#GIL biology
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🤔🐕How good are Gallifreyan reflexes?
Have you ever watched a dog jumping to catch a speeding ball in midair and thought, "I wonder if my Gallifreyan can do that?" Well, now you don't need to wonder! Gallifreyans might not chase tennis balls as a routine, but their reflexes are pretty sharp.
Enhanced Cerebellum: Gallifreyan cerebellums are finely tuned for movement, balance, and coordination, making them mostly immune to low-level human problems like seasickness, jet lag, and vertigo.
10x Faster Reflexes: Gallifreyan reflexes are ten times faster than humans, meaning they can respond to threats, sports, or spontaneous cricket games with a precision that's borderline superhuman.
Precision & Coordination: Thanks to their superior hand-eye coordination and dexterity, Gallifreyans are naturally good with tools, weapons, and musical instruments.
Chronopsionic Reactions: Gallifreyans can also use their psychic and time-sensitive abilities to help predict movements before they happen.
Master of Movement: Martial arts, sports, or dancing—if it involves movement, they've naturally got talent.
So Gallifreyans can definitely catch a ball with pinpoint precision but don't expect them to bring it back—they've got bigger things to focus on, y'know?
Gallifreyan Biology for Tuesday by GIL
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Absolutely! This is a good one 😃
Are Gallifreyans mammals?
To get our bearings, let's just start with what typically defines a mammal and whether we can apply Gallifreyan physiology to these characteristics.
Hair or Fur: Providing insulation and sometimes camouflage. → ✅ Although they're not Wookiee, Gallifreyans generally have head and body hair.
Endothermy: Commonly known as being warm-blooded. → ✅ They regulate their own body temperature, in fact, much better than humans can.
Neocortex: A brain structure associated with higher cognitive functions. → ✅ Not only do Gallifreyans possess all the components found in the human neocortex, but they also have additional brain parts or lobes for advanced functions.
Live Birth: Many mammals give birth to live young rather than laying eggs. → ✅ Gallifreyans can reproduce just like humans with a pregnancy and ickle time babies.
Mammary Glands: Essential for nurturing young with milk. → ❓(but probably) ... Gallifreyans have secondary sexual characteristics and the ability to birth just like humans, so you can almost bet your bottom dollar they can use the breasts to feed babies with special, err, time milk.
🔄 Gallifreyan Unique Traits
In addition to these, Gallifreyans have several unique biological features:
Binary Cardiovascular System: Two hearts pump their blood.
Regeneration: They can change their physical form and heal from fatal injuries.
Longevity: Their natural lifespan spans centuries.
+ and the other five million things.
Classifying them strictly within any of Earth's existing animal categories is a bit restrictive, and they could be considered a separate category altogether.
👽 Alternative Classifications
Mammalian+: One approach could be categorising Gallifreyans as "Mammalian+" or "Advanced Mammals," a subgroup that acknowledges their mammalian traits and their additional biological capabilities.
Gallifreyan-Specific Class: Given the unique traits, it might be more scientifically accurate to classify them as a distinct group specific to their planet. This new class would acknowledge that while they share similarities with mammals, they're a distinct evolutionary outcome of Gallifrey and its evolutionary pressures.
Xenomammals: This classification could be used for mammal-like beings from other planets who exhibit both standard mammalian traits and extraordinary abilities, but that's highly unspecific.
🏫 So ...
Gallifreyans are certainly more mammal than anything else, and we wouldn't be wrong using that term, but it's a little bit simplified. We should probably consider them a highly specialised or evolved type of mammal, but there's no name for that yet. Ideas welcome.
💬|🧬♀️♂️Why do Gallifreyans have secondary sexual characteristics?: Why and how Gallifreyans have secondary sex characteristics.
💬|👁️🌡️What is a Time Lord's ideal environmental temperature range?: Comfortable temperature environment ranges for Gallifreyans and a look at extreme temperatures.
💬|🍼👶How do natural Gallifreyan pregnancies work?: Details on the possible gestational aspects of a Gallifreyan+Gallifreyan pregnancy.
Hope that helped! 😀
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Having a normal time (debating on whether or not time lords can be classified as mammals)
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annoyinglandmagazine · 9 months ago
Caranthir at the annual Feanorian strategy meeting: You know, we could just chuck it all and turn to piracy. It would be a LOT easier.
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bodyalive · 1 year ago
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The most detailed model of ONE human cell to date, obtained using x-rays, nuclear magnetic resonance, and cryoelectron microscopy data sets. Aren't we all just so filled with magical possibilities?
Most recent estimates put the number of cells in one body at around 30 trillion. Written out, that's 30,000,000,000,000.
Source and Credit: Transformation of the Cellular Landscape through a Eukaryotic Cell, by Evan Ingersoll Ingersoll Gael McGill ~ Digizyme's Custom Maya Molecular Software
Biología Al Instante
* * * *
Endless and infinite waves of vibration lap upon the shores of our bodies. We float in a sea of frequencies as fish in those waters, and we are rarely if ever conscious of the fact. Instead we assemble a world by transforming those frequencies into a vision that exists in the uniqueness of our mind's eye only, and then we believe with great insistence that what we see is real, and deserving the stamp of "truth," without pausing to consider the alternative realities held equally dear by our fellow fish. How to pierce the veil and see what actually is, as opposed to the creations of our minds? I'm not even remotely sure to be honest! The mechanics of "seeing" guarantee that "how I see it" must be different than how another does. So perhaps "reality" is more of a composite to be assembled with the help of the whole school of us~ Or perhaps it is an alternative altogether different from anything a shared vision might come up with, given our capacity to witness it with our senses is ultimately inadequate. Either option is cause for humility. Just thinking out loud here!
(Gil Hedley)
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spacebugarts · 1 year ago
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Stupid fish boy get out of my head /pos
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Thanks for the tag on this really interesting idea :D
What happens to a foetus when a Gallifreyan regenerates?
📚 Things You Should Know First
Every. Single. Cell.: If a regeneration goes according to plan, every cell in the body will completely renew.
Two people, but linked: Mother and foetus are physically two different beings with two unique DNA sets. However, due to their telepathic and temporal sensitivities, they share a more profound symbiotic and physical connection in Gallifreyans.
Regeneration is life: The primary goal of regeneration is preserving the individual's life. That also means preserving the life of an unborn Gallifreyan child inside that body.
🤰Regeneration During Pregnancy
Information about pure Gallifreyan natural reproduction is basic, but we do know a fair bit about regeneration, so here's the most viable option: the All-Encompassing Regeneration.
If the mother needs to regenerate from a trauma, it's likely the baby would have been affected by that trauma too and will also need healing. This shared regeneration ensures the healing and survival of both Mum and Baby.
The regenerative process could consider Mum and Baby a single unit due to their symbiotic and psionic connections, like the (somewhat tenuous) idea that TARDISes regenerate along with their symbiotically linked pilots.
Is the baby also regenerating for itself?:
When considering the mother and baby as a single regenerative unit, it's more accurate to view the baby as being "caught up" in the mother's regeneration rather than undergoing its own independent regeneration process. Regeneration is actually very difficult to control, and the whole process is so physically and mentally traumatic it's very unlikely an unborn child has enough development or understanding to successfully complete it for themselves.
⚕️Potential Complications
DNA Meshing:
Regeneration has been known to allow foreign DNA integration. This process could enhance the baby's biological Gallifreyan traits or integrate beneficial characteristics from the mother's current form, or maybe even the mother could get a few traits from their unborn child.
On the flip side, an early-stage embryo might risk being absorbed as cellular material if not sufficiently recognised by the mother's body as a separate entity.
Sex Change Regenerations:
It's quite likely the regeneration process would preemptively decide the body should remain feminine to continue supporting the baby. However, if the Gallifreyan does change sex during regeneration, the regenerative process might reevaluate the biological necessity for a womb. The process would prioritise the survival of the foetus by reconfiguring the anatomy to support the continuation of the pregnancy - AKA, the new man keeps the womb.
If the baby is due less than 8 weeks after the regeneration, the 'moulding' period can come into play. This is a window after regeneration when details of the body can change. These changes are usually minor, but once the baby is safely delivered, all the female reproduction equipment can be swapped out for the male version.
💬|🍼👶What would a Human/Gallifreyan pregnancy look like?: Details on the possible gestational aspects of a hybrid pregnancy.
💬|🍼👶How do natural Gallifreyan pregnancies work?: Details on the possible gestational aspects of a Gallifreyan+Gallifreyan pregnancy.
💬|🍼♊Could Gallifreyans have identical twins?: Understanding if Gallifreyans can have twins.
Hope that helped! 😃
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So I have a question that has been wondering all day inside my head.
If a Time Lady is pregnant and someone hurts her and she’s forced to regenerate to stay alive, will she regenerate WITH or WITHOUT the baby?? Will the baby regenerate too? And if the sex changes (like 12 to 13) will he still be pregnant or will the womb and the baby be reabsorbed into new body cells?
I don’t need sleep I need answers.
