vanessa shook her head. “I don’t want to do that either.”
“Then what do you want to do, Rojas?”
“I don’t want to — I don’t want to do anything. I. . .”
The boy huffed yet again, this time it was in a much more exasperated manner. “Fine. What are you, anyway? Are you a dyke?”
Vanessa’s heart dropped to the pit of her stomach as panic ensued. Fear crossed her face before it morphed into pure and utter rage — how could he dare insinuate that she was that? She wasn’t that. She was just like everybody else. She had to be.
“I am not!” Vanessa hissed angrily, forcing herself closer to the boy as she leaned in for a kiss once again. “Come on, let’s do this.”
“Didn’t you just say you didn’t want to —“
“I changed my mind.”
🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋
"It’s not the wall, but what’s behind it. Lord, the fear of foul men is mere assignment and everything that we’re denied by keeping the divide — it’s not the waking, it’s the rising."
It was that night that Vanessa lost her virginity. It wasn’t at all how she had imagined it, nor did it live up to the expectations everybody else had laid out for her, but it was the closest she had ever come to filling this emptiness in her soul that was eating away. Yet as the years went on and she denied herself to the truth, with each man she slept with, the emptiness only grew bigger. Each man unintentionally would shatter a tiny piece of her as they gave her the sense of relief that only lasted while they were skin to skin — being intimate with a man was the only way to convince herself that she was straight. Hypersexuality became Vanessa’s coping mechanism for the internalised self-loathing that she felt, and though it never truly made the feelings go away, though she never truly enjoyed it — it got so close to making it all go away that if she tried hard enough, she could pretend for just a second that it did.
At 20, well and truly aged out of foster care, Vanessa was without any kind of guidance or fall back. Still loaning out her body to any man she could find, Vanessa wasn’t exactly familiar with healthy coping mechanisms or outlets alike. Her form of taking control of the world around her involved testing the limits in a newfound talent in thievery, stealing everything from candy bars to moderately priced jewellery for the sole reason of seeing if she could. She had only ever been caught a handful of times and had been lucky to get off with barely a slap on the wrist — at least, that was until she and her long time friend Luis went out one night, the two of them slightly tipsy, with plans to jack a car. Why? They didn’t know. But testing the boundaries and breaking the rules was the closest thing Vanessa could get to a distraction without needing to pretend she wanted sex.
Vanessa and Luis Reyes had a strange relationship. They were roommates — had been since they both aged out of the system together. Luis had always had the girl’s back since the age of eight when they met at one of their many group homes — no matter how many times things got shifted around, they’d always manage to find their way back to each other somehow. He was the only one who knew what it felt like to have the rug pulled from beneath your feet over and over and over again, the only one who knew just how cruel the world could be to the less fortunate. Though he wasn’t always the best influence, Luis always had Vanessa’s best interests at heart. He was her best friend — well, they were a little more than friends — it was an on-again, off-again thing — sometimes Vanessa convinced herself that Luis was basically her boyfriend simply so that she could use it as her own defence. How could she like girls if she was with a guy?
“V,” Luis whispered in the girl’s ear as sirens sounded in the distance. “Run. Get out of here. Don’t wait up.”
Vanessa’s eyes grew to the size of saucepans, shaking her head with a hand against the window of the Mercedes they were trying to jack as she froze. She was baffled that he would even suggest such a thing. “Luis! No way! You already have a record, they’ll throw you in jail and —“
“Exactly, V. I already have a record. I don’t mind taking the fall if it means you still have a clean sheet.”
“But this is a big deal! It’s not some petty theft charge, man, you’re risking serious time —“
“Just promise me you won’t waste your second chance. Do something good, yeah? If you’re only going to go out and get caught doing something dumb next week, let me know so I don’t waste my breath.”
“Luis —“
“V, go. Run while you can."
It was the biggest sacrifice anybody had ever made for Vanessa. Thanks to Luis, Vanessa walked away without a blemish to her name. She felt terrible to have to watch her best friend walk away in bracelets, knowing that he would for sure face jail time with his other offences haunting his name but it was too late to change her mind now. She had to live up to what Luis had asked of her — there was no more fucking around. That day, as she walked back to the apartment which she would now be living in alone — at least for the time being — Vanessa realised what she wanted to do, the realisation punching her in the gut with its sheer force.
Vanessa wanted to be a Chicago Police Officer.
And just like they had so many times in the past, a butterfly landed on the end of the flower charm dangling from her keychain, staring up at her in all of its glory. Despite the misery Vanessa had put herself through for the last five years, despite the hell within her that had been unleashed as her soul slowly yet painfully tore apart as it fought between conformity and the truth, the sight of the butterfly was one she knew all too well.
