#viv and cole were out like a light
grapecaseschoices · 3 days
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yall were not kidding about champions
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forzalando · 3 months
logan +  “are you asleep?” “...no.”  plss?!
hi! thank you so much for your request, i hope you like it! i'll admit - this one is a little crazy hahaha viv (@coff33andb00ks) and i were chatting and she sent me the meme/joke referenced in this. it was kind of a self-dare to see if i could fit it into a drabble/blurb for shits and gigs and i did lol logan + "are you asleep?" "no." 600 words, tw: mentions of logan's bad luck on track
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You had always envied Logan for how easy it was for him to fall asleep. Most nights he was asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow, but tonight he was wide awake right beside you with one particular thought racing through his mind.
From his stillness and steady breathing, you’d assumed he was asleep, and by some miracle you were 99% on your way to joining him in slumber. The world started to slowly slip away until Logan’s hushed voice broke through the silence and had your eyes opening in shock, rendering you wide awake.
“Y/N, are you asleep?”
You refrained from answering, hoping that Logan would take the hint and you could quickly return to that state of almost asleep.
“Y/N?” He whispered again, this time shaking your shoulder slightly. “Are you sleeping?”
Realizing this was a battle you were not winning, you rolled over to face him.
“…No. I almost was though! Is it important?”
“Never mind, go back to sleep.” He mumbled, quickly covering his face with his hands.
“Well, I’m wide awake now, what did you need? Is everything ok?”
You pushed yourself up on your forearm and reached a hand out to pull his away from his face, worried that something was wrong and you’d tried to ignore him asking for you.
“…You’ve heard of Murphy’s Law, right? The law that states that anything that can go wrong will go wrong?”
Your heart clenched in your chest – he had to be alluding to all of the issues at Williams and his performance. It broke your heart to see him doubt himself and on top of that, so many things beyond his control were impacting his ability to race. Alex’s crash in Australia, cost constraints meaning no spare chassis, Alex driving Logan’s car because of it. Kevin crashing into him in Miami, his home race, also completely out of his control.
“Yes, I’ve heard of it. Why?”
You braced yourself for his response, ready and willing to be as supportive as he needed.
“Of course you’ve heard of it. But have you heard of Cole’s Law?”
Confusion crept into your mind, your eyebrows furrowing and lip curling up.
“Logan, what are you talking about?”
Suddenly, he started to giggle, his shoulders shaking and the moonlight shining in from the window illuminating a light pink flush across his cheeks.
“Cole’s Law,” he laughed. “It’s thinly sliced cabbage!”
Your mouth fell open in shock while Logan rolled around laughing, clutching his sides like he’d just told the funniest joke in the world. Hearing him giggle so jovially and childlike pulled giggles from you too – soon you were both practically in tears, the room full of the sound of belly laughs.
After a few moments you calmed down enough to lean over and gently shove him while shaking your head in disbelief.
“Logan Hunter Sargeant, I thought something was wrong! You’re so lucky I don’t banish you to the couch right now.”
“The look on your face was priceless, I wish I could have taken a picture.”
You teasingly glared at him before sliding to lay back down, turning on your side to face away from him.
“Aw, come on,” he pleaded. “You have to admit it was funny!”
“Logan, unless you want to experience Y/N’s Law, it’s time to go to sleep. If I can even fall asleep at this point.”
“What’s Y/N’s Law?”
“A boyfriend that disturbs his girlfriend’s slumber for a coleslaw pun will surely be punished.”
You didn’t hear another sound until Logan was deep enough in slumber to start snoring.
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emeraldwhump · 2 years
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I'm sorry for not posting, I'm in the midst of finals and my thesis defense date is getting dangerously close, but today (24th June) is twins birthday and I actually have something nice and sweet for Vivianne planned as a gift lol.(Unfortunately for Cole I only have time for one, and honestly he had much better time than Viv lately so)
I promise I'll get more into Viv's relationship with Jude and how it affected her on this blog just give me time, for now just believe me it was bad and have a glimpse into the future and her birthday gift - her next partner after him - Jasper, they aren't in an exclusive relationship its more fwb situation but he's nice to her! Wow I know. It's at the point where they just started seeing each other.
More about Jasper, Masterlist
Jasper was laying on the couch, reading students' papers, Vivianne was curled up against him, napping.
Admittedly it wasn't what they've met for, they weren't in a relationship to just lounge around in his apartment like that, it was supposed to be just a quick fuck session maybe a cup of tea later, just a simple friends with benefits situation with no additional strings attached but...
Jasper had to be honest with himself and admit that he liked the girl, much more than his usual hookups, so when she came to his apartment and looked tired and not really in the mood, Jasper was sort of relieved, especially because she agreed to drink a cup of tea with him, actually he was happy about getting to spend time with her, like that which worried him - he never used to stay with one partner for a long time and Vivianne has made it clear that she doesn't want a relationship.
Jasper didn't exactly know why, and what happened but sometimes she acted very nervous, scared almost so he was sure that it wasn't just her preference, something had to happen, for her not to want to go into a relationship.
And usually Jasper would be over the moon with that arrangement, but now he was perfectly content with her just laying quietly next to him, not even bothered by her hair being everywhere, along with his eyes and mouth. Another unfamiliar experience was the fact that thinking about her with other people made him unreasonably frustrated, while normally Jasper didn't give a flying fuck about what other people he was seeing were doing in their spare time.
Jasper knitted his brows and looked down at her, his attention was drawn to her shoulder, as the neckline of her sweater shifted revealing an array of pearly white scars, tons of small short ones filled the background with one long thick line cutting through the rest, he lightly rubbed his thumb against them.
Vivianne took a sharp breath and opened her eyes, stifling slightly.
"I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" Jasper asked moving his hand back. Vivianne rolled to the other side, so she was now facing the same direction as him.
"No. It isn't exactly pleasant, but it's not painful either" She answered, and lied her head down on his shoulder again, which Jasper used to lean his cheek on the top of it.
A few moments went in silence, as Jasper played with her hair quietly moving a strand of it between his fingers.
"I like you" He blurted out, and blinked surprised by this sudden need to put it out there. Vivianne made a sound that Jasper could only describe as a light amused scoff, as she turned back to face him, and put her arm around his chest.
"You're nice..."
"You sound surprised" Jasper noticed, interrupting her - her reaction interested him, it didn't seem negative, but at the same time the tone of her voice was way more surprised for it to be just because he said ot out of nowhere and after all it's not like Jasper has told her that he loved her or proposed to her.
"I mean it's not that wierd to at least like someone you sleep with, and to be nice to them?" Alright maybe it wasn't Jasper's approach every time, but come on its not a controversial opinion.
Vivianne sighed, and thought for a moment clearly trying to decide if she should say something or not, finally she set her eyes down, avoiding looking at Jasper's face and nervously tucked her hair behind her ear.
"I-i don't think my previous partners liked me, not really - they usually just wanted something from me, sex, money whatever, but - but didn't like me, I would say some hated me really... " She took a deep breath, and Jasper noticed her hands shaking slightly as she continued "E-even though I was trying, I really was at first at least but it never seemed to -... I guess I'm just not a person who you like easily - and that.. well it doesn't really come with being nice to me, even though sometimes that's all I wanted - "
It was clear that talking about it got harder and harder for her as she went on, so instead of letting her continue, Jasper leaned in and kissed her.
"Well I like you. A lot." He said with his mouth still right next to her lips.
"I told you - I can't.. I don't want to be in relationship not yet-" Vivianne moved back a little and smiled sadly.
"It's alright, we can be whatever you want us to be, and we can go as slow as you like okay?"
Vivianne smiled again, but this time with a happier smile, and Jasper tilted her head back to kiss her again. After a moment of that he stopped and propped himself in his elbows.
"There's one condition though - I'm going to be nice to you"
Vivianne laughed but hugged him burying her face in his chest.
"Yeah?" She asked with a slight sarcastic tone.
"Yeah. And I'm going to start right now." Jasper propped his chin on the top of her head, which gave him an excellent view on the cascade of white hair falling onto her back.