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wcdonaldo · 2 years ago
i lied btw. my largest character flaw is that i think shinji matou is one of my favorite fsn characters and i hold his writing in relatively high regard among the already stacked cast of the vn
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artifacts-and-arthropods · 10 months ago
Pill Scarab Beetles: these beetles are covered in plates that perfectly interlock when the beetle folds its limbs, lowers its head, and curls itself into a ball
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Above: Eusphaeropeltis sp. (top/bottom left) and Ceratocanthus aeneus (bottom right), two different species of pill scarab beetle
Beetles of the Ceratocanthinae subfamily (also known as pill scarab beetles) rely on a unique form of conglobation to conceal themselves. As the beetle tucks its head down and folds its legs up against its belly, the plates on its head, thorax, abdomen, and legs all come together to form a solid shield; the plates on its legs even have grooves and corresponding ridges that allow them to neatly interlock.
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As this blog post explains:
Adult Ceratocanthinae are best known for their ability to conglobate: rolling into a nearly perfect ball. The elytra, pronotum, head, and all six tibiae interlock with each other by means of grooves and corresponding ridges, forming a tightly connected external surface. Many beetles take the form of a tight compact structure when threatened, however in Ceratocanthinae the tibiae of all six legs participate in forming the external hard surface of the sphere, unlike in other beetles.
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Above: Ceratocanthus sp.
The Ceratocanthinae subfamily contains many different genera/species, and they are all collectively known as pill scarabs. Many of them have a colorful, metallic appearance; they may be green, red, blue, brown, black, or multicolor.
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Above: Germarostes globosus
Sources & More Info:
Gil Wizen: Transformers (Ceratocanthinae Beetles)
Communications Biology: The Evolution of Conglobation in Ceratocanthinae
Arthropod Systematics and Phylogeny: Rolling into a Ball: phylogeny of the Ceratocanthinae
ZooKeys: The Ceratocanthinae of Ulu Gombak
Pavel Krásenský Photography: Scarabaeidae (this site is written in Czech)
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adashulaz · 3 months ago
One thing I've noticed about Piltover, not only do they not take disabled people into consideration(i.e. Salo and Viktor), they don't even think about their non-human residents. Steb being the number person to use as my evidence.
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Stebs uniform when we first meet him is the typical enforcer uniform. The only difference is you can clearly see that Steb wasn't given a uniform that took his biology into consideration. The collar of the uniform goes up to the fin that's on the back of head/neck, and for fishes fins can be used to feel around them so I doubt having something rubbing up against the end of it all day is comfortable. Not only that but we know that his ears can move and are seen facing more outwards and away from his head, his hat wouldn't allow that and would make it very uncomfortable. The straps of his hat also cover the gils on his jaw and that as well would be uncomfortable, they're silts in his skin that would most likely allow him to breathe underwater so having fabric rub against it would be uncomfortable.
In conclusion, his uniform wasn't made with him in mind. His uniform would be fine for the typical human, the collar might be annoying but not uncomfortable for some. The hat wouldn't cause discomfort as well, it would be like wearing a typical hat or even just like a helmet. But that's for a human, Steb clearly isn't human. He's more fish-esque than human, his biology is different meaning his needs are different. His uniform doesn't fit those needs.
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His uniform for Caitlyns striketeam is better suited for his needs(at least some of them). The collar goes out more, it's not rubbing up against his fin. His hat is much different, it's no longer covering his ears and it doesn't have straps that covers his gils.
Obviously Caitlyn had a say on the uniforms because they're part of her striketeam but she also took in Stebs needs and how his old uniform wasn't made with him in mind. So she made the suitable changes, even if they don't seem important, for Steb it most likely made his uniform more comfortable.
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His uniform in act3, while it seems different than the others around him based on the fact that it doesn't have a belt and his arm things are black with minimal gold outlines, it still seems like the typical enforcer uniform based on the color scheme. Not only that but it looks similar to his uniform when he was on Caitlyns striketeam.
His collar still pokes out and away from his fin. His hat doesn't cover his ears and it doesn't have a strap that covers his gils.
This uniform takes in his biology, probably more than the two previous ones he wore based on the fact that it looks much more different. Graysons uniform and Marcus' uniform never looked like the one Steb wears in act3 and both of them were of a higher rank than Steb. So it's safe to assume that this new uniform that Steb wears is better sited for his needs.
Basically before all of this, Piltover never took in their non-human residents into consideration when doing things despite having Heimerdinger(a non-human) as a councilor and founder. Steb is a prime example of that, he shows this fact with the different uniforms he wears when on screen.
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It's a fascinating idea, and I think you're spot on—regeneration likely feels like dying for a Time Lord because, biologically, it's their most vulnerable moment. it makes perfect evolutionary sense that a Time Lord feels an overwhelming sense of impending doom when it happens.
Evolutionarily, this would act as a survival instinct: an alarm to seek a secure, controlled environment for regeneration. Time Lords are resilient, but regeneration isn't foolproof, especially in dangerous or unstable environments. Ideally, they need a calm, oxygenated, stable environment, preferably without a companion screaming at them.
🧬 Why Seek Safety?
A stable, oxygenated environment helps keep regeneration from going haywire. Unstable conditions trigger the body's adaptation instinct, which can lead to mutations or burning through multiple bodies while trying and failing to stabilise. This is why regenerating in space or hostile alien atmospheres can be fatal.
Additionally, particularly stressful or traumatic regenerations can:
be more painful;
cause potential physical or mental issues in the new body;
significantly increase the severity of Post-Regenerative Trauma.
🛸The Best Place to Regenerate
The most ideal place to regenerate is in a TARDIS. Not only is it a stable environment, but its symbiotic link likely provides physical and emotional security, like being hugged during the ordeal, which can make them feel protected and comforted.
💬|��💥What is Post-Regenerative Trauma (PRT)?: Explaining the symptoms, causes, and treatments for PRT.
💬|✨👽Do Time Lords get dysphoric about their regenerations?: Regeneration dysphoria and what to consider. 
🤔|✨👽What happens to the old body when a Gallifreyan regenerates?
Hope that helped! 😃
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The Doctor seeing regeneration like death makes so much sense biologically
The doctor feeling like he's dying when he regenerates isn't only a fitting metanarrative choice, but also a likely biological response.
When you have a heart attack, stroke and some other emergencies with the heart or brain (y'know, the instant death organs) you'll feel a sense of impending doom, technical term for the intuition that you are in fact going to die, right here, right now.
In short, whenever humans have the highest chance of death, they know. While I don't know what the evolutionary purpose of this mechanism is. It does make them reach out, get to a save place, lie down and try to give their system a chance to stabilize. So, it stands to reason that timelords have a similar intuition whenever they are at their highest chance of death.
And as we've seen with river, timelords can be killed if they are conventionally killed during their regeneration. Which makes it very likely that, just biologically, timelords (even the doctor for whom it might actually be a biological normality) feel a sense of impending doom whenever they regenerate. They feel, just as a biological reaction, that they will die in the conventional sense. To make them retreat into a save space, where they can regenerate without being killed for good.
Of course this is conjecture. I've not studied timelord biology. But maybe the @gallifreyinstituteforlearning knows more about this?
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Follow up on the Gallifreyan Wine post:
What makes it so different than wine made on a different planet like Earth (Sol 3)? What effects would it have on a human?
What makes Gallifreyan wine different from Earth wine?
Due to Gallifrey's geography, unusual plant life, climate, and its residents' biology, Gallifreyan wine isn't like the Earth's equivalent and potentially has wild consequences for non-Gallifreyans.
🍷What Goes into Gallifreyan Wine?
Gallifreyan wine would be made from fruits and plants native to Gallifrey, which doesn't include any kind of grape. Some possibilities include:
Ulanda Fruit, Magenta Fruit, Trumpberries, and Lushberries: We don't know exactly what these taste like, but they're bound to add some exotic fruity flavours.
Molten Rushes (with zinc hawthorns): Known for their unique mineral content, these wines would probably create a sharp, metallic note.
Fungi-Based Fermentation: Gallifreyans are big on fungi, using them as a food source, so it's not a stretch to think wines are made with fermented feathergills, pogsquats, skullcap, or Cardinal's collars, all of which probably add a rich, earthy flavour.
Grockel/Grockle Roots: These roots are known for making alcohol, so you might find them adding a spicy or bitter kick to the wine.
Heartshaven Wine: Produced near Mount Cadon, these wines might carry traces of hallucinogenic elements from the mountain's snow, making for an unforgettable (or hard-to-remember) drinking experience.
Brilliant Colours: Thanks to the unique plant life on Gallifrey, Gallifreyan wines likely don't just stick to red and white. You could be sipping on blue, green, bronze, or even transparent wine.
Strong Smells: A lot of plants on Gallifrey stink to high heaven so it's likely Gallifreyan wine is particularly pungent.
🤯 The Effects on Humans
Gallifreyans have a supercharged metabolism, so it's a bit harder for them to get drunk on Earth alcohol unless they really put in the effort.
Because of this higher threshold, Gallifreyan wine is probably far stronger. Even a sip of Gallifreyan wine could hit you like a freight train and in large doses, it might even be toxic. You could end up with some serious side effects—like nausea, wild hallucinations, or worse.
🏫 So ...
While Gallifreyan wine is likely delicious and beautifully vibrant, it's probably not something humans should indulge in too freely. GIL takes no responsibility for any deaths that may occur as a result of consumption. Cheers! 🍷
💬|🥗🍹Do Gallifreyans control how quickly their body processes alcohol?: Gallifreyan alcohol processing, its limitations, and the dangers of ginger.
💬|🪐🌍How is Gallifreyan geography different to Earth?: The landscape of Gallifrey.
💬|🪐💊What causes the hallucinogenic effects of the snow on Mount Cadon?: Theoretical look at why the snow on Mount Cadon is so wild, man.
