#waking sands raid
elliewiltarwyn · 11 days
FFXIV Write 2024 | #16: Third-rate
Word Count: 443
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Fifth Astral Moon, 25th Sun, 0 7AE
Lily’s alive. Thank the Twelve, she’s alive.
Yugiri found her under a curiously-small amount of guard while scouting out Halatali in search of Raubahn, and managed to spirit her away ere anyone’s notice fell upon them. I felt myself sinking into the chair when Honoroit burst into the room to inform us that they were on their way to Fortemps Manor - Mia flat out fell to her knees and exhaled the biggest sigh of relief I’ve ever heard.
She arrived propped up by Haurchefant, shivering and unable to stand on her own. Count Edmont promises he’ll call upon Ishgard’s finest chirurgeons to help her, but in the meantime I’m doing my best. She’s in a rough state…to put it lightly. She’s half-emaciated and she struggles to hold on to anything, her muscles too weak to make a firm grasp. From what little she’s been able to speak of, she was chained up within her cell and essentially left to rot, only fed enough gruel to survive…
I already wanted to go ballistic and rampage through the Brass Blades and any other Syndicate cronies who dared stand between me and Lolorito… and seeing what they did to Lily in their captivity has only inflamed that desire.
But they’re at least a clear, tangible target in the real world. The other subject Lily was able to speak of is far more difficult to fight.
“I’m sorry,” she keeps saying, staring at me unblinkingly every time, her eyes large and displaying a window into the sheer torrents of pain she’s in. “I declared that I’d protect you, the same way you’ve protected me all this time…but I couldn’t. I barely even delayed them - I couldn’t save you or Mia or Minfilia or anyone else. In the end, I was the useless one - the hanger-on - the worthless, third-rate Warrior of Light who doesn't even deserve the title.”
I immediately protested, told her in no uncertain terms that she isn’t remotely worthless. That if Mia and I are allegedly so vital to the realm as the Warriors of Light, then she is too. I might have actually grown a little frustrated with her: “I’ve been telling you since the beginning, and I’ll keep telling you as many times as is necessary, you’re worth the effort.”
I’ve always doubted that she believed me whenever I told her such before; I’m just about certain that she doesn’t now. I don’t blame her for it, given what she’s been through—what we’ve all been through—but…gods. None of us deserved this. I think Lily deserved it the least of us all.
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avirael · 8 months
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All Good Things
In high spirits they had returned to Vesper Bay. A’viloh was happily chattering and Rael graciously listened to him. It had immensely helped the Miqo’te’s mood that this time they had been able to resolve the threat at hand without any casualties. Two facts at once that Rael was very grateful for.
But as they approached the Waking Sands, Rael paused. Something felt off. It was a perfectly fine warm day in Western Thanalan and yet all of the sudden a cold shiver ran down the Viera’s spine. Alarmed they scanned the surroundings but everything seemed just as usual. Only a few steps later A’viloh noticed that his companion wasn’t there anymore. Confused he turned around and noticed the weird expression on Rael’s face.
“What’s wrong?”, he asked and followed the Viera’s gaze but couldn’t see what caught their attention.
Rael shook their head. “It’s probably nothing…”
It was an assessment that proved very wrong the second they reached the Waking Sands.
The entry hall was empty. Tataru was nowhere to be seen, which wasn’t such an uncommon thing though. Still something worried Rael and as the two of them took the stairs to the floor below they realised why that was.
It was unusually dark inside. Almost all the lights had burnt out and an eerie silence filled the otherwise always bustling rooms. Even before Rael could conjure up a light source A’viloh gasped and froze beside them. His eyes were naturally better suited to work with little to no light and so he saw first what Rael hadn’t noticed yet. The same moment A‘vi raised a hand to his mouth the small fireball above Rael’s staff flared up and revealed the corridor leading towards Minfilia’s solar in it's whole horror. The tiles were tainted with smears and puddles of blood and lifeless bodies were scattered around on the floor, still lying were they had fallen.
The Miqo’te barely dared to breath and just blinked at the massacre not understanding what he saw and for a moment Rael was just as shocked as he was. Then they quickly made a few steps forward, knelt down beside a Lalafell which A’viloh remembered had usually guarded the entry to their hideout. Helplessly he watched as Rael turned the small body around and checked for a pulse. With a dark expression on their face they looked up to A’vi and shook their head.
“W-What happened here?”, A’viloh asked barely audible and started to shake.
Rael raised a finger to their lips. They shrugged and whispered: “We need to check for survivors. But be careful. Whoever did this could still be here…”
With a small gesture Rael made the fireball above their staff split in multiple smaller ones that flew away to hover along the hallway walls and illuminate their way. Then silently the Viera hurried to the next person on the ground while A’viloh still stood there trying to get ahold of himself. With flattened ears and his tail tugged between his legs he slowly walked down the corridor. Each step more tentative than the one before as if he feared the floor would crumble beneath his feet. His fearful eyes wandered from one body to the next as he slowly stepped past them but couldn’t find any sign of life. It were so many of them…
He took a careful look down both of the adjacent corridors but there was nothing to be seen except more corpses. Reluctantly he fixed his gaze on the double doors leading to Minfilia’s room, slightly ajar, and decided that this was the most important place to check now. He dreaded what he might find there, as he slowly opened one of the doors.
“Rael!”, he yelled forgetting all the caution for a second as he indeed saw a small sign of life. Alarmed the Viera shot up and hurried to his side. “There!”, he said and pointed to one side of the desk, where barely moving lay a tiny sylph on the floor.
“Noraxia!”, he exclaimed, hurried to her side and tried to carefully pick her up. Rael was right behind him, already preparing a healing spell and trying to get a better look at the small sylph A’viloh cradled in his arms. Just as Noraxia tried to speak Rael’s view started to blur. It was the worst time possible but they had long given up trying to suppress or force their visions to their liking because it was simply not possible.
As the vision faded and the here and now came back into focus not much time seemed to have passed. “The imperials??”, A’viloh asked in confusion. Rael looked up and saw he was looking back at them. “You saw the same thing, didn’t you?”, they asked. The Miqo’te nodded weakly. “I think so… but how did they find this place?”
There was no time for Rael to hypothesise about this as the wounded sylph in A’viloh’s arms started to groan. Weakly she stretched out one of her tiny arms and clasped a loose strand of A‘vi‘s red hair. “This one is glad… walking ones are safe…”, she said and her high-pitched voice was quiet and shaky.
“Don’t speak.”, Rael said softly. “I will heal you.”
But Noraxia didn’t listen. “Walking... walking one Minfilia... asked this one to... In case walking ones r-returned... this one was to say... to say... At church in Eastern Thanalan... walking one must claim sanctuary... This one tried... tried to protect walking one Minfilia f-from imperial ones... For... give... this... one… Save...”
She didn’t finish what she had tried to say. Instead her little hand let go of A’viloh’s hair and lifelessly fell down.
“Hang in there, tiny one.”, A‘vi begged, calling her the way he always had when she had used one of her typical descriptions instead of his name. Pleadingly he looked at Rael, who‘s face twitched painfully. “She‘s gone, A‘vi.”
For a while both of them sat there, heads and ears hanging low, silently crying. Then Rael shook themself and ran one of their arms over their face. “We still need to check the rest of the building. Maybe there‘s still someone alive somewhere…”
Rael didn’t manage to sound very convincing but A‘viloh knew they were right and they at least had to try. Weakly he nodded, stood up and put the little sylph down on Minfilia‘s desk. He still couldn’t understand how everything could have gone wrong so fast.
Disheartened they left the solar and decided to split up, one of them taking the corridor to the left, which lead to the private rooms, and the other to the right. Rael found that all of the doors to the bedrooms had been broken open but at least there weren’t as many bodies to be found here. The attack must have happened in the middle of the day. They had been certain this was a fight they could win or they would have attacked at night when most of their victims would have been asleep in their rooms.
Suddenly a terrible scream echoed through the silent hallways. It was clearly A’viloh’s voice! Alarmed Rael whirled around and ran back the way they came and down the other corridor. As they entered the room at its end they saw the Miqo’te throwing himself to his knees beside another lifeless body. “No! Please! No, no, no!”, he wailed as he shook the body of the Miqo’te lying in front of him.
Rael gasped. A‘aba! Rael had completely forgot about him. Quickly they rushed to his other side and reached out for him. But of course it was too late already. The imperials had been thorough in making sure that no one was left alive.
“A‘vi…”, Rael said but then fell silent. What could you say in a situation like this? I’m sorry? It felt so insufficient in the face of so much pain.
A’viloh was still pleading and screaming. This couldn’t be true. Not another one.
In a way this was a new experience for A‘vi. Back when his family had died he had been too young to fully grasp the situation. Sure, he had memories of the events, horrible ones even, but they were fuzzy and so far away. And Laqa? He had just been gone from one moment to the other, without leaving any trace that he ever existed. For a few cruel days A’viloh had even told himself that all of this wasn’t real and that he would show up any day now to save him.
But this? This was undeniable. The cold, bloodstained truth right in front of his eyes. No room for impossible childish dreams and hopes. He had always thought grief would be easier if you still had something left to grief over but now he couldn’t say that he preferred this. It was unbearable to see this so familiar, once so buoyant person, like this. Lifeless and while still just the same as before also strangely unrecognisable.
Defeated A‘vi slumped down and buried his face at his cousin‘s chest. The pleading stopped and gave way to grief-stricken, terrible sobs, that made Rael’s skin crawl. Helplessly the Viera watched and remembered the last time they had spoken to A‘aba.
“Take care of my little cousin.”, he had told Rael half-joking before the two of them had left for Costa del Sol. A’viloh had protested that he could take care of himself perfectly fine and A’aba had laughed heartily and ruffled his neatly braided hair much to A’vi’s dismay. Neither of them would have guessed that this would be the last time they saw each other.
But the reality was now and it was cruel. Rael hadn’t even noticed when they had started to cry again but suddenly they felt the tears on their cheeks. It had hurt to see so many of their comrades killed but seeing A‘vi suffering like this hurt worse. Their comrades couldn’t be helped anymore, but even in A'vi's case this time Rael felt that there was nothing they could say or do to make this better.
“A‘vi…”, Rael repeated, still unsure what to say at all, hesitantly stretching their hands out towards him. “I… I am so sorry…” Carefully Rael touched his shoulders. His head shot up as if he just remembered that the Viera was still there. For a few seconds A‘viloh just stared at them with wide eyes.
Then he threw his arms around the Viera’s body and buried his face at their chest, again sobbing miserably. He clung to Rael so tightly as if he feared they would vanish too if he let go for just a second. Gently Rael wrapped their arms around him, hid their own tear-stained face in his hair and let him cry.
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haunted-xander · 1 year
You ever look at ARR and go wow absolutely none of the Archons were done any justice at all
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charulein · 3 months
Stubborn is too bitter to genuinely try and help the Garleans lmaooooo
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voidsentprinces · 2 months
Reminder: A Realm Reborn wasn't particularly about us. It was about the Eorzean Factions, it was about the Scions of the Seventh Dawn and their interactions with and thwarting Gaius and the XIVth Legion. We were just a useful champion slowly growing to fame but not truly a Warrior of Light until literally the prelude to the Castrum raiding mission.
The Parting of Glass wasn't about us either. It was, once again, about the world. And how it had begun changing after Gaius's fall and the brief period of peace away from Garlemald's Shadow. About Alphinaud beginning his arc of growth with hubris and the creation the Crystal Braves and what it might of looked like IF the Scion's good nature was lent to anyone and everyone. And thus opening itself up to the very corruption Minfilia feared to move away from the Waking Sands and to the Rising Stones in the first place.
Heavensward isn't about us. It is about Alphinaud's continue growth, learning of Ishgard's past and history. Hubris, arrogance and narrow viewing lead Alphinaud to steps of the Foundation, it has lead Estinien astray and made Ysayle believe she is a messiah incarnate. And through the journey, each of them grow as they learn the terrible truth about the Dragonsong War. Estinien in particular has his eyes opened and no longer simply seeks revenge on Nidhogg but to get to the bottom of it all. So no other shepherd's son has to live as he has. Ysayle learns she is a shade and a faux Shiva not truly Hraesvelgr's beloved or even in the same category as her. She learns swallow such delusions and embrace what Saint Shiva stood for in its entirety. Which means leaning to lay the road for peace between Ishgard and the Dragons and opening a path to this by sacrificing herself for those she loved so dearly. Alphinaud learns from all of this and more and is humbled by the duty of a knight, the fervor of a dragoon, the sacrifice of a saint, and the courage of his companions and of Sharlayan's arrogance from Master Matoya. To put others before himself and allow others to support him when he falls.
The Far Edge of Fate isn't about us. It was about how Ishgard carries on after Thordan and the Heavens Ward are shown to be the monsters they are. How the remnants of the church, the knights of Ishgard, and the civilian population react to the realization with rejection. How facing off against Nidhogg possessing Estinien, the Warriors of Darkness, and the machinations of Ilberd force Eorzea and Ishgard to look inward and know truly where they should go from there. To ignore the easier road and take the higher path no matter the strife and hardship it provides them. Because when they reach the otherside they would be better for it. Finding that courage, after five years of procrastinating and hemming and hawing, the Eorzean Alliance finally begin to mobilize to free Ala Mhigo from Garlemald and perhaps take on the Empire itself.
