#von herder headcanons
pillow-anime-talk · 2 years
from the future to the past.
request: professional hacker!s/o whos very skilled in computers and building them, with terrifying abilities to gather intel,,,, also has a talent in making gadgets then time travels to mtp,,,, works for mi6, best buddies with von herder, close relationship with secretary holmes too,,,, how would the rest of the moriarty gang react? would they use them???  
# tags: headcanon; strangers to friends & strangers to lovers; time travel; hacker!reader; soft romance; a bit of comedy; sfw
includes: gender neutral reader ft. whole mi6 {mtp}
author’s note: hey anonnie, sorry for waiting so long! thank you! hope you like it :)!
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↘ Your latest invention turned out to be the biggest and by far the most shocking success of your twenty-something life.
↘ And at the same time your greatest and most dangerous curse, because the last virtual time exchange program you created, which was made by the initiative of restoring old databases, took you... several hundred years back, to be more precise, to the end of the 19th century and on top of that to London city.
↘ You looked like a recluse among beautifully dressed ladies, children in clothes with long frills and gentlemen with tall hats and gold-trimmed coats.
↘ Your bright jeans, black sweatshirt with a huge hood and hair tied up in a loose bun were a comic image among the dressed-up nobility or even less wealthy townspeople. Your appearance and the fear in your eyes caught the attention of Albert and Louis Moriarty, who extended a helping hand to you without asking for anything else.
↘ At the MI6 hideout William spoke first, not convinced of your presence among them. At first he thought you were the enemy and wanted information about their group, but then when he started asking you about various names and situations that seemed logical to him, your expression didn’t become distrustful or deceitful in the slightest. He realized that this is not your world.
↘ On that day you told everything about yourself and the future that awaits humanity, as well as about their fame in later centuries. You told about the actions of Sherlock Holmes and the Moriarty family, and also that in the 21st century many books, series and films about their lives were created. Of course, Sherlock was thrilled and asked you about everything, and then he got closer to you than anyone in MI6.
↘ For others it was strange that he liked and trusted the other person in this way, and for some it was completely normal – after all, you were a person always smiling and really cute in your actions.
↘ Sherlock quickly fell in love with you and became your partner (not only at work, but also in life).
↘ Over time: days, weeks and months, you forgot about your previous life. You gladly accepted the help of Louis and Miss Moneypenny, who helped you dress up so that you fit perfectly with the other members of MI6, while Sebastian and Fred, with a little help from James Bond, created a new name for you and your new past, so that no one has not developed unfounded suspicions of you.
↘ You also made great contact with Jack, who replaced your father in these difficult times, and with Von Herder, who became your closest friend. You two got along great, and although he did weird things sometimes and had a dangerous passion for firearms, you really had a good time and loved playing cards and reading books in your spare time, and teasing William or Albert who always shook their heads when they saw the two of you.
↘ Zack acted like your second father, although he was definitely shyer than the others, while Henry and Sherlock’s male sibling were like big brothers to you. The latter felt great respect for you, the more that you straightened his real, younger brother a bit, and at the same time made him much more serious and became a good helper of the Moriarty brothers.
↘ Your manual skills have been very useful to MI6; even if at first the middle brother just wanted to use you to help him with his own plans, over time he really liked you and realized that even though you feared for your current life, you worked hard to help them and be their real friend.
↘ You continued to create your inventions as a hobby, and your list of later achievements included the creation of the first light switch and lamp, and even the first screen with the ability to save data on it. For your entire group, you created the first makeshift telephone with the ability to receive short calls, and when you had a little more time than normal, you created more inventions that benefited not only MI6, but all of England, and then the world.
↘ You wrote it all down in a notebook, which after many years found its way to the right people, and they published it, making MI6 famous all over the world, starring you, and your romance with Sherlock Holmes became one of the best-loved romance novels of those years.
↘ Such was your new life, and your relationship with people from the officially nonexistent sixth branch of the British Military Intelligence.
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joanquill · 9 months
S/O Wearing Glasses Headcanons
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William James Moriarty, Sebastian Moran, Fred Porlock, and Von Herder
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William James Moriarty
The first time he saw you wearing them, he thought you looked adorable.
He likes shopping for frames with you but is unhelpful when picking one since he thinks all of them suit you.
He buys you extra pairs just in case you break or lose yours.
He would be the one to remind you for check-ups if you would always forget or only go when you need a new pair.
When he sees your glasses covered in smudges, he always cleans them for you and puts them back in your case in secret.
However, you always figure out it was him with how neatly folded the cloth was and how your glasses looked brand new.
If you're spending time in the library, William would steal more glances at you while you're both reading.
He has definitely hidden your glasses from you or held them high enough for you not to reach them and asks for a kiss.
One time, you lost your glasses and used his cane to walk around to look for them, thinking you would only use it for a short while.
When he was looking for his cane and found you, he helped you find your glasses and had a special punishment in mind, saying how dangerous it is to use his cane without his permission and just ask him for help next time.
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Sebastian Moran
He has definitely called you, Moneypenny, and Paterson the three blind mice at one point.
If you don't wear your glasses outside, he'll be confused and encourage you to wear them, wanting you to be careful.
If you still refuse to wear them, he'll try not to show it, but he'll be more protective of you.
Make sure you stay on the safe side of the sidewalk, always holding your hand and reading things for you if you don't see them.
If you ever feel insecure about them, he reassures you that you look beautiful with them on or not.
He doesn't want to admit it, but seeing you wear glasses does something to him.
He has also held your glasses hostage, holding them up as you try to reach them while teasing you for a kiss or attention.
He has also stolen your glasses at one point and tried them on.
Once, you broke your glasses by accident and could barely tell who's who, resorting to you getting as close as possible to identify them. William and Louis were the hardest ones to recognize from afar.
Sebastian got annoyed with how close you got while squinting your eyes that he made sure he always had a backup pair ready for you.
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Fred Porlock
He thinks you look cute in them.
He tries not to stare when you wear them.
When you're shopping for frames, he likes watching you try them on.
Sometimes, he'll shyly recommend you one that he thinks would suit you.
He'll also wipe your glasses when he sees them covered in smudges or you're having a hard time seeing through them.
When he notices your eyes starting to strain, he'll ask when was the last time you had a check-up and join you for one if you want.
If he sees you leave your glasses somewhere, he always takes them with him and gives them to you when you remember.
Whenever you lose your glasses, Fred already has three guesses on where it is.
His favorite memory was when you were looking for your glasses, and he saw that it's on your head, so Fred just placed them down and watched you turn red.
He promised not to tell anyone about it, but he smiles to himself whenever he remembers it.
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Von Herder
Whenever you break your glasses or lose them, he'll make you a new pair with a specially designed frame and accessories.
If you want a new glass style or have a design in mind you want to try, Herder will happily make it for you.
