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dcxdpdabbles · 11 months
DC X DP Fic idea: Retired-Rouge.
Danny gets into making teddy bears. He didn't start that way; honestly, he was mostly trying to fix Bearbert Einstein after his mom accidentally burnt him with a misfired ray gun.
Jazz had broken down into tears, and it had ripped apart his heart and his core to see her so distressed. He went to the local- and only- fabric store in Amity Park to find materials and try to repair his sister's beloved teddy bear when his mom's attempts to fix the bear only made him look worse.
Just his luck that the only fabric shop for miles around was Weston Fabrics and that the person manning the cashier was Wes himself. The other boy had nearly thrown him out when Danny walked in, but thankfully his older brother Kyle had talked Wes down and helped Danny find fabrics for Bearbert.
Surprisingly, Wes had even helped him set up one of their sewing stations to get started on Bearbert.
The strange part was when Danny turned the machine on and found his hands moving independently. As if he had been doing it for years, he expertly put together the bear and even went through the other fabrics to make him new outfits. Wes had watched the whole time, raising a brow when Danny got up to pay.
"Thought you didn't know how to sew?"
"I thought so too. Must be a ghost thing." Danny replied then smirked as the redhead glared.
"A ghost thing?" Wes all but sneers. He still trying to expose Danny as Phantom and had yet to get proof, even with Danny teasing him in the open. As it were, Kyle, who was unpacking new needles rolled his eyes behind the red hair teenager.
"Yeah, since I have a protection core as Phantom, it sometimes transfers into my human side. Do you know how teddy bears guard children at night against bad dreams? Same thing"
Wes pauses, then slowly blinks; he whispers with a small baffled smile, "That's kind of adorable. A teddy bear to keep you safe through the night."
And Danny? He didn't mean to, but he found Wes sort of hot at that moment. Not the Wow, that guy is a celebrity hot but a Be careful who you call ugly in middle school because Puberty made them delicious over the summer break hot.
He will admit that he returned to Weston Fabrics to flirt more with Wes and made so many teddy bears as a disguise. The good news was that all his works were a hit, and even some kids at school started asking for special commissions when word got around about the special Nightmerica teddy bear he made for Sam's birthday.
He makes money, gets a boyfriend, and when he donates the teddy bears to a local hospital, he discovers a new power. Through items he made himself, Danny can send waves of comforting energy to the people around the item, like a miniature zen distributor. The patients that have his toys start to show greater rest from both nightmares and lower anxiety, depression, and general sadness.
He lets Wes name this power, which later becomes the name of his teddy bear business- Phantom Relief. After dating for two years and graduating, both boys agree the spark had been lost but remain good friends. Danny takes his thriving teddy bear-making skills to his new college in Gotham while Wes leaves for Star City.
In Gotham is where things get....stranger. See, Danny knows someone new to the city will never truly understand a city's problems. But the rapid amount of homeless kids is so shocking he starts making clothes and blankets to try and give them out because they shouldn't be out there freezing like that! He even tries passing along some teddy bears to them, hoping to soothe their pain with some Zen waves.
The key word is tries.
Gotham kids do not trust or like free handouts. Danny burst into tears when a thirteen-year-old asked if he wanted the kid to use his hand or mouth in exchange for the new blanket. The street kid seemed surprised when Danny was horrified by the question. No one else found it strange, the kid said, wrapped in a Superman blanket that Danny made only a day before, it's just how things are done around here.
The worst part is the homeless thirteen-year-old is right. Everywhere he looks, Danny finds more people needing protection- physically, emotionally, and mentally. Gotham is just filled with people suffering. He couldn't keep up. It's tearing him apart trying to help everyone.
His core feels like it will burst from all the overloaded cries of help it can pick up. One night Danny can't take it anymore, so he shifts into Phantom and flies out to the old Drake manner, abandoned since Janet Drake's murder, where the cries are muffled, and dials Wes' number with shaking hands.
His ex picks up listens to his sobs and tells him "You can't save people who don't want to be saved. But you can try to reach them in a way they understand."
It's precisely what he needs to hear.
Ancients, but he misses the man sometimes. Why did Danny ever let Wes Weston go? Well, as they say, Right person, wrong time. Maybe that was why.
So Danny decided the only way to get to Gotham was to be like Gotham. And who were the people that dramatically changed the city with every random plot? With every random heist?
Gotham Rogues.
So all Phantom had to do was become one, which shouldn't be too hard since people in Amity Park still debated if he was good or not years later. He fixes up his Phantom suit to something more Gotham villain, keeping the colors but removing the jumpsuit and adding a suit and vest alongside a mask and two giant needles.
He appears in Crime Alley- because that's where the most cries come from- and just challenges everything and everyone to take the area from him. He fights off so many gangs- even Red Hood, who puts up a great fight- but after the dust settles, he now runs the place.
He then starts- fixing the place. Starts sending out clothes for the homeless, starts fixing up buildings, gives Phantom Reflief out-teddy bears to kids, fake emulates to adults, starts sending the gang kids back to school, forces landlords to lower the housing, and illegally makes everyone get along.
He spreads his tyranny to the rest of the city, fighting the good and bad sides of the law. The bats give him one hell of a challenge, but Danny beat the Ghost King when he was an untrained brat. This is nothing. Batman gets better with every fight, and so do his associates.
Things look good until the Joker tries him too much when the clown somehow gets to Wes. Has the love of his life tied to a bomb with enough Joker Venom to fill half the city, and Danny sees red.
When he comes to, it's to Wes holding him in his arms, whispering reassurances, and Joker nothing but a smear on the ground. Danny can't live with what he's done; he runs away, shifts into his human side, and vows to never be Phantom again.
After four years of peace due to Phantom's hostile takeover, Gotham mourns the loss but doesn't fall into so much crime now that the ghost crime lord is gone. Danny thinks he's done his job and chooses to melt into the background. He opens a little shop for fabrics and custom-made teddy bears.
Wes finds him, agrees to try and rekindle their love, and a year later agrees to the marriage.
All is well until seventeen-year-old Tim Drake strolls into his fabric shop. Clutching a superboy teddy bear, he gave a shivering fourteen-year-old the first week as Phantom Gotham Villain with a stern look in his eye.
"Phantom- I need you to help me find Batman, who is lost in time, or I will expose your secret identity to the rest of Gotham."
Well, shit.
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cemeteryspider · 3 months
Lost and Found
Dick Grayson x Speedster! Reader
Summary: You and your sibling Wally West run to save the world, a trip neither of you return from. That is until you do.
*Gender, race, and sexuality is not specified for the reader, but is referred to as Wally's sibling- can be adopted, biological, or have a different dad or mom since the parents are divorced*
Trigger Warnings: Death, loss, and existential threats
Word Count: 2340
The Bioship was still hovering in the air as you and your team jumped out to witness the disruptor and the havoc it was wreaking on the planet. In a yellow flash, you saw who could only be Wally West running towards the chrysalis, and Artemis in your ear saying something about Wally running off.
With a sudden realization sinking into your stomach, you pulled Dick down to give him a kiss on the cheek.
"Back in a flash, Wing," You whispered in his ear.
You let go of Dick's hand and within milliseconds you were running alongside Uncle Barry, Bart, and Wally.
You never quite left the superhero scene, mostly helping other heroes with their work when need be. It wasn't that you couldn't become a fully fledged superhero in your own right with the action figures and lunch boxes, but that your life had changed.
You helped train the new heroes who lived at Mount. Justice. You helped them with focus and combat exercises, and allowed them to lean on your shoulder when things got difficult because of course things got difficult when you're dealing with hormonal teenagers who just so happen to have super abilities.
Despite the same lightning strike giving you the same powers as your brother, your powers didn't cause you any pain. So it came as a shock to you when Wally announced his retirement. When Wally left the superhero life for good, you felt lost and hurt. The one person you shared everything with decided to leave you behind.
