#wa central
confusedsiewmai · 1 year
Shout out to queer manga centred around food and celebrates it. You're the only bitches who matter.
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cozylittleartblog · 4 months
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fagdykebassboy · 5 months
most cis guy thing about me is how much i love fishing like ive been thinking about it for the last 30 minutes like half of my feed is just fishing content
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vogelmeister · 10 months
real sydney culture shock is going from central station (space port) to central station (1970s)
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Can we talk about Ock being one of the modern day sexymen and being fat. Love him, but he is such a win for fat people on the Internet it's insane and Norman is Old Man Pussy Central while still being somewhat grey and very wrinkly. NWH was my savior. DocOck (DoCock)
But like for read he is wonderful and beautiful and also he does not fit the conventionally attractive narrative and I love him for that
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larryshapiro · 1 year
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West Valley Yakima County Fire District 12, Yakima, WA
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sigalrm · 7 days
Magdeburg Hauptbahnhof
Magdeburg Hauptbahnhof by Pascal Volk Via Flickr: Der Bahnhof wurde am 1945-01-16 zerstört. Der aktuelle Bahnhof wurde in mehreren Schritten dem, Original nachgebildet.
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thepradaenchilada · 11 months
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Funny Funny Funny Joke Joke Joke
Thursday night in Spokane, I'll be kicking off the holiday season in Funny Funny Funny Joke Joke Joke at the Historic Garland Theatre! This is a stand-up comedy, music, and multimedia event all rolled into one! Blade Frank will feature, Colton Drake Garrick will be our special guest, and Josiah Carlson will steer the ship. Can't wait to share the stage with these hilarious, gender-specific individuals! Hope to see you there!
Tickets via Eventbrite
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dunmeshistash · 5 months
Dungeon Meshi World Map
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REGIONS (Descriptions taken from the Adventurer's Bible)
Description: Bears the most scars from the ancient war. It has many monsters and ruined dungeons, and although it's vast, there are surprisingly few habitable areas. Most of the inhabitants are sturdy, short-lived races and demihumans. Elven culture has had a strong influence here. Characters: Kabru and Kuro Places of Note: Utaya Dungeons of Note: The Utaya Dungeon, The Dragon's Lair
Description: The continent that is home to the largest nation, ruled by the queen of the elves. The term "Western Elves" mostly indicates elves from this region. It's the safest area and life is easy here, but its shrinking population has dangerously weakened it. Characters: Mithrun (and the Canaries) Places of Note: Western Elves's Royal District, Canarie's Headquarters. Dungeons of Note: Central Watchtower
Description: The area with the second-largest elf nation. It has more inbound immigration than the Northern Central Continent and a rather disorganized atmosphere. While it's in an alliance with the Northern Central Continent, they really aren't on good terms. Characters: - Places of Note: - Dungeons of Note: -
Description: Home to the largest gnome nation. Once dwarfs and gnomes made up the majority of the inhabitants, but in recent years there has been an influx of short-lived races from the Northern Continent and Eastern Archipelago, and the population is growing rapidly. It's a melting pot where various cultures are jumbled together. Characters: Chilchuck Tims (Kahka Brud), Senshi (Izganda) Places of Note: Magic School, The Island/Melini, Kahka Brud, Izganda, Dozahk, Bonnario, Sadena Dungeons of Note: Island, Brud Dungeon Cluster, Budou Pit, Tower of Night Cries
Description: A severely cold continent where over half of the land is covered in perpetual snow. The majority of the inhabitants are short-lived races, particularly tall-men, but the population isn't large to begin with. It has been strongly influenced by dwarf culture. Characters: Laios & Falin, Marcille Places of Note: - Dungeons of Note: -
Description: An area where short-lived races live. As a result of a pact, there has been no interference by long-lived races for a very long time. The effects of the ancient war are slight, and they have almost no trouble with monsters or dungeons, but there's constant strife among humans. Characters: (all from different Islands) Izutsumi, Shuro and his Retainers, Rinsha Fana (Not shown) Places of Note: Island of Wa Dungeons of Note: -
Description: Home to the largest dwarf city. Gnome and dwarf nations often build down rather than out, and the innermost layers are extraordinarily deep. War still erupts frequently, and there are never-ending disputes near the borders. Characters: - Places of Note: - Dungeons of Note: -
If you're interested I've found a post on pixiv with the map outlines and some more info (in japanese)
I'll make a post about the dungeon descriptions later but here they are, there's a little more info about Kahka Brud dungeons on my last map post
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1 The Island, 2 Budou Pit, 3 The Brud Dungeon Cluster, 4 The tower of Night Cries 5 The Utaya Dungeon 6 The Dragon's Lair 7 The Central Watchtower
Map Outline
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CALL/WA 0811-801-030 Membuat Usaha Rumahan DiBogor, Usaha Mandiri Modal Kecil DiBogor, Potensi Bisnis 2023 DiBogor, Peluang Usaha Reseller DiBogor, Bisnis Rumahan Yang Menguntungkan DiBogor
Tempat : Channel youtube Central Berkah Amanah Link Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLo_4JFeH5js_anQnxF2DnA Waktu : Setiap hari
Kami juga membuka kesempatan peluang usaha di kota Tembilahan, peluang usaha di kota Pontianak, peluang usaha di kota Manggar, peluang usaha di kota Singkawang, peluang usaha di kota Tanjung Pandan dan seluruh Indonesia
PT. CENTRAL BERKAH AMANAH Berdiri di kota Solo pada tanggal 22 September 2022 Perusahaan asli Indonesia karya anak bangsa ini merupakan perusahaan network marketing dengan terobosan baru yang didukung penuh oleh tenaga profesional yang berpengalaman dan ahli dibidangnya
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Tidak ada syarat minimum pendidikan untuk bisa sukses disini. Anda hanya perlu kerja keras dan cerdas, serta mengikuti arahan mentor menjalankan metode yang sudah terbukti berhasil menghasilkan income.