He has definitely teased you by pushing the temple tips up and down to get your attention.
Whenever you go for a check-up and buy new glasses, Herder will act dramatically and accuse you of cheating.
He makes you a better-looking pair with your new prescription and makes the one you bought your backup.
When you lose your glasses, Herder always helps you out since he can navigate just fine, even without vision.
If you tend to misplace your glasses or accidentally fall asleep with them on, he takes them and places them somewhere safe and within your reach.
However, one day, he was feeling playful. When you left your glasses at his work, he diligently cleaned them while you were looking for them around.
He patiently waited until you asked for his help, and he just put them on you and asked what you were doing so close to the firearms.
Whether you tell him Sebastian asked for your help in taking some guns or lie your way out is up to you.
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A/N: Sherlock, Watson, and Billy's version here!
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So here's my timeline theory on when each of the crime gang met the Moriartys.
First, Jack Renfield, a short while after the events of chapter 1. This is pretty obvious since we see this in canon.
Next came Moran a few years later, as evidenced by William, who by then was a teenager.
Von Herder came along either shortly before or shortly after Moran. They knew each other prior to the formation of MI6, plus Herder was the one who designed Moran's rifle from chapter 3.
Fred was the next one to cross paths with them. The exact circumstances behind this first meeting are currently unknown, as of writing this post.
Moneypenny was hired as Albert's secretary back when he was working in MI5 (and was subsequently transferred over to MI6 when it was formed).
It was also not long after MI6's founding that Patterson was taken on as one of their informants.
And then finally, we have the last additions of James and then Billy. Again, no need to elaborate on how either came to be.
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getosbf · 1 year
I saw some people talking about yuumori character sexualities and just wanted to add my own headcanons <33
Sherlock: see now, we all know sherlock has been explicitly stating his... Repulsion (yes, not "oh im not attracted to them" straight up repulsion at the thought of being in a romantic and/or sexual relationship with them)
And im not saying sherlock is misogynistic. He has been seen very happily helping women with their cases. And might i add that on the Noahtic, while everyone was prancing around with a lady on his arm, sherlock was standing in the corner. Even though he was also with ladies he was CLEARLY in it only for their appreciation of him. Because you see, Sherlock is a clever man. He saw these bunch of women who had no one to dance with and was aware that they would be head over heels for his skills. And he was probably sent to the Noahtic by mycroft, so why not pass some time and get some praise?
But as soon as he met Liam he felt an instant obsession connection. Not necessarily romantic, but this is where that japanese feeling that i forgot the name of comes in. The feeling of meeting someone and instantly knowing that while you dont feel anything now, you could potentially be dynamic (is that the correct word, for sherliam i think it is)
And as i said and will say again, sherlock is a clever man. Of course he's not gonna sit around sexually frustrated, when he can easily use his charms and skills to find the right people. But as per literally canon, until he met Liam he didnt feel romantic (that comes later though, first was obsession) "attraction".
Conclusion? Gay demiromantic.
William: now while william never had a "repulsion" to women, I'd say he quite literally has a repulsion to any idea of a romantic relationship at all. He looked at london and got his "lemme fix that" hyperfixation game so heavy that he forgot he was alive most of the times. That man falls asleep on random occasions at literally anywhere at any time because he avoids sleep for his plans. Do you expect him to have any sort of romantic or sexual relationship? No, sir.
Then waltzes in Sherlock. Like i said, instant obsession. Though for William, that japanese feeling never came. While he was always hoping for a different reality where he and sherlock could be together, he never acknowledged his feelings enough to let himself feel something.
But talking about sexual attraction, while i do firmly believe Liam doesnt feel it for the better part of his life, he did start to feel some things a while after meeting sherlock. He fucking KNEW what he was doing with that "catch me if you can, mr holmes~" I think it surprised him too, all this strange emotions trickling in slowly after years of not feeling anything.
Conclusion? Demisexual AND demiromantic.
John: thought he was straight, but you all have seen his reaction to irene when they dressed up as the king of bohamia right? I'd say bisexual, but he's still learning to embrace that part of his identity. And even when he does embrace it, i dont think he's gonna do anything about it. Cuz like cmon, its 19th century London. Do you think he'll damn himself by loving a man when he is capable of what most people like him are not (to love someone of the opposite gender)? But I DO think he had a crush on louis for a while but i think that just for shits and giggles hehe
Louis: aroace. No questions asked. He loves in a very... Devotional way. Like liam and possibly albert, he has an unbreakable attachment to them. His love for their found family? He is soooo aro ace coded.
Albert: wineromantic. bisexual disaster.
Moran: pansexual just cuz. He loves his women but he has had something with albert and possibly james that is simply not heterosexual. And he was in the army cmon if there's a hole there's a goal
James: pansexual BECAUSE, hear me out, he had known this since he was a teenager. Which is why it took him until he got to Moriarty's to realise he actually wants to be a man. He had known men love him, so he was styling his hair and wearing tight corsets. He had known women loved him, so he was putting on disguises to kiss and snog. I think he was just so comfortable in his identity he never felt the need to be the opposite gender. But he was and, well, we're happy for our boy.
Fred: ace, maybe demi, and genderfluid. I might be projecting on the genderfluid part here but can you blame me? He/they pronouns.
Jack: he's above such measly attractions (idk maybe he was young he could have had something but idk anything while looking at him now)
Mycroft: gay gay homosexual gay. No straight man spends 30 minutes every morning putting pomade in his hair (hiding a part of your identity, already? Huh myckey?)
Miss hudson: straight because she didn't feel any (okay maybe somewhat) attraction to irene but when she met JAMES ouahahahaha
Herder: married to the grind 💪💪💪 making love to the game 💯💯💯 he only loves one thing and thats his craft 🔥🔥🔥
Just kidding he definitely has something gay going on
Billy: he has some WAY GAYER going on. Have never seen him interact with women (how gay) so i can't say much but he definitely gives bi/leaning on gay vibes
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fancyfeathers · 2 months
@zainiscompletelydone333 asked a question
wait what happens to herder's darling? does she live in the basement with him??
I definitely chuckled at the last bit
The Games We Play of Dust and Ash (Yandere Moriarty the Patriot Masterlist)
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Von Herder’s darling is a doctor, people depend on her to save lives, like how they met, she was taking care of Sebastian when he got shot. To kidnap her is to put so many lives at stake. Herder will say he is friends with his darling but really he is stalking her, and they only had met a handful of times. So when she aligns herself in the investigation of the Moriarty family, he does have to monitor her a bit more seriously, especially when she finds the cause of death with the parents of Albert’s darling. She is becoming a problem but she helps so many people, like just the other day she preformed surgery to prevent internal bleeding in a young girl, no older than thirteen, then a few weeks ago she took one of her patients into her own home who became paralyzed from the waist down to help them recover.
