#viking denmark x reader
alfredosauce50 · 6 months
Dancing with Wolves
[Yandere Viking! Denmark x reader]
Synopsis: Mathias is set on sailing to a better home before the baby is born, a place with eternal Spring where his child will not know the cold of Winter. After a month adrift at sea, he finds the land of his dreams and a discovers a new continent. The North Americas. There, he meets a village of natives who have already claimed it, and eventually, the sagamaw’s son, Allen. You develop a close friendship with him, but Mathias tells him to stay away for his own good. They’re two worlds apart and equally as different, and end up challenging each other on every aspect in life. So as enlightening as it has been for both sides, there’s a reason why they’re separated by an ocean, and Mathias stays true to his path to being the King of Danes.
Word count: 8, 791
Rating: M for slight NSFW
“Arrows that blot out the sun. Seas of soldiers. That is real. War is real. You need to move forward, in our direction.”
🎃 The story is on my Patreon for all tiers
🎃 Or $3 on Ko-Fi
Because this story is not a part of the main trilogy, I’m not publishing it here, but it’s available as a spin-off.
I wanted to say a big thank you to my patrons for their patience and ongoing support. It means the world to me, truly. To know there are people out there who really enjoy my work and keep showing that helps me tremendously. Especially Tullah, who stuck around even after such a long period of inactivity. Thank you so much for keeping this spark alive. I hope you know how important you are to my inspiration and motivation. You were the one who suggested this story a few years ago, after all. I will also be eternally grateful to any new members on my Patreon, or new supporters on my Ko-Fi. Your generosity will not go unnoticed.
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bteezxyewriter12 · 18 days
Pairing- Jungkook x Named Reader
Word count- 14.2k
Includes- One of my favorite fics I've written, historical fiction, war, battles, violence, death, blood, injuries, sex, pool sex, wall sex, cock riding, multiple orgasms, fluff, side characters from TV show Vikings
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxminnie @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@borntowalkaway @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @seokwoosmole @meowmeowminnie @realisticnotes @effielumiere @svnbangtansworld @pinkies-things @insomniacatiny @marvelfamily3000 @amyz78 @blueie-things
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝BTS Masterlist 📝Jungkook Masterlist
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I am anxious while I get ready for battle. We landed on this island a few days ago. Ragnar went to speak to the King of this island, threatening war unless we are paid to leave
Same as always
I began to notice the more we travel east from Denmark the more well protected the kingdoms are. This kingdom is behind very high walls that surround it. Similar to the walls of Paris. We were not able to get into there either. Ragnar had to fake his death for us to get in and raid the city.
His special slave that he took from there told him about the island she was taken from. How far it was. How rich it was. How the king would never surrender to him
And naturally Ragnar wanted to raid it. Lagertha did not join Ragnar this time but his sons came along. Bjorn Ironside, Ubbe, Hvitserk, Sigurd snake in the eye and Ivar the boneless
Ivar is my husband. Ragnar married me to him because I am one of his war generals and Ivar is actually in love with me. And Ivar does not love anyone
I love him but I am not in love. He is not my soulmate and I am not his either. But we both married with the understanding that if we find our soulmates we would separate. Although I think it will be hard for him. He does not like to give up what is his. Or share
It is said that soulmates are incapable of physically harming each other. That sounds ridiculous
One of the maid doing my hair in braids pulls my hair hard and I yelp
"I am sorry", she says worryingly
"Is she hurting you?", Ivar asks, coming inside the tent
He is using the contraption he built so he can walk. The maid stiffens behind me and I know she is afraid. Ivar is known for being ruthless and anything or anyone who hurts me dies
"No", I answer
"Are you sure Joanne?"
"Yes Ivar, of course I'm sure", I assure him
The maid finish my hair and I get up to get dressed. I take off my dress and start pulling on my pants. When I turn around, Ivar is smirking at me
I raise my eyebrows, "Like what you see?"
"Always. It is too bad we have to go fight or I would have you right now"
"There is always tonight", I say
People always made fun of Ivar because he had one bad experience with Margrethe. And she told everyone. But I can tell anyone that Ivar has no problem getting stiff and having sex. He is really good at it. And he makes me scream all the time
"I do not want to wait that long", he complains
I shrug, "After battle then"
He nods. One of the maids helps me wrap my chest tightly with cloth, then helps with my shirt and leather armor.I put my daggers and axe on the belt Ivar made for me
I am good with throwing knives and he made me a belt that can hold ten at once. I take my sword and attach it to the belt as well. Checking to make sure I have an adequate amount of arrows, I sling the quiver over my back, then grab my bow and shield
"You are a fearsome shieldmaiden, love", Ivar says, looking at me
I smile at him, "So are you. Well fearsome warrior, not shieldmaiden"
He smiles too
"Ready?", I ask
He nods and I wait for him to put his braces on. He stands, kisses me and we walk outside
Ragnar returns a few minutes later and tells us we are going into battle now. The seer calls the war generals to him, so I walk over along with Ivar. The seer sacrifices a goat and he dips his fingers in the blood, then runs his hand down the first war general's face. When he gets to me, I don't move back, letting him drag the blood down my face
The blood feels warm on my skin and the smell fills my nose. When I move my mouth I can taste the coppery taste of the blood since it was on my lips too. This is nothing new, this is done before every battle. When that's done, I walk back to Ivar who is in his horse and chariot now
"Come love, ride with me for now", he asks
I nod and climb in the chariot too. There is plenty of room. Ragnar gives the signal and we start marching towards the wall
Jungkook POV
I cannot believe I have to fight today. Why would king Yoongi not just pay the heathens and spare our lives? And I have to fight. I am one of his war generals
I saw the king of the people who came here when he went to speak to king Yoongi. I was in the room with them. Northmen they are called. We know about them because of Namjoon, who acts as an interpreter. Once king Yoongi heard of these northmen raiding surrounding cities, he told Namjoon to learn all about them and learn their language. He was able to translate between the king whose name is Ragnar and king Yoongi.
They apparently cause massive destruction and are skilled in battle and war. They have successfully raided many cities and overthrew many kings around their country and beyond
Ragnar became king by killing the former king and taking his place
And they successfully raided the surrounding kingdoms near us. King Yoongi refused Ragnar's terms and after Ragnar left, king Yoongi called the army to gather and prepare to fight
I do not want to fight
We will have to fight outside the walls and that always makes me nervous. If we fall, then the northmen may be able to knock down the walls or find a way in. I will not let that happen
Standing outside the walls of my city, I hold my sword and shield waiting for the opposing army to come. I know King Yoongi is up on the wall looking down, watching
A few minutes later, I see people begin to appear. They look just like their king
Long hair, long beards, leather armor. And they are huge men. They could wipe out a few of our soldiers at a time. They stop a good distance away. Someone walks to the front of the faction that is in front of me. I do a double take. Is that...
A woman?
I look closer. It is. It is a woman. They let their women fight?
She looks like a warrior, with her shield and array of weapons. She is wearing the same leather armor as the men, her dark hair up, blood on her face
It is then that I look around the army and see other women standing among the men. This is insane. We are supposed to kill women?
Ragnar yells something to king Yoongi. I hear Namjoon yell something back in their language. Ragnar shrugs then says something to his army
A few men step forward. And the girl with the blood on her face does too. She hands her shield to the warrior next to her, taking an arrow and putting it in her bow. The men do the same. They will never reach us, they are too far away. The men shoot their arrows at us but they fall feet short of us
I watch the girl and she points her bow to our archers on the wall. There is no way she can make that hit. She lets the arrow loose and I watch it sail over us and hit one of our archers in the chest. He topples forward and falls off the wall
I stand there shocked and watch another arrow take another of our archers. I turn back to the girl. She is firing her arrows in rapid succession. And she is hitting her target every time. How is she this good with a bow? She is going to take out our archers on this side
"She is killing all our archers!", I hear one of the men say
"How is she able to make the shot?"
"She should not be able to. Maybe she's a witch"
"Why is she there in the first place? Women should not be fighting"
"Be quiet", I snap
They are not wrong with their questions but now is not the time to lose focus
"Focus on the army in front of you", I order
Their army is out of range for our archers although we try to fire at them. The girl walks along her army, firing arrows at the wall. I watch her as she moves and notice she is down to her last arrow. That quiver was full of arrows when she started. She killed that many people already and the battle hasn't even started yet. She walks back to the warrior holding her shield, takes it from him and pulls out her sword. Honestly she frightens me a bit
Ragnar gives a signal and she shouts, marching forward. The faction of the army behind her follows her. Is she...a war leader? A woman is a war leader? I see more men all along the army leading their faction towards us. Including Ragnar. Which is strange to me. A king who fights alongside their army? But I cannot keep my eyes off the woman, marching towards us
Quickly glancing at the wall behind me, I see that some archers survived her attack. We will be able to kill some of them now. Once her and her warriors reach the archer range, I wait to see them fall
But she shouts something and all the warriors run together building a wall out of their shields. And the arrows hit the shields instead of the warriors. My mouth drops. I have never seen anything like that in my life
We are all dead
"Shieldwall", I shout and in a few seconds, shields surround me and my warriors
"Forward", I shout and we walk more towards the opposing army
I hear the arrows hitting the shields. I took out as many of their archers as I could. But I knew some were still there, hiding from me. I peer through a small hole in the shield to see. I do not look for too long. I do not want to get hit in the face if an arrow makes it through
When I look again, the other army is close and we are almost ready to break off. Just a few more steps. Finally we are close enough that the arrows stop to avoid hitting their army.
"Break!", I yell and all the shields move
We all run towards the army, swords swinging. I hold my shield up and swing my sword down into the man in front of me. It goes into his shoulder and I pull down with all my strength, cutting down to his chest. Blood sprays in my face, on my armor and shield. I pull up as the man falls, releasing my sword
I turn, swinging again and hitting another man in the back. I see a sword coming towards me and I raise my shield, the sword hitting the shield. The impact sends shockwaves down my arm but I do not drop my shield. I am used to this. I love this. I was born to fight.
I stab my sword towards the man and bury it in his stomach. Pulling out the sword, I continue to fight through the men coming at me. Using my shield I slam it into the man in front of me, knocking him down, while I stab my sword into another. I look up seeing a man further away from me, swinging his sword and killing my men easily. He blocks all hits with his shield and hits his mark every time with his sword
He's an excellent fighter. And he's beautiful. Too bad I need to take him out. But I have to kill everyone in front of me first
Raising my sword I swing it down but the man in front of me blocks my hit with his sword. I keep fighting with him, waiting for him to make a mistake. He raises his arm with the sword but forgets to hold up his shield, leaving him open. I thrust my sword through his chest as hard as I can and it goes right into him, coming out of his back
Fuck. I have to let go of my sword. I cannot pull it out now. He falls forward and I let go of the hilt moving away. It is fine, I have fought without swords before. A man comes running at me and I swing my shield, slamming it across his face. He goes down and I raise the shield, slamming it down on his neck, decapitating him
I lift up the shield and when I look up across the field, I see the man who fights well, staring at me with anger in his eyes
I just smirk at him
Jungkook POV
I cannot believe I just watched this woman decapitate one of my men with her shield. And when she saw me, she smiled. Anger like I never felt rises in me. She needs to die. She is good at fighting and is a huge threat. She lost her sword so she should be easier to kill
But as I watch her kill every one who goes against her with her shield, I know she will not go down easily. I have never seen anyone fight with a shield like that. These northmen really are ruthless and mad
I bury my sword into the man in front of me and pull it out as he falls back. Turning, I seeing one of my men fighting with another woman. He looks like he is trying to back away and not fight her. That will not work with these women. They are more violent than the men
"Kill her!", I yell at him
He looks at me for a moment, then nods. I hear a sword coming towards me and I spin slamming my sword up, hitting the one coming down. The man swings his sword again and I block it again. I decide to take the cue from the girl and slam my shield into the man. It works and he stumbles, allowing me to stab him in the chest. When I pull my sword out, he falls and I look back at my warrior to see him bury the sword in the women he was fighting
I look around and find the girl again. Her shield is now broken and she has no weapon. She grabs a piece of the wood and attacks one of my men, running at him while he is swinging his sword at her. These people have no fear, I realize. She dodges the sword and slams the wood in his chest, killing him. I watch her take out an axe and go into the next man. I cannot believe it. She's fighting with a small axe and killing everyone she fights
One of her warriors comes running at me and I raise my arm with my shield just in time to block the hit. Pain radiates down my arm and my shield breaks in half. Fuck. I let go of the rest of it and use both hands to swing my sword, decapitating the man. Blood is all over me and I grimace. I do not enjoy killing people like these northmen seem to. I need to find the girl and kill her
Fighting and killing everyone who comes in my way, I search for her. I find her again, seeing her throw a knife and it landing in the forehead of one of our soldiers. She turns to one of my men coming at her too late and he stabs his sword in her shoulder, some of it coming out of the back
She does not scream and I watch in horror as she grabs the sword and pulls it out of her shoulder. My warrior stares at her in horror as well and she takes the chance to strike. She swings her arm, cutting his throat with her axe. And she keeps moving and fighting, like she did not just get a major wound. We are not going to win. These people are brutal. And it is like they do not feel pain
She throws her axe, burying it in one man then spins and throws a knife into another. I watch her run to another of my men, punching him right in the face. She lifts her leg and kicks him in the side, then smashes her foot in his kneecap. He goes down and she goes behind him, her hands on his neck. She pulls her hands in opposite directions snapping his neck
I cannot believe I just watched a woman do that. As he falls to the side, she jumps over him and grabs his sword, then turns to fight another. There is no more time to waste now and I start walking towards her
Cutting down anyone who gets in my way, I am solely focused on her. She is finally a few feet away from me, fighting against another of my men. She slams the sword in the side of his neck then pulls it out as he falls
"You!", I shout
She turns and looks at me. And even through all the blood on her, I realize she is absolutely beautiful. Large deep eyes, long hair in intricate braids, small nose. Then she smiles and I get so angry for thinking that when she is killing all my men. I start walking towards her when I see her throw a dagger at me
I have no shield and I wait for the pain. But as I watch the dagger comes closer it passes right through me. What? I glance behind me quickly to see the dagger landed in the dirt a few feet behind me. No blood on it. I look down at my shirt and there is no blood, no pain
Oh shit. I look back up at the girl covered in blood
She is my soulmate
I stare in horror as the dagger I threw at the man I want so badly to kill, pass right through him
He is not...
He cannot be....
He is not my soulmate?
Surely I missed and confused what I saw
But...I never miss
No, it is not true
I growl and swing the sword, running at him, pain exploding in my shoulder but I ignore it. I will not let that slow me down. Lagertha taught me to fight through pain
As soon as I get close, he brings his sword up and stops mine. He maneuvers his sword trying to hit me with it but I block it with my sword. We keep fighting with both of us trying to get the upper hand and failing. I let out a frustrated scream, and swing the sword into his side
We both watch in horror as my sword passes right through his body. There is no blood, no wound, nothing. And he is not screaming. This is NOT happening. It is not
I hear footsteps and see one of the enemy warriors run at me.bMoving back from the other man, my soul...no he is not, I face off with the other fighter, still shaken by not being able to kill the other man. I fight the man in front of me but I move too slowly to block the sword and I feel pain burst in my side and along my stomach. I look down to see blood spilling from the slash wound he made with his sword. I am shocked he was able to do this and I watch him swing the sword again. I block it but not fast enough and it cuts into the side of my torso. I stifle a scream and punch the man in the face. Then I plunge the sword into his chest, burying it to the hilt. I let go of the sword and shove the body aside
Then I turn to the other man and run at him, ignoring the pain
He swings his sword but I duck and his momentum turns his body to the side. I kick at the sword making him let it go. I grab his shoulder and pull him back to face me. I punch him across the jaw but my hand passes through him
"What the fuck?", I yell
I do not see his hand come up as he tries to punch me in the face. I see his hand and I know it went into my face but I do not feel any pain
This is not real. I move back from him and try to kick him in the stomach. My leg passes into him but it is like he is a ghost. He makes no sound of pain and just looks up at me. He is real, I know he is real, I touched his shoulder
I grab his wrist, feeling him to make sure he is real. He grabs my other arm, feeling me as well. He says something but I do not understand his language. He looks at me then back down. He raises his hand to my side wound, looking back up at me. I raise my eyebrow but I do not stop him
He touches my wound and presses on it. But it does not hurt. I slap his hand away and I press on my wound. Pain slices through me and I yell bending over, squeezing his arm that my other hand is still on
I look up at him and he is looking at me in fear. He grabs my other arm and helps me right myself up. I move my hand gesturing him to press on the wound again. He hesitates but then he touches me and this time I watch. I feel his hand on the wound, on my skin. But as soon as he presses, his fingers pass through my translucent skin and there is not any pain
Holy shit, he is my soulmate
He pulls his hand away and starts yelling in his language
"Joanne!", I hear someone yell my name
I turn to see Ragnar staring at me
"Kill him!", he shouts
"I...I cannot!"
"What, why not? Snap his neck!"
"I cannot. He is...he is...", I stammer, looking at the man
"He is what?"
"He is my soulmate. I cannot hurt him. It does not work! He does not feel any pain when I try to hit him. My sword passes right through him"
"What the hell?"
I turn my head to Ragnar
"And I do not feel anything when he tries to hit me"
"Fine, I will kill him", Ragnar bellows, coming towards him
The man picks up his sword getting ready to fight. No, this man is no match for Ragnar. No one has ever gone against Ragnar and won. I watch Ragnar come closer and raise his sword. Without thinking, I pick up a sword from the ground. As soon as Ragnar is close enough he brings the sword down towards the man. I run and step in front of him, raising my sword and stopping Ragnar's sword with mine
"What are you doing?", Ragnar roars
"I.....you cannot kill him.", I answer, "He is my soulmate"
Ragnar looks at me in disbelief. What the hell am I doing? How can I be defending this man? This enemy? I should not be but he is my soulmate. I cannot let him die. And if I have to protect him from my side, my family, I will. And I cannot believe I am willing to do this for someone I do not know. Turn my back on everything I know. But I will
Jungkook POV
I stare in shock as the girl runs in front of me and raises her sword against her king. To protect me. She blocks his sword and he starts yelling at her. She talks back to him and I hear the panic in her voice even though I don't know what she is saying. I realize the huge risk she is taking to protect me. She is turning her back on her king, her people, her country. And he could kill her for it
I watch them argue, him yelling at her, her speaking lowly and in fear. He then looks at her and asks her something. I hear her speak, her voice sad but firm. Ragnar lets out a yell, lowering his sword. She lowers hers too but then he punches her across the face, shouting something. She sways to the side and I do not know why but I pull her to me and hold my sword out towards him
"Do not touch her!", I yell
As much as I know I should let him kill her, I cannot watch her die. She is my soulmate. I cannot let her be killed, especially for protecting me. Ragnar looks at me in fury but I keep a tight grip on her and start walking backwards. She comes with me but I do not take my eyes off Ragnar. I call out for the rest of my men and they move in front of me as I pull the girl with me. The battle is dying down right now. I need to get her inside. She needs the medics to look at her
Ragnar gives me a nasty look, then calls something out. His men listen to him and they slowly back away. For now
"Open the gate! Now", I yell
I tell my men, "Stay out here until they all leave"
The gate opens and I go inside with the girl. Once inside she moves away from me and falls on the floor
"I need a medic!", I yell, "Get one now!"
Shit. I turn and see King Yoongi staring at me from up on the wall
"Do you want to tell me what the fuck you are doing?"
"Please your majesty, please let a medic help her and I will tell you anything you want"
I don't know why but I am terrified of her dying
He stares at me, "Fine. Bring her to the palace and have Hoseok and Seokjin take care of her. I will be there soon and you better have a good explanation for this"
I nod, "Thank you"
I kneel next to the girl and look at her. I know she will not understand me but I talk to her anyway
"Can you come with me? I am bringing you to get your wounds fixed"
She looks up at me and she is crying. I feel my heart hurt for her. She just left everything behind when she came in here. I do not know if she can walk so I gently put my arms around her. She doesn't push me off so I keep moving, picking her up as I stand. She lays her head on my shoulder and cries more. I hurry to the palace as fast as I can
I watch as Hoseok sews the wound on her side and Seokjin works on her shoulder. She does not scream or make a sound as they work. Does it not hurt? Does she not feel pain?
No, she does, I saw when she pressed on her wound and the sound she made. Is she trained to not focus on the pain? The other warriors did not seem to feel pain either. Hoseok finishes then pulls a metal dagger from the fire. He lays it on her side to cauterize the wound. The girl grimaces and she starts breathing heavily. After, Hoseok gives it to Jin and starts cleaning her slash that is across her side to her stomach. Jin presses the dagger on her shoulder wound, then puts it back in the fire
"Jungkook", King Yoongi says as he enters the room
I stand up and bow to him. Hoseok and Seokjin do as well
"Get up all of you", he snaps, then turns to me, "You better start explaining why she is inside my kingdom and in my palace no less. And what you were doing with her on the battlefield"
"She is my soulmate"
"What?", Hoseok gasps, looking up at me
"Fix her wound!", I yell
He scowls but he turns back to her. Seokjin gently moves her shoulder and starts cleaning the wound on the back of her shoulder
"Start speaking", King Yoongi demands
I quickly explain what happened when she threw the dagger at me and when we fought. Then I tell him about what happened when she touched her wound and when I did
"I really cannot physically hurt her. It is just like the stories and texts say."
"Prove it", King Yoongi says
She is being tended to by the medics
"Yes now", he snaps walking towards her
"Move", he tells Seokjin
Seokjin stands aside and I move quickly to the girl's side. King Yoongi presses on the wound Seokjin is fixing. The one on the back of her shoulder. She yells in pain and glares at King Yoongi
"She feels pain. Now you touch her"
I'm not comfortable with this but I can disobey an order from my king
She looks pissed off, so I tell her, "It is alright"
She looks at me, then turns away. I put my hand on her arm. Then I press my fingers into her wound. Her skin goes translucent and my fingers pass through her. She does not move or make a sound
"Oh my god", Seokjin gasps
"The same thing happens when she tries to hurt me", I tell them
"Fine she is your soulmate. Why is she here?", King Yoongi demands
Was he not watching how Ragnar was going to kill her? How could he think I would let that happen?