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nandiayuita · 2 years
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pia-nor481 · 1 month
She…What? Part Seven
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Oscar Piastri, Daniel Ricciardo, Lando Norris x reader
Oscar admits to her that he’s not particularly experienced in the world of sex, yet he doesn’t feel as ashamed about it as he expected. Lando and Daniel have their usual hotel chat in which Lando reminds his friends of his impeding bedtime. Although the Australian would rather spend an evening with her
2.4K words | 18+
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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She pulled back slightly, remaining in his lap. "What do you mean, Oscar?" She whispered, eyes wide as her hands slid up his arms slowly. "I'm not really experienced with this kind of thing." The Australian's eyes were closed, hiding his embarrassment. "Ever? Or in terms of a contract relationship?" She questioned with a small smile, trying to lighten the mood. Oscar's hands would have made dents in her skin if he was training any harder. "Well I've done some stuff. Just not all the way." A blush rose to his cheeks as she was finally able to see his eyes. 
She slowly moved behind Oscar, wrapping her arms around his neck. "That's okay. Usually I'd be a bit of a tease and and walk away from you right now, leave you high and dry. But I don't have to tease you too much." She giggled resting her chin on top of his head, making his hair impossibly messier. "There's no need to be mean." He pouted, crossing his arms over his chest in disgust. "Hey. I'm not trying to be mean." She gasped in false offence, squeezing his arms playfully. "I'm just informing you of what you're getting involved with." She smiled, pulling away and standing up. "Then we can just talk for a while. Perhaps we can get to know each other better in that time, more than that you're a voyeur." She giggled, taking a small sip of wine, lifting the bottle up slightly. "I don't drink wine." Oscar started, getting up from the bed. "I can only have hard liquor, otherwise my trainer will complain." He finished, reaching for the bottle of whisky. "So you don't drink beer or cider either. Just the the stuff that will get you drunk quicker?" She asked in disbelief. 
Oscar shook his head before speaking. "I hardly drink actually." He turned watching her slowly drink the red liquid, not once looking away from him. "That's going to change soon. Not just because you're winning races now." She smiled, moving through the room gracefully, noticing Oscar's lingering gaze. "You can speak you're mind, I wont judge you." He was finally pulled out of his gaze by her words. "I'm just taken aback." Oscar's filter slowly dissolving after a few sips of the drink. "You're gorgeous." He whispered once he was closer, reaching out to brush his fingers over her face.
Oscar was shocked with how forward he was being, yet he felt so draw in, and he didn't want to be let go. "How sweet of you Oscar." She smiled, pulling him in close, waiting for his reaction. The Australian could feel the blood pumping harshly through his body as his hands came up to cup her cheeks. He groaned quietly, finally feeling his lips against her, the level of relief he felt was unprecedented. Oscar pushed her down slowly, feeling his knee slip between her legs. He didn't know what came over him in that moment, his neurons were clearly delayed to his central nervous system. Oscar pulled back with a quiet 'sorry' before moving to the end of the bed, annoyed with himself, he wasn't one to wear his emotions on his sleeve and so sat there with a straight face, battling his thoughts. "Oscar." She repeated, trying to pull him out of the trance. "I know we said we would only talk, but that doesn't mean I'm upset with you." She reasoned, reaching for his drink and taking a small sip. He raised an eyebrow at her action but didn't move to stop her, if anything he wanted her to continue. He wanted her to completely consume him. 
"What did you want to talk about?" Oscar struggled to get out, his nerves coming through. "What you like, what you want. Anything." She brought the whiskey up to his lips, waiting for him to finish the glass. He was definitely out of his depth here, almost alarmingly so. But Oscar would do anything she asked. "Okay then...I want to know more about how this relationship works, at least in your words." Oscar was always straight to the point she soon came to realise. "Well, it's really whatever you want it to be." She brought her hand up to his hair, running her fingers through the messy strands. "So what is it to Daniel and Lando?" He questioned, focusing on her lips, mainly the colour of the gloss. "You may have to ask them. But from my point of view it feels almost like friends with benefits, at least in a way. It's difficult to describe. But I've know Daniel much longer than Lando so it's a little bit different."
