#wait what the fuck why is my friend on it as an extra account what the fuck they knew i had an account???
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thebestkirbyantag · 2 days ago
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dollwhite · 1 month ago
made by Dollwhite
also I made a vibe board for Winnieee!!
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I got all of the pics off Pinterest!! Her vide is like weird loners? Her fav transformation are the dreadbots..ion know why that matters but it does sooo.
Chapter three!!! Two and one are on my account 💗
Ik I said I wasn’t gonna make more parts of this series buttttt I got more ideas so hernyou goooo!!
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Walking up the stairs into the Wayne manner. A thought cross's your mind, school doesn’t end for another 2 hours. So Tim and Damian shouldn’t be here unless they didn’t go to school.
You hoped they did, it’s really no way for you to tell if they did or not. Even though you all go to the same school, you try your best not to interact with them. Even at home, she let her
Dick and Jason are most likely doing whatever in the bat-cave or hanging out with their friends. But the important thing is none of them will have listen to the scolding you’ll get.
You know your dad.
The word dad just…. Feels wrong.
You know biologically he’s your father.. But mentally? He’s just a stranger that pays for everything. Like a walking, talking bank.
Niw your sitting on the living room couch, as your father towers over you. Going on about how it’s wrong for you to help people cheat.
“[Reader] I know you may have thought you were doing something good for them but you were not.” He said “ Giving someone the answers to something they don’t know is wrong. You should have let them fugue out the questions on their own. Friends or not” he added on crossing his arms.
This had been going on for about an hour so, if you pretend to be sorry you should be out of here in about 15-20 minutes. Depending how long his “glad you understand the problem and I hope you won’t make the same mistake” rent lest
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You were finally allowed to go to your room. Its about 3:10 but your not sure because he took your phone, like was the hour and 20 minutes rent not enough?
But that’s ok because like 2 weeks age you got a back up phone just in case something like this happened.
Shit was that your phone? It’s supposed to be on silent.
𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐭
𝐖𝐞 𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐧
Winery: guysss!!😭😭
T-hoe: what?
Winery: my mom said I can’t be friends with y’all anymore
You : wait really???
Winery: yeah but ima still hang with y’all she just can’t know
T-hoe: k I’m grounded tho
You : he took my phone 😔
T-hoe : so how tf r u texting us??
You : it’s called having a back up dumb ass and your grounded so how r u texting
Winery: yk his parents got bad ass memory they prob forgot they got a kid🤷🏽‍♀️
T-hoe: didn’t your date forgot about u??
You : lmaooo would not take that 😭😭
Winery: don’t come for me cuz your parents forget about u 😕
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“[reader] father has been calling you for the past five minutes.” Your youngest older bother Damian said lining on your door frame, still in the school uniform. “And nest time you decide to help your idiots of friends don’t get caught.”
“Fuck off Dami” you muttered standing up from your bed. Putting your ‘phone’ under your bed mattress. You live in a house full of vigilantes and detectives, it never harts to be extra careful. 
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The end, this is so short 😭
Byeee Dolling sighing out
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loveroftoomanyfandoms · 1 month ago
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Sweet on You, Chapter 6
Pairing: Matt Murdock x F!Reader
Story Summary: HERE
Warnings/Tags: Sugar Daddy!Matt Murdock, Idiots to Lovers, No Age Gap, Alternating PoV, No Use of Y/N
Word Count: ~3700
A/N: Guess who's back, back again? Matty's back, tell a friend...
After months of fucking off to who-knows-where, Matt finally sauntered back into the writing room in my head with a smirk on his face and the DDBA trailer in tow, so expect updates to all of my Matt fics to start back up!
As always, many thanks to @realfernmayo for the divider!!!
Tag List: @danzer8705 @capylore @shouldbestudying41 @atemydadforbreakfast @peachy-flxwr @sleepysleepymom @fishinsuits @milkbummm @lazyxsquirrel @beezusvreeland @caughtthefever @bohemianrhapsody86 @yarrystyleeza @indestructeible @pepperthebi-spy @kezibear
“I need you to stay late,” Mr. DiStefano said the following evening as you prepared to leave the office.
You paused in the middle of unlocking your desk drawer to retrieve your purse. “Wait, what? Why?”
“Harrison just called, he wants to completely redo the condos we're designing for him so he's coming in for an emergency meeting. I need you here to take notes.”
You frowned. Harrison Coco was the head of the Coco Corporation, one of the largest and most prestigious development companies in New York. “He’s coming in tonight ?”
Mr. DiStefano shook his head. “I don't like it either, but he's our biggest client. I don't want to run the risk of losing his account.”
“Can't it at least wait until tomorrow? I had plans this evening.”
“Oh, well, if whatever it is you had planned is more important than your job , then…” Mr. DiStefano trailed off, his meaning evident.
You sighed. You had been looking forward to a quiet dinner with Matt after an already hectic day. “No, sir. It's fine, I can see if I can reschedule for another day.”
“Good. Make a pot of coffee, would you? We're going to need it.”
You pulled out your phone as Mr. DiStefano walked back to his office, sighing once again as you texted Matt. I'm really sorry, but I can't make it to dinner tonight.
Your phone immediately chimed with a response. Everything okay?
Yeah, an important client is coming in so my boss is making me work late. 
Ah. I see. 
“He probably doesn't believe me,” you muttered to yourself. Would you mind taking a raincheck for this weekend? Or I can even do an extra dinner next week if that's preferable.
You chewed on your lip in anticipation, hoping that Matt didn't consider you already in breach of your contract and tell you to just forget about the whole thing.
Would tomorrow work for you? 6 PM at the restaurant instead of 7?
You huffed out a relieved breath. Yes, that should work. Again, I'm so sorry, my boss literally just sprang this on me.
That's quite alright, I have some things I needed to finish up tonight at the office anyway. I'll see you tomorrow.
See you tomorrow.
You put your phone away and headed to the kitchen to brew the requested pot of coffee. Design meetings typically ran for several hours as it was, but meetings with Harrison were always even longer and more detailed.  Might as well make extra since I'll probably be here until midnight. 
You measured out the coffee grounds then added water to the reservoir, wondering if you'd have the time and energy to at least scarf down the leftover baked chicken you had made the previous evening before needing to get ready for bed or if you should order something to eat at the office for dinner.
You pressed the start button on the coffee machine, deciding to err on the side of caution and order in something.
You headed back to Mr. DiStefano’s office. “I'm going to grab something for dinner, do you want anything?”
Mr. DiStefano nodded. “Yeah, actually. What were you getting?”
“I was thinking maybe that ramen bar down the street.” It was relatively inexpensive and close enough to the office to where you could just run and pick it up rather than having to wait on delivery.
Mr. DiStefano nodded. “That sounds good. Give me a minute and I'll let you know what I want.”
You went back to the kitchen to pour the coffee you had made into a carafe to keep warm, then brought the carafe into the meeting room and set it on a table against the wall along with some cups, a caddy full of various sweeteners and creamers, and several bottles of water. Okay, I think that's everything.
You walked back into Mr. DiStefano's office. “Decide what you want, sir?”
Mr. DiStefano nodded. “Yeah, get me the black tonkotsu with a side of takoyaki.”
You pulled your phone out to place your orders. “Okay, not a problem.”
Mr. DiStefano pulled his wallet out of his pocket and took out some cash. “Here, this should cover mine.”
You took the money and stuck it in your pocket. “I’ll let you know when I leave to go pick it up. What time will Mr. Coco be arriving?”
“Around 6:30 or so. He just got back into town from a business trip and will be on his way shortly.”
You nodded. At least that would give you enough time to eat. “I’ve got coffee and water set up in the meeting room. Do you need anything else?”
Mr. DiStefano shook his head. “No, I think that’s it for now.”
You went back to your desk and responded to a few emails from clients that you had originally left to answer the next morning, then stopped by Mr. DiStefano's office once again in order to let him know that you were leaving to go pick up dinner. 
At least Abbott and Williams have already left for the day so I don't have to worry about having to deal with them too , you thought as you locked the office door behind you. 
You walked the three blocks to the restaurant and picked up your order, then headed back.
“Mr. DiStefano, I'm back,” you announced as you unlocked the door and stepped back inside. “They had initially forgotten your okonomiyaki sauce, but I made sure to get them to put extra in the bag for you.”
“Okay, thanks,” Mr. DiStefano said as he came into the lobby. “Before Harrison gets here I need you to pull the current renderings for the condos as well as the designs for the Baker, Hawkins, and Guiducci accounts. Hopefully we can convince him to stick with the original design or at the very least go with something similar to what we've done before.” 
There goes my time to actually sit and enjoy my dinner , you thought . It was already 6:00 and it would take you at least 15 minutes to find and pull the requested designs. “Yes, sir.”
You handed him his order and put your own on your desk before going to pull the designs. While most architectural firms were utilizing digital-only designs, DiStefano and Associates still used mostly hand-drawn renderings depending on the needs of the client. “Digital renderings may be faster,” Mr. DiStefano had once put it when you had asked him about it, “but a computer can't give you the warmth and depth of a space that hand-drawn designs can.”
Apparently the architecture world agreed, because DiStefano and Associates had been named one of Architecture Today ’s top firms for the past 5 years straight.
You found the requested plans and brought them to the meeting room then returned to your desk to hurriedly eat your (now cold) dinner.
You had just finished when you heard a tap on the front door. Perfect timing.
You hurriedly threw your take-out container in the trashcan next to your desk and walked over to unlock the door. “Mr. Coco, it's good to see you,” you said with false-but-professional pleasantness as you opened it.
You honestly didn't have anything against him personally -- he was a tall, medium-built, good-looking man around your age with dark hair and piercing blue eyes -- but you couldn't help but be annoyed that he had (unknowingly) caused you to have to cancel your dinner plans for the evening.
“Same to you,” he replied. “And I've asked you before, please call me Harrison. Mr. Coco is my father.”
You stepped out of the doorway to let him inside. “Come on in.”
You locked the door behind him and led him to the meeting room. “I'll let Mr. DiStefano know that you're here.”
Harrison nodded. “Thanks.”
You walked back to Mr. DiStefano's office. “Mr. Coco is waiting for you in the meeting room, sir.”
Mr. DiStefano nodded. “Okay, thanks. I'll be right there.”
You passed by your desk to grab your notebook and returned to the meeting room. “Mr. DiStefano will be with you in a moment. In the meantime, there's fresh coffee and bottled water if you'd like anything to drink, or I can bring you a cup of tea if you'd prefer.”
Harrison looked over at the coffee station, then back at you. “Actually, a cup of tea would be nice.” 
You nodded. “We have English Breakfast, green tea, Chai, Earl Grey, honey-chamomile, and herbal peppermint. Which would you prefer?”
Harrison thought for a moment. “Let's do the Chai.”
“Okay, I'll be right back with that.”
You went to the kitchen and brewed a cup of hot water then placed a tea bag in it before returning once again to the meeting room. “Here you are.”
Harrison nodded as you handed him the cup. “Appreciate it. So, how have you been?”
“Fine, thanks.” Harrison was one of the few clients who always took the time to actually speak to you and made you feel seen and not like furniture. “How about you? Mr. DiStefano said you just got back from a trip?”
Harrison nodded. “Actually, yeah, which is why I --”
“Harrison, hello!” Mr. DiStefano's voice boomed as he walked into the meeting room. “It's good to see you.”
Harrison turned to shake Mr. DiStefano's hand. “John, thanks for meeting with me so quickly.”
Mr. DiStefano shook his head. “Not a problem. Please, have a seat.”
You sat in your usual chair in the corner of the room as the two men sat at the table.
“So tell me,” Mr. DiStefano said. “What's the issue with the condo design? I thought you said you loved it.”
Harrison sighed. “I did, I did, it's just that upon looking at it again I realized it looks like every other condo building in New York. I want something different, something that makes Coco Corp stand out. I need something… inviting .”
You wrote down different and inviting as Mr. DiStefano nodded. “Okay, I can absolutely see that. I've pulled a few comps for you to check out.”
You refrained from rolling your eyes. You knew you were just Mr. DiStefano's office assistant, but the least he could do was to say he’d had his assistant pull the blueprints rather than act like he had actually taken the time to do it himself.
Mr. DiStefano reached over and unrolled the first rendering. “Here's one we did for the Taylor Group --”
Harrison shook his head. “No, you don't understand me, John. It's gotta be a completely original design, unlike anything else in New York. I want people to look at it and see something unique, not just another high-rise taking up space where there used to be a park. And I want it to be as environmentally friendly as possible.”
Environmentally friendly, you added to your notes.
Mr. DiStefano sat back and scratched at his chin. “Well, going back to the drawing board and starting over completely from scratch is going to cost you, Harrison. I mean I've already put a lot of time and effort into the original design…”
“I don't care how much it costs. I'll pay you triple your usual hourly rate, I just need a completely new, unique design by Monday morning. I have to get the new plans over to City Hall for approval before I leave for Taiwan Monday afternoon.”
Mr. DiStefano nodded. “It'll require me to work through the weekend, but considering it's an emergency and it's for you, I'll do it.”
Harrison grinned. “Great. Let's get started then.”
You sighed to yourself. You'd been hoping that Harrison would like one of the other designs with just a few tweaks being made to make it part of his signature style, but to completely start the design process over?
It was going to be a long night.
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“Walk me through step-by-step what happened when you arrived on scene,” Matt's voice said on the recording of his interview with Officer Stanton from earlier that day.
Officer Stanton had sighed. “The housekeeper answered the door and let us in, then led us to Senator and Mrs. Thompson’s bodies.”
“She was the one who discovered the victims, right?” Matt had listened to her original deposition that morning and already knew that she had arrived at the Thompson residence around 8 AM to start her workday only to discover Senator and Mrs. Thompson dead in the foyer, but he'd wanted to confirm it with Officer Stanton.
“Was anyone else at the residence?”
“No, but Mrs. Thompson’s sister arrived shortly thereafter.”
“Ah, yes, Ms…” Matt had paused to check his notes. “Stafford.”
“Yeah, that's right.”
“The Thompson’s deaths hadn't yet been made public and no next of kin had been contacted at the time, correct?”
 “So her reason for being there?”
“She said she had made plans with Mrs. Thompson to go shopping and to have lunch.”
“And she was the one who first mentioned that my client had argued with Mrs. Thompson the previous day?”
Officer Stanton had shifted in his seat. “Yeah.”
“Yet you testified in court that it was Ms. Davies who initially mentioned the argument.”
There was a rustle of clothing as Officer Stanton had shrugged. “I got mixed up. Ms. Stafford mentioned it to us then Ms. Davies confirmed it during questioning.”
“How did Ms. Davies know about the argument?”
“She overheard Mrs. Thompson telling Ms. Stafford about it during tea at the Thompson residence.”
“Did either one know what the argument was about?”
“Had anyone else other than my client ever been considered a suspect?”
“I don't know, you'd have to ask Detective Fraser. He was the lead on the case, I was just the first officer on the scene.”
“I will. That's all the questions I have for you, thank you for your time.”
Matt turned off the recording and took out his earbuds. He needed to talk to Detective Fraser, but he was pretty sure the police had never looked beyond Conrad -- who was clearly innocent -- for suspects. 
He sighed. There wasn't anything else he could do on Conrad's case that night and he had already wrapped up his other tasks earlier in the day in anticipation of his scheduled dinner with you.
Matt had admittedly been disappointed when you had texted him to cancel and initially thought that maybe you had changed your mind about your arrangement, but had believed your explanation of having to work late, especially after you had offered to make it up to him.
He checked the time as his stomach rumbled. 11:34 PM. Shit, I should call it a night. Probably should eat something, too, since I skipped lunch.
There was a deli nearby that was open until midnight, so he gathered his belongings and headed out of the office, locking the door behind him.
He unfolded his cane and headed down the sidewalk, the smell of freshly-baked bread and sliced meat becoming stronger and more enticing the further he got down the street.
His brow furrowed as he picked up the sound of your voice. Your office was about a half a block from the deli and you had said that you'd had to work late, but Matt definitely hadn't expected you to be working this late.