Everything was going to be okay. Somehow.
Vanessa was accepted into the academy and flew through it with ease. Her street smarts came in handy when it came to working her way around certain situations, her past giving her a competitive edge that helped her to stand out from the rest. She finished the top of her class as she walked through her graduation ceremony in her dress blues and in amongst the group of graduates, Vanessa was approached by a Lieutenant working in Organised Crime, a look in his eye that told the woman he had plans for her.
Before she knew it she was moved to an undercover apartment and assumed the identity of Nina Rodriguez, a bartender at Darius Walker’s bar. She slowly gathered information on the seasoned criminal and fed it back to the Lieutenant, making sure not to get closer than she had to with anybody who came in and out. She had no problem giving off the illusion that she was all buddy-buddy with the other guys working in the bar, but she never connected with anybody until a man walked in one evening with a charming smile that she couldn’t help but return.
“I’m just saying, women don’t understand how hard it is to be a guy these days. We’ve gotta be tough, but we’ve also gotta be sensitive and —“
“Contradictory,” Vanessa smirked over at the man and his friend, handing them both a drink each. “I know. But trust me — no woman is asking you to save the world and no good one is asking you to pay her bills. At the end of the day, it’s simple.”
The man cocked an eyebrow curiously as he took a sip, beckoning for Vanessa to go on.
"We’re just asking you to be nice.”
There was this look in his eye that Vanessa hadn’t seen in any of the other guys she had been working among for the last three months — though it was familiar, she still failed to place it. He was new and in turn that made her weary; she didn’t particularly feel like being hunted down if they realised she was an undercover cop. Just like his words, she felt contradicted by her instincts — she wanted to trust him, to get to know him, but she knew getting too close could ruin everything.
Still, her fear didn’t stop her from making friendly conversation in an attempt to pry information from anybody that she could. As the man walked out from Darius’s office one day, she could see by the look on his face that something was wrong — usually, when something was wrong around here, it meant someone was about to be killed. The death of Smokey, a drug runner who they had just lost only a few days beforehand was a prime example.
“Your goldfish die or something?” Vanessa joked lightly, trying to earn a smile out of the man.
He turned back to her, an almost vacant expression upon his features as he shook his head lightly. “Nah. I’m just deep in thought.”
“‘Bout what?”
The man glanced over at Darius’s office briefly. “Business.”
“What kind of business?” As soon as the words escaped her mouth, she shook her head and wished for them to retreat back. Though she didn’t really know him, she liked the guy — he seemed nice, and she knew that if he told her anything illegal she would have to report it. “Wait — Don’t tell me. I don’t even wanna know.”
Vanessa glanced down at the bar she was sitting by for a moment, trying to gather up her words and organise them so that they would come out in a cohesive sentence. She didn’t even know this guy’s name let alone anything about what he was doing with Darius Walker — whatever it was, it couldn’t be good. She could use the excuse that she was working her undercover assignment to find out more, right?
“Buy you a drink?” Vanessa — Nina — offered, raising an eyebrow at the man hopefully.
“Nah.” His tone seemed defeated. “I gotta go. Raincheck?”
“I don’t do rainchecks, sweetie,” she answered simply. “Especially on a sunny day.”
“But you know how that Chicago weather is."
Was this the first man she truly. . . liked? Vanessa couldn’t tell the difference at this point between real attraction and fake attraction. There was something comforting about the man, something that made her crazy trying to work it out — that was until they drew guns at each other and she had to break her cover. Suddenly, everything made sense and Vanessa realised she should have trusted her gut to begin with. After relying on her instincts for so long, Vanessa had developed a pretty good sense of judging character. She soon learned that the man’s name was actually Kevin Atwater, an officer working out of Hank Voight’s intelligence unit — a place she was going to have to become familiar with after being offered not just a job there, but a place to live by one of the detectives on the unit — Hailey Upton. Now that she was out from her undercover mission and officially in the police force, working on the most elite unit in the whole city, Vanessa’s life was finally coming together. This was what she was meant to be doing.
Despite the fact that she was finally finding her place in the world, there was still something tugging at her sleeve, begging to be addressed. She knew what it was; she knew it wasn’t going to go away no matter how much she pretended it wasn’t there, but it wouldn’t stop her from trying. It was costing her her happiness, leaving her in a constant state of misery that was sure to catch up to her — fast. She had tried everything, searching for something to fill the void and the only thing that had ever worked was faking it.
Vanessa at some point had managed to trick herself into believing that she was falling for Kevin. She felt at ease around him — something she hadn’t ever felt around any other man, the woman mistaking that feeling for attraction as they managed to grow closer and closer to each other until they were in bed together. As she sat straddled over the man, throwing her shirt off to the side, tears pricked at her eyes and in a split second began rolling down her cheeks without warning.
