#villainous shoul
Miss Heed Gives An Offer To Dark Phantom
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[Miss Heed confronts Dark Phantom as she uses a formula to weaken him as Ghoul is knocked out by it. Dark Phantom is on the ground as she is looking smug and confident. He has just found out she's Cecelia Amanda Kelly from the his Black Hat Institute days.]
Miss Heed (taunts in a passive aggressive manner): Aw poor Ezequiel, you always bragged about your family legacy but never living up to it.
[Dark Phantom is still struggling as she gets up to his level to hold up his face.]
Miss Heed (continues with her deceptive smile): Why continue playing a role no one expects you to fulfill when you can come redeem yourself and finally win?
[Dark Phantom stares at her as he tries to comprehend what she is offering.]
Miss Heed: Come on I was just like you- (cuts off by Dark Phantom slapping her hand)
Dark Phantom (angry): I am fucking nothing like you!!!
Miss Heed: Ow! Why you little ungrateful fish freak?
Dark Phantom (is beginning to gain back his strength): No, I'd rather be an honest and unpopular villain rather than a fake sell out who lies to get everyone to like her while not believing in any of the justice bs she spouts.
Dark Phantom (continues as he finally gets up to his feet while wobbly): Face it Cecelia you are still the same pathetic attention seeker you were in school and after the brainwashing incident people are only pretending to put up with you because the cover up. If PEACE and your daddy wasn't shielding you from your own actions then you still would be wasting away in that rehabilitation center or even Mictlan as a sad sack.
[She growled as she tried to puff more of the formula before Dark Phantom quickly grabbed Ghoul, threw a smoke bomb at the heroine, and made his escape with his sidekick which left Miss Heed fuming.]
[Just then Ghoul was beginning to wake up.]
Ghoul (looking dizzy): Sir, what just happened?
Dark Phantom (smiling while still holding him up): Oh nothing just me having a cathartic comeback.
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samgirl98 · 1 year
Forgotten Demon Twin 8/?
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Damian knew Richard was following him, but he was too lost in thought to get angry about it. His older brother was going to do what he wanted, anyway.
They ended up downtown. Damian stopped in front of a store. Damian put his hands on the glass, looking at the Phantom memorabilia. A little Phantom plush caught his attention. The plush didn’t have feet; instead, it had a wispy tail. Its eyes were a Lazarus green, and it had snow-white hair. It was mocking him.
“Are you going to buy it?”
Damian didn’t get startled; it was beneath him, but his brother’s voice suddenly speaking to him almost surprised him. He scowled instead.
“I don’t need such a childish thing,” he answered.
“Hmm, well, I want that one,” Richard said while pointing to a stuffed figure of a posing Phantom. Both of its fists were in the air, and he had on a white cape.
Damian followed Richard into the store with crossed arms and a disapproving scowl. The inside of the store was full of Phantom and ghost merchandise. Damian passed a bunch of generic ghost plushies. They were all Lazarus green. He wouldn’t admit it out loud, but the fact that Amity Park was saturated with that color freaked him out a little
Next, he passed a section named ‘The Villains of Phantoms.’ He thought that was stupid. Why would anyone want to glorify the villains? Then he remembered Batburger and their Jokerized fries. He saw action figures and stuffed toys of a woman in a red and black suit with a grey and pink gun on a board. The Red Huntress, he presumed.
“Found anything you want, Little D?”
Richard was holding the same plushie he had pointed out earlier. Damian knew his older brother wouldn’t leave him alone until he got a toy, so he picked the one that had caught his attention earlier.
They went to pay. The cashier was a bored-looking goth teenager with more piercings than fucks to give, in Damian’s opinion. His name tag read Spike. He didn’t even greet them. Spike rang them up, put their toys in a bag haphazardly, and basically threw it at them.
Damian gritted his teeth so he wouldn’t yell at the insolent teenager.
Spike’s attitude didn’t seem to bother Richard.
“I’m hungry. Wanna go eat?”
Damian didn’t have a chance to answer. Richard got him by the arm and pulled him toward a fast-food joint named ‘Nasty Burger.’ Naming an eating establishment like that seemed like a bad business decision.
The chatter hit him the moment they entered. It was full of teenagers and smelt like grease and sweat. Richard happily approached the counter, and Damian followed his brother with a deep scowl. He just wanted to be left alone with thoughts, dammit, but it seemed his older brother wouldn’t allow him to think in peace.
The cashier was another teenager. She was dark-skinned with curly hair and teal-colored eyes. When she spotted Damian, she looked him up and down in surprise. A part of him felt like she was sizing him up. When her sight landed on his eyes, she got a bit tense.
“Welcome to Nasty Burger. May I take your order?”
Damian looked at the menu and was surprised to see vegetarian options.
“The veggie burger, meal, with a coke,” he said curtly. He might as well since Richard had dragged him here.
“Hello, sorry about my little brother,” Damian’s scowl deepened, “May I have a number one, large, and extra Nasty sauce, please, and thank you?”
“Sure, that’ll be $16.97.”
“Valerie, the sauce is overheating again; I forgot how to cool it down,” a voice cracked from the back.
Valerie scowled and muttered under her breath about incompetence.
“Give me a sec, I’m with customers,” she yelled back, “I’m sorry about that. Here’s your change. We’ll call your number when it’s done.”
Damian followed Richard a bit farther away. Damian was rarely distracted but still thinking about Danyal, so he didn’t notice the big, blond buffoon when they crashed.
“Watch where you’re going, Fenturd!”
The blond threw a punch. Damian got the other boy’s fist, and judo-flipped him over his shoulder. He landed on his back with a thud. The place got quiet.
“Holy shit, did Fenton just beat Dash?”
“No, way, puny freaky Fenton stood up for himself.”
Damian scowled. It seemed the imbecile liked picking on Danyal, and Danyal let him. What was his brother thinking?
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry. My brother Damian is a bit panicky and tends to fall heavily on the ‘fight’ side of ‘fight or flight.’ Are you okay,” Richard came to do damage control while helping the other boy, Dash, up. He still seemed a bit dazed.
“Who’s Damian?”
“I am, you imbecile.”
The boy squinted at Damian before his eyes widened, “You’re not Fenturd.”
“Give the man a prize. He can see.”
Dash went up to Damian’s face.
“Listen here, you little turd—”
Damian didn’t feel like listening to the other boy, so he kicked him.
“Damian, stop that!”
Richard pulled Damian to the corner of the diner and sat by Damian so he wouldn’t leave.
“Why’d you stop me? It’s obvious he picks on Danyal!”
“We don’t go after civilians, Dami.”
“Number 19,” the cashier, Valerie, yelled out.
“Behave,” Richard said while giving him a stern look.
The door to the diner opened, and Damian automatically looked up. His breath caught in his throat. It was Danyal.
He was with a goth girl and a dark-skinned boy wearing a red beret. Samantha Manson and Tucker Foley. His brother was smiling and laughing. Richard came back with their food.
“That’s him,” he asked.
Damian could only nod while observing his twin.
Danyal had deep bags around his eyes. He was scrawnier than Damian, and he walked with a hunch. Almost as if he wanted to disappear. Looking back on his memories, Danyal always walked like that. It made sense, he supposed. Why would he want to draw attention to himself if it had always been negative?
“He looks like a mini-Bruce.”
The girl said something, and Danyal’s smile grew bigger. There were crinkles around his eyes.
They went to the counter, and Valerie told them something before pointing toward their table. Danyal looked up and saw both of them sitting. Damn, now what?
Bruce was going to be sick.
Reading the Anti-Ecto Act laws pissed him off. How had he and the Justice League not noticed government-sanctioned genocide? Worse, they were targeting his son.
“Tim, find any information you can and put it in a file. I’m going to contact the Justice League. We have to fix this.”
He took out his phone and dialed a number he hated having to call.
“What do you want, Batsy? I’m busy here.”
“Constantine, I need your help.”
@itsberrydreemurstuff @youracearocroatneighbour @imsotiredfanficlovertm @nek0mancer
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shurisneakers · 9 months
a writing challenge? in 2024? you bet
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Hi! Hello! Hey!
I've been going through A Time and have chosen to cope by going back to the specific vibes of 2016 to 2018. That happens to include an incredible resurgence in my love for MCU fanfic, the community around it and all the love that goes into them. I've felt a bit distant from here for a while, but I still see so many of my old friends writing, ones who want to get back into it, and a whole lot of new writers I am dying to meet.
I've floated this idea vaguely on my blog and people seem to be interested so I figured it was worth a shot!
So yeah, welcome to Ari's Old School, Nostalgia Jam, Why-The-Hell-Not MCU Fic Writing Challenge 2024!
Prompts, rules and whatnot under the cut:
If you could reblog this post to reach someone who might want to participate, I'd really appreciate it! No need to be following me, it's open for anyone.
Reader-inserts, OCs, solo character fics, character x character-- absolutely no limitations
Any and all MCU characters are allowed
Anything above 500 words should have a read-more/keep-reading tab. Series, multi-chapters, one-shots, drabbles, etc etc. The sky's the limit.
Please tag me in your fics (@shurisneakers) so I'm notified of them, and post them with the tag #arisoldschoolwritingchallenge . It may take me a while to get back to you due to the circumstances I find myself in currently, but I absolutely will. Please send me a DM if I haven't responded within 10 days.
Send me an ask with the prompt you would like. Feel free to pick up to 2 prompts
The only thing I request of you: no RPF and no dark fics. Smut is welcome, but non-con/dub-con/incest or anything along those veins is something I'd ask you not to submit for this challenge. Thank you for your understanding!
I know I've called it an MCU fic challenge as it's the community I've grown with, but if you feel like any of these prompts resonates with a character from another fandom, please go ahead and write it. This challenge really is just about the fun of writing fanfic and love for Your Little Guys
No submission cut-off date. Take all the time you need.
I've tried to have a mix of classics and uncommon tropes/dynamics, so I hope everyone finds something they connect with!
Relationship Prompts
1. Enemies (taken by @theysaywhatasadsight)
2. Best friends/childhood friends
3. Coworkers (taken by @jaaneymann)
4. Internet friends
5. Neighbours/roommates (taken by @angrythingstarlight)
6. Fake dating (taken by @hungryforpowernotfood)
7. Commuters
Alternate Universe Prompts
1. Florist AU (taken by @hungryforpowernotfood)
2. Showmance AU (taken by @bombsonboard)
3. Social media/streaming/gaming AU (taken by @splintered-emotions)
4. Thieves/Heist Group AU
5. Time travel AU
6. Pirates AU
7. College AU (taken by @lovelybarnes)
8. Apocalypses/dystopia AU (taken by @targaryenvampireslayer)
9. Chef AU
10. Roadtrips AU
Some rarer miscellaneous ones for those who are so inclined!