Then she does become a serious problem when she is called to the estate of a noble who was shot by Moran and saves his life. Then as she is helping them recover she finds out how everything fell into place and they are able to put the pieces together to prevent a future death with the help of her colleagues.
She is saving lives just not the ones they want saved now.
So one day when she is on her way home from her medical practice she hears footsteps following her. She picks up her pace, knowing full well that something will happen. She squeals when she sees a spark as a bullet hits the ground near her foot, she is panicked and runs into a nearby alley to hide.
She hears another bullet fires but it is not even aimed at her, she sees the impact on the wall but it bursts to release some sort of gas. She tries to cover her face with her sleeve but the moment it hits her nose the effects are almost instant and she starts stumbling, trying to support herself against the alley wall, but it does not matter, she hits the ground and she is out in a matter of seconds.
“Did you have to aim so close to her? You could have hurt her.”
“You were the one who told me to startle her, Herder.”
“Let’s not fight, let’s get her back before anyone sees us.”
When she wakes up she has an absolutely horrible headache and in a room she didn’t recognize. Laying down in bed, big enough for two people but the other side is empty. Looking around the room she finds that the door is locked, the desk is a mess with odd bits and bobbles, the closest is filled with men’s clothes and she finds many of her clothes from her apartment in boxes in the closet, many of her files and books from her home were on the shelves, the first thing that was unpacked, and then she opens the bedside table drawer to find a blindfold and she knows exactly what happened to her.
I have no doubt in my mind that she will use her knowledge of anatomy to try to eliminate Herder or someone else, so she is almost never alone with him, someone like James or Moran always there and then drugged when they go to bed so she cannot try anything when he is asleep, but even then good luck because he is a light sleeper due to his hearing so try anything and he will be up and restraining her.
Honestly she has a better life than many of the others because Herder would die if he ever hurt her, he practically worships the ground she walks on, and just wants to show her the things he creates and that feeling of validation from her, but good luck getting it now.
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Moriarty the Patriot
First Meetings {Sebastian Moran}
First Meetings {Sebastian Moran} pt 2
Jealousy {Mycroft Holmes}
Questions {Mycroft Holmes}
Scary Story {Louis James Moriarty}
I'll Invent It Just For You Though {Von Herder}
Apologies {Mycroft Holmes}
Precious {William James Moriarty}
Worried Sick {Mycroft Holmes}
Wedding Traditions {Albert James Moriarty}
Moving In Together Can Be Tough {Sherlock Holmes}
We Can Make This Work {William James Moriarty}
We Can Make This Work {William James Moriarty} (pt 2)
Jujutsu Kaisen
Sunday Mornings {Gojo Satoru}
What We Didn't Know {Gojo Satoru}
Pleasure To Meet You {Gojo Satoru}
After Hours {Gojo Satoru}
Kabedon {Gojo Satoru}
Last Call {Nanami Kento}
Quite The Romantic {Gojo Satoru}
Misunderstandings Can Often Be Helpful {Gojo Satoru}
Day Off {Gojo Satoru}
Relationship Headcanons with Gojo and Nanami
Obey Me
Money Getter {Mammon}
Indulgence {Mammon}
Make A Wish {Mammon}
His Usual Tactics {Mammon}
Pride {Mammon}
The Millionaire Detective
I Live To Impress {Kambe Daisuke}
He Lives Alone? {Haru Kato}
Tokyo Revengers
A Not So Normal Marriage Proposal {Shinichiro Sano}
The Secrets Are Out {Shinichiro Sano}
Just A Regular Day {Shinichiro Sano}
What Will Happen Then? {Shinichiro Sano}
Comfort {Shinichiro Sano}
Better Than Expected {Kurokawa Izana}
Getting Married {Shinichiro Sano}
Period Problems {Shinichiro Sano}
Guitars Bring People Together {Kurokawa Izana}
And They Were Roommates {Mitsuya Takashi}
Touche {Mitsuya Takashi}
No Chance {Mitsuya Takashi}
Failed {Shinichiro Sano}
There For You {Shinichiro Sano}
Bad Is The New Soft {Shinichiro Sano}
Too Late {Shinichiro Sano}
After All This Time {Takashi Mitsuya}
Unexpected {Mitsuya Takashi}
Black Butler
Comfort {Sebastian Michaelis}
Boku No Hero Academia
Once Upon A January {Dabi}
And I Don't Care If I Am Forgiven {Dabi}
Nobody's Son, Nobody's Daughter {Dabi}
My Girl {Dabi}
My Girl {Dabi} (pt 2)
My Girl {Dabi} (pt 3)
Right Person, Not Enough Time {Dabi}
I Love You {Dabi}
Once Upon A Dream {Dabi}
Admiration {Kyoraku}
Attack On Titan
You Were More Than Just Somebody I Was Destined To Meet {Levi Ackerman}
Prefer It Like This {Levi Ackerman}
Reborn {Levi Ackerman}
Say That You Will {Levi Ackerman}
Providing Comfort {Levi Ackerman}
Bungo Stray Dogs
Figuring It Out {Dazai Osamu}
When You Know, You Know {Dazai Osamu}
Port Mafia Black {Dazai Osamu}
Bernadette {Dazai Osamu}
Waltz Suite No 2 {Dazai Osamu}
Trying To Forget {Dazai Osamu}
It Was A Mistake {Dazai Osamu}
Tokyo Ghoul
Kisses {Hideyoshi Nagachika}
Sorrows And Kisses {Hideyoshi Nagachika}
Play Pretend {Hideyoshi Nagachika}
In His Own Way {Sakata Gintoki}
The Way Of The Curls {Sakata Gintoki}
Getting Caught Making Out {Sakata Gintoki}
Kabedon {Sakata Gintoki}
Two Sides {Sakata Gintoki}
Overreacting {Sakata Gintoki}
Perfect Girlfriend {Sakata Gintoki}
Ghosts {Sakata Gintoki}
Missed You {Sakata Gintoki}
Pregnancy News {Sakata Gintoki}
Uramichi Onii-San
Relationship Headcanons {Uramichi}
Falling In Love & Jealousy Headcanons With Uramichi and Kumatani
Rainy Days Like This {Uramichi}
Chainsaw Man
No Commitments {Kishibe}
Lunch Break {Kishibe}
Kishibe With a Fiend!Reader
Baking With Kishibe
Father Figure {Kishibe}
Shyness Might Get You Far {Kishibe}
Forgetful {Kishibe}
Heaven Official's Blessing
Trouble {Mu Qing}
A Tiny Bit Of Jealousy {Mu Qing}
Lovely Little Thing {Mu Qing}
Call of Duty
Such a cute shirt {Simon "Ghost" Riley}
Relaxing Activities {Simon "Ghost" Riley}
It's Been A While {Kyle "Gaz" Garrick}
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kazvha · 4 months
A little gift for you - spring event [CLOSED!]