Stormblood isn't about us. It is about Doma and Ala Mhigo fighting for the survival of their people and cultures. Facing the parts of their society that were spurned and used as tools of hatred against their principles. That provided the necessary cracks required for Garlemald to break them down and oppress them in the first place. And how reforging under those values and those long histories of violence can make a new path and come to terms to over throw the tyrants who fed on their weakened states and make a strong unity still.
A Requiem of Heroes wasn't about us, it was about the world facing down the barrel of war with Garlemald. And uncovering its origins, its founding father was an Ascian. How Varis is forced to face down the lie as Elidibus wears the skin of his son and the great grandfather he and other Garleans were taught was a walking god in all but name was a sham and a daemon bent on causing more pain and suffering than mankind ever deserved. How the effigies of hate and pain choose to use their fervor to help their people instead of turning against them once more. How every person can change and be given a second chance. How that second chance is what that person requires or if they are pushed the wrong direction, can caused tragedy to unfold. And lastly, it is about our companions, slowly. One by one. Being dragged to the unknown. The story slowly taking away the players on the stage until finally...
Shadowbringers was about us. It was about how we were instrumental to the world so much that it lost nearly all hope in another timeline. How a group of your fondest friends began and how your comrade's furthest decendents acting on the hope of your legend and stories. To provide a plan of action and lead to happier world. How even when everything seems lost and gone and your purpose seems to turned everything around you into twisted monstrosities. That you can bring the night and wait in comfort for a dawn to bring better days. And the tenacity of your aid providing a world on the brink, the love, the compassion, the understanding, the strength, and the will to stand up to a flood of destruction and spit fate in the eye. Even it costs them everything, they keep fighting until they can see a brighter tomorrow.
Death unto Dawn was about what the tomorrow brings. How it could be another fight but to find what is WORTH fighting for. The memories of those you fight and lived amongst, old studies and things of the past being made to provide the answer to the future, making right wrongs even against those you had wronged unfairly, and to gather together and keep each other safe. You are not alone out here. There are those who will help you along to a brighter future.
Endwalker was about you and yours. About how everyone reacts to an uncertain future in different manners. How some would make ready to flee at the approaching storm, while others would fight, and others might even push you further to the edge. But even when all is lost, call upon the memory of happier times to light the way with hearts aligned shining brilliantly against despair and finding your place amongst those memories.
Growing Light was about us teaching another to hear, feel, and think and experience the world seemingly gone. That everything needn't be give or take. It can be a charitable, warmer place if we make it. It can be kinder and even in the face of unrelenting and undying destruction. Hope will spit out a tooth and stand up once more.
I say all of this because, I've seen people mad that Dawntrail is leaning hard about being about Wuk Lamat and others. To which I say so what if Dawntrail is about Wuk Lamat and Koana? So what if its not about us? We've had four story lines about us. Now we must impart what we've learned to the future as they face similar and sometimes overwhelming odds. To stand tall against the onslaught and make their own choices, their own way to bring a smile to all they hold dear. How family needn't be blood related, they can just be a group who sit down at the table at the end of the day. And speak, laugh, cry, and love. Unto this trail to dawn we shall light way for the future of our world and everything this new dawn brings is worth it.
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mistydeyes · 1 year
hiiiiiii can you please do a reader who is captain of a all woman force like top 3 military ranks and shes young to and she dates gaz ex
When 141 raid las v they get over powered by shadows and laswell knew this would happen so she calls in reader and her team to help 141 are there thinking fight until you drop until they see soldiers in all black military outfits with masks take down shadows no sweat. And then soap comes up like “thanks man who are you” and she’s like “we’re the widows” and uncovers her mask to reveal she’s a woman…….
I always imagined in the cod world an black widow inspired branch
thank you so much for requesting and the kind words! highkey wish they would introduce a group of badass fighter women into the modern warfare universe
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summary: Working behind the scenes is a group of highly trained and focused women. They're only whispers until the 141 is put into a perilous position and require rescuing.
pairing: Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x fem!reader
warnings: swearing, depictions of violence
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"How's that lover boy of yours doing, Angel?" your second-in-command joked. You rolled your eyes as you closed your final page of post-op paperwork. "Probably trying to beat his mates in a push-up contest," you replied, laughing at the thought of Kyle doing anything else. Despite what you thought, Gaz was pinned down in an empty cargo container in the middle of Mexico. While Ghost and Soap provided cover, he was trying to contact Laswell through a majority-busted radio. "Watcher-1, it's Bravo team," he shouted before he heard the broken-up replies from Laswell. Price pulled the radio out of his hands before he took the tiny window of opportunity to respond. "Watcher-1, we need emergency evac," he rapidly said with a hoarse tone, "we need help, Watcher-1." 
Your restful slumber was awoken by a hurried set of knocks on your quarter's door. You hastily jumped out of bed and opened it to reveal a private, standing sheepishly in front of you. "Sorry to wake you ma'am but Chief Station Laswell is online in the conference room and she wants to speak to you," they said hastily and you quickly followed after them, disregarding the current state you were in. An hour later, you, your lieutenant, and sergeants were on a helo to Las Alamas, Mexico. "They say what kind of shit they're in?" Iris, your most junior sergeant, asked over the howling night air and the sound of rotating helicopter blades. "Only that it's Captain Price's men and their last comm came from a storage container," you replied. Your team could tell you were worried and your lieutenant threw an arm around your shoulders. "We'll get them and make sure Sergeant Kyle is safe, Major," she reassured but this did nothing to help the growing pit in your stomach and the pooling sweat in your palms. Why the fuck did you let this happen, Price?
"Evac in 2 hours," the pilot called over the comms and your team dispersed into the rubble of what resembled a base. You used the back of your hand to shield your masked face from the kicked-up sand and dirt. The midnight black balaclavas felt hot against your face but you disregarded the minor discomfort. Countless bodies of the private militia group, the Shadows, littered the ground and you kicked over each body in a fruitless attempt to identify them. "Cargo holds should be 2 clicks to our north," Viper, your lieutenant, directed and you signaled them to follow your lead. You approached cautiously, hiding behind other containers and building rubble as you swept for enemy reinforcements. You looked down to see a cluster of heat signatures heading your way. "Hold on," you directed with a fist in the air, "we got company." The group stopped on your command and you quickly devised a plan, "Iris and Artemis, you take overwatch," you commanded as they began to move in careful sprints, "Cosmo, you and I will move towards the cargo," with that, you dispersed and moved quickly under the guise of dust.
As soon as you neared the rusted metal structure, you could hear a cacophony of shouts followed by the piercing sound of bullets. "Get down, Angel," you could hear your sergeant yell and you thudded to the ground. Amongst the dust, you could see the soldiers fall one by one with your team's sniper rounds filing through them like they were paper. Despite feeling absolute pride in their skill set, you were interrupted by a tight grip on your ankles. You turned to see a Shadow Company member crawling towards you, knife ready to attack. The adrenaline kicked in as you slammed your boot into their face and prepared to go on the offensive. As they were momentarily stunned, you took the opportunity to savagely jump on their back and crudely drag their knife along their neck. "Good night," you whispered before letting them fall to the ground with a thud. You continued to move to your target, gingerly wiping the reddened blood on your pants. Cosmo didn't question your appearance as you entered her vision and resumed the mission. When you reached the outer doors of the container, your other two remaining members had joined.
You knocked in succession, a code Laswell had told you before you departed. After a few moments of anticipation, the door slowly opened to reveal the tired and grimy faces of Price's team. You looked around and lost count of the amount of injuries you noticed and how some of their limbs were turned in unnatural ways. You could feel your chest tighten as you looked to find Kyle amongst the empty shell cartridges. You were comforted when you saw his face peer over the group. You walked over to him and hugged him tightly, savoring the feeling of knowing he was safe in your arms. "Thank you for the rescue," you could hear him whisper before he pulled you back into an embrace. "You know these lads, Garrick?" you could hear someone say. You turned to see the bruised and cut face of Soap as he tried to feign a smile. Before Kyle could respond, you were sure to make yourself and your team known. "We're not men, Sergeant," you said confidently, peeling off your dusty and blood-soaked mask, "we're the widows."
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foamofthe-sea · 1 year
Found some questions rummaging through the xiv tags while I wait for this social event to start so send a number and I'll answer it? Feel free to reblog and do the same.
1. Where were they during the Calamity? 
2. How did they acquire their Echo? 
3. Does their Echo function like it does in the MSQ? Or is there a twist to it? 
4. Do they have a canon mount or minion? What's its name(s)? 
5. Where are they from? What was their childhood like?
6. How did they deal with the massacre on the Waking Sands?  
7. How did they deal with Haurchefant's death? 
8. How did they feel about the liberation of Ala Mhigo? Do they feel it could have been handled differently? Where they at all bothered by how they were involved? 
9. How do they feel about Zenos? 
10. How do they feel about their relationship with Hydaelyn? Midgarsormr?
11. Were they more sympathetic to the dragons, Ishgardians, neither or both? 
12. How has their job affected whatever headcanon version is of the MSQ if any? 
13. Are they close with any of the other Scions? Who do they get along with the best? 
14. Of the Scions, who are they most worried for? 
15. Is your WoL promiscuous? Celibate? Or just waiting for the right person? 
16. What does your WoL do to relax? What sorts of distractions do they seek? Do they foster any bad habits as a result?
17. Who is their favorite Alliance leader? Who do they get along with the best out of them? 
18. Does your WoL fully embrace their role as the WoL or do they try to remain humble? 
19. What do they think of the Heaven's Ward? 
20. Of all the places they've been to, which is their favorite? Do they like to go back there? 
21. Are there any raid storylines (Ivalice, Coil of Bahamut, Werlyt, etc.) you consider to be canon for your WoL? Which ones don't you consider canon? 
22. Do you  have a unique tale for their job class or is it pretty much like what it is in the game?
23. Are there any side quest storylines that you're particularly fond of or think of as being canon to your WoL's experiences? 
24. Does your WoL have any phobias? 
25. Do they have any habits or rituals that they do to soothe themselves? I.e. Playing with their hair, chewing their lip, fidgeting, etc. 
26. Do they suffer any traumas from any of their adventures? How do you foresee this affecting them going forward? 
27. How did the events of Shadowbringers impact them? 
28. Were they suspicious or open to Emet-Selch's presence when he first appeared? 
29. Did your WoL suspect anything was amiss with Urianger or the Crystal Exarch? Did they feel betrayed? Upset? When the truth finally emerged? 
30. What was their highest point in Shadowbringers? Their lowest? What caused it? 
31. What were their first impressions of Hien? 
32. Did they trust Asahi right away? Why or why not? 
33. How did they feel about what happened with Yotsuyu? Did they feel like she was justified in her actions?
34. Would you say your WoL is fundamentally a good person? Or are they a bad person that's been persuaded to do the right things? 
35. How do they feel about the fact that they've killed a lot of people and/or things?
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falling-star-cygnus · 30 days
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...i've gotten four asks about this sorta thing -> which i'm super grateful for!! thank y'all so much for wanting to see more of my writing!!
i've just sort of been putting these specific ones off until i felt i could adequately display it and even now I feel iffy about the characterization, but I really didn't want to seem like i ignoring y'all either :( -> Masterlist
i have some semblance of a plot now, so... i sincerely hope you all enjoy? this might be the push i need to get out of my funk, and i put in the very best effort for all of you!!
"You were a WHAT?"
"Is now really the time to be surprised!?"
The Ethereal- they kinda looked like one the Ballerina Twins actually, if the Ballerina Twins had galactic glitchy orbs for heads and rainbow glowy nervous systems- warbles at them impatiently. Anby's barely keeping them at bay with her sword.
It's practically a toothpick compared to the giant weapon Thanatos was wielding... They raise their shield-
Billy fires.
It doesn't land, of course it doesn't, but the smaller Demara doesn't get bludgeoned either so the android counts it as a win.
Especially when the bullet ricochets off the sign previously behind the larger than necessary Ethereal and back towards him. Billy tilts his head left just in time to miss it, and pivots on his heel when Thanatos shrieks and flails back. Bullseye.
"It's showtime!" he announces, and lines The Girls up somewhere where their jaw would be. Only about six of the bullets- 12 in total, the android was counting- actually hit before they teleport away again.
Billy reloads.
None of them, except the Boss, used the right typing to properly take Thanatos on.. but there was little to be done until they could carve an escape route out.
The Hares' ready their weapons, turning in slow circles as they wait for Thanatos to appear again. Were they gone..? He knew better than to assume they were, of course, but-
"Billy- behind you!" Nekomata points; he whirls around.
And takes a blade to the head.
There's not much to say for this part, aside from pointing out how cliche and underhanded it was to get him from behind like this, but bits and pieces float around to the surface with just enough clarity to be worth mentioning.
The pavement cracking under the android's weight.
Sparks fluttering out of the cleaved out gash.
Thin oil leaking out of his head like a halo.
Billy stands in the inky abyss of his own mind. His memories- his memories of the Hares'- play out before him like a movie: braiding Anby's hair, putting Nicole's into pigtails, napping in the sun with Nekomata on his chest, warmth-
Fighting as a team, Anby helping him up, Nicole calling his name, the restaurant they all went to after successful raids, fighting alone, Being alone in that truck bed, sand clogging up his joints.