"I love your hair it's so pretty..." He said and took a few strands letting them fall freely from his hand "and soft, and... pearly" It fascinated him how the light played in them, under certain lighting her hair seemed almost translucent.
Jasper was interrupted by her laugh.
"Pearly? I really hope that you're more creative with music than poetry" Vivianne scoffed. Jasper just smirked and kissed her.
tagging a few people: see sometimes I'm nice to her! I love her I promise lol.
@painful-pooch @whumper-in-training @egg-writes-whump @for-the-love-of-nsfwhump @whumpy-arts-and-crafts @whump-world @winedark-whump
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nerdanel01 · 4 years
DA:I Fantasy Opera Casting
One of the podcasts I’ve been listening to recently, Opera After Dark, sometimes features episodes where they’ll do fantasy castings movies/tv series (like HP, SW, GoT) and, well... I couldn’t resist.
I’m not going to tag anyone but if you have any passing interest in opera, I’d love to see what other people come up with! Some of these were really easy to choose and some of them I really struggled with, it would be v. interesting to see choices others make (and maybe be introduced to some new artists along the way?) disclaimer: I know next to nothing about music theory or composition i’m just having fun
COMPANIONS: Blackwall - Peter Mattei, baritone I went back and forth a bit on whether a baritone or a tenor would be more suitable for Blackwall; I went with Baritone mostly because I really fell in love with the idea of casting Mattei. He’s got enough charisma to make Blackwall’s lie believable. I also think he’d be well suited to handle both the more dramatic beats of Blackwall’s narrative arc (I’m imagining him singing an aria adaptation of that story Blackwall tells in the bar about the dog) as well as his more light-hearted interactions with characters like Sera.  Iron Bull - Morris Robinson, bass I wanted at least one bass among the companions and Bull seemed like the best choice! It’s hard to tell how well-suited he’d be to the humor (most roles in his vocal range are deeply serious figures of authority: the Commendatore in Don Giovanni, the Grand Inquisitor in Don Carlo, etc.) but he comes across as very charming and warm based on his interviews and I think he’d do great.
Cassandra - Joyce DiDonato, mezzosoprano I had to get Joyce in here somewhere. I think the mezzo range would suit Cassandra really well, and I cast DiDonato because I think she could bring a lot of nuance and sympathy to the character that I don’t feel in canon. She plays a lot of strong women, and I think she’d make a whole ten-course-meal out of the journey Cassandra goes on re: the Seekers, the Chantry, questioning her role in establishing the Inquisition, etc. Add in a splash of Cassandra’s romantic side? Joyce would kill it. 
Varric - Matthew Polenzani, tenor Varric was one of the hardest roles to cast. He ended up as a tenor largely because most of the other companions were cast before him, and I wanted another companion in that range. I also like the idea of a tenor/mezzo argument between Varric and Cassandra. 
Sera - Pretty Yende, soprano Pretty Yende is one of my favorite sopranos, partly because she can be absolutely hilarious in one breath and heartbreaking in the next. IMO she really shines in comedic roles. I just imagine her as an extremely irreverent, uninhibited and fun-loving Sera, showing off her coluratura, taking the piss out of everyone else in the main cast in the most beautiful way possible. 
Cole - Nicholas Tamagna, countertenor I went back and forth a bit on whether to cast Cole as a countertenor or as a pants role, but ultimately I went with the countertenor. I really love this voice type and I think it suits Cole really well—youthful and kind of lofty? His vocal range is therefore higher than (or as high) as everyone elses, so when he’s reading the other character’s thoughts he can always sing “above” them, which might be an interesting musical way to tie him to the Fade. idk
Dorian - Amar Muchhala, tenor There was no doubt in my mind that Dorian was a tenor. Give him all that kind of like, typical heroic, bombastic music.
Vivienne - J’nai Bridges, mezzosoprano J’nai is a queen, and there’s such a warmth to her voice. I have no trouble imagining her wrapping the whole Orlesian court around her finger. She has that regality but also that vulnerability, y’know? For those really sweet moments with Viv and the IQ. Solas - Bryn Terfel, baritone I struggled with Solas the most so I’m really curious what thought anyone else might have. I thought about casting Solas in pretty much every other vocal range before I settled on baritone. I feel like you MIGHT have been able to get away with casting like, a young Fen’Harel as a tenor, but that seemed far from the right choice to Solas. I also thought about making casting him as a countertenor, but there’s like... this characteristic of the countertenor voice, this kind of purity? that I think is also wrong for Solas. Simply because of baritone roles in the rep Terfel plays a lot of villains and he’s spine-tingling good at this, but I also think he has the sensitivity to pull Solas off. The idea of him in a bald cap is slightly horrifying but I usually sit in the cheap seats anyway so likely I’d be spared the sight. xD
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ty-talks-comics · 5 years
Best of Marvel: Week of March 18th, 2020
Best of this Week: Outlawed #1 - Eve L. Ewing, Kim Jacinto, Espen Grundetjern and Clayton Cowles
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It all starts with one incident.
The original Civil War kicked off when the New Warriors team, trying to get footage for their terrible reality TV show, started a battle with some supervillains in hiding, one of which was Nitro. Nitro self destructed and wound up killing over 750 people in Stamford, Connecticut. This resulted in heroes choosing sides in the debate of whether or not to register their identities and receive training under SHIELD, effectively being handed a leash, or choosing to fight against the tyranny of having their lives exposed and powers exploited.
It’s been a little over 13 years since that story and a new crop of heroes has emerged in its wake. Outlawed #1 takes the basic concept of Civil War and lowers sheer tragedy while maintaining the stakes of hero groups like The Champions who are caught in the immediate crossfire of its inciting incident, most specifically, their leader: Kamala Khan.
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Eve L. Ewing starts the book in medias res with a Legislative hearing on a bill that would ban underage superheroism. Not only are the teens present, but we also get appearances from Avengers like Captain America, Captain Marvel and Vision, all of whom have big stakes in the fight. Captain America understands why they’re having the hearing, but counters that he was doing what the Champions were when he was their age, fighting for Freedom and he’s not wrong, but times have changed and there weren’t as many active superheroes as there are now.
Captain Marvel is a damning case as she’s managed to avoid any repercussions for her actions during Civil War II for the last few years, but one of the senators brings up the fact that two heroes under her charge became supervillains, those being Kamala’s former friends; Discord and Lockdown. She stammers as she can’t counter that and Vision is initially silent, indicating that something happened to Viv Vision in whatever incident occurred. 
When Spider-Man, Riri Williams, Nadia Pym and Sam Alexander (Nova) are questioned, they are treated as though they are kids who needed adult support and supervision, almost like fragile things and not like heroes who have helped save the universe. Kim Jacinto and Espen Grundetjern characterize each hero through facial expressions and backgrounds that color their moods. Miles looks furious under his mask with a red background, Riri is nonplussed as she always is under a cool purple glow and Nadia is forlorn with hazy pink color.
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Sam then goes on a tirade about how these same people don’t care about the problems that the Champions were created to solve like poverty, drug abuse and hunger and only make a stand when the kids try to protect their own and he makes a good point. When they were founded, the adult heroes were just fighting one another again and again, month after month and not caring about the citizens… but his concerns are simply pushed to the side by a well dressed man with a Supercuts hairstyle and fake concern.
We then cut to the “Coles Academic High School” where Kamala, Miles and others are attending some sort of teen summit to watch over the plot device, Ailana Kabua, as she’s been receiving death threats for her speeches on environmentalism. She’s a very obvious nod to Malala Yousafzai, a young Pakistani advocate for female education, and Greta Thunberg, the young Swedish environmental activist that’s also begun to speak to the world. Both of these young women have courted controversy for speaking about what they believe in and have garnered undue hatred for it.  
