#in my heart is a christmas tree farm
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wildflowergirlie · 1 year ago
hahaha you know that funny little thing about authors starting fics planning for them to be a certain amount of chapters, but it turning out that it's not??? it's actually more than they expected?? realest thing ever. I've added two chapters since my original planning :')
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autogynecologist · 1 year ago
Merry Swiftmas! 💚💛💜❤️🩵🖤🩷🩶🤎💙
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xoxo-g0ssipgir1 · 1 year ago
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In My Heart Is a Christmas Tree Farm
Here’s the ao3 link
Annabeth, Conner, and Travis plan on going home for the holidays, but Annabeth dreads having to face her parents and their opinions on her relationships, work, and just life in general. She intends on getting someone to go with her for the trip to pretend to be her boyfriend so she won’t have to suffer all Christmas vacation listening to her parents complain. That’s when she meets Percy…
-chapter 7
Annabeth wakes up the next morning still wrapped in Percy’s arms. She slowly grabs his arm and gets up. Setting his own arm back on his own body. She grabs her phone to look at the time. It says eight sixteen so she decides to let him sleep a bit longer.
She goes into the bathroom and brushes her teeth and showers. Once she gets done in the bathroom she exits back into the room and sees Percy getting out of bed.
“Morning sleepy head.” She says walking over to her suitcase
“Sleepy head? It’s only eight o’clock.” He says smiling
As he’s walking to the bathroom he grabs her arm and pulls her into a hug.
“You ok?” He says softly as she hugs him back
“Yeah I will be” she says remembering last night. “Thank you. For last night I mean. You really helped” she says looking up at him.
“Do you want to get out of the house this morning? Like get breakfast or something?” He says detaching him self from her.
“Yes please. I don’t think I can deal with any more of Susan’s annoying voice for the rest of my life.” She says laughing
“Okie dokie.” He says walking into the bathroom.
“Should we invite Conner and Travis?” Percy asks as he brushes his teeth.
“Yea I’ll call Conner” she says pulling out her phone.
She tells Conner and Travis to meet them at the diner in thirty minutes.
Annabeth puts on jeans and a black sweater.
Percy and Annabeth head down stairs. Percy grabs Annabeth’s jacket for her and his own then they walk out of the door.
As Percy and Annabeth walk through town it begins to snow again. Annabeth face is read from the cold and her hands are freezing. She puts them into her pockets and starts shivering.
They start walking faster so they can get out of the cold.
Eventually they get to the diner. It was pretty warm and cozy in there but Annabeth was still cold from outside.
As Percy and Annabeth sit down at a booth Percy wraps his own jacket around Annabeth’s shoulders.
She smiles a thanks. They order their drinks and wait for Conner and Travis to come.
They end up getting their drinks just as Conner and Travis come in. They sit down and order their drinks.
“Annabeth remember the last time we came here?” Conner says laughing
“Oh gosh don’t even remind me.” Annabeth says as she remembers.
“Wait what happened?” Percy says interested
“Well Annabeth-“ Conner starts
“Conner! No! It’s embarrassing!” she says laughing
“Annabeth was drinking chocolate milk, and then Lu-“ Conner starts to say again
“Then nothing, Conner. Nothing happened.” Annabeth says suddenly serious.
They sit in an awkward silence for a few seconds until the waiter comes to get their order.
After the waiter walks off, Percy grabs her hand under the table, feeling her anxiety.
Annabeth meets his eye to reassure him that she’s okay then turns her attention to her phone.
She opened Instagram and sees a poster that says “50% off of all items” for a sale at the local mall.
She shows Percy it and says “Wanna go? Maybe we could get some Christmas presents.”
“Sure. As long as you let me buy you something.” He says
“No, you already spent money on your flight over here, and you volunteered to come down here in the first place. Really Percy you’ve done enough.” She says
“Annabeth I didn’t even pay for my flight.” Percy says
“Who did?” She says confused
“My dad.”
“Oh. You never talk about him.” Annabeth realizes.
“There’s not much to talk about. He left before I was born. Only showed up when he wanted to. He turns out to be rich. And to make up for all the years he hasn’t seen me, he gives me money.” Percy says
“That’s terrible Percy. Why didn’t you tell me sooner.” She says suddenly realizing that she’s made this whole trip about her.
“Because you had your own shit going on and I didn’t wanna bother you about it. Plus it’s better with him and me not talking.” He says reassuringly
Annabeth doesn’t know what to say to that so she grabs her drink. Then she remembers that they have an audience.