"In what way?" Oscar quizzed, he was clearly a person who liked research. "I suppose it's a bit more romantic with Daniel, at least in a way. He sorts out hotels, flights, holidays and so on. He's much more involved in my personal life than Lando. Not that either of them mind, it's what they want." Oscar was slightly overwhelmed with the information being fed to him, some was left up to his interpretation. "And if i wanted to be more involved with your personal life?" Oscar's eyes fell to his lap momentarily, as if he was preparing himself for the worst. "If that's what you want, then yes." A weight was lifted from the Australian's shoulders and a small smile adorned his face.
A small sigh escaped Oscar's lips before he spoke. "Okay, then how does this work logistically?" She stood up slowly, walking towards the open bottle of wine. "It depends, we all have to talk about certain things, but mostly just call or text me and we go from there. If I'm honest i wouldn't suggest waltzing into this, or any, hotel room. Then again, you like that so." She shrugged her shoulders. "I'm never hearing the end of that, am I?" She giggled and shook her head turning back towards him. "So, what do you like, or at least what do you want to try?" A wave of worry washed over him when her words finally registered, too focused on the way the robe presented her tits. "If I'm being completely honest, I've only done oral, both giving and receiving, but not a whole lot. So I'm not very good at it." Oscar's shame was apparent, he didn't think that he should be as inexperienced as he was, especially at his age. "That's not world ending, you can learn, you can experiment and find out what you like too. There's nothing wrong with that." She tried reassuring him, rubbing her hands over his arms softly. "I don't really know what I want to try." 
At the same time, in Lando's hotel room, Daniel and Lando were discussing the ins and outs of the current relationship. "So, how do you feel about Oscar?" Lando questioned, jumping onto the bed in a childlike manner. "He's alright, we've had a proper chat so, I think it's all good now." Daniel started before placing himself on the end of the bed. "I was being bitter, he wanted the seat and he was concerned about me before signing so it's alright. I think if i drove that third year at McLaren it would have been a career ender for me, I don't even think RB would have me. So maybe Oscar signing was good for me. I don't know." Daniel trailed off looking at the ceiling, this was the first time he'd said such a thing out loud, and it felt good. "And how do you think he's gonna handle her?" Lando continued, rolling onto his stomach. "I think he'll be okay. She won't be as hard on him. She know's he wont be able to handle that level of teasing, I made sure of that." Daniel smirked, turning to see Lando's face. 
"Oh really, it only took a few days to end her teasing."  Lando stated, looking up as if he was imagining the first time he was with her. "You had it easy. Seven months of back and forth flirting before I even had the chance to go out with her. Trust me, you're lucky." The Australian confirmed, pulling his jumper off. "So what? Oscar's gonna get her tomorrow?" Daniel laughed at his friend almost mockingly. "Oh no. She'll make him wait, tease Oscar enough to have him begging for her. It's what she does well. You know that. You just broke before I did." Daniel pulled his phone out of his pocket quickly, looking at the messages she had sent him. "That's not very nice." Lando's hand came up to his heart, clenching the shirt, trying to feign offence. "Don't be dramatic. The amount of times I got blue balls was unreal." Daniel sighed, shaking his head at the painful thought. "I didn't need to know that." Lando groaned, running his fingers through his hair. "Oh please, you've heard worse." He rolled his eyes, locking his phone and sliding it back into his pocket. "Going to bed? That's good, you don't need RB to give you a bedtime." Lando joked, lifting his head up. "No actually, I know what toys she brought so..." Daniel smirked, closing the door before he left. 
Daniel hummed while walking through the hallway of the hotel, looking for room 609. He knocked loudly, excited to see her. "Hey Darling." He said in a husky voice, leaning against the doorframe. "Smooth." She laughed, pulling him into the room by the collar of his shirt. "So what did you learn?" Daniel's excitement was radiating from him as he walked towards her suitcase. "A few things, mostly that he's not that experienced." She stated, climbing on the bed, looking over at Daniel, who seemed to be in a very difficult internal debate. "Of course, both me and Lando are sluts. How could I forget." Daniel joked, walking back towards the bed. "You've got qualifying tomorrow, you need rest." She reasoned. Daniel had spent so much time and effort getting back into the sport, and she didn't want to be the reason he couldn't get a top seat. "It's fine Darling, it's not even late." Daniel emphasise his point by showing her his watch. She rolled her eyes playfully, crossing her arms over her chest.