The other Champions, consisting of Power Man (Victor Alvarez), Nadia Pym (The Wasp), Riri, Viv, Nova, Bombshell and Pinpoint, wait in the wings for anyone trying to assassinate or attack her. All things considered, this is a pretty stacked team. Ewing also does an amazing job of writing each character with their individual voices, much like she’s been able to make Riri Williams feel natural in her own solo series. They banter with each other like the teenagers/young adults that they are while Jacinto gives their stakeout a light hearted feel.
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Things initially seem to be going well up until a DRAGON shows up out of nowhere to attack the summit. Jacinto, Grundetjern and Cowles give us an excellent splash page of the Dragon looking down at the Champions while breathing a small bit of fire. Jacinto frames the dragon as being far larger than the Champions, towering over the buildings around them with its wings taking up the sides of the page. Grundetjern colors the dragon with varying oranges, sometimes glowing and sometimes shadowed on its skin and Cowles accentuates it with a scratchy “GRAAAAAHHH” sound effect for its yell.
While some of them are dealing with that, Bombshell encounters the Roxxon Strike Team while Kamala and Ailana make their daring escape through the tunnels of the school. Jacinto and Grundetjern give us a double page spread of the absolute chaos with several Champions fighting off the dragon or the mercenaries. Admittedly, this scene is utterly chaotic but it does have something of a line to follow from the dragon flying through the air and its wing leading to Bombshell blasting a guy and Nadia with Power Man taking down another merc.
Grundetjern throws just about every color that they can in this scene, giving us vibrant greens for Pinpoint’s portals, nice and bright oranges for the dragon’s fire and Bombshell’s blasts as well as a more grayish black for Mile’s costume as he pretty much stomps a guy into mush.
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As much as the Champions maintain a sense of cordiality with each other, they’re still teenagers that struggle with working together from time to time and Ewing stresses that when Power Man forms a plan to use one of Pinpoint’s portals to punch the dragon with all of his built up Chi. Riri then comes up with her own plan to fly Power Man up to the dragon and then release him. They ask Ms. Marvel which option is better, but as she’s maintaining her cover with Ailana, she tells them to make the call.
In the middle of this indecisiveness, Viv swoops in and decides to air her frustration at not being able to defeat the dragon and decides that she’s going to phase through it. Jacinto draws a look of palpable anger on Viv’s face as she rushes past Riri with Grundetjern’s bright wave of green energy trails behind her as well as Cowles “SWOOOOSH” sound effect to capture the velocity of her flight.At the same time, Power Man, unaware of Viv’s rush of anger, goes through with his plan and punches through a portal.
This is where it all goes wrong.
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Jacinto, Grundetjern and Cowles give readers a perfect sequence of panels with Power Man punching, Viv “ZOOMing” up to the dragon as Riri tells her to hold on and then the moment before it all goes bad. Pinpoint’s portal opens just behind Viv and she is overcharged with Power Man’s Chi in a blast of orange, green and yellow as her face is stretched in agony and her limbs contort before she overwhelms the dragon in two separate splash pages.
Both of these pages are intense as the first one sees Viv yelling pain before “taking control” and engulfing the dragon with a “FWOOOOSSHH” mirroring its firebreath. This page is filled with what appears to be green flame and a silhouette of Viv in the middle of it. The next splash page shows Viv alone in the pyro, looking like a horrific combination of the Phoenix Force and Dormammu. She has lost all control of herself and this is where Ewing, Jacinto and Grundetjern raise the stakes of the battle.
Viv’s newfound power spirals out of control and begins to collapse the school and the surrounding buildings and we cut to Kamala doing everything she can to protect Ailana from the collapsing ceiling around them before going back to the Champions scrambling to stop Viv. Ewing continues to show how well she can write Riri as she cries while making a plan with Nadia that possibly kills Viv and stops the dragon altogether.
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The city is in shambles and this is one of the Champions lowest moments ever.
Cutting back to the present day, we see that the “Superhuman Welfare Act” passes and a new governmental watchdog group called CRADLE is sent to round up all of the teen superheroes and metahumans around America. The bill also seems to garner support from former teen heroes and New Warriors members Justice and Speedball. Justice had joined the pro-registration side during Civil War because he blamed himself for not being a guiding hand for the New Warriors that died at Stamford and Speedball had already suffered the consequences of surviving that same incident.
However, the one who may suffer the most is the girl who the act is nicknamed after, Kamala Khan as we see her in a hospital bed suffering from injuries while trying to save Ailana.
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This first issue was explosive and gripping throughout. Initially I was worried that it wouldn’t be able to live up to its concept or just be a less cool Civil War, but the one thing that this book maintained because of Ewing, Jacinto, Grundetjern and Cowles was heart.
The Champions are heroes, but they’re also all teenagers that don’t have the experience that the adult heroes do and in typical American fashion, no one learns from the mistakes of the past. Victor already butted heads with Riri for his recklessness in the past, but now he’s given consequences for his actions. America remembers Stamford, but doesn’t seem to remember how the Civil War nearly tore the country apart and installed a tyrant in a high government position in the aftermath.
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If anything, the Champions aren’t going to leave this incident the same people that they were before.
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lachlantrash · 5 years
Camp counselor!lachy and the reader after a long first day. Their cabins are partnered together and they’ve making sure everyone is okay and situated. Maybe after everyone is in bed lachy shows up at the reader’s cabin w/ a bottle of alcohol he’s snuck in and they go sit by the lake to get to know each other??
You obviously have a female cabin, and Lachlan has a male cabin. The kids are all around 8-10 years old, and to be camp counselors, you have to be 18. You were assigned to Fox Den Cabin, full of spunky and very lively little girls. The camp tries to integrate boys and girls, though they don’t allow them to be in cabins alone together, they do assign a male and female cabin to complete daily activities together throughout the course of camp. Your cabin has been assigned to be partnered with Raven Oasis Cabin. You’ve never met the camp counselor, being a boy who was transferred from the camp across the lake, but by the looks of his fit body and blonde hair, you think it could’ve been worse. You have your six girls line up, going to wait by the flag pole where you’re supposed to meet your partnered cabin. “You must be (Y/N)?” The man asks, walking over with six adorable boys behind him. “That’s me! Sorry, I don’t know your name.” You laugh nervously. “No worries, I’m Lachlan.” He smiles, reaching out to shake your hand. “So Fox Den, what’s on the agenda for today?” He adds. “According to our schedule, we’re up for canoes today before lunch, and then breaded bracelets afterwards. Then as we do every year, we have bonfire tonight. Did they give you a clipboard?” You question, noticing he only has a backpack. “No, I guess they forgot about mine. Looks like we’ll have to share for today, sorry.” He smiles. “It’ll be fine. Is your bunch ready to head out?” You ask, your girls getting antsy behind you. “I think so, right fellas?” Lachlan says, looking away from you for the first time and looking at his group. After his group says their ready, and your girls agree that they are too, you and Lachlan begin leading them together towards the lake. “Since this is Lachlan’s first time at the camp, I’ll run through with all of you kiddos on what our summer’s gonna look like. The 12 of you here are going to get to know each other all summer long. You’ll see the others cabins too, but Fox Den and Raven Oasis are partnered this summer. That means we’ll sit together during meal times and do the daily activities together so we all will get to know each other really well. For bonfire nights, you’ll see everyone else who is at Camp Mystic. Today’s schedule starts off with canoeing! Lachlan, do you want to start partnering them up? A boy and a girl per canoe. Here’s a list of my girl’s, since you don’t have a clipboard yet.” You tell the campers, handing the clipboard to Lachlan. “Okay, well… How about Gabriella, you can be partnered with Hunter at canoe 1. Amelia and Gabriel can be partners for Canoe 2, Lindsay and Peter at Canoe 3, Erin and Jacob for Canoe 4, Vivian and Coleplease take Canoe 5, and Beatrice can be with Nolan for Canoe 6. All of you go