1. Shipwrecked together on an island
2. Meet Ugly (opposite of Meet Cutes) (taken by @barnesandco
3. Both of you are ghosts but don't know the other is
4. Treasure hunters AU
5. Faking death
6. Professional cuddlers AU
7. Time loops/Groundhog Day (taken by @sxrensxngwrites)
8. Orpheus and Eurydice
9. Villain x hero
10. Hitchhiking
11. Carnival of Horrors
12. Robin Hood
13. Matchmakers AU
14. Insomniac x narcoleptic
15. Intergalactic Coffee Shop AU
16. Doomed By The Narrative
17. Enemies to Lovers to Enemies
18. Subversion of Classic Hallmark Movie Tropes
Dialogue prompts
You can tweak them as per requirements, but be sure to keep the underlying message!
1. "I should have trusted myself. I should have stayed far away from you." (taken by @waywardcrow)
2. "Has it occurred to you that how I feel matters too?" (taken by @jaaneymann)
3. "We failed. I would do it again."
4. "You do not deserve my forgiveness."
5. "You make me feel so alone." (taken by @reidishh)
6. "I'm not giving up on us." "I did. You should too." (taken by @targaryenvampireslayer)
1. "Ohhh, you wanna kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid." (taken by @pinkthick)
2. "I think you and I make the worst choices together." "Yeah, but it's always entertaining."
3. "I trusted you." "Terrible decision, really."
4. "I know I'm smiling but I want to push you off a very big cliff." (taken by @pepperonijem)
5. "I'm hilarious." "You're traumatised."
1. "This is the only thing I look forward to everyday." (Taken by @bombsonboard)
2. "I think we should do that again. For the sake of the world and my sanity."
3. "You're all I think about." (taken by @waywardcrow)
4. "Don't go anywhere I can't follow." (taken by @iguess-theyre-mymess)
5. "Don't smile at me like that." "Like what?" "Like that." (Taken by @lovelybarnes)
Word Prompts:
Bruised (taken by @juvenilearson)
Sunflower (taken by @barnesandco)
Mischief (taken by @supraveng)
I hope you'll join in! Please do tag anyone you think would be interested, I'd love for this to have as wide an audience as possible.
Lots of love <3
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stinkysam · 9 months
Peter Parker - I never lost hope.
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Warning : none
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : “pt 2 of tasm!peter x reader where they're both heroes?? maybe them talking again and finally starting to get along well again” - anon
Reader : gender neutral (you/yours)
A/N : Part ONE
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Even though Peter didn't respond to your messages, you continue to send him texts through the years. Mainly for new years, Yom Kippur, Hanukkah, Passovers, birthdays and christmases. And a bit randomly at times.
Then one day you saw him at your door. He was in his spider suit, his mask off, sweaty and disheveled.
You didn't have the time to say anything that he had wrapped his arms around you, squeezing you tightly.
Shocked, you slowly responded to the hug, your hands holding his arms.
“Peter ? What's going on ?” You said, gently pushing him off of you to make him talk.
“I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.” He started. “I should've answered your texts.”
“What ?” You shook your head, not understanding. “You're mad so-”
“No ! I mean, yes, I was mad at first, then it was just… pettiness and I didn't know what to answer so it was easier to ignore them.”
You stared at him, unsure of what to say.
“W- what happened ? Why are you here ?”
“It's… complicated.”
You frowned, not understanding.
“I went to another universe…” He started. “Saved Max and doctor Connors and a bunch of other villains from other mes, oh, and I also saved MJ, she's the love of one of mes’ life. Saving her really did something to me. Magic is real. And one of mes got stabbed but it's not his first time which is a bit worrisome-”
You stared at him, as if he's told you he went to another universe and that magic is real- oh, wait, that's what he told you ! You blinked incredulously, trying to follow his rambling, putting your hands on his shoulders to slow him down.
“What ?” He asked, almost out of breath.
“What the fuck ?” You whispered, still shocked.
“Yeah ! I know !” He nodded excitedly before continuing. “Peter 2, the other me, and Peter 1 too, actually, made me realize I didn't have to be alone and that it was worth trying to fight for the people we love and I love you, you're my best friend and I shouldn't have been mad at you for trying to look out for me and-” He froze as you hugged him, your head resting on his shoulder.
“I'm sorry… For Gwen.” You said quietly.
He wrapped his arms around you, holding you tightly against him as you could finally give him your condolences face to face.
“I'm glad it's not a ‘I told you so’” He joked and you kicked his knee. “It's… okay. I've made my mourning. It wasn't your fault but mine. You tried to warn me-”
“I don't care ! I should've been there to help you protect her !”
“No, no. You said it. It's impossible to constantly watch after one person. It's paranoid and unhealthy.”
“But maybe I could've helped change that.” You said, letting go of him.
“Maybe, or maybe she still would've died. You don't know.”
“But still-”
“No ! Stop it !” He grabbed your face, stopping you from talking more. “Thank you for being there for me even if it was from afar. I'm sorry I wasn't here for you. I should've answered your messages. I shoul-”
“It's okay.”
“No it's not ! I've been the worst best friend ever but I'm here to make up for it. Will you forgive me ?”
“Of course I forgive you !” You said, wrapping your arms around him once more. “You're my best friend.”
Peter smiled, hugging you again.
“Thank you for all your messages.” Even though he didn't want to admit it at the time, seeing them really helped him feel cared for and important.
You patted his back gently, before pulling away.
“Of course. I never stopped caring about you.”
“Thanks, man. It meant a lot. I promise I'll be here for you.” He said and you smiled.
“Wanna come in ? Instead of talking by the doorstep ?”
“Yeah… I'd like to.”
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lu-lus-dicks · 6 months
@huskers-bar x @nunalastor chapter 4
Tags: enemies to lovers, angst?, eventual fluff, yearning?, soft huskers-bar, both mods are separate people, no beta we die like i do, minor character death, ooc, au: hellaverse (hazbin hotel), nunalastor is head of the marketing department, jealousy?, huskers-bar is an employee at voxtek, lulu as a villain, huskers-bar is a liar, secret dating?
chapter: 4/? / chapter Word count: 2,484 / total word count: 7,426
nunalastor as a single entity is nunalastor, traumatized mod dickmaster and cursed mod nun. and huskers-bar just husk/huskers. babygirl anon will be babygirl anon. I will be lulu. Angie will be angie but is meant to be read as angel dust.
A/N: pure lore this chapter. Almost none of the funny :( sorry. i've decided that as an apology for not being active at all today, the entirety of the next chapter is just going to be nunalastor fucking. I will also stop talking about plot from now on, cuz i'm just bullshitting my way through at this point.
"Hi" Lulu greeted. The room fell into an awkward silence, and the air thickened with palpable tension. Lulu locked his gaze with Alastor's, refusing to look away. The seconds stretched into minutes, elongating the unspoken battle of wills and determination, a staring contest neither wanted to lose, although Lulu was undeniably unaware of the game and was just being a menace.
"how may I assist you today?" Alastor finally spoke, his voice punctuated by a forced smile that failed to reach his eyes. The constant staring wasn't enough to get him to blink even once, but the mundane nature of just staring at Lulu was more than reason enough for Alastor to interject their five extremely long minutes of silence. Plus he didn't need the other members of the hotel to start asking questions. they were too persistent anyway.
Lulu snapped out of his reverie, jolted back to reality by Alastor's question. He rummaged through his bag, shuffling items aside in search of something specific, his actions conveying a sense of excitement. Ugh, he could've been a living vibrator with how jarring the immediate mood shift was. "Ah, right," He mumbled, his attention divided between the bag and Alastor. "I'm here to try and convince you to help me... Again."
Alastor let an exasperated sigh slip, pinching the bridge of his nose. This had been the third time lulu approached him this week alone and this feral... whatever that thing was, wasn't giving up on it "we've already went over this lulu, I am not going to help you steal Lucifers blood"
Lulu pouted, letting out a saddened squeak, his hands immediately stopping their search for the list of reasons Alastor should let Lulu steal Lucifers blood "Not even for 75 souls? Really cute ones?" He bargained, shoulders slumping and posture generally turning a lot more depressed, just like the owner of those shoulders probably was.
"No." Alastor reiterated, "No amount of souls is going to cut it."
The very annoyed and pissed expression on lulus face was honestly disgusting. Lulu leaned in closer, as if the proximity would convince Alastor. oh how wrong he was.
"Dear, why don't you just stop with this nonsense?" Alastor said, the corners of his trademark fake smile twitching in irritation. He put his hands back behind him and stepped away. The more distance between this creature and him the more comfortable he felt.
"what if it was the entire west side of the pentagram?" Lulu offered, sort of as a last ditch attempt... for today at least. Lulu was not exactly sane enough to know when to quit.
"I highly doubt a creature such as yourself is going to be able to achieve such a thing" Alastor answered, mostly as a jab to Lulus pathetic self, but the idea of him gathering so many souls was an amusing one.
However, Lulu didn't think so. Lulus eyes lit up with mischief, immediately switching from that almost-scowl to a smirk even the devil wouldn't be able to mimic. He jumped from the realization, "so that is a maybe! progress"
Alastor shouldn't be surprised but he is. Why is Lulu so obsessed with lucifers blood? sure it tasted good but not that good. Alastor sighed, shaking his head in disbelief and spoke "if that was all you came here for than you're welcome to leave"
"yeah, okay-" Lulu cut himself off as soon as he noticed a sexy four armed hottie walking by the door. "woah! who's that sexy thing over there?"
"excuse me?" Angie turned his head at the directed voice at him. he looked left and right, as if to make sure it was really him that this random imp looking creature was talking to. Once he was sure there was no one else, he put on his trademark seductive smile "oh, are you one of my fans?"
"no, never seen you in my life. what's a beautiful thing like you doing here?" Lulu said casually, running up to Angie and circling around him. The concept of personal space must've been a heaven thing because Lulu was prodding at absolutely every part of Angie.
"oh, that's a first." Angie chuckled nervously as he watched Lulu welcome himself to his body. "well the names angie"
"the names lulu." Lulu answered in a heartbeat. He finally relented the assault and turned to Alastor, waving "Bye Alastor, I'll be stealing your bitches"
"he's the most precious thing I have with me here at the hotel!" Angie said petting the pig in question. Little fat nuggets was very comfortably set in his lap and was napping.
"he is a cute pig, i'll admit." Lulu said, laughing along and staring at the adorable little creature. He tapped his fingers against the nearest surface, humming to himself. "hmm... say though, what is it that you actually desire? surely there's more to your existence than just taking care of fat nuggets?"