“Goodnight, Mr. DiStefano,” you were saying. “See you in the morning.”
Matt frowned. He presumed that you would be walking home since cabs were scarce at this hour, but even with his efforts as Daredevil the streets weren't 100% safe. I should make sure she gets home okay.
He bypassed the deli and kept walking, reaching your office right as you were finishing locking up behind you.
You double-checked that the door was locked tight then turned towards him. “Matt?”
Matt said your name in what he hoped was a believably surprised tone. “Hi. Wow, are you just now getting off of work?”
“Yeah, design meetings always take forever, especially meetings with this particular client.” You paused. “What about you? Are you just now getting off too?”
Matt nodded. “Yeah, I lost track of time working on this one particular case and totally skipped dinner, so I just left the office and was heading to Raoul’s to grab a sandwich to eat at home.”
“Oh, um, you passed it. It's about half a block back the way you came.”
Matt made a fake grimace. “Oh shit, did I? Damn, it's late and I'm tired, I must've miscounted the steps.”
“Want me to escort you there?”
“You don't mind?”
“Of course not.” You moved to stand next to him and offered him your arm. “Come on, it's right down here.”
Matt took your arm and allowed you to guide him back down the street to Raoul's. “Thanks, by the way.”
“No problem.” You slowed to a stop as the two of you reached the deli. “Here it is.”
Matt nodded. “Thanks again.”
You huffed out a light laugh. “Part of the service, remember?”
Matt grinned. “Right, right.”
“I'll see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah.” Matt bit his lip. “...Unless you don't mind waiting a few minutes for me to get my sandwich then letting me walk you home?”
He could feel you relax as you shook your head. “No, I don't mind. I'd actually really appreciate it.”
“Okay, great.”
The two of you headed inside and walked up to the counter. 
“Welcome to Raoul's, what can I get you folks?” the clerk said.
“Ah, yeah, can I get turkey and ham on a sub, hold the mustard?” Matt turned towards you. “Would you like anything?”
“Oh, no thank you,” you replied. “I had dinner at the office earlier.”
You were telling the truth, so Matt just nodded. “Okay. That'll be all, thanks.”
He paid for his sandwich then the two of you moved to the other end of the counter to wait for it.
“So do you work late often?” Matt asked.
“No, not really,” you answered. “And even when I do it's usually never this late. We just had a very important client insist on meeting tonight about an emergency redesign on a project my boss is doing for him and I had to be there to take notes.”
You paused briefly before continuing. “I shouldn't need to cancel dinner so last-minute again.”
Matt shook his head. “Honestly, it's fine. I might have to do the same on occasion.”
“Also, thank you for agreeing to reschedule. I was afraid you'd tell me to just forget the whole deal.”
Matt's brow furrowed. “Why would I do that?”
He heard the ruffle of your coat as you shrugged. “I dunno,” you hedged. “I thought that maybe you wouldn't believe that I was working late and that I was actually seeing another S&S client or something.”
The thought had never crossed Matt's mind, but now that you mentioned it... “ Do you have other clients?”
“No, you're my only one right now. But what about you? I know you said you're single, but you could still have a friend with benefits… with actual benefits.”
Matt shook his head. “No, there's no one in my life in that capacity right now either.”
He chewed on his lip as he thought for a moment. “How about for both our peace of mind we add an addendum to our contract? Something along the lines of ‘Neither party shall seek out or participate in other companionship or romantic entanglements while joined under the terms of this contract’.”
You let out a breath. “Agreed. I mean, since we're going to be letting people believe that we're legitimately dating it makes sense for both of us to be otherwise unattached.”
Matt nodded. “I'll write it up and we can sign it tomorrow before dinner. And now that I'm thinking about it, I probably should increase your monthly stipend since I'm preventing you from taking on other clients.”
You hesitated briefly before answering. “I appreciate that, but it's not necessary. You're already paying me more than enough as it is.”
“Are you sure? Because I don't mind increasing it.”
“I'm sure. But thanks for the offer.”
“Okay then.”
“Do you still want to meet at the restaurant? Or would you rather meet at your office to sign the addendum?”
“Restaurant is fine. It's just one extra clause so it's only one page.”
“Okay, that sounds good then.”
Your conversation halted as Matt's order was called. “You folks have a good night,” the deli clerk said as he handed Matt a plastic bag containing his sandwich. 
“Thanks, you too,” Matt replied.
“You as well,” you added before the two of you headed outside.
Matt unfolded his cane and took your elbow. “Alright, which way are we heading?”
You turned back towards your office. “This way.”
The two of you walked silently, each lost in your own thoughts.
“By the way --” Matt began.
“Hey, thank you again --” you started to say at the same time.
Matt chuckled. “You go first.”
You took a breath. “I was just gonna say thank you again for walking me home. I really do appreciate it.”
Matt nodded. “It's not a problem.”
“So what were you going to say?”
“Oh, just that Foggy and Karen want to meet you.”
“Oh, okay. That's not a problem, just let me know when and where.”
“I told them maybe in a couple of weeks once we see how things go.” Matt grinned. “I want us to be comfortable with each other before I subject you to the rest of Nelson, Murdock and Page for cross-examination.”
You huffed out a light laugh. “I'll be sure to prepare, counselor.”
Matt felt you slow down as you reached your apartment building. “Well, this is me. Thanks again for walking me home.”
Matt smiled and gave you a slight nod. “Usually I'm embarrassed when I accidentally pass up places I'm trying to get to, but tonight it worked out. I'm glad I ran into you.”
“Me too. Do you need directions back to your place?”
Matt shook his head. “Nah. I can use the GPS on my phone.”
“Okay.” You gave his arm a light squeeze. “I'll see you tomorrow evening then?”
Matt nodded. “See you tomorrow evening.”
He waited as you went inside your building then turned and headed towards home, his mind going back and forth from Conrad's case to Matt's contract with you. There was something he was definitely missing in order to definitively prove Conrad's innocence, but he couldn't quite figure out what.
He shook his head. He needed to eat, shower, and sleep. He'd work on proving Conrad's innocence and writing up the addendum to his and your contract tomorrow.
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mirangel · 2 years ago
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pairing: sampo x afab!reader
genre: smut
cw: prostitution but not, sampo whimpers, sampo breaks into your house, fingering, usage of pussy and cunt, sampo has dick piercings, marking
word count: 2k
how much would sampo charge for one night? that’s a question you’ve always asked yourself, and one little mishap earns you the dream come true.
written by a minor, dni if uncomfortable
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You can’t help but open your mouth sometimes, for the better or worse. Today seems to be both, when you’re talking with a friend of yours about the wanted criminal list in the newspaper, as always. You two have this fun game, where you try to guess their backstory just by their image alone, it’s just meant to be lighthearted really, just fun and games.
You find the most infamous one on the list, Sampo Koski, a household name for people you should avoid. But you were always a sucker for danger, and so you can’t help but comment, “He looks like he’s into some freaky shit.” Your friend leans in closer, tracing the smug grin he has on his face with their fingernail, and you continue, “I’d pay that man to fuck me senseless.”
They gasp, hitting your arm with mild surprise and playfulness. “You dog! We’re out in public! What if the Silvermane Guards overhear?” You shrug off the teasing remark, winking at them instead. “Let them hear for all I care, I got money, and I want a criminal’s dick. How much do you think he charges?” Your friend elbows you in the stomach with a shriek, unaware of the lurking shadow in the alleyway.
Emerald eyes pierce your form, a sly grin on his features. My, weren’t you interesting! The criminal is all too used to hearing demeaning comments about himself, but to hear those sweet words from someone he’s never met before? It brings a tear to his eye, well, almost, if he wasn’t so distracted by the way you look. This business trip can wait, he thinks. You look like you need a good ol’ friend to pay you a visit after all.
You can’t help but glance at the window every couple of minutes as you get ready for bed. There’s a sense of excitement building up in your veins, nervousness too, but why of all times does it have to appear now? There’s a quick shuffle from somewhere behind you as you bend down to reach for a fallen pen, and you quickly turn around, pen still in hand. Your gaze meets his almost immediately, a man leaning comfortably on your own bed, a smug expression on his face. “Nice ass.” He chuckles, flipping the azure fringe between his eyes.
You quickly stand back up straight covering your ass with your hands, but the damage has been dealt. “This afternoon, you said you’d pay to fuck me, hm?” Sampo tilts his head, but you can’t help but blink nervously at him, opening your mouth before closing it, and opening it once more to question, “How did you get in my house?” He shrugs, the sly smirk you saw on the newspaper returning again. “Don’t worry about that, how about we fuck and figure it out the price along the way? I’m sure we can satisfy each other, trust me on this.” His voice is smooth like silk, and he discards his coat, tossing it to the other side of your room as effortlessly as persuading others to give him extra money.
“Really? You’re… willing to fuck me for cash?” You’re bewildered, your jaw dropping as you can’t help but walk closer to Sampo, who stares back at you with a cat-like grin, slowly blinking as if he had all the time in the world. But the only thing he says is, “Sampo Koski never goes back on his word.” That’s a lie, you can recall at least ten accounts of him conning others in Belobog, but in this current state, do you really care? This is your once in a lifetime opportunity, and you’re damn well going to take it.
You pounce on him almost immediately, cupping his cheeks and pulling him into a passionate kiss. He wraps his arms around your waist, slotting his leg in between your knees, pushing you to kneel as he sits up. His returned kiss is teasing, egging you on to try to steal more from him, just like he has to several others. Sampo sneaks a calloused hand up your night shirt, ghosting your skin before cupping the back of your head, pulling away just an inch before whispering, “You really know how to make a man wanting, don’t ‘cha?”
But before you could speak, he kissed your lips once more, pushing you down on your mattress, taking the control you once had before. He pushes his tongue past your lips, exploring his newfound territory, looking for the treasure that lies within. He leaves you no room to fight back, pinning your hands above your head with a sly grin. “I’m a greedy man, you know?” Sampo tilts your head upward, exposing more of your neck. “I’ll be sure to indulge, you don’t mind, right?” He begins peppering kisses, humming when he hears the whines you make as a result. “So good for me, so needy.”
“Sampo!…” You sigh, gripping his hair with his hands when his own trails down your body, mapping out every little detail, every curve, and the texture. He grins when he feels your wetness from prodding at your panties, and he shifts them to the side, inserting his middle finger inside. He adores the way you moan so lovingly at the intrusion, “So pretty, can’t believe you wanna pay a man like me to fuck your tight pussy.”
He can’t help but admire how messy you are for him, even with just one finger inserted you’re already coming undone for him, and he smirks, watching as the slick you produce gets all over his hand, your thighs, and he just gets so hard looking at you. “Naughty, so naughty.” Sampo inserts his ring finger inside, and there’s an obscene squelch as he thrusts his fingers inside you, “Do you hear that? Your pretty pussy is making all that noise just for dear ol’ Sampo.” He quietly laughs, taking in how darling you look to him.
Your face contorted with bliss, sweat running down your features, and he especially notices the quiver of your lips as you moan, and he almost jumps when you jolt, but not without a loud moan. “My, so sensitive, huh?” Sampo teases, humming when he drags his fingers down your most sensitive parts inside you, and you shake like a leaf, whining. “Sampo… more please!” You plead, gripping his arm. “Patience, love. Gotta stretch you out, y’know? Wouldn’t wanna get hurt.”
Sampo lowers the hand used to pin your wrists above your head to unbuckle his belt, watching as you gulp nervously at the large bulge shown on his boxers once he drops his pants down to his ankles. “Nervous?” You can’t help but laugh awkwardly, nodding. “Don’t worry, you’ll fit.” His sheer confidence was so unbelievably attractive to you, and with that wink of his? Simply unbearable.
When he lowers his boxers to reveal his true glory, he’s well endowed, and the tip of his cock is a rose pink, with a frenum ladder right underneath the tip of his cock. He removes the fingers he had inserted into you, and you whine when you don’t feel so full anymore. But you weren’t disappointed for long, as he wraps his slick covered hand around his cock, pumping it in display. “Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle, leave it all to Sampo, alright?”
You salivate looking at him, a tinge of crimson on the tip of his ears and under his eyes, he lets out an airy laugh, “My my, you look as if you’re about to devour me.” You can’t help but stammer, struggling to come up with a response to his observations. “…So cute.” He mumbles, lifting your legs to his shoulders, tapping the tip of his cock against your clit, chuckling when he sees your body jolt at his ministrations.
“Hurry up and fuck me already!” You cried out, and Sampo truly can’t help but laugh when he sees your lips form into a pout, and he delicately places the pad of his thumb on your bottom lip, using the side of his index finger to tilt your chin upwards. He slides himself into your tight, yet welcoming cunt, letting you slowly adjust to him. The way his piercings drag across your walls is intoxicating, and you can’t help but plead, begging for more. “Fuck— You’re so tight…” Sampo groans, gripping the sheets besides your head until his knuckles turned white.
He pushed himself further, until both of your pelvises touched, and with that, you both couldn’t help but let out a whine, clinging to each other as if you two were lovers. Sampo slowly begins thrusting, as if he was refraining himself from being rougher with you. He kisses your collarbone, leaving you with far too many love bites for your liking, but you can’t complain, not when the drag of his heavy cock along your insides makes your mind melt, tears threatening to fall from your eyes as you find the words to express your desire.
“Sampo…. please fuck me harder…” It comes out barely a whisper, but despite that, he nibbles on your earlobe, speeding his movements, adding more force to his thrusts, hitting deeper inside of you, until he can make you scream his name. He hits your most sensitive spot inside you, and you clench around him, and Sampo throws his head back, whimpering. “D-Don’t do that… so suddenly.” He narrows his eyes, but his signature smirk returns shortly after, thrusting with a desperate need to bring you both to you overstimulation, fucking you as if his life depended on it.
The heavy weight of his balls smacking firm against your ass, the stench of sex and sweat in the air deluding you, making it appear as if it was a dream. His breathtaking kisses drive you insane, and the way he stuffs your pussy full, you couldn’t have wanted anything more. “You don’t mind if I do a little magic on you?” Sampo’s honeyed voice by your ear whispered, a gentle, yet confident chuckle followed shortly. You nod, desperate to reach your orgasm. With that, Sampo flips you onto your stomach, pressing your legs together as he uses his weight to keep you down, letting you bite and drool over your own pillow.
And heavens above, it felt so fucking good. You don’t think you’ve ever come faster than you did with Sampo, forced to mold to his whims as if you were the one being paid to have sex. He tilts your head back by inserting his middle and ring finger into your mouth, watching your eyes roll behind your head as he continues to pound you, watching you taste yourself on his fingers. “So naughty of you!” He sneers, but he then continues, “Ah… I might cum soon if you keep this up… you’re so sexy.” Sampo whispers the last statement, using his free hand to lace between your own hand from behind.
You could barely think with how good it felt as you convulsed around him, yet remained still under his body weight, and Sampo simply chuckles, nibbling and tugging at your earlobe, leaving more hickies and small bruises on your neck like a touch-starved man, all the while using your body as if it was a toy, and you loved every moment of it. “Fuck— Sampo! It feels so good please please please! Please more!”
Sampo buries his head into your neck, his thrusts becoming more erratic, his breathy whimpers so loud and clear echoing in your head. But he then detaches himself from your body with great reluctance, pulling himself away from your needy cunt, thick strands of his spent decorating your lower back. You can’t see it, but to Sampo, it’s the greatest sight he could lay his eyes on, besides credits of course. “My…” He mutters, spreading his cum over your back with his hand. “You look beautiful like this.”
“…How much do I owe you?” You mumble, barely finding the energy to turn your head to even face him, to look him in the eyes. Perhaps that’s better, because he has a shit eating grin on his face right now, watching his cum spill down your sides as he continues to spread it around. “Well… that was fun for me too. My only payment is that you keep this relationship going with me.”
You nodded, and Sampo lays down next to you, petting your head with the same grin he always sports.
Yeah, keeping this up would be fun for the both of you.