Hope that helped! 😃
Any orange text is educated guesswork or theoretical. More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →📢Announcements |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts → Features: ⭐Guest Posts | 🍜Chomp Chomp with Myishu →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired 😴
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thesummerestsolstice · 8 months ago
How the elves react to Elrond getting sick:
Maedhros & Maglor: Absolutely freak out. Assume Elrond is dying and that the Doom of Feanor's house has finally caught up to them. Maedhros insists he says in bed and makes him soup. Maglor starts planning a lament for his funeral. (He has a cold)
Gil-Galad: Tries to convince Elrond to rest. Always fails. Has resorted to getting Elrond a bed desk so he can do his work while he rests. Frequently checks up on him to make sure he's alright or to bring him little gifts to make him feel better.
Erestor: Also half-elven, so gets it. Inevitably gets sick whenever Elrond does because he refuses to stay away. They always end up sick together, but they are together, and that means something.
Celebrimbor: Has read multiple books on human anatomy for the sake of his cousins (Erestor, son of Caranthir included). Theoretically understands how to care for someone who is ill. *Checks notes* according to this, if I give you chicken soup every day for a week it will cure your *checks notes again* pneumonia. He's trying his best.
Galadriel: Does not understand human or half-elven biology very well. Has taken Elrond on a ten mile hike in the snow when he was getting over a cough. Elrond's Feanorian followers have never forgiven her for it.
Celebrian: I would say she uses Elrond being sick as an excuse for them to stay in bed and cuddle, but let's be honest, she doesn't need an excuse for that. Knows he can take care of himself, and is a lot more Normal about it than everyone else on this list. Elrond loves her very much.
Glorfindel: Fully willing to pick up Elrond (or Erestor) and take them back to bed so they rest. Takes his duty to protect his lord very seriously. A very comfortable pillow for sick half-elves.
Lindir: Absolutely freaks out. You thought his anxiety about the dwarves was bad?? Elrond always has to calm him down and assure Lindir that is, in fact, not about to die. He does sometimes ask Lindir to play for him when he's ill though.
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theclairvoyage · 7 months ago
Mermaid Purse - Part 1 of 3
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AO3 | Main Masterlist
Pairing: Marine Biologist!Reader x Joel Miller
Summary: Summertime in Clearwater, Florida means no school, which means instead of teaching Marine Biology at a local university, you're bartending at The Rusty Sawfish, a bar located on the marina of Clearwater Beach. The owner's friend, who happens to be a sexy, suarthy Texan contractor, moves to town to start over and help his friend with a project, stumbling across you in the process... and you thought summer in Florida couldn't get hotter.
Warnings for Part 1: Minors DNI! adult language, alcohol consumption, sexual tension, reader is female, reader is able-bodied, unspecified age gap, allusions to smut, kissing, groping, mentions of threesomes. Please lmk if I missed anything!
WC: 9k
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If Florida was good at one thing besides starring in strange headlines, it was bringing the heat.
Summer had its bags packed and was ready to leave Clearwater Beach. Not soon enough, you thought, as the humid, subtropical heat of late July in Southern Florida drenched your skin in sticky sweat. The salty breeze from the Gulf of Mexico made it bearable, as did the marine life.
You had loved animals as long as you can remember.  Growing up in the Midwest, you became acclimated to the four-legged ruminates and vast birds of the region. The closest thing you had to the ocean were stinky, dirt-sand beaches tucked away near state parks and curled highways. Oh, and the occasional zoo. Then grew your zeal for the ocean and the creatures that called it home.
That is, until you moved to Florida to study marine biology at the University of Florida, when that zeal exploded into full-on wonderment.
Some of your fondest memories of university were spending innumerable mornings out on the open sea, tagging sharks, rays, and skates for research. As you learned more about these gorgeous creatures, known in the scholarly world as the elasmobranchs, a feeling of protection grew.
And as always, the more you learned about animals, the more you learned about humans.  Some species of sharks have been fished to near-extinction, and over the course of your four years in undergrad, you bore witness to and swore to change that.
Now, as a Professor of Marine Biology at a new college in Clearwater devoted exclusively to the study of marine life, you do your best to imprint that mindset in your students.  Though in summertime, when the students are absent, you’re a full-time bartender at a local marina.  The double income in the summer is cushy, and it’s a nice change from teaching—not to mention the people watching.
That’s where you’re headed now, at 3:00 PM on a Friday—The Rusty Sawfish.  The name is what drew you in, obviously, but the ease and satisfaction of the job are what keep you.  The owner, Gil—another marine pun-slash-name—loves having you around, even if it’s only in the summertime.  He calls you during the school year to see how life is, and if you can pick up a random shift here and there.  A former Air Force pilot from Chicago, Gil spent a good chunk of his midlife in Southern Florida and opened The Rusty Sawfish after retired life bored him.
You turn onto Clearwater Memorial Causeway, a long bridge that connects mainland Florida to Clearwater Beach Island, where the bar is located.  You’ve not once grown tired of the view—beautiful, blue-green waters, white sand beaches, swaying palm trees, and endless sunshine.  Sometimes, you’ll catch an occasional shark dorsal fin cruising along calmer waters or a bottlenose dolphin breaching at the surface.
The Rusty Sawfish lies in Clearwater Municipal Marina, surrounded by several restaurants, hotels, other bars, and tourist spots.  Like many Southern Florida beach cities, the population is a revolving door.  You don’t mind it, though it’s not the same close-knit community as your hometown in Nebraska.
You park on the street and stroll up to the bar, shooing some laughing gulls from the sidewalk.  The tourists here love to feed them, and they feel comfortable in human spaces.  You check your watch—two minutes to spare before you’re “late”, though Gil would never call you out.  He’s just happy you’re there.
The bar is one of the few out here that has large, glass garage doors that can open and enclose the place, which gives it an advantage in case of bad weather.  The inside is modern, unlike many marina bars that are filled with worn wooden floors and hut-like roofs.  The natural lighting inside is beautiful, no thanks to the big windows flanking the front.  The long u-shaped bar has enough comfortable space for 4-5 bartenders at once, which is sometimes doubled on busy summer days.
You step in and walk directly to the back office to drop your purse and clock in.  Gil, perched in his old desk chair and staring at his ancient computer in the stuffy office, looks up from the screen, readers glasses threatening to slip from the edge of his nose.  You chuckle.
“Afternoon, kiddo,” he greets you, smile crinkling his tan, leathery face.
“Afternoon, Gil.  How’s it been today?”
“Same shit.  Big group of fishermen stopped here earlier and are still here.  May need to cut ‘em off soon if they haven’t started laying off the booze,” he groans, scribbling something on his legal pad.  A pencil and paper guy, Gil would still be using an old-fashioned book balance if it weren’t for you.  Though he understands that electronic bookkeeping is a lifesaver, he’s skeptical of computers—and terrible at using them.
“Sounds good.  Just me for a while?” You ask, setting your things in one of the desk drawers and punching in on the time clock.  You can’t remember who was at the bar when you walked in.
“Georgia is here, and we got 2 more coming in for the evening.  Shaping up to be a great night,” he says, returning to stare dead-faced at the computer.  Stifling a chuckle, you nod and exit the office.
Georgia, the lone bartender, is quite happy to see you as she wipes off the countertop of the bar.  She’s a close friend of yours—you two met here at the bar several years ago and share a love for the ocean and its creatures.  She’s a fresh college graduate and a few years your junior.
“Hey! So glad you’re here!” She squeaks, giving you a quick hug.  She’s always been a touchy-feely girl, unlike you—though it doesn’t bother you.
“Rough lunch shift?” You tease, checking the ice bins and refrigerators for stock.  She comes up close to your ear and lowers her voice.
“Those fucking old men have been ruthless.  I made Gil take care of their last couple rounds because I can’t deal with the catcalling,” she hisses.  Before you can scan the bar to eye the table, she stops you.
“Don’t,” she warns, “They had a field day when you walked in.  I’m shocked you didn’t notice!”
Curbing the urge to roll your eyes, you nod.  “Where are they seated?  Maybe we should just give Gil the entire table,” you suggest.
“Underneath the big TV.  They insisted on sitting there so they could play Keno and watch baseball,” she groans.
“Ah, yes.  America’s favorite pastimes,” you quip.  Georgia cackles.
“I’ll stock quick.  Need any of the taps changed?” you ask her, grabbing a sticky note and pen by the POS system.  Bar preference is to have each new shift stock everything once they clock in, which makes the rest of the day a breeze.  Georgia nods.
“I know we’re running low on Miller—that damn table has been guzzling it all day,” she gripes.  You giggle.
“I’ll be back shortly,” you say, heading to the back to grab bottles, cans, and change the Miller tap.  It’s quick work for you and you’re back behind the counter in ten minutes.
“You ready for a break, Georg?” You ask her, preparing your side of the bar with clean glasses and towels.
“Not yet, maybe in about an hour once Gil is done trying to fill a single spreadsheet on Excel,” she jokes, making both of you laugh.  “Plus, I am not leaving you out here alone with those weirdos.”
“Is that one coming up here now?” You tilt your head toward a pudgy, middle-aged, sunburnt man with a ratty Budweiser shirt and an awful sunglasses tan approaching the bar.  He’s not stumbling, but the dumb grin on his face indicates that he’s feeling pretty good.  Georgia confirms with an annoyed grunt.