The memories fade away, leaving the android with the stilted thought of:
Don't- take them.. from me.
Billy Kid wakes up, and points the nearest weapon- a gun, by the feel of it- at their forehead. The hands reaching for him still, too pale to be anybody from the Sons.
Calloused enough to be Caesar's, though, so they must be some form of blade user. Electric, if the Lichtenburg scars on their finger tips have any weight to them.
The android sits up, ignoring the stab of pain behind his right video processer. He could deal with that later, after figuring out where the actual hell he was. And dealing with whoever it was that moved him.
They're small, surprisingly so, but Lucy and Piper were also small so that didn't exactly mean anything of value. Brilliant white hair, amber eyes, and green and black tech wear.
And a backpack packed with enough thrumming energy to kill the Dead-End Butcher.
Definitely a threat.
Billy Kid doesn't lower the gun, even as he's sure the human's fleshy arms were getting tired of being raised. Or maybe they weren't. He knows their type, he's cut from the same cloth himself.
A weapon.
"Billy, d-"
"How do you know my name," he interrupts, praying to a god he didn't believe in that he wouldn't have to shoot someone so small, "and why are you only using part of it."
He was Billy Kid, the feared enforcer of the outer ring. The only people that occasionally just called him Billy were the other Sons of Calydon. Not strangers.
"We work together," his potential captor calmly says, lowering their hands by their sides, "We're friends. Partners in crime."
"The hell we are."
"We are," they insist.
He doesn't buy it. Billy Kid didn't have friends, he was an android. A weapon and tool for whoever his boss was. Big Sis, the drifters, whoever had him before that.
He cared about them all, more than he should considering what he was made for, but he wasn't built to receive that kind of care in return. Pain spikes behind his processer again, and his free hand instinctively moves to grasp at it.
The stranger jolts forward as the gun dips.
Billy Kid shoots on instinct, even as something like worry[?] coils the wires in his lower torso too tight. There's a click, but in the end nothing but dry fire. And relief[?]
Billy Kid curses at the opening he's provided, and braces himself for the inevitable attack. He doesn't know where the other gun was- because there had to be one, Burnice only ever made things in pairs- and..
Why did he assume Burnice made these...?
Small hands, calloused and scarred, gently- why was he being treated gently- bat his hand away from his video processor. The empty gun is sandwiched between them.
More carefully than he deserves for shooting at them, the stranger inspects something on his face, and the android swings his lanky legs over the side of- it looks like a cot[?] to make it easier for them.
"You took a bad hit to the head," they inform his forehead, only pulling away when Billy Kid starts to get twitchy at the proximity, "an Ionized - Thanatos. It most likely messed with your memory bank."
"Sounds convenient," he scoffs, lowering the gun to his side, "Most likely messed with my memory bank?"
"It definitely did, we were friends," the stranger presses, strangely insistent, "What's the last thing you remember?"
They take off their backpack as the android thinks back on it. Whether to prove they weren't a threat or gain his trust to attack later, he wasn't sure.
What he was sure of was the fact that the harder he thought about it the harder his head pounded. Everything dating up to the past year and six months was just- blank. Corrupted files that spat static and made him want to lie down for a while.
More than that, he felt... lonely, for some reason. Like a big chunk had been carved from his sternum and left to burn in front of him.
"I don't remember you."
And oh. He'd take it right back if it meant that look never crossed their face again.
It's barely there for a second, but it's a look of pure hurt. Hurt that makes something close to guilt roar where his mechanical heart sat. He never wanted this stranger to look at him like that again.
He never wanted anyone to look at him like that, to be honest. Fighting was fun- it was what he was built for- and the thrill was something that almost nothing could replicate- but...
Flashes- memories- of Lucy and Piper flit through his head, images and phantoms of them tucked into his sides on warm days and colder nights. A rough hand carding through his hair.
...being sent.. off?
The door cuts him off with a bang!
"What's taking so long!? Is he ok?"
"Nicole! Anby told us to wait-"
Long pink hair and calculating green eyes bully their way into the room. Something in his programming wants to stand at attention all of a sudden...
The stranger- the white-haired stranger, because now there were three- moves away from the confused android. It looks like they want to say something but apparently thinks better of it and turns towards Billy Kid.
"I don't think I should be the one to say it," they- the thiren said her name was Anby[?]- announce, with all the enthusiasm of a dry rock. Which seems to be her MO, endearingly enough. Endearingly?
The pink haired- Nicole puts her hands on her hips.
"Say what?" she demands, before turning her critical gaze onto the android, "Are you ok or not, Billy?"
Again, shortening my name... Who are these people?
"All systems are operational," he reports anyway, because despite her brash words she sounds worried, "Except my memory banks, apparently."
Anby's nose just barely scrunches at his tone.
"What do you mean your memory banks?" Nicole prompts, gaze flicking between the two.
"He doesn't remember us."
The Cunning Hares freeze. Silence rules the small space they've tucked themselves into- which... kinda looks like a garage? A nice garage compared to whatever you'd find in the Outer Ring.
Much too nice to be anywhere close to the Outer Ring.
"Where did you take me?"
Nobody answers for a good while.
Until the thiren lets slip:
"...it's so weird to hear you talk like that.."
She shudders from her fluffy ears tips to the sleek finishes of her tails. Were they prosthetics? Why were they blue at the at the base-?
What was wrong with the way he talked?
And why didn't she answer his question-
"Not- not in a bad way!" the thiren is hasty to tack on, "you just... you don't sound happy anymore.."
...happy? He wasn't built to sound happy. He wasn't even supposed to talk much outside status reports and communications. Although- sure, the android often broke that somewhat unspoken rule when Piper and Lucy needed a bit more help to drift off at night, or when Burnice needed someone to bounce a new design off of, or if Lighter was talking about something that happened while he was out in shops, or-
...you got the idea. Caesar hadn't explicitly banned him from talking with the other Sons, not by a long shot, he just- didn't want to push it.
The silence surrounding the ragtag four stretches into something distinctly uncomfortable.
"That.. aside," Nicole- who he assumes is the Boss- eventually starts, "We.. ahem. We got your wound patched up just fine, but... we ended up needing some help to get you back here."
Billy Kid tilts his head.
It made sense, of course, he was an android made of reinforced metal. And while he didn't doubt the strength of these people- especially Anby- he had an itching feeling that their strength was.... not particularly rooted in the weight-lifting sense.
So who-?
"Well. This isn't exactly the reunion I was hoping for."
....there was no way.
Caesar, the Big Sis of the Sons of Calydon herself, walks through the- admittedly abused looking door. Billy Kid shoots to his feet.
And severely underestimates the refractory period required following the repair of a head wound. He stumbles.
A sturdy arm catches his middle with ease.
"Easy, Kid," Caesar reprimands, hauling him back to his feet, "There's no reason to do that, I'm not your boss anymore."
Her words are oddly quiet, as if the other three in the room weren't supposed to hear. Big Sis had always been good at that. Quietly being reassuring without being coddling.
That achingly hollow feeling returns.
From behind Caesar's large frame, he can see the Hares' lower their hands slowly. Their faces are oddly stormy..
Anby bullies her way between them.
"Quite the team you've found yourself, by the way," Caesar continues as if she hadn't, "I'd ask you to fill me in, but.."
...right. Her pale eyes lock onto his, and-
She gives him a single nod of approval. Something loosens in his wiring.
"You'll be alright, Kid."
"Of course he will." Anby cuts in, squaring her small shoulders, "Even if we have to remake all the memories he lost, Billy will always be a member of the Cunning Hares."
Billy finally believes it.
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trancylovecraft · 4 months
(AOEX) The Blood Of An Unwilling Covenant
PART 5 OF 8: Azazel
(Yandere Platonic Demon Kings (Ba'al) x Reader)
BARISTA'S NOTE: UHH IMPORTANT. Schedule on posting the next few parts may slow down, mostly cause i posted this series before it was finished because i got impatient sO. BE AWARE THAT THE NEXT FEW PARTS WILL BE POSTED SLOWER. GENDER: Femme FANDOM: Blue Exorcist
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"Come on now ya' slowpoke, Still can't keep up with me?"
[F/N] scoffed as her legs ran so fast they burned, Feet hitting against the smooth-stone floors all so she could catch up to her master. It didn't help that it was so early in the morning, So much so that the skies were still painted a deep navy, Bags anchoring her eyes as she went.
There was no one out at this time, Not many anyways. The tall victorianesque lamps lining the streets glowed like a lighthouse in a Spanish storm, The only beacon standing tall amongst barren desert they were situated in.
She cursed him under her breath, Always making her wake up so dead early in the morning while other days he slept in and she was suppose to deal with it. Though [F/N] wiped the sweat off her brow, The workout was always something interesting in the end.
"..Why can't I sleep in for once? Why the hell do I even need to be here in the first place..?!" They were somewhere in the middle east, [F/N] usually didn't bother to ask any questions and didn't really care. Only once she skittered down beside the man sauntering so lazily down the pathway, Did she dare to let any words spill out.
Lewin didn't stop in his stroll, Only shrugged and looked back at her with that oh-so familiar smile that just radiated smugness.
"Because I'm in charge! You're my apprentice and therefore I get to decide when or if we head off somewhere." Lewin answered. The woollen poncho he had draping off his shoulders whipped in the unforgiving winds.
[F/N] groaned, Snuggling further into the poncho of her own. "Where even is 'somewhere'.. This place is dead-as-shit." [F/N] remarked as she looked around from off the platform pathway they were trailing on. Desert for miles, Flat terrain with no end, What a pain..
However, Lewin didn't answer. Not in the way she wanted him to, Anyways.
"Oh, You'll see." He muttered under his breath and with that his pace picked up, Waltzing away from her. [F/N] groaned as she picked up her pace once more, Legs burning like an inferno as she ran beside the man.
Finally getting back to his side, [F/N] rolled her eyes.
"Whatever, Be cryptic as usual. Did Angel and his feathered-legion track down the next Illuminati base yet? I'm tired of waiting.." [F/N] groaned, Recalling the documents she had stolen only a year ago and the information within them.
Unfortunately the ones she had raided didn't contain as much information as she'd liked. Once she was adopted, Brought to the Vatican in a whole 'nother continent and presented what she had found to the Grigori did she really understand what was contained within.
Not to mention the base that she had found and escaped from! By the time proper back-up had arrived to raid the facility, Everything from top to bottom was cleared away. Lab equipment gone, Documents hoisted away, No one to be found in there.
Demon king or otherwise.
Lewin shrugged.
"Not yet, Apparently he's been making good work but hey, Arthur says a lot of things.." Lewin remarked as they continued down the pathway. [F/N] rolled her eyes. Despite the amount of papers she had stuffed into both her bag and raincoat, The only thing useful the documents had contained was a list of vague locations and names.
Not much, Not worthless but disappointing none the less.
"..Whatever. Let's just get to wherever the hell you're taking me to.." [F/N] grumbled, Near kicking her soles as she muttered about the sand grains inside them. Head down as she looked at the sand infesting the cracks of the pathway, Sand carried by the wind hitting her skin.
Sand, Sand, Sand. Everywhere, What a hell-hole to be trapped in.
"Don't look so grumpy now! We're here because of you, You know!" Lewin chimed in, Only needing the single glance behind him to tell of her mood. [F/N]'s eyes narrowed in on him, Lips pursing together.
"What do you mean 'We're here because of me'?" [F/N] asked as they continued walking down the pathway, Eyes trained on her master as they went.
Lewin shrugged.
"Ah, You're fourteen now, Aren't you? That means it's almost time to enroll you in an exorcist's school." Lewin said which only made [F/N] even more confused.
"Obviously, But what does that have to do with being in the middle of absolute nowhere?" [F/N] asked sarcastically as she kicked a rock off of the platform, Tired frown resting upon her face.
Lewin laughed, Shrugging before tossing his head to the side to look at her through his bangs.
"Isn't it obvious? It's cause you don't have your temptaint yet!" Lewin replied with a smile which only made [F/N] groan and slump her shoulders.
"Oh come on, We've been over this like- A good several hundred times! I don't want a temptaint, I'm not letting any of those disgusting little beasts try to injure me!" [F/N] retorted, A shudder almost going through her spine at the mere suggestion.
[F/N] still didn't have a temptaint, Even after she had been technically adopted by Lewin and introduced to his entire demon-loving library, She still didn't have one.
"You know, One lil' slice of a sylph's tail would be painless! You wouldn't even feel it!" Lewin was often known to remark, Raising a knowing finger as he lazed on the dirty couch of their shared home.
[F/N]'s body however always tensed up at the thought of it. Memories of his guts, His blood and his torn form always reappeared in her mind until she wanted to puke. Often replying with a "No way!" to her master.
It didn't matter, She would become an exorcist with or without a temptaint.
She didn't know how or even if it was possible, But [F/N] would do it anyways.
Lewin sighed, His smirk only retracting an inch.
"Man, After all this time you're still not learning from me." Lewin chided, Though carefree in tone, [F/N] could sense the disappointment hidden underneath. "We're suppose to make friends with demons, Build bonds! Not kill them on sight!"