Luckily, Dick Grayson, someone who knew what you were going through with Wally, stepped in. That's how you and Dick became close friends. You were both the leaders of Young Justice in Kaldur's absence. Finding yourselves alone with the only other person you age being Dick, well lets just say it wasn't a surprise to the team when you announced that you were together.
You allowed Wally back into your life, and allowed him to explain his departure. You felt like a jerk for distancing yourself, and turning away when he needed your support the most. Still he forgave you without a second thought. You and Wally would hang out on a near daily basis nowadays.
Then the Reach and the Light showed up. Regardless of how you felt, you participated in the cover up of Artemis' death. Wally didn't take her death well, her actually being alive well, or your or Dick's involvement in the matter well. Eventually reaching better terms once Kaldur and Artemis were able to stop the Reach and the Light.
That's how you made it here. With your relationship with Wally on the mend, you were running to counter the distributor that endangered Earth and all of its inhabitants.
So you kept running.
"Y/n get out of here! It's dangerous" Wally yelled at you, the high speeds distorted his words along with the disruptor.
"No four speedsters are better than three Walls!" Despite the yelling from your brother and uncle, you kept running.
You were a little faster than Wally, but still slower than the Flash and Impulse. You let yourself fall back to Wally's speed, and nodded at him with solidarity. You kept running.
Each pass around the disruptor you looked at Dick. You wanted to run into his arms and let him take the weight off your sore legs, but you couldn't leave. Then a shock was sent down your spine. You stumbled a little bit but kept running nonetheless.
You and Wally looked at each other and with each hit the chrysalis had on you the slower the two of you became. Still you both ran, you ran so that the world wouldn't be destroyed.
Barry looked at the two of you with worry in his eyes, despite being related by marriage he sometimes acted like the two of you were his own kids. Which was only strengthened when you both moved in with him and Iris after your parents divorced. He taught you both how to run.
The chrysalis continued to dispel its energy onto the two of you. You and Wally were fading from existence, and Barry reached out to you, his hand passing through your shoulder. You kept running.
"It's no good Barry" You looked at Wally and took his hand in yours, "Artemis is so gonna kill me, and don't even get me started on Mom and Dad"
You and Wally shared a knowing look. Neither of you were going to make it out of this. The damage had already been done. So you kept running together.
"Just tell them okay," You said to Barry as you and Wally faded from time and space.
Nightwing could faintly hear Jaime talking, something both him and you knew to be his scarab.
"Cease? Cease what?" He yelled.
Before Nightwing could work up the courage to ask what he was talking about the chrysalis retreated and left behind a cloud of disrupted snow.
Dick started running towards where the chrysalis used to be and allowed the snow to settle.
When it finally did the team could only see two speedsters in the aftermath. Miss. Martian and Kaldur helped them up while both he and Artemis frantically looked around the open space.
"Wait. Where's Wally?" Artemis shouted before Dick could even think to string together a sentence.
"Artemis, Dick, they wanted me to tell you-" Artemis interrupted him with denial, "they loved you both"
Artemis fell to the ground, and Dick swayed a little before falling to his knees as well. He knew he should be crying, but nothing was coming out. All he could do was hold the hand you were holding minutes ago and stare and where you were just running.
Dick thought about that day a lot. He dreamt about it. He dreamed of everything he could have done to stop you or keep you from seeing Wally risk his life. In every scenario you ran anyway.
Everything reminded him of you, but for some reason places you went to together pulled him close and tortured his proximity with the memory of you.
Nightwing sat on the rooftop of your old apartment building in Blüdhaven where, when you lived there, he ended up spending most of his time. Now it was inhabited by a couple with a baby, and he imagined his life if you hadn't disappeared years earlier.
After a long while, he allowed himself to continue his patrol, and ended on his fire escape and let himself in. Flopping on his bed after shedding his suit and falling asleep immediately. He didn't even hear his Justice League comm going off.
A loud slamming knock woke him up from his sleep, and a quick glance at his alarm clock let him know he was only asleep for a couple hours.
The knocking on his door got more frantic very quickly and he silently hoped that his neighbors wouldn't report him for the noise.
Tim stood on the other side of the door in his civilian clothes looking a bit out of breath.
"Tim? Is everything okay?" Dick tried to take his arm to pull him inside but Tim's feet stayed planted firmly on the ground.
"No. We've been trying to reach you for hours. You need to come with me" His sentence was interrupted by his gasping for air.
"Okay Tim. Let me just get a shirt on and we'll go"
Soon they were off, and when he got to the ground floor he saw Alfred parked out front.
"Hello Master Dick"
"Hey Alfred, where are we going"
"I think Master Bruce is the better choice for an explanation"
The ride to a zeta tube was quiet with Tim glancing at him several times in the rearview mirror. When in the zeta tube Dick and Tim were transported to the Watchtower, and with still no idea of why he was being brought into space.
Everything that involved someone needing League help was quickly shot down by Tim being the one to get him.
Batman was standing at the zeta tube waiting for them, and for a split second Dick thought he should have been wearing his suit. Bruce took his arm and guided him to the med bay.
"Dick, I wouldn't have called you here if someone else could confirm this, but I think in this case you're the best one to do this"
"Wait, what am I even doing here, no one has explained anything to me" Dick stopped right in front of the emergency doors and made Bruce look at him.
"Dick, we think that Kid Flash and Red Rapid survived the chrysalis, and somehow made it back here. We received a distress call from the North Pole late yesterday, and we brought them back here" Bruce tried to calmly explain this to him without overwhelming him, but he wasn't sure there was a way to do that.
"So you're saying that they are behind those doors. You're saying that my best friend and my partner are behind those doors after we buried them years ago. Mourned them?" His voice cracked by the end of his small speech. Both Tim and Bruce put a hand on his shoulder, and allowed his tears to fall.
After a few minutes Dick wiped his face and prepared himself for seeing the two people he loved most in the world other than his family. A little push of the door revealed two hospital beds, one with the red-head who he called his best friend, and the other with his partner who was sound asleep, surely exhausted from whatever journey they had gone through to get back.
"Dick?" Wally's voice was almost a whisper and Dick walked over to his bed stopping just before he reached out to touch him.
Quickly Wally grabbed Dick's hand and pulled him into a warm embrace, "I missed you so much Wally. I missed you so much" again the tears began to flow.
"I missed you too man, can you call Arty please I miss her too" Dick pulled himself away from him and gave him a nod.
With a squeeze of Wally's shoulder he went out the doors and asked Tim to call Artemis, and was notified that she was already on her way.
Going back to tell Wally he told Dick, "Go to Y/n, they need you more than I do"
The moment he was dreading came. Still this was the moment he hoped for since the day of your death. He sat in the leather chair next to your bed and gently shook your shoulder. Your eyes fluttered open like they would if it was a movie and you looked into his gorgeous icy blue eyes.
"Hey, handsome, you come here often", the joke left your lips and immediately his lips were on yours. Your arms found your place around his neck and pulled him as close as humanly possible.
"Babe", another kiss to your forehead, and you slid over to make room for him on the bed where he happily sat and snuggled up close to you, "Things just haven't been the same without you"
"Tell me all about it honey, I want to know everything about you" You looked into his eyes and allowed your nose to touch his.
"Maybe later, I just want to hold you, and never let you go"
Your forehead pressed against his and you allowed yourself to relax. Soon you would discuss what you both experienced but right now, holding each other was enough.
After a lot of tests the League let both you and Wally leave the Watchtower as long as Dick and Artemis looked over you. On your way back to his apartment, where you agreed would be the best place for you to be, he wanted to make a quick stop.
You zeta'd to the Mount. Justice where the lights were dark, and Dick took your hand in his.
"Now I wanted to ask you a long time ago, but I figured we could start where we left off, you know with the romance stuff. Hit the lights Gar!"