It's been a year since I started this blog, so I'm doing this little event to celebrate!🥂
spring event masterlist
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[12/12 slots reserved!] Requests closed! Please don't send me any asks anymore!
• Simply like this post and choose your price! First come, first serve!
• 1 price per person! Please be fair. If you want to remain anonymous, choose an alias or an emoji that I can address you with.
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1. Match up:
-> I'll write short headcanons for you and a character I match you up with, and I'll also mention 2 runner-up characters.
Send me an ask in which you introduce yourself and choose 1-3 fandoms from the list below (pls put the fandoms in order of favorite to least favorite). You can tell me e.g. about your personality, your mbti, your pronouns, likes & dislikes, hobbies, fun facts, goals, what you're attracted to, age range, what you look for in a relationship, your love language, etc. Whatever you feel comfortable sharing!
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2. Moodboard:
-> Get a relationship moodboard with him.
Send me an ask in which you state:
1. The name of a character from the fandom list below
2. Your basic appearance (e.g. gender, skin color, hair). This is completely optional though!
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3. Fake texts:
Send me a number from either this fluff prompt list or from this angst prompt list and choose 1-3 characters of 1 fandom from the list below. I'll write some fake texts for this prompt.
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4. Song requests:
Send me 1 character from the list below + 1 song of your choice (maybe also some specific lyrics). I'll try to write something for it.
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Fandoms I'll write for:
Any male characters from: Blue Lock, Eleceed, Sk8, Valorant, Tokyo Revengers, One Punch Man, Kuroko no Basket, Daiya no Ace, Haikyuu!, Dr. Stone, Uramichi Oniisan, Ikemen Sengoku/Revolution/Prince/Villains, A3!
Genshin Impact: Albedo, Alhaitham, Ayato, Dainsleif, Diluc, Gaming, Heizou, Itto, Kaeya, Kaveh, Kazuha, Lyney, Neuvillette, Tartaglia, Thoma, Wanderer, Wriothesley, Xiao, Zhongli
Resident Evil: Leon (any game/film), Chris, Carlos, Billy
Attack on Titan: Eren, Armin, Jean, Connie, Reiner, Porco, Levi, Onyankopon
Bungou Stray Dogs: Dazai, Kunikida, Fyodor, Sigma, Chuuya, Nikolai, Bram
One Piece: Shanks, Luffy, Usopp, Zoro, Sanji, Ace, Sabo, Law, Kid, Mihawk, Paulie, Crocodile, Marco, Katakuri, Bartolomeo
Moriarty the Patriot: William, Louis, Albert, Sherlock, Moran, Von Herder
Gintama: Gintoki, Katsura, Takasugi, Sakamoto, Hijikata
Hunter x Hunter: Hisoka, Chrollo, Illumi
Fire Force: Benimaru
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Feel free to ask if you have any questions! This is my first time doing something like this, feedback is always appreciated.
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kkangkkangie · 2 years
I am absolutely in love with the idea of Sherlock and William adopting a kid in America during their three years there. Here are some headcanons I have for another OC.
It was Moriarty who actually first found the child in between 1880 and 1881, bartering at an outside stall shop. It wasn’t really bartering, it was more of the child stealing & got caught. What caught his eye was that the child had an injured eye, not so unlike his, and the facts she was spitting out about the selling of spoiled fruit.
Somehow (i.e. not plotted out), Moriarty ended up bringing this child home after seeing the horrible conditions of how the child was living on the street & ended up parenting a seven-year-old child. 
It was really funny for Sherlock the first time he met her b/c it was one of those times when William was in his narcoleptic period & passed out, and he just sees another lump curled up next to him with a blanket covering the both of them. 
To this day, the child mainly only sleeps when William does much to their dismay (but that meant William had to have an acceptable sleeping cycle, so Sherlock considered that a win).
The child & Sherlock had one row before they became inseparable—the child had a keen interest in the self-defense that Sherlock had expertise in & Sherlock was interested in her designs that she sketched out from memory. 
The child’s name was Violet, and she had a penchant of revising already existing inventions and experiments. It was funny to William as to how she could point out every single flaw in Sherlock’s experiments, and then, not know how to read. 
Right before they moved back to London, she called William, “Papa,�� and Sherlock, “Pop” & BAM—adoption papers signed at that point. Her name became Violet Holmes (b/c being associated with the Moriarty family was not doing any favors) & they took her to London to meet Uncle Louis & Albert. 
That was also the funniest experience when she met her parents’ friends b/c half of them absolutely loved her (Bond, Fred, and John) while the other half was wondering how Sherlock and William could raise a functional child (Lestrade, Louis, Moran, and Hudson).
Von Herder basically took her as a protege—MI6′s weapons were suddenly even more several generations ahead. 
Bonus: Billy was the bad influence of an older brother (who def taught her how to use a gun for self-protection—it’s America y’all) and def carried her on his shoulders.
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reds-self-ships · 6 months
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Random F/O headcanons - Dick Grayson
Always has his phone on dark mode
Does acrobatics when bored
Quite a good singer (in the shower)
Can and has slept in costume before (“What?!It’s comfy!”)
Can sit in any position (he’s bisexual) and he doesn’t find it uncomfortable at all.
Pizza connoisseur
With my other F/Os:
Deduction battles with him and Ranpo are a sight to see
Almost always the first to volunteer to test Von Herder’s gadgets in combat (the ones not intended to kill, that is)
Makes Joker jokes about Q (because green hair and ability name lining up, makes for good playful puns)
Don’t let him and Nikolai start a pun battle. They will not stop.
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yyutsuu · 1 year
Information + Masterlist
I had some trouble with the gmail I previously used, on my previous account, I have successfully figured it out and will continue to post on this account
(Please someone help me how do you work tumblr 😭😭)
Note that there most likely will be some sort of spoiler if you are not up to date with the series
I absolutely adore sherliam and William, so if I currently do not have any requests, expect sherliam or William posts.
(No exceptionally fancy layout because I am not able to figure how Tumblr works 💀💀)
Under normal circumstances, I will post once a week, though the amount of days may be shortened or extended by little amounts. That is depending on what I need to get finished during the week, since I usually try to fulfill requests.
I am currently taking requests.
Note that I will not write all requests, depending on the character and scenario (I may ignore a request if I know absolutely nothing about the topic or have not a clue on how to write it), processing time for any request may take up to weeks.