"Because she tried to protect me. When Ragnar came to kill me she grabbed a sword, stepped in front of me and stopped Ragnar. They argued and I knew that he would kill her for what she did and probably what she was saying to him. When he punched her in the face, I could not let him hurt her. So I brought her with me", I explain
"Without asking me"
"I had to make a quick decision. I am sorry", I answer
"Why should I not kill her right now?", he asks menacingly
Because she would probably get up and kill him. I have seen her fight, close up, with the wounds she has still bleeding. He has not. She can kill everyone in this room in minutes. But I cannot say that
"Because she is my soulmate. Because by protecting me she turned her back on Ragnar and her country. She has no where to go.", I reason
"So I should just throw her out and let Ragnar kill her"
"If you do then I am going with her", I answer
I do not know when I decided this but once I said it I realize it is true. If he makes her leave, I am going with her
King Yoongi stares at me in shock
"You would leave here, you're home, your position in my army to follow her? A heathen Northman?"
I know he is going to get angry but now that I found her, I cannot let her go. I just cannot
King Yoongi turns from me and I know he is calming himself down
"Get Namjoon. She needs to start talking"
A guard in the room bows then leaves
I sit next to her while Hoseok and Seokjin still fix her remaining wounds. She does not look at me, just at the wall. I want to comfort her so I take her hand. And I am surprised but glad to feel her squeeze mine
The two healers finish working on me . I do not move, I just lay down, holding my soulmate's hand. I do not know why I have not shoved his hand away but I do not want to. Holding his hand is making things a little bit better. I cannot believe I rose a sword against Ragnar. That is treason and betrayal. I know that I can never go back. Not after that. If I do they will kill me . And not quickly. I will be killed by the blood eagle. I rather kill myself
Why did I protect this man? Why? Ragnar retreated today but he will be back. And Ivar will come for me
I do not know if he would want me back or want to kill me. Either way Ragnar will never let me live. Whether it would be a public execution or a secret one, I am dead if I go back
A few minutes later another man comes inside the room. The king starts talking fast. I know he is angry I am here
I understand. I am the enemy. But the man, my soulmate, is fighting to keep me here. I do not understand him but I know that is what he is doing
The man who just came in talks to my soulmate. He nods then looks at me, saying something I do not understand softly. He has a nice voice. He makes a move to put his arms around me. I do not know why but I trust him. He helps me sit up, pain filling my body. The wounds hurt but I have been hurt worse before
He helps me stand and walks with me to another room. In this room there's a large table with an intricate chair. A throne. For the king
There are regular chairs around the table. The king sits down on the throne and motions for us to sit down. The man helps me get to a chair and helps me sit down. He sits next to me and then holds my hand. And I like it. What is wrong with me?
"I am Namjoon", the man from before says in my language
How the fuck does he know it?
"How do you know what I speak?", I ask
"I studied your language and culture when we found out your people were attacking kingdoms around ours"
So they knew we were coming
"What is your name?"
"Joanne. Joanne Lothbrok", I answer, "Who is your king?"
I do not know his name. It never mattered before, I never needed to know the name of the kings we raided
I did not care
"King Min, Yoongi"
"King Min?"
Stupid name
"No. Min is his last name. He is King Yoongi"
Alright, why did he not just fucking say that?
I look at my soulmate, "What is his name?"
"Jungkook", my soulmate answers, "Jeon, Jungkook"
Strange name
"Jungkook", I repeat
He nods, then points at me, "Joanne?"
I nod. He smiles and it is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I cannot tear my eyes away
King Yoongi starts talking to Namjoon
"King Yoongi wants to know why you are fighting since you are a woman?"
I roll my eyes, turning to Namjoon. This is the same question every King has asked
"I am a shieldmaiden. In our kingdom the women fight as well as men. We are trained as well. Not all women are shieldmaidens but all women know how to use a sword. To protect the home when the men are raiding"
Namjoon turn to his king and speaks in their language. The king answers then Namjoon turns back to me
"How important are you in the army? You led a group of men to battle"
"I am a war general in Ragnar's army"
"How did you become a war general?", he asks
"Because I am good at fighting and killing. I am his best shieldmaiden, the best out of his warriors"
"How did you become the best?"
"Because I was trained by his first wife Lagertha"
I wait while he translates to King Yoongi
"Your name is not like theirs"
"No. I was taken by Lagertha when they raided Northumbria, when I was five. Before that, I was taken from my home in Rome when the king of Northumbria came on a pilgrimage to see the pope. I was sold by my parents to the king to become a maid when I was three"
"They raised you then? The northmen?"
"Are you Christan?"
"No. I adopted the northmen gods and goddess. I believe in them"
Again I wait for Namjoon to translate
I watch Jungkook's face as he listens to Namjoon. He looks surprised but at what I do not know
"Why should king Yoongi not return you to your people?"
I do not know. I cannot answer that. He should not keep me here. He should throw me back to them. It is what I would do. He does not seem to be like Ragnar who's interested in other cultures. Ragnar took Athelstan when he first raided Northumbria and they were close friends. I doubt King Yoongi would do that
"The only thing I can say is that they will kill me much more brutally than your king will."
"By the blood eagle"
"What is that?"
I explain to him how the blood eagle works. The cutting of the back of the skin, the breaking of the ribs with an axe, then pulling out the lungs and placing them on the back. His face pales as I go on
"And if I want to be welcomed in Valhalla, I cannot make a sound while it is happening"
I nod, "Where all warriors and shieldmaidens go after death to await Ragnarok"
He looks at me confused and I sigh explaining, "The end of our world"
"Has this, blood eagle been done before?", he chokes out
I nod
"Yes to a jarl who betrayed Ragnar. I witnessed it. And what I did was betrayal and treason just like the jarl"
I watch Namjoon turn to King Yoongi and start explaining what I told him. King Yoongi's eyebrow raises as he listens. But Jungkook starts yelling something and I can tell he is upset by his tone. King Yoongi barks at him but he keeps arguing. King Yoongi slams his fist on the table and Jungkook stops talking. Silence fills the room before I start talking
"What did Jungkook say?"
"He was expressing that King Yoongi could not let you go back and be killed that way. That there was no way that he would let you go back to that"
I look back at Jungkook and he shakes his head, talking to me
"It is ok", I tell him
He shakes his head again
"Joanne, is Ragnar going to leave? He retreated today"
I take a breath. These people have no idea how ruthless he is
"No. He will not leave until you give him what he asks for or until he breaks in and raids the kingdom. And he may demand me"
"Yes. My husband will demand to have me returned as well. For execution or to stay with him I do not know"
"You are married?"
I nod, "I am married to Ragnar's son, Ivar the boneless"
"Why is he called boneless?"
I explain to him Ivar's condition. Then his personality
"When he wants something, he will stop at nothing to get it. And he will want me back. He is worse than Ragnar in that regard"
Namjoon sighs, then turns to tell King Yoongi what I said. I guess he gets to the part with Ivar, because Jungkook turns to me and asks me a question, surprised
Namjoon finishes translating then says, "Jungkook wants to know if you love Ivar"
I talk to Namjoon but I look at Jungkook, "No. I care about him but I do not love him. I was never in love with him or anyone else before"
He tells Jungkook what I said and Jungkook talks again
"He is asking why you married him"
I sigh, "You do not know Ivar. When he wants something he gets it. No matter the cost or what he has to do. He is ruthless. He has never been violent to me but I have seen him be to others. And he had never loved anything or anyone before. And he fell in love with me. There is no way he will let me go. And I never thought I would find my soulmate, so I married him"
Namjoon speaks to Jungkook but he just looks at me, in my eyes. Jungkook speaks to me as he looks at me
"He is asking if you will stay with him. He promises to protect you and keep you safe. But only if you want that"
I don't hesitate
I nod, "Yes"
I do not know why but I do not want to leave him. And I will not, if I can help it
Jungkook POV
She nods when I ask her to stay with me. I will protect her and keep her safe for as long as I live
She talks to me and Namjoon translates what she is saying, "I will stay with you and protect you as well."
I smile because I know she can. I saw her fight
"Excuse me. Are you not forgetting that she needs my permission to stay?", King Yoongi hisses
I look over to him, "I am sorry your majesty but where she is, I will be. So either she stays here with me or I go with her"
King Yoongi narrows his eyes, "Fine. But if she stays she fights against her people."
I am shocked
"You cannot ask her to do that!"
"I can if she wants to stay", King Yoongi snarls, "Namjoon translate now"
Namjoon tells her about fighting against Ragnar. Her eyes widen and she starts speaking rapidly. I wish I could speak her language
"She says she cannot do that. She could never kill the people she grew up with, who took her in and loved her"
"Then she leaves", King Yoongi answers
"And I will too", I growl
"You will not. You are a war general in my army. You will not follow her", he orders
That's an order I cannot follow. She defied her king for me. Now I am going to do the same
"I am sorry majesty but I am going with her. You cannot stop me"
King Yoongi raises his eyebrows
"Guards, take the prisoner"
My heart fills with dread. Guards come and grab her by both arms. She struggles against them but they get her hands behind her and shackle them. She starts yelling in her language
"What is she saying?", King Yoongi demands
Namjoon is looking at her as he speaks, "She is saying she is going to kill us all. That none of us will survive"
At that moment, she slams her head back into the chin of the guard behind her. The guard stumbles back and she lifts her arms, contorting her body like. I have never seen before until she gets her arms back in front of her. I have never seen anything like that. It is like she does not have bones. The other guard comes at her but she side steps him, kicking him in his side. As he doubles over, she grabs his head and slams his head into her knee
She is absolutely amazing
He groans falling to his knees. She goes behind him and snaps his neck easily. King Yoongi is standing there unamused and Namjoon is in pure shock. The other guard gets up and runs to her. She throws a punch, her fist slamming his face, blood bursting from his nose
"Oh my god", Namjoon whispers, terrified as he watches her
She goes behind the guard and throws the chain that is attached to her shackles over his head. She pulls back the chain against his throat, crossing the chains and choking him
"Stop", King Yoongi yells
She shouts at him as the guard desperately tries to get the chain off. He leans forward but she presses her knee against his back and keeps pulling the chain
"What is she saying?", King Yoongi yells
"That she is coming for you next", Namjoon whispers
"Guard. Go to Jungkook and hold him there", King Yoongi orders
Suddenly there is a guard behind me and a sword against my neck
"Joanne!", King Yoongi shouts
She lifts her head up and sees me, yelling
"She says stop, do not hurt Jungkook", Namjoon yells
"Then tell her to let the guard go and stop fighting!"
Namjoon translates and she answers
"She wants to know if you will leave Jungkook alone and alive if she stops fighting"
Namjoon translates. She lets go of the guard, who gasps for breath and steps away
"Take her to the prison", King Yoongi orders
"No!", I yell
"Stay there. Do not move", King Yoongi growls
The guard gets up from the floor and turns to her. He punches her across the face, her head snapping to the side
"Stop!", I cry, horrified
She slowly turns to the guard, fire in her eyes. She spits blood from her mouth in his face. He yells and hits her again
"Stop! Stop him! Please", I shout
"Enough. Take her. Now", King Yoongi demands
I watch as the guard grabs the chains and pulls, making her follow him. And I cannot do anything. He is going to hurt her because of me. She will not fight back to keep me alive. King Yoongi makes a gesture and the sword is removed from my neck
"Give her back to me", I shout
He raises an eyebrow, "No. You know my demand for her to stay"
"That is not fair to ask of her. I would never fight against you or any of my men if they had taken me! Why would you expect her too?"
"Because she wants to stay with you. Let me make this clear, I have no use for her. Whether she lives or dies is not my concern. She came here with her fucking army. She slaughtered more than half of your faction. She killed one guard so easily and almost killed another. She threatened to kill me. And you want me to let her run around free? No, that will not happen"
I understand where he is coming from. He is the king, he needs to protect himself and his kingdom. But I do not care about that, I care about her
"She will not be running free. She will be with me. In my home. Away from you"
"And you will be there with her, will you not?"
I nod. I will be
"That does not work for me. I need you here, leading your part of the army. You need to stay here"
"So you are leaving her in a cell?", I cry
"For now. I have not decided if I am giving her back to Ragnar or not. Or if I am going to keep her alive."
I am so scared he is going to have her killed and I will not be there to protect her. And he cannot give her back to Ragnar. I cannot let her die by the way they will kill her. The blood eagle. I was horrified hearing about how it is done. That she cannot make a sound or she will not enter Valhalla upon death. Or that she actually witnessed that being done to someone. I cannot imagine watching that
"If I stay, then keep her alive. Please"
"You are staying regardless of what I do with her."
"Please your majesty. Please do not kill her", I beg
He stares at me for some time, then says, "I will not kill her for now"
"Thank you"
I am not stupid, I know he can go back on his word whenever he feels like it
"May I see her?", I ask
"Not now. Tomorrow."
I just nod. I know if I ask for anything else, he will just get angry. And he does things without thinking when he is angry
"Go check on your men and see whose still alive"
Then he turns away from me and walks out of the room. Namjoon is about to leave when I stop him
"Yes?", he asks
"Teach me her language", I say
He nods
The Next Day
Jungkook POV
I am impatiently pacing in the meeting room we were all in yesterday. Namjoon is here and I am waiting for King Yoongi and Joanne. I was summoned here today to talk with her again
Yesterday after she was taken from me, I had Namjoon teach me some phrases and words in her language along with some answers she might give. It is not much but at least I can ask her if she is alright and know what she is saying. He has agreed to teach me some of her language everyday. King Yoongi walks in and we all bow
"Sit", he commands
Namjoon and I sit in the same seats as we did yesterday
King Yoongi sits and speaks to me, "I want you to talk to her. I decided she does not have to fight against her people in battle. But she must tell us a way to make them go away or defeat them. And she seems the most receptive to you"
I nod. I can do that. She is still betraying her people but she will not be doing it in physical combat. Although I already know she is going to refuse. I would
"Where is she?", I ask
"She is being brought to us"
We wait a few minutes and the wait is killing me. I hear chain noises and I look up to the doorway. A guard comes in first, then her. And I gasp when I see her. She looks so much worse than yesterday. Her face is bruised all over, her lip is split and she has a bloody bandage wrapped around her upper arm. She has dirt all over her skin and her hair is unbraided and a little messy. She is dragged to the chair next to me and forced roughly into the chair
"Joanne", I whisper
She turns to me
When she sees me she smiles, "Jungkook"
I feel so much happiness when she says my name
"What happened?", I ask in her language
She raises an eyebrow and asks something. Namjoon answers and her smile widens. She talks to me but I only pick up a few words- me, he, hurt
"She says she was hit over and over by the guard she tried to kill. He cut her arm and threw her in a cell. Her body hurts but she's alive"
"I am sorry", I whisper in her language
She shakes her head, talking while Namjoon translates, "No Jungkook, it is not your fault. I said I would protect you and I will keep my promise"
She should not have to protect me. I should be protecting her. She was hurt and I was not there. Again. I look down and she takes my hands, holding on tightly, speaking
"She says do not blame yourself. She does not blame you"
I look back up at her and gently touch the side of her face, nodding. I still blame myself but I will not show it to her
"Jungkook, talk to her about what I told you too", King Yoongi demands impatiently
I sigh but I speak with Namjoon translating
"My king says you do not have to fight against your people"
She nods
"But he wants you to tell us a way to make them go away or how to defeat them"
Sadness enters her face as she speaks
"The only way to make them go away is to give them what they want. And I will not tell you how to defeat them. I will not be responsible for their deaths"
Glancing at King Yoongi, I can see the anger fill his face
"Take her back", he snarls
The guard grabs her by her arms and rips her away from me, hauling her out of the chair
"No. Joanne!", I yell, "Stop, please stop"
She struggles against the guard, yelling too
"Jungkook! Jungkook!"
"Take her!", King Yoongi yells
Another guard comes to help, each one taking one of her arms and dragging her back. I cannot help it, tears start falling as I watch her being torn away from me. I start moving towards her to get her from them
"Guards, hold him!", king Yoongi shouts
Two more guards move forward blocking my way and holding my arms
"Stay here Jungkook", king Yoongi barks, looking at me with barely controlled rage
But I am just as angry. The guards get her out of the room but I can still hear her screaming my name
She is calling for me and I cannot do anything. Again
"Are you weeping?", King Yoongi asks incredulously
I don't answer and wipe my eyes
"Do you love her?", he questions
"Yes", I answer with no hesitation
I do. I do not know how I fell in love so fast. But I did the second I found out she is my soulmate. I feel complete now that I found her. I cannot explain the feeling. I just know I belong with her
"That is too bad", he sneers
Why? What is he going to do?
"Because I am giving her back to Ragnar"
"No. You cannot. You cannot", I cry, hysterically
"I can and I am"
"No. Please no. I...I cannot be without her!"
"You will have to be"
Then he stands and leaves the room
And I fall apart
A Day Later
I open my eyes as my cell opens. The guard grumbles something at me, waving his hand up. I sit up, peering at the guard. He starts yelling but I have no idea what he is saying. All I know is the king is keeping me apart from Jungkook
I feel like I am dying inside. I want to stay with him. I love him. It happened so fast but I love him. And being away from him is killing me
The guard grabs the chains and yanks me up. I stumble to my feet and follow him. He walks fast pulling me behind him. I am trying to keep up with him but I am so tired. I am led outside, closing my eyes against the bright sun. I have not been outside in two days. I guess I am going back to Ragnar
People look at me as I follow the guard, whispering. I do not know what they are saying and I do not care either. The closer to the wall I get the more I hear. And what I hear sends chills down my spine
"I demand my wife back!"
It is Ivar. He came for me
"I will slaughter all of you if you do not give her back"
He will. He absolutely will. I am led up the stairs to the top of the wall, to King Yoongi. He glares at me, takes my chain from the guard and leads me to the edge. I can see everything from up here. And I see Ragnar's entire army with him and his sons at the front. Ivar is screaming for me, in his chariot
King Yoongi motions for Namjoon, who yells out, "She is right here"
I know Ivar sees me because he yells, "Joanne, I have come for you"
I have nothing to say. There is nothing to say
Then Ragnar yells, "You must give her back so she can answer for her crimes"
I knew it. They are going to kill me. I look down at King Yoongi's men and my heart stops. Jungkook is there, right in the front, just like he was the first time. Looking up at me. King Yoongi is making him fight. My heart breaks. Ragnar will aim for him. Kill him to spite me and then execute me
Namjoon yells, "If you get her back will you leave?"
Ragnar answers by yelling and charging with his army. I watch in horror as Jungkook gets ready for the first wave of my warriors as they crash into king Yoongi's men. Jungkook kills every man who comes in his way. He fights gracefully and efficiently, stabbing and cutting off heads
But I watch Ivar and Ragnar as well. Ivar is cutting through king Yoongi's army with his chariot and Ragnar is killing his way to Jungkook
"He is going to kill him", I whisper
"What?", Namjoon asks
"Ragnar, he is going to kill Jungkook. He is going straight to him", I answer pointing to Ragnar
Namjoon translates to King Yoongi, then speaks to me, "The king says that Jungkook will win. He is the best fighter"
I shake my head, "He will not. Ragnar has never lost. He has killed everyone he went up against. Jungkook will die"
Namjoon speaks to king Yoongi but the king does not say a word
I watch Ragnar get to Jungkook
"No", I shout
Jungkook turns to Ragnar and blocks Ragnar's sword
"Let me go!", I yell
Namjoon looks at me
"Tell him", I yell
He speaks to king Yoongi but the king shakes his head. I watch as Jungkook barely has time to duck under Ragnar's swing
"Let me go! If you do not he will die!"
Namjoon speaks and still King Yoongi shakes his head. Ragnar lunches at Jungkook in his face and he stumbles
I cannot watch this. I turn to the guard next to me. Grabbing his should I spin him to me, slam my fist in his face and grab his sword
"Undo the shackles now!", I scream, holding the sword at King Yoongi
He raises his eyebrows but nods. He does not need to understand me to know what I want. The guard who brought me, quickly steps to me and unlocks the shackles
I look at Namjoon, "Tell them to open the gate. Now"
He nods and yells in his language as I turn and run down the stairs. The gate opens just a little but it is enough for me to slip by. Ragnar lunches at Jungkook again and this time Jungkook falls back, slipping
Ragnar raises his sword and I run faster. Ragnar brings his sword down and I slide to them just in time to catch Ragnar's sword with mine. I use all my strength to push his sword away and punch him across the face
"Do not touch him!", I scream
He turns his head back to me, fury in his gaze
"You are protecting him! Against us who raised you!", he yells
He is trying to use that against me but I will not let him. I am not part of them
I was used by him. By Aslaug. By his sons. As a weapon
"You did not raise me. Lagertha did!"
"And you would betray her like this?"
I shake my head, "She taught me to follow my heart no matter what. And my heart belongs to him"
"You are not one of them!", Ragnar rages, "You are one of us"
"Not anymore"
I swing my sword at my once king. He is wrong. I belong to no one. I was sold by my parents. Then taken by them. I have always been alone, always an outsider. But now I have Jungkook and I am not leaving him. Lagertha taught me to not blindly follow anyone, to think for myself . And I am. And I will do anything to protect Jungkook
Ragnar stops my sword with his but I move aside bringing it up again. He barely has time to block it and he does but not before I slice his arm open. He looks down at his arm and roars in my face. He does not scare me. I punch him in the face, his eyes watering, then kick his side. He backhands me across the face and I stumble, landing on one knee. I hear the sound of a sword swinging and I bring up my arm, the clanging of my sword stopping his. I look up at Ragnar and growl
Pushing off my foot, I stand up quickly, shoving him back. Swinging my sword I slash at him but he blocks it again. We keep fighting, swords swinging but neither of us get the upper hand
"Joanne", I hear Jungkook yell
I do not turn around but I yell, "Keep fighting"
Hopefully he can get the meaning of my words. Ragnar pushes my sword off his and punches me in the stomach. I drop to my knees on the ground, sword at my side as I gasp for air
"I wish you would not make me do this", Ragnar says
I look up at him and watch him raise his sword above his head
"Joanne!", I hear Jungkook scream
"You will not", I tell Ragnar, then grab my sword and plunge it into his stomach
It is like the entire battle stops. His sword drops but I dodge it easily. I stand up holding on to the sword, with Ragnar looking at me surprised. I push the sword in more, burying it to the hilt. Ragnar nods at me. I see the life leave his eyes as he falls to the side
No one is moving. I turn my head to the wall, glaring at King Yoongi, who has surprise all over his face. Now he knows. I killed one king, I can kill another
"Joanne! What did you do?", I hear Bjorn yell, his eyes wide in shock
I meet his eyes and I see the rage in his face
"Attack!", he yells
I turn, running back to the wall, screaming at Namjoon
"Bow and arrows now!"