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Anyways this thought came to my head now I'm obligated to share
This is an au where Selina Kyle and Bruce actually get married and are in the process of like sharing a life together
Anyways this is a thing I think would be funny if it happened
Bruce is just excited to tell his friend the good news but his friend isn't exactly thrilled it's 2 am and while Gotham never sleeps Harvey dent aka two face is fucking horrified by the. Text he just received from fucking Bruce Wayne, how he got his number he doesn't fucking know the text in question
JUST GOT MARRIED!!!! 🥳🍾🍻🎉 Also totally off topic but I did not sign a prenup btw any idea of what my shares are Selina is asked for some so I gave her some but I don't actually know what they are
Two face just immediately starts blowing up Bruce's phone trying to get that man to answer is a fucking nightmare especially whenever he gets a new partner to spend time with it's like he can't see behind the pretty girl in front of him, he may be the world's greatest detective but when it comes to romantic partners he's the world's biggest idiot especially when he's in love
Finally two face starts falling Bruce and when he finally does answer he's on speaker with Selina in the room
"Bruce for the love of God tell me you had her sign a goddamn prenup, did you even discuss custody arrangements, HOW AND WHY ARE YOU GIVING HER YOUR SHARES WITHOUT KNOWING WHAT IT IS THAT YOU HAVE TELL ME THAT THIS IS A JOKE".
Bruce: I think your jealous of what I have with Selina, I trust her completely there's no need for a prenup, as for the kids they won't be a problem, and that's precisely why I texted you afterall you were one of my closest advisors for years also I thought you'd be happy for me, ya know it's not my fault yo-"
Bruce merely smiles and says you wouldn't be nearly this worked up if you didn't care I knew you were still in there harv I just wanted the proof that my friend still exists I'd like for you to be my second best man at my wedding also you should come to dinner some time the kids they all miss you, and some of them have started to take an interest in the law you were at the top of your field maybe you could point them in the right direction, as for me and Selina while we did elope it has not get been made official so if you really want me to do all this paperwork you must come over for a family meal Bruce then promptly hangs up leaving Harvey absolutely flabbergasted because wtf just happened and how the fuck, wait did he just get fucking adopted by Bruce Wayne, he's a fucking supervillain and he got roped into attending a family dinner..
A moment later his phone dings and he opens it to see a big list of various foods drinks appetizers and deserts with a text at the bottom that says choose three of your favorites from each category and just dress casual or whatever's most comfortable to you it's only a small family dinner please email Alfred a list of any diet restrictions or food allergies you may have it'll be nice to have you over and don't worry Selina has agreed to play nice I know the two of you haven't always gotten along, his phone lights up again with a Gmail account to Alfred pennyworth two face can't argue so he just sighs exasperated and just RSVPs everything and goes in to see the gotham seamstress for something a bit more fancy for this get together and one extra nice suit for the wedding
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bluurene · 1 year ago
i think this is the right account 💀
can i request:college perv! reader who’s obsessed with watching really hard core p0rn day and night always fingering her self blah blah and can’t decide wither teacher or roommate bada who hasn’t see her in like a week. goes to find her passed out in bed n goes through her computer and decide to like punish/help her out? idk in my head it’s hot out loud not so much 💀
- dance instructor!bada lee x perv!fem!reader
- smut
side note : i am also not sure if ur requesting to the right person😭 but here you go anyways<3
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it was the end of your dance class and you happily got out but your dance instructor, bada lee, stopped you. "yn, dont forget that you have another class later." she reminded while smiling warmly at you. "ah, alright. i wont." you replied back.
when she nodded and left, you went back to your dorm.
once there, you noticed that your roommate wasn't anywhere in the dorm, which wasn't surprising to you because she's always out with her friends or has to stay back in class.
you sat on your bed with a sigh as you fished out your phone from your pocket, staring at it blankly before you suddenly thought of bada.
she was so fine today and you didn't like how she would constantly touch you while trying to teach you. it was making you aroused.
you quickly opened your phone, going on one of the porn websites that you searched and pressed on a video that you liked. pulling your pants and panties down then rubbing your finger on your folds, moaning a little. sliding a finger in as you watched the video, imagining that it was bada that was fingering you.
watching porn was something you do for fun or for when you're feeling stressed out. it was a habit of yours.
feeling that youre about to come, you thrusted your fingers in a more faster pace. your legs trembled and you moaned out bada's name, feeling the warm liquid sliding down your pussy and dripping on the bed sheets.
you pulled your finger out, looking at the mess you made. this wasn't enough for you, you still needed to do more.
you began searching for other videos. after finding one, you tapped on it and stick your finger in your wet pussy. you were kind of sensitive, still but you didnt give a fuck. you just wanted this to be over with.
after you were done, you laid back on back, a satisfying sigh coming out of your lips as you no longer felt horny. all this work was tiring for you so you decided to take a little rest.
you set your phone aside, putting it on your bedside table then making yourself comfortable in bed before slowly falling asleep.
hours later, bada was outside of the dsnce class, waiting for you to arrive. she looks back at her watch and groans. this was the fourth time you had forgotten about your extra dance class.
bada had enough of waiting so she decided to walk to your dorm and searched for you, her steps were quick as she got impatient.
when she got there, she knocked on your door. after receiving no answer, she knocked again. yet again, no answer from you, she had no choice but to just barge in the room.
and when she did, she saw your sleeping figure on the bed. your pants and panty were on the floor, your bed slightly a mess.
she shakes her head, going up to you and shaking you to wake you up. "yn, wake up." she called out for you and you finally woke up.
taking a moment to process things, then realizing that you were half naked and bada was in the same room as you.
you quickly sat up, looking at her and panicking. "bada! what are you doing here?.." you asked, nevrously while she just glared at you. "you forgot about the dance class again." she replied. she then looks back at your body. "why are your pants on the floor? what did you do? masturbate?" she asked, the answer was pretty obvious..
you looked away, your face flushed red as you tried to reply to her question. but seeing your attempts, she sighs and stops you. "you know what, thats okay. maybe you should get punished for coming late to class again, huh?" your eyes widened when she grabs your thigh, propping it on her shoulders. now your crotch was close to her face. you tried moving her away but her grip on you was tight.
without saying a word, she dives right in your pussy, slowly licking your slit and earning moans from you. both of your hands were tangled around her hair, pushing her deeper as your moans started getting even louder.
your back arched and yout legs were shaking, signalling that you're about to cum but bada immediately stopped, pulling away from your pussy and staring down at you. "dont cum unless i say so." hearing her say this made you whine, but you couldn't disobey bada or else it will be much worse, so you just hold it in.
seeing that you're not disagreeing, she got back to eating you out. once again your hands were on her head. her tongue felt so good, you could feel your orgasm coming but knew that you had to hold it in.
after minutes of holding in, she finally spoke. "you can come, baby." she said, while having her tongue in you. and so you came, letting out a loud moan afterwards. she lets go of your thighs, then sat next to you. "we should do this again next time. and dont even think of coming late again or else it will be much worse." she gave you a kiss on your foreheas before heading to the door of your dorm. "rest well, sweetheart." her final words before she left you alone to rest.
you kept staring at the door, still panting heavily. you thought of what she had said and you cant help but think if she would keep her word.
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cambrianboyesque · 11 months ago
what if changing history had tumblr
My friend told me to make this account. I have no interest in this website otherwise.
why are my students on here.
there are “edits” of photos and videos of me. what is happening.
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i’m in a rivalry right now. no one talk to me
intern says i shouldn’t say things like this on the official tumblr but i dont think she gets my whimsy and my joy
we apologize for the previous messages, they are not official on any capacity and will be deleted shortly.
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im having such a normal one rn
journalisticintegrity follow
you do realize that a villain you have connections to is on this very site, right? suspicious.
dude ur gonna have to specify theres like four
#prev em. ahaha
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a weight has been lifted off of me knowing i am not the only one with a shadow quirk
of course only a loser extra like you would have a tumblr
? why do you have a tumblr then
yeah why do you have a tumblr. lol
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a weight has been lifted off of me knowing i am not the only one with a shadow quirk
of course only a loser extra like you would have a tumblr
? why do you have a tumblr then
yeah why do you have a tumblr. lol
#prev you literally tagged this as reblogs. do you have a tagging system
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a weight has been lifted off of me knowing i am not the only one with a shadow quirk
of course only a loser extra like you would have a tumblr
? why do you have a tumblr then
yeah why do you have a tumblr. lol
(25 notes)
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im having such a normal one rn
journalisticintegrity follow
you do realize that a villain you have connections to is on this very site, right? suspicious.
dude ur gonna have to specify theres like four
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i need her carnally
who said that.
so many people in 1a reblogged this…unbelievable. you’re all exposing yourselves to the masses
monoma you reblogged this like 34 times. you blew up everyones phones
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im having such a normal one rn
journalisticintegrity follow
you do realize that a villain you have connections to is on this very site, right? suspicious.
dude ur gonna have to specify theres like four
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did she fucking block me
LOSER!! she didn’t block me…i actually think she likes me better than u
wait a minute.
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i need her carnally
who said that.
so many people in 1a reblogged this…unbelievable. you’re all exposing yourselves to the masses
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i need her carnally
who said that.
(276 notes)
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i need her carnally
who said that.
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“ohhhh y/n go to therapy youre keeping all your emotions to yourself and you can’t trust other people it’s not healthy” have you considered i need to Survive
im very mentally well
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did she fucking block me
LOSER!! she didn’t block me…i actually think she likes me better than u
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my first post on the tumblr!
#intro post #i dont know how to use this website…
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you’ll never guess what i am today
shinsou please
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i need her carnally
who said that.
(276 notes)
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you’ll never guess what i am today
(12 notes)
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i’m in a rivalry right now. no one talk to me
intern says i shouldn’t say things like this on the official tumblr but i dont think she gets my whimsy and my joy
(3056 notes)
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i think this place is neat.
im not?
(11 notes)
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im having such a normal one rn
#constantly having a normal one
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bvbygrl-writes · 1 year ago
What Do I Know?
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Pairing: Rich!Dilf!Sam Wilson x Black!College Student!Reader
Word Count: 3.2k
Summary: Your best friend ain’t tell ya her dad was a daddy.
A/N: This is a repost from my old blog since I haven't been able to write anything with how exhausting work is jtgktr enjoy! ♥
Warnings: Age gap, fingering, pussy eating, overstim, fucking
“Are you sure it’s okay for me to come home with you? This isn’t some small break like spring or that lil rinky dink one they give us in February.” (Y/n) asked, zipping the sides of her suitcase together. The long awaited summer break had come and after tiring, long hours of college classes all (Y/N) and Miyaki wanted to do was head home.
Well that was the original plot however it had clearly been lost. One phone call home and all of a sudden her mom and dad had magically ‘forgot’ to inform her that they had planned a trip for the two of them and the addition of her other three siblings (who somehow had been informed and never got left out..) to Europe. Although the girl was originally mad - rightfully so- she got over it really fast. So much so that she didn’t even bother letting her mom finish her little half assed excuse of how she thought she had texted her with the info and what not. This was her summer too and she was not going to start it off being upset over family drama.
However she still did feel bad about joining Miyaki on her trip home. The two girls had become fast friends during their few years at college and as the tall woman had said “We’ve been friends for years and ain’t been to each other’s houses once. You don’t think that’s a lil weird?” and she had to agree but it was one thing to spend the night at a friend’s house but to spend an entire summer? That was practically unheard of from where she came from! Nobody had that kind of money and food to be feeding an extra mouth for an entire three months.
“Yes girl, relax! I asked my dad today if it was chill for you to come and he agreed! Quit worrying and grab yo shit, the car is waiting out front.” The green eyed girl said, tossing her faux locs over her shoulders. Before (Y/n) could get in another worry or complaint she walked out of the dorm, slamming the door behind her.
“That girl has some serious attitude problems, I’ll tell ya that…” the girl muttered to herself, rolling her suitcase in tow. She eyed the dorm one last time, smiling at the nice memories they had made this year before exiting, leaving the key under the mat for the next students that’d come to stay.
The first sign that Miyaki came from a different living situation from her was the shiny black Rolls-Royce parked in front of the housing part of campus. There was an older gentleman in a chauffeur outfit who put their bags in the car. She’d given her friend a look who gave her a confused one back before hopping in the car with her. Was this really not out of the ordinary for her? If this was just her car what would her house look like?
(Y/n) let out an audible gasp as the big black gates opened.
“You live in a gated community?!” she exclaimed, turning to her roommate. Miyaki’s face scrunched up in confusion.
“Gated community? Sis….this is my house!” she let out a laugh as the (h/c) haired girl remained silent, looking at the large house in awe. How many people lived with Miyaki? To say she was stunned was an understatement. Miyaki was the most down to earth person she had met since going to college at Stonebrook. As the name suggested, it was a really prestigious and fancy school, tons of stuck up brats on daddy and mommy’s pay going to the school. (Y/n) had always been isolated by her peers since she was attending on a scholarship. They found it pathetic and pitied her which she despised. Why should she be looked down on for actually working to get into school?
Miyaki had never felt that way though. She treated (Y/n) as she treated everyone else…if not a little better (the girl had quite a mean streak) and was very quiet about her home life. But now as they walked up the quartz stairs and through the big marble columns, she could understand why.
“Dad, we’re home! Come meet my friend!” the girl’s voice echoed across the entire house causing her to snicker. ‘Does she ever use an inside voice?’
“I’ll be down in a sec, sweetheart!” a deep baritone voice called out. (Y/n) felt her heart race at the sound. The man’s voice went through her ears like silk. It was smooth but had a bit of a dark tinge to it, like a hint of cream in black coffee. She pulled out her phone, scrolling through her socials as she awaited the man’s presence. After what felt like forever a pair of footsteps came in their direction before parking in front of them. The woman almost dropped her phone at the sight in front of her.
In front of her was the finest man she had ever seen. Brown skin that had that healthy glow, prominent cheekbones, and a bit of facial hair around the mouth region. He was only in jeans and a t- shirt but the way it fit him? The shirt clung to his torso perfectly, the muscles of his upper arms constricted by the cuffs, toned chest. This was her father? She could’ve never guessed by how fit he was! Thighs so thick that she had to stop herself from letting her thoughts drift (more so than they already were..). But when he smiled? Her legs turned to jello. His smile was bright and blinding and he had the most charming gap. It seemed as time had slown down when she was looking at him and from the looks of it he wasn’t disappointed at what he was seeing either. She didn’t miss the way his eyes lingered on her midriff for just a little too long or the slight whistle he let out before covering it up with a cough.
“I’m Sam Wilson, Miyaki’s father. You must be (Y/n).” he said, holding a hand out for her to take. She gladly accepted it, shaking it with one hand as she placed the other one on top of both of them in a gentle way. The girl smiled back at him offering him a nod.
“Indeed I am! It’s so Nice to meet you Mr.Wilson and can I just say how thankful I am for you and Mrs.Wilson allowing me to stay with you guys for the summer. Especially with Miyaki’s short notice and all.” out of the corner of her eye she could see Miyaki roll her eyes at her sudden over-politeness towards her father and the way she had completely thrown her under the bus. Her attention was brought fully back to the man in question as he tightened his grip around her hand some.
“Mrs.Wilson? I’m not surprised Miyaki didn’t give you the details. It’ll only be the three of us here for the summer so in other words, there is no Mrs.Wilson.” he looked to the side a bit before turning back to face her, a smirk present on his face. “Also you don’t gotta be so formal, just Sam will do.” Miyaki cleared her throat impatiently causing the two to look to the side before laughing together. “Well it looks like Yaki is getting impatient so if you girls need anything, I’ll be around. Dinner is at 6.” the older man gave her a once over before walking off to what she could only assume was the kitchen.
“Girlll and you been hiding him from me because??” (Y/n) asked, rubbing her hands together. Miyaki smacked her lips together, dragging the girl towards her room.
“You betta stop playing with me.” when her friend stayed quiet, the girl gasped, turning her head. “Wait you’re joking…you tryna get my dad to hit?! Oof.” she grunted as one of her pillows hit the back of her head. Turning she saw her friend on her bed, glaring at her.