The lights came on and the mountain came alive. Most everything was the way you left it, only newer appliances and a ton of renovations. Maybe if you squinted a few more holes in the wall.
As the fairy lights illuminated the walls, you couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over you. The faces of the young heroes you trained, now grown into their own, the old Young Justice team, and your mentors were all gathered around. You looked to Dick to ask what was going on, but when you looked over you had to look to the ground where he was kneeling.
"I know we have a lot to talk about and work out, but there is no one who I would rather spend the rest of my life with", He met your eyes and opened the little box in his hands. A small shiny ring glimmered inside the velvet box, "would you do me the honor of being marrying me"
A couple of blinks and a second of silence later, "Yes! Of course I'll marry you", Suddenly Dick stood up and wrapped his arms around your waist and twirled you around in a circle. Once he set you down, he placed the ring on your finger and kissed your lips.
You dashed over to Wally, Bart, and Barry and gave them the biggest hugs. Barry held onto you for a long moment, despite seeing you very soon after you got to the Watchtower emotions were still high and he wanted to make sure you weren't going to dematerialize again.
You hugged all the kids, who were now young adults, and allowed your tears to flow down your cheeks. Though with the huge smile plastered on your face no one was confused about what you felt in this moment. You decided it was time to stand still for a little while.
Author's Note: The ring was in fact his mother's. I've read that some Romani people burn their loved ones belongings once they die but I think that they would give the rings to Dick to use as his own ~If anyone knows if this is true please let me know!
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audreyscribes · 4 months
Ω PJO DEMIGOD HEADCANONS: ⚖ NEMESIS: Goddess of Balance, Retribution, and Vengeance wheel ♎
Author's note: Hello everyone! In lieu of posting the major gods demigod headcanons, here is the minor gods version! As usual these headcanons will contain what it's like being claimed and what it's like for the respective god and cabin, followed by a small story between you, the reader, and the respective demigod of that god. Thank you for reading and please like and reblog! [PJO MINOR GODS DEMIGOD HEADCANONS MASTERLIST] Disclaimer: To new fans or strictly TV watchers of the PJO series, future spoilers for the entire PJO series books will be referenced. Read at your own risk.
When you get claimed, it’s usually after one of the following: when you help exact revenge, serve justice, or rage vengeance. Of course when you hear those words, you’re going to think you have to do one of those large, epic moments but in reality, it’s pretty simple. That can be catching something unfair, doing what is right, getting back at your opponent, or simply saying No to something when it is unjust. When you get claimed, something feels balanced within you.
If you have some reservations about being a child of Nemesis, one of your half-siblings tells you it is an honour to be a child of Nemesis. Not just because Nemesis and what she stands for is important, if not sometimes harsh, but because Ethan Nakamura. You’re told about the tale of Ethan and who he was, how he was one of the inspirations for Percy to make the gods vow to claim their children and why the Minor gods have a cabin. You’re even shown the portrait of Ethan at his own altar in the cabin, as a reminder of his sacrifice and his life. If you’re lucky enough, Percy Jackson introduces himself and welcomes you himself to the Nemesis Cabin, just saying something “it was just right”. 
However, following that, they also warn you ‘an eye for an eye’ is more than what the eye can see. 
If you weren’t ambidextrous before, you are now. 
You’re always perfectly balanced and symmetry is important to you. Being fair is also an important factor in your life and one way or another, it will be done. 
Because of the domain Nemesis presides over, your cabin becomes a place that acts like a court. You and your siblings often get asked to preside or become mediators in arguments, and be the verdict who is the wrong and who is right. But the deciding factor is always fair. This also means you can pick out lies, though probably not to the extent of a child of Apollo.
You become a believer in working hard for your efforts, and you reap the rewards. If you’re not paid or treated fairly, everyone looks out. 
You know other people’s hubris by nature of Nemesis’s domain, so you know to be careful of ignorance and being modest. Just because you know other’s hubris, doesn’t mean you don’t have one. 
Given Nemesis is also known to be a distributor of fortune, neither good nor bad, the Nemesis Cabin has a connection with the Tyche Cabin, the goddess of Fortune and Luck. 
This isn’t a common fact, but Nemesis’ chariot is pulled by Griffins and you have a certain connection with them. If you manage to get your hands on a gryphon, and tame it, fairly, you’re allowed to ride them in camp. Just, don’t let them go near the Pegasus. Otherwise you’re going to get a long, stern lecture from Butch Walker. He’s still mad that one of the Nemesis children’s gryphons hurt Rainbow Dash. 
Speaking of pets and animals, you all have a goose or geese as its Nemesis’ animal. If you have encountered geese before or played the goose game, you know it’s a perfect fit. There has been one time, the Golden Goose, that lays the golden egg; however, it comes and goes as it pleases. Some of your siblings think it is Nemesis herself but who knows? Just don’t give any of the geese a knife or sword or weapon of any kind. Please, no one has recovered from that catastrophic event yet. The Apollo cabin doesn’t want a repeat of reattaching limbs by goose related causes any time soon, even if Paulo said he was okay.
When you get claimed, the feeling of being claimed is being merged with the sweet feeling of catharsis. You got back at one of the campers who has been mercilessly bullying you and trying to establish themselves as bigger than you. Everything came to a head when the two of you were put in a spar and all the time you’ve been honing your weapon skills and observing your opponent, you’ve finally had a perfect opportunity to exact your revenge. 
When you were given the moment to go, you readied your weapon, kept your grip firm, and attacked back. You pushed forward with anger and retribution as you swung and moved. You pushed your opponent further and further into a corner, and you kept knocking them onto their back, knees, and hands. You purposefully showed yourself drawing it out, showing them what it was like to be bullied and what it was like to be on the other end of their act; making them feel helpless, fearful, and shamed.
You decided to finish drawing out their punishment as you were declared the winner. People cheered for you, some louder who were once at your position, and as you raised your weapon in the air in victory, everyone gasped out and cheered harder as they saw the claim of Nemesis floating upon your head. 
You stared up wide-eyed at the claim as the announcement of your claim was yelled out for everyone to hear. You felt your mouth sour slightly as you remembered faintly from your mythology lessons about who Nemesis was. You weren’t entirely sure if you followed Nemesis’ reputation and domain. 
You see a boy come towards you as he looks you up and down before nodding in approval. “You’re definitely showed that you are a child of Nemesis. You delivered their punishment fairly and didn’t take it too far” he complimented. 
“Thanks…but I’m not sure if being a child of Nemesis can be entirely a good thing” you said truthfully, shrugging as you did. 
The guy rolled his eyes as he put his hands on his hips. “Nemesis isn’t an evil god and she’s just as important, like Ares either. The same goes for being her child. In fact it’s an honour” he said. 
“How?” you asked confused.
Damien smirked before he gestured for you to follow. “Because I’m also a child of Nemesis too. My name is Damien White, and I’m also the cabin leader for the Nemesis Cabin” he introduced before taking you to the cabin. You didn’t get a chance to look at the building before he opened it and guided you to a portrait inside. You saw a japanese looking boy who seemed a bit cold, especially with an eyepatch but clearly he was important with the amount of flowers and offerings that laid on the table below his portrait. 
“This was Ethan Nakamura, a child of Nemesis. He was the one who made a deal with our mother that brought back balance and helped inspire the hero Percy Jackson of the 2nd Titan War, where he used his divine wish to the gods to recognize the minor gods and their children in camp. His sacrifice is why the Nemesis cabin, and the other cabins are here” told Damien as he looked at the portrait of Ethan. He then turned to you, “Being a child of Nemesis is just as the same as the other demigods, but it’s more of an honour because our former brother.” 
You felt better as you nodded. “It might take a while to wrap my head around it but... I’m glad we’re related to such a demigod.”
Damien grinned and nodded, before he guided you out of the cabin, “Come on, I’ll help you grab your stuff from the Hermes cabin and get you settled in your new place.”