"I can't believe you. Lando really is blind." Daniel laughed, stripping of his clothes. "You know I had to explain to him how long you were teasing me for. He didn't believe it." She stood up, slowly undoing the belt of the robe, letting it fall to the ground slowly, revealing lace underwear. She bent over slightly, reaching for the waistband before Daniel spoke. "I don't think so. Come here." He lifted his hand up, pulling her down. "And you complain about me teasing." She joked, reaching up to tug on his hair lightly. "Don't start with me, not tonight. And you were the one complaining about sleep, look at you now." Daniel hands came to rest behind her knees and he shifted his body slightly. His right hand traveled from her knee up to her thing, feather light touches teasing her. His fingers danced over her skin and his eyes shifted up, looking for a reaction. "Daniel." She scolded. "Oh government name. I really must be in trouble." Daniel's hands finally made it to her pelvis, toying with the lace before tugging on the waistband. Soon the sound of vibrating met her ears. "Danny." Her gasp bounced off the walls as her hands grasped the bedsheets. "Careful. Don't want Oscar to hear." Daniel's playful tone didn't go unnoticed. Daniel pressed the red vibrator onto her clit harshly, enjoying the look on her face. Daniel lifted the toy away from her before placing in back, teasing as much as he could. "That's it." He whispered, lifting her leg up higher, needing to get closer. She could feel the vibrations coursing through her whole body, sending goosebumps up her arms and pulling quiet moans form her lips. "Stop teasing me Danny." She spoke though gasps, eyes wide open, noticing the smirk adorning his face. "Oh but you like teasing" 
Daniel was quick to push the lace to the side and line his cock up with her cunt, rubbing the tip over her clit lightly. "Always making me wait. Lucky I don't do the same to you." He uttered, slowly pushing his cock in, inch by inch. Her legs wrapped around Daniel's waist quicky, pulling him in closer. "That's it." She whispered as Daniel began to rock his hips, slowly to start, before he connected their lips. There was a level of almost unknown passion, almost as if she had manifested it. They both knew that there was a romantic aspect to their relationship, but even now, they were surprised. Daniel's hands didn't move from her skin. He wanted to be close to her, he didn't want her to ever leave him, he needed her with him. Daniel's groans and grunts filled the room as he got closer, her voice only edging him closer. "So close, Darling." The Australian gasps, pushing into her cunt fast, desperate to finish. "Gonna cum. Fuck." Daniel painted her stomach white with a loud groan, his head fell into the curve of her neck, panting loudly.
"So good to me, Darling." Daniel whispered into her skin, although those were the only coherent words the only ones she could understand. She threaded her hands through his hair, playing with his curls. "So pretty." The Australian had is eyes closed, thinking about their time together, from when they first met to six months ago. He focused on her, no matter if they were in a hotel or a beach, it was all her.
They laid on the bed in comfortable silence, just enjoying the feeling of each other. "We can shower in the morning, I just want to stay here." She whispered, pulling Daniel impossibly closer. He nodded into her skin before speaking, "Come here...Just want to stay with you." They shifted so they were covered with the quilt, Daniel's arms circled her middle, keeping her close. "What's the plan for tomorrow then?" She asked, looking up at Daniel with a sweet smile. "We'll go get some food and take a nice track walk before free practice." She nodded wordlessly, resting her head on his chest. Darkness filled the room as her eyes closed, feeling Daniel's fingers draw shapes mindlessly on her back. Just as sleep began to overtake her she felt Daniel kiss her cheek before she heard his words. "I love you, Darling."
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Imagine annoying the shit outta the red hair pirates
I can't believe I'm doing a stupider one piece version of the Who's on first bit
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Shanks: okay, are you listening?
You: *looks him dead in the eye, hearing him just fine*, huh?
Shanks: *lets out a tired sigh* very well there are five marine outposts on this island, they're in the shape of the world government's symbol. I'm talking the center building, which is the unit's headquarters, where most of the ranked marines reside. Benn will take the southern outpost. Lucky Roux will take the western outpost and then Yassop will take the eastern one, and you will take the northern base with most of the crew.
You: Okay
Yassop: *not convinced you were listening* who's taking the eastern outpost?
You: Roux's taking the western outpost.
Yassop: WHO not Roux!
You: here? *Points at the map*
Shanks: Yes, up here
You: But you said Yassop over here at the Eastern outpost?
Shanks: *presses his forehead against the table and gently bangs his head on it.* Yes, I did. Fine, then what about here then? *points at the northern outpost.
You: Benn's at the southern outpost.
Shanks: *groans* can you even hear me?
You: *laughs* yes, you take the central base, Roux takes the western out post, Yassop takes the eastern, Benn attacks the southern one, and I attack the northern with the crew.
Yassop: You actually were listening
You: I do that quite a lot, you people are always surprised.
Shanks: because you act and look like you're not listening.
You: I know, I do it mostly for my own amusement.
Yassop: *puts you in headlock and gives you a noogie* You're lucky you're cute.
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At port
Benn: *finalizing the list of supplies needed, and who is getting them*
You: *singing an onomatopoeia of the instrumentals of topic by the champs* wa wewaaaAaAaAa wah wa wewaaaAaAaAa wah *hip checks Benn into the water* tequila wa wewaaaAaAaAa wah *dances in place*
Benn: God damn it (y/n)! *Climbs back on the dock* You're gonna be paired with me and the boss.
You: Noo!
Benn: Yes! And in the meantime you get to assist me our supplies. *hooks his hands under your armpits and picks you up and deposits you on a chair next to him.*
You: *whines*
Benn: do you know why I do this, managing the cargo? So we don't starve.