Angie slumped at that question, he didn't like being reminded of work, especially not when he's supposed to be relaxing. HE looked away, scratching the back of his head "oh, that's complicated"
"how so?" Lulu pried, crossing his legs, picking up his teacup and taking one sip. "It's tea time, and tea needs spillin"
Angie shrugged, reaching out one of his four arms to grab his own cup. he blew on it before taking a sip and sighing. "well, I kinda sold my soul to a blind prick" He began
"ah, gotcha" Lulu nodded, "go on, what's this prick like?" he pried, observing him with a keen eye.
That was all it took for Angie to start going off. "he's a real asshole, and not the sexy kind. he has no sense of personal space and is so insistent on always having me around. it's pathetic really-"
As Angie continued his rambling about how unbearable val was, Lulu listened attentively, observing him with a keen eye. Sensing Angie's frustration and dissatisfaction, Lulu formulated a surprising proposal. "What if I told you," Lulu interjected, his voice filled with intrigue, "that I could help you with that?"
"You're serious?" Angie asked, his voice tinged with both skepticism and caution, but he wasn't too against the idea, who would be?
Lulu nodded, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "Absolutely. I have been trying to find a way to gain status you see, and what better way than to steal the porn overlords most prized bitch?"
Angie leaned forward, his attention fully captured by Lulu's proposition. "And what would you want in return? I've learned the hard way that nothing comes without a price. Not making that mistake again"
Lulu's smile widened as he raised his teacup to his lips, savoring another sip before placing it back on the table. "you're absolutely right. The thing is, the plan I have in mind isn't one I can carry out on my own. I need a helping hand. A partner in crime" Lulu said, letting the rest be left unspoken.
"i'm not helping you kill someone" Angie said, crossing his first set of arms over his chest and wrapping the second around fat nuggets almost like a shield.
"kill? nonsense" Lulu said, waving his hand in dismissal, as if even the mere idea of it was ridiculous. |I need you to help me collect souls. souls that will give me a name. nothing more. I can guarantee I will not be harming any soul that I collect"
That sounded very sketchy. On one hand, yes it made sense, collecting souls was how other overlords became overlords, but most overlords were also assholes. Angie couldn't let another one like valentino exist in the world. But the offer was too tempting... "how do I know you ain't lying?"
Lulu got up, extending a hand over to angie, pausing first in confusion. He was having trouble deciding which hand would need shaking "uh..." He shook it off. "I'll make a contract. In exchange for your assistance, I promise to free you from valentino grasp. In addition, I promise that I will not harm a single soul in the process"
Angie was sold. That was enough a reason to think this guy wasn't fucking around. "As you already know, I've already sold a part of my soul. no need for the deal. I'll help you"
"wonderful. I'll be discussing the plan with you two weeks before the next extermination"
Vox stared at Huskers, his crimson eyes narrowing as he processed the situation. Alastor, the infamous Radio Demon, had broken another of Vox's employees watches. His anger was palpable and causing static to appear between his antennas. "That fucking bastard?!"
Husk shifted uncomfortably under Vox's gaze. The pitch shift in Vox's voice was stupid but a little intimidating. "I'm sorry. I didn't get to talk to him, I went to this hotel after Angie offered, and I just stumbled upon him there"
Vox looked like he was about to blow a fuse but for a moment Vox's anger got replaced with a smirk. He paced back and forth across his office, his sharp claws clicking against the marble floor. The gears in his mind (literally) spun rapidly, taking into account every single opportunity he had now that husk was attending the hotel.
"Hmm," Vox muttered, his screen displaying a smirk worthy of the sexiest man on twitter. "Maybe this isn't such a bad idea. Someone to gather intel on my dear Alastor-I mean, that asshole!" He turned his attention back to Huskers, his gaze piercing. "It has failed once, but to be fair, that Pentious was a complete idiot." Vox paused, putting a finger up to his face. "Do they trust you?"
Husker hesitated, unsure how to respond. "Uh... not particularly," they admitted. Sure, they were in hell, but they were almost killed on the first day, that can't be a sign of trust.
Vox waved a dismissive hand in the air. "Unimportant. From now on, you are free from all other duties," He declared, his voice full of pure adulterated joy, one only a horny man like vox could make. "Your primary job will be to gather intel on that radio prick. I want to know his every move, his every plan. What he eats. Where he sleeps. What his favorite color is. What time he goes to sleep. What his hooves look like-"
"But sir—" Husker began, his voice tinged with hesitation.
Vox's eyes narrowed, his patience wearing thin. "Do not even try to negotiate with me on this," he warned, his voice laced with a dangerous edge. "I own your soul" He reminded.
Husker's shoulders slumped, defeated. "Okay," he muttered, his voice barely audible. It would be fine. He saw Alastor once the entire day anyway and that was when he needed to break his tech. He wouldn't even get the opportunities to gather intel anyway.
"good" Vox turned away, his mind already racing with schemes and plots. He had been blindsided by Alastor once, but this time would be different. He would have his dear Alastor tied up and begging for mercy!
"and that concludes today's exercises! you're free to go about your days as usual now!" Charlie clapped, signaling everyone's dismissal. She turned to huskers and called out before they could leave "Huskers, may I have a moment?"
"yes, your... highness?"
Charlie chuckled, shaking her head. "Just Charlie," she corrected, her warm smile putting Huskers slightly at ease. "You know we have rooms at the hotel for you to stay at, right? I think it would be beneficial for all of us if you were available as soon as we started, and if it's something you'd like?"
Huskers' shoulders slumped and they sighed. "I mean, it's not entirely up to me, Princess. I'd have to consult with my boss first," They explained. It wouldn't be everyday that Vox showed mercy.
Charlie's expression turned thoughtful, and she nodded understandingly. "Alright, we'll let you talk it out with him and hopefully we can get you here!"
Charlie's excitement died down quickly though, realizing that due to short staff (literally), they were out of rooms where people could actually survive. "Unfortunately, we only have one empty and clean room at the hotel right now, and it's up with our marketing staff."
Huskers eyes lit up. The marketing staff? That's Nunalastor!
"And they tend to get messy at nigh-"
"I'll do it!" they far too quickly accepted, not wanting to miss the opportunity. "I don't mind at all. I'd love to take the room! I'm sure nu-the marketing staff are lovely!" they chuckled nervously, making it way too obvious what their intentions were.
Charlie, bless her heart, either didn't notice or didn't mention it. Her eyes sparkled with joy. "Wow, such enthusiasm! See, I knew I was right about you!"
Alastor hummed to himself as he traveled up the stairs. He couldn't help but overhear huskers little interaction with charlie and he just couldn't let the opportunity for some chaos and fun pass. He approached the door to Dickmasters and Nuns room and knocked thrice. Some thumping could be heard on the other side before the door opened in front of him.
Dickmaster answered "yes?"
"greetings, cohorts" Alastor greeted with that charming smile of his. Both Nun and Dickmaster collectively rolled their eyes.
"do you mind? we're in the middle of a fucking..." Dickmaster trailed off.
"we are not fucking, they're just too dumb to finish that sentence" Nun shouted from behind the room. The fact that they were sprawled across the bed in nothing but a shirt on wasn't helping the situation.
Alastor chose to not comment on it. He didn't care. His eyes gleamed with mischief as he began to speak "I have a favor. you see this new resident of ours is here to make my life miserable. I can hear vox's pathetic begging almost from across the pentagram, and they're a spy of his. I'm sure of it, however I don't view them as a threat"
Dickmaster raised a brow, unamused. "uhm, congrats? what's that gotta do with us?"
Alastor chuckled, leaning in font of them, hands resting on his cane. "oh, nothing much. I simply ask that you make their life miserable with your charming little quirks"
Nun and Dickmaster exchanged glances, contemplating Alastor's request. It wouldn't be hard and could prove to be quite entertaining. Plus, Nun wanted to stick it to that guy for some reason. After a brief silence, they smirked and nodded. "oh, will do at some point. What's in it for us though?"
"that's hardly a fair deal"
"By the looks of things, that isn't going to stop you." Alastor doesn't wait for a response and starts to melt away into his shadow. "they'll be staying in the room across from you." is the words he left with.
"fuck that guy with his own cane, seriously"
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winxanity-ii · 4 months
⌜Know No Evil | Chapter 22 Chapter 22 | race for glory⌟
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Present Mic's voice boomed across the stadium, his energetic commentary filling the air. "[And we're off to a racing start! How 'bout some color commentary, while we give folks the play-by-play, Mummy Man?]" he shouted, his enthusiasm palpable even from where you stood.
You glanced towards the commentator's booth, spotting Aizawa draped head to toe in bandages from the injuries he sustained during the USJ villain attack days ago. His presence here, despite his condition, is a testament to his dedication.
"[First, please don't call me that. Second, again, how did you manage to talk me into this?]" Aizawa responded, his tone flat and uninterested, clearly not sharing Present Mic's enthusiasm.
"[It's called: Keeping your job! So, Eraserhead, what should we be paying attention to in the early stages of the race? The lead? The stragglers?]" Present Mic pressed on, eager to get the audience engaged.
"[The doorway.]"
"[Whoa! Look at that! Ha! Good eye. Seems that Todoroki from Class 1-A takes the lead by using his ice-Quirk to trap the competition! Smart move, but brutal!]"
The noise of the stadium and Present Mic's booming voice fades into the background as you focus on the race. A few students began catching up to you—Aoyama, Kirishima, Yaoyorozu, and Bakugo.
Bakugo doesn't spare you a glance, his eyes narrowing and nose flaring as he shouts, "I won't let you get away that easily, you Icy-Hot, bastard! You froze me in place once before, it won't happen again." Using his quirk, he propels himself forward with explosive speed, flying towards Todoroki with a fierce determination.
Behind you was Mineta, using his purple balls and bouncing off the remaining ice. "Ha! I outwitted you all! How pathetic!" He shouted at the top of his lungs, two balls in each hand, bouncing towards you all to take the lead. "So long, suckers—!"
Before he could overrun you all, a giant robotic arm smashed into him, throwing him in another direction.
Suddenly, large, towering mechanical giants with glowing red eyes and metallic limbs trample towards you all in several directions. "Targets acquired…Terminate them."
Present Mic's voice boomed across the stadium, filled with excitement. "[Ooh! Enemies have shown up out of nowhere! I bet we're in for a treat here! A test of strength and cunning! It's the first obstacle of the race—a 'Robo Inferno'!]"
These were the same faux-robot villains from the U.A. Entrance Exam.
A general studies student nearby exclaimed, "Seriously?"
A support course student added, "This is what they meant by 'obstacles'? So this is what the other students faced in their entrance exams. Where does the school even get the funding for these things?"
