amethyst-halo · 5 months
into the unknown viva animatic send post
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acepumpkinpatrick · 21 days
Y'all!!! Emergency!!!
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Your Esims are also helping Palestinians in Jenin!!
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Instructions & Discount codes
Truly Esim
Thank you @anneemay for the notice
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khalid-sisters · 25 days
Help Khalid Sisters in Gaza not to be Homeless
Hello Dear,
We, (Najwa, Jana, Farah, and Maryam), are the sisters of Shaheed Khalid Saed Ash-Shawwah, who was martyred on 07/31/24 along with Al Jazeera correspondent Ismail Al-Ghoul and his colleague, photographer Rami Al-Rifi . Khalid was our older and only brother and he was a great support for us and others. As you may heard Khalid’s story in the news, he was bombed while he was riding his bicycle coming back from delivering food to our old and injured neighbors.
Before the IDF forces killed our brother Khalid, they forced us to evacuate our house and left everything behind. They then destroyed our house and our father’s restaurant. We had to move at least 10 times since every new area we seek refuge to gets bombed.
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Currently, the 4 of us and our parents, are living devastating and sad life in a bombed room in Gaza. It is extremely difficult for us to get the basic needs of food, water, and shelter.
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We sincerely hope you can empathize with our dire situation and consider supporting us. We are raising funds in order to be able to pay the rising cost of basic necessities in north Gaza. Our family is large and the cost of survival in north Gaza is astronomical. If you have anything you can spare, we implore you to support us. From where you are right now, you personally can help save our lives in north Gaza.
Please donate and/or replog 🥺🙏🇵🇸
Please reblog our post, follow us @khalid-Sisters and boost our posts, and repost the link to our campaign across all your social media.
Your generosity has the power to make a significant difference, and will give us hope that there will a better future waiting for us once the war stops.
We ask God to bless you and your families and to protect you all from all calamities and to never make you feel or go through what we are going through.
Vetted By: @olagaza @tahseenkhazen, @determinate-negation @northgazaupdates
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destielmemenews · 1 year
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source 1
source 2
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mohammedaldeeb · 2 months
⏰ 🚨 attention please🙏🚨
I am Dr. Mohammed Aldeeb,🩸💉 a dedicated specialist in emergency medical care from the Gaza Strip.
💊 🩺🩹
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For years, I poured my heart and soul into my work at Al-Shifa Hospital, striving to be a doctor of great repute,
caring for the wounded and the ill with compassion and skill.💉🩹
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the devastation of war disrupted our lives and prevented us from serving our patients at Al-Shifa Hospital😣💔,
forcing me to leave my cherished home and the familiar walls of the hospital that had become my second home, a place of comfort, peace, and beautiful memories of my work.😔
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As I left behind the echoes of laughter and camaraderie with my colleagues, patients, and friends,😰
I embarked on a painful journey southward. I bid farewell to the streets where I grew up, the corners I sought refuge in😥😭💔, and the colleagues who felt like family.
Memories of my formative years and the countless lives I touched during my tenure at Al-Shifa 😣and other medical facilities, such as Friends of the Patient Hospital and the Indonesian Hospital, overwhelmed me as I struggled to come to terms with the upheaval.😔😥
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Despite the adversities that besieged me,
I held fast to my dream of becoming a successful doctor. 😀😁✌💚
I was fortunate enough to study medicine at Al-Azhar University, from which I graduated and later served as a teaching assistant, imparting knowledge to aspiring medical students with unwavering dedication. 😀🙏🖤
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The idea of specializing in internal medicine drew me back to Al-Shifa Hospital, but sadly,
the brutal war destroyed it, shattering my hopes.In the midst of the chaos and destruction brought by war🥺😣💔
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I sustained multiple injuries and narrowly escaped with my life. 🥺
The sanctuary of my home, a place of peace and beautiful memories, was completely destroyed, leaving my family and me impoverished and homeless. 😣💔😰
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Yet, amidst the ruins, a glimmer of hope persists as I continue my work at Al-Aqsa Hospital😀, extending a helping hand to those in need without expecting anything in return. I draw strength from the humanity and love instilled in me by my teachers and mentors during my years of education and service.✌😁❤
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Today, we find ourselves taking refuge in a humble tent, ⛺ 😭😣💔
stripped of our possessions and livelihoods. The loss of my job, my home, and some of my loved ones is a heavy burden to bear. 😢
Nevertheless, I refuse to succumb to despair, holding on to the belief that brighter days lie ahead.
