#portal 2 fanfic
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jadevalentine-writes · 7 months ago
Portal 2 Caroline Fanfic Teaser
Caroline loved science. Unfortunately, it did not love her back. 
Or rather, the white men that gatekept science did not like her, at least not enough to take her job applications seriously. Or, if they did like her, it was not for the reasons she wanted. 
Their interest in her, if it was there, had nothing to do with her brain and her scientific skills, and had everything to do with the body her brain was housed in. She did not consider herself attractive - her hair was dark when blondes seemed to be preferred and her other assets were average, in her opinion - but she quickly learned that men in the science field were far less picky than those in other sectors. 
Caroline could use that to her advantage, but only if necessary. Her options had not yet been exhausted, at least that’s what she kept telling herself. She was starting to question, though, if that was actually true.
The first rejection she received was expected. The second was too, but still stung. 
By the twelfth she was starting to grow frustrated. As the number neared thirty, she began to lose hope.
She had traveled across half the country, from California to New Mexico, then north to the Dakotas. Now she was rounding out her trek by heading east, her sights set on an opportunity she heard of in northern Michigan. If that did not pane out, she’d continue to the east coast, then maybe down to Florida. She’d avoid Texas if she could, but would have to cross it before she started the circuit all over again. 
If she were born with XY chromosomes she suspected her luck would have been different.  
Caroline had been economical in her journey, favoring buses and trains over planes and choosing the cheapest motels always, but her money was finite and soon she’d find herself stranded, penniless and jobless, likely in northern Michigan of all places. 
That thought alone is what made Caroline grit her teeth as she stepped off of the bus and headed towards the ticket booth. She had one more bus ride before she reached her destination and could rest for the night, so she had plenty of time to mull over contingencies. 
As the trees whipped past her window seat, she reworked her budget five times. To relax, she reread the Popular Science magazine she had splurged on when she first left her home. When her eyes began to droop she leaned against the window and tried to think of anything but her parents and how they would help her financially if she called.
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totallyradicalmucky · 8 months ago
Wheatley almost burns the house down: a shortfic
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I played portal 1 & 2 recently after being pestered by a friend. cool games that I recommend actually. Made a fic at like 3am after these funny guys stayed in my head after I beat the second game in its entirety.
[Wheatley, antsy as always leaped at the sight of Chell walking into their shared apartment..or more accurately- Chell’s apartment that he lived in ..after Aperture. His optic rotated, just bursting at the seems to tell her something new.]
“OH- It’s you! So gu- no. I’ve been doing some research on *human dating* ..and-! It’s spectacular, so fun. And- You’ll never guess what I’ve got planned! It’s a suprise! C’mon, c’mon guess! ask me! ask me! ask m-
[this goes on more a while]
[Chell smiles a little, opening her mouth to respond]
“I’M GOING TO MAKE A DINNER! That’s it! But you won’t know what I’m making! Haha! It could be ANYTHING! Anything- bloody delicious that is! Mmhmm- Got you where I want you. Got you- there. Hehe. Um. So you….hmmm..Sit there while I do all~ the work!”
[Chell’s face drops in horror as she watches the Android rush off to the kitchen]
[She scrambled about for a moment, already hearing the clanking of pots and pans. The woman grabbed a fire extinguisher from underneath the bathroom sink, turning around to already see smoke coming from the kitchen.]
[Chell makes a dash to Wheatley, who was cooking something unidentifiable in a pot as the food was covered in smoke by now. She points the fire extinguisher at the pot quickly, only hesitating when she hears the android]
“Wait wait- wait! Hey! But you- you can’t be in here! Th-this’ll ruin the surprise! What are you even doing with the uhh..“
[The pot catches fire, causing the smoke detector to go off. The Android yelps in response to the noise, optic shrinking to a small size at the mess he’d made, only to be completely covered up by fire extinguisher foam.]
[The fire alarm beeping stops after a few minutes, Chell waving the smoke away and taking the pot off the stove. All the while Wheatley is given a towel to wipe the foam from his optic. Looking embarrassed from his now stained shirt..despite his lack of facial features.]
“Y’know you uh..you know you really uh..didn’t have to do that because uhh. I had it under control and, well it was all part of the suprise I had for you! Yup, all part of my master..my master-surprise plan. Yup. Bloody genius I am…Um, what are..what’re y’ doing?”
[The Android’s head tilts, getting sidetracked from his own rambling as he watched Chell rifle through the cabinets of their kitchen. He walks a bit closer, ever the nosy core]
“Soo..gonna let me in on what you’re doing there? Lookin for something? Maybe? Possibly? What would this…mm -what’re you looking for? C’mon….let your ol’ pal Wheatley look! Can I see? Can I? Can I-Can I Caaaan i? C’mon! Lemme see!”