“Lovely ladies, can I get a refill of Miller?” He chirps, leaning against the bar countertop and propping his glass up.
“Sure.  I’m gonna give you a new glass, though,” Georgia responds, taking the dirty one and putting it in the black bin for used dishes.  Budweiser Man groans.
“Aw, I was tryin’ to help you, sweetie,” he says, loud voice enough to curdle cold milk.  He snaps his eyes to you.
“Wow.  Two gorgeous girls running the bar?  I think we’re in trouble,” he jokes, punctuating his sentence with a belly laugh.  The urge to rip his ratty shirt off his potbelly and embarrass him floods your system momentarily.  You settle for a fake smile instead.
“Sounds like you could use some water,” you joke, still fake smiling at him.  Languidly, he tries to pout at you, but the buzz makes the shift in facial expressions difficult.
“Trust me, sir—a day out in this sun, you’ll want water with each drink,” you add, getting a glass ready for him.
“Then what’s the point of the beer, hunny?” he whines.  Pet names drive you mad, especially from drunk old men.  Patience diminishing by the second, you inhale deeply and fill the glass with water with the soda gun.
“Just making sure our patrons are safe, sir.  Want to make sure you’re able to come back,” you respond, handing him a water as Georgia hands him a full pint of Miller.
“Sure thing, gorgeous,” he says, winking at you.  Gross.  The number of middle-aged men that have flirted with Georgia and you from the other side of the bar is probably pretty high, but most don’t give you the creeps.  Georgia waits until he’s back at the table before sneering.
“Jesus, what a fucking creep,” she seethes.  “I’d love to spit in his drink.”
“Easy, Georg.  Don’t lose it over Porky Pig,” you quip, followed by a boisterous laugh from her.
The night is busy, but smooth.  A weekend fishing tournament at the beach brings in tons of salty, sunburnt folks.  Two other bartenders, Mike and Rand, come in around 7:00 PM to help with the dinner rush.  They’re college kids that double as bouncers, which would’ve been helpful earlier.  The annoying table of anglers left around 5:00 PM after Gil warned them that he’d give them the boot if they didn’t start drinking water.  Porky and his crew left reluctantly, though not before coming up to give you and Georgia big tips and his phone number scrawled on a receipt.
Just in case you two like to tag team, it said.  Both of you suppressed a wave of nausea after reading that.
The bar closes at 2:00 AM most nights during the summer, and from 10 PM-1:30 AM, the bar is hopping.  Lots of anglers and tourists flock to the bar for the big TVs and fancy drinks, many of which you helped Gil curate.  Around 11:00, you finally get a chance to take a break.  Feeling sluggish, you walk over to the nearby convenience store to grab a coffee—caffeine doesn’t do much for you, but it’ll give you the boost you need to reach close.
A can of double shot espresso with cream calls your name, and you’re eager to crack it open.  Forgetting to look before leaving the aisle, you bump into something tall and hard.  The can falls and busts open on the floor, spraying coffee everywhere.  Fuck.
“Oh shit,” you say, realizing that you slammed into some guy.  “I’m so sorry!”  Quickly, you crouch to pick up the fallen can from the cold linoleum floor.
The voice that responds wakes you up more than any espresso could.  “S’alright, miss.  You alright?”
You look up from the puddle of coffee and see a good-sized, handsome-as-fuck stranger standing above you.  Middle-aged; curly, brown hair with flecks of gray; tan, muscled arms; big hands; warm, calming chocolate eyes.  He looks so good that you’re frozen, unable to reply.  He cocks an eyebrow at you before a small grin etches his face.
“Uh, yeah—sorry.  I’m in a hurry, I didn’t mean to bump into you.  I should’ve paid attention,” you respond, panicked.  You scan the aisle for paper towels or something to clean up the mess.
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll go get an employee to clean this up,” the man assures you, his silky, Southern voice placating you.  You stand slowly, too embarrassed to meet his eyes.  A slow burn creeps up your neck and cheeks as his gaze sweeps over you.
“I’ll be right back,” he promises, and you look up at him just before he turns away.  Fuck, he’s gorgeous.  His irises are lined with specks of amber, like gold flakes.  He almost looks worried.
A few moments later, he returns with an older lady dressed in a convenience store uniform, sporting a fluffy white towel.  She smiles warmly at you.  Hyper focused on not looking at the handsome stranger, you smile back at her and hold your hand out.
“I’ll clean it, I made the mess.  I’d want the same if someone made a mess where I worked,” you offer.  Both the employee and the man laugh.  She tilts her head at you as if she’s trying to recognize you.
“You work at The Rusty Sawfish, don’t you?” She asks, watching you wipe up the puddle of coffee.
“Guilty.  I’m on my break right now, though I seem to have wasted it being an idiot,” you say, and the two strangers chuckle again.  The man’s deep, rumbly laugh makes your stomach flip.
“Oh, don’t worry about it, sweetie.  You deserve a break!  Let me finish and take a can on the house,” she says.  Her kindness mirrors that of most residents here—always helping others, stranger or not.
“Oh, I couldn’t.  Unless you came to the bar for a free drink.  Both of you,” you add, forcing yourself to make eye contact with the handsome stranger.
The way he stares at you makes you writhe.  His gaze is captivating.  His eyes circle around your eyes and your lips, unmoving—like you’re the only person in the room.  Time pauses as you both exchange stares.  He’s the first to speak.
“I’ll be there,” he says, half-smirking at you.  You forgot about the convenience store employee until she speaks again.
“Late night here for me, but I’ll stop by this weekend!  Have a great night, sweetie!”
“Thank you both,” you say, grabbing a new can and waving as you walk backward toward the exit.  You don’t miss the way Sexy Stranger watches you leave, but you miss the way his eyes traverse your frame when you turn around.
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Shivers blitz your spine as you walk back to work, thinking of how he looked at you.  He was one of the most attractive men you’d seen here, which says a lot.  Southern Florida beach cities are ripe with hot men from all walks of life.  His accent was Southern, but not Floridian—more mainland, like Oklahoma or Texas.  Before you can think on it further, you trot back into the bar.
Thankfully, there isn’t a huge rush of patrons.  Georgia, Mike, and Rand are moving around behind the bar.  You hurry and step behind the u-shaped area, smoothing your hair out of your face.  Georgia approaches you, grinning.
“Sorry—I made a complete fool of myself at the convenience store and spilled coffee everywhere, even ran into this sexy guy in the aisle,” You lament, redoing your now sweaty and frizzy updo. She laughs.
“Did you get his number, though?” Georgia asks. “Also, how sexy are we talking?”
You widen your eyes and whistle lowly.  “Georg—I’m telling you, he was sexy as fuck.  Southern type—tall, dark, and handsome.  He said he was coming here.”
She claps her hands together giddily.  “Hell yes.  Surprised he didn’t follow you right then and there,” she adds with a wink.  You roll your eyes.
“Nah, but I’m sure he’ll do that to you when he sees you,” you hypothesize.  Georgia is beautiful—typical tan, blonde Florida beach babe with a killer body.  She’s bubbly, too, with a personality that matches the Clearwater sunshine, and she’s smart.  She shushes you, frowning.
“Um… have you seen yourself?  You’re a fucking knockout. How many guys have tried to get us to do a threesome with them? That should tell you everything,” Georgia reminds you. You shrug, unsure how to answer—she’s right.
“That’s what I thought, Miss I Don’t Know I’m Beautiful.  Now shut up and help me get the drinks ready for this table,” she says, giving you an air kiss on the cheek.  Georg knows how to cheer you up—her sunshine personality is contagious.
Several cocktails and minutes later, you head back to the cooler to restock the bar fridges.  When you return, a seat at the bar is occupied with a familiar curly-haired man peering up at the television behind the bar.  He’s not facing you, thankfully—the way you froze was embarrassing enough.  Coolly, you hoist the bin of alcohol on your shoulder and stride toward the bar.  The fridge you need to restock doesn’t face him, so you have some time to plan a greeting while you refill the beers.  Georgia pokes your side as she walks up to him, informing you that she knows it’s your sexy mystery man.
“Welcome in!  Have you been here before?” She chirps, handing him a menu.  He shakes his head and scans the sheets quickly before folding it up and handing it back to her.
“No, ma’am.  Was advised to come here by one of the employees,” he croons.  You feel his stare boring a hole in your head and decide it’s time to acknowledge him.
Standing up, you face him and hope your cheeks don’t burn bright red.  He’s smiling at you, and fuck, that smile is something you won’t forget.  Pearly whites on full display, crinkled but twinkling eyes, a salt and pepper beard, and tan skin complement the face staring at yours.
Speak, you idiot.
“Hi again.  Glad you made it.  I wondered where the coffee smell came from.”  Your wit pulls a boisterous laugh from him, one that does something tingly to your insides.  Georgia interrupts.
“I’ll take over the stocking while you help this gentleman,” she says, pinching your side as she walks away.  The man’s eyes don’t follow her, which surprises you—they’re glued to you.  Words exit your mouth before you can ruminate further.
“What can I get you? I take it you’re not a fruity cocktail kind of guy,” you tease, smirking at him.  He shakes his head and chuckles.
“Correct, ma’am.  Is the whiskey here all you’ve got?” He nods to the shelves behind you.
“Not quite.  The owner is a whiskey aficionado and has some reserve bottles in the back that he saves for special customers,” you say, putting a hand next to your mouth as you fake whisper.  The lopsided grin returns on his face, sending your pulse into overdrive.