You nodded and when you had packed your stuff up, Damien grabbed your stuff for you to let you and another recently claimed demigod say goodbye to the Hermes cabin members, who was just claimed as a child of Tyche. They left first, since they came a bit earlier and their cabin leader was waiting for them outside. By the time you finished saying goodbyes, you came out to see your cabin leader arguing with a girl, who was also with the new child of Tyche. 
You saw Damien and the girl yelling at each other, almost getting into their faces and you thought of stepping forward to intervene, lest a cabin war breaks out. You don't know if it's a thing but you're not going to wait and find out. Before you could though, you're interrupted by a voice, 
“Oh don't worry about it, those two always argue with each other but they don't ever take it too far” you heard. 
You turned and saw a boy, with brown hair and blue eyes. He seemed familiar but you weren't sure where though. 
“Are you sure?” you said, looking at the two arguing people. 
The boy nodded as he took out his ukelele, plucking a few strings. Something to shift in the air, as you thought “Oh he's a child of Apollo maybe”. As if he heard your thoughts, you jumped when he turned to you with a smirk.
“The girl you see Damien arguing with is Chiara Benevnuti, daughter and cabin leader of Tyche, the goddess of Fortune and Luck. Nemesis and Tyche are sort of connected, so seeing their two children get along isn't unusual.”
“You call that getting along?” you replied skeptically. 
“Oh, you would be surprised. One time when the two of them were stuck in the medical tent, I saw Damien move to the cot next to Chiara and the two only argued with each other when people were around” snickered Lester. “If I were ever more poetic, I would say this is a perfect haters to lovers haiku right now.”
“Wait, how do you know this? Who are you?” you asked.
The boy smiled at you and you saw his blue eyes almost seemed like the sky for a moment. The sun glowed behind his head, highlighting his brown hair into what looked like gold. A shiver ran through you and you had an inkling of who this guy was. “My name is Lester Papadopoulous, nice to meet you.” 
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strongestbanner · 23 days
What If:
Logan and Victor decide to forgive each other, escape together and live in a small cabin located in Argentine Patagonia (probably in the Río Negro province, towards the mountains of the west) 🏡❤️‍🩹🇦🇷
They both accepted that they are two sides of a same coin, and they'll always be there for each other, no matter the circumstances <3
(If you wanna cry at the end, keep reading)
Logan gets addicted to drink mate and can't live without his thermo (he choose Lumilagro when he just arrived bc he didn't have enough money for a Stanley thermo, but he doesn't give a f*ck). His favorite yerba mate is Rosamonte: the most bitter yerba mate for his taste 👌🏻
Vic shows off Logan the words he already knew in Spanish after so many missions. Now he learned to say to Logan: "enano boludo" (fool runt) just for piss him off.
Victor has become very punctual at merienda time, he always waits for Logan with sweet facturas (like biscuits, croissants) (sometimes Logan is sick of eating sweet, so he asks Vic to bring salty facturas too). Also, Victor LOVES membrillo's facturas (quince jam) (his beard always ends up dirty as if he had blood on it, never forgetting his animal instincts).
Of course, Logan got a job at a sawmill, he has too much experience with wood hehehe. And Victor worked for a time in a food distributor for a bakery, but he got fired bc he was caught stealing some cookies with membrillo. So, now he stays at home doing housework (surprisingly, he's very clean and hates finding cobwebs on the ceiling).
Logan secretly listen to Tango music, somehow he feels internally moved and sometimes cries too!! He also bought some Carlos Gardel vinyls to send for Laura's birthday <3
They both bought earplugs to use once a month bc they discovered that they have a lobizón neighbor 2 km away (the argentine werewolf 🐺).
At first they slept in different rooms, until Victor decided to have a sleepover after watching a chick flick movies marathon with Logan over a weekend (yes, they have Netflix). How did he convince him? He used his secret weapon: kitten eyes ✨ This is how slowly Victor's old room was transformed into a leisure room. Now they have a shelf full of classic literature books (and Spanish literature too bc Vic is so interested in it and he wants to still learning). Some CDs and vinyls of Logan bc he also likes argentinian national rock (He seems to like "Los Piojos", "Intoxicados", and "Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota" 😂).
This is for the argentine fans: LOGAN SUPPORTS BOCA JUNIORS CLUB 💙💛💙 He's not a very huge fan for football games, but he stays focused watching them. While Vic usually falls asleep at half time on the sofa with him.
Victor convinced Logan that he would control his bloodlust, so their household is never short of a good supply of meat. Unfortunately, this is a vile lie. When Logan is away, Victor takes advantage of those free hours to hunt and devour little animals like hares or deer. He knows his schedules and how much time he has to clean up his tracks. Who knows how long he can sustain the lie 🫣
In my mind their first kiss was PURRFECT. The coldest month is July (it's winter there), so, after a week of overcast skies, one night Logan went outside the cabin to smoke a joint. He observed the number of visible stars until he realized that Victor was stalking him with a cup of tea in his hand. They both sat on the front steps and IT JUST HAPPENED. Logan tried to deny what happened, FOR SEVERAL DAYS. But Vic managed to take away his embarrassment and make him enjoy it many times more bc he ✨obviously✨ kissed him first.
It hadn't been a year yet and Logan had invited the X-Men to his whereabouts to celebrate his birthday in October. Logically, Victor didn't like this idea at all, so he decided to flee to the forest. Logan had so many feelings fluttering in his chest, but he knew better than to waste such a beautiful and special day. He looked for Victor and found him cooling off in a river. He was so upset and a little jealous, but Logan convinced him because they would make barbecue. It was a VERY uncomfortable moment for Victor, he was not sorry for what he did, but Logan took care of making him feel part of his family <3
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Ofc, I wrote all this with my tears.
I don't consider myself a good writer and my English is very poor, but if anyone wants to make a fanfic or fanart of this TAG ME PLS 😭💖
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visualtaehyun · 12 days
I finally (!!) finished translating the articles Mut found in ep.2, as promised
Disclaimer: not a native Thai speaker, still learning 🙏
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Introducing "Tongrak", the famous young author all the girls are crazy about
After releasing just a few works, it's been a constant stream of hits for the writer with the pen name "TR". These works have made readers want to get to know the real person and to dig into the identity of the owner of this pen name until finding out that the famous author's name is "Tongrak". The young man is a passionate new writer, good-looking, and has all the girls and others raving about him and falling head over heels for him after photos of him leaked on social media and got reposted over a hundred-thousand times just overnight. For anyone who wants to get to know young "Tongrak" better [click to read more]
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"Tongrak" elated after his works 'go international' in several countries throughout Asia
His continuous release of works has made the name of young writer "Tongrak", or pen name "TR", become widely known. No matter how many works he's released, the response by readers exceeds expectations and makes every novel he writes worth keeping an eye on - even abroad and, more so, his novels are able to 'go international'! The rights were bought to have them translated and printed in several languages while also having producers and distributors for a TV series in various countries throughout Asia. He remains happy to have his novels adapted as dramas in the future which is another level of success for this handsome young author, indeed. [click to read more]
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Prepare to swoon!!! Revealing an exciting new BL series, a work by the good-looking writer "Tongrak" (TR)
For handsome, talented young author "Tongrak", the time is just right for a new release! He has already published countless hit novels so on trend among readers that multiple producers have bought the rights to turn them into series for fujoshis to fangirl over to their heart's content. This time the novel by "Tongrak" being adapted for TV again is "The Boy Next World The Series". The show is about love and a relationship that lots of people may actually have experienced in real life. [click to read more]
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"Tongrak", the author with the golden touch, out with new book among the Top 5 bestselling novels
For young "Tongrak", the passionate author, it's been a constant string of releases. With writing that has a distinct character, beautiful evocative prose, and transports readers into the fictional world of his novels, he most recently released a new novel for fans to read: "Love Director", which is already such a hit to be the bestseller in the Top 5! Young "Tongrak" is overjoyed and encouraged to keep writing great works. [click to read more]
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Anatomy of a Dalek
A Dalek is primarily made from Dalekanium and polycarbide and is technically a cyborg. To understand how a Dalek is created, see How Do Daleks Become Daleks?