He grabs a quiver and bow from an archer and drops it down the wall. I run grabbing the bow and an arrow, then turn and train it on Bjorn, whose running at me. Aiming, I let the arrow loose and it buries right in his eye. He screams and goes down. I turn and stuff the arrows that fell out of the quiver back in quickly. Putting it over my back, I grab the bow
I need to kill the rest of Ragnar's sons. So there are none to avenge him
Quickly I look for Jungkook and he is fighting more of my former people. Then I run to Bjorn to make sure he is dead. When I get to him, I see the arrow went through the back of his head and he is gone. I grab his sword and put it in my belt to use later
Then I look for one of the sons. The first one I see is Ivar. I do not want to kill him. But I have to. He is the most ruthless of them all and he will want to avenge his father. I take aim and shoot at his horse. My arrow hits its flank and it falls. Ivar's head turns to me, fury on his face
"You killed my father and my brother. For one of them?", he screams
"Not just one of them Ivar. He is my soulmate. I am sorry but I have to"
Ivar's eyebrows shoot up, "Your soulmate. Him? You choose him over us?"
I quickly notch an arrow, aim and let go. As I see the arrow hit through Ivar's neck, I feel excruciating pain in my hip, taking me down
Jungkook POV
As I fight I watch her. I cannot believe she killed Ragnar. She actually killed him. Then looked at king Yoongi as if warning him. I have never seen him so shocked
Then I saw her kill another man with an arrow. I dodge a sword thrust and cut the head off the warrior. Looking for her, I find her yelling at a man in a chariot. Her husband. Is she....going to kill him?. I watch her shoot the arrow, it going through his neck
Then I see her go down
"No Joanne!", I scream, my heart stopping
She is not dead. She cannot be. I just found her, I cannot lose her so soon. I start running to her. My heart starts beating again when I see her slowly get up. She is alive. But what happened? She is hunched over and it looks like she may be pulling at something
"Joanne", I yell, getting to her
I look down and see her holding a bloody knife. He threw a knife at her. The wound is in her hip and she is bleeding. A lot
I grab her, moving her behind the chariot for a few seconds Grabbing the end of my shirt, I rip the bottom off in two long strips. I fold one quickly and press it to her wound
She winces and I say in her language, "I am sorry"
Taking her hand, I press it against the cloth so she can hold it. Then I take the other strip and tie it around her, securing the folded cloth in place. It is the best I can do for now. I look up at her and she is looking intently at me
Suddenly she pulls me to her, her lips on mine in a kiss
Stars explode in my vision and heat fills my body from her kiss. I put my arms around her, holding her close and kissing her back. I am aware there is a war going on around us but I want to kiss her at least once in case we do not make it
When it is over, she pulls away and looks in my eyes
"Ek elska þik*", she says
My heart bursts in pure joy. I understand what she said because that is one of the first things I had Namjoon teach me
She told me she loves me
"Ek elska þik", I tell her in her language
She smiles at me
"Joanne!", I hear a voice yell, then more words
She looks at me, takes my hand, then stands and starts running towards the wall. She is screaming something and I hear Namjoon yelling back at me
"There is three more sons you have to kill. She already killed two"
We get to the wall and she turns around. I turn too and she points to a group of three men walking towards us
"Sons?", I yell to Namjoon who speaks to her
She nods, moving her fingers as she talks, "Sigurd, Hvitserk, Ubbe"
"Ok", I nod, taking out my sword
I watch her throw down the bow. She takes a few arrows out of her quiver and breaks them, keeping the arrow still attached to some wood. She puts them in her belt in the back then draws the sword. She nods at me, then leans closer, kissing me again
We will survive. I will make sure of it
She moves away and takes my hand. Then she starts running to them and I follow. As we get closer, she squeezes my hand. We are almost upon them and we let go of our hands, both of us swinging our swords
Metal clangs as my sword hits one of the son's, I think it's Ubbe. He yells something at Joanne and she answers. The one I am fighting slashes at me and makes a cut across my chest. It stings and blood seeps on my shirt. It is not fatal but it needs sewing
I growl at him and thrust my sword, burying it in his shoulder. I pull it out quickly and stab him in the side. He yells, blocking my sword swing and punches me in the eye. My vision goes black for a second as pain explodes in my head . My vision comes back and I move out of the way of his swing. I glance at her to see her fighting the two other brothers. If she were anyone else I'd be worried but she is holding her own well. Pain hits my thigh and I see the son pull his sword back
He stabbed me. I feel my muscles spasm but I force myself to stay up. I scream and duck the swing then I punch the man in the face as hard as I can, putting all my strength behind it. He flies backward, landing on his back. I run to him and slam my sword down right into his chest where his heart is. He groans, dying in seconds
I turn to her and see her decapitate the son she is fighting. But.....where is the other one? I feel arms grab me from behind and a knife at my neck
"Joanne!", he yells
She turns and her face turns white. She begins shouting in her language. He yells back, digging the knife into my skin more. I feel the knife cut me a little and I know I am bleeding. She throws down her sword but I see her reach behind her
She yells, "Hvitserk!" and gestures at him to let me go
He says something and she shakes her head. She looks right at me and I understand what she is trying to say. I trust her. Completely. I nod
She starts yelling to distract him and then throws one of the arrows. I duck, hear the man scream and he lets me go. She runs at him, tackling him. I turn just in time to see her take the dagger from him and stab him in the chest twice then cut his throat. I do have to admit, she is vicious
She stands up slowly, blood all over her. She looks terrifying. And she is mine
My eyes are on her when I hear, "Hail Queen Joanne!"
"Hail! Hail!", voices yell
I look around to see the battle had stopped. The northmen are raising their swords up and the ones closest to her, kneel down to her. I realize that she killed all the heirs of Ragnar
And that makes her queen with no one to oppose her
My mouth drops open. Does this mean she has to go back now?
She turns to look at King Yoongi and I follow her gaze. King Yoongi is looking at her in horror. She is queen. She has the power to order her men to attack or retreat. And King Yoongi treated her horribly
I have no idea what she is going to do
"Hail Queen Joanne!"
"Hail! Hail!"
I look around the battlefield and see all of Ragnar's army looking to me and hailing me as queen
I am queen
I killed Ragnar and his heirs. It automatically makes me queen. They still consider me part of them
I don't want to be queen. Aslaug is queen and Lagertha wants to be queen. I do not care about killing Aslaug. I hate her. But I cannot kill Lagertha. She raised me, she is like my mother. And obviously these men do not consider either one of those women queen. They did not kill any heirs
I do not know what to do but right now as queen, I can scare king Yoongi. I turn to look at him
And he looks terrified. I smile at him and he flinches
"My queen. What do you want us to do?", a warrior asks me
I make a decision
"Retreat to the boats for now. I will speak with King Yoongi.", I yell
"Hail!", they all yell
I watch as my army retreats. I stay until the last warrior leaves. Then I turn to King Yoongi
"Open the gate!"
I see Namjoon speak to him and he nods. I reach my hand out and feel Jungkook take it
Walking together we make our way towards the opening gate
Hoseok just finished cleaning and sewing my wounds. I sit, waiting for Seokjin to finish working on Jungkook. Using a cloth and water, I wipe away some of the blood on me. When Seokjin is finished, Jungkook stands up and takes my hand. He says something to Hoseok and he nods, disappearing
I look up at Jungkook and tell him in his language, "Saranghae Jungkook"
His eyes widen and he looks so handsome. When we returned inside the kingdom, I spoke to Namjoon, telling him we need the healers. Jungkook was speaking to king Yoongi when I asked Namjoon to tell me how to say "I love you" in his language. It's the only thing I can say in his language but it is everything I need right now
"Ek elska þik", he tells me in my language
Then he comes closer and his lips touch mine in a kiss. Fire bursts in my body from his kiss. I felt this the first time I kissed him. Then the second time. And now
I never felt like this kissing Ivar. I hope this feeling never goes away
Hoseok comes back, speaking and Jungkook pulls away. He turns, gently leading me somewhere. I trust him unconditionally
We get to a room where there is a big pool of water. He points to the water and moves his hands around his body, telling me to take a bath. I nod. He kisses my cheeks then moves to leave. I grab his hand
When he turns back to me, I shake my head, "Stay with me"
He doesn't understand my words but I know he understands my meaning. He nods. I do not know how things are done here or how they feel about nakedness but being naked in front of your husband or lover is not something to be shy about
And I am not
I start undressing, dropping my clothes to the side. When I take all my clothes off, I turn around to see Jungkook staring at me. His eyes are wide and his mouth slightly open. I smirk at him, walking to the pool, going down the stairs and getting in it
He hurriedly gets undressed. When he pulls his shirt off I almost choke on air. His body is incredible. I guess it should be since he is a war general. His entire chest and stomach is muscular as well as his arms. He has some scars on his body but that is to be expected
When he pulls his pants down, my eyes are glued to his cock. He is already so stiff and he is huge. Much bigger than Ivar. If I was not in water, I know I would be very wet
When he is finished undressing he gets in the pool and comes straight to me. His lips are on mine in a second and I throw my arms around his neck, holding him tightly against me. His tongue slips in my mouth and I moan from the feeling. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around him. Pushing me against one of the walls, he looks at me
I know what he wants. It is exactly what I want. I nod and a smile bursts on his face
He kisses me passionately as he slides inside me, stretching my pussy wide around him. I moan loudly as he gets all in. Fuck, he feels so good and he did not even move at all yet. He breathes heavily, then starts moving, thrusting in and out
"Oh fuck", I moan, absolute pleasure filling my body
He fits so perfectly and I can feel everything he does, every inch of his cock, his head hitting my spot deep inside me
He murmurs something in his language, then starts kissing my neck. His hands grip my hips hard, as he moves harder. I have never felt like this during sex before. I have never been in this much pleasure before and I am ready to explode any second. No one has ever gotten me so close so fast
"Jjj... JUNGKOOK!", I scream as I orgasm hard, squeezing his arms so tightly
Pleasure like I never felt before explodes all over my body and I just keep screaming his name
Jungkook POV
She screams my name as she orgasms, pleasure fills my body when she climaxes and it has not left yet. Sex has not ever felt so good before. I moan loudly feeling her and watch her, pleasure all over her face. I love that I can give her this much pleasure
And I want to give her more so I hold back from coming. When she finishes, I start thrusting again, slamming into her. She moans, speaking in her language. The only thing I understand is my name that she keeps saying over and over. I love hearing her scream my name
"Again", I ask her, kissing her neck and shoulder
Her hand slides in my hair and pulls hard. Fuck, it feels good. She starts tightening and squeezing my cock hard as I thrust, pushing through her tightness. She is going to orgasm again. I never wanted anything so much as much as I want to feel her cum again
"Jungkook!", she screams, clinging to me and her body shaking against me
Pleasure fills my body again but still I hold back. When she finishes, she pushes me back and I fall out of her. What? Why? She kisses me hard and begins pushing me backwards. I am lost in her kiss so I just go where she is pushing me
I feel my legs hit something and she pushes me back more. It is the stairs. She pushes me more, out of the water and onto the stairs. I sit, my back against the step above where I am sitting. I watch her move on top of me. She slides down my cock and I moan as I go all in, her tight pussy opening for me
She leans over me and kisses my lips . I kiss her back, loving every kiss she gives me. When she sits back up, she moves sliding up and down my cock. Pleasure fills my body as I watch her ride me. I can see her entire body and I have to keep my mouth from dropping
She has muscles but not like a man. She also has blue tattoos on her body. I saw some of the other northmen with tattoos as well. She has a wolf on her side and her shoulder has chains tattooed all over. And that's just the front of her, I do not know if she has any on her back. I reach out and run my fingers over the wolf
I feel her skin tremble against my touch and I like that. She also has many scars on her body from battle as well as the wounds she just received from the past two fights. I understand why she has them but I do not like it. She has much more than me and that means she has been in more battles. More chances to die. I will do anything to prevent that
She takes my hands from her hips and puts them on her large breasts. Then she starts moving harder, slamming herself down over and over. I yell in pleasure, squeezing her breasts and closing my eyes. It feels amazing. I feel myself getting there but I want her to orgasm first
She keeps moving and I feel her starting to clench my cock. I know that when she orgasms, I will. I cannot hold it back anymore
"Jungkook!", she yells, orgasming again and her body shakes again
Pure pleasure fills my body, blinding me as I cum, my hands keeping her on me
"Joanne!", I shout
I cannot, it feels so good, I cannot take it. I have never in my entire life felt this much pleasure from coming. . It is taking over my body and I feel myself shudder. When we both finish, she leans over me, kissing all over my face
I love her kisses. I never want anyone else ever again, just hers. Her lips land on my lips in a gentle kiss. Wrapping my arms around her body, I hold her close to me
After a few minutes of kissing each other, she pulls away, looking down at me, in my eyes. She smiles and runs his fingers in my hair
"Saranghae Jungkook", she says
My heart bursts in joy and I cannot hold back my smile
"Ek elska þik Joanne"
I pull her back down to me in another kiss
She and I walk into the meeting room to wait for King Yoongi. We bathed and had sex again. I cannot keep my hands off her . And the best thing is she cannot keep hers off me either. It does not matter that we cannot speak to each other, it is like we know what the other wants . It is amazing
Maids brought towels to dry us and new clothes. We changed and when I turned to look at her, my mouth dropped. She was given a dress to wear. I have not seen her in a dress yet and she looks beautiful. She had a face on though like she did not like it. I do not think she is used to wearing dresses
I went to her and kissed her softly
"You are beautiful", I tell her in my language
She tilts her head, but smiles . I took her hand and led her here. She goes to sit while I go to Namjoon. I need to speak to him about something
A few minutes later, King Yoongi walks in. Everyone bows except for Joanne. Namjoon and I take seats, waiting for King Yoongi to speak
He looks at Joanne and says, "Queen Joanne"
My mouth drops in shock. He actually acknowledged that she is queen. He starts talking and Namjoon speaks to her
"What can I do to make your army leave my lands?"
She starts speaking
"Give them some of the things Ragnar demanded. They came here to raid and I cannot send them away with nothing. That will just ensure they will come back."
Yoongi listens to Namjoon, defeat on his face, "Agreed. I will give them the gold Ragnar asked for but they must leave upon receiving it"
She listens then speaks, "Agreed. I will tell them to leave and not come back"
Namjoon speaks and King Yoongi nods, then asks her a question. A question that makes me nervous
"Will you be going with them?"
She talks and I intently listen to Namjoon
"I am not sure. I need to speak to Jungkook"
He nods
She turns to me and starts speaking, Namjoon translates, "Honestly I do not want to be queen. There is already a queen, Aslaug. Apparently my people do not like her since they named me queen. And I have no problem killing her."
I nod. I understand that she may not want to be queen. I would never want to be king
"There is someone who will have a problem with me being queen. It is Lagertha, Ragnar's first wife and the one who raised and trained me. And I do not think I can kill her"
I can understand that. This Lagertha is like her mother. I would not expect her to kill her mother
"But what I choose to do depends on what you want. I will not leave you behind. If you want to come with me, I will be queen of the Danes. If you do not want to leave, I will stay with you and name Lagertha as Queen."
I am shocked. She's willing to give up being queen if I do not want to leave? I do not know what to say
"If I give up being queen, I have to make sure they know I am not staying here or Lagertha will come back for me"
That is easy to do. We can pretend we are leaving after giving them the gold. I would go with her but would her people accept me? Or would they try to kill me? I am the reason she killed Ragnar and his sons. I do not want her to have to protect me all the time. And if we stay here, I can finally leave the army and stay with her
"Will your people accept me? Or would they try to kill me?"
Namjoon speaks to her and she answers almost immediately, "They will try to kill you. They will not accept you unless you are a slave"
"You cannot go there as a slave Jungkook", king Yoongi cuts in
I look at her, about to speak but then she starts
"I am going to stay here with you", Namjoon translates
I look at her and ask, "Are you sure? We do not have to"
She shakes her head, "I do not belong there. I have not belonged anywhere my whole life. I was taken and lived in places but I did not really belong there."
I hate that her life has been so chaotic and she was taken from her original home. I cannot imagine that happening to me
"But I belong with you, Jungkook and wherever you are is where I want to be. So I am staying with you"
I nod, overjoyed that she feels that way. I feel the same
"I belong with you Joanne and I'll follow you anywhere"
I hate that Namjoon has to translate for us. But it will have to happen for now
I take a breath and speak to her in her language, "Joanne, will you marry me?"
She smiles and nods. I pull her to me and kiss her. That is what I spoke to Namjoon about when we came in the room. I wanted to know how to ask her that in her language.
When we pull away, I speak to King Yoongi, "She is staying here. I am marrying her and she is going to live with me"
"Fine. As long as the Northmen are gone, do whatever you want", he answers
Good because he is not going to be happy with what I am going to tell him
"I am also leaving the army"
"Excuse me?", he snaps
"I am retiring from the army. I found my soulmate and I want to be with her. I will not put myself in unnecessary danger and chance death. I refuse to leave her alone without me."
I do not know what I will do. I have only known the army. But I have skills and money that I can do whatever I want. Maybe be a farmer. That would be easier than a war general. Or a painter. I used to love painting
"And what will you do? Be a lowly farmer?", he snaps
"Yes. Or a painter. Something like that. I just want to live with her peacefully"
He glares at me but he answers, "Very well"
I ask Namjoon to translate what just happened and he does. She smiles and nods. We finish the meeting with Joanne and King Yoongi discussing the details of when he will have the gold, when she will give it to her people and renounce herself as queen. I suggest my idea to make them believe that her and I are leaving the kingdom. Everything is agreed upon and we can finally leave
Taking her hand, we leave the palace and I lead her the way to my house. She looks around at the people and market, smiling at everything. I smile watching her
I am happy for the first time in a long time
I know we still have a lot to do to,- get her army away from here, get married and move away from the city so we can live peaceful lives. But for now I'm just happy being with her, happy I found her
I stop walking and turn to her, "Saranghae"
She gives me a huge smile and answers, "Saranghae"
I lean down, my lips on hers in a sweet kiss
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bobfloydsbabe · 11 months
Helena.......my lovely, dearest, darling Helena, I can't thank you enough for putting up with me in such a short amount of time. I know I send in an ask once a day, but as always, thank you for letting me do so, you, Becca and so many others are the absolute best!!!
I was still thinking about Teacher!Bob x Teacher!Reader doing that joint literary history class on the Vikings and about the poor cat at home having a few sticky notes stuck to her (lol). I'd imagine too that both you and Bob are really big on the immersive learning with your students so when you do read from the Sagas, Beowulf or even from the ones from Finland, Bob will set up one of those little electric campfires that has flickering lights, make the room dark enough for the campfire and absolutely loves it when the snow is falling outside.
Bob's also very big on the visual learning so with the chalkboard in the classroom, he'll do these really impressive chalkboard drawings alongside the notes of the day. He even brings in the old, battered books which your students love the smell of (he swore it got one of the students to quit sniffing Sharpies all day long, lol).
I did put it in the reblog last night, but I imagine that when the school signs up for the trips abroad to Europe, you, Bob and the other teachers get to take the kids to Norway, Sweden and Denmark. One of Bob's bucket list places was in Norway and is known as "The Troll's Tongue". I'm not sure if you've ever been but it's near Odda and it's in the middle of this giant fjord (I swear to God this place was the inspiration for Anduin in Lord of the Rings) and it's a long, flat topped rock structure on the cliff that juts out over the river and is about 2,000 ft off the ground. Needless to say, you loved it because Bob was there with you, but damn if those heights didn't freak you out (lol).
Okay, I love this so much!!! My ability to string together a coherent sentence is questionable right now (it's after midnight lol), so forgive me if I don't make a lot of sense.
I believe in Bob is a cat person supremacy. It's a black cat that was the runt of the litter and she runs around the house with bright pink post-its attached to her fur. You and Bob set up camp in the library with hot coffee, blankets, the cat, books, the electric fire while wind rustles the windows of your old home and snow falls like blanket on the ground. He's so ridiculously in love with you, and every time he thinks he can't love you more, he looks at you and feels his heart swell. And yes, you do get down and dirty in that home library. I'm not saying your first kid was conceived there, but...
I have not actually heard of Trolltunga, but I looked it up and damn if it isn't the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen. It looks incredible. You and Bob encourage the kids to explore while staying safe, and he sees you with the students and knows he's found the one. He holds your hand, kisses your cheek and even sneaks one to your lips, but the kids catch you start singing the song about kissing in a tree. It's cute and you laugh. His cheeks go red from the cold and you make sure to pull his woolen hat down over his ears to protect them.
I just love this AU so much, and while it's not something I'll write, I do adore talking about it. I have my work cut out for me enough with librarian!Bob and eccentric professor!Bob.
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yanwriter-archive · 2 years
Update on blog and Upcoming Works
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Hello! It’s been a very long time! I won’t bore you with details, but I will say that I’m back! I have a few things I am working on, so my requests are closed for now, but over half of my requests were deleted by accident! So once I open them up, feel free to request something you may have requested before!
- Yanwriter
Upcoming works (No particular order)
1p Russia, 1p Germany, 2p Russia, and 2p Germany trying to convince the boss of Fem! Reader country to get married
2p France, 2p America, 2p Canada, and 2p England with a s/o that is emotionally sensitive
2p Russia and 2p China with a s/o who is emotionally sensitive
Yandere Nyo!Belarus General headcanons
Yandere Netherlands
Yandere Viking Sweden
A yandere Denmark Fic (I’m so excited for this!!)
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fireandspiceland · 2 years
I used to kinkshame furry lovers and weird catgirl/boy stuff when I realized people described/write denmark as a human with golden retriever energy and I love this man so apparently after reading too much fics turns out I’m into pet plays which kinda explains alot…. I had pet names associated with animals for my prev partners so idk why it took reading hetalia fics on ao3 to come to this discovery. Also that readerxnorwayxdenmarkxsweden fic that had them in a rut was my awakening.
I’m also committed to refer to denmark as puppydog, germany as bear, america as beaver, and Netherlands as bunny. I refer to prussia as horse ironically. Gotta figure out what to call the rest.