[F/N] didn't respond, Keeping her head down for the most part as she let his words simmer in her mind. Demons, The word to her had connotations of Disgusting, Foul, Violent, Mindless and rotten.
She despised them, [F/N] hated them with all her being which is why it was so difficult to keep her mouth shut.
"..I told you about why I don't like demons" She said finally, It came out so quietly, Almost as silent as her breath. In her peripherals she could see that Lewin frowned. She looked away, Awkward tension filling the early morning air.
".. You can't see them, [F/N]. Like them or not, but they certainly love you." Lewin said in a near mutter, Eyeing something [F/N] just couldn't see floating around her. It sounded almost envious, No.. Maybe it was enthrallment?
"..Whatever, I hope they all die." [F/N] blurted out and though she couldn't see his gaze, She certainly felt it, And it made [F/N] shrink under him. Disgusting, She could only shiver at the possible demons swarming her.
Whatever effect she had on the creatures around her, She wished she never had it. Even though it was the only thing that kept her alive all these years, [F/N] would've preferred to find her own way out than know that a bunch of disgusting creatures loved her so.
She almost wanted to puke, Wretched things.
But Lewin was different from her, He was in love with the beasts. Every waking moment he spent fawning over the creatures she couldn't see with the passion of a tragic lover, Often forgetting his own needs in favour of tending to theirs.
[F/N] shouldn't of brought up their opposing views on demons, As it was often their only source of conflict. She kept her head down, Eyes hawked on her checkered trainers in effort to think of something else.
She bit her tongue, Count on her to make things weird..
"Well look alive! We've finally arrived!"
It didn't take long for Lewin to pipe up again, [F/N] snapped out of her stupor only by his hand on her shoulder to stop her from moving. Her jaw opened, Looking up towards the architecture in front of her.
"Woah!" [F/N] gawked as she looked up towards the gargantuan door made of riches beyond her imagination, Gold-plated with jewels of azure and carmine lining the arches and dips in the design.
Lewin chuckled as he watched [F/N] stumble back and widen her eyes in sheer surprise, How the hell did a door this big get in the middle of the desert?
"Oh come on now! It's not like you haven't seen anything like this before.." Lewin teased as they stood stagnant within what seemed to be a miniature courtyard, One which the pathway flowed into like a river.
[F/N] snapped her jaw shut, Wiping the sweat off her brow.
"..I-I know, I just didn't expect it is all." She replied as she tried to regain her composure. Looking around, [F/N] could now spot the beginnings of debris and several members of the Vatican wandering around in that all too familiar uniform.
[F/N] gulped, Taking a deep breath.
"Seriously now, Where the hell are we?" [F/N] asked with a slight edge in tone as she observed a group of exorcists move by them with several tools in hand, Greeting Lewin then her as they went.
Lewin took a step forward, Dramatically raising his arms as if to present something to the doorway.
"Welcome to the newest branch of The True Cross Order! Now, It's only in the first stages of construction but in only a short few years will it be brimming with life and demonic activity, Isn't that cool?" Lewin gushed slightly as he looked around at the barren-something in awe.
[F/N] groaned, A slight blush on her face as she shied away from what she considered embarrassing behaviour from him.
"..Okay? So what, It's just a new branch. What's so special about it and why do I need to be here to see it in all of its.. Unconstructed glory." [F/N] trailed off as she examined only the beginnings of walls and flooring start to be done, The doorways being the only fully made thing in the entire place.
She was flicked lightly on the nose by Lewin, Which made her yelp and move to slap her hands over where she was hit.
"That's because we're here to see Azazel." Lewin interrupted.
[F/N] pauses, Only for a moment. Whatever argument she had been planning to retort with died in her throat. That name was one she wasn't unfamiliar with, One that she had heard several times.
Though it came at her so suddenly, So much so that she almost choked on her own saliva.
"..You.. You mean The Demon King of Spirits..? Azazel? That Azazel?" [F/N] repeated, Looking Lewin dead in the eyes as the ones of her own fell dead. Lewin shrugged, All before he started to walk off towards the door.
"Correct, You know any other Azazel's?" Lewin jested in stride.
Though he was stopped in his tracks once an arm lunged out, Hand wrapping around his wrist as he was jerked back to look at the angered yet horrified expression of his apprentice.
"Why the hell are we going to see a demon king of all things?! For fucks sake, I've told you about my encounters with them in the past!" [F/N] exclaimed so loud that it made a few heads turn in their direction, Curious as to the commotion only a few yards away.
From Beelzebub to Iblis she had met each one in-between. It was a miracle she came out alive, Her and her penchant, A horrid yet blessed curse. Now her master wanted to introduce her to another one?
"Exactly, You'll get along fine with the guy as long as you stay in line." Lewin warned and [F/N] understood the threat well. Don't be a little shit to the king of spirits, Got it. [F/N] rolled her eyes however, It'd be difficult.
"The reason I'm introducing you to him is you need some power." He started, Heading towards the doorway. "You can't see demons and since you outright refuse to get a temptaint, We're gonna need to get you some other way of exorcising demons."
[F/N] blinked, A small frown appearing on her face.
"So what, Am I gonna need to get a contract?" She asked, Sweat almost beginning to form at the mere thought of getting that involved with a demon. "If so then I'm out, No way am I gonna be working under one of those.. things."
Lewin shrugged.
"We don't know if he's gonna get you a contract or help you in some other way, Hell, He might not even help you at all!" He explained, Distance between them and the door closing quickly. "But hey! With you and your little penchant, I'm sure he'll find some way to get you sorted."
[F/N] groaned, Vein almost appearing in her temple at her masters antics. She wished he had ran this by with her before, Not just do things on a whim like he usually did. But whatever, [F/N] thought as she lowered her shoulders.
It's not like she would ever change his mind, Though.
Finally they had reached the high mass of the door. Height near piercing the skies as [F/N] stopped in front of it to admire the architecture up close, Even though she knew exactly what dread would be behind it.
"Right then! You ready to enter?" Lewin asked, Hand plunging into the inside of his overflowing poncho to pull out a large set of keys. Flicking through until he presented a rather eccentric looking key, One that just happened to match the design of the door.
[F/N] sighed, Pinching her temples.
"Sure, Why not. It's not like I can say no, Right?" [F/N] remarked as she watched Lewin laugh with a single shake of his head.
"Nope! Now come on, Ain't letting you get out of this one." He teased as he flaunted the key in the air, Shine almost rolling off the gold material as he lowered then skewered it into the keyhole.
[F/N] stumbled back to give him some space, Watching as he gripped onto the loop of the key and started to turn.
It sounded like a thousand cogs were turning along with it, Clanking and clashing together like a well-oiled machine. [F/N] could never get over the wonder of magic present, Watching as the key finally went on it's side.
Lewin withdrew the key from the slot with a fair amount of strength, The cogs finally slowing in the machine in favour of the doors silver-plated handles starting to click. [F/N] gulped, Seeing the doors start to push itself open.
Wind already coming from the other side, [F/N] could almost taste the fresh breeze on her tongue.
Lewin didn't hesitate unlike her, Already sauntering forward and gripping his overgrown nails onto the edges of the door to wrench the door open.
It was only once the gust of a hurricane hit [F/N]'s face did she really come back to reality, Fumbling before following after him.
The first thing [F/N] noticed about the other side was the whipping winds.
Not the blinding light of the mid-day sun burning into her retinas, Not the sudden freshness of the air that seemed to revitalize her lungs or piles of sand building up against the sandstone pillars but no-
It was very much the wind that caught her attention.
Before she had entered it was still very much fast, The kind that you would feel in lower valley where the wind ran free, Unrestrained. But here it was like the peaks of a mountaintop, Gushing out like a river in a broken dam, Almost with enough force to blow her down.
Her poncho whipped in the gales, Eyes needing to squint both from the light and the sand that was blown into her eyes from the wind.
"You good?" Lewin called out from over the zephyrs, Almost unable to be heard over the sheer force. [F/N] blinked back, Needing to process his words and wipe the beginnings of sweat off her brow before responding.
"Just fine! Where the hell are we?!" [F/N] yelled out as she looked around, Seeing that they were standing out in the middle of the open in front of the same door they had entered through. It was daytime here, Not the early morning back there.
They had travelled continents, Definetly.
"Come on! We can talk in the shelter, I ain't yelling out here!" He called back before starting to trudge through the winds, Heading towards the semi-open shelter of the temple-esque platform, Sandstone roof and thick pillars enough to block a good amount of the winds.
[F/N] nodded before following after him. One arm in front of her eyes to keep out the sand while her head was kept down, She navigated her way under the shelter of the old roof, Following the coat-tails of Lewin's poncho.
Once the gales died down, Blocked by the barricades of the sandstone pillars was when she let out a sigh of relief. Back hitting one of them, She leaned up against the pillar for support before finally looking around, Unobstructed.
It was not unlike the environment on the other side of the door. The sand still present and piling up against both the door and the bulky frame it was slotted in. But it had it's stark differences too, Welcome one's at that.
It was lush, Unlike the unrelenting forever of sand that was on the other side of the environment. Palm trees grown tall and sprouting up to the skies, Though near ripped out the ground by the wind.
Ferns and flora all flourished here, Beautiful emerald leaves. It was also much more constructed here, The pillars carved into blocky yet intricate shapes which were raised to support the arched rooves.
Also the several buildings and branch pathways of the main passage, Windmills and huts all made with old architecture. [F/N] couldn't help but stop to admire her surroundings, Fawning at the carvings of the sandstone.
"Here's where the old man lies." Lewin said, Which made [F/N] finally stop admiring the architecture to see him standing strong in the middle of the passage. [F/N] quirked a brow as she pushed herself up from the pillar.
"Lies? Old man? You familiar with him?" [F/N] asks as she wiped the respiration dampening her forehead. Damn, It was hot here. The sun not only being blinding but scorching to top it, [F/N] groaned.
Lewin hummed, Though [F/N] couldn't see his gaze from behind his hair, She could certainly feel
"..You could say that, Yeah." He responded though simple, Alluded to something [F/N] couldn't figure out which made her raise a brow.
"Ah, It doesn't matter! Come on, I need to go greet the watchman." Lewin called out before she could question him any further. [F/N] only watched for a second, Asking herself his ties to this place before shaking it off and following him.
Catching up to him and heeling at his side, [F/N] marched forward alongside Lewin as they made their way throughout the lined passage.
"Lightning, Welcome back.."
It wasn't long before a third presence joined them. A weathered yet not frail voice calling out from somewhere down the platform, [F/N] had to careen her neck up just to get a good look at the man.
"Hey, How's he doing?"
He sat lounging upon what looked to be a park bench, An old man with an experienced face and thin greyed hair. [F/N] blinked, Not noticing him before even though he was only a few metres from where she was.
He turned towards them, Eyeing both Lewin and her respectively with aged eyes and wrinkles crinkling around them. Though he was hunched over, His back almost straightened out once his vision landed on her.
"He's been expecting you both for a while now, I can sense it.. I'd say it's best not to keep him waiting and let the girl go talk to him.." The man said, His eyes not taking off of [F/N] for a second.
"Expecting us? Really.." Lewin drawled as he took in the mans words, Glancing back from the man to [F/N] all the way to the distant end of the passage.
Her, On the other hand, Finally took in his words.
"-I'm sorry, He's been expecting me?" [F/N] gawked, Eyebrows knitting together as she took a step forward. "What, Is this like.. Normal or..?"
"Just get a move on, I do not mean to be rude but as he's been waiting for a while.. I sense that he'd wish to speak to you right away." The man cut in, Finally going back to relaxing on the park bench as he turned away from them. The conversation most certainly being over.
It didn't stop [F/N] from staring, Mostly in disbelief with a bit of nervousness to chase it. The King of Spirits, Third in power of the Ba'al, He's been expecting her? She hadn't recalled meeting him before, So how he did he know about her?
Was he already affected by her penchant?
"How the hell does he already know about me? Did you tell him or did someone else..?" It was only until they were already on the pathway down to his abode did she finally ask about him to her master.
Lewin kept up his stride, Seemingly in thought as they made their way out of the shelter back into the wind-filled conditions. He barely even looked at her as he spoke, Slight frown upon his face.
"Azazel has his own way of knowing these things, From his kin and such. But that's not exactly what concerns me right now." Lewin responded as they continued to trudge forward through the gales.
"Why? What's wrong?" [F/N] asked.
"..The fact that the watchman can sense some kind of sentience is concerning." Lewin responded, Frown sharpening on his face. "And the fact that he wants to talk to you? Even more so."
[F/N] copied her masters frown. Though unfamiliar with the demon she'd be dealing with she certainly knew when Lewin, Lover and Scholar of demons had a frown on his face when dealing with them, Was a time to be worried.
He marched forward, Stride in step.
"Centuries ago when plagues, Fires and floods still wrecked the land. The Emperors, The Sol, Took pity on human beings who were helpless against the demons at the time, The ones that were causing all this disaster." Lewin started, And [F/N] listened intently.
"Azazel sympathised with both the Sol and humanity so they taught us how to combat them after their last incarnation, That was how the order was formed in the first place, Demons giving power to humans."
[F/N] bit her tongue, Swallowing down her disgust at the prospect of it. Though she was aware of the vague start of the order from the books she had read back at their home, She still felt distaste about the subject.