“Don’t say it like that! All I said was he’s fine nothing more nothing less. That can’t be your first time hearing that, one of your other friends has had to say something.” She felt the girl thud down beside her on the bed. She hummed for a bit before flipping over to face her friend.
“I mean I can’t say I’m surprised really. You love you an older man. Remember when you switched to that one baking course just so you could flirt and make googly eyes with Mr.Garcia?”
“That’s not why I switched! I was simply interested in getting to know his favorite dessert!” (Y/n) exclaimed, turning her head the opposite way. “In hopes that maybe I could become his favorite dessert.” 
“Whateva. Anyways, you wanna watch a movie till dinner?”
Dinner had been amazing. Sam went all out, pulled out the grill, made dessert, it was all so lavish and delicious! He even had lobster which (Y/n) made sure to take full advantage of. He had said help yourself and who was she to go against his wishes in his home? 
It was now around three in the morning as she stumbled around the house curiously. She and Miyaki had gone to bed early, absolutely exhausted from the long car ride over and while it was easy for her friend to stay asleep when turning in early, she found it hard to. No matter what if she went to bed before twelve she’d always end up waking up during some odd hour of the night. 
A sound came from down the hallway catching her attention. It was a repeated thudding and while usually she wouldn’t go chasing after mysterious noises, she knew it couldn’t be anything too bad. Sam had the security on this house underlock and she had seen how beefy his security guards were. 
Once she reached the end she turned the knob from the room in which the sound was coming from. Gasping quietly, she opened the door a little wider trying to be as quiet as she could. The sight in front of her was absolutely heavenly. There was Sam, shirtless, in nothing but a pair of grey joggers beating the hell out of a punching bag. His jabs were sharp and powerful causing the chains to rattle with each blow to the sack. Goosebumps formed all over her skin at the sight of his power. If he could do that to a punching bag, what could he do with her? 
All the  what ifs invaded her mind causing her to rub her thighs together hungrily in thought. She hadn’t even noticed that Sam had moved until the door she was standing in closed, leaving the two of them in the room together. He offered her a smile, a yawn interrupting his incoming words. His arms flexed above his head giving her an even better view of his muscles. It was an even grander sight than she had imagined when she saw him clothed earlier.
“Can’t sleep?” she shook her head at his question, sitting on the bench in front of him. “ ‘S alright. Why don’t you help me train then? Try to get me to the ground. Come on, don’t be shy, didn’t seem like you were earlier.”
As expected, (Y/n) couldn’t get him to the ground at all! Time and time again he had managed to get her down but she couldn’t complain too much. Being this close to a hot and sweaty man? Having him touch and feel all over her body? She could get used to this.
“You know, for an old man you’re pretty strong!” (Y/n) was out of breath, sweat dripping down her chest. Letting out a deep breath she held a hand out for Sam to shake. He eyed it before taking it causing her to give him a devilish grin. Within a few seconds she had dragged him close, sweeping a foot under his leg. He fell like she intended but what she hadn’t done was calculating him keeping a hold on her wrist. The two both fell with a thud, Sam hitting the mat while the not so sneaky woman fell on top of him. She pushed herself up, hands flush against his chest as she straddled him, looking down at him. Her eyes widened at the feeling of two large hands gripping her ass, eyes trailing up to his.
“Didn’t you say you were having trouble sleeping? I think I got something that can put you right to sleep.” was this really happening? Was she hearing him correctly? That thought didn’t last long at the feeling of his dick poking at her through the fabric of his sweats. His dark eyes were practically black from how blown out his pupils were. Leaning forward, their lips connected. 
The kiss was slow and sensual like the vibes he gave off. His lips were soft, the taste of coffee mixed with his natural taste. As the kiss grew more heated, Sam flipped them over, laying the girl gently on the mat. He continued with a trail of kisses, from her neck, collarbone, his fingers massaging the flesh of her hips. His lips gave extra love to her chest, licking and sucking upon the brown sensitive buds. 
His open mouth trail of kisses slowly became sucking the further and further he got towards the center of her legs.
“C-careful. Don’t leave- don’t leave marks our else Miyaki might see.” she warned, causing him to pause momentarily. Lifting his head he chuckled some, brushing his thumb against the sensitive area of skin near her upper thigh. Whether or not it’d be visible in summer attire was something she wouldn’t know until she got dressed the next day. Massaging her legs, he leaned up near her face, softly caressing her cheek.
“You’re a smart girl, (Y/n). I’m sure you can figure it out.” she huffed but remained quiet, a pout prominent on her face. A large hand came to rest around her throat, squeezing lightly. “ I’d advise you to lose the attitude if you wanna go to bed satisfied.” She shuddered at his words but remained quiet, anxiously awaiting what he’d do next.
From the looks of it, he wasn’t sure where he was going to take it next. He was eager, lust clouding his brain and thoughts. Sam was now acting on primal instincts alone. He reached for her sleep shorts, peeling them off before tossing them to the side. Keeping the eye contact they had, he guided two of his fingers into the mess that was her cunt. Despite barely touching her, her pussy was beyond creamy, juices dripping out the further he stuck his fingers in. Long, thick digits made their way into her with ease.
He made sure their eyes were connected, his stern eyes in a narrow assertion of dominance while her own (e/c) ones were glossed over as she fought to keep them open and focused on him. It was an agreement that didn’t need to be spoken: her eyes were to be on him at all times. Every so often her eyes would jitter close as his fingers nudged against her spot but still she persisted, wanting to be good for him, to prove herself.
Sam removed his fingers, guiding them up to the girl’s lips. Her eyes widened, gagging around the digits as waiting tears finally fell. Once he was satisfied he removed them, positioning himself between her legs. Using his thumbs he spread apart her pussy lips, salivating. Her cunt was so plush, clit engorged and pulsating, just aching to be touched.
He wrapped his lips around her clit, sucking on it as he swirled his tongue. The girl reached instantly, hands clinging to his head the best that she could as her hips arched forward. This is something Sam usually wouldn’t fly with but he’d allow it this once. An airy moan fell from her lips as she continued to buck against his face, pelvis jerking rapidly at the feeling of his fingers lightly teasing her around her hole.
(Y/n) felt her entire body buzzing with pleasure. Her hands searched for anything to cling onto as her orgasm approached her, making its way to her faster and faster. An overstimulated whimper left her lips followed by her slick coating the older man’s face and mouth which he gladly accepted, the most sinful of noises leaving him as he cleaned her up. Her clench eyes relaxed as her body fell limp to the mat, chest heaving in heavy breaths.
“You tapping out already, princess?” she lifted her head from the ground, propping herself up onto her elbows as she gave him a glare. Kicking him onto his back, she climbed into his lap, aligning the tip of his cock with her entrance, bits of his precum mixing with the reminisce of her arousal. 
“Not even close old man.” they both shared a loud groan as she sunk down onto him in one swift movement. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she tried to gain a hold on him, wanting to get the upper hand. However Sam was just so…large. His girth stretched her out greatly, the head of his cock just barely kissing her cervix causing her to let out a pathetic whimper. Sam chuckled some, wrapping his hands around her waist, guiding her own to rest around his shoulders.
“It’s okay baby, I’ve got you. You gotta relax though or it’s gonna be a toughy for both of us.” she nodded lazily at his words, tightening her grip on his shoulders, head under his chin. He rubbed at her back gently, feeling as her muscle began to untense around him. “Better?”
“Y-yes just move. Wanna feel you.” he placed a kiss to the top of her head before beginning to thrust, letting out a small ‘fuck’ under his breath. Despite her being fully relaxed and prepped, she was still so tight around him. After a bit of trial and error, he had finally managed to find a good rhythm but even with as patient as he was he couldn’t hold back any longer.
Locking his arms around the base of her spine, he gripped her in his arms, trading out his slow and deep thrust for a series of fast and shallow ones. The sounds she was making for him only egged him on as she babbled and drooled on about how she couldn’t take it, how good it felt. 
“O-oh god! ‘M not gonna la-last any longer! Wanna cum with you! Wanna- can we, pl-please!” she cried out, tears mixing with the mess of drool on her face. 
“Yeah? Let’s cum together then.” he agreed, not having much left in him himself. With a few final powerful thrust, Sam came deep inside of her, (Y/n) following right along with him. The girl fell forward into his chest, the both of them panting, holding each other covered in sweat. She let out a soft chuckle, looking up at the man who was already staring down at her.
(Y/n) had originally thought it was gonna be a long summer, but this was way different from what she had in mind. She was fucked.
Metaphorically and Physically.
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animentality · 1 year ago
I love Baldur's Gate and the Dark Urge and all -
And the idea of the Dark Urge redeeming themselves after a lifetime of horror by literally choosing to die and go to purgatory forever is really amazing. In fact, it's why I'm so dedicated to the Dark Urge as a character.
The idea of a villain losing their memory, becoming a hero, and then realizing that they need to die not just once, but twice to truly DESERVE their redemption is honestly brilliant.
Withers revives you way too fucking fast.
You literally die...and then Withers instantly brings you back.
In fact, it takes him fucking longer to revive your COMPANIONS than you, and your companions dying and being revived at camp aren't even part of the story, it's just you fucking something up and not wanting to waste a revive scroll.
Withers bringing you back instantly comes across as like, oh, so dying for your morals, being a true hero in the end, a martyr, defeating the villain, which is you...it's totally negated.
You died for about twenty seconds.
I've known people who died for longer on the operating table.
Where is my lover crying and clutching my body?
Where are my friends, all looking devastated, because they're all gotten to know me and root for me and truly care about me after I've done ALL THIS for them???
So that they could be safe from me?
Where is the emotion?
He brings you back and then your companions have a single line that's essentially just, "good job buddy."
Karlach says something like, I'm proud of you and Wyll says I'll drink in your name or whatever.
And Astarion has a really obnoxious line about how this means you aren't going to attack him anymore...and it's like... okay.
So you guys are totally unphased by the fact that you just watched me die...but I suppose death doesn't mean shit in this game, since you have Withers to constantly bring you back.
So then what? Nothing matters?
It's just frustrating because I know it's the cut content curse. They had more planned for Orin and the Dark Urge and Bhaal...but it just feels so underwhelming.
I think BG3's primary flaw comes in the fact that they wanted to build this richly crafted narrative, while also accounting for player choice. And they did a magnificent job of adding SO MANY extra scenes and alternate interactions, to the point where I'm still finding new shit, after like 800 hours of playing...
But the tradeoff is that the character stories...fall really flat, because they want so desperately for a Tav to be the main character, and no one else.
The Dark Urge especially suffers from this, because they made them a murder hobo in one ending, and basically just a Tav in the other ending.
As soon as you are brought back by Withers, you might as well just be a Tav. It has no bearing on anything anymore.
And that's such a shame.
I just wish it had some weight. The Dark Urge has spent their entire life ending lives... it should be beautiful, that they would end their own life to atone...their last victim, would be themselves, as they always knew...but for different reasons-
oh wait, withers is here.
cool, i'm back, guys, let's go to arby's and celebrate.
i just think the game should legitimately make you think you died, at least until a long rest or two.
force the squad to go on without you, make someone else your fourth member.
THEN withers can come to you, maybe in some kind of new Jerrgal-form, so you know he's Jergal for sure, and then reveal he was secretly a retired god.
And honestly, that makes Withers a far more interesting character too. To give him this huge hero moment, and have him say, no, this will not stand. I know he HAS that moment, but it's so rushed.
Let the player breathe on it. Let them FREAK OUT. Can you imagine how much stir it would've created, if Dark Urge players LEGIT thought they were dead permanently?
That would've given their sacrifice real weight.
But Larian was scared, probably, of players being upset that their characters are dead, even though that kind of sacrifice is literally the most heroic thing you could do in the game, besides become a damn mindflayer.
So some sacrifice! You sacrificed ten seconds of your life, and your companions barely care.
Alright. Fine.
I'll just be over here writing your story for you!
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nhl-stories · 2 years ago
I'll Call You Mine – Elias Pettersson
Summary: Elias is sick of being the single guy on the team so he asks his friend with benefits to pretend to be his girlfriend. Good thing pretending to be a girlfriend is her profession.
Author’s Note: Explicit sexual content below, sex work (the two aren’t one in the same)
Word Count: 9.6k
Album Series Masterlist
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Break me down And I'll call you mine And I know I've been around
Geena feels a hand press between her legs, her body pushes against the friction by its own volition.
She doesn’t have time for this, she says as much in her grogginess.
“Too worn out for another round?”
“Whatever makes you feel better Casanova,” she removes the hand and throws it behind her.
It doesn’t completely deter him; he moves to kiss her bare shoulder.
“E, seriously I can’t smell like sex at work, and I have just enough time to sleep for 10 more minutes and shower.”
He lets out a heavy sigh and buries his face between her shoulder blades.
“Who gets an escort at 4 pm on a Tuesday?”
Elias always says escort like it’s any other job. Like he’s mentioning a waitress or accountant or something. It is like any other job, but it’s not how most people react.
“It’s my favorite client, once a week he has me hold his hand at an early dinner and wear a sundress.”
“Okay then come back tonight,” he glosses over the details without judgment.
It’s refreshing.
They’re just fucking; she never has to put up with any shit even if he gave her any. If she ever felt slighted in the least, she knows she could find at least ten other guys to put in her sex rotation.
But Elias is the most consistent partner she’s ever had and it would be hard to give up just because he was being a judgmental ass.
She’s spent years putting up with that kind of behavior, she has thick skin. But there’s something nice about not needing to shield herself, let her soft underbelly show.
“I have a second client afterward, that might run pretty late and don’t you fly out tomorrow?”
“No, we just have an optional morning skate tomorrow.”
“So, you’re going to skate? Optional isn’t really your thing,” she smirks even though he can’t see, she knows him so well.
Elias wraps an arm around her waist and pulls her into him, makes sure she can feel his arousal. Makes sure she knows what she’s giving up for some extra sleep and a shower.
She lets out an airy sigh that borders on moan. Instead of leaning into that desire she rolls over and out of the bed.
“I’m not humoring you on this,” Geena laughs so Elias knows she’s not actually angry, “but I don’t work tomorrow so I guess I can come back tonight.”
It doesn’t quite appease Elias, who grabs her arm and pulls her back into a kiss. It’s simple, no demands behind it, but it still makes Geena second guess leaving. She has just enough will power to pull away and go to the bathroom, not giving Elias a second glance.
She comes back out already dressed; a blue sundress that brushes her mid-thighs, her hair tied into a single braid hanging over her shoulder. It’s the picture of innocence, but it sets something on fire in Elias. He kind of understands now why the man wants her to dress like this.
Geena seems to notice the flash of lust in his eyes and blows him a kiss, worried what will happen if she gets too close, “don’t wait up.”
Elias waits up, not entirely on purpose. He’s playing video games with some friends in Sweden when he hears the apartment door open. He’d given her a key so she could come and go when they meet up late for booty calls, her words not his.
“You’re not streaming, are you?” He hears her whisper from the doorway.
“No, but I’ll be done in a minute.”
He continues to play and Geena comes and wraps her arms gently around his shoulders, careful to not jostle him.  She gives him a couple of soft kisses along his jaw and he feels something cold press against the back of his neck.
He turns to see the outfit change Geena made since he last saw her. The braid is replaced with a mane of wild waves and she’s wearing a virginal white dress that almost glows, even more so against the leather harness she’s wearing over it.
He mumbles something in Swedish before turning off the game and turning towards her.
“This is new,” he plays with the metal ring that sits between her clavicles.
She rolls her eyes, suddenly looking exhausted.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” she runs her hands over his shoulders until they link together behind him, “but I could use some help taking it off.”
“I think I could lend a hand.”
Elias stands up and kisses her, she tastes like gin; he wraps his fingers under the straps to pull her closer.
She’s on her tip toes to reach his lips, leaving her unbalanced or maybe that’s the feverish pace of the kisses.  
“Wall… bed… flat surface,” Geena breaths out between kisses.