Character development lol. I love how you figured this out for yourself and suddenly so many things made sense! ☺️
Denmark is definitely a puppy dog. I think him and america are prime examples of dog boys lol so it’s interesting that you associate him with a beaver
also reader x Norway x Denmark x Sweden?? where’s the link bestie?
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Chapter II: Overhelming city, just because of you!
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Thank you @flowers-in-your-hayr​, you are a moodboard-goddess, this is stunning!
a/n: I hope you enjoy it, as much I did while writing it. English ist not my first language, so sorry for mistakes.
Pairing: ALEX x Reader
Spotify: Kiana Ledé & Jacquees - Only Fan
Words: 1875
Warnings: NSFW and smut, a bit fluff
Summary:  The day with Alex was perfect, but in the end you got an even bigger surprise.
Chapter I
,,Are you ready for breakfast?" She shook your shoulder. "Hey Y/N, wake up, we're late. I wrote Marco that we are going be in the lobby at 10 AM.’’ You never saw her so nervous, it was almost contagious. You only had an hour to get ready and eat.
,,You got his number?’’ You were surprised and start thinking if you’re going too slowly, just because Marco got Ana's number but Alex not yours.
You ran through the hotel room, searching for approppiate clothes and shoes. The light pink/red lipstick looked stunning on you.
Ana and you left the breakfast buffet and stood now in the lobby. You got impatient. Janina woke you up for nothing, nobody was waiting there. She even asked at the reception, but they didn't know anything.
You were annoyed. It was beautiful sunny weather and you didn't want to waste any time waiting. "Come on let's go, we can do this on our own. They won't come." You went backwards and waited for her to come with you.
,,I hope you like red roses’’ Suddenly you heard this familiar voice behind you. 
,,We are late and I don’t want you get angry, so I brought you this rose. I hope you are not mad.’’ He was visibly happy to see you again. His bright blue shirt matched exactly with his eyes, he looked amazing.
He lifted you up so that only the tips of your toes touched the ground. You hugged him tight, like he did.
Marco and Alex rented bikes, so you could change quickly the places. You were impressed by the beauty of this colorful city.
You stopped at a park. They prepared a picnic for lunch. It was so cozy to lay on that blanket; you closed your eyes to feel the sunbeams warming your face. You felt Alex searching for your hand. His thumb stroking the back of your hand. Your hand squeezed his, signaling that you liked his touch.
You turned your head to the other side looking for Ana. Marco was lying on the top of her, kissing her slowly. They were hidden behind a tree, so you couldn’t see what they exactly were doing. You looked at Alex again in the hope he also saw that, so he maybe would kiss you too, but he didn't.
You broke the silence ,,I want to go up there’’ And pointed with the other hand to Tivoli’s ferris wheel.
,,The view up there is beautiful. Good idea." He sat up and glanced down at you. It was a perfect situation to kiss you, so you took a deep breath.
But Alex got up and went to Marco. "Marco!’’ He yelled.
"Hey, Marco! He yelled again. He was too busy, kissing her neck.
,,Hey lovebirds, you can continue at home, let’s go to the ferris wheel’’. Marco seemed a little bit annoyed, that you disturbed them, but after a minute he was laughing and smiling again.
You got on the ferris wheel and were a bit nervous. The sun was slowly going down, so the view turned out to be much better than expected. The wheel started to move, and you reached for his hand. To be on the highest point of the wheel was a magical moment.
You looked at Alex and said quietly, 
,,Thank you…this is an overwhelming city, but just because you’re by my side’. He touched your chin so lightly that you barely felt it, like he was afraid to hurt you.
His bottom lip touched yours, he was so nervous that he wasn’t even breathing. You closed your eyes, to feel the kiss more intense. Your knees were shaking, you felt the kiss all over your body, that you almost got dizzy.
It got cold as soon as the sun went away. Alex and Marco had a surprise for Ana and you, so couldn’t go straight to their apartment, they said, so you went to the hotel first to take a shower and then to their home for dinner. Ana had the address, because you didn't still have Alex's number.
The building looked from outside discreet and a little bit old fashioned. Their apartment was in the top floor, so you took the elevator. You checked your make-up and hair in the mirror for the last time. Marco and Alex were leaning against the door frame as you walked out.
Ana directly jumped into Marco's arms and kissed him. Your shyness prevented you from taking the first step. You weren't sure whether you could kiss him or not and especially because he was the one who kissed you. Alex took you by the hip and pulled you to him. His lips awakened your feelings again.
He stopped kissing you abruptly. "Come in, our neighbors are too curious, I don't want to be their evening show".
The apartment was modern and decorated in a minimalist way. You could see hole Copenhagen through those huge windows. Alex did a room tour; you liked his grey bedsheets and the colossal jacuzzi in his bathroom. You imagined how hot it would be seeing Alex naked in there.
,, Why do you need a mirror above your bed?" You noticed how he thought about what to say.
"Hm, what do you think?" He grabbed your hips. You put your arms around his neck.
"Tell me." He nibbled on your lip before kissing your neck.
,,Because I want to look at your ass while you're riding me." He whispered in your left ear. You became goosebumps all over your body and you felt a cool wave running over your back.
His hand slipped over your ass. "You can also see yourself cumming while I please you with my tongue." He kissed him so rough that your back hit against the door frame.
"I would like to keep watching you guys, but we should eat dinner first, I'm so hungry!" Marco stared at you with a little smirk in his face. You nodded. Alex squeezed your ass before you let go of him and clapped it as you turned away.
You had absolutely no idea what Danish dish this was, but it smelled so good and the taste was even better. Marco was telling a funny story, but you noticed that Alex did not pay attention at all. He was staring at at your breasts. You were wearing a top with deep V-neck, the fabric was thin so he could see the pattern of your bra throught it. You leaned forward, to let him see more of your body and of course to provoke him. You ran your wet tongue over your lip and smirked. He took a sip from his glass, but his gaze remained on your decollete. You liked that game.
,,So how can you have so much time for us? We have already Tuesday and none of you went to work." commented Ana.
It seemed as Marco either Alex wanted to answer the question. 
Marco answered after a while. ,,We are actors, we play in the same series and finished shooting last Friday."
"Oh really, I hope you are not disappointed, if I never saw you on TV’’ you said ashamed.
Alex told you everything about it, how long they we’re acting and what the series is about.
,,To be honest, I’m really happy about that. I want you to love me Alex and not this character Ivar. Yesterday in the pub, we noticed that you didn’t know who we really are, so we decided to keep it secret for the moment.’’ He hoped you didn’t get mad. Even if you wanted to, you couldn't. You felt so attracted to him.
,,Should we give them our present now?’’ Marco whispered to Alex. They stand up and came back with two big golden gift boxes.
You thanked and opened it carefully to not damage this beautiful loop. 
,,Oh wow, is this a dress? How I deserve this?’’. It was a beautiful dark blue shimmering dress with the matching high heels, it overwhelmed you. You took the dress out of the box and discovered a second little box.
,,I want you to come with me to a charity event tomorrow, you will repent.’’ Alex said and took the diamond chain out of the little box, to put it on you.
"But Alex, I can't" You pressed the dress against your chest you to feel the soft fabric.
"No, why? Don't you like the dress?" He couldn't hide the disappointment.
,Yes, of course...I’d be glad to, but I do not necessarily wish to be on TV."
"I'll do my best to keep you out of the public eye, I promise."
"So if that is the case, I will be in the background, if you are ok with it.’’
,,Of course, there will be no cameras at the afterparty, don’t worry.’’ 
He hugged you and kissed you. ,,More wine? Let’s celebrate!’’ He raised his glass.
Marco and Ana had a lot more wine than you and were already pretty drunk. Marco ran to music player and started a playlist. The first song was Only Fan-Kiana Ledé and Jacquees. Ana and he went to the balcony and rocked gently in their own rhythm.
You loved that song. ,,I want to dance’’. You pulled him by the hand and pushed him onto the sofa. 
,,Keep your hands next to you’’ you said in a stern voice. Your hips moved according to the rhythm of the music. Your butt brushed his crotch and you heard a low moan. You went on your knees, your face passed his crotch again. You pulled with your teeth his zipper down, his dick nudged your jaw. The wine made disappear your shyness. You sat on his lap and moved slowly feeling his dick on your ass. Your hips did circles, up and down, side to side. His hands slid slowly under your shirt and grabbed you by the waist. They felled down, he squeezed your ass and pressed his lips against yours. You were already horny before the lap dance, but he didn’t know it.
You noticed Marco's eyes watching you through the balcony window, at the same time kissing Ana's neck. He smirked when your eyes met.
Alex stood up and walked into his bedroom. Your legs were around his waist, holding you tight so you couldn’t fall. He started to kiss your neck, his tongue traced over your breasts without touching the nipples and passed your navel. He teased you.
Alex forgot to close the door completely, so Marco heard your loud moan, when Alex finally reached your clit. Alex looked up to you and smirked. You took his head away from pussy, jumped on him and thrusted his thick dick into you, without warning him first. One short moan escaped his mouth. He glanced down at his cock and watched it disappear into your pussy again and again.
He let his head fall back and mumbled. "You're crazy"
,,Do you like what you see in the ceiling mirror, huh?’’ you asked him while making him a hickey on his neck. 
,,I could watch you for hours, elskede’’. You jumped harder and faster, hearing your buttcheeks clapping against his hips.
"Uh, yes." He groaned and smacked your ass with both hands.
He loved this roughness and couldn’t prolong his orgasm. You keeped the pace. Feeling his warm seed running out your pussy triggered yours.
He grabbed your chin and pulled you down. "Stick out your tongue" He bit into it and you whined. "Hush and kiss me!"
Alex was still sleeping, when you stood up the next morning. You had to put his shirt on, because you didn't have any clothes with you. The shirt covered your ass and you didn’t wear underwear. Everyone was sleeping anyway so it didn't matter.
,,Do you want a cup of coffee?" You were frightened.
"What are you doing awake Marco?" Your nipples shimmered through the light fabric, so you tried to cover your breasts with your hands.
"I could ask you that as well" He poured himself a cup.
"I made too much and Ana is still sleeping. So do you want or not?’’ You took your cup and sat on the couch and saw Alex's belt laying on the floor.
Your shirt slipped up as exposing your butt cheeks unintentionally as you leaned forwards to pick it up.
,,I saw you having sex yesterday, he satisfied you well’’ He said in a jealous tone.
,,Weren’t you with Ana?’’
,,Ana was so drunk. She felled asleep little later."
You were so shocked that you didn't comment on it.
"I’m sorry, a gap was open and...-"
"and what?!" Your tone became brisk.
"- you were so sexy." You blushed.
"I won't tell anyone, don't worry.’’ He added.
You were confused. Did you like it or not?
Alex interrupted your thoughts. ,,Are you grabbing my girlfriend? Maybe you should ask for permission first.’’ He laughed.
Chapter III: I kissed you and you don’t even know
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otakufrenchfries · 4 years
Hidden love Pt.1
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Summary : Modern AU Ivar finally has the opportunity to confess his feelings to the girl he has secretly loved for years.
WORDS : 839
part 2
Ivar used to hear the murmurs, the whispers of others. On this defect, this handicap that makes him suffer every day a little more and that nobody can understand. He was often told that he was handsome, very handsome even hot, but that it would be of no use to him with legs like his. This was his shame and he was afraid that no one would ever love him in his life because of it. Even today after 19 years on this earth.
He had to go to the supermarket to buy what his mother missed for dinner. It's a long and tiring journey for his legs and he regrets a little that his brothers were not there to help him with his wheelchair on his own he couldn't make this journey and then when he was accompanied by one of his brothers or his mother nobody dared to say anything.
When he finally entered the doors of the supermarket he sighed, a part of the ordeal had passed although he already had his legs on fire and red hands to lean on his crutches. Luckily for him his mother hadn't asked him to buy much so he wouldn't have to cross the shop back and forth.
He received a message from his mother, apparently she had everything he needed so he didn't have to go to the shop anymore. Ivar was angry, very angry, all this pain for nothing, red hands and throbbing legs that are the result of absolutely nothing. So he decided not to give back that day, that outing and that pain for no reason and he went in to browse the shelves.
The books were undoubtedly what he preferred here, the historical books, especially those on the Viking air... He didn't really know how long he had been flipping through the pages of these books, although standing upright it didn't hurt, it was as if the books overshadowed the pain. But the one he was most interested in was the one entitled "The Old Story of Danemark- Kings and Conquests" as he grasped it and began to read a voice that made him turn around:
"Those who ruled over Denmark were remarkable, especially the great king Ragnar Lotbrok, but my favourite was the berserker Ivar".
It was Lily one of his classmates, although Ivar doesn't like his classmates he has to admit that she is different from the others, she was always nice to him by saying hello and asking how he was. He never answered her, he never asked her how she was, he just listened to her tell him about her life, so unlike her, he knows everything about her.
"Hi Lily" his tone wasn't what he wanted it to be, he didn't want to be nice to you, he never liked any girl because they all made fun of him and none of them are nice and sweet like you, none of them can hold a candle to you. It's hard to find someone when you've already found perfection, or so he thought. "You seem to know your way around."
"Of course, I love the history of Denmark and the Viking civilisations even more, and you knew that you bear the name of one of the greatest kings Denmark has ever known, so it's a subjective opinion since it's the one I find the most interesting" she smile, she smile was all that wanted to see, a real smile just for him.
"By the way Ivar, you remember that we have an old Norse exam next week so I wanted to ask you if you would help me to revise. I have trouble with the vocabulary and you are undoubtedly the most gifted student in this subject that I know at the time. ..." she sighed, she was afraid that he would say no and that would mean that her plan to get closer to the boy she has loved since primary school would fall through, although she didn't lie as she has real difficulties with old Norse. So she was stressed about whether she could spend some time alone with him.
Ivar was thinking the same thing to her, what a joy that the girl he's been watching for quite some time asked him that. He could be with her well, whether only for his excellent practice of old Norse in her opinion, only him and no one else to distract her from him, no one to steal her attention.
"Yes, don't worry, let's say Saturday afternoon at my place?" at that moment he regretted not having proposed to her because at his place there will be his brothers and probably his mother and the gods alone know how indiscreet his family can be.
"Perfect, see you Saturday then", Lily left with a book in her hand and gently kissed Ivar's cheek. He smiled, blushed and looked away with embarrassment as you walked away.
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loey-bae · 6 years
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He’s fucking gorgeous ❤️
(Photo is not mine)
632 notes · View notes
Hjem(løs)  - Ivar x OC - Modern AU - Part 6
Hjem(løs) = Home(less)
Synopsis: It’s Juleaften and Silje walks home from a late Christmas shopping spree. On her way back to her apartment, she makes an unexpected encounter.
Word count: 7.6k
Part 5 <<< >>> Part 7
A/N: Now that I’ve lived in Copenhagen I can actually tell exactly where he’s sitting in this gif. It’s Ørstedsparken if you were wondering.
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“Hey Silje, is it my imagination or did your friend Nicolaj flirt with me?” Ivar asked, breaking the surrounding silence.
They were walking home quietly. In the end their 'coffee' turned into a drink, then several drinks, and lasted well into the night. It was a fresh night but not so much as to be cold, and Silje and Ivar took their sweet time walking back in the still fairly busy streets of Copenhagen. Apparently they weren't the only ones who decided to go out today, and a lot of students celebrated the end of their exams too.
Silje scoffed and stretched her arms until her shoulders cracked slightly. Laughter fell from her lips, echoing through the street.
“My sweet innocent Ivar!,” She chuckled. “He was flirting so openly I was almost sorry for you,” she said. “And to be honest I'd be a bit worried if you hadn't noticed, he was all over you.”
“Just making sure,” Ivar grumbled, not happy about what she implied. “He could just be weirdly friendly, he looks like the type.”
Like me? Silje thought. But she suppressed the bitter thought as quickly as it popped in her mind. It wasn't Ivar's fault that he couldn't see she liked him. She should grow a pair and tell him point blank, except she was too cowardly to do so. She smiled wider to hide her sudden embarrassment.
“He does, right? And he gets friendlier with each drink too,” she told him. “I think it went well.”
“How so?” Ivar arched a brow and glanced at her, hands in his pockets. At this point it was that or risking he reaches out for her – a had one too many drinks and didn't trust himself to make the rigth decision.
“They like you,” she simply said with a little shrug.
Ivar stared at her, open-mouthed but silent. He didn't ask any further questions, nor did Silje provide a more detailed answer. He didn't need one though, he got it. It was important to her that her friends liked him, it was like an approval stamp. He hadn't realized what he got himself into earlier on, but he was glad he passed the test. He enjoyed their company too, Silje's group of friends was a merry troop of weirdos, but they were so much fun and seemed very close.
“Well what's not to like?” He ended up saying, easing away the slight tension in the air. “I'm tall, handsome, charming...” He enumerated his qualities, making large hand gestures for emphasis, before putting them back in his pockets. “Nicolaj has good taste.”
“I'll tell him that next time I see him,” Silje snickered, watching Ivar's grin disappear.
“Please, don't,” he winced. “Let's try to avoid a do-over of tonight.”
In Ivar's defence, Nicolaj really outdid himself with the flirting. Asmus pretended to gag several times throughout the evening, and Ava had to forcefully drag him away when they called it a night, while Nicolaj blew kisses to Ivar.
“I bet you secretly loved it!” Silje declared, poking Ivar in the chest with her pointer finger. They were now standing by the train platform, waiting for their ride home. “How long has it been since the last time you got hit on?”
The correct answer was two minutes before meeting her friends, when she once again behaved like a flustered schoolgirl around him, simultaneously hoping he didn't notice her odd behaviour and wishing he did. So maybe she didn't ask the right question. When was the last time Ivar realized he was being hit on, was better.
“Can't remember, I was a bit of a hermit between the moment I dropped out of uni and the day I met you,” he answered, unaware of Silje's quiet disappointment. “But I vaguely remembered how awkward it was to have someone rub against you when you're not into them,” he added, smiling somewhat embarrassingly, as if he was picturing something in his head.
“Don't you wish people were more direct when it came to these things?” Silje wondered out loud, looking to her left where the train was coming. It stopped, and when the doors opened they steppe in, finding two seats where they could speak freely. Her eyes then flickered to Ivar who gave her a questioning look. “Feelings. Attraction. Whatever you wanna call it.”
“Like pulling someone aside and making a grandiloquent love declaration?” He asked, a tiny smile tugging at his lips as though he was making fun of her – which he definitely was. Silje rolled her eyes.
“Not quite what I had in mind,” she said, pouting a little. “Just... if people could tell their feelings outright instead of dropping hints, hoping against hope that the other person will pick them up.”
“I see your point, but wouldn't it suck the fun out of it?” Ivar mused.
“The thrill is in the chase?” Silje replied, guessing what he meant. “I supposed yeah. But it would prevent so many people from being miserable. Haven't you ever pined after someone so hard it hurts?”
At this Ivar winced visibly, then smiled a little to himself, as if he was laughing at a joke Silje wasn't in on. Her curiosity pushed her to ask him what he was thinking about, but she swallowed down her questions. If he was thinking about someone in particular, she didn't want to know. After all, she was one of the pining miserable pining idiots. Her heart constricted in her chest and she looked away.
“Anyway, it was just a thought. I know it'll never happen, people don't have the balls for that,” she huffed after a moment of agreeable silence. They both seemed to have come to the conclusion that she was right, but her wish was unrealistic.
Ivar chuckled at her remark and he couldn't help but agree.
“Then why mention it at all?” Ivar asked, pushing his curiosity. This wasn't a nice question, it was nosy and irrelevant, and it forced Silje to tell him things that were none of his business. It was like asking her directly if she was pining after someone. Oh, and you know what? He might as well. “Is there someone you wish would do that?”
Silje blushed but tried to hide it as best she could with her hair, though the neons of the train weren't helping. However Ivar did not notice because he too was busy looking elsewhere, a little scared that if he looked her in the eyes she would see right through him.
She was so taken aback that she nearly spilled out the truth that she actually did want someone to tell her how he felt, hell, maybe she even wanted that grandiloquent love declaration Ivar spoke of minutes ago. But she quickly pulled herself back together and whipped her head towards Ivar.
“What kind of nosy question is that? It's none of your business Mister!” She told him when she was sure her voice wasn't going to betray her.
“Someone's getting defensive!” Ivar laughed. “I'll take that as a yes.”
This time there was no hiding the rising blush on Silje's cheeks, and Ivar saw it plain as daylight.
“So it's true!” He said, a wicked grin on his face – as if he wasn't handsome enough without that. “I was just teasing, but I'm right!”
Since when had he become so good at lying? He wasn't teasing at all – well, not only – but rather trying to fish out some information. If Silje liked someone he wanted to know.
His smiled fell. She did like someone. Who was it? Whoever he was, he couldn't be part of her group of friends, he saw the way she acted with them and it was nothing but friendly. Not to mention one of them was gay, and another one had a girlfriend.
The mood darkened significantly after that, both of them silently cursing their star for their one-sided feelings. Ivar sighed, and he thought about what Hvitserk told him – once again. It was haunting him.
You're lying to yourself if you think you still have valid reasons to stay quiet about your feelings.
After all, maybe he was right. One could argue that knowing Silje was interested in someone else was a good reason not to pipe word about his feelings for her, but Ivar knew better. Ivar knew that he could only blame himself if she walked away with another, because he was the one dropping hints and hoping against hope that she would pick them up.
She was right – of course he shouldn't be surprised, Silje was almost always right. People should stop beating around the bush, and thus prolonging their own agony. But she was right about something else too: he didn't have the balls to tell her.
It felt much easier when he thought about coming onto her a few months back, when he thought he was simply attracted to her, but wouldn't make a move for other very valid – or so he thought at the time – reasons. But now that those reasons were outdated, he had a much better one to shut the fuck up: self-preservation. Now... now his heart was in the balance.
“I had a surprise for you,” Silje said, bursting Ivar's bubble of melancholy. He blinked few times. Silje was standing now; they arrived to their station.
“A surprise?” Ivar asked as they exited the train to walk the remaining distance. “When did you find the time to prepare me a surprise before your exam?”
He didn't even question the fact that she had a surprise for him in the first place, that was merely Silje being her usual self. Sometimes he would come home and she would greet him with a 'SURPRISE' because she made his favourite dish, or found this awesome sweater in the local thrift store, or because she had a clay mask on and wanted to scare him. That last one worked unfailingly.
