#walker farm
spinjitsuburst · 11 months
Walker Farm Day 2
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The forecast calls for rain tomorrow! Jay is pleased by this - he's always felt at home in the rain. Plus he won't have to water his crops! But in the meantime he heads off to water what little parsnips he has
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in order to clear those big logs he'll have to upgrade his ax, so that'll be one of the first priorities once he unlocks the mines and can get copper
he got a letter in the mail from a guy named Willy, asking him to meet him by the beach. upon arriving he's gifted something that will be a key item for Jay on his farm:
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fishing in stardew valley isn't my favorite activity, but living on a beach means adapting to what's there
he heads out to meet more of the townsfolk, continuing to befriend shane and linus
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"how'd you know?" says the guy who has been seen Only Drinking in town
(little does jay know he should not be supplying this man with alcohol)
jay finishes off the day by fishing at 10pm
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a normal person thing to do certainly
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the friendship chart is still pretty barren, but linus and shane are who jay is focused on at the moment. emily seems nice, so he's been talking to her a lot. and in jay fashion, he thinks Haley is hot despite her being mean to him
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sgt-tombstone · 3 months
Dance You Off My Mind
Civilian AU where Soap got broken up with by his long-term boyfriend and his best friend Gaz tells him to come visit in London for a week or two (both as distraction and to make sure that Soap isn't alone). Soap mopes for the first few days, and Gaz understands, but by the fourth day, he's over it and he drags Soap out to the nightclub around the corner to get smashed (hopefully in several ways).
Soap is hesitant at first. He hasn't been dancing in a long time; his boyfriend (ex-boyfriend, he has to remind himself) never enjoyed the club scene, so he had stopped going out. For a while, he sticks to the wall, nursing his drink, watched Gaz on the dance floor. When he finishes his first drink, though, Gaz presses another into his hand, and that's how he finds himself three drinks deep and in the middle of the crowd, whirling like he owns the dance floor, not a care in the world.
Simon is ex-military and picked up a job as a security guard/bouncer at the nearest gay club just to keep himself sane. He has a strict, self-imposed (and possibly club-imposed, he's not really sure but it's never mattered) rule not to even flirt with customers. He's gotten more propositions than he can count in the years he's been here, and he's turned them all down. He might look good (he makes sure to keep himself in shape because it helps to both look like he could throw London's largest bear out and also have the actual strength to back it up), but he's working, and his job is to keep an eye out, to keep everyone safe.
The man with the mohawk, however, has caught Simon's eye several times. He's there with someone, but that hasn't stopped him from giving Simon a once-over so salacious that it should be illegal. He has to stop himself from falling into the man's magnetic allure, crossing his arms over his chest and setting his jaw against the temptation. The pair leave just before the club closes, stumbling against each other as they exit, and Simon tries his best to push them from his mind as he helps clean and close.
When he steps out into the chilled night air, he's shocked to find a mohawk waiting for him, the man leaning against the brick wall nonchalantly, and this time, he doesn't resist the pull. He pulls out a fag and offers one to the other man, exchanging names over twin glowing tips and exhales of smoke. As the other man, Soap (weird fuckin' name, but who is he to judge? He went by Ghost for almost his entire adult life), is obviously less drunk than he had been when he had left the club the first time; either time and cold air have sobered him, or he's a damn good actor. Either way, Simon has absolutely no qualms about tilting his head up to press a soft kiss to his lips, especially when Soap whines and presses impossibly closer, his mouth tasting of smoke and ash instead of liquor. His eyes are bright, clear, and eager when they part, and Simon can't wait to get this beautifully responsive man into his bed.
He ends up putting a ring on his finger, in the end, and all of their friends graciously pretend to be shocked by the news (though Gaz does roll his eyes and mutter "it's about damn time" when he thinks that Soap can't hear him)
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quordleona03 · 1 year
"Janet Wilkerson had a problem. As vice president of human resources for Peterson Farms Inc., she was having trouble filling the overnight shift at her chicken processing plants. The hours were long. The pay was low. And there never seemed to be enough workers."
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"It was a slave camp."
“We felt like nobody had ever listened to us,” said one of the plaintiffs, Lucas Miller-Allen, when reached by phone today. “When all of our drug courts send us there, it’s like you don’t exist. It feels like you’re forgotten, like you’re thrown away. Like slavery. You’re dreading waking up each day, working for free, for nothing.”
But Janet Wilkerson was having trouble filling work shifts at her chicken processing planet, and she doesn't now. Judges in Oklahoma are still sending her men to work for free. The "rehab program" keeps their wages and workers-comp for injuries on the job.