The robots stood in a blockade; their movements are slow but powerful.
Todoroki looked over his shoulder at the approaching participants before muttering to himself, "The school obviously went through a lot of trouble, but I wish they'd prepared something a little more difficult. Especially since my old man's watching." With a sigh, he swiftly used his Quirk, freezing the robots in precarious positions.
Seeing this, you cursed under your breath, crouching low as you ran before smoothly and safely sliding through an open space between a few of the frozen robots; while other students cheered in happiness.
"Hey, he stopped the robots!" "Look! Between their legs! We can get through!"
"Hell yeah, this is gonna be a breeze!"
Todoroki, with a cold and blank look in his eyes, said ominously, "Careful, now. I froze them while they were off their balance…On purpose." Just as he finished this ominous line, the frozen robots began to topple like dominos, falling onto any unfortunate student left in their path.
Present Mic's voice rang out, "[Oh~ stone cold! That's Todoroki from 1-A's own Hero Course, keeping his lead with a devastating display! Amazing! He's one we should watch. It almost seems unfair! Thoughts?]"
Aizawa, his voice calm and measured, responded, "[His attack was both offensive and defensive. Something to always be sure to efficiently display.]"
Present Mic continued, "[I'll say! No wonder he was let in on recommendations! He'd never even fought those Robo Infernos before, but they didn't stand a chance against his chart-topping moves!]"
As you continued to push through the chaos, you heard a shout from a nearby student, "Hey! There's someone trapped under that robot!"
Another voice replied, "Do you think we should try and help 'em? Are people seriously gonna die here?"
Gasps erupted from the audience as Kirishima popped up from beneath the metal robot, his body hardened like a rock. "I'm alive!" he declared, a grin on his face.
Present Mic's commentary followed, "[Kirishima from Class 1-A! What a hardcore debut for this rookie!]"
Kirishima glanced around, his expression serious. "Todoroki, I can't believe you pulled something like that. Jeez. Anyone but me woulda been killed!"
"[Kirishima Eijiro. His Quirk: Hardening! This power makes his entire body hard as a rock! That means he can be the ultimate shield, or a devastating weapon!]"
Tetsutetsu burst up from beneath the metal debris as well, looking just as determined. "Class 1-A really is full a' jerks! I'll smash that ice guy when I get my hands on him," he growled.
"[Tetsutetsu from Class 1-B was also stuck underneath! What are the odds?]"
 "Ya' know, anyone other than me woulda been killed!" Tetsutetsu added with a scowl.
Present Mic's voice continued his lively narration, "[Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu! His Quirk: Steel! This makes his entire body hard as steel! So he can be the ultimate shield, or a devastating weapon!]"
Kirishima and Tetsutetsu locked eyes, realizing the similarity in their quirks. "Our Quirks are basically the same! How am I supposed to stand out now?" Kirishima shouted, pointing to his silver counterpart.
Tetsutetsu retorted, "You damn copycat!"
Present Mic chimed in, "[Man, how lucky are they? They don't have to worry about being crushed!]"
Kirishima, always the friendly one, suggested with a feral smile, "We're racing each other, but we can team up for now."
Tetsutetsu nodded in agreement. "Alright! Let's carve a path."
Gasps and murmurs spread among the student competitors. "We can do that?" one whispered to another, surprised by the unexpected alliance forming before their eyes.
The teamwork between Kirishima and Tetsutetsu created a ripple effect, inspiring others to strategize and cooperate.
Bakugo, scoffed, ignoring it all, muttering to himself, "No way am I letting Todoroki beat me." His determination was palpable as he used his Quirk to propel himself forward, explosions crackling around him. The blasts propelled him over the obstacles with ease, his focus laser-sharp on Todoroki ahead.
Present Mic's voice boomed across the stadium, filled with excitement. "[Class 1-A's Bakugo is rocketing over the obstacles! Clever!]"
Sero, not far behind, called out, "You seem like you'd be the type to plow straight through, but you can go around when you need to, huh? I'm going to hitch a ride! See ya!" He laughed as he used his Quirk to attach to Tokoyami, who was using his own Quirk to fly by. The tape from Sero's elbows shot out, latching onto Dark Shadow, allowing him to swing through the air with ease.
Present Mic provided the play-by-play, "[Sero Hanta. His Quirk: Tape! He can shoot tape-like material from his elbows, stick it to objects or wrap things up. You should see the traps he makes when he rips it off!]"
Tokoyami instructed Dark Shadow, "Let's land!" as he maneuvered through the air.
"Aye, aye!" The shadowy creature responded enthusiastically before shifting shape, helping Tokoyami to land smoothly on a piece of debris.
"[Tokoyami Fumikage. His Quirk: Dark Shadow! He's got a shadow-like monster inside him that can materialize and morph into any creation he wants.]"
As the competition heated up, Present Mic remarked, "[Looks like all the pack leaders are from Class 1-A. At least for now.]"
You were running at a steady pace, jumping over debris and parkouring until you gained a good bird’s eye view of the surrounding chaos. 
"[It’s not that Class 1-B and the other students are doing poorly,]" Aizawa commented, observing the race. "[It’s just… Class 1-A’s learned not to hesitate.]"
Students from all courses were trying their best to make it through this obstacle. Seeing a large robot attacking a sand-quirk user a few feet away, you raced over, landing on its shoulder. Using Control, you took control of the larger robot, manipulating its movements with precision and using it to carve a path for yourself through the obstacle.
"[They’ve seen what the real world is like. They’ve felt the fear of facing villains,]" Aizawa continued. "[Yet they fight on, trying to overcome that fear. They’ve grown. All of them. And they know that they have to act quickly if they want to stay alive.]"
You snorted, dodging a scrap piece of flying metal as the robot lumbered on. Such praises being sung about 1-A, yet you guarantee the world would crumble if it knew that you had the leader of the League of Villains at the mercy of your hands.
If anything, this entire festival should be scrapped and turned into a ceremony dedicated to you single-handedly deciding to keep the peace for now.
 Lost in your thoughts, you found yourself destroying a great deal more robots than you intended. The mechanical giants crumbled under your control, clearing a wide path and inadvertently aiding several other students who scrambled to follow in your wake.
"[Hold up, Eraser! We might have judged too quickly because it looks like Akuma from Class 1-B is coming to show the rest how it’s done!]"
You snap out of your thoughts, looking up, only to find your face plastered across the Jumbotron, another screen to the left replaying your previous maneuver. The footage showed you commanding a large robot to tear through a swath of its comrades, the mechanical giant ripping through others with a fierce efficiency. The robots crumbled under the force of your control, creating a dramatic display of power and precision.
"[Akuma Y/N. Her Quirk: Marionette! This allows her the ability to control the movement of anything—both animate and inanimate—with shadow-like strings, like a puppeteer!]"
Internally, you cursed yourself as the info about your ‘Quirk’ was revealed, giving you more screen time. You were supposed to stay under the radar.
Using your power, you crashed the robot you were riding into another one, the impact causing a chain reaction of destruction. You jumped off at the last moment, parkouring off the neighboring falling debris and landing into a rolling crouch, the movement smooth and controlled.
["And the landing Mwah! Straight out of retro Marvel films! Hey! Eraser, didn’t she save your life at the USJ incident?] Present Mic continued, clearly enjoying the spectacle.
"[Yes, Akuma-san played a vital role in my recovery. Now, can we please move on to other contestants?]" Aizawa replied, his tone annoyed.
"[Right, right, my fault. Anyways, for those of you who thought the first obstacle was easy, let’s see how ya feel about the second one.]"
Ahead of you loomed a large canyon, its depths obscured by shadows. Long tightropes stretched between large stone pillars, forming a precarious path to the other side.
["If they slip and fall, they’re out! If they wanna pass this test, they’ll have to get creative. It’s 'The Fall'!]"
You stood on the edge, looking down into the abyss. It was dark, the depth seemingly endless. A small current of air burst from below, making the challenge even more difficult. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw other students standing near the edge, contemplating their next move.
Asui, with her usual calm, assessed the situation. "Ribbit! Ribbit. This is my moment. Easy peasy," she said, her voice steady and confident before flicking her tongue out and flinging herself from wire to wire like a jungle gym.
Nearby, Hatsume chuckled, her excitement barely contained. "Yes. Finally. This is my chance to show off what I can do. My support items are gonna steal the spotlight from these wannabe heroes. Everyone! Observe what my brilliant gadgets can do! Wire arrows and hover soles!" She launched into action, her gadgets activating with a series of mechanical clicks and whirs.
Mina, caught off guard, shouted after her, "You're from Support! Hey! How come you got to bring all that stuff?"
Hatsume responded without breaking stride, "Students in the hero course get all kinds of combat training for their Quirks. In order to keep things fair and give us a fighting chance, we're allowed to bring whatever gadgets and costumes we want into the games, so long as we developed them ourselves. So, sit back and enjoy the show."
She continued, her voice filled with pride and determination, "For those of us in the support course, this is the perfect obstacle to show off our ingenious ideas and creations to any companies out there who might wanna recruit us!" Hatsume’s laugh echoed across the canyon. "I hope employers are watching! My super-cute little babies are sure to make a splash." She cackled with delight as her gadgets carried her effortlessly across the obstacle.
Mina, grumbling to herself, muttered, "Talk about annoying."
Present Mic's voice cut through the noise, adding his enthusiastic commentary. "[In the world of heroes, it can be hard to get popular without a flashy Quirk. Right, Eraser Head?]"
"[I don't know what you're talking about, idiot.]"
Present Mic continued, "[Ha, ha, ha. Good one, buddy. Anywho, looks like Todoroki is still skating by easily!]" Todoroki, looking determined, gracefully skated across a frozen wire, his focus unwavering.
Nearby, random audience members voiced their thoughts:
"The dude in first place is so far ahead."
"His Quirk is really powerful, but it's his natural athletic talent and keen judgment keeping him in first place."
"I'm not surprised. Don't you know who his father is? The Flame Hero, Endeavor!"
"Wait, for real? That guy's second only to All Might himself."
"Everyone'll be fighting to have him as a sidekick for sure."
"[The leader's putting distance between him and the students stuck at 'The Fall!' It hasn't been announced how many competitors will make it through to the next round, so there's no time to relax,]" Present Mic announced as many began throwing themselves onto the obstacle at hand, immediately failing.
Taking a focusing breath, you leapt onto the first tightrope without hesitation, your movements precise and balanced. You cartwheeled, swung, and flipped across the ropes with a gymnast’s grace, each move calculated to maintain your momentum and avoid the gusts of air that threatened to knock you off balance.
Each flip felt like a breath of fresh air—of dangerous thrills as everything spun into a blur.