You: And because your needs were never met when you were a child, and so now you go out of your way to take care of the needs of others while actively neglecting yourself?
Benn: ... Okay look, besides all of that, it needs to get done.
You: What ever lets you sleep at night, sweetheart.
Benn: I loathe you sometimes.
You: *winks and smooches at him*
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The Crew: *just finished doing maintenance after a storm damaged the ship and are packing up their supplies*
You: *Hiding in a cabinet and makes the water drop noise with your mouth*
The Crew: *freezes*
Shanks: *dangerously close to yelling*
Yassop: God damn it, I don't have the energy to look around for some stray leak tonight.
Hongo: suck it up, we gotta find it before it leads to flooding.
You: *makes the noise twice again*
Lucky Roux: Especially considering the pantry is below this.
You: *makes the noise again, and tries not to laugh*
Benn: It sounds like it's coming from in here *opens the cabinet you're hiding in* .... (y/n) why are you up here? Y'know what, I don't wanna know, do you see the leak?
You: No *makes the noise while looking him dead in the eyes*
Benn: You little! *grabs you by your ankle, pulls you out, and lifts you by off the ground.*
You: *can't stop laughing*
Benn: I found the leak.
Shanks: what? No.
Benn: *shakes you* make the noise brat, or I'll spank you.
You: Promise?
Benn: Do it again.
You: *tries several times, but fails because you can't stop smiling and has to compose yourself before you can make the noise again.*
Yassop, and Lucky Roux: Can we throw them in the brig for the night.
Shanks: You may not, but we can make them do an idiot check to see if we missed any leaks while the rest of us go to bed.
You: That's fair.
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pikahlua · 11 months
MHA Chapter 406 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 セントラル病院前鎮圧完了! セントラルびょういんまえちんあつかんりょう! SENTORARU byouin mae chin'atsu kanryou! "Suppression in front of Central Hospital complete!"
tagline 1 各地の奮戦が希望をつなぐ‼︎ かくちのふんせんがきぼうをつなぐ‼︎ kakuchi no funsen ga kibou wo tsunagu!! The struggles of various places connect hope!!
2 怪我人のトリアージと逮捕者の移送中! けがにんのトリアージとたいほしゃのいそうちゅう! keganin no TORIAAJI to taihosha no isouchuu! "Triage of the injured and transport of the arrested in progress!"
3 奥渡島制圧完了‼︎ オクトじませいあつかんりょう‼︎ OKUTO-jima seiatsu kanryou!! "Suppression at Octo Island complete!"
tagline 2 No.406 摑め‼︎おまえの"個性" 堀越耕平 ナンバー406 つかめ‼︎おまえの"こせい" ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 406  tsukame!! omae no "kosei"   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 406 Grasp*!! Your quirk  Kouhei Horikoshi (*Note: This "grasp" can mean both to literally hold something and to comprehend/wrap one's head around something.)
4 分断作戦決起点制圧完了! ぶんだんさくせんけっきてんせいあつかんりょう! bundan sakusen kekkiten seiatsu kanryou! "Suppression of the division strategy's starting point complete!"
5 怪我人の救出継続中! けがにんのきゅうしゅつけいぞくちゅう! keganin no kyuushutsu keizokuchuu! "Continued rescue of injured persons in progress!"
6 国立多古場競技場継戦中‼︎ こくりつたこばきょうぎじょうけいせんちゅう‼︎ kokuritsu takoba kyougijou keisenchuu!! "National Takoba Arena continued battle in progress!!"
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1 Mr.スケプティック確保!移送中です‼︎ ミスタースケプティックかくほ!いそうちゅうです‼︎ MISUTAA SUKEPUTIKKU kakuho! isouchuu desu!! "Mr. Skeptic secured! His transfer is in progress!!"
2 避難システムによる士傑への避難完了! ひなんシステムによるしけつへのひなんかんりょう! hinan SHISUTEMU ni yoru shiketsu e no hinan kanryou! "Evacuation to Shiketsu by way of evacuation system complete!"
3 停止したブロックの避難民保護に出動中! ていししたブロックのひなんみんほごにしゅつどうちゅう! teishi shita BUROKKU no hinanmin hogo ni shutsudouchuu! "Dispatch to protect the evacuees of the stopped blocks in progress!"
4 蛇腔病院跡地制圧完了! じゃくうびょういんあとちせいあつかんりょう! jakuu byouin atochi seiatsu kanryou! "Suppression of the ruins at Jakuu Hospital complete!"
5 黒霧!イレーザーヘッドとプレゼントマイクと共に消息不明! くろぎり!イレーザーヘッドとプレゼントマイクとともにしょうそくふめい! Kurogiri! IREEZAA HEDDO to PURESENTO MAIKU to tomo ni shousoku fumei! "Kurogiri! And Eraser Head and Present Mic with him, whereabouts unknown!"