The above stories are from 2017. OPINION AND ORDER by Judge Terence Kern ; dismissing/terminating case ; granting (Document 131) Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma / Copeland eta v. C.A.A.I.R et al
This is from 2022:
CAAIR, as it is commonly known, began more than a decade ago sending residents to work at Simmons Foods Inc., a processing giant that Walker touts as a principal partner and supplier to his distributorship, Renaissance Man Food Services. State judges assigned convicted offenders to CAAIR, giving them a choice between the residential program and its requirements or serving time in conventional jails or prisons. Simmons would then contract with CAAIR for labor at its plants; CAAIR program participants were not paid.
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Herschel Walker, who was Donald Trump's preferred Republican candidate for the 2022 US Senate election in Georgia, appears to be one of those "Christian businessmen" who profits from the free labor provided by CAAIR.
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thedaily-beer · 5 months
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MadeWest + Firestone Walker Short-Lived Series IPA (Picked up at Windmill Farms). A 3 of 4. Tropical and stone fruit hop notes dominate the nose, and the body is a bit thin and lighter given this is a cold IPA. Nice bright hop nose and an easy-drinking beer that finishes clean.
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neechees · 1 year
On that note, that also makes me think of, comparatively, the Walking Dead how a lot of twd fans will say that the group was "better with Shane" or that the group "survived because of Shane", when Shane was constantly ready to abandon or kill other members of the group for his own survival (or exclusively the survival of him, Carl, & Lori). Shane was probably the most selfish character in the group in season 1 & 2 & constantly putting others in danger, but for some reason he's always praised for being the alleged "best" survivalist. Like I think Shane is very obviously set up to be like the asshole, controlling, borderline fash cop type but this completely goes over people's heads.
And controversial take maybe but of you can't creatively find ways for everyone to best survive then I don't think you're a very good survivalist.
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chordsykat · 2 years
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Dethentines Day 4: (prompt list is right here!) Use a Ship that's New to You!
I haven't gotten to do anything with JDajitatokgaar, yet. And that's a shame. So here's everyone's favorite OT5 in one of many potential "good ending" scenarios to Dethkomic... on their farm that they bought together... to make cheese... and... farm.
They're farming, I swear.
Another idea based on notes that were discussed right over here :D
Sorry if I get kicked off of tumblr later. Worth it. J.D. Walker courtesy of @vicekings !
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king-k-ripple · 3 months
You know how Nostalgia Critic likes the intended message of The Lion King but doesn’t like how it’s presented because what happens in the film is somewhat contradictory to the message? I can say the exact same thing about Animal Farm, because, not gonna lie, Snowball kind of botches the intended message of the book/movie.
So the intended message of the Animal Farm is “Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.”, shown by how oppressive Farmer Jones and Napoleon are when they’re in absolute control of the farm, but between Farmer Jones’s and Napoleon’s regimes, Snowball was the one with absolute power and the farm was perfectly fine under his short rule. If absolute power inherently corrupts, Snowball should have ended up exactly like Napoleon, but no. Snowball wasn’t corrupt despite his absolute power. So really the message the book/movie accidentally ends up giving is “With absolute power comes absolute responsibility. Napoleon wasn’t bad because he had absolute power, he was bad because he used his power to replace capitalism with state capitalism instead of real socialism like Snowball.”. I’m sorry, but that’s a huge flaw, and a dangerous one at that, because it’s basically saying that absolutism can work but it just didn’t work this time, almost the same as when a tankie says “Last socialist dictatorship failed, but I promise this socialist dictatorship is sure to succeed.” despite all of us knowing it’s going to fail because it’s going to be under a dictatorship.
Does anyone else see this problem with the message or is it just me?
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Benjamin Oliver Walker (SCP: Containment Breach) - Protagonist of the cult indie hit based on the SCP universe. Once a level 4 researcher, Benjamin studied a phenomena known as the Spiral Gestalt, and for his research was demoted to D-Class. Due to his connection to the Spiral, Benjamin is able to save, load, and reset in-universe, which he uses to survive a containment breach created by SCP-079, only to be either captured by the Foundation and designated an SCP himself, captured by the Chaos Insurgency and interrogated on everything he knows, killed in a nuclear blast, or terminated by Nine-Tailed Fox. Most notable trait: Perfectly willing to drink a cup of actual acid but refuses to swallow someone else's spit when asked.