Present Mic’s commentary followed your every move. "[Once again, Akuma from Class 1-B wows the stands as she makes this look as easy as breathing. Watch as she moves like a professional gymnast out there! Such agility and control! Absolutely stunning!]"
Aizawa watched with a critical eye. "[She’s not just moving forward. She’s analyzing each step, anticipating the challenges. It’s a smart approach.]"
You reached the midway point of the obstacle, where the ropes became thinner and the gusts stronger. Focusing on your breathing and maintaining your center of gravity, you continued forward.
The other students around you were struggling, some slipping and barely catching themselves, while others fell into the abyss below, their screams echoing in the darkness.
You glanced back momentarily, assessing the positions of your classmates and competitors. With a determined look, you pushed forward, swinging from one rope to another with a fluidity that seemed almost effortless.
Reaching the end of the tightrope challenge, you landed gracefully on the final stone pillar. The crowd erupted into cheers at your performance, impressed by your display of skill and composure.
Present Mic’s voice boomed again. "[And she makes it! Akuma from Class 1-B has conquered 'The Fall'! What an impressive performance!]"
You didn’t have time to bask in the applause. The next and final obstacle awaited: the minefield.
"[And now, we're finally approaching the last obstacle. Everyone had better tread carefully. You're stepping onto a minefield! If you look carefully, you can see where those little bombs are buried, so keep your eyes on the ground, folks. By the way, those land mines were designed for the games, so they might be loud and flashy, but they're not all that powerful. Just enough to make you wet your pants!]"
"[Get ahold of yourself, Present Mic.]"
Faint explosions began to echo around the course, and some students screamed as they triggered the mines. You saw Todoroki near the edge of the minefield, observing an unfortunate competitor get thrown back several feet in the opposite direction. "Very clever. Those in the lead are actually at a disadvantage here. Guess it makes for good entertainment," he remarked, his tone as cold as his ice.
Bakugo, using his Quirk to shoot over the minefield, shouted back at Todoroki, "Bastard! Your declaration of war was to the wrong person!" His eyes burned with fierce determination as he propelled himself forward, explosions blasting from his palms.
Present Mic’s voice rang out, "[Just like that, a new student takes the lead! The media here is going crazy! There's nothing they love more than an upset!]"
Seeing Bakugo's rapid advance, Todoroki immediately followed, using his ice Quirk to create a slick path over the mines, freezing the ground beneath him with precision. His face remained stoic as he glided smoothly, determined to reclaim the lead.
"[Hey, hey, hey! The rest of the competitors are catching up, too! And what's this? Can our two leaders fight each other and stay in front of the competition?]"
You quickly analyzed the situation, taking in the chaos around you before taking a moment to decide to strategize your approach.
"[Looks like Akuma from 1-B has run out of fabulous attention-grabbers and is stumped! Even the best can get caught up in the heat of the moment, huh?]"
It didn't take but a second for Present Mic's harmless comment to spark up a wave of conversation in the stands.
"Come on, Akuma! Do something already!"
"You're getting left behind!"
"Don't just stand there! Everyone else is beating you!"
Up in the commentators' stand, Aizawa found himself unconsciously leaning forward, eyes zoning in on your figure. As the echoes of the audience's complaints and critiques filled his ears, his eyes flashed a light yellow for a split second before he found himself speaking into the mic. "[A good hero knows when to take time and strategize. It's not all about being flashy and hotheaded.]"
His words cooled the critiques of the audience, immediately turning the wave with many now complimenting your strategy.
"Yeah, she's smart! Look at her thinking it through!"
"That's right, don't rush it, Akuma!"
"She's got a plan, you just wait!"
In reality, Present Mic's words didn’t cause you any issues—if anything, you didn’t hear them at all—but Aizawa's rebuttal is what shook you from the task at hand.
You hissed, "Hero?" before pausing.
You took a moment to look at your surroundings, at the audience cheering at you all racing through this obstacle course—something that wasn’t even the actual sports festival but just a preliminary to weed out the useless and weak... It's almost as if you become aware of your situation: here you were, basically putting on a show for these buffoons and pests in the crowd as if you were some show pony.
"[Todoroki and Bakugo are neck and neck for the lead and knocking on the finish line!]"
You feel your breathing pick up as everything suddenly felt amplified by 100%—the sounds, the smells, everything. Just as you feel your disgust reach an inferno and about to explode, a huge explosion happens yards down from you.
"[What's with that huge explosion in the back?! That was way more powerful than it should be!]"
"What the..." Your sentence trails off as you see Midoriya skyrocket over the minefield on top of a slab of metal. Following his trajectory, you see dozens of exploded and dug-up mines. "Huh," you murmured to yourself. "What a clever boy."
"[Huh? Incredible! Well, whatever just happened, Class 1-A's Izuku Midoriya is suddenly in hot pursuit of first place!]"
As you watched Midoriya soar through the air, you couldn't help but feel a mix of irritation and begrudging respect. His unorthodox strategy had turned the tide in his favor, propelling him past numerous competitors and straight into the spotlight.
"[In a stunning move, Midoriya has blasted past his classmates from Class 1-A! I don't believe it—he cleared that minefield in an instant! Eraser Head, your students are amazing! What the heck are you teaching them?]"
"[This has nothing to do with me. Each of them is powered by their own drive to succeed.]"
"[There ya' have it, folks. Eraser Head is a terrible teacher.]"
"[I'm what?]"
"Deku! What the hell do you think you're doing, huh!?" Bakugo had a feral look on his face as he and Todoroki found themselves a bit behind the greenette.
You shook your head, berating yourself for getting lost in the thrill, reminding yourself that you weren’t here to put on a show and get first place, but to get a bird's eye view of your pet's will and determination to achieve his goal.
With a scoff and renewed focus, you devised a quick strategy to navigate the minefield, balancing caution with speed. Mixing your early gymnastic and aerobic skills with a bit of inspiration from Midoriya, you purposefully stepped on a nearby mine, using the explosion to propel yourself forward.
Carefully timing your jumps, you use the debris as stepping stones.
Whenever you touched the ground or found someone in a better mine-placement, you subtly knocked them into neighboring mines' paths, causing distractions and clearing a path for yourself.
The students around you were caught off guard, some yelping in surprise as they are thrown into the air by the blasts.
"[Whoa! Did you see that? Akuma from Class 1-B is using the explosions to her advantage! What a risky yet effective strategy!]" Present Mic’s voice boomed across the stadium, capturing the audience's attention.
Aizawa, leaning forward slightly, added, "[A calculated risk. She's using her environment and competitors to her benefit. It's not the most heroic approach, but it's undeniably effective.]"
You smirked, satisfied with your progress. You continued to leap from one debris piece to another, your movements fluid and precise. Each explosion propelled you closer to the end, while your manipulation of the other students' movements created chaos behind you.
As you neared the end of the minefield, you saw Bakugo, Midoriya, and Todoroki ahead, their fierce competition driving them forward.
"[Who would have imagined at the beginning of this race that the climax would be a non-stop mega-mix of surprises? The first to make it back into the stadium is the first-place winner! And that winner is...Izuku Midoriya. Midoriya from Class 1-A is our champion!]"
The audience erupts in cheers, a thunderous wave of applause and excitement. You keep your pace steady, ignoring the noise and focusing on your final steps through the minefield. By the time you exited into the stadium, bright flashes of cameras greet you from all sides.
"[And ...19th place! Akuma Y/N!]"
Though you weren't exhausted, there's was a light sheen of sweat across your forehead. You took a deep breath, feeling the cool air of the stadium wash over you.
"[The contestants are pouring in one after the other! Let's hear some applause for all our competitors as we prepare the results.]"
You look around, eyes immediately zeroing in on Bakugo. He's standing off to the side, eyes narrowed and focused on Midoriya, who is currently surrounded by his friends, Iida and Uraraka, congratulating him.
The tension in Bakugo's stance is palpable, his fists clenched at his sides. You make your way over, saying nothing as you stand beside him, observing the scene with detached interest. Eventually, you turn your head to face him, saying, "2nd place."
Bakugo's jaw tightens, his eyes briefly flicking towards you before returning to Midoriya. "This was only the preliminaries," he grunts, his voice low and simmering with frustration.
You hum thoughtfully, "I suppose it is." Then, before leaving, you send him a callous smile. "Well, I must be off. I have to congratulate Izuku on his victory." Taking a few steps away, you pause and glance over your shoulder. "Good luck in the next trial," you add, a hint of mockery in your tone.
Bakugo's eyes follow you, his expression looking defeated before hardening once more. "I got this..." he murmurs to himself before moving on.
You continue towards Midoriya, weaving through the crowd of students and spectators. It wasn’t hard to get to him, seeing as the boy already gave you his undivided attention the moment he saw you.
"H-hi, Y/N," Midoriya stutters, his face already taking on a pink hue, his surprise and nervousness evident. For a millisecond, your eye twitches at his use of your name, but you push the annoyance down.
Pulling your lips up into a sweet smile, you respond, "Hi, Izuku," before turning to his two friends with polite bows. "Uraraka-san, Iida-kun."
Seeing as his friend went immobile outside being able to say hello, Iida takes the initiative to speak to you. "It's a pleasure seeing you, Akuma-san. Congratulations on passing the preliminary round. What brings you here?"
You give a gracious nod. "Thank you for the congrats, Iida-kun, and the same to you as well. I was actually over here to personally congratulate Izuku on reaching first place. This was a very tense and tough obstacle course, and his performance was truly impressive."
Midoriya's face turns an even deeper shade of red. "T-thank you, Y/N!" he exclaims, then quickly corrects himself. "I-I mean, thank you for the congrats..."
You smile warmly, turning to include Iida and Uraraka in the conversation. "You both did exceptionally well too. Iida-kun, your speed and precision were remarkable. Uraraka-san, your quick thinking and strategy were truly admirable. You all have amazing talents."
Iida adjusts his glasses, a hint of a blush creeping up his cheeks. "Thank you, Akuma-san. Your words are most kind."
Uraraka beams, her cheeks rosy. "Thanks, Akuma-san! You were incredible out there too!"
Midoriya, still flustered, manages to stammer, "Y-yeah, you were amazing. I'm really looking forward to seeing how you do in the next round."
You give him a gracious nod, just as Midnight’s voice booms through the stadium.
"The first game for the first years is finally over, and what a game it was!" Midnight declares, her voice sultry and commanding, drawing everyone's attention to the center stage where she stands in her revealing costume. The bright lights of the stadium shine off her whip as she twirls it playfully. "Now, let's take a quick look at the standings, shall we?"
Aoyama lets out a small whimper, drawing a few chuckles from the crowd.