get a lifejacket and meet your partner by your assigned canoe, please!” He smiles at the kids, all of them running towards the lifejacket racks.”We don’t stay onshore, right? I’m hoping to go out on the water.” He beams at you once the kids are out of earshot. “We take out Canoe 7 incase they need saving, don’t worry.” You laugh, appreciating the genuine eagerness he has as a camp counselor. As soon as you and Lachlan go through canoeing basics with the group of 8-10 year olds, you help each of them get into the canoes with their partner and give them the push into the water. You two get in your canoe and follow join them in the water, keeping eyes out for the six groups of kids around you. After awhile on the water, and Canoe 4 tipping over twice, you two have gotten the group back on land. “That’s a wrap on canoes for today, time for lunch break!” You smile at the group, Vivian running up to you and begging you to give her a piggy back ride to the cafeteria. “As much as I’d love to, I can’t Viv. I’m not strong enough.” You pout as you all are walking to the cafeteria. “I can give you one though! If it’s okay with (Y/N), of course. She’s the boss.” Lachlan offers with a smile. “Thank you, Lachlan. that’s really kind of you.” You affirm, in awe of the excitement Vivian has over this. You all make your way back to the cafeteria, sitting together and going in line in small groups to get food. Lunch ends soon enough, and then you go about the beaded bracelets your cabins are supposed to make together. This is basically a shit show, you having to make almost all of the boys a bracelet besides a few who manage to make something. It’s funny because Lachlan’s is arguably the worst. “Bracelet making isn’t your forte?” You laugh, helping him move his fingers in the way to make the correct knot. “Not gonna lie, I was never good at this across the lake.” He laughs, thanking you when you show him the correct way. “Anytime.” You beam back. After you finish and go back to the cafe for dinner, and then go to the center of camp for the first official bonfire, it’s time to report to your cabins for lights out for the children. “Hey (Y/N), can we talk for a second?” Lachlan asks you right as your group of girls enter Fox Den, his group heading across the dirt road to Raven Oasis. “Sure, what’s up?” You ask, assuming it’s a question he has about camp. “I-I don’t really know how to ask this, and please don’t report me, but it’s been a long day and I really think we should get to know each other better without the campers around. I snuck some booze in, I was wondering if you want to have a drink at the lake tonight?” He asks, nervously running his hand through his hair. “Sure thing, Lachlan. Don’t worry, I’ve been sneaking alcohol in for years.” You laugh at his state, moreso whispering your confession. “So we’ll meet at the dock? Say… 10pm?” He suggests. “Of course, but you’re providing the alcohol. I gotta get my girls in bed, I want to make sure they’re fast asleep before I leave them. See you later!” You promise, running into your cabin as Gabriella begins to peak out to see what’s keeping you. They ask you immediately what camp counselor Lachlan wanted, and whether you think you have a crush on him or not, which you deny, though you think in your head he is a damn good looking guy to be partnered with all summer. PART TWO TOMORROW MAYBE??? WHERE YOU DRINK ON THE DOCK???
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basically-sera-blog · 6 years
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No one expects the Cheerquisition! 
I did two drawings to go with this. I’m not an artist. I’ve given up. Please enjoy, knowing that I have suffered.
Sitting in the gym waiting for The Iron Bull, Dorian can’t believe how much time he has on his hands. Since leaving the Imperium he’s been fleeing something or fighting someone or just trying to survive. Now he has a scholarship intact, no strings attached. He’s safe, he has a great boyfriend, maker, even his classes seem relatively easy now that he can focus on them. If he had one problem it would be...
Dorian’s phone chimes. It’s Bull, telling him the chargers have moved their practice outside to take advantage of the good weather. Dorian is invited to watch them run laps, but he won’t have anywhere to sit. Dorian sighs. If he had to have a problem, it’s that he doesn’t know what to do with himself. He loves Bull, and his friends are great, but Dorian doesn’t want to seem like he doesn’t have any of his own. He doesn’t, but he’d like that to appear intentional at least, or like he can occupy himself. If he keeps watching the chargers practice he might soon know all the rules of the game. Disgusting.
Dorian sighs exasperatedly. He texts back that he’ll be fine, and goes to put his phone in his bag. He’s thinking about heading back to the library and looking up old books on Tevinter history, the dirty kind full of affairs and intrigue. Something silver catches his eye.
This could be a perfect opportunity. Dorian pulls out five silver scarves and five gold ones. He’d stumbled upon a very interesting passage in one of his books about an ancient dance involving ten scarves and no clothing. He’d considered maybe, only maybe, learning it for Bull’s birthday. With the chargers gone, no one would come by here for hours, more than enough time for him to try out the steps. He’d put a workout outfit, well as close to a workout outfit as he owned, in his bag for this reason. He could... Dorian pulls out a crop top and shorts from the bottom of his bag. He looks around the still very empty auditorium. He could at least try it.
After an hour or so Dorian is sure he has the steps and reasonably confidant he can attempt them all together. He’s sweating, but he’s happy to find that his muscles still respond like he hasn’t spent a year writing a textbook against his will. He always liked the concept of dancing, of being able to move around with grace and intention. Now he could put all that ballroom experience to better use. Dorian plays something sultry on his phone, a monstrously long mix he created, and connects it to a little speaker. He might as well give it a go. He starts off a little awkward but it isn’t long till he gets into the rhythm of it. He has to keep his back curved, legs arched and angled to create the proper lines, one hand stays near his body while the other flickers the scarves distractingly, catching the light. As the scarves near his belt line begin to fall he has to switch hands quickly. It’s a dangerous dance, but he’s mastering it. Dorian’s hands move faster and faster and be begins to twirl as well, always keeping his eyes locked on a spot where he imagines Bull watching him, captivated. Dorian swings his hips and traces a hand down his body, fingers interlaced with silk scarves before immediately swapping hands again. The dance gets more daring, more acrobatic and he loses himself in it, imagining the look on Bull’s face. The song ends and Dorian smiles. He doesn’t know how the dance actually looked but it felt pretty amazing.
“Whoo! Go Dorian!” Kaffas. The voice that rings out isn’t one Dorian recognizes. He freezes. How much did she see? he lets out a sigh, steeling himself, and looks up. Oh no.
Standing in the doorway is not one person, but an entire gang of them. The woman in the front appears to be the speaker. Dorian must have been too focused to hear the door open because everyone is already standing in the doorway. Judging by their clothes all being school colors, and most of them being women, Dorian has an idea who they are.
The Inquisition is officially known as the cheer-leading team, a part of the student government, and the spirit committee but there are rumors.
“How can we be sure that this is Dorian?” Cassandra asks suspiciously.
“Of course it’s Dorian! He matches Bull’s description perfectly: adorable dork with the world’s best ass.” The woman in front, Trevelyan, Dorian thinks she’s called, speaks again. Dorian’s eyebrows shoot up. It’s true, mostly, but he’d never guess that Bull would describe him that way to other people.
“That isn’t remotely what The Iron Bull said!” Cassandra clarifies.
“He said Dorian is handsome and has dark hair, glasses, a mustache and tattoos.” Josephine assists Trevelyan.
“Which is subtext for adorable dork.”
“And that he’s very fond of him.” Leliana finishes.She has a softer voice and a pleasing accent. In her hand however is an almost sinister expensive black phone with a raven insignia, and she keeps periodically checking and updating it.
“Which everyone knows means world’s best ass.” Trevelyan wiggles her eyebrows at Dorian. Scout manages a snort while Leliana and Josephine merely smile. Dorian must agree with her, it is usually what one means. It’s nice to know that Iron Bull speaks highly of him. It manages to bring forth a small smile as well.
“Come now Trevelyan, that’s beneath you.” Vivienne retorts.
“Viv, Love, I was only joking. You must excuse my compatriot, she has an underdeveloped sense of humor.”
“I have class, darling.”
“That’s what I said.”
“At least she has excellent style.” Dorian joins in without realizing he’s doing it. No one seems to notice and they act as if he’s been a part of the conversation the whole time instead of standing awkwardly and trying to appear casual.
“Thank you. It’s nice to see you have good taste, despite evidence to the contrary.” Vivienne gives him a once over to remind him that he’s wearing a crop top, but her smile is genuine as well as mocking.