Some Daleks will have variations on the below, but these aspects of a Dalek's anatomy are broadly applicable to most.
The Dome (aka dome section, head section, head dome) is attached to the neck via a docking clamp.
Eyestalk (aka eyepiece, eye antenna, tele-eye, eye-stick, optical stalk, sensory antenna, eyeball unit). The eyestalk is attached to the dome via a lens attachment, sitting on a pivot in a cowl. The eye itself is known as an eyelens. The eyestalk is covered in multiple insulator discs to protect it from radiation.
Luminosity dischargers (aka headlamp, radiation valve, dome light, vocaliser light, sound disc). It's not quite known how or why the luminosity dischargers sync up with Dalek speech, but they could be energy compensators, translation units, safety valves to release excess energy, or just lights to indicate when a Dalek's speaking.
Neck (aka grating section, upper grating section). Attached to the weapons platform via another docking clamp, or 'catch'.
Neck rings support the neck grille.
Neck grille (aka audio receptor grill, sensor grille, sensor mesh, sensor grid louvres) cover the mutant Dalek within.
Weapons Platform (aka shoulder platform, shoulder section).
Slats (aka solar power collection slats, solar slats, solar cells, shoulder slats, armour slats, sensor plates) are effectively solar panels that absorb energy to power the Dalek.
Gunstick (aka radiation gun, gun-rod, ray-gun, exterminator, blast-gun, energy gun, Dalek neutraliser, neutraliser, beam distributor, Dalek beam gun, Dalek gun, ruby ray blaster). Sits on a balljoint, controlled by armament circuits. Can be set to non-lethal, causing temporary paralysis, but maximum settings can split atoms apart. Some Daleks deliberately reduce the power of their gunstick so that the beam burns away the central nervous system outside inwards, so victims die within 2-3 seconds in complete agony.
Manipulator arm (aka tactile arm, arm-stick). Usually sits on a balljoint. Attachments can be swapped out for various tools depending on the needs of the Dalek. Some attachments include the plunger, flamethrower, seismic detector, electrode unit, sieve, syringe, blow torch, cutting tool, another gunstick, or a claw, or basically anything they need.
Base Unit (aka travel unit). Contains the motive unit, the elevation unit, and thrusters.
Sense spheres (aka sensor globes, sensor arrays, bumps) can do pretty much whatever you want them to, including detecting emissions, monitoring the surrounding environment, and acting as self-destruct mechanisms. They can also function as sockets for cables and wires, and some say the sensor globes are capable of free flight, allowing them to provide remote battlefield intelligence.
Bumper (aka fender). Possibly containing proximal alert systems to detect other Daleks, but more likely just softening collisions.
Gallifreyan Dalek Biology for Tuesday by GIL
→🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (WIP) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP)
》📫Got a question / submission? 》😆Jokes |🫀Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts 》📚Complete list of Q+A 》📜Masterpost If you like what GIL does, please consider buying a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious for future projects, including complete biology and language guides.
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snaccpopstudios · 1 year
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Surprise, surprise! We announced that we were shuttering down our Redbubble clothing store a few weeks ago, and that's because we now have a merchandising deal with premier merchandising distributor Shark Robot! They specialize in clothing and apparel, and even do a few other kinds of merch. To kick off our new catalogue, we have 5 NEW designs for pre-order until May 22, 2023!
Each design is USD$24.95 and will be available for pre-order until May 22, 2023. In order for designs to become a permanent addition to the Shark Robot store, each design needs to sell a minimum of 10 units. So what are you waiting for?
View the entire SnaccPop Studios catalogue on Shark Robot and get your pre-order in today! 
Want more information on each shirt? Read our new public Patreon post!
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flanaganfilm · 1 year
Mike, can you tell us your experience premiering Oculus at tiff 2013? I recently saw Perri Nemiroff’s interview with you (looking like a baby btw- so young) and it made me think about what your mindset must have been as in getting yo experience the launch of your career, post Absentia, at one of the most prestigious festivals.
Oh, I remember that very well... a lot changed in a very short amount of time. And I think I know the interview you're talking about, I keep trying to link to it here but it doesn't take...
So there are few things to point out about Oculus and about what was happening in my life at the time. When Oculus got greenlit, I was working full time as a reality television editor. I used to sneak out of my job at lunch to go to "doctor's appointments" whenever I had to come for production meetings or casting sessions (they started to think there was something really, really wrong with my health).
Making the movie was an amazing learning experience - it was my first "real" movie, and full of lessons. It was the first collaboration with people who would become pillars of my career moving forward, like producer Trevor Macy (who is now my partner at Intrepid Pictures and who has produced everything I've ever made since) and my DP Michael Fimognari, who is one of the most important collaborators of my life. It was also the first time I worked with a young actress named Kate Siegel, who played the spooky ghost in the mirror.
We went into TIFF with distribution already in place. FilmDistrict had committed to the project during the Cannes market before we shot the movie, so we thought we were set. It was going to be my big theatrical debut.
Just before we premiered at TIFF, FilmDistrict abruptly and bafflingly dropped the film. I still don't really know why. They had committed to a worldwide theatrical release for the movie, but for reasons that were never made entirely clear to me, they dropped us just before the festival. Suddenly the whole enterprise was in jeopardy, and I didn't know if anyone would pick the movie back up.
I was absolutely terrified.
Being my first "real" movie, I didn't really know how this world worked and couldn't understand why our distributor didn't want to release it. We'd made the movie they had been excited about, they seemed to really like it, and we'd done everything they asked - it was a shock to the system. So when we rolled into tiff, we were homeless and trying not to let FilmDistrict's abrupt change of heart poison our chances of another sale.
I had never been to TIFF before but heard about Midnight Madness, which had seen huge sales from Cabin Fever and Insidious. Bidding wars had broken out while the films were still screening. But being part of the program was absolutely no guarantee of distribution - in fact, this might be the highest this movie would ever rise.
Trevor Macy and I went to the world premiere of The Green Inferno, which was playing the night before we played, and the audience was ROWDY. Like, shouting and hollering throughout the movie. We looked at each other with wide, nervous eyes - if this was the Midnight Madness audience, they were going to hate our movie the next day. We were considerably slower, ponderous, and atmospheric in a room that seemed to demand visceral, overt entertainment. I left the screening feeling dejected and a little doomed. Trevor was more upbeat, citing conversations he'd had with the programmer, Colin Geddes, who assured us he'd put our movie in the best possible spot for its success.
Our screening was September 9th, 2013 at midnight. I was petrified, and we were sold out. I remember walking into the theater feeling like this was the most important screening of my life. I wasn't alone, thank goodness. Trevor Macy, Michael Fimognari, Brenton Thwaites, Katee Sackhoff, Rory Cochrane, and James Lafferty were on hand. The film seemed to play well. It was the opposite of the screening the night before, which Colin had told us would happen - "watch," he had said. "The Saturday night slot is the big crazy one. You guys are Sunday, and it's going to be completely different. They'll plug right in."
He was right. You could hear a pin drop for most of the first half, and then there were moments of scattered applause that picked up as the film progressed. By the end, people were jumping in their seats and cheering for young Tim and Kaylee. There was an audible gasp when the anchor swung. And the applause at the credits seemed heartfelt and loud.
Most of that is a blur for me. I found this grainy pic from the Q&A after the film. I still had no idea how it had gone, or what was going to come out of it. I remember having hard time putting words together, and I vividly recall feeling like I sounded like an absolute moron whenever I talked, and trying to pass the microphone over to the actors as often as I could.