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With a heavy heart, I reach out to you🥺🙏💚
dear reader, seeking your assistance in securing safe passage for myself and my family from the chaos and brutality of war in Gaza. 🥺🙏🇵🇸🍉💔🖤💛💝
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With your kindness and generosity🥺, I hope to reclaim the path to achieving my medical career, 🩺💉🩸
becoming a specialist in internal medicine, and returning to help my people.
This would enable me to provide care for my loved ones and contribute to the healing of our wounded nation.Your compassionate aid would mean the world to me and my family.🥺🙏❤🇵🇸✌
Please note that our campaign is vetted
Thanks @90-ghost ... link vetted
Thanks @el-shab-hussein ...link vetted
Thanks @mangocheesecakes ...link vetted
Thanks @horrorhorizon...link vetted
Thanks @nabulsi (number 212)
With gratitude and hope,💜💙
Dr. Mohammed AldeebGaza Strip
WhatsApp: 00972599095244
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dduane · 2 months
Meanwhile, in Italy...
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"Former culture undersecretary Vittorio Sgarbi defends the girl who climbed Giambologna's Bacchus statue in Florence miming a sexual act. 'It is a transfiguration: when art is truer than life. An amorous exaltation. No real man can compete with Cellini's Perseus. A drunk girl performs a critical act, not an erotic one.'"
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zegalba · 8 months
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The Black Mountain | Belfast, Ireland (2014)
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heat-pics · 3 months
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sumechiayuu · 7 months
Rafah is currently under bombardment, so I will spreading as much links as I can possibly can. If I miss any, please add on if you can
Help Mayar and her family
Help Nour
Help Marah Owda escape Gaza
Help Sobhe and his family escape Gaza
Help Razan and family escape from Gaza
Help Ahmed’s family escape Gaza
Help the Zamli family evacuate
Help this handicapped child escape Gaza
Help this family get out of Gaza
Help this family evacuate
Help Salah’s family
Help evacuate this family to safety
Help this family survive
Help Zayn’s family
Help Mohammed’s family
Help Abdullah Salem’s family
Help Dalia Masoud and her family
Help Mahmoud’s family
Help Eyad’s family
Help Osama’s family evacuate
Help Dr. Abdelwahab and his family
Help this displaced family
Help Abood and his family leave Gaza
Help Lara Sharif evacuate her family to safety
Help secure this family
Help Muhammed evacuate his family
Help Walid and family escape
Help Sarah Aljamal and her family
Help Walaa and her family evacuate from Gaza
Help Aya evacuate her sick mother from Gaza
Help Mohamed Zaqout’s brother escape Gaza
Help Bayan Meghari and her family
Help evacuate this injured father out of Gaza
Help Hossam and his family
Help evacuate the Abu Halabia family
Help treat Mulataf who has brain disease
Help a family of 7 evacuate Gaza
Help this child with cerebral palsy evacuate
Help Abdalla Mughari and his family
Help the Alashi family
Help Ghadeer Saeed’s family
Help Yousef and Khaled Al-Sultan’s family
Help Firas protect his family
Help Moneer and his family
Help Aya Adham get treatment for her hematoma
Links masterpost 1
Links masterpost 2
Links masterpost 3
Links masterpost 4
Please keep Palestine in your minds tonight and onwards even with distractions like the Oscars, helping the people is more important
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drapeau-rouge · 9 months
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Genocide Joe Biden gets the piñata treatment in solidarity with Palestine, in Mexico City https://jay-watts.com
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mirkobloom77 · 5 months
🇵🇸💚 A mariachi band joins the Columbia encampment!
🔹 Original caption: A mariachi band joined the encampment and sung Cielito Lindo to students at Columbia. “Oh, oh, oh, oh, sing and do not cry, because singing cheers up, pretty little darling, our hearts.”