What I will write:
-Extremely thin chance I will write actual NSFW, maybe a few head cannons-
Character x reader insert
Character x character
Romantic relationship
Platonic relationship
Mostly gender neutral reader
If not requested and involves body parts will mostly be gender neutral
If no detail on gender and involves some type of body part I will go with male
(Will update if I realize I have forgotten anything)
What I will not write:
As said before most likely no NSFW except head cannons
Lime of underage characters (obvious no NSFW)
Usual boundaries (I do not feel like listing them all 💀)
(Will update if I realize I have forgotten anything)
Masterlist (characters I will write for):
William James Moriarty:
Sherlock Holmes:
Albert James Moriarty:
Louis James Moriarty:
Henry Antrim:
Fred Porlock:
Sebastian Moran:
James Bond/Irene Adler:
Von Herder:
Mycroft Holmes:
(If a character who is not present on the list is requested I will most likely accept it and add them)
(Will update if I realize I have forgotten anything)
There is barely any mtp content on Tumblr ughh
I love those silly little fellas so much it’s painful
(English is not my first language and it also is not my last, so forgive me for any grammar mistakes)
-yyutsuu on Tumblr and Wattpad-
!! Please refrain from reposting my work without permission !!
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Hello there! I saw you writing for Moriarty the Patriot and I zoomed on over. If it's okay, may I please request some Sebastian or Sherlock x reader relationship head cannons for a female reader? Or you prefer to write for gender neutral, that's perfectly fine, too.
Thank you!!!!
HELLO, NEW FRIEND! I apologize in advance for all the parts of this that you did not request. I took your request for relationship headcanons with Moran and decided to also include Louis Moriarty, Fred Porlock, James Bonde, and Von Herder. Before I knew it, the simple relationship beginnings headcanons to flesh out the Reader base OC I made for YnM fics was over 3k words--this is the first one I've posted with a female reader, too! Sebastian's headcanons will be first, with the others under the read more cut. I hope you all enjoy! <3
Sebastian Moran
How They Met: Sebastian was on the mission that Y/N had accidentally derailed–how did that happen, you may ask? Well, when they’d started leaving encoded messages at the doorstep of a certain Haberdashery owner, who they’d been informed from a reliable source was fond of puzzles, they hadn’t expected someone else to find them first and take them incredibly seriously. Sebastian found himself assigned to keeping this new player out of their actual mission. However, he’d greatly underestimated her drive for answers and the stealth of his team’s actual encoded communications, which led Y/N directly into the line of fire for this plan. Literally. He got to witness when she showed up on the scene to confront the target Noble through the scope of his rifle. He’d scrambled to signal to the others that a civilian was now in danger and they needed to change the plan–before he could finish getting the message to Fred and Bond, however, the nobleman in question already had a knife to Y/N’s neck. One well-placed shot from Sebastian and a quick evacuation by Fred led to the induction of MI6’s first Cryptographer.
When He First Noticed Y/N: When Y/N was pinned by the nobleman, he’d assumed she would be terrified. To Moran’s surprise, the expression he saw on her face through his scope was one of fearless resolve. She’d figured out the despicable acts committed by the target and had been fully prepared to die in order to right those wrongs, just like the people who had dedicated themselves to William’s plans. Moran saw a kindred spirit with fire in her eyes–that’s what made him bring her to William.
When He Realized He Had Feelings For Y/N: He’d known he had quite the soft spot for the cryptographer due to the time he’d spent observing her–that’s why he brought Y/N back to the Moriarty Manor instead of simply allowing her to return to the life of a normal civilian. He certainly hadn’t expected it to develop past that point, assuming that the interest would stay purely platonic. However, as time went on, he found himself flirting less and less with the strangers he’d find in the bars, with each half-hearted advance causing his heart to twist in an unfamiliar way. Still, it wasn’t until Bonde casually mentioned that Moran had made quite the habit of hanging around the cryptographer’s office after missions that he thought maybe something was up.
When Y/N Realized They Had Feelings For Him: She’d initially despised Moran–not because of anything he’d done to her, of course. It was more his lack of initiative and helpfulness around the class. He seemed like nothing but a lazy slob who preferred to spend as much time as possible drunk and in the company of various women. That image of him remained with Y/N until she was needed for a field mission and got to witness the Colonel in action. She’d known he was competent, sure, but the stories the others told could never really capture the deadly accuracy of Moran’s shooting, his unwavering loyalty to his team and William’s plan, and the often-foolish bravery found in all of his actions. After that, Y/N had spent weeks trying to convince herself that she still viewed Moran the same–it ultimately failed.
Who Confessed And How: Moran’s never been one for subtlety. After testing the waters a few times with her to make sure his advances weren’t unwelcome, Sebastian invited Y/N out with him for the evening. Unfortunately, he discovered he hadn’t made it clear that he’d meant it to be a date. When he showed up at the cryptographer’s office all cleaned up, wearing his best clothes and bearing flowers, she’d greeted him still in her work clothes, prominent ink stains visible on skin and cloth and visible confusion on her face. “Why are you all dressed up? And are those flowers from Fred’s prized rose bush? You know he’ll be upset when he finds out!” “I asked Fred for ‘em–thought that’s what you were s’posed to do when y’were tryin’ to court someone!” “Trying to what!?” It was an unconventional way for Moran to reveal his feelings–he’d hoped to get a few drinks into his system before making the declaration–but Y/N’s enthusiastic reciprocation made it all worth it for him.
Louis Moriarty
How They Met: Louis stood in on William’s meeting with the prospect Moran had dragged back with him. He didn’t trust her in the slightest, keeping a firm grip on the knife concealed behind his back, ready to move to his brother’s defense at the first sign of danger. However, he had to admit that she seemed competent, though not quite as good as his brother, and Louis had often worried about how many facets of the plan rested on William alone. If his brother seemed to trust this person and her services could relieve William of part of his workload, Louis would allow her to live.
When He First Noticed Y/N: He’d dubbed himself as Y/N’s evaluator, taking notes of all her actions and keeping an eye out for anything suspicious. After all, no one would simply be that friendly to him without a good reason. Louis begrudgingly allowed her to assist him with meal preparations after confirming that Y/N didn’t have any poison hidden on her person, though he still handled all of William’s food on his own. Once his suspicions died down, he found himself enjoying the cryptographer’s company–no one besides his brother had ever gone so out of their way for him before. It felt… nice.
When He Realized He Had Feelings For Y/N: William and Y/N had both been out on a field mission–Louis was worried, just as he usually was whenever William was in potential danger. However, when Fred told him that someone had been hurt, he vaguely registered in his panic that it wasn’t just William he was worried for. This realization was confirmed when he saw his brother, completely unscathed, arguing with the bloodied cryptographer in an attempt to get her to sit still until Louis could stitch up whatever injury she’d received. It took all of his willpower to stop his hands from shaking as he tended to her wounds–the relief that her injuries were easily treated, combined with the sheer shock of discovering that his heart had room for someone besides his brothers, was enough to send his normally calm mind reeling.