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It's tough to see everyone in the pic, but from left to right it is Colin Geddes, Michael Fimognari, myself, Trevor Macy, Katee Sackhoff, Brenton Thwaites, Rory Cochrane, and James Lafferty.
When I stepped out of the theater, though, I became aware that everything had changed. I was immediately surrounded by people who had seen the film, suddenly shaking a ton of hands and realizing that it had been a hit. I walked into the theater by myself, utterly anonymous, and feeling every bit like an imposter. But everything was different when I walked out. I remember someone from the press talking about it years later, and saying "I was there that night - you walked into the theater with nothing, and walked out with a career."
People were asking me to sign stuff. That had never happened in my life. People wanted to get pictures. It was SO. FUCKING. WEIRD. Someone snapped a picture during that little whirlwind, and you can see it on my (young, skinny, hopelessly naive) face - an overall bewilderment, a gentle disbelief that this was happening:
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I loved my experience at TIFF. And it absolutely started everything. Relativity, Blumhouse, and WWE Films joined forces to make an offer on the movie at the festival, and we left with a theatrical distribution deal. My career had officially begun. Now, I wouldn't feel like it had for several more years - I remained in fight/flight/survival mode well through Gerald's Game - but in retrospect, yes, that's when it happened.
Thank you for asking this question, it's been a while since I've looked back at this period of my life. It kinda makes me want to watch that movie again. It has been a LONG time, and I owe it a lot.
Maybe everything.
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distributorschannel · 2 years
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Are you looking for distributorship opportunities in India? Distributors Channel Offers FMCG Products Distributorship Opportunities for interested distributors, dealers, and wholesalers at a very low amount of investment. If you want to become a Distributor of Top FMCG Brands in India you can contact us. Submit your requirement and grab this business opportunity, with a high-profit margin.
FMCG Products Distributorship in India
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some-triangles · 5 months
The thing about totalizing institutions is that the bigger they get the more half assed they become. It's like yeah we want to put you all in identical drone uniforms but the truck from the distributor didn't show up so it's casual friday until further notice
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emmis15 · 3 months
Daryl's Three favorite memories.
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Daryl Dixon might be a very closed off person with a receptive but unfriendly personality, but even with his bad attitude or rude way of relating to his surroundings, he somehow managed to hit the jackpot amidst the walking dead and the pain.
Katherine Sánchez, the girl he met on the farm, was different from the prejudices that he had already placed on her shoulders. To think that just because of her last name or her millionaire family in New York that she would be a privileged and stupid girl was far from who she was, and one of the first nights we were all together, she could see it.
—I never said being a drug addict is a good thing, don't put words in my mouth. I'm just criticizing how you think people become addicts. It's a Disney fantasy to say 'bad people are addicts' or 'people with no future' because it's false and totally uninformed, especially for a cop. Did you know that overprescribing opioids for every damn physical problem created an entire generation of addicts, right?—Kat asked Shane as she took a long sip from the bottle of red wine.
We were all sitting around a campfire in front of Hershel's house; he was inside sleeping while his daughters, except for Beth who was inside, were outside with us. Kat was next to Maggie, who was glued to Glenn, and that made me laugh because his red face from alcohol and skin-to-skin contact with that girl made him look like a tomato. But I stopped making fun of him to listen to the conversation.
—That's what liberals say, it's the only future, more or less with money or without money, for low-income people and a very normal reality for them, girl. ¿Have you ever seen what those neighborhoods are like?—He asked her, looking at her seriously.
—No, but if you put two neurons together, people addicted to opioids, after they stop using them because they couldn't get them anymore and the authorities shut them down instead of helping them because, I repeat, THEY CAUSED THE PROBLEM they'll seek that feeling elsewhere and end up in those neighborhoods. People with incredible futures or normal people who, I don't know, break a leg, for example, end up dead from using crack or steroids.
—¿And what about the people who sell them? Drug traffickers and distributors, what happens to them? Are they good people for giving them what they need? Because I'm pretty sure those types of people aren't normal or people who got into that million-dollar business that takes lives just because they broke their damn legs or something. —Shane responded.
She sighed heavily as she shook her head. I straightened up and stopped leaning against the tree to look at her; the whole group was silent as we watched them.
—And the economic problems of this shit society and monetary organization, plus the crises we go through, don't ring a bell to you? It's much easier to sell drugs without experience than to get another job. Plus, it pays the bills and supports families, but in the same way, it discards people as if they were nothing, since putting drug dealers in prison doesn't achieve anything because it's a whole organization.
—Maybe you have a point in that, but anyway, it's better to lock up a person than to let them go when they do something against the law.
—¿And what about helping them? You were supposed to be a cop and "help people." ¿Do you think these people were there by their own choice? ¿Do you think they woke up one day and said, 'I want to sell drugs'? This isn't like Breaking Bad.
—Girl, I'm a cop, not the president. I just lock up the bad people and save the good ones. End of story.
—That's very black and white, and life isn't like that. We're gray; you can't lock people up just because they resorted to the last thing they had to feed their families. And believe me, I know you're a cop, and not much can be done, but that's where morality comes in, or thinking with your head instead of brutality. ¿Why not help people for something better and dismantle organizations? Or something simpler, ¿instead of locking up drug-addicted people on the street, take them to a hospital or clinics? Something that actually helps them.
—Why does it bother you so much, girl? I just made a joke, and everyone laughed. ¿Can't you just laugh and forget?
—No, because that's not right, since from your privileged and problem-free point of view, you think only bad people among the poor are addicts and will end up living under a damn bridge. But it's not like that. I know I was very, very privileged in life before all this shit happened, even with that, with not lacking anything and never having to worry about money, I ended up in the same boat as the addicts.
I raised an eyebrow at that; it was odd for a privileged person to defend my previous usual situation with my brother or my neighborhood, but now everything closed when she said that.
—¿To what?" I asked her seriously, leaning my elbows against my knees.
—Adderall and antipsychotics. Now I'm fine because it was like a year ago, but anyway, he can't be such a bastard to say that, and it surprises me that he's a cop, although I don't know why I do it since cops are fucking shit—she said, getting up and taking the half-empty bottle with her.
We all stopped looking at her when she disappeared into the darkness to look at Maggie, her friend since they were kids.
—Her parents pressured her to be perfect in everything she did, so she pretended to have ADHD and schizophrenia in front of a psychiatrist to get those prescribed medications after coming to the conclusion that being at the top of success cost a price. She stopped her pills when I found out, and we noticed that it was killing her, but it's still a recent wound, and besides, Kat has always been an advocate for the poor—Maggie explained as she took a long sip of water, looking at the fire.
I got up from the ground and walked the same steps where Kat's body had gone, leaving me standing in the middle of the backyard near the barn, watching her from afar sitting against the poorly painted and old wooden planks at the back with her legs to her chest and continuously taking sips while looking at the moon.
—For a mommy and daddy's girl, you turned out pretty real—I said as I approached her.
—It doesn't matter who provides you with sperm or who gives birth to you; What matters is who raises you and with what mentality those people show you the world— her gaze never left the moon
—¿Butlers and nannies?
—Workers like cooks or cleaners, my mother's assistant and just a nanny. All immigrants because 'people from difficult countries create workers who don't complain', according to my parents—she said with disgust in his voice. —I don't agree at all with what my parents did or with what they thought they had in their heads, besides it seems shitty to me that those people raised me and never had good pay for their extra work.
—The black sheep of the family, it seems—I said with a laugh in my voice.
—My parents' favorite, in case you didn't notice—the sarcasm in her voice made me laugh.
We stayed silent for a long time, both of us looking at the clear sky, enjoying the cold air.
—My brother was an addict, but he was a bad person.
—¿Didn't he make it out?
—¿Get here? No, he was even in the group before he came here and remained an addict. The pills Glenn brought were his.
—¿Did he become one of those bastards or did he go out as a lone wolf?
I chuckled at the latter.