“What’s been going on Annabeth?” Conner says confused.
“Dad and Susan.” Annabeth says
“Oh, duh.” Conner said
“Anyways me and Percy are going to the mall later if you two wanna come.” She offers
“Well I have a report I have to get done today so it’s a no for me.” Travis says.
“Yeah. And I’ve already done all my Christmas shopping. If I go to the mall I would end up spending too much money on nonsense.” Conner says
Then the waiter appears with their food and they dig in.
Finally they all finish their food and head their separate ways.
“so I figured we could start from left to right sides of the mall.” Annabeth says as they walk into the doors to the mall
“Orrr we could just go with the flow.” Percy says, grabbing her arm and pulling her along to a random store.
They shop around for a while. Running from store to store with arms full of bags, sounds way less fun than it actually is.
Eventually they get hungry and head to the food courts. As they wait in line they talk about what other stores they want to go to.
Halfway through the line Annabeth sees something hanging about her and looks up.
Of course out of all the other Christmas decorations in the whole place, they had to be standing here.
Right above them, was mistletoe.
“Hey look, it’s mistletoe. Percy says looking up too.
Annabeth can feel the heat rise into her face.
Somehow the space seems so much smaller than it was moments ago.
Annabeth knew that she wanted to kiss him. It’s just that she couldn’t. Especially not after what happened last time.
Percy slowly inches towards her. Annabeth looks over his shoulder and sees the line scoot up.
“Oh look it’s almost our turn.” Annabeth says quickly moving up.
She tries avoids Percy’s gaze the rest of the time.
They make it to a small jewelry shop on the corner. Percy pulls her into it and starts looking around. Eventually he stops. Looking over his shoulder she searches for what he’s looking at.
She follows his gaze and sees a beautiful coral pendent necklace.
“Can I see that necklace please?” Percy asks the man working at the shop.
When the man brings the necklace out, Annabeth gets a better look.
“That’s beautiful.” Annabeth says amazed.
“You like it?” Percy asks her
“Obviously someone would have to be blind not to like it.” Annabeth says obviously.
“How much?” Percy asks the man
“$150 if you pay right now.” The man says
“I’ll take it.” Percy says
After Percy pays they walk out of the store.
“Hang on a sec” Percy says setting his bags on a bench.
“Yeah?”Annabeth asks
“Come here.” He’s says
She walks towards him and sees what he has in his hands. It’s the coral necklace.
“Turn around” he says unclasping the necklace.
“Percy no. I thought that was for your mom or something. I refuse to let you spend that much money on me.” She says stubbornly
“Annabeth I insist. It’ll look really good on you. Plus didn’t you say it was beautiful?” He says with a smile.
She opens her mouth to refuse, but then Percy shuts her up. With his mouth.
Annabeth is shocked at what’s happening. They’re kissing. Like actually kissing.
As there mouths move against eachother, all her worries fade away. Eventually he pulls away. But only by a few inches. He’s still close enough for Annabeth to feel his breath.
“That’s what I thought wise girl” he says with a smile. Reaching around her to clasp the necklace behind her neck.
She can feel herself growing red. Then she comes back to her senses and rememebers that they are in a fully public place, she should not be acting like this.
“Whatever” she says to Percy smiling. They pick up their bags and walk to another store.
Eventually they finish their shopping trip and head home. Annabeth makes sure not to mention the kiss at all.
When they get to the house they set all the bags down in their room and unload everything.
Annabeth goes and finds the wrapping paper to wrap the gifts.
Once she comes back into the room Percy has all of his gifts and her gifts unloaded.
They start to wrap stuff. Then about halfway through Percy throws a price of scrap paper at Annabeth. Annabeth
“Hey!” She says throwing the paper back at him.
They throw paper back and forth and it turns into an all out dodgeball match on the floor of their bedroom.
Eventually they settle back down and start wrapping gifts again. Annabeth stomach growls and Percy notices.
“You hungry?” He says.
“Kinda.” She says setting down the gift she was wrapping
“I’ll be right back.” Percy says exiting the room.
Minutes later he enters back in with two cups of hot chocolate, a full plate of chicken nuggets with ketchup. And a tub of ice cream from the freezer.
“Thanks Percy” she says digging in.
They share the food and eventually make their way to the tub of ice cream. they eat so much of it that their stomachs hurt.