However right now wasn't the time to argue as she continued to listen on.
"Azazel and The Sol didn't take any more vessels afterwards, Preferring to return to nature. Their original bodies began to crystallise, Becoming enshrined at this very sanctuary.." Lewin continued.
Finally they had reached the end of the passageway and their last stop became finally became clear, If not for the sun glaring in her eyes.
Windmills surrounded the perimeter spinning like a top in the unrelenting rage of the winds, Planted amongst the heavy sand that almost seemed to swallow both them and abandoned bits of old buildings into their mass.
The flora grew more abundant here too, Surrounding the shire of what seemed to be a mixture of stone and lechatelierite spinning and swirling upwards into a solid yet mismatched spire.
[F/N] gawked at it, Thinking it nothing but a monument before she had spied the carefully carved stairway up the construct.
"..The fact that the watchman said that he wanted to speak to you specifically is.. Strange. As the last time he was ever been able to speak was when I was young, Only a child.." Lewin muttered and it almost got lost in the wind, [F/N] gazed back at him, Curious to know more.
Though his frown quickly turned upwards, Giddy smile he usually wore reappearing on his face.
"Interesting! He must have some form of communicating with you if he realllly wants to talk with ya'!" Lewin chirped, More upbeat than he was before as he turned to look at her. [F/N] narrowed her eyes but didn't question him further.
"Okay then, So do I just go up there and.. Talk with some crystal? Is that all?" [F/N] laughed, A smile of her own spreading across her face as she shuffled back further into the woollen poncho of her own.
Lewin tilted his head, Looking down at her.
"Oh, Don't tell me your nervous-"
"What? No!" [F/N] exclaimed just a little louder than she had wanted it to be. Instantly snapping her mouth shut, She jerked her head over to look at the spire in favour of looking at what mocking face she could only imagine Lewin making.
Though against what she was expecting, Lewin only nodded.
"..If you want me to come up with you, I don't mind." He responded with a tone much more kind than what [F/N] was expecting. She blushed, Entirely in embarrassment. Though she appreciated the gesture, This was basically the equivalent of needing to be walked to school.
That wasn't something a brave person would do, That was something a scared little girl would do. And she was brave, She needed to be brave.
"..No. Thanks but I think I should do this myself." [F/N] responded with a finality in her voice, Face steeling as she eyed the spire with a newfound determination. Lewin nodded, Turning back towards the spire as well.
"..But, I'd like it if you waited for me." [F/N] mumbled, Not looking at him. "If that's okay."
Lewin grinned.
"'Course, Always planning on it." He replied "Be careful now! I don't know what I'll tell the social worker if you get hurt!" He said finally as [F/N] turned away from him, Trudging through the wind and the piles of sand until she got to the ledge.
She slid down, One foot in front of another as she skittered and stumbled down onto the lower section, Sand bursting up in her stride as she finally stabilised herself on the floor.
Looking up towards the spire, Fire in her eyes.
[F/N] planted the last sole of her shoe down onto the carved-out crystalline structure, Her body drenched head to toe in sweat. Wiping her brow she heaved her head up to look at the end above, Finally reaching the top.
She cursed the scalding of the sun, The boiling temperature of the sanctuary around her slowing her trek upwards. But she had finally gotten here, To the top, That meant she could finally keel over and rest upon the hard material below her.
And that's what she did, Bending her knees she flopped onto her backside, Lungs burning as she hunched over to get a good look at her shoes. [F/N] didn't think it would be that labouring.
But by the way her clothing was drenched in sweat (She had taken off her poncho and tied it around her waist long ago) and the way she felt much more parched than usual, She had been proven wrong.
Glancing up, [F/N] looked out upon the vastness of her surroundings. She was up so high, Wind more chilled up here as it brushed at her face, Near cooling her down in the summer heat.
Looking down at all the windmills, Huts and houses lain about the lush oasis they were contained in all looked likes ants from a mountain now. She took a moment to admire it, But she didn't have much more to spare.
"Let's do this.." [F/N] breathed, Though her throat was suffering a drought and her body was wrecked by a flood, [F/N] knew she could. Pushing herself up from the crystalline concrete, She got to her knees with a groan and a pant to brush herself off.
The air was enough to do so, Drying her dampened skin before she turned to look at the precipice of the spire. Head turning to see the heart, Where the crystals met and joined together in tornado-like union where the king of spirits lay enshrined.
[F/N] took a step forwards towards it, Walls made of the same material wrapping around the hearth in ribbons. [F/N] was unable to see what was inside, What could've possibly became of the demon king.
She held her breath as the ribbon-like walls began to unravel, Ever so slightly as she got closer.
And it was let go in the wind as soon as he became revealed.
Him, Azazel, His body or what was left of it looked like it was melting or morphing into where the crystalline became like glistening quartzal sand. What was left of him was nothing but a statue, Frozen over.
But what was made out, Carved and becoming one with the crystal looked to be an old man. One hunched over and laying against a particular bump-like rock in the crystal, Hand propping him up as he looked somewhere from behind his hair.
He resembled one of those druids, The ones you'd see in a high fantasy film series. Long bushy beard and overgrown waterfall of hair that fell so long that it morphed along with it's lower torso into the sand.
[F/N] would've joked about him being a headmaster for a wizard school, Or asked him if he was Azazel the grey or Azazel the white if not for the circumstances. No, Instead she just kept her mouth straight shut, Eyes wide and looked at him as if he would start moving.
But he never did, He just laid there in his current position. Hand propping him up as he stared off into the vast view below him. Held so high both in status and atmosphere, [F/N] could only take a few more steps towards him.
"..Hello?" She called out, Voice echoing back the hesitance in it as she circled him like a viper ready to lunge. Though he was immobile, [F/N] never treated him that way, Not for a second. He was still a demon, Still the kind that could turn her into a splatter of organs in an instant.
He never reacted to her call so she moved forward ever so closer, So much so that she was now within the grips of the ribbon-like walls and only a metre or two away from him. [F/N] bit her lip, Taking what seemed to be a big risk in her mind.
[F/N] took a few more steps forward before lowering herself onto her knees, Crouching down with only a little effort on the uneven ground.
She gulped, Not quite sure of what to do now. She should've asked Lewin what she should say or questioned if there was some kind of ritual she needed to do.
Talk to him, He said. But how the hell was she suppose to talk with an inanimate statue?
"So.. King of Spirits, Azazel." [F/N] said, Lowering herself into the most respectful bow she could muster while feeling so stupid. "I apologise for bothering you, Your um.. Your highness.."
It felt disgusting to try and be so respectful to a killer, Even though this one was most likely the cleanest of the bunch. She felt like one of those obsessive fans of Bundy or Dahmer, If that made sense, Like she was still giving her dues to someone who deserves nothing.
But as Lewin warned, It was better not to stir the pot.
"..I heard that you wanted to speak to me? I wish to speak to you too, If that is okay, That is.." [F/N] sputtered out as she kept herself down, Head near kissing the cold quartz below her.
[F/N] waited. The sounds of wind and the call of cicada's who dared to venture so high up were the only thing that came, [F/N] listened to them intently, Wondering if they were some sort of code.
Though they never strayed from their unpredicting pathway, No tune or rhythm to be deciphered through the song. [F/N] thinned her lips and furrowed her brows as she stared at the crystalline.
He did not respond, He was just a statue.
"..You know what? I don't think this is going to work." [F/N] breathed out, Raising herself up from her position to stare dead into the covered eyes of the statue. [F/N] dusted herself off from her t-shirt to her jeans, Looking back up to him.
She shook her head, Nose scrunching up.
Screw not stirring the pot, What's the point when it concerns a statue?
"You're just some old stupid statue, I don't know why me or my master listened to the old watchman. Probably going senile." [F/N] scoffed like a child as she recalled his frail elderly frame, Eighties definetly, Prime age for that sort of ailment.
"Whatever, I'm outta here. I'll just tell Lewin that you aren't present. Bye then." [F/N] called out as she swiftly turned around, Untying the poncho flowing around her waist and draping it around her shoulders.
It danced within the high concentration of the wind, Breeze dancing past her as she stormed off towards the carved-out stairway. What a waste of time, Suppose she had just came too late and he had already faded back into nature.
Oh well, She'd find another way to exorcise demons. She was certa-
"..I am aware of why you came to speak with me."
[F/N] stopped in her tracks.
The wind picked up now, If it was a broken dam before it was a tsunami now.
Her eyes widened in it, Despite the way they dried out so quickly in the gales. Turning back towards the statue, The old man still firmly melted into the sparkling silica. Even so her shoulders raised, As if bracing for attack.
"Hello?" She called back towards it. Slightly neurotic looks darting back and forth as if to spot a hidden enemy before stepping towards him, Cautious as she began to eye it like a hawk.
That same voice called out again, But from where? It sounded everywhere yet nowhere at the same time. Both and neither left and right, Both up and down. It sounded out in her mind, Sending shivers running down her spine.
Yet the statue's mouth never moved, So how could it..
"..My name is Azazel, King of Spirits.. Though I suppose you already knew that, As you were probably told.." Azazel called out in every direction, Ringing in her mind. [F/N]'s mouth dried, Fingers itching and feet ready to run off at even the slightest of aggression.
She gulped, Swallowing down her fear.
"I-I'm sorry for my erm.. My uhm- My rudeness to you a few moments ago. I uh, I didn't think you were alive.." [F/N] laughed nervously as her body went rigid, Feet moving no further towards him yet her eyes stayed trained.
"I do not mind, I know that you did not mean it." Azazel replied and [F/N] almost burst with relief. Though she remained vigilant, Her shoulders lowered just the tiniest bit. Her thinned lips almost releasing from their strain.
"Right.." She breathed.
"Come, Sit down.. The watchman was right when he said I wished to talk to you. We have much to discuss.." He invited and [F/N] obliged, Too scared to do anything otherwise.
Striding a few steps forward she lowered herself before plopping back down onto the spot she use to be before, Pulling her knees up to her chest almost protectively.
[F/N] stared at the statue, A silence beginning to become loud in the area. Beads of sweat rolling down her brow were no longer from the heat, Not counting the burning stare that Azazel's far off gaze was providing.
What could he want, Where was his voice coming from? [F/N] didn't know half the answers the entire menagerie of questions rushing through her mind, Biting her tongue in anticipation.
The silence became louder, And long enough so that [F/N] couldn't take it anymore.
"Excuse me but.. How did you know about me? Did someone tell you or do you just know these things or.." [F/N] trailed off, Counting the options on her fingers she ran out of.
"Forgive me, But I've been watching you for a while.. Ever since your encounter with Beelzebub." Azazel explained with a weathered voice. [F/N] gasped slightly, Snapping her fingers.
"So he wasn't an imaginary friend..!" She exclaimed, Her theories finally proven true as a smile washed on her face. All those years ago when he had met her in the forest clearing, The little bug ruled picnic, It was all real!
So real that she ignored the fact that he had been watching her for almost a decade.
Azazel hummed, Almost watching her reaction.
"..No, Neither were the rest of my siblings. The ones that you have met, That is.." Azazel continued and [F/N]'s relief was brought down from her high once those words registered in her mind. She sighed, Remembering the events.
"..Right, What happened with Beelzebub, Amaimon, Egyn, Iblis.. Now you I suppose?" [F/N] near-jested, Recalling all those horrid experiences. The day in the forest, The half-kidnapping of Amaimon and the same with Egyn and Iblis.
"And Astaroth." Azazel corrected. "You have met Astaroth."
[F/N] blinked, That was a new one.
"Seriously..?" [F/N] mumbled, Unsure of when she could've met the king of rot.
"Yes, You meeting with my siblings has caused a stir in Gehenna.. You have been of big discussion, It is also the reason I have been meaning to meet with you today.." Azazel explained.
[F/N] gawked.
"No way!" She exclaimed, Near pushing herself up from the ground. "I understand I have some weird kind of penchant for this thing, But it doesn't go that far, Does it? To reach Gehenna..?!"
The realm of the demons, The mirror dimension. It was pandemonium, The place of all demons. The fact that her, A mere mortal was causing a stir in the world of creatures in folklore was.. Unbelievable!
[F/N] took a moment to compose herself, Lowering back onto her previous position before Azazel spoke again.
"Yes.. It is rather uncanny, I can understand your confusion." He said "Nothing quite like this has ever happened before, So I must confess that I am rather dumbfounded as well. Your 'penchant' or whatever you may call it, It is rather strange.."
[F/N] nodded, Taking it all in. So her situation was one of a kind, That's one question answered of a thousand. The way she affected the creatures she hated so much, There was no explanation of it.
Though as she continued to talk to him, [F/N] found herself becoming less vigilant. Her body relaxing from it's wooden board posture, Her breathing becoming normal instead of the controlled rhythm that plagued her before.
Azazel, A demon king of all things. She was getting comfortable around him, She had became relaxed. [F/N] instantly resettled her face, Raising her shoulders back up on guard. She couldn't get friendly with him, Not with his kind.
[F/N] hummed, Pursing her lips.
"So my penchant then, Do you know how it works? Is.. Is it affecting you right now?" She asked as she continued to look at the statue with steel-cold eyes, Almost as frozen as him.