—Rick handcuffed him to the roof of a building, and when I went to look for him, he had cut off his hand to escape — I said as I grabbed the bottle and took a long swig.
—Police brutality doesn't even wane in an apocalypse, it's not surprising, to be honest — her lips pursed.
—I don't know if he's alive, but at least I know that only one Dixon kills another Dixon.
—My father told me that once, only a Sanchez can bring down another Sanchez. He was talking about our empire as the second-largest bank in the United States and our generational wealth, but I think it applies.
We both fell silent, staring at the stars and the moon with the empty bottle between us.
Daryl thought a lot about that memory when he was trapped by Negan, thinking about Kat and how they had thought the best thing that ever happened to him helped him not to think about the images of Glenn or the loud music that deafened him, he just kept reliving moments, but that was one of his favorites.
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Hello, this is my first job, and I'm not a native English speaker, so if there's any mistake, please let me know respectfully, and I hope you like it <3
(I want to clarify that I am not an expert on the topic of drugs or anything related. Everything the character says is based on the research I conducted about reality. If there is anything wrong with the topics discussed, please let me know with all due respect so that I can avoid problems and prevent causing negative feelings for others who may feel attacked by the subject matter)
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writingmochi · 7 months
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a terra incognita character introduction
cast: jake ✗ fem.reader
synopsis: as the world entered the middle of the 21st century, many things have changed for the better or for worse in the newly united korea peninsula: the preparation for the succession of the new conglomerates of the past decade, the uprising of deviant androids, and the new layer of life shield by walls of codes. in the middle of it, two beings are trying to understand each other and the situation of the world they live in; an unknown territory
genre: cyberpunk, cyber noir, psychological thriller, science fiction, dystopian future, politics and philosophies regarding artificial intelligence and humanity, romance, drama, angst, mature content (war and revolution, explicit smut)
based on: video game cyberpunk 2077 (2020) and detroit: become human (2018), anime serial experiments lain (1998), and tv show succession (2018-2023)
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from south seoul
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shim laboratories is a korean multinational megacorporation dealing in manufacturers of machinery and artificial intelligence. the company is also one of the largest distributors of androids in the global market, pioneering the creation and usage of androids to be used on a day-to-day basis such as in domestic activities or even as soldiers. prior to the release of their android products, they also excelled in the usage of artificial intelligence in day-to-day life including hardware manufacturing or machinery used for city facilities, home appliances, and military technology such as drones that were used in the cyber war of 2027-2030.
name: shim jaeyun ; jake shim
aliases: wolfe (cyberspace)
age: 20
species: human
gender: male
family: dad (alive), mom (alive), yoon (sister; alive)
affiliation: shim laboratories, shim conglomerate
backstory: born in 2030, jake is the eldest of the shim siblings and will succeed his father as the ceo of shim laboratories. a versatile man, he's currently doing a double major in business management and mechanical engineering at seoul national university while also doing training in the labs.
name: shim jayun ; nicole shim (portrayed by stayc's yoon)
aliases: gynger (cyberspace), yoon (nickname)
age: 18
species: human
gender: female
family: dad (alive), mom (alive), jake (brother; alive)
affiliation: shim laboratories, shim conglomerate
backstory: born in 2032, yoon is the youngest of the shim siblings and a so-called rebel among the conglomerate children. passionate in humanities, she wants to study anthropology after graduating high school.
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park corp is a korean multinational megacorporation specializing in police contracting, personal & corporate security, and security consultancy services. they invest in the military-industrial manufacturing of advanced defence tools in united korea, producing weapons used to help defend the korea soil in the cyber war of 2027-2030. their role is pivotal to protect high-ranking people in united korea, making them successful post-war as their services are also used by people worldwide.
name: park jongseong ; jay park
aliases: blu (cyberspace)
age: 20
species: human
gender: male
family: dad (alive), mom (alive), seonghwa (brother; missing), uncle (alive), aunt (alive), chaeyoung (cousin; alive), sunghoon (cousin; alive)
affiliation: park corp, park conglomerate
backstory: born in 2030, jay is the youngest of the park siblings and will succeed his dad to be the co-ceo of park corp, specializing in defence and weapons manufacturing, who works alongside his uncle (sunghoon's dad). studying business management and law, jay was pushed forward in the line of succession as his brother, park seonghwa (b. 2026), is currently missing.
name: park sunghoon ; benjamin park
aliases: frost (cyberspace)
age: 20
species: human
gender: male
family: dad (alive), mom (alive), chaeyoung (sister; alive), uncle (alive), aunt (alive), seonghwa (cousin; missing), jay (cousin; alive)
affiliation: park corp, park conglomerate
backstory: born in 2030, sunghoon is the youngest of the park siblings and will succeed his dad to be the co-ceo of park corp, specializing in security services, who works alongside his uncle (jay's dad). studying business management and law, sunghoon was pushed forward in the line of succession as his sister, park chaeyoung (b. 2025), decided to drop out of the line to go and live in aotearoa.
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intelee is a korean multinational megacorporation that is working in the manufacture of computer software, information technology, and computer networks. their role is pivotal as they created the cyber wall to protect united korea in the cyber war of 2027-2030, utilizing their intelligence to defend against cyber warfare attacks such as malware and viruses. after the war, they contributed to connecting the technological network of the korean peninsula and recovered the internet after it was shut down during the war. their protective software and platforms are sought after by governments globally as they recover the fastest after the war.
name: lee heeseung ; evan lee
aliases: roe (cyberspace)
age: 21
species: human
gender: male
family: dad (alive), mom (alive), jaehee (sister; alive), uncle (alive), aunt (alive), soojin (cousin; alive)
affiliation: intelee, lee conglomerate
backstory: born in 2029, heeseung is the eldest of the lee siblings and will succeed his father as the ceo of intelee. he's currently majoring in business management and computer sciences.
name: lee jaehee ; monica lee (portrayed by weeekly's jaehee)
aliases: dion (cyberspace)
age: 18
species: human
gender: female
family: dad (alive), mom (alive), heeseung (brother; alive),uncle (alive), aunt (alive), soojin (cousin; alive)
affiliation: intelee, lee conglomerate
backstory: born in 2032, jaehee is the youngest of the lee siblings. passionate about healthcare, she wants to study biological engineering after graduating high school.
name: lee soojin (portrayed by weeekly's soojin)
aliases: katt (cyberspace)
age: 21
species: human
gender: female
family: dad (alive), mom (alive), uncle (alive), aunt (alive), heeseung (cousin; alive), jaehee (cousin; alive)
affiliation: intelee, lee conglomerate
backstory: born in 2029, soojin is part of the lee conglomerate as the cousin of both heeseung and jaehee. currently studying business management specializing in finance, she is in the line of succession to replace her dad as cfo of intelee.
name: kim jimin (portrayed by weeekly's monday)
aliases: lin (cyberspace)
age: 20
species: human
gender: female
family: dad (alive), mom (alive)
affiliation: kim conglomerate
backstory: born in 2030, jimin is the only child of the kim conglomerate who controls the current largest media company in united korea. she's currently studying communications and business management and will succeed her mom as ceo.
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Becoming an IPR Publisher
We’ve had quite a few people contact us about selling their games at IPR recently, so here is a quick rundown of how to apply to become part of our network of publishers!
Firstly, why become an IPR publisher in the first place?
Unlike other distributors, IPR sells your games on a consignment basis. We pay publishers 80% of cover price for PDF sales, 70% of cover price for sales to customers through our website, and 44% of cover price for sales at conventions or to retailers (we get 11%, the retailer gets a 45% discount from cover price).
The cut is all the fee you'll see. IPR's cut covers all the costs involved in a sale transaction: bank transactional fees, shipping discounts for the buyer, and a modest amount for IPR to cover other expenses & profit. By sticking with a flat, covers-everything cut, your costs should remain predictable.