“Would gettin’ spilled on by an employee qualify me as a special customer?” He wisecracks, arching a brow at you.  You slump your shoulders in mock defeat.
“I suppose. What’s your favorite?” His jaw ticks back and forth as he ponders.
“Too hard to say.  Not a picky guy. Been cravin’ some Eagle Rare,” his velvet voice replies, the soundwaves tickling the hair on your ears.
“I’ll go ask the boss.  Be right back.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Sexy Stranger replies, watching you leave.  Undiscovered by you, he’s turned to watch you walk to Gil’s office, his pulse picking up at what he sees.
He won’t lie to himself—he’s drabbled in some younger women over the years, many of whom were nothing but a one-night stand, a pretty young thing to slip inside and make him feel younger for a few hours.  But you’re different.  Stunning, yes.  Charming, funny, and mysterious, too—like you’re looking at the world from a different dimension.  He senses a force field around you, though, one he worries you won’t let him invade.
You step out of Gil’s office with a dusty bottle of Eagle Rare, aged ten years.  Gil was astounded that someone requested this, and had he not been contemplating ways to destroy his computer, he’d have joined the Sexy Stranger for a glass.
As you return to the bar, you admire the man’s full head of brunette curls, and the random spots kissed with gray locks.  His shoulders are brawny and expansive, pulling taut the flannel fabric between his scapulas.  Atop them is a thick, ropy neck, with a jutting Adam’s apple and tan flesh you’d like to sink your teeth into.  He was tall, but not overtly so—just enough to complement his muscly build.
The way he leans back in the chair and sees his surroundings exudes a calm tenacity, but the way his eyes smolder suggests a tendency to be ravenous.  You wonder if that duality is something he wants to show you.  Warmth surges through your veins as you fantasize about a complete stranger, wracking your core and igniting thoughts and feelings you haven’t had in a long time.
Certainly, you’d been with men since moving to Clearwater, and though the options were vast, the likelihood of something lasting was minimal.  Thus, you chose to keep interactions with men somewhat superficial, an imaginary arm constantly protruding from you to forbid anything further than flirtatious banter.  This attractive, swarthy man, however, had his wrist wrapped around that arm and was threatening to rip it from you—the thought frightened and excited you.
Momentarily, you ignore the rush of adrenaline as you return behind the bar and into his view.  Like  a magnet, he latches onto you at once, eyes burning your face and figure.  Using a damp towel behind the counter, you swipe dust off the bottle and set it in front of him.
“Here you are, sir.  One dusty bottle of Eagle Rare.”  Sexy Stranger smiles at the bottle, wrapping a large hand around the base and examining the label.
“’S the good stuff,” he murmurs, voice dropping deeper than you thought possible. The pitch twists your insides.  In an effort to subdue your racing mind and pulse, you force a smirk and start wiping off the counter.
You feel the man’s eyes snap to you, melting your resolve with a fiery intensity.  Suddenly, you’re unable to continue moving the towel, and resign to meeting his eyes.  Smoldering is the only way to describe the way he’s looking at you.
That familiar rush of heat wraps around the base of your throat and underneath the fabric of your now-suffocating, loose tee shirt.  Instinctively, you fiddle with the collar and pull it down slightly, trying to let out some of the hot air trapped inside, unaware of the fact that you’ve exposed some skin to him.  In any other situation, it would’ve been a harmless gesture, but here, it only spurs on his imagination.  His pupils dilate ever so slightly at the sight of your collarbone, complemented with a silver pendant necklace.
“What’s that necklace you got there?” Sexy Stranger asks.  Involuntarily, your fingers latch onto the shark charm and twiddle it back and forth.  He’s still watching.
“Oh, it’s a shark.  Can’t remember the last time I took this thing off—I forget about it,” you say, surprised that you can form coherent sentences right now under his hot gaze.
He makes eye contact with you and raises an eyebrow.  “Why a shark?”
“The short version is that it’s my favorite animal.”
He tilts his head at you, jaw ticking again.  Your eyes latch onto the strong muscles moving it back and forth, flexing underneath his temples.
“And the long version?”
You cock an eyebrow, mirroring him, and grab a short glass, placing it on a coaster in front of him.  “Before I delve into that, how do you like your whiskey?”
He chuckles, deep and rumbly.  “Neat, sweetheart.”
The pet name eviscerates your stomach.  You gulp without meeting his gaze, aware that he’s staring at you still.  You pour him a perfect glass of bourbon neat and push the coaster toward him.  As you let go, he reaches for the glass, fingertips brushing the tops of your fingers.
As if you touched the metal prongs of a plug, you whip your hand back.  The feeling of his skin on yours was nothing short of electric.  He misreads your reaction.
“Sorry ‘bout that, didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” he says, brown eyes no longer smoldering but concerned.
“Oh no, it’s not that, just wasn’t expecting it,” you stammer, not wanting to give him the wrong idea.  Ironic.  He lets it pass, for now.
“So—the long story?” He takes a generous sip of the amber liquid, swishing it around his mouth as he watches you.  You place your palms down on the counter and smile at him.
“Long story is I’m a Professor of Marine Biology at a local university here.  I’ve been studying sharks for a long time now.  They are beautiful, brilliant creatures that have evolved to near perfection.  I do what I can to protect them—they have been fished relentlessly.”
Sexy Stranger is in awe of you, struck by your eloquence, intelligence, and beauty.  He takes another sip, never dragging his eyes from yours.
“Wow,” he says, raising both eyebrows as he sets the glass down.  “Just one question.”
You raise an eyebrow at him.  The two of you are getting good at this nonverbal communication.
“You consider that the long version?”
His humor catches you off guard and a goofy, boisterous laugh escapes you.  For the second time now, he flashes a full smile at you.  He likes that sound.
Suddenly, a phone rings nearby.  He frowns and fishes a small, old iPhone from his front jeans pocket and squints at the screen.  He grimaces as he stuffs it back, shifting uncomfortably in the chair to make it fit.
“Sweetheart, I need to run.  Lemme settle up for the glass,” he says, the pet name stimulating your pulse again.
“Sure thing.  Gil said to come back any time—the bottle is basically yours,” you say, winking at him as you print his receipt.  His heartbeat does some racing of its own at the gesture.  He tears his eyes from you to fish for his wallet and throw some bills on top of the receipt.
“Will do.  I’ll see you around, darlin’,” Sexy Stranger says as he stands, giving you a small wink as he leaves.  You watch him leave before realizing you didn’t cash him out.  You grab the cash and receipt, noticing what looks like writing on the back side.
A phone number is scrawled on the back.  Underneath is his name.  Joel.
Your heart stops as you stare at the small white paper.  When did I even give him a pen?  I didn’t notice him writing.  Georgia startles you with an elbow to the side.
“That was quick,” she teases.  Bashful, you fold the receipt up and shove it in the pocket of your jean shorts.
“Shut up, Georg.  He was just being nice. Probably wants tips for shark watching or something.”
She stares at you incredulously.  “Girl… he’s so fucking into you.  Everybody in this building felt that tension.”
Heat creeps up your spine once again.  You check the POS system for the time and see that it’s almost 2:00 AM.  Time to close and do it all again tomorrow.
“Let’s get something to eat.  Wanna crash at my place?” Georgia asks.  You nod, finding that you’re hungry—but something tells you it’s not food you’re craving.
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Sunlight bounces off the white walls of Georgia’s apartment just before 7:00 AM.  A light groan escapes you as you stretch out on the plush sectional in her living room before settling back into the burrow of blankets.
Georgia lives a quick five-minute drive from the marina, in a lofty one-bedroom apartment with an ocean view.  Her family is generationally wealthy and based in Sarasota, Florida—hence the high-rise apartment and a nice Mercedes SUV.  She escaped the clutches of her uptight family to explore her passion—surfing.  She got a job at The Rusty Sawfish to supplement her allowance and pay for surfing gear and tournaments, something her parents refused to do.  You two clicked immediately and have been friends since.
Pulling your hoodie up over your head, you check your phone quickly before deciding whether to go back to sleep.  It’s still early, and you didn’t get to sleep until after 3:00 AM.  Your stomach backflips when you see a message from an unknown number pop up.  The nerves turn to giddiness as you remember that the number belongs to Joel, the sexy stranger you met at the convenience store last night.  You messaged him when you got to Georgia’s apartment last night asking if he made it home alright, certain he wouldn’t be awake to respond.  You swipe down to read the message.
Joel: Morning sweetheart.  I made it home just fine.  Was hoping you’d text sooner so I could ask the same.  :)
Kicking your feet like a child, you contemplate a response.
You: Sorry I texted so late!  I didn’t make it back to my friend’s place until close to 3.
Joel is quick to respond.
Joel: Surprised you’re up.  Figured someone as pretty as you would need at least 8 hours of beauty sleep.  By the way—your friend told me your name.  I hope that’s OK.
Grinning at your phone, you shake your head slowly.  The man is as charming over text as he is in person.
You: You flatter me.  I was just going to go back to sleep given that I currently look like a hobbit—guess 8 hours is exactly what I need ;)
You: And yes, that’s okay.  Sounds a lot like my friend.  She’s a good wingman.
Joel: I highly doubt you look anything less than gorgeous.  Get some rest.  We’ll talk later today.
Pretty.  Gorgeous.