“Well, I’ll alert my posterior to the compliments and I’ll ignore the insult.” Dorian quips, “but I must say, I still have no idea what any of this is about.”
“First things first it’s about getting you, and that glorious dance, onto my cheer squad. We’ve been looking for something... distracting, to help out in the upcoming game.” Trevelyan somewhat answers.
“We’ve been investigating options since The Iron Bull’s injury.” Scout Harding volunteers. “It’s not that he’s not great, and won’t do great,”
“But every little bit helps.” Lavellan finishes from behind the group. She’s on tip toe trying to stay involved but doesn’t seem to mind.
“A change in depth perception can affect everything when it comes to sports.” Cassandra seems more in her topic element.
“We were looking at maybe doing something with magic,” Josephine says.
“But it’s dangerous, and potentially against the rules. if it isn’t against the law.” Cassandra interrupts.
“This could be perfect for what we need, dear.” Vivienne is looking at Dorian as if she’s already planning ahead. “With some nice clothes, some larger scarves, this could do the trick.”
“I don’t remember agreeing to this.” Dorian replies. The women in the group look at each other, trying to find something to say. There’s something in their eyes, something guarded. A part of Dorian stands on edge. He’s used to people with hidden agendas trying to
“They feel guilty that they didn’t help you. When you were being used and chased. They didn’t know, and they think they should have. They want things to be better, they want to be better. I’m sorry Dorian, I’m so so sorry. We’re supposed to be those people. The people that help. We failed you.” The pale boy, Cole, says. Dorian isn’t sure what to do, has no idea how to take that, but everyone else doesn’t seem surprised by the outburst. Cassandra looks away awkwardly. Josephine and Lavellan have the most pitiful looks on their faces. They must be the soft ones. The Qunari merely nods to Dorian, as if to confirm what Cole was saying. Leliana and Trevelyan glance at each other. This was probably their responsibility the most. Scout Harding just bites her lip and waits for the moment to pass. Cole seems absolutely content though.
“If you’re all trying to guilt me into joining the team you’ve failed.” Dorian says it lightly, trying to break the tension. It works. “I don’t think I’ll be joining any school sanctioned events any time soon, but since you’re all eager to help, and its for a good cause I suppose I could try to teach you. Now, which of you think you can actually learn the steps?”
Vivienne glides forwards, along with Lavellan and Josephine. Leliana, Adaar, Cole, and Scout Harding take the middle. Cassandra brings up the rear, looking like she’s been asked to drink poison.  
Trevelyan hangs back for a moment, looking at Dorian with a million thoughts behind her eyes. He sighs over-dramatically to get her to ease up a bit. “I’m fine. Really. Apology accepted for not offering me help when I didn’t ask for it because I still don’t actually know you.” Trevelyan laughs.
“I... I am sorry though. I hadn’t realized how busy we’d become, how out of touch. I... if there is anything you need, a roommate change, help with a professor, blackmailing someone, anything, please let us know. Nothing is too big or small, and we’re not going to feel better until we’ve helped with something.” Dorian rolls his eyes for effect.
“I’ll let you know. Now, do you want to learn this or not?” Trevelyan walks over to the others and Dorian begins. His explanations begin technically, and the biggest shock is how quickly Cassandra and Josephine catch on. They’re vastly outdistancing the others.
“They’re amazing at math,” Scout says in way of explanation.
“Well that’s something.” Dorian sort of likes playing the instructor. Its more fun than he’ll ever admit to. Cole begins to master the movements, but the intention is beyond him. Josephine and Cassandra also find themselves too shy for the magnetism required and they decide to form the back. Adaar is shockingly willing to throw herself into the role of the seductress and seems to make it easier for everyone to loosen up. Dorian never imagined himself correcting forms and walking down the line like a drill instructor while wearing one of his shortest pairs of shorts, but the ladies don’t comment on it. Instead they listen to him, and with time it actually shapes into something. They’ll need more scarves though.
The opening of the doors signals the end of their... practice, Dorian decides to call it. The Chargers are surprised to find he’s not alone.
“Hey Dorian. When did you join the Inquisition?” Krem asks before a wicked smile lights up his face. “Wouldn’t that just be too perfect, head cheerleader dating the captain of the basketball team?”
“Who said anything about head cheerleader? If anyone is going to be,” Vivienne already has her hackles up.
“No. We’re not doing this again.” Adaar shuts her down soundly.
“Agreed.” Cassandra says in exasperation. There’s obviously a story there.
“I’m more of a... consultant.” Dorian decides.
“On what?” Bull asks as if he really wants to know while Krem and the chargers seem more confused than anything.
“Early Tevinter history.” Trevelyan jumps in easily, giving Dorian a look. The Inquisition won’t give him away, the look says.
“Early Tevinter history... and cheer leading?” Krem says slowly.
“We’re very well rounded.” Josephine continues. the Iron Bull seems to pick up on the fact that there’s something they’re not saying.
“Well, I just came to see if Dorian wanted to grab dinner with me, so maybe we’ll head out?” Bull looks at Dorian, who only now realizes he’s starving. Also he’s barely dressed.
“Um, yes, of course. Let me go change.” Dorian rushes to the locker rooms. Bull watches him and blushes, clearly taking a mental picture, but waiting patiently. He’s probably also hungry, but he politely doesn’t mention it.
“Well Cremisius, unless you have any other questions or suggestions we’ll be heading out as well.” the Inquisition closes ranks while Lavellan and Josephine giggle together. Krem probably knows something is going on but has the sense not to do anything more than watch them suspiciously.
Once Dorian has changed back into something more covering and adequately ripped and cut when he hears a quiet knock at the door. Dorian opens it a bit but sees no one there. The knock comes again from... the other door? Dorian opens the door going outside a smidgen. It’s Cole. Of course it is. Who else could have gone around the building so quickly and quietly.
“Yes, Cole?” Dorian does like him, he’s sweet, but Dorian isn’t in the mood for any horrible revelations tonight.
“The chargers and the Inquisition.” Cole seems a thousand miles away, looking at something Dorian doesn’t see. Dorian wonders if that’s going to be it, as Cole pauses there long enough for Dorian to begin looking around. Has it been a minute? Seconds? Is he supposed to respond in some way?
“You need not be so proud, Dorian. They do not merely tolerate you, they like you. You are easy to like.” Cole smiles at Dorian. Dorian simply mouths words before looking behind Cole to see if this is some kind of prank. It’s only a second but when he looks back Cole is gone and there’s no one there.
“What in the maker’s name...”, Dorian sighs heavily. This is going to be such a strange year. They like you. the words repeat in his head and a small smile plays at the corner of his mouth. Perhaps it’ll be a good year though.
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dalishious · 7 years
Have you seen in examples of colorism/racism based on skin color in the DA verse? Not like the way the story is written, but in the universe itself. It's been a while since I've played the games or read any of the other media, I'm trying to figure out if the race interacrions are solely between the human and non-humans or if skin color plays a role as well.
Unfortunately and nonsensically, yes.
From The Calling: “The quiet descended again, and Duncan almost regretted his refusal. He rubbed his hands even more by the flames, noting how remarkably pale they were. Funny, he thought. I spent half my life wishing I could be pale just like all the other children, and it turned out all I needed to do was freeze to death in the Deep Roads.”
Also something I can’t fucking believe I’ve missed until just recently skimming through stuff looking for something for my fanfic, this paragraph from The Masked Empire: “She watched Briala’s throat, where her pulse fluttered. Her skin was darker than Celene’s, though she spent most of her days inside and showed no tan lines at the bare skin around her eyes. Briala tried to ignore it, but Celene knew that she was quietly ashamed of it. Not the ears that gave her away as elven even beneath the mask, not the lovely liquid eyes, but her sun-touched skin, dotted with a spray of pretty freckles.”
^ Duncan’s feelings and Celene assuming Briala’s feelings (I absolutely refuse to believe she’s correct) doesn’t come from nowhere.