“Okay remind me never to eat an entire tub of icecream again.” Annabeth says laying on her back on the floor
“I’ll have to remind myself that first.” Percy says laying beside her
They put up all the wrapping paper and get ready for bed. Once they were both in bed Annabeth turns towards Percy, just like the last two nights. She didn’t know what to say to him so she waits for him to say something.
“Annabeth, why didn’t you want to kiss me under the mistletoe?” He says.
“Oh believe me, I wanted to. I just couldn’t” she says embarrassed
“What do you mean. You couldn’t?” He says confused.
“Um it’s really hard for me to talk about, but I guess I can try.” She says.
Percy nods for her to go on.
“Um a few years ago, when I lived here in town, I was good friends with this guy name Luke.” She says starting out slowly.
“He seemed like a really good guy. Something about him made me want to make him proud of me. I don’t know what it was.” She continues.
“He always seemed more into me than he did to anyone else. But it just wasn’t enough. So one day at this party I was flirting with him. I guess at some point he um-“ she says with her voice breaking. She realizes that she’s tearing up and she shakes her head.
Percy wipes a tear from her face and says “hey it’s ok. If you don’t want to talk about it. I don’t want to push you.” Gently
“No it’s ok. I’m anyways, I guess at some point he slipped something in my drink. Because the next thing I know I was waking up in his bedroom.” She says slowly.
“I don’t remember going to his room or even leaving the party at all. To be honest I barely remember that night at all.” She says shaking her head
“He must have done something to me because the next day he couldn’t even look at me. Every time I tried to talk to him he shut me down.” She meets Percy’s eyes
“I realized too late what he had done and there was nothing I could do.” She says finally. A single tear escaping her eyes.
“Hey it’ll be ok.” Percy says pulling her against him and holding her tight.
Annabeth is so overcome by emotion that she can seem to move. They stay like that for seconds, maybe minutes, maybe hours. But somehow Annabeth falls asleep.
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takingontheworldtogether · 1 year ago
hey P! i'm clara and i was your secret santa! 🎄🎀💞 i hope you have a great holiday and i had a wonderful time getting to know you over the month 🥰
hi clara!!! it was so great getting to know you a little bit through your asks—you came up with such good questions! have a nice holiday <3
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angelexlife · 1 year ago
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clarabowmp3 · 3 months ago
Myyyyyyyy winter nights are taken up by static ☹️ stress 😣 and holiday shopping trafficcc 🚗🚙💥 🤬 but I close my eyes 😔….and I’m somewhere else……….😌 just liiiike, magic ✨☺️🎄🎶🛷❄️☃️
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wildflowergirlie · 1 year ago
kind of reminds me of that one jegulus and wolfstar Christmas fic ngl?? I love this it’s so perfect and cute
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christmas season at the wolfstar flat
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jeremiahbrisinger · 1 year ago
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Sometimes, Christmastime is hard. Other times, it's just the best. What kind of Christmas are you having? I sincerely hope, come Christmas day, in your heart will be a Christmas-tree farm.
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wildflowergirlie · 1 year ago
guys. it's done. In My Heart Is A Christmas Tree Farm is officially completed!
so grateful for y'all and the absolute journey this fic has been. it's taught me so much, and while it has been a drain and I'm so glad to get back to my normal writing schedule and have free time again, I wouldn't trade this fic for the world.
this is honestly the first long(ish) fic I've finished, so I'm so glad I got it done, especially by my original goal. again, thank y'all so much fr.
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wildflowergirlie · 1 year ago
regulus talking to james 😭
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taylorswifttournament · 1 year ago
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xoxo-g0ssipgir1 · 1 year ago
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In My Heart is a Christmas Tree Farm
Here’s the ao3 link
Annabeth, Conner, and Travis plan on going home for the holidays, but Annabeth dreads having to face her parents and their opinions on her relationships, work, and just life in general. She intends on getting someone to go with her for the trip to pretend to be her boyfriend so she won’t have to suffer all Christmas vacation listening to her parents complain. That’s when she meets Percy…
-Chapter 3-
Annabeth spent the next morning laying on her couch, drink hot chocolate, and eating sweets. She felt her phone buzz and she grabbed it off of the coffee table. She was surprised at who was calling her
“Hello?” She said
“So when am I picking you up?” Percy asked
“I never said anything about picking me up?” Annabeth said confused.
“Well you invited me to your friends game night, so the least I can do is walk with you.” He says
“Oh, um around 3:45?” She says smiling
“I’ll be there wise girl” he says and hangs up
She then realizes that he doesn’t even know where she lives.
