#video game translation
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dkniade · 1 year ago
“Like a silver blade concealed by velvet” (actual meaning)
“He is a wolf in sheep's clothing” (official English localization)
Childe Character Details
“He not only always keeps his promises, but is also wonderfully adept like a surgical knife.” (Very direct translation just for the sake of imagery)
“He not only keeps his promises, but does so with finesse and surgical precision.” (Official English translation)
Character Story 1
Number of times he’s been explicitly described as a blade (up until this point). Chinese: 2. English: 0
I’ve always found that first simile quite beautiful
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natarice · 10 months ago
A3 - Event Story - Nomadic Bartender (3/11)
Hisoka: "Ah... I think it's finally time to call it quits. Might as well just drink the rest of this myself and close up shop for good."
Guy: "Good evening."
Hisoka: "!! Welcome!"
Guy: "..."
Hisoka: "Um, can I help you?"
Guy: "I would like to work here."
Hisoka: "Aw, what... Sorry, but I'm not hiring right now."
Izumi: (The winter troupe is wrapping up the tenth round of performances with a magical bartender fantasy.)
Izumi: (It's an unusual setting for this group, because the characters, their professions, and the worldview are all inspired by the fantasy genre.)
Izumi: (At the same time, there's a certain sense of sadness from the fact that wizards are shunned in this world that makes it feel like a winter troupe performance.)
Banri: Anything dealing with magic is tricky because the way you handle it completely changes what you end up with.
Tsuzuru: That's true. I think if another troupe did this play, it would feel completely different.
Izumi: This definitely has a distinct winter troupe flavor to it.
Izumi: (Guy plays Wis, a wizard working as a bartender, drifting from bar to bar in search of a certain person.)
Izumi: (And Hisoka is Gin, the owner of the bar where Wis is now asking for a job.)
Banri: No issues with these two at all, thanks to them working together at the bar in real life.
Tsuzuru: The roles suit them well.
Izumi: Well, there is one thing I'm worried about...
Izumi: Well, I think we're just about ready for a readthrough.
Izumi: Does anyone have anything they'd like to discuss before we start?
Tsumugi: I'd like to say something.
Tsumugi: In the final scene, Wis uses magic to erase all of Gin's memories about him and wizards in general.
Tsumugi: Even though it's come up before, I'm a little concerned about Hisoka having to play a character who loses his memories.
Homare: Yes, I've been thinking about this too.
Azuma: Right. If that scene is too much for Hisoka, maybe we could come up with a different approach.
Tsuzuru: Let me know if you have any suggestions for script changes!
Izumi: Hisoka, what do you think?
Hisoka: I'll be fine. Because I know that forgetting isn't scary.
Izumi: (That's what Hisoka said, but...)
Guy: "This is a token of my gratitude."
Hisoka: "What kind of drink is this?"
Guy: "It's called a Whiz Bang."
Hisoka: "..."
Hisoka: "... Hm? So you can make drinks like this? But wait, the flavor... it's like a terribly nostalgic memory of someone..."
Izumi: You can see how incredibly sad Gin is here. And Guy's portrayal of Wis shows how hesitant he is to take away Gin's memories.
Banri: At first I thought the last scene was an positive way of ending things, but I really felt the pain there.
Tsumugi: Everyone has their way of interpreting and performing the scene, so i don't think either approach is wrong.
Tasuku: I think it's fine to let Guy and Mikage tie things up how they want to.
Guy: No, I think I'm getting tripped up by my own feelings. I'll work on it a little more.
Hisoka: Me too... I'm not really satisfied by my performance.
Izumi: Well, we only just started rehearsing. There's still time to figure things out.
Izumi: Well, let's wrap things up for today.
Citron: Good job, everyone!
Citron: An espresso luggage has arrived from Zafra!
Izumi: Coffee?
Tasuku: Someone sent us coffee beans in luggage?
Guy: Beans in luggage? Maybe he means beanbags.
Homare: Did they deliver beans or bags?
Banri: Pretty sure he means express package.
Citron: That's correct! Guy is always the Guy who gets it Wrong!
Guy: Isn't this "the pot calling the kettle black"?
Citron: And here is a fan letter for the Wrong Guy!
Guy: A fan letter? From Zafra?
Guy: ... It's from Mika. That's unusual. He doesn't usually write letters.
Izumi: What did he write?
Mika: "I sincerely apologize for not being to attend your performance."
Mika: "Preparations for the theatre festival in Zafra are currently underway."
Mika: "I pray, from the bottom of my heart, that your performance succeeds."
Mika: 'I have known from the start that your charisma as an actor--"
Guy: I'll spare you the rest.
Homare: But we were getting to the best part!
Tasuku: Judging by the number of pages, that letter will take a while to read.
Guy: I'll read it carefully.
Azuma: It's unfortunate that Mika missed Guy's performance back when we did Phantom.
Hisoka: Even though we performed it in Zafra, Mika still couldn't see it.
Guy: Right, we were with the Spring Troupe a lot of the time, and then the performance was interrupted.
Tsumugi: Maybe that's why Mika's letter is so long.
Azuma: Why don't you give him a call later?
Guy: Yes, I think I will.
Izumi: By the way, there's a theatre festival going on in Zafra?
Citron! Yes! It is a fun event where Zafra's theatre troupes get together and perform for many days!
Tasuku: Sounds pretty interesting.
Tsumugi: If the timing is ever right, I'd like to go.
Guy: ...
Mika: Yes?
Guy: It's me, Guy.
Mika: Sir! I hope you've been well. What can I do for you?
Guy: I received your letter. Thanks for sending it.
Mika: Oh, it was nothing! There was a lot I wanted to write, and so the letter ended up being so long... my apologies! But I wanted to show my support from Zafra!