The grin doesn’t leave your face as you drift back to sleep.
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Later that evening, you’re behind the familiar u-shaped counter of the bar with paper-thin patience and a penchant for kicking out a rowdy group of college age anglers from the tournament.
“Look, I have a legit ID and I’m an adult, I can drink however many beers I want!” A gangly blonde trust fund-looking kid from the group whines at you.  You narrow your eyes at him briefly before responding, like a snake ready to strike its prey.
“Not how it works.  It’s the bar’s best practice to avoid overserving and keep this a safe place for everybody.  Drink some water and we’ll revisit,” you reply, voice stern.  You squeeze the towel in your hand for stress relief.
Though Florida has a dram shop law that prevents bars from being sued by an intoxicated patron that ends up drunk driving and getting hurt, Gil has always mandated a no overserving policy.  Spending all day out in the ocean and then drinking heavily is a dangerous combo.  The older patrons have no qualms about it, but the younger, rowdier crowds differ.  Blonde kid sticks his index finger on the counter and leans in close to you, bloodshot eyes fixated on yours.
“I want your manager,” he spits, breath reeking of booze.  Still somewhat level-headed, you stare directly in his eyes.
“You got it,” you respond, emotionless.  Gil’s not one for overserving, and he’s not one for rude patrons harassing his bartenders.  This dumb kid has a lesson coming.
Stone faced, you drop your towel and tell Georgia you’ll be right back before cruising to Gil’s office.  The door is wide open, and to your surprise, Joel’s sitting in the chair next to Gil, the two of them chuckling and conversing.  Your heart falters momentarily before you remember why you came back here.  You knock lightly on the open door and both men look up at you.
Gil frowns immediately.  He’s seen that look before.
“Not a good sign when my best employee has that look on her face.  Where is he?” Gil asks, standing and removing his readers.  Feeling Joel’s eyes burning holes in you, you do your best to ignore them right now.
“Up front.  Blonde kid with the frat group.  Pissed off that I won’t pour him a 5th vodka red bull.  I told him about our policy, and he asked for the manager,” you recite, tight-lipped.  Gil nods, squeezing your shoulder lightly as he walks past you to the bar.
Thankful that Gil is handling it, you close your eyes and exhale heavily before remembering you’re not alone.  Your eyes open quickly to find Joel staring at you.  His eyes look concerned, though there’s that damned lopsided smile on his face.
“Guy’s got some balls on him,” he jokes, standing and taking a step closer to you.  Your pulse quickens.  Laughing, you roll your eyes and wave him off.
“Everybody does when they’re drunk.”
Joel rakes a hand through his stubble and nods, studying your face.
“I reckon I wasn’t totally honest with you last night,” he says, face falling slightly.  Raising an eyebrow, you try to quiet the thousand thoughts that rush through your mind—is he going to say that he’s married?  Fresh out of prison?  Gay?  Well… the last one is unlikely.  He clears his throat, rubbing the back of his neck as he continues.
“I’ve known Gil for a long, long time.  S’why I knew there’d be Eagle Rare here,” he says.
Relief rushes through you.  “Jesus, Joel.  I thought you were gonna tell me you were married.”
A hearty laugh escapes him as he shakes his head fervently, throwing his hands up in surrender.  “Hell no.  Haven’t been married since I was in my early 20s, which was about a million years ago.”
You wipe your brow exaggeratedly, signaling your relief.  Joel chuckles again.
“So, what brings you to Clearwater, then?  Or have you always been here?”
“No, no.  I’m from Texas.  Been here several times but moved here last month.  I’m a contractor and Gil and I have worked on some projects together.  He wants my help f’another one.”
It all makes sense—the flannel shirt, the muscles, the demeanor, the accent.  A question pops up in your mind.
“Does he know you gave me your number last night?” You ask him, tilting your head inquisitively.
“Yes, ma’am.  We’re good friends.  He’s protective of you, but I made it clear t’him that I ain’t tryin’ any funny business with you,” he admits, smoldering eyes affixed to yours.  His expression and tone gives you the impression that he’s telling the truth, like lying to you would be worse than anything.
“Are you saying… you don’t often give your number to bartenders that spill coffee all over you?” You chide, flashing a smile at him.  His pupils dilate imperceptibly.
“No, ma’am.  Don’t make that kinda thing a habit,” he responds, taking a step closer to you.  Your breath catches in your throat at his proximity.  He’s within arm’s reach, and the magnetic field between the two of you is sending your internal compass off the rails.  He opens his mouth to say something, but Gil interrupts the moment, oblivious to the two of you.
“He’s taken care of.  Thanks for dealing with him,” he sing-songs, saying your name warmly.
Still staring at Joel, you reply to Gil.  “Appreciate it, Gil.  I’ll return to my post.”
Joel laughs quietly, eyes twinkling at you.  You smile coyly at him before leaving the office, needing to cool off before you explode internally.  The sexual tension between the two of you is almost too much to handle.
Before you can check if he’s following you, Georgia flags you down behind the bar.  A devilish smile plays on her tan, freckled face.
“So… he’s back,” she teases, waggling her eyebrows. “You taking him home tonight or what?”
Jaw dropping in mock shock, you tilt your head at her.
“Are you suggesting that I sleep with him?  Georg—I don’t know him!”
She guffaws.  “Gil knows him very well, though.  Isn’t that enough to tell you he’s safe? I bet they watch boring carpenter shows together and spend all their money on fancy old man bourbon.”
Good point.  Joel seems safe—for now.  But you’ve been out of the game far too long to half-ass a night with a man like him.  He seems… experienced.  And the glint in his eyes when he sees you is enough to make your heart jump out of your chest.
“I don’t know.  I’m interested.  I’ll keep an open mind.  Sounds like he’s in Clearwater for good… plenty of old beach babes to take him on,” you joke, winking at her.  She punches your arm.
“He doesn’t even look at anybody but you, dipshit.  If you say something like that one more time, I’m gonna tell him,” she threatens half-jokingly, pointing a polished finger in your face.
“Fine.  We’ll see where it ends up,” you surrender, checking the fridges for a routine restock.
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The remainder of Saturday night at The Rusty Sawfish is busy, but not overwhelmingly so.
Georgia, Mike, Rand, and you man the bar, which had no empty chairs the entire evening.  Business was booming from the fishing tournament, and even Gil stepped out of the office to pour some drinks.
Joel made himself comfortable at the end of the bar.  Gil dumped stacks of blueprints in front of him, and he got busy reviewing them while nursing glasses of neat bourbon.  You couldn’t count the number of times you two exchanged glances and shy smiles, and he couldn’t count the number of times he caught himself staring at you.  He was entranced by the way you moved at the bar—commanding the flow of customers, making drinks at lightning speed, being friendly with the customers, and looking damn good while you do it.
Closing time rolls around yet again, and he’s still scanning blueprints, sketching on pages here and there with his carpenter’s pencil.  Every so often, he’d tuck it behind one of his ears, mussing some of his curls in the process.  You found yourself studying his mannerisms, trying to get to know him without speaking.  He’d tick his jaw back and forth as he read, and the corner of his lips would twitch each time he marked the page with his pencil, salt and pepper mustache hairs grooving along with them.
You learn from the way he holds the page out three feet in front of him to read small text, brow furrowing as he deciphers the letters, that he’s stubborn and not ready to buy reader’s glasses.  You catch yourself giggling at it, making damn sure he doesn’t see.
You learn that he was likely a former athlete by the way his hips sway when he walks to the bathroom, his gait controlled yet energetic and limber, the denim of his very-worn jeans hugging his strong legs.  The jeans indicate that he’s not much of a shopper and is loyal to what makes him feel comfortable, like a pair of faded, almost-torn bootcut Wranglers molded to his frame and creased leather cowboy boots.
You learn that his body is still in wonderful shape as he folds his arms behind his head and arches his back to stretch his aching body, revealing a sliver of soft-looking skin above the denim waistband and a trail of dark hair leading from his belly button down beneath.
You learn that he enjoys hearing your laugh with each time he tries to prod it out of you with a silly joke or a wisecrack about one of the customers.  Given the manner and frequency with which his eyes travel up and down your frame, he also likes your body—from the subtle shelf of your breasts underneath your tank top, to the shape of your ass in your frayed jean shorts, to your smooth legs.  But he likes your face, too—evident by the way his amber eyes travel over your features, landing frequently at your eyes and lips.
Now, you can tell Georgia she’s right—that he fancies you, more so than any other woman that glanced at him twice during the night.  And boy, there were plenty.
Most of all, though—you learn how much you want him.  If not obvious by the butterflies bouncing off the walls of your abdomen and chest as he speaks to you, it is clear when you take a bathroom break of your own and find dampness in your panties.  Your nerves are in overdrive at the possibility of finding out what his hands feel like on your skin, what his lips feel like meshed with yours, what his strong frame feels like flush against yours.
Needing cool relief, you soak a paper towel in cold water and place it on the back of your neck, shivering at the stray droplets that roll down your spine.  You stare at yourself in the mirror and start to realize that maybe Georgia is right about you, that you are beautiful and worthy of feeling that way.
You exit the bathroom to find that it’s now past 2:00 AM, and customers have left—all but Joel.  He’s standing now, elbows leaning against the counter.  He notices the air pressure change from the bathroom door opening and turns to stare at you as you approach him, eyes sweeping up and down your figure once again.