There is party banter between Cole and Vivienne where he digs into her memories uninvited, and shares with the party her overhearing some noble shit making fun of her for having dark skin, as well as insulting her interracial relationship with Bastien. “I do hope Duke Bastien puts out the lights before he touches her. But then, she must disappear in the dark.” (FYI the guy who says this is later the guy who tries to start shit with the Inquisitor in DA:I, where you can then suggest Viv either kill, let go, or verbally tear him to pieces.)
She also has banter with Cass who says, “I assume your parents were Rivaini, Vivienne?” Some people have pointed out this sounds a lot like IRL questions such as “so where are you really from?” Which yeah, does connect…
The word exotic has been thrown around in relation to COCs, too. Isabela had to put up with her “husband’s” trading partners, who “looked her up and down, nodding, and praised Luis for the acquisition of his exotic plaything.” (JFC.)
But as I said the last time talking about this, I think it’s important to note that since Thedas is a very big place, with many countries having a majority nonwhite population, there’s no reason to believe this is universally accepted everywhere. 4/5 things above come from Orlais alone. Just saying. (Cassandra is Nevarran yes, but she’s spent most of her later life in Orlais.)
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withlovingregards · 6 years
AU Yeah AUgust Day 11
Day 11: Mermaid
Fandom: Dragon Age: Inquisition
Iclyn dug her feet into the warm sand, sighing as she watched the blue waves roll up onto the shore. She hated the beach. It was too hot, with no shade for miles along the coast line to hide from the sun. The water that most splashed and played in always got into her eye, burning it, and you just... never knew what was out there in the water. Every brush of seaweed was like a monster’s hand twisting around your ankle.
And yet, here she was, at the beach. Not of her own volition, though. Her friends had decided that a nice beach day was something they should do to get their minds off of work while they had the chance. The elf had told them how much she hated the beach, but she’d been shot down when she tried to offer a different idea. Even Viv had vetoed her idea of a spa!
“Are you just going to sit there and pout all day, or are you actually going to come swim with us?”
“Was I not clear when I told you I hate the beach?”
“How can you hate the beach?!” Shaela questioned, looking positively bewildered. Iclyn narrowed her light blue eyes at the tattooed elf.
“Do you really want me to go through that whole list?”
“Well, if you’re not going to get in the water, at least try to get a tan while you’re here.”
“I like being pale, thank you very much!” Iclyn shouted to the retreating back of her friend, who was running into the arms of her boyfriend. Cullen scooped her up with a laugh before he immediately threw her farther into the water. The dark-haired woman came to the surface, hair already tangled as she sputtered out some water from her mouth.
Ugh, gag her right here. Iclyn wasn’t going to be able to watch everyone having a good time while she was absolutely miserable. Sometimes, she really missed her home in the Emerald Graves, running barefoot through the tall grass and trees.
All she had at her disposal now was hot sand and sharp shells. Neither of which sounded very appealing.
Well, she did have another option.
Looking a little bit further down the beach, the white haired elf eyes the large rocks that littered the shore, ranging in size, though a lot of them seemed large enough to be their own cliffs. Rocks were rocks, right? Surely, they had to be just as rocky as the ones she had back home.
“It’s either climb those rocks or stay here and be miserable,” Iclyn said, standing up and doing the best she could to dust off the sand that was sticking to her body. Grabbing her beach cover and Cole’s silly sun hat, she made her way slowly towards the rocks, casting the occasional glance over to her frolicking friends. She probably should have told them where she was going, but she was a grown adult. She could wander if she pleased.
It didn’t take long for her to reach a nice little expanse of rocks and boulders, which were a lot bigger than she had thought them to be. Running her hands along one of the medium sized ones, her theory was confirmed. They were exactly like the rocks back in her homeland, and every other place she had ever touched a rock. Well, they were wet, but that was to be expected when you came to the beach. Iclyn wondered how far the water came up during high tide.
The woman searched for the largest boulder, which actually went into the water several yards, while also being a couple feet above the waves that crashed against its underside. Best spot if any for a climb.
Even though it had been years since she’d indulged in her childish past time on climbing literally everything she could, Iclyn could still do just that. She hadn’t lost the talent, and it was almost like her feet and hands knew exactly where they needed to go and how to angle themselves to give her the best grip. Every inch that she climbed higher seemed to loosen a weight she had on her shoulders, and when she finally made her way to the top, she felt all the annoyance of the day just melt away, and she could actually admit that the beach was actually very pretty.
Carefully making her way towards the pointed edge of the cliff like overhang, Iclyn dangled her feet over, holding in a giggle when the back splash of the breaking waves soaked the bottom of her feet. See, why would you need to go swimming when you had something like this? Looking over, her friends were spots in the distance, and she could see that Cole seemed to be back to the shore, looking for the hat she had stolen. At this, Iclyn did laugh, and pulled it farther down her head.
“Maybe having a day of relaxation was something I needed. We have been working pretty hard lately.”
Letting out a sigh, Iclyn leaned back until she was laying down against the hard rock, after all this time still used to the feeling of it on her back. Thankfully, it wasn’t too bright outside, with the sun hidden mostly by the clouds, some thick with rain to come later in the day. And as she listened to the world around her, listened to the waves roll up to the shore, fizzing with bubbles as it pulled grains of sand back into its depth, Iclyn felt sleep in the back of her mind. Surely, a nap here on the rocks would do her no harm. Shaela had told her to get a tan while she could.
Except, what had just been the waves before, soothing white noise to tuck her in, there was now something else. Something more... musical. But it was not something beautiful, but rather something sharp, demanding. And Iclyn found herself listening to that demand.
She rose from her position, standing up quicker and straighter than she ever had in her life. Her eyes felt unfocused, blurry, as if there was something blocking her from seeing what truly out there on the horizon. Pleased, the sound grew softer, a tad more gentle, but even more commanding. Iclyn could hear actual words in her ears now.
Jump, it whispered to her. So she did.
As soon as she hit the cold water, the voice in her head was gone, leaving her in a panic as she swam to the surface of the water, gulping for air she was lacking. It didn’t last long as the waves moved her, and Iclyn realized what kind of danger she was in. While the sea wasn’t so deep here, at only seven or eight feet, the waves beat hard here. Straight against the rock that she’d been perched on before.
Try all she might, she couldn’t swim away from her impending doom as the wave brought her closer and closer to the blunt edges of the rock. The moment she slammed into it, her back and head as a whole, there was only pain.
Before the world started to swim before her, Iclyn heard a deep voice yell “No!” But she went under, and hoped that this would not be her final resting place.
Thankfully, she came to sputtering, her head hurting like an absolute bitch, but after she coughed up all the water in her lungs, she was able to breathe with only the slightest bit of difficulty. The elf gulped down the air as deep as she could, turning on her side to cough out the water easier. A large hand on her back switched between patting her and rubbing gentle circles on the aching skin. With how much pain she was in right now, that was the best thing she had felt all day.
When everything seemed right in Iclyn’s world, she struggled to sit up, aided by the large hands, which ended up doing most of the work, she was so tiny in their hold. Brushing her hair out of her face, the woman finally turned to thank her rescuer from an untimely death, though the words got stuck in her sore throat.
Not that she would ever admit it to anyone other than herself, but the first thing Iclyn noticed was that the man was the most attractive person she had ever seen besides Dorian, but he didn’t count since he was on the same team as her. Iclyn had never seen such a large Qunari before, though she had met very few in her life. He was looking at her with genuine concern in his eyes, well single eye, since the other was covered in a leather eye patch, but that single look alone was enough to cause color to rise to her cheeks. So she looked down, embarrassed to be caught in such a situation.
Only to find that the man didn’t have legs to speak of. No, his body ended just below his hips, before flaring off into a tail. A scaled and muscles tail, perfect for swimming through the water at fast speeds. If Iclyn had been in the right mind, she would have told the Qunari that the pink scales fit his tone perfectly. However, she wasn’t in the right mind, because her brain was making it seem like this man was a mermaid. Merman? Was there a difference?