Andy the Apple (Andy's Apple Farm) - Andy is a simple apple and owner of a farm. One day, Andy loses his keys, and goes on a quest to recover them. After talking to his friends, Andy starts to get visions depicting a gruesome murder. Throughout the game the player is able to piece together that a man by the name of Thomas Eastwood was forced to kill his best friend, Arthur King, only to later succumb to the same entity that forced his hand. Thomas' spirit was trapped in a game he was developing, titled "Andy's Apple Farm." Basically, Thomas is spiritually linked to/possesses Andy, however Andy is completely oblivious of this fact. Most notable trait: I would presume the fact that he is an apple
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In My Heart Is a Christmas Tree Farm
Here’s the ao3 link
Annabeth, Conner, and Travis plan on going home for the holidays, but Annabeth dreads having to face her parents and their opinions on her relationships, work, and just life in general. She intends on getting someone to go with her for the trip to pretend to be her boyfriend so she won’t have to suffer all Christmas vacation listening to her parents complain. That’s when she meets Percy…
-chapter 7
Annabeth wakes up the next morning still wrapped in Percy’s arms. She slowly grabs his arm and gets up. Setting his own arm back on his own body. She grabs her phone to look at the time. It says eight sixteen so she decides to let him sleep a bit longer.
She goes into the bathroom and brushes her teeth and showers. Once she gets done in the bathroom she exits back into the room and sees Percy getting out of bed.
“Morning sleepy head.” She says walking over to her suitcase
“Sleepy head? It’s only eight o’clock.” He says smiling
As he’s walking to the bathroom he grabs her arm and pulls her into a hug.
“You ok?” He says softly as she hugs him back
“Yeah I will be” she says remembering last night. “Thank you. For last night I mean. You really helped” she says looking up at him.
“Do you want to get out of the house this morning? Like get breakfast or something?” He says detaching him self from her.
“Yes please. I don’t think I can deal with any more of Susan’s annoying voice for the rest of my life.” She says laughing
“Okie dokie.” He says walking into the bathroom.
“Should we invite Conner and Travis?” Percy asks as he brushes his teeth.
“Yea I’ll call Conner” she says pulling out her phone.
She tells Conner and Travis to meet them at the diner in thirty minutes.
Annabeth puts on jeans and a black sweater.
Percy and Annabeth head down stairs. Percy grabs Annabeth’s jacket for her and his own then they walk out of the door.
As Percy and Annabeth walk through town it begins to snow again. Annabeth face is read from the cold and her hands are freezing. She puts them into her pockets and starts shivering.
They start walking faster so they can get out of the cold.
Eventually they get to the diner. It was pretty warm and cozy in there but Annabeth was still cold from outside.
As Percy and Annabeth sit down at a booth Percy wraps his own jacket around Annabeth’s shoulders.
She smiles a thanks. They order their drinks and wait for Conner and Travis to come.
They end up getting their drinks just as Conner and Travis come in. They sit down and order their drinks.
“Annabeth remember the last time we came here?” Conner says laughing
“Oh gosh don’t even remind me.” Annabeth says as she remembers.
“Wait what happened?” Percy says interested
“Well Annabeth-“ Conner starts
“Conner! No! It’s embarrassing!” she says laughing
“Annabeth was drinking chocolate milk, and then Lu-“ Conner starts to say again
“Then nothing, Conner. Nothing happened.” Annabeth says suddenly serious.
They sit in an awkward silence for a few seconds until the waiter comes to get their order.
After the waiter walks off, Percy grabs her hand under the table, feeling her anxiety.
Annabeth meets his eye to reassure him that she’s okay then turns her attention to her phone.
She opened Instagram and sees a poster that says “50% off of all items” for a sale at the local mall.
She shows Percy it and says “Wanna go? Maybe we could get some Christmas presents.”
“Sure. As long as you let me buy you something.” He says
“No, you already spent money on your flight over here, and you volunteered to come down here in the first place. Really Percy you’ve done enough.” She says
“Annabeth I didn’t even pay for my flight.” Percy says
“Who did?” She says confused
“My dad.”
“Oh. You never talk about him.” Annabeth realizes.
“There’s not much to talk about. He left before I was born. Only showed up when he wanted to. He turns out to be rich. And to make up for all the years he hasn’t seen me, he gives me money.” Percy says
“That’s terrible Percy. Why didn’t you tell me sooner.” She says suddenly realizing that she’s made this whole trip about her.
“Because you had your own shit going on and I didn’t wanna bother you about it. Plus it’s better with him and me not talking.” He says reassuringly
Annabeth doesn’t know what to say to that so she grabs her drink. Then she remembers that they have an audience.