6 この総力戦は最終的に このそうりょくせんはさいしゅうてきに kono souryokusen wa saishuuteki ni This all-out war will eventually
7 緑谷出久を信じる戦いになる みどりやいずくをしんじるたたかいになる Midoriya Izuku wo shinjiru tatakai ni naru become a battle of believing in Izuku Midoriya. (Note: As per what I wrote in chapter 379, I would probably contextually read lines 6-7 as something like “This all-out war will come down to us trusting in Izuku Midoriya.”)
8 緑谷… みどりや… Midoriya... Midoriya...
9 出久… いずく… Izuku... Izuku...
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1 疾い…! はやい…! hayai...! "[So] fast...!"
2 あいつは死の間際… あいつはしのまぎわ… aitsu wa shi no magiwa... "That guy was on the verge of death..."
3 瞬間ではあったが… しゅんかんではあったが… shunkan de wa atta ga... "It was [for just] a moment, but..."
4 死柄木すら翻弄する動きを見せた… しがらきすらほんろうするうごきをみせた… Shigaraki sura honrou suru ugoki wo miseta... "He showed movement that made sport of even Shigaraki..."
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1-2 あいつは何かを摑みかけている途中だった…! あいつはなにかをつかみかけているとちゅうだった…! aitsu wa nani ka wo tsukami kakate iru tochuu datta...! "He was in the middle of grasping* something...!" (*Note: Again, this is that word that means "grasp" and "comprehend.")
3 この"副作用"を活かせ この"ふくさよう"をいかせ kono "fukusayou" wo ikase Take advantage of this "side effect"
4 もっと! motto! more!
5 まだ!もっと‼︎ mada! motto!! Still! More!!
6-7 もういい… mou ii... "Enough..."
8 後にする あとにする ato ni suru "Leave him for later."
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1 …いいさ ...ii sa "...It's fine."
2 壊すだけだ何度でも更に こわすだけだなんどでもさらに kowasu dake da nando demo sara ni "I'll just break him however many more times even further."
3 距離を取って"危機感知"で何とか凌いできた きょりをとって"4TH"でなんとかしのいできた kyori wo totte "4TH (kanji: kiki kanchi)" de nan toka shinoi dekita I started to somehow pull through by keeping my distance with the "4th (read as: Danger Sense)."
4 再生+即死持ち+前より強化されている肉体にどう対処するか…答えは見つからなかった… さいせい+そくしもち+まえよりきょうかされているにくたいにどうたいしょするか…こたえはみつからなかった… saisei + sokushi mochi + mae yori kyouka sarete iru nikutai ni dou taisho suru ka...kotae wa mitsukaranakatta... As for how to deal with his regeneration + instant death[-inflicting ability] + his body strengthened more than it was before...I couldn't find an answer...
5 "変速"は発動したら最後…発動時間に関わらず切った途端反動で体が動かなくなる "2ND"ははつどうしたらさいご…はつどうじかんにかかわらずきったとたんはんどうでからだがうごかなくなる "2ND (kanji: hensoku)" wa hatsudou shitara saigo...hatsudou jikan ni kakawarazu kitta totan handou de karada ga ugokanaku naru If I activate the "2nd (read as: Gear Shift)," it'll be the last time... Regardless of the time for which it's activated, as soon as it's turned off, my body will stop moving due to the immediate recoil.
6 発動した以上は… はつどうしたいじょうは… hatsudou shita ijou wa... Now that I've activated it...
7 今度こそ最後ーーー… こんどこそさいごーーー… kondo koso saigo---... "This time is the last---..."
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1 更に さらに sara ni Go
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1 向こうへ むこうへ mukou e beyond
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1 まだ mada "Am I still"
small text 更に向こうへってか さらにむこうへってか sara ni mukou e tte ka "[They] say 'Go beyond,' right?"
2 モブか…! MOBU ka...! "an extra...?!"
3 エンデヴァーや"黒影"程の圧力も無い エンデヴァーや"ダークシャドウ"ほどのあつりょくもない ENDEVAA ya "DAAKU SHADOU" hodo no atsuryoku mo nai It's not as much pressure as with those like Endeavor and Dark Shadow.
4 後にすればいい あとにすればいい ato ni sureba ii It's fine to leave him for later.
5 オールマイトと比ぶべくもない オールマイトとくらぶべくもない OORU MAITO to kurabu beku mo nai He can't compare to All Might.
6 これ以上 巻き戻しを進行させてまで係う程の価値も これいじょう まきもどしをしんこうさせてまでかかずらうほどのかちも kore ijou makimodoshi wo shinkou sasete made kakazurau hodo no kachi mo To let the rewind proceed more than this, there's no value
7 意味も いみも imi mo nor meaning
8 縁も えにしも nor connection* (*Note: This is the same word All Might uses in chapter 396 to refer to a connection between him and Dave in the USA; it's a word that refers to some mysterious force such as destiny that binds two people together.)
9-10 あの石塊にはない あのいしころにはない ano ishikoro ni wa nai!! in it with that pebble!!
(Note: For speech bubbles 6-10, you could combine them all together into something more cohesive like this: "There's no value or meaning or connection with that pebble to merit letting him rewind me any more than this!!" And yes, Katsuki is the "pebble," which is a reference back to chapter 7 when Katsuki called Izuku a "pebble in his path.")