"Only the top 40 contestants will advance to the next round. But don't be too let down if you didn't make the cut!" Midnight continues, her tone teasing yet encouraging. "We've prepared other opportunities for you to shine."
You watch as the students around you react, some with visible relief and others with disappointment. The screen shows the rankings, and you note your position among the top 42 with a calm satisfaction.
"Now the real fun is about to begin. The chance to fully move yourselves into the limelight! Give it your best!" Midnight's eyes sparkle mischievously. "Let's see what we have in store for you next. Will your wildest fantasies come to life? Prepare yourselves... for this!"
The competitors shout out in unison, "Cavalry battle!?"
Complaints and murmurs spread through the crowd.
"I'm terrible at those."
"I should have gotten disqualified in the preliminary round."
"Ugh, it's not an individual event; we gotta work in groups?"
Mineta's eyes light up with a mischievous grin. "Oh, yes. I wonder how they'll split us up."
Midnight raises her whip, snapping it for dramatic effect. "Allow me to explain. The participants will form teams of two-to-four people as they see fit. In theory, it's basically the same as a regular playground game. But there is one difference. Each player has been assigned a point value based on the results from the obstacle course."
A random student chimes in, "I get it, a point-based system like the entrance exams. That seems pretty simple. So that means each team will have a different point value based on which students are on it."
Midnight smirks, clearly enjoying the suspense. "Uh-huh! Maybe you should shut up and let me explain things to you. Now, then. The point assignments go up by increments of five, starting from the bottom. For example, 42nd place is worth five points, and 41st is worth ten. And the point value assigned to the first place contestant is... ten million!"
The stadium erupts in shock.
"Ten million!?" the competitors exclaim, excluding you, who just raise an eyebrow.
Hatsume grins, gears already turning in her mind. "In other words, if you take down his team..."
The other students echo her sentiment. "...You'll win the Cavalry Game and take the lead yourself."
Midnight continues, "That's right. It's survival of the fittest, with a chance for those at the bottom to overthrow the top!"
You glance over at Midoriya, who looks absolutely terrified. His face pales, the only color left being his stark freckles standing out against his skin. The sheer weight of the ten million points visibly pressing down on him.
You couldn't wait to see how this play out.
The Cavalry Battle was sure to be a spectacle, and you were more than ready to observe—and manipulate—every moment.
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A/N: wheeeww, cant believe it took me from 7pm--to 2am to write a 5k worded chapter out 💀💀 curse me and my perfectionism 💔 anywho, hopem this was mildly interesting as we get this party started! next up: calvary battle (and if thats not too manywords, aslo the lil recreational activities/todoroki backstory bit, dont know how imma do it, but its gon get done 😤😤
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hxzxrdous · 1 year
Hi! I really liked the we have each other again story. I was wondering if you could do an alternate timeline in the story when reader and lesso don’t have their reunion until later when reader is an adult. But readers going through their villain era and returns to try and destroy lessos life bc they’ve been angry for so long. But like after they have a fight they have a happy ending. Sorry if it’s worded weird it’s hard to put it into text😭
Eeeeek, thank you for the request and I hope I did it some justice :333 😩 </333
Lady Lesso x daughter!reader
TW: Angst, hurt/comfort, some fluff
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First your biological parents didn't want you and then you moved from a foster family to another foster family. You started thinking that you might be a problem and not them.
Until you came to the next couple - The Jones'. They were extremely kind the first few months, after they adopted you however, their masks came undone. They took advantage of your situation just so they could get their monthly payment, just so they could provide for their own six kids while your needs were completely neglected. On top of that you had to help with the kids and the farm work. They even made you discontinue your school by the time you were fourteen years old. You started working in a nearby market place in the square, selling the crops of vegetables and batches of bread from your farm.
And you waited.
And you hoped. You hoped that your parents will come back to you once you turn an adult.
Maybe you were a burden and you wouldn't be a burden now that you'll become an adult?
But you knew in your heart, they'll never come and get you. They never sent a single letter. Perhaps they just didn't care? Perhaps they were dead? You didn't know which possibility was worse. The latter one?
Your 18th birthday was getting closer, day by day. And you were hoping that maybe, just maybe... you real parents were on the way, thinking of you, coming to save you. But they never were.
Then you turned eighteen. And nothing happened. Then you turned nineteen and then twenty and twenty one.
You lost all hope. You stopped caring. Maybe it was meant to be for you to rot in this godforsaken place.
You wanted to escape the farm and Gavaldon. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't. Like a magnet pulling you back. Until that one day.
It was a warm spring day. Easter. Your 'siblings' were running around, playing on the backyard after you hid the easter eggs that they coloured it the day before.
"Don't hit your sister, Adam." You pointed to the blonde kid. "Stop stealing the eggs from your sister, Meredith." You ordered the youngest one. "Come inside, it's getting dark!" You yelled out of the window.
"Alright, Ambrose, I see you found the most eggs," you kneeled infront of the freckled child. "Your seven eggs..." you held out the basket as Ambrose put the eggs inside, "for my seven chocolate eggs," you pointed to the bowl with the chocolate eggs. After the kids exchanged their eggs you walked back outside. You haven't finished the laundry yet and your 'parents' wouldblet you go to sleep only until after you finished all the chores.
You just hung the bed sheet on the string when you fell to the floor from surprise as it started moving in the wind. It took you a couple of seconds to figure it out there wasn't any wind at all and suddendly the air around you got colder.
"Y/N Jones," a voice came from behind the bed sheet, so you lifted it up, only to see a man standing right infront of you.
"Excuse me sir, you shoul- How do you know my name?" You tilted your head.
"I finally found you, my child, I've been searching for you," the man spoke, despite his icy voice, you couldn't help but feel warm inside.
"F- father?" Your eyes widened and you froze as he nodded. You immediately knew he was your dad. Feelings never lie. But he felt so frightening. Maybe because you didn't know how it felt to have a parent. Maybe because the feeling was so different.
"What about my mother?" You asked, your voice shaky. "She left you. Her career as a Dean was more important." The man spoke. "You love me? Can you take me away from this place?" You asked. You waited for this moment for such a long time.
"Actually, I have another plan..."
As he continued speaking, you felt a burning fire in your heart. He told you all about your mother, how she hated you, he told you about some School for Good and Evil. He convinced you to take you there and apply for a job as a Never professor. It was time for revenge. Your mother will have to dance on your tune.
It was your first day at the school. You  taught Special Talents. You knew how to deal with group of kids already, so it wasn't hard for you to control the class full of hormonal teenagers. You heard about the Doom Room that the students were sent to. You learned how she hated the students. She hated children. No surprise she left you. She was cruel and vile.
A few days later you were making rounds through the dormitories when you walked by Lady Lesso's office. You peaked through the slightly opened door and you noticed Lady Lesso behind her desk. Professor Bilious Manley showed you the Mimicry spell the other evening and you quickly learned it yourself. So you stepped inside... as none other than Lady Lesso.
"You." You grinned as she noticed you. "Me? You?" Lady Lesso was confused as never. "What is this some sort of joke?" She barked. "I'm you, Leonora. Your conscious." You replied, sitting down on the chair, playing with her stuff on the desk and looking down at the papers she was grading. 
"Mmm, so much red. You aren't doing a really great job as a professor, Leonora," you raised an eyebrow. "I-" Lesso let out a deep sigh. "Does the Doom Room even help? You drag the students inside when they are failing. Perhaps you deserve the Doom Room too?" You smirked. She was quiet. The usually load woman was speechless. "You aren't failing as just a professor though. You are failing as a Dean. Not once did Evil defeat the Good." You continued, standing up, walking around her desk. You stood right next to her, leaning down. "You failed as a mother." You whispered in her ear, backing away later.
Tears streamed down her cheeks as she shook her head. "N- no- T- that was Raf-" when she paused, noticing you didn't have a cane like she did. "Who are you?!" She turned towards you when you revealed yourself. "Ms Jones, explain yourself-" Lady Lesso sneered. "Well, dear mother... Father told me everything." You turned towards the door when she stopped you. "Rafal? No, YOU listen to me now, Y/N." She stood up. "Whatever he told you... was a lie. He's a manipulative asshole, I bet he didn't even tell you his name."
You stopped in your tracks, thinking for a moment. "It doesn't mat-" "But it does. Y/N, he took you away from me when he found out I was trying to hide you from him. He's abusive. He's cold. He's evil. Did you even trust him when you first saw him? Feelings never lie, Y/N." Your mother tapped her cane standing up. You looked at your mother. And when you looked at her... you felt loved and safe. "Feelings never lie?" You repeated and immediately grabbed onto her, hugging her. "My, my, you have grown into such a beautiful young woman, my darling." The redhead whispered as she held you close. "I'm sorry." The older woman's voice shook with sadness and happines. Proper childhood was stolen from you. You were stolen from her. You were both grieving. And now she finally found you. And this time, she'll never let go of you.
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zalrb · 4 months
LET'S GET THROUGH THEM QUICKLY - Bridgerton 3.02 Review
1. Why do we care about the Kent family? I mean, I'm glad there's a monoracial Black family but they seem incidental.
2. Honestly, the Featherington Sisters who I'll just call the Terrible Sisters seem to be the only ones actually having fun with their husbands. I mean there's Kanthony but they're busy getting busy, so.
3. Colin's coat, doesn't it kinda make him look like a bum tho?
4. I would love this height difference if he were anyone else.
5. "You're saying you want my help after what Lady Whistledown wrote?" SHE WROTE NOTHING. GET IT TOGETHER.
6. Lady Featherington this entire season is going to be like
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8. Honestly, this show doesn't care about rules, tell her to get on top.
9. I don't know, the play at debauchery annoys me, either he's having a threesome in bed or we don't have to see it.
10. "Do you know what I discovered abroad?" "I've been to 17 countries, do you know what I discovered?" He's that guy. That guy is annoying.
11. Who ARE these people?
12. That is a hideous dress.
13. They couldn't get a French English-speaking actress?
14. Jesus christ, how many of these Bridgerton children are there?
15. Oh my god, they are DULL.
16. I just find it funny because as a teen, friends-to-lovers was my jam and I just feel absolutely nothing about this.
17. She is giving and he gives nothing back. GAZE at her with your "remarkably blue eyes" dammit.
18. Bridgerton annoys me so much with the lack of chemistry.
19. Like her reading his sex journal and getting turned on by it, theoretically I get that, theoretically I should be fangirling but I'm just like who CARES, it's Colin?
20. But honestly, more than that, they don't have the chemistry necessary for me to find this giddy and sexy and cute-embarrassing because they don't have sexual tension and they don't have familiarity either. They're just two people in a room.