"No, Unfortunately I do not know how it works exactly.." Azazel admitted, Almost apologetic in tone. "Though for the other question then the answer is yes, I do believe I am affected by it."
[F/N] clenched her fists, The answer of the latter making her go on edge.
"I.. I see. Is this affecting how you are acting now or.."
"..Yes, Most likely. I do not know how or in what ways but it would be remiss to say that it isn't a playing factor. It is also the second reason I wished to meet with you.." Azazel trailed off, Almost hesitancy in his voice.
"I wish to give you a warning, You are in danger, [F/N]." Azazel announced and [F/N] could finally hear the urgency in his tone, Her breath hitching in her throat.
Her knuckles near exploded along with her thundering heart. She was in danger, She was in trouble? Suddenly [F/N] found herself turtling into her poncho for comfort, The Mexican print surrounding her like a blanket, The warmth doing little to soothe her.
Azazel sighed as he seemingly watched her reaction, Despite never moving an inch.
"..My siblings, The ones that have met you have not taken it as a single experience to be done with, [F/N]. They haven't forgotten about you, They remember very well.." Azazel spoke with hesitancy, As if testing her response.
And [F/N] soaked in every word, She could almost feel herself start to melt. Her own heart near stopping in her chest. That couldn't be-! They couldn't remember! Thousands-year old demons being interested in her? Her?!
This was bad, This was really bad. While she was aware of the effect her penchant had, She didn't think it would be this.. Potent. Though her throat parched and her mind racing, [F/N] had no other choice but to speak.
"..W-Why are you telling me this? Like.. Why would you, King of Spirits, Care for whether I am in danger or not? Shouldn't you.. You know, Be on their side with this..?" [F/N] asked finally, A question running through her mind for the entire conversation. A bloodthirsty demon helping her, Why?
He didn't respond right away, The silence coming back into play. The gust of the wind and the squeak of the turning windmills nearby replacing his voice, [F/N] waited on baited breath for his answer.
And he gave it with a sigh.
"Because.. In your own way you human beings are my kin, You are all spirits, All souls. You all are mine to watch over. I am The King of Spirits and it is only right that I take care of my kin as such.." Azazel spoke, Finality in tone.
[F/N] fell quiet, Her body becoming still as his words only just started to weigh on her.
Azazel, He considered humanity his kin? [F/N] lowered her brows, He was nothing like she expected him to be. He wasn't the bloodthirsty demon that he was made out to be, Not the tyrant his royalty suggested.
But no, He was.. Oddly accommodating, Even considering humanity his kin.
Could it be? Was there really a diamond in the rough among the demons?
"I.. I see. Thank you, I guess. But what do you suppose I do about this? If I'm in danger from literally the entire Ba'al then I'd just like a little advice on what to do." [F/N] asked as she frowned, Already dreading the explanation to Lewin.
Azazel took a moment to consider.
"..While I would recommend you to avoid the remaining two you haven't met.. I have a feeling that it'd be inevitable at this point." Azazel explained. "I have no proper advice for you.. Which is why I will give you this gift."
And suddenly, [F/N] felt the most chilling sensation of her life flood through her head.
It was cold, It was mind-numbing as [F/N] yelped and her hands lunged to grip clumps of her hair. She stumbled, Knees almost starting to buckle and fall back as the wind picked up. Floods of air pushing and pulling at her from every angle.
It wasn't painful, It wasn't sore but it was sudden.
As quickly as it began, It was over.
[F/N] gasped for breath, The soles of her trainers finally planting into the lechatelierite concrete and steadying her. A hand wandered to where her rapidly drumming heart should've been, Clutching a handful of her shirt.
Her breathing was just as quick as her heart, Head jerking up to the statue.
"W-What the hell was.." What should've been a yell, An anger filled demand fizzled out into nothing as her eyes landed on something new, Something that wasn't Azazel.
It was a little blue light.
It was a soft baby blue, The colour of the afternoon sky. It was a familiar colour, The kind that she'd spend staring hours looking up at, Lying upwards so she could admire it from the ground she was anchored to.
But now it was floating around her, Multiple actually, An entire hoard of them darted around her head like flies. [F/N] blinked, Watching as they darted side to side, Weaved around her limbs and circled back towards her.
Azazel finally spoke up.
"..What you came for, A way to fight demons without a temptaint. While you are incapable of seeing demons and their forms as well as those possessing human bodies.. You should now be able to see the general energy of them. Right now, Those are coal tars floating around you.."
[F/N] watched them continue to dart around. Azazel, He had given her the power to.. Visually sense demons? As quick as her anger had came, It had fizzled out into nothing but the blue light.
"The only true piece of advice I can offer you is to stay near Lewin.. That boy, Stay by his side. He is your only hope to get out of this.." Azazel spoke, Warning in his tone.
"I see.. Thank you, Sir." [F/N] mumbled as her expression morphed into that of aggression towards the blue lights. Demons they were, Coal tars, She could only imagine their hideous forms compared to the little blue lights.
"I'll be on my way now, Thank you very much for your gift." [F/N] bowed down low, Truly thankful for the gift. Once she raised she turned around, Back facing Azazel while her front faced the stairways.
But before she could take a step forward, He called out to her once more.
"[F/N].. I have one more piece of information I wish to share, Something that might be of importance.." He said. [F/N] turned her head to look at him from the side, Visage turning into a questioning gaze.
"Oh.. Yeah?" [F/N] nodded, Signalling for him to go on.
"..It is about your family, Your biological bloodline. I do believe that I should inform you of your origins.." Azazel continued.
[F/N] finally turned around fully, Front facing Azazel now. Her expression seeming calm yet her hands gripped the hem of her poncho so hard that she felt that her knuckles may pop, A quiver in her lips to follow.
"I.. I don't.." Her voice mimicked their gate, Eyes wide and staring back at the statue. What information could he possibly have about her original family? The ones that gave her up for adoption at birth, What importance could they have.
Did she even want to kn..
"Your father, [F/N]. He is-"
"-I don't care about my biological father" [F/N] interrupted, Steeling her face. "I don't care if he was a member of the Vatican or.. Some other kind of exorcist." [F/N] said, Hands trailing to her poncho.
[F/N] held the fabric of her poncho up to her eyes, Examining the south American origin of the design and the careful weave of the cloth. She remembered how her master, Lewin had got it for her only days after he had taken her in, After he had brought her out on her first mission.
It wasn't much to him, [F/N] knew that. But it meant everything to her. It kept her warm and covered from the extreme weathers, And it matched Lewin's, Whether intentional or not it was the best gift she had.. It was the only gift she had ever had.
And it was her treasure.
"Lewin is my guardian now, He's not the best, Sure. But he's mine, I don't care for whoever my birth dad is or was. But, Thanks anyways.." [F/N] smiled at him, Turning back around and continuing to walk down the stairs.
It didn't matter who her family was before, They didn't matter, They never did to her. Tetsuya was her family, Lewin is her dad. Well, He was more of an older brother that stayed in his room playing COD all day. (COD in this case being several heavy books containing demonology.)
But he was family nonetheless, Her family. She didn't want any names coming in to destroy that.
Azazel could only watch, Unable to move from his position but he doubted he would even if he did have a vessel. Nor did he say anything after that, Watching as she strode down the stairs with a new kick in her step.
What a poor soul, It didn't even know it was doomed.
It didn't take long for [F/N] to navigate her way down to the bottom of the spire, Hopping down onto the scorching sand that could be felt through the rubber of her soles. A smile still present on her face as she turned towards the original pathway.
"Heya! How'd it go?" Lewin called out from above, Watching as she climbed her way up the sand piling up against the sandstone pathway. Lazy grin still on his face as he watched her lug her body over the side and pull herself up.
She smiled back, Sweat dribbling down her face.
"Great, Thanks! He spoke to me, Like, Actually spoke!" [F/N] giggled as she finally got up onto her feet, Almost giddy as she ran over to him, Still standing in the same spot she had left him.
Lewin almost seemed taken aback by this, Nearing forward towards her.
"Oh, No way! He's still able to talk? He spoke to you?!" Lewin gawked as she came to a halt in front of him and as soon as she did, Hands lunged out and wrapped onto her shoulders, Suddenly shoving his face mere inches apart from hers.
"What'd he say?! Did you solve your temptaint issue? Why'd he talk to you of all people? Is he still on humanities side? Is he still a big hunk of crystal?" Lewin ranted off, Questions shooting at her rapid fire unable to keep it in. Forest green eyes peeking through his messy hair, The glint of interest burning bright in them.
It should've been annoying, It always was. But this time, [F/N] couldn't help but smile.
"Honestly would love to tell you but.. I dunno, Feeling a little bit hungry from all that walking you know.." [F/N] trailed off, Sly smile on her face as Lewin finally pulled back and the hands on her shoulders were released.
"Aha! Are you holding information hostage from me now? Wow, I really thought I knew you better." Lewin shook his head, Scratching at the back of his nape with the most dramatic frown he could muster.
[F/N] rolled her eyes.
"..Well the ransom is buying me a Big mac and a large coke back home, Is that too high for you and your six-figure salary?" [F/N] teased as she turned away from him, Beginning to walk along the pathway towards the door.
Lewin laughed, Starting to trail along with her.
"Mmm, Don't know how I'll ever afford your demands. Have a discount or somethin'?" Lewin responded, His lazy smile reappearing on his face before shoving his hands into the pockets of his jacket.
[F/N] turned around, Gawking at him.
"Who asks for a discount in a hostage situation?" She scoffed, Continuing to walk along the sandstone.
Lewin shrugged.
"Me, Obviously." He responded as he continued to follow on with her.
[F/N] continued forward, One step in front of the other. The blue sparks of demons still floated around her, Blips and blinks of sky-coloured glows flickering across her sight. They only bothered her a bit, Mostly due to the mountain of questions Lewin would ask later.
Though she smiled, Snuggling closer into the cloth flooding around her neck. Things were going her way, It was nice, For once in her life she felt like the future would be bright, Like there was a way for her.
A way to find whatever disgusting beast killed Tetsuya.
So she kept going, Heading towards the door.
It was a good feeling, And suddenly, She had hope.
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mjrtaurus · 3 months
I'm going to be rematching Alabasta soon and it got me thinking about how Vivi is so close to rejoining the crew again. Potentially around the same time as the Straw Hats make first contact with Cross Guild.
Which means that Crocodile's long-awaited TalkTm with Luffy is probably going to get interrupted a bunch by Vivi constantly trying to slice him to pieces with her peacock slasher because she hates his guts more than anyone else in the world.
He's honestly confused why him telling her the same thing as Luffy in Impel Down that he doesn't give a shit about Alabasta anymore only makes her angrier. Like, damn girl, it's been two years, you still mad about that hostile takeover? Jokes aside, he knows she's mad but he can't bring himself to care. Though, Luffy cares quite a bit.
He behaves as if the country was just a heist or a raid that went bad for him, and that leaves Vivi FUMING with murderous intent. But no. No, as much as she wants to coat the peacock slicers in armament haki or dunk them in water and take his head off, she is to inherit the kingdom of Alabasta. She will not take the throne as a killer.
Be that as it may, she still slices him up with them and imagines the sand that he bleeds is red. This he can and will tolerate because yeah, he understands she hates his guts, but will not make an attempt at his life.
Luffy gets on his case about it too, but not for Alabasta. It's because he makes Vivi mad when he says snarky things. So, as accommodation, he no longer says the snarky things.
Vivi does, however, have a bit of a wake up call when Cobra is assassinated. Because for some odd reason, Crocodile seems to genuinely be mournful of his loss. It's... an odd way to learn that the ex Warlord had been her father's paramore, but at least she could see he did have a heart somewhere beneath all that sand.
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opencommunion · 1 month
"A Palestinian paramedic based in Gaza has shared horrific details of his detention and torture including threats of rape at the hands of Israeli forces.
Walid Khalili, 36, was arrested after being dispatched to the Tel al-Hawa neighborhood of Gaza City on November 10 to rescue four wounded men, according to a Human Rights Watch (HRW) report on Monday. But when his ambulance reached the location, 20 meters from the Labor Ministry building, he saw the men surrounded by Israeli forces.
'I saw the four men being executed in cold blood,' Khalili said. 'I saw it with my own eyes, I was three meters away. When they were shot, I hid under the ambulance, and next to it there was a building, so then I ran inside the building. The Israeli forces raided the building and started yelling at me to raise my hands.' Soldiers kicked and beat him with their rifle butts, breaking his ribs.
HRW said Khalili’s subsequent ordeal – including deportation from Gaza to detention facilities in Israel, torture, and denial of medical care – was consistent with the abuses in Israeli detention described by seven other healthcare workers who were interviewed. His account is also consistent with reports by other rights groups, the United Nations human rights office, and journalists, the report said.
Khalili said the soldiers forced him to strip naked in public, zip-tied his hands behind his back, blindfolded him, and took him to another location. 'They kept telling me, ‘Say you're Hamas,’' he said.
The father of three recalled the bitter November cold, the report said, when soldiers placed him in an open-back military vehicle, hit him, and drove him to an open area, where he was forced to lie face-down on sandy ground. Soldiers repeatedly shoved his face into the sand with their boots and threatened to kill him, Khalili said.