When Y/N Realized They Had Feelings For Him: Y/N wasn’t quite sure why she felt such a need to make a good impression on the youngest of the Moriarty brothers. She could tell that he didn’t trust her, even though the rest of the team was welcoming. That’s how the cryptographer found herself following Louis around like a lost puppy, eager to help him with all of his tasks in order to prove to him that she wasn’t a threat. As Y/N spent more time with Louis, she grew to admire his work ethic, his unwavering loyalty, and his quiet intelligence, with this admiration only driving her to work harder to get into his good graces. The realization of why his opinion mattered so much to her, however, came when her heart sped up the first time he complimented their cooking. The sudden giddiness and lightheadedness that accompanied his off-hand praise of her to William caused Y/N to choke on her drink, much to the cryptographer’s embarrassment.
Who Confessed And How: The shaking of Louis’s hands as he attempted to stitch up her injury was what gave him away, ultimately. Much to his chagrin, Y/N took his nervous shaking as illness, which caused her to start trying to make him go rest. She insisted she was more than capable of finishing the stitches herself. “Louis, if you’re feeling unwell, please go rest. I can finish this up on my own–there’s no need for you to stress yourself on my account.” “I’m perfectly fine to continue–unless my shaking is causing you pain, of course. I simply have a tendency towards nerves when someone dear to me has been hurt.” The words had tumbled out before he could stop them, something he was not used to, and caused him to tense up in preparation for rejection. However, when Y/N reassured him that the feeling was mutual, he allowed himself to relax enough to start planning his next moves. Any courtship, he knew, would have to be rather unconventional due to their lines of work, but he’d never been one for leading a conventional life.
Fred Porlock
How They Met: Fred hadn’t had to cross paths with the nosy civilian who’d interrupted the original mission. Since his skills in disguise and acting were particularly needed, that honor fell to Moran. Fred had seen her as nothing but an annoyance, the flaw in an otherwise perfect plan. However, when Moran signaled for someone to get Y/N out after their target was killed, Fred didn’t hesitate to grab her by the hand and drag her after him. Unfortunately, that would be his only interaction with the new cryptographer until a few weeks later when she cornered him, adamant at properly introducing herself to her rescuer.
When He First Noticed Y/N: The fact that Y/N had cared enough to track him down and thank him for his help left a big impression on Fred. After all, he’d grown used to not receiving recognition for his actions outside of William and the rest of the team who he’d known and worked alongside for years. That sincerity and kindness were what drove him to put in serious effort to get to know the cryptographer. It also helped that she was more willing to contribute to the housework than Moran was–Fred especially appreciated having someone to help him in the garden.
When He Realized He Had Feelings For Y/N: It was during one of the missions where Y/N had to accompany them, leaving the safety of the house. She still wasn’t used to fieldwork and made an amateur mistake, not enough to ruin the plan but still enough to put her in danger. Fred had immediately dropped his part of the mission to run to Y/N’s aid, despite Moran’s orders to the contrary. The panic that he’d felt when he knew she was in trouble was what finally put all the pieces into place for him.
When Y/N Realized They Had Feelings For Him: For Y/N, developing feelings for Fred was less of an “if” possibility and more of a waiting game until “when”. She’d immediately taken a liking to the quietest of her new teammates, going out of her way to spend extra time in his presence, whether that be helping him with his chores or learning how to assist him in the gardens. However, Y/N didn’t realize how deep she was in until she broke a plate after Fred’s hand accidentally brushed against hers as he went to take it from her while helping clean up dinner.
Who Confessed And How: Moran did it. He got tired of watching the two dance around each other awkwardly and Fred seemed to reject all of his brilliant advice on how to woo someone. The moment was far from romantic, with Moran dragging Fred by the collar of his shirt and unceremoniously dumped him in front of the cryptographer’s desk. “Sort out how you two feel already. I’m tired of yer starcrossed lovers, stolen glances bullshit.” Fred would have preferred to make his declaration on his own time, ideally with a planned speech and some flowers. However, it did work, much to his surprise and delight.
James Bonde
How They Met: Bonde had met up with Fred after he extracted Y/N from the scene of the crime. He’d been the most friendly of her rescuers, introducing himself politely and placing a gallant kiss on the back of her hand. After all, James always liked to make a good impression, especially on pretty girls. He was also the one to explain exactly what Y/N had gotten herself into, and the person who offered to help her settle in after William decided the cryptographer would be joining them.
When He First Noticed Y/N: Immediately. James’s type is pretty, intelligent, and capable, and Y/N checked all of those boxes. He knew better than to press her with any flirtation off the bat, instead focusing on building up a proper friendship with her and getting to know her as a person. He was a frequent visitor to the cryptographer’s office, often insisting on being the one to bring her instructions from William, and he’d always offer to be her guard during field missions.
When He Realized He Had Feelings For Y/N: Bonde knew he was smitten the first time Y/N responded to one of his flirts with her own. After all, it takes more than a pretty face to get him to fall. Once he’d established that they had chemistry, he’d be more forward with his advances towards her. Unlike Moran, however, his focus would be on charming and romancing his target. Flowers on her desks, little gifts in front of her door, and going out of his way to be a gentleman in front of her, et cetera. However, he made sure to leave no doubt that his intentions were genuine–he’d want Y/N to know that, if she was interested in him, he’d happily be hers.
When Y/N Realized They Had Feelings For Him: She’d been flattered by his flirtations–after all, who wouldn’t be when showered with attention from an attractive man? However, it wasn’t until she started noticing that his actions were giving her butterflies that Y/N started earnestly trying to learn if he was being genuine. She knew Moran was a scoundrel only interested in getting her into bed, but something about James made her trust that he was after more than that. That confidence allowed her to firmly decide that she reciprocated his feelings.
Who Confessed And How: Bonde left a rose and a handwritten note inviting her to dinner with him on Y/N’s desk once he was certain she would be comfortable with the offer. When he came by her room to pick her up, he was stunned by how beautiful she looked with her nervous smile and simple dress clothes. He immediately told her that, with his praise for her continuing well into their evening together. “Your beauty is always so effortless, my dear. Until tonight, I thought nothing could improve it. Now I’d do anything to keep that smile on your face directed at me~” James’s smooth-talking and charming nature net him a second date, then a third, until finally developing their relationship into a passionate courtship.
Von Herder
How They Met: Y/N was sent over to his workshop to pick up some technology William had requested specifically for her work. Of course, William had neglected to inform Herder of her impending arrival and Y/N of Herder’s blindness, which led to Herder assuming the unfamiliar footsteps belonged to an intruder. He found his mistake rather embarrassing, but still welcomed Y/N enthusiastically after offering a sheepish apology. It only took a few moments to completely forget his embarrassment, however, as he excitedly launched into an explanation of the inventions she’d been sent to pick up.
When He First Noticed Y/N: Unlike everyone else, Herder wouldn’t have a specific moment where he started seeing Y/N in a more complex light. He doesn’t often give his attention to things outside of his work unless given a compelling reason to.