“I didn't prepare it yet, I wanted to make it after my exam but then...”
She didn't finish because they both knew what happened then, and they smiled to each other. Ivar was so glad his hands were in his pockets, he wanted to grab her waist and pull her to him so bad his fingers tingled.
“So what is it?” He inquired, wondering which kind of surprise it would be this time.
“Is the whole concept of a surprise foreign to you?” Silje replied with a snarky comment, which caused Ivar to send her a stinky look. “Don't give me that look! You'll know in less than an hour. I hope you still have a bit of room after all that beer.”
So it's a food-related surprise. He liked those a lot.
Ivar whined. “So long?” He threw his head back, his eyes focusing on the night sky.
“You are insufferable,” Silje complained, her voice laced with fondness. “Since you're so impatient I'm going to take my time.”
Ivar protested but seeing that his protests had the opposite of the desired effect he quickly stopped and grumbled some more to himself before letting it go. Silje smiled in quiet victory, smirking to herself. They reached their place, and Ivar was ordered to sit down and bit still – and quiet – while she prepared everything. If he cheated, she would eat it all herself – and the gods know Silje was going to carry out that threat, she would gobble it all down right in front of him.
So Ivar sat on the couch, arms crossed like a sulking child while the TV played some old black and white movie he had no interest in; however he needed to background noise to keep him distracted from the distinctive cooking noises coming from behind him. He couldn't tell what she was doing. He heard her open the fridge, use the electrical whipper, the clatter of glass, then it became quiet when she put whatever she was cooking in the oven, taking car of putting a towel before it, to hide what's inside.
“And now we wait!” She said proudly, apparently happy with herself. It had been quick, so Ivar guessed the cooking time was what would take most of the time.
“Already on it,” Ivar said, his biting remark forcing a giggle out of Silje who proceeded to wash the dishes and clean the counter.
“You're so grumpy, what is the matter with you?” She asked when she was done and joined him on the couch.
Any other day Ivar would have offered to wash the dishes for her, or help her with something, anything. Even when he knew she was going to say no, he still offered. She racked her brain to try and remember if something occurred earlier that upset him, but she couldn't pinpoint exactly when his mood darkened.
Was it her babbling about feelings? Was it Nicolaj's relentless flirting that wore him out? Could it be that he had something planned for them and had to abandon his plans in favour of spending the evening with a bunch of people he never met before? It was so unlike Ivar to act like that. Ever since he healed from his leg injury he was the light of Silje's life.
“Nothing...” He told her, forcing a smile on his face to ease her worries. Silje didn't buy the lie, but she dropped the matter anyway, not wanting to force him to say something he wasn't ready to share with her. “I need to take a leak.”
Silje's left eyebrow twitched when Ivar stood up, leaving her sitting there with her concerns while he took off to avoid further questions.
“You might be tall and handsome but you can scratch charming off the list!” She shouted at him after the bathroom door closed on him.
Laughter erupted from behind the door. Silje smiled to herself. Maybe all hope wasn't lost to salvage this evening, even if something bothered him.
When he came back he seemed to be in a lighter mood, though Silje knew it was forced on his part. Unbeknownst to her he hadn't gone to the bathroom to take a leak, but to give himself a pep talk in front of the mirror and get his shit together. He didn't like to worry Silje. He liked to see her smile because of him. He liked to make her life easier, and happier.
Fucking hell, he was so in love it was disgusting.
He only came out when Silje called his name again, asking if he needed help in there. Ivar rolled his eyes before walking out, smiling somewhat convincingly – it was the best he could do. Hvitserk's words still nagged him. They were like an chihuahua biting at his ankles: annoying, testing his patience, and hard to ignore.
“You can't help me with this,” Ivar said, leaning over the back of the couch. Silje twisted around and crossed her arms on the back of the couch to face Ivar.
They both knew that 'this' was not referring to whatever he was doing in the bathroom, and Silje accepted it. It was good to know that he only refused her help because she couldn't help him, and not because he didn't want it, though she had guess as much by now. It wasn't in Ivar's character  to be aloof and cold.
“I figured that much,” she told him. “Care for a game of cards while we wait?”
“Happy Families?” Ivar laughed, looking at the deck she set on the table. “Finally you chose a game you have a chance to win.”
“Wait until I hand your ass to you before boasting!” She warned him, holding a finger out at him, which Ivar turned away from him.
“It's very rude to point at people with your finger, don't you know that?” He patronized her, knowing full well that it irked her.
“Oh I know,” she glared at him. “The game is on!”
There never was a more competitive pair than the two of them, even when they played children games. The need to win was present all the same. Maybe it was because his mind was elsewhere, or maybe Silje had gone about it in a smarter way than he did, but the result was undeniable: she won. It was Silje's turn to boast and rub her victory in Ivar's face – he wasn't a sore loser thank the gods, unlike Silje who sulked every time.
Her victory dance was cut short by the oven's alarm, and Silje bolted to the kitchenette to retrieve their midnight snack, because that's how late it was.
“Not too soon, I was getting old!”
“Shut up Ivar.”
He was going to retort something else but then Silje set down a tray with four small disnes, and two spoons, a huge smile on her face. She didn't say anything but instead waited for his reaction, which was slow in coming. When it became apparent that she wasn't going to get anything out of him like this, Silje spoke up.
“So? It's crème brûlée, you said it was on your list, right?” She prompted him to say something, and Ivar swallowed thickly, not sure what to say.
If he opened his mouth he might say something dumb he would regret later like “I love you so goddamn much” because of course she remembered his list, and she set to cross as many things off of it as she could. As if he needed another reason to be thankful for having her in his life. In all honesty, he didn't say anything because if he so much as tried to coax a sound out of his throat he might cry.
What he wouldn't give to be able to take off again, hide in the bathroom and turn on the shower so he could let the tears flow again. It had became a habit of his over the weeks, to just let it all out while he showered, so he could blame his red eyes on the shampoo if Silje asked him about them. Sometimes he wondered what would have become of him if she wasn't... Silje.
Ivar nodded and offered her a small smile since she was still staring at him in wait of a reaction. She expected something different, something a bit more enthusiastic. Instead she got a blank stare and complete and utter silence. For her own sake, she decided to take it as a compliment – Ivar was so moved that words eluded him. It wasn't far from the truth.
They ate in silence, the only sound in the small apartment coming from the tv and the spoon clicking against the glass dishes she baked the crèmes brûlées in. Meanwhile, Silje's imagination ran wild, wondering if maybe she had done something wrong. Did Ivar have a painful memory attached to this dessert? Should she have made smørrebrød? After a while she started recounting how her exam went, just to say something. But Ivar just looked awfully serious and lost in his own world, probably not listening to a word of what she said.
“Ivar?” She asked, tentatively. His name caught his attention and he looked at, staring her right in the eyes.
“I have something to tell you.” He had blurted out the sentence before he could stop himself.
It became too heavy to carry around his secret crush. More than anything he wished that Silje would notice and say something about it – it wasn't like she was shy – but he must have been better at hiding his feelings than he thought, because she was utterly oblivious. Hiding wasn't even the proper word because he didn't put much effort in it, he just tried to respect her boundaries.
Only one solution left in this situation: tell her outright. What she told him on their way back gave him food for thought, and it hadn't left the back of his mind all evening, making him question his approach to the issue.
The issue was that he considered it an issue. Having feelings shouldn't, and wasn't an issue. He had to own up to it, and tell her. Because she deserved to know, and he deserved a chance to let her know. She was staring back just as intensely, not knowing where his sudden jolt of awakeness came from.
“I-” She began but was immediately cut short by her ring tone.
She brought her lips in a thin line, frowning and pulling her phone out of her bag. If it was Ubbe asking to speak to Ivar again she was going to change number. But it wasn't.
“I did it!” The voice in the phone shouted so loud even Ivar could hear it, and Silje almost dropped the object. “I DID IT SIL!”
“Hvitserk would you mind turning down the volume?” She shouted back in the phone, holding it at a respectable distance from her sensitive ears. She pressed the speaker button so Ivar could be part of the conversation. “You're on speaker.”
“Great! Listen to this Ivar you little shit!” Hvitserk snickered in victory. “I manned up and asked Inge out- I mean to marry me. I asked her to marry me, and she said yes.”
Ivar wanted to grab Silje's phone and throw it out the window. Hvitserk could not out him right now, right before Ivar did it himself.
“Now you-”
“That's fantastic news!” Silje cut him off, making Ivar nearly faint in relief. He was going to strangle Hvitserk, Inge will just have to find another father for her children. “How- when...” She stuttered out, unable to put order in her thoughts but clearly asking for details. “Wait why do you call in the middle of the night to tell me that? At least tell me you went down on one knee and didn't just pop the question during pillow talk!”
Hvitserk laughed nervously but elected to ignore Silje's question, as she had aimed right.
“You're the man!” Ivar said with genuine enthusiasm, though he was still ready to murder Silje's tactless brother with is are hands next time he sees him.
So much for the declaration of feelings, Ivar could hardly steal the scene now, and Silje was way too excited about the news to listen to him now anyway. She happily chatted with her brother while Ivar grabbed his second serving of crème brûlée, cursing Hvitserk to the pits of Hel.
“Going out?” Ivar asked, humming to himself as his eyes scanned the pages of the book he was reading. A heavy illustrated volume with laminate pages; the title red Medieval Scandinavia: Overview of Viking Warfare.
Silje, who was bent in two, putting on her shoes, looked up.
“Eh- yeah, meeting with Hvitty, Ubbe and Sigurd, he's decided to come out of his man cave and grace us with a few hours of his presence,” she snorted, rolling her eyes. “The gods know when he'll do that again, so I made some time to have a drink with my brothers. Besides they are rarely all back at the same time.”
“One's still missing,” Ivar said, absent-mindedly, biting down on his pencil while he read, until he found something worth jotting down.
“Are you complaining?” Silje giggled.
“Hey, I was wondering, how many more exams do you have?” He asked, this time looking at her.
“Oh- ugh, three. I still have to attend the classes until the exams are over, but in two weeks' time I'll be done,” Silje said, though not knowing why he asked. His eyes focused back on his book. He was biting the inside of his left cheek, as if deep in thought. “Do you want to come?” She asked after a minute of silence. “I think Hvitserk has yet to announce his engagement, it could be fun.” Ivar was so engrossed in his book that he could barely participate in a conversation right now.
“Mmmh, no thanks,” he hummed. “Have fun!”
Right. Silje smiled to herself and fought the urge to roll her eyes again. This boy was a history nerd, she found that out the moment he plunged himself back into his thesis and began to bring home thick volumes from the library, claiming that he had tons of things to catch up on. That was true for the most part, but he was clearly overdoing it.
“You too!” Silje took her keys and after a second of hesitation also grabbed a light scarf before going out in the windy streets. The sun might show his face during the day but it became chilly in the evening.
For once she needn't run to the S-train because the oldest of the three was waiting for her by the door when she walked out of her building. Through the windows she could see Hvitserk waving at her from the back-seat and next to him was Sigur, wearing his usual ticked off expression, like he was in the presence of a five year old – which wasn't too far off when you considered Hvitserk's mental age.
The greetings were warm and noisy, and Silje was thankful Ubbe let her ride shotgun instead of being trapped back there with Hvitserk and Sigurd. She loved all of her brothers, the gods be witness, but these two got along like cat and dog, and it was never a good idea to stand in between.
“Let's fucking go!” Hvitserk exclaimed, setting the general mood.
“Oh, you haven't met Ivar!” Ubbe said, suddenly getting why Sigurd seemed so confused when Silje recounted her latest adventures to her finally returned brother.
Catching up over a drink had become a tradition of sorts for them, and there was always much to catch up on given how Silje liked to go out and participate in events of all sorts. She still volunteered for the Red Cross, taught English to middle schoolers, and sometimes walked the dog of the old lady living on the ground floor. She shamefully admitted that she had been doing less since Ivar came into her life.
“Who's Ivar?” He said, squinting his eyes at the name.
“Silje's boyfriend,” Hvitserk said, earning a smack behind the head from the chief party concerned. “Ouch!”
“He's not!” She snapped, hand still in the air, ready to strike again if Hvitserk so much as showed a sign of thinking to reply. “He's a friend of mine, he's been crashing on my couch for a while now.”
Before agreeing to come to this reunion Silje, Ubbe, and Hvitserk talked about what they should say, and they decided not to share Ivar's personal life with anyone if it wasn't necessary. Sigurd was naturally uninterested in strangers' lives, he wouldn't ask any questions, therefore there was no need to lie, they would simply withhold the whole truth.
Furthermore, it might not be the best idea to tell their family. What they didn't know can't hurt them, and Ivar was a proud man, he wouldn't want his past to become public knowledge. If anyone asked who the hell Ivar was, he was a friend Silje met at University.
“Another stray dog you bring home? Don't you ever learn?” Sigurd huffed, crossing his arms like their mom usually does when she was scolding them.
“What?” Silje let out, her voice too high pitched to sound natural. “Take it back you fuck ass!” She growled, switching to defensive mode. She smacked him same as she did Hvitserk earlier, and both of the boys looked at each other like it was the other's fault they got hit. “And you-” she turned back to Hvitserk. “Be serious for a second. He's your friend too.”
“So is someone gonna tell me why the hell this Ivar guy is such a big deal?” Sigurd sighed. His left hand rested across the back seat while his right one now fiddled with his empty glass. Ubbe's eyes locked with it before raising an arm, gesturing the waiter to bring another pint.
“He's become Silje's shadow,” Ubbe put in. “Can't really catch up on what Silje's been doing without mentioning him.”
As if he had been waiting for an occasion to start chatting away again Hvitserk sat up straight and began talking again in this animated way of his. Silje knew it meant nothing good for her – and she couldn't reasonably smack him upside the head again, they were in a public place after all.
“They are always together – don't even deny it,” he added for Silje who found the bottom of her glass fascinating. “She took care of the fucker for weeks after he hurt his leg, and she cooks for him, and gives him her library card so he can borrow books freely. I can barely see one without the other!” Hvitserk sniggered in his glass of beer before taking a gulp down.
Ubbe didn't interject but quietly nodded to everything Hvitserk said like he agreed with all of it.
“So?” Sigurd asked flatly, not getting why his brother was loosing his shit over this.
“Friends don't do this kind of shit!” Hvitserk said, looking at Sigurd as if his brother had grown an extra limb. Sigurd looked back and shrugged, clearly not seeing what Hvitserk claimed was obvious.
“Since when are you so observant? I bet you're seeing things,” Sigurd argued, very clearly annoyed by his younger brother's far-fetched theories about their sister's love life or lack thereof. “Tell him Silje!”
“Yes, tell him I'm right Sil!” Hvitserk replied, also looking at her.
Silje smiled, shaking her head slightly. How many times had she been on the receiveing end of those stares? She couldn't remember the number of times she had to act as a mediator for these two. Ubbe seemed to enjoy the show, sipping his beer in amused silence.
“I'm not saying anything,” she eventually said, earning a round of groans and complains. “It's not your business!” She argued, raising her pointer finger to them both and giving them the Mom Look.
“Oh c'mon, now you're being ridiculous,” Hvitserk snorted. “You're our only sister, we make it our business.”
“You're meddling!” Sigurd now accused Hvitserk, earning an offended gasp in answer. “You're playing match making, and that's why you see signs everywhere!”
Silje wished Sigurd was right, because his theory was valid and actually happened before, but this time she couldn't say the same. Hvitserk might exaggerate a ton, but he wasn't dead wrong either, because Silje did bear feelings for Ivar, and she was not the best at hiding what she felt.
“I'm betting my money on Hvitty this time,” Ubbe cut in, joining the conversation. “They are very cosy around each other.”
The three brothers began arguing as though Silje wasn't sitting right there, blushing both out of fluster and second hand embarrassment – people were staring.
“Can we not go back to Hvitserk's proposal?” Silje whined, trying to change the subject but they didn't even hear her talk over the noise they were making and the background music in the bar.
“I've been with Inge since the dawn of time, your sentimental life is so much more interesting little sister,” Hvisterk said in a huff, resembling a gossiping schoolgirl as he leaned closer towards his siblings to recount Silje and Ivar's odd courtship rituals. Yes, he said courtship rituals, and Silje's eyes rolled so far back in her head she saw her brain for the briefest moment.
“No offence Sil, but the way you flirt is shameful,” he told her, increasing the blush on her cheeks. Silje willed herself to cool down, but the heat of her flaming cheeks didn't decrease in the least, and she inwardly cursed her fair complexion.
“I take great offence!” She barked back, glaring daggers at an oblivious and slightly buzzed Hvitserk who couldn't take a hint if it knocked him out.
Sigurd listened still, although clearly not interested and a little bored. He leaned his head on his right arm and stared at the golden liquid in his glass. Silje decided that today Sigurd was her favourite brother, and that she was going to give Hvitserk a piece of her mind as soon as she could corner him and have a little one on one with him.
Ubbe seemed relatively disinterested too, though he wore a constant little smirk, more amused by Hvitserk's behavior than by what he was saying.
“Let him have his fun, you can plan payback another day,” Ubbe nudged Silje in an attempt to make her relax.
She hadn't realized how tense she was up until this point, when she flinched at the contact of her brother's arm against hers. She gritted her teeth and breathed deeply, summoning what little patience she still had – it was going to be a long night.
After his failed attempt at confessing, Ivar clammed up. He didn't try to say anything again, and maybe this had something to do with the atmosphere that was a little off? Or maybe he was imagining things, and nothing had changed.
The point is, Ivar was restless, fidgety, and he wanted to grab Silje by the shoulders to shake her like a tree while yelling 'I love you dumbass, can't you see it?'. Except he knew that would be a bad way to go about it.
“Should've gone with her,” he grumbled to himself, having lost interest in his history book half an hour ago. “I could do with a beer.”
He couldn't pinpoint when exactly he picked up alcohol again, but he could count on Silje to tap his fingers if she thought he drank too much – the girl barely let him become tipsy, on the ground that she's “not dragging his piss drunk ass home”. It made him chuckle, picturing her stern glare as she pushed his half empty pint of beer over to Hvitserk because the boy had a supernaturally high tolerance to alcohol, while Ivar, who hadn't touched it in years, held his drink like a teenage girl. He wasn't proud of it, but that's what you get when you stop drinking for a long time – not that it was a bad thing, Silje often reminded him.
He didn't even know where they went, or he could have joined them. Out of sheer hope he checked him phone – sometimes Silje texted him where she went, just to be safe. Though he didn't know why she would need to when she was with her brothers. He was curious about this Sigurd, the one who supposedly hated everyone and wouldn't care for meeting Ivar even if he was being paid for it.
He sounded even more of a hermit than Ivar, he mused, sliding his phone out of his pocket. It lit up and and the screen displayed a couple of messages.
From Hvitserk
if you don't confess soon i'll do it for you!!!
From Silje
Kill me please, Hvitserk is the most annoying drunk
He ignored the first message and only opened Silje's. His fingers flew over the tactile screen and he sent his answer. Less than a minute later, the phone buzzed.
From Silje
We're at the Dubliner at Amagertorv
Come save me and i'll make you as many crème brûlées as you want
He smirked. She provided him the perfect excuse to come, he wouldn't even have to admit that he hated hanging out on his own at her place. He felt like a squatter, it didn't sit right with him. After all these months you'd think he felt like home, and it's true that Silje always managed to make him feel like it when she was around, treating him like he wasn't a parasite living on her couch for free, but whenever she was away, it felt... cold.
Now he was being mushy and ridiculous, he couldn't think this way. This apartment was totally fine, there was nothing cold or unwelcoming about it. Deep down, Ivar knew that he felt like this because he was crushing so hard on Silje that he was miserable when she wasn't there. Pathetic really.
Still, he got up and put on his sneakers and an old suede jackets – it had lots of frills and was two sizes too big but he liked it and bought it from a thrift store. Within a minute he was outside, strolling towards the right bus stop.
“Will you stop now? Can I at least speak for myself?” Silje groaned in frustration, her eyebrows twitching angrily while her brothers grew more and more inebriated and less and less reasonable.
“To say what?” Ubbe questioned – he had now joined Hvitserk in his teasing, and even Sigurd seemed to enjoy himself, though he could hardly know where the truth lied, having never met the chief concerned party of this friendly argument.
“You're just going to deny it all,” Sigurd said.
“Yes, because what he says it dumb. On what ground do you claim that Ivar likes me?” She shot back, her eyes switching to Hvitserk and his reddened face. He really was drunk now. “And you're done with beer, you get water from now on!”
“Oh don't be a buzz kill!” He complained, quickly emptying his glass as if he was afraid she'd snatch it from him. “I'm great, and I'm definitely right! You two are like... like... those weird exotic birds who dance for each other as a seduction ritual.”
“Right, because you're the expert in relationships of the family,” she replied, her voice holding an edge. “I'd give more credit to Ubbe's opinion in the matter.”
“What does that even mean?” All three of them exclaimed – Hvitserk offended because he was the one who had been with the same girl the longest, Ubbe vexed by what Silje's remark implied, and Sigurd pissed because he wasn't even considered for the position of lady's man. All as bad as one another. Silje sighed, once again feeling like she was the oldest of them all. If only Bjorn was here, he'd put an end to this silly conversation, claiming it was idiotic high school level gossip. Which it was.
“Oh wow, I think Silje was right,” Hvitserk suddenly said, looking past her and blinking a few times, as if he had something stuck in his eye. “This beer must be stronger than I thought, I'm having visions.”
They turned towards the front door, and sure enough there stood Ivar, looking dashing even in his casual second hand clothes, and his untamed hair. Silje had to summon an enormous amount of self control in order not to blush again when he scanned the place and finally locked eyes with her, his whole face lighting up.
“I see him too, brother,” Ubbe laughed at Hvitserk's dramatic attitude.
“See?” Hvitserk said to Sigurd, focusing again. “She's been away from him for two hours at most and he came over! They can't live without each other!” He whined, and the siblings didn't know if he was simply complaining or if he was seriously trying to demonstrate that Silje and Ivar were indeed soulmates. Like he was in physical pain from seeing them silently pine after each other.
“Does he ever shut up?” Sigurd groaned, pushing his younger brother away when he began to cling onto him.