Elias smirks against her lips and pushes her towards the nearest wall slotting his knee between her legs.
“I’m glad you came back,” he bunches up her skirt and rubs her through her lacy underwear, a patch of wetness already forming, “I guess you are, too.”
“Just do something,” she bucks against his hand.
He moves to kiss down her neck, but doesn’t make any forward progress with his fingers. If anything, his touch becomes lighter, only ghosting over Geena even as he moves her underwear down her legs.
The frustrated groan Geena makes has his cock twitching.
She pushes him away with some force, enough to give her space to kick of her panties and pull Elias back by his waistband. His thigh is pressed back against her and she moves rhythmically against him, desperate for friction.  Her hand reaching in his shorts and gripping his cock, stroking it to full attention with expert quickness.
“Fuck G,” he groans and pulls her back into a kiss, desperate to find some leverage.
Her hips circle more erratically, like she’s close to finding her climax just rubbing against his leg like an animal. As hot as that is, Elias wants more.
He moves his hands down her body, over her ass and to the back of her thighs, lifting her further up the wall and off her feet.
She gasps, half in displeasure at the loss of contact when she’s so close to falling over the edge and half in excited anticipation.
Geena helps line him up while he holds her against the wall; she doesn’t have time to waste, knowing she won’t last long.
Elias shows his control and strength as he slowly lowers her down his length. It’s too much, but it’s perfect. They feel every centimeter on the way down, until he bottoms out.
He looks up and sees her pupils blown out looking back down at him. Geena opens her mouth like she has something to say, but a strangled sound comes out instead.
She leans down to kiss him, mouth hot and tongue clashing against his. She grips his shoulders and pushes herself up, aching for Elias to move. He gets the hint and jackhammers his hips up towards her.
He keeps up the brutal and unrelenting pace, he can’t keep his lips working at the same time and leans his head forward on her chest. Geena digs her nails into the back of his neck, digging crescents so deep they might draw blood.
He bites into one of the leather straps of her harness, his movements becoming more irregular, wilder.
“Babe, I’m close, just keep going.”
Geena leans back into the wall, changing the angle just enough.  Everything feels hotter and tighter, and Elias bites harder into the leather as he feels her milk his orgasm out of him.
Still, he doesn’t slow his pace even as it becomes almost too much, too overstimulating. He thrusts until Geena lets out a whimper and goes nearly limp in his arms. Elias suddenly aware of her weight and the burning in his arms and thighs.
He slides her down the wall until her feet touch the ground again. Her legs wobbles and he has to hook his fingers under the straps to help hold her up.
Elias pulls her along to his bedroom, sitting her down in her post-orgasm haze. He gently undoes the straps of the harness and slides it off her body. He moves to her dress, pulling the garment over her head. She’s pliant and dazed, but gives him a soft smile before she scoots up the bed.
He goes to the bathroom and gets a washcloth and runs it under warm water. He gently washes the mess between her thighs, where her juices and his come are leaking out of her, running down her thighs.
“Sorry, I should have showered,” she says sleepily, giving his bicep a gentle squeeze.
He doesn’t respond, just removes his own clothes that never came off and joins her in the bed. He gently kisses below her breasts, her sternum, her shoulders where deep red marks from the too-tight straps of the harness scream out red and raw.
Elias wants to say something, ask her questions but it’s not his place to ask. He doesn’t fully understand the intricacies of her job, but they’re just fucking and she doesn’t owe him any answers or explanations.
He kisses her shoulders once more and then her lips, hoping his actions speak a little bit of what he really wants to say.  She cups his face like she understands and curls into his side before closing her eyes.
His fingers rub gently over the indentations around her back until sleep takes him too.
Geena is cooking eggs when he comes back. Elias has never hated his closet full of baggy clothes more than right now; Geena is swimming in one of his shirts making her look like she’s more of a blob than a tantalizing, half-naked woman.
“I thought you going to be ready and waiting for me in bed?”
“I got hungry,” she plates her food before she turns around, “definitely needed to refuel if there was a repeat performance.”
She hops up onto the counter and Elias hates his baggy shirt a little less when it rides up her thighs.
“Before we get back to it…” Elias places a hand on her thigh, “there’s this team event…” he doesn’t know why he’s so nervous.
“Like right now? You could have just texted if you needed to do something.”
“No, there’s this get-together this weekend and I wanted to know if you would… escort me?”
“Escort you…?”
“I’m sick of going alone to these things and wives trying to find me dates while everyone else has significant others.”
“I thought Quinn was single cause he broke up with that girl with the stripper name?”
Elias laughs, ignoring the giddiness he feels when Geena remembers even the most mundane things he brings up between their benefits.
“Yeah, where was that name when I was a stripper? It’s perfect, you can go with Luxxx with three Xs or Lux Luxury; she’s sitting on a gold mine.”
“Yeah, well Quinn has a new girlfriend.”
“Wow, good for Huggy,” she grins to herself before going back to her food.
“So, what do you think?” Elias tries to get back on subject but is a little embarrassed to say the words again.
“You want me to be your date to get people off your back because you’re fine with having casual sex and don’t need a real relationship, but clearly saying that isn’t working?”
“More or less yeah.”
“I mean I am a professional dater…” she has a devious little grin, knowing she’s making him squirm a bit.
“A big part of why I’m asking you and not one of my other hookups,” he smirks like he actually has a list of other hookups.
She sets aside her now empty plate and runs her nails over his scalp and the buzzcut she’s grown to love.
She lets out a heavy sigh, “I don’t know E, we’re having sex.”
“Not at this exact moment,” he can’t help himself in the moment, being in her proximity brings it out of him.
She rolls her eyes but can’t stop the smile, “I don’t have sex with clients so it would be kind of weird and wrong to make you sign a contract or something.”
“I’m not asking for this to be a big official thing.”
“Elias, you’re thinking this is just a one and done thing, but if you want these people off your back I can’t just show up once and then fuck off.”
She cups his face, wants to make herself crystal clear.
“It means I will have to show up a few times, which makes this a time commitment, and some of those times will be during my prime working hours, which means I’ll be doing my job without making money and that makes the whole thing like an unpaid internship.”
“Okay, then let’s do this under the table,” he kisses up her jawline towards her lips, “and I pay you in sexual favors.”
“In an attempt to avoid me becoming a prostitute for you, you’re suggesting I become a prostitute for you,” she shoves him back a little bit, but he’s between the vee of her thighs and can’t go too far.
“I think the correct term is sex worker.”
Geena lets out a surprised snort.
“I appreciate your nuanced terminology, but I’m technically kind of a sex worker as an escort, so I’m just using it to differentiate. Also, I’m legally allowed to sell sex but it’s illegal to buy sex in Canada so we’re entering a real murky area here.”
She hooks her ankles behind him and pulls him close, “Will you give me a bit to think about it, like a day max.”
“Yeah of course,” he gives her a quick peck, “are you still gonna stick around for the day?”
“Yeah, you properly using the term sex worker weirdly does it for me.”
She ends up agreeing, there wasn’t really any doubt. She likes making Elias happy.
Geena rolls into Elias’ apartment two hours before he says to come over with a suitcase in tow.
Elias is watching TV in his boxer briefs and looks almost embarrassed to be caught being lazy and disheveled. Even though Geena knows he got in late from a road game in Winnipeg, where the plane had been delayed due to weather.
“Why are you here so early?”
“You gave me like no information about tonight, so I brought some outfit options for any occasion from super casual to full black tie.”
Elias just blinks, not sure how to respond as Geena starts opening the suitcase.
“G, we haven’t even discussed how I would,” he rubs the back of his neck, “pay you.”
He’s getting second thoughts about the whole thing.
“I decided the first one is free, see if I fit in and it feels natural then we’ll discuss payment plan,” she winks and continues pulling out outfits.
“This is a little overwhelming.”
“You’re getting the full Ruby experience. You can still call me Geena though, since we know each other intimately, going with my escort name might be confusing.”
He feels a bit nauseous. He assumes it’s showing on his face because Geena stops what she’s doing and joins him on the couch.
“E, this is literally my profession, I’m taking charge here so you don’t have to worry about stuff. But I have to get some information so you can relax and follow my lead.”
She gives him a quick kiss as a form of reassurance.
“It’s in a private room at a nice-ish restaurant.”
“Great start,” she gets up and holds up a black jumpsuit and a blue dress.
“Uhhh, the dress.”
“Excellent choice, now how do you want me to be?”
“How do you want me to act? Cheery? Cerebral? Demure? Mysterious?”
“I just thought you’d act like yourself; I like how you are.”
Geena feels her face heat up.
“And PDA? Are we a little handsy–“
Elias laughs at the irony of that.
“I said handsy not hand job Elias,” she puts a stop to this tangent immediately, “but let’s say casual touching, nothing below the waist.”
“What if I want to grab your ass?” Geena quickly making him calmer about the whole thing.
“Okay, we’ll play the PDA stuff by ear.”
Geena knows the PDA situation the moment the hostess starts leading them to the private room in the back of the restaurant. The confidence Elias had thought he built up immediately crumbles and his whole body tenses up beside hers.
She grabs his hand, knowing she’ll probably be a calming touch away the whole night.  
Were he any other client she wouldn’t say the next thought out loud, “Loosen your grip E, you don’t want them to think you have to physically force a woman to go on a date with you.”
“No, I just have to pay one,” he whispers with a smirk.
She squeezes his hand, reminds him to stay this loose.
The tension comes back almost instantly. Apparently, Geena is the first date Elias has ever brought around, so meeting her is the main event of the evening.
Tension ratchets up further when the obvious question comes up, “how did you two meet?”
His eyes widen and he starts to stutter for a response. Geena has to practically pry her hand loose so she can wrap an arm around his waist and tuck herself into his side. His grip on her shoulder is only a little too tight.
“I was supposed to be meeting a guy in his building for a date,” Elias is shocked that Geena is telling the real story.
“And I’ve been waiting for 15 minutes already and this dude is not answering his buzzer and of course my phone has died in the meantime so I can’t call him or a car to leave. And obviously at this point the weather also has to be terrible and it starts pouring rain and I happen to be standing in front of the only luxury apartment building that has no overhang to stand under.”
She’s a natural conversationalist, Elias looks around, everybody is already enthralled just by the way she talks.
“So, I’m getting absolutely soaked while I’m thinking about what to do next, when Elias comes running from a car that just dropped him off and he lets me into the lobby because I must look too pathetic to be a thief or something.”
“I thought you were a wet dog when I saw you out of the corner of my eye,” he jokes and squeezes her tighter as she gives him a playful bat.
“Okay, I guess he let this wet dog in the lobby and I explained what happened with this other guy, and Elias offers to call me a car but makes me give him my number so I can text him that I made it home safely, which was clearly just a way to get my number– “
“Hey, there are security cameras in the lobby I didn’t want to be the last person on camera to see you if you got murdered.”
Elias feels his face heating up, he’s glad his teammates think it’s because he’s being called out for using a cheesy line. Because while the night really did end that way, Elias had actually invited Geena up to his place to charge her phone and take a dry sweatshirt first.
They ended up having sex on his couch while her phone charged.
“Uh-huh, sure, that’s the reason,” she rolls her eyes before kissing his cheek, he heats up even more.
Suddenly, Elias is relaxed. It’s like Geena passed a test and integrated into the group. She stays a touch away while they mingle until dinner starts.
Elias keeps a casual arm on the back of her chair during dinner, Geena working the room so well he has no idea why he was so nervous.
Then he notices the way Garland is looking at her, like he knows something. He pushes the feeling down and focuses on the warmth of Geena’s body against his palm. Garland spends most of the dinner looking like he wants to ask something, which keeps Elias on edge for most of dinner.
Eventually he gets the courage to ask, “Sorry Geena, you look so familiar, have we met before or do you just have one of those faces?”
Elias stiffens and Geena places a hand on his thigh and rubs it, telling him not to worry.
“I think I have one of those faces. Last time I heard that, someone told me I looked like some woman from pornos, so maybe I have porno face.”
She has big, innocent doe eyes when she says it while other people snort on their drinks. Conor turns pink as his fiancée is torn between laughing and being grossed out. She breaks the tension with a laugh and the topic is dropped.
Geena wouldn’t be surprised if he recognized her, her days as a stripper brought a lot of NHL teams to the club. Even some of the Canucks had made an appearance now and then, no judgement with what adults want to do, just facts.
Many a rookie party wrapped up in the strip club, when most people were too far gone to think about their inhibitions any longer. One of the rookies, usually the most or least sober, would be handed a stack of ones and shoved towards a back room.
She remembers bringing one rookie back herself. When he sat down, she finally realized he was really a boy just playing dress up as a man. Then he burst into tears, words garbled up through sobs and intoxication, something about this not being who he is.
They were about the same age, but Geena felt maternal in the moment.
Geena rubbed his back and assured him she didn’t need to do anything; they could sit until he calmed down. When he finally stopped, she got ice cubes to help get rid of the puffiness around his eyes, a trick of the trade. Once he looked presentable, she slipped him a pair of underwear into his back pocket, a very Sixteen Candles move.
“Oh my god you were incredible,” Elias says as they get into his car after dinner, “no wonder you do this for a living.”
“And you’re so quick on your feet! That porno line, I thought Garly was going to swallow his tongue,” he continues.
“Customer service is the most important part of sex work,” she gives a soft smile.
Normally, after a date with a client she’d have a joint or an edible and if she was still feeling wired, she’d call someone for a hook up. But Elias is her go-to hook up and it makes her whole routine feel out of whack.
She wants to go home with him, have a night cap and at least make out a little, but everything is different and that feels like a boundary she can’t cross. Even with her lover turned sort of client.
“Hey E, can you take me back to my place?”
His foot stutters on the brake, bringing them to a jerky stop and go.
“It’s just I’m tired and since we’re treating this like a real job it feels wrong. I wouldn’t go home with a client; I wouldn’t even get in a car with them.”
“Oh right, of course. That makes perfect sense.”
The car is silent as the lights of Vancouver flash by, Geena slouching further into her seat. The weight of everything seeping into her bones.
Elias pulls up in front of Geena’s building, “Thanks for tonight, I really owe you. But we can discuss my payment later,” he gives devilish smirk and Geena can’t help but smile back.
“Cool, let me know the gossip about me in the group chat later.”
She leans in for kiss, but even though that’s their norm it feels like a violation to her own code of conduct. She bails last minute for an awkward kiss on the cheek which ends up with Elias kissing her right below her eye.
She scampers away before she can see his reaction.
The weird feeling doesn’t go away after her joint. Not after a boiling hot shower or the cold shower she takes afterwards.
It still doesn’t go away when she texts u up? to the contact ‘For a Good Time 💦’ and she lets him fuck her throat until she’s a mess of tears and snot and can barely talk, let alone think.
After a good night’s sleep, the feeling is still crawling under her skin. It makes Geena want to rub it raw. Since the weirdness isn’t going away any time soon, she pulls up her wish list she sends to some clients, she usually calls it tipping, and sends it to Elias.
Ten minutes later she realizes without context the list seems weird and follows up with: For payment after our next date, leaving what and how much up to you, think of it as my friends discount lmk where and when you need me next
Geena turns off her phone and tries to enjoy her day off, the weird feeling settling like a pair of glasses, still there but no longer aware of them.
It helps that the Canucks are on an East coast road trip. They’ve been hooking up for almost two years but don’t really keep tabs on each other. It’s like the moment either of them leave the greater Vancouver area they become strangers.
So, she’s not surprised that she just has a thumbs up as a response when she turns her phone back on. But she is surprised when two days later there’s a large package at her PO box. She wasn’t actually expecting Elias to work so fast, to be thinking of her on his work trip.
She opens the package at home, there’s a note on top of the tissue: To keep my snack warm, E.
Geena rolls her eyes, but gasps when she pulls out a slate blue cashmere coat. It’s the kind of expensive thing she puts on her wish list without expecting to ever get it. Like putting something too fancy on a wedding registry hoping some rich, distant relative will actually go for it.
She does a grossed-out shiver thinking about Elias as a rich, distant relative.