“What’s been going on Annabeth?” Conner says confused.
“Dad and Susan.” Annabeth says
“Oh, duh.” Conner said
“Anyways me and Percy are going to the mall later if you two wanna come.” She offers
“Well I have a report I have to get done today so it’s a no for me.” Travis says.
“Yeah. And I’ve already done all my Christmas shopping. If I go to the mall I would end up spending too much money on nonsense.” Conner says
Then the waiter appears with their food and they dig in.
Finally they all finish their food and head their separate ways.
“so I figured we could start from left to right sides of the mall.” Annabeth says as they walk into the doors to the mall
“Orrr we could just go with the flow.” Percy says, grabbing her arm and pulling her along to a random store.
They shop around for a while. Running from store to store with arms full of bags, sounds way less fun than it actually is.
Eventually they get hungry and head to the food courts. As they wait in line they talk about what other stores they want to go to.
Halfway through the line Annabeth sees something hanging about her and looks up.
Of course out of all the other Christmas decorations in the whole place, they had to be standing here.
Right above them, was mistletoe.
“Hey look, it’s mistletoe. Percy says looking up too.
Annabeth can feel the heat rise into her face.
Somehow the space seems so much smaller than it was moments ago.
Annabeth knew that she wanted to kiss him. It’s just that she couldn’t. Especially not after what happened last time.
Percy slowly inches towards her. Annabeth looks over his shoulder and sees the line scoot up.
“Oh look it’s almost our turn.” Annabeth says quickly moving up.
She tries avoids Percy’s gaze the rest of the time.
They make it to a small jewelry shop on the corner. Percy pulls her into it and starts looking around. Eventually he stops. Looking over his shoulder she searches for what he’s looking at.
She follows his gaze and sees a beautiful coral pendent necklace.
“Can I see that necklace please?” Percy asks the man working at the shop.
When the man brings the necklace out, Annabeth gets a better look.
“That’s beautiful.” Annabeth says amazed.
“You like it?” Percy asks her
“Obviously someone would have to be blind not to like it.” Annabeth says obviously.
“How much?” Percy asks the man
“$150 if you pay right now.” The man says
“I’ll take it.” Percy says
After Percy pays they walk out of the store.
“Hang on a sec” Percy says setting his bags on a bench.
“Yeah?”Annabeth asks
“Come here.” He’s says
She walks towards him and sees what he has in his hands. It’s the coral necklace.
“Turn around” he says unclasping the necklace.
“Percy no. I thought that was for your mom or something. I refuse to let you spend that much money on me.” She says stubbornly
“Annabeth I insist. It’ll look really good on you. Plus didn’t you say it was beautiful?” He says with a smile.
She opens her mouth to refuse, but then Percy shuts her up. With his mouth.
Annabeth is shocked at what’s happening. They’re kissing. Like actually kissing.
As there mouths move against eachother, all her worries fade away. Eventually he pulls away. But only by a few inches. He’s still close enough for Annabeth to feel his breath.
“That’s what I thought wise girl” he says with a smile. Reaching around her to clasp the necklace behind her neck.
She can feel herself growing red. Then she comes back to her senses and rememebers that they are in a fully public place, she should not be acting like this.
“Whatever” she says to Percy smiling. They pick up their bags and walk to another store.
Eventually they finish their shopping trip and head home. Annabeth makes sure not to mention the kiss at all.
When they get to the house they set all the bags down in their room and unload everything.
Annabeth goes and finds the wrapping paper to wrap the gifts.
Once she comes back into the room Percy has all of his gifts and her gifts unloaded.
They start to wrap stuff. Then about halfway through Percy throws a price of scrap paper at Annabeth. Annabeth
“Hey!” She says throwing the paper back at him.
They throw paper back and forth and it turns into an all out dodgeball match on the floor of their bedroom.
Eventually they settle back down and start wrapping gifts again. Annabeth stomach growls and Percy notices.
“You hungry?” He says.
“Kinda.” She says setting down the gift she was wrapping
“I’ll be right back.” Percy says exiting the room.
Minutes later he enters back in with two cups of hot chocolate, a full plate of chicken nuggets with ketchup. And a tub of ice cream from the freezer.
“Thanks Percy” she says digging in.
They share the food and eventually make their way to the tub of ice cream. they eat so much of it that their stomachs hurt.