“Just let him annoy you for a bit, it'll make him happy,” Ubbe sniggered in his beer, talking about his brother as he would a child.
“I'm the one who asked him to come, I needed someone who would take my side since you traitors teamed up against me,” Silje huffed, realizing a little too late that admitting to having invited Ivar only added to Hvitserk's point.
They all smirked but miraculously remained quiet. Silje braced herself for what was to come. Both relieved to see Ivar because she knew he at least would be on her side if her brothers decided to keep arguing about silly matters, and worried that Hvitserk wouldn't watch what he said. She glared at him for the briefest moment before greeting Ivar, introducing him to the third Ragnarsson.
Sigurd snorted and looked away, deeply unimpressed after all the fuss Hvitserk made about this dude who was supposedly Silje's future husband. Ivar, having been warned of the moods of the third brother, did not take offence. In fact his smile never even wavered as he sat down on the bench next to Silje, and to his left was Ubbe sitting on a chair. They managed to find a small corner table thank the gods, because it meant the whole pub couldn't hear their nonsensical blabbering.
“Did you finish your book already?” Silje asked, earning a sheepish shake of the head.
“Vikings can wait, I thought I'd socialize a bit instead,” he said, his fingers tapping the table, to Sigurd's utmost annoyance.
Not that Sigurd had anything against the sound, he just decided that this Ivar guy was annoying. Everything he did ticked him off for some reason. And he hadn't even had the time to do anything yet. He just look a bit too nice to be nice. If that made sense.
Ivar gestured to the waiter to bring him a pint, and asked what he'd missed. A chorus of unintelligible muttering answered his question, making him wonder if he had interrupted a private conversation or something of the sort, but he elected to ignore it. He came here to have fun.
“I guess I should start by drinking to you Hvitserk,” Ivar declared the moment his order came. “Haven't had a chance to congratulate you in person yet.”
Everyone at the table raised their glass to drink to the same thing they did all evening, though gladly doing it again. Hvitserk smiled a devilish smile that made Silje want to do something drastic like stab Ubbe in the thigh with one of the toothpicks they were brought when they ordered cheese and crackers, to create a distraction and quickly snatch Ivar away.
“Thanks man,” Hvitserk said, looking awfully sober now for some reason. Silje didn't put it past her youngest brother to pretend to be drunk merely to get away with his stupid behaviour. “Maybe I'll drink to you one day!” The idiot winked, he dared...
“Skål!” Ubbe shouted before Silje could kill the soon-to-be-married Ragnarsson, or before Ivar could add two and two together.
The evening carried on on a much nicer note, as if Ivar's presence forced the brothers to behave, and stop teasing Silje about stuff they had no business knowing about. Although she hated to admit it, they were right – not that she was going to voice that, she would sooner die than give Hvitserk this pleasure. Her heart did do some weird acrobatics in presence of Ivar, and her hands did become fidgety and sweaty. How many times had she rubbed her palms on her dress? The gods know.
However happy she was to be reunited with her brothers, Silje was still in the middle of her exams, so when the clock stroke midnight she called it a night. Of course that was greeted with a chorus of protests but when she explained they let it slide.
Claiming that they had their fiancées to go back to, Ubbe and Hvitserk agreed that it might be a good time to go home. Sigurd said he would stay a while longer. This allowed Ivar to take his place in the car. It was a short drive to Silje's building, and since Ubbe and Hvitserk lived in opposite directions, the youngest decided to walk the rest of the way, having nothing urgent to do, and claiming that the fresh air would do him good after so many pints.
Ivar looked at Silje chatting with Ubbe as they said goodbye, not noticing the little smile that formed naturally when his eyes fell on her. He was brought out of his daydream when someone nudged him in the ribs.
“What are you so afraid of?” Hvitserk snorted, amused by Ivar's constant worrying and postponing the inevitable.
It was a tough question to answer, not because he didn't know the answer but because he knew it and it was lame as hell. He was afraid that she didn't return the feelings, and that he'd put the break on a beautiful friendship.
“I guess you don't have to answer then,” Hvitserk said, defeated. “Hey, I forgot to tell you but we're having an engagement party! June 29th, and you're invited of course.” He smirked. “You can go as Sije's plus one.”
Ivar didn't say anything but he smiled and nodded. His eyes drifted back to Silje's form, unable to look away. He seriously could not help himself, she was beautiful. The skirt of her dress was wrinkled on the back because she sat too long, and her face was shiny because of how hot and damp it was in the crowded bar, but she was breathtaking.
“Alright...” Hvitserk said as he stretched. “I'm gonna go now. Oh and by the way, she likes you too.”
Ivar stayed still and blinked, not sure if he heard wrong or not. His friend had already turned on his heels, and distanced himself from the building, heading towards his own place. When Ivar came back to earth, he was already far.
“You can’t just say that and then disappear!” Ivar shouted at Hvitserk, but the young soldier didn't turn around and continued walking away, laughing to himself. The bastard really did just disappear without another word.
If you like my work please consider buying me a coffee <3
A/N: This contains only three of the prompts you guys gave me, but the fourth one will be in future parts :)
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alfredosauce50 · 1 year
Dancing with wolves
[Yandere Viking! Denmark x reader] (draft)
Wordcount: 1, 525 Rating: M for mature themes and NSFW Synopsis: On your first voyage with Mathias, he’s set on sailing for a better home before the baby is born. After a month of being hopelessly adrift at sea, and in turn, doubting his foolish endeavors, he discovers an entire continent. The Americas. Upon traveling further inland, your people encounter a native tribe and are welcomed into their village. There, you meet the Sagamaw’s eldest son, someone you never would’ve crossed paths with, but become close to as the months go by. The reader is referred to as she/her.
The draft is on my Patreon for all tiers :)
“From what he heard, England was just the beginning. Even further to the west was a land of magic, spirits, and different Gods. Of giant elk, steaming bison, and mountain lions that cried like women.”
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do-ray-mi · 3 years
Contemporary vs. Popping (Park Jisung x male reader)
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Pairing: NCT Dream Jisung x m!reader
Genre: fluff, comfort
Warnings: self-doubt, insecurities, stress.
Description: Y/n is a member of a popular youtube dance channel that is known for being extremely diverse and talented. Y/n's specialty is dance(contemporary/ballet more specifically) but when his team were asked to appear on a show with NCT Dream(their idols) and cover Hot Sauce, he stresses about not being able to do Jisung's parts correctly do to them being on complete opposite dancing spectrums. Y/n worries about embarrassing himself in front of his bias.
"-with that being said, there's seven of us, seven of them, none of us have the same bias so we should all cover are individual bias parts." Michaela, the leader of their team, a 22 year old irish woman told her teammates. She was in a bit of a rush, not wanting to miss her rendezvous with her girlfriend. She got a call last minute, they were invited to SM and meet NCT Dream and film an interview with them and cover of of their songs.
Y/n jolted at her words, his stress already starting to build up in his body. Seeing as his bias is Jisung, he has to cover his parts. Their dancing skills are galaxies apart.
Jisung's specialty is popping, he has crazy control over his body and harsh movements.
Y/n on the other hand, his domain was contemporary and ballet. His movements are fluid, he's flexible and moves elegantly. His body isn't used to Jisung's dancing.
Their youngest member, Tammy, a 10 year old black girl born and raised in canada put her hand on Y/n shoulder after noticing his aura changed. Tammy's bias is Haechan, which works cause she's a total powerhouse vocalist, it's a running joke on their channel that Tammy is the reincarnation of Whitney Houston cause of how beautiful she sings at a young age.
"Don't worry about it too much, you can do anything!" She told him with a smile. Y/n smiled back at her, he doesn't have the energy or heart to argue.
As he looked around, Y/n noticed that he seemed to be the only one worried since his friends seemed hyped and were already discussing formations, planning, studio cover. Michaela wasn't in the room so he just assumed she went to meet her girlfriend and he didn't hear her farewell.
I should probably mention before I continue writting, all members of the channel are fluent in korean.
Clover was talking animatedly about how they're gonna put their own style in while covering Jaemin's parts. Clover is non-binary and uses they/them pronouns, they're 17 years old, born and raised in Italy. Clover is usually the first member mentioned when people talk about the diversity of their group, do to them being the most unique in appearance, always the one to catch people's eyes. They're albino and do to their style and appearance, everyone is always confused about their gender identity only to feel dumb when they find out that Clover is non-binary. Their specialty is rap and music production.
Y/n smiled at them, feeling a little better. He got up, catching the attention of everyone else in the room.
"I'm gonna go work on my parts, I'll catch you guys later!" Y/n said making his way out the door of their recording studio.
"Don't forget! You have a stream with Billzo and Aimsey later!!" Aster reminded him to which he received a nod.
Aster is the second in command in the group, a 22 year old trans man from Denmark. His family are some of the only Vikings to still exist to this day, it's always a blast to visit his family in Denmark since they get to learn and participate in a lot of viking traditions. He's the tallest member, standing at 6'7 with ginger hair, striking green eyes and freckles covering his entire body. His specialty is vocal and he's covering Renjun's parts.
Y/n is a twitch streamer on the channel, he was a part of the BearSMP and played a lot of Genshin Impact, Overwatch and horror games. He flew to England 2 weeks ago to meet his friends, Billzo and Aimsey who introduced him to Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo and Freddy. Probably the most fun he's had.
As he walked to the dance studio they owned, he thought about how he'll learn Jisung's parts in Hot Sauce in the span of 4 days. He sighed and rubbed his hands over his face.
'How am I gonna do this? These kind of dances are way out of my league, my body doesn't do harsh movements' He thought to himself while entering the room and flipping the light switch on.
He thought back to Clover's words. 'Maybe I could change it to some fast moving contemporary moves' He thought but once he imagined it... it looked weird and kinda out of place with how the instrumental is.
Also he doesn't know how Jisung would react to it, he might get offended or think that Y/n was trying to hard to stand out or impress them. Which isn't entirely wrong, he does want to impress him but also not be seen as some sort of pick me.
If he wanted to be a pick me, he'd sign up for a Produce 101 survival show.
Since he'll probably learn the choreo with his friends tomorrow, he decided to just work on that one part.
After 3 hours of failing, he started to feel more stressed. Whenever he thinks he almost got it, he either falls or the move lack harshness and he would look lazy do to his fluidity.
"Why can't I just get this right!?!?!" He yelled in his first language.(before I get comments saying "but my first language is English!" You also speak korean in this story due to plot convenience and use it more so you would yell this out In english. I've received comments like that when I was on Wattpad so I wanted to mention this here.)
He fell back to sit on the floor letting out a frustrated breath and tried to call down. His stress was messing with his head, showing him different negative reactions.
They would scenes of Jisung reacting negatively to him. Disgust, disappointment, second-hand embarrassment, judgement and etc..
Y/n never usually cared what people think, but he does with Jisung.
Since his feelings for him fall much deeper than just admiration. If he gets a negative reaction from him, it would stick in his head forever. Probably wouldn't be able to bring himself to dance ever again without thinking of it. Plus since it would be filmed and released to the public... well, he doesn't wanna think of that right now.
The door opened, catching his attention. He looked and saw Ray, his best friend in the group. Ray is from New Zealand but he's of Egyptian descent. He'll be covering Chenle's parts.
"Felt your frustration, came to see how you were doing." Ray also had a crazy emotional 6th sense when it came to the moods of the people's he's close to. He could always tell when someone he cares about are down in the sumps even if they're not in the same room.
"I can't get the part right... I'm not made for these types of choreos." Y/n told him.
"Hmm, maybe leave it for the night. You have a stream to do in an hour, maybe you need to stop thinking about it for a bit and come back to it tomorrow with a calmer more relaxed mind and body. You're too stressed at the moment which is messing your brains' connection to your muscles, they're not getting the right signals." Ray comforted him, taking his hand about pulling him.
Y/n got up, went to get his phone from the speaker and follow Ray out the room.
The next morning, all seven friends were having breakfast made by Michaela and her girlfriend who spent the night.
Y/n was much better now, but it didn't last long once they were in the dance studio learning the choreo and formations.
Most of the members already knew the entire choreo so they were mostly working on formations and timing. Michaela was always strict when it came to synchronization.
Y/n kept screwing up Jisung's part in the second chorus. He's so happy that no one was getting mad at him tho, they understand his struggle.
Ray even offered to thank exchange roles with him. Y/n isn't gonna lie when he says that he didn't think about it.
But he was determined to get this right, he's too prideful to give up.
"Alright, 15 minute break! We'll get this choreo down by tomorrow!" Michaela said with confidence, everyone was doing so well.
Y/n sighed at her words, almost rolling his eyes. While everyone were sitting on the couches in the back of the dance studio, Y/n continued to work on the second chorus while replaying the same line in his head.
Michaela noticed, "15 minute break!!" She said louder and more pressing. Like some sort of mother.
However, that did more harm than good, her words distracted him causing him to trip over his other foot, fall and slam his forehead against the mirror.
Y/n could only hear their gasps, loud footsteps and ringing as he layed on the floor processing of the situation and trying to get rid of his sudden dizziness.
"Oh shit! I'm so sorry Y/n! Are you okay!?!?" Michaela panicked, switching to english, her irish accent thicker than ever as she crouched next to the boy frantically looking over his head for any type of injury.
"Holy shit, he cracked the mirror..." Clover muttered looking at the small crack.
They decided to stop for today, Ray was driving Y/n to the hospital to make sure he didn't get a concussion.
Y/n was holding an ice pack over the bruise on his forehead with his eyes closed. Silently cussing himself out in his head.
"Everything's gonna be okay" Ray patted his shoulder, eyes still on the road.
"... I'm never gonna get it right." Y/n muttered.
"Yes you will, you just need more time..." Ray told him.. however, he too was slowly starting to think the same way.
They got back home, luckily, Y/n didn't get a concussion but was recommended to stay away from electronic devices and loud noises for the rest of the night. Michaela and Tammy forced him sleep the whole day after he got home.
He couldn't sleep, just laying in bed wallowing in self-pity. Aster was watching him from the crack of the bedroom door before walking in with a glass of water.
"Here" he said sitting on the couch as Y/n sat up and accepted the water.
"What's got you acting like a emo kid who just found MCR disbanded?" Aster asked him.
"The public humiliation I'm gonna face in a few days." Y/n answered.
"You're worrying about this too much. Surely they'd understand your reasoning if you change the choreo a bit. They would most likely even think it's cool!" Aster told him, pushing the idea to operate the choreo.
"What if they don't!?!? What if Jisung thinks the worst!?!? Like If he thinks I'm too good to dance the same way he does?!!?" Y/n started to stress again but soon calmed down once he felt a sudden pain in his head and sighed.
"Let's be realistic for a bit. Who cares what he'll think, you'll most likely never see him again after friday. He'll most likely forget our whole existence within the next month." Aster was always the realistic one in the group, never shied away in telling the truth whether it hurts someone or not.
Y/n felt a pang in his heart at the words, he's right tho. Life isn't a fanfiction.
Even if it hurt, Aster's words still gave him comfort.
The next day, Y/n's head felt better, all there was left was a bruise that he could easily cover with his hair/hat.
He walked onto their dance studio with his friends with a bit more confidence than the other day.
Time skip to friday, Y/n still wasn't able to get the second chorus right. He was close tho.
Now's different since he's in his "fuck it" mode, if he screws up, it won't matter cause at least he tried plus none of the dream members will remember about it within the next weeks to months. They'll all move on with their lives.
He was sitting on a chair as a makeup artist was putting eyeliner on his eyes. They had conversation, the nice woman was super nice, she made sure not to put too much pressure on the fading bruise on his forehead.
Tammy was doing her own hair since the stylists SM sent were really struggling in handling her hair. She kept muttering about cultural appropriation and all that stuff. Which was kinda funny to observe.
A member of the staff walked into the room.
"Alright, the NCT Dream members will open the show performing Hello Future, Jaejae is hosting so she'll talk to them for a bit before introducing you guys and then you'll be performing. Did everyone get that? I could always repeat or specify if anyone doesn't understand, don't worry." She said, you could feel the kind and professional vibes from her.
She smiled and walked out once they all understood everything.
Y/n was standing beside Ray as he straightened his outfit and watched NCT Dream perform from behind the staff.
They were located in SM's largest dance studio. Everyone was dressed in comfortable clothes, nothing too extravagant.
Once Hello Future ended, Jaejae walked into the screen to congratulate and hype them up. They all talking for a bit before the director signaled that they were on pause so that Y/n's group could get into place for their performance.
The two groups pretty much switched places.
They got into formation. They looked cool, everyone looked so different, from age to height to skin colour to hair and fashion. It was like a breath of fresh air.
The music started and they started the choreo. Their voices and bodies in perfect synch, Dream were already impressed.
Then, the moment of truth, the second chorus came on. All the members tended up a bit and discreetly watched Y/n.
"I'm the one, what you want, what you want, what you want, ah ya!" Y/n rapped and danced not thinking too hard it and letting his body move on it's own. If he fucks up, he fucks up.
Except, he didn't.
He did it perfectly!
His friends had to stop themselves from stopping everything and cheer loudly.
Y/n's vibes changed completely, finishing the performance with his new found confidence.
Once the music stopped, Tammy and Ray tackled Y/n in a hug and the others cheered and celebrated.
The dream members watched them with a little confusion but the interaction still warmed their hearts.
Jisung had a massive grin on his face.
Jaejae walked back into the camera frame but with the dream members by her side this time.
"That performance was amazing!" She cheered as Y/n and his friends bowed in return while catching their breaths.
"You guys performed it better than we do" Mark said, very impressed.
"Thank you" Michaela responding, basking in the praise they received from her bias. Massive ego boost for her.
"You guys have amazing chemistry, you could really feel their bond and friendship." Jeno said.
"The last part was really cute too" Haechan slightly swooned, remembering it.
"Speaking of that, I feel like there's a bit of story here. What was that? We noticed a total mood switch from Y/n after the second chorus." Jaejae asked.
Michaela turned to Y/n, with her eyes she asked him if he wanted to share his temporary troubles he had the past few days or if she should start spouting out lies.
"There Is a bit of a story actually." Y/n said, this grabbed everyone's attention, especially Jisung's.
Michaela smiled, letting his speak.
"Today was the first time I got the second chorus right." Y/n started, immediately getting reactions. Ranging from "really!?!?" "What!??" And etc.
"Are you sure?" Jisung asked making everyone laugh a bit.
"Yeah, I kept either falling or the moves weren't sharp enough." Y/n explained, Jisung nodded in understanding.
"Oh yeah! You're a contemporary dancer!" Jaejae mentioned, she remembered her research.
Y/n nodded, "yeah, my body isn't trained to handle the harsh moves like Jisung-sunbaenim." He said.
"Jisung-sunbaenim" Haechan repeated to Jisung with a teasing expression. This made everyone chuckle as the Dream maknae got shy.
"You did a really good job!" Jisung complimented Y/n after.
Y/n suddenly felt on cloud 9, so many emotions going through his system at the words.
Ray suddenly started smirking, "Y/n was really worried these past few days, he was almost certain he'd disappoint Jisung." He said.
Tammy, immediately catching on to Ray's intentions, "Y/n really likes Jisung-sunbaenim and really wanted to impress him" she said.
Y/n's face started to feel hotter as all the blood started rushing. He knew exactly what they were doing.
"Really!?!" Jisung asked, his face a little more pink than before, he sounded a bit hopeful. Haechan and Mark started singing a k-drama ost.
Y/n didn't know what to say, making his friends laugh.
"That's funny, our Jisungie is actually a huge fan of Y/n" Jaemin spoke, catching everyone's attention.
The ost singing got louder and more voices were added.
They continued the interview after teasing the absolute hell out of Jisung and Y/n.
They played a few games, made jokes and etc.
Then it was time to part ways. Y/n and his friends were in their dress room changing back into their normal clothes and removing their mics and makeup.
Y/n was on his phone speed texting his friend Billzo everything that just happened. His heart racing still as goosebumps were covering his arms.
Clover got his attention as they tapped his shoulder.
He looked up and saw them smiling, "there's someone outside who wants to speak to you." They said, a sort of unknown glint In their eye before walking away.
Confused, Y/n slid his phone in his hoodie pocket and walking out the room.
He saw Jisung leaning against the wall opposite on the door, his head snapped up when Y/n walked out.
They stared at each other for a second, both too nervous and waiting for the other to break the ice.
"Clover said that someone wanted to speak to me." Y/n broke it.
Jisung let out a nervous chuckle. "Yeah... umm, I just wanted to tell you how cool you were. I.. I wanted to ask if I could get your number?" He said, his voice breathy from how nervous he felt at the moment.
Y/n started feeling nervous aswell before nodding and taking out his phone. He unlocked it before opening his contacts and then handing his phone over to Jisung.
He prayed that Jisung doesn't see his wallpaper, considering it was a pic of him during that one iconic boom performance. The one with the green metallic jacket and black hair.
After putting his his number and calling himself using Y/n phone to get his number he handed Y/n back the phone.
"I'll text you!" Jisung said with a smile, looking up/down/forward at Y/n to meet his eyes.
Y/n smiled back.
They stared at each other for a second, Simps.
Their trances were cut off by Dream's manager who yelled for Jisung.
Jisung said goodbye and walked over to his bandmates, turning back a couple of times on the way.
Once they were gone, Y/n went back into the dressing room to grab his bag and go meet his friends who were probably waiting in Michaela's van. He felt his phone buzz.
102 notes · View notes
quantumlocked310 · 3 years
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Everything Ever! Includes Fics, Moodboards for my own stuff and other people’s stuff, and links to everything.
Requests are closed for Moodboards! Hit me up if you have an idea, or peep below and tell me you’re exited for my WIPs.
Kindness is the only rule!
Sorry friends! I had to get rid of the moodboard images in my Masterlist. Tumblr wasn’t happy with me. BUT! They are all still linked. I promise. Check them out below!
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In the Bed of Love Masterlist - Hercules!Hvitserk x Gorgon F!Reader [Ongoing]
Ratings & word count will be posted on the individual chapters
Summary: Hvitserk burdened with glorious purpose to prove his godhood takes the epic journey to slaughter the Gorgons, but stumbles in love along the way.
Warnings: greek mythology inaccuracies, slow burn
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Pour Overs and Pastries - Hvitserk x F!Reader (G - 662w) [Complete]
Summary: You're a new resident in Denmark, and this is your first time heading to work in the morning. Maybe the coffee shop around the corner will be your new regular spot. The cute barista certainly hopes so.
