digitalgate02 · 1 year
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The Florida Men
I saw this meme and thought "none of those other 02 kids would like to get arrested, but we know ONE person would be proud of -- Wallace." So Wallace is the only right option for me and a few friends.
Long time no see WallDai ship.
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ladyofthecastleproject · 11 months
The Knight and the Prince in the Castle
[AO3 version]
Inside the castle, a battle occurs and V-mon worries for Lightnimon’s life. Then, Wallace has the visit of a familiar face… Could Wallace be rescued from Duskmon’s hands? Or…?
[Notes: It takes place in 2008; this was the first drabble I wrote actually...]
Something was moving quickly through the corridors of this new rendition of Vamdemon’s castle. It wasn’t exactly the same place Taichi and the Chosen Children had ventured in before, but some mysterious one was built during those times.
Maybe it was all an illusion, or it was created by magic. No one knows.
The mysterious shadow approaches from the door of a room in which a special person was inside. He was running out of time, and V-mon was next to him trying to keep him cool. The digimon next to the black armored shadow -- one armor with Lighdramon motif -- was denouncing his identity. But he didn’t care at this point, he couldn’t waste his chance.
But something happened.
Once the door opened, a digimon attacked them. It wasn’t the kid’s digimon, so it was supposed to be one of the soldiers from the real bad guy.
Wielding this glaive Lighdramon-based weapon, he and V-mon dodged from the enemies attack and prepared to battle.
“What’s this?”
“Undead digimon, MadLeomon” V-mon explained, “I can handle it by myself”
“You kidding!? I won’t let you fight alone!”
“We’re here to rescue Wallace, not to pick a fight with a sentinel!”
“Sigh…” he couldn’t evolve his partner-in-crime right now…
“Why are you here?”
Wallace appeared behind MadLeomon, not amused by those two’s presence.
“We came to rescue you!” V-mon said.
“I don’t need to be rescued, go away.”
“W-wait!” the armored ‘digimon’ shouted, “You want to stay here!?”
“I don’t need to talk with you.”
“They’re using you, Wallace!”
“Leave me alone, Chocomon is gone! Gummymon is missing! And this is all YOUR fault!”
MadLeomon dashed through the corridor, trying to hit the two prey with their arms. V-mon and the incognito warrior avoided it by dodging to the edges of the field.
“They brainwashed him!” V-mon warned his companion.
“Oh really? Darn it, Wallace!”
“Brainwashed…? How can I be brainwashed if I wanted to be here!? They explained my role in this world, while you and your friends lied to me.”
“What the heck are you talking about!?” the duo dodged another blow, “Daisuke-kun and his friends did not lie to you! Their group found Gummymon, and they weren’t aware of such power!!”
Wallace’s eyes showed a spark of light to the mention of Gummymon.
“T-they… Found him?”
However, MadLeomon kept attacking their opponents with no mercy. And they didn’t attack back with the fear of hitting their friend.
“Chocomon might be gone! But we can find him” V-mon yelled, “Please, come with us!”
“I… I can’t!”
“Gummymon might hate me now, he might think I abandoned him but, but…!!”
“He does not hate yo--” The armored ‘digimon’ dodged another attack but got hit by a second blow, “Khh!!”
“L-Lightnimo--”  by V-mon despair, he also got caught off guard and hit by MadLeomon’s punches. He flew away, collapsing on the ground next to ‘Lightnimon’.
“He… Stop, please! L-Let them talk, you don’t need to protect me anymore!!”
“Master’s orders is to not let you alone and fight anyone who dares to stay on your way.”
“Bu-but they’re not doing anything wrong, please stop!”
“My orders are to eliminate whoever steps in.”
“No, leave them alone! MY order is to you stop right now!” Wallace stared at the undead digimon, and the digimon somehow stopped.
“Master won’t like this…”
“Well? I’m YOUR master now, and I order you to leave them alone.”
“Yes, master Wallace…” MadLeomon stepped back, and then the boy ran to the other two on the floor.
“Please don’t die here… I would go with you but I can’t, I’ve been watched and this might not be good for either of us…”
“Ghn…” V-mon got up, and then the other very slowly.
“W-we... Can’t leave you h-here…!” the masked ‘digimon’ said.