He was even doused with gasoline, as a soldier threatened to set him on fire, and others drove a military vehicle quickly toward him as if to run him over apparently to terrify him into confessing to being a member of Hamas, said the report. This was a tactic that another former former detainee separately described to HRW.
At the notorious Sde Teiman detention facility, about 30km from Gaza, in southern Israel, Khalili described being held in a large building 'like a warehouse' with chains hanging from the ceiling. He said Israeli soldiers dragged him on the ground, removed the cuffs on his ankles, dressed him in adult diapers, and removed his blindfold.
Dozens of detainees, also in diapers, were suspended from the ceiling, with the chains attached to their square metal handcuffs. Khalili said he was hung up, dressed in a garment and a headband that were attached to wires, and shocked him with electricity.
'The world was spinning around, and I fainted. They hit me with batons. I kept fainting and hallucinating. He kept asking me about the hostages, and moving Hamas hostages, and where I was on October 7. With every question I was electro-shocked to wake me up. He told me confess and we will stop torturing you,' he told HRW.
Khalili said he was given electric shocks every second day in addition to being suspended in stress positions and having cold water thrown on him. At three-day intervals, he was taken from the 'warehouse' for interrogation and before each ordeal, a soldier administered an unknown drug to him in pill form. 'The pill made me feel weird, it was the first time I have felt like this, as if my inner mind was speaking what was in my heart, not me. I felt like I’m flying. I saw hallucinations.'
An Israeli official who spoke fluent Arabic 'told me how many children I have, all their names, my address,' and threatened they would be killed if he did not confess. Khalili shared the abuse and torture of other detainees as well, saying one 'had his leg amputated' apparently as a result of prolonged shackling and exposure to cold.
He saw a detainee in the 'warehouse' experience what he believes was cardiac arrest; a soldier brought in an Israeli medical worker who confirmed the detainee was dead. Israeli forces brought the dead body of another detainee into the warehouse, Khalili said.
After 20 days, he was transferred, in a wheelchair and unable to stand, from Sde Teiman to a detention facility he called 'al-Naqab' prison. He was cuffed and blindfolded and said soldiers threatened him with rape while he was being transported.
The other detainees at al-Naqab were also sick and wounded, he said, and a man who was visibly 'bleeding from his bottom' was brought in and placed next to Khalili. The man told Khalili that before he was placed in detention, 'three soldiers took turns raping him with an M16 (assault rifle). No one else knew, but he told me as a paramedic. He was terrified. His mental health was awful, he started talking to himself.'
After more than 30 days at al-Naqab, Khalili said, he signed release papers at the prosecutors’ office and was given back his Palestinian ID document, but not his phone or cash (the equivalent of US$1,250) taken from him during his arrest in Gaza. Four days later, in late December 2023, he was released without charge at the Kerem Shalom (Karam Abu Salem) crossing. He had weighed 80 kilograms when arrested, and now weighed 60, he said.
The World Health Organization arranged for permission for him to be transferred for care to Egypt in May, but Israeli forces closed the Rafah border crossing on May 7. HRW said Khalili was sheltering in the al-Mawasi area near Khan Yunis, and still awaiting possible transfer to Egypt for medical care, separated from his family who are in northern Gaza.
'I cry every day without my family,' he said. 'I’m alone in the south, I have no one. I swear I don’t need anything but to be with my family.' He has not yet met his youngest son, who was born in Gaza while he was in detention.
HRW said he still loses consciousness and feels 'something in my head like microwaves, a loud sound,' and his hands cramp up. The pain from his broken ribs makes it difficult for him to sleep, and when he sleeps, he has nightmares, the report said."
28 August 24
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elliewiltarwyn · 13 days
FFXIV Write 2024 | #14: Telling
Word Count: 628
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3rd Astral Moon, 15th Sun, 1577 6UE
The city-states of the Eorzean Alliance have all had their particular unique nuisances. But so far, Ishgard is managing to outstrip them all.
We’re still tromping back and forth across the central Coerthas highlands - still trying to find any sort of clue to the location of Cid’s missing airship. The problem is that we are being hamstrung by the most frustrating obstacle possible: noblemen and their politicking. They had been obstinate and off-putting enough when we sought their aid even before the reveal of draconic rosaries stashed within packages trafficked by one of the High Houses; the manner in which the one guard captain had brusquely informed us “your request will, of course, need to be postponed, for it is the duty of every Ishgardian to root out and destroy heretics—all else must wait until this matter is resolved” was… well, if Longhart hadn’t outright stamped on my foot, I likely would have blasted the smug bastard right then and there with a Stone spell (and likely landed us in even deeper trouble, putting us even further from our goal, but come on).
Getting conscripted into defending this frail lordling from these accusations of heresy was also immensely frustrating… if just in the sense of, even when we’re so distracted from our main purpose in these lands, there’s no way I can turn my eyes away when there’s such a blatantly obvious miscarriage of justice happening before them. There was something obscene about the sheer speed with which the inquisitor moved to charge and convict Lord Francel, while simultaneously ensuring that nobody would bother lifting a finger to answer our one simple question. They’re so wrapped up in finding heretics in every lingering shadow that they can’t be arsed to assist a small adventurers’ party with one simple request…
I have many thoughts about what Ishgard regards as heresy and how it levies accusations of such, and none of them are kind—and it is telling how corrupt these structures are if these brazen, careless accusations are enough to nearly murder an innocent man. (And on that note, what the hells kind of justice system is Witchdrop!? Awfully convenient that either outcome leads to the death of those who stand trial atop it. Do they not see how easily a system like that can be leveraged to execute politically inconvenient foes—well. That’s very much the point, isn’t it…)
If naught else, at least Lord Haurchefant, the garrison commander of Camp Dragonhead, was gracious enough for our assistance in saving Lord Francel to grant us hospitality in spare quarters ere we continue our quest. It would turn out that I’d learn some further secrets in those bunks later that night… but if I’m being honest, I don’t fully feel comfortable even writing those revelations in this private journal, as they concern someone else’s past traumas that were evoked by witnessing the farce upon Witchdrop.
However, I still find it necessary to note that, in response, I ended up telling Lily about myself and one of my own past traumas. She’s…the first person I’ve told since joining the Scions that I was born male - a situation I would bet gil on the Holy See finding heretical in some inane fashion. And she reacted in the exact opposite manner from the last person I told; she gave me a great big hug and thanked me for trusting her enough to tell her that.
I didn’t necessarily doubt that Lily would accept me for who I was, but I must admit it’s deeply relieving to actually have that out in the open. Maybe there’s something to the idea of trusting the people around me enough to tell them something like that.
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slocumjoe · 1 year
companions and their comfort foods
Cait; didnt care about food until Sole dragged her out of the Combat Zone. Sturges makes a tarberry cobbler that is to die for. It's lightly crisp, it's sweet, it's juicy; it's incredible. Once they get a reliable source of milk, and then cream, that cobbler is an orgasm in a skillet. It ends up being rather good for her mental health, too, as she starts going berry picking for it and makes friends with the farmers. It's also just a naturally soothing activity. It's hard to think about all your trauma when you're waist-deep in water, plucking berries off a bush.
Curie; Does tea count as food? A delicate Carrot Flower tea keeps her going wherever she is. She takes it with sap or, if lucky enough to forage or buy it, Stingwing honey. The tea itself has a slightly tart finish, almost citrusy. Curie takes it hot or iced, depending on the weather. It was one of the first things she tried after getting her synth body. For a meal, she really enjoys Preston's campfire cooking. Wants to find a working grill for him, Nick, and Danse to bond over. The act of cooking is a time-honored group activity, and goodness knows Preston and Danse neglect their emotional connections.
Danse; The standard Brotherhood rations wouldn't quite apply as 'comfort food', especially not after exile. Danse is utilitarian. he doesn't have a personal relationship with any specific food. But...Nick, despite not being able to drink it himself, makes the best coffee. Even with garbage grounds. A hot, strong cup of coffee in the morning is sometimes the only thing convincing Danse that it's worth waking up. Danse is usually the one cooking; he's gotten good at it over the years. Accidentally betters his relationship with everyone just because he makes decent food. Even Hancock is on his best behavior come breakfast.
Deacon; Cornbread and honey. Cornbread is one of the more common foods, at least in places where they can grind cornmeal. It's messy, it's drier than a desert, and it's pretty bland, but it's just...nice. There was a bar back in University Point that made it, and sitting by the ocean, watching the waves, and munching on some hot, buttery, honeyed cornbread is just such a simple pleasure, how could anyone not savor it? Preston makes the best cornbread now. Has intrusive thoughts of the sexual variety over it. No, Deacon, you don't have to do that to get cornbread. Preston isn't into that anyway, it wouldn't even work. Those pre-war 'films' lied to you, buddy.
Gage; He's a basic bitch. It's steak. Steak and mashed potatoes and a salty gravy. But he's picky. If you want a good steak, you'll want a fresh cut from a Brahmin. But good fucking luck finding Brahman steak. You can't kill the damn things just for the meat, because the milk you get is more valuable. One happy Brahmin can get you a lot of milk, which means a lot of cheese, butter, yogurt. It's a long wait until a cow gets old enough to butcher. Then, the owner might keep the meat to themselves. Gage is a raider, yeah, but he's busy. He can't keep tabs on every cow in the area to see what farm to raid for a fucking steak.
Hancock; Break. Fast. Sand. Wich. Mirelurk egg, grilled cram, cheese, tato...goddamn. God. Damn. One time he put mac and cheese on it instead of Brahmin cheese and it almost turned him religious. Hancock doesn't do sweet breakfast, thinks it's not 'mayoral-y'. He takes his sandwiches to, like, a rooftop, to just eat in silence and savor it. Gets really aggravated if interrupted. Also, guess who makes the best breakfast sandwiches? Danse. Fucking Danse. Life's just not fair, man. Also wants to get the guy a grill; maybe it would, like...help him chill. Give him a different personality.
MacCready; Sugar bombs! Sugar bombs! Sugar bombs! It's basically dog kibble for a twenty-year-old. He'll eat them dry, but he'll pay top cap for some milk. For some concerning reason, despite being 210+ years old, they're never stale. He doesn't care. A bowl of cereal and a comic book, or if Sole lends it, a Pipboy and video game, is an awesome way to start the day. It's a little Saturday ritual he tries to have with Duncan. Afterward, they go dig holes looking for X6's treasure. Gets excited whenever he sees X6 with mud on his boots; knows there's a patch of fresh, disturbed dirt out there somewhere.
Nick; Before, OG Nick loved himself a good lasagna. Currently, Nick gets his fix by helping Preston and Danse cook. Makes coffee the way Danse likes it, with a lot of sugar/honey. The others complain it's too strong and sweet, but the next best thing for Danse's mood would be to sneak chems in it. Obviously, Nick isn't going to do that. And he can't sneak it in Danse's own cup after brewing, because he'll notice, and criticize the waste of resources. A happy Danse is a tolerable Danse. Making Danse happy risks making Danse persnickety because Danse thinks joy and pleasure are selfish. Nick would pull his hair out if he had any.
Preston; Grew up in a Creole family that would sooner nuke the world a second time than give up their family recipes. The current Minutemen make a lot of dishes they've learned from Preston. He's pretty smug about it. His dad's cooking is near and dear to his heart, but his comfort food would be fruit salad. Mutfruit, melon, tarberry, and some canned fruit Sturges nabbed at a store before the raiders cornered them in Concord. It was the first meal he'd had in a while, and it meant they were finally safe. Now it triggers that relief whenever he has it. Makes it when he's anxious. If you notice cans piling up in Preston's trash, please check on him.
Piper; Would have said Takahashi's noodles, but after some time away from them, eating a wider variety of food, she likes them less. They're still good, but they used to be "I am a tired 20 year old who can't cook" good. Now they're just "I remember eating this a lot" good. Her actual comfort food would be s'mores. Piper's mom died when Nat was really little. Afterward, her dad paid for marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers whenever he could, and they'd sit around a campfire and enjoy while her dad told stories. Piper hasn't continued the tradition; it hurts too much, and Nat doesn't remember their parents anyway.
X6-88; didn't understand the concept of comfort food until traveling with these idiots. Still thought himself above it. But then...Piper handed him an innocuous, tiny package. "Gumdrops," she called them. Sour, faintly sweet. Coursers were fed a flavorless nutrient block. She noticed his interest. Snuck him similar things. "If you put this in cola, it explodes!" He tested it. It very much exploded, but the hard candy was still good. Then Deacon got in on the contraband, gave him a box of Dandy-Boy apples. Pre-war snack food was prohibited for its concerning nutritional value. The illegality made it all the more alluring. One thing lead to another, and now X6 has locked safes filled with candy, buried in the woods behind Sanctuary. The local children seek his treasure.
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haunted-xander · 1 year
tbh one of, if not my absolute favorite part about ffxiv, is the small little moments/sections where nothing super big or like. Plot Important happens, but that give both the characters and us, the players, some much appreciated down-time to just. Feel things. And to process what's happened and what's going on or to just. Let us exist, in the moment. In a much more grounded and human way than when there's Big And Important Things happening.
The biggest(imo) and earliest example of this is right after the Waking Sands get raided in ARR, and WoL turns to the church for guidance. The entire section of us helping them gather and bury our fallen comrades, and especially bringing Noraxia home to Little Solace so she can be laid to rest in her homeland, by her own people and in their own cultural ways, was so so important to me.