🔸 Sources: Wear The Peace and Gerald Dalbon (footage)
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hottubsandwiches · 3 months
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needed to draw scar in the sunflower field after seeing his tweet about it
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fahedshehab-new · 2 months
Urgent 🆘️ call: 🚨🍉 Donate, please donate..🥺😓
Save what is left of us..Be the reason for our survival and exit from Gaza.. We need every dollar..🥺🫂 Spread my campaign, make it reach many.. I came to you and I hope that you will stand by my side.. 😢 If you are not able to donate Please support me by publishing. A simple matter = a human life..🤍
I have a beautiful family consisting of a wife and five beautiful children. So I hold on to patience and faith, and I pray to God to inspire us with the strength to overcome this harsh experience, in this turbulent world. Be the reason for our survival.. Support us and protect our lives. We have the opportunity to travel , but the obstacle is the travel costs. Help us collect them. There is talk of opening the crossing. Quickly, help us collect the travel costs. Have mercy on us from this homelessness and loss.
Your donation = our stability
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Can you give me a gift? 🎁🎉🎊 Reblog Just … it's a lifeline for my family. Share my post as much as you can. You are generous and we deserve a chance for a safe and stable new life. After everything we've been through I am very proud of you..🇵🇸🍉💔
Thank you for not letting me down . Thank you for comforting me.. I am grateful to everyone who donated and to everyone who shared this post to reach people..
We reach 25000€ /50.000€ The way still so long..please
Please do not stop donating..
I Really Need Your Help .
I'm In need of every dollar… your contribution will bring us closer to achieving our dream of survival and will be a reason to protect the life and future of my children..
Small donation can make abig difference🙏🙏
My friends who stood by me, I shower you with hugs and love you very much.❤️🫂
NOTE: Our campaign is vetted by : @el-shab-hussein vetted link
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noble-kale · 11 days
We had fish when I was very young, but I don't remember them personally. After that, we kept some rabbits for a few years.
And please share and donate to help rescue a mother and her 2 young children from a genocide that has already taken the children's father and has made all 3 sick from unhygienic conditions.
English and Spanish flyers + art commision raffle + personal items raffle
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evelyn-art-05 · 8 months
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mohammedaldeeb · 18 days
⚠️⏰Warning ⚠️ ⏰
Time is running out😥💔
Hello my friends and supporters of my campaign to save my life and the lives of my beautiful family.❤🥺
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We have made significant progress in achieving our campaign, thanks to you, your support, and your generous donations. There is only a little more to go.😁✌💜
First, let me reintroduce myself: 😃
I am Dr. Mohammad Al-Deeb, an ER physician at Al-Shifa Hospital in the northern Gaza Strip 🩺🩸💉
before the brutal war forced us to leave our homes, memories, and workplaces, which have now become rubble after years of hard work to build them.😓😰
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Our beautiful home, filled with cherished memories, holds in every corner the story of my childhood and youth💙, which my siblings and I dedicated our lives to building.😪😣
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Now, I am displaced in the southern part of Wadi Gaza😪,
living with my family in a small tent that lacks even the most basic necessities of life—
no food, no water, no place to sleep, or even a place to personal needs.😓
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I ask for your continued support, as I have always relied on it.
We have achieved 72% of our campaign goal, and with your help and ongoing support, we will soon reach 100% of our goal.😁✌🙏🕊
Dr. Mohammad Al-Deeb from Gaza.
Our campaign is vetted by
@nabulsi (number 212)
Please help me by publishing my story 🥹🙏🏻
@timetravellingkitty @deathlonging @briarhips @mazzikah @mahoushojoe @sar-soor @rhubarbspring @schoolhater @pcktknife @transmutationisms @sawasawako @feluka @appsa @anneemay-blog @commissions4aid-international @wellwaterhysteria @mangocheesecakes @kyra45-helping-others @7bitter @tortiefrancis @ot3 @amygdalae @ankle-beez @communistchameleon @dykesbat @aristotels @komsomolka @neptunerings @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @heritageposts @watermotif @stuckinapril @mavigator @lacecap @determinate-negation @deepspaceboytoy @paper-mario-wiki @kibumkim @neechees @socalgal @chilewithcarnage @ghelgheli @sayruq @himejoshikaeya @rooh-afza
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