Annabeth: I didn’t even tell you where to pick me up at
Coolest guy ever to exist: well duh but I know what building you live in so I’ll just meet you outside
Annabeth: sounds good
Annabeth: oh and I forgot to tell you, it’s kind of our tradition to wear pjs to these game nights. And tonight’s theme is Christmas pjs so you better show up in something amazing
As Annabeth settled back into the couch she gets another call
“What Conner” she says irritated
“Jeez, love you too Annabae” he says laughing
“Sorry I’m just trying to relax.”
“Okay well you can wait a second.” Conner says
“Okay Conner what’d you need?” She asked
“Who’s this guy that you’re bringing tonight.” Conner asks
“His name is Percy, the one that I asked you about last night.” Annabeth says as she gets up and rinses out her mug
“Okay… how’d you two meet.” He asks
“Well two days ago we bumped into eachother and he spilled coffee down shirt on accident.” Annabeth goes onto explaining yesterdays events
“Awww has Annabae finally found her true love.” He says laughing
“Conner shut the fuck up before I come over to your house and shove your own foot up your ass” Annabeth says
“Whatever Annabae you know you love me.”
“Bye conner” she says and hangs up roller her eyes
Annabeth watches another movie and then start getting ready. She’s wearing a Christmas sweater that says “Where’s my Ho at” with ornaments and slowflakes all over it, and plaid pajama pants with Ugg slippers. As she tends to her hair she checks the time. It’s only 3:14 so she still has plenty of time. As she gets ready she turns on Christmas music.
Once she’s finally ready she grabs her jacket and heads out of the door. As she walks out of the smartens complex she sees Percy. In a Rudolph onesie. And it has lights all over it.
She starts laughing at him as he walks up to her.
“What are you laughing at wise girl.” He says smiling
“You dummy, I love your onesie.” She says still laughing.
As they walk over to pipers house Annabeth explains who everyone In the friend group is.
“So first there’s Piper obviously. She is beautiful, and she has a good sense of humor. She’s a literal queen at putting together these game nights so be prepared to be dazzled.” She says
“I’m very prepared.” Percy says
“Then there’s Jason, her boyfriend. He’s pretty smart but doesn’t have much of a sense of humor and sometimes takes things too seriously. But he’s a really good guy.”
“Then there’s Leo. I don’t even know how to explain Leo. He is basically a little kid in an adult body. He makes way to many jokes and can rarely ever take anything seriously. He also physically can’t sit still so he moves around a lot. You too would definitely get along ”
“Hey!” He says with a smile and lightly pushes her arm
“Then there’s Frank. Frank is a super chill guy. He’s a quiet dude. He looks really scary but is really a bit teddy bear.”
“And then Hazel is Franks girlfriend. She’s really sweet and baked most of the food at the game nights. She’s a really good artist too.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
“And then there Conner… he’s super chill, and he’s funny. But don’t get on his bad side. He’s also kinda protective of me since I’m like his little sister.”
As they approach pipers apartment Annabeth gets exited. She hasn’t seen her friends for weeks now.
“Also I might wanna warn you, they will probably make some stupid jokes. Just ignore them though okay?” Annabeth says
“Okay. You ready?”
“Yep” Annabeth says opening the door.
Leo, Jason, Piper and Conner were already there. Piper was in the kitchen warming up mugs of hot chocolate. Leo, Jason and Conner were all in the living room playing a racing game on Jason’s Xbox.
Piper was wearing a Santa hat, with a red tank top and plaid pants like Annabeth’s.
Jason was wearing a Santa Claus onesie.
Leo, because he was Leo, decided to wear a Santa hat, a shirt that says “Ask about my big tree” with a plastic Christmas lights necklace and pants that had grinch heads all over them.
And Conner had a penguin onesie on.
“Hey guys!” Annabeth says as Piper runs up to give her a hug.
“Annabeth! Finally I havnt seen you in so long.” Piper says
“I know it’s been a busy few weeks.” Annabeth says as she sets down her bag
“And who’s this?” Piper says looking at Percy.
“This is Percy, Percy this is Piper.”
As they shake hands Jason, Leo, and Conner all come into the kitchen.
“You must be Percy, love your onesie man I’ve heard lots about you.” Conner says as he shakes Percy’s hand.
“Conner what are you even talking about I didn’t tell you he was even coming until today.” Annabeth says blushing.