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1 わかってきた wakatte kita I've come to understand.
2 痛みだ いたみだ itami da It's pain.
3 掌に溜めた汗粒が てのひらにためたあせつぶが tenohira ni tameta asetsubu ga [The pain of] the beads of sweat that collected on my palms
4 全身を駆け巡ぐる痛み ぜんしんをかけめぐるいたみ zenshin wo kakemeguru itami running through my entire body,
5 吹き出る痛み ふきでるいたみ fukideru itami pain that spouts* out, (Note: This word to describe the pain can mean: "gush out, spout out, spurt out" but it can also mean "send out shoots" like for plant roots. I feel like that description is relevant given the imagery we see on this page. Considering the next line, I think he's referring to pain that erupts from different individual points on his body.)
6-7 その位置間隔! そのいちかんかく! sono ichi kankaku! and the space between those positions! (Note: He's talking about recognizing the physical space between the different points of pain on his body.)
8 痛みで摑め いたみでつかめ itami de tsukame Grasp* it with pain, (Note: Again, this is that word that means "grasp" in the sense of "comprehend.")
9 誘爆のタイミング! ゆうばくのタイミング! yuubaku no TAIMINGU! the timing of the secondary explosions! (Note: I think he's saying he can predict when and where the little explosions that surround his body will happen by paying attention to the locations of the pains on his body and thus he can utilize those explosions too.)
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1 何なんだ なんなんだ nan nanda What is this?
2 痛ったァハハハ疾っ いったァハハハはやっ ittaAHAHAHA haya "It hurts-A-HAHAHA so fast!" (Note: Yes, he's breaking into maniacal laughter at the end of his words. Also a fun phonetic bonus: the Japanese word for "so fast" here is "haya," so he's saying "hahaha-haya!" He sounds battle-crazy, or just plain crazy.)
3 すぎて止まんねえ〜〜〜‼︎ すぎてやまんねえ〜〜〜‼︎ sugite yamannee~~~!! "Too fast, can't sto~o~o~p!!"
4 何なんだこいつは なんなんだこいつは nan nanda koitsu wa What's with this guy?
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1 なぁ 出久 俺まだおまえに追いつけるかな なぁ いずく おれまだおまえにおいつけるかな naa Izuku ore mada omai ni oitsukeru ka na Hey, Izuku, can I still catch up to you?
2 なんでだろうなあ nande darou naa I wonder why?
3 なんか今追い越せる気がする なんかいまおいこせるきがする nanka ima oikoseru ki ga suru I feel like I can surpass [you] now.
4 あんた… anta... "Honey..."
5 勝己が…! かつきが…! Katsuki ga...! "Katsuki is...!"
6 ダメだ…見れないよ…‼︎だって相手は… ダメだ…みれないよ…‼︎だってあいては… DAME da...mirenai yo...!! datte aite wa... "No...I can't watch...!! Because his opponent is..."
7 見なきゃ… みなきゃ… minakya... "We have to watch..."
8 だって…! datte...! "because...!"
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1 だってあの子きっと だってあのこきっと datte ano ko kitto "Because that child is surely"
2 いつもみたいに笑ってる筈だから…! いつもみたいにわらってるはずだから…! itsumo mitai ni waratteru hazu dakara...! "smiling like he always does...!"
3 さっきから…!何故この石塊に さっきから…!なぜこのいしころに sakki kara...! naze kono ishikoro ni Since a while ago...! Why is this pebble...?
4 何故僕はオールマイト以上の なぜぼくはオールマイトいじょうの naze boku wa OORU MAITO ijou no Why am I...even more than with All Might...? (Note: The verb at the end of the sentence is cut off here making this sound awkward in English. He's basically wondering how Katsuki is irritating him even more than All Might did.)
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1 そうだ… 似ている そうだ… にている sou da...nite iru That's it...he resembles [that guy].
2 与一ならもういないぞ魔王… よいちならもういないぞまおう… Yoichi nara mou inai zo maou... If it's Yoichi [you're looking for], he's already gone, Demon King...
3 おまえが殺したんだ おまえがころしたんだ omae ga koroshitanda Because you killed him.
4 憎しみを宿した事で鮮明に蘇る… にくしみをやどしたことでせんめいによみがえる… nikushimi wo yadoshita koto de senmei ni yomigaeru... By harboring hatred, I recall it clearly...
5 そうだ こいつだ…こいつだったのだ sou da koitsu da...koitsu datta no da That's it, it's this guy... It was this guy.
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1-3 こいつが手を差し伸べなければ こいつがてをさしのべなければ koitsu ga te wo sashinobenakereba If this guy hadn't reached out his hand...
4-5 僕が最も憎いのは ぼくがもっともにくいのは boku ga motto mo nikui no wa What I hate most of all is...
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1 おまえのせいだ駆藤‼︎ おまえのせいだくどう‼︎ omae no sei da Kudou!! "It's because of you, Kudou!!" (Note: Because of the order of words in Japanese, you can also read this like the end to the last sentence on the previous page: "What I hate most of all is YOU [Kudou].")