“Hey, wait –” Kevin placed his hands on the woman’s shoulders as he sat up with nothing but concern in his eyes. “– are you okay?”
Vanessa nodded furiously. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine.”
“No, you’re not.” Kevin gripped Vanessa’s hand gently. “What’s going on, V?”
What it was about Kevin, she would never know. She would never know what made her spill her guts to him that night, what made her trust him so much. She would never know why the universe had bought them together or how she could let her guard down around him, but she could do all of those things without even thinking about it.
“There’s something wrong with me,” Vanessa cried gently, her hands trembling as Kevin pulled her body into his. “There’s something so wrong with me."
Kevin shook his head lightly as he tried to comfort the woman. “No, V, there’s nothing wrong with you. Why would you say that? If you don’t want to do anything tonight, that doesn’t mean that there’s something wrong with you—”
Before she could even process it, the words were flowing out of her mouth in a rambling babble that seemed endless. Vanessa let someone in on her secret for the first time ever, telling the man how she really felt. How she had been dealing with her attraction to women, and how much she hated herself for it. To her, being gay wasn’t a bad thing for other people — only for her. It meant she was different, she was a target. And being a target terrified her more than anything else in this world. Little did she know that from that day on, Kevin made a promise to himself that he was going to protect Vanessa no matter what.
🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 
“And I could cry power — power has been cried by those stronger than me. Straight into the face that tells you to rattle your chains if you want to be free."
Slowly, Vanessa fought against her own inhibitions as she branched out in an attempt to accept herself for the first time in her life. Kevin was the only person who she had said anything to and in turn was playing fake boyfriend to keep guys off of her back as she navigated her way around this completely new person she wasn’t aware she had within her. Hailey was the next to find out, though Vanessa had a feeling that Hailey had already known — in fact, she was more surprised when Vanessa told her she was ‘dating’ Kevin than what she was when Vanessa came out to her as a lesbian.
It was hard not to think about how much a supportive family would have helped her grow when she was younger. If the old catholic couple had accepted Vanessa for who she was when she was fifteen instead of shunning her the way that they did, they could have saved her years of heartbreak, years of pain — years of self-hatred. They were years that she would never get back, but Vanessa wasn’t one to dwell too much in the past. As soon as she started to acknowledge her feelings rather than pushing them down until they were ready to burst, it was as if a heavy weight was lifted off of her chest — Vanessa felt like she was floating.
Vanessa felt free.
The first time she kissed a girl was — like she had described it — liberating. The next time she kissed a girl was nearly ten years later — the feeling that erupted in a hotel room of a girl she had been talking to for months was nothing short of empowering. Being able to embrace who she was and even find a girlfriend who she loved more than anything in the entire world was electric, and Vanessa couldn’t imagine going back to how she was living before. Every day was a battle to reprogram her brain into loving herself — all of herself — but she had never shied away from a challenge. She wasn’t about to start now.
🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 
"But I could cry power, ‘cause power is my love when my love reaches to me."
Nina was her turning point. When Vanessa was Nina, she was starting a new chapter of her life that allowed her to break her shackles. She could be whoever she wanted to be when she was Nina, and after meeting Kevin that night, Vanessa was sure that she owed the man her life. She hadn’t realised how bad things were until someone pulled her up from beneath the water and showed her the light for the first time in forever, the sun beaming down on her skin giving her a newfound sense of hope and confidence.
For the first time in her life, Vanessa felt whole. She felt complete. Surrounded by the family she had made, she feared nothing but the dark and spiders, leaving her to thank Nina for what she had done for her. That undercover assignment had completely changed her life for the better — she wouldn’t want it any other way.
As she sat at a table at Molly’s with her family and friends around her, her fingers interlocked with the woman she called her girlfriend and an arm around Kevin, nothing but love could be felt. The love glowed among them all as they raised their beers, a small smile on Vanessa’s face as she uttered the words that would hold a special place in her heart.
“Nina cried power.”
Nobody knew how it got there, but as Vanessa lowered her bottle and held it tightly to her chest, she caught sight of a winged insect that she was all too familiar with. There on the neck of the bottle sat a beautiful butterfly, slowly flapping its wings as it made its presence known to the woman. Vanessa could have sworn that it looked right into her eyes before taking off in flight, disappearing out the door as she felt her heart warm.
She was okay.
I hope you like this! I’m really proud of it even though it’s not perfect and kinda gets a bit messy at some parts but if you liked this please let me know because i really really like writing oneshots like these based off of songs. Also if you have any requests for any one chicago characters and a song you want a oneshot based off of let me know <3
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