But it doesn’t stop her from stroking the luxurious coat with awe. She puts it on and it fits perfectly, she thinks she might live in it from now on. It’s too much for one date that was supposed to be complimentary, too grand a gesture. Still, she loves it too much to care.
She shows up at Elias’ place after his first home game back. They won; she knew because the buzz on her phone from the NHL app kept going off during her date with a client. He turned out to be a big Canucks fan, but still it made her mind preoccupied on the job. Always a bad thing in her line of work.
Geena knocks on his door, worried that he isn’t alone. He’s a star Canuck who just won a game in a pretty rough season. He would deserve it and it wouldn’t be hard to find someone for him. Still, Geena ain’t no cock block.
His jacket is off and tie loosened when he opens the door, like he just got home.
“Hey G, the coat looks nice,” Elias smirks as he lets his eyes rake up and down her body, he doesn’t move aside to let her in
“Thank you, it was way too much, but it’s nice.”
Geena tries to casually peer around him, making sure he’s alone. He immediately catches on.
“Are you here for business or pleasure?” his tone cocky.
She shrugs, “I haven’t decided yet.”
Elias makes a show of moving out of the way, revealing for certain he’s alone.
Geena makes a show of walking past him and taking off her coat, revealing her burgundy slip dress with a dangerously high slit.
“Had a client tonight?” Elias moves closer to her.
She nods and takes a step back, “a business man who was a big Canucks fan.”
“That make you think of me?”
“Yeah, and that’s not great for business, I was so distracted I don’t think he’ll give me a good tip,” Geena pouts.
“That’s too bad, you love a good tip.”
The game of sexual tension chicken continues, slowly making their way towards the bedroom. A strap of her dress falls down her shoulder. She has to tense her muscles to not shiver under Elias’ gaze. Before she knows it, she’s falling back onto the bed and Elias is caging her in.
He kisses up her bare shoulder, up her neck, and nips under her ear.
“I guess you’re here for pleasure,” she feels his low voice rumble against her, vibrating her bones.
He starts to suck a mark into her neck and she can’t let that happen. He’s so focused on the task, she takes advantage of the moment to flip him over so she’s on top.
“I guess I am,” she smirks down at him before pulling off her dress and tossing it off the bed.
Elias rubs his hands up her sides, over her silky matching set, “This for your client, too?”
She wants to lie because the truth is boring, this underwear happened to work with the best with the dress. But the truth is also scary, she did think of how Elias would react when she picked them
“No, just for you,” she rolls her hips and Elias groans.
“Next time just wear this under the coat,” he sits up and captures her lips.
She bites his bottom lip and tries to work the buttons on his shirt, “You need less buttons on your shirt.”
Elias laughs and pulls her along as he lays back down. Pulling her body up his, her legs bracketing his shoulders. She’s about to question what’s happening as he kisses the insides of her thighs, moving towards her vagina. He grips her hips to holds her in place as she squirms at the sensations.
She’s so used to giving, this makes her feel off-kilter. She never knows quite what to do when it’s one way towards her, but it should feel good. Biologically her body is reacting like it should, she gasps when he mouths at her through the silky material.
“E,” she tries to push her body up but he doesn’t let her get far, “you don’t have to do this.”
His grip loosens and she’s able to sit back a bit, fully see his face.
“How many times do I have to tell you I want to do this, I like doing this,” his fingers dip below her waistline while he waits for a response.
“Okay,” her voice is smaller than he’s ever heard it, “if you’re sure.”
“I’m sure,” he pulls the waistband of her panties down, “now take these off and sit on my face.”
She does as she’s told, gripping at the headboard and riding his face to an orgasm that makes the blood slosh in her ears. Elias has to tap her thigh to get her to move in the stupor.
“Sorry,” she mumbles and starts to do only thing she know how, return the favor.
Geena moves down his body, but Elias stops her. Instead, he maneuvers her to his side, wrapping an arm around her.
“I’m kind of tired,” he kisses the top of her head, “let’s just sleep.”
“In your clothes?” She’s hoping that will be enough to start something, she hates feeling like they’re on uneven ground.
He rolls his eyes and then out of bed, taking off his clothes as he makes his way to the bathroom. Any of their heat from earlier dissipates as Geena watches him start brushing his teeth through the open door.
He rummages through a drawer and holds out a toothbrush, the green one he bought for her when she started staying over. She hesitantly gets up and joins him at the counter; Elias has his and hers sinks and they each stand in front of one and silently brush their teeth.
Elias keeps making faces in the mirror trying to get Geena to look and laugh, he’s pretty close despite her trying to avoid looking. Then he fakes a blow job: pushing it into the inside of his cheek, then gagging and spitting out the the white foam.  Geena can’t help but let out a belly laugh and chokes on her own toothpaste.
“Don’t try and kill me for a bit,” she gives him a shove after she rinses her mouth.
He just smiles and plucks her toothbrush out of her hand and places it in the cup next to his. There’s a swooping in her stomach, when did being so domestic become so normal?
She lets herself get pulled back into his side when they get back into bed, and she pretends she doesn’t sleep more soundly in his grasp.
Geena wakes up the next morning in an empty bed. It’s oddly comforting even if she’s not in her own home. She gets up and digs through Elias’ dresser finding a pair of shorts and a shirt, she doesn’t feel like trying to shimmy back into a constricting dress.
She pads out into the living room, gathering her coat and purse, shoving the dress into the tiny bag.
“Morning,” Geena nearly jumps out of her skin.
“Fuck me,” she takes a deep breath and finds Elias holding a mug of coffee and a plate with a croissant.
“I can do that, but maybe you want to eat first,” he smirks before noticing her holding her stuff, “you heading out?”
“I- uh- I thought you left so, yeah,” she still kind of wants to leave now.
“I just went out to pick up coffee, I would have invited you, but thought you could sleep and I’d bring you breakfast in bed.”
Geena isn’t exactly sure what her face does, but Elias frowns.
“Do you need to leave?” His voice is soft.
“No breakfast is good, maybe we could sit outside, it’s actually nice,” that seems to appease him.
Elias has a smoothie with his coffee and Geena gingerly picks at the pastry.
“The team has been asking about you, you were a big hit,” he finally speaks up.
“So, I need to make another sparkling appearance?” she’s grinning but doesn’t look up at him, staring at her toes in the sunlight.
“They were wondering if you wanted to sit with them at a game, and if we win, we can go out after.”
“Like hang out with them when you’re not there?”
“If it’s too weird then don’t worry about it, but you can see a free game and you can even show up late if you want to avoid that much time with them.”
“No, I can do it, it’s fine.”
She pulls her feet up onto the chair, curls her toes into the cushion. Flexing and unflexing, something to remind her she’s not lost at sea, she’s on solid ground.
“Great, would Friday work for you?”
“I’ll have to check my schedule, but that should work.”
She knows she’ll have to cancel with a client, it’s last minute on a weekend night. But she doesn’t want to disappoint Elias.
His smile grows twice in size.
“And in return could you get me reservations at Kissa Tanto?”
He scrunches his eyebrows.
“It’s like impossible to get good reservations there, so use your pretty boy Canuck connections and squeeze me in on like a Saturday.”
“Oh. Yeah, I can probably swing that.”
“I know you can,” she pops the rest of the croissant in her mouth and downs her coffee, “I do have to go now, but I’ll see you later.”
She’s more nervous about the game than she cares to admit. Changing her outfit about four times, stalking WAGs on Instagram just to make sure she’ll mostly fit in. She doesn’t even know why she cares so much, it’s not the first time she’s had to fit in and schmooze a group of significant other, but it is the first time she’s done it without her date.
She shows up during the second period, trying to limit the amount of time she’ll have to spend without hockey going on. Geena knows she can survive one intermission.
As soon as she gets to the seats Samantha pulls Geena to sit next to her.
“Thank god you’re here.”
Geena laughs nervously, wondering why this girl she talked to for maybe 30 minutes is so excited to see her.
“I’m new here too, so it’s nice to have some back up. This whole world is new to me.”
Samantha is smiling, but Geena can read the self-consciousness on her face. She knows what it’s like, back when she was new to a higher class of living, she always felt like people would know she’s some kind of dirty whore, that she didn’t belong and never would.
She soon learned pretending to be confident could go a long way.
“If it makes you feel better this is the fourth outfit I tried on,” Samantha squeezes her arm in response.
The game is fun, it’s the first time she’s seen a hockey game while not on a job in a long time. Though technically she’s still on a job, she doesn’t need to entertain someone else. She forgot how fun it could be. And she finally gets to focus on Elias, how gracefully he skates, the power of his shot; it’s kind of beautiful.
Elias scores a goal and Geena goes nuts, she didn’t know she had that kind of excitement in her.
One of the girlfriend’s films the reaction and the rest of the crowd cheering before Geena can slink out of view.
“What’s your handle Geena?”
“Oh, I don’t do social media,” she shrugs, she does but it’s under the name Ruby and definitely not for all audiences.
There’s a chorus of shock that follows.
“I’ll tag Petey in it then,” she smirks and types away on her phone.
The goal turns out to be the game winner and the group is buzzing, Geena is almost excited to go out with them, like they’re just a group of her friends.
It’s as if she’s in a drunken haze as they make their way into the depths of the arena to greet the players, then she’s pulled into a hug and obligatory kiss with Elias. Suddenly she’s piling into the back of a car that’s so crowded she’s half on Elias’ lap.
It all happens so fast she doesn’t even notice what bar they’re going to until she’s in the door and it’s too late to turn around. She definitely can’t make a scene, so she tries to hide behind the bigger hockey bodies as they go to the VIP section.
She drinks a little too much a little too fast. It loosens her up enough to go out onto the dance floor with some of the other ladies without a second thought. It’s when they go to the bar for some water that reality sets in again.
Geena is pretty good at compartmentalizing her double life, so she doesn’t react to her alter ego name at first.
“I think that guy is trying to talk to you,” Samantha nudges her, making her finally look over to acknowledge the man.
She mumbles an expletive under her breath when she sees her manager, Michael. He likes to keep an eye on the escorts when they’re in a bar, it always seems to be where incidents happen.
“It’s some guy I gave a fake name then ghosted. I’ll go talk to him then meet you guys back at the tables,” she tries to shake the confused stares as she walks over.
“I thought you were taking the night off Ruby?”
“I’m here as Geena, I didn’t realize I was coming here until it was too late.”
“Shit, well Sam is here and he’s not too pleased with his replacement, so you might want to get out of here before you lose one of your best clients.”
“Fuck, I’ll get out as soon as I can. Sorry.”
“Geena, you’re allowed to have a life, just maybe not here of all places,” Michael gives her a sad smile.
She weaves her way back to the group, trying to blend in with the crowd. She clearly looks concerned when she sits back down next to Elias, who hands her his drink.
“You okay?” He leans in close, warm breath on her neck.
"I have a lot of dates here and the client I cancelled on for you is here,” she doesn’t mean to let that last bit of information slip but she’s nervous.
She leans back to look at Elias reaction, she’s not quite sure if he’s worried or happy. She gives him a long kiss in response before moving back to his ear again.
“So, if we get a bit handsy, so you can sort of hide my face and make it so it seems like we’re leaving to go bang that would be great.”
She kisses the spot below his ear, “we can also actually leave and go bang, too.”
Geena’s throwing out her rules of not sleeping with her faux-client after a date, anything to get out of here sooner rather than later.
“Yeah, sure,” he pulls her closer, “I think I can do that.”
They’re in a darkest corner of the table with his teammates, but the moment Elias’ tongue slips its way into Geena’s mouth there’s some cat calling from the boys. She can feel Elias’ hand move off of her, assumably to flip them off.
“I think they’ve had enough of a show,” he whispers and yanks her into a standing position.
There are some obligatory waves to the team before he’s pulling her into his side, hiding her a bit under his shoulder, leaning down to kiss her a bit as they walk to cover her whole face until they’re outside.
Her skin is on fire and the burst of cold air is doing nothing to change that. Geena feels the sudden urge to pull Elias into an alley and get on her knees for him, but she knows that has to wait until they’re as far away from this bar and any prying eyes as possible.
“Thanks E,” she can’t stop from kissing him again, with a little less heat this time.
“No problem, I was promised we’d go bang so not really a problem for me.”
He smirks and grabs her arms and pins them to her side to avoid the playful smack that was sure to come, and kisses her until her knees are weak.
Elias shows up at Geena’s apartment on a Saturday.
A woman in a silky robe answers the door and Elias worries he’s at the wrong place.
He’s only been inside her apartment once: taking Geena home when she arrived at his place for a booty call a little too drunk. He brought her home and practically carried her into her room, thinking it was best if she slept it off in her own bed.
“Hi, sorry I must be at the wrong apartment–“
“Baby Slut, your lover is here!” The woman shouts back over her shoulder and leans on the doorframe with a smirk.
“What are you talking ab– oh shit E, what are you doing here?”
Geena is also in silk robe holding a mascara wand.
“The Kissa Tanto reservation? It’s tonight.”
She blinks a few times before seeming to come back online.
“Oh, you made them for us,” she points between the two of them, “I was gonna take Xa,” she points to the woman in the doorway.
“I shouldn’t have assumed I was your plus one. You two should go together.”
Elias tries to hide his disappointment and embarrassment but apparently does a bad job.
“No, you two go have a cute little date,” Xa smiles a bit conspiratorially.
“But we’ve been wanting to go there forever,” Geena pouts, Elias hates that he feels like he’s being rejected.
“And I’m sure we can make that happen another time,” Xa give Elias a wink, “Would you be able to do that for us.”
“Uh- yeah of course,” Elias smiles back, “sorry about ruining your plans.”
“Don’t worry about, I can always go to the club make a quick buck,” she’s moving aside so Elias can come in, “someone’s gotta keep Baby Slut here in the life she’s grown accustomed to. Since you’re monopolizing all her billing hours.”
Elias feels his cheeks heat up.
“Let me throw on clothes real quick,” Geena cuts in, “behave yourself Xa.”
As soon as she seems out of earshot Elias asks, “Baby Slut?”
“I took her under my wing when she first started stripping, showed her the ropes. Barely legal girl who could barely get on stage without shaking. She didn’t have anyone taking care of her, so she became my little baby and well–“
She waves her hand implying all the things that could be associated with sex work, making slut seem like low hanging fruit.
It’s a reminder that Geena has already lived hundreds of lives in her short time on Earth. While Elias had only lived his solitary, safe life.
“I wasn’t legal,” Geena is dressed in record time, probably to avoid Xa sharing any embarrassing stories.
“Shhh, I don’t know how long the statute of limitations lasts on abetting a minor in her crimes.”
Geena rolls her, grabbing her coat and shoving Elias towards the door.
“Nice meeting you,” Elias calls over his shoulder.
“You too, have fun and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
“Wow, that really narrows it down,” Geena flips her off as she slams the door.
Both parties are desperately trying to decipher dinner’s meaning, is it a date? A real one? With no prying eyes of teammates or payments?
It makes it a little awkward.
They’re staring at their menus in silence like they can’t think of a single thing to talk about, which is absurd for two people who have spent so much time together. Most of it was in throes of passion, but there was always time between rounds or during mornings after lazing in bed or while munching on midnight snacks.
They talk enough that one dinner with no expectations should be easy.
The waiter comes by and takes their orders and they’re both grateful when their drinks arrive.
“Well cheers to our first date, I guess,” Geena makes a goofy face, which make Elias laugh despite the confusion it causes.
“You look really beautiful.”
Geena blushes like no one has ever told her that before. Elias realizes he never has, not without some kind of heat behind it, some innuendo. He wonders if anyone has ever sincerely said it to her.
She starts to nervously gnaw on her lip and Elias knows he needs to change the subject.
“I didn’t realize you had a roommate, Xa seems nice.”
Her face nearly splits with excitement.
“Yeah, she’s the best. I wouldn’t be anything without her. I would still have the pseudonym Buttercup if it wasn’t for her.”
“Don’t laugh!” She kicks his shin, “I was 16 and thought it was all ‘I’m innocent but sexy’, which I was neither.”