2 ボケが来たかよ‼︎ ボケがきたかよ‼︎ BOKE ga kita ka yo!! "So an old geezer is here!!" (Note: This is the same grammar as All Might's "I am here!")
3 俺ァ爆豪のかっちゃんだバァアカ! おれァばくごうのかっちゃんだバァアカ! oreA Bakugou no Kacchan da BAAAKA! "I'm Kacchan of the Bakugou clan*, moron!" (*Note: "Bakugou no Kacchan" literally means "Kacchan of Bakugou/Kacchan of the Bakugous," but the grammar is an archaic style from before Japan's family registration system created family names in the late 1800's. The structure would read as "[Name] of the [clan name]." The literal word "clan" does not appear in the sentence above, but I've included it to get the archaic style to make sense in English. I should also mention that it's possible Katsuki is introducing himself here as "Kacchan" as an insult to AFO's intelligence. Like, "Oh you're a little kid/senile old man? My real name's probably too difficult for you. Here, call me Kacchan, dumbass.")
tagline 今、世界が少年を見る‼︎ いま、せかいがしょうねんをみる‼︎ ima, sekai ga shounen wo miru!! Now, the world sees the young man!!
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lurkingshan · 28 days
Japanese QL Corner
One show ends this week, but there are several more on the way, including a surprising adaptation. Of the six shows airing now, five are streaming weekly on Gaga and the other is available via fansub.
Takara's Treasure
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I. LOVE. THEM. Their little bird watching date was precious and I loved every moment of it, including Taishin's adorable outfit and over preparedness, Takara's secret smiles, and the patient search for the wallet. I was so relieved that Taishin named his fears about them not being suited upfront instead of letting it grow into a huge anxiety in his own head, and I was also happy Takara was eager to speak with him about his impending relocation. That said, NOOOOOOOO I don't want a forced separation and time skip, show. Please I am begging.
Cosmetic Playlover
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This was my favorite week for this show by far, because they actually let us see the relationship at its center! I enjoyed finally spending some time with these two as a couple, though I still find the timing and sequencing of these plots confusing as hell. Last week Sahashi gave Mamiya keys to his place and it was implied they'd been dating for quite awhile and were already serious, but this week we learn Mamiya has never spent the night and they are only just having sex for the first time. It was a real record scratch for me; I can't get my bearings in this relationship trajectory with all the gaps in the story. But hey, at least they finally let them make out a little! For a show that sold itself as toxic sexy, there has been very little toxicity or sex, tbh.
I Hear the Sunspot
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*rubs temples* This show is really testing my patience. I got excited last week when Kohei and Taichi finally had a real conversation and it seemed like we were moving forward, but this week we're back to treading water. This story did not need 12 episodes; this pacing, while faithful to the manga as I understand it, does not work well for weekly live action. It's been weeks since we've learned anything new about these characters or advanced the central relationship, and the show continues to stumble with its confused depiction of Maya. I just want this show to pull together and finish strong, because I think a lot of this will be much more tolerable on a binge watch. For now I will just gaze at Kohei's beautiful smiling face and hope for a full recovery.
Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko
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I said last week that the show had gotten so muddled I didn't think they'd be able to end well, and even with those very low expectations this finale still managed to get underneath them. The last several episodes made a mess of the characters, the conflict, and the themes of the show, and to add insult to injury, they capped it all off with angle kisses, a time skip, and a bizarre sex negative ending that had our "boob monster" adult lesbian refusing to have sex with her girlfriend for over a year so she could "cherish" her before randomly kissing her at the office as if that was the important resolution we'd been waiting for. A truly horrid ending that ruined everything this show did so well in its early episodes. I don't understand!! Big sigh and fingers crossed for a decent sexy gl sometime in the near future.
Mr. Mitsuya's Planned Feeding
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I've just been beaming and staring into space for the last several minutes after finishing this episode. No matter what else happens in the shows, I love knowing I am always going to end my week in jql on a good note while this gem is airing. This week marked a transition point for Ishida and Mitsuya, as Ishida had a great conversation with Noguchi, found a new passion and put in for a job transfer, and had his final meeting and meal with Mitsuya as writer and editor. Which they immediately followed with a date and mutual acknowledgment of the feelings between them! And what a fantastic date it was, with every moment so invigorating and wonderfully adult. Mitsuya's quiet confidence and amusement at Ishida's nerves, Ishida's clarity on how he wants Mitsuya to see him, the mutual compliments and gestures and smiles and eye contact, ahhhhhhhhh. I also loved that Ishida got to be the one to show Mitsuya something new at the end, to get him to run with joy for the first time in ages and introduce him to a new food. I am so excited to see their dating era begin in earnest. You can find the episode with subtitles courtesy of @isaksbestpillow here.
Tagging @bengiyo to add this week's anime update.
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sigalrm · 18 days
Berlin Hbf
Berlin Hbf by Pascal Volk
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