Mika: I wanted to be there for opening night and the final performance at the very least, but it seems like that will be quite difficult to--
Guy: The first and last night? At the very least? I see...
Mika: Of course, if the festival wasn't going on, I would want to see the "full run"... !
Guy: So you're familiar with that term, "full run." It's not Zafran, though.
Mika: I learned it from Citronia-sama. Since you're performing as the lead actor, I want to see every single performance.
Guy: Oh, did Citronia tell you I was playing the lead this time?
Mika: Prince Tangerine did, though he mentioned that he'd heard about it from Citronia-sama.
Mika: He also passed on some advice about writing you a letter, because it would be difficult for me to go to Japan in person with the festival preparations here.
Mika: According to Citronia-sama, I would be able to encourage and support you by putting my thoughts and feelings about your upcoming performance on paper.
Guy: I see. It was Citronia's idea...
Mika: I believe that Citronia-sama is also looking forward to your performance very much.
Guy: I'll need to work even harder, then.
Mika: Please accept our best wishes and support from everyone here in Zafra, including Prince Tangerine and myself, of course!
Guy: Thanks.
Technically, Guy's character should be called Wiz (ウイズ) but I just really don't like that spelling for a name. So Wis it is!
As Guy's subordinate Mika speaks in keigo which still really trips me up, so that phone conversation is a little murky in places... sorry about that. I hope I've at least conveyed that Mika is the one true Guy stan.
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liquidsevens · 2 years ago
i love how this translation came out of nowhere
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“bad guy” -
Dr. Slump (Bandai - PSX - 1999) 
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prokopetz · 3 months ago
On the one hand, an official localisation of Off doesn't feel like it's necessarily going to be an improvement story-wise – the vibe I get is that a lot of the game's reputation with Anglophone audiences is tied up with the fact that the fan translation is objectively terrible, and an English translation by someone who actually knows what they're doing is probably going to be considerably more hinged.
On the other hand, apparently they're also redoing the combat system from scratch, and Off with combat that doesn't fucking suck is a compelling brief.
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hermitcrabstar · 7 months ago
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Who taught Kirbs to say that?
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liquidsevens · 2 years ago
i was about to watch this, but one thing led to another and i found out theres a spanish fan translation for this??? i LOVE marias videos but i have to play this for myself lolol
I made a lil video on The Tairyou Jigoku (The Overwhelming Hell)! it's a PS2 survival horror title that never left Japan...
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mispelled · 1 month ago
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Been doing a lottt of wizard doodling and figured I might as well post them
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beingharsh · 9 months ago
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1000xRESIST (2024), dev. sunset visitor 斜陽過客
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pigeonedlilac · 6 months ago
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Welcome to the journey of me finishing my rarepair week drafts. Mayhaps a long one
This was for day 5 I believe?!!?
For the prompt of ‘family,’ hiitomo ft. Rinne :]
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dkniade · 1 year ago
I’m thinking of “The Divine Damsel of Devastation” and translation again, and I know I tried to translate half of Yun Jin’s newly appended line some time ago
But see… This song’s lyrics uses some idioms and concepts in traditional Chinese culture that the audience is expected to know, so when a term like 知音 (zhi1yin1) is used, it’s not explained what it means (here’s a more faithful translation on Reddit with some notes in the same thread)
Of course to an English speaker they might need to know the term literally means something like (one who) know the sound but it’s used to mean someone who knows your inner thoughts well. It’s an idiom from a story 伯牙善鼓琴 (“Bo Ya’s Adept at Playing the Qin”) where a qin (Chinese string instrument typically laid across the lap) player—伯牙 (Bo Ya)—falls in love with a woodcutter—钟子期 (Zhong Ziqi)—who can guess what he’s thinking (e.g. mountains, or rivers) from the way he plays the qin (but then Zhong Ziqi dies so Bo Ya breaks his instrument in grief). (Doesn’t Madame Ping and Cloud Retainer’s past relationship reference this story too? I dunno the details)
Soulmate has gained a romantic connotation, confidant is more so personal secret-keeper. I guess if I were to say it, the closest would be heart’s accompaniment (heart points to the psychological/emotional nature, accompaniment retains the supporting music imagery
Which is why I think my previous idea of retaining both the surface meaning and inner meaning of an idiom makes a very awkward translation, but, well, it truly is a shame that nuances are lost
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mendelpalace · 1 year ago
GERMS: Nerawareta Machi is a first-person open world, survival-horror adventure game developed by KAJ for the PlayStation in 1999. It's a surreal and strange-looking game, sometimes evoking LSD: Dream Emulator with its uncanny environments and the low poly characters, some of whom have face textures, while others are just blank. The game just recently got an "unfinished, but mostly playable" English translation, and while it apparently isn't 100% finished (the site lists it as version 0.5), it at least seems beatable in this state. There's also a complete Spanish translation.
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madame-helen · 1 year ago
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poison-breadth · 2 months ago
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These are mad times of mechanical cats;
- Lo Ch'ing, "A Poem Is a Cat in One's Mind" (from Shih-jen chih teng)
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takethebodymarc · 20 days ago
random clip <3 (07 oct '23)
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floydtheflorist · 1 month ago
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Trans: "make pussy cake with thrush sauce for this fucker"
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aquaseekerofdarkness · 8 months ago
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Im back at it but this time with the collectibles in this game (as of right now at least)
These are some that I’ve encountered so far. Ed sometimes reacts to what Al says to the cats so i tried to keep them together. Another is that I think the cats can be used in battle because Al has an ability called “cats”...
Anyway, ill update this post (ir make a new post) with more Al and his cats!
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