When He Realized He Had Feelings For Y/N: Herder found himself actively anticipating visits from Y/N much quicker than he thought he would. When she came by, he’d make an actual effort to engage in conversation with her, even starting to keep things to make tea in his workshop just in case she stopped by. He initially brushed it off as simply being happy to have a new person to listen to his ideas, but that changed when he realized that the sound of her footsteps gave him butterflies. Unfortunately, Herder had never really dedicated time and energy to romantic pursuits, so the outcome of this discovery was an increase in his nervous energy. He’d ramble at top-speed until he started tripping over his words–it would have embarrassed him more if he didn’t find her laughs so enchanting.
When Y/N Realized They Had Feelings For Him: Y/N had initially found Herder kind of odd in an endearing way. He was incredibly intelligent and passionate about his work, but she could also tell that he was a bit lonely. Herder had almost no reasons to leave the workshop, and he only received visitors to pick up his inventions. She initially started visiting more often and staying longer out of pity, but it eventually became something she greatly enjoyed. One day, however, while the two were having tea together, she found herself simply staring at the eccentric man as he talked, a soft smile on her face and a warm feeling in her heart, instead of focusing on his words. When she realized he’d obviously asked her a question and is waiting for a response, she was incredibly glad that he can’t see her flustered expression, feigning fatigue from an early mission to excuse her rudeness.
Who Confessed And How: Y/N tried her hardest to subtly hint to him that she had feelings for him. Then she tried being obvious, bringing him small gifts, making more physical contact, and being more affectionate with his words. Unfortunately, his genius did not extend to the realms of flirting or courtship, leaving him oblivious to her advances while moping over his inability to tell her how he felt. Y/N’s frustration finally reaches a boiling point during one visit that she’d made specifically on her day off with no requests from William for Herder to fulfill. “Herder, I like you. Do you like me?” “Well of course I like you, Y/N– I mean, not in any improper manner. I’d never want to make you uncomfortable like that, and I know I’m not– Mmph!” Occasionally, the best way to get something through to a genius is to be direct, and cutting him off with a kiss definitely did the job. Y/N now has a pet inventor dedicated to keeping her safe–after all, dangerous inventions are Herder’s love language.
Whew, that was kinda longer than I meant it to be, but also incredibly fun. Please, please request more like this if you like my writing, or even just send me asks about Yuukoku no Moriarty! I love talking about things I'm into (it's the autism). Also, even though this one is a female reader, I tend to do gender neutral but am also willing to go with any gender or pronouns requested <3
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joanquill · 2 years
Strong!Reader Headcanons
How the Moriarty gang treats a reader who's as strong as a mountain.
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Moriarty Gang
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William scouted you because you were the strongest person he met. Almost indestructible, to be honest.
The gang once caught you with a couple of gunshot wounds, but you acted back to normal after a couple of days.
It kind of scared some people how unbothered you were with the injuries and scars you got from missions.
You're the one usually doing the heavy lifting around the manor.
Carrying heavy groceries inside, helping Fred with the gardening equipment and tools, bringing Herder's inventions to missions, moving around the furniture...
You once even lifted the couch with Sebastian, Fred, and Bonde sitting while sweeping the floor.
You sometimes even coach the others on working out and exercising, so they stay in shape. Surprisingly, Master Jack was the one who usually kept up with you.
You're the designated caretaker when Sebastian, Bonde, Albert, and maybe even Paterson when they go out for a drink.
Bonde is one thing, but Sebastian was beet red and flailing as you carried his 6'5" ass back to the manor over your shoulder like he was nothing.
Albert was laughing beside you, and Paterson shook his head at the colonel the whole way home.
You once instinctively lifted Louis by the waist when a mouse came running by in the kitchen, Simba-style. He couldn't look you in the eye for the rest of the day.
Bonde, on the other hand, treats you like his personal carriage and sometimes asks you to carry him when he's feeling tired or just plain playful.
Speaking of Bonde, he once dared you to carry Moneypenny around when she sprained her ankle. You agreed, not seeing a problem, but Moneypenny kept hiding her face in your chest and kept quiet the whole time.
Even though you can crush a man's skull with your bare hands, you wouldn't hurt a fly.
...Unless William orders you to, but they love you all the same.
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441 notes · View notes
May I ask for a yandre Albert James Moriarty, Mycroft Holmes and von Herder with a s/o, please? Thank you very much! Btw. I like your writings 💕
Yandere Albert is here
Sorry for your waiting.
Yandere Von Herder Headcanon
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Von Herder is a passionate, stalker and a little worshipful yandere.
Herder doesn't mind that he can't see you.
He falls in love with you personality and wants to find out everything possible about you.
You are the only person he loves as much as his guns.
( This man is really attached to his guns )
The only things Herder seems to talk about today are you and his guns.
Your abduction will happen very quickly.
Not because Herder would be jealous of other people near you... He just wants to know how you act in this situation.
Herder also wants your love.
So don’t be surprised if after your abduction you are greeted by a man who knows everything about you.
And even if he is blind, escaping is really hard.
Herder has set you "fun" traps that make escape impossible.
( So fun for him and fucking annoying for you)
Yandere Mycroft Holmes headcanon
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Mycroft is a very possessive and tactical yandere.
He really isn’t used to the feeling of love.
So this is indeed a new experience for him.
Mycroft gets all the information about you very quickly and easily.
He needs about 24 hours and Mycroft knows your age, your family relationship and all your deepest secrets.
And Mycroft doesn’t have to do almost anything himself.
There are advantages to working for the state.
Mycroft makes careful plans for how he gets you to himself.
And this man knows how to be really patient.
His plan could take years.
First you make friends, then he is going to make sure from your parents that you get married and then say goodbye to your social relationships.
Mycroft makes sure no one doubts anything.
And if you object to him, Mycrot will make sure that one of your friends "disappears"
He blackmails and threatens to keep you motivated.
He tries to be romantic but it’s hard for him.
congratulations you are at the end of your life stuck with yandere icicle.
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uramichislefttiddie · 3 years
Von Herder Random Hc’s
||Contains: Von Herder (Q)||
||Warnings: Nothing but fluff||
•He prefers to have you next to him most of the time, as near as possible so he can make sure your safe. This meaning you get to watch him make new inventions all the time, he always ends up blabbering about how it works despite you not having the slightest clue of what he means.
•obviously he is independent most of the time but sometimes he just wants to have a break in everything and be able to relax with you without any interruptions, there’s some things he can’t do himself meaning you will have to help him out.
•on quite a few occasions if you two were walking together and you went to stop and told him he’d not hear and carry on walking, still taking to you despite you not being next to him anymore, this happens near enough every time your both outside.