“I’m going to have to ask two things of you,” he said to her slowly in the voice she had heard right before she’d been knocked unconscious, “One, don’t scream, because that’s going to cause a lot of unwanted attention. Two, please don’t pass out, because I really don’t want to leave you alone here while I look for help, and I don’t have time to dry out to find your friends-”
“You’re... an actual mermaid? Those exist?” Her words sounded slurred, but she tried to keep herself as straight as possible, since the man had asked her so kindly not to pass out.
His worried looked changed as he let out a laugh, nodding his head to answer her question.
“We do, though we’re not really supposed to let anyone know that. But I couldn’t let that Siren spell you like that and have you for dinner.”
“Wait, you’re the one who saved me? From a Siren? There’s a difference-”
“Maybe you should slow down until your head isn’t pounding any more. I was able to stop the bleeding, but that doesn’t mean you’re out of the woods yet. But yes, I did save you.”
Iclyn blinked, trying her best to process all the information coming to her at once. She knew what the first words out of her mouth had to be though.
“Thank you,” she blurted, leaning in closer to the man so he could hear her better over the waves, “You didn’t have to do that. I’m sure it’s something you see every day, yet you just happened to be there to save me.”
“I couldn’t let a pretty elf like you just die. You seem to unhappy with the world to go so soon. Maybe it's time you find something that makes you happy to keep you in it.”
“Why was that the sweetest but also the saddest thing someone’s ever said to me?” Iclyn tried to mumble to herself, but had been loud enough for the mermaid to hear. The man chuckled again, which was when the elf realized that she didn’t even know the name of her savior.
“I’m incredibly rude. I’m Iclyn, the ungrateful lf you saved from drowning and also becoming food.”
“I’m Iron Bull, the mermaid that’s very surprised you’re not freaking out about this whole situation.”
“It’s probably the head injury,” the white haired woman summarized, shrugging even though it hurt to do so.
“Well, there is going to be one more surprise which I hope doesn’t freak you out too much.”
Iclyn cocked her head to the side in her confusion, looking over the man as he moved away from her just a little bit. Her eyed grew to the size of dinner plates as she watched the quick transformation she saw before her. The pink scales seemed to fade away to the same grey as Iron Bull’s skin, also separating in the middle to form two large, muscular legs. Along with, uh, something else.
“Oh my god, you’re naked,” the elf said quickly, turning away from the Qunari with a completely red face.
“Well, I’ve got this hat I can use to cover myself up.”
0 notes
papermoonloveslucy · 7 years
Ethel Merman and the Boy Scout Show
S2;E19 ~ February 10, 1964
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When Ethel Merman headlines the Annual Boy Scout Show, Lucy and Viv are relegated to being costumers. Feeling sorry for them, Merman agrees to share the spotlight.  
Regular Cast
Lucille Ball (Lucy Carmichael), Vivian Vance (Vivian Bagley), Gale Gordon (Theodore J. Mooney), Ralph Hart (Sherman Bagley) and Jimmy Garrett (Jerry Carmichael)
Candy Moore (Chris Carmichael) does not appear in this episode.
Guest Cast
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Ethel Merman was born in Queens, New York, in 1908. Known primarily for her powerful belt voice and roles in musical theatre, she has been called 'the undisputed First Lady of the musical comedy stage.'  Among her many stage credits are: Anything Goes (1934), DuBarry Was a Lady (1939), Annie Get Your Gun (1946), Call Me Madam (1950), and Gypsy (1959). “There's No Business Like Show Business” from Annie Get Your Gun became her signature song. It was also the title of a 1954 movie musical starring Merman. Hollywood was not always friendly to Merman, who was replaced for the film versions of Annie Get Your Gun (1950) by Betty Hutton, Gypsy (1962) by Rosalind Russell, and Dubarry Was A Lady (1943) by Lucille Ball!  Dubarry Was A Lady also included the song “Friendship,” which was featured in “Lucy and Ethel Buy the Same Dress” (ILL S3;E3). In 1934 Ball and Merman co-starred with Eddie Cantor in the film Kid Millions. Merman recreated her stage performances on TV in “Panama Hattie” (1954) and “Annie Get Your Gun” (1967). Merman died in 1984 from a long illness after a brain tumor.
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LUCY: “You’d think she was the biggest star on Broadway.” VIV: “She is.” 
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This was the second of two episodes to feature Ethel Merman. Originally, they were intended to be one episode, filmed on December 5, 1963, but the material seemed rushed and the stars were enjoying the work so it was decided to expand into a second episode. The first draft of this script was dated November 20, 1963 with pink and blue pages (updates and changes) from December 1963. 
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The previous episode (which originally had this episode's title) was re-titled “Lucy Teaches Ethel Merman To Sing” and the final scene of it was rewritten to lead into this one. However, due to Merman's schedule, it wasn't filmed until a month later. By that time, Lucy had started wearing a new wig, Viv was tanned from a Christmas vacation, and Merman had changed her hair color. In between the two episodes, Desilu produced “Lucy Plays Florence Nightingale” (S2;E14), “Lucy Goes To Art Class” (S2;E15) and “Chris Goes Steady” (S2;E16).  
These two Ethel Merman episodes were re-run on CBS on May 24 and June 1, 1964.  
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Lucy was a big fan of Ethel Merman and offered her a guest spot after her Desilu pilot “Maggie Brown” was not picked up for series. Lucille Ball and Gary Morton attended the filming of the pilot and Merman also was in the audience for an episode of “The Lucy Show.” On the DVD extras, Jimmy Garrett recalls that Lucille Ball caught him watching filming from the wings and whispered "Watch very carefully. You'll never see anyone better."
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Vivian Vance understudied Ethel Merman as Reno Sweeney in the 1934 Broadway musicals Anything Goes and Red, Hot and Blue (1936), both by Cole Porter.
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Merman is living with Lucy and Viv while she's in Danfield. Lucy and Viv were established as den mothers of their sons' scout troupe in “Lucy Visits the White House” (S1;E25).
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Mr. Mooney's daughter Rosemary, who lives in Trenton, New Jersey, is about to give birth to his first grandchild. This is the fourth Mooney child to be mentioned on the series: Arnold, Bob, Ted Jr. and Rosemary. Like her mother, Irma, Rosemary is never actually seen. Lucille Ball briefly lived in Trenton, New Jersey, as an infant.  
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In the living room, Merman sings a few bars of “Red, Red Robin” with Jerry and Sherman dancing around her in bird costumes. "When the Red, Red Robin (Comes Bob, Bob, Bobbin' Along)" was a 1926 popular song written by Harry Woods. It was a big hit for Al Joleson, Bing Crosby, and Doris Day. 
When Viv demands Lucy finish her costume right away, Lucy calls her a “wicked stepsister” - a reference to the fairy tale “Cinderella.”  The line gets a large round of applause from the studio audience. 
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Lucy says the old manual sewing machine belongs in the Betsy Ross museum.
LUCY: “When I looked at the bobbin it was full of red, white, and blue thread.”
Coincidentally, as Lucy says this, she is wearing a blue shirt, with red and white tape measures around her neck.
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Elizabeth ‘Betsy’ Griscom Ross (1752–1836) is widely credited with making the first American flag. Although there is no actual Betsy Ross museum, the Betsy Ross House on Arch Street in Philadelphia is the location where she supposedly sewed the first flag, although this fact (and her residence there) is disputed by many historians. Betsy Ross was a character on “The Jack Benny Program” in 1964 (above) when Lucy played Mrs. Paul Revere!  
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Lucy tearfully tells Merman she’s always dreamed of having her ‘name up in lights’.  She tediously spells out her full name: “L-U-C-I-L-L-E  C-A-R-M-I-C-H-A-E-L”.  Ethel replies “If you ever get to Broadway, you’ve got to get a shorter name!” Not coincidentally, Ethel Merman herself shortened her name for the marquee: she was born Ethel Agnes Zimmermann!   
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Sherman does an acrobatic dance routine as an opening act
In “Lucy the Music Lover” (S1;E8), Sherman did a quick ballet dance through the living room to impress Lucy's date. Ralph Hart was also a musical theatre performer, seen in the film musicals Gypsy, The Music Man, and Bye Bye Birdie. 