21. I'm holding my head because this ENTIRE sequence is passionless and bloodless. She's reading his journal, he catches her, she's flustered, he knocks over whatever that was made of glass, she rushes to help him, OMG THE TOUCHING OF THEIR HANDS, THERE'S SOMETHING THERE. I get it. I can SEE this written, I know what it's supposed to be and it's FLAT and it's contained and it's contrived. Nothing about this feels like it organically happened.
22. And the way they're staring at each other is just ... *sigh* I SHOULD BE GETTING ROSSCHEL
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23. Miss Featherington talking to her sons-in-law like
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24. I don't think I've EVER laughed out loud watching this show until now
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25. "Mr. Dankworth you are ... so ... pretty." "Oh!" How can anyone care about the romances in this show?
26. Uh oh, Fuck boy Mouse Man is getting jealous. She touched Lord Basilieo's hand.
27. I mean, OG Mouse Man was a fuck boy too. They're all pretty terrible.
28. "His horse recently died" *laughs* what?
29. "When I have a disagreement with someone, I find the best course of action is simply to pretend they are dead." Ha! I think I just like all of the terrible people in the show. They're more fun!
30. My family was indeed worried about me as a child since I only loved the Disney villains.
31. That was an odd dance.
32. I mean they all look odd to me.
33. "This can all be rather enjoyable" I mean, can it? Can it really?
34. Why do we care about these Kent people?
35. "That is quite ... expressive music" is there music that isn't expressive? Help me god.
36. "I might be pregnant already! I must eat for two." "Your arrogance does not count as two people." I DON'T CARE, THEY HAVE THE BEST LINES. THEY'RE NEARLY FUNNY.
38. "INSERTS HIMSELF? Inserts himself WHERE?" Like this is the most entertaining part of the show.
39. "Did you read the passage about Lady Carter's housekeeper??" Read it? I wrote it!
40. Again, the gossiping about Colin helping Penelope should be dramatic and it's ... not? Like they do the vertigo effect and she's crying in the carriage and it still feels muted.
41. "I could die tomorrow and I've never been kissed and that would kill me." "But you'd already be dead, so..." Paraphrasing but LOL. I know what they're doing/going for but it really just sounds like he does NOT want to kiss her.
42. Also giving Jacob and Bella vibes. If you don't want me to die you must kiss me.
43. Nicola deserves a better screen partner, jesus.
44. This is supposed to be transformative and I just DON'T believe it.
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bonefall · 2 years
hi!!!! thoughts on how you wish hawk/moth/tawny’s arcs went? always thought they were a billion times more interesting than their brother who is somehow still relevant and given all the screentime despite basically having his true arc wrapped up before he was ever given a pov
They were sacrificed on the altar of framing Brambleclaw's growth and ergo none of them got the satisfying conclusion they should have collectively had in TNP.
To talk about them, I first have to talk about what I think the Erins were doing with Brambleclaw
They decided that the arc that Brambleclaw went through in TNP did not actually end with closure. I don't necessarily think that's too bad of an idea; that watching his father get brutally murdered interrupted Bramblepaw's personal development, and made him possibly reconsider the idea that he was completely bad.
The choice in that moment, to reject Tigerstar or accept him, was taken from Bramblepaw when he saw him die. Now there's a new struggle, with BloodClan, and that FIRM rejection is off the table. In TNP, Brambleclaw is going to move on from Tigerstar in a way that TPB did not afford him.
That said... I think this was just a bad idea to begin with.
Because this is TAWNYPELT'S arc
SHE was the one who chose to side with him, who was seeing the real horrors of TigerClan, who saw her brother standing up for himself at that meeting, and watched Tigerstar die horribly. TAWNYPAW is the one who had to quickly move on and delay grappling with what she'd seen and supported; where Bramblepaw was in a clan WITH AN ENTIRE SUPPORT SYSTEM THAT AGREES TIGERSTAR IS BAD. His mom! Firestar! Longtail! Dustpelt!
Many people in ThunderClan were deceived by Tigerstar; but do not judge Brambleclaw for his parentage! God-- what about his cousins, even? The Snowfour are his FULL COUSINS on his mom's side!
TAWNYPELT is the one who should be struggling with fully rejecting his legacy, along with the ENTIRELY of ShadowClan, whose collective arc should be paralleling hers as they grapple with the fact they happily supported TWO dictators IN A ROW.
But I digress. I'll get to Tawny in a moment.
The bottom line is; in order to tell the story they wanted to tell with Brambleclaw, they did have to re-open his arc from TPB, and continue it in a new direction.
Was completely and utterly shafted by TNP. She barely does anything on the Sundrown Patrol, and only shows up to point things out about Brambleclaw. "Your actions affect the group, bro. Stop talking to our evil dad, bro. Hawkfrost is not trustworthy, bro"
If she's so wise, why aren't we following her as she confronts these things? It frustrates me that the writers keep her on hand as a tool to frame her mediocre manchild of a brother as he makes terrible choices, making her effortlessly competent while Bramble stays oblivious and ignorant to reality until his actions have violent, bloody consequences.
I can't stand how they just... keep a much wiser, more pro-active female character on-hand completely for the benefit of her brother's arc.
I wish they made her the leader of the Sun-Drown Patrol.
I wish she had more of a struggle with rejecting Tigerstar because she's so intelligent she's able to rationalize decisions she knows are bad.
I wish she actually had an arc in TNP instead of deciding Brambleclaw was going to TAKE hers because of author favoritism
I've written a lot about Hawkfrost, how I think TNP ends up implying that he inherited evil. The problem with Evil People being born occasionally and ruining a near-perfect society, their deaths allowing everything to Go Back To Normal
But I've also written a lot on how I think RiverClan should have had a better story about confronting how they welcomed TigerClan, how much I dislike A Shadow In RiverClan, and how Hawkfrost can fit into that... how he's such a good villain because he has EXCELLENT dialogue.
So I think my biggest issue with Hawkfrost is how he was executed. Hawkfrost should be failed by RiverClan, raised allowing to slip into the pawsteps of his father as a great man who did only a fewww terrible things, which shouldn't overshadow his good achievements.
Even, on some level... groomed by the cats around who see the similarities between him and his father, pushing him into the position to inherit this great legacy. To take up the torch where Tigerstar failed.
I wish that TNP had allowed for a greater tragedy in the ambitious young man resurrecting a deeply sick, evil ideology.
Becoming a symbol of it, even.
And in the end, being too far gone to save. Impaled by his own ambition.
Should have been the one to kill Hawkfrost, imo.
As TNP goes on, we see him becoming more and more demanding of her. He mistreats her even as early as the first book, calling her names, shoving her to the side. She's terrified of him. She's right to be.
I think when you're talking about fascism and fascists, you're missing the point if you ever downplay its hypocrisy. Hawkfrost and Mothwing come from the same situation, as outsiders raised by a non-clan mother. Hawkfrost has found a position where he could even play this to his advantage, "one of the good ones." But that same status for Mothwing is something Hawkfrost can exploit because she is gentle.
And he does. Getting her into the medcat den, wrapping her up in all of his schemes, holding the false sign over her head if she were ever to stand up against him.
She is a victim of him, and also of the dangerous sentiment he's raising in RiverClan. She fears him. She loves him. She hates him. She misses him-- the brother he once was.
I think it's a final trauma for her, to watch him impale himself on the stake she's holding. It should be self-defense, but more than that, Hawkfrost's own accident. Furious beyond reason, SO used to being able to bully her whenever, however he wants, he does not even notice that Mothwing can hurt him.
Blood spills blood, and the lake runs red. Mothwing doesn't like seeing the lake at sunset; it makes her taste something metallic.
Soooooooo TL;DR all four of them needed different arcs in TNP lmao.
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pvffinsdaisies · 11 months
The Nordics as song’s from Maisie Peters’ “You Signed Up For This”
With no explanation. Featuring OCs. The Good Witch.
“Please don’t give up on me yet, I know I’ll get better, I’m just not better yet. Can you tell I’m trying, running out of breath? I know I’ll get better, I’m just not better yet (you signed up for this.)”
“We were bad but we’re gonna be good. It didn’t work like we thought it would, and I resent you just a little, if I’m honest, but one of use has gotta try to keep a promise. And I swore that I’d swallow my pride, and you swore you would do better this time, well I might be bitter and twisted and broken and petty and lying, but at least I’m trying.”
“Cause this ain’t no John Hughes movie where the girl gets the guy, you look right through me every time I walk by. I keep waiting for the heartbreak music that’s never gonna come, cause if you don’t want me, then you’re not the one!”
“We went swimming in an outdoor pool, and you wouldn’t tell a soul at school; I’m just 15, I just want you so that’s cool. It’s almost Skins if my eyes stay shut, but I don’t swim and you’re not in love. And you only kissed me after midnight in an outdoor pool.”
“Now it’s coming up roses, kicking up snow, what a long winter, what a bad joke. Shady when we held hands, everyone else can have him, but I won’t. Love him I don’t, love him I won’t, love him I did for a minute, but I’ve finished cause I’ve learnt. Loving him hurts, loving him don’t work, so love him I don’t.”
“Now that I’m over that hill, you wanna say how you feel, crazy to think that you still call me psycho. You wanna talk? Not ideal. Heard I moved on, babe, that’s real. And you got a girl, but you still call me psycho.”
“Boy, you think I’m dumb, trying to pull one on me like I’ve never been kissed. You had a couple of exes and I know that they let you get away with it, but you’re a boy, and I can tell that you’ve never been hugged, boy, and I can do better than this, oh, better than this.”
“Hollow, this hurts so loud, further than down. You left me hollow, are you happy now? I hope you’re happy now.”
“Now you’re in her room getting undressed. I curse you on the front of the steps; I’ll burn this house, I mean it! If she’s the girl of your dreams, the best thing you’ve ever seen, well, what does that make me then? I’m your villain.”
“If you’re looking, if you’re looking for the girl of your dreams, she’s in Brooklyn with me, she’s in Brooklyn with me. If you’re looking, if you’re looking for the girl of your dreams, she’s in Brooklyn with me, she’s in Brooklyn with me. And if you want to take her out, you’re gonna have to ask me first! Come on, have you seen those eyes? It’s nothing but the best for her. Oh, if you’re looking, if you’re looking for the girl of your dreams, she’s in Brooklyn with me, she’s in Brooklyn with me.”
“Late nights in the old arcade, drinking cheap wine as Elvis plays, singing, “you were always on my mind.” I was was yours and you were mine. Breakfast on your sofa bed, thinking, “oh, god, I’m in over my head.” You were always on my mind, you’re always on my mind.”
“Oh, I can’t stop, I can’t just not tell the whole wide world and this room. No, I can’t stop- even if I wanted to- talking to strangers about you, talking to strangers about you.”