“It’s a really terrible stripper name.”
“Like 16-year-old Elias could’ve thought of something better.”
“I think it would at least be a step better than Buttercup.”
Suddenly, the ice is broken. They’re joking and talking like normal, the location is different, but it’s still comfortable. So, Elias takes a calculated risk and reaches across the table to hold Geena’s hand while they finish their drinks after dinner. She doesn’t pull away.
“That was fun,” Geena smiles as she settles in his passenger seat, reaching across the console to put a hand on his thigh, “want to keep it going?”
And of course, he does, he always does. But tonight feels different, so he wants to treat it differently.
“I’m gonna drop you off at home…”
Geena scoffs but doesn’t remove her hand from his thigh, if anything she moves it higher.
“And I’m gonna walk you to your door and kiss you goodnight. Like a respectful date.”
“Your dick has been in like all of my orifices, I think we’re kind of past respectful first date bullshit.”
“So, this was a first date?” he keeps his eyes forward but grins as Geena gives his thigh slap.
“I’ll send you the bill later,” he can hear her rolling her eyes.
“Worth it.”
“Are you dating Elias Pettersson?”
Geena almost chokes on her champagne.
Her date pats her back as she sputters, she kind of hopes she just chokes to death.
“Am I what?”
They’re standing out on the patio, a black-tie event happening inside. Just her and a long-term client getting some air. She’ll usually do some playful touches let him giver her his jacket to warm her against the chill; anything to make his coworkers think the heat is still alive between them after years together.
But this is new. He’s never asked Ruby about her life outside of their arrangement. He didn’t need to, he just needed arm candy while he wined and dined other rich business men that did something Geena never fully understood.
“Are you dating Elias Pettersson, the Vancouver Canuck?”
Geena feels lightheaded.
“My assistant saw some pictures of you with him. You were at a game with the wives and then out at a restaurant. You looked pretty cozy.”
“We’re not dating.”
“So, he’s a client?”
“I can’t tell you that, you wouldn’t want me telling people about us.”
“No, but I can’t risk looking like a fool because you’re out with someone in the public eye.”
A lump forms thick in her throat. She can’t speak around the feeling.
“So, you’ll understand why this has to be our last date.”
She nods while she tries to find her voice.
“Do you want me to make a scene? I can go a little crazy, make you get a little sympathy for dealing with your crazy girlfriend?”
“I was just going to tell people it didn’t work out because you wanted kids.”
“Very dignified,” she straightens her posture, trying to remain professional.
“I’ll still pay your full rate, but if you want to sneak out early that’s okay too.”
Her eyes burn with tears. She’s never cried in front of client, at least not if they weren’t paying for it. When it’s clear she won’t be able to hold them back for long, she slinks off in shame.
Her first thought is to go to Elias, seek comfort in his arms. She doesn’t even want anything sexual and her shame is replaced with unease. Geena’s not sure which she hates more. So, she takes to her bed like some Victorian maiden and hopes this is all some kind of nightmare.
It’s not.
Xa lets her stay in bed for two days before telling her she has to move on.
“Life happens, shit happens. You of all people should know that,” Xa says as she brushes her hair, a little intimacy that Geena never wants to admit she craves.
Her first outing is to the strip club, which maybe isn’t her best idea. Because being in a strip club at 1 pm on a weekday is never a good look. It’s just her and four men around the main stage. They keep sending her drinks as if she’ll go home with them or give them a lap dance.
She’s drunk by 2:30.
“You coming back to the club, Buttercup?”
Geena’s getting a lap dance from a dancer she used to work with, Sasha, who can only talk to Geena if she keeps dancing.
“If I came back, it would not be as Buttercup,” she’s basically talking to her tits.
“Fine, is Ruby coming out of retirement?”
“Ruby only retired from the stage, but she may be retiring entirely soon,” she slips some money Sasha’s her G-string.
“Shit, another whore going to the good side?”
“I don’t want to, I love what I do, I’m good at it. Just things are getting complicated. How do you live a normal life and do this?”
“It’s not easy, I have to work this shift now so I can see my kids. Money’s not as good but it’s worth being able to have dinner with them and go to their soccer games and shit.”
Geena furrows her brows.
“There’s nothing wrong with living this kind of life if you like it. But that doesn’t mean you have to give up the normal things. You don’t have to live in the shadows just because people make you feel seedy or dirty about your job.”
Sasha gives her forehead a kiss, which is weird after she was grinding into Geena’s crotch.
“You’re not baby Buttercup anymore, you’re badass Ruby and she can do whatever the fuck she wants. And if you don’t believe me Xa will kick your ass into believing. Now get out of here before the night girls come and make you get on stage.”
Geena stumbles out of the club, smelling of thick perfume and booze. Like she used to most nights. It feels like a safety blanket.
In her drunken stupor she calls an Uber to her most common destination, Elias’.
She generally tries to avoid showing up completely unannounced, but she’s too tipsy to think about that and lets herself in without a second thought.
And sitting at the table are two people, who are clearly Elias’ parents.
“Oh shit,” she says it too loud, both heads whip towards her, she can’t sneak out now.
Instead, she stands there frozen, mouth agape, probably looking like a fool.
“You must be Geena, Elias didn’t say you’d be coming by,” Elias’ mom smiles
“Oh yeah,” Geena returns a dopey smile, her brain is about five steps behind.
“I’m Irene and this is Torbjörn,” she stands up and walks toward Geena, “are you a hugger?”
“Nice to meet you and um yeah,” Geena holds out her arm and accepts the hug.
Irene pulls away a smile still on her face. She’s either great at hiding her judgement or doesn’t care Geena reeks of liquor. Knowing Elias’ inability to hide his judgement, she’s guessing the latter.
“Elias should be back from practice any minute.”
“Okay, I’ll just go freshen up really quick.”
She scurries to Elias’ room, hearing Swedish behind her. She hopes they’re not saying anything too bad, hoping it wasn’t too bad of a first impression. She flops on the bed, squeezing her eyes shut when the room starts to spin.
Why does she even care? It’s not like she’s actually Elias’ girlfriend, she’s just convenient, in every kind of way. Nothing more.
But he told his parents about her. His mom was excited to meet her. It felt nice. Like someone stuck around long enough to break through the hard shell around her heart. And maybe she is allowed to have that.
Elias comes in and flops down next to her. Geena finally opens her eyes, turning her head to the side to look at him. His smile is so nice she can’t stop herself from kissing him.
“You smell like a strip club.”
She lets out an airy laugh, “do your parents know that?”
“I don’t think so, they know you’re drunk though. I wanted to give you more warning before you met them, so, sorry.”
“Why would you introduce me to your parents? Did one of your teammates let it slip that you have a girlfriend?” She uses air quotes around the last word.
Elias sits up to get a better look at her, “no, I wanted – we went on a real first date – I thought…“
“E, are we dating now? You want to date me?”
“Of course, I do G! I didn’t realize how much until we started to fake date. But I like spending time with you outside of sex.”
“Even though I’m a dirty sex worker?”
“I wouldn’t call you dirty, unless you wanted me to,” he smirks.
“I just lost a big client because he saw a picture of us together. What happens if more people find out, on either side? I don’t want to quit my job because you’re in the public eye.”
“I’m not asking you to do that, you like what you do and from what I saw firsthand you’re really good at it. So, if you want to tell people what you do, I don’t care. I’ll do whatever you need me to, I just want you to be mine.”
“You really don’t care?”
“What you do doesn't change who you are or what I feel or want to give you.”
“So, you’re kind of mine then?”
He nods and pulls her up for a kiss.
“We should probably leave my bedroom before my parents think we’re having sex.”
“If they already think it…” Geena waggles her brows and playfully bites his shoulder.
He gives her a playful shove back onto the mattress before grabbing her hand, interlocking their fingers and pulling her towards the door, and the future.
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ynbabe · 2 years ago
Batfam x male reader
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Jason: How did you know there would be an extra uniform in the bag?
Tim: Everyone knows flight attendants are required to carry extra uniforms, in case they get called to work unexpectedly.
Dick: Or if something happens to the one they're already wearing.
Tim: Everyone does not know that. How did you both know that?
Roy (yes he’s a bat now, no idgaf abt queen): Worked airport security.
Jason and Y/n: *Simultaneously* Slept with a flight attendant.
Jason: *sighs* I have no friends...
Y/n: *coughs* Bitch, what am I? A roach?!
Tim: I can’t go, Dick’s mad at me 
Y/n: Why?
Tim: Well there was too many people watching on the Netflix account so I texted him and told him to check the news ‘cause Batman was dead and when he saw I was lying he couldn’t get back onto the Netflix because I had taken his spot
Jason: [on the phone] Hey do you remember when I said that me and Y/n were gonna have a calm night out?
Steph: Yes?
Jason: How much bail money do you have?
Jason: [takes off his shirt and jumps into a fighting stance] Fight me you bitch
Y/n: [picks up Harley’s shirt and puts it on] What’s your next move?
Jason: Wait what-? Gimme my shirt back
Y/n: No you’ve made your decision 
Jason: L/n I’m cold
Y/n: Should’ve worn a shirt then
Dick: Damian loves the outdoors
Dick: That time we went camping he was like Mowgli running around those woods
Dick: I swear Y/n, he was that happy that I honestly thought about just leaving him there
Y/n: Are you all caught up on homework?
Tim: I have a project due on Tuesday and I’m not saying I haven’t started but if you ask to see what I’ve done so far there wouldn’t be anything 
Y/n: Pete, why did you put syrup on the shopping list?
Steph: Cause I like syrup
Y/n: Yes but now it’s all sticky
Y/n, serious: Don't go falling in love with me
Jason, also serious: Yeah, that's not a problem
*A few days later*
Jason: *yelling as he runs to Dick's room* DICK, I HAVE A PROBLEM
Dick: Do NOT drink the night before the awards ceremony 
Jason: Yeah yeah, be on time, don’t mess things up
Dick: NO. Alfred’s booked a bagpipe choir. You do NOT want to be hungover for a bagpipe choir
Y/n: Oh fuck
Dick: We’ll go out AFTER the ceremony
Dick: When the bagpipe choir has left the premises 
Y/n: Tim got so drunk last night he puked all over my living room
Tim: It was the laughing! You made me laugh and I threw up!
Jason: Yeah it wasn’t the nine vodka sodas, it was the laughing
Y/n: “Oh my god! I drank so much laughter before this!”
Jason: You owe us a new rug
Y/n: [climbing down the side of the building]
Tim: Y/n!
Tim: Y/n come back! You’re gonna miss your cocoa!
Y/n: [in the distance] I know!
Tim: Well can I have it then?
Jason, after getting Tim duty: Horror movies don’t scare Tim
Dick: But Chuckie is so creepy though
Tim, spending wayyy to much time on Y/n with this: If I had to fight Chuckie I’d stand in an open field and kick him like a soccer ball every time he came towards me
Y/n: We need to find Dami, do you have a picture of him?
Tim: No but I can draw him from memory 
Tim: How tall is he? Like 2 feet?
Y/n: Have fun at your party
Tim: Thanks
Y/n: You know what they say: “Liquor before beer, never fear. Don’t do heroin”
 Tim: It’s a parent-controlled sociale for rich kids in Gotham I’ll be back before 9
Y/n: Fuck sake Bruce you said I had to babysit one kid
[Dick, Jason, Steph, Cass, Tim, Duke and Damian waving]
Bruce: They don’t exactly come separately... and you only need to look after Damian
Y/n: [waking up from a near death injury] You were scared
Jason: Nah, I was waiting to inherit your millions
Y/n: Let me know where you find them, huh?
Bruce: Can’t you leave Damian alone?
Tim: I got all the Justice league, young justice, teen titans, titans, everyone at WE and a bunch of interns to sign this notebook I had and then I wrote “Sign here if you think Damian is stupid” on the cover
Tim: He almost cried 
Tim: It was great
Dick: Kid, could I have a moment in private with Y/n?
Tim: Sure, I’ll just plug my ears and sing an old sea shanty
Dick: Wait-
Tim: There once was a ship that went to sea-
Tim, crushing on Y/n: Can I just say that I’d love to listen to you talk about Hell all afternoon Y/n
Jason, dating y/n and having met in hell: And can I just say that if I had my guns right now I’d shoot myself
Y/n: Uhhh
Damian: *scoffs*
Y/n: You want a beer?
Dick: He's ten!
Y/n: I don't know, what am I supposed to do with him!?
Damian: I wanna ride a horse
Y/n: Alright sweetie here’s the horse
Damian: That’s a horse? 
Damian: [picks up book] I thought this was a horse?
Y/n: Damian that’s a cow
Damian: I wanna ride that
Steph: Me moo
Y/n: You’re not helping 
Tim, clearly drunk: I don’t even know how to drink! I’ve never had one! Like what do you even mix vodka with?
Y/n: A straw
Y/n, at a PTM meeting: Wait- that guy is the bullying you?
Cass, under strict orders from Bruce not to fight: Hmm 
Y/n, knowing Bruce can’t say shit to him: [powering up] Not my first human, doubt it will be my last 
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writefinch · 1 year ago
Hey! Sorry to pull you in here before your break, we just need a quick chat. So, long story short, uh, a customer complained that you point-blank offered him a condom.
This isn't the first time. You know it's against company policy. You're only supposed to get them if the customer requests it first. Like, you're not even supposed to have them on display. I know that part is stupid, but if the regional manager checks the tapes and sees condom bowls in plain view, I'd still get written up.
No, no, absolutely not, I'm not going to write you up. I don't think it's necessary and you know it goes totally against my management style. I want to talk through your concerns.
I wanna remind you that we take all the recommended industry-standard precautions. In fact we go above them! First off, you're fully vaxxed, and that's the end of ninety percent of things to worry about, period. You've got an IUD on the company health plan, even though your T-shots probably suppress it. The customers get a physical screen in the waiting area. All us boys and girlies get tested every three weeks, twice as frequent as the industry standard.
That's already extensive, it makes you safer than the vast majority of people in our line of work. If we did any more, customers will get the wrong idea. They'll think we're an unclean brothel with unclean customers. It'd remind them too much of all the you-know-what from the past few years.
Yes, you're not wrong about that. Breakthrough infections happen, and people get sick. But you know what I'm gonna say? You're very robust, you know that? You've been here for what, eighteen months, you've been pulling long hours and beacoup extra shifts and you've barely caught a sniffle. The testosterone must be helping!
Now you might not stay this lucky forever, that's why we have six paid sick days and a flexible admin rota. Usually when you catch something it'll be a mild itch and trouble peeing. You won't even wanna rest, and yeah you won't get the full rate for paid clients, you can still get paid to do the laundry and the paperwork for a week while it clears up.
Every year I get a couple of colds from my kids and take three or four days off, and every year I always get a VD from one of the clients and spend a week washing sheets and cleaning dildos. You know what that gives me? Two or three days rolled over into vacation time!
Yes, you can get unlucky. You can get a couple of back-to-back infections. I tell every boy and girl who starts here the same thing: before they take out a loan on a new car or move out of their toxic roommate situation, make sure to get two weeks pay in a savings account. Even if you do have to dip into your rainy day fund, you know full well that there's always extra shifts to pick up around here.
Yeah, you can catch something nasty. You can have a bad reaction. We all remember how scary it was before the vaccines were available. But here's the thing: you drive to work, right? You're on the freeway twice a day. Forty-thousand people die every year in car crashes, and tens of thousands more get life-changing injuries. You don't spend every day worrying about that, right?
You just get on with it and live your life.
Look, I'm really sorry about this whole thing. You're really special to me, you know that? You're a genuine friend to me, I mean that. We get on really well, all the girls love you, you're a hit with clients and that's why I jumped on this y'know? This job is only as fun as the people here make it, and I don't want to see you written up for something that can be talked out.
Discipline here is so stupid. I'm fucking sick of the owners hassling girls, and boys, out of working here and then crying and bitching when we can't meet customer demand.