“Okay remind me never to eat an entire tub of icecream again.” Annabeth says laying on her back on the floor
“I’ll have to remind myself that first.” Percy says laying beside her
They put up all the wrapping paper and get ready for bed. Once they were both in bed Annabeth turns towards Percy, just like the last two nights. She didn’t know what to say to him so she waits for him to say something.
“Annabeth, why didn’t you want to kiss me under the mistletoe?” He says.
“Oh believe me, I wanted to. I just couldn’t” she says embarrassed
“What do you mean. You couldn’t?” He says confused.
“Um it’s really hard for me to talk about, but I guess I can try.” She says.
Percy nods for her to go on.
“Um a few years ago, when I lived here in town, I was good friends with this guy name Luke.” She says starting out slowly.
“He seemed like a really good guy. Something about him made me want to make him proud of me. I don’t know what it was.” She continues.
“He always seemed more into me than he did to anyone else. But it just wasn’t enough. So one day at this party I was flirting with him. I guess at some point he um-“ she says with her voice breaking. She realizes that she’s tearing up and she shakes her head.
Percy wipes a tear from her face and says “hey it’s ok. If you don’t want to talk about it. I don’t want to push you.” Gently
“No it’s ok. I’m anyways, I guess at some point he slipped something in my drink. Because the next thing I know I was waking up in his bedroom.” She says slowly.
“I don’t remember going to his room or even leaving the party at all. To be honest I barely remember that night at all.” She says shaking her head
“He must have done something to me because the next day he couldn’t even look at me. Every time I tried to talk to him he shut me down.” She meets Percy’s eyes
“I realized too late what he had done and there was nothing I could do.” She says finally. A single tear escaping her eyes.
“Hey it’ll be ok.” Percy says pulling her against him and holding her tight.
Annabeth is so overcome by emotion that she can seem to move. They stay like that for seconds, maybe minutes, maybe hours. But somehow Annabeth falls asleep.
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reeseplayscc · 2 years
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Sims 4 CAS |Summer Liu| Sim Download | BEST BLACK/URBAN SIMS 4 CC | 75 GB CC Folder | FREE CC Folder
Watch: https://youtu.be/rmNYTSuqSWE
Sim download: https://www.patreon.com/posts/summer-liu-78030648
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readingisloving · 8 months
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spinjitsuburst · 11 months
Walker Farm Day 1
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hi gang i'm liveblogging me playing through stardew valley as jay let's go
first off! we hop off the bus as we arrive in the valley to greet Robin :D she kind of reminds Jay of Skylor, just much less into wood and carpentry than noodles
she leads us to the farm, a little shack by the beach that uh
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well. it's seen better days
the mayor has already dropped some seeds off for us and after a goodnight's sleep we can begin the game
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leave it to jay to have bad luck his first day
i spawned jay in a beack farm, as it's a farm type i've never used before and thought it'd be fitting! upon taking a screenshot to see what i'm working with:
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eugh boy... almost no farmland. hmm. definitely going to be relying on other means of making money for the time being
after clearing some of the area and planting the parsnip seeds given to us by the mayor, jay heads into town to meet some of the townsfolk. rumor has it befriending a certain neighbor will grant him some blue chickens, so he heads to the bar to meet him!
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great start
after talking to some more townsfolk, he begins to head home, noticing a tent off in the distance. there's a man living on his own, and growing up in a junkyard he knows what it's like to not have much. he decides to befriend Linus, giving him some spring onion he'd foraged near the south river
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(tip from a Stardew Valley veteran: foraging spring onion is a great way to make some money in the beginning when you don't have much!)
back at his farm, jay has to fend off some monsters with his scythe before he can make it to his house
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because of this he doesn't make it home until 12:30am, and when he does he crashes into bed, absolutely exhausted
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what in ninjago has he gotten himself into
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dawnanddorisqna · 1 year
Some concept evolution of from the Doris Graphic Novel!
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An American Cannabis Story, from Powerhouse Books, brings to the pages a year in the life of Washington State's Puffin Farms, a fully operational agriculture farm dedicated to the planting, growth, and harvest of cannabis.
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thedaily-beer · 10 months
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Beachwood Wonder Walker IPA (Picked up at Windmill Farms). A 4 of 4. Incredibly big and bright hop profile on a light and relatively simple body -- a standard recipe for something quite good. The nose has a somewhat standard West Coast profile with lots of orange and juicy citrus as well as some earthy and pine notes. Tons of complexity in the nose.
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barefootwalkerguy · 2 years
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rooster close up photo - i took this photo today - thanks for viewing!
Can a Rooster teach Humans to walk?
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