•he loves having your head lent on his neck, it allows him to have you really close to him and hold you tightly, to be honest this seemed to be the only way he’d end up going to sleep for hours.
•you always find he makes little creations just for you, he seems to do this near enough every day. He says it’s because he feels like he ignores you most of the time when he doesn’t really mean to.
•there’s been quite a few times where he’s gotten up with very messy hair and hadn’t realised and was walking about all day like that, of course he had earned a few comments and snickers from Sebastian who decided to not say anything, even Louis and Fred didn’t tell him because Sebastian had threatened them if they dared say anything.
•Sebastians always pulling pranks on him when he gets the chance too, luckily Von finds it amusing and jokes along with him.
•your the only person he’s ever taken his blindfold off near, he also gets your opinion on new ones he makes and what to have the design like. (I know some blind people wear eye coverings to just simply block out uv rays)
•baths where he will just have you in his arms he loves most or where you’ll have him in your arms he loves too. If your the one holding him in your arms a lot of the time he will end up falling asleep, meaning you have to wake him up before he shrivels which has become a hard thing, once he gets comfy and goes to sleep it’s incredibly hard to wake him up.
•when sleeping he always spoons you, even if he wasn’t before he fell asleep. It’s become a habit of his. He has a feeling this ranged from when he used to sleep with stuffed animals, don’t get me wrong he still has stuffed animals however he hides them from people knowing someone *cough* Sebastian would make fun of him for it.
•he loves walking with you in the park late at night, he loves the sound of the owls and the water moving with the wind.
•if you two are together in a room for example you’ll have to keep letting him know your still there, he always ends up asking if your still there about 20 times in half an hour.
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fancyfeathers · 2 months
@zainiscompletelydone333 asked a question
op what are your headcanons of the height differences among the darlings and yanderes?? (hehe i like to imagine 🩰 darling is quite short plus william is around 6'1)
I got you bestie because I have already thought about this before
The Games We Play of Dust and Ash (Yandere Moriarty the Patriot Masterlist)
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I picture William and his darling do have a big height difference, he is around 6’1 (185cm) and I picture her being around 5’2 (157cm). So that is around an eleven inch height difference.
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Albert and his darling have a little bit of a smaller height gap than the prior, he is around 6’2 (188cm) and I picture she is around 5’5 (165cm) so I think that would be about up to his chin.
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This is probably one of my favorites to think about but I think Louis’ darling is rather tall, he is 6’0 (184cm) and I think she would be around 5’9 (175) which is only 3 inches shorter than him and then she probably wears shoes that are slightly heeled so that would make her even taller.
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Sherlock and his darling have the exact height difference as William and his darling, 6’1 (185cm) to 5’2 (157cm). But Sherlock’s darling definitely has more anger issues within her smaller body than William’s darling, she’d be ready to throw hands any time any place.
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I’m just going to say this one plan and simple, Mycroft is 6’2 (188cm) and his darling is 4’11 (149cm).
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I feel like his darling is not super short or super tall (though it is funny picturing Sebastian with a darling who is like a two inches shorter than him), but with him being 6’6 (198) (why are you so tall?) I think she would be around 5’7 (170cm) which is an eleven inch difference.
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I know I have not even mentioned James Bonde and his darling yet (I will say I have her planned out mostly and once upon a time she used to know William’s darling, but that’s another story) They are the exact same height, 5’7 (170cm)
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Then last but not least, Von Herder and his darling, the doctor who this man fucking adores, he is 6’4 (193cm) and she is 5’10 (177cm). I had a funny thought of her being taller than him but then I remember he is actually tall so na.
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pillow-anime-infos · 4 years
moriarty the patriot {masterlist}
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‘a kiss that is leading to more, but is interrupted by a third party’ {kiss prompt number 40 + scenario | 543 words ; suggestive?}
partner at work and in life {headcanon ; sfw}
his childhood friend {headcanon ; sfw}
nightmares {headcanon ; sfw}
you two against the nobles {headcanon ; sfw?}
his reaction to the kidnapping of his s/o {headcanon ; sfw?}
sex with him {headcanon ; nsfw}
he has a crush on you – the artist {headcanon ; sfw}
poly relationship with him and his brothers {headcanon ; sfw}
yandere!william {headcanon ; sfw & nsfw}
old love {headcanon ; sfw}
comfy time with rain {headcanon ; sfw}
math lessons {scenario | 905 words ; sfw}
modern life with william {headcanon ; sfw}
“why are not you listening to me?” “... i’m very lucky to have you, you know?” {quote prompt number 20 + scenario | 435 words ; sfw}  
“let’s watch some movies from disney!” {quote prompt number 1 + scenario | 642 words ; sfw}
“you love flowers, right?” “yes… i love flowers very much.” {quote prompt number 38 + scenario | 733 words ; suggestive}
“i told you this is how it ends.” {quote prompt number 49 + scenario | 543 words ; nsfw}
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cheek kisses {headcanon ; sfw}
his childhood friend {headcanon ; sfw}
nightmare versus tea {headcanon ; sfw}
you two against the nobles {headcanon ; sfw?} 
his reaction to the kidnapping of his s/o {headcanon ; sfw?}
poly relationship with him and his brothers {headcanon ; sfw}
switches {headcanon ; nsfw}
comfy time with rain {headcanon ; sfw}
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‘a long kiss where the other person’s lips are the color of their partner’s lipstick’ {kiss prompt number 9 + scenario | 642 words ; sfw}
his childhood friend {headcanon ; sfw}
your comfort person {headcanon ; sfw}
soft!dom albert and his tsundere s/o {scenario | 532 words ; nsfw}
bad dreams {headcanon ; sfw}
you two against the nobles {headcanon ; sfw?}
‘a pleading kiss where one person cannot reach the other’s lips’ {kiss prompt number 5 + scenario | 405 words ; sfw} 
his reaction to the kidnapping of his s/o {headcanon ; sfw?}
poly relationship with him and his brothers {headcanon ; sfw}
comfy time with rain {headcanon ; sfw}
make out session with him {scenario | 589 words ; suggestive}
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your silly nightmare {headcanon ; sfw}
you two against the nobles {headcanon ; sfw?}
his reaction to the kidnapping of his s/o {headcanon ; sfw?}
sebastian and barmaid!reader {scenario | 588 words ; sfw}
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his childhood friend {headcanon ; sfw}
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dance with me {i love girls month + scenario | 431 words ; sfw}
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from a chance meeting to the first ‘i love you’ {headcanon ; sfw}
‘a drunk, funny kiss in a weird place’ {kiss prompt number 16 + scenario | 364 words ; sfw?}
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his first crush {headcanon ; sfw}
sex with him {headcanon ; nsfw}
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“… you wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid.” {quote prompt number 42 + scenario | 600 words ; nsfw}
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mi6 and new member {headcanon ; sfw}
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