“... I’m sorry it’s all my fault. It’s my fault that you got hurt…! It’s my fault that I got separated from Gummymon, it’s my fault that Chocomon egg didn’t hatch--”
“It’s not your fault!” he grabbed Wallace by his collar, “You got fooled and kidnapped, we couldn’t do anything to stop it before! Gummymon does not hate you, neither Daisuke-kun nor his friends!”
“We need to leave this place right now, Lightni” V-mon alerted his partner, “I feel something is coming…!”
“W-why are you talking funny?!” Wallace frowned, “That’s not like you…”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about!I don’t speak funny, that’s my way to be!”
“No really, you’re talking very funny, also what’s with that get up…? You wanted to be cool and save me like your beloved prince?” Wallace smirked.
“You idiot I’m not who you think I am!! I’m--”
“Quit babbling and let’s get outta here Lightni!!”
“R-right…! We will come back for you…!” He freed Wallace and ran after V-mon.
They jumped from the corridor’s window, and mysteriously V-mon evolved to a Fladramon with flaming wings sprouting from his back. Wallace watched them vanish in the horizon, as the other guards reached the floor they were on.
Filled with doubts, the boy couldn’t tell what was said by that mysterious knight.
Somehow, he felt that ‘digimon’ was familiar…
“What are you doing, Daisuke?” was all he could think about.
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slutpoppers · 2 months
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Golden Rapidmon and Magnamon.
Digimon 02 Hurricane Touchdown (2000).
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maceemayson · 11 months
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emr7 · 7 months
some doodles
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ashxketchum · 1 year
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To all the Digidestined around the world,
Note: Traditional pride flag colours were used because I didn't want to impose my personal headcanons on anyone, if you have a specific pride flag + digidestined request drop me an ask.
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time-season · 2 years
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‘SKY x friendship’
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maryo274 · 1 year
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Ever the loverboy, huh?
Sorry Willis, Yolei's already taken. She has ..... 2 boyfriends? Well, a boyfriend and a bodyguard. 🤣
Akiyoshi Hongo ©
Art by Maryo274 ©
If you like my art support with a reblog, it is appreciated. And you’re always welcome to comment too.
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digimonarchive · 1 year
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Wallace/Willis and his Digimon partner(s) - Terriermon (and Lopmon as Wendimon/Wendigomon & Cherubimon Vice) picspam
Digimon Adventure 02: Vol. 1: Digimon Hurricane Landing!! / Vol. 2: Transcendent Evolution!! The Golden Digimentals (the two-parter 3rd Digimon movie.)
(The Americanized Digimon The Movie has the Japanese two-parter movie but it was heavily-cut to make it into the 3rd segment. Also, Wallace is changed to Willis.)
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citrus-cactus · 1 year
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It's done!! First fanfic I've written and published in a while. Give it a read right here on AO3!
Title: Rose-Tinted
Fandom: Digimon Adventure 02/Last Evolution Kizuna
Genre/Rating: Friendship, Slice-of-life / Gen (G)
Total Length: ~2800 words
Pairings: None.
Warnings: None.
Summary: Takes place sometime prior to the events of Last Evolution Kizuna. Daisuke finds a new favorite fashion accessory on a trip to New York City. Wallace just doesn’t see the appeal… but maybe some time with Daisuke, Mimi, and the item(s) in question are exactly the kind of thing he needs right now. One-shot.
Hope you enjoy!
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citruscactus-art · 1 year
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The textless version of a illustration I made for one of my own fanfics, in which sunglasses shenanigans (and character development for Wallace??) are had. I put WAY too many hours into this, all in the name of experimentation and playing around with different ClipStudio brushes (gouache in particular)… but all in all, it was a lot of fun to make!
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digitalgate02 · 8 months
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late Pocky Day reupload.