Warnings: None. Complete.
Click the Tumblr link to see the Moodboard!
On Tumblr. On AO3.
Order Up! - Hvitserk x F!Reader (NSFW - 4,380w) [Complete]
Double Tall Hvitserk Cappuccino for @alexhandersen-marcoilsoe-fandom on the bar!
Click either Tumblr link to see the Moodboard!
Summary: You finally run into the cute barista from your favorite coffee shop when he’s not working. Will he be charming enough to lure you into bed? Or are you confident enough to invite him in yourself?
Warnings: Tooth Rotting Fluff, Slow Burn, SMUT, NSFW, 18+, Hvitserk “White Boy Texting,” Gratuitous use of Claire Saffitz
Part 1 on Tumblr. Part 2 on Tumblr. Full Fic on AO3.
Bjørnekram - Bjorn x Plus Size F!Reader (M - 2,298w) [Complete]
Written based on @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie‘s post asking for fluffy Bjorn.
Click the Tumblr link to see the Moodboard!
Summary: A summons from Kattegat takes your family back to where you grew up and played with the young sons of Ragnar. What awaits you in the city is a gift from the gods.
Warnings: Heavy petting, bear hugs, fluff, ignoring the entire Vikings plot
On Tumblr. On AO3.
Sushi Go! - Hvitserk X Pregnant F!Reader (T - 1,430w) [Complete]
Based on @jadelynlace‘s post saying:
This thought I just had: Hvitserk uses his wife’s pregnancy as a reason to eat more than he already does because, “pregnancy cravings happen to the father too!”
Click here to see the Moodboard!
Warnings: I have not ever been pregnant, so I am playing fast and loose with reality here, friends. Sex is alluded to, but not described specifically.
On Tumblr. On AO3. 
The Wrath of Thor and the Beauty of Freya - Hvitserk x F!Reader (T - 3,147w) [Complete]
Requested by @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie who asked for fluffy Hvitserk comforting Reader from a scary thunderstorm.
Click the Tumblr link to see the Moodboard!
Summary: As children, you and Hvitserk didn’t get along. But after reconciling as young adults he’s now your closest confidant. What happens when he sees you at your most vulnerable? Will your fresh friendship be irrevocably changed? For better, or for worse?
Warnings: parental death, traumatic experience relating to storms & thunder, descriptions of violence, heavy petting, tooth rotting fluff, random friend OFC
On Tumblr. On AO3.
You’re Promised to Me! - Hvitserk x Plus Size! Latina! Reader (NSFW - 4,100w) [Complete]
Collaboration between @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie and myself. I wrote the smut and did the moodboard, she did everything else. It’s part 3 of her series.
Click the Tumblr link to see the Moodboard!
Summary: The thrilling conclusion to the epic saga of Hvitserk and Reader being way too close as friends, and way too stubborn to fuck start dating. Will they ever get over themselves? Who will make the first move? How fluffy will we really get? Read more to find out.
Warnings: SMUT, 18+, NSFW, Fluff, second languages, Hvitserk being annoyingly perceptive, going commando, hungry hungry Hvitserk
On Tumblr. On AO3.
Wild in You - Modern!Ivar x Nurse F!Reader (NSFW - 4,000w) [Complete]
@alexhandersen-marcoilsoe-fandom requested “a modern Ivar and a nurse as friends with benefits”
Click the Tumblr link to see the Moodboard!
Summary: It’s just smut. Pure kinky smut with zero plot. Reader and Ivar blowing off steam from Med School onward.
Warnings: SMUT, 18+, NSFW, under negotiated kink, mutual masturbation, d/s, orgasm denial, public sex, playing fast and loose with the medical field/medical school
Part 1 On Tumblr. Part 2 on Tumblr. Full Fic on AO3.
Cruor and Conquests - Bloody!Hvitserk x F!Reader (NSFW - 3,030w) [Complete]
I was inspired by this post about seeing men with blood on their faces. BONUS! Moodboard at the end too.
Click the Tumblr link to see the Moodboard!
Summary: You and your love, Hvitserk, rejoice together in the throws of passion after a gory and glorious battle.
Warnings: description of battle, blood, SMUT, viking inaccuracies, NSFW, established relationship
On Tumblr. On AO3.
A Witcher’s Favorite - Eskel x F!Reader (M - 379w) [Complete]
Click the Tumblr link to see the Moodboard by @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie​!
Summary: A little drabble fantasy with Eskel and your life together.
Warnings: some sexual content, a bit sad, fluff, harassment
On Tumblr. On AO3.
A Game of Cat and Mouse - Batman!Billy Russo x Catwoman!Reader (M - 2,820w) [Complete]
Click the Tumblr link to see the Moodboard!
Summary: A little tale of two people in opposite worlds and how they come together.
Warnings: heavy petting, smol violence, smol blood, ooc probably
On Tumblr. On AO3.
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Her Eyes Moodboard for @waiting4inspiration
The Witcher: Geralt x Dragon Born!Reader Moodboard
His Muse Moodboards for @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
Vikings: Painter!Hvitserk x Muse!Reader - Part 1 Moodboard
Vikings: Painter!Hvitserk x Muse!Reader - Part 2 Moodboard
The Mechanic Moodboards for @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
Vikings: Mechanic!Hvitserk x F!Reader Moodboard
Bedroom Hymns Moodboard for @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
Vikings: Dark!Hvitserk x Nun!Reader Mossy Moodboard
Feverish Love Moodboards for @ritual-unions-gotme
Vikings: Ubbe x F!Reader x Torvi (and sometimes Hvitserk) Moodboards
Winter Wonderland Moodboard for @flowers-in-your-hayr
Vikings: Hvitserk x Plus Size F!Reader Moodboard
Fox Tails and Wolf Howls Moodboard for @vikingstrash
Vikings: Werewolf!Ubbe x F!Reader with Fox Shifter!Hvitserk Platonic Moodboard
Sated Hunger and Regret Moodboard for @vikingstrash
Vikings: Werewolf! Ubbe / Icubus! Hvitserk Moodboard
I also posted some drafts!
Supernatural!Vikings Series Masterlist [Complete]
A series inspired by this super long post. I will be updating the Masterlist with mine and other users work as I get them. More details in the linked post above.
Ink Drinker Inspired Moodboards [Complete]
A series inspired by Ink Drinker from @jadelynlace. Check out her masterlist for the Modern! Ivar x Reader Universe!
Ivarello Banner and Moodboards for @youbloodymadgenius
Vikings: Cinderella! Ivar x F! Reader Banner and Moodboard. Check out the Masterlist for the banner, and each chapter for the Moodboards (mine are only chapters 1-4, not the prologues).
A Little Unruly Moodboard for @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
MCU: Modern! Bucky x Plus Size! Reader Moodboard
Chasing You Moodboard for @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
Vikings: Soft! Hvitserk x Plus Size! Reader Moodboard
Keep It Between Us Moodboard for @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
Vikings: Hvitserk x Reader Moodboard
Not Before I Taste You Moodboard for @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
Vikings: Modern!Hvitserk x Plus Size!Reader
He Likes Me? for @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie​
Vikings: Ubbe x You x Hvitserk
Across Time for @fandomficsnstuff​
Vikings x Harry Potter Crossover: Ivar x Magical!Reader
Halo for @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
Vikings: Angel!Hviitserk x Plus Size!Reader
A Chance Encounter for @fandomficsnstuff​
LOTR x Skyrim Crossover: Legolas x OFC
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Quote Inspired Moodboard for @for-bebbanburg 250 Followers Celebration
Untitled - Medici The Magnificent: Lorenzo de Medici x Nun!OFC Moodboard + Drabble
Five Senses (Sight - Bubbles) Inspired Moodboard for @mrsalwayswrite 350 Followers Celebration
The Siren Call of the Ocean - Vikings: Hvitserk x Mermaid!Reader Moodboard + Fic
Moodboard Inspired Fic for @flowers-in-your-hayr 650 Followers Celebration
True Delights - Vikings: Modern!Sigurd x F!Reader Fic [General - 1,000w]
Quote Inspired Moodboard for @emilyhufflepufftlk 100 Followers Celebration
My Dearest Eliza, - Bridgerton: Anthony Bridgerton x Jazz Musician!OFC Moodboard + Drabble
Inspired by Hadestown - Bridgerton: Anthony Bridgerton x OFC at Mardi Gras Moodboard
The Little Match Girl Inspired Moodboard & Fic for @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie 500 Followers Celebration
Summon Up Remembrance  - Vikings: Hvitserk P.O.V. [Teen - 1,300w]
On AO3.
Snowball Fight Inspired Moodboard & Drabble for @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie Winter Birthday Challenge
Winter Theme - Vikings: Modern!Hvitserk x Plus Size!Reader
Vikings Big Bang 2022 as hosted by @vikingsbigbang​
​Everything I created for their first event
Song Inspired Fic for @doctorwhoandfairytaillover​ 600 Follower Celebration
Missing You - Vikings: Modern!Hvitserk x Plus Size!F!Reader (T - 1,983w) Inspired by Missing You by All Time Low On AO3.
Quote Inspired Drabble for @vikingstrash​ 333 Follower Celebration
“The Sounds You Make” - Vikings: Alfred x Ubbe (T - 122w)
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Hvitserk Moodboard for @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie (nerdy boi below)
Hvitserk X Vet!Reader with inspo from @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie 
Pirate!Hvitserk X F!Reader for me myself and I
Hvitserk Love Guru Fic with @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
Hercules!Hvitserk X Gorgon!Reader for just me [in process of posting]
Billy Russo x Mechanic! Reader for me myself and I
Short and sweet fic for @doctorwhoandfairytaillover 700 follower challenge
161 notes · View notes
the-a-word-2214 · 4 years
I was always there
summary: the reader feels as if her relationship with Alex is crumbling as she reflects on their past and what their future looks like. Based on the “There for you” music video. Similar to a piece written by the lovely @jadelynlace
pairing: Alex Høgh Andersen x reader
word count: 1,974
warnings: language, angst, brief mention of sex
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We grew up singing the same songs
You tried to teach me to moonwalk
Shared every dream for the future
Felt we had everything planned out
You could slowly feel him slipping from your life. The memories that you shared only seemed to drift further and further away.
Alex had been in your life since high school when you transferred to his school in Denmark for your father’s work. It was terrifying being in a new city with new people all around.
He flooded your senses with feelings of familiarity and longing. You two instantly gravitated towards one another and bonded, becoming fast friends.
He was so upbeat and bubbly, his dance moves and attitude infectious inspired you. On long drives with no destination in mind, you’d listen to song after song on his IPod, screaming the lyrics at the top of your lungs.
His English was still broken at the time, his sentences coming out in blips allowing you to fill in the rest. He slowly taught you Danish the longer that you stayed in Denmark.
He often talked about his dreams for the future and how his mom wanted him to pursue acting. He started with various plays and even singing alongside some groups around school. His drive and talent were undeniable. You urged him to start taking small gigs with even smaller roles, he had to start somewhere.
‘Til you ran away with the wrong crowd
We were so close, now you’re so far
And it’s like, you don’t understand what you put me through
I spent all my days tryna be like you
So why’d you go and change into someone new?
Just don’t forget that I was there for you
His acting jobs kept getting bigger and bigger until he landed a role on Vikings. You were elated, this much was true, but you couldn’t help but feel like he was taking on too much to continue to keep you in his life. There just wasn’t any room for you...with his new friends and girls finally starting to take a notice to someone who you’d always loved.
You needed to interject, to say how you really felt. But would he even care? He was drifting too far away for you to grasp at him. It didn’t matter, you knew how you felt and what felt right was telling him.
“Alex? Can we talk?” He had just gotten off a call with his cast mate, Marco Ilsø, who lived nearby.
“Yeah? What is it, kanin?” A drunken nickname meaning bunny that he had affectionately given you many moons ago.
You hung your head, already expecting defeat. “I wanted to talk to you about, us.” The phrase rolled off your tongue with ease, only now did it carry a different connotation. You could feel the metaphorical bile rising in your throat. How weak you felt, how insecure.
He only gave a kind smile. “What do you mean? Is something the matter?” His muscles ripple as he grabs your hands, gently pulling you closer.
Your eyes failed to look at him as you stared at your feet. Confrontation wasn’t what you wanted, if you could just go on without having any conflict, your relationship would be better that way. Or so you thought.
“Look at me, kanin. I want to see your eyes, I want to see what’s troubling you.” He urges your chin towards his face. His blue irises searching yours.
“I love you, Alex.”
He smiles his usual, bright grin. “I know that, (Y/N). I figured that was public knowledge by now.” He stifles a chuckle that rumbles in his chest.
“Not like that, like, a real love. A love that’s hard to come by. A love that brings two souls together. Not the love of two friends.”
His mouth gapes slightly before turning into a smirk, his eyes turning a deeper blue. “I should have known, min elskede. Your eyes told me more than what you were willing to say.” He pulls you into his lap, his arm wrapping around your lower back.
“I love you too. Don’t ever forget that.” He seals his sentence with a loving kiss, his free hand settling on your cheek.
And so, all was well for the time being. You were practically joined at the hip like two newlyweds. The envy of all when you came to set, and when you were gone, people chattered and verbalized how much they missed you.
When the real life shakes you
And when your fake friends hate you
Just don’t forget that I was there for you
When you were way too faded
I would always save you
Just don’t forget that I was there for you
His relationship with some of his costars and acquaintances seemed to be superficial to you. Some of the women on set were just trying to be nice to him to get in his pants.
Unfortunately, the apology sex could only go so far in putting your mind at ease. Anytime he would vent about how hard it was working with some of them and the labor of crawling on the floor every day, you would reassure him. You would always comfort his moods with a smile and a hug. Never once complaining when you felt that he used you.
The nights when he’d come home drunk after his friends persuaded him to ditch you, claiming now- even after you had shown what a good person you were- that you were a “ball and chain”.
You found yourself staring at him once he passed out on the couch. In your heart you knew that you loved him but a voice kept telling you how wrong your relationship was. How nothing was working out anymore.
Don’t get carried away, man, you’re floatin’
Don’t be a drop in the ocean
We all get lost in the moment
And don’t you forget where you come from
Don’t let the lights get you all numb
I’m here with you for the long run
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His eyes bore into you just as his words did. “I don’t need you.” He had said in a heated argument. He didn’t mean it...he couldn’t.
The venom that dripped from his words was ever present as tears flowed freely down your cheeks. Even once the words had been uttered, he felt himself replaying what he had said.
You were only trying to help him since he had gotten into an altercation with one of his childhood friends who came back into town. You only wanted to help him come up with a solution. That deemed to be the straw that broke the camel’s back, your relationship crumbling in the process.
You packed up your belongings in a haste and stayed the night with your parents who now lived in a different part of Copenhagen.
So hear me out
I wish you would try to walk in my shoes
Just to see yourself from my point of view
Why’d you go and change into someone new?
It was true that Alex had changed. He was no longer the dashing boy you knew in school. No longer the considerate man who loved every fiber of your being.
His change in demeanor broke your very soul. You couldn’t see why the sudden change had happened, blindsided by the love that seemed to be missing.
The metaphorical hands of the people around him were dragging him farther and farther away from you. The disgusting toxicity was weighing him down, clouding his vision.
He tried to call you and apologize but you weren’t having it. It was just a bitter reminder of what once was.
Just don’t forget that I was there for you
When the real life shakes you
And your fake friends hate you
Just don’t forget that I was there for you
When you were way too faded
I would always save you
Just don’t forget that I was there for you
Months went by without a call or text from him. You moved on with your life even though a part of your heart was barren. You would see his presence on social media and see how well he was doing on Vikings.
It appeared that he was back to his old ways, at least that’s what you grew to believe. One day at work, you had gotten a fateful call from an unknown number.
“Hello? Excuse me, is this (Y/N) (L/N)?”
“I’m sorry to say but Mr. Andersen was in a car accident, he was the passenger in a friend’s car. You were his emergency contact.”
Your heart nearly stopped at the officer’s words. Why would he do such a thing? Surely he had someone more important in his life now. So, why were you his emergency contact?
“I’ll be there.” Was all you said before hanging up and driving to the hospital. The image that you had of him in your head was far different from what you saw once you got there. His face was drained of color as he breathed steadily. His lip was split and he had a bruise on his head, but other than that he was stable.
His eyes pleaded for you to come closer as you stood by his bed. The only sound that could be heard was the steady beeping of the heart monitor.
You gently took his hand in your own, bringing it to your lips to press a kiss to his knuckles. He brought up his other hand to stroke your cheek.
“I fucked up big time, didn’t I?” His voice is hoarse as he speaks.
“Yes you did, Alex. I wonder why it took you so long to figure this out.” Your stare was blank as you saw tears surface in his eyes.
“I’m so, so sorry, (Y/N). I wish that I could do everything over.” He pleads as tears silently fall from his eyes. “You meant the world to me. I shouldn’t have let you go.”
“But you did, Alex. You let me go and you destroyed my heart. I would love to start over but the memories that we share will always remain.”
His cries turn into sobs as he takes your hands again like he did all those years ago.
Just don’t forget that I was there for you
When the real life shakes you
And your fake friends hate you
Just don’t forget that I was there for you
When you were way too faded
I would always save you
Just don’t forget that I was there for you
“Please start over with me. I can’t bear to live without you.” He sniffles as you sigh and look down at your joined hands.
“Fine, Alex. But you need to know that I was and always will be there for you. Just promise me this time that you’ll see it.”
You sink into the bed next to him as time melts away.
Just don’t forget that I was there for you
You don’t understand what you put me through
I spent all my days tryna be like you
So why’d you have to change into someone new?
Just don’t forget that I was there for you
When the real life shakes you
And your fake friends hate you
Just don’t forget that I was there for you
When you were way too faded
I would always save you
Just don’t forget that I was there for you
74 notes · View notes
bteezxyewriter12 · 3 years
War/ 1
Pairing- Jungkook x Named Reader
Word Count- 4.6k
Includes- historical, war, battles, violence, death, blood, injuries
Notes- side characters from TV show Vikings
Prompt Series Masterlist
Part 2 Part 3
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I am anxious while I get ready for battle.
We landed on this island a few days ago. Ragnar went to speak to the King of this island, threatening war unless we are paid to leave
Same as always
I began to notice the more we travel east from Denmark the more well protected the kingdoms are. This kingdom is behind very high walls that surround it. Similar to the walls of Paris. We were not able to get into there either. Ragnar had to fake his death for us to get in and raid the city.
His special slave that he took from there told him about the island she was taken from. How far it was. How rich it was. How the king would never surrender to him
And naturally Ragnar wanted to raid it
Lagertha did not join Ragnar this time but his sons came along. Bjorn Ironside, Ubbe, Hvitserk, Sigurd snake in the eye and Ivar the boneless
Ivar is my husband. Ragnar married me to him because I am one of his war generals and Ivar is actually in love with me
And Ivar does not love anyone
I love him but I am not in love. And he is not my soulmate. I am not his either. But we both married with the understanding that if we find our soulmates we would separate. Although I think it will be hard for him. He does not like to give up what is his. Or share
It is said that soulmates are incapable of physically harming each other. That sounds ridiculous
One of the maids doing my hair in braids pulls my hair hard and I yelp
"I am sorry", she says worryingly
"Is she hurting you?", Ivar asks, coming inside the tent
He is using the contraption he built so he can walk
The maid stiffens behind me and I know she is afraid. Ivar is known for being ruthless and anything or anyone who hurts me dies
"No", I answer
"Are you sure Joanne?"
"Yes Ivar, of course I'm sure", I assure him
The maid finish my hair and I get up to get dressed. I take of my dress and start pulling on my pants. When I turn around, Ivar is smirking at me
I raise my eyebrows, "Like what you see?"
"Always. It is too bad we have to go fight or I would have you right now"
"There is always tonight", I say
People always made fun of Ivar because he had one bad experience with Margrethe. And she told everyone. But I can tell anyone that Ivar has no problem getting hard and having sex. He is really good at it. And he makes me scream all the time
"I do not want to wait that long", he complains
I shrug, "After battle then"
He nods. One of the maids help me wrap my chest tightly with cloth, then help with my shirt and leather armor. I put my daggers and axe on the belt Ivar made for me. I am good with throwing knives and he made me a belt that can hold ten at once.
I take my sword and attach it to the belt as well. Checking to make sure I have an adequate amount of arrows, I sling the quiver over my back, then grab my bow and shield
"You are a fearsome shieldmaiden, love", Ivar says, looking at me
I smile at him, "So are you. Well fearsome warrior, not shieldmaiden"
He smiles too
"Ready?", I ask
He nods and I wait for him to put his braces on. He stands, kisses me and we walk outside
---------------------------------------------------Ragnar returns a few minutes later and tells us we are going into battle now.
The seer calls the war generals to him, so I walk over along with Ivar. The seer sacrifices a goat and he dips his fingers in the blood, then runs his hand down the first war general's face. When he gets to me, I don't move back, letting him drag the blood down my face
The blood feels warm on my skin and the smell fills my nose. When I move my mouth I can taste the coppery taste of the blood since it was on my lips too
This is nothing new, this is done before every battle. When that's done, I walk back to Ivar who is in his horse and chariot now
"Come love, ride with me for now", he asks
I nod and climb in the chariot too. There is plenty of room
Ragnar gives the signal and we start marching towards the wall
Jungkook POV
I cannot believe I have to fight today. Why would king Yoongi not just pay the heathens and spare our lives?
And I have to fight. I am one of his war generals. I saw the king of the people who came here when he went to speak to king Yoongi. I was in the room with them. Northmen they are called
We know about them because of Namjoon, who acts as an interpreter. Once king Yoongi heard of these northmen raiding surrounding cities, he told Namjoon to learn all about them and learn their language.
He was able to translate between the king whose name is Ragnar and king Yoongi. They apparently cause massive destruction and are skilled in battle and war. The have successfully raided many cities and overthrew many kings around their country and beyond
Ragnar became king by killing the former king and taking his place. And they successfully raided the surrounding kingdoms near us. King Yoongi refused Ragnar's terms and after Ragnar left, king Yoongi called the army to gather and prepare to fight
I do not want to fight. We will have to fight outside the walls and that always makes me nervous. If we fall, then the northmen may be able to knock down the walls or find a way in
I will not let that happen
---------------------------------------------------Standing outside the walls of my city, I hold my sword and shield waiting for the opposing army to come. I know King Yoongi is up on the wall looking down, watching
A few minutes later, I see people begin to appear. They look just like their king. Long hair, long beards, leather armor. And they are huge men. They could wipe out a few warriors at a time
They stop a good distance away. Someone walks to the front of the faction that is in front of me
I do a double take. Is that...