*The bot gets even closer, resting his “head” atop the woman as he drums his hands on her back to try and get her attention while she’s kneeled, looking in the cabinet. Squinting in, to try and see where she’s looking, to no avail. He hums, a bit pouty.]
[Chell exhaled a laugh, smiling even more as she triumphantly held up a cool book in the air. Already feeling Wheatley’s attention leaving her to stand up and grab the cook book, the woman chortles as she stands up to watch him.]
[The bot, a bit dumbfounded by the obvious answer to his mistake. Puts a hand on his hip. Turning around, choosing not to face Chell as she smiles at him so smartly..he still holds the cook book in the air. Waving it with each punctuation in his speech.]
“Ah. Now this- this would’ve been very..ah. Very useful. Yknow, should’ve-uh, could’ve thought of that myself. But uh..y’know -clever girl thinking of that so fast. Clever girl…smart too!…I ever say that? Very smart. S. M. A. R. T.”
[He flips through the pages in the cook book rather quickly, glancing at Chell. Then back at the book, squinting at it.]
“So. Uh, do you have any..preferences?”
[Chell snorted. Making the android deflate a little, so she walked over to him, pointing out few favorites before honing in on a somewhat decent one to make (together..of course). Already being able to tell that Wheatley was completely lost on the instructions. She smiled, very much so ready for the long night ahead of them both...and her dinner.]
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xadeone · 1 year ago
For any Blue Sky fans out there, I just posted my first fanfic! (Fanfic of a fanfic? Lmao)
Short, sweet, little slice of life thing with a snowball fight!
Blue Sky by waffles ( @/wafflebloggies I think??)
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bee-rosmyth-art · 12 days ago
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White coats. A plant, sickly and leafless, growing under dull fluorescent lights. A splash of water on tiles, the glint of a needle, a bright curl of sweat-twisted paper, and- and-
-Blue Sky, Chapter 8: The Cold Hard Truth
Written by @wafflebloggies
Details/title version under the cut
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shrimperini · 4 months ago
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blue sky chelley comm for @bee-rosmyth-art !!! 💙🧡🌾☁️
i truly love them in every universe
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lightchayok · 3 months ago
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I'm practicing drawing on a graphic tablet, yey!!! :D
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ohboiidunno · 5 months ago
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Now you're thinking too fast; you're like marbles on glass...🎵
Five panels today! I have mixed feelings about this part, but hey it's always great to experiment!
Thanks again for the support, you all are amazing!
Blue Sky is written by Waffles!
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mintbreeze · 1 year ago
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chelley is my life.
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scribbydibbydoo · 1 year ago
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"Are you sure you're not, I don't know, hiding any bricks in those pockets as well? Just saying, there's got to be some reason why this is so difficult. I mean, I can understand how it could happen, you had to leave the house in a hurry, threw on the first pair of jeans you could find, forgot to take the masonry out of the pockets, it's a textbook mistake."
Version w/o blue cyborg stuffs under the cut!!! and also some extra little funnies
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i love his ability to hit the word limit no matter the situation i need him to get 'sploded in 3 seconds
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onyxstic · 8 months ago
A few weeks ago I was motivated to draw the cover and print the classic Blue Sky fic written by Wafflestories as a little physical book! (non profit and not publicly sold, don’t worry)
It just arrived today and man I’m so happy with it 🤤
The cover was inspired by the post I’ve linked down below, it also has info on how to print your own. (Please use responsibly) All credits to the respective creators!
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shr00mie-rat · 2 months ago
Learned Unhelpfulness
Another post inspired by learned unhelpfulness except that it's now good
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The prologue
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The cold open
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The scientist
Had an idea for some thumbnail looking drawing for each chapter bc i'm very normal and i'm rereading the fic bc im telling it to my sister so for every chapter i read to her i make a drawing
Textless versions under cut
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They get less and less detailed that by the time the fic is finished I'll only draw two sticks or smth/j
Also I'm the guy that readed LU to @mad0katsuki to sleep lmao
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1ittlesunlight · 1 year ago
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doing some blue sky propaganda in magma with the guys :>
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bee-rosmyth-art · 7 months ago
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This scene has been haunting my brain lately so I had to draw it out
(Adapted from Blue Sky by Wafflestories)
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shrimperini · 8 months ago
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a late doodle birthday gift for @bee-rosmyth-art !!!!! 💙🧡💙🧡🥺 her post blue sky designs are adorable please check her art out!!!!!
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lightchayok · 9 months ago
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I tried to draw in another program
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ohboiidunno · 5 months ago
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WOOOOOOO I had such a blast making this part! Full of bittersweetness. Hope you enjoy!
Blue Sky is written by Waffles!
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