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foreverfandom50-50 · 1 year
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slutpoppers · 2 months
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The Golden Digimentals
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maceemayson · 11 months
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holly-natnicole · 3 months
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Explanations for why I did the Cinnamon Roll Meme this way:
Looks like a cinnamon roll, is actually a cinnamon roll — Agumon, coz he's an adorable little dinosaur more likely to try the diplomatic approach than to jump immediately into fighting; Piyomon, coz she's an adorable pink bird who gives emotional support to her friends; Tachikawa Mimi, coz (especially after her growth as a person) she's a compassionate person; Kamiya "Kari" Hikari, coz she puts others first to the point of getting ill and/or injured solely coz she wants to not be a burden to them; Wallace "Willis" Williams, coz they cares 'bout the safety of random strangers & tries to solve difficult situations alone to avoid putting others in danger; Motomiya Daisuke, coz he refuses to harm his friends and he'll befriend you even if you've done something bad since he knows you genuinely regret what you did; Hida Iori, coz she's a semi-pacifist who despises killing & lying.
Looks like a cinnamon roll, could actually kill you — Kamiya "Tai" Taichi, coz he's an adorable goofball who (usually) doesn't hesitate to jump into danger to save his friends & has no problem killing anyone threatening them (especially if Kari is the friend whose life is under threat since she's his biological fullsister); Takenouchi Sora, coz when she was age 11-12 it was damned clear in canon that she could easily assassinate people if she wanted to & everyone are lucky that she's genuinely nice; Gomamon, coz he's an adorable goofball who nevertheless can (with his friends' help) kill a Champion Level Digimon as a Rookie; Patamon, coz he's 1 of the most adorable Rookie Level Digimon ever yet also a major powerhouse upon digivolving; Ichijouji Ken, coz he literally tried to murder a fellow human when he was the Digimon Kaiser/Digimon Emperor and even after becoming a good person he had no problem with sending a majorly evil Digimon (who was being basically a terrorist) into the Dark Ocean yet he's still a genuinely nice kid; Inoue Miyako, coz she's a nerdy & genuinely nice kid yet doesn't hesitate to smack an Ultimate Level Digimon with a skateboard and (despite initially hesitating) is willing to do whatever it takes to get rid of enemies who've proven they're willing to slaughter innocent people.
Looks like they could kill you, is a cinnamon roll — Gabumon, coz his teeth and horn make him seem the scariest of the 8 original Digimon partners yet he's also the gentlest of them all; Izumi "Izzy" Kōshirō, coz anyone aware of Izzy's badass computer skills would be scared of him (I certainly was as a kid & still am as an adult despite my immense respect for his skills in both childhood & adulthood), but Izzy actually is a good kid; Kido Joe, coz he's the oldest DigiDestined and literally throws himself on Digimon in attempts to protect his friends, so you'd think he's some badass combatant yet actually Joe is the team's medic & a very responsible person; Takaishi "Keru" Takeru, coz he doesn't hesitate to punch the face of anyone intentionally messing with Darkness & sometimes is abrasive when he talks to people (even when they're his loved ones), so (similarly to Joe) it's easy to assume he's a violent person 'til you get to see his soft side; Wormmon, coz he's an insect Digimon that looks far more scary than cute yet he's as gentle as Gabumon; Hawkmon, coz he looks like a typical bird of prey yet in personality is more of a polite & caring older brother instead of a carnivore; Armadimon/Armadillomon, coz he is an armadillo dinosaur who looks scary yet in personality is simply a goofball.
Looks like they could kill you, could actually kill you — Ishida "Mat" Yamato, coz this DigiDestined by far scares me the most (except Ken was scarier during his time as the Digimon Kaiser/Digimon Emperor) due to his explicit willingness to kill his enemies & ('til he grew as a person) attack his friends making his aloofness feel more threatening than make him seem unapproachable; Tentomon, coz he's a giant bug whose digivolved forms are even bigger & scarier bugs and he once destroyed an entire pocket dimension as AtlerKabuterimon/MegaKabuterimon; Palmon, coz she's a plant lizard with poison attacks; Tailmon/Gatomon, coz she's introduced punching the snot out of 6 fellow Champion Digimon much bigger than her & the 2 being each other's fated adventuring platonic partners is the only reason she didn't murder Kari; Lopmon & Terriermon, coz the twins' horns mitigate their adorable appearance into seeming less approachable plus Lopmon spends most of his screentime as Wendimon plus Terriermon gains gun arms whenever she digivolves into her Champion form; Veemon, coz. he's a junvenile wingless dragon who'll headbutt the snot out of you before digivolving into 1 of his bigger forms which have very sharp claws & teeth.
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