“I know Annabae I’m just playing around.” Conner says
Leo and Jason both introduced themselves to Percy. Fifteen minutes later Frank and Hazel walk in with boxes of cakes cupcakes cookies and more. As they set up the food table Annabeth went into the living room to help pick out the first game.
“Percy, how do you feel about monopoly?” Leo asked with a smirk.
“I don’t think he’s ready to play monopoly with you and Piper yet Leo.” Annabeth says laughing
“Why not wise girl?” Percy asked
“You’ll see” she says grabbing the monopoly box and opening it.
After hours of yelling, cussing, monopoly prices flying everywhere, and Leo jumping across the table at Frank, Hazel and Frank end up leaving.
“Yeah I guess it’s time for us to leave too,” Annabeth says
As her and Percy walk home Annabeth figures that it’s time to ask him.
“Percy?” She says suddenly nervous
“Yes?” He says
“Um so tomorrow Travis Conner and I are leaving to go back home for the holiday, and um-“ she cuts off
“Spit it out wise girl” he says laughing
“Well my parents are always telling me to get a boyfriend and stuff so I was just wondering if you would want to ya know go with us to Colorado and pretend to be my boyfriend.” Annabeth says really fast.
“I could think of some worse things than spending the week with you.” He says smiling.
She looks down blushing.
“I’ll just have to find a ticket tonight. And let my mom know I won’t be here for Christmas.”
“Okay are you sure? I mean I could pay for your ticket if you want.” Annabeth says
“Of course wise girl. And no it’s fine I’ll pay for my own ticket. Like what could be so bad about visiting your parents?” Percy says as they make it to her apartment.
“Oh you don’t even know.” Annabeth says with a small apologetic smile.
As she gets into bed that night she texts Percy.
Annabeth: our flight is at 11:00 am tmr
Coolest guy ever to exist: okay I’m booking a ticket right now
Annabeth: ok are you sure I can’t buy it for you
Coolest guy ever to exist: I’m sure Annabeth. I’ll see you tmr bright and early.
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takingontheworldtogether · 2 months ago
It’s me, hi, your swiftie secret santa! Merry Christmas!! It’s been great talking to you, and I got you some virtual gifts:
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Take your pick.
Also, my favourite iconic Taylor moment (you picked a good one)… maybe when she got zombified for Look What You Made Me Do and was really exulting in that, or similarly when she became The Man.
Don’t be a stranger <3
omg hello!!! i was going to say nice to meet you but i guess it's more like nice to know your url :)
this is so sweet and pretty omg!!!! the best christmas gift a tumblr girl could get :))))) thank you so much
i hope you have a great christmas with the amazing gifts and food you deserve. it was so great getting to know you!!! thank you for bringing a dose of christmas joy to the past few weeks
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nichmeddar · 2 months ago
​lando norris
In my heart is a christmas tree farm
lando norris x reader
author’s note: merry christmas!!
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, and others
hollyandribbontrees We’re open for the season! 🌲❤️
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liked by mclaren, yourusername, and 1.1m others
landonorris grateful for all we achieved this year, looking forward to another championship fight! 🧡🏎️
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mclaren 🧡🧡
yourusername amazing year love!
landonorris see you soon ❤️
oscarpiastri congrats mate
landonorris 💪
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liked by landonorris, hollyandribbontrees, and 542 others
yourusername my favorite season 🎄❤️❄️
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yourbestie can’t wait to visit the farm 🩷
yourusername yesss 🩷
landonorris missing this (and you)
yourusername wrong order babe
landonorris sorry missing you (and this)
yourusername 😘😘
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liked by hollyandribbontrees, yourusername, and 986k others
landonorris back with her ❤️
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user so goals omg
yourusername love you ❤️
landonorris love you more 😘
hollyandribbontrees posted a story
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liked by landonorris, hollyandribbontrees, and 612 others
yourusername all i want for christmas is you ❄️
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yourbestie cutest couple 🩷
landonorris happy to have you 🫶
yourusername love you so much ❤️
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llimerrence · 2 months ago
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funfact: clarke's family is really happy when she starts dating wayne because he manages to bring out parts of her they thought she lost, lowkey. she wears tinsel in her hair, she puts lil sparkley eyeshadow on her eyes, she hums christmas songs around the house. wayne makes her happier, and she feels comfortable enough to be herself more openly, and doesn't feel like she has to put on the hard-as-nails persona 24/7. (although, no other elf would believe it)
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theprestigegirly · 1 year ago
gotten to the point where i write angst while listening to christmas music
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