“Sir, we’re closed.  Have you paid your tab?” You ask, half-smiling at him.  He laughs as he fishes his wallet out of his jeans pocket.
“Gettin’ there, sweetheart,” he says, grunting as it finally comes out of its enclosure.  The wallet is about as worn as the jeans, faded and bent at the corners.  He hands you several twenty-dollar bills, a few too many for his sixty-dollar tab.
“I’ll get your change,” you say, muscle memory taking over.  He puts a hand up.
“No, keep it.  You deserve it,” he murmurs, tucking the wallet back in his pocket and gathering the blueprints for Gil.
“Joel, it’s too much for what little work I did tonight,” you protest.  He looks at you, eyes smoldering once again.
“No, darlin’—you did a lot more than you think.”  The tone suggests he’d been imagining you the same way you did him, sending a zing of shivers up your spine.  You know your cheeks are reddening, but you ignore it as you balance the drawer for the evening.  Joel trots back to Gil’s office to return the papers, resurfacing after a few minutes.
Georgia, Mike, and Rand have finished cleaning and their closing duties.  They stop by the register to check in on you.
“Hey—there’s a party at Mike’s neighbor’s house.  You in?” Georgia asks, knowing full well you’re not going to agree.  You can tell she’s trying not to smirk.
“No, thanks.  I’m exhausted,” you reply, dividing up the tips.  “Here you go, tips for tonight.  Great job.”
“Well, you better come to the one next week—you can’t use this excuse again,” Mike teases you, elbowing you lightly.
“I’ll be there, just not feeling it tonight.  Thanks, guys,” you say warmly, hugging Georgia as they prepare to leave.
“Oh, we rode together—are you good taking an Uber?  I was going to ride with these guys,” she asks, loud enough for Joel to hear.
“I can walk to my car.  It’s only a few minutes.”
Joel interrupts.  “I’ll take ya.  I’m sure y’feel safe out here, but it’s late and dark.”
Georgia takes this as her cue to leave.  “See you tomorrow, love!”  You wave as the three exit, leaving Joel, you, and the magnetic sexual tension between you.
“You sure about this?  Really, it’s not that bad of a trek,” you ask him, not wanting to be a bother.  He raises an eyebrow at you.
“I’d feel better f’you let me make sure you’re safe, and y’just said y’were tired,” he says lowly, voice dropping in decibels to match the now-quiet atmosphere of the bar.
“If it helps you sleep at night, sure,” you joke, winking at him.  A yawn interrupts your comedic routine, to which Joel raises his eyebrows.
“How ‘bout I just drive you home, sweetheart?” He suggests.  A wave of fatigue hits you as you finish yawning, and you surrender.
“Good idea.  Let me get my stuff.”
You emerge from the office after retrieving your purse and saying goodbye to Gil, who has resumed trying to figure out Excel.  Joel watches you approach him, rubbing his beard distractedly.
You lead him out of the bar, the nervous energy between you making your legs feel restless.  Joel places a hand on your lower back as you push the doors open.  Once outside, you expect him to move it, but he doesn’t.  It stays warm and firm on your back as you two walk down the marina to the street parking area.
The sound of the waves crashing into the shore placates your nerves a bit.  You peer at them as you walk, bewitched by the rays of moonlight dancing on the subtle peaks.
“S’a beautiful night,” Joel murmurs, closer to your ear than you realized.  You jump a bit, and he chuckles quietly, rubbing his hand softly on your lower back.
“Sorry, didn’t mean t’scare ya,” he apologizes.  The cool beach breeze blows by, and goosebumps grow on your bare skin.  You rub your arms instinctively.  A few moments later, Joel places his flannel over your shoulders, squeezing the tops lightly before letting go.  The warm gesture makes those butterflies in your stomach ricochet like pinballs.
“Thanks.  It’s cooler than normal this evening,” you say, watching your feet as you continue walking.  The scent of his shirt engulfs your senses, slowing your pace momentarily.  It’s an alluring mix of earthy and musky, like sandalwood, pine, and sweet bourbon.
“This is me,” Joel says, stopping next to an older, beatdown Chevy truck.  He opens the passenger door for you.
“Didn’t realize you were such a gentleman, Joel,” you tease him.  He shuts the door lightly, smirking and shaking his head at you through the window.  You glance at your surroundings.
His truck is spotless, save for some stains on the floor.  There’s a cup of carpenter’s pencils in one of the cupholders, which makes you smile.  The radio is ancient, with a small, thin screen for the time and big black buttons, which are a bit dusty.  The only button that’s clean is the power button/volume knob duo.  Not much of a music guy, you think.
The driver’s door squeaks open, and Joel plops down on the seat with a grunt. He shoves the key in the ignition and turns it over a few times before the engine roars on.
“Where to?” he asks, cranking the truck into reverse and pulling out of the spot.  You direct him to your apartment, which is 10 minutes from the marina.
The ride to your place is quiet, but not awkwardly so.  Joel turned on the music and kept the volume low, asking you questions here and there about Clearwater and you.
“Your family here?”
“Nope.  I’m from the Midwest.  They’re all in Nebraska and Iowa.”  He whistles lowly.
“Bit of a drive.  Why Florida?  Lemme guess—the ocean?”
“That’s part of it,” you reply, staring out the window, watching the palm trees flash by.
“Take it y’also wanted to get away from your family,” he says, tone rhetorical.  You snort and turn to face him.  He’s got one hand on the wheel, the other perched on the back of your seat.  There’s a half-smirk on his moonlight-painted face.
“Am I that obvious?” Your tone is half-incredulous, half-rhetorical. He chuckles in place of responding.
Soon, you arrive at your apartment complex.  Joel opens your door and follows you to the building.  Hesitant, you stop just before entering and turn to him.  The tension is thick, like a hazy cloud between the two of you.
“Do you want to come inside?”
He clenches his jaw, staring at you before replying.
“Sure.  Y’gonna take advantage of me?” The witty remark catches you off guard.  You burst out laughing and the contagious, melodic sound makes him laugh.
“Only if you want me to,” you reply, holding your keys up to the pad and opening the door.  You swear you hear him growl behind you, but he doesn’t reply.
Luckily, you’re on the first floor.  You don’t think you could stomach walking up the stairs in your daisy dukes with Joel behind you.
Once inside your place, you open the fridge and grab two bottles of beer as Joel surveys the apartment.  You place one on his bare forearm, the sudden chill startling him.  He swipes the bottle from your hand as you giggle, giving you a threatening look.
“Want to sit outside?  I have a little futon out there,” you offer, realizing you still have his flannel on.  The sleeves are a little long, touching the base of your knuckles.  He nods.  You grab a blanket from the couch and lead him to the sliding glass door in the kitchen.
Your patio is small, but it’s your favorite spot, overlooking the beach.  The apartment building is on a small hill, which is great for days when the sea level rises.  The waves are still crashing quietly onto the shore, bathed in silky moonlight.
You sit first, crossing your legs underneath the warm blanket.  It’s chilly without it.  Joel sits next to you with what you now know is his trademark old man grunt, denim-clad leg touching your knee.  He takes a swig and brings the base of the bottle to eye level to study the label.
“Sorry—no bourbon,” you lament jokingly, taking a swig of your own.  He smirks and takes another sip.
“Didn’t strike you as the type, anyway.”
“Is it the lack of facial hair?” Joel spits out his beer laughing.
“Jesus, you’re somethin’ else,” he coughs, wiping his mouth and beard with the back of his hand.
“In Joel speak, I think that’s a compliment, yes?”
He laughs again, staring at you as you watch the ocean.  His hand moves to rest on your kneecap, thumb circling the soft skin lightly.  Your heartbeat picks up twofold.
“Gil was right about you,” he murmurs.  Confused, you look at him, surprised to see a wanton expression on his face.
“What about me?”
He scoots closer.  Your hands squeeze the beer bottle nervously.
“Don’t remember exactly what he said,” he croons, face getting closer to yours, “somethin’ about you bein’ a special person.”
The sexual tension between the two of you has reached a new level of heavy, sucking the air out of your lungs and igniting your core.  Joel grabs your beer from your hand, setting it and his down on the concrete floor of the patio.  He stares into your eyes, looking for hesitation as he leans closer to you.
Clearly, he finds none, because his lips are on yours, light and soft.  The hand that was on your knee is on the back of your neck, thumb pressed against your cheek.  His other hand grips your hip and pulls you closer to him.  You take the opportunity to climb on his lap, pulling a surprised yet satisfied grunt from him.
His lips move slowly, gently against yours.  Rough, warm hands caress the tops of your thighs, leaving goosebumps in their path.  He tastes smooth, like the Eagle Rare he sipped on this evening, a rich contrast from the rough scratch of his mustache and beard against your face.  You comb fingers through his thick curls, tugging lightly at the base of his head. Another satisfied grunt travels from his throat to your mouth.
The passion overheats you, and like he’s reading your mind, he pushes his shirt off your shoulders, mouth still latched to yours.  His hands slip under your tank top and caress your abdomen, fingertips dancing along the underside of your breast.  He groans again when he realizes you don’t have a bra on.  You tilt your head back and his lips caress your neck, nipping softly at your pulse.  The soft moan that leaves your lips spurs him on, and his teeth move higher, tugging on the flesh of your earlobe.
He reaches for the hem of your tank top and slowly lifts the fabric over your head.  His eyes burn holes in your skin, pupils dilated so much so that his eyes look black.  He reaches up and palms both of your breasts, kneading the flesh and rolling your nipples between his fingertips as he admires your body.