I said I'd be out of here as soon as I get my HVAC cert but if they put us all through that again I'll just quit on the spot. That's why I want to look out for you. You've helped me through some really difficult times, on shift and off. I wouldn't have been able to get through junket season without you. I'm serious, if you hadn't joined when you did, there'd be gun laws named after me.
Thanks for listening, and again, I'm sorry for even bringing this stuff up. Just promise you'll keep what I've said in mind? We've all got to look out for each other here.
Hey, once you're back from break, can I have your help with something? I've got a no-refusal client and well, all the other girls refused. What? No I don't want you to take him, c'mon man I'm not gonna let you off a written warning to guilt you into picking up my shit, honestly! No, I'm the supervisor on shift so it's up to me.
Anyway he's not into boys, even pretty ones like you, sorry. But he's a real charmer, so would you mind sticking close in case he starts throwing up or throwing hands? If I have to hit the panic button I think Sergei will throw him out of a window, and nobody needs that headache.
Thanks, I really appreciate it. We'll be in the spa room, so let me know when you're ready to play pool boy…
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guardiangeologist · 9 months ago
Luigi's Uncharacteristically Large and also maybe Haunted House (3DS Edition): A Highly Professional Review
The entire time I've had this blog, I haven't really been sure what to use it for. I've settled on spewing my unscripted thoughts on whatever Game of the Week I've played most recently because, quite frankly, where else are they gonna go? I love my girlfriend, but these words are destined for a wider platform. I must expand my horizons. So here I am, talking about cartoon ghosts and green vacuum-wielding Italian men on the internet.
Now, let me tell you, this green man and his stupid house have been in control of my entire brain like some fucked up Italian Ratatouille for at least 10 years. I was a Luigi's Mansion Kid. What do I mean by that? I mean I roleplayed Luigi's Mansion on the school playground when I was in the 3rd grade. With the other Luigi's Mansion Kids. So it's safe to say I have some experience when it comes to this game. At times, he goes dormant. He waits patiently for another hyperfixation to pass. However, just when I least expect it, he returns from the grave (almost like a ghost?) to stage a military occupation of my frontal lobe to last the next few months.
So, there's my history. I ended up finally picking up the 3DS version of this game just before the eShop shut down (rest in piss) for shits and giggles, and only just got around to playing it this week while laying in bed with a migraine. (maybe not the smartest decision?) I mean, to start with, why was this game released for the 3DS? It came out in October 2018, at which point we were already an entire year post-Switch. I mean, I guess it would be fine, but it's just so obvious that being on the 3DS holds this game back in so many different areas (which I will get to, be patient!) and it's seriously a tragedy it hasn't been ported to Switch yet. Why put together such an amazing remake, and then bottleneck it with lackluster hardware and release it on a nearly out of service console?
In terms of positive changes? LOADS of QoL stuff. I might even go as far as to call this the definitive version of the game in spite of the few drawbacks it does present. Some examples include:
Re-fighting portrait ghosts: NO MORE RESETS!!! (Ok still some resets for speedy spirits because there's no way in hell I'm staying in the blackout for longer than I have to but that's just part of The Experience)
You can go back to the Lab from the Mansion by exiting through the front door. Finally, Luigi has learned how to open doors!
The tougher post-game Hidden Mansion, originally exclusive to the PAL version, has finally been made available to us worthless money-grubbing Americans! (Minus the disorienting flipped rooms, which I found pretty disappointing but some people will probably celebrate.) You can even get platinum ghost portraits from the Hidden Mansion which I have yet to obtain all of because jesus christ it is not easy to defeat a ghost with 150 health in a single attempt.
And now, the ghostly elephant in the room: co-op. I did try it, with my little brother as my Gooigi guinea pig. It's...I mean...honestly, it's not great. If you want to play LM1 with a friend, I can honestly recommend a ROM hack of the GameCube original more than I can recommend Nintendo's official multiplayer, which is pretty lame. For one, nothing is scaled up difficulty-wise to account for the extra player, so most battles in the game become trivial with the addition of a second experienced player (not my little brother.) But secondly, and most importantly:
the LAG.
I can testify that our internet is fine. The internet is not the issue, and even if it were, it shouldn't take any more bandwidth to play this game than it takes for two 3DS systems that are within 3 feet of each other and 10 feet from a router to communicate with each other. Yet, the game did not once run at full speed on either screen the entire time we played. Additionally, my brother complained several times that he couldn't even move his character. Luigi's Mansion with two players SHOULD be a chaotic mess, but adding the piddly framerate on top of it makes the game nearly unplayable.
That being said, the co-op is a disappointment, but it was never necessary for the game to be a satisfying package overall, it's better than having nothing. Though, as is typical, the work of fans definitely triumphs over Nintendo's official product in this department.
Oh, and they still didn't fix the oversight which causes you to lose the second gold diamond if you die after collecting it because the game prompts you to save while it's still on the ground... No A-Rank for me, I guess.
Mm, yes, the controls, yeah, those exist. This is one of those spots where I feel this game could have easily benefitted from just being developed for the Switch. Instead of forcing a dual-stick game onto a dying handheld with a single circle pad, maybe we could've, like, released it for the dual-stick console/handheld that was already out and had a perfectly established user base? They tried to substitute the c-stick with the gray alien nipple- or uhh..."circle pad pro"...that comes pre-installed on the New Nintendo 3DS, but it does not work well. The nub just isn't responsive enough to substitute for an entire stick, and if you want it to be a real circle pad, you have to buy an external attachment. Not to mention the nub isn't even available on every 3DS model! So like, yeah, I understand they made an honest attempt to work around the controller issues, but a better workaround would've been to just...not curse this game to irrelevancy by trapping it on a dying console.
All of that said, I spent all week playing this game, so they did something right. Curse my brain worms.
11/10 will buy this game and its sequels again every time Nintendo re-releases them.
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xb0rder-7inex · 10 months ago
I just want to address something because it's really irritating me and it's not personal it's just something I have a really low tolerance for right now.
Please do not send me asks that are essentially an invitation to vent to you. I won't talk to you about my situation and this isn't some kind of romanticized relationship. I'm 30 years old. I am a full adult and I am in an abusive relationship. It isn't like I can talk about it and everything is fine. There is a legal barrier here that we are literally going to trial for. This isn't a light problem it's a very private subject and the only reason I post about it is to keep myself accountable for which actions are my own and to pick up on patterns to make note of in the case that I start to feel like I'm being gaslit. It's more to cover my own ass than anything and it also helps me cope (like journalling) when he blocks me.
The harsh reality is that I don't know what lengths he will go to and while I don't believe him to be violent I truly have no idea what he would do to me and sometimes I am really scared of him. But he psychs me out mentally a lot and he is more emotionally and mentally abusive than he is physically abusive. It's all just here for documentation.
My life has literally fallen apart because of him. It is so fucking likely that none of you can relate to losing literally every single thing you had in your life. Your dog, your job, your home, your relationship, all of your friends, your family, your car, and practically a foot as well. When you're supposed to be the fucking victim. To be victim blamed by law enforcement when you're trying to go back because you know how much worse it gets when you try to move on. To be placed in a shelter surrounded by true drug addicts (I'm talking meth, crack, fentanyl, etc) having never gone near any of that shit in your life with all the staff telling you that you don't belong here and not knowing when you'll be able to get out of this unfamiliar territory. Having to rebuild literally your entire life from the ground up. Playing roulette with thousands of other people in the city let alone the province who are just trying to pick up their broken pieces too.
Absolutely nothing anyone says can make that better and I've made peace with where I am. I'm a grown ass woman dealing with some really serious shit that I can't just walk away from. It's an abuse cycle that leaves you walking on eggshells so frequently that it's so much easier to take it than it is to try and leave. There has to be a right time and there has to be a plan. It can take years.
I have a leg up for housing because I'm not an addict and I'm in a DV situation and I qualify for some extra benefits and my main goal right now is to manifest housing. I need to get out of the shelter. I need to get into a space that's my own. Something that is mine. A place that he can't take away from me.
That kind of shit takes time. It takes a lot of resources and it's a lot of waiting. Im in Canada so it may be a little different everywhere but I encourage you to look at statistics and maybe something will make sense to you about why you can't just leave a toxic relationship, and why it's triggering to victims to tell them they deserve better and to leave.
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opreaadriann · 11 months ago
Found your game today, and tried it out and really enjoyed it. I already brought up the trans name situation on the forums, which you so kindly already replied to and figured I'd ask the last few things here both to get your account here some traction, but to also avoid clogging up the forum post.
The player is able to get a tattoo, which is fucking amazing but I was wondering if it would be possible to get more than one? Unless individual tattoos and their meaning is brought up at any point in conversation, which it would then make sense to limit it to just one. But if the specifics of the tattoo isn't brought up, could you make so that the player could've multiple tattoos?
On the topic of tattoos, an option to have piercings would be a really cool option as well. Even if they aren't outright mentioned at all in the story, they would still be a cool addition if for no other reason than a head-canon of what your MC looks like. Again, having multiple piercings would be cool. Piercings would definitely add some extra spice for the players like me, who are going for the rebel without a cause / rockstar musician persona.
Height. Absolutely height. I want to be a tall trans girl rebel/musician who can tower over the shorter RO's, specifically the girls, even if I do feel like I won't romance anyone of them. At least not from what I've seen of them so far, and their personalities and past and present behavior.
And last but not least. Cigarettes. When you meet the clown that was our first friend, you can pull out a pack of cigarettes and hand him one, because you think he might find it cool. This option to me at least, seemed very out of left field since there was absolutely no indication the MC was a smoker. I don't personally mind the MC smoking, again it would fit her persona, but it might be jarring to some players. Maybe make it an option early on if the MC smokes, and if they do they'll have the option to pick this scene? Like that it's established the MC smokes, and as a result can be used later on in the story for other scenes as well, rather than just potentially being a one-off situation, and it could potentially become a cool story element to build on the MC and their potentially very different personalities from each different player. Because as it currently is, making it a one-off scene would make it even more weird than it already feels without any prior choice of smoking or not, because why would the MC smoking never be mentioned again if they picked this choice, because clearly they smoke otherwise they wouldn't carry a pack of cigarettes with them I would imagine.
This last bit isn't really a topic, suggestions, or request, but rather a question. If you join the band with your adept skill being music, the MC has some internal monologue about how you might be able to take over the lead singer role if you got trained in singing. Will this ever be an option? Because I would love to absolutely take over the band, as the main 'front girl' with my bass and singing, haha.
Hey, first of all, thanks for the name change suggestion. It really would have been stupid to keep the same name after the transition haha. I’ve already added the code for it, I’ll just wait to do a bigger update to add it to the demo.
Originally I was thinking of making the tattoos important in some way or another but It’s been 5 years and I can’t remember for the life of me what that purpose was. So yeah, I’ll add the option to add more tattoos and I’ll probably only talk about one of them or mention their overall presence.
And sure, piercings, why the hell not?
Oh yeah, height would be good for the character customization. I just naturally assumed the MC was relatively tall, but forgot I should actually give the choice haha
The smoking bit I thought worked well with the rebel/edgy persona, since, for example, the edgy type will have a lot of stuff never mentioned before ready for special occasions. In the cafeteria scene, the edgelord had food prepared from home and they don’t stay in line to get anything. But yeah, I guess I could explain better that our MC prepared stuff from home for occasions like these.
And, yes, you can become the lead vocalist for the renowned Fighting Rooster! Without spoiling anything, there will be a plot in the band where you’ll need to figure out who should be the vocalist. And that option can also be you.
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stevenbasic · 2 years ago
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GITJ Post 313: The Tale of Queen Angie, p7
Her boobs are growing, and all her little friends? she seethed to herself as she marched down the sidewalk, headed to the shop she’d found online. She’s taller, she’s a fucking She-Hulk at the gym, she’s got some sort of weird-ass hypnotic perfume? she continued to rant, silently to herself, Fine. Two can play at that game.
Angie Wade was not accustomed to shopping in this part of town, the swankiest. But despite being a bit out of her element she held her head up high, strode confidently, some would say haughtily. She’d needed to make an appointment, in fact, to be let into this place she was headed to - ‘Merz Parfumerie’ - which was annoying but whatever. She’d be on time; she’d skipped out of the office an hour early to make sure.
She could feel her boobs jiggling in her too-small bra under her thin, faux-cashmere sweater as she walked. All the extra calories, along with the fenugreek, were starting to do some good, and maybe while she was downtown she’d look into a lingerie store. She’d finally gone up a cup size or two, she figured. Those fifteen pounds had to go somewhere besides my thighs. It was chilly, this early November afternoon, and her nipples were sensitive.
It annoyed her that she even had to be doing this. She’d tried to use AJ, her ex- and apparently some construction-monkey crew leader working on the office expansion, to get her what she wanted. She knew that there’d been adjustments made to the air circulation system in the building, that there was some sort of aromatherapy shit going on, something based on Melissa’s perfume. She knew it had something to do with how the other girls were growing, how spellbound the stupid doctor was by Melissa and her fucking jigglebunnies. Why was it not having any effect on her?!? Why couldn’t she tell him what to do and boss him around like everyone else was doing?!? It was fucking frustrating but she wasn’t about to sit back and just watch, let all these other girls become whatever they were becoming, especially after the elections let the whole fucking world know that there’d be new bosses in town pretty soon - all of them in smart skirts and high heels. She should be the one running that place, not that overgrown bimbo. So, she’d asked AJ to get some of the pure stuff, whatever it was that they were infusing the air filters in the office with, some weird super-strong chemical that smelled like Melissa’s perfume (so fucking weird, right?)…but he proved to be useless. He can’t even do that for me. 
Finally at her destination - she’d had to park a few blocks away, where parking was cheaper - she looked in through the dusky storefront windows of this high-end perfume shop. She squinted, trying to see inside, what she’d be dealing with, but couldn’t make much out. She rang the stupid doorbell and waited. 
A moment later a man answered the door - she was hoping for that. Angie tended to have better luck getting her way with guys than women. But by the way this guy wore that scarf around his neck she wasn’t too sure her normal methods of persuasion were going to be of much help here. Fine, money talks too. The company credit card that she’d been using over these past few weeks, and then surreptitiously hiding transactions for, was in her purse. Working in accounting was helpful. 
“You must be our four o’clock customer. Welcome to Merz Parfumerie,” the thin man with the squirrely little moustache said as he stepped aside, ushered Angie into the dark little shop. He looked her up and down, took note of her cheap shoes and heavy behind as she glanced around, perused, browsing the shelves of exotic perfumes collected from around the world. “Is there anything in particular I can interest you in?”
Angie turned towards him; he’d found his way behind the glass sales counter. She stepped up to him and placed her purse on it. “Yes, thanks. I’ve heard that you can make custom perfumes, is that right?”
“Yes, yes we can,” the man smiled, “a personalized fragrance can be tailored just for you. We have a perfumologist from Grasse, perfume capital of France, who can craft whatever scent you’d like, for any occasion. It’s a wonderful idea. Would it be for you, or is this a gift?”
Perfumologist? Angie scoffed, silently, That’s a thing? “It would be for me, for sure,” she answered, “and I have a particular thing I want...”
At that, Angie unsnapped her purse and - pulling out some gum wrappers and her lipstick, putting a tampon on the counter - removed the three N-95 masks she’d squirreled away, snagged from the exam room earlier this morning. Damn, her whole purse was going to smell like Melissa, now. 
The sales guy watched with cocked brow as she presented the masks to him, placed them on the countertop. His trained nose immediately picked up the scent of them. It was strong. 
“These masks have been, like, soaked in some chemical, some perfume,” Angie began, “I want you to try to duplicate it, but make it…more like me. I want it even more intense.”
As Angie talked the man, with delicate, tentative fingers, lifted one mask from the three and passed it in an arc below his nose. It was not like anything he’d ever smelled before. Feminine, organic, beautiful in its own way. But it wasn’t a perfume, that he could tell. 
“I want to wear it,” Angie continued, “I want to smell powerful. I want people to smell my strength, I want them to gag on it.” She watched the man take another breath of the alluring scent from the surgical mask, considering. “Can you do that for me?”
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