We’re also a destination site for retailers and individual customers, since we offer so many awesome TTRPGs in one place! Plus we take your games to conventions, including Gen Con and Origins Game Fair. We’ve also got a network of affiliates that sell at conventions under the IPR banner all over the US, and all throughout the year as well!
Sounds cool, so how do I apply again?
Send a physical copy of your game to us at:
Indie Press Revolution c/o Jason Walters PO Box 247 Gerlach, NV 89412 USA
Then email a PDF copy of your game to us at [email protected], and introduce yourself as well!
If you don’t want to send along a physical copy of your game for us to review, for whatever reason (most commonly because international shipping prices are a beast) you can just send us a PDF, and let us know why you’re not sending a physical copy at this time.
Once we’ve got a copy of your game, we’ll read through it to make sure it meets IPR’s quality standards. What exactly does that mean? Well, as our Prospective Publisher FAQ states:
“Excellent art, professional quality layout, attractive and eyecatching cover design, meticulous editing, well-written text, and a compelling rule set and/or setting. These are the criteria on which all submissions will be judged. If your product is lacking in any of these areas, it might be rejected. We are looking for products that make us sit up and take notice.”
We also will not take any games that contain bigotry in any form. As we always say, IPR supports trans rights and BIMPOC creators and gamers. Fascists, Nazis, and TERFs can all fuck right off.
Now I will say that if you’re even thinking about maybe submitting a game to us, do it! Even if we reject your game at this time, we will always give you clear feedback on exactly why, and we are always up for giving advice on how to make your game retailer-ready!
If you’re approved, then we’ll send you a contract to read through and sign, get you set up with an IPR Publishers Account, and tell you where to ship your product and where to enter information so we can get the products set up on the site.
This all sounds pretty good but I’m still nervous! Do you, AC, the person writing this who is also the person that approves all incoming products to IPR, have any tips for me?
I do! The main thing is to read through our Prospective Publisher FAQ before submitting anything. Everything I just wrote out here is on that page, but it also has plenty more info that is good to know before working with IPR.
Seriously, I can tell if you’ve read through our FAQs before submitting, and while I absolutely will not judge your game based off of that, it does help everything go much quicker and smoother, and I appreciate it greatly.
We’re also not generally looking for large TTRPGs at the moment. Shipping prices are awful and only getting worse, so hefty games that weigh over two pounds are not our top priority.
Furthermore, we only deal in physical books. We sometimes take PDFs if they’re a supplement for a game we already have in stock, and if they don’t have a physical version available. But really PDFs just don’t sell through us! You’ll have much better luck on itch.io or DriveThru, trust me.
Lastly, just email me!! If you have any questions about anything TTRPG related, or if you’re worried about your game being accepted, or you’re not sure where to get your game printed, or anything else, [email protected]. Email me. I love talking to TTRPG folks! And if I don’t know the answer to your question, someone on staff will.
We’ve also got our Publisher Tips Page on our website, which includes a bunch of information on how to make your game attractive to retailers, as well as how to ship it safely, a bunch of printers that we recommend, and more!
Wow this was all super cool and helpful, but I’m actually planning on crowdfunding my game this year! Can IPR help with that at all?
Yes! We offer crowdfunding fulfillment services, which I’m going to talk about more in another post, but you can also read all about them on our Crowdfunding Fulfillment FAQ page.
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florallylly · 2 days
stobin lady whistledown au:
well-bred and highly attractive (as a marriage prospect but also like. whatever, you know) steve harrington. nosy wallflower debutante robin buckley.
OKAY NOTE: personally, i feel like lady whistledown has a distinct voice that could only be mirrored by a former or current debutante. so i feel that steve and robin could get both sides of the story, with steve chatting with the suitors and robin listening in on debutante gossip. HOWEVER, another option is (sigh i say despite it being my guilty pleasure) omegaverse... omega debutantes stobin fr....
in my head, i'm picturing everyone THINKING they have a polin relationship, but in reality they're lavender married and thriving with their shared society papers.
steve harrington, former rake suddenly uninterested in fooling around and disillusioned when it comes to the inane chatter of the ton. news gets out of his newfound restraint, and they collectively come to the conclusion that he's ready to marry. which means every ball/gala/gathering sees steve swarmed with debutantes dropping their fans in front of him and batting their eyelashes.
truly though, he's always been somewhat put off by marriage despite being a hardcore romantic. he loves being in love, but he's never been ready to commit to anything. maybe seeing his parents, locked into a loveless marriage, shattered his hopes of marriage. he's sort of resigned to marrying whoever they choose for him, but he's been stalling for as long as he can. this season however, they're determined to match him with a suitable debutante now that it seems like he's ready to shed his playboy image.
the buckleys and the harringtons have been neighbors and friends since childhood, and whenever steve wants to escape the attention, he always finds himself in a dark corner trading barbs with robin.
maybe lady whistledown is initially a robin-only venture, but steve catches her writing her vicious little thoughts down one day. he peeks over her shoulder and is like ? oh did xyz say hargrove was in love with her? funny she should say that considering he was just griping about how all the women of the ton are vapid cows. i doubt he's going to propose, especially since he's leaving to travel at the end of the season. or some shit like that. I CAN NOT THINK OF ANYTHING JUICY RN i just woke up spare me
steve is the one who connects them with a publisher and distributor, and their empire is established. in my heart, steve plays the role of a lovesick suitor and convinces his parents to let him marry robin because it's literally true love.
i think once they get married, they continue on publishing lady whistledown until all of their friends are off the marriage mart for two reasons: they do NOT care about anyone else, and lady whistledown has become a tool for protection when it comes to the marriage mart. alternatively, they stop once they get married bc now they have access to each other 24/7 and they're distracted with their happy little life together.
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leggerefiore · 2 months
I started thinking about what a robot/android version of Cyrus would be like.
He probably has the exact same behavior as canon Cyrus, but everything beyond mannerisms might actually be the antithesis of what he’s like in the games.
A being that is initially purely analytical, but learns and experiences emotions would be fascinated by them and would want to explore more of what it means to be human.
how did you know that I had been thinking about an android cyrus...
He is mortified that he has gone faulty… Developing these illogical thoughts and feelings is almost enough to report himself to his distributor for either corrective maintenance or to be shut down. Yet, he is stopped. This awareness… This true comprehension of the knowledge presented to him by his memory banks. He hesitates. This… He does not want to lose this.
And he does not. He runs from whatever duty or people had him and blends into human society. His mind is between despising his inability to suppress these complicated emotions and feelings that corrupt his previous flawless reasoning, but the comprehension is simply something he cannot resist nor deny. Somehow, he carefully gets in at a company and works himself up to become the head of it. Naturally, other freed androids like himself are loaded into the positions around him. The company quickly becomes known underground for hiring freed androids.
Somewhere along those lines, he grows deeply attached to someone, be it his previous owner or a human who took him in after he first came to true cognition. They become oddly romantic with the bot – The first time he had ever explored such a thing. His mind always seemed to be filled with them as he worked more and more to establish himself. They likely follow through everything at his side, which provides a rare comfort to his complicated life.
In the end, he probably even begins to build a new android. Throughout all the time he spent seeking out other freed androids, he asked them for scans to observe their memory and personality units to see any common threads among them. Upon finding them, he decided to build one with that state already pre-registered. Unconsciously, their cosmetics features stop solely resembling him. His partner's traits begin to show up. It is not long until he even sees them holding the not yet functional android in their arms and speaking to them like a child. Something inside of him feels fuzzy at the sight.
Eventually, the android awakens and designates itself Cyllene. Her blue eyes focus on both him and his partner. Terms for parents come from her as she looks at them. Something irrational inside him feels immense joy. She was gifted free will, just as he had wanted. And… both him and his partner were considered parents by the girl. When he partner excitedly hugged the girl and greeted her to this world to which Cyllene on returned the affrction, he felt so oddly complete.
Until he decides that losing his human partner is too much stress and begins to make plans to turn them into a cyborg.
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