Because it wasn't just replacable allies cast aside for shock value anymore, it was real. These deaths were real and meant something. I got to actually process what just happened, and I got to watch Banana go through it right with me. And not only did it make it feel real, it also gave me a sense of closure. These people, these friends, are dead, but they also got to be treated with the respect they deserve and laid to rest properly.
And that, more than anything else, made me want to save the world. It's grounded and grounding. This world, and these people, meant something to me, the player.
And there's tons of stuff like that throughout the game, especially in shadowbringers and endwalker.
In shb we have, for example, Lyna venting her anger and frustration after the sin eater attack in Lakeland. She's on her knees yelling on the verge of tears while punching the ground, so furious at her helplessness and powerlessness, at everyone having come so far yet set back because some megalomaniacal tyrant deemed it so.
In ew we have Urianger being approached by Moenbryda's parents, who confront him about not confiding in them about his grief. When Bloewyda starts to scold him, he of course reacts guiltily, believing they blame him, only for him to be completely caught off guard when she instead goes in to hug him, telling him he should have let them grieve with him. And he just. Breaks down. He's been holding these feelings, this grief inside him all this time, and now that he is not only told it's okay to let it out, but by her very own parents at that, he just can't keep it in anymore. He cries for Moenbryda, right then and there, being held lovingly by her family.
And the thing is, these scenes aren't necessary, strictly speaking. The plot at large could go on without them, the events that happen around them are not changed by these moments in any way.
But still, they are so so important, to the world, to the characters, to the players. Everything feels real and impactful now, every death means something, every tragedy, every person, feels real.
And that, to me, is what makes this story so special.
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alannah-corvaine · 1 year
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michelleleewise · 2 years
Blue Dhalia
Pairing: Avenger Loki x jotun female reader
Warnings: swearing, battle sequences (mildly graphic), crying, torture, imprisonment, abduction, yelling, swearing, angst.
Summary: The team pinpoints your location, but is it too late....
A/n- graphics by @harlequin-hangout
Part Seven -- Part Eight-
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The door of the briefing room flew open, slamming against the wall as Loki stormed in "Thor, I tire of this nonsense, where is she!?" He yelled making Thor and Steve jump "w..we are close, I know it." Thor said standing up from where he was looking at the map. "You have said that already, it has been a week since she was taken and my patience is wearing very thin..brother." loki growled stalking closer "Loki, listen.." Steve started, stopping when Loki turned his stare onto him. "Brother look, this is the last base in the area." Thor said holding up the map riddled with x's. "She has to be there." Thor continued as Loki sighed. "We can be off the ground in ten minutes." Steve added as Loki walked towards the door. "See to it." He said walking out.
Loki walked out onto the helipad, opening the ramp he walked inside sitting down waiting for the others. He leaned forward, putting his head in his hands trying to stay positive. A week had gone by, and with every base they raided with no answers...no sign of you he began to lose hope they would reach you in time. He closed his eyes, praying to whoever may be listening that this is where you would be...that you would be ok when he heard footsteps on the ramp. He quickly sat up wiping a tear from his cheek seeing Mantis look at him, giving him a small smile as she found a seat. He looked down hearing more voices approaching "Alright, is this everyone?" He heard Thor ask as multiple footsteps sounded on the ramp. Turning his head seeing Thor's idiot friend, the witch wanda, and banner walk in and sit down.
"May I sit with you?" He heard, looking up seeing Thor standing there he nodded and looked back down. "Alright everyone, the mission is simple. We go in by whatever means necessary and find y/n." Steve said from the front of the jet. "Make sure you're wearing your coms units, if you find her let the rest of us know. As soon as we have her we're out, understood?" He asked as everyone nodded. "Ok, buckle up, we should be there in twenty, and good luck." He said as he walked to the cockpit starting the jet. Loki sighed, leaning his head back against the wall closing his eyes. He was going to get to you, if had to cut down everyone that stood in his way
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You slowly opened your eyes feeling them burn, looking around it felt like sand was in them as you saw the familiar walls of your cell...your cage. You opened your mouth, poking your tongue out to lick your dry lips, the taste of copper on your tongue as your lips cracked. You tried to lift your head, groaning as the pounding behind your eyes grew worse with every movement, you lifted your hand seeing the deep blue of your skin had been replaced by a dark grey, as though you had been drained. You dropped your hand down to your stomach, wincing as it landed on a burn. You hadn't been able to heal since the last time they took you to the doctor.
You slid your fingers across your abdomen, feeling every cut, every burn from the last few days...weeks. you weren't sure how long you had been there, the windowless building offering no respite from your situation as you looked up towards the small opening in your cage, wiling Thor's boots to come into view...to see Loki lean down and look at you...but hope as you may, it never came...they never came. You looked back up to the top of your cage, your face scrunched up as your eyes burned, you couldn't cry...your eyes had run dry of tears as you closed your eyes trying to find sleep, maybe this time you wouldn't wake.
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Loki was off the jet as soon as the ramp dropped, conjuring his daggers he sent a wave of siedr over himself conjuring his leathers as he stormed towards the large building feeling a hand on his shoulder "we do this together...brother." Thor said holding his arm out. Loki looked down grabbing Thor's forearm as he did the same. "Let's go bring her home." Loki said as Thor nodded, raising his other arm he lifted mjolnir in the air, swinging it as fast as he could as he lifted off, taking Loki with him as he soared towards the building. Loki would never admit it to him, but he was always amazed at what Thor could do.
They landed on the roof, looking around seeing no one there. "Steve, we are on the roof, it is empty for the time being, Loki and I are headed inside." Thor said into his coms as Loki shot a blast of his siedr to the lock on the door flinging it open. "We start at the top, work our way down." Loki said running into the stairwell "be fast but observant, we do not know what they are holding her in or where" Loki said throwing the door open to the top floor running inside "you start there, I'll start over there." Thor said running down the hall. They searched the floor room to room finding only abandoned offices. "She is not here, let's go!" Loki yelled as they both ran down to the next floor, repeating the process.
How many floors are there?" Thor asked trying to catch his breath "I do not know, but we must keep going." Loki said running further down. Five floors down Loki threw open the door seeing a man in the hall with a gun, quickly throwing a dagger at him, it lodging in his throat as he dropped to the floor. "I think we are close, be vigilant." Loki said pulling his dagger from the man heading down the hall quietly. They cleared the floor of several agents before meeting back at the stairwell "Thor! Can you hear me?" Thor heard Steve's voice crackle through the coms "yes, I am here." Thor replied looking at Loki. "We're on the second floor, we were ambushed." Steve said as Thor heard a loud boom on the other end "they are on the second floor, they are overwhelmed." Thor said as Loki bolted down the stairs, Thor following behind him when Loki threw open the door to the second floor, ducking Steve's shield as is passed over his head.
Loki gripped his daggers, running headfirst into the swarm as Thor threw his hammer, watching it fly past Loki's head, hitting the agent in front of him as Loki slashed his way through the hoard with a fury Thor hadn't seen before. He was relentless, unwavering as he took down agent after agent dodging the hammer as it flew past him. Loki plunged his daggers into the chest of the last agent, watching the light leave his eyes as he slumped to the floor "we must be close, split up and search every room." Loki said storming down the hall leaving the others behind. He came to a set of double doors, throwing them open seeing a metal table in the middle with straps hanging from it. He stepped closer looking around seeing the large lamps in the corner "h..her nightmare." Loki whispered looking around.
Seeing another door on the other side he ran to it, throwing it open revealing a large hallway, several doors lining the walls. He knew you were in one of these rooms, but which one. He walked to the first door, trying the knob finding it locked as two men walked into the hall "Well, who do we have here." One growled as Loki threw his dagger hitting his target as the dagger went into the mans throat. "Where is she!?" He yelled gripping his other dagger. "It doesn't matter, she won't be alive much Ionger." The other sneered, rushing at him slashing at him with a knife as Loki dodged, grabbing his head slamming it into the wall watching the man slump to the ground. He looked back to the doors, walking over pulling his dagger from the first man he kicked the first door open, quickly looking around seeing it empty before going to the next.
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"Y/n! Where are you!' You heard echo through your mind. You cracked your eyes open seeing you were still in the cage...alone. I'm hearing him now you thought feeling your eyes burn again as you screwed them shut. "Y/n!" You heard again, a loud bang following as you tilted your head trying to see through the opening. "Loki..." you whispered, your voice dry and hoarse as you rolled to to your side, trying to pull yourself to the small door when a large bang echoed through the room "y/n! Are you in here!?" Loki's voice bellowed through the room as you reached up sticking your fingers through the opening "Loki...I'm here..." you tried again, your voice leaving you as you heard footsteps coming closer. Your head slid down, your hand following as the rest of your energy left you. You closed your eyes waiting when you heard a bang against the small door "y/n! I'm here! Just hold on!" Loki yelled, hitting the lock with his dagger breaking it off.
Through your haze you felt hands on you slowly pulling you "it's ok, I have you." You heard, the voice calming your nerves as you felt yourself lifted up. You opened your eyes, the bright light of the room making you squint when you suddenly felt cold engulph you making you shiver. You slowly moved your head, your eyes meeting another pair of deep red ones "l..loki..." you whispered "y..you c..came." you said reaching up touching his cheek. "yes darling, I'm here. Let's get you home." He smiled, seeing a tear roll down his cheek as he stood up holding you to him. "Close your eyes y/n, we'll be out soon." He said as you buried your face in his chest, screwing your eyes shut feeling the cold seep into from his bare chest against you.
"And where do you think your going with my snowflake." You heard, his voice sending a shiver down your spine feeling Loki stop "She is not yours, and I will kill you for what you have done." Loki snarled gripping you tighter. "Oh, another one. Imagine what we could learn from you." The man snarked as you opened your eyes, looking up at Loki "you will learn I am not one to trifle with." He growled looking down at you hearing multiple footsteps coming into the room. "Take him, leave her...she's of no use to me now." The man said as the footsteps rushed forward, Loki's grip tightening on you as to felt him tense when you heard a deafening boom echo through the room
"you will not touch either of them." You heard "t..thor..." you whispered, tilting your head seeing him across the room, his eyes glowing white as electricity shot through his hammer into the room before Loki turned kneeling down shielding you with his body hearing screams echo through the room. "Keep your eyes closed dear, I'm getting you out of here." Loki whispered as he stood, running towards the door as bolts of electricity shot through the room "loki! We have to go, they're gonna blow the building." He heard steve say into his ear "Thor! We must go!" He yelled, running through the door. You opened your eyes, looking out seeing the others at end of the hall "lead the way out!" Loki yelled as they all ran to the stairs.
Making it to the main floor steve threw the door open as everyone made it to the main doors, throwing them open you sighed as the cool air rushed over you, taking a deep breath. "Ok, this may make you a bit ill, just take deep breaths and hold onto me." Loki said closing his eyes. You felt a warmth spreading through you, your body tingling when you felt loki running again before your back met a soft surface. "Banner! H..help me." He yelled laying you on the gurney. "Where are the others?" Bruce asked rushing over "they are coming, now please." He said looking down at you "loki...her color is..." Bruce started taking your temperature. "I am aware, please just...h...help her." You heard Loki say. "Jesus...we need to cool her off, now. Climb up behind her." Bruce said as he rushed off.
Feeling Loki press his chest to your back you smiled. His arm wrapping around your middle you lifted your hand, slowly tracing the the lines on his forearms hearing him sigh "you will be ok dear, just relax." He said as your fingers brushed his linking them together when you heard footsteps "here, I got as many as I could find." He said, packing ice packs around you as the others ran into the jet "how is she?" Steve asked as Bruce looked at him "We'll be back at the tower soon." He said rushing off to the cockpit as everyone sat down strapping in. "Brother, she will be ok." Thor said taking a seat as the jet roared to life.
You tilted your head, seeing the ramp close as the jet lifted off. You closed your eyes again sighing "y..you came..." you whispered, flicking your tongue out trying to wet your dry lips. "I will always come for you." Loki said pressing further into you. "Get some sleep, we will be home soon." He said laying his head next to yours. "Home..." you smiled closing your eyes you drifted off feeling his heartbeat at your back knowing you were safe...
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@vbecker10 @mochie85 @lokisgoodgirl @springdandelixn @kinky-faerie @xorpsbane @midnights-ramblings @simping-for-marvel @holdmytesseract @kkdvkyya @slpnbty2001 @lokixryss @vane28282 @violethaze @coldnique @aniar4wniak @nate-ate-hate @buttercupcookies-blog @brattymum96 @dukes2581 @your-taste-on-my-lips @mybabyh @blog-the-lilly @irishhappiness @sinsandguilt @filthyhiddles @lovebyloki @kikster606 @javagirl328 @misunderstoodself @highkeysimpingforloki @eleniblue @commanding-officer @athalialaufeyson @stupidthoughtsinwriting @lokiandbuckysdoll @loopsisloops @joyful-enchantress @jaidenhawke @silverfire475 @high-functioning-lokipath @kittiowolf210 @slytherclaw1227 @joyfullymassivewhispers @wolfsmom1 @libbybeaz @lokikissesmyforehead @goblingirlsarah @thomase1
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