“Christ, you’re perfect,” he breathes before sucking a nipple into his mouth.  You wrap your arms around his strong neck and tug his curls back to envelope his mouth with yours.  He lifts you from his lap effortlessly and stands, murmuring something about going back inside into your mouth.
Still kissing you, he carries you to your bedroom and tosses you on the bed before caging you in his arms, continuing what you started on the patio as the sound of the ocean and the cicadas fill the background.
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Taglist: @burntheedges, @tuquoquebrute, @syd-djarin, @danaispunk, @anoverwhelmingdin
Read Part 2 here!
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Certainly! Let's do science.
Do Gallifreyans have cloacas?
A cloaca is common in many earthbound reptiles, birds, and some amphibians, which functions as a singular exit point for the intestinal, reproductive, and urinary tracts.
💩Digestive Efficiency and Waste Elimination
A Gallifreyan's digestive system is more efficient than [insert your own amusing simile about a black hole here]. Their bodies are very good at extracting and utilising nearly every bit of ingested material, meaning Gallifreyans produce less waste and, therefore, Doctor Who does a poo far less frequently than humans. This aligns more with the efficiency you'd expect from a highly advanced species.
🚫No Cloacas Here
There's no evidence at all that Gallifreyans have a cloaca. Instead, their anatomical structure more closely resembles that of humans, with separate channels for different bodily functions. This specificity allows them to manage their biological processes with precision, which is what a Time Lord is all about.
🤔|🥗💀How long can a Gallifreyan go without food or water?
💬|🥗🍲What does a Gallifreyan diet look like?: Normal eating habits of Gallifreyans.
🤔|🥗💨Do Gallifreyans involuntarily fart?
Hope that helped! 😃
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compneuropapers · 2 months ago
Interesting Papers for Week 3, 2025
Synaptic weight dynamics underlying memory consolidation: Implications for learning rules, circuit organization, and circuit function. Bhasin, B. J., Raymond, J. L., & Goldman, M. S. (2024). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(41), e2406010121.
Characterization of the temporal stability of ToM and pain functional brain networks carry distinct developmental signatures during naturalistic viewing. Bhavna, K., Ghosh, N., Banerjee, R., & Roy, D. (2024). Scientific Reports, 14, 22479.
Connectomic reconstruction predicts visual features used for navigation. Garner, D., Kind, E., Lai, J. Y. H., Nern, A., Zhao, A., Houghton, L., … Kim, S. S. (2024). Nature, 634(8032), 181–190.
Socialization causes long-lasting behavioral changes. Gil-Martí, B., Isidro-Mézcua, J., Poza-Rodriguez, A., Asti Tello, G. S., Treves, G., Turiégano, E., … Martin, F. A. (2024). Scientific Reports, 14, 22302.
Neural pathways and computations that achieve stable contrast processing tuned to natural scenes. Gür, B., Ramirez, L., Cornean, J., Thurn, F., Molina-Obando, S., Ramos-Traslosheros, G., & Silies, M. (2024). Nature Communications, 15, 8580.
Lack of optimistic bias during social evaluation learning reflects reduced positive self-beliefs in depression and social anxiety, but via distinct mechanisms. Hoffmann, J. A., Hobbs, C., Moutoussis, M., & Button, K. S. (2024). Scientific Reports, 14, 22471.
Causal involvement of dorsomedial prefrontal cortex in learning the predictability of observable actions. Kang, P., Moisa, M., Lindström, B., Soutschek, A., Ruff, C. C., & Tobler, P. N. (2024). Nature Communications, 15, 8305.
A transient high-dimensional geometry affords stable conjunctive subspaces for efficient action selection. Kikumoto, A., Bhandari, A., Shibata, K., & Badre, D. (2024). Nature Communications, 15, 8513.
Presaccadic Attention Enhances and Reshapes the Contrast Sensitivity Function Differentially around the Visual Field. Kwak, Y., Zhao, Y., Lu, Z.-L., Hanning, N. M., & Carrasco, M. (2024). eNeuro, 11(9), ENEURO.0243-24.2024.
Transformation of neural coding for vibrotactile stimuli along the ascending somatosensory pathway. Lee, K.-S., Loutit, A. J., de Thomas Wagner, D., Sanders, M., Prsa, M., & Huber, D. (2024). Neuron, 112(19), 3343-3353.e7.
Inhibitory plasticity supports replay generalization in the hippocampus. Liao, Z., Terada, S., Raikov, I. G., Hadjiabadi, D., Szoboszlay, M., Soltesz, I., & Losonczy, A. (2024). Nature Neuroscience, 27(10), 1987–1998.
Third-party punishment-like behavior in a rat model. Mikami, K., Kigami, Y., Doi, T., Choudhury, M. E., Nishikawa, Y., Takahashi, R., … Tanaka, J. (2024). Scientific Reports, 14, 22310.
The morphospace of the brain-cognition organisation. Pacella, V., Nozais, V., Talozzi, L., Abdallah, M., Wassermann, D., Forkel, S. J., & Thiebaut de Schotten, M. (2024). Nature Communications, 15, 8452.
A Drosophila computational brain model reveals sensorimotor processing. Shiu, P. K., Sterne, G. R., Spiller, N., Franconville, R., Sandoval, A., Zhou, J., … Scott, K. (2024). Nature, 634(8032), 210–219.
Decision-making shapes dynamic inter-areal communication within macaque ventral frontal cortex. Stoll, F. M., & Rudebeck, P. H. (2024). Current Biology, 34(19), 4526-4538.e5.
Intrinsic Motivation in Dynamical Control Systems. Tiomkin, S., Nemenman, I., Polani, D., & Tishby, N. (2024). PRX Life, 2(3), 033009.
Coding of self and environment by Pacinian neurons in freely moving animals. Turecek, J., & Ginty, D. D. (2024). Neuron, 112(19), 3267-3277.e6.
The role of training variability for model-based and model-free learning of an arbitrary visuomotor mapping. Velázquez-Vargas, C. A., Daw, N. D., & Taylor, J. A. (2024). PLOS Computational Biology, 20(9), e1012471.
Rejecting unfairness enhances the implicit sense of agency in the human brain. Wang, Y., & Zhou, J. (2024). Scientific Reports, 14, 22822.
Impaired motor-to-sensory transformation mediates auditory hallucinations. Yang, F., Zhu, H., Cao, X., Li, H., Fang, X., Yu, L., … Tian, X. (2024). PLOS Biology, 22(10), e3002836.
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runawaymun · 10 months ago
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Ask me about my not-yet-written-fics from this list
Okay, so this is something I was talking over with @metatomatoes because I wanted Celebrimbor to survive so badly but like, I just could not see how it was possible, and then we got to talking and fucking around with Elvish biology and I think I can make it work.
this is all based on the foundation that Elrond and Celebrimbor were very close in the second age, and/or it piggybacks on the To Partake universe. Either way, they have an Osanwe bond. Not quite a marriage bond. It's a bit weaker than that, but a bond nonetheless.
there are human burn victims who have lost a tremendous amount of skin with medical care and survived, right?
and obviously the greatest risks here are blood loss, infection, and hypothermia
It's reasonable to me to assume that elves have pretty good blood clotting.
We also know from canon that they're better at regulating their temp than we are
If elves are pretty much immune to infection, we can knock that out.
With some sketchy research the general consensus is that a human IRL could, after being flayed, last 36 hours, or perhaps up to a week (if given fluids and semi cared for).
Reasonable to me to assume because Sauron is Sauron that he might continue to toy with Celebrimbor post-flaying, which means he has a vested interest in keeping him alive a bit longer.
Also reasonable to assume that elvish bodies can withstand quite a lot, considering Maedhros survived torture and being hung off a mountainside for a really long time while captured by Morgoth.
So, the final kicker here IIRC was @metatomatoes' idea - which is, what if elves are essentially able to drop into a stasis state? Like where everything slowly shuts down to minimal functions in order to survive extreme conditions? Explains a lot of things, really.
With that, what if rather than dying, Celebrimbor drops into stasis.
Stasis is no fun for Sauron :( Celebrimbor's not making fun noises anymore when he gets hurt.
So at this point Sauron has him shot full of arrows (assuming that he'll be dead soon) and hangs him up to taunt Elrond and Gil-Galad, per the canon events.
Everyone at this point is pretty confident that Celebrimbor is dead as a doornail,
Because he can absolutely feel through their Osanwe bond that there's something left there, and post-siege of Eregion when they finally recapture everything and pull Celebrimbor down, everyone is like "Elrond he's dead, we promise he's dead" and Elrond is like "I promise he's not!!!!!!!!! he's in stasis!!!!!!!!!!!!"
And Elrond by now has Vilya, which enhances his already incredibly strong healing.
Also I have already established within my own universe that Elrond is a bit of a necromancer, so long as someone is only mostly dead (re Princess Bride hehe).
SO, he manages to bring Celebrimbor back from the grave.
And granted, Celebrimbor is like, severely fucked up and perhaps does not even want to continue living, but Elrond is determined.
Once Celebrimbor has recovered (it is a long, slow road) he winds up just living with Elrond in Rivendell, possibly under an alias idk. But hey everyone talks about that weirdly good smith in Rivendell. Like uncannily good smith.
I like to imagine that he's the one who reforged Anduril :3
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