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Jerry (in his scout uniform), tells a joke.
From his first audition for the series, Lucille Ball thought that Jimmy Garrett's dry delivery of his lines was hysterical.  
The adult performers alternate in providing linking narration and paging the stage curtain to transition to the next act. Technically, the Boy Scout Show does not run in one continuous cut. The paging of the curtain allows for subtle edits in the film to piece together what were separate takes. 
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Merman, Lucy, Viv and Mr. Mooney sing “There's No Business Like Show Business”
The song is from Irving Berlin’s Annie Get Your Gun (1949). It will also be sung again the the Boy Scout Show's finale. Jerry spoke the title in the previous episode “Lucy Teaches Ethel Merman To Sing” (S2;E18).  
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Lucy does a quick juggling act.  
The plates are obviously rigged for comic effect. 
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Mr. Mooney and Viv sing "Tiptoe Through the Tulips", which was originally to be sung by Mr. Mooney and his wife Irma, had she not had to go to Trenton for the birth of their grandchild. 
“Tiptoe Through the Tulips (with Me)” was composed by Joe Burke with lyrics by Al Dubin for the 1929 film Gold Diggers of Broadway. In 1968, it was sung by Tiny Tim, whose version charted at #17, becoming his signature song. Due to its resurgence in popularity, the title was also mentioned on several episodes of “Here’s Lucy”.
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Lucy, Mr. Mooney, and Ethel Merman perform a silent movie sketch about a husband leaving his wife for another woman. 
The sketch is pantomimed to honky-tonk piano accompaniment. 
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Viv as Shirley Temple sings "On the Good Ship Lollipop". Vivian Vance, an accomplished singer, makes a concerted effort to satirize the mannerisms and vocal limitations of a child performer like Shirley Temple. 
"On the Good Ship Lollipop" was composed by Richard A. Whiting with lyrics by Sidney Clare. It was the signature song of child actress Shirley Temple, who first sang it in the 1934 movie Bright Eyes. Shirley Temple was mentioned on “I Love Lucy” in 1955's “The Tour” (ILL S4;E30), by which time the former child star was married and known as Shirley Temple Black.
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A tribute to 1920s stage musicals features Lucy, Viv, Ethel Merman and Mr. Mooney
In “Lucy Teaches Ethel Merman How To Sing” (S2;E18), Viv suggested dancing the Charleston for the Boy Scout Show, but the idea was shot down by producer Sherman. The sketch also features Gale Gordon doing a cartwheel, something he would do in future ‘show-within-a-show’ episodes. After being jilted, Lucy sings a few bars of “Am I Blue?” a song written by Harry Akst and Grant Clarke in 1929. It has since become a standard, covered by many musical artists. The sketch ends happily with Merman singing the final notes of her hit “I Got Rhythm”, a song she originated in the 1930 Gershwin musical Girl Crazy and also sang in the previous episode.  
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Mr. Mooney is a radio host presenting a lady saxophone player (Lucy) from Altoona, Pennsylvania, playing "Glow Worm" (badly)
"The Glow-Worm" is a song from Paul Lincke's 1902 operetta Lysistrata. It was also used in the 1907 Broadway musical The Girl Behind The Counter. Lucille Ball had briefly played the saxophone as a child. During the radio sequence Mr. Mooney says “Round and round she goes! Where she stops, nobody knows!” This was a quote from “Ted Mack's Amateur Hour” a radio and TV talent show that began in 1934. A wheel of fortune was spun to determine the order of the performers and while it was spinning, Mack intoned the now-famous line. The show officially ended in 1970 but was revived briefly in 1993. Before entering television, Gale Gordon was the highest paid radio performer in Hollywood. Lucille Ball was also a radio performer with her own series “My Favorite Husband.” 
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A tribute to “The Ed Sullivan Show” and its showcase of variety acts
To show the cyclic nature of entertainment, Lucy repeats the same exact juggling act she did at the start of the show. Ed Sullivan hosted an immensely popular variety show on CBS from 1948 to 1971. Up until 1955 it was called “Toast of the Town.” Ethel Merman frequently appeared on “The Ed Sullivan Show,” often singing her signature songs.  
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Ethel Merman sings "Everything's Coming Up Roses"
"Everything's Coming Up Roses" is a song introduced by Merman in the 1959 Broadway musical Gypsy with music by Jule Styne and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim. Merman sang the song throughout her career, even to a disco beat! 
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Everyone joins in for a reprise of “There’s No Business Like Show Business”
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After the filming was complete, Merman recalled that she and Vance went to Lucille Ball's house for some girl talk and Lucille styled their hair – to disastrous results. Ball also threw Merman a bridal shower (above) before her month-long marriage to Ernest Borgnine in 1964.  
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Lucy Ricardo used a sewing machine for the first time in “Lucy Wants New Furniture” (ILL S2;E28).  
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Cheesy vaudeville gags such Lucy’s rigged plate juggling were an integral part of the finale of “Ethel's Home Town” (ILL S4;E15). Fred and Ethel Mertz were former vaudevillians.  
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In “Lucy Has Her Eyes Examined” (ILL S3;E11), Lucy Ricardo and the Mertzes burst into an a capella rendition of “There’s No Business Like Show Business” in an impromptu audition for Mr. Parker, a Broadway producer.  The song would also be quoted (not sung) by Lucy Ricardo in “Baby Pictures” (ILL S3;E5).
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"When the Red, Red Robin (Comes Bob, Bob, Bobbin' Along)" was sung by Fred Mertz (William Frawley) in “Lucy and Ethel Buy the Same Dress” (ILL S3;E3) and later by Lucy Carter in “Guess Who Owes Lucy $23.50″ (HL S1;E11). 
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Lucy also played “Glow Worm” on “The Saxophone” (ILL S2;E2) and in “Lucy’s Club Dance” (ILL S3;E25). It was the only song she knew, until it was inexplicably “Sweet Sue” during season six! 
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LUCY: “Well, you see, Ethel. All my life I’ve wanted to be in show business!” 
Lucy sobs in front of Ethel Merman because all her life she wanted to be in the show, something Lucy Ricardo also did many times on “I Love Lucy.”  The above line might easily have been spoken to Ethel Mertz or Ricky, instead of Merman.
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When Merman agrees to give up one of her numbers for Lucy to be in the show, Viv asks Lucy if she would really let a big star like Merman do such a thing. Lucy lets out a high-pitched “Weeeelll” the same way that Lucy Ricardo often did. 
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In 1954, “The Ed Sullivan Show” (aka “Toast of the Town”) devoted an entire hour to Lucy and Desi. Sullivan’s name and his show were mentioned several times on “I Love Lucy.” 
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Lucy and Viv Charleston at the start of the ‘Broadway Musicals’ section of the Boy Scout Show. On “I Love Lucy” Lucy, Ricky, Fred and Ethel Charleston at the end of “Lucy Has Her Eyes Examined” (ILL S3;E11). 
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This is the second time a silent film skit has been part of “The Lucy Show.” The first was with Lucy as Charlie Chaplin during “Chris's New Year's Eve Party” (S1;E14). 
Fast Forward!
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Those red, red robins just keep bob, bob, bobbin’ again in “Kim Moves Out” (HL S4;E20) in 1974. 
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The Charleston never goes out of style, as demonstrated by Lucy and Kim Carter when “Ginger Rogers Comes to Tea” (HL S4;E11) on “Here’s Lucy” in 1971.
Blooper Alerts!
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Flown the Coop! Although, Ethel Merman has Lucy make 24 robin costumes so that she can sing “When the Red, Red Robin” while the scouts dance around her, the song is not in the finished show! 
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Bulldog Cement? After the 1920's stage musical segment, Mr. Mooney's false mustache is falling off. It may have been due to spirit gum not adhering to Gale Gordon's own mustache or it may have been done for comic effect.  
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“Ethel Merman and the Boy Scout Show” rates 5 Paper Hearts out of 5 
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