“All or nothing, you chose nothing! Pulled a parachute as the ground came rushing. You got away with it, with it, with it, yeah. All or nothing, you felt nothing! Pulled a parachute as the ground came rushing. You got away with it, with it.”
“I know the reasons, took a couple tries to see them, but now everything is through, it’s you I wanna call though. When all I’ve known of is something that I should let go of, I’ll cut it at the root, and drain it till it’s all so hollow, but you are one tough act to follow.”
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todomemolesta18 · 9 months
I m the anon who said about stolas remorse felt force. Sorry what i m trying to said stolas 'remorse' felt force with me, remember how stella confront him in circus episode and how he apologized to octavia. The other you mention how he realized blitzo doesnt love him that too
Because i see his potential more as villain or antagonist who doesnt want to take accountability for their shitty action. Vivziepop should just make him a character who doesnt felt remorse for hes action. Because look at him now he just weak pathetic cry baby
I will rather have character doesnt want to change and dont feel remorse for their action than having weak redemption arc or end up having writing issue like stolas character
Oh I understand. Yes, it feels very forced because Viv wanted to make him simpatetic and for us to feel bad for him. You are right, anon, they shoul just leave him to be antagonistic.
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whumping-valentine · 3 months
Okay guys it's past 1 in the morning and I'm tired as shit but I CANNOT stop thinking about Rosa so please let me rant about my ocs.
Since you guys don't know my characters yet let me explain while trying to avoid spoilers. So I of course have this whumpee (Valentine) and this whumper (Vittoria) but I have a lesser talked about third character named Rosa. She's Val's wife and let me tell you I can't stop thinking about how tragic she is.
So this lady's spouse gets fucking kidnapped and she dedicates her entire life trying to rescue them. She becomes a spy and has to hurt people, blend in, get good at acting, and be tortured herself if she's found out. I can't go any farther than this for spoiler reasons but you guys have to trust me when I say she gets so much shit from literally everyone and even life itself.
Like, it's an absolute fucking miracle that this woman doesn't have a villian arc. If she'd have a villain arc I'd 100% support her but the thing is she just doesn't. She SHOULS have a villain arc. She SHOULD be going absolutely feral over these fucking assholes but she DOESNT because she cares. AND THATS WHAT HURST TUE MOST. I WANT her to gave a villain arc damnit!!!!!!
She tries so hard for people who don't give her a second thought . She loves too intensely. She tries too hard. Ans NO ONE RETURNS THE LOVE PLEEEASSE NDDNNSSNSN I just want her to say fuck these bitches and go settle down in a countryside cottage with a close knit community and spend eternity focusing on herself and [redacted for spoilers]!
The emotional whump I do on Rosa is gonna fucking kill me oj my god. She loves Val sooo much but they basically end up fucking FORGETTING her. And don't even get me started on Vittoria. I'm Vittoria apologist #1 ans that's all I'll say on her bc this post is supposed to be a bout Rosa.
Dude the angst is soooo good. I love angst sooo much I love when bitches yell at each other and cry ans shit.
I love Rosa and Vittoria and Valentine my three extremely complex emotional beings with so much depth I love all of them but in three completely different ways. My whump blorbos. They haunt my every thought. My fucked up trio. They love each other and hate each other and want to kill each other but also fuck each orher—
Olay I'll try to go to sleep now
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phuongngabui · 8 months
Week 4: Digital Community and Fandom
Is Reality TV Scripted? Examining the Manipulation and Editing Techniques Used
Reality TV, with its dramatic conflicts, emotional outbursts, and seemingly unscripted moments, has captivated audiences for decades. It can be defined as “hypervisibility, coalescing over-the-top emotions with behavioral transgressions that promise the thrill of unpredictability” (Kavka 2019). However, the question of authenticity lingers: is reality TV truly "real," or is it carefully crafted with the help of scripts, editing, and producer manipulation? While the answer isn't always clear-cut, exploring the editing techniques and potential scripting employed in these shows can shed light on the constructed nature of reality TV.
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The Power of the Edit
Editing plays a crucial role in shaping the narrative of reality TV (C&I Studios 2023). Editing can turn boring footage into drama-filled episodes. Producers are like master chefs, chopping up hours of filming into bite-sized scenes, then rearranging things and adding dramatic music (South University Blog 2016). It's like they have a remote control for real life, rewinding and fast-forwarding to create fake fights, exaggerate personalities, and cook up storylines that wouldn't be in the real world. Remember that contestant you loved to hate? They might have just been edited to look like a villain, thanks to some clever cutting and pasting.
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This editing trickery can have real consequences. People watching might start thinking everyone acts like that, leading to unrealistic expectations and unhealthy comparisons. It's like judging a book by its most dramatic chapter, completely missing the rest of the story. This selective editing can create artificial conflict, exaggerate personalities, and fabricate storylines that don't accurately reflect reality. For instance, Mnet, the Korean TV station known for launching K-pop idols, has become a hot topic for all the wrong reasons (Turner, 2023). Their reality shows meant to turn young hopefuls into stars face accusations of "evil editing." Basically, they're using editing tricks to paint certain contestants in a bad position, creating drama and controversy for viewers.
However, it's not the first time fans have been pointing out questionable editing choices for years; this time, things are blowing up (VCCorp.vn 2019). Contestants get hate online, careers are potentially affected, and viewers question everything they see.
Blurring the Lines: Scripting and Prompts
While completed scripts are rare, reality shows often use "storytelling tools" like producer prompts and leading questions (LinkedIn Film Production n.d.). These interventions can lead participants to specific reactions, guide conversations in a desired direction, and even plant seeds for future storylines. While not outright scripted, these subtle interventions manipulate the flow of events, subtly pushing the participants towards narratives pre-determined by the producers.
Anna Klassen was known for participating in a reality show about makeover transformation. Before her big reveal as a "beautiful and attractive person," producers resorted to some low tactics. They used a cameraman's waxed leg hair (brown hair) to pretend it was her leg hair! When she, understandably confused, pointed out her hair is blonde, not brown, they laughed it off, dismissing it as nothing. The charade exposed the ugly truth for this contestant: “Reality TV is anything but real” (Klassen 2014). It's a carefully crafted narrative where props, manipulation, and forced interactions paint a fictional picture far from the genuine human experience.
However, the ethical implications of these manipulation techniques are complex. While some argue they are necessary to create engaging television, others criticize them for distorting reality and exploiting participants. The line between harmless entertainment and manipulative fabrication can be blurry, raising questions about the producers' responsibility and the participants' informed consent (Mast 2016a).
It's important to acknowledge that not all reality TV is entirely fabricated. Many shows capture genuine moments of human interaction, emotion, and vulnerability. However, the manipulation techniques create a curated version of reality, blurring the lines between genuine behavior and manufactured drama (Mast 2016b). While definitively stating "reality TV is scripted" is an oversimplification, the manipulation of editing, producer interventions, and manufactured drama significantly impact the portrayal of events. Understanding these techniques allows viewers to approach reality TV with a critical eye. So, watch and enjoy, but remember: it's sometimes more accurate than it seems!
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C&I Studios 2023, ‘The Power of Editing: Shaping the Narrative in Reality TV’, C&I Studios, viewed 3 February 2024, &lt;https://c-istudios.com/the-power-of-editing-shaping-the-narrative-in-reality-tv/#:~:text=Editing%20is%20a%20key%20tool>.
Kavka, M 2019, ‘Reality TV: Its contents and discontents’,Critical Quarterly, vol. 60. no. 4, pp 5-18. 
Klassen, A 2014, ‘I Was on Reality TV: Behind the Scenes Secrets of Faking Real Life’, Bustle, viewed 4 February 2024, &lt;https://www.bustle.com/articles/15280-i-was-on-reality-tv-behind-the-scenes-secrets-of-faking-real-life>.
Linkedin Film Production n.d., ‘What are the best techniques for conducting interviews in reality TV shows?’, www.linkedin.com, viewed 4 February 2024, &lt;https://www.linkedin.com/advice/1/what-best-techniques-conducting-interviews-reality>.
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cnovelssirmeower · 3 years
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I realized making stuffed animals while rereading SVSS is a really bad idea. Bunny version of Shen Jiu depresses me greatly :'(
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rawra · 3 years
the amount of pent up guilt i have festering inside me is insane.
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shinidamachu · 3 years
sesshomaru ships ranked by me
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So obviously there was a daddy kink going on here. Kind of one sided. Well, very one sided, actually. Plus Sesshomaru is his boss, so he’s definitely screwing Jaken (probably not in the way Jaken wants). Also, he’s a toad. -7/10.
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First of all, their ship name is SessSara. That’s just way too many S’s. Second of all, they are the ship equivalent of watching paint dry out. Would not recommend to a friend but would definitelly recommend to someone in need of a sedative. So basic! 0/10
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Let’s face it, Kagome’s charisma is 97% of what makes this ship, but I can see the appeal. And I’m not gonna lie, the fact she has history with his brother is hysterical. Plus he respects her (as he shoul) and saved her ass once or twice (as he should). On the other hand, they barely interacted and she’s way out of his league. Also I still kind of hate it. 3,75/10
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Look at them! Two peas in a pod. Enemies to lovers excellency. Bonus: they’re both hot, powerful, self obsessed villains with egos the side of the world. Now tell me how this can go wrong! 7/10.
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Should have interacted more, should have kissed a little bit. As a treat. Huge “I can fix him” energy by Miroku with the delicious twist of “ooops, actually made him worse.” Me likey. 7,85/10
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The episode is called “a dangerous encounter” for a reason, okay? And the danger was they were at the serious risk of falling in love. Canine supremacy with a Lady and the Tramp vibe. Free points for that sweet, sweet height difference. Way to go! 8/10
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“You know, in another lifetime, you and I would have made a hot ass couple.” trope. Oh, what a kickass pairing! Unstoppable. Could have taken over the world. Now she could have fixed him. And he would have loved every second of it. I’m discounting a few tenths for the same reason I did with Sessssssara because I’m that pety. 8,5/10
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Kikyo has everything Sesshomaru looks for in a woman: she’s gorgeous, she’s smart, she’s awesome with kids, she has made Inuyasha suffer countless times and he can feel it in his bones she’s capable of murder. 9/10.
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Sesskagu was called the Ship of Dreams. And it was. It really was. Too bad it sank as deep as Titanic. It should have sailed, tho. But I’d argue that the angsty, the tragic tone to it is what makes it so charming. Great chemistry, great build up. Royalty. 10/10
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Your honor... This. Boy. Is. The. Most. Asexual. Aromantic. Bitch. I. Have. Ever. Met.
DISCLAIMER: this is just a joke and all of these ships are valid.
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