A woman?
I look closer
It is. It is a woman
They let their women fight? She looks like a warrior, with her shield and array of weapons. She is wearing the same leather armor as the men, her dark hair up, blood on her face
It is then that I look around the army and see other women standing among the men. This is insane. We are supposed to kill women?
Ragnar yells something to king Yoongi. I hear Namjoon yell something back in their language. Ragnar shrugs then says something to his army
A few men step forward. And the girl with the blood on her face does too. She hands her shield to the warrior next to her, taking an arrow and putting it in her bow. The men do the same
They will never reach us, they are too far away. The men shoot their arrows at us but they fall feet short of us
I watch the girl and she points her bow to our archers on the wall. There is no way she can make that hit
She lets the arrow loose and I watch it sail over us and hit one of our archers in the chest. He topples forward and falls off the wall
I stand there shocked and watch another arrow take another of our archers
I turn back to the girl. She is firing her arrows in rapid succession. And she is hitting her target every time. How is she this good with a bow?She is going to take out our archers on this side
"She is killing all our archers!", I hear one of the men say
"How is she able to make the shot?"
"She should not be able to. Maybe she's a witch"
"Why is she there in the first place? Women should not be fighting"
"Be quiet", I snap
They are not wrong with their questions but now is not the time to lose focus
"Focus on the army in front of you", I order
Their army is out of range for our archers although we try to fire at them. The girl walks along her army, firing arrows at the wall. I watch her as she moves and notice she is down to her last arrow. That quiver was full of arrows when she started. She killed that many people already and the battle hasn't even started yet
She walks back to the warrior holding her shield, takes it from him and pulls out her sword. Honestly she frightens me a bit
Ragnar gives a signal and she shouts, marching forward. The faction of the army behind her follows her
Is she...a war leader? A woman is a war leader?
I see more men all along the army leading their faction towards us. Including Ragnar. Which is strange to me. A king who fights alongside their army?
But I cannot keep my eyes off the woman, marching towards us
Quickly glancing at the wall behind me, I see that some archers survived her attack. We will be able to kill some of them now
Once her and her warriors reach the archer range, I wait to see them fall
But she shouts something and all the warriors run together building a wall out of their shields. And the arrows hit the shields instead of the warriors
My mouth drops. I have never seen anything like that in my life
We are all dead
"Shieldwall", I shout and in a few seconds, shields surround me and my warriors
"Forward", I shout and we walk more towards the opposing army
I hear the arrows hitting the shields. I took out as many of their archers as I could. But I knew some were still there, hiding from me. I peer through a small hole in the shield to see. I do not look for too long. I do not want to get hit in the face if an arrow makes it through
When I look again, the other army is close and we are almost ready to break off. Just a few more steps. Finally we are close enough that the arrows stop to avoid hitting their army.
"Break!", I yell and all the shields move
We all run towards the army, swords swinging. I hold my shield up and swing my sword down into the man in front of me. It goes into his shoulder and I pull down with all my strength, cutting down to his chest. Blood sprays in my face, on my armor and shield. I pull up as the man falls, releasing my sword
I turn, swinging again and hitting another man in the back. I see a sword coming towards me and I raise my shield, the sword hitting the shield. The impact sends shockwaves down my arm but I do not drop my shield
I am used to this. I love this. I was born to fight
I stab my sword towards the man and bury it in his stomach. Pulling out the sword, I continue to fight through the men coming at me. Using my shield I slam it into the man in front of me, knocking him down, while I stab my sword into another
I look up seeing a man further away from me, swinging his sword and killing my men easily. He blocks all hits with his shield and hits his mark every time with his sword. He's an excellent fighter. And he's beautiful
Too bad I need to take him out
But I have to kill everyone in front of me first. Raising my sword I swing it down but the man in front of me blocks my hit with his sword. I keep fighting with him, waiting for him to make a mistake. He raises his arm with the sword but forgets to hold up his shield, leaving him open. I thrust my sword through his chest as hard as I can and it goes right into him, coming out of his back
Fuck. I have to let go of my sword. I cannot pull it out now. He falls forward and I let go of the hilt moving away. It is fine, I have fought without swords before
A man comes running at me and I swing my shield, slamming it across his face. He goes down and I raise the shield, slamming it down on his neck, decapitating him
I lift up the shield and when I look up across the field, I see the man who fights well, staring at me with anger in his eyes
I just smirk at him
Jungkook POV
I cannot believe I just watched this girl decapitate one of my men with her shield. And when she saw me, she smiled. Anger like I never felt rises in me
She needs to die. She is good at fighting and is a huge threat
She lost her sword so she should be easier to kill. But as I watch her kill every one who goes against her with her shield, I know she will not go down easily. I have never seen anyone fight with a shield like that. These northmen really are ruthless and mad
I bury my sword into the man in front of me and pull it out as he falls back. Turning, I seeing one of my men fighting with another woman. He looks like he is trying to back away and not fight her. That will not work with these women.nThey are more violent than the men
"Kill her!", I yell at him. He looks at me for a moment, then nods.
I hear a sword coming towards me and I spin slamming my sword up, hitting the one coming down.nThe man swings his sword again and I block it again. I decide to take the cue from the girl, and slam my shield into the man. It works and he stumbles, allowing me to stab him in the chest
When I pull my sword out, he falls and I look back at my warrior to see him bury the sword in the women he was fighting
I look around and find the girl again. Her shield is now broken and she has no weapon. She grabs a piece of the wood and attacks one of my men, running at him while he is swinging his sword at her. These people have no fear, I realize
She dodges the sword and slams the wood in his chest, killing him. I watch her take out an axe and go into the next man. I cannot believe it
She's fighting with a small axe and killing everyone she fights
One of her warriors comes running at me and I raise my arm with my shield just in time to block the hit. Pain radiates down my arm and my shield breaks in half
Fuck. I let go of the rest of it and use both hands to swing my sword, decapitating the man . Blood is all over me and I grimace. I do not enjoy killing people like these northmen seem to
I need to find the girl and kill her. Fighting and killing everyone who comes in my way, I search for her. I find her again, seeing her throw a knife and it landing in the forehead of one of our soldiers. She turns to one of my men coming at her too late and he stabs his sword in her shoulder, some of it coming out of the back
She does not scream and I watch in horror as she grabs the sword and pulls it out of her shoulder. My warrior stares at her in horror as well and she takes the chance to strike. She swings her arm, cutting his throat with her axe. And she keeps moving and fighting, like she did not just get a major wound
We are not going to win. These people are brutal..And it is like they do not feel pain
She throws her axe, burying in it one man then spins and throws a knife into another. I watch her run to another of my men, punching him right in the face. She lifts her leg and kicks him in the side, then smash her foot in his kneecap
He goes down and she goes behind him, her hands on his neck. She pulls her hands in opposite directions snapping his neck
I cannot believe I just watched a woman do that
As he falls to the side, she jumps over him and grabs his sword, then turns to fight another. There is no more time to waste now and I start walking towards her
Cutting down anyone who gets in my way, I am solely focused on her. She is finally a few feet away from me, fighting against another of my men. She slams the sword in the side of his neck then pulls it out as he falls
"You!", I shout
She turns and looks at me. And even through all the blood on her, I realize she is absolutely beautiful. Large deep brown eyes, dark brown hair in intricate braids, small nose
Then she smiles and I get so angry for thinking that when she is killing all my men
I start walking towards her when I see her throw a dagger at me
Shit. I have no shield and I wait for the pain
But as I watch the dagger comes closer it passes right through me
I glance behind me quickly to see the dagger landed in the dirt a few feet behind me. No blood on it. I look down at my shirt and there is no blood, no pain
Oh shit
I look back up at the girl covered in blood
She is my soulmate
I stare in horror as the dagger I threw at the man I want so badly to kill, pass right through him
He is not...
He cannot be....
He is not my soulmate?
Surely I missed and confused what I saw
But...I never miss
No, it is not true
I growl and swing the sword, running at him, pain exploding in my shoulder but I ignore it. I will not let that slow me down. Lagertha taught me to fight through pain
As soon as I get close, he brings his sword up and stops mine. He maneuvers his sword trying to hit me with it but I block it with my sword. We keep fighting with both of us trying to get the upper hand and failing. I let out a frustrated scream, and swing the sword into his side
We both watch in horror as my sword passes right through his body. There is no blood, no wound, nothing. And he is not screaming
This is NOT happening
It is not. I hear footsteps and see one of the enemy warriors run at me
Moving back from the other man, my soul...no he is not, I face off with the other fighter, still shaken by not being able to kill the other man. I fight the man in front of me but I move too slowly to block the sword and I feel pain burst in my side and along my stomach
I look down to see blood spilling from the slash wound he made with his sword. I am shocked he was able to do this and I watch him swing the sword again. I block it but not fast enough and it cuts into the side of my torso. I stifle a scream and punch the man in the face. Then I plunge the sword into his chest, burying to the hilt. I let go of the sword and shove the body aside
Then I turn to the other man and run at him, ignoring the pain. He swings his sword but I duck and his momentum turns his body to the side. I kick at the sword making him let it go
I grab his shoulder and pull him back to face me. I punch him across the jaw but my hand passes through him
"What the fuck?", I yell
I do not see his hand come up as he tries to punch me in the face. I see his hand and I know it went into my face but I do not feel any pain
No. This is not real. I move back from him and try to kick him in the stomach. My leg passes into him but it is like he is a ghost. He makes no sound of pain and just looks up at me
He is real, I know he is real, I touched his shoulder. I grab his wrist, feeling him to make sure he is real. He grabs my other arm, feeling me as well. He says something but I do not understand his language
He looks at me then back down. He raises his hand to my side wound, looking back up at me. I raise my eyebrow but I do not stop him. He touches my wound and presses on it. But it does not hurt
I slap his hand away and I press on my wound. Pain slices through me and I yell bending over, squeezing his arm that my other hand is still on. I look up at him and he is looking at me in fear. He grabs my other arm and helps me right myself up
I move my hand gesturing him to press on the wound again. He hesitates but then he touches me and this time I watch. I feel his hand on the wound, on my skin. But as soon as he presses, his fingers pass through my translucent skin and there is not any pain
Holy shit, he is my soulmate
He pulls his hand away and starts yelling in his language
"Joanne!", I hear someone yell my name
I turn to see Ragnar staring at me
"Kill him!", he shouts
"I...I cannot!"
"What why not? Snap his neck!"
"I cannot. He is...he is...", I stammer, looking at the man
"He is what?"
"He is my soulmate. I cannot hurt him. It does not work! He does not feel any pain when I try to hit him. My sword passes right through him"
"What the hell?"
I turn my head to Ragnar
"And I do not feel anything when he tries to hit me"
"Fine, I will kill him", Ragnar bellows, coming towards him
The man picks up his sword getting ready to fight. No, this man is no match for Ragnar. No one has ever gone against Ragnar and won. I watch Ragnar come closer and raise his sword
Without thinking, I pick up a sword from the ground. As soon as Ragnar is close enough he brings the sword down towards the man
I run and step in front of him, raising my sword and stopping Ragnar's sword with mine
"What are you doing?", Ragnar roars
"I.....you cannot kill him.", I answer, "He is my soulmate"
Ragnar looks at me in disbelief
What the hell am I doing? How can I be defending this man? This enemy?
I should not be but he is my soulmate. I cannot let him die
And if I have to protect him from my side, my family, I will
And I cannot believe I am willing to do this for someone I do not know. Turn my back on everything I know
But I will
Jungkook POV
I stare in shock as the girl runs in front of me and raises her sword against her king
To protect me. She blocks his sword and he starts yelling at her.. She talks back to him and I hear the panic in her voice even though I don't know what she is saying
I realize the huge risk she is taking to protect me. She is turning her back on her king, her people, her country. And he could kill her for it
I watch them argue, him yelling at her, her speaking lowly and in fear. He then looks at her and asks her something. I hear her speak, her voice sad but firm. Ragnar lets out a yell, lowering his sword
She lowers hers too but then he punches her across the face, shouting something
She sways to the side and I do not know why but I pull her to me and hold my sword out towards him
"Do not touch her!", I yell
As much as I know I should let him kill her, I cannot watch her die. She is my soulmate. I cannot let her be killed, especially for protecting me
Ragnar looks at me in fury but I keep a tight grip on her and start walking backwards. She comes with me but I do not take my eyes off Ragnar
I call out for the rest of my men and they move in front of me as I pull the girl with me. The battle is dying down right now. I need to get her inside. She needs the medics to look at her
Ragnar gives me a nasty look, then calls something out. His men listen to him and they slowly back away. For now
"Open the gate! Now", I yell
I tell my men, "Stay out here until they all leave"
The gate opens and I go inside with the girl. Once inside she moves away from me and falls on the floor
"I need a medic!", I yell, "Get one now!"
I turn and see King Yoongi staring at me from up on the wall
"Do you want to tell me what the fuck you are doing?"
"Please your majesty, please let a medic help her and I will tell you anything you want"
I don't know why but I am terrified of her dying
He stares at me, "Fine. Bring her to the palace and have Hoseok and Seokjin take care of her. I will be there soon and you better have a good explanation for this"
I nod, "Thank you"
I kneel next to the girl and look at her. I know she will not understand me but I talk to her anyway
"Can you come with me? I am bringing you to get your wounds fixed"
She looks up at me and she is crying. I feel my heart hurt for her. She just left everything behind when she came in here
I do not know if she can walk so I gently put my arms around her. She doesn't push me off so I keep moving, picking her up as I stand. She lays her head on my shoulder and cries more
I hurry to the palace as fast as I can
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wondersofdreaming · 4 years
Emotion: Happy
Characters: Henry Cavill x female reader
Word count: 424
Warnings: None, pure fluff.
Author’s note: This is for @viking-raider​’s emotion challenge: Happy, Sad, Angry, Anxious, Exhausted and Playful.
I do not own any of the characters in this short story besides the reader, who is a figment of my imagination.
Tag: @katerka88​ @littlefreya​ @hell1129-blog​ @mitzwinchester​ @mary-ann84​ @valkavill​ @sciapod​ @henry-cavlll​ @luclittlepond​ @iloveyouyen​ @trippedmetaldetector​ @radaofrivia​ @omgkatinka​ @gothwhopper​ @fcgrizi​ @vania-marie​ @alyxkbrl​ @singeramg​ @onlyhenrys​ @henrythickcavill​ @madbaddic7ed​ @palaiasaurus64​ @queenslandlover-93​ @mis-lil-red
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the list.
Feedback is appreciated.
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Henry watched his girlfriend walking through the large entrance to the amusement park in Copenhagen. She had been talking about wanting to show him the 176-year-old park of fun, ever since he told her that they were going to Denmark for a week-long holiday.
Her eyes had lit up like a Christmas tree on Christmas eve. He was soaking in her joy and happiness. Her squeals of delight, her enthusiastic storytelling of Tivoli’s story, the way she pulled him around like a ragdoll to all the different rides.
They were queuing for the ride called ‘The Golden Tower’, as she told him about the last time, she had tried the ride. Her best friend had run away to the nearest bathroom to vomit, the ride had not worked well with a sensitive stomach.
Henry looked up just in time to watch the 12 people sitting around the rectangular tower reach the top, 63 metres in the air, and then drop to about halfway down the tower. He gulped down a big lump in his throat, trying not to seem nervous next to his very excited girlfriend.
Then it was their turn. They sat on the side with space for two.
Henry took a deep breath and reached for her hand. He couldn’t see her but hearing her talk about how incredible this ride was, made him feel a bit calmer. She was right next to him, holding his hand, reassuring him that it was going to be fun.
They reached the top with a small bump. He could see a great deal of the capital of Denmark. All the old buildings, the new buildings, the hotel they were staying at and so much more.
Then the drop happened. He felt himself being lifted from the seat, thinking that he would fly off the ride, but he was held back by the protective gear pushed close to his chest and holding his thighs down. He heard his girlfriend scream with sheer thrill. She sounded so happy that he vowed to take her to more amusement parks in the future and to spend more time with her.
He watched her as she got off the seat when they came back down on solid ground. Their hands still interlocked. A big smile on her flushed face. Wisps of her hair had gotten loose from her ponytail and to him, she had never looked more beautiful than right at that moment, so filled with upbeat energy and so cheerful that he just wanted to smile with her forever.
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kikovalkiko · 4 years
Toxic (Modern!Ivar x Reader)
A/N: Hi! I came up with an idea for this story as I re-watched season 4 and 5 of Vikings. It is also inspired by the music of 2WEI, so it’s kinda dark but I liked the idea in my head. I hope you guys like it as well. I’d love to hear your thoughts. This will be an ‘introduction’ to the story I want to create, so my apologies if it’s boring.
Thank you so much for reading! Sorry for the bad grammar, English is not my first language :-)
Warnings: Weapons, threat, Ivar, language
Words: 1314
Toxic II
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gif is not mine
POV Ivar:
'Ivar, are you ready? Our driver is waiting outside?', Ubbe yelled up the stairs. We decided to go to this nightclub Helheim in the city to celebrate the victory against Ecbert and Aelle from England. Ecbert handed our father over to Aelle, who tortured and killed him. My brothers and I then paid them a visit to have a little conversation with them. Sadly they didn't survive this talk. 
I took my crutch and went downstairs. My face still had some cuts and wounds from all the fights but it only made me look more dangerous. 
'Brother, do you need some help?' Ubbe asked with a concerned look on his face. My left leg got bruised badly in a fight with one of Aelle's man. I looked up to face him. He always took care of me since I was little but when mother got killed his concerns kind of grew bigger. 
'I'm fine', I scoffed. I wasn't fine at all but I didn't want them to know. They only would be much more worried than they already are. Besides that I wanted to get all of this shit from my mind.
As we arrived at the nightclub we walked up to the security man at the main entrance. We almost went to this club every weekend, so he already knew us. We walked by the queue. It was autumn, so the temperatures were kind of low. But all girls had short dresses on, probably hoping to get fucked tonight. The security man nodded at us and let us in. We immediately got escorted straight into the VIP area, which we basically owned. Not much time was wasted until all of the tables were covered with bottles of alcohol.
This is the club where I saw her for the first time. Freydis. The woman that broke my heart. The woman that betrayed me. She was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. But she only got into my life because it was part of her job. She was a spy, send by Aelle so he could prepare himself to kill all of my family. I loved her with all my heart, that's why it probably hurt me more when I strangled her to death when I found out.
'Hey Ivar, I heard you were so furious in that fight last night', a pretty girl, that sat next to me, with a red satin dress that barely covered her ass drunkenly said in my ear. That happened all the time since Freydis disappeared magically. Every girl tried to get fucked by me. If they were pretty, I'd sometimes take them to a more quiet place, but only if I wanted to.
I sipped on my cup filled with expensive whiskey and Coke and ignored her even when she put her little soft hands on my leg and caressed it. Ubbe and Hvitserk were both busy making out with some girls. Probably friends of the one next to me. But I was not in the mood today.
As I put down my now empty cup I threw away the hand of that girl and looked up at the crowd. To have an eye on everything that was going on, I took my crutch and went to the railing of the VIP area. This area was above the dance floor, surrounded by a glass wall and under us was the DJ. My gaze went through all the drunk people dancing, making out and getting wasted. Now that we killed Ecbert and Aelle we had a lot of new enemies that wanted us dead, so I had to be even more attentive than before.
Suddenly there was a girl that caught my attention. Beautiful curves, long dark brown hair, a glittery black dress. As if she could feel my eyes wandering above her delicious curves she turned around and our eyes met immediately. 
There he was. Locking eyes with me. The most dangerous man in Denmark and Europe. Ivar the Boneless. His hungry eyes went up and down my body while he was smirking and liking his bottom lip.
I slightly tilted my head and my eyes went to the stairs that led up to the VIP area and back to him. He nodded, as if he knew exactly what I wanted from him. I heard that Ivar liked pretty things so I knew exactly what I should wear to catch his attention, but I was still nervous. My hands were sweaty. Just his looks made me feel intimidated. My anxiety grew stronger as we stood there. Rumor has it that the last pretty thing he fell in love with once walked into their mansion and never came out again. At least not alive.
I slowly started walking in sync with him to the stairs never breaking the intense eye contact. As I was walking up the stairs when he told the bodyguards something I couldn't hear above the loud music and they immediately stepped aside, letting me in and closing the glass door behind me.
His brothers Ubbe and Hvitserk broke their hot make out session when they heard me stepping in, looking up in confusion because Ivar probably never let girls in by himself. It was always them who picked out their company.
Suddenly I felt someone behind me and then I felt a cold metal on my exposed lower back. A gun. My heart started racing. I guess this is what Ivar told the bodyguards. I wanted to move but my body was frozen.
Ivar came closer to me until only a little wall of air separated us. His mouth opened to a smirk. His eyes went to my lips.
'Don’t worry, this is just for our safety, Ivar said to me as he nodded to the man behind me.  'How can we help you?', he asked with his eyes on me again, watching my face closely. The girls already were guided out, giving us more privacy.
'My name is Y/N. Daughter of a loyal friend of Ecbert and Aelle.' I could see how they all tensed up when I said the names of the men they killed last night.
'I am not here to seek revenge on you. My family was brutally murdered as well as your father. By the same men.' Hvitserks eyes widened . 'My father didn’t want to sell me to Ecbert to marry Aethelwulf. A day later everyone in my village was dead. And I had to watch everything.’ Ubbe sat back in his seat.
'And what do you want from us now?’, Ivar hissed at me. 
‘I know that you guys were sloppy last night. Ecbert's son Aethelwulf is still alive. And he is planning his own revenge.' Their faces went pale, not believing me.
Ivar's jaw clenched as his eyes went dark. 'How do we know you're telling the truth?'
The gun on my back clicked and I flinched. Don’t. Fuck. Up. Y/N. Ivar looked at me and I could see him lose his patience.
‘You don’t, but you can trust me. I want this son of a bitch dead just like you.’ As soon as I said that Ivar looked at